Assignment No. Assignment Title:: Cyberethics

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Assignment No.

Assignment Title:

Cyber Ethics and its Phases.

Student ID: 19-Arid-345

Class: BSCS-3(A)
Course Code: SSH-307
Submitted To: Ma’am Tayyaba Tariq
Submission Date: 22-04-2020

(For instructor’s use)

Total Marks: 100
Obtained Marks:

Cyberethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers, encompassing user
behavior and what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and
society. For years, various governments have enacted regulations while organizations have
defined policies about cyberethics.

 Different Phases in a cyberethics.

Phase Time period Technological Associated issues

1 1950s-1960s Stand-alone machines Artificial intelligence
(large mainframe (AI), database privacy
computers) ("Big Brother")
2 1970s-1980s Minicomputers and PCs Issues from Phase 1
interconnected via plus concerns involving
privately owned networks intellectual property
and software piracy,
computer crime,
privacy and the
exchange of records.
3 1990s-Present Internet and World Wide Issues from Phases 1
Web and 2 plus concerns
about free speech,
anonymity, legal
jurisdiction, virtual
communities, etc.
4 Present to Near Future Convergence of issues from Phases 1-3
information and plus concerns about
communication artificial electronic
technologies with agents ("bots") with
nanotechnology research decision-making
and genetic and genomic capabilities, bionic chip
research, etc. implants,

 In 1950s-1960s
The Evolution of Cybertechnology and Cyberethics: Four Phases ... The first phase of computing
technology (1950s and 1960s) consisted mainly ... have moral implications Examples might
include data-mining technology and Internet cookies
 1970s-1980s
or the context of cyber ethics. ... On the contrary, Kohlberg's six stages of moral development
seem to provide a ... According to Perry (1970), "Kohlberg's theory of moral judgment can thus
be ... Additionally, it is critical that the examples, scenarios, or case studies that are used are both
relevant and realistic to the learners.

 1990s-Present
uring Phase 3(1990-present), the availability of Internet access to the general public has
increased significantly.
•This has been facilitated by the phenomenal growth of the World Wide Web.
•The proliferation of Internet and Web-based technologies in this phase has raised ethical
and social concerns.
 Present to Near Future

in Phase 4(present to near future), “Web 2.0” has made possible the proliferation of social
networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook and Twitter.
As cybertechnology continues to evolve in Phase 4, computers will likely become more and
more a part of who or what we are as human beings.
For example, Moor (2005) notes that computing devices will soon be a part of our clothing, and
even our bodies.

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