A Doom To Speak - The Ravines of Karn - Pamphlet

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Karnthaw Temvor
Mood: Abomination The demon appears as an immaterial,
Brawn 2 Wit 2 Will 1 muscular primate with snake hands.
Vigour: 18 Armour: 8 Worshipped as a god before being
Quick Reflexes, Flesh Gorging, imprisoned by a powerful wizard. He
Fearsome, Shadowclad, Spiderclimb, will be unleashed upon this world if the
Knife From The Shadows, Eyes of the
pillar he is bound to is broken. He is a
capable, devious liar and will attempt to
The Ravines of Karn
There is one Karnthaw, apex predator of form an Eldritch Pact with the most
the ravines. Once it notices the party it powerful and ambitious member of any
stalks them—it favors stealthily approaching him, promising great
dropping directly onto prey. If the wealth and power to those who serve
Karnthaw attacks from stealth it strikes him.
first. If it kills or knocks a human Mood: Otherworlder
unconscious it drags it back to the Brawn: 0 Wit +2 Will +3

SoulMuppet Publishing

Birthing Pool to gestate – new Karnthaw Vigour: Null Grip: 7
is born in D6 hours. Whatever Magical Advancements Seem
A tribe of orange-skinned goblinoids
whose ancestors built the temple to Treasure Hunters
Temvor. There are fifteen warriors and a Fenton, Rizzik and Mina are three ex-
few more young. While diminutive, they bandits who are trying their hand at
are suicidally brave, bordering on Cryptdigging. They are unscrupulous,
stupidity, clashing with their natural attempting all manner of dirty tactics
skills as trap-makers, ambushers and before engaging in a fair fight. Given
poisoners. time, they will reach Temvor.
Mood: Critter Mood: Brigands
Brawn -1 Wit 1 Will: 0 Brawn 1 Wit 1 Will 0
Vigour: 4 Armour 7 Vigour: 7 Grip 3 Armour 8
Disorganised, Resistance (Poison), Fenton: Ranged (Bow), Light (Dagger),
Toxic Blades, Weapons (Ranged or Wound-knitting Potion. The leader,
Long or Light) smartest of the bunch.
Rizzik: Hand (Sword), Shield, Weapon
Treasure Master. A womanizer, alcoholic and
1 Poisonous Plant keen swordsman.
2 Tortoiseshell Shield Mina: Hand (Waraxe), Throwing
3 Macaw Tailfeathers (Knives), Tough as Nails. A mean, Beneath the deep jungles of south Salver, two hidden evils lurk in the
ravines. If they combine a calamity would befall the earth. Ancient
4 Humear Tribal Totem heavily tattooed lady. goblinoids imprisoned their demon god, and their ancestors still
5 Rusty Plate Armour dwell within the ravines.
6 Amulet of Beetle Flesh Zachary Cox, Ben Brown, Patrick Eyler,
Fiona Maeve Geist, Jarrett Crader
Area Descriptions Random Encounter
Ravines: Distant sunlight above, crawling Monkey Temple: Geometric stonework, Humear Village: Vines, daub and stone. 2D6 1 Squawking Bird
vegetation carpets every surface, natural broken masonry, flaking religious Humear (½ adults) eat or rest here. The pool in 2 Omen of Humear
stone. Warm, tropical wind, constant buzzing engravings. Dry, very quiet. Sound travels the river below is amply stocked with fish. The 3 Omen of Treasure Hunter
insects. Water flows away from the Waterfall. more than normal. Humear chief has a stash of golden jewellery. 4 Lone Humear Hunting
Tunnels: Wet, soft dirt, claustrophobic. Water 5 Roaming Treasure Hunters
drips faintly, stale scents of mold and 6 Karnthaw
stagnant water.

Pit Trap: The Humear have fashioned a net of vines,

Ambush Point: Two covered it in vegetation, and dug a spiked pit under
Humear wait in ambush on it—significant weight loudly collapses it, dealing D6
a ledge with boulders and Vigour to any victims an — creatures nearby will
poison blowpipes. investigate.

Riddle Door: Carved in Broken Trap: A fourth Treasure

Old Salveri (a language Hunter, a petty wizard in star print
known to scholars and robes (pockets turned out and empty),
wizards) above a magically cleanly bisected by a glaive trap on this
sealed double iron door: stair. The trap was disabled by blocking
"What can be swallowed, the glaive with masonry. This corpse can
but can also swallow you?" be used by the Karnthaw.
The correct answer, Pride,
opens the door; wrong
answers impose a Grip Stolen Idol: This plinth previously
Check. housed a golden statue, since
stolen by Treasure Hunters.

Prison Shrine: A pulpit The Maw: The passageway

holds a golden razor and mimics a smiling monkey’s open
grooves run from a central mouth. Six plinths line the hall,
granite obelisk. Every each crowned with a piece of
surface is covered in valuable gem-set pottery. If the
warding runes and images treasure is removed, the jaw slams
of a red-skinned monkey shut, requiring brute force to
with snake head hands. If reopen.
blood is spilled on the
razor, grooves or statue the
demon, Temvor, emerges Hidden Room: Behind this fake
from the obelisk — Grip stucco wall is a lever for operating
Check or lose D3 Grip. the Maw as well as an ancient tome
detailing the spell that sealed
Temzor within the Prison Shrine.
Camp: Three Treasure Hunters gloat over Bridge: A narrow passage 50’ above Birthing Pool: Stagnant water home to
spoils—a man-sized golden idol retrieved the ravine floor. Its edges are sharp — thousands of pearl sized Karnthaw eggs that
deep in the Temple. They have no intention of rope or vines fastened to it fray and require human hosts to develop. Those Waterfall: The stream ends here,
returning it, but are conflicted about pressing eventually sever when weight is drinking from here are impregnated (see the plunge pool contains the
deeper. placed on them. Karnthaw). remains of a canoe.

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