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2013 10 Petrography Report - Charivunga

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September 2013

Project No. APSAR 76001

Level 1, 3 Cliff Wilson Street Telephone: (64) (21) 02773211

Wanaka PO Box 772, Wanaka 9343, New Zealand
New Zealand email: [email protected]


1. Petrologic studies of diamond core from the Charivunga prospect area of the Gold Ridge
gold mining and exploration project area of Guadalcanal, determine concentration of free
gold/electrum within carbonate and base-metal sulphide veining in part defining
epithermal to mesothermal low-sulphidation style alteration of mainly basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic epiclastic rock types. Considerations of the distribution of gold-bearing base-
metal sulphide and carbonate veining and down-hole geochemistry, indicate the possibility
for an early stage of refractory gold in paragenetic association with arsenopyrite and/or
arsentiferous pyrite.

2. Hydrothermal alteration and related precious and base metal mineralisation are developed
within fine to coarse grained epiclastic rocks with framework clast assemblages mainly of
volcanic and possible hypabyssal basaltic andesite to andesite provenance. The presence of
sparse ghosted bioclastic material indicate localised marginal marine environments of
clastic rock formation, with pre-hydrothermal hematite evidencing oxidising immediate
post-eruptive and sedimentary conditions.

3. Adularia, sericite/illite, mosaic quartz, chlorite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of hydrothermal

wallrock replacement and cavity/fracture-fill assemblages define and confirm a low
sulphidation style of alteration. The crystallinity of adularia and sericite/illite, together with
fluid inclusion homogenisation temperature data in the range 270 to 340°C, indicate a
transitional epithermal to mesothermal hydrothermal fluid regime and levels below a
former hydrothermal water table of greater than 900 metres.

4. The occurrence of native gold/electrum as intergrowths with and inclusions within

Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, base-metal sulphides and pyrite, in close spatial association with gas
and liquid-rich aqueous fluid inclusion assemblages, indicates mixing of two-phase/boiling
hydrothermal fluids with recharging iron, magnesium and possibly manganese-bearing bi-
carbonate fluids as an ultimate precipitation mechanism and concentration of gold/electrum
within late-stage fracturing.

5. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and petrography, the latter including the identification of
translucent and opaque daughter minerals in liquid-rich aqueous inclusions in carbonate,
indicate locally significant magmatic hydrothermal fluid contributions to the low-
sulphidation, epithermal to mesothermal system. The evidence for magmatic hydrothermal
fluid input provides a guide to the possible close proximity of porphyry or magmatic
hydrothermal mineralisation.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand



St Barbara Mines Ltd has supplied twenty (20) diamond core samples for petrologic studies. The
petrology samples are from diamond drill-holes DGD003, DGD002, GDC002, GDC003, GDC004,
GDC022, GDC076, GDC023 and GDG011 of the Charivunga prospect area of the Gold Ridge
gold mining and exploration project area of Guadalcanal (Figures 1a and 1b).

Figure 1a (above) Gold-Ridge gold exploration and

mine development location to the southeast of
Honiara, Guadalcanal.

Figure 1b (left). Gold-Ridge gold exploration/mine

location hosted by Lower Pliocene volcaniclastic and
sedimentary rocks and localised along northeast
trending regional (transfer) structure, at high angles to
multiple arc-parallel structures.

Mineralisation of the Gold Ridge gold exploration/mining project area is hosted by Lower Pliocene
Gold-Ridge Volcanics (GRV) formed along/within a jog-related, pull-apart basin localised along
the northeast trending Melango-Chovohio Fault, a regional scale, arc-normal transfer structure
(Figure 1). Comprising andesite lithic, mostly conglomeratic clastic rock types, and less abundant
bedded/laminated siltstone and sandstone, that part of the GRV hosting Gold Ridge mineralisation
is interpreted to represent an eroded intermediate volcanic eruptive centre. Whilst developed along
a regional scale transform fault structure, the mineralised clastic sequence is only relatively weakly
to moderately faulted and folded.

Hydrothermal fluid flow resulting in low-sulphidation, epithermal style gold mineralisation at Gold
Ridge is interpreted to have been facilitated by a combination of faulting and primary permeability
of the host fragmental textured rock types. The low-sulphidation epithermal style mineralisation at
Gold Ridge is described as being quartz and arsenic poor, with early gold associated with pyrite
and quartz, and later gold associated with carbonate and base metal sulphide of replacement and
fracture/cavity-fill assemblages. Reported sulphide mineralogy includes pyrite, marcasite,
arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. Identified precious metal mineralisation is
defined by the presence of electrum in close spatial association with iron and base metal sulphides,
with coarsest native gold identified in oxide zones.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Figure 2. Gold Ridge alteration zonation within clastic rocks centred complex fracture-system and pit/ore-zone

Highest grade precious metal mineralisation is in close spatial association with relatively broad
coalescing domains of silicic and argillic alteration of clastic rocks centred upon multiple fractures,
and less significantly in spatial association with propylitic or chloritic alteration (Figures 2 & 3).
Silicic and locally Fe-sulphide-rich silicic alteration is typically enclosed by argillic alteration, in
turn enclosed by and overprinting propylitic/chloritic alteration. The presence of illitic clay and
kaolin clay together with carbonate is reported to define the argillic alteration.

The Charivunga gold prospect area is situated between the Namachmata (NAM), Kupers (KUP)
and Valehaichichi (VAL) open pit mines (Figure 4) of similar geologic and hydrothermal setting
and enclosed precious and base metal paragenesis. Key areas of refinement of the currently
modelling to be addressed by the current petrologic studies include:
1. Identification of mesoscopic to macroscopic hydrothermal and geologic features with
which there is a positive correlation with economic gold mineralisation.
2. Precious metal mineralogy and paragenesis in relation to hydrothermal wallrock
replacement and fracture/cavity-fill assemblages, and primary rock types.
3. Determination of level of hydrothermal system intersected in drilling, and evidence for
diatreme/intrusion breccias and other features indicative of a porphyry/intrusion centre,
including hornfelsing of primary rock types (as distinct from propylitic alteration).
4. Determination of gold deportment, whether free grains included in or intergrown with
sulphide/silicate/carbonate mineralogy, chemically bound within Fe-sulphides or
stoichiometrically bound within possible telluride minerals.

The samples of this study have been prepared as polished thin sections for the purposes of
generating detailed petrographic/mineragraphic descriptions, the detail including aspects of
primary rock types, alteration and ore mineralogy.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Figure 3. Cross-sectional illustration of alteration zonation and enclosed mineralised structures centred upon fault

Figure 4. 3D model illustrating the position of the Charivunga prospect (CVG) in relation to the Kupers (KUP),
Namachamata (Nam) and Valehaichichi (Val) pits within the structural and alteration framework.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand



DGD003 (01, 02, 03 & 04)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.01 Fe-rich carbonate is concentrated within the Oxidised/weathered, 1.(cavity) mosaic quartz
CVG-01 finer grained component of the breccia rock hydrothermally altered 2.(hematite, hydrated Fe-
DGD003/ and is oxidised/weathered creating a colour plagioclase, pyroxene & oxides
114.6- variation in hand-specimen. Sericite/illite as amphibole phyric andesite/
114.8m intergrowths with carbonate is also a basaltic andesite lithic breccia
significant component of the matrix 1.sericite/illite, chlorite, mosaic
replacement assemblage. Only ultra fine quartz, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
grained fluid inclusions are present in quartz pyrite, rutile
filling primary cavities.

76001.02 Pre-hydrothermal hematite of a Sulphide and carbonate veined, 1.(cavity) mosaic quartz
CVG-02 weathering/oxidisation association in the hydrothermally altered, basaltic 2.(fracturing) Fe/Mg/Ca-
DGD003/ matrix is partly recrystallised with andesite/andesite lithic breccia carbonate, pyrite,
228.5- hydrothermal alteration and enclosed by 1.chlorite, sericite/illite, sphalerite, galena,
228.7m carbonate and chlorite. Fluid inclusions are Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, mosaic chalcopyrite, gold/
present in carbonate of fracture-fill, some in quartz, pyrite, rutile electrum,
close proximity to gold/electrum inclusions
within carbonate. Native gold is included
within carbonate as immediate overgrowths
to pyrite and intergrowths with base metal
sulphides. Only minor amounts of
hydrothermal mosaic quartz are present
indicating hydrothermal fluid interaction
with silica under-saturated rocks.

76001.03 Ghosted/recrystallised framboidal pyrite of Locally oxidised, silicate and 1.(cavity) Fe/Mg/Ca-
CVG-03 sedimentary/diagenetic paragenesis is carbonate and silicate altered, carbonate ( hydrated
DGD003/ present. Whilst pyrite, including crystalline laminated muddy siltstone and Fe-oxides)
398.4- hydrothermal and recrystallised silty mudstone
398.6m sedimentary/diagenetic in paragenesis, is 1.K-feldspar/adularia, mosaic
mostly preserved, hydrothermal Fe/Mg/Ca- quartz, pyrite, rutile, Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate present in oxidised in most carbonate, chalcopyrite, galena,
places. The hydrothermal carbonate appears sphalerite
concentrated in relation to recrystallised 2.hydrated Fe-oxides
sedimentary/diagenetic pyrite. Secondary
K-feldspar present is interpreted to be

76001.04 Crystalline hematite as intergrowths with Hydrothermally altered, minor 1.(cavity) mosaic quartz,
CVG-04 Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is part of the chert and quartz vein lithic, chlorite, Fe/Mg/Ca-
DGD003/ hydrothermal replacement assemblage. mainly mafic/ basaltic andesite/ carbonate
519.75- Some fragments of chert, possibly silicic volcanic lithic clastic rock.
519.95 altered sedimentary carbonate rock, and 1.chlorite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
porphyry style quartz crystal fragments host pyrite, rutile, hematite
to hypersaline fluid inclusions are present in
the breccia matrix. Pyrite is concentrated
within the breccia matrix.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Left.76001.01. Partly
hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic breccia.
Right.76001. Porphyritic
fabric of granule-sized
lithic framework clast.
6mm. ppl.

Gold and base metal mineralisation in diamond core from 114.6-114.8m (01) and 228.5-228.7m
(02) in GDG003 is associated with low-sulphidation epithermal style alteration of basaltic andesite
to andesite lithic breccias. Pseudomorphed plagioclase, pyroxene and possible amphibole
phenocrysts contained within variably vitric, ghosted hyalopilitic to intergranular, plagioclase-rich
and pyroxene and magnetite bearing groundmasses define the breccia framework clasts. Matrix is
interpreted to have comprised finely comminuted framework clast material.

Left. 76001.02. Sulphide

and carbonate veined,
hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic breccia.
Right. 76001.02. Clastic
fabric including ghosted
porphyritic lithic breccia
framework clasts. 6mm.

Left. 76001.01. Mosaic

quartz formed after
pyroxene phenocryst and
sericite/illite after
plagioclase phenocrysts.
600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.01. Mosaic
quartz interstitial to
intergrowths of
sericite/illite and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate. 600

Pervasive intergrowths of mosaic quartz, sericitic/illitic clay, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and only locally
abundant chlorite mostly defines the low-sulphidation, epithermal style hydrothermal alteration of
the clastic rock types. Grains of pyrite and rutile are dispersed about the secondary silicate and
carbonate mineralogy, the Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate after matrix moderately to strongly altered to
hydrated Fe-oxides in sample from the higher level within the drill hole.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.02.
Sericite/illite and
carbonate formed after
plagioclase phenocryst.
Right. 76001.02.
Intergrowths of chlorite
and carbonate formed after
pyroxene phenocryst. 600
µm. ppl.

Left. 76001.03. Locally

oxidised, silicate and
carbonate altered
laminated silty mudstone
and muddy siltstone.
Right. 76001.03. Ghosted
silt-sized, detrital silicate
clasts and relict quartz
detrital quartz fragments.
600 µm. ppl.

Base metal mineralisation in diamond core from 398.4-398.6m (03) and 519.75-519.95m (04) in
DGD003 is associated with low-sulphidation epithermal style hydrothermal alteration of laminated
silty mudstone to muddy siltstone, and basaltic andesite volcanic lithic clastic rock respectively.
The presence of detrital quartz and recrystallised, diagenetic framboidal pyrite are features of the
laminated silty mudstone/muddy siltstone (03), whereas the presence of fragments of chert, and
magmatic to hydrothermal vein quartz material are features of the mafic volcaniclastic rock (04).

Hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite volcanic
lithic clastic rock.
Right.76001.04. Breccia
fabric including mafic
vitric porphyritic lithic
framework clasts. 6mm.

Left. 76001.03. Secondary

alkali feldspar and Fe-rich
carbonate (oxidised) of
replacement assemblage.
300 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.03.
recrystallisation of
framboidal diagenetic
pyrite. 300 µm. ppl/rl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.04. Angular

somatised chert fragment
of breccia framework clast
assemblage. 300 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.04. Fluid
inclusion bearing mosaic
quartz vein fragment of
breccia framework clast
assemblage. 600 µm. cpl.

Left.76001.04. Crystalline
hematite intergrown with
chlorite and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate of replacement
assemblage. 300 µm. ppl.
Right.76001.04. Porphyry
or igneous style quartz
fragments of breccia
framework clast
assemblage. 600 µm. ppl.

Pervasive adularia, chlorite, mosaic quartz and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate define low sulphidation
epithermal alteration of clastic rocks from 698.4m (03) and 519.75m (04) in DGD003. Chlorite
after vitric components of the volcanic framework clasts within the clastic rock from 519.75m (04
is locally intergrown with crystalline hematite, and together with mosaic quartz fills vesicles.

Left. 76001.04.
Intergrowths of chlorite,
quartz and carbonate
formed after vitric and
vesicular porphyritic lithic
clast. 600 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.04. Mosaic
quartz and chlorite filling
primary cavity (vesicle).
300 µm. cpl.


Chalcopyrite and
sphalerite intergrown with
pyrite and carbonate of
replacement assemblage.
70 um. ppl/rl.
Right.76001.04. Galena
enclosed by and
overgrowing pyrite and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
replacement assemblage.
600 µm. ppl/rl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


In diamond core from 398.4m (03), minor amounts of sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite are
intergrown with the low-sulphidation, epithermal style replacement mineralogy. Galena is mostly
present as grains enclosed by pyrite or directly overgrowing pyrite of the hydrothermal
replacement assemblage.

DGD003/228.5-228.7m. 76001.02. Gold and base metal mineralised carbonate vein traversing hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite to andesite lithic breccia.

Left. 76001.02. Fe/Mg/Ca-

carbonate and sulphide
fracture-fill. 6mm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.02.
Intergrowths of carbonate,
chalcopyrite, galena and
sphalerite of penetrative
fracture-fill assemblage.
600 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.02. Gold/

electrum grains enclosed
by and intergrown with
sphalerite and carbonate
overgrowing euhedral
pyrite of fracture-fill. 600
µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.02. As
above/left. 300 µm. ppl/rl.

In diamond core from 228.5-7m (02) in DGD003, gold and base metal mineralisation in
association with low sulphidation, epithermal style alteration is confined to fracture-fill
assemblages. Sphalerite, chalcopyrite and less abundant galena occur as intergrowths with
voluminous Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate enclosing grains of pyrite and overgrowing minor amounts of
mosaic to drusy quartz filling residual cavities amongst the breccia matrix. Native gold/electrum is
locally concentrated as intergrowths with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and sphalerite overgrowing more
euhedral pyrite. Gold/electrum as intergrowths with or inclusions within Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is
locally concentrated marginal to or as overgrowths to pyrite.
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

Left. 76001.02. Gold

grains enclosed by
carbonate overgrowing
pyrite and intergrown with
galena. 600 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.02. As
above/left. 300 µm. ppl/rl.

Left.76001.02. Gold
overgrowing pyrite and
enclosed by Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate. 70 µm. ppl/rl.
Right.76001.02. Gold
enclosed by carbonate
overgrowing pyrite and in
close spatial association
with aqueous fluid
inclusion assemblages. 70
µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.02. Native

gold immediately
overgrowing pyrite and
intergrown with
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
fracture-fill. 600 µm.
Right. 76001.02. As
above/left. 300 µm. ppl/rl.

Fluid Inclusions

Left. 76001.02. Gas and

liquid-rich aqueous fluid
inclusions in carbonate in
close spatial association
with gold/electrum
inclusions. 300 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.02. Aqueous
liquid and gas-rich fluid
inclusions in carbonate in
close spatial association
with gold/electrum. 70 µm.

Relatively abundant fluid inclusion assemblages are resolvable within Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of the
precious and base metal mineralised fracture-fill assemblages in hydrothermally altered clastic
rock from 228.5-7m (02) in DGD003. Gas and liquid-rich aqueous inclusion types comprise the
fluid inclusion assemblages, some in close spatial association with gold/electrum inclusions.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.02. Gas and

liquid-rich, aqueous fluid
inclusions in carbonate. 70
µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.02. Aqueous
liquid-rich fluid inclusions
in carbonate intergrown
with base metal sulphides
and host to gold/electrum
inclusions. 70 µm. ppl.

DGD002 (05, 06 & 07)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.05 Aqueous liquid-rich fluid inclusion Hydrothermally altered, locally 1.(cavity) mosaic quartz;
CVG-05 assemblages are present in mosaic to drusy oxidised and sheared, basaltic chlorite, Fe/Mg/Ca-
DGD002/ quartz of cavity fill. Pre-hydrothermal andesite to quartz andesite lithic carbonate
310.20- hematite is concentrated within a central breccia
310.40m shear zone defining tectonic overprinting of 1.chlorite, K-feldspar/adularia,
the primary clastic fabric. Chlorite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, mosaic
carbonate of the hydrothermal replacement quartz, sericite/illite, pyrite, rutile
assemblage are much more abundant than
sericite/illite and quartz. Some fluidised
flow is possible in association with pre-
hydrothermal tectonic shearing and
fragmentation along discrete structures.

76001.06 Sericite/illite, mosaic quartz and Fe/Mg/Ca- Locally oxidised, hydrothermally 1.(cavity) mosaic quartz,
CVG-06 carbonate dominate the hydrothermal altered, hematitic, basaltic Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
DGD002/ replacement, the latter locally altered to andesite lithic clastic rock pyrite
232.80- hydrated Fe-oxides. Sparse, ultra fine 1.sericite/illite, mosaic quartz,
233.00m grained aqueous liquid-rich fluid inclusions chlorite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
are present in quartz of replacement and pyrite, rutile
cavity/fracture-fill assemblages. Pre- 2.hydrated Fe-oxides
hydrothermal hematite is dispersed about
the breccia matrix. With tectonic
overprinting, hydrated Fe-oxides have
formed after Fe-rich carbonate contained
along microfractures.

76001.07 A soft sediment to brittle deformed Hydrothermally altered, 1.(fracture) mosaic

CVG-07 laminated silty mudstone and muddy deformed/fragmented/sheared, quartz; Fe/Mg/Ca-
DGD002/ siltstone, the former of which includes laminated, carbonaceous silty carbonate
467.50- lenses of carbonaceous material. Ghosted mudstone and muddy siltstone
467.70m bioclasts present indicate a sub-aqueous, 1.adularia/K-feldspar,
marginal marine sedimentary and diagenetic sericite/illite, mosaic quartz,
environment. Secondary silica/silicate Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, pyrite,
mineralogy is concentrated within the rutile
secondary/tectonic breccia matrix. Minor 2.hydrated Fe-oxides
amounts of adularia are present after detrital
plagioclase fragments.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Hydrothermally altered,
oxidised basaltic andesite
to quartz andesite lithic
clastic rock.
Right.76001.05. Locally
superimposed secondary
shear fabric upon primary
fragmental fabric. 6mm.

In diamond core from 232.80-233.00m (06) and 310.20-310.40m (05) in DGD002, relatively weak
gold mineralisation identified in whole rock geochemistry is spatially associated with low
sulphidation, epithermal style alteration of mainly basaltic andesite lithic breccias. The occurrence
of quartz crystal fragments and quartz, plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts amongst porphyritic
lithic rock types defines the presence of quartz andesite rock types from 232.80-233.00m (06). An
abundance of hematite within the matrices of both rock types, predating but partly recrystallised
with hydrothermal alteration, is interpreted to be representative of a post eruptive or sedimentary
depositional oxidation environment. A secondary shear fabric is present in the primary clastic rock
from 310.20-310.40m (05).

Left. 76001.06.
Hydrothermally altered,
carbonated veined,
oxidised, mainly basaltic
andesite lithic breccia.
Right. 76001.06. Clastic
fabric including
porphyritic lithic and
crystal framework clasts.
6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.05. Secondary

K-feldspar/adularia formed
after eutaxitic plagioclase-
rich framework clast. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.06. Angular
quartz framework clast
amongst vitrophyric
basaltic andesite rock
types. 600 µm. ppl.

Pervasive secondary mosaic quartz, sericite/illite, chlorite and adularia/K-feldspar of wallrock

replacement assemblages mostly defines the low-sulphidation, epithermal style alteration of the
clastic rocks from 232.80-233.00m (05) and 310.20-40m (06) in DGD002. Adularia/K-feldspar is
locally pervasive after primary phenocryst, groundmass and crystal plagioclase in rock from
310.20m (05), whereas sericite/illite is mostly pervasive after similar mineralogy in diamond core
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

from 232.80-233.00m (06). Sericite/illite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate locally strongly overprint early
adularia/K-feldspar. Chlorite has formed after vitric material within the matrix and glass of the
basaltic andesite groundmasses. Cavities within breccia matrices and early fracturing and
microfracturing in clastic rock from 232.80m (06) and 310.20m (05) are filled with mosaic to
drusy quartz intergrown with and overgrown by chlorite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate.

Left. 76001.05.
Intergrowths of chlorite,
mosaic quartz and
enclosing partly
recrystallised pre-
hydrothermal hematite.
600 µm. ppl. Right.
76001.05. Intergrowths of
sericite/illite and carbonate
after phenocryst
plagioclase. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.06. Locally

pervasive sericite/illite and
mosaic quartz replacement.
600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.06. Pyrite
concentrated along
carbonate microfracture-
fill and oxidation of
6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.05. Mosaic-

drusy quartz of breccia
cavity-fill. 600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.06. Mosaic-
drusy quartz of primary
cavity and fracture-fill and
intergrowths of
sericite/illite and mosaic
quartz of replacement
assemblage. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.07.
Hydrothermally altered,
sheared and fragmented,
laminated, carbonaceous
silty mudstone.
Right. 76001.07.
Deformed and fragmented
primary locally
carbonaceous laminated
structure and fragmental
fabrics internal to laminae.
6mm. ppl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Weak gold mineralisation in diamond core from 467.50-70m (07) DGD002 is associated with low
sulphidation epithermal style alteration of a sheared and fragmented, laminated carbonaceous
muddy siltstone and silty mudstone. Resolvable amongst the detrital silt-sized framework clast
assemblages are sub-rounded clasts of chert, ghosted bioclasts, relict quartz crystal fragments and
ghosted plagioclase crystal fragments. Lenses or discontinuous carbonaceous laminae are
interposed with muddy siltstone laminae. The primary laminated structure is sheared and
fragmented resulting in a coarser grained secondary breccia fabric. Pervasive adularia/K-feldspar,
sericite/illite, mosaic quartz and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate defines the low-sulphidation, epithermal
nature of the hydrothermal replacement assemblage centred upon fracturing and primary cavities
filled mainly with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate locally altered to hydrated Fe-oxides.

Left. 76001.07. Relict,

subrounded to rounded
chert fragment amongst
detrital silt-sized clasts and
possible bioclasts. 600 µm.
ppl. Right. 76001.07.
Adularia after plagioclase
crystal fragment enclosed
by more pervasive
sericite/illite, mosaic
quartz and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.07. Fe/Mg/Ca-

carbonate fracture/micro-
fracture fill. 600 µm ppl.
Right. 76001.07. Hydrated
Fe-oxides after
Fe/Mg/Carbonate of
hydrothermal replacement
assemblage. 600 µm. ppl.

Fluid Inclusions

Left. 76001.05. Mosaic

quartz of breccia matrix
cavity fill host to fluid
inclusion assemblages. 600
µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.05. Primary
fluid inclusions defining
growth zones in mosaic
quartz of fracture-fill. 70
µm. ppl

Fluid inclusion assemblages representative of hydrothermal fluids resulting in low sulphidation

epithermal style alteration in diamond core from DGD002, are only clearly resolvable in mosaic
quartz of primary cavity fill in diamond core from 310.20-40m (05). The fluid inclusion

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


assemblages comprising aqueous liquid and gas-rich types partly define growth zones in quartz in
some places.

GDC002 (08 & 09)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.08 The presence of quartz diorite/tonalite Partly oxidised, hydrothermally 1.(cavity) Fe/Mg/Ca-
CVG-08 porphyry framework clasts might indicate altered, dacite and tonalite carbonate
GDC002/ the rock to be a high-level intrusion breccia xenolithic, mainly andesite and
144.0- such as a diatreme. Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is basaltic andesite lithic breccia
144.2m concentrated after the matrix and is weakly 1.sericite/illite, Fe/Mg/Ca-
oxidised. Only ultra fine grained aqueous carbonate, mosaic quartz, pyrite,
liquid and gas-rich fluid inclusions are rutile, arsentiferous pyrite
present in carbonate of primary cavity fill.
No gold minerals are present to account for
the high associated gold geochemistry. A
lack of hydrothermal quartz indicates
hydrothermal fluids equilibrated with
alkaline igneous rock types.

76001.09 Chlorite as intergrowths with quartz and Partly oxidised, hydrothermally 1.(cavity) mosaic quartz,
CVG-09 adularia is relatively abundant within the altered, mostly basaltic andesite adularia, pyrite
GDC002 replacement assemblage as intergrowths lithic breccia
132.0- with carbonate. No significant amounts of 1.chlorite, mosaic quartz, K-
132.20m illitic clay are present. Aqueous liquid and feldspar/adularia, Fe/Mg/Ca-
gas-rich fluid inclusions are present in carbonate, illitic clay, pyrite, utile
hydrothermal quartz interstitial to altered 2.hydrated Fe-oxides
matrix. Minor amounts of arsentiferous
pyrite are present with pyrite. No gold
minerals are present to account for the
elevated gold geochemistry.

Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Hydrothermally altered,
oxidised, tonalite and
dacite xenolithic, mainly
andesite and basaltic
andesite lithic breccia.
Right.76001.08. Clastic
fabric including ghosted
basaltic andesite lithic
framework clasts. 6mm.

In diamond core from 144.0-144.2m (08) and 132.0-132.2m (09) in GDC002, significant gold
mineralisation, identified in down-hole hole-rock geochemistry but not accounted for by petrology,
occurs in spatial association with low sulphidation, epithermal style alteration of andesite and
basaltic andesite lithic breccia (08) and basaltic andesite lithic breccia (09). In diamond core from
144.00-20m (08), basaltic andesite lithic framework clasts are differentiated from andesite lithic
framework clasts on the basis of more vitric/hyalopilitic textured groundmasses and more abundant

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


ghosted pyroxene phenocrysts. In diamond core from 144.0-20m (08), dacite and tonalite rock
types are xenolithic to the mainly andesite to basaltic andesite breccia framework clast rock types.

Left. 76001.09.
Hydrothermally altered,
mainly basaltic andesite
lithic clastic rock.
Right. 76001.09. Clastic
fabric including
predominant ghosted
basaltic andesite lithic
framework clasts. 6mm.

Left. 76001.08. Relict

apatite of primary basaltic
andesite lithic framework
clast. 300 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.08.
Vitric/vitrophyric basaltic
andesite lithic framework
clast. 6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.08.
Hydrothermally altered
dacite lithic breccia
framework clast. 6mm.
Right. 76001.08.
Hydrothermally altered/
tonalite/tonalite porphyry
lithic framework clast. 600
µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.09. Secondary

K-feldspar/adularia formed
after eutaxitic groundmass
plagioclase of andesite
lithic framework clast. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.09.
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and
illite overgrowth to
adularia formed after
phenocryst plagioclase.
600 µm. cpl.

Pervasive sericite/illite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, mosaic quartz and chlorite mostly define the low-
sulphidation epithermal style alteration of the clastic rocks from 144.00-20 (08) and 132.00-20m
(09) in GDC002, with early pervasive adularia/K-feldspar after phenocryst, groundmass and
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

crystal plagioclase overprinted/overgrown or enclosed by sericite/illite and carbonate in diamond

core from 132.00-20m (09). Sericite/illite intergrown with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of the replacement
assemblage in diamond core from 144.00-20m (08) is locally highly crystalline. Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate, mosaic quartz and adularia comprise cavity fill assemblages within the matrices of the
respective clastic rocks. Pyrite and rutile are disseminated about the secondary silicate and
carbonate replacement assemblages, and comprise part of the hydrothermal cavity fill assemblages.

Left. 76001.08. Pervasive

intergrowths of Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate and illitic clay of
replacement assemblage.
600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.08. Strongly
crystalline sericite and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate along
shear zone. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.09. Locally

pervasive sericite/illite
replacement of phenocryst/
crystal plagioclase. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.09. Pyrite
intergrown with adularia
and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
replacement. 300 µm.

Fluid Inclusions

Left. 76001.09. Aqueous

liquid and gas-rich
inclusions in interstitial
mosaic quartz of breccia
matrix. 70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.09. Quartz
intergrown with chlorite
host to aqueous liquid and
gas-rich fluid inclusion
assemblages. 300 µm. ppl.

Fluid inclusion assemblages representing hydrothermal fluids responsible for alteration and
mineralisation, are best preserved or most readily resolvable in mosaic quartz of interstitial cavity-
fill and replacement assemblages in diamond core from 132.00-20m (09) in GDC002. The
resolvable fluid inclusion assemblages comprise liquid and gas-rich aqueous inclusion types, some
contained along annealed microfractures within quartz after mafic phenocrysts/crystal fragments.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


GDC003 (10, 11 & 12)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.10 Aqueous liquid and gas-rich fluid inclusions Partly oxidised, hydrothermally 1.(cavity/microfracture)
CVG-10 are present in mosaic quartz and carbonate altered, basaltic andesite lithic mosaic-drusy quartz;
GDC003/ of the replacement assemblage as well as breccia chlorite, Fe/Mg/Ca-
143.0- cavity fill assemblages. Illitic clay of the 1.chlorite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, carbonate
143.20m replacement assemblage is minor in adularia, mosaic quartz, illitic
abundance, with chlorite, adularia and clay, pyrite, rutile, chalcopyrite
carbonate predominant. Possible porphyry 2.hydrated Fe-oxides
or magmatic hydrothermal style vein
fragments are present amongst the breccia
framework clasts. No mineralogy is present
to account for elevated gold geochemistry.

76001.11 Vapour to liquid ratios of fluid inclusions in Hydrothermally altered and 1.(cavity/fracture)
CVG-11 quartz enclosed by carbonate and carbonate carbonate flooded, basaltic mosaic-drusy quartz;
GDC003/ itself are very small. Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of andesite to andesite lithic breccia Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
154.80- the replacement assemblage is concentrated 1.chlorite, adularia, mosaic chlorite, pyrite,
155.00m after matrix and merges with cavity fill quartz; illitic clay, Fe/Mg/Ca- chalcopyrite; Fe/Mg/Ca-
assemblages interstitial to framework clasts. carbonate, pyrite, chalcopyrite, carbonate, native gold/
Adularia is intergrown with chlorite in the rutile, sulphosalt/telluride electrum
replacement of the mafic to intermediate minerals
porphyritic lithic breccia framework clasts.
Sulphosalts or telluride minerals are
intergrown with chalcopyrite of replacement
and concentrated about the margins of
cavity fill assemblages. Gold is distal to
chalcopyrite in the carbonate fill sequence.

76001.12 Alteration is dominated by relatively Hydrothermally altered, and 1.(cavity/fracture)

CVG-12 crystalline sericite in places enclosing carbonate flooded, basaltic adularia; sericite,
GDC003/ euhedral adularia and intergrown with and andesite to andesite lithic breccia Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
270.20- overgrown by Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate. 1.adularia/K-feldspar, pyrite, galena, sphalerite,
270.40m Carbonate is concentrated after the matrix sericite/illite, mosaic quartz, chalcopyrite
and filling residual cavities within the pyrite, rutile; Fe/Mg/Ca-
matrix. Carbonate also encloses euhedral carbonate, galena, sphalerite,
adularia in cavity fill assemblages within chalcopyrite, telluride/sulphosalt
the matrix. Rutile intergrown with illitic minerals
clay has formed after primary magnetite.
Carbonate has sub-grain boundary
development. There is no obvious
mineralogy to account for the high gold

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Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Hydrothermally altered,
hydrothermal vein
xenolithic, basaltic
andesite lithic breccia.
Hydrothermally altered
clastic fabric including
ghosted porphyritic
basaltic andesite lithic
clasts. 6mm. ppl.

Significant precious and base metal mineralisation in GDC003, and represented by diamond core
from 143.0-143.2m (10), 154.8-155.0m (11) and 270.2-270.4m (12), is spatially associated with
low sulphidation, epithermal style alteration of basaltic andesite to andesite lithic clastic rock
types. Intense hydrothermal alteration strongly masks the fragmental fabrics and component
plagioclase, pyroxene and amphibole porphyritic lithic framework clasts. Basaltic andesite rock
types are differentiated from andesite rock types on the basis of the presence of more abundant
ghosted/pseudomorphed pyroxene phenocrysts (and derived crystal fragments), and relatively
more vitric and vesicular groundmasses.

Left. 76001.11.
Hydrothermally altered,
basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic breccia.
Right. 76001.11. Ghosted/
hydrothermally altered
porphyritic lithic breccia
framework clast. 6mm.

Left. 76001.12. Intensely

hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic breccia.
Right. 76001.12. Ghosted/
hydrothermally altered
clastic fabric. 6mm. ppl.

Xenolithic to the predominant basaltic andesite breccia framework clast assemblage in diamond
core from 143.00-20m (10) in GDC003, are sparse angular fragments of granoblastic quartz; the
quartz partly to strongly recrystallised with hydrothermal overprinting. The granoblastic quartz is
interpreted to possibly be representative of porphyry or magmatic hydrothermal vein material.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.10. Pervasive

chlorite formed after glass
of plagioclase-bearing
hyalopilitic lithic
groundmass. 600 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.10.
Granoblastic quartz lithic
breccia framework clast.
600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.10. Partly

oxidised, Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate fracture fill
within chlorite and
adularia replacement. 600
µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.10.
Intergrown chlorite and
adularia after pyroxene
phenocryst in chlorite after
groundmass glass. 600 um.

Low-sulphidation, epithermal style alteration of the clastic rock types from 143.00-20m (10),
154.80m (11) and 270.20-40m (12) in GDC003 is defined by pervasive and intense replacement
assemblages comprising adularia/K-feldspar, chlorite, sericite/illite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
dispersed with grains and aggregates of pyrite and rutile. The replacement assemblages occur in
close spatial association with breccia cavity and fracture-fill assemblages comprising mosaic-drusy
quartz, chlorite and generally more abundant Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate enclosing sulphide mineralogy.

Left.76001.11. K-feldspar/
adularia formed after
groundmass plagioclase
and sericite/illite and
adularia after phenocrysts.
600 µm. cpl.
Right.76001.11. Carbonate
concentrated after breccia
matrix and merging with
cavity/fracture-fill. 6mm.

Left. 76001.11.
Equigranular carbonate
and sulphide of cavity/
fracture-fill. 6mm. ppl.
Right. 76001.11.
Plastically deformed
carbonate of
cavity/fracture-fill. 600
µm. cpl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.12. Pervasive

adularia and sericite/illite
formed after porphyritic
lithic clast. 600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.12. Illitic
clay and rutile formed after
magnetite phenocryst
enclosed by adularia after
groundmass. 300 µm. cpl.

In diamond core from 270.20-40m (12) in GDC003, relatively well preserved adularia is a feature
of hydrothermal fracture and cavity-fill assemblages. Euhedral adularia is locally enclosed by or
overgrown by relatively crystalline sericite/illite and locally voluminous Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate. The
adularia is mutually intergrown with carbonate, and overgrown to partly replacement by sericite.

Left. 76001.12. Adularia

and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
cavity fill assemblage. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.12. Euhedral
adularia enclosed by
sericite/illite of cavity fill
assemblage. 600 µm. cpl.


Left. 76001.10.
Chalcopyrite intergrown
with chlorite, mosaic
quartz and adularia of
replacement assemblage.
300 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.10. Drusy to
mosaic quartz of cavity fill
assemblage. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.12.
Chalcopyrite enclosed by
galena intergrown with
silicate and carbonate
replacement assemblage.
300 µm. ppl/rl .
Right. 76001.12.
Sphalerite intergrown with
adularia and sericite of
replacement assemblage.
300 µm. ppl/rl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Base metal mineralisation in diamond core from 154.80m (11) and 270.20-40m (12) is defined by
galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite intergrown with the hydrothermal silicate and carbonate
replacement and fracture/cavity-fill assemblages. Some sulphosalt minerals of composition not
readily resolvable by optical microscopic analysis occupy the same paragenetic position as base
metal sulphides.

Left. 76001.12. Galena

intergrown with carbonate
and adularia of cavity fill
assemblage. 300 µm.
Right. 76001.12.
Sulphosalt mineral
intergrown with adularia
and sericite/illite of
replacement assemblage.
300 µm. ppl/rl.

GDC003/154.80-155.00m. 76001.11. Chalcopyrite concentrated at fracture-cavity and wallrock margins as

intergrowths with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of fracture/cavity-fill and wallrock replacement.

Left. 76001.11.
Chalcopyrite concentrated
at wallrock margin and
carbonate cavity fill. 6mm.
Right. 76001.11.
Chalcopyrite concentrated
after carbonate
replacement of breccia
matrix. 600 µm. ppl/rl.

In the hydrothermally altered clastic rock from 154.80m (11), chalcopyrite as intergrowths with
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of fracture/cavity-fill, is concentrated at wallrock margins in paragenetic
continuity with wallrock replacement. Chalcopyrite decreases in abundance towards central parts
of the Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate fracture/cavity fill where minor to trace amounts of native
gold/electrum are intergrown with and included with the carbonate. Some amounts of sulphosalt
minerals, with compositions unresolvable by optical microscopy, occupy the same paragenetic
position as chalcopyrite.
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

Left. 76001.11.
Chalcopyrite intergrown
with carbonate at cavity
margin. 600 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.11.
Chalcopyrite intergrown
with hematite enclosed by
voluminous Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate of cavity/
fracture-fill. 300 µm.

Chalcopyrite intergrown
with possible sulphosalt
mineral enclosed by
carbonate of cavity-fill. 70
µm. ppl/rl.
Intergrowths of
chalcopyrite and possible
enclosed by carbonate-fill.
300 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.11. Native

gold/electrum intergrown
with and enclosed by
central carbonate
cavity/fracture-fill distal to
marginal chalcopyrite. 300
µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.11. As
above/left. 70 µm. ppl/rl.

Fluid Inclusions

Left. 76001.10. Aqueous

liquid-rich fluid inclusions
in mosaic quartz of breccia
cavity fill. 70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.10. Aqueous
liquid-rich fluid inclusions
in quartz formed after
pyroxene. 70 µm. ppl.

Fluid inclusions representative of hydrothermal fluids responsible for hydrothermal alteration and
mineralisation are most resolvable in quartz and carbonate of replacement and cavity/fracture-fill
assemblages in diamond core from 143.00-20m (10) and 154.80m (11). Gas and liquid-rich
aqueous inclusion types comprise the primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusion assemblages.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Opaque and translucent daughter minerals are tentatively identified in defining hypersaline,
aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz of cavity-fill assemblages in diamond core from 143.00-20m (10
in GDC003.

Left. 76001.10. Possible

hypersaline fluid inclusion
in mosaic quartz of breccia
cavity fill. 70 µm. ppl
Right. 76001.10. Opaque
daughter mineral bearing
aqueous, liquid-rich fluid
inclusion in mosaic quartz
of cavity fill. 70 µm. ppl

Left. 76001.11. Euhedral

quartz enclosed by
carbonate, both host to
fluid inclusion
assemblages. 300 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.11. Liquid
and gas-rich aqueous fluid
inclusions in carbonate.
300 µm. ppl.

In diamond core from 154.80m (11) in GDC003, assemblages of aqueous liquid and gas-rich fluid
inclusions occur in close spatial association with gold also included within carbonate. The
gold/electrum inclusions occur peripheral to coarser grained gold/electrum interstitial to and
intergrown with carbonate.

Left. 76001.11. Gas-rich

and liquid-rich aqueous
fluid inclusions in close
spatial association with
gold inclusion in
carbonate. 70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.11. Gold/
electrum interstitial to
carbonate host to finer
grained gold/electrum
inclusions. 300 µm. ppl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


GDC004 (13 & 14)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.13 Pre-hydrothermal, ultra fine grained Hydrothermally altered, 1.(cavity) chlorite,
CVG-13 hematite concentrated within the matrix is carbonate flooded, oxidised Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
GDC004/ partly recrystallised with the hydrothermal andesite to basaltic andesite lithic pyrite, chalcopyrite,
270.20- alteration. The hematite appears to represent breccia galena, sphalerite
270.40m an oxidising environment in which the 1.chlorite, hematite, Fe/Mg/Ca-
breccia was formed. Chlorite is pervasive carbonate, adularia/K-feldspar,
after vitric groundmasses of some of the quartz; sericite/illite, pyrite,
more mafic lithic framework clasts. Base rutile, chalcopyrite, galena,
metal sulphides are part of the replacement sphalerite
and cavity fill assemblages in places
merging or undifferentiated. The abundance
of chlorite appears to reflect the mafic
nature of framework clast material.

76001.14 Sericite of replacement assemblage is Hydrothermally altered, 1.(cavity/fracture)

CVG-14 relatively crystalline. Gold/electrum occurs carbonate, pyrite and base metal Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
GDC004/ regularly as grains enclosed by pyrite sulphide veined, basaltic andesite pyrite, galena, sphalerite,
291.40- together with galena and sphalerite along to andesite lithic breccia chalcopyrite, gold/
291.60m early carbonate and sulphide fracture-fill. 1.K-feldspar/adularia, Fe/Mg/Ca- electrum, baryte
Liquid and gas-rich fluid inclusions are carbonate, pyrite, sphalerite, 2.(fracturing/micro-
abundant in carbonate intergrown with or galena, chalcopyrite; illitic clay fracturing) Fe/Mg/Ca-
enclosing base metal sulphides and pyrite carbonate
host to gold grains. Relatively coarse
grained intergrowths of sericite and chlorite
are present in the replacement assemblage.
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is plastically deformed
whereas pyrite is brittle deformed with
tectonic overprinting.

Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Hydrothermally altered,
oxidised andesite to
basaltic andesite lithic
breccia. Right.76001.13.
Hydrothermally altered
clastic fabric including
pilotaxitic to hyalopilitic
textured basaltic
framework clasts. 6mm.

Precious and base metal mineralisation in diamond core from 270.20-270.40m (13) and 291.40-
291.60m (14) is spatially associated with low-sulphidation epithermal style alteration of basaltic
andesite to andesite lithic clastic rocks; most intense alteration developed within the clastic rock
from 291.20-40m (14). Partly to strongly recrystallised, very fine to ultra fine grained hematite of a
pre-hydrothermal paragenesis is concentrated within the breccia matrix in diamond core from
270.20-40m (13). The hematite is interpreted to represent a post eruptive to sedimentary oxidising

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


environment. The presence of ghosted/pseudomorphed olivine and more abundant

ghosted/pseudomorphed pyroxene phenocrysts in relatively (formerly) vitric to hyalopilitic
textured/composed groundmasses differentiate the basaltic andesite from the andesite breccia
framework clasts. Flow fabrics within the andesite breccia framework clasts are partly defined by
the distribution and preferred orientation of pilotaxitic to trachytic textured groundmass

Left. 76001.14.
Hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic breccia.
Right. 76001.14. Ghosted
hyalopilitic textured
basaltic andesite lithic
framework clast of breccia
fabric. 6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.13. Adularia

and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
concentrated after
plagioclase phenocryst of
porphyritic lithic. 600 µm.
cpl. Right. 76001.13.
Pervasive chlorite formed
after vitric groundmass of
porphyritic lithic clast and
pre-hydrothermal hematite
concentrated in breccia
matrix. 6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.13. Rutile and

carbonate formed after
olivine phenocrysts in
chlorite after vitric
groundmass. 600 µm.
Right. 76001.13.
Fractured/ deformed pyrite
of carbonate and chlorite-
rich replacement
assemblage. 300 µm.

Pervasive intergrowths of adularia/K-feldspar, chlorite, sericite/illite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and

some mosaic quartz dispersed with grains of pyrite and rutile define low-sulphidation epithermal
style alteration of the clastic rocks from 270.20-40m (13) and 291.40-60m (14) in GDC004.
Sericite/illite, locally strongly crystalline, is more pervasive as intergrowths with Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate in overprinting early K-feldspar/adularia in the replacement of the clastic rock from
291.40-60m (14). Chlorite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate comprise primary cavity fill assemblages in
the clastic rock from 270.20-40m (13), and more voluminous fracture-fill assemblages in diamond
core from 291.40-60m (14). Grains of baryte are present in the penetrative, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
fracture-fill assemblages from 291.40-60m (14) crosscut by late carbonate fracture and
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

Left. 76001.14. K-feldspar/

adularia formed after
plagioclase-rich eutaxitic
lithic clast enclosed by
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.14.
Carbonate and deformed
baryte of fracture-fill
assemblage. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.14. Crystalline

sericite of wallrock
replacement assemblage.
300 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.14. Pervasive
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and
replacement. 6mm. cpl.


GDC004/291.40-291.60m. 76001.14. Base metal sulphide and gold/electrum Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate fracture-fill within
strongly altered clastic host rock.

Left. 76001.13.
Chalcopyrite intergrown
with carbonate enclosing
pyrite of matrix cavity fill
assemblage. 300 um. ppl/rl
Right. 76001.14.
Sphalerite and galena
intergrown with
enclosing pyrite of
fracture-fill assemblage.
600 µm. ppl/rl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


In diamond core from 270.20-40m (13) and 291.40-60m (14) sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite
are disseminated about the silicate and carbonate replacement of the primary fragmental textured
rock types, with the base metal sulphides locally overgrowing or intergrown with more euhedral
pyrite. In diamond core from 291.40-60m (14), the base metal sulphides together with pyrite
extend into the Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate-rich fracture-fill assemblages.

Left. 76001.14. Sphalerite,

pyrite and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate of fracture-fill
assemblage. 600 µm.
Right. 76001.14.
Sphalerite, galena,
chalcopyrite and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
fracture-fill. 600 µm.

Left. 76001.14. Gold/

galena localised along
sphalerite and pyrite grain
boundary. 300 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.14. Galena
intergrown with
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
early fracture-fill. 300 µm.

Left. 76001.14. Native

gold/ electrum enclosed by
galena in turn enclosed by
pyrite intergrown with
sphalerite and carbonate
fill. 300 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.14. As
above/left. 70 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.14. Gold/

electrum enclosed by
sphalerite together with
chalcopyrite, intergrown
with carbonate and galena.
300 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.14. As
above/ left. 70 µm. ppl/rl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


In the low-sulphidation epithermal style altered clastic rock from 291.40-60m in GDC004, native
gold/electrum occupies a similar paragenesis to base metal sulphides in the Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate-
rich fracture-fill assemblages. Native gold/electrum occurs as inclusions within sphalerite, galena
and pyrite, as well as occurring interstitial to and as intergrowths within base metal sulphides and
pyrite. As inclusions within pyrite, native gold/electrum occurs in close spatial association with
galena and as inclusions within sphalerite occurs in close spatial association with chalcopyrite.
Some native gold/electrum as overgrowths to pyrite is directly enclosed by or overgrown by
chlorite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate. Within the observed paragenesis, gold/electrum is consistently
present along the length of the sectioned hydrothermal carbonate-rich fracture-fill.

Left. 76001.14. Gold/

electrum partly enclosed
by pyrite intergrown with
chlorite, carbonate and
sphalerite of fill
assemblage. 300 µm.
Right. 76001.14. As
above/left. 70 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.14. Gold/

electrum grains enclosed
by pyrite intergrown with
sphalerite and carbonate of
early fracture-fill. 300 µm.
Right. 76001.14. Native
gold enclosed by pyrite
intergrown with carbonate
of fracture-fill. 300 µm.

Left. 76001.14. Irregular

shaped gold grain included
with pyrite enclosed by
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
fracture-fill. 300 µm.
Right. 76001.14. Gold and
galena grains included
within pyrite intergrown
with sphalerite and
carbonate of fracture-fill.
300 um. ppl/rl.

Fluid Inclusions

Fluid inclusion assemblages representative of hydrothermal fluids responsible for hydrothermal

alteration and mineralisation are most readily resolvable in Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of fracture-fill
assemblages in diamond core from 291.40-60m (14) in GDC004. Some inclusions of gas and
liquid-rich aqueous inclusion assemblages occur in close spatial association with base metal
sulphide inclusions.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.14. Gas and

liquid-rich fluid inclusion
assemblages in carbonate
of fracture-fill. 70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.14. Gas and
liquid-rich aqueous fluid
inclusions in carbonate of
fracture-fill. 70 µm. ppl.

GDC022 (15 & 16)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.15 Aqueous liquid-rich and gas-rich fluid Hydrothermally altered, weakly 1.(fracture/micro-
CVG-15 inclusions are present in carbonate of deformed, pyroxene and olivine fracture) Fe/Mg/Ca-
GDC022/ fracture-fill and quartz of replacement phyric basaltic andesite lithic carbonate, pyrite,
264.00- assemblages. Native gold/electrum may be breccia sphalerite
264.20m associated with the carbonate, pyrite and 1.mosaic quartz, chlorite, illite/
base metal sulphide fracture-fill. The sericite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
hydrothermal replacement assemblage pyrite, rutile
includes a mix of chlorite, sericite/illite,
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and mosaic quartz.
Sericite/illite is relatively crystalline in

76001.16 Aqueous liquid-rich fluid inclusions are Hydrothermally altered and 1.(cavity/fracture)
CVG-16 present in adularia and carbonate of fracture carbonate + adularia veined, adularia, mosaic quartz;
GDC022/ and cavity fill, and are locally more plagioclase, pyroxene and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
267.20- abundant in adularia. Aqueous liquid-rich amphibole phyric basaltic pyrite, sphalerite, baryte
267.40m fluid inclusions in quartz crystal fragments andesite and andesite lithic 2.(fracture) carbonate
may represent a hydrothermal environment breccia
pre-dating breccia formation. Banding 1.adularia, mosaic quartz;
within the fracture-fill assemblages is sericite/illite, Fe/Mg/Ca-
defined by distribution and grain-size carbonate
variation of carbonate and adularia.

Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite lithic
Right.76001.16. Partly
oxidised, hydrothermally
altered, sheared and
fractured, olivine phyric
basaltic andesite to
andesite lithic breccia.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


In diamond core from 264.00-20m (15) and 267.20-40m (16) in GDC022, gold and base metal
mineralisation is spatially associated with low-sulphidation, epithermal style alteration of basaltic
andesite to andesite lithic breccias. Hydrothermal fluid flow and resulting alteration and
mineralisation is centred upon and was facilitated by shearing and fracturing and inherent primary
permeability. Abundant ghosted/pseudomorphed pyroxene and less abundant olivine are present in
defining the basaltic andesite rock types amongst the breccia framework clast assemblages.

Left. 76001.15. Primary

clastic fabric including
ghosted porphyritic lithic
framework clasts. 6mm.
Right. 76001.16. Clastic
fabric including ghosted
porphyritic lithic
framework clasts. 6mm.

Left. 76001.15. Ghosted

olivine phenocryst
replaced by chlorite,
carbonate and pyrite. 600
µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.16. Pervasive
adularia and overprinting
sericite/illite after
porphyritic fabric. 600 µm.

Left.76001.15. Chlorite
formed after pyroxene
phenocrysts and vitric
groundmasses. 600 µm.
Right.76001.15. Mosaic
quartz, carbonate and
sericite/illite replacement.
600 µm. cpl.

Pervasive intergrowths of chlorite, illite/sericite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and less abundant mosaic

quartz dispersed with pyrite and rutile defines the low-sulphidation style of epithermal alteration of
the clastic rock from 264.00-20m (15) in GDC022. Locally pervasive adularia intergrown with
mosaic quartz and overprinted by less abundant sericite/illite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is a feature
defining low-sulphidation epithermal style replacement of the clastic rock from 264.00-20m (16)
in GDC022. The locally pervasive adularia is centred upon multiple fracturing and shearing in
along which adularia at wallrock margins is enclosed by or overgrown by Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
(partly altered to hydrated Fe-oxides). The adularia is relatively highly crystalline. Minor amounts
of baryte are intergrown with and enclosed by Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.16. Sericite/

illite overprint to adularia
of replacement and fill
assemblage. 600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.16. Adularia
concentrated at wallrock
margins overgrown by
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
fracture-fill. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.16. Adularia

and drusy quartz of
fracture/cavity-fill. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.16. Baryte
intergrown with
overgrowing adularia of
fracture-fill. 600 µm. cpl.
600 µm. cpl.


Left. 76001.15. Sulphides

including sphalerite and
pyrite intergrown with
carbonate of fracture-fill.
6mm. ppl.
Right. 76001.15. Pyrite
and sphalerite intergrown
with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
of fracture-fill. 600 µm.

In the hydrothermally altered clastic rock from 267.20-40m (16) in GDC022, sphalerite is present
in fracture and cavity-fill assemblages as overgrowths to pyrite, adularia and mosaic quartz and as
intergrowths with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of central fracture/cavity-fill domains. Minor amounts of
baryte occupy the same paragenetic position as sphalerite, also present as inclusions in carbonate.

Left.76001.16. Fractures
lined with adularia and
filled with carbonate
intergrown with sulphides
and baryte. 6mm. ppl.
Right.76001.16. Sphalerite
intergrown with adularia,
pyrite and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate of fracture-fill.
600 µm. ppl.

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Fluid Inclusions

Left. 76001.15. Gas and

liquid-rich aqueous fluid
inclusions in carbonate of
cavity fill.
Right. 76001.15. Gas and
liquid-rich aqueous fluid
inclusion assemblages in
carbonate of cavity fill.
150µm. ppl.

In diamond core from 264.00-20m (15) in GDC022, poorly resolvable fluid inclusion assemblages
are present in carbonate of primary cavity and microfracture/fracture-fill assemblages. Co-existing
gas and liquid rich aqueous fluid types comprise the inclusion assemblages. More readily
resolvable and abundant fluid inclusion assemblages identified in diamond core from 267.20-40m
(16) in GDC022 occur within adularia of relatively voluminous fracture/cavity-fill. Co-existing gas
and liquid-rich aqueous inclusion types comprise the fluid inclusion assemblages, some defining
growth zones within host adularia.

Left.76001.16. Adularia
host to fluid inclusions
enclosed by Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate and intergrown
with pyrite and sphalerite.
Right.76001.16. Adularia
of fracture-fill host to
aqueous fluid inclusion
assemblages. 6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.16. Primary

gas and liquid-rich
aqueous fluid inclusions
partly defining growth
zones within adularia.
150µm ppl.
Right. 76001.16. Gas and
liquid-rich aqueous fluid
inclusions in adularia of
fracture-fill. 70 µm. ppl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


GDC076 (17 & 18)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.17 The breccia comprises andesite framework Hydrothermally altered, hematitic 1.(cavity) mosaic-drusy
CVG-17 clasts interposed with a matrix of similarly and porphyry vein xenolithic, quartz, pyrite; Fe/Mg/Ca-
GDC076/ derived/sourced material. Pre-hydrothermal plagioclase, pyroxene and carbonate, sphalerite
334.70- hematite concentrated within the matrix is amphibole phyric andesite
334.90m partly recrystallised with the hydrothermal breccia
alteration. Fe-rich carbonate is partly 1.adularia, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
oxidised in places. Sparse ultra fine grained mosaic quartz, illitic clay, pyrite,
fluid inclusions are present in mosaic to hematite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite,
drusy quartz and carbonate of cavity fill rutile
assemblages. 2.hydrated Fe-oxides

76001.18 Illitic clay of the replacement assemblage is Hydrothermally altered, sheared 1.(cavity/fracture)
CVG-18 less crystalline relative to sericite and fractured/brecciated, mosaic-drusy quartz,
GDC076/ intergrown with quartz and carbonate of the plagioclase, pyroxene & pyrite; Fe/Mg/Ca-
508.60- fracture-fill/breccia cement and primary amphibole phyric andesite lithic carbonate, sericite/illite,
508.80m cavity fill assemblages. With ongoing brittle clastic rock sphalerite, galena,
deformation, late fracturing and 1.adularia/K-feldspar, mosaic chalcopyrite, gold/
microfracturing is filled with Fe/Mg/Ca- quartz, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate; electrum
carbonate and less abundant pyrite and illitic clay, pyrite, sphalerite, 2.(fracture/cement)
chalcopyrite. Some native gold/electrum is chalcopyrite, galena, rutile carbonate, pyrite,
enclosed by carbonate intergrown with chalcopyrite, gold/
relatively crystalline sericite. Aqueous electrum
liquid rich fluid inclusions are present in
carbonate enclosing native gold. Gold is
also present in late microfracture-fill.

Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Left.76001.17. Partly
oxidised, hydrothermally
altered, porphyry vein
xenolithic, andesite lithic
veined, hydrothermally
altered, andesite lithic

Strong gold and associated base metal mineralisation in diamond core from 334.70-90m (17) and
508.60-80m (18) in GDC076 is spatially associated with low sulphidation, epithermal style
alteration of andesite lithic breccia. With respect to the rock from higher levels in the diamond hole
(17), pre-hydrothermal hematite concentrated within the matrix and probably formed within a post-
eruptive/sedimentary environment, is recrystallisation in association with hydrothermal alteration.
Granoblastic quartz of sparse porphyry or magmatic hydrothermal style vein fragments amongst
breccia framework clasts of breccia from 508.60-80m (18) is partly recrystallised with
hydrothermal overprinting.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


Left. 76001.17. Primary

clastic fabric including
pre-hydrothermal hematitic
matrix component. 6mm.
Right. 76001.18. Primary
clastic fabric including
porphyritic lithic
framework clasts crosscut
by carbonate fracture-fill.
6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.17.
Granoblastic quartz of
lithic framework clast
enclosed by pervasive
secondary adularia, mosaic
quartz and illitic clay. 600
µm. cpl. Right. 76001.18.
Pervasive adularia, illitic
clay and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate formed after
porphyritic lithic clast.
6mm. cpl.

Pervasive early adularia intergrown with and overprinted by equally pervasive illitic/sericitic clay,
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and less abundant mosaic quartz dispersed with pyrite and rutile defines low-
sulphidation epithermal style alteration of clastic rock from 334.70-90m (17) and 508.60-80m (18).
The relatively high crystallinity of sericite is a feature of alteration at 508.60-80m (18), where
hydrothermal wallrock replacement is centred upon multiple early mosaic quartz and later
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate cavity and more penetrative fracture/microfracture-fill.

Left.76001.17. Pervasive
secondary adularia formed
after pilotaxitic primary
plagioclase. 600 µm. cpl.
Right.76001.18. Adularia
after phenocryst and
pilotaxitic groundmass
plagioclase. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.17. Pyrite and

partly recrystallised pre-
hydrothermal hematite of
the matrix. 6mm. ppl.
Right. 76001.18. Adularia,
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and
illitic clay formed after
primary plagioclase of
lithic framework clast.
600 µm. cpl.

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Left. 76001.18. Early

mosaic to drusy quartz
overgrown by Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate and sulphides of
fracture/cavity-fill. 600
µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.18.
highly crystalline sericite
and sulphide fracture-fill.
600 µm. cpl.


Left. 76001.17. Mosaic to

drusy quartz of cavity and
fracture-fill. 600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.17. Mosaic-
drusy quartz, Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate and sulphides of
cavity/fracture-fill. 600
µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.17.
Chalcopyrite and pyrite
intergrown with mosaic-
drusy quartz and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
cavity/fracture-fill. 600
µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.17.
Chalcopyrite, sphalerite
and pyrite intergrown with
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
cavity fill. 300 µm. ppl/rl.

GDC076/508.60-80m. 77001.18. Gold/electrum-bearing base metal sulphide and carbonate-rich veining crossing
hydrothermally altered andesite breccia.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


In the hydrothermally altered clastic rocks from 334.70-90m (17) and 508.60-80m (18) in
GDC076, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite are disseminated about the adularia, sericite/illite,
mosaic quartz and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate wallrock replacement assemblages in paragenetic
continuity with cavity fill assemblages. In diamond core from 508.60-80m (18), more abundant
sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite occur as intergrowths with and as inclusions within Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate of penetrative fracture-fill assemblages, the carbonate occurring as overgrowths to early
mosaic-drusy quartz and more euhedral pyrite.

Intergrowths of pyrite,
galena, sphalerite,
chalcopyrite and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
replacement assemblage.
600 µm. ppl/rl.
Right.76001.18. Galena,
pyrite, sphalerite and
chalcopyrite of fracture-fill
assemblage. 600 µm.

Left. 76001.18. Native

gold intergrown with
chlorite and sericite,
immediately overgrowing
galena of fracture-fill
assemblage. 600 µm.
Right. 76001.18. As
above/left 300 µm. ppl/rl.

Left.76001.18. Gold/
electrum grain
overgrowing galena and
enclosed by carbonate
together with galena and
fluid inclusions. 70 µm.
Right.76001.18. As
above/left. 70 µm. ppl.

Native gold/electrum in diamond core from 508.60-80m (18) from GDC076 occurs in close spatial
and interpreted close temporal association with galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite of relatively
voluminous and penetrative hydrothermal fracture-fill assemblages. Earliest gold/electrum
precipitated from hydrothermal fluids occurs as intergrowths with and inclusions within
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate as immediately overgrowths to and intergrowths with galena. The
paragenetically early gold/electrum also occurs as inclusions within Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate in close
spatial association with galena and aqueous liquid and gas-rich fluid inclusion assemblages. A later

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–stage of gold/electrum is intergrown with and as inclusions within Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, together

with chalcopyrite, filling fracture/microfractures crossing pyrite and early fracture-fill.

Left. 76001.18. Late-stage

gold/ electrum enclosed by
carbonate intergrown with
pyrite and chalcopyrite
filling fracture in pyrite of
earliest fracture-fill. 300
µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.18. As
above/ left. 70 µm. ppl/rl.

Fluid Inclusions

Left. 76001.18. Anhedral/

mosaic quartz intergrown
with pyrite and base metal
sulphides host to
assemblages of
pseudosecondary fluid
inclusions. 1.5mm. ppl.
Right. 76001.18.
Pseudosecondary, gas and
liquid-rich, aqueous fluid
inclusions in mosaic
quartz. 150µm. ppl.

Relatively clearly resolvable fluid inclusion assemblages are present in mosaic to drusy quartz
directly intergrown with pyrite and base metal sulphides of early fracture-fill assemblages. Co-
existing gas-rich and more abundant liquid-rich aqueous inclusion types comprise the
pseudosecondary and primary fluid inclusion assemblages. Less clearly resolvable aqueous gas and
liquid-rich fluid inclusion assemblages are contained in carbonate in close spatial association with
gold/electrum and galena, the carbonate intergrown with base metal sulphides.

Left. 76001.18. Aqueous

liquid-rich fluid inclusions
in mosaic quartz
intergrown with pyrite. 70
µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.18. Aqueous
liquid and gas-rich fluid
inclusions in carbonate
host to gold/electrum and
sulphide inclusions. 70
µm. ppl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


GDC023 (19)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.19 Multiple stages of hydrothermal fluidisation Hydrothermally altered, 1.(fracture/cement)
CVG-19 textures are evident, with latest tectonically and hydrothermally mosaic quartz, pyrite,
GDC023/ hydrothermal fluidised flow defined by brecciated porphyritic lithic arsenopyrite
163.50- relatively dilute populations of wallrock and clastic rock including fluidised
163.60m vein/cement material enclosed by very fine flow structures/fabrics
to ultra fine grained mosaic quartz. 1.mosaic quartz, sericite/illite,
Hydrothermal carbonate is absent and pyrite, arsenopyrite, arsentiferous
arsenopyrite and/or arsenopyrite are pyrite, rutile
abundant in the replacement assemblage.
Relict quartz and ghosted biotite crystal
fragments are present amongst the fluidised
breccia framework clasts.

Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Above. Clastic fabric with apparent

sorting of framework clasts indicative
of possible fluidised flow and milling.
6mm. ppl.

DGD011/182.0-183.0m, 76001.19. Structurally controlled hydrothermal fluidised flow crossing

hydrothermally altered clastic rock.

In diamond core from 163.50-60m (19) in GDC023, high grade gold mineralisation (46.25 g/t Au)
is spatially associated with low-sulphidation, epithermal style hydrothermal alteration of sheared
and deformed porphyritic lithic, fine grained clastic rock. The clastic rock, basaltic andesite lithic,
quartz, feldspar and mica crystal bearing, is probably sedimentary/epiclastic in petrogenesis. Pre-
hydrothermal hematite, of a weathering/oxidation paragenesis is present about the basaltic andesite
lithic clasts. The clastic rock is host to penetrative fracturing/shearing along which comminuted,
mobilised/fluidised and sorted wallrock material is hydrothermally silica flooded and silica
cemented. Very fine mosaic quartz and variable amounts of adularia and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

comprise the fracture-fill/cement assemblages in paragenetic continuity with similarly composed

wallrock replacement assemblages including illitic/sericitic clay.

Left. 76001.19. Fluidised

flow textures defined by
sorting of silicic altered
wallrock clasts within
penetrative shear fabric.
6mm. ppl.
Right. 76001.19. Relict
quartz crystal fragment
within pervasive sericite/
illite and mosaic quartz
replacement. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.19. Ghosted

porphyritic lithic
framework clast including
pre-hydrothermal hematite.
600 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.19. Mosaic
quartz and sericite/illite of
replacement assemblage
enclosing partly preserved
detrital mica. 600 µm. cpl.

Left. 76001.19. Mosaic

quartz of penetrative
fracture-fill assemblage
enclosing milled/fluidised
and sorted wallrock clasts.
6mm. ppl.
Right. 76001.19. Pyrite
and arsenopyrite
intergrown with mosaic
quartz of replacement
assemblage. 600 µm.

Aggregates of pyrite and arsenopyrite/arsentiferous pyrite are pervasive about the hydrothermal
silicate/silicic and carbonate replacement and fracture/cavity-fill assemblages developed in the
clastic rock from GDC023 (19). No gold minerals are present in the analysed section.

Left. 76001.19. Pyrite

overgrown by arsenopyrite
and arsentiferous pyrite
enclosed by mosaic quartz
of cavity/fracture-fill. 300
µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.19. Pyrite
overgrown by arsenopyrite
intergrown with mosaic to
drusy quartz of cavity-fill.
300 µm. ppl/rl.

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


GDG011 (20)


Sample Comment Lithology and Replacement Deposition

76001.20 Fluid inclusions are generally very abundant Hydrothermally altered and 1.(cavity) adularia;
CVG-20 in carbonate intergrown with base metal carbonate + sulphide veined, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
DGD011/ sulphides and pyrite, and enclosing euhedral plagioclase, amphibole and sericite, chlorite, pyrite
182.00- quartz. Some hypersaline FI are present in pyroxene phyric basaltic 2.(fracturing) quartz,
183.00m carbonate enclosing grains of native gold/ andesite/andesite (as clast in adularia; pyrite,
electrum. CO2 is present in some fluid breccia) Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate,
inclusions. Intergrowths of crystalline 1.K-feldspar/adularia, chlorite, sphalerite, galena,
sericite and chlorite occur after mafic sericite, Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, chalcopyrite, gold/
phenocrysts. Native gold/electrum is mosaic quartz, pyrite, rutile, electrum
regularly distributed along the length of the sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite
section fracture-fill. Intergrowths of
crystalline sericite and chlorite are a feature
of the replacement assemblage.

Rock Types & Hydrothermal Alteration

Left.76001.20. Silicate and

carbonate veined,
hydrothermally altered
basaltic andesite/andesite
lithic clastic rock.
Hydrothermally altered
porphyritic rock type of
coarse clastic wallrock
type. 6mm. ppl.

Left. 76001.20.
Intergrowths of relatively
crystalline sericite and
chlorite formed after
amphibole phenocryst. 600
µm. cpl
Right. 76001.20. Pervasive
K-feldspar/adularia and
carbonate after pilotaxitic
textured groundmass. 300
µm. cpl.

High grade gold mineralisation (90.95 g/t Au) is spatially associated with low-sulphidation
epithermal style alteration developed in clastic rock sampled from 182.00-183.00m (20) in
DGD011. Breccia framework clasts have moderately well preserved primary porphyritic fabrics
defined by pseudomorphed plagioclase, amphibole and pyroxene contained within ghosted
pilotaxitic to hyalopilitic textured groundmasses. Adularia intergrown with and overgrown by
sericite and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is pervasive after phenocryst and groundmass plagioclase of
porphyritic lithic fragments, and intergrowths of chlorite, sericite/illite and carbonate dispersed
with grains of pyrite and rutile have formed after mafic phenocrysts, matrix and vitric components

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand


of framework clasts. Cavities and fracturing are filled with early adularia, mosaic-drusy quartz and
pyrite, and more voluminous later Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate intergrown with base metal sulphides.

Left. 76001.20. Early

adularia overgrown by
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and
pyrite of cavity/fracture-
fill. 600 µm. cpl.
Right. 76001.20.
Carbonate, sphalerite and
pyrite of penetrative
fracture-fill. 6mm. ppl.


FDGD011/182.00-183.00m. 77001.20. Hydrothermally altered andesite lithic breccia host to gold and base metal
mineralised carbonate-sulphide-rich veining.

Left. 76001.20. Pyrite,

sphalerite, galena,
chalcopyrite and carbonate
of fracture-fill. 600 µm.
Right. 76001.20. Gold/
electrum enclosed by
galena intergrown with
pyrite, sphalerite and
carbonate of fracture-fill.
300 µm. ppl/rl.

In the hydrothermally altered rock from 182.00-183.00m (20) in DGD011, sphalerite, galena and
chalcopyrite are disseminated about the wallrock replacement assemblage, but are concentrated
within mosaic-drusy quartz and adularia-bearing, and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and sulphide-rich
fracture-fill assemblages. Within the fracture-fill assemblages, base metal sulphides are mutually
intergrown with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate overgrowing early and minor amounts of quartz and adularia,
and more euhedral pyrite. Chalcopyrite is locally abundant as very fine to ultra fine grained
inclusions in sphalerite.
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

Left. 76001.20. Gold/

electrum intergrown with
sphalerite, galena, pyrite
and carbonate of fracture-
fill. 600 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.20. Gold
/electrum intergrown with
carbonate and sphalerite
overgrowing pyrite of
fracture-fill. 70 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.20.
Gold/electrum intergrown
with pyrite, sphalerite and
carbonate of fracture-fill.
600 µm. ppl/rl.
Right. 76001.20. Gold/
electrum intergrown with
sphalerite, pyrite and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate of
fracture-fill assemblage.
300 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.20. 300 µm.

Right. 76001.20. Gold/
electrum intergrown with
mosaic-drusy quartz,
sphalerite and pyrite. 300
µm. µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.20. Gold/

electrum completely
enclosed by pyrite
intergrown with and
overgrown by galena and
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate. 600
µm. ppl/rl. Right.
76001.20. Gold/ electrum
intergrown with pyrite,
sphalerite, mosaic quartz
and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate
fill. 600 um. ppl/rl.

High-grade gold mineralisation within the interval of diamond core (DGD011/182-183m) sampled
for petrology (20) is accounted for by abundant gold/electrum grains occurring in close spatial
association with base metal sulphides of the Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate-rich fracture-fill assemblage.
Native gold/electrum occurs as intergrowths with and inclusions within pyrite, sphalerite, galena
and Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, some of the native gold/electrum occurring as inclusions within

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sphalerite in close spatial association with chalcopyrite. Gold/electrum intergrown with or included
within Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate occurs as direct overgrowths to pyrite or base metal sulphides.

Left. 76001.20. Gold/

electrum grain enclosed by
sphalerite together with
pyrite and abundant
chalcopyrite. 300 µm.
Right. 76001.20. Gold/
electrum intergrown with
sphalerite, galena,
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and
pyrite of fill assemblage.
600 µm. ppl/rl.

Left. 76001.20. Gold/

electrum intergrown with
sphalerite, pyrite and
galena of fracture-fill
assemblage. 300 µm.
Right. 76001.20. Gold/
electrum interstitial to or
intergrown with sphalerite
and carbonate overgrowing
pyrite and quartz. 600 µm.

Fluid Inclusions

Above/left. Aqueous, liquid-rich fluid

inclusion assemblage in carbonate in
close spatial association with gold/
electrum immediately overgrowing
pyrite, and intergrown with sphalerite
and carbonate. 1.5mm (left) and 1.5mm.
ppl (above).

In the rock from 182.00-183.00m (20) in DGD011, poorly resolvable liquid-rich, aqueous fluid
inclusion assemblages are present in early mosaic to drusy quartz and adularia overgrown by more
voluminous Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and base metal sulphides of fracture-fill assemblages. More
clearly resolvable and abundant, primary and pseudosecondary, aqueous, liquid and gas-rich fluid

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inclusion assemblages are present in the Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, some in close spatial association
with native gold and base metal sulphides.

Left. 76001.20. Euhedral

quartz enclosed by
carbonate, both host to
aqueous liquid and gas-
rich aqueous fluid
inclusion assemblages. 300
µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.20. As
above/left. 70 µm. ppl.

Left. 76001.20.
Translucent daughter
mineral bearing aqueous
fluid inclusions in
carbonate of fracture-fill.
70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.20.
Relatively coarse grained
liquid-rich aqueous fluid
inclusions in Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate. 70 µm. ppl.

Left. 76001.20. Opaque

daughter bearing aqueous
fluid inclusions in
carbonate. 70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.20. Opaque
daughter mineral bearing
fluid inclusions in
carbonate in close spatial
association with
gold/electrum. 70 µm. ppl.

Opaque and translucent daughter minerals are present in the liquid-rich, aqueous fluid inclusions
present in Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate, some in close spatial association with base metal sulphides and
native gold/electrum.

Left. 76001.20. Opaque

and translucent daughter
minerals in aqueous liquid-
rich fluid inclusions in
carbonate. 70 µm. ppl.
Right. 76001.20.
Translucent daughter
mineral bearing aqueous
fluid inclusions in
carbonate fracture-fill. 150
µm. ppl.

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H2O fluid inclusions in close spatial

relation with base metal sulphides
gold/electrum intergrown with

Figure 5. Graphical fluid inclusion Th H2O data in order of decreasing RL

Fluid inclusion micro-thermometric data has been collected using an Instec HCS622GXY
heating/cooling stage, mK1000 temperature controller and liquid nitrogen cooling system. Fluid
inclusions suitable for micro-thermometric analysis were identified in quartz, adularia and
carbonate of hydrothermal replacement and fracture/cavity-fill assemblages in ten of the twenty
petrology samples (Appendix Two). Fluid inclusions present in sphalerite are too fine grained for
practical microthermometric analysis. Some of the fluid inclusion assemblages for which micro-
thermometric data was obtained, occur in close spatial and interpreted temporal association with
base metal sulphides and gold/electrum, these ore minerals also occurring as inclusions within
quartz, adularia and/or carbonate.

Homogenisation temperatures were obtained from aqueous liquid-rich fluid inclusions of primary
and pseudosecondary fluid inclusion assemblages. The co-existence of variable amounts of gas-
rich inclusions with the targeted liquid-rich inclusions of most assemblages indicates trapping of
two-phase/boiling fluids. The liquid-rich aqueous fluid inclusions of inclusions assemblages from
all samples homogenised in the range 270 to 340 °C (Figure 5, Appendix Two). There is no
consistent correlation between liquid-rich aqueous fluid inclusion homogenisation temperatures
and rl, although highest homogenisation temperatures were obtained from deepest sourced sample
material and lowest homogenisation temperatures were obtained from highest sourced material
(Figure 5): Liquid-rich aqueous fluid, primary/pseudosecondary inclusions in carbonate, in close
spatial association with base metal sulphides and gold/electrum from 508.60m in GDC076 (18)
homogenised in the range 300 to 340 °C, whereas liquid-rich aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz of
replacement and interstitial cavity fill from 130.2m in GDC002 (09) homogenised in the range 270
to 290 °C (Figure 5).

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Figure 6. Fluid inclusion ThH2O versus Salinity (calculated from Tm H2O)

Fluid inclusion H2O melting temperatures were obtained from four samples for which liquid-rich,
aqueous fluid inclusions were large enough to observe necessary phase changes. The observed
H2O melting temperatures were measured in the range -0.69 to -2.40 °C. The salinity of the
aqueous fluid, calculated from the H2O melting temperatures, is in the range 1.2 to 4.0 wt% NaCl
equivalent (Figure 6, Appendix Two). Highest calculated aqueous fluid salinity is defined from
lowest melting point temperatures for aqueous fluid melting temperatures from sample material
from 182.0m in DGD011 (20) and 508.6m in GDC076 (18), the latter representing the deepest
petrology sample location.

Left. 76001.20. DGD011/182.0m.

Translucent daughter minerals present
in aqueous liquid-rich fluid inclusion
assemblages in carbonate intergrown
with native gold/ electrum and base
metal sulphides. 140 µm. ppl.

An anomaly exists in the fluid inclusion data from 182.0m in DGD011 (20) with an rl of 218m,
intermediate between the lowest rl (40m) and highest rl (320m) of the petrology sample locations.
Liquid-rich, aqueous fluid inclusions homogenise in a temperature range of 300 to 330 °C, similar
to that for fluid inclusions from the lowest rl (18-GDC076/508.6m, Figure 5). The fluid inclusions
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in carbonate from the 218m rl (20) also have some of the highest calculated salinities, similar to
those from the deepest sampled petrology location (18). Another feature of some of the liquid-
rich, aqueous fluid inclusions from the 218m rl (20), is the presence of translucent and opaque
daughter minerals indicating that some of the fluid inclusions are hypersaline in composition (>25
wt% NaCl).



Figure 7. GDC022/266-276m: Mineralised epiclastic sequence.

The petrology of the clastic rock types host to hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation is
consistent with the rocks being epiclastic in petrogenesis, with the detrital framework clast
assemblage being mainly of proximal basaltic andesite to andesite volcanic provenance. Textures
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and microstructure internal to the framework basaltic andesite/andesite rock types indicates that
they were likely to have been eruptive and/or high level intrusive rock types representing a
proximal volcano-stratigraphic setting. The variation in maximum framework grain-size within the
mineralised sequence, 266 to 276.0m in GDC022 (Figure 7) is consistent with sorting of
framework clasts resulting from fluvial and gravity flow processes having been active upon
eroded, extruded crystalline and clastic basaltic andesite to andesite rock types. The presence of
ghosted bioclasts within some of the finer grained and laminated/bedded clastic rocks indicates a
localised marginal marine epiclastic environment.

Ultra fine grained hematite dispersed about the breccia/clastic rock matrices and some of the more
mafic and vitric framework clasts, partly recrystallised with hydrothermal alteration, is interpreted
to be representative of an immediate post eruptive, sedimentary and pre-burial
oxidising/weathering environment. The pre-hydrothermal hematite is paragenetically distinct from
the post-hydrothermal hematite and hydrated Fe-oxides formed after pyrite and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate of the hydrothermal alteration assemblages intersected in diamond drill-holes at
shallower levels.

None of the clastic rocks host to hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation appears to be
representative of diatreme/intrusion breccias. Minor amounts of finer grained breccia framework
clasts, exotic to the predominant basaltic andesite to andesite framework clasts, and including
tonalite porphyry, dacite and possible porphyry/magmatic-hydrothermal vein fragments, are likely
to have been xenolithic to the predominant framework clast rock types. These exotic rock types
will have been incorporated into the basaltic andesite and andesite rock types during the eruptive
processes, and remobilised with erosion/weathering and epiclastic processes together with the host
basaltic andesite/andesite material.

Figure 8. GDC023/163.50-60m (19). Structurally controlled fluidised brecciation, associated with epithermal style
hydrothermal fluid flow, superimposed upon epiclastic rock type. Host to disseminated arsentiferous
pyrite/arsenopyrite and with associated geochemistry including 46.25 g/t Au.

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The only intrusive brecciation evident in the petrology samples of this study is of a convective
hydrothermal association. These breccias were formed through localised, structurally
controlled/constrained processes of fluid over-pressure leading to fragmentation and clast
mobilisation/milling and sorting within the framework of hydrothermal fluid flow resulting in
epithermal style alteration and mineralisation (Figure 8).


Amongst the petrology samples of this study, there is no strong evidence for propylitic alteration or
thermal metamorphic/metasomatic effects pre-dating epithermal style alteration. The intensity of
epithermal style alteration within the rock types selected for this study however is such that any
thermal metamorphic and related metasomatic effects, indicating close proximity to causative
intrusions, will have been effectively masked or obscured.

The presence and local abundance of adularia and predominance of sericite/illite and Fe/Mg/Ca-
carbonate amongst the hydrothermal replacement and cavity/fracture-fill assemblages in the
samples of this study confirms the low-sulphidation nature of the system. Hydrothermal fluid flow
was more broadly facilitated by the inherent primary permeability of the host clastic rocks, and
locally focused along secondary permeability of fracturing and microfracturing.

The fluid inclusion homogenisation temperature data indicate temperatures of hydrothermal fluid
flow at the upper end of the epithermal range and transitional to mesothermal. The co-existence of
gas-rich aqueous fluid inclusions with the liquid-rich inclusions, the subject of homogenisation
temperature measurements, provides a basis for assuming that homogenisation temperatures are a
reasonable approximation to fluid trapping temperatures. Mixed populations of liquid and gas-rich
aqueous inclusions indicates entrapment of two-phase or boiling fluids, a scenario in which the
partial pressure of the vapour-phase is equal to hydrostatic load, and no corrections to
homogenisation temperatures are required to account for the effects of pressure. The fluid
inclusion homogenisation temperatures, as good approximation to hydrothermal fluid
temperatures, are consistent with the high degree of crystallinity of adularia and sericite/illite; the
highest degrees of crystallinity of sericite evident in rock from the lowest rl (18-GDC076/508.6m).
Assuming the hydrothermal fluids were boiling, the application of an appropriate boiling-point
with depth curve for low-salinity fluids, indicates that the part of the hydrothermal system under
study is representative of levels greater than 900 metres below a fossil hydrothermal water table.

The compositional complexity of the hydrothermal fluids, as defined by the presence of daughter
minerals in some primary/pseudosecondary fluid inclusions (20-DGD01/182.0m), indicates
probable localised magmatic hydrothermal fluid contributions. Mixing of expelled magmatic
derived hydrothermal fluids and convective circulating meteoric derived hydrothermal fluids may
have taken place. In this respect, a possible close proximity to a magmatic hydrothermal
environment is indicated. Where complex hydrothermal carbonate mineralogy is present, including
iron, magnesium and possible manganese-rich carbonate types, convective hydrothermal fluid
mixing with recharged bicarbonate fluids and/or groundwater is also indicated. Baryte in
paragenetic association with Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate is also perhaps an indicator of fluid mixing.


All gold mineralogy identified in the petrology samples of this study, taken from high and low-
grade gold mineralised intersections, is identified only in fracture/microfracture-fill assemblages.
Whereas chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite are identified in wallrock replacement, primary

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cavity-fill and penetrative fracture/micro-fracture-fill assemblages, gold/electrum, in some cases of

multiple stages, is only identified in fracture/microfracture-fill assemblages. Resolvable gold
mineralogy is not identified disseminated about wallrock replacement assemblages, and this is
despite an apparent close spatial and interpreted close temporal association between base metal
sulphide mineralogy and gold/electrum within the fracture-fill assemblages. There was probably
differential control on the solubility/stability of base metal sulphides between the wallrock
replacement and fracture-fill assemblages.

Figure 9. 02-DGD003/228.5m. Example of gold/electrum bearing carbonate + sulphide bearing vein within low grade
mineralised interval (1.14 g/t Au)

In the example of gold/electrum identified in carbonate + sulphide veining (02-DGD003/228.5m)

from within a relatively low-grade gold mineralised interval (1.14 g/t Au) in DGD003, most or all
the gold within the relevant assayed interval might be assumed contained within the carbonate-
sulphide vein. Also present amongst the petrology samples of this study are examples of
hydrothermally altered clastic rock, from corresponding high-grade gold assay intervals, but which
do not contain any form of fracture-fill and contained gold mineralogy. In these examples of
sampled high-grade gold interval, it might also be assumed that gold is contained in fracture-fill
not included within the core interval sampled for petrology (Figure 10 as an example). It is perhaps
significant that where gold/electrum is contained within carbonate and sulphide-rich fracture-fill
assemblages, it is relatively coarse grained and abundantly distributed along the sectioned length of
the fracture-fill assemblage (e.g. 20-DGD011/182.0m). The relatively gold-enriched carbonate-
sulphide veins may account for most of the gold mineralisation.

Figure 10. GDC002/114.0-20m (08). Example of hydrothermally altered clastic rock from high-grade gold mineralised
interval (96.29 g/t Au), not including any significant hydrothermal fracture-fill and for which no gold mineralogy is
identified in petrologic studies. Arsentiferous pyrite present is altered to hematite and hydrated Fe-oxides.
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In the context of the distribution of adularia, quartz, sericite/illite, chlorite and carbonate of
hydrothermal wallrock replacement assemblages, there would appear to be no preferred alteration
type with which the gold-enriched carbonate and sulphide fracture-fill assemblages were
developed. Whilst there may be a positive correlation between sulphide-bearing/rich carbonate
veining and gold mineralisation, there is some petrologic data however to indicate that not all
carbonate-rich veining is mineralised with respect to gold. No gold mineralogy is identified in
adularia-lined and carbonate-rich fracture-fill in diamond core from 267.2m in GDC022 (16) with
a relevant gold assay interval of 1.28 g/t Au (Figure 11). In this example, the absence of gold
mineralogy in the fracture-fill may relate to the relative lack of base metal sulphide mineralogy.

Figure 11. GDC022/267.20m (19). Example of significant adularia and carbonate fracture-fill, but not including any
resolvable gold mineralogy within a correspondingly low grade gold assay interval (1.28 g/t Au).

Where there is high-grade gold mineralisation and for which there is an apparent absence of
gold/electrum bearing carbonate and sulphide fracture-fill, gold mineralisation may be accounted
for by chemically bound gold within disseminated arsenopyrite and arsentiferous pyrite. This may
be exemplified in diamond core from 163.50m in GDC023 (19) in which the relevant assayed
interval includes 46.25 g/t Au (Figure 8). While not including gold/electrum bearing carbonate
and sulphide-rich fracture-fill, the silica flooded and silicic altered, sheared and deformed clastic
rock from 163.5m in GDC023 is characterised by abundant disseminated arsenopyrite and
arsentiferous pyrite. In this case, mineralisation may be accounted for by refractory gold in
disseminated arsenopyrite and arsentiferous pyrite, which may pre-date gold associated with
carbonate and base metal sulphide-rich fracture-fill.

Where in the petrology samples of this study, gold/electrum occurs in close spatial association with
Fe/Mg/Ca-carbonate and base metal sulphides, mixing of convecting hydrothermal fluids with
recharging, oxidised bi-carbonate fluids may have been the ultimate mechanism of gold
precipitation from hydrothermal solution. Fluid inclusion data and the presence of locally abundant
adularia early within fracture-fill assemblages indicate strong phase separation as a possible
prerequisite for gold precipitation. However, in the examples of this study, no gold mineralogy is
identified in close spatial association with adularia. Phase separation may have contributed to
destabilisation of soluble gold complexes in hydrothermal solution, but mixing of the two-phase
hydrothermal fluids with recharging, ion/magnesium/manganese bi-carbonate fluids appear to have
Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

been an ultimate mechanism of gold precipitation. Where gold/electrum is intergrown with and
included with base metal sulphides and pyrite, sulphidation may have been a secondary,
contributory mechanism of gold precipitation.


In the context of a main stage of gold associated with base metal sulphide and carbonate fracture-
fill, mineralisation of the Charivunga deposit compares favourably with the Kelian Tertiary
volcanic hosted gold deposit located in Kalimantan, Indonesia (van Leeuwen, 1990). Petrologic
features common with the Kelian deposit, and other base metal-carbonate type deposits, include
evidence for variable contributions of magmatic hydrothermal fluids, boiling/two-phase fluids, and
late-stage mixing of metal bearing hydrothermal fluid with recharged bicarbonate fluids leading to
the gold association with base-metal + carbonate fracture-fill. The diatreme breccias as one of the
host-rock types at the Kelian deposit are not identified in the petrology of the Charivunga deposit.

As part of further evaluations of the Charivunga gold prospect, its key petrologic features might be
compared with those of the Namachmata, Kupers and Valehaichichi open pit mines (Figure 4). In
particular, either through mineralogy and textures or fluid inclusions, comparisons of level within
the eroded/exposed hydrothermal system could be evaluated, together with assessment of the
nature of possible refractory gold with disseminated and silica vein-hosted
arsenopyrite/arsentiferous pyrite as a precursor to gold associated with base metal sulphide and
carbonate veining. Advanced micro-analytical techniques might be required to assess the presence
and significance of an early refractory gold stage across all deposits and prospects.


Van Leeuwen, T, M., Leach, T., Hawke, A. A., Hawke, M. M., 1990. The Kelian disseminated
gold deposit, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Journal of Geochemical Exporation, Vol 35, pp 1-61

Applied Petrologic Services & Research, Wanaka, New Zealand

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