Taxation Activity
Taxation Activity
Taxation Activity
1.Define Taxation
A tax is a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a
taxpayer by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending
and various public expenditures. A failure to pay, along with evasion of or
resistance to taxation, is punishable by law.
2.Distinguish the theory and the basis of taxation?
Theory and basis of taxation • Theory – The existence of the government is a
necessity. – The government cannot continue without a means to pay its
expenses. ... Theory and basis of taxation • Basis – Taxation is based on the
reciprocal duties of protection and support between the government and its
3.What are the theories of government cost allocation?Explain each.
Are economically equivalent to taxes. Increasing cost allocation rates decreases
the profits of the center. Increasing the cost allocation rate motivates profit-
maximizing managers to use less of the resource with higher cost allocation rates.
4.Differentiate vertical and horizontal equity
Horizontal equity is a tax principle whereby equals are treated as equals hence
individuals with the same income should pay an equal amount of tax. On the
other hand, vertical equity is a method of tax collection based on the income
amount whereby taxes paid increase with an increase in income.
5.Discuss the lifeblood doctrine.
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and their prompt and certain
availability is an imperious need.” The phrase expresses the underlying basis of
taxation which is governmental necessity, for indeed, without taxation, a
government can neither exist nor endure.
6.Enumerate and explain the inherent powers of the state
Power of Taxation – An inherent power of the state exercised through legislature,
to impose burdens upon subjects and objects within its jurisdiction, for the
purpose of raising revenues to carry out the legitimate objects of the
.Power of Eminent Domain – This is the right of the State to acquire private
property for public use upon payment of just compensation and observance of
due process.Basis:
It is based on genuine necessity and that necessity must be of public character. It
must be reasonable and practicable such that it would greatly benefit the public
with the least inconvenience and expense to the condemning party ad property
owner consistent with such benefit.
7.Distinguish the three powers of the state and enumerate their similarities
1.they are inherent in the state and maybe exercise by it without need of express
constitutional grant.
2.they are not only necessary but indenspensable .the states cannot continue or
effective unless it is able to exercise them.
1.the police power regulate both liberty and property
2.the police power and power of taxation maybe exercise only by the goverent.
12.What institutions are exampt from real property tax in the constitution?
In this regard, the following are exempt from the payment of RPT: (a) real
property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its political
subdivisions, except when the beneficial use thereof has been granted to a
taxable person, with or without consideration thereof; (b) charitable institutions,
Double taxation often occurs because corporations are considered separate legal
entities from their shareholders. As such, corporations pay taxes on their annual
earnings, just like individuals. When corporations pay out dividends to
shareholders, those dividend payments incur income-tax liabilities for the
shareholders who receive them, even though the earnings that provided the cash
to pay the dividends were already taxed at the corporate level.
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