Evaluation of Effect of Distribution Strategy On S

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ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6 No 6 S2

ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November 2015

Evaluation of Effect of Distribution Strategy on

Sale Promotion of Samsung Company in Iran

Mrs. Azadeh Kafaeipour

Industrial Management Institute, MBA, Marketing Branch, Tehran, Iran
Email: [email protected]



As a critical element of marketing, distribution is the method adopted in order to deliver products or services to the final
customer or end-user via different distribution channels. The present study was formulated so as todeterminethe influence of
distribution strategy on sale promotion of Samsung Company in Iranby use of two indices, i.e. stock and distribution channels.
The data were collected by using a questionnaire. The statistical population was experts of production, sale, financial, and
quality control sectors of Samsung Company in Iran. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were approved by experts’
confirmation and Cronbach’s alpha, respectively. Data analysis was performed through descriptive statistics. The results
acquired from the present study indicated that distribution strategy can have positive influence on sale promotion of Samsung
Company in Iran if a careful attention is devoted to the management of stock and distribution channels.

Keywords: Sale promotion, distribution strategy, stock, distribution channels, Samsung, Iran.

1. Introduction

Distributionis an extremely importantcomponentin all marketing activities. It can be defined as an approachin order to
deliver products or services to the finalconsumers via a variety of channels, known as distribution channels (Ulaga et al.,
2002). In the present-day competitive world, different brands are taking every measure to not only keep their popularity in
the market but promote the fame of their brand. Keller (2012) stated that distribution strategy as well as communication
and pricing strategies can have varying effects on brands.
Place is defined as the pointǦofǦsale, supplier, or provider where the product is obtained. Placecan also refer to
where the behavior is practiced.Suppliers must be easily accessible to customers (Kotler, 2006). distribution can have
effect on special value of brand and it can be used to enhance brand image among customers (Iranzadeh et al., 2012).
It is extremelychief activity to highlight the methods of finding the markets to find ways in order to sell your products
and servicesin addition to where you can preserve your products and services, and the transportation of your stock
(Gibson and Davidson, 2004).
Managers ought to consider marketing channels in order todeliver their products or services to the markets they
are wishing. Managers have to cope with one of the most difficult phases of policymakingpracticebecausethe distribution
channels they selectmight have a profound influence on other decisions about marketing. For example, what a company
intends to do about having its pricing strategieshas a big deal to do withwhat kind of distribution channel is going to be
adopted. Additionally, policies of a company about sale department as well as whatever strategies to elevate sale
figuresare in a close contact withthe dedication and motivation provided forits staffs(Roosta et al., 2005).
In a research on the influence of distribution on brand special value, VanRiel et al. (2005) concluded that physical
characteristics of products have considerable effect on brand special value. Managers frequently complain about a lack of
communication between their marketing and sales executives, often caused by a poorly designed or implemented
distribution channel strategy. A well-designed distribution channel strategy takes into account both the salespeople's
activities with channel partners and the marketing managers' efforts to better reach and serve end-users.
Having proper strategies to manage and control distribution channelscan lead to formation of
acomprehensivestructurefor having the most fruitful marketing activites, especially by considering distribution channels.
That is, distribution is regarded asanassimilatedpart of every kind of marketing practice (Bakhtaeeand Golchinfar,
2010).The most significantresponsibility of all staffs in distribution departments, especially those who are in charge of
management of distribution channels, is considering all aspects of distribution such as amount of the products or service,
timing, and the final destination the intended product or service is going to be delivered (Esmaeelpoorand Ghaffari

ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6 No 6 S2
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November 2015

Ashtyani, 2002).Besides, having investments on anappropriate physical distribution and marketing system can be a very
effective approach in order to increase sale figures in the current competitive market(Roosta et al., 2005).Distribution can
be regarded aspractices by enterprises in order to deliver their services or products to customers (Kotler and Armstrong,
The present study aimed at evaluation of effect of distribution strategy on sale promotion of Samsung Company in
Iran. The study tried to answer whether or not distribution strategy affects sale promotion of Samsung Company in Iran.
Furthermore, two research questions were designed as follows:
RQ1: Does stock influence on sale promotion of Samsung Company in Iran?
RQ2: Do Distribution channels influence on sale promotion of Samsung Company in Iran?

2. Methodology

2.1 Research method

The investigationisregarded as anappliedresearchwith a descriptive approach. Additionally, it is considered to be a cross-

sectional study since it assessed the data obtained during an investigation in a given duration.

2.2 Statistical Population

Experts of Samsung Company in Iran in various parts of the company (i.e. manufacture, trade, commercial, and quality
control)were regarded as the population. 208 people formed the population. Descriptive information onparticipants in the
present study is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive information onparticipants(gender, age, level of education, years working in Samsung Co., total
years working)

Table 2 summarizes the descriptive data on participants of the present study from different parts of Samsung Co. As it
can be seen, 30.8% of the participants were working in trade part of the company, 21.2% of them were in commercial
part, 25.0% of them were in quality control part, and finally, 23.1% of the participants were in manufacture part.

Table 2: Descriptive data on participants of different parts

ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6 No 6 S2
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November 2015

2.3 Questionnaire

The questionnaire used in the present research was based upon a Likert range (very little, little, so-so, much, and very
much). The questionnaire included two parts, i.e. general questions and sixparticular questions in order to find answers
for the questions of this study. After analyzing the questionnaire, experts believed that the questionnaire is a valid tool to
find answer for the research questions.Additionally, Cronbach’s Alpha was calculated in order to make sure of reliability of
the questionnaire. As the Cronbach’s alpha was higher than 0.7 (0.83), the questionnaire was decided to be a reliable
tool to find answers for the research questions.

2.4 Statistical analysis

Data analyses were performed by using descriptive analysis (calculation of frequency, percentage, mean values,
standard deviation, median, and mode). The mean values were compared with each other to find the answers of the
RQs. All the operations were performed in SPSS (version 22).

3. Findings

RQ1: Does stock influence on sale promotion of Samsung Company in Iran?

The results obtained from evaluation of effect of stock are summarized in Table 3. According to this table, over
80% of the participants considered stock availability in Samsung Co. as an important factor to improve the sales figure of
the company. To top it off, near 90% of the participants in the present study considered that supervision on distribution
agents of Samsung Co. is an important factor for promotion of sale figure in the market. However, only 17.30% of the
participants stated that supervision on product delivery time can be regarded as very important factor to increase sale
figures in Samsung Co.

Table 3: Evaluation of the effect of stock

Questions Very little little So-so Much Very much Mean

Stock availability in the Frequency 0 4 32 94 78
company percentage 0 1.92 15.38 45.19 37.5
Supervision on distribution Frequency 0 3 21 88 96
agents of the company percentage 0 1.44 10.09 42.30 46.15
Supervision on product Frequency 0 24 66 82 36
delivery time percentage 0 11.53 31.73 39.42 17.30
Stock Mean 4.04

RQ2: Do Distribution channels influence on sale promotion of Samsung Company in Iran?

Table 4 summarizes the results acquired to answer the second RQ. According to this table, over 70% of the
participants in the present study believed that sales offices in Samsung Co. are very important in increasing sale figures
of the company in the market; however, around 20% of them believed that it has moderate effect to increase the sale of
Samsung products.Approximately half of the participants in the present study believed that paying attention to distribution
agents of Samsung Co. is very effective in increasing sale figures of this company. Furthermore, over 80% of the
participants believed that having supervision on products delivery companies related to Samsung Co. is very important
for sale promotion in the market.

Table 4: Evaluation of the effect of distribution channels

Questions Very little little So-so Much Very much Mean

2 11 42 81 72
Sales offices of the company Frequency percentage 4.01
0.96 5.28 20.19 38.94 34.61
0 15 32 68 93
Distribution agents of the company Frequency percentage 4.14
0 7.21 15.38 32.69 44.71
0 7 31 103 67
Supervision on products delivery companies Frequency percentage 4.10
0 3.36 14.90 49.51 32.21
Distribution channels Mean 4.08

ISSN 2039-2117 (online) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol 6 No 6 S2
ISSN 2039-9340 (print) MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November 2015

On the basis of the results obtained from analysis of the data, there is a very slight difference in terms of importance of
stock and distribution attributes on sale promotion of Samsung Co. participants in the present study believed that
supervision on distribution agents of the company is the most important factor in order to elevate the sale of the company
whereas they considered supervision on product delivery time as the least important factor in increasing the sale figures
of the company. According to the results, it can be claimed that both stock and distribution channels are important in
increasing sale of Samsung Co. and the company should pay attention to these two factors.

4. Summary and Conclusions

The present investigationwas formulated in order to assessdistribution strategy on sale elevation of Samsung Company
in Iran. The subordinate hypotheses of the research (i.e. stock and distribution channels) hadmoretotalmark than the
assumed score (i.e. 3) and consequently, they were accepted to put forthhelpfulinfluences on sale promotion. Consistent
with the findings of the present study, it is suggested to ponder the subsequentguidelines to elevate the sale:
(1) Considering the distance from markets and finding solutions for ineffective and inefficient communications in
distribution of the products;
(2) Preparation and educationcourses for deliverymediators and valuation of their performance;
(3) Gaining more knowledge on distribution system of target market and determination of fiscal resources,
organization of qualified human force, and organization of facilities according to the relative regulations and
available distribution channels;
(4) Grading and rating distribution agents so as tocreateenergy and cooperationamongst them;
(5) Running controlling measures on distributers and grading distribution channels on this basis;
(6) Recognition of various distribution channels such as chain stores, wholesale stores, retails stores, etc.;
(7) Precisemanagement on transport companies in order to provide more efficient services for customers;
(8) Evaluation of inclusive distribution methods or specific agencies in given areas;
(9) Preserving stock for management of market demand;
(10) Completing distribution process and considering all agreements according to which activities will be performed
(Chaharbalesh, 2007).
One of the most important factors to be considered during designing distribution systems is the amount of
purchase by final consumer. Other important factors include decision making priorities of consumer and customer,
geographical distribution of customers, location of delivery, type of product, economical justification of distribution
method, and potential limitations. Futureinvestigations are directed toward launching similar research in other home
appliances and electronics companies and evaluation of effective factors on satisfaction and faithfulness of customers in
other home appliances companies.


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