Cues Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Goals and Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation

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Cues Nursing Analysis Goals and Objectives Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Short-term Goal: MET
Subjective Cues: SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS Independent The mother was able
Interrupted After the nursing intervention, the Developmental 1. Explaining the purpose and to sustain lactation
- 33 weeks old Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is the mother will be able to demonstrate importance of using and continued doing
infant related to the process of giving milk to a techniques to sustain lactation until Discuss to the mother orogastric tube feeding to breastfeed to the
- Delivered via present baby directly from the the infant is allowed to breastfeed. the purpose and the infant will lessen the infant.
emergency low condition of breast, which supplies all importance of parents' fears and
segment the infant as necessary nutrients for the Long-term Goal: orogastric tube feeding understand that orogastric MET
cesarean evidence by baby's proper growth and to the premature infant. tube feeding can help their The infant was able to
section due to separation of development. Also, After the nursing intervention, the infant gain adequate achieve the proper
transverse lie the infant breastfeeding helps to infant will be able to achieve the Encourage the mother nutrition and medication. nutritional
thickly and the protect babies from proper nutritional requirement to obtain adequate rest, (Wayne, 2018) requirement through
meconium mother. diseases and infections through the recommended amount of fluid and nutritional the recommended
stained (HealthyFamiliesBC, 2013). breast milk per feeding. intake. 2. Promoting healthy lifestyle amount of breast milk
amniotic fluid will be able to help the per feeding.
Interrupted breastfeeding Objectives: Discourage the use of mother to sustain adequate
Objective Cues: pertains as a break in the formula milk while milk production and breast MET
continuity of providing milk After three days of nursing explaining to the feeding process. (Vera, The mother was able
- Orogastric to an infant directly from intervention, the mother will be able mother the importance 2019) to identify and
tube feeding the breasts, which may to: of breastmilk, especially enumerate at least
- Feeds with 3cc compromise breastfeeding on the neonate. 3. Explaining the importance three purposes of
every 3 hours success and nutritional 1. Enumerate at least three purposes of breastmilk during the orogastric tube
of expressed status of the infant. (Jalil, of orogastric tube feeding. Teach the mother first years of the neonate feeding.
breastmilk in 2017). (Cognitive) regarding the proper will educate the mother
the morning positioning of the about the advantages of MET
- The infant was SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 2. Compare and differentiate neonate during breastmilk compared to The mother was able
placed in breastmilk to formula milk in breastfeeding. formula milk. It will also to compare and
isolette. The infant was born relation to nutritional value. motive the patient to differentiate the
- Temperature: premature (33 weeks old). (Cognitive) Collaborative understand the importance nutritional value of
36.9 °C He was placed on isolette Facilitative of breastmilk for the breastmilk and
- Heart rate: 140 to isolate him from germs. 3. Fully understand the importance infant’s health. (Jalil, 2017) formulated milk.
bpm The infant was also eating and benefits of using orogastric Make contact with
- Respiratory by orogastric tube. tube feeding to premature healthcare professions 4. Proper positioning during MET
rate: 50 cpm neonates. (Affective) in referring methods for breastfeeding helps the The mother was able
effective breastfeeding. baby remove the milk from to understand the
4. Perform at least three methods the breast and swallow importance and
with their corresponding infant Refer to the dietician or easily and prevent the benefits of using
positioning, which will prevent nutritionist for the nipples from becoming orogastric tube
any complications and injuries for client to have a diet tender. (Hohman 2020). feeding to the health
the infant. (Psychomotor) plan that can fit for her of the infant.
current condition. 5. Making referrals to other
healthcare professionals MET
will help to prevent The mother was able
malnutrition if ineffective to perform proper
breastfeeding is observed. positioning of the
(Jalil, 2017) infant and was able to
explain their rationale.
6. To assist in making a diet
plan for the patient based
on their medical condition
and individual needs. (Role
of the Registered Dietitian,

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