How To Prepare Pakistan Affairs
How To Prepare Pakistan Affairs
How To Prepare Pakistan Affairs
H: Historical Background
Origin and Evolution of the Topic
E: Explanation
Answer What, Why, When, Where and How.
Causes and Effects
Stats, Example, References, Quotations etc.
A: Analysis
Connect the dots (How did previous topic leads to following one)
Cause/Effect Analysis
Arguments and Viewpoints
Address from all possible angles
L: Logical Outcomes
Future Prospects
Solutions and Recommendations
Ask yourself while preparing a topic: ‘What type of question can examiner ask from this
1. Introduction:
Importance in Individual Life
Collective Importance
2. Sources of Ideology
i. Race
ii. Culture
iii. Language
iv. Identity
v. Interests
4. What is Nationalism?
Religious Nationalism
Territorial Nationalism
Contrast btw them.
8. Conclusion