SED Email Security Cloud PB100

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Product Brief Email Security.

Complete Email Security for the Cloud
Critical and Challenging Role of Email Security
Why is email today’s No. 1 threat vector? Email is the most common
way for cyber criminals to launch and distribute threats. According to
At A Glance the 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon, most malware is
• Accurately defend against delivered through email, with 46% of organizations getting almost all their
ransomware, BEC and emerging malware this way. In the 2019 Internet Crime Report, the FBI shows that
threats. business email compromise (BEC) accounted for half the reported losses
Stop new and sophisticated experienced from all cyber crime ($1.77B).1
threats such as ransomware, spear
phishing, and business email As the volume of these attacks has increased, so has the level of
compromise with the most effective sophistication. Advanced and zero-day threats are much more difficult to
and accurate email security. detect and stop than traditional malware, while standard signature-based
• Stop spear phishing with
antimalware tools have proven largely ineffective against them. Attackers
comprehensive defense. now favor targeted spear phishing, especially in the form of BEC scams.
Shield your organization from spear These elusive and dangerous targeted attacks use sophisticated methods
phishing through a comprehensive including domain spoofing and obfuscation of malicious links embedded in
defense that includes multiple email messages. The losses from these attacks amounted to $26B in July
layers of protection, strong 2019, over double the losses reported in May 2018.
isolation, deep visibility, and
dynamic security awareness. At the same time, businesses are migrating their email from on-premises
servers to cloud-based systems such as Microsoft Office 365 and Google
• Accelerate your threat response G Suite. Unfortunately, the basic, built-in security of these systems cannot
with Integrated Cyber Defense.
fully protect against email threats. Traditional email security solutions
Contain attacks and orchestrate
do not work either. Their rudimentary defenses fail to block new and
response across endpoint security
sophisticated attacks, and their siloed approach to security allows
and web gateways by remediating
advanced threats to slip through the cracks. Both types of security give
attacks, block-listing threats, and
organizations limited visibility and provide only basic analytics, which
correlating security analytics.
makes it harder to respond to threats.
• Ensure safe cloud adoption with
the industry’s strongest controls. Further complicating the landscape, vendors offer myriad point products
Fully secure Office 365 and G Suite that address only part of the security problem. These disjointed products—
through Symantec Email for email security, data loss prevention (DLP), endpoint protection,, Cloud Access web security, and more—require costly, custom integrations and high
Security Broker (CASB), and Data management overhead. And again, a patchwork defense is leaky. Add in
Loss Prevention solutions. a shortage of trained IT security personnel and organizations end up with
increased operational complexity and greater vulnerability.

Finally, as users increasingly share sensitive information over email,

organizations are struggling to keep confidential data from being exposed.
Data leakage undermines an organization’s ability to meet its legal and
compliance requirements. And it can result in damaged brand reputations,
regulatory fines, and ultimately, financial losses.

1. FBI, Public Service Announcement,Alert Number: I-071218-PSA,, July 2018, and
FBI, Public Service Announcement, Alert Number: I-091019-PSA,, September 2019

Product Brief

Shut Down the No. 1 Threat Vector sophisticated email attacks such as ransomware, spear
phishing, and BEC with multiple, advanced detection
Symantec™ Email is a complete email technologies and telemetry from the Symantec Global
security solution that safeguards cloud email such as Intelligence Network. It also improves user productivity
Office 365 and G Suite and on-premises email such as by blocking spam and other unwanted email such as
Microsoft Exchange. It blocks new and sophisticated newsletters and marketing emails.
email threats such as ransomware, spear phishing, and
BEC with a multilayered defense and insights from the
world’s largest civilian global intelligence network. Emerging Threat Prevention
• Sandboxing uncovers targeted and advanced attacks
Email repels spear phishing attacks
by executing unknown files in physical and virtual
with comprehensive defense that includes protection,
environments. This helps catch ‘virtual machine-
isolation, visibility, sender authentication and user
aware’ attacks, which are threats that do not exhibit
awareness. It also accelerates attack response with
suspicious behavior in virtual environments. The
analytics that provide deep visibility into targeted
Symantec sandbox mimics human behavior to
attack campaigns. Symantec Information Centric
draw out attacks that appear malicious only in the
Analytics correlates email, other security streams, and
presence of humans. In addition, our sandbox uses
user behavior analytics to give even deeper visibility.
machine learning to detect stealthy, persistent threats
Finally, Email is part of the Symantec by analyzing code for suspicious characteristics. And
Integrated Cyber Defense Platform, which covers it utilizes network traffic analysis to identify malware
endpoint and web security, threat analytics, security that call command-and-control servers.
orchestration and automation, and more. • Behavior analysis blocks new, crafted, and hidden
ransomware by examining all email characteristics
Prevent including delivery behavior, message attributes,
attachments, and social engineering tricks. It also
Email supercharges the built-in security blocks new ransomware variants by determining if an
of cloud and on-premises email systems by preventing email contains reused malicious code. Finally, it uses
the most malware and email threats with the fewest file decomposition techniques to spot and extract
false positives. This cloud-based solution repels hidden ransomware within attachments.

Figure 1: The Most Complete Protection In The Industry

Product Brief

Phishing Defense Isolate

• Link protection probes and evaluates links in real Symantec Email Threat Isolation shields users from
time before email delivery and again at the time of advanced email attacks such as spear phishing,
click—unlike traditional email security solutions that credential theft, and ransomware by isolating
rely on reactive block lists or signatures to block only suspicious links and attachments while stopping
known spear phishing links. Link protection follows credential theft by safely rendering risky web pages.
links to their final destination, even when attackers try Email threat isolation takes prevention up a notch by
to bypass detection with sophisticated techniques. creating an insulated execution environment between
Moreover, because cyber criminals often reuse code users and their email links, rendering suspicious links
in new attacks, we use advanced phishing variant remotely and showing only inoculated web content to
detection to sniff out and block spear phishing links users, while scanning potentially infected downloads
that are similar to known phishing attacks. before delivery. Therefore attacks meant to be delivered
• Impersonation controls provide the strongest via malicious links are simply neutralized.
protection against BEC and other spoofing attacks Credential phishing attacks are also stopped with
by using a sophisticated impersonation engine to Symantec Email Threat Isolation. When a suspected
block threats that masquerade as a specific user or phishing website is opened via an email link, the site
legitimate email domain in your organization. is rendered in read-only mode, which prevents users
• Threat isolation opens risky or unknown website links from entering sensitive information such as corporate
in read-only mode to keep users safe from phishing passwords.
Thirdly, advanced attacks that use attachments which
• Fraud protection automates sender authentication link to ransomware and other malware are stopped
by ensuring that your email domain can not be from infecting users by isolating email attachments.
impersonated, in turn eliminating the risk of fraud for When a potentially risky attachment is found, email
internal and external recipients. threat isolation capabilities render these documents in
a secure remote environment, which creates a virtual
Malware and Spam Protection ‘air gap’ between files and user devices. As a result,
• Malware and spam defense stops spam and ransomware and other advanced attacks that hide
malware by inspecting links and attachments with malware in email attachments cannot infect users.
technologies such as reputation analysis, antivirus
engines, and antispam signatures. • Prevent spear phishing attacks by isolating malicious
links and downloads
• Connection-level protection reduces the risk of spam
and malware by slowing and dropping anomalous • Stop credential theft by safely rendering webpages in
SMTP connections. read-only mode

• Threat Isolation prevents ransomware and other • Prevent ransomware and other malware from
malware from infecting users by isolating suspicious infecting users by isolating email attachments
email attachments. This technology also isolates risky
or unknown email links which host malware, keeping Respond
users and devices safe from infected downloads. Email accelerates attack response
with analytics that provide the deepest visibility
Symantec Global Intelligence Network into targeted and advanced attack campaigns. This
Threat Intelligence from the world’s largest civilian intelligence includes insights into both clean and
network provides global visibility into the threat malicious emails, and provides more Indicators of
landscape and helps ensure better security outcomes. Compromise (60+ data points including URLs, file
The GIN helps ensure better security outcomes through hashes, and targeted attack information) than any
telemetry distilled from over 175 million endpoints, 80 other vendor. This can all be streamed to your Security
million Web proxy users, and 57 million attack sensors Operations Center through API integration with third-
in 157 countries and by analyzing 8 billion threats every party Security Information and Event Management
day. (SIEM) systems,Symantec Information Centric Analytics
or Symantec Integrated Cyber Defense Exchange.

Product Brief

Respond (cont.) security assessments that mimic real-world threats,

which can be easily customized to meet the needs of
This enables you to hunt for threats across your your organization. Executive dashboards and detailed
environment and quickly determine an attack’s reporting help benchmark your organization’s security
severity and scope. When used alongside Symantec awareness by giving visibility into user behavior and
Endpoint Detection and Response and the Secure repeat assessments identify key trends by comparing
Web Gateway family to detect advanced threats, you results to previous evaluations. Admins can even
can automatically correlate events across all control develop user risk profiles and prioritize risky users
points. You can then remediate threats and orchestrate by combining these insights with Symantec email
response by containing attacks and block-listing security analytics or correlating user behaviour using
attacks across your security environment. Information Centric Analytics. This security awareness
• Accelerate your attack response and education prepares employees to recognize and
report email attacks with training notifications that
• Hunt threats across your environment teach users to spot the latest, sophisticated email
• Remediate threats and orchestrate your response attacks.

• Assess employee readiness with real-world

Email provides broad security awareness
• Track progress with repeat assessments and detailed
and education capabilities that reduce business risks
by preparing users to recognize phishing attacks and
helping organizations prioritize protection for the most • Educate users to recognize email attacks
vulnerable users. Evaluate employee readiness with

Figure 2: The Deepest Visibility Into Advanced Email Attacks

Product Brief

Integrate Add-Ons to Symantec Email

Simplify your security stack and increase return on
investment by integrating email security with the rest The core Symantec Email offers
of your security infrastructure, including DLP and enhanced protection through the following add-ons:
encryption controls as well as endpoint, network, and
cloud security. • Email Threat Detection and Response: Protects
against advanced threats while providing deep
Email prevents data leakage and helps visibility and rapid response to targeted attack
meet compliance and privacy requirements with built- campaigns. This also includes Phishing Readiness
in DLP and policy-based encryption controls. Flexible security awareness training capabilities.
DLP policies identify and control sensitive emails with
over 100 pre-defined lists of keyword dictionaries, • Email Threat Isolation: Opens suspicious email links
regular expression, and MIME type lists. Policy-based and attachments in an isolated container, allowing
encryption controls keep confidential emails private users to interact with potentially risky websites, files,
by automatically encrypting emails via a password- and downloads while blocking malware or phishing
protected PDF for a mobile-friendly “push” encryption attacks.
experience. • Email Fraud Protection: Simplifies the process of
achieving and maintaining sender authentication
Email is a part of the Symantec enforcement by using automation to support various
Integrated Cyber Defense Platform, so its built-in DLP standards (for example, DMARC, DKIM, SPF).
controls are strengthened through integration with
Symantec Data Loss Prevention, which prevents data Gain High Operational Efficiency at a
loss across your entire environment—email, endpoint,
network, cloud, mobile, and storage systems. Moreover, Low TCO
you can meet advanced encryption needs and get Email is easy to deploy and operate,
customizable branding with Symantec Policy-Based and scales quickly as messaging volume grows. When
Encryption Advanced, a cloud-based add-on service. you add up its high effectiveness and accuracy, strong
SLAs, and the Symantec Integrated Cyber Defense
Email also integrates with other Platform, your organization will decrease operational
Symantec products to protect endpoints, web, and complexity, enjoy a lower total cost of ownership,
messaging apps, which strengthen your overall security and get unmatched protection from even the most
posture. Use it with Symantec Endpoint Security sophisticated email attacks.
to accelerate your response to emerging threats.
For example, intelligence gathered from threats in
the email channel can be pushed out as block lists
to all endpoints, preventing infection across your
environment. This extends protection to the latest
collaboration and messaging apps—in the cloud and on
premises—such as Slack, Salesforce, and Box.

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SED-email-security-cloud-PB100 November 24, 2020

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