Ra Training Presentation Learning Outcomes Spring 2021

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RA Training Presentation Learning Outcomes

When to Call the Res Life on Call

• Discussing the variety of incidents RAs might see and when they need to contact different staff

How to Setup and Use the RA Phone

• Share instructions on how to setup RA phone in room

• Share instructions on how to use RA phone
• Share the purpose and importance of the RA phone

Using Housekeeping Equipment & Housekeeping, Maintenance Staff Intros

• Introduce Housekeeping Staff

• Introduce Maintenance Staff
• Tour a housekeeping closet
• Show how to use housekeeping equipment
• Show how to submit a maintenance request

How to complete RCR, Room Change Paperwork, & ESA Overview

• Discuss what RCR is and it’s function

• Learn how to complete room change with room change paper work
• How to check resident in and out
• Conversation about ESAs on campus and approval information

Roommate & Suitemate Agreements

• Learn the importance of completing roommate & suitemate agreements

• Learn how to complete a roommate/suitemate mediation

Conflict Mediation

• Learn about conflict management

• Learn skills they can use when mediating conflict
• Be able to practice mediating conflict

Policy Review

• Policy Review of what RAs have to enforce

• RAs will learn where the Guide to Residential Living is located
• RAs will learn where the Code of Student Conduct is located
First Floor Meeting

• Prepare new staff for the community building that is meant to take place at their first floor
• Define what community means within a residential setting
• Identify why it is important to form community on their floors
• Practice how to build community on their floors and hall

Review RA Job Description

• Introduce staff members to the responsibilities of the RA position

• Provide students with a greater understanding of the administrative side of the RA position

Lockouts & Rekeys

• Show the process in confirming that a student has the right to enter room
• Show how to use lockbox to pull a master key
• Show what paperwork is needed for a lockout/rekey and how to complete the paperwork

Utilizing & Collaborating with RCM (from Perspective of Building Pro Staff)

• Share the role of a RCM

• Share ways RAs can collaborate with RCMs
• Share ways RAs can utilize their RCM
• Share ways RAs and Pro Staff have collaborated with RCMs

Social Media Role Modeling

• Share ways RAs can role model behavior on social media

• Share expectations from department on University and Departmental social media
• Share the importance of good role modeling on social media

Info Fair/Campus Resources

• Receive a compiled resource key ring for use throughout the year
• Meet campus partners
• Learn about the resources our campus partners can provide to our students
• Discover programs and services applicable to the RA job

Inclusive Language & Open Dialogue

• Provide an introduction to inclusive language

• Allow an opportunity for RAs to define what inclusivity means to them
• Allow an opportunity for open dialogue on how RAs be mindful of being inclusive in their role
• Allow an opportunity for open dialogue on how RAs can support their residents
• Allow an opportunity for open dialogue on how RAs can be a resource for their residents in
regards to inclusion

How to build relationships virtually

• Discuss the importance of building relationships

• Share ways staff can build relationships virtually

Life in the Fishbowl

• Define what life in a fishbowl means

• Recognize the importance of being a role model, a leader among peers, and a representative of
the department (in person and on social media)
• Give examples of situations they should avoid
• Recognize the added responsibility of being an RA
• Discuss the challenges of being an RA and a peer (with staff and friends)
• Predict how their peers may perceive their new position as an RA
• Collect examples on how to confront their peers when situations arise

Time Management & Organization Strategies

• Discuss importance of time management and organization strategies

• Share ways and resources staff can utilize to manage their time and stay organized

Customer Service

• Share importance of customer service

• Discuss ways to provide customer service when students are upset
• Discuss importance of follow up and closing the loop

Community Building & Community Building Model

• Staff will be introduced to the community building model

• Staff will learn what their requirements for programming are each semester

Departmental Expectations/Overview

• Provide student staff with the department’s expectations

• Share where RAs can review a copy of their Job Description (separate session reviewing the job
description in depth)
• Share evaluation process for RA position
• Share a general overview of the department and staff that work in it

Academic Partnerships – with your RCM

Learning Outcomes:

• Share the role of a RCM

• Share ways RAs can collaborate with RCMs
• Share ways RAs can utilize their RCM
• Share ways RAs can refer students to their RCM
• Share ways RAs and Pro Staff have collaborated with RCMs
• RCM Areas will be shared
• Review Resident Profiles, any updates, and timeline
• Review CATch Ups, any updates, and timeline
• Learn ways to utilize RCM from the RCM perspective


• Provide opportunities for staff to engage, share, and grow with each other through activities
that bring them closer together.

Full Staff Welcome

• Welcome student staff members back to campus for another year!

• Introduce Residential Living Staff and their roles
• Provide updates for PEAKS, EXTREMES/RISE, RSA/NRHH
• Award grade certificates and trophies from Spring 2020
• Provide the RA staff with an in-depth understanding of the department’s mission, vision, and
• Lay the foundation for our work as a department for the 2020 – 2021 academic year
• Introduction to training theme?

Active Shooter, Drugs, & Alcohol

• Understand university procedure for active shooters

• Learn behaviors and skills necessary for active shooter situations
• Discuss best safety practices on a college campus
• Discuss alcohol and drug usage statistics
• Discuss common issues around alcohol use on campus
• Discuss prevalent or known drugs on campus and what to look for
• Learn the language and culture of drug communities
• Learn the signs and symptoms of alcohol or drug use
• Learn what to expect when UPD arrives on the scene of an incident
• Any updates regarding services and approach due to COVID

Campus Security Authority (CSA)/Clery Act

• Share what the Clery Act is and its importance on campus

• Provide training on RA roles in reporting crimes on campus
FERPA/Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Training

• Provide training on how to handle student records and what information can be shared with
• Share what sexual misconduct is defined as and how RAs can address it in their roles


• Meet the DSCE Staff

• Learn about the Community Creed
• Learn about Code of Conduct and where it is located
• Learn how to write and submit a conduct report
• Learn about the judicial process
• Discuss how implicit and unconscious bias can impact conduct reporting & writing
• Share about the new Title IX changes
• Share your office’s approach and resources regarding COVID
• Refresher for returning RAs

Emergency Management

• Increase RAs awareness of radio etiquette

• Learn about emergency management systems
• Discuss the difference between a crisis and an emergency
• Identify common issues that RAs can expect to deal with in the residence halls
• Learn how to respond to various incidents (counseling, facilities, weather, threats, etc.)
• Identify who is available to help in various situations
• Learn about the university’s approach to COVID-19 and where students can receive the most up
to date information
• Review Department of Residential Living Emergency Response Plan
• Sign Emergency Management Sheet

Fire Safety Training

• Discuss fire safety protocols

• Review fire alarm and evacuation procedures


• Learn what SCRT is

• Learn how to submit a SCRT report
• Learn what resources and services are available when working with students of concern
Bias Reporting & Dean of Students

• Learn what Bias is

• Learn how to submit a Bias report
• Meet the Dean of Students
• Learn what role the Dean of Students plays on campus and how they can be a resource to the

Behind Closed Doors

• Learn about potential and situations a Resident Assistant may encounter during their role
• Process the scenarios
• Learn what resources are available to students and to RAs when encountering different

Maybe we could have some videos, table top breakouts with individual counselors…

Helping Students in Distress in a Virtual Environment

• Share how students may display being in distress

• Share ways to approach and help a student in distress in a virtual environment
• Share resources and services available for helping students in distress

Trivia Night!

• Review policies and information that RAs should know at this point in their training
• Allow for discussion if any questions prove to have some confusion and give an explanation as to
why an answer is what it is

Real Talk: Community Building

• Allow for a space to let RAs brainstorm how virtual programming went in the fall.
o Share what went well, what didn’t go well, ideas they have for spring.
• Allow for a space to let RAs brainstorm how building community on their floor/in their house
went in the fall.
o Share what went well, what didn’t go well, ideas they have for spring.

BIPOC Space for RAs

• Create an optional space for BIPOC RAs to come together to discuss how they are doing, things
they are going through, difficulties of being a BIPOC RAs, helpful resources and/or strategies
they use.

Secondary Trauma

• Discuss what secondary trauma is.

• Share resources with RAs who may experience secondary trauma.

COVID Discussion

• Share resources regarding COVID and WCU

• Allow time for questions regarding COVID and the RA role

University Police Department Panel Discussion

• Meet some of the officers that work on campus

• Ask questions of the officers to get to know them
• Allow RAs to ask questions of the officers
• Build rapport so RAs and UPD work collaboratively together

Working with Students with Disabilities & the UP Program

• Learn basic approach to working with students with disabilities

• Provide an overview of the University Participants program


• Define what does being a leader mean

• Learn ways to be a better leader
• Learn effective and approachable leadership styles
• Learn how to be a positive role model

CCPD: Navigating Difficult Conversations in the Workplace

• Gain some helpful tools on how to approach difficult conversations in the workplace
• Learn ways to figure out best approaches with peers and supervisor

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