Debit Mastercard For Single Message System Guide: 25 October 2018

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Debit Mastercard for

Single Message System

25 October 2018

Summary of Changes, 25 October 2018

Summary of Changes, 25 October 2018

This document reflects changes associated with the Single Message System Releases 18.Q4

Description of Change Where to Look

Authorization IQ is a feature within Decision Fraud Prevention Services


All instances of Mastercard Spend Alerts replaced Throughout

with Consumer Controls.

All instances of Mastercard Spend Controls Throughout

replaced with Consumer Controls.

Recurring Payment Cancellation Service is Throughout

renamed to Payment Cancellation.

Updated the following section: Consumer Controls

• Consumer Controls

All instances of RPCS replaced with Payment Throughout


Updated the following section: Issuer File Update Requests

• Issuer File Update Requests

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 2


Summary of Changes, 25 October 2018........................................................... 2

Chapter 1: Introduction to Debit Mastercard................................................ 7

Debit Mastercard Overview................................................................................................ 8
Benefits to Issuers.............................................................................................................. 9
Supported Message Types.................................................................................................. 9

Chapter 2: Fraud Prevention Services..............................................................11

Fraud Notification Service.................................................................................................12
Fraud Rule Manager for ATMs.......................................................................................... 13
Decision Intelligence.........................................................................................................13
Authorization IQ..........................................................................................................14
Expert Monitoring for Issuers............................................................................................14
Fraud Rule Manager.........................................................................................................15
Mastercard Secure Code Accountholder Authentication Value Verification....................... 16
Overview Enhanced Issuer Identification........................................................................... 17
Address Verification Service.............................................................................................. 17

Chapter 3: Mastercard In Control...................................................................... 18

Mastercard In Control Overview....................................................................................... 19
Mastercard In Control Virtual Card Service for Debit Mastercard.......................................19
Consumer Controls.......................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 4: Online Transaction Processing..................................................... 21

OnLine Transaction Processing Overview...........................................................................22
Acquiring Debit Mastercard Transactions.......................................................................... 22
Issuing Debit Mastercard Transactions.............................................................................. 22
Debit Mastercard Authorization........................................................................................23
Single Message System Partial Approvals..................................................................... 24
Single Message System Account Balance Display......................................................... 25
DE 35 Track 2 Data...........................................................................................................26
Global Clearing Management System...............................................................................26
Single Message System Guaranteed Advice Delivery......................................................... 28
Issuer Responsibilities in Clearing and Settling Transactions...............................................28
Debit Mastercard Implementation.................................................................................... 28

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Chapter 5: Exception Item Processing............................................................. 30

Exception Item Processing Overview................................................................................. 31
Debit Mastercard Process and Procedures......................................................................... 31
Retrieval Request......................................................................................................... 32
Debit Mastercard Chargebacks.................................................................................... 32
Debit Mastercard Representment.................................................................................32
Single Message System Arbitration Chargeback........................................................... 33
Debit Mastercard Chargeback Reversals.......................................................................33

Chapter 6: Settlement Management............................................................... 34

Settlement Management Overview.................................................................................. 35
Direct Settlement Process................................................................................................. 35
Debit Mastercard Clearing and Reconciliation.............................................................. 36
Current Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-1).............................................36
Previous Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-2)............................................ 37
Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary Report (SWCHD364)............................ 37
Fedwire Settlement Account............................................................................................ 38

Chapter 7: Account Management System.....................................................39

Account Management System Overview.......................................................................... 40
Online File Update Processing...........................................................................................40
Issuer File Update Requests.............................................................................................. 40

Chapter 8: Stand-In Processing........................................................................... 45

Stand-In Processing Overview........................................................................................... 46
Applies To Stand-In Processing......................................................................................... 46
Customer Impact for Stand-In Processing......................................................................... 47
Technical Description for Stand-In Processing....................................................................48
Debit Mastercard Requirements................................................................................... 48
Debit Mastercard POS Transactions Supported.........................................................48
Debit Mastercard Transactions Eligible for Stand-In Processing..................................... 48
Debit Mastercard Transactions Not Supported in Stand-In Processing.......................49
PIN Verification Value on File Service............................................................................ 49
PVV/PIN Offset File Format........................................................................................... 49
Debit Mastercard POS Transaction Flows.......................................................................... 51
Financial Transaction/02xx—Exception, Debit Mastercard Stand-In Processing, No
Response from Issuer................................................................................................... 51
Stand-In Parameter Levels................................................................................................ 53
How to Participate in Stand-In Processing......................................................................... 54

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Stand-In Account Validation Services................................................................................ 54

Chapter 9: 250-byte Batch Data File.................................................................56

250-byte Batch Data File Overview................................................................................... 57
250-byte Batch Data File.................................................................................................. 57

Chapter 10: Debit Mastercard Reports............................................................59

Debit Mastercard Reports Overview..................................................................................60

Chapter 11: Using Single Message Transaction Manager..................... 61

Using Single Message Transaction Manager—Overview....................................................62
Transaction History Window............................................................................................. 63
HotCard Facility................................................................................................................63
Database Files.................................................................................................................. 64
MDS Stand-In...................................................................................................................64
Time Based Payments.......................................................................................................65

Chapter 12: Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees...........................................66

Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees Overview......................................................................67
Debit Mastercard Interchange Fees...................................................................................67
Debit Mastercard Offline Fees...........................................................................................67
Debit Mastercard Switch Fees...........................................................................................67
Currency Conversion........................................................................................................ 67

Chapter 13: Debit Mastercard Testing Requirements.............................. 69

Debit Mastercard System Testing Overview....................................................................... 70
Single Message System Testing Environment.....................................................................70
Debit Mastercard Testing Costs.........................................................................................70
Debit Mastercard Online Testing Scheduling..................................................................... 71
Debit Mastercard Test Scripts............................................................................................71
Testing Requirements for Debit Mastercard Implementation............................................. 71
Debit Test Facility for Online Testing............................................................................. 71
Debit Test Facility Requirements for New Customers.................................................... 71
Debit Mastercard Background for Testing.....................................................................71
Debit Test Facility Requirements for Existing Customers................................................72

Appendix A: GCMS to Single Message System Data Element

Mapping......................................................................................................................... 73
Single Message System Data Element Mapping................................................................ 74

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 6
Introduction to Debit Mastercard

Chapter 1 Introduction to Debit Mastercard

This section provides a high-level overview of the benefits of processing with Debit Mastercard®.

Debit Mastercard Overview............................................................................................................. 8

Benefits to Issuers........................................................................................................................... 9
Supported Message Types............................................................................................................... 9

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Introduction to Debit Mastercard
Debit Mastercard Overview

Debit Mastercard Overview

Debit Mastercard® is a signature-based deposit account access program that serves as a
replacement for checks and cash. Debit Mastercard cards are accepted by merchants that
accept credit cards and can have online personal identification number (PIN) capability for
ATM or PIN point-of-sale (POS) transactions.
Debit Mastercard transactions do not require a PIN; the signature can be used as cardholder
verification. Signature transactions are acquired through the Dual Message System.
Debit Mastercard is unique from Single Message System product offerings because of its use
of the credit card acceptance infrastructure for acquiring transactions. Traditional debit cards
are used at ATMs (Cirrus®) and at online POS terminals (Maestro®) that are PIN capable.
Transactions are acquired through the Mastercard® Network and forwarded to the issuer for
authorization. The Single Message System provides issuers with subsequent online advice
messages for account posting.
The same benefits offered to standard Mastercard cardholders can be available to all Debit
Mastercard cardholders. These benefits can include lodging services such as guaranteed
reservations, express checkout, advance resort deposit, and check cashing.
Debit Mastercard enhances the financial institution’s ATM card to enable usage at millions of
Mastercard merchants worldwide. Cardholders can use their Debit Mastercard cards to get
cash at more than 1 million ATMs in the Mastercard Network accepting the Mastercard®,
Maestro®, and Cirrus® brands.

Feature Debit Mastercard Maestro and Cirrus

Cardholder Identification Signature PIN always at ATM

Signature at non-ATM Some countries use signature for
PIN always at ATM

System Format Dual message-initiated with a Single message-initiated with

preauthorization message; Financial Transaction/02xx
clearing financial advice record messages (authorization and
follows. clearing)

Posting to Cardholder Account 2.31 days on average 1 day

BIN Range 222100 - 272099 ISO-defined ranges, for example,

50nnnn, 56nnnn–58nnnn,

BIN Length 6 positions 4–11 positions

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Introduction to Debit Mastercard
Benefits to Issuers

Benefits to Issuers
By adding Debit Mastercard to their portfolios, issuers can benefit in the following ways.
• Issuers gain a larger share of the consumer payments market.
• Issuers can leverage an existing connection to the Single Message System for Debit
Mastercard processing, thereby minimizing systems development investment.

NOTE: Adapt processing to behave similarly to a Dual Message issuer, simply keeping the
advantage of having one primary interface to Mastercard.
• The Single Message System manages all changes required to support the Debit Mastercard
interface, including changes originating in the credit applications.

Supported Message Types

The Single Message System supports the following ISO 8583–1987 message types for
processing Debit Mastercard transactions.
For more information about message types, refer to the Single Message System Specifications

MTI Description

Financial Transaction/02xx Messages

0200 Financial Transaction Request

0210 Financial Transaction Request Response

0220 Financial Transaction Advice

0220 Financial Transaction Advice—Debit Mastercard

0230 Financial Transaction Advice Response

File Update/03xx Messages

0302 File Update Request

0312 File Update Request Response

Reversal Advice/04xx Messages

0420 Acquirer Reversal Advice

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Introduction to Debit Mastercard
Supported Message Types

MTI Description

0422 Issuer Reversal Advice

0430 Acquirer Reversal Advice Response

0432 Issuer Reversal Advice Response

The word reversal is often used generically to mean any change or exception made to an
original transaction, and the name of the 042x message type, “Reversal Advice,” suggests this
generic meaning is the appropriate usage.
A Reversal Advice/042x message can contain one of the following:
• An acquirer-generated reversal caused by a terminal error or to cancel a financial request at
the terminal
• An issuer-generated or system-generated chargeback submitted using a Single Message
System adjustment process
• An acquirer-generated representment submitted using a Single Message System
adjustment process

MTI Description

Administrative Advice/06xx Messages

0620 Administrative Advice

0630 Administrative Advice Response

0644 Administrative Advice

Network Management/08xx Messages

0800 Network Management Request

0810 Network Management Request Response

0820 Network Management Advice

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 10
Fraud Prevention Services

Chapter 2 Fraud Prevention Services

Various fraud prevention services are available for the processing of Debit Mastercard® transactions.

Fraud Notification Service..............................................................................................................12

Fraud Rule Manager for ATMs.......................................................................................................13
Decision Intelligence..................................................................................................................... 13
Authorization IQ.......................................................................................................................14
Expert Monitoring for Issuers........................................................................................................ 14
Fraud Rule Manager......................................................................................................................15
Mastercard Secure Code Accountholder Authentication Value Verification.................................... 16
Overview Enhanced Issuer Identification........................................................................................17
Address Verification Service...........................................................................................................17

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Fraud Prevention Services
Fraud Notification Service

Fraud Notification Service

The Fraud Notification Service supports processing of Cirrus®, Maestro®, Mastercard®, and
Debit Mastercard® transactions. Issuers can provide a card expiration date in Single Message
Transaction Manager to be used in chargeback processing of transactions.
FNS tracks each unique combination of a PAN, PAN expiration date, and token or Virtual Card
Number (VCN), as applicable when applying the existing thresholds for blocking of fraud-
related chargebacks in FNS.
Acquirers can optionally submit an Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 message for a
representment when issuers initiate fraud-related chargebacks greater than the FNS Counter
criterion (currently 15 chargebacks as of 14 October 2016 as stated in the Chargeback Guide)
for an account and expiration date combination.
• Acquirers must support the receipt of DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 19 (Fraud
Notification Information), subfield 1 (Fraud Notification Service Date) and subfield 2 (Fraud
Notification Service Chargeback Counter) in the following messages:
– Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420—Exception, System Initiated
– Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420—Acquirer-Initiated Exception
– Issuer Reversal Advice/0422—Exception, System-Initiated
– Issuer Reversal Advice/0422—Exception, Issuer-Initiated
Acquirers of Cirrus and Maestro transactions have a second presentment right:
• When the authorization date of the transaction being charged back for a fraud-reason is
after the date populated in DE 48, subelement 19, subfield 1
• When the value in DE 48, subelement 19, subfield 2 is greater than the current FNS
Counter criterion
Acquirers must be aware that if the approval date of the transaction being charged back is
after the Fraud Notification Service Date provided in DE 48, subelement 19, subfield 1 of the
Fraud Notification Service data, they will have second presentment rights for the transaction.
Acquirers must identify transactions that are being second-presented based on data provided
by the Fraud Notification Service using Advice Reason Code (DE 60, subfield 1), value 491 and
Advice Reason Detail Code (DE 60, subfield 2), value 0013 (Representment), and providing
value “FNS” in DE 48, subelement 19, subfield 3 (Fraud Notification Service Second
Presentment Rights Indicator) in the Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 message.

Fraud Notification Service allows issuers to optionally provide a card expiration date to be used
with their chargeback advice messages
Issuers’ systems must be able to receive DE 48, subelement 19, subfield 3 (Fraud Notification
Second Presentment Rights Indicator) in the Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420—Exception,

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 12
Fraud Prevention Services
Fraud Rule Manager for ATMs

System-Initiated and Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420—Acquirer-Initiated Exception messages, in

response to fraud-related chargeback activity.

NOTE: For more information, refer to the Chargeback Guide and Single Message System
Programs and Services manuals.

Fraud Rule Manager for ATMs

In response to the Inter-Regional Maestro ATM Chip Liability Shift Program, Fraud Rule
Manager for ATMs assist customers in reducing cross-border fraud at ATM terminals that are
not yet EMV Chip enabled.
As additional countries and markets move to EMV technology, fraud liability for transactions
shift to the non–chip-compliant party. Issuers generally assume responsibility for counterfeit
fraud when their cards are used at an ATM terminal. However, acquirers in regions and
countries covered by the Interregional Maestro ATM Chip Liability Shift Program generally
assume responsibility for counterfeit fraud if a chip card is used at a non–chip-compliant ATM
Leveraging the rules-based authorization functionality of Fraud Rule Manager, this service
provides risk assessment and decision of ATM transactions at non–chip-compliant ATM

NOTE: Fraud Rule Manager for ATM transaction feature is now available in selected markets
in Asia Pacific (AP) and LAC (Latin America and Caribbean).

Decision Intelligence
Decision Intelligence is one of the two Mastercard scoring services.
Decision Intelligence is a real-time authorization decisioning solution that applies thousands of
data points and sophisticated modeling techniques to each transaction, simplifying these
insights into a single transaction decision score that helps issuers to fine-tune their
authorization decisions with the goal of approving genuine transactions and declining
fraudulent ones.
Decision Intelligence enables smarter decisioning—giving issuers a multi-dimensional
authorization tool to assess both the risk and rewards of every transaction, so they can
enhance the consumer experience by approving more genuine transactions without increasing
risk. Decision Intelligence evaluates information about consumers, merchants, and issuers
during the shopping experience to help issuers decide whether a transaction makes sense and
if it should be approved or declined for a particular consumer
Decision Intelligence ultimately shifts transaction decisioning from the basis of a risk score to a
decision score that is based on both the fraud risk and rewards of approving a transaction.
With a more comprehensive analysis of the risk and reward factors, Decision Intelligence

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Fraud Prevention Services
Expert Monitoring for Issuers

assesses both negative and positive data points to calculate a single score that shows where
the transaction falls on a scale from decline to approve—thus helping issuers authorize more
transactions with confidence, increase their profitability, and improve the cardholder

• Issuers can enroll with one of the scoring services, either Expert Monitoring for Issuers, or
Decision Intelligence. The same data elements are used to support both services
• The Global Safety and Security Standards mandate that issuers, acquirers, and processors
must code for the Authorization security fields that are required to support Decision
Intelligence. The services themselves are not mandated, but issuers, acquirers, and
processors must code for the authorization message field that support these services.

Authorization IQ
Authorization IQ is a feature of Decision Intelligence that can help issuers increase approvals
and ensure a more satisfying consumer experience without incurring greater risk.
Mastercard Decision Intelligence—Authorization IQ gives issuers targeted, real-time
segmentation insights to help them identify best-spending or most frequent-spending
cardholders who show the greatest revenue opportunity at the time of card usage. The service
adds a critical dimension to their segmentation and decision management strategies—
supplementing and expanding fraud detection—by providing tangible data points to enable
data-driven authorization strategies.
In addition to assessing authorization decisions based on the risk profile of how the
cardholder originated the transaction (such as via magstripe, EMV2, or tokenization),
Authorization IQ provides a complementary set of data points that help bring focus to the
importance of the individual cardholder at the time of the transaction.

NOTE: The Global Safety and Security Standards mandate that issuers, acquirers, and
processors must code for the Authorization security fields that are required to support the
Authorization IQ service. The service themselves are not mandate, but issuers, acquirers, and
processors must code for the authorization message field that support this service.

Expert Monitoring for Issuers

Expert Monitoring for Issuers is one of two Mastercard fraud scoring solutions.
Expert Monitoring for Issuers provides best-in-class transaction fraud monitoring that enables
Mastercard issuers to evaluate and manage the probability of fraud in transactions at the
point of interaction. As an integrated, multi-component, transaction fraud monitoring
solution, Expert Monitoring for issuers provides:
• Network fraud monitoring silently scans global authorization activity, monitoring for highly
abnormal activity to identify and limit fraud losses from large-scale fraud events.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 14
Fraud Prevention Services
Fraud Rule Manager

• Customized fraud rule management utilizing individual data elements within the
authorization message as well as Mastercard-defined variables to automate precise, highly
variable fraud decisions during authorization and enable appropriate actions based on
issuer specifications.
• Finely-tuned fraud detection models segmented to identify specific fraud pattern behaviors
for specific products, geographies, and channels.
• Predictive, real-time fraud scoring during authorization that indicates the likelihood that the
transaction is fraudulent.

• Issuers can enroll with one of the scoring services, either Expert Monitoring for Issuers, or
Decision Intelligence. The same data elements are used to support both services
• The Global Safety and Security Standards mandate that issuers, acquirers, and processors
must code for the Authorization security fields that are required to support Decision
Intelligence. The services themselves are not mandated, but issuers, acquirers, and
processors must code for the authorization message field that support these services.

Fraud Rule Manager

As an integral part of a rules-based authorization strategy, Fraud Rule Manager enables issuers
to automate precise, highly variable fraud decisions during authorization in order to quickly
and easily respond to evolving fraud trends.
Fraud Rule Manager provides the following services:
• Network fraud monitoring that silently scans global authorization activity, monitoring for
highly abnormal activity to identify and limit fraud losses from large-scale fraud events.
• Customized fraud rule management utilizing individual data elements within the
authorization message as well as Mastercard-defined variables to automate precise, highly
variable fraud decisions during authorization and enable appropriate actions based on
issuer specifications.
Fraud Rule Manager provides the flexibility issuers need to identify the precise actions that
address ever-changing fraud trends. Issuers can establish business rules using:
• More than 70 authorization fields that provide multiple decision combinations.
• Mastercard-derived data which enables rule development using Business Rule Velocity, ADC
Events, Expert Monitoring, IQ Series, Decision Intelligence and more.
• Custom-defined rule reason codes which notify you when fraud is detected and/or when
to perform appropriate actions based on your specifications.
• Custom-defined velocity parameters which evaluate prior authorizations occurring over a
specific time period before interpreting the current authorization.
• Custom-defined lists which simplify management of large and/or highly variable data
values without affecting rules.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 15
Fraud Prevention Services
Mastercard Secure Code Accountholder Authentication Value Verification

Fraud Rule Manager delivers the agility issuers need to quickly manage rules in response to the
dynamics of fraud. Issuers can execute business rules using:
• Globally hosted service which enables issuers to stay focused on their fraud strategy
without the distraction of operational, Information Technology, resource and training
• Real-time fraud prevention using rules during authorization to enable immediate action
against suspect transactions.
• Standalone fraud detection or seamless integration with other Mastercard fraud
management data such as business rule velocity, ADC events, decisioning data and more.
• Self-service utilities—which provide issuers with flexibility to manage and view rules and
resulting actions—how and when they want.
• On-demand deployment times available which put issuers in control of when business rules
are active in production.
• Experienced rule experts who can help oversee the implementation and deployment of
issuer fraud rules.

NOTE: The Global Safety and Security Standards mandates that issuers, acquirers, and
processors must code for the Authorization security fields that are required to support Fraud
Rule Manager. This service is not mandated, however, issuers, acquirers, and processors must
code for the authorization message fields that support this service.

Mastercard Secure Code Accountholder Authentication Value

Mastercard SecureCode is a dynamic and static Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV)
verification service performed on every authorization transaction that contains the Universal
Cardholder Authentication Field data regardless of whether the issuer’s host system is
available or unavailable to respond to the Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
Refer to the list of manuals on the Publications page on Mastercard Connect™ for descriptions
of documents on Mastercard SecureCode.
• Customer Interface Specification
• Mastercard SecureCode—Acquirer Implementation Guide
• Mastercard SecureCode—Issuer Implementation Guide
• Mastercard SecureCode—Merchant Implementation Guide
• Single Message System Specifications
• Single Message System Programs and Services

NOTE: For more information on stand-in account validation services, refer to the Stand-In
Account Validation Services section.

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Fraud Prevention Services
Overview Enhanced Issuer Identification

Overview Enhanced Issuer Identification

The Enhanced Issuer Identification (EII) service enables issuers to receive data elements that
identify the issuer processor and issuing institution on message-by-message basis. This data
will be provided for select financial transaction and exception item messages.
Participation in EII is optional for acquirers. Issuers do not use this service, but must be aware
of the process because it will affect financial transaction messages.
To participate in EII processing, acquirers must contact the Customer Implementation Services
(CIS) team.
Issuers should be aware that if an acquirer participates in EII, the data elements identifying
issuer information will be included in Financial Transaction Request/0200 and Acquirer
Reversal Advice/0420 messages. Issuers must return the data elements in Financial Transaction
Request Response/0210 and the Acquirer Reversal Advice Response/0430 messages.

Address Verification Service

Address Verification Service (AVS) is a fraud deterrent service that provides greater security to
merchants and cardholders. It helps to protect against fraudulent use of cards by verifying the
cardholder’s billing address.

How AVS Works

The acquirer requests the cardholder billing address verification as part of the Authorization
Request/0100. The issuer performs the verification and returns the appropriate information to
the acquirer in the Authorization Request Response/0110.

Alternate Processing
The Stand-In and X-Code systems do not perform AVS. Transactions that contain an AVS
request in an Account Status Inquiry Service request will receive a response indicating the
service is not available. Transactions that contain an authorization request and an AVS request
will receive the appropriate authorization response in addition to a response indicating the
AVS service is not available.

• For more information about issuer and acquirer participation in AVS, requirements, and
service options, refer to the Customer Interface Specification and Authorization Manual.
• The Global Safety and Security Standards mandate that issuers, acquirers, and processors
must code for the Authorization security fields that are required to support the Address
Verification service. The service themselves are not mandate, but issuers, acquirers, and
processors must code for the authorization message field that support this service.

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Mastercard In Control

Chapter 3 Mastercard In Control

Mastercard In Control services provide a number of advanced transaction routing and alert controls
designed to assist issuers in launching new and enhanced payment products.

Mastercard In Control Overview.................................................................................................... 19

Mastercard In Control Virtual Card Service for Debit Mastercard....................................................19
Consumer Controls.......................................................................................................................19

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Mastercard In Control
Mastercard In Control Overview

Mastercard In Control Overview

The Mastercard In Control platform is a powerful and flexible solution that provides advanced
authorization controls, virtual card numbers, and alert notification capabilities designed to
assist Participants in creating new and enhanced payment products for their consumer and
commercial Cardholders.

Issuers who want to participate in the Mastercard In Control services must enroll with
Mastercard. For more information about the suite of Mastercard In Control applications and
implementation options, issuers can send inquires to [email protected] and refer
to the Mastercard In Control information center.

Mastercard In Control Virtual Card Service for Debit Mastercard

Mastercard In Control Virtual Card service affects only the debit Mastercard issuers.
The Mastercard In Control Virtual Card service allows cardholders to protect their account
information while making non–face-to-face purchases such as e-commerce transactions by
generating a unique virtual account number for each transaction.

Consumer Controls
Consumer Controls enables issuers to meet the popular transaction alert and control needs of
Consumer Controls enables issuers to meet the popular transaction alert and control needs of
Alerts and controls are available for issuers to offer their cardholders based on:
• transaction amount
• channel (for example, ATM or online)
• cross border (outside the country of card issuance)
• static geolocation (include/exclude specific countries)
• individual or categories of MCCs
Also, cardholders can easily be alerted on all transactions, disable their card to temporarily
stop (decline) all payments, or stop (decline) all transactions, excluding recurring payments,
and set decline controls based on transaction amount, channel, cross border, static
geolocation or MCCs.
This robust feature set allows issuers to quickly implement a program to provide the most
desired alerts and controls to their cardholders.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 19
Mastercard In Control
Consumer Controls

The Mastercard Shared Services Platform (MSSP) provides issuers, acquirers, third party
processors (TPPs), or payment networks that do not switch their transaction activity on the
Mastercard Network, the ability to provide certain Mastercard value-added services to their
customers. The MSSP enables customers and their authorized agents to access the Mastercard
Network for applying certain services to their transactions using a Mastercard interface
processor (MIP) that hosts the Shared Services Interface (SSI).

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Online Transaction Processing

Chapter 4 Online Transaction Processing

This section describes online transaction processing for Debit Mastercard and the steps for

OnLine Transaction Processing Overview....................................................................................... 22

Acquiring Debit Mastercard Transactions.......................................................................................22
Issuing Debit Mastercard Transactions........................................................................................... 22
Debit Mastercard Authorization.................................................................................................... 23
Single Message System Partial Approvals.................................................................................. 24
Single Message System Account Balance Display...................................................................... 25
DE 35 Track 2 Data....................................................................................................................... 26
Global Clearing Management System........................................................................................... 26
Single Message System Guaranteed Advice Delivery......................................................................28
Issuer Responsibilities in Clearing and Settling Transactions........................................................... 28
Debit Mastercard Implementation................................................................................................. 28

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 21
Online Transaction Processing
OnLine Transaction Processing Overview

OnLine Transaction Processing Overview

Single Message System Debit Mastercard® processing reduces issuer development investment
required to issue Debit Mastercard cards. Single Message System Cirrus® and Maestro® issuers
interested in adding the Debit Mastercard product should contact Mastercard Customer
Implementation Services.

Acquiring Debit Mastercard Transactions

Debit Mastercard transactions are acquired in a dual message environment on the
Mastercard® Network, using Authorization/01xx messages.
When a transaction is processed in a dual message format, the authorization and clearing
(posting) components of a transaction are processed in separate messages.
From an acquiring perspective, Debit Mastercard transactions follow the same dual message
processing flow as credit transactions. In a dual message environment, “authorization” is a
term applied to transactions for which there is partial transaction data contained within the
individual messages.
Consequently, all Authorization/01xx messages and Advice transactions assume that follow-up
information (clearing messages sent by the acquirer to the Global Clearing Management
System [GCMS]) will be used to effect actual settlement, cardholder account posting, and
cardholder billing.

Issuing Debit Mastercard Transactions

The Single Message System will manage the interface to the Mastercard Network. Debit
Mastercard issuers connected to the Single Message System will receive Financial Transaction
Request/0200 messages (preauthorization).
The issuer is connected to Mastercard Connect though the Single Message System and will
receive Single Message System Online format messages. While the issuer can receive multiple
messages of single transaction, they will not receive messages from dual Authorization
Requests/0100 and First Presentments/1240 messages.
Issuers will approve or decline authorization requests subject to available balances and any risk
management criteria. Following authorization, the acquirer presents the clearing transaction
to GCMS. The Single Message System manages the interface to GCMS and will provide issuers
with Financial Transaction Advice/0220 messages (force post) to be used for cardholder
account posting.
Issuers will need to develop a hold/match strategy that protects the available balance and
maximizes funds availability. Mastercard recommends matching key criteria in the Financial
Transaction Advice/0220 message (force post) to the Financial Transaction Request/0200

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 22
Online Transaction Processing
Debit Mastercard Authorization

message (preauthorization). Mastercard also encourages issuers to remove authorization

account holds once a defined period has elapsed from the authorization event.

Debit Mastercard Authorization

Debit Mastercard transactions follow the same transaction flow as credit authorization
transactions. Debit Mastercard transaction flows are based on the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) 8583-1987 standard.
Debit Mastercard transaction routing is based on a six-digit Bank Identification Number (BIN)
in the 222100–272099 and 51000–55000 BIN range. The Maestro and Cirrus brands can co-
reside on the card, enabling Personal Identification Number (PIN), Point-Of-Sale (POS), and
ATM access.
The acquirer will route the transaction through the Dual Message System; however, the issuer
receives authorization requests through the Single Message System.
Transactions are acquired at a POS terminal as an Authorization Request/0100 message. The
transaction is routed to the Single Message System through the network. The Single Message
System translates the Authorization Request/0100 message to a Financial Transaction Request/
0200 preauthorization message and forwards it to the issuer processor, for issuers connected
to the Single Message System.
Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages (preauthorization requests) are sent at the time
goods or services are purchased.
The preauthorization is intended as an authorization event only and typically does not carry
sufficient detail required for statement processing. Settlement of funds does not occur based
on the preauthorization event.
The following is a high-level overview of preauthorization.

Debit Mastercard Preauthorization

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Online Transaction Processing
Debit Mastercard Authorization

1. The acquirer sends the Authorization Request/0100 message to the Dual Message System
through the Mastercard Network.
2. The Dual Message System forwards the Authorization Request/0100 message to the
Single Message System.
3. The Single Message System converts the Authorization Request/0100 message to a
Financial Transaction Request/0200 message and forwards it to the issuer. DE 61 (Point of
service Data), subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status Indicator), will contain the value 4
(Preauthorization Request) indicating that this is a preauthorization request. The only time
the authorization is converted to a preauthorization is when the transaction originates on
the Dual Message side as a Debit Mastercard (signature) transaction and is routed to the
Single Message platform. All others are acquirer-generated.
4. The issuer responds with a Financial Transaction Request Response/0210 message to
Single Message System.
5. Single Message System converts the Financial Transaction Request Response/0210
message to an Authorization Request Response/0110 message and sends it to the Dual
Message System.
6. The Dual Message System forwards the Authorization Request Response/0110 message to
the acquirer through the Mastercard Network.

Single Message System Partial Approvals

The Single Message System offers support for partial approvals in Financial Transaction/02xx
messages. Partial approvals enable the issuer to indicate approval of a portion of the
transaction amount submitted by the acquirer.

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Online Transaction Processing
Debit Mastercard Authorization

In cases where the transaction amount is more than the remaining balance on the account,
this service enables the issuer to respond with a lower approved amount in the Financial
Transaction Request Response/0210 message.
The issuer can use the partial approval for an amount equal to the requested amount for
those merchant category codes that allow for additional amounts to be approved (a tip, for
example) to prevent the account from going to a negative or overdrawn condition.
Acquirers are able to provide an indicator in the issuer Financial Transaction Request/0200
message that the merchant terminal supports partial approvals. Upon receipt of the partial
approval response, the terminal prompts the participating merchant to initiate a split-tender
operation to procure the remainder of the transaction amount in another form of payment
from the cardholder.
The Single Message System provides a partial approval amount edit that enables issuers to
respond in a Financial Transaction Request Response/0210 message with a partial approval
amount in DE 6 (Amount, Cardholder Billing) that is greater than the amount requested by
the acquirer when DE 18 (Merchant Type) contains a value of 5542 (Fuel Dispenser,
Automated) indicating the transaction was initiated at an Automated Fuel Dispenser (AFD).
Dual message acquirers in the United States or Canada must send an AFD completion
transaction within 60 minutes, specifying the AFD completed amount. The Single Message
System will then create an Acquirer Reversal Advice/0420 message to inform the Debit
Mastercard issuer of the AFD completed amount.
Debit Mastercard issuers in the United States and Canada must release the estimated hold
amount within two hours from the timestamp of the original authorization message for AFD
For additional information about partial approvals, refer to the Single Message System
Programs and Services manual.

Single Message System Account Balance Display

The Single Message System removes account balance information provided by the issuer in
Financial Transaction Request Response/0210 messages on Debit Mastercard POS purchase
transactions for non-prepaid accounts.
Mastercard must provide account balance information for Debit Mastercard purchase
transactions effected with a Prepaid card, but will remove account balance information for the
following Prepaid programs:
• Mastercard® Prepaid Debit Standard—Payroll (MPA)
• Mastercard® Prepaid Debit Standard—Government (MPV)
• Mastercard® Prepaid Debit Standard—Flex Benefit (MPX)
It is optional for issuers to provide account balance information except for a Balance Inquiry.
But if the balance is provided, issuers must provide the account balance information to the
Refer to the Single Message Transaction Manager User Guide for a complete list of Product

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 25
Online Transaction Processing
DE 35 Track 2 Data

Removal of account balance information does not affect the acceptance of transactions and
ensures the privacy of the cardholder’s account balance information.

DE 35 Track 2 Data
DE 35 (Track 2 Data) is not included with Debit Mastercard POS transactions unless valid DE
35, DE 45 (Track 1 Data), or DE 14 (Expiration Date) data is supplied by the acquirer and
forwarded in the issuer Financial Transaction Request/0200 message.
The Single Message System generates DE 35 from other available data only when the original
message contains valid DE 14 or DE 45 data.

Global Clearing Management System

Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) is a centralized application owned and operated
by Mastercard for the daily processing and routing of financial transactions between
Mastercard and its customers. GCMS manages the clearing of credit and signature debit
transactions in batch mode.
The clearing system requires the acquirer to send a First Presentment/1240 message in order
to receive settlement for the transaction. After the acquirer sends the clearing records, GCMS
processes the records and creates settlement positions for the gateway service issuer. Then,
GCMS sends the clearing message to the Single Message System.
The Single Message System converts the First Presentment/1240 message to a Financial
Transaction Advice/0220 message (also referred to as “force post”) and sends it to the issuer.
The Financial Transaction Advice/0220 message (force post) reflects the exact settlement
The Single Message System uses key information from the First Presentment/1240 batch
message as the basis for creating the Financial Advice/0220 message (force post). The
Financial Transaction Advice/0220 message is non-interactive; issuers can not reject this
message. Issuers use this data for posting and to manage account holds and they must
respond with a Financial Transaction Advice Response/0230 message.
Issuers generally receive Financial Transaction Advice/0220 messages from prior acquirer
clearings during off-peak processing. These are interspersed with authorization request
messages on the online interface. Mastercard monitors these interfaces for optimal
performance and balances advice message processing in favor of authorization message
processing if needed.
Based on the current GCMS clearing cycles, issuers will not receive force-post messages from
the cut-off of the last Saturday clearing until early Monday morning.
All times shown are expressed as St. Louis, Missouri, USA time.

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Online Transaction Processing
Global Clearing Management System

Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing Clearing

Business Day Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6

Sunday no processing

Monday Sunday Sunday Monday Monday Monday Monday

16:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 08:00

Tuesday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

18:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 08:00

Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday

18:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 08:00

Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

18:00 21:00 00:00 03:00 06:00 08:00

Friday Thursday Thursday Friday 00:00 Friday 03:00 Friday 06:00 Friday 08:00
18:00 21:00

Saturday Friday 18:00 Friday 21:00 Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday

00:00 03:00 06:00 08:00

Issuers settle with Mastercard based on advisements provided from the Settlement Account
Management (S.A.M.) system. These advisements detail Debit Mastercard activity and should
reconcile to the issuer’s internal processing.
The flow diagram below provides a high-level overview of clearing.

Debit Mastercard Clearing Processing

• The acquirer processing system batches the clearing records and sends them to GCMS at
Mastercard. This typically occurs within two to five days of the pre-authorization.
• GCMS groups all clearing records bound for the Single Message System and transmits
them to the Single Message System.
• The Single Message System converts each detail record into a Financial Transaction Advice/
0220 force post and forwards it to the issuer.
• The issuer responds with a Financial Transaction Advice Response/0230 message to the
Single Message System.

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Online Transaction Processing
Single Message System Guaranteed Advice Delivery

Single Message System Guaranteed Advice Delivery

The Single Message System guarantees the delivery of all advice messages transmitted
through the Mastercard Network, including Financial Transaction Advice/0220—Debit
Mastercard messages, through the store-and-forward (SAF) facility.
For more information about Guaranteed Advice Delivery, refer to the Single Message System
Specifications manual.

Issuer Responsibilities in Clearing and Settling Transactions

All customers have certain rights and obligations when clearing and settling transactions and
are required to submit and accept specific transaction records electronically through the
Mastercard Network.
All issuers are responsible for the following actions:
• Managing the unique aspects of dual message processing; for example, the financial advice
message can not necessarily follow a pre-authorization
• Managing cardholder available balance
• Receiving all financial advice messages provided by Single Message System on behalf of the
acquirer and ensuring that all necessary data is passed to the cardholder or is readily
accessible for transaction research and monitoring purposes
• Editing, monitoring, and reconciling messages sent and received by balancing the data
processed online to the batch reconciliation detail provided by the Single Message System
• Complying with exception item rules and processes associated with the Mastercard family
of brands.

Debit Mastercard Implementation

The issuer is assigned a Customer Implementation Specialist to manage the overall project
The Customer Implementation Specialist team leader meets with the issuer’s representatives to
formulate a schedule.
The Customer Implementation Specialist schedules a kick-off meeting. The initial discussions
include establishing a timeline to accomplish the following high-level tasks:
• Establish an overall implementation timeline.
• Complete franchise documents.
• Evaluate hardware needs.
• Create a new ICA number for the issuer to use for Debit Mastercard.
• Complete the Net Settlement Information Form (NSIF) as directed.
• Update the Institution Definition File (IDF) for gateway participation.

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Online Transaction Processing
Debit Mastercard Implementation

• Update the Institution Routing Table (IRT) BIN routing and transit.
• Create a Stand-In Parameter Profile.
• Determine file transfer preference.
• Begin Debit Intracurrency Project Initiation, if applicable.
• Establish intracurrency settlement agreement local interchange rate, if applicable.
• Complete the GCMS Parameter Worksheet. (this is optional and varies by region)
• Establish testing requirements.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 29
Exception Item Processing

Chapter 5 Exception Item Processing

This section describes exception item processing for Debit Mastercard transactions.

Exception Item Processing Overview..............................................................................................31

Debit Mastercard Process and Procedures......................................................................................31
Retrieval Request......................................................................................................................32
Debit Mastercard Chargebacks................................................................................................. 32
Debit Mastercard Representment..............................................................................................32
Single Message System Arbitration Chargeback........................................................................33
Debit Mastercard Chargeback Reversals....................................................................................33

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Exception Item Processing
Exception Item Processing Overview

Exception Item Processing Overview

The clearing process begins when an acquirer presents transaction data to an issuer for the
first time for posting to the cardholder’s account.
After the initial presentment of the cardholder transaction, the issuer can determine that, for
one of the reasons specified in the Chargeback Guide, the transaction can be invalid. The
issuer can charge back the transaction when procedures in the Chargeback Guide specifically
allow the issuer to return the transaction to the acquirer for possible remedy.
For information about specifications, refer to the Chargeback Guide.

Debit Mastercard Process and Procedures

For each transaction between the issuer and acquirer, these procedures allow presentment,
retrieval and chargeback processing.
• The presentment process consists of one step: presentment from the acquirer to the issuer.
• The retrieval process consists of two steps:
– Retrieval
– Request and fulfillment
• The chargeback cycle can consist of up to three steps:
– Chargeback
– Representment
– Arbitration chargeback
Debit Mastercard non-ATM transactions typically follow the same chargeback lifecycle and
rules as Mastercard transactions.

Cycle Description

Chargeback The issuer initiates a chargeback within the time frame applicable to
the specific reason code. For a list of valid reason codes, refer to the
Chargeback Guide.

Representment The acquirer can process a representment within 45 calendar days of

the chargeback settlement date.

Arbitration Chargeback The issuer can process an arbitration chargeback within 45 calendar
days of the representment settlement date.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 31
Exception Item Processing
Debit Mastercard Process and Procedures

Mastercard standards govern the clearing presentment, retrieval and chargeback cycles for all
Mastercard transactions. These standards define specific time frames, constraints, and
Single Message System issuers initiate and receive exception item activity through Single
Message Transaction Manager and its online interface to the Single Message System. Single
Message Transaction Manager users must use Single Message Transaction Manager to initiate
a chargeback or an arbitration chargeback following a cardholder dispute.
The Single Message System evaluates the chargeback request for timeliness and adherence to
Mastercard rules and conditions. Rejected exception items are returned to the initiator.
Although the Single Message System can accept the chargeback, until the chargeback is
processed by the Dual Message System (Central Site), the chargeback can still reject timeliness
edits. Since all Debit Mastercard chargebacks must bridge between the Single and Dual
Message systems, the chargeback entered in the Single Message System will always be at least
one day later at Central Site. It could be as many as two days later if entered after 14:00 St.
Louis time, or three days if entered after 14:00 St. Louis time on Friday.

Retrieval Request
Issuers can find it necessary to request a copy of the transaction information document (TID)
to satisfy a cardholder’s inquiry, resolve an internal investigation, or to substantiate a
chargeback. Acquirers must fulfill the retrieval request by providing a copy or substitute draft
of the TID or by providing a response to indicate the reason for failing to honor the request.
Issuers generate retrieval requests through the Single Message Transaction Manager system.
The Single Message System then generates a retrieval request message through Global
Clearing Management System (GCMS).

Debit Mastercard Chargebacks

Issuers generate chargebacks to inform acquirers that a previously completed charge to the
cardholder’s account is being disputed. A chargeback results in a credit to the issuer and a
debit to the acquirer.
For Debit Mastercard transactions, additional chargeback reasons can apply or vary by region.
The chargeback reason (designated by a valid reason code) must be included in the
chargeback transaction. For a list of valid reason codes and detailed information about the
chargeback process, refer to the Chargeback Guide.
The Single Message System generates a First Chargeback/1442 message to send to the
acquirer. The acquirer receives this chargeback from GCMS and is debited for this transaction
with the next Mastercard settlement cycle.

Debit Mastercard Representment

The acquirer must use GCMS to send a representment if the chargeback is invalid or if the
acquirer can provide additional information to correct the original defect that led to the
chargeback. The transaction is being “represented” for settlement. A representment results in
a debit to the issuer and a credit to the acquirer.

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Exception Item Processing
Debit Mastercard Process and Procedures

NOTE: Single Message Transaction Manager translates the acquirer-generated representment

request to display in Single Message Transaction Manager and sends an online advice
message to the Debit Mastercard issuer; however, issuers receive Acquirer Reversal Advice/
0420 messages with advice reason codes unique to representment activity.

Single Message System Arbitration Chargeback

Debit Mastercard issuers must initiate arbitration chargebacks using Single Message
Transaction Manager. The Single Message System generates an Arbitration Chargeback/1442
message. The acquirer receives the arbitration chargeback from GCMS.

Debit Mastercard Chargeback Reversals

Debit Mastercard issuers that use Single Message Transaction Manager can reverse
chargeback transactions that have been entered in error. Debit Mastercard issuers use
chargeback reason code 82 (Chargeback Reversal) to modify the original chargeback

NOTE: Issuers have up to 45 days from the date that the chargeback was created to edit or
adjust the chargeback transaction or the second presentment is processed.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 33
Settlement Management

Chapter 6 Settlement Management

This section describes the system and process to settle accounts for Debit Mastercard® transactions.

Settlement Management Overview............................................................................................... 35

Direct Settlement Process.............................................................................................................. 35
Debit Mastercard Clearing and Reconciliation........................................................................... 36
Current Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-1)......................................................... 36
Previous Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-2).........................................................37
Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary Report (SWCHD364).........................................37
Fedwire Settlement Account......................................................................................................... 38

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 34
Settlement Management
Settlement Management Overview

Settlement Management Overview

Settlement is the process by which Mastercard facilitates the exchange of funds on behalf of
its customers that have sent or received financial transactions through the clearing system.
Debit Mastercard® financial transactions included in this process are:
• Presentments from acquirer to issuer
• Chargebacks from issuer to acquirer
• Fee collections (sender and receiver—depends on the message reason code and includes
transactions sent from Mastercard to the customer)
The exchange of successfully processed detailed financial transaction data through clearing
system represents an obligation to exchange funds. To facilitate the settlement of funds,
Mastercard uses the Settlement Account Management (S.A.M.) system—a Windows®-based,
client–server software application designed to streamline the process of moving funds.
For specific information about settlement options and processing, refer to the Single Message
System Settlement and Reports and Settlement Manual.

Direct Settlement Process

Mastercard allows customers to transfer funds directly, to complete settlement for clearing
activities. This process, known as Direct Settlement, is a facility within which funds are
exchanged between customers and a merchant’s acquirer to settle transaction and fee
Direct Settlement is the mandated, standard settlement process for Debit Mastercard issuers.
A Mastercard Net Settlement Information Form (NSIF) is required to create a settlement
arrangement with each issuer’s account or with the issuer’s processor.
The Single Message System settlement day cutoff for Debit Mastercard transactions is 15:00
(New York time, direct settlement).

NOTE: For more information on Single Message System cutoff days, refer to the “Single
Message System Settlement Reconciliation Cut-off” section of Single Message System
Programs and Services

Issuers have the option to receive an advisement from S.A.M. detailing their net settlement
position with Mastercard. Transactions processed in the Saturday clearing cycles are included
in the Monday net settlement totals. Advisements that customers receive on Monday report
both Saturday and Monday settlement totals. Settlement can occur only after clearing has
already occurred.
The movement of funds occurs only five days a week, Monday through Friday, excluding
settlement service holidays.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 35
Settlement Management
Direct Settlement Process

Debit Mastercard Clearing and Reconciliation

Settlement and clearing cycle information is included for Debit Mastercard issuers in Financial
Transaction Advice/0220 messages with DE 63 (Network Data), subfield 5 (Acquirer’s reference
number) and subfield 6 (GCMS Processing Date and Cycle Number). Debit Mastercard issuers
can use this information for reconciliation with their S.A.M. position.
Audit control and reporting of exception item processing is provided on the following reports:
• Current Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-1)
• Previous Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-2)
• Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary Report (SWCHD364)

Current Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-1)

The Current Day Open Transaction Report assists Debit Mastercard direct settlement
customers with the reconciliation process by providing the detail of current day open
transactions between the Single Message System and GCMS/S.A.M.
The Current Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-1) is formatted into four categories.

Provides details for transactions that originated in GCMS and were not processed in the Single
Message System. These totals are reported in the Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary
Report (SWCHD364):
• On the MDS PENDING line
• Under the MDS PROCESSED column

NOTE: The term “MDS” has been replaced globally with Single Message System except on
reports which will be changed in future release.

Provides details for prior day pending transactions successfully processed. These totals are
reported in the Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary Report (SWCHD364):
• On the MDS RESOLVED line
• Under the MDS PROCESSED column

Provides details for transactions that originated in the Single Message System and were not
processed in GCMS.

Provides details for transactions submitted to and accepted in GCMS. These totals are
reported in the Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary Report (SWCHD364):
• Under the CHARGEBACKS ACCEPTED section on the MDS PENDING line

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 36
Settlement Management
Direct Settlement Process

(for 1740 fees) in both the SAM ADVISEMENT and MDS PROCESSED columns

Previous Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-2)

The Previous Day Open Transactions Report assists Debit Mastercard direct settlement
customers with the reconciliation process by providing the detail of prior day open
transactions between the Single Message System and GCMS/S.A.M.
The Previous Day Open Transaction Report (SWCHD537-2) is formatted into two categories.

Provides details for previous day transactions that originated in the Single Message System
and were not processed in GCMS.

Provides details for previous day transactions that originated in GCMS and were not processed
in the Single Message System.

Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary Report (SWCHD364)

The Daily Direct Settlement Balancing Summary report assists Debit Mastercard direct
settlement customers with the reconciliation process. It provides summary detail in the
designated settlement currency of the acquirer or issuer.
It also provides S.A.M. Advisement and the Single Message System Processed totals, and
Pending and Resolved totals, which report items settled in GCMS but have not been
processed in the Single Message System. The SWCHD364 report can be used in conjunction
with the SWCHD363 for reconciliation purposes.
The report includes the following transaction information:
• Approved, pending, and resolved inbound presentment records for S.A.M. and the Single
Message System
• Approved, pending, and resolved inbound representment for S.A.M. and the Single
Message System
• Approved, pending, and resolved accepted chargeback records for S.A.M. and the Single
Message System
• Approved, pending, and resolved inbound and outbound miscellaneous records for S.A.M.
and the Single Message System
Pending items are items that have been settled in GCMS but have not been processed in
the Single Message System such as presentments and representments. They are also items
processed in the Single Message System but not cleared through GCMS such as outbound
chargebacks and outbound miscellaneous fees
The detail for these items will be included on the SWCHD537-1 report. The summary lines
on the SWCHD364 report should balance to the detail lines on the SWCHD537-1 report to
enable customers to track items that are still in transit between GCMS and the Single
Message System.

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Settlement Management
Fedwire Settlement Account

The miscellaneous records totals reconcile to the Debit Mastercard Inbound/Outbound Fee
Report SWCHD586-A and to the Miscellaneous Fee Records (1740) record in the 250-byte
Batch Data File.

NOTE: For information about Direct Settlement Reports, refer to Single Message System
Settlement and Reports.

Fedwire Settlement Account

Fedwire is the U.S. Federal Reserve’s electronic communication system linking Federal Reserve
offices, the Federal Reserve Board, depository institutions, the Treasury, and other government
Debit Mastercard issuers and third-party processors receive settlement through Fedwire.
Issuers and third-party processors must select a settlement bank in the United States to
establish a Fedwire account.

NOTE: Debit Mastercard issuers that settle in U.S. dollars must establish Fedwire Settlement
Accounts for settlement. For information about settlement processing in currencies other
than U.S. dollars, refer to the Single Message System Settlement and Reports.

Issuers or third-party processors must provide settlement account information as required on

the Net Settlement Information Form (NSIF) during the sign-up and implementation process.
Based on advisements created in S.A.M., the Mastercard settlement bank sends a Fedwire to
the issuer with a total to be paid to Mastercard. The issuer is to pay the Mastercard settlement
bank by 15:00 (New York time, direct settlement).
For more information about settlement, refer to the Settlement Manual.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 38
Account Management System

Chapter 7 Account Management System

This section describes the process and services available to Mastercard customers.

Account Management System Overview....................................................................................... 40

Online File Update Processing....................................................................................................... 40
Issuer File Update Requests........................................................................................................... 40

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 39
Account Management System
Account Management System Overview

Account Management System Overview

The Mastercard Account Management System (AMS) provides a process for managing card
portfolios to reduce risks related to unauthorized or fraudulent activity.
This process includes maintaining files that contain exception accounts and receiving
associated benefits, including chargeback protection. AMS allow issuers to identify accounts
with a preferred status, providing Premium cardholders greater flexibility at the point of

Online File Update Processing

An issuer’s International Organization for Standardization (ISO) connection to the Mastercard
Network for the Single Message System supports Online File Update Processing.
Issuers currently have the option of initiating file updates through Single Message Transaction
Manager or by File Update/03xx messages. Issuers can elect not to list accounts with AMS.
Issuers can use File Update/03xx messages or eService to maintain fraudulent card lists (hot
card) or Premium databases in AMS. Mastercard uses these account files in authorization
processing to restrict or enable transactions originating on listed accounts.
Issuers create a File Update Request/0302 message to update the following:
• Contactless On-behalf Services
• Premium listings
• Debit Mastercard accounts in the Mastercard Account file for negative and Premium
listings, along with Debit Mastercard restricted card listings in the Electronic Warning
Mastercard provides issuers with reports that detail AMS activity processed through Single
Message Transaction Manager or online exception item processing. Examples include adds
and deletes.
Issuers using their ISO connection receive a File Update Request Response/0312 message.
Issuers initiating file updates through Single Message Transaction Manager receive a screen
image confirming the transaction.

Issuer File Update Requests

The Issuer File Update Request/0302 message allows issuers to submit an add, update, inquiry,
or delete request to the Account Management System (AMS).
Debit Mastercard accounts within AMS that participate in Stand-In processing are maintained
using the following files. Issuers specify the file(s) to update in data element (DE) 120 (Record
Data) of the File Update Request/0302.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 40
Account Management System
Issuer File Update Requests

Database File Name Database File Description

MCC102 Stand-In Account File

MCC103 Electronic Warning Bulletin File

MCC105 Payment Cancellation File

MCC106 PAN Mapping Service File

MCC109 Application Transaction Counter (ATC) File

MCC111 PAN-PAR Mapping File

MCCNEG Stand-In Negative File

MCCVIP Stand-In Premium File

Stand-In Account File MCC102

An update request with the file name of MCC102, Stand-In Account File, updates the
Mastercard Account File.
The MCC102 update request is equivalent to the existing functionality in Single Message
Transaction Manager under the Mastercard Debit HotCard Facility option on the Single
Message Transaction Manager home page.

Electronic Warning Bulletin File MCC103

An update request with the file name of MCC103, Electronic Warning Bulletin File, updates
the Mastercard Account Management File.
The MCC103 update request is equivalent to the existing functionality in Single Message
Transaction Manager under the Mastercard Debit HotCard Facility option on the Single
Message Transaction Manager home page.
All updates to the Mastercard Account Management File are copied into the Mastercard
Account File. If the card should be listed on both the Account Management and Account files,
only a MCC103 request can be necessary.

Payment Cancellation File MCC105

An update request with the file name of MCC105, Payment Cancellation File, supports the
Mastercard Payment Cancellation and recurring payment transactions.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 41
Account Management System
Issuer File Update Requests

Issuers participating in Payment Cancellation submit recurring payment blocking criteria to

MCC105 using Issuer File Update Request/0302 messages or Mastercard Account
Management on eService.
This is valid only for Debit Mastercard cards. Issuers can submit Payment Cancellation requests
using the Single Message Transaction Manager under HotCard Facility (click Payment
Cancellation ).

PAN Mapping File MCC106

PAN Mapping file MCC106 provides issuers with the ability to enter and to maintain entries in
the PAN Mapping database through File Update/03xx messages.

Application Transaction Counter (ATC) File MCC109

Application Transaction Counter (ATC) File MCC109 provides issuers with the ability to enter
and to maintain entries in the ATC database through File Update/03xx messages.

An update request with the file name of MCC11, PAN-PAR (Payment Account Reference)
Mapping File will update the PAN-PAR Mapping File.
This file stores PAN-PAR mapping relationship records within the Account Management
System. The PAR is a twenty-three character value that provides a non-PAN method to
associate transactions originating with either a PAN or a token.
PAR is applicable to all Mastercard and Maestro card products tokenized by the Mastercard
Digital Enablement Service (MDES) or for which the issuer has optionally requested the
assignment of a PAR value.
Issuers must manage PAN-PAR relationships stored by Mastercard whenever an account life
cycle event occurs involving a PAN replacement or account closure. Proper PAN-PAR
relationship management is necessary to ensure the integrity of PAR within the payments

Stand-In Negative File MCCNEG

An MDS Stand-In Negative File update request with the file name MCCNEG will update the
MDS negative card exception file.
The MCCNEG update request is equivalent to the existing functionality in Single Message
Transaction Manager under the Stand-In Negative Card Facility option on the Single Message
Transaction Manager home page. The functionality is available to Debit Mastercard , Maestro,
and Cirrus issuers that participate in Mastercard Stand-In program.
If a BIN is flagged as Debit Mastercard and is eligible for Mastercard Stand-In processing, then
the issuer will only need to send one File Update request/0302 to update MCC102 (Stand-In
Account File) on the Account Management system (AMS). This file update request will include
the MCCNEG file on the Mastercard Stand-In system and the MCC102 (Stand-In Account File)
on the AMS.

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Account Management System
Issuer File Update Requests

Stand-In Premium File MCCVIP

An MDS Stand-In premium account file update request with the file name MCCVIP will
update the MDS premium card exception file.
The MCCVIP update request is equivalent to the existing functionality in Single Message
Transaction Manager under the Stand-In Premium Card Facility option on the Single Message
Transaction Manager home page. This functionality is available to Debit Mastercard, Maestro,
and Cirrus issuers that participate in Mastercard Stand-In program.
The information required in DE 120 (Record Data) is dependent on the type of file update

Key Data Elements

An issuer can initiate an Online File Update request by sending an Issuer Advice/0302 message
with DE 101 (File Name) and DE 91 (File Update Code). The valid values for DE 101 and DE 91
are listed in the table.

DE 101 File Name DE 91 File Update Code

MCC102 (Stand-In Account File) 1 Add record

2 Change record
3 Delete record
5 Inquiry

MCC103 (Electronic Warning Bulletin File) 1 Add/change record

3 Delete record

MCC105 (Payment Cancellation File) 1 Add record

2 Change record
3 Delete record
5 Inquiry

MCC106 (PAN Mapping Service) 1 Add record

2 Change record
3 Delete record

MCC109 (ATC File) 1 Add record

5 Inquiry

MCC111 2 Change record

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Account Management System
Issuer File Update Requests

DE 101 File Name DE 91 File Update Code

MCCNEG (Stand-In Negative File) 1 Add record

2 Change record
3 Delete record
5 Inquiry

MCCVIP (Stand-In Premium File) 1 Add record

2 Change record
3 Delete record
5 Inquiry

Refer to the Account Management System User Manual and the Single Message System
Specifications manual for additional information.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 44
Stand-In Processing

Chapter 8 Stand-In Processing

This section describes Stand-In processing as it pertains to Debit Mastercard® transactions.
Mastercard has the ability to provide Stand-In financial processing for Debit Mastercard issuers.
Issuers that use this service are able to provide account access to their cardholders when their
system or processor is unavailable.

Stand-In Processing Overview........................................................................................................46

Applies To Stand-In Processing...................................................................................................... 46
Customer Impact for Stand-In Processing...................................................................................... 47
Technical Description for Stand-In Processing................................................................................ 48
Debit Mastercard Requirements................................................................................................48
Debit Mastercard POS Transactions Supported..................................................................... 48
Debit Mastercard Transactions Eligible for Stand-In Processing.................................................. 48
Debit Mastercard Transactions Not Supported in Stand-In Processing................................... 49
PIN Verification Value on File Service.........................................................................................49
PVV/PIN Offset File Format........................................................................................................49
Debit Mastercard POS Transaction Flows....................................................................................... 51
Financial Transaction/02xx—Exception, Debit Mastercard Stand-In Processing, No Response
from Issuer............................................................................................................................... 51
Stand-In Parameter Levels............................................................................................................. 53
How to Participate in Stand-In Processing......................................................................................54
Stand-In Account Validation Services.............................................................................................54

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 45
Stand-In Processing
Stand-In Processing Overview

Stand-In Processing Overview

Mastercard can provide Stand-In financial processing for Debit Mastercard® issuers connected
to the Mastercard Network through Financial Transaction/02xx messages.
Debit Mastercard issuers using Stand-In processing are able to provide transaction
authorizations for cardholders when systems or processors are unavailable. Mastercard
provides this service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Applies To Stand-In Processing

Stand-In Processsing is mandated for the U.S. Region for Mastercard Debit issuers. Stand-in
Processing is optional for Mastercard Debit issuers in all other regions.
The following table lists possible impacts that issuers and processors should consider;
however, the list in the following table can not be a complete list of the changes necessary for
the individual processor environment to implement Stand-In processing.

Potential Customer Impact

Changes Are Required to

Area of Impact Participate (Y/N) Comments

Online Y Online messages (for more

information, refer to the
Technical Description topic
within this section or to the
Single Message System
Specifications manual).

Batch Y Issuers that participate in Stand-

In processing must support the
250-byte Batch Data File. (for
more information, refer to the
Single Message System
Settlement and Reports manual).

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 46
Stand-In Processing
Customer Impact for Stand-In Processing

Changes Are Required to

Area of Impact Participate (Y/N) Comments

Reconciliation Y Mastercard encourages issuers to

develop a program to convert
the 250-byte Batch Data File
records for posting to the
cardholder’s account when store-
and-forward (SAF) is not
available (for example, during
disaster recovery or emergency
Stand-In processing).

Customer Impact for Stand-In Processing

Stand-In processing can assist issuers in meeting required performance standards. Failure to
meet these standards could result in noncompliance assessments.
Mastercard can provide authorizations based on issuer-defined parameters for transactions
that would otherwise have been declined when the issuer is unavailable or does not respond
in the required time frame.
Issuers can request CVC 1 validation when the Single Message System performs Stand-In
processing for Financial Transaction Request/0200 messages from an ATM, depending on
receipt of CVC verification keys.
Stand-In processing provides eligible cardholders greater coverage at the point of interaction
for supported transaction types. If the issuer is unavailable, and participates in Stand-In
processing, cardholders still receive service.
Issuer-provided parameters, counts, and amounts are the basis for the approval or decline of
transactions. Stand-In processing will decrease impact on cardholders during either system
outages, communication disruptions, or when an authorization center is not operational.
Issuers that participate in Stand-In processing must support store-and-forward (SAF)
interleaving to receive Financial Transaction Advice/0220—Debit Mastercard messages as a
notification of transactions processed in Stand-In. The Single Message System interleaves
Stand-In completions with normal online authorization requests once communications have
been reestablished with Mastercard Network.

NOTE: Financial Transaction Advice/0220—Debit Mastercard messages sent as notification of

denied transactions processed through Stand-In are optional.

Mastercard has developed reports to provide statistics about improved performance and to
allow issuers to track the number of approved transactions that otherwise would have been
declined. Refer to the Single Message System Settlement and Reports manual for samples of
these reports.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 47
Stand-In Processing
Technical Description for Stand-In Processing

Technical Description for Stand-In Processing

These topics describe requirements, Single Message System transaction processing, and
technical impacts required to support Stand-In processing for issuers and processors.

Debit Mastercard Requirements

Debit Mastercard transactions initiated at a POS terminal such as a retail store can use either
personal identification number (PIN) entry by the cardholder or signature as the cardholder
authentication method.

NOTE: For more information about the additional requirements for issuers using contact chip
technology with their Mastercard products, refer to M/Chip Requirements.

Mastercard Issuers must support the following functionalities to participate in Stand-In

processing for Debit Mastercard POS transactions:
• Store-and-Forward (SAF) interleaving for Financial Transaction Advice/0220—Debit
Mastercard messages.
• 250-byte Batch Data File.
• The following Stand-In authorization parameters:
– POS Stand-In transactions: 250/3 (daily amount/count)—No PIN validation
– Issuers can establish higher Stand-In processing parameters based on the account
ranges that participate in Stand-In processing. This includes debit POS Stand-In
transactions amounts and counts.
• When Single Message System performs Stand-In processing for Financial Transaction
Request/0200 messages for Debit Mastercard POS transactions. Issuers must participate in
Card Validation Code (CVC), dynamic CVC3, and/or Chip Validation, whichever is
applicable for each transaction.

Debit Mastercard POS Transactions Supported

Stand-In processing supports these Debit Mastercard POS transactions.
• Purchase—DE 3 (Processing Code) = 00xxxx
• Purchase with cash back—DE 3 (Processing Code) = 09xxxx

Debit Mastercard Transactions Eligible for Stand-In Processing

Debit Mastercard transactions are eligible for Stand-In processing under these conditions.
• The Financial Transaction Request/0200 message to the issuer times out or the issuer is
marked down.
• A response is received from, or in place of, the issuer with a value of 80, 91, 92, or 96 in
data element (DE) 39 (Response Code) in a Financial Transaction Request Response/0210
• The Single Message System detects a format error on the Financial Transaction Request
Response/0210 message received from the issuer.

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Stand-In Processing
Technical Description for Stand-In Processing

Debit Mastercard Transactions Not Supported in Stand-In Processing

These transactions are not eligible for Stand-In processing.
• POS same-day Reversals (Reversal Advice/04xx)
• POS non-same-day Reversals (Reversal Advice/04xx)
• Balance Inquiries—DE 3 (Processing Code) = 30xxxx
• Deposits—(DE 3 (Processing Code) = 21xxxx
• Payment Transactions—DE 3 (Processing Code), subfield 1 (Cardholder Transaction Type) =
• PIN Managment Services—DE 3 (Processing Code), subfield 1 (Cardholder Transaction
Type), value of 91 (PIN Unblock) or 92 (PIN Change)
• Account Status Inquiry Service—DE 61, subfield 7 = 8
• ATC Update—DE 61, subfield 7 = 6
• Recurring Payment Test Transaction—DE 61, subfield 7 = 4 and DE 4 = all zeros

PIN Verification Value on File Service

The Single Message System supports the PIN Verification Value (PVV) on File service during
Stand-In processing for POS transactions. The Single Message System can verify the PIN data
in a POS transaction during Stand-In processing.
The Single Message System provides the results of the PIN Validations service during Stand-In
in the Additional Response field on the Single Message Transaction Manager Transaction
History screen. This service is restricted to transactions that are sent to Mastercard.
The following are valid values for the Additional Response field:
• POF09I—Online PIN Validation in Stand-In, Invalid PIN
• POF09P—Online PIN Validation in Stand-In, Mandatory PVV not on file
• POF09R—Online PIN Validation in Stand-In, PIN retry exceeded
• POF09U—Online PIN Validation in Stand-In, Unable to process
• POF09V—Online PIN Validation in Stand-In, Valid PIN
Debit Mastercard issuers that participate in this service must send a PVV/PIN Offset file to the
Single Message System and must use the Single Message System managed keys. Issuers must
also be sure to exchange the PIN verification keys (PVKs) with the Single Message System
before using this service. Customer Implementation Services specialists assist issuers with
setting up a file or adding new files for testing and production.

PVV/PIN Offset File Format

Following is the PVV/PIN Offset File format that has a fixed length of 64 characters. Issuers can
use Bulk ID RA85 or CONNECT:Direct to send the PVV/PIN Offset file to Mastercard.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 49
Stand-In Processing
Technical Description for Stand-In Processing

PVV/PIN Offset File Header Record

Field Name Attribute Length Comments/Values

Record type ID Alphanumeric 3 HDR—header record

File version number Numeric 3 100 (initial version)

Customer ID Alphanumeric 11 First six digits must contain the

issuers ICA with leading zeros
Seventh digit and beyond
contains trailing spaces

Transmission code Alphanumeric 10 Member assigned transmission

code. May contain all spaces or

Transmission sequence Numeric 4 0000–9999

Wraps at 9999

Transmission date Numeric 6 YYMMDD in UTC

Transmission time Numeric 6 hhmmss in UTC

Input file type Alphanumeric 1 F: Full file replace

Filler Alphanumeric 20 Spaces

PVV/PIN Offset File Detail Record

Field Name Attribute Length Comments/Values

Record type ID Alphanumeric 3 DTL—detail record

Update code Alphanumeric 1 A = Add/Update

PAN Numeric 19 With trailing spaces

Card expiry date Numeric 4 YYMM (must contain a valid

year and month)

Card sequence number Numeric 1 Must contain the Sequence

Number associated with the PAN
or 0. A value of 0 indicates that
the card sequence number
should not be used as criteria
when matching to the PVV file.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 50
Stand-In Processing
Debit Mastercard POS Transaction Flows

Field Name Attribute Length Comments/Values

PVV/PIN Offset Numeric 6 Trailing spaces

Filler Alphanumeric 30 Spaces

PVV/PIN Offset File Trailer Record

Field Name Attribute Length Comments/Values

Record type ID Alphanumeric 3 TRL—trailer record

Number of detail Numeric 11 Detail record count


Filler Alphanumeric 50 Spaces

Debit Mastercard POS Transaction Flows

The flow diagram illustrates Single Message System Stand-In processing procedures when the
Debit Mastercard issuer cannot complete the transaction.

Financial Transaction/02xx—Exception, Debit Mastercard Stand-In Processing, No

Response from Issuer
This figure illustrates Single Message System Stand-In processing procedures when the Debit
Mastercard issuer cannot complete the transaction.

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Stand-In Processing
Debit Mastercard POS Transaction Flows

1. The acquirer initiates an Authorization Request/0100 message to the Single Message

2. The Single Message System sends a Financial Transaction Request/0200 message to the
Debit Mastercard issuer.
3. The Authorization System detects a time-out condition from the Single Message System
since the issuer has not responded.
4. The Authorization System stands in for ALL issuers, and sends an Authorization Advice/
0120 to the Single Message System.
5. The Single Message System detects a time-out condition on the Financial Transaction
Request Response/0210 message that is expected from the issuer. The Single Message
System returns a Authorization Request Response/0110 message back to the
Authorization System for the original transaction with a response code 91
6. From the Authorization Advice/0120 message received from the Authorization System, the
issuer can receive a record of the Financial Transaction Advice/0220—Debit Mastercard
Stand-In or a Financial Transaction Request/0200 message which is placed in the SAF file
on the Single Message System for later delivery to the Debit Mastercard issuer. Issuers
have the option of receiving the Financial Transaction Request/0200 message; issuers must
contact Mastercard to request this option.
7. The Single Message System responds to the Authorization Advice/0120 from the
Authorization System with an Authorization Advice Response/0130 message
8. The Single Message System initiates a Network Management Request/0800 “echo test”
message from the configured production sites at regular intervals to verify or establish
communication with the issuer.
9. The Debit Mastercard issuer responds with a Network Management Request Response/
0810 message.

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Stand-In Processing
Stand-In Parameter Levels

10. The Single Message System sends a Store-and-Forward (SAF) Financial Transaction Advice/
0220 message with DE 38 (Authorization Identification Response) that includes a six-digit
switch serial number to the Debit Mastercard issuer.
11. The Debit Mastercard issuer responds with a Financial Transaction Advice Response/0230
12. Any remaining messages stored in the SAF file for the Debit Mastercard issuer also will be
sent by the Single Message System to the Debit Mastercard issuer. When completed, the
Single Message System will send a Network Management Advice/0820 message to
indicate the SAF facility has reached an end-of-file (EOF) condition.

Stand-In Parameter Levels

Issuers can set Stand-In limits as an aggregate amount, or dollar amounts and usage.
CVC1, CVC3, and Chip validation is required, whereas PIN verification is optional for Stand-In
processing; however, Mastercard recommends PIN verification to provide additional levels of
Processors must use Online File Update/03xx messages or Single Message Transaction
Manager to initially load Stand-In parameters established at the card level.
Mastercard uses the most granular level to determine Stand-In parameters. The hierarchy for
Stand-In parameter levels is as follows:
• Processor level
• Account range level
• Card level

Processor Level
The Single Message System sets up a BIN that is equal to the processor number and
establishes the desired parameters for that BIN.
Issuers or processors can choose not to establish card level or account range level parameters;
in this instance the parameters default to the processor level.

Account Range Level

Mastercard checks for parameters set by account range, when card level parameters have not
been established.

Mixed Level
Processors can choose to have Stand-In currency amounts and velocity counts set at a
processor level for some account ranges and at the account range level for other account

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 53
Stand-In Processing
How to Participate in Stand-In Processing

Card Level
Mastercard checks the Exception File for card information, including lost and stolen cards and
Premium account listings. Individual accounts placed in an Exception File are identified for
special handling.

How to Participate in Stand-In Processing

Customers must notify Customer Implementation Services by sending a letter or email
message authorizing the initiation of this project.
Contact a Customer Implementation Services specialist or your regional representative for
more information about how to participate in Stand-In processing.

NOTE: Stand-In processing is mandatory for U.S. region of Mastercard Debit issuers and
optional for all other regions.

Stand-In Account Validation Services

The Stand-In Account Validation services are mandated for all issuers to adopt the relevant
validation services that are appropriate for their Mastercard® card programs.
Issuers must share security keys with Mastercard in order for Mastercard to perform validation
in Stand-In processing.

NOTE: Mastercard mandates to use Account Validation Services to lock in account protection
with market-appropriate cardholder authentication and validation methods. PIN Validation is
an optional validation service.

Magnetic Stripe Validation

Tests the magnetic stripe, or CVC1 data, to validate the legitimacy of the account and the
authenticity of the POS or ATM transaction.

M/Chip Validation
Evaluates the chip cryptogram data in the authorization request to validate payment
authenticity for POS, ATM and contactless transactions. The M/Chip validation supports issuers
that process chip transactions on an ongoing basis, including the validation of the
Authorization Request Cryptogram and generation of the Authorization Response
Cryptogram on their hosts when the issuer is signed out, the transaction cannot be delivered
to the issuer, or the issuer timed out.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 54
Stand-In Processing
Stand-In Account Validation Services

PIN Validation
Verifies the cardholder’s Personal Identification Number (PIN), instead of the sales receipt
signature, during authorization to ensure legitimate transactions.

Contactless Validation
Tests magnetic stripe, or CVC3 data, to authenticate accounts used for contactless

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 55
250-byte Batch Data File

Chapter 9 250-byte Batch Data File

This section describes the additional record types received in the 250-byte Batch Data File when
processing Debit Mastercard transactions.

250-byte Batch Data File Overview................................................................................................57

250-byte Batch Data File............................................................................................................... 57

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250-byte Batch Data File
250-byte Batch Data File Overview

250-byte Batch Data File Overview

The Single Message System provides a 250-byte Batch Data File to Debit Mastercard® issuers.
The Single Message System provides this file to assist issuers with their internal customer
service, settlement, and reconciliation operations.
The 250-byte Batch Data File provides flexibility by allowing customers to select the specific
addendum data to meet individual customer’s processing requirements. The 250-byte Batch
Data File provides a single format for customers and processors to use when performing
settlement, posting, reporting, and reconciliation processing of Single Message System activity.
Issuers and their processors can receive the 250-byte Batch Data File during standard end-of-
day processing or at an earlier time to align with their current settlement service. For the early
delivery time, the 250-byte Batch Data File displays settled transactions only.
Issuers receiving the 250-byte Batch Data File can also receive the 80-byte Financial Institution
Transaction Data File.
Issuers using the 250-byte Batch Data File realize a number of benefits, including:
• The file contains ISO data elements instead of the existing ANSI data elements—matching
the customers’ online messages
• Simpler reconciliation by Settlement Service through the use of trailer totals
• The availability of more data through addendum records
• The ability to select and to receive only those records that provide useful information
• Amounts provided in local currency

250-byte Batch Data File

The 250-byte format supports financial, non-financial, and addendum records. Each record
layout is displayed with the appropriate fields and corresponding attributes from the online
transaction processing log file used to create the records.
The values in the Comments and Values column are generated from the online messages,
unless otherwise indicated, except interchange fees which are calculated in batch.
Transaction records are sorted by settlement currency, primary account number (PAN), and
Switch Serial Number.
The 250-byte Batch Data File provides a single format for customers and processors to use
when performing settlement, posting, reporting, and reconciliation processing of Single
Message System activity.

Debit Mastercard related Addendum Records

Several segment variations are available for each Corporate Mastercard Card text addendum.
For additional information and record layouts, refer to the Single Message System Settlement
and Reports manual.

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250-byte Batch Data File
250-byte Batch Data File

In addition to this corporate card data, Debit Mastercard issuers also can request the record
types specific to Debit Mastercard activity, listed in the following table.

Value Record Type Description

DBMC Financial/Non-financial Debit Mastercard Addendum Record

AIRA Financial/Non-financial Debit Mastercard Airline Ticket Addendum


1740 Miscellaneous Fee Records—optional, Addendum Record

1741 Miscellaneous Fee Records—optional, Addendum Record

Corporate Card Overview

The Single Message System provides addendum data submitted by acquirers on Corporate
Mastercard Cards™ to those Debit Mastercard issuers that request to receive corporate card
transaction data. This service is optional for all Debit Mastercard ® issuers that issue
Mastercard Corporate Cards™.
The corporate card data information is available in the 250-byte Batch Data File.
Corporate card data is available in the addendum records in the following table.

Value Message Type Indicator

GTxx Passenger Transport Detail (General Ticket Information)

TLxx Passenger Transport Detail (Trip Leg Data)

RDxx Passenger Transport Detail (Rail Data)

VRxx Vehicle Rental Detail

LSxx Lodging Summary

TSxx Temporary Services

SSxx Shipping/Courier Services

CDxx Corporate Card Common Data

LIxx Corporate Line Item Detail

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 58
Debit Mastercard Reports

Chapter 10 Debit Mastercard Reports

This section describes the reports associated with the processing of Debit Mastercard transactions.

Debit Mastercard Reports Overview...............................................................................................60

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Debit Mastercard Reports
Debit Mastercard Reports Overview

Debit Mastercard Reports Overview

Processing with Debit Mastercard® can require an additional processor ID that is specific to
Debit Mastercard. Issuers that process Debit Mastercard under a separate processor ID receive
reports separately for their Debit Mastercard transactions.
Currently, reports are sorted by product type for each processor ID. For example:
Existing Processor ID
• Cirrus®
• Mastercard Cash Advance
• Maestro® POS
• Maestro ATM
• Visa/PLUS ATM Network
• Visa
Additional Processor ID
• Debit Mastercard Authorization
• Debit Mastercard Clearing
Reports are delivered through Mastercard eService and Global File Transfer (GFT). Customer
Implementation Services representatives work with issuers to determine the most
advantageous method to retrieve bulk files.
For more report information, refer to the Single Message System Settlement and Reports.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 60
Using Single Message Transaction Manager

Chapter 11 Using Single Message Transaction Manager

This section describes the Single Message Transaction Manager options and services for processing
Debit Mastercard® transactions.

Using Single Message Transaction Manager—Overview.................................................................62

Transaction History Window..........................................................................................................63
HotCard Facility............................................................................................................................ 63
Database Files............................................................................................................................... 64
MDS Stand-In............................................................................................................................... 64
Time Based Payments................................................................................................................... 65

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 61
Using Single Message Transaction Manager
Using Single Message Transaction Manager—Overview

Using Single Message Transaction Manager—Overview

Single Message Transaction Manager is an online application that connects the user with
appropriate provisioning to single message transaction activities.
Using a computer and a web browser, you can access Single Message Transaction Manager
through Mastercard Connect™ to perform any of the following administrative functions:
• Process online adjustments
• View online transaction lookups
• View adjustment history files
• Access Debit System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (SAFE) processing
• View institution definition files
• View institution routing tables
• Access Debit Mastercard® hotcard files
• Manage recurring payment transactions
• Access Stand-In information files
• Update Mastercard Contactless On-behalf Services, including Contactless Mapping Service
• Update Application Transaction Counter (ATC) information
The Single Message System provides all of the necessary programs within Single Message
Transaction Manager for online processing and transaction research. The programs comprise
multiple levels of security ensuring that only the financial institution and those individuals
designated by the financial institution can access transaction records.
You access Single Message Transaction Manager through Mastercard Connect™. Single
Message Transaction Manager is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the exception of
scheduled system outages.

Using Single Message Transaction Manager to Access Single Message Information

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 62
Using Single Message Transaction Manager
Transaction History Window

For more information about the Single Message Transaction Manager, refer to the Single
Message Transaction Manager User Guide. For additional support, contact Customer
Operations Services.

Transaction History Window

The Transaction History window is the main window from which users can perform such tasks
as transaction history lookups, exception item processing, Debit SAFE processing, and applying
progressive handling fees (debit Mastercard only).
The Transaction History displays transaction details of a Primary Account Number (PAN) for
specified settlement days. Users must first select the primary search criteria, either PAN or
Switch Serial Number. If searching by PAN, a date range can be specified. The date must be
within the last 120 calendar days. If the Switch Serial Number is used as the primary search
criteria, a single date must be provided.
The Transaction History displays search results of all transactions found for the provided search
criteria. Single Message Transaction Manager displays each transaction in a single line in
reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest) as the default. You can double-click
on a transaction from this list of results to display the detail related to a specific transaction.
Then the Transaction Processing or Adjustment History functions can perform within the
transaction history detail panel for the specific transaction.
Depending on the transaction class (for example, Cirrus, Maestro, and Debit Mastercard) the
data fields that display in the Adjustment History window will change. For discussion
purposes, Maestro and Cirrus processing is used in the following steps and illustrations.

The Transaction History function is not available for transactions in which the customer is the
acquirer. It is available to issuers only. Single Message Transaction Manager displays a NO
RECORDS FOUND message if a user searches for transactions in which the customer is the
acquirer (indicating that the user entered a PAN for which he or she is not authorized to

HotCard Facility
The Mastercard Debit HotCard Facility is an account management system used by Debit
Mastercard issuing processors and corresponding customers to block lost or stolen cards and
to indicate special account status within the Mastercard Network.
Issuers also can use the Mastercard Debit HotCard Facility to stop recurring payment
transactions for a specific account from a particular merchant when requested by the
Using the HotCard Facility section on the Single Message Transaction Manager home page,
Debit Mastercard issuing processors and corresponding customers can access the following:

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 63
Using Single Message Transaction Manager
Database Files

• Mastercard Account File Maintenance

• Electronic Warning Bulletin Maintenance
• Payment Cancellation File Maintenance

Database Files
The Institution Routing Table and Institution Definition File are accessed using the Database
Files section on the Single Message Transaction Manager home page to verify pending change
requests to database files.
Using the Database Files section, processors can access the following:
• Institution Routing Table:
Permits issuers to review their key parameter information for their issuing activity. Access
the MDS Institution Routing Table window from the Single Message Transaction Manager
home page. The Single Message System uses the table for routing valid issuer transactions
to the appropriate processor.
• Institution Definition File:
May be used to identify general information about an issuing institution. Access the MDS
Institution Definition File window from the Single Message Transaction Manager home
page. Verify the institution name and location assigned to an Institution ID on the MDS
Institution Definition File. Access the file with the routing and transit number (institution

NOTE: The Institution Routing Table or Institution Definition File windows are read only. You
cannot modify, add, or delete data.

MDS Stand-In
Issuers using Stand-In processing are able to provide transaction authorizations for cardholders
when an issuer’s system or processor is unavailable.
Using the MDS Stand-In section, processors subscribing to Maestro® and Cirrus® Stand-In
processing can perform these tasks.
• Stand-In Velocity lookups
– The Stand-In Velocity Lookup window can be accessed from the Single Message
Transaction Manager home page. Processors can view Stand-In processing activity at the
account level from the MDS Stand-In Velocity Lookup window.
– The file contains cardholder database activity and tracks transaction types and usage
amounts on a 24-hour basis. The record is reset upon receipt of the first stand-in
transaction for that primary account number (PAN) occurring after 24:00 Eastern time.
• Stand-In Negative Card file maintenance

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 64
Using Single Message Transaction Manager
Time Based Payments

– Access the Stand-In Negative Card Facility window from the Single Message Transaction
Manager home page.
– The Stand-In Negative Card Facility window contains all account numbers with a status
of exception or hot. Using the MDS Stand-In Negative Card Facility window, authorized
users can view, add, update, and delete Stand-In records.
• Premium Card file maintenance
– Access the MDS Stand-In Premium Card Facility window (previously labeled VIP Card
Facility), which can be accessed from the Single Message Transaction Manager home
page. The processor can set higher withdrawal limits and usage counts for individual
Premium cards.
– Using the MDS Stand-In Premium Card Facility window, authorized users can view, add,
update, and delete specified records.

Time Based Payments

Using the Time Based Payments section on the Single Message Transaction Manager home
page, customers that participate in Time Based Payments can access these applications.
• Time-based payments history
– Access the Time Based Payments History window from the Single Message Transaction
Manager home page and the Time Based Payments History Detail window.
– The Time Based Payments History function is used to show all time-based payments for
Maestro® and Cirrus® transactions that have occurred for a particular primary account
number (PAN) between a start date and end date.
• Time-based life cycle
– Access the Time Based Payments Life Cycle window from the Time Based Payments
History window.
– The Time Based Payments Life Cycle window displays all time-based payments
transactions tied to a particular purchase.
• Time-based payments history detail
– Access the Time Based Payments History Detail window from the Single Message
Transaction Manager home page.
– The Time Based Payments History Detail window displays all the detail of the selected
time-based payments transactions.
– On this page, you can perform various processing tasks such as performing chargebacks
or adjustments, applying handling fees, and reporting fraudulent transactions.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 65
Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees

Chapter 12 Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees

The section provides a general overview of Debit Mastercard billing and fees.

Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees Overview...................................................................................67

Debit Mastercard Interchange Fees................................................................................................67
Debit Mastercard Offline Fees....................................................................................................... 67
Debit Mastercard Switch Fees........................................................................................................67
Currency Conversion.....................................................................................................................67

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 66
Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees
Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees Overview

Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees Overview

Any applicable fees for Debit Mastercard® processing are billed through the Mastercard
Consolidated Billing System (MCBS).

Debit Mastercard Interchange Fees

Interchange for a Debit Mastercard transaction is governed by the Signature Debit interchange
rate structures.
Refer to the Interchange Manual for rates and qualifying criteria.
The Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) calculates all interchange. These amounts
are included in the customer’s daily GCMS settlement records.
The Daily Interchange Report (SWCHD412) and the Monthly Interchange Report (SWCHM412)
provides a summary of interchange fees. For more information about SWCHD412 and
SWCHM412, refer to Single Message System Settlement and Reports.

Debit Mastercard Offline Fees

Offline fees are billed either through the Mastercard Consolidated Billing System (MCBS) or
Global Clearing Management System (GCMS).

Debit Mastercard Switch Fees

Customers that process their Debit Mastercard transactions through the Single Message
System pay the switch fees.
After the preauthorization request, the clearing message sends a “force post” or
“completion” message to the issuer from the Single Message System. These types of
transactions are also billed as switch fees through MCBS.
Switch fees will appear on the MCBS Reports one day after a transaction is processed.
For more information, refer to the Mastercard Consolidated Billing System manual.

Currency Conversion
Currency conversion is a service that Mastercard performs to convert transaction amounts to
cardholder billing amounts and reconciliation amounts whenever the transaction currency is
different from the currency of the cardholder or the settlement currency.
This process enables customers to do the following:

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 67
Debit Mastercard Billing and Fees
Currency Conversion

• Acquire transactions in multiple currencies and issue cards that are billed in currencies
preferred by cardholders. For each transaction, Mastercard converts the acquired
transaction amounts from the transaction currency to the issuer-designated cardholder
billing currency.
• Settle in currencies that best align with their local business practices of acquirers and
issuers. Mastercard buys and sells currencies to support settlement of multiple currencies
for its customers. Mastercard uses currency conversion rates for calculating acquirer and
issuer settlement amounts. Mastercard guarantees the Mastercard-issued currency
conversion rates for each supported currency for each processing day.
For more information about currency conversion, refer to the Single Message System
Programs and Services manual

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 68
Debit Mastercard Testing Requirements

Chapter 13 Debit Mastercard Testing Requirements

This section provides a general overview of testing requirements for Debit Mastercard® processing.

Debit Mastercard System Testing Overview....................................................................................70

Single Message System Testing Environment................................................................................. 70
Debit Mastercard Testing Costs..................................................................................................... 70
Debit Mastercard Online Testing Scheduling.................................................................................. 71
Debit Mastercard Test Scripts.........................................................................................................71
Testing Requirements for Debit Mastercard Implementation.......................................................... 71
Debit Test Facility for Online Testing..........................................................................................71
Debit Test Facility Requirements for New Customers................................................................. 71
Debit Mastercard Background for Testing................................................................................. 71
Debit Test Facility Requirements for Existing Customers............................................................ 72

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 69
Debit Mastercard Testing Requirements
Debit Mastercard System Testing Overview

Debit Mastercard System Testing Overview

System testing of all Single Message System processors is an integral part of the
implementation plan.
The Single Message System, as the provider of routing, message translation, and settlement
services, tests all processors’ system environments before implementation to ensure the overall
integrity of the Single Message System environment.
For test scripts supporting both online and offline testing refer to the Testing Reference
Information Center on Mastercard Connect™.
These scripts assist each issuer or third-party processor in complying with standard processing
requirements. Using these scripts makes it possible to test all conditions expected in the Single
Message System production environment. Mastercard reviews the completed acceptance
tests, including receipt of test transactions and the documented results of each test
transaction, to ensure that the processor meets all processor testing requirements.

NOTE: Mastercard allows processors to connect to the Mastercard Network only after
processors complete the minimum acceptance test requirements.

Mastercard provides processor testing as a continuing service of the Single Message System.
To test each processor’s online interface, each processor must accept issuer processor
functionality. All processors can use the test facilities to re-test their internal system changes
by scheduling convenient times with their Mastercard Regional Office or a Customer
Implementation Services specialist. For more information about testing, refer to the Single
Message System Specifications manual.

Single Message System Testing Environment

The Single Message System maintains a test platform separate from the production system.
This test environment enables processors to perform transaction processing with parameters
and time frames that mirror the production system. Settlement cut-over is included in cycle
testing so processors can complete batch processing and balance back to the Single Message
System before going live.

Debit Mastercard Testing Costs

Standard testing costs apply to Debit Mastercard testing.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 70
Debit Mastercard Testing Requirements
Debit Mastercard Online Testing Scheduling

Debit Mastercard Online Testing Scheduling

Online testing must be scheduled at least five days in advance and cannot begin until
simulator testing is completed.

Debit Mastercard Test Scripts

For test scripts supporting both online and offline testing of Debit Mastercard, refer to:
Testing Reference Information Center on Mastercard Connect™

Testing Requirements for Debit Mastercard Implementation

For more information about testing requirements for Debit Mastercard implementation,
contact your Mastercard Regional Office or the Customer Implementation Services Specialist
assigned to your project.

Debit Test Facility for Online Testing

Customers use the Debit Test Facility to complete the testing process. After completing the
initial testing with the simulator, customers should have resolved any message format and
procedural issues.

Debit Test Facility Requirements for New Customers

All new customers that have a direct connection to the Mastercard Network must complete
online testing with the Debit Test Facility.
Required online testing includes the following:
• Financial functionality for customer-supported products and services
• Validation of the processing of settlement reports and files
• Reject reason code mapping
• Network management
• Administrative messages
For more information about testing, refer to the Testing Reference Information Center on
Mastercard Connect™.

Debit Mastercard Background for Testing

The testing process ensures that online testing with a Customer Implementation Services
Specialist focuses on the message routing and processing aspects of testing and testing the
customer interface to the Mastercard Network. Online testing also creates settlement reports
and files, allowing customer to test file transfer and processing.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 71
Debit Mastercard Testing Requirements
Testing Requirements for Debit Mastercard Implementation

Debit Test Facility Requirements for Existing Customers

Existing customers can conduct testing with the Debit Test Facility at any time.
They can use the test facility to conduct authorization testing for Debit release changes or to
test any changes to their authorization interfaces with Mastercard.
Customers also can use the Debit Test Facility to test Debit release changes and other file
transmissions between customers and Mastercard.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 72
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping

Appendix A GCMS to Single Message System Data

Element Mapping
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping

This appendix provides a cross-reference between IPM data elements used for Global Clearing
Management System (GCMS) processing and the data elements used for Single Message System
processing, where applicable.

Single Message System Data Element Mapping.............................................................................74

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 73
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

Single Message System Data Element Mapping

Debit Mastercard® issuers can see records that include data elements in both the Global
Clearing Management System (GCMS) message format and the Single Message System
message format.
The information in the GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping table is a
cross reference between the data elements used in the clearing process and those used for
reconciliation. For more information about the conditions where these data elements are
present, refer to IPM Clearing Formats.
For more information about the fields that can be used to match the preauthorization to the
completion messages, refer to Customer Interface Specification, Single Message System
Specifications, and IPM Clearing Formats.
The following table provides an explanation of the headings shown in the cross-reference
table below.

Heading Meaning

IPM DE No. The number used to identify the IPM data element in

Usage Indicates if the data element is mandatory (M), conditional

(C), or not applicable (N/A) in the IPM format

Description The name used to identify the IPM data element in GCMS
and the description, if any, of the data element

ISO DE No. The corresponding data element number/subelement

number used in the Single Message System online advice

250-byte Batch Data File Indicates in what record, if any, the data element displays
in the 250-byte Batch Data File

NOTE: P is a representation of Private Data Subelement (PDS).

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 74
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

2 M Primary Account Number (PAN) 2 EREC/FREC/


3 M Processing Code
Indicates the effect of a transaction and the
type of accounts affected

3/1 Transaction Type 3/1 1740

3/2 Account Type (From) 3/2 N/A

3/3 Account Type (To) N/A N/A

TCC in DE 48 is created from GCMS, DE 3 as 48, pos 1 N/A

If DE 3 = 00 or 09, then TCC = R
If DE 3 = 12, 18, or 17, then TCC = U.
If DE 3 = 01, then TCC = Z
Any other value in DE 3 will result TCC =

4 M Amount, Transaction 4 FREC

Amount of funds the cardholder requested in
the acquirer’s local currency or a currency
acceptable to the cardholder and card
acceptor that the acquirer supports, exclusive
of PDS 0146 (Amounts, Transaction Fee)

5 M Amount, Reconciliation 5 FREC

Amount in the settlement currency

6 C Amount, Cardholder Billing 6 EPST/FPST

Amount in DE 4 converted to cardholder's
billing currency

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 75
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

9 M Conversion Rate, Reconciliation 9 EREC/FREC

The factor used in converting transaction
amount to reconciliation amount

10 C Conversion Rate, Cardholder Billing 10 N/A

Factor used in converting transaction amount
to cardholder billing amount

12 C Date and Time, Local Transaction 12 EREC/FREC

Local year, month, and time at which the 13 EREC/FREC

transaction took place

14 C Date, Expiration 14 N/A

22 M Point of Service Data Code 61 FPST

Series of codes that identify terminal

capability, terminal environment and point-of-

22/1 Terminal Data: Card Data Input Capability 61/11 N/A

22/2 Terminal Data: Cardholder Authentication 22/2 FREC


22/3 Terminal Data: Card Capture Capability 61/6 N/A

22/4 Terminal Operating Environment 61/1 N/A


22/5 Cardholder Present Data 61/4 N/A

22/6 Card Present Data 61/5 N/A

22/7 Card Data: Input Mode 22/1 N/A

22/8 Cardholder Authentication Method 110/6 DBMC

22/9 Cardholder Authentication Entity

22/10 Card Data Output Capability 110/5 DBMC

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 76
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

22/11 Terminal Data: Output Capability 110/5 DBMC

22/12 PIN Capture Capability 110/5 DBMC

23 C Card Sequence Number 23 DBMC

Distinguishes among separate cards having
the same Primary Account Number (PAN)

24 M Function Code 60/1 N/A

Indicates a message's specific purpose.

25 C Message Reason Code N/A EPST

Provides the message receiver with the reason 60/2 1740
that the message was sent

26 M Card Acceptor Business Code (MCC) 18 FREC

Classifies the type of business applicable to
the card acceptor

30 C Amounts, Original
Contains the 'amount' data element values
from the First Presentment (1240) or Fee
Collection (1740)

30/1 Original Amount, Transaction 4 EREC

30/2 Original Amount, Reconciliation 5 EREC

31 M Acquirer Reference Data

Acquirer supplied data that can be required in
subsequent messages

31/1 Mixed Use; any numeric value 63/5 DBMC

31/2 Acquirer’s BIN must contain the six-digit 63/5 DBMC

acquirer’s BIN

31/3 Julian Processing Date YDDD contains the 63/5 DBMC

Julian processing date the acquirer assigned to
the First Presentment/1240.

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 77
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

31/4 Acquirer’s Sequence Number contains the 63/5 DBMC

sequence number that the acquirer assigned
to the First Presentment/1240; numeric

31/5 Check Digit Numeric; Lühn Formula 63/5 DBMC

Modulus-10 algorithm determines value on
the previous 22 positions.

32 C Acquiring Institution ID Code 32 FREC

Identifies an acquirer

33 M Forwarding Institution ID Code N/A N/A

Identifies a message's forwarding institution
sent as processor 9000000084

37 C Retrieval Reference Number N/A N/A

Transaction information document reference

38 C Authorization ID 38 FREC
Authorizing institution assigned indicates

40 C Service Code N/A N/A

Provides codes that increase issuers' flexibility
in defining card acceptance parameters
Contained on the magnetic stripe or chip on a

41 C Card Acceptor Terminal ID 41 EREC/FREC

Unique code identifying a terminal at the card
acceptor location

42 C Merchant ID 42 DBMC/FPST

43 M Card Acceptor Name/Location

Identifies the card acceptor

43/1 Card Acceptor Name 43/1 CL10/FPST

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 78
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

43/2 Card Acceptor Street Address 43/1 CL10/FPST

43/3 Card Acceptor City 43/3 CL10/FPST

43/4 Card Acceptor Postal (ZIP) Code 43/1 CL10/FPST

43/5 Card Acceptor State/Province or Region Code 43/5 CL10/FPST

43/6 Card Acceptor County Code 43/5 CL10/FPST

49 M Currency Code, Transaction 49 FREC/1740

Defines the currency code for DE 4

50 M Currency Code, Reconciliation 50 EREC/FREC/

Defines the currency code for DE 5

51 C Currency Code, Cardholder Billing 51 ADDR/EPST/

Defines the currency code for DE 6

54 C Amounts, Additional
Additional amounts and related account data
for which specific data elements have not
been defined

54/1 Additional Amount, Account Type 54/1 N/A

54/2 Additional Amount, Amount Type 54/2 N/A

54/3 Additional Amount, Currency Code 54/3 ADDR

54/4 Debit or Credit Indicator 54/4 ADDR

54/5 Additional Amount, Amount 54/5 ADDR/EREC/


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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 79
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

55 C Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) System 55 N/A

Related Data
Contains data related to ICC systems.
DE 55 contains chip data formatted in
accordance with the Europay, Mastercard, and
Visa (EMV) chip specification.

62 C Additional Data 2 62
Contains one or more PDSs that can be
required in a message to provide additional
clearing system-related, program-related, or
service-related data for which a specific ISO
data element is unavailable.

63 C Transaction Life Cycle ID

Subfields that allow for transaction life cycle

63/1 Life Cycle Support Indicator N/A AIRA/EREC/


63/2 Trace ID 63/1 AIRA/DBMC

71 Message Number 71 N/A

Assigns the number to data messages in a file

72 C Data Record 60/3 DBMC

Contains message text data.

73 Date, Action N/A N/A

Specifies a future action date or a specific date
such as a transaction date

93 M Transaction Destination Institution ID N/A N/A

Identifies the transaction destination

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 80
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

94 M Transaction Originator Institution ID Code 32 EREC/FREC/

Identifies the transaction originator institution
For Debit Mastercard, this code will contain
79xxxxxxC where:
• 79 Literal text
• xxxxxx Six digits of the acquiring/
forwarding institution code
• C Check digit

100 M Receiving Institution ID Code 100 N/A

Identifies the receiving institution.

111 Amount, Currency Conversion Assessment 111 ADDR/

Amount based on the result of applying the DBMC
multi-currency conversion rate (Currency
Conversion Assessment) adjustment to the
currency conversion rate used to convert DE 4
(Amount, Transaction) to DE 6 (Amount,
Cardholder Billing) for qualified transactions

123 Additional Data 3 EREC/FREC

Contains one or more PDSs that can be
required in a message to provide additional
clearing system-related, program-related, or
service-related data for which a specific ISO
data element is not available

124 Additional Data 4 FEER

Contains one or more PDSs that can be
required in a message to provide additional
clearing system-related, program-related, or
service-related data for which a specific ISO
data element is not available

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 81
GCMS to Single Message System Data Element Mapping
Single Message System Data Element Mapping

IPM DE Batch Data
No. Usage Description ISO DE No. File

125 Additional Data 5 N/A

Contains one or more PDSs that can be
required in a message to provide additional
clearing system-related, program-related, or
service-related data for which a specific ISO
data element is not available

127 Network Data APPD

Reserved for internal clearing system use

P0003 M Licensed Product Identifier 110/8 ADDR

Actual product code assigned by licensing

department when assigning the account
If the card issuer participates in Product
Graduation and the transaction qualifies, the
graduated product is included here

P0177 M Cross Border 126 FREC/

Identifies for the message receiver whether EREC
the transaction is a Cross-border transaction.

177/1 Cross-border Indicator

177/2 Currency Indicator

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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 82

Following are policies pertaining to proprietary rights, trademarks, translations, and details
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The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential to Mastercard International
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Trademark notices and symbols used in this document reflect the registration status of Mastercard
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Mastercard makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the
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A translation of any Mastercard manual, bulletin, release, or other Mastercard document into a language
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language use, and contact information—on the Publications Support page available on Mastercard
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Debit Mastercard for Single Message System Guide • 25 October 2018 83

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