Alert Set Up
Alert Set Up
Alert Set Up
1. Make sure user is assigned to the IC_MANAGER business role in CRM.
3. Choose PROCESS MODELING -> ALERTS from the navigation bar menu to display the alert
5. Click NEW to create a new alert message
6. Enter an Alert ID, a description and a message text and click SAVE AND BACK
The message will be the text that displays in the center box of IC Web when the alert is
triggered. The description is not required.
8. Set up the Rule Policy.
Select PROCESS MODELING -> RULE POLICIES (for advanced alerts go to page 21 first)
9. Enter search criteria INTENT DRIVEN INTERACTION (IC WEBCLIENT) for Context and click SEARCH
10. Click NEW, select INTENT DRIVEN INTERACTION (IC WEBCLIENT) for context, enter a policy name
and click ok.
11. Select the first line of the policy. In the Business Roles box click Add Entry. Choose the policy
that should apply. Do the same with the IC Events box to add the event that should trigger the
policy (in this case when the BP is being confirmed).
12. Mark the line DRAFT RULES and click NEW twice to create 2 new subnotes
13. Mark the last line (the one with the brackets).
In this case our goal is to always raise an alert, we will select a condition that is always ‘True’.
For advanced alerts you will not want to do this.
Click ADD ENTRY in the condition section and select CALENDAR TODYAS DATE, change the
operator to IS NOT EQUAL TO and leave the value as it is.
14. Select ADD ENTRY in the Actions section, select TRIGGER ALERT from the drop down and the
correct value for the Alert Name
15. When everything is entered select RELEASE DRAFT RULES from the MORE menu (must be done
in Edit mode).
16. This will set the rules to RELEASED. Now click SAVE
17. Using the back button inside the Application area (NOT the browser back button) return to the
Policy search and execute search again to see the new policy
18. Log into your regular IC Web Business Role, confirm a BP and verify that the alert appears
19. If needed, the alert can be temporary disabled (instead of deleted) by simply removing the
Business Role trigger.
In order to do this call up the policy, mark the header line as well as the Business Role entry ,
click DELETE ENTRY and save
Alert Messages (CRMD_IC_TRANS_ALERT)
The Alert Messages can also be create in transaction CRMD_IC_TRANS_ALERT and transported.
Rule Policies
If the alert is intended to be permanent it should be created in the development system and transported
In order to transport rule policies they will need to be build in IC Web via role IC_MANAGER.
Then go into the CRM Win Client (for this client) to transaction CRMD_ERMS_TRANS_RULE.
Giving you a list of Rule Policies
Mark the policies you want to transport and click add to transport.
Mark Z_CRM_FORCLOSE and select display
You can go to CRMC_ERMS_SM_SRV, select the service and click display to see the assigned class
Double click on method IF_CRM_SMF_SERVICE~EXECUTE
This will show you the coding on CRM side. The new indicators need to be added to the coding. To do
this follow the other code from indicators already set up. The ls_bmd_fg_xxxx should come from the IS-
U structure zbmdfgstr component field. The id = ‘xxxx’ is the attribute name that was created in
An additional FM being used is Z_S_EXEC_CRM_TMD_FG which supports the owner allocation alerts
by retrieving the property attributes as well as owner object numbers and name.
This FM is linked to another Fact Gathering service on CRM side (Z_FG_UTILITY_TMD).
Process Flow:
- The rule policy will check if the condition applies by verifying the attribute
- The attribute is linked to a Fact gathering Service
- The Fact Gathering Service has a Class
- The class contains a RFC to call the IS-U function module
- The function module will query the database via the coding behind the attributes of ZISUACCNT