State 0wned Bank

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The banking sector of Bangladesh is one of the major contributors to the Bangladesh economy
with the commercial sector playing a pivotal role in the financial sector. The banking industry in
Bangladesh began with six nationalized commercialized banks, two state-owned specialized
banks and three foreign banks after Bangladesh attained independence in 1971. In the 1980s, the
banking industry of Bangladesh achieved significant development with the establishment of
private banks. Since then, various other forms of financial institutions have been formed to
reform the transaction system in Bangladesh. Currently, there are five major categories of
banking in existence- Central Bank, State- owned Commercial Banks (SCBs), Private
Commercial Banks (PCBs), Foreign Commercial Banks, Specialized Development Banks. And
in this assignment, we try to show total assets and number of branches of each bank and also
show the CAMEL ratings position of each bank

 State –Owned Bank In BD:

Sonali bank LTD. 1214 BDT-1.2( trillions)
Janata Bank LTD 912 BDT 779.6 (billions)
Agrani Bank LTD 921 BDT 62357( Crore)
Rupali bank ltd 570 BDT 24703.03( millions)
BASIC Bank LTD 69 BDT 198816.67 (Millions)
Bangladesh development Bank Ltd 32 BDT 54.55 (billions)

 Specialized State-Owned Bank In BD:

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Ltd 1029 BDT 234448780749 (Crore)
Rajshahi krishi bank Ltd 375 BDT 34689705922 (crore)
Probashi kallayan bank Ltd 63 Bdt 2438945619( crore)
 Private Commercial Bank In BD:
AB Bank Ltd 104 BDT 319172.25( millions)
Bangladesh commerce bank Ltd 21 BDT 17390860230( Crore)
Bank Asia Ltd 90 BDT 2909462 (millions)
BRAC bank Ltd 176 BDT 319550( millions)
Community Bank
City bank 102 BDT 328923849907 (crore)
Dhaka bank 100 BDT 260812322563 (crore)
Dutch- Bangla bank Ltd 181 BDT 311.91( billions)
Eastern bank Ltd 86 BDT 256299765540 (crore)
IFICI bank Ltd 136 BDT 7717.91( billions)
Jamuna bank Ltd 33 BDT 213689.01 (millions)
Meghna bank Ltd 47 BDT 39800221664 (crore)
Mercantile bank Ltd 129 BDT 261393987336( crore)
Midland Bank Ltd 26 BDT 35352( millions)
Modhumoti bank Ltd 29 BDT 45050 (Millions)
Mutual trust bank Ltd 112 BDT 214176652841( crore)
National bank Ltd 200 BDT 246 (billion)
NCC BANK Ltd 109 BDT 203645697936( crore)
NRB BANK Ltd 36 BDT 24730( millions)
NRB Commercial bank Ltd 53 BDT 52929851230 (crore)
NRB Global bank Ltd 45
One bank Ltd 31 BDT 227202(millions)
Premier bank Ltd 104 BDT 182537051926 (Crore)
Prime bank Ltd 146 BDT 779.6( billion)
Pubali bank Ltd 465 BDT 368314617750 (crore)
South Bangla & Agriculture bank 61 BDT 65577885397 (crore)
Southeast bank Ltd 133 BDT 339288 (million)
Standard bank Ltd 113 BDT 2028 (billion)
The Farmers bank Ltd 56 US$ 456583( thousands)
Trust bank Ltd 111 BDT 241387867242 (crore)
Ubited commercial bank Ltd 170 BDT 36331480013( crore)
Uttara Bank Ltd 233 BDT 178879.6( million)
 Islami Shariah Based Bank In BD:
Al-Arafah Bank Ltd 119 BDT 337557824372
EXIM bank Ltd 118 BDT 347437792249
First security islami bank Ltd 170 BDT 343739479294
ICB Islami bank Ltd 33 BDT 12257720009
Islami bank Ltd 338 BDT 797.93( billion)
Shajalal bank Ltd 115 BDT 220249053616
Social Islami bank Ltd 114 BDT 249876679394
Union bank Ltd 67 BDT 131677566421

 Foreign Bank In BD:

Bank AL-Falah Ltd 7 989 (Billion)
Citi bank N.A 4
Commercial bank of Ceylon PLC 250 49848044694( millions)
HABIB Bank 1750 2684101699 (millions)
HSBC bank 13 1864181( millions)
National bank of Pakistan 4 2369885( millions)
Standard chartered bank 26 546166670( millions)
Woori bank 6
State bank of India 1300 US$ 480 (billions)
2.0. CAMELS Rating For 2018 of Different Banks in Bangladesh
Under this rating system, banking companies are assigned two sets of ratings- (i) performance
ratings, based on six individual ratings that address six components of CAMELS (capital, assets,
management, earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk) and (ii) an overall composite
rating based on a comprehensive assessment of the overall condition of the banking company.
Both ratings are expressed by using a numerical scale of “1” to “5” in ascending order of
supervisory concern, “1” representing the best rating, while “5” indicating the worst. Any bank
rated 4 or 5, i.e., ‘Marginal’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’ under the composite CAMELS rating is
generally identified as a problem bank, and the activities of these banks are closely monitored by
Bangladesh Bank. At present, there are two problem banks, which are under intensive
monitoring of BB.

The acronym CAMELS stand for the following factors that examiners use to rate Bank/FIs:

 Capital Adequacy:

Examiners assess institutions' capital adequacy through capital trend analysis. Examiners also
check if institutions comply with regulations pertaining to risk-based net worth requirement. To
get a high capital adequacy rating, institutions must also comply with interest and dividend rules
and practices.

 Asset Quality:

Asset quality covers an institutional loan's quality which reflects the earnings of the institution.
Assessing asset quality involves rating investment risk factors that the company may face and
comparing them to the company's capital earnings. This shows the stability of the company when
faced with particular risks.
 Management:

Management assessment determines whether an institution is able to properly react to financial

stress. This component rating is reflected by the management's capability to point out, measure,
look after and control risks of the institution's daily activities. It covers the management's ability
to ensure the safe operation of the institution as they comply with the necessary and applicable
internal and external regulations.

 Earnings:

An institution's ability to create appropriate returns to be able to expand, retains competitiveness,

and add capital is a key factor in rating its continued viability. Examiners determine this by
assessing the company's growth, stability, valuation allowances, net interest margin, net worth
level and the quality of the company's existing assets.

 Liquidity:

To assess a company's liquidity, examiners look at interest rate risk sensitivity, availability of
assets which can easily be converted to cash, dependence on short-term volatile financial
resources and ALM technical competence.

 Sensitivity:

Sensitivity covers how particular risk exposures can affect institutions. Examiners assess an
institution's sensitivity to market risk by monitoring the management of credit concentrations. In
this way, examiners are able to see how lending to specific industries affects an institution.

2.1. Position of each bank (CAMELS) Rating

The Capital, Asset, Management, Earning, Liquidity and Sensitivity to the market risk
(CAMELS) Rating of different commercial banks of Bangladesh, based on the performance as
on June 2018, are as follows. Serial made on the basis of performance and first local then foreign

 Strong or ‘A-class’ Banks

1. Shahjalal Islami Bank
2. Exim Bank
3. Standard Bank
4. Southeast Bank
5. South Bangla Agriculture Bank
6. Commercial Bank of Ceylon
 Satisfactory or ‘B-class’ Banks
1. Mercantile Bank
2. Dutch-Bangla Bank
3. Premier Bank
4. Islami Bank Bangladesh
5. Bank Asia
6. Pubali Bank
7. Al-Arafah Islami Bank
8. Mutual Trust Bank
9. Dhaka Bank
10. NCC Bank
11. Jamuna Bank
12. BRAC Bank
13. United Commercial Bank
14. One Bank
15. The Trust Bank
16. Eastern Bank
17. Meghna Bank
18. Union Bank
19. Midland Bank
20. NRB Global Bank
21. Modhumoti Bank
22. NRBC Bank
23. NRB Bank
24. Farmers Bank
25. Shimanto Bank
26. Citi Bank N. A
27. HSBC
28. Standard Chartered Bank
29. State Bank of India
30. Bank Al-Falah
 Fair or ‘C-class’ Banks
1. AB Bank
2. Social Islami Bank
3. First Security Islami Bank
4. Prime Bank
5. Uttara Bank
6. National Bank
7. IFIC Bank
8. The City Bank
9. Agrani Bank
10. Bangladesh Commerce Bank
11. Bangladesh Development Bank
12. Woori Bank
13. Habib Bank
14. National Bank of Pakistan

 Marginal or ‘D-class’ Banks

1. Janata Bank
2. Rupali Bank
3. Sonali Bank
4. BASIC Bank

 Unsatisfactory or ‘E-class’ Banks

1. Bangladesh Krishi Bank
2. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank
3. ICB Islami bank

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