A. Circle The Word Whose Underlined Part Is Pronounced Differently From The Rest

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Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút

Question I. (10 points)
A. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
1.A sound B touch C down D account
2.A design B preserve C basic D physical
3.A occupation B occasion C shake D miraclulous
4.A concerned B received C attached D concealed
5.A teacher B clear C reason D mean
B. Circle the word whose stress is different from the rest
6.A internet B triangle C interrupt D business
7.A divide B classify C throughout D permanent
8.A personal B necessary C audience D emotional
9.A mountainous B achievement C generous D government
10.A capacity B dangerous C impatient D discuss
Question II. Circle the right word of phrase to complete the sentences (15 points)
11. He is said …………… the entrance exam to that school
A. to have passed B. that he had passed C. to be passed D. that he would pass
12.The bus was full. We ……… find a seat anywhere
A. could B. couldn’t C. were able to D. wasn’t able to
13. By the time you receive this letter, I……..for Ho Chi Minh City
A. will leave B. have left C.will be leaving D. will have left
14. If you go to the market, you might find a…………………
A. trade B. shopping C. chance D. bargain
15. He……. a rare disease when he was working in the hospital
A. took B. suffered C.infected D. caught
16. Many accidents in the home could be….. if we gave more thought to safety in our home
A. avoided B. excluded C. protected D. preserved
17. I’m sorry I never graduated. I’ve always regretted not………college
A. to finish B. finish C. finished D. having finished
18. Neither my brothers nor my sister………..to do the housework
A. have B. has C. having D. is having
19. Peter painted the room black. It looks dark. He……….chosen a different colour
A. had to B. should have C. must have D. could have been
20 Brain paints most evening. He……. and it takes his mind off work
A. find it pleased B. find it relaxing C. is keen D. finds exhausting
21. …..the film………..the play is as interesting as the book
A. Both / and B. Both / or C. Neither / nor D. Not either / or
22. The Asian games have been advancing in all aspects
A. moving forward B. invested C. increasing D. making progress
23. The participants’ efforts were much appreciated when they won some gold medals
A. accepted B. understood C. highly valued D. encouraged
24. ………you want any information, contact this number please
A. Should B. Unless C. Were D. Had
25. Tina never comes here now. We only see her once in a……..moon
A. white B. gold C. yellow D. blue
Question III: Supply the correct form of the verb in bracket.(10 points)
26. Were I (have)…………………… wings, I would’t have to take an airplane to fly home

27. If you (swim)…………………… this afternoon, you shouldn’t eat to much now
28. By the end of next month he (be)……………………. here for ten years
29. The study of languages ( be)……………………very interesting
30. Did you remember ( buy) ………………….. a newspaper on the way home?
31. Neither the president nor his representatives ( be) …………………….to attend the meeting
32. He looked frightened as if he ( see )…………………. a ghost
33. Why are you all laughing? Roger ( tell )……………………. You his funny story?
34. When we arrive in Hanoi tonight, it probably ( rain )…………………….
35. We could’t risk ( leave ) ………………… him alone
Question IV: Supply the correct form of the words in capital letters(10 points)
The site of the town of Winchester was a natural place for a (36)……..… , at the point settle
where river cut through the chalk of the (37)……………..hillside. A simple camp at south
St Catherine’s Hill was the (38)……………..… known use of the site. This was followed by an early
Iron Age hill-fort, but this was left (39)……….……..by 100 BC. It was the Romans who inhabit
finally established the town and(40)……………...it with a defensive wall for the protection of round
their people and trade. With the (41)………….…of its first cathedral in the seventh century, build
the town became an important(42)…………….centre. Later King Alfred, who had religion
(43)…………..….pushed back the invading Danes, moves his palace to Winchester. The town success
then experienced rapid (44)…………….…..and its develop
(45)………....role in English history was underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, centre
like Alfred, made Winchester their capital
Question V. Fill the blank with ONE suitable word (15 points)
Television owes its origins to many inventors. But it was the single-minded determination of an amateur,
John Logie Baird, that led (46)…….the first live television broadcast.
Born in Scotland in 1888 and educated in Glasgow, John Logie Baird earned a living (47)……...a razor-
blade salesman. In the 1890s Guglielmo Marconi showed that sound could (48)…….sent by radio waves. Baird
became convinced that a similar system could transmit a picture. He spent most of (49)…….spare time working on
his ideas in his tiny work-shop without (50)……….commercial support. He (51)……….to use his (52)………
earnings to continue his research. In 1924, Baird successfully transmitted the general outline of the figure over
more (53)……….three meters. He continued to experiment and (54)…..October 25, 1925 transmitted a
recognisable image of a doll. He ran (55)……..to the office on the ground floor and persuaded one of the office
boys to come upstairs. (56)……boy became the first living image transmitted by television. Overnight, Baird
became famous and the money (57)…….. he needed to continue his research was at (58)………made available. In
1927, he made a transmission from London to Glasgow and in 1928 he made (59)……. From London to New
York. He continued experimenting (60)………. Spent his last years exploring the possibility of colour television.
Question VI. Read the passage and circle the correct answer (10 points)
The Pacific Ocean is a body of water of immense size and power. Its name, however, doesn’t reflect the
incredible size and force of this body of water.
In size, the Pacific Ocean is unequaled. The ocean covers an area of 64 million square miles and is by far
the largest of the world’s oceans. It covers a third of the surface of the Earth, it is double the size of the Atlantic,
and it contains more water than all the world’s other oceans combined.
As a force of nature,the Pacific Ocean can be very powerful indeed. The westerly winds produce areas of
stormy precipitation in some parts of the ocean. Topical cyclones, with wind that can be as high as 200 miles per
hour, produce much of the rainfall in the Pacific.
In view of the extreme size and power of the Pacific Ocean, the name that it carries is unexpected.
The Pacific Ocean was given its name by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan , who sailed around the world
in the early sixteenth century. The word Pacific actually means “peaceful”. Magellan named this giant of an ocean

the Pacific because he found its waters to be so much more peaceful than the rough and stormy waters of the
Atlantic that he had crossed earlier in his voyage.
61. The main idea of the passage is that………………………………………………
A. the Pacific and the Atlantic are comparable oceans
B. there is a contrast between the name and the reality of the Pacific
C. the Pacific is quite a paeceful ocean
D. Magellan overestimated the size and strength of the Pacific
62. Look at the word unequaled in paragraph 2. This word could be best replaced by…………..
A. unknown B. the most measured C. average D. the biggest
63. The powerful winds mentioned in the passage come from which direction?
A. From the north B. From the west C. From the south D. From the east
64. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following might be the date of Magellan’s voyage
around the world?
A. 1489-1492 B. 1519-1522 C. 1589-1592 D. 1619-1622
65. It is implied in the passage that Magellan………………
A. did not understand the true nature of the Pacific
B. never actually crossed the Atlantic
C. really thought the Atlantic was quite calm and peaceful
D. never actually sailed on the Pacific
Question VII. Circle the best answer to fill in each blank(10 points)
English has for more than a century and a half(66).....considered a world language. The number of people
who(67).....it as their mother tongue has been estimated at(68)......300 million. It is (69).....as an official language
in countries where 1,5 billion people live. In China, the importance of learning English is(70).....that a television
teaching course drew audiences up to 100 million. But this spread of English throughout the world is relatively
recent.(71)......the late 16th century English was spoken by just under 5 million people. The arrival of English in
North America was the(72).....step in its world-wild expansion. The USA is a huge commercial market and this has
tended to promote the English language in many other nations. About 80% of the data(73).....on the world’s (74)....
is believed to be (75)....English and nowadays insufficient knowledge of English can be a problem in business.
66. A. to be B. been C. is D. well
67. A get B. take C. speak D. make
68 A from B. about C. around D. between
69. A. recognized B. realized C. figured D. received
70. A. so B. now C. such D. the fact
71. A Of B. When C. In D. But
72. A. personal B. magnificent C. spectacular D. key
73. stored B. put C. remained D. controlled
74. A. computers B. computer C. computations D. computing
75. A. by B. of C. with D. in
Question VIII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it mean the same as the given
sentence (10 points)

76. “ that is a very nice dress, Jean”, said her mother

 Jean’mother complemented……………………………………………………………………….
77. I don’t really like her even though I admire her achievements.
 Much……………………………………………………………………………………………….
78. There was no precedent for the King’s resignation
 Never………………………………………………………………………………………………
79. If I find your passport, I will phone you

 Should……………………………………………………………………………………………
80. If I had two wings, I wouldn’t have to take an airplane to fly home
 Were…………………………………………………………………………………………….
81. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
 If it………………………………………………………………………………………………
82. I only realised what I had missed when they told me about it later
 Only when………………………………………………………………………………………..
83. My father speaks very little English
 My father speaks hardly………………………………………………………………………
84. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back
 Hardly……………………………………………………………………………………………
85. They are decorating the living-room
 It is the living-room…………………………………………………………………………….
Question IX. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions (10 points)
86. Do you think this red tie goes……….my blue suit?
87. He is known……….an experienced teacher
88. You should cope ……..difficulties in order to succeed in life
89. This hat is different ………… that one
90. It is very nice ……… you to do the washing up for me . Thank you.
91. Why are you always rude………your parents?
92. We always have the same food every day. I’m fed up …….it.
93. Are you still upset……….. what I said to you yesterday?
94. Don’t bother ……….the tea, I’ve just had mine
95. See what the sign reads “ Entrance……. request”
Question X. There are five mistakes in the five sentences .Find the mistakes and then correct them
(5 points)
96. Anna didn’t come to class today, and she won’t probably come tomorrow, either.
97. I watched T.V last night, and I probably going to watch T.V tonight ,too.
98. I ask my brother for some money, but I know he shall not lend me because he’s very mean
99. After the rain stops, I will going to grow some vegetables
100. Though Pablo Picasso was primarily a painting, he also became a fine sculptor, engraver, and ceramist.

The end

Trường THPT Hàm Rồng
Hướng dẫn chấm đề thi HSG -Lớp 12- 2009- 2010
Từ câu số 1 đến câu số 100 mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm.Tổng điểm toàn bài thi: 100 điểm.
Thang điểm: 20. Điểm bài thi = Tổng những câu làm đúng chia cho 5. Được làm tròn đến 0,25 điểm
Đáp án đề thi HSG lớp 11 - Năm học 2007-2008
Question I: (10 points)
A. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B
B. 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. B
Question II: (15 points)
11. A 14. D 17. D 20. B 23. C
12. B 15. D 18. B 21. C 24. A
13. D 16. A 19. B 22. D 25. D
Question III: (10 points)
26. to have 31. are/ were
27. are going to swim/ are to swim/ are swimming 32. had seen
28. will have been 33. Has Roger been telling
29. is 34. will probably be raining
30. to buy 35. leaving
Question IV: (15 points)
36. settlement 41. building
37. southern 42. religious
38. earliest 43. successfully
39. uninhabited 44. development
40. surrounded 45. central
Question V: (20 points)
46. to 51. had 56. The/ This/ That
47. as 52. own/private/personal 57. which/that
48. be 53. than 58. last/once
49. his 54. on 59. one/another
50. any 55. down/downstairs 60. and

Question VI: (5 points)

61. B 62. D 63. B 64. B 65. CA
Question VII: (10 points)
66. B 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. C 71. C 72. D 73. A 74. A 75. D
Question VIII: (10 points)
76. Jean’s mother complemented heron her/the (lovely) new dress
77. Much as I admire her achievements, I don’t really like her
78. Never before had any king resigned
79. Should I find your passport, I will phone you
80. Were I to have two wings, I wouldn’t have to take an airplane to fly home
81. If it hadn’t been for my father’s money, we couldn’t have managed
82. Only when they told me about it later did I realise what I had missed
83. My father speaks hardly any English
84. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back

85. It is the living-room that is being decorated
Question IX: (10 points)
86. with 91. to
87. as 92. with
88. with 93. about
89. from 94. about
90. of 95. on
Question X: (5 points)
96. won’t probably--------------------------- probably won’t
97. and I probablygoing--------------------- and I’m
98. shall--------------------------------------- won’t
99. will go ----------------------------------- I’m going
100. painting--------------------------------- painter

The end


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