Sickle Cell Disease in The Educational Setting: School Nurse Perspective

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Sickle Cell Disease in

the Educational Setting

School Nurse Perspective
•  Increase knowledge concerning sickle cell
disease including complications and
current treatments
•  Increase familiarity with issues related to
working with students with sickle cell, their
families and school staff
•  Address relationship of school with the
sickle cell disease treatment center.
What is Sickle Cell
•  Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic
disease of the red blood cell
characterized by vaso-occlusion and
Genetic Disease: Diagnosis

•  Aim of newborn
screening is to
identify infants with
SCD to start
Genetic Disease: Inheritance
• Both parents must have
an abnormal hemoglobin
trait to have a child with

• If both parents have trait

there is a 1 in 4 (25%)
chance that each baby will
have SCD.
Genetic Disease: Prognosis
•  Previous studies were done before the
use of hydroxyurea
•  Survival is now believed to be improved
•  Hb SS: mid-40s
•  Hb SC: mid-60s
Red Blood Cells
•  Single amino acid
substitution in the
gene for hemoglobin
•  Sickled cells are stiff
and sharp instead of
soft and round
•  Sickled cells can
cause problems all
over the body
Vaso Occlusion
•  All cells have the genetic
defect but are not always
•  Sickled cells block flow
within blood vessels
•  Area of decreased flow is
deprived of oxygen →
tissue damage and pain
•  Normal red cell lives 120 days
•  Sickled cells may only last a few
days: the cells break apart
increasing billirubin levels
•  Bone marrow must work harder to
try and compensate
Sickle Cell Diseases
•  Family of disorders: AA Normal (adult)

all are Hb S plus AS Sickle cell trait

another abnormal
SS Sickle cell disease: either
Hb (SS, SC, SD, Hb SS
Sthal, etc) SC Sickle cell disease: HbSC
•  This presentation S- Sickle cell disease: Hb S-
will use SCD to refer thal beta+ thalassemia; HbS-
beta0 thalassemia
to all forms
Who has SCD?
•  1 in 8 persons of African or Caribbean
descent have sickle cell trait
•  Also found in Hispanics, and persons
from India, the Mediterranean and the
Middle East
Case Study
•  Robert is a 15 y/o male
with sickle cell disease
in high school
•  Stephanie is his 7 y/o
sister in elementary
The Role of Vaso-Occlusion

•  Occlusion of small vessels leads to

impaired oxygen delivery to tissues
•  Pain crises often occur in the same
areas of the body
•  Older children can often discern ‘sickle
pain’ from other pain
Pain: Non-Pharmacologic
•  Fluids, rest, warmth
•  Never ice, even for sports
•  Keep parents informed, even
if child is staying at school
Pharmacologic Treatment
Severe Pain
Moderate Opioid with
• Important to
Weak Opioid
have pain plan
with NSAID for school
Mild Pain
APAP +/-
• Children with frequent pain crises
can often stay at school, even if
taking strong pain medications
Pain: Prevention & School
•  Avoid triggers: cold,
getting chilled,
•  Cannot prevent all
•  Goal is early
detection and
Splenic Sequestration
•  Blood flows into the spleen,
but does not come back out
•  Causes life-threatening
•  Symptoms: left upper
quadrant pain, pallor,
fatigue, tachychardia
Splenic Sequestration:
School Concerns (2nd slide)
• Often recurrent
• Young children with Hb SS
or Hb S-beta thalassemia
• Older children and teens
with Hb SC
• Hypersplenism is risk for
contact sports

•  Sickling results in functional asplenia which

may begin in infancy
•  Increased susceptibility to infections with
certain bacteria
•  Any fever above 101 degrees
requires evaluation and
•  Complications include:
meningitis, osteomyelitis, and
pneumonia/acute chest
Infection: Prevention &
School Concerns (2nd slide)
•  Treating fever is not an option,
even at family request
•  Handwashing is always a good
idea, especially during flu
•  Persistent, painful,
unwanted erection
•  Blood flows into the
penis, but does not
come back out
•  May lead to
Priapism: School Concerns
•  May refuse to discuss
•  Treat as a pain crisis
•  True priapism that lasts
beyond 2 hours requires
medical attention
•  Treatment center should
provide individualized plan
•  10% of children with
sickle cell will have a
stroke, mostly those
with Hb SS
•  Symptoms are similar
to an adult
•  Prompt medical
attention may reverse
Stroke: School Concerns
•  Stroke can cause subtle
deficits that are not easily
•  Change in academic
performance may be
•  Monthly transfusions can
prevent recurrence
Vision Loss
•  Damage to retina causes
proliferative retinopathy
•  Can lead to blindness
•  Symptoms: seeing
floaters, impaired vision
Vision Loss: Prevention &
School Concerns
•  Mild symptoms → significant
•  All children with SCD over age
10 years need annual eye
•  Eye injury (hyphema) is a
concern for those with SCD
and trait
•  Kidneys of children with SCD are
damaged and lose more fluid
than normal
•  Symptoms: frequent urination,
increased thirst, dehydration,
•  Restricting fluids makes this
Dehydration and Kidneys:
Prevention & School
•  Free access to the bathroom and water
available during class
•  Exercise and heat increase fluid needs
Avascular Necrosis (AVN)
•  Damage to bone at the head
of the femur (hip AVN) or
humerus (shoulder AVN)
•  Can lead to collapse and
require replacement
•  Symptoms: pain, limp,
reduced range of motion
•  Mostly older children and
AVN: School Concerns
•  Structural accommodations: elevator
pass, 2nd set of books, transportation,
changing classes
•  NSAIDS before opiates
•  May be homebound
•  Encourage compliance
Acute Chest Syndrome
•  Any change in chest x-ray with a fever or
respiratory symptom
•  Leading cause of illness and death
•  May be infection, occlusion or embolism
Acute Chest Syndrome:
Prevention & School
•  SCD with asthma can be dangerous
•  These children have more episodes
of acute chest and should be taking
a controller/preventative medication
•  It is especially important that they
have Asthma Action Plans
Case Study
•  Robert has frequent pain
crises in his back and also
has AVN of both hips, he is on
•  Stephanie had a stroke when
she was in kindergarten
The Role of Hemolysis
Chronic Anemia
•  Because sickled red cells
do not live very long, the
bone marrow cannot keep
•  Symptoms: benign heart
murmur, fatigue
•  Infection can cause
severe anemia
Chronic Anemia:
School Concerns
•  May tire easily
•  Delayed growth and development can
be a source of embarrassment
•  Unusual fatigue, especially with pallor
should be reported
•  Outbreaks of Parvovirus/B19
Jaundice & Gallstones
•  Rapid red cell
billirubin levels
•  Causes scleral
icterus and
Gallstones: School Concerns
•  Important to know baseline
•  Dehydration or illness will
increase jaundice
•  Children may be teased
because of yellow eyes
•  Gallstones are not from diet
Case Study
•  Robert has gallstones and will
have his gallbladder removed
over summer vacation, he
always has yellow eyes and is
smaller than his classmates
•  Stephanie does not have
these problems because she
is chronically transfused
Treatments for Sickle
Cell Disease
• Preventative
• Symptomatic
• Curative
Preventative Care: Infection
•  Penicillin prophylaxis until age
5 years
•  Immunizations: Prevnar™,
Pneumovax™ and Influenza
Preventative Care: Blood
•  Blood transfusions to prevent stroke or
to protect lungs
•  Why not transfuse all patients?
Preventative Care: Hydroxyurea
•  Brand names are Hydrea™ or Droxia™
•  Increases levels of fetal hemoglobin
•  Red blood cells live longer and sickle
•  Can cause reversible neutropenia
•  Potential carcinogen or teratogen
•  Biggest problem is compliance
Symptomatic Care

•  Pain medications
•  Fluids
•  Blood transfusions for
acute illness
Cure for SCD
•  Bone marrow or stem cell
•  Can cure sickle cell, but risk of
serious and fatal complications
•  Reserved for the sickest children
with sibling matches
Case Study
•  Robert is starting
hydroxyurea treatment and
must go to clinic every two
•  Stephanie has an implanted
port for monthly
transfusions, and uses
Desferal infusions 5 nights a
Issues in
Sickle Cell Care
Frequent Pain
at School
•  There is a small proportion of children
with SCD who require frequent use of
strong pain medications
•  Dependence versus addiction
Strategies for Frequent Pain
Medication Use
•  Devise plan with family and
treatment center
•  Keep track of medication use
•  Watch for secondary gain from
trips out of the classroom
Frequent Hospitalizations or
Home Illnesses
•  Some children will have periods
when they are unable to attend
school, but do not need to be in
the hospital
•  Missed school plan: tutoring,
assignment plan, 2nd set of books
•  Must allow student to complete all
required work
Missed School for
•  Elective procedures are often
scheduled in advance
•  Encourage family to plan for
missed school
•  Require documentation for
excessive absences
Recess, Gym and Field Trips
•  Children with SCD should not be
allowed to get cold, wet or chilled
•  Swimming only allowed with permission
of family and treatment center
Drugs and Alcohol
•  Persons who take pain medications
for medical reasons rarely become
•  Alcohol is dehydrating and can
precipitate a pain crisis
•  Alcohol and illicit drugs can cause
fatal complications when taken with
prescription pain medications
Case Study
•  Robert has several severe pain
crises each year and will be
hospitalized for 1-2 weeks, he also
misses school on a regular basis
for smaller crises handled at home
•  Stephanie has planned
transfusions appointments and
scheduled visits with specialists
Working with Students
•  Establish a relationship when well
•  Encourage the early reporting of symptoms
•  Teach about pain prevention
•  Plan for missed school
•  Expect achievement
Working with Parents
•  Certain families have guilt and
secrecy about diagnosis
•  Establish 2-way
communication in the
beginning of the year
•  Require multiple contact
Working with Parents
•  Keep appropriate medications at
school and require written plan
•  Make a plan for missed school
•  Reinforce academic
•  Advocate for reasonable
Supporting School Staff
•  Provide information and consultation
•  Clarify misconceptions
•  Ensure access to RN during school
•  Assist with limit setting
Supporting School Staff
•  Advocate for missed school plan and
other reasonable accommodations
•  Engage parents in process
•  Evaluate need for 504 plan
•  766 referrals
Working with the SCD
Treatment Center
•  Use staff of treatment center
as a resource
•  Keep center informed of
•  Require written treatment
plans, especially on
complicated children
Community Resources for
Children and Families
•  DPH Special Health Care
Needs Program
•  Hole in the Wall Gang
•  Next Step Program
•  Community Support
Case Study
•  Robert has a 504 plan and gets
door to door transportation, a
second set of books, an elevator
key and has a tutoring plan
•  Stephanie has an IEP for her
learning difficulties and her teacher
provides schoolwork before her
scheduled absences
At any time, the patient with sickle cell disease
can be faced with a myriad of potentially life-
threatening and unpredictable complications.

Most patients and families with a good

understanding of the disease process have
good outcomes due to compliance with
medication regimens and an overall healthy
attitude that promotes well-being.

-Nedra Dodds MD, 2001


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