Guide Book (Operations Management)

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Bahir Dar University

College of Business and Economics

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Department
Study Guide
Program MBA
Course code MBA5051
Course title Operations Management
Course instructor Belaynew A. Email :[email protected]
Office location Block 171, Room- 203
contact hrs Tue: 4:00 -6:00 am
Chrs/ ECTS Credits (CP) 3/5
Target group 2nd year MBA- Summer
Course Description
Operations Management the heart of all management disciplines which bring competitive
advantage and market focus for all business organization. Thus, the course covers Meaning of
operations and production management, operations management as competitive weapon, product
and service design, quality and quality control, capacity planning, location decision, layout
decision, aggregate planning, scheduling, work design, and time-based operations.
Course Objective
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
 Define operations management
 Understand operations strategy and competitiveness
 Understand the concept of new product development
 Understand facility location and layout
 Know capacity planning
 Differentiate aggregate planning and scheduling

 Describe operations management, its scope and activities
 Describe the decision involved in designing and controlling the operations system.
 Understand the concept of product quality
 Apply selected quantitative tools, techniques and models in the analysis of decisions.
Unit 1- Introduction to Operation Management
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Concepts and definition of Operations Management
1.3 Related issues of operations management
1.4 Manufacturing Operations Vs Service Operations
1.5 Historical Background Of Production And Operations Management
1.6 Operation and Supply chain Strategy
1.6.1 Operations Strategy Model
1.6.2 Competing with Operation Objectives
1.6.3 Cross-Functional Strategic Decisions
1.6.4 Distinctive Competence
1.6.5 Global Operations and Supply Chains
1.6.6 Supply Chain Strategy
1.6.7 Environment and Sustainable
Unit Two Strategic Decisions
2.1 Designing and Developing Products and Services
2.2 Process Planning and Design
2.3 Facility Location
2.4 Facility Layout
2.6 Job Design and Work Measurement
Unit Three Operating Decisions
3.1 Long Range Capacity Planning
3.2 Aggregate production planning
3.3 Operations Scheduling
Unit Four: Quality Management
4.1 Introduction about Quality
4.2 Dimensions of Quality for Service and Product
4.3 Statistical Quality Control
4.4 Total Quality Management

Project work (Empirical Case/industry type) -----------40%
Mid Exam -----------------------------------------------25%
Final Exam---------------------------------------------------35%
Term Paper: Select a company with which you are familiar with write term paper on design of
operations system with particular focus of the selected institution, Weight: (40%)
Group one: Designing and developing goods
Group two: Designing and developing Services
Group three: Process Planning and Design
Group four: Facility Location and Facility Layout
Group five: capacity and aggregate planning
The submission date will not later than August 30 /2019
 Schroeder, R. G., & Goldstein, S. M. (2016). Operations Management in the Supply Chain
Decisions and Cases (7 ed.). McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121.
 Porter A.(2009),Operations Management, Albert Porter and Ventus Publishing
 Ram Naresh Roy (2005), A Modern Approach to Production Management, New Age
International Publishers
Name Position Signature Date
Prepared by: Belaynew A. instructor

Approved by: Ephrem N. Department head

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