Moee Reviews Activities Conducted in Second Quarter of 2020-2021fy

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Vol. VIII, No. 13, 6 th Waning of Tagu 1383 ME Sunday, 2 May 2021

MoEE reviews activities conducted in

second quarter of 2020-2021FY
HE Ministry of Electricity natural resources and the envi-
and Energy held coordi- ronment.
nation meetings in order Although there were diffi-
to review the ministry’s works culties in reading meters, dis-
done during the second quarter tributing bills and collecting
of 2020-2021FY and ongoing work bills, the public appreciated
plans to carry out in the third the ministry’s effort as it filled
and fourth quarters in Nay Pyi their power needs. Therefore,
Taw on 30 April and 1 May. it should keep making efforts
During the meetings, Un- without just satisfying with
ion Minister U Aung Than Oo such appreciation. Moreover, it
discussed the importance of should conduct bill collecting
electricity and energy sectors programmes as quickly as pos-
for developing the country and sible as they want to make the
socio-economic of public and suf- bill payments for their consumed
ficient power distribution with power.
stable volt and frequency. The Union Minister also
  The ministry is currently instructed the need to train the
making efforts to fulfil the needs newly assigned staff to serve
of electricity and energy as per their duties responsibly while
the State’s policies. At the same communicating with the public. Union Minister U Aung Than Oo presides over the MoEE coordination meeting to review the work done in Q2
time, the potential projects are He urged the region and of 2020-2021FY.
being implemented in the coun- state electrical engineers and
try. the Department of Hydropow- to occur power cuts in monsoon evant departments and enter- and fourth quarters, including
Moreover, the ministry ar- er Implementation director to despite the natural disaster and prises, and engineers briefed the river pumping project.
ranges to generate power from discuss their difficulties openly. plans to supply sufficient power the performance in the second The Union Minister coordi-
hydro, solar and renewable He then discussed the for- to the public. quarter of the 2020-2021 financial nated the discussion and gave
sources with minor impacts on mation of servicing teams not The senior officers of rel- year, further plans for the third necessary instructions.—MNA

Union Minister Dr Thet Khaing Win discusses

opening of postgraduate/undergraduate courses
UNION Minister for Health wards. He said if healthcare returning to work would be taken ing to guidelines issued by the into Myanmar, treatment to the
and Sports Dr Thet Khaing Win cannot be resumed, it will affect legal action. State Administration Council COVID-19 patients at Waibargi
met the rectors, professors and people’s health, increasing per- Regarding the reopening and return them to work, he said.   Hospital and Phaungyi hospital
officials from the medical and sonal expenditure for healthcare of the postgraduate courses, he Afterwards, the Union and effective contact tracing,
relevant universities in order to expenses. said the students would need to Minister met officials from the COVID-19 diagnostic services,
discuss opening postgraduate/ He said the death rate of have 90 per cent attendance, and Public Health Department and coordination with the Yangon
undergraduate courses yester- children under five would in- application deadlines for post- instructed necessary matters re- Region Administration Council
day morning in Yangon. crease in the coming years if graduate studies for assistant lating to COVID-19 disease pre- in order to expand quarantine
At the meeting, the Union regular immunization services doctors have been extended. The vention, control and treatment, centres and closely monitor
Minister appreciated the efforts for children are not implement- ministry would release health preventive measures against any the activities of the Township
of the respective professors ed. He added that those who are workers charged under Section possible importation of the vi- Health/Public Health Depart-
and those in charge of hospital social bullying the medical staff 505-A of the Penal Code accord- rus from neighbouring countries ments. — MNA



Union Minister Union Minister U Union Minister Admiral MoEA Union Minister Myanmar Sterculia
U Ko Ko pays Chitt Naing meets Tin Aung San inspects attends opening ceremony gum price
homage to Sitagu members of Myanmar MoTC departments in of new Rakhine State declines
Sayadaw press council Mandalay Director Office building

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

State Administration Council
Nine Objectives
1. Political affairs (b) To develop a stable market economy and promote international investment
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people.
and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. (c) To promote and support local businesses to create employment opportu-
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in nities and increase domestic production.
line with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).
(c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among 3. Social affairs
countries through an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy. (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriot-
2. Economic affairs (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National peoples
(a) To enhance production based on agriculture and livestock through modern and preserve and safeguard their cultural heritage and national charac-
techniques and strengthen all-round development in other sectors of the teristics.
economy. (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation.

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in
accordance with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008
Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Union Minister U Ko Ko pays Pwintbyu Red Cross

homage to Sitagu Sayadaw provides relief supplies
to storm victims
THE Red Cross team in Pwint- ettaw village-tract, Nabaegone
byu township provided relief village-tract, Lyit Kaing vil-
supplies on 30 April to the vic- lage-tract, Kyupan village tract
tims who were suffering from and Phalan Kyin village-tract in
the strong winds, it is learnt. Pwintbyu township. The Red
The strong winds damaged Cross in Pwintbyu township,
residential buildings in Pwint- led by U Zaw Win Khaing and
byu township. There were no his team members, provided
reports of any casualties. relief supplies such as raincoat
The strong winds dam- tents and 11 personal products
aged the houses in Nyaung to each household.  A total of 43
Chaung village-tract, Kyauk- households are affected by the
dawyar village-tract, Ah Naut strong winds. —Ye Win Naing
Lay Eain village-tract, Thay- (IPRD)/GNLM

The MoRAC Union Minister and party are paying the inspection tours in Sagaing yesterday.

UNION Minister for Religious Af- and nuns. of Archaeology and National Mu-
fairs and Culture U Ko Ko donat- The Union Minister and par- seum for the findings, there would
ed offertories to Sitagu Sayadaw ty also visited Ti Lawka Guru be valuable historical things for
Dr Bhaddanta Nyanissara at the Cave in Sagaing and instructed the country. It should preserve
Sitagu International Vipassana the officials to adopt proper ways the historic buildings in their orig-
Academy in Sagaing Township in preserving the mural paintings inal styles. It should also share
yesterday. of the Nyaung Yan era. information about ancient are-
Then, the Union Minister He inspected the artworks as or facilities via the ministry’s
presented the holding of 73rd of the Inwa era displayed at the website or distribute pamphlets
Tipidakadhara Tipidaka Kovida museum, and he highlighted the to improve the tourism sector.
exams, government Dhamma duties of the ministry, like explor- The Union Minister and par-
Cariya and Pali Prathama Pyan ing the hidden clues of pre and ty finally inspected Bagaya mon-
exam, plans for the propagation post-history to conserve the ma- astery, city wall, Nan Myint Tower
of Sasana and COVID-19 vaccina- terials. He said that if the ministry and Mal Nu Oak Monastery in
tion programmes for the monks cooperates with the Department ancient Inwa city. — MNA A total of 43 households are affected by the strong winds.
2 MAY 2021

Fulfil the needs for the betterment of sports grounds
THE Senior General noted that relevant ministries must strive for improvement of the sports sector. Plans are underway to fulfil the needs for the betterment
of sports grounds which plays a crucial role in holding the sports competitions.

(Excerpt from the speech to the Management Committee meeting made by

the Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 23 April 2021)


Union Minister U Chitt Naing meets members of

Myanmar press council
UNION Minister for Informa- lieves that young people in
tion U Chitt Naing met with the Myanmar Press Council
the members of the Myanmar will learn from the good expe-
Press Council and the mem- riences of the seniors and try
bers of the Myanmar Press to be fair and impartial.
Council Selection Committee The Acting Chairman of
yesterday afternoon at the the Myanmar Press Council
Department of Printing and discussed compliance with
Publishing in Yangon. the council’s code of conduct,
During the meeting, the rules, and regulations.
Union Minister said he be- The meeting was also
attended by the members of
the council, U Ohn Maung
(Myinmu-Maung Naing Moe),
The MoI Union Minister
holds talks with the MPC U Myo Htun (Maung Sein
new members in Yangon on Naung-Lewe), U Khin Maung
30 April 2021. Aye (KMA), U Ye Naing Soe,
U Tin Maung Oo and U Htay
Aung. — MNA

Union Minister Admiral Tin Aung San inspects MoTC

departments in Mandalay
UNION Minister for Transport (Ywa Htaung).
and Communications Admiral At the meetings, officials
Tin Aung San made an inspec- presented their work imple-
tion tour of Myanma Railways, mentation, challenges encoun-
Mandalay Central Station, tered, and further plans. The
Inland Water Transport (Ay- Union Minister gave instruction
eyawady Branch), Yadanarbon as necessary.
Shipyard, Diesel Locomotive He urged them to pay spe-
Factory (Ywa Htaung), Myitnge cial attention to security as
Carriage and Wagon Workshop there is frequent sabotage in
yesterday in Mandalay Region. places related to the Ministry
During the inspection and report to the superiors
tour, the Union Minister met in a timely manner in case of
with officials from the Myan- special incidents. He added to
ma Railways, Department of accelerate the ongoing process
Transportation Planning, Road of the projects. He recognized
Transport Administration De- the performance of the staff
partment, Telecommunications who didn’t participate in the
Directorate, Myanmar Post and civil disobedience movement
Telecommunications, Inland to resume the operation of the
Water Transport, Department transportation.
The MoTC Union Minister is inspecting the new carriages at the Myitnge Carriage and Wagon Workshop
of Marine Administration, Di- He also said the need to
rectorate of Water Resources organize the remaining staff
and Improvement of River who are absent for no reason so ments, pay special attention The Union Minister inspect- and new carriages purchased
System, Department of Me- as not to lose the departments’ to the convenience of the em- ed Central Railways Station and from China and the Republic of
teorology and Hydrology and human resources, continuously ployees, and provide them with related buildings, ship repair Korea at the Myitnge Carriage
the Diesel Locomotive Factory build unity within the depart- foods. works at Yadanarbon Shipyard and Wagon Workshop. — MNA

Union Minister U Win Shein inspects customs

department and internal revenue department, Yangon
UNION Minister for Planning, ed the operation of the Myanmar
Finance and Industry U Win Automated Cargo Clearance
Shein met with the Director-Gen- System (MACCS).
eral, Deputy Directors-General Afterwards, he arrived at
and Directors at the Customs the Internal Revenue Depart-
Department (Headquarters) ment and met with the officials.
yesterday morning in Yangon. During the meeting, he said ef-
At the meeting, the Union forts are being made in order
Minister intructed to abide by the to revive the economy under
code of conduct, ethics, rules and the COVID-19 Economic Relief
regulation of the civil servants Plan (CERP) in response to the
and to pay special attention to effects of the COVID-19 disease
the spread of COVID-19 disease and collect the total amount of
as the recurrence of COVID-19 is due taxes despite the reduction
on the rise in some neighbouring in taxes due to the COVID-19
countries. He also added to pay outbreak.
special attention to the security He instructed to facilitate
and the activities funded by the the tax payment via online pay-
Union according to the financial ment and to pay special attention
procedures and to take special to the security and health as the
care to prevent corruption. COVID-19 virus is likely to in-
The MoPFI Union Minister holds talks with the officials from the Customs Department in Yangon yesterday.
The Union Minister inspect- crease.— MNA

MoSWRR provides cash assistance to charity organizations,

disabled persons and senior citizens in Taunggyi
UNION Minister for Social Wel- the amended Youth Policy, the
fare, Relief and Resettlement opening of vocational training
Dr Thet Thet Khine attended schools, and women development
the support ceremony for the centres. She said that the law on
volunteer organizations, people protection and care of the elderly
with disabilities and the elderly was enacted. And efforts are be-
held in Taunggyi, Shan State, ing made in order to promulgate
on 30 April. the rules of the law. Regarding
The ceremony was also the people with disabilities, she
attended by the Chairman of added the opening of blind and
the Shan State Administration deaf schools and care centres
Council and the council mem- for them.
bers, Deputy Minister for Social She said the ministry is
Welfare, Relief and Resettlement providing cash assistance to the
U Aung Tun Khine, Deputy Com- charities and nursing homes
mander of the East Command, established by the charity and
Shan State Chief Justice U Kywe volunteer organizations. The
Kywe, directors-general, officials, National Disaster Management
residents and charity organiza- Committee is formed to build a
Cash assistance is provided to volunteer organizations, people with disabilities and the older adults in Taunggyi on
tions. community where people can 30 April.
At the ceremony, the Union resist the disasters and provide
Minister said the formation of a better social life for the victims. welfare activities to provide more ity organizations in Shan State; ion Minister and party attend-
pre-primary schools, child care She expressed words of to the victims of the disasters. 399.87 million kyats to a total of ed the meeting with staff from
centres and training schools for thanks to regional authorities and She also urged the charity 13,329 senior citizens over the age the state-level Social Welfare
the early childhood development, people concerned for primary organizations and the people to of 85 and 207.54 million kyats to Directorate and the Disaster
reorganization of the Myanmar statistical data access and access continue to work together. the persons with disabilities were Management Directorate held
Youth Committee to implement to beneficiaries. The ministry is A total of 449.451 million provided at the ceremony. in the City Hall, Taunggyi, Shan
the national strategy included in also working for extensive social kyats was provided to the char- In the afternoon, the Un- State. —MNA

Armed insurgents attack security members

THE terrorist groups and armed Yangon-Mawlamyine road near Township of Shan State (North)
insurgents attacked the security Ma Yan Chaung village in Kyaikto with 60 MM weapons four times
forces and police stations in some Township, Mon State 8:30 pm on at about 9:35 pm.
townships. 30 April. They moved back due Moreover, at about 10:45 am
Two men, riding a motorcycle, to the counterattack of security on 1 May, two men riding motor-
shot with small weapons to the Ma members. It reported that no one cycles shot the security members
Yan Chaung inspection gate on was injured in the attack. with the small weapons at Prusho
Similarly, about 30 insurgents Township of Kayah State. It re-
Small-armed insurgents’ attack in
attacked the security members ported no injuries and damages.
near Nam Kai Bridge in Kutkai — MNA
2 MAY 2021

MoEA Union Minister attends opening ceremony of new

Rakhine State Director Office building
Aung Kyaw Min presented the
ethnic people living together in
Rakhine State and the plans to
preserve the different languages,
kinds of literature, and cultures
and ensure the official rights of
socio-economic development.
He also clarified the annual
cash assistance to literature and
culture associations. The Rakh-
ine State Administration Council
provided K5.4 million to Daingnet
(Tdekkama) via the state direc-
tor’s office under the Ministry of
Ethnic Affairs in order to hold
Union Minister U Saw Tun Aung Myint and officials are pressing the button to unveil the new Rakhine State Director Office yesterday. Bezu May Lar Pan Hmaw Pwe
in 2021 Thingyan and K2 million
UNION Minister for Ethnic Af- and promote the customs and culture of the National races” and cussed with the education offi- for Khamee National Day, which
fairs U Saw Tun Aung Myint at- traditions of all National peoples appointment of Teaching Assis- cials on 24 March and arrange- fell on 27 April.
tended an opening ceremony of and preserve and safeguard their tant (TA)/ Language Teacher/ ment is underway for proposing The Union Minister also
a new Rakhine State Director cultural heritage and national (LA) for ethnic languages at basic the State budget from the Minis- said the cash assistance would
Office building in Sittway Town- characteristics”. schools. try of Education. be provided to other literature
ship yesterday. He said that according to State Administration Council The ministry distributes and culture associations upon
After the ribbon-cutting cer- the geography of the Rakhine Chairman Commander-in-Chief storybooks written in ethnic lan- their requests.
emony for a new building, the state, there would be a specific of Defence Services Senior Gen- guages at the basic schools in Ra- The Union Minister and Dep-
Union Minister talked about the influence of the languages, liter- eral Min Aung Hlaing instruct- khine and a total of 90,614 books uty Minister donated masks to
plans for social development of ature and culture of neighbouring ed to appoint more TA/LT and supplied in 2019-2020 while 90,614 Shwe Yaung Metta Foundation
ethnic people in Rakhine State countries with a large population. provide decent salaries and cash books in 2020-2021. It will also de- social welfare team. They con-
based on Social Affairs out of the He also highlighted Section 22 of assistance at the SAC meeting liver further books in 2021-2020. ducted inspection tours to Sittway
nine objectives of the State Ad- the 2008 Constitution “to develop 6/2021 held on 15 March. Then, Rakhine State Admin- View Point and other places. —
ministration Council “to respect language, literature, fine arts and Therefore, the ministry dis- istration Council Chairman Dr MNA

Union Attorney-General meets legal officers of Yangon Region

UNION Attor ney- General Officer U Maung Maung Tar
Dr Thida Oo presided over a presented the work plans un-
meeting to maintain proper der implementation in Yangon
momentum in operations of Region.
UAG offices and other legal Then, the Attorney-Gen-
offices in Yangon Region yes- eral coordinated the discus-
terday. sion and gave Sein Ta Lone
During the meeting, the mangoes for legal officers to
Advocate-General of Yangon Yangon Region Advocate Gen-
Region U Htay Aung and Legal eral. — MNA

Union Attorney-General Dr Thida Oo chairs the

meeting with legal officers yesterday.

Security forces detain people with anti-government documents

SOME unscrupulous persons The police raided the The security forces dis-
keep perpetrating destructive house of Soe Win, who lives at persed the protest crowd un-
elements, and some rioters in- No (2) Ward of North Okkalapa der the law.
tentionally draw anti-govern- Township in Yangon Region Moreover, about 50 people
ment letters on public roads, on 1 May and arrested him to- marched to protest in Kyaik
government and public build- gether with 129 papers bearing Pauk Village in Bago Township
ings, hang and scatter the vi- voter lists of No (2) Ward of of Bago Region.
nyl or posters in the streets to North Okkalapa Township, 2 The police dispersed the
affect the stability of the State. hand speakers, 3 spray bottles, crowd and detained three
The security forces crack 2 posters bearing anti-govern- men, including Than Htut
down the riots and violence in ment slogans and other ma- Aung, who lives in Maha Zedi
line with the law to ensure the terials. Ward of Bago Township and
stability of the State and com- Similarly, about 35 people one woman.
munity peace and detain those staged a strike in Aung Zeya Those arrested will face
distributing anti-government Ward of Meiktila Township of actions according to the law.
slogans or letters. Mandalay Region. — MNA Protest crowd in Meiktila.

Announcement of Union Election Commission

30 April 2021

1. Regarding the Multiparty General Election held on 8 November 2020, the Union Election Commission has inspected the voter lists and the casting of votes of Myaung
and YeU townships of Sagaing Region.
2. Findings in respective townships were as follows:
Findings on voter lists in each township
Township List from Immi- Those involved in voting Those involved in voter Those involved in
Sr Township and numbers of polling stations sub-commis- gration depart- list without citizenship list more than three voter list more than two
sion ment scrutiny cards times holding one CSC times holding one CS
1 76 polling stations Myaung township of 89,841 66,811 4,205 712 9,474
Sagaing Region
2 90 polling stations YeU township of Sagaing 104,684 86,007 2,613 654 11,212

3. The Union Election Commission has inspected the withdrawal/receipt/use/remaining of ballot papers used for Pyithu Hluttaw Election of Myaung and YeU townships
of Sagaing Region together with the respective township election sub-commission, head of police force, Immigration and Population and administrators in accordance
with Section 53 of the Hluttaw Election Law.
4. According to the inspection, a total of 166 polling stations in these two townships took out 220,898 ballots and used 158,200 ballots. It left 61,793 ballots instead of 62,698
ballots. The difference was 1,517 ballots and it found 612 extra ballots. The extra/shortage ballots were found at respective polling stations. Findings in respective townships
were as follows:
Findings on ballot papers for Pyithu Hluttaw Election in each township
Sr Township Total polling station Withdrawal Used Exact remaining Remaining on the Ground Difference
Missing Extra
1 Myaung 76 102,352 74,586 27,766 27,274 520 28
2 YeU 90 118,546 83,614 34,932 34,519 997 584
Total 166 220,898 158,200 62,698 61,793 1,517 612

Findings on ballot papers for Pyithu Hluttaw Election in Myaung Township

5. According to the inspection, 76 polling stations in 4 Wards and 48 Village-tracts of Myaung Township in Sagaing Region took out 102,352 ballots and used 74,586 ballots.
It left 27,274 ballots instead of 27,766. The extra/shortage ballots and extra illegal ballots were found at respective poll stations. Findings were as follows:
Sr Subject Withdrawal Used Exact remaining Remaining on the Ground Difference
Missing Extra
1 Ward/village-tract ballots 95,900 74,327 21,573 21,081 520 28
2 Township ballots 6,452 259 6,193 6,193
Total 102,352 74,586 27,766 27,274 520 28

6. There were 520 missing ballots at the polling stations in 7 village-tracts of Myaung Township and 28 extra ballots at the polling stations in 2 village-tracts.
7. Findings were as follows:
Exact remaining

Differ- 19 Phonekhaung Vil- 2 1,500 1,150 350 350

Remaining on
Total Polling


ence lage-tract
the Ground


20 Mayoegon Vil- 2 2,450 1,888 562 570 8


Sr Ward/Village-Tracts

21 Minntan Village-tract 1 1,700 1,302 398 398
22 Maemathaw Vil- 2 1,300 921 379 379
1 Myothit Ward 1 2,000 1,612 388 388   lage-tract
2 M
​ yauk Ward 1 2,050 1,640 410 410  
23 Myitson Village-tract 1 2,500 1,890 610 610
3 Kyaungphyu Vil- 1 1,050 763 287 287  
24 Ywarpale Village-tract 1 1,450 1,111 339 339
4 Kyaukphugon Vil- 2 1,750 1,245 505 505   ​ hwepaukpin Vil-
25 S 1 2,150 1,535 615 615
lage-tract lage-tract
5 Kinywar Village-tract 2 2,850 2,420 430 430 26 Shwebontha Vil- 2 1,500 1,256 244 244
6 Koepin Village-tract 1 1,200 947 253 253 lage-tract
27 Thayatthar Vil- 1 1,000 762 238 238
7 ​Gaungkhwe Vil- 1 1,800 1,469 331 281 50
28 Thardon Village-tract 1 1,300 857 443 443
8 Chaungzin Vil- 2 1,450 1,080 370 370
lage-tract 29 Aithar Village-tract 1 600 458 142 142
30 T
​ aung Ward 1 1,700 1,295 405 405
9 Ngarphae Village-tract 1 850 673 177 177
31 Ahlae Ward 1 1,300 1,018 282 282
10 Ngaryantohe Vil- 2 1,950 1,425 525 525 32 Kutoegon Village-tract 2 1,350 1,073 277 277
lage-tract 33 Kyarohe Village-tract 1 950 772 178 178
11 Zeekyun Village-tract 1 1,100 883 217 217 34 Kyauktan Village-tract 2 2,500 2,091 409 409
12 Nyaungkaryar Vil- 1 1,100 818 282 282 35 Kyaukyit Village-tract 2 2,100 1,557 543 343 200
lage-tract 36 Sulaygon Village-tract 1 1,200 980 220 220
13 Nagarpauk Vil- 1 900 597 303 303 37 Zayatkon Village-tract 3 4,700 3,939 761 711 50
lage-tract 38 Tamasaykan Vil- 1 1,200 1,022 178 178
14 Naypugon Village-tract 1 800 547 253 253 lage-tract
39 Twingyi Village-tract 2 3,900 3,123 777 757 20
15 Pannyo Village-tract 1 2,250 1,608 642 642
40 Nabat Village-tract 2 3,850 2,989 861 861
16 Paukchaung Vil- 1 1,150 878 272 272
41 T
​ haunggyi Vil- 1 1,750 1,380 370 370
17 Pauktaw Village-tract 3 2,000 1,478 522 522 42 Payeinma Village-tract 3 3,450 2,502 948 948
18 Bukaing Village-tract 2 2,900 2,458 442 462 20
2 MAY 2021
43 Thirizeya Village-tract 1 1,400 893 507 507 50 Letyatma Village-tract 1 2,000 1,715 285 285
44 Phwarsaw Vil- 2 2,100 1,746 354 354 51 Thanatkone Vil- 1 1,350 1,068 282 182 100
lage-tract lage-tract
45 Mageebote Vil- 1 2,900 2,323 577 527 50
52 Outhnebote Vil- 2 2,800 2,192 608 558 50
46 Myitthar Village-tract 2 2,400 1,706 694 694
  Ward/village- tract 76 95,900 74,327 21,573 21,081 520 28
47 Shwetachaung Vil- 2 1,900 1,349 551 551 ballots
  Township Remaining 6,452 259 6,193 6,193
48 ​Shwepan Village-tract 1 1,500 1,132 368 368
49 Shwepankyun Vil- 1 1,000 791 209 209
  Township Total 76 102,352 74,586 27,766 27,274 520 28

Findings on ballot papers for Pyithu Hluttaw Election in YeU Township

8. According to the inspection, 90 polling stations in YeU Township of Sagaing Region took out 118,546 ballots and used 83,614 ballots. The extra/shortage ballots and
illegal extra ballots were found at respective poll stations. There were 997 missing ballots and it found extra use of 584 ballots which were not granted by UEC. The poll
heads did not follow Hluttaw Election Law Section 66(h) and they returned 11 ballot books (550 papers) of Lain Taw village-tract after election. Findings were as follows:
Sr Subject Withdrawal Used Exact remaining Remaining on the Ground
Missing Extra
1 Ward/village -tract ballots 117,550 83,308 34,242 33,829 997 584
2 Township Advanced ballots 306 306
3 Township Remaining ballots 690 690 690
Total 118,546 83,614 34,932 34,519 997 584
9. Of 90 polling stations in YeU Township, it found extra use of ballots at 8 polling stations and shortage at 14 polling stations. Findings were as follows:
36 Aungchantha Ward 2 4,250 3,037 1,213 1,213
Remaining on
Total Polling

37 Aungsan Ward 2 4,350 3,315 1,035 1,035


the Ground


Sr Ward/Village-Tracts 38 Kokkosu Village-tract 1 2,000 1,546 454 454




39 Konethar Village-tract 1 1,350 947 403 403



40 K
​ yaungpantaw Vil- 1 600 343 257 257
1 Bo Aungzeya Ward 2 4,000 2,760 1,240 1,240 lage-tract

2 S
​ hwepyitha Ward 1 1,850 1,442 408 408 41 Choneywar Village-tract 2 1,700 1,127 573 603 30

3 Y
​ eukon Village-tract 1 1,950 1,485 465 465 42 Chanthar Village-tract 1 1,850 1,358 492 492

4 Kanpauk Village-tract 1 1,250 961 289 289 43 Ngateton Village-tract 1 800 567 233 233

5 Kyarpannyo Village- tract 1 900 702 198 198 44 Z

​ eyawady Village-tract 1 1,850 1,295 555 555

6 Kwunohn Village-tract 2 2,250 1,401 849 849 45 Zanezun Village-tract 1 2,300 1,732 568 568

7 Khinpin Village-tract 2 800 542 258 258 46 Tintaneyan Village-tract 2 3,150 2,267 883 833 50

8 ​Khaungnwe Village-tract 1 900 589 311 311 47 Tartine Village-tract 1 1,450 948 502 502

9 C
​ haungzon Village-tract 1 900 661 239 239 48 ​ aungkwin Village-tract
T 1 1,000 655 345 345

10 ​Chaungshae Village-tract 1 1,050 671 379 379 49 Htantaw Village-tract 1 1,450 1,060 390 390

11 Sitharmye Village-tract 1 1,050 726 324 324 50 Htangyi Village-tract 1 950 546 404 404

12 ​ yaungnikan Vil-
N 1 1,850 1,165 685 685 51 ​ nawkone Village-tract
H 1 2,100 1,589 511 511
lage-tract 52 Magyitaw Village-tract 1 1,950 1,603 347 347
13 ​Nyaunglae Village-tract 1 1,150 786 364 364 53 Magyini Village-tract 1 600 391 209 209
14 Tamartaw Village-tract 2 1,750 1,128 622 622 54 Maeohe Village-tract 1 650 471 179 29 150
15 Tumaung Village-tract 1 1,300 1,026 274 274 55 Myinpauk Village-tract 1 1,550 1,135 415 415
16 ​Naypukone Village-tract 1 1,100 616 484 484 56 Meiktila Village-tract 1 900 539 361 361
17 Paluzawa Village-tract 2 2,500 1,385 1,115 1,115 57 Motesi Village-tract 1 1,600 1,313 287 277 10
18 ​Pegyi Village-tract 1 1,550 1,149 401 401 58 Myogyi Village-tract 2 3,200 2,311 889 889
19 Ponetakar Village-tract 2 3,100 2,376 724 728 4 59 Ywarmeiktha Vil- 1 2,150 1,564 586 586
20 Phalankhon Village-tract 1 900 682 218 218 lage-tract

21 Phankharsin Vil- 1 750 575 175 175 60 S

​ hawphyu Village-tract 1 800 471 329 329
lage-tract 61 Ywarthit Village-tract 1 1,000 680 320 320
22 Phanekar Village-tract 1 900 717 183 183 62 Linphyu Village-tract 1 1,700 1,149 551 551
23 Bote Village-tract 1 750 444 306 306 63 Winwa Village-tract 1 1,350 912 438 438
24 Montaingpin Village-tract 3 3,750 2,551 1,199 1,199 64 Outpho Village-tract 1 1,450 1,006 444 444
25 ​Yaymyet Village-tract 2 2,650 1,647 1,003 953 50 65 A
​ ungtha Village-tract 1 900 573 327 327
26 Ywarpugyi Village-tract 2 2,600 1,855 745 745 66 ​Taungpyinnge Vil- 2 2,400 1,719 681 583 98
27 Ywarnge Village-tract 1 650 467 183 183 lage-tract

28 L
​ ayywar Village-tract 2 2,200 1,622 578 578 67 Inngyi Village-tract 1 1,250 896 354 354

29 Lanetaw Village-tract 1 1,700 1,187 513 13 500 Village handover separately 550

30 Wetthae Village-tract 2 1,500 1,086 414 414 Ward/village-tract ballots 90 117,550 83,308 34,242 33,829 997 584

31 Thanthe Village-tract 1 1,750 1,336 414 354 60 Township Advanced ballots 306 306

32 Inntaw Village-tract 3 4,650 3,347 1,303 1,253 50 Township Remaining ballots 690 690 690

33 Innpin Village-tract 3 2,800 2,052 748 748 Township Total 90 118,546 83,614 34,932 34,519 997 584

34 ​Aungkhezin Village-tract 2 1,950 1,302 648 619 29

35 ​Aungmingalar Ward 1 2,250 1,802 448 448 Union Election Commission
8 OPINION 2 MAY 2021
2 MAY 2021

Place emphasis
on ensuring
Geoengineering: ‘Plan B’ for the planet Public information
Yangon Region Administration Council is working with rele-
vant departments to help the businesses in the region. People

food sufficiency, D
ISMISSED a decade ago to operate at scale. CO2 from the air while growing. are informed to contact the following phone numbers to get
as far-fetched and dan- Solar radiation management The second step is while burning assistance for their small and medium-scaled businesses
gerous, schemes to tame Unlike other strategies, so- the harvested plants for energy and investments which are facing some delays and working

lifeblood of the
to do new businesses.
the effects of global warming by lar radiation management does to sequester the CO2 produced.
Phone numbers: 01 830 1975, 01 830 2175
engineering the climate have mi- not target CO2. The goal is sim- In theory, the result is less
grated from the margins of policy ple: prevent some of the sun’s CO2 in the atmosphere than Yangon Region Administration Council

debates towards centre stage. rays from hitting the planet’s when the process started. Vir-
“Plan A” remains tackling surface, forcing them back up tually all climate change models
the problem at its source. But the into space. projecting a future consistent
UN’s top climate science body One idea is to inject or spray with the Paris Agreement’s tem-
has made it clear that slashing tiny reflective particles into the perature targets assume a key

ICE is a primary staple food of Myanmar. So, Myanmar carbon pollution won’t be enough stratosphere -- possibly with bal- role for BECCS.
people have been emphasizing the cultivation of paddy to keep Earth from overheating. loons, aircraft or through giant DRAWBACK: Studies cal-
on a large sown acreage across the nation since time That has opened the door tubes. culate that up to twice the area
immemorial. to a host of geoengineering Nature sometimes does the of India would need to be given
Food sufficiency is a lifeblood at the levels of family, commu- schemes, from building under- same: Debris from the 1991 erup- over to biofuels, putting BECCS
nity, region, country and world. Hence, it Is necessary to seek water walls to shore up an Ant- tion of Mount Pinatubo in the in conflict with food crops. Such
various ways and means for the supply of foods to each other. arctic glacier the size of Britain Philippines lowered the planet’s schemes would also require vast
Undertaking livestock breeding tasks in respective regions to injecting a giant sunscreen average surface temperature for amounts of fresh water.
to increase quality live- into the stratosphere. a year or two afterwards. Ocean fertilisation
Researchers have identified South Africa’s Kruger National Park (seen here) as suitable for planting trees, even
stock and fish production Here is a menu of “Plan B” Sixty-six million years ago, though it is mostly a natural open savanna ecosystem.   PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Microscopic ocean plants
As Myanmar will contribute to the peo-
ple consuming meat and
geoengineering solutions, along
with their potential drawbacks:
a ten-kilometre wide asteroid
strike threw up so much debris air above the threatened Great ing changes in rainfall patterns, metres of tropical forests have
called phytoplankton gobble up
CO2 and drag it to the bottom of
water territo- fish at fair prices, State Ad-
ministration Council Chair-
Direct CO2 capture
Experiments have shown it
that it wiped out land-based di-
nosaurs built for steamy tropical
Barrier Reef to make the clouds
brighter began last year.
and what scientists call “termi-
nation shock” -- a sudden warm-
disappeared each year since 2013
-- the huge number of trees need-
the ocean when they die. Their
colony size is limited by a lack

ry is a pot of man Commander-in-Chief

of Defence Services Senior
is possible to suck planet-warm-
ing carbon dioxide directly from
In April, a balloon test flight
Australian scientists say if
successful and combined with
ing if the system were to fail.
ed to put a dent in CO2 emissions
would clash with food and biofuel
of natural iron, but experiments
have shown that sowing the

aquatic living General Min Aung Hlaing

gave guidance to officials
the air, converting it into fuel pel-
lets or storing it underground.
in Sweden for the Harvard-led
project SCoPEx, short for “Strat-
other climate and protection
measures this could help slow
Extensive planting of trees
could significantly slow the con-
ocean with iron sulphate powder
creates large blooms.

beings, we have at Thilawa multiple agri-

culture and livestock zone
A company backed by Mi-
crosoft co-founder Bill Gates
ospheric Controlled Perturbation
Experiment”, was postponed
the decline of the reef.
DRAWBACKS: Even if it
centration of CO2 in the atmos-
phere, which currently stands at
Bioenergy with carbon
capture and storage (BECCS)
DRAWBACKS: Scientists
worry about unintended impacts.

to discharge recently.
If we analyze the con-
launched a pilot facility in Cana-
da in 2015, and another company
amid concerns over the impli-
cations for the environment and
works as intended, solar radi-
ation management would do
more than 510 parts per million,
50 percent more than 150 years
marries a natural process with
a high-tech one.
Die-offs of plankton, for exam-
ple, use up oxygen, which could

the duty of con-

sumption of quality meat operates one in Iceland. people in the country. nothing to reduce atmospheric ago. The first step is to plant create massive “dead zones” in
and fish, the people will DRAWBACK: The technolo- In Australia, trials of a con- CO2, which is making oceans too DRAWBACK: Even if de- rapeseed, sugarcane, corn or the oceans, something already
be healthy and fit due to gy is currently prohibitively ex- troversial technique to spray mi- acidic. There is also the danger of forestation could be reversed “2nd-generation” biofuel crops on the rise.
serving those obtaining nutrition from pensive and might take decades croscopic salt crystals into the knock-on consequences, includ- -- more than 100,000 square kilo- such as switchgrass, which pull SOURCE: AFP
systemic digestion. But, we
creatures in our need not only quality meat

generations to
and fish but also healthy,
quality rice for consump-
tion. As such, we should
COVID Worldwide Cases Hit 150 Million
contribute a seek quality seeds of paddy.

We should conduct NDIA on Friday posted an- almost 3.2 million worldwide con- showed, in an explosion in infec- est total number of cases are the The Indian global diaspo- the government’s digital vaccine
great deal to the the research works for the other global record for daily tinues to wreak devastation. tions blamed in part on a new United States (US), India and ra has also sprung into action, platform.

food sufficiency
production of high yield,
quality paddy strains so as
coronavirus infections, push-
ing worldwide cases past 150 mil-
The number of new daily
cases has more than doubled
COVID-19 variant but also on fail-
ure to follow virus restrictions.
Brazil, which recorded 3,001
COVID-19 deaths in the past 24
with a collection of overseas
volunteers scrambling to locate
Brazil Woes
Also struggling to inoculate
Call 09251022355,
to produce quality rice for lion as a pandemic that has killed since mid-February, an AFP tally The countries with the high- hours, bringing its overall toll to desperately-needed supplies for a vast country facing a surge in

of posterity. public consumption as well

as for exportation.
The continent seeing the
COVID-19 stricken family, friends
and strangers back home. 
cases is Brazil, which has one
of the highest mortality rates in
It is required to oper- bulk of new daily cases is Asia, Compounding India’s woes the pandemic, at 189 deaths per
ate vast multiple agricul- driven largely by a devastating as cases soared has been its fail- 100,000 inhabitants.
ture and livestock farms to produce quality paddy or meat wave in India which has over- ure to get a much-needed vaccine Experts blame the latest
and fish. As Yangon Region is populous with some seven whelmed hospitals and crema- programme off the ground. surge partly on the “Brazil vari-
million people, local authorities should unavoidably expand toriums. Until now, only “frontline” ant” of the virus, a mutation that
the aforesaid farms the region one after another in order to India recorded another workers like medical staff, peo- emerged in or around the Ama-
provide quality food supplies to the city dwellers. 385,000 cases in the past 24 hours ple over 45 and those with ex- zon rainforest city of Manaus in
Emphasis should be placed on livestock production while – a new global record – and al- isting illnesses have been given December.
releasing fingerlings into the natural water to ensure the most 3,500 deaths, according to the AstraZeneca shot or Bharat But many have also pointed
regeneration of fish to be abundant of fish resources. As My- official data that many experts Biotech’s homegrown Covaxin. the finger at the administration of
anmar water territory is a pot of aquatic living beings, we have suspect falls short of the true toll. As of Saturday, jabs will President Jair Bolsonaro, which
to discharge the duty of conserving those creatures in our More than 40 countries have be open to all adults, meaning now faces investigation from the
generations to contribute a great deal to the food sufficiency committed to sending medical around 600 million more people country’s Senate into whether
of posterity. aid to India, with a US Super Gal- will be eligible. there was criminal neglect in its
Currently, Yangon Region focuses on implementing Thila- axy military transporter carrying But several states have handling of the pandemic.
wa multiple agriculture and livestock zone, 26th-mile multiple more than 400 oxygen cylinders, warned they do not have suffi- Around 28 million people
agriculture and livestock zone, and Shwemuyin fish farm in other hospital equipment and cient stocks, and the expanded have received a first COVID-19
Twantay Township to meet the food demand of the people under nearly one million rapid corona- rollout is threatened by adminis- vaccine dose, just over 10 per
the long term plans. Products from these zones will help the US army personnel prepare to unload COVID-19 coronavirus relief supplies from the US at the Indira Gandhi virus tests arriving in New Delhi trative bickering, confusion over cent of the population.
people enjoy food sufficiency. International Airport cargo terminal in New Delhi on 30 April, 2021.   PHOTO: AFP on Friday.  prices and technical glitches on SOURCE: AFP
10 NATIONAL 2 MAY 2021

Files opened against medical doctors who participated in CDM activity

with attempts to deteriorate peace and stability of the State
THE following medical doctors have been charged under Section 505-A of the Penal Code for inciting State service personnel and health staff to participate in CDM activ-
ities, themselves participating in it, supporting CDM activities and CRPH unlawful association with the aim of deteriorating the State administrative machinery.

Sr Name Hospital Address Section of Photo 6 Dr Eain Ywarshae Taze Township, 505-a
Penal Code Gyi Maung (N) Station Sagaing Region
(Assistant Hospital
1 Dr San Yangon Eye Thingangyun 505-a Surgeon)
Hlaing Min Specialist Township, Yangon
(Professor) Hospital Region
7 Dr Hein Shwebo Peo- Shwebo Township, 505-a
Zaw (Assis- ple’s Hospital Sagaing Region
tant Sur-
2 Dr Muyar University of Lanmadaw 505-a
Thway Medicine 1, Township, Yangon
(Assistant Yangon Region
Lecturer) 8 Dr Theint Kengtung Kengtung Town, 505-a
Theint Aye People’s Shan State (East)
3 Dr Sandar Kyaukme Monywa Township, 505-a (Assistant Hospital
Kyaw (Spe- People’s Sagaing Region Surgeon)
cialist) Hospital
9 Dr Ye Zarni Kawtbein Kawkareik Town, 505-a
Win (Assis- Station Hos- Kayin State
4 Dr Aung Pyay People’s Pyay Town, Bago 505-a tant Sur- pital
Ngae Ngae Hospital Region geon)
Soe (Assis-
tant Sur-
geon) 10 Dr Su San- Kawtbein Sta- Kawkareik Town, 505-a
dar Win (As- tion Hospital Kayin State
5 Dr Myo Shwebo Peo- Shwebo Township, 505-a
sistant Sur-
Win Htay ple’s Hospital Sagaing Region

Among them, Dr Theint Theint Aye (Assistant Surgeon) of Kengtung People’s Hospital, Dr Ye Zarni Win (Assistant Surgeon) and Dr Su Sandar Win (Assistant Surgeon)
of Kawtbein Station Hospital participated in CDM activities without performing medical treatments at assigned hospitals but gave medical treatments at private hospitals/
clinics according to the documentary photos.
As tasks are being carried out to arrest those medical doctors charged, action will be taken against the persons under the law for admitting those medical doctors, and
work licences of the private hospitals/clinics which allowed them to give medical treatments will be closed. Deterrent action will be taken against owners of these hospitals/
clinics under the law. Action will be taken against any health staff under the law for taking charges of providing healthcare services to the people and giving assistance
to private hospitals/clinics with participation in CDM activities without discharging assigned duty. Severe action will be taken against owners of private hospitals/clinics
which admit those medical doctors and health staff for supporting the CDM participants. — MNA

Files opened against education department personnel who participated in

CDM activity with attempts to deteriorate peace and stability of the State
THE following education department personnel have been charged under Section 505-A of the Penal Code for inciting State service personnel and education staff to participate
in CDM activities, themselves participating in it, supporting CDM activities and unlawful CRPH association with the aim of deteriorating the State administrative machinery.

Sec- 6 U Nay Soe Aung Headmaster, BEHS, Mahlaing 505-a

tion of Myinoohlae Village, Township
Sr Name Occupation Address Photo Mahlaing Township Mandalay
1 Daw Chaw Su Assistant Education Mogaung 505-a 7 Daw Khin Nyein Headmistress, Kyaikto 505-a
Htwe Officer, Office of Township, Chan BEMS, Winkan Township,
Township Education Kachin Village, Kyaikto Mon State
Officer, State Township
Mogaung Township
8 U Min Nyunt Headmaster, NyaungU 505-a
2 U Hay Mar Tun Accountant-2, Office Singaing 505-a B.E.M.S, Bagan Township,
(aka) U Thaung of Township Educa- Township, Town Mandalay
Htaik Oo tion Officer, Mandalay Region
Singaing Township Region
9 U Zaw Lin Tun Headmaster, BEMS, Kanyutkwin 505-a
3 U Kyaw Swe Headmaster, BEHS Thazi 505-a (aka) Ko Lin Kanyutkwin Town, Town, Phu
(2), Thazi Township Township, (aka) Zaw Lin Phu Township Township,
Mandalay Oo Bago Re-
Region gion
4 Daw Myint My- Headmistress, BEHS Toungoo 505-a 10 U Kyaw Soe Moe Headmaster, BEPS, Pobbathiri 505-a
int Yi (7), Toungoo Town- Township Kyeintawmyaung Township,
ship Bago Re- Village, Pobbathiri Nay Pyi
gion Township Taw

5 U Aung Naing Headmaster, BEHS Kanbalu 505-a As tasks are being carried out to arrest those education department personnel
Win (1), Kanbalu Town- Township charged, anyone needs to inform matters related to those persons to nearby police
ship Sagaing stations, and action will be taken against the persons under the law for admitting those
education department personnel.—MNA
2 MAY 2021

Student union members from universities/colleges/schools opened files

under 505-a for their intentional incitements to undermine State peace
and stability through social networks
1. The following members of the student unions and other related persons, who committed incitements to public service personnel for joining CDM activities with at-
tempts to undermine the State administrative machinery, published topics and fake news supporting unlawful CRPH association, carried out instigation for causing
unrests with deterioration of peace and stability in the country and public panic, intentionally posted and distributed acts of social punishment through social network
pages were filed under Section 505-a of the Penal Code.
2. Action will be taken against those who admit the crime breakers, and more information about those who committed similar cases will be released.

Members of Student Union were filed under Section 505-a

Account 11 Thant Sin Thant Sin Linn Mawlamy- member of

Sr Profile Address Photo Remark
Name Linn Htet Htet ine Town- students
1 Aung Kyaw Aung Kyaw Insein Vice-chair- https://www. ship, Mon union of
Township, man of stu- fac ebook. State Mawlamyine
Khant (杨林 Khant
Yangon dents union com/than tsin. University
www.faceb Region of Yangon linhtet.351 Technology
ky awkhant. University, 12 Pyay Pyay Thwe Khin Myeik Vice-chair-
31392 Thwe Khin Township, man of
https://www. Taninthayi students
2 Kyaw Htet Kyaw Htet Aung Myaung- Member of Region union of
fac ebook.
Aung https:// mya students Technology
com/pya yth-
www.face- Township, union of University
wekhin.khin Ayeyawady Myaungmya
ky awhtet. Region Education 13 Juditx(Thae Twel Tar Oo Demawso Joint trea-
aung.75 47031 College Myar Htoo) surer of stu-
https://www.fa dents union
3 Aung Myat Aung Myat Thu Labutta Member of of Loikaw
Thu (Olivin) Township, students dith.htoo.3/ Education
https://www. Ayeyawady union of La- Degree
fa cebook. Region butta GTI College
com/pr ofile. 14 Hlian Htet Lin Hlian Htet Lin Ottwin chairman
php?id=10 Township, of students
0045621240497 https://www.fa Bago Re- union of gion Toungoo
4 Aye Yati Phoo Aye Yati Phoo Labutta Member hli anhtet.lin.9 University,
http://www.fac Township, of student Ayeyawady union of La-
aye .y.phoo.10 Region butta GTI 15 Nay Nwe Nay Nwe Htun Loikaw member of
Htun https:// Township, students
www.fa Kayah union of Loi-
5 Htet Aung Htet Aung San Hlaingbwe Chairman State kaw Univer-
San https:// Township, of students naynwe. sity,
www.fa Kayin union of htun.52
cebook. State Hpa-an Uni-
versity 16 Hsu Myat Yin Hsu Myat Yin Insein Fifth year
com/pr ofile
https://www. Township, student,
fac ebook. Yangon Yangon
0009025153455 Region Technology
com/hsu hsu.
6 Linnmyat Linn Myat Oo Kung- Joint in yin University
Oo (Terius) yangon charge of
https://www. Township, student 17 Aung Pyae Aung Pyae Sone Kamayut Member of
fac ebook. Yangon affairs, Township, students
Sone Phy- Phyoe
com/linn Region students Yangon union,
oe (ယွန်းနီ)
myat.oo.75436 union of Region Yangon
Technology Education
University face book.
com/aungp University
7 Nay Oo Nay Oo Hlaing Myeik In charge of yaesonephyoe
Hlaing (Erics) Township, external re-
https://www. Taninthayi lation of stu- 18 Noom Nan Hmway Hsipaw Member of
fac ebook. Region dents union Noom Hlaing Township, students
of Myeik https://www.fa Shan State union,
University Lashio
hanpwint.lay Technology
8 Shine - Shine Tay Zarr Thin- Member of University
Tay Zarr gangyun students
https://www. Township, union of 19 Mg Linn Htut Zaw Linn Htut Chan- Member of
face book. Yangon Kyaiklat GTI ayethazan students
com/shine. Region https://www. Township, union,
tayzar.9 fa cebook. Mandalay Mandalay
com/profile. Region University
9 Myo Htet Myo Htet Myeik In charge of of Foreign
Paing Soe Paing Soe Township, information, Languages
https://www.fa Taninthayi students Region union of 20 Hnin https:// Ma Hnin Kamayut Member of
yohtet17 Technology www.fa ce- Township, students
University Yangon union,
10 Aung Aung Kyaw Sint Insein Ex-chair- hnin.lay.18 Region Yangon
Kyaw Sint Township, man of stu- Education
https://www. Yangon dents union University
fa cebook. Region of Yangon
com/au Technology —MNA
ng.kyaw.125 University

Sesame market shows downticks on low foreign demand

the previous years due to the has not purchased Myanmar’s
COVID-19 negative impacts. sesame yet.
Consequently, the growers do Sesame is cultivated in the
not make a significant profit country throughout the year.
this year, a trader from the Magway Region, which has
Mandalay market stressed. gained a reputation as the oil
Typically, Myanmar exports pot of Myanmar, is the leading
about 80 per cent of sesame producer of sesame seeds. The
production to foreign markets. seeds are also grown in Manda-
China is the primary buyer of lay and Sagaing regions.
Myanmar sesame, which is also Of the cooking oil crops
shipped to markets in Japan, grown in Myanmar, the acreage
the Republic of Korea, China under sesame is the highest,
(Taipei), the UK, Germany, the accounting for 51.3 per cent of
Netherlands, Greece, and Po- the overall oil crop plantation.
land among the EU countries. The volume of sesame ex-
Typically, Myanmar exports about 80 per cent of sesame production to foreign markets. China is the primary The EU markets prefer or- ports was registered at over
buyer of Myanmar sesame, which is also shipped to markets in Japan, the Republic of Korea, China (Taipei),
ganic-farming sesame seeds 96,000 tonnes, worth $130 mil-
the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, and Poland among the EU countries.
from Myanmar, said an official lion, in the financial year 2015-
THE sesame market is slug- brown sesame varieties have riety), $1,250-1,300 per metric from the Trade Promotion De- 2016; 100,000 tonnes, worth $145
gish, and the price remains remained stable on the back of tonne of white sesame and partment. million, in the FY2016-2017FY;
bearish in April-end, traders domestic demand. At the same $1,150-1,200 per metric tonne Japan prefers Myanmar 120,000 tonnes, worth $147 mil-
from the Mandalay market said. time, there is low demand by of brown sesame. On 29 April, black sesame seeds, cultivated lion, in the FY2017-2018; 33,900
The market of edible oil foreign market. However, the the black sesame price dipped under good agricultural prac- tonnes valued at $43.8 million
crop has been slow-moving price of black sesame seeds to $1,900-2,000 per metric tonne. tices (GAP), and purchases in the 2018 mini-budget peri-
prior to the Chinese New Year (Samone variety), which is The white sesame is pegged at them after a quality assess- od, 125,800 tonnes, worth $212.5
festival. The market contin- primarily shipped to external $1,200-1,300, and brown sesame ment. Black sesame seeds million in the FY2018-2019 and
ues facing slow-down owing markets, slightly declines. fetches $1,100-$1,200, Bayint- from Myanmar are also export- over 150,000 tonnes of sesame,
to heightened border security On 4 February, the FOB naung wholesale market stated. ed to South Korea and Japan. worth $240 million in the previ-
amid the COVID-19 resurgenc- prices of sesame stood at Last year, the sesame pric- Meanwhile, China buys various ous FY2019-2020, the trade data
es, a trader said. US$2,000-2,100 per metric tonne es dropped by over 20 per cent coloured sesame seeds from of Central Statistical Organi-
The prices of white and of Black sesame (Samone va- compared with the prices in the country. This year, Japan zation indicated. – KH/GNLM

Domestic gold prices Myanmar Sterculia gum price

still on the rise declines
THE domestic prices of the is around K100,000 less than
gold continue to rise, said U that of the global gold price.
Myo Myint, the chairman of If the trading is permitted to
Yangon Region Gold Entrepre- make payments through tele-
neurs Association (YRGEA). graph transfer (TT), the gold
People are collecting the trading could enter the interna-
gold bars currently because of tional market. The trading will
the business being suspended be faster and convenient if the
as a result of the COVID-19 out- Department of Mines under the
break, he added. Ministry of Natural Resources
“The prices of the local and Environmental Conserva-
gold are sky high these days tion will issue the sale licenses.
because of the pandemic that Now, the domestic gold price
has started again worldwide. is K100,000 less than that of
Thus, the countries around the global gold price,” said U
the world have imposed re- Myo Myint.
There are about 30,000 acres of Sterculia gum plantations in the Sagaing region, and the gums are chiefly grown
strictions again, resulting in At present, the pure gold
in Ahyardaw and Monywa townships.
the businesses halting again. price is about K1,455,000 per
That is the reason why peo- tical (0.578 ounces, or 0.016 kilo- THE price of Myanmar the Sterculia gum price Sterculia gum market slight-
ple are collecting the gold bar. grams) on 1 May in the domes- Sterculia gum locally called was K40,000 per viss. Every ly declined when COIVD-19
The domestic gold market has tic market, while global gold Saekalamat has dropped re- year, the price of the gum is started to break out, and its
connected with the global gold price touches a high of above cently in the market and the high. But this year, the pre- price was only K8,000 per viss.
market. Therefore if the global US$1,772 per ounce. growers face losses, said U vailing price of the gums is There are about 30,000
gold price goes high, the do- Further, the dollar versus Zaw Min, chairman of Sagaing only K7,000-K8,000 per viss. acres of Sterculia gum plan-
mestic gold price will rise. Now, kyat exchange rate was at Region Sterculia Production Now, the growers are encoun- tations in the Sagaing region,
the domestic prices of the gold K1,575 per dollar on 1 May. and Exporter Association. tering losses. Even then, they and the gums are chiefly
continue to rise as a result of Therefore, the global gold “Presently, the price didn’t get back the production grown in Ahyardaw and Mony-
the restart of the COVDI-19 versus dollar exchange rate of Sterculia gum is K5,000 cost because of the pandemic wa townships.
outbreak,” said U Myo Myint. remains skyrocketing. The do- per viss in the market. The and the political situation,” The Sterculia gums are
The domestic gold price mestic gold price will be still high-quality Sterculia gum said U Zaw Min. also grown in Monywa, Ah-
is around K100,000 less than as high as the worldwide gold prices range between K7,000 In the market, the Myan- yardaw, Sagaing, Shwebo,
that of the global gold price, price and dollar exchange rate, and K8,000 per viss. Howev- mar Sterculia gums are sold Yinmabin, Katha, Kanbalu,
according to the YRGEA. according to the YGEA. — NN/ er, we haven’t got any high for K28,000 per viss before Kalay townships in Sagaing
“The domestic gold price GNLM price yet. This time in 2019, the COVID-19 outbreak. The Region. — Lulay/GNLM
2 MAY 2021

AstraZeneca COVID vaccine sales hit $275m NEWS

in first quarter Toyota fined by
BRITISH pharmaceuticals gi- supplier to the EU after US firm China’s regulator
ant AstraZeneca said on Friday Pfizer. The bulk of AstraZeneca’s
that its COVID vaccine generated jab sales during the first quar-
for violating anti-
$275 million (€227m) in sales in ter – $224 million worth – were monopoly laws
the first quarter, as its chief ex- in Europe, the company said. A
ecutive defended performance total $43 million were in emerging CHINA’S market regulator
in the face of EU legal action. It markets, and $8 million in the rest on Friday fined Toyota
is the first time that the company of the world, it added. Motor Corp., Japan’s largest
has disclosed figures from sales “Of course we would have automaker, 500,000 yuan
of one of the world’s leading vac- preferred to have delivered more ($77,313) for violating anti-mo-
cines, which it sells at cost.  quantities to Europe, but at then nopoly laws.
The company has delivered end of the day we did our very Toyota failed to report
about 68 million doses of the vac- best to help the world,” Soriot to the authorities in advance
cine, which was developed with said. AstraZeneca vaccine pro- when in 2019, it set up a joint
the University of Oxford and has duction had been rapidly assem- venture with Didi Chuxing,
been instrumental in Britain’s bled following the start of the out- a major Chinese ride-hailing
rapid vaccination drive. A nurse shows a package of the Astrazeneca coronavirus vaccine break in early 2020. service, the regulator said.
However, public confidence at a doctor’s surgery in Senftenberg, Brandenburg, eastern “Our vaccine continues to The latest move came as
Germany.   PHOTO: AFP
in the jab has been dented over play a leading role in the glob- Chinese President Xi Jinping
links to very rare blood clots, and “I don’t think we ever over- regrets. “What we communicated al fight against the pandemic,” has pledged to strengthen
the company is also mired in a promised... more than we thought at the time was based on the ca- Soriot insisted. “We are seeing measures to curb the monop-
legal fight with the EU over de- we could deliver,” chief executive pacity that we had put together.” signs that it is reducing transmis- olistic behaviour and disor-
livery shortfalls. Pascal Soriot told reporters on Soriot noted that Astra- sions,” he added, citing recent UK derly capital expansion of IT
‘Did our very best’ Friday, insisting there were no Zeneca was the second largest data.—AFP   giants in the country.
In March, Japanese wire-
less carrier SoftBank Corp.

Eurozone enters double-dip recession in first quarter was also fined by the Chinese
authorities for the same rea-
son. — Kyodo News
THE eurozone economy fell with multiple attempts to reo-
into a second recession in less pen the economy cut short by
than a year in the first quarter, new outbreaks. Disneyland fans
data showed on Friday, as slow More recent data has giv- hail ‘greatest feeling
vaccinations and pandemic en Europeans confidence that
lockdowns stopped a rebound. the recession will be short-
ever’ as California
The data was in stark lived, however, with surveys theme park finally
contrast to the US, where the showing that manufacturing reopens
economy roared forward in the is now booming. And with the
same period, posting annual- vaccination campaign finally FANS wearing Mickey Mouse
ised growth of 6.4 per cent. getting into swing, pent-up ears lined up as Disneyland
China has also turned the demand is expected to follow in California finally reopened
corner from the coronavirus as Europeans begin to spend Friday, more than 400 days
pandemic with a 18.3-per cent more in shops, at reopened after the pandemic forced an
explosion in gross domestic restaurants and on tourism. The decline in economic activity was the steepest in Germany, falling by unprecedented closure for the
product growth on an annual The EU’s slow-moving 1.7% in Q1.    PHOTO: AFP/FILE self-styled “Happiest Place on
basis. recovery plan is also expect- by the pandemic, such as Italy March period, with exports un- Earth.”
Europe has been hit hard ed to finally get on track, giv- or Spain. able to overcome a steep drop “It is the greatest feeling
by a second and third wave ing a much-needed boost to Germany was the major in demand by discouraged con- ever!” said Momi Young-
of the coronavirus pandemic, southern countries crushed drag on growth in January to sumers, analysts said.—AFP   Wilkins, a 55-year-old mother
as she brought her children to
the world-famous park near
Profits at India’s Reliance double on oil, retail recovery Los Angeles. “I promised my
daughters we would be back
here on opening day, and I
INDIAN conglomerate Reliance navirus lockdowns, prompting made it happen.” Disneyland
Industries saw its quarterly prof- the transport and retail sectors to Park — the world’s sec-
its more than double between bounce back, before a ferocious ond-most visited theme park
January and March, the firm said second wave of infections forced — and neighbouring Disney
Friday, boosted by a turnaround a new round of restrictions this California Adventure Park
in its key oil and retail businesses. month. “Our consumer business- have been closed the long-
The Mumbai-based behe- es have proved to be a digital and est of all the Mouse House’s
moth -- which is owned by Asia’s physical lifeline for the nation in globe-spanning parks, delayed
richest man, Mukesh Ambani -- these challenging times,” Ambani by California’s sharp winter
said its consolidated net profit for said in a statement. Covid spike and tough restric-
the period jumped 108 per cent to Its telecom arm Jio added tions. But with the Golden
132.27 billion rupees ($1.79 billion) over 15 million subscribers dur- State now boasting the nation’s
from 63.48 billion rupees a year ing the quarter, with revenues lowest per capita infection
earlier. up by 18.9 per cent, as pandemic rate, the sprawling resort flung
The oil-to-telecoms giant enjoyed a strong recovery during the quarter The oil-to-telecoms giant en- restrictions saw increasing num- open its gates Friday to the
as India eased coronavirus lockdowns before a ferocious second wave of joyed a strong recovery during bers of Indians rely on digital ser- delight of many of its most
infections.   PHOTO: ANI/FILE the quarter as India eased coro- vices.—AFP   obsessive devotees.—AFP
14 ECON: WORLD 2 MAY 2021

EU charges Apple in landmark App NEWS

Store competition case Colombia president
firms that want to break free others that accuses Apple of axes tax plan after
of the global Apple App Store’s making unfair use of the App angry protests
strict terms and fees, with au- Store to promote its own Apple
thorities in the US, Russia, Music. COLOMBIAN President Ivan
Britain and South Korea also Spotify filed the complaint Duque caved in Friday to
circling on the world’s biggest in 2019 that also accused Ap- widespread anger and said he
company. ple of unfairly taking a 30 per would overhaul a proposed
“By setting strict rules cent cut from businesses using tax reform that many said
on the App Store that disad- its store, which Spotify says would leave them poorer
vantage competing music amounts to a violation of fair during the pandemic.
streaming services, Apple de- competition rules. Duque announced he
prives users of cheaper music The case is one of four tak- was shelving clauses that
streaming choices and distorts en up by the European Com- would lower the income tax
competition,” EU competition mission against Apple last year threshold to broaden the tax
commissioner Margrethe Ve- and could force the company to base and raise value-added
EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager.   PHOTO: AFP stager said in a statement. change the way it does busi- taxes on goods and services.
The European Commis- ness. He acted two days after
THE EU formally accused Ap- the biggest-ever competition sion’s case, put forward in a The other cases focus on tens of thousands of Colombi-
ple on Friday of unfairly squeez- cases to hit the iPhone maker. “statement of objections”, is the Apple Pay system as well as ans took to the streets across
ing out music streaming rivals The charge sheet lands as based on a complaint brought the company’s eBooks offering. the country to denounce the
through its App Store in one of Apple faces a rebellion from by Sweden-based Spotify and —AFP proposed tax changes.
They were rejected
across the board -- by opposi-
Brazil auctions Rio water US oil giants return to tion parties, unions, students
and civil society groups that
concession for US$4 billion profitability in Q1 on complained that the reforms
came at the worst possible
in win for Bolsonaro higher oil prices time and were particularly
harmful to the middle class.
BRAZIL raked in a larg- in Brazil,” said ultra-liberal Econ- Even some in Duque’s
er-than-expected US$4 billion omy Minister Paulo Guedes. party opposed his plan.
Friday (Apr 30) auctioning the “Brazil is going to return “I have given very clear
operating rights to the Rio de Ja- to growth. We are going to get instructions to the finance
neiro water and sewer system, a through both waves,” he added, ministry for it to ... compose
win for President Jair Bolsonaro referring to the hit that Latin a new draft with congress,”
and his privatization agenda. America’s biggest economy has Duque said. —AFP
The far-right leader attended taken from the coronavirus pan-
the auction in Sao Paulo, which demic.
garnered 22.7 billion reais - more Rio’s troubled public wa- Japan Jan.-March
than double the minimum price - ter company, Cedae, has faced GDP seen having
and came after a political battle criticism in recent years for the
that nearly saw the concession city’s sometimes cloudy, smelly
shrunk 4.8%
sale canceled. and earthy-tasting water. under 2nd virus
Bolsonaro, who has strug- The auction divided the com- ExxonMobil reported profits in the first quarter after a string of losses emergency
gled to implement the privatiza- pany’s system up into four lots by in 2020.   PHOTO: AFP
tion plans he campaigned on in region - one of which failed to sell. AFTER a string of losses, Exx- activist shareholders at annual JAPAN’S economy in the
2018, called the auction “historic”. In all, Cedae serves 13 mil- onMobil and Chevron on Fri- meetings next month over their January to March quarter is
“This is a government that lion people, including the greater day both reported a return to response to climate change. estimated to have shrunk
believes in the free market, that metropolitan area. profitability in the first quarter, Both US oil firms also face an annualized real 4.8 per
believes in winning investors’ The winning bidders gain 35- bolstered by a significant jump weakness in their downstream cent, as a second state of
confidence,” he said. year concessions to their portions in oil prices. business amid tepid demand for emergency over the corona-
It was the biggest-ever wa- of the system, which they will be The results, which come petroleum products, especially virus pandemic dampened
ter-treatment auction in Brazil. tasked with overhauling and op- amid a similar round of profits jet fuel. consumption, economists
“The result is in: Confidence erating. —AFP by Royal Dutch Shell, Total and ExxonMobil, which report- said Friday.
other European petroleum gi- ed losses in all four quarters The average estimate
ants, point to a much-improved in 2020, reported profits of $2.7 by 10 economists polled by
demand outlook compared with billion in the first quarter. Rev- Kyodo News indicates the
last year, when oil prices tum- enues rose 5.3% to $59.1 billion. world’s third-largest econ-
bled midway through the first The company said its aver- omy likely logged its first
quarter as the coronavirus cri- age price for crude oil sold rose shrinkage since an annual-
sis shuttered large parts of the 42% compared with the fourth ized 29.3 per cent contraction
economy. quarter, while natural gas prices in the three months ended in
“Earnings strengthened rose by 33%. June 2020, its worst econom-
primarily due to higher oil pric- Conditions in the down- ic plunge on record triggered
es as the economy recovers,” stream business improved by its first virus emergency.
said Chevron Chief Executive from the fourth quarter, “but The Cabinet Office is
Mike Wirth. remained below 10-year lows scheduled to release prelim-
Projects for Rio de Janeiro’s new water and sewage system operators Yet larger petroleum com- driven by market oversupply inary GDP data for this year’s
include a massive clean-up of Guanabara Bay and infrastructure for panies still face major challeng- and high product inventory lev- first quarter on May 18. —
impoverished favela neighborhoods.   PHOTO: AFP es, including campaigns from els,” ExxonMobil said. —AFP Kyodo News
2 MAY 2021

Afghan retreat: US formally begins withdrawing from its longest war

THE United States formally be- The prospect of an end of ago... cannot explain why we
gins withdrawing its last troops 20 years of US presence comes should remain there in 2021,”
from Afghanistan Saturday, despite fighting raging across he said.
bringing its longest war nearer the countryside in the absence Since the US withdrawal
to an end but also heralding an of a peace deal. deal was struck the Taliban
uncertain future for a country in A stark reminder of what have not directly engaged for-
the tightening grip of an embold- remains came late Friday with eign troops, but insurgents have
ened Taliban. a car bomb in Pul-e-Alam, south mercilessly attacked govern-
US officials on the ground of the capital, killing at least 21 ment forces in the countryside
say the withdrawal is already a people and wounding 100 more. and waged a terror campaign
work in progress -- and May 1 is US President Joe Biden is in urban areas.
just a continuation -- but Wash- determined to end what he called The exit of US forces has
ington has made an issue of the “the forever war”, announcing only exacerbated the fear felt by
date because it is a deadline last month that the withdrawal ordinary Afghans.
agreed with the Taliban in 2020 In this file photo taken on February 21, 2010, US Marines clear of the remaining 2,500 American “Everyone is scared that we
to complete the pullout. Improvised Explosive Devices from a main route in Trikh Nawar on the forces would be complete by the might go back to the dark days
North Eastern outskirts of Marjah.   PHOTO: AFP/FILE
The skies above Kabul and 20th anniversary of the Septem- of the Taliban era,” said Mena
nearby Bagram airbase have icopter activity than usual as the start Thursday of a concurrent ber 11 attacks. Nowrozi, who works at a private
been buzzing with more US hel- pullout gears up, following the NATO withdrawal. “A horrific attack 20 years radio station in Kabul. —AFP

US investigates more Ship prepares to ferry chemicals out

‘Havana syndrome’ of Beirut port
attacks: senators A ship prepared Friday to ferry
dozens of containers of hazard-
ous materials from Lebanon’s
US senators said Friday that “This pattern of attacking capital to Germany, managers
the government is investigat- our fellow citizens serving our of a cleanup project said, months
ing an apparent increase in government appears to be in- after disaster struck on the dock-
mysterious directed-energy creasing.” side.
attacks dubbed “Havana syn- The still unexplained at- German firm Combi Lift was
drome”, amid new reports of tacks have caused sickness tasked with removing dangerous
potentially brain-damaging and even brain damage in US substances from the port after
incidents inside the country. diplomats and intelligence of- the explosion of hundreds of
Democratic Senator Mark ficials in Cuba, China, Russia, tonnes of fertilizer there on Au-
Warner and Republican Mar- and other countries. gust 4 last year killed more than
co Rubio, who lead the Sen- Moscow is suspected to 200 people and ravaged large
ate Intelligence Committee, be behind them, even if the parts of Beirut.
issued a statement after two mechanism for them has yet The last of 59 containers was
media reports saying attacks to be explained. Scientists lifted onto the ship on Friday. The August 4 explosion of hundreds of tons of ill-stored fertilizers
devastated the dockside and large swathes of the capital, killing more
had taken place in Washing- have theorized that the at- Heiko Felderhoff, CEO of than 200 people.  PHOTO: AFP
ton, including just outside the tacks arise from pulsed mi- Combi Lift, said they would be
White House, and in Miami, crowaves. Earlier this week disposed of in Germany. had cleared the port of “all toxic, But they ended up “handling
Florida. CNN, citing unnamed offi- “The ship is here and so on cancerous, flammable and high- more than 75, of which 59 will be
“For nearly five years, we cials, said federal agencies the weekend we are leaving” for ly reactive chemicals that have shipped.”
have been aware of reports of were investigating a Novem- Germany, he said at a ceremony been stored here for decades.” He said 15 others would be
mysterious attacks on United ber 2020 incident at the White on the docks. The German firm had “disposed of within safe and en-
States government personnel House Ellipse in which a na- Elias Assouad, the head of been expected “to deal with vironmentally sound procedures
in Havana, Cuba and around tional security council staffer the Lebanese-German Busi- only 49 containers of haz- in situ,” without providing more
the world,” they said. was sickened.—AFP ness Council, said the project ardous material,” he said. details.—AFP

NGO files Khashoggi torture suit in France

against Saudi general
AN NGO filed a case against a Ahmad al-Assiri, a former intel- In February, the US im-
Saudi general in a Paris court ligence official,  responsible for posed sanctions on Assiri as
on Friday, accusing him of being the “physical and psychological well as an elite Saudi unit for
responsible for the torture of abuse” that Khashoggi suffered their role in the killing.
journalist Jamal Khashoggi in just before his death, the NGO’s The Treasury Department
2018, its lawyer said. lawyer William Bourdon said. said it would block assets and
Khashoggi was tortured, French courts have univer- criminalise transactions with
killed and dismembered inside sal jurisdiction over crimes of the Rapid Intervention Force,
the Saudi consulate in Istanbul torture, but not in murder cas- which a declassified intelligence
after going there to get docu- es, which is why the GCHR suit report said was answerable to
ments for his wedding. focuses on the torture claim and Crown Prince Mohammed bin
Hit by mysterious microwaves? The US embassy in Havana.   The Gulf Centre for Human not the subsequent killing of Salman, as well as al-Assiri.—
PHOTO: AFP rights (GCHR) holds General Khashoggi, Bourdon told AFP. AFP
16 SPORT 2 MAY 2021

Indonesian team to play two friendlies in UAE

THE Football Associations of be against Afghanistan on 25 donesia will play Thailand on 3 chamad Iriawan, President of Indra Sjafri, Indonesian team
Indonesia has set two friendly May 2021 while the second June 2021, Vietnam on 7 June the Football Associations of Technical Director said.
matches for its national foot- friendly against Oman will be 2021 and then against the hosts Indonesia (PSSI). According to the state-
ball team in the United Arab played four days later,” football UAE on 11 June 2021,” officials “Coach Tae-yong wanted ment with the Asian Football
Emirates (UAE) ahead of their authorities said. added. at least two test matches as a Confederation, the Indonesia
remaining rounds of the 2022 “UAE will be the central- “This is certainly positive warm-up before playing in the team will start their central-
FIFA World Cup qualifiers in ized location for the remaining news for the national team and qualifiers. ized training on 1 May 2021 in
June. matches of Group G of the 2022 will be useful for our matches And these two countries Jakarta. —GNLM
“The first test match will FIFA World Cup qualifiers. In- in the UAE later,” said Mo- have made the confirmation,”

Istiqlol become first Tajik club into Man. City season ‘extra
Asian Champions League last 16 special’ due to fixture
TOURNAMENT debutants
stress, says Guardiola
Istiqlol on Friday became the PEP GUARDIOLA believes sit back one day or two, take a
first club from Tajikistan to Manchester City’s season has break and see what has hap-
qualify for the Asian Cham- been “extra special” as the pened.
pions League last 16 despite Premier League leaders chase “The team has been more
suffering a 2-1 defeat to Uz- a memorable treble despite a resilient and calm. When you
bekistan’s AGMK. gruelling fixture schedule. play every three days you don’t
The Dushanbe-based Is- Guardiola’s side won the have time to see things clear-
tiqlol finished on 10 points from League Cup last Sunday and ly, because it’s the next one –
six matches to top Group A could wrap up a third Premier then travel, then organise the
on a better head-to-head-re- League title in four seasons team, then whatever. “This is
cord with Saudi giants Al Hilal, this weekend. the most difficult thing when
who also advanced as one of City are also on track to you play a lot of games, but
the three best second-placed reach their first Champions the difference here is lockdown
teams after a 2-0 defeat by League final if they finish off – our lives have changed com-
Shabab Al Ahli of the UAE. On target: Ahli forward Igor Jesus celebrates his goal against Al Paris Saint Germain in their pletely – and it’s a shorter pe-
Hilal.   PHOTO: AFP
AGMK had nothing to lose semi-final next Tuesday, having riod of time. “That makes this
and were aggressive from the ond goal with Jovan Djokic’s their second win, it emerged earned a 2-1 advantage follow- season so special for everyone.
start, keeping Istiqlol goal- powerful shot off a pass from that Al Hilal had been beaten ing Wednesday’s first leg. Winning one title already, close
keeper Rustam Yatimov on his Murodjon Toshmatov finding by Shabab Al Ahli at Riyadh’s All this has come in a drain- to another and playing another
toes throughout the match at the net. Prince Faisal bin Fahd Sta- ing campaign which City began ‘final’ on Tuesday.
the King Fahd International Istiqlol, who had already dium. after a shortened close-season It has been exceptional.
Stadium in Riyadh. made history this month by Igor Jesus scored both the break, with matches coming “I don’t know what’s going
After several close calls, becoming the first club from goals for Shabab in the second thick and fast amid the coro- to happen in the last four weeks
the Tajiks finally fell to the Tajikistan to feature in the con- half to give the UAE side a sec- navirus pandemic lockdown. ahead of us but the season has
pressure in the 67th minute tinental club showpiece, pulled ond win in three matches. “It’s a lot of games and been extraordinary already.”
with AGMK’s Zafar Polovonov one back with Rustam Soirov Brazilian forward Jesus the problem is the shortness City will clunch the title if
heading in from close off an scoring from the penalty spot first struck with a spot-kick of time. It is home, game, home, they win at Crystal Palace on
assist from Akramjon Komilov. after he was fouled by Komilov. in the 54th minute after Mo- travel, travel, here, here, game, Saturday and second-placed
Twelve minutes later Is- But even though AGMK hamed Kanno brought down game, travel,” Guardiola said. Manchester United lose
tiqlol suffered another setback withstood the pressure in the the dangerous Jaloliddin “You cannot enjoy one against Liverpool on Sunday.
as AGMK scored their sec- dying minutes to pull off only Masharipov. —AFP game. We don’t have time to —AFP

Chelsea face uphill task in bid for historic final

CHELSEA are gunning to become just the second Hayes seemed aware of the tough task await-
English team to reach the final of the Women’s ing her side when speaking to reporters on Friday,
Champions League but face a battle to overhaul lamenting the poor finishing and “sloppy” goals
Bayern Munich in Sunday’s semi-final second leg. conceded in the first leg which leave Chelsea with
Emma Hayes’ team are well-placed to retain work to do. “I think the realities are if we’re going
their domestic Women’s Super League title after to progress, we’re probably going to have to score
having only lost one game so far this season, but more than one goal,” said Hayes.
after establishing domestic prominence the Blues “We’re going to take the game to Bayern Mu-
are aiming to become a continental powerhouse. nich. We’re at home and I think we’ve got to trust
Only Arsenal have reached the biggest match in in the belief that we’re in the position because we
European women’s club football, when they won deserve to be here, but if you want to go to the next
the competition in 2007. level you have to produce something you didn’t pro-
Chelsea will have their work cut out for them duce before. “I want an inspired performance from
against Bayern, who are the competition’s leading the team but I’m accustomed to getting that from
scorers and are 2-1 ahead in the tie after last week’s them, so I trust them.” Hayes’ hope that Chelsea
first leg in Germany, following which Hayes said she cut out the mistakes could be rocked by the possible Sam Kerr will be hoping to fire Chesea to the win they need to overcome
would “make sure the team puts in the performance absence of centre-back and captain Magda Eriksson Bayern Munich and reach their first ever women’s Champions League
of their lives next week”. because of a calf problem. —AFP final.   PHOTO: AFP

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