3D Photogrammetric Model of Eflatunpinar Monument
3D Photogrammetric Model of Eflatunpinar Monument
3D Photogrammetric Model of Eflatunpinar Monument
Case Study
Eflatunpinar monument is located about 25 km at the North of Beysehir (Konya–Turkey). The monument which belongs to Hittite Empire Age
was known since xix century and there are several papers written on this monument in the literature. The monument which is 7.02 m wide and
3.6 m high was built of large tracit block stones. Latest excavation carried out by Konya’s Archeology Museum in 1996 showed that the monument
was built with some other parts and surrounded by a water channel. These results have pushed the scientist into a discussion – as it has usually been
done intensively several times in the past – on environmental arrangements surrounding the monument. Hittite scripts brought to light implicate
that monument surrounded by trees and prohibited someone to cut these trees off by law. Archaeological studies done on Eflatunpinar monument
were carried out by classical techniques. Therefore, those studies were limited by capabilities of classical techniques and were not able to present
more than plan and some cross-sections. By this study, it is made a modern approach which is alternative to classical technique and using a digital
and virtual environment provided by computer technology. As a result of this study, all measurements can easily be collected by the help of this
3D virtual model of the monument with no need to be on the site at any time they are required. Complete 3D model will also provide a numerical
evaluation, interpretation and several analyses on monument together with its environment and surroundings. This 3D virtual model approach will
bring a novelty into Hittite archeology.
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270 G. Karauğuz et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 10 (2009) 269–274
3D models, orthophotos and plans can then be used to rebuild the known as Lower Land (KUR ŠAPLITI), Tarhuntašša or Hulaia
monument as similar as how it was before the destruction, even River Land was governed by Kurunta who called himself as
if in the cases of that intervention is undertaken subsequently a “Great King”. Governer of the Lower Land before Kurunta
to partial collapse of the monument. In such occasions, some was Hannutti. Later on, competition between IV. Tuthaliia and
materials are replaced and the restoration works are run by the Kurunta was seen in this Land.
engineer with respect to those plans, whose most significant So, it is assumed that Eflatunpinar monument (or open air
criterion is accuracy. temple) was built at that time of this competition (for date of
Today, measurement procedures carried out in excavated monument) [7–9,10,12,15,17–20]. Ruins of the open air temple,
archaeological sites and for objects found at these excavation which consisted of a pool area surround by a low level site walls
sites represent a very interesting contest where the potential- in front of it (in terms of our opinion it is a worshipping Garth
ities of new digital technologies of photogrammetry can be surrounded by a low level wall), were brought to the light after an
productively expressed. But, some difficulties related to the 3D archaeological excavation by Archaeologic Museum of Konya.
modelling from digital images can be encountered when mod- Some figures were seen as they were carved on the façade
elling surfaces and complex archaeological structures. Several of temple monument which was built up as enormous stone
problems can also come out at any time with respect to mod- blocks. Any manuscripts cannot be found on the monument and
elling of terrain or of manmade objects. We can even meet with suggested that those are only figures [14].
some problems related to the data acquisition and integration These figures were interpreted as hybrid creatures which were
and to the automatic or semi-automatic data handling, or to new lion-bull men carved on the stones surrounding a one god and
methods for data representation and exploration in general. In goddess couple’s figure with tapering conical cap on their head
spite of these problems and difficulties, digital photogrammetry [7,15]. In our opinion, they are probability men whirling around
technique has been used successfully and proved its potentiality themselves, similar to ceremonies seen in Mevlana rituals.
on providing 3D models and documentation of historical mon- Due to the uncompleted two stone blocks just at 2 m back of
uments and archaeological sites with successive studies in the the monument, there are several opinions on how should be the
practice. original status of the monument [9–12]. One of these opinions
Anatolia is one of the very few special and unique places in assumes that arslantash and Fasillar monuments were located
the world that have played a cradle role for many civilizations on Eflatunpinar monument [9]. It was also argued that these
during the every stage of human history. In Anatolia, there are two monuments were not representing features that follows the
plenty of historical assets, monuments, constructions, items and features on Eflatunpinar monument [15].
so on trying to stay stand on the ground or just underneath the In our opinion, these two monuments do not complete each
ground and buried by soil. They all have been remained from other [16]. Eflatunpinar monument is also an especially impor-
the time of these civilizations. All those historical assets reflect tant historical asset since it was located at the intersection of the
life style and carry traces of their owners, user or contractors routes from the gates of Hittites opening to the West (Arzawa).
to our time from the time when those owners lived in this great Contrary to that, Fasillar was located at the the intersection of the
land, Anatolia. One of the great civilization left traces of their routes from the gates of Hittites opening to the South (Lukka).
civilization in this land is Hittite community. Several historical Therefore, such monuments are assumed as open sacred places
remains from Hittites have been found especially in the region located on these routes [16].
of Konya which is a great city located at the heart of Anatolia. It is suggested that around this monument and similar’s
should be surrounded by decoration trees and also it should be
2. The monument of Eflatunpinar prohibited to violate such sacred places [21,22].
modelling and visualization, processes which benefit from more veying technique. This system is preferably defined as its XY
comprehensive measurement and imagery data. A third trend can plane perpendicular to horizon and Z-axis towards location of
be related to developments in photogrammetric data processing, cameras (and perpendicular to XY plane). Geometric positions
including improved computational models, and the development of control points must form volume, i.e., they must not lie on
of automated image measurement and photogrammetric orien- only one plane, otherwise collinearity equations will not obtain
tation software systems designed for use with low-cost digital reasonable solution for unknowns [24]. After determining con-
cameras. trol points, images have to be taken from different positions. It
is not necessary that all control points be visible in all images,
but in each image at least six control points have to be visible to
3.1. Photogrammetric processes solve collinearity equations since a full camera calibration with
11 parameters is necessary in the case of non-metric camera use.
In archaeological photogrammetry, we like to fulfil the goal: In this process, unknown parameters such as camera orientation
metric information describing the monument’s construction sys- angles (Omega, Fi, Kapa) and perspective center coordinates and
tem and its spatial layout, starting from the three-dimensional focal length of each camera will be solved. Then, if a real point
structure when the decision taken ends up with conservation, in object space was visible in more than one image, object space
reconstruction and even documentation. Nowadays the results coordinates of that point can be computed by method of inter-
can be displayed in three different ways: handmade drawings, section. Finally, we have image coordinates of a specific point
CAD drawings, 3D visualisations and animations. The methods in all images, so it is possible to calculate ground coordinates of
devised for documentation have some added disadvantages such that point by intersection method in a least square manner.
as slowness and laboriousness, in some cases, and high cost in
other cases, when acceptable results are expected. Thus, they
may not be operative in some circumstances [23]. Close-range 4. Case study
digital photogrammetry can solve those problems, because it
provides reliable representations of historical structures docu- In order to experiment the potentiality of image-based meth-
mented in a fast, precise and inexpensive way. ods for the metric documentation and the 3D reconstruction of
To apply close range photogrammetry (in such a specific an important archaeological site such as the one studied in this
project), after determining the object which is supposed to be project, a close-range photogrammetric survey of the monument
modelled, it is necessary to design control points in a way and the surrounding details was conducted in the autumn sea-
homogenously distributed all over the facades of monument. son of 2006. The images were acquired by means of a digital
Control points must be seen clearly and visibly in images and camera: Olympus C8080 (8 M pixel). This camera had already
their coordinates (X, Y, Z) are known in a reference coordinate been calibrated for previous works. So that it can directly be
system most probably measured by the help of a traditional sur- related to the realization of accurate metric object restitution.
Fig. 3. The finished work as orthophoto and line artwork (a) and 3D models (from side and top) (b) of the monument.
G. Karauğuz et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 10 (2009) 269–274 273
Once the model has been established, it is necessary to adjust Fig. 4. Distribution of the camera shooting stations.
it to the ground’s co-ordinate system. Control point coordinates
are introduced with that purpose. Thus, a new adjustment is done
which grants correct levelling, orientation and scaling of the 3D back to the photogrammetric digital files of the building in order
model. to complete any information missing. Collecting data on a regu-
lar basis will enable us to trace the evolution of the pathologies
4.2. The last step is the construction of the model being studied through time. Digital photogrammetric systems
allow the use of conventional digital cameras and consequently
The information contained in the photographs will be mate- lower costs (about 600 D ) [30], which is a novelty with regard
rialized manually marking all of the elements of interest on the to analytical photogrammetric systems and photogrammetric
photographs, so that they can be reflected in the following doc- analogical cameras. The shots taken using the digital camera
uments: digital plans (3D and 2D), lists of co-ordinates with were directly transferred and processed. The calibration of the
information on the errors observed, etc. Several tools of resti- Olympus digital camera was carried out in order to improve the
tution are available: points, lines, polylines (or other graphic quality of the numeric and graphic results, determining its aber-
entities such as cylinders, circumferences, etc.). The resulting rations (focal length, principal point and lens radial distortion).
models containing metric information and the 3D models are The digital photogrammetric system used also allows the use
available to be exported in conventional formats (dxf, vrml, of non-calibrated cameras. In this case, the system carries out
etc.) into other programs in order to be visualized, edited or self-calibration for each of the pictures used.
processed. Another feature of the system is its capability to gen- Due to the characteristics of the Photomodeler Pro 4.0 mono-
erate 3D models of surfaces and the subsequent projection of scopic digital photogrammetric system, the tasks required for
real textures, captured from the object’s photographs onto those generating the 3D models were performed by people with very
models of surfaces (Fig. 2 and 3). little training, thanks to the user-friendliness of the system [31].
The main disadvantage when using a monoscopic vision system
5. Conclusion is the slow speed observed in the building restitution process,
when compared to stereoscopic vision systems. This drawback
3D model shown below were produced by the monoscopic was overcome in the work described in this paper by carefully
digital photogrammetric system used (up to a few years ago, only selecting beforehand the elements of the building to be resti-
stereoscopic analytical systems were available). The proposed tuted that would allow a thorough structural analysis. The total
digital system works on all kinds of personal computers and the number of points handled for generating the models was 276
most commonly used operating systems. The low investment and the total number of photograms 43. Lab work was carried
required to tune the equipment up makes digital systems the out by one person for a week. The relative orientation of the
best option available [29]. photograms is done after marking in different pictures series of
Orthophoto of the monument façade was created by the soft- points common to at least two shots. Two hundred and seventy-
ware used. Then 3D rendering of the monument was created six points in all were used and special care was taken to make
with photo-realistic textures as shown in Fig. 4. sure that they were homogeneously distributed throughout the
These textures have been implemented starting from the pho- photograms. We decided not to include any more points since
tographic shots of the object. The results obtained clearly show that would have meant increasing the amount of work with no
the advantages the method has. Information is continuous and bearing or increase in accuracy. Absolute orientation was carried
homogenous for the whole of the model analysed. There is out by means of the points measured using topographical meth-
another interesting advantage: the amount and kind of infor- ods. Fifty-seven points were used, only those easy to identify
mation to be extracted is a decision that can be made in the lab on the photograms, because it was very clear that using dubious
phase. Therefore, in this phase, tasks are adapted to each and points made the quality of the results poorer. From this phase
every need. This implies greater flexibility, since these actions onwards, the photogrammetric station enables us to know the
do not condition fieldwork. On the other hand, one can always go spatial co-ordinates of any point and therefore any distance or
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