Transformer: Oil Immersed
Transformer: Oil Immersed
Transformer: Oil Immersed
Oil immersed
1923 Established Fuji Electric Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. 1981 Founded Tusco Group
Established Theparak Supply Shop
1962 Started operation of Chiba factory (transformer)
1982 Started Manufacturing of
1968 Started operation of Kobe facrory (switchboard)
Low Voltage & Medium Voltage Switchboards
1971 Started manufacturing rectlfer transformer units
1984 Founded Theparak Transformer Co., Ltd.
1974 Started manufacturing cast resin transformers
1990 Founded Thai Union Switchboard Co., Ltd.
1984 Changed company name and logo to
Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. 1996 Established Tusco Trafo Co., Ltd.
and Thai Corrugate Co., Ltd.
1985 Delivered the first 800kV transformers
Technical Assignment and Manufacturing
1990 Delivered the first 1,100MVA transformer Contract for switchboards with
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
1996 Delivered the first 8300kV Gas I
nsulated Switchgear 2007 Production lines of power transformers
were Increased
2002 Introduced new company symbol mark
2012 Grand opening of new transformer factory
2009 Delivered the first 1,750V DC, 87.5kA
power supply equipment
Fuji Tusco transformers are the result of an extensive engineering effort over many years along with the most
advanced and greatly dependable techniques of Fuji Tusco plus the technological skills of Fuji Electric in Japan.
The transformers are made in the excellent workshop equipped with new facilities including computer, dust
proof air-conditioning equipment, etc. The techniques of Fuji Tusco have made these transformers superior
to those of other firms.
The features are as follows.
In details:
l Since there are no holes in the core plate, it provides for easy
machining and improve the characteristics.
l The core tightening bolts are cooled directly by insulation oil since
Winding construction
Various windings have been developed in addition to the conventional twin coil disc winding, and according
to the purpose of use, the optimum winding is selected from those listed below so that the specific charac-
teristics can be fully utilized.
KEMA Confirmation:
The ownership of the referred
test documents has been transferred
to Fuji Tusco from Tusco Trafo Co., Ltd.
Fig.3 Short circuit withstand test as per IEC 60076-5 for FTU transformers have been
performed by KEMA successfully.
u Cooling system
The optimum cooling system will be selected out of
following according to the customer ‘s requirements
and also taking into account the transformer capacity
and circumstances at the installation site.
1) ONAN, 2) ONAF, 3) ODAN, 4)ODAF, 5) OFOW
In a large core, the core internal temperature rise is
kept under the limit by providing a cooling oil duct
at right angles to the steel plate stacking direction.
For the winding, an oil duct is installed in the coil as
required for obtaining a high cooling effect.
Fig.4 Hydraulic Flow Analysis
Product Line-up
As a strategic company of Fuji Electric group, Fuji Tusco manufacture various type of transformers.
Distribution Transformers
Oil Immersed Transformers up to 36kV
Single Phase up to 1000kVA
Three Phase up to 30MVA
Manufacture by world-class industrial facilities
Fuji Tusco transformers are made in the excellent workshop equipped with new facilities including computer,
dust proof air-conditioning equipment, etc.
OHSAS 18001-2007
We have been certified OHSAS 18001 since 2014 to address occupational health and safety of personnel and
processes, we establish a positive health and safety culture, provision of safe and healthy work environment,
thus setting the path towards sustainable development.
Impulse generator
1400kV 140kJ
(SGDA 1400140)
Impulse voltage
Divider 1400kV
(CR 1400-525)
Control rack
and Control desk
TMS 580, 100kV 2000A
Chopping gap
(MAFS 1200)
Power Transformers
Step-down transformers in substations and step-up transformers in power stations are essential components
in those facilities. These transformers cover the electric power for many of electricity consumers, so highly
reliable transformers are required.
Fuji Tusco will make transformers to provide the highest efficiency within the limits where economy is not lost.
Because of well arranged core construction, no-load loss is reduced.
In relation, to the load loss occupying the majority of total loss, as a result of employing a transposed
conductor, achieving non-magnetization of metal adjacent to the winding, and providing a magnetic shielding
of tank inner wall, stray-load loss has been reduced significantly whereby transformers with high efficiency
and little loss have been created.
Medium & Large Distribution Transformers
Medium and large distribution transformers, installed in substations near to the consumer’s side, receive high
voltage electric power from the grid, reduce its voltage, and distribute electricity to consumers and lower
voltage substations.
Fuji Tusco provides distribution transformers up to 30MVA capacity and up to 36kV primary/secondary voltage.
And necessary accessories are available if requested. The most suitable one will be delivered in accordance
with customer’s requirements.
Small Distribution Transformers
Special Transformers
For arc furnace applications and rectifier applications in the field of industry, low voltage and
large current transformers are applied.
Fuji Tusco is able to deliver the fittest transformer up to 30MVA at client’s request.
Reasonable core construction. • Reasonable core construction.
• Winding constructed for low voltage and
Low Loss
heavy currents
Winding are made of common insulated
• Winding construction with highly reliable
and continuous transposed conductor
Non-magnetic materials and tank shield
• Great short-circuit resistance of winding
• Low noise
• Highly reliable high quality transformer
• Very high current levels
• Vacuum switch type on-load tap changer
• Optimal devices to prevent oil deterioration
is provided
Fuji Tusco standard distribution Transformers
Hermetically Sealed Fully with Mineral oil type
Item Capacity No load Load loss (75oC) Impedance Dimensions (mm) Total weight Oil
Item Capacity No load Load loss (75oC) Impedance Dimensions (mm) Total weight Oil
Distribution Transformer Outline Distribution Transformer
1 15
• Fuji Tusco reserve the right to any changes of these information, herein.
• Distribution transformers are designed for general application uses at ambient temperature maximum 40℃ at temperature raised 60℃
(top oil) / 65℃ (winding), which will be manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest IEC standard.
Fuji Tusco standard distribution Transformers
Open Type with Conservator Tank (Mineral Oil)
Item Capacity No load Load loss (75oC) Impedance Dimensions (mm) Total weight Oil
Item Capacity No load Load loss (75oC) Impedance Dimensions (mm) Total weight Oil
Distribution Transformer Outline Distribution Transformer
14 16
19 4
• Fuji Tusco reserve the right to any changes of these information, herein.
• Distribution transformers are designed for general application uses at ambient temperature maximum 40℃ at temperature raised 60℃
(top oil) / 65℃ (winding), which will be manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest IEC standard.
612-612/1,1888 Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Soi 8A, 9A, Patana 1 Rd. T.Praksa, A.Muang, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand