Science 6: Let'S Work Together!

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila



Quarter 2 Week 3 SLeM 3

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Explain how the different organ systems
work together


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to
successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun in learning!
 Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
 You may opt to write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons if
you learn better that way.
 Be sure to perform all the provided activities in the module.
 Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card
 Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
 Enjoy studying!


Expectations – These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module
Pre-test – This will measure your prior knowledge and concepts to be mastered
throughout the lesson
Looking Back – This section will measure your learnings and skills you
understood from the previous lesson
Brief Introduction – This section will give you an overview of the lesson
Activities – This is a set of activities you will perform to further your learnings.
Remember – This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lesson
Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the lesson
Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module


This module will serve as a guide in your continuous

exploration of science. It will be your aid as you learn new ideas and enrich
your existing knowledge of scientific concepts and principles through various
challenging activities about human body systems.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
• describe how Musculo-skeletal and Integumentary Systems work together
• describe how the organs of the Digestive, Respiratory, and Circulatory
Systems work together
• describe how the Nervous and Integumentary Systems work together
• describe how the Nervous System controls all the organ systems of the


Direction: Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the
correct answer.
1. To make breathing possible, the respiratory system works
A. Digestive System B. Nervous System
C. Circulatory System D. Integumentary System
2. Which of the following is NOT a healthful habit for the body systems?
A. Eat foods rich in protein B. Have enough sleep
C. Eat plenty of chocolates D. Drink plenty of water
3. It acts as a shock absorber to reduce friction.
A. Tendons B. Cartilage
C. Ligaments D. Joint
4. It is the one that pumps blood into the lungs.
A. Heart B. Brain
C. Skin D. Lungs
5. In the nervous system, the ___________ are embedded in the skin to sense
the outside world.
A. Spinal cord B. Neurons
C. Blood D. Blood vessels
6. In cellular respiration; digestive, respiratory and ____________ body systems
are involved.
A. Circulatory B. Integumentary
C. Musculo-skeletal D. Lymphatic

7. It controls and coordinates all essential functions of the body.

A. Integumentary System B. Nervous System
C. Digestive System D. Circulatory System
8. It transports digested nutrients into the blood stream.
A. Capillary B. Dermis
C. Alveoli D. Villi
9. The delicate balance of the body is also known as __________________.
A. Homeostasis B. Homogenous
C. Alveoli D. Heterogenous
10. When you retract your arms back when you try to touch a candlelight is
caused by the interaction of two body systems.
A. Nervous and Integumentary B. Circulatory and Respiratory
C. Musculo-skeletal and Integumentary D. Digestive and Nervous


Direction: Identify the different body systems described below.

1. Which body system transports blood to the different parts of the body?
2. It acts as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world.
3. It coordinates the work of all other systems in the body.
4. The body system that breaks down food in order to absorb its nutrients
5. It functions as the primary system for movement. It works with the skeletal
system hand-in-hand.

Circulatory System Digestive System Muscular System

Skeletal System Integumentary System Nervous System


Hey there! How are you spending your time

during the “Lockdown”? Since I’m not so busy I will tell
you more about your body in this module.
Oh! I didn’t introduce myself. You can call me
Doc June! Today, let’s learn about your body systems
to make your staying at home become productive.
The human body is made up of cells, tissues,
organs and organ systems. These organ systems work
together harmoniously for the body to function well.
Among these body systems are the musculo-skeletal,
integumentary, digestive, circulatory, respiratory and

Have you ever wondered why you can move the

different parts of your body like bending, twisting,
stretching, walking, etc.? What do you experienced
when you do your exercise early in the morning? Why
do you think your heart beats faster when you’re
running? What about sweating while doing some
work? All these questions that you have in mind will be
answered as you go through the different activities that
are prepared for you in this module. I hope you will
enjoy and discover how the organs and body systems
work together and why it is important for us to take
good care of our body.


The Musculo-skeletal system is a compound

system composed of the muscular and the skeletal
system. Try pressing your arm. You will feel a soft
mass (muscles) and a hard mass (bones). The two
systems are connected by various parts that are
vital for our movement.

Let’s review the following terms:
Tendons - These attach muscle to bone.
Ligaments - These attach bone to bone.
Cartilage - acts as a shock absorber to
reduce friction in a joint

These parts of the musculoskeletal

system are what makes it possible for us
to move our hands and feet and our body
as well.
How is movement possible?

Skeletal muscles, the type of muscles that are connected to bones and
are responsible for movement, produce movement by contracting. This is
possible, of course, through the signals sent by the brain to the corresponding
muscle. These muscles can only pull in one direction so they usually work in
opposing pairs. The movement of the muscles causes movement of bones (and
other bones connected by ligaments) through the tendons.

That, kids, is how the muscular system and skeletal system work together.
Now, the integumentary system’s main function in this context is for the protection
of the musculoskeletal system. It is the first line of protection for the body against
harmful substances.

Aside from protection, the skin also has other interactions with the
musculoskeletal system. Sweat glands in skin expel sweat due to muscle contraction.
Skin makes and absorbs Vitamin D (from the sun) necessary for calcium absorption
in bones to maintain its hardness.

Let’s try to test how well you

understood the interaction of
your musculoskeletal system
and your integumentary


Objective: Describe how Musculo-skeletal and Integumentary Systems work

Materials: timer, water
1. For 5 minutes, perform squats. If you want to, you can perform the exercise for
more than 5 minutes.

2. Have a timer and some water to drink after you perform the exercise. .
3. After you finish the exercise, rest for two minutes before answering the
questions on a sheet of paper.
Critical Thinking Questions:
1. What body systems are involved in doing the exercise?
2. What did you feel after performing the exercise?
3. Why did you produce some sweat?
4. Based on what you have learned on the interaction of the Musculo-skeletal
and integumentary systems, were the movements you performed in the
exercise easy? Why?
5. Aside from exercising, name other movements you can do with your body
(including your extremities).


Ever wonder how we are able to breathe? Although you

may have learned from the past years that the respiratory system
is responsible for our breathing, it actually pairs up with the
circulatory system to help us breathe. Here’s how!

The blood vessels are the most vital parts needed for the
process of breathing. There are three types of blood vessels,
which are discussed above. The blood vessels also have a role
in the interaction of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory

The reason why the heart is in between the lungs is that the heart is the one
pumping blood (both oxygenated and deoxygenated) into the lungs. From, the lungs,
the exchange of gases occur bringing back the blood into the heart. The process just
repeats as long as we are breathing.

The Process of Breathing
featuring the Respiratory and Circulatory System

Notice that in step 2 the

heart pumps
deoxygenated blood to
the lungs. The alveoli in
the lungs as seen in the
figure below is
responsible for
exchanging carbon
dioxide with oxygen that
was inhaled through the
upper respiratory tract
(nasal cavity – larynx –
pharynx). The blood,
then, becomes
oxygenated. The
capillaries around the
alveoli all transport
oxygenated blood back
to the heart and step 3

The Process of Digestion

featuring the Digestive and Circulatory System

Notice how in step 4 nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. The
capillaries in the villi of the small intestine are the ones responsible for this. The
nutrients that were broken down are delivered into the bloodstream and eventually
brought to all parts of the body by the circulatory system.

Did you know that there is a certain body process where the three systems
mentioned are working together? Cellular respiration, the process of
converting food into energy that the cells of the body can use, needs the help
of your three body systems. Let’s see how it works.

Most tasks in the body need the support of two or more organ
systems working together. Take cellular respiration, for instance. This task
requires oxygen and food. The respiratory system brings oxygen into the
lungs when you breathe. The digestive system breaks food down into nutrients
such as glucose.

Let’s try to test how well you

understood the interaction
of your Digestive,
Respiratory, and Circulatory


Objective: Describe how digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems work

Materials: food
1. Take your breakfast.
2. Observe what happened to the food you eat.
Critical Thinking Questions

1. Where does your food go?

2. What happens to the food you eat?
3. How does the respiratory system absorb the nutrients from your digestive
4. How are nutrients distributed to the different parts of the body?

Lesson 3
Nervous and Integumentary Systems

Have you ever tried to touch a candlelight only

to take back your arms back because it’s hot? This is
possible because of the interaction of your nervous
and integumentary systems.

Skin and its appendages are part of

integumentary system where specialized sensory
nerve ends are present. These sensory ends receive
stimuli and send impulses through sensory neuron to
the central nervous system.

The nervous system depends on neurons embedded in your skin to sense the
outside world. It processes input from your senses, including touch, and initiates
actions based on those inputs. The integumentary system contains sensory neurons
that, when stimulated, send messages to the central nervous system. Sensations such
as touch, warmth, cold, and pain are important examples because it allows us to
change our behavior in response to these stimuli. For example, when the body
becomes too hot, the hypothalamus in the brain detects this and stimulates the sweat
glands in the skin. By sweating and evaporative cooling effect cooled down the body.

The above chart shows the different sensory receptors found in the skin and
what certain feeling they receive. Their relative location and form is shown in the
The integumentary system reduces water loss, contains receptors that
respond to touch, regulates body temperature, and protects the inside of the body
from damage. Receptors in skin send sensory information to the brain. The
autonomic nervous system regulates peripheral blood flow and sweat glands.

Let’s try to test how well you
understood the interaction of your
Nervous and Integumentary


Objective: Describe how the organs of the Nervous and Integumentary

Systems work together
Materials: glass of cold water, timer
1. Perform Activity 1: Let’s Exercise again for 5 minutes.
2. After doing so, rest for at least 5 minutes.
3. Get a cold glass of water.
4. Pour the glass of water on your hands.
5. After drying your hands, answer the questions.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Describe the feeling after the exercise.
2. Based on what you learned in this module, how were you able to produce
3. What was your reaction when you poured the cold glass of water on your
4. How do exercising and pouring of cold water on your hands differ based
on your reactions? How are they similar?
5. How does your nervous system works with your integumentary
system in this activity?

Lesson 4
Nervous System: Control Center
Nervous System: Control Centerrol

Now that you’ve learned how some of

the organ systems work with one another. Let
us try to synthesize how the nervous system,
the one that controls all our bodily functions,
interact with every other organ system in our

Before I show you a table that I prepared for you, let us first try to recall how the
nervous system functions.

1. Gathers information from both inside and outside the body - Sensory Function
2. Transmits information to the processing areas of the brain and spine
3. Processes the information in the brain and spine – Integration Function
4. Sends information to the muscles, glands, and organs so they can respond
appropriately – Motor Function

The nervous system controls and coordinates all essential functions of the body
including all other body systems allowing the body to maintain homeostasis or its
delicate balance.

• Bones provide calcium that
is essential for the proper
functioning of the nervous
The skeletal system • The skull protects the
makes up the brain from injury.
• The vertebrae protect the
framework of the body spinal cord from injury.
Skeletal System
and allows us to move • Sensory receptors in joints
when our muscles between bones send
contract. signals about body position
to the brain.
• The brain regulates the
position of bones by
controlling muscles.
• Receptors in muscles
Different types of provide the brain with
muscles enable information about body
motion, generate heat position and movement.
• The brain controls the
to maintain body
Muscular System contraction of skeletal
temperature, move muscle.
food through digestive • The nervous system
tract and contract the regulates the speed at
heart. which food moves through
the digestive tract.

The integumentary • Receptors in skin send

system reduces water sensory information to the
loss, contains brain.
receptors that respond • The autonomic nervous
to touch, regulates system regulates peripheral
System blood flow and sweat
body temperature, and
protects the inside of glands.
• Nerves control muscles
the body from
connected to hair follicles.

• Endothelial cells maintain
The cardiovascular the blood-brain barrier.
system delivers • Baroreceptors send
oxygen, hormones, information to the brain
Cardiovascular nutrients and white about blood pressure.
System blood cells around the • Cerebrospinal fluid drains
body by pumping into the venous blood
blood, and it removes
• The brain regulates heart
waste products. rate and blood pressure.
• Digestive processes
provide the building blocks
for some
The digestive system • The autonomic nervous
stores and digests system controls the tone
foods, transfers of the digestive tract.
Digestive System • The brain controls drinking
nutrients to the body,
eliminates waste and and feeding behavior.
• The brain controls muscles
absorbs water.
for eating and elimination.
• The digestive system
sends sensory information
to the brain.

The respiratory system • The brain monitors

respiratory volume and
Respiratory supplies oxygen to the
blood gas levels.
System blood and removes • The brain regulates
carbon dioxide. respiratory rate.
The urinary system
eliminates waste products • The bladder sends sensory
Urinary System and maintains water information to the brain.
balance and chemical • The brain controls urination.
• Reproductive hormones
The reproductive affect brain development
system is responsible and sexual behavior.
System • The brain controls mating
for producing new life.

The endocrine system • Hormones provide
secretes hormones into feedback to the brain to
blood and other body affect neural processing.
fluids. These chemicals • Reproductive hormones
are important for affect the development of
System the nervous system.
metabolism, growth,
water and mineral • The hypothalamus controls
the pituitary gland and
balance, and the
other endocrine glands.
response to stress.
The lymphatic system • The brain can stimulate
protects the body from defense mechanisms
System against infection.

The nervous system has a lot of

work to do as it controls all our bodily
function. Therefore, we must care for our
nervous system in order to take care of all
of our body systems. Let’s meet again in
the next module for my tips on caring for
your body systems

Let’s try to test how well you
understood how the Nervous System
controls all the organ systems of the


Objectives: Describe how the Nervous System controls all the organ systems of
the body
Materials: timer, meter stick, chair
1. Get a partner to work with you.
2. Sit on chair with one arm in a “handshake” position.
3. Let your partner stand facing you holding the meter stick vertically, with 0 at
the bottom.
4. Your partner will drop the meter stick. You have to catch the meter stick
between your thumb and fingers.
5. Look at the centimeter on the meter stick where you have grasped or held it.
This is the distance representing your reaction time. Record it.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 three times. Record your data. Calculate the average
7. Repeat steps 1-6 using your other hand.
8. Exchange places with your partner and do the same procedure.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What can you say about your reaction time?
2. How long does it take the brain to send message to your arm muscles?
3. Were you satisfied with how fast you can react to certain stimuli?
4. Based on what you have learned on this module, what organ systems were
involved in doing this experiment?
5. How did these organ systems interact with one another?

Lesson 5
Healthful Habits for your Body
Nervous System: Control Centerrol

We’ve learned so much about our body and

the body systems it’s composed of. It’s not
goodbye, after all, because I will be leaving you
some tips to care for your body systems. Just
follow these and remember our journey to the
human body.

Healthful Habits for your Body Systems

1. To keep urinary system strong, I will drink plenty

of water to keep the system work well.
2. To keep my digestive system strong, I will eat food
rich in fiber to make my digestive organs work well.
3. To keep my integumentary system healthy, I
will take my shower everyday to keep my body
4. To keep my respiratory system healthy I will breathe
fresh air and avoid polluted air.
5. To keep my circulatory system healthy, I will eat plenty
of fruits and vegetables to keep from fat building up
in my body.
6. To keep my nervous system healthy, I will play with
my friends to lower
7. my stress level.
8. To keep my skeletal system strong, I will eat food
rich in calcium to keep my bones strong.
9. To keep my endocrine system healthy, I will have
a regular check up with my doctor.
10. To keep my muscular system strong, I will exercise
daily so my muscles grow stronger.

Let’s try to test how well you
understood the healthful habits
that we can do with our body.

Activity 5: My Body, My Pledge

Objectives: 1. Discuss healthful habits that promote proper functioning of all the
organ systems in the body
2. Make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper
functioning of all the organs in the body.

Materials: piece of paper, marking pens

1. I want you to create a pledge just like how I presented to you the
healthful habits for your body systems in a piece of paper.
2. Write your everyday habits that you want to perform to take care of your
body. Do it in a clean piece of paper and try to put some designs in it as
3. Keep it in your room or house where you can easily see it everyday.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What are the healthful habits that you can do to keep your body systems
2. Why do we need to exercise regularly?
3. What kind of foods do we need to eat everyday? Why?
4. How can you keep your nervous system healthy?
5. Why do we have to keep our body systems healthy?


1. Our movement is controlled by the interaction of the

musculoskeletal system and integumentary system.
2. We are able to move because of the contraction of opposing muscle pairs
which causes movement of the adjacent bones.
3. Breathing is possible through the interaction of the respiratory and
cardiovascular system.
4. Digestion occurs through the interaction of the digestive and the
cardiovascular system.
5. Villi transport digested nutrients into the blood stream
6. Sensory ends receive stimuli and send impulses through sensory
neuron to the central nervous system.
7. The integumentary system reduces water loss, contains receptors that
respond to touch, regulates body temperature, and protects the inside of
the body from damage
8. The nervous system controls and coordinates all essential functions of the
body including all other body systems allowing the body to maintain
homeostasis or its delicate balance.
9. Your body has many body systems that work together to keep you alive.
You must take care of it at all costs.


Direction: Study the pictures. Identify the body systems that are involved in
performing the activities. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

___ _______________________________

________ _______________________________

______________ ________________________________

2. ______________________________

________ ______________________________

____________ ______________________________


_________ _____________________________

____ ______________________________

________ ______________________________


Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct

1. It is the process of converting food into energy that the cells of the body can use
A. Cellular Respiration B. Anaerobic Respiration
C. Perspiration D. Digestion

2. What body systems are responsible for our movement?

A. Digestive System B. Respiratory System
C. Musculo-skeletal System D. Integumentary System

3. All of the following body systems are involved in cellular respiration except _____.
A. Circulatory System B. Digestive System
C. Respiratory System D. Reproductive System

4. It is the function of the brain where it sends information to the muscles, glands,
and organs so they can respond appropriately.
A. Motor B. Sensory
C. Receptive D. Continuous

5. Which body system(s) protects the body from infections?

A. Integumentary System B. Lymphatic System
C. Digestive D. Skeletal

6. It is known as the delicate balance of the body.

A. homogenous B. heterogeneous
C. homeostasis D. cochlea

7. The sensory ends in the skin receive stimuli and send impulses through sensory
neuron to the _________.
A. Peripheral Nervous System B. Central Nervous System
C. Somatic Nervous System D. Autonomic Nervous System

8. It connects a bone to another bone.

A. Tendon B. Cartilage
C. Ligament D. Joint

9. All of the following are ways on how we take good care of our body systems
healthy except for one, which is it?
A. Eat fruits and vegetables. B. Have a regular exercise.
C. Eat fatty foods D. Drink plenty of water.

10. Which body systems are responsible to make breathing possible?

A. Respiratory and Circulatory B. Integumentary and Nervous
C. Digestive and Respiratory D. Circulatory and Nervous


Name : __________________________ Grade and Section: _____________

Direction: Write a reflective learning on how the different body systems work together
by answering the questions inside the box. Express your answers critically and
creatively. You can ask for your family’s assistance in answering this activity.

1. The lessons on body 2. What learnings have I

systems made me found in this lesson?
discover that ……..

3. What positive character 4. What learnings can I

have I developed from this share to my family and
lesson? friends?

5. What is my conclusion on the



Name:______________________________ Section: __________ Score: ______

Teacher: ____________________________School: _______________________
Note: Do not forget to submit this answer sheet to your teacher

Pretest Looking Back Activity 1

1. ________ 1. ________ 1. _______________________________
2. ________ 2. ________ 2. _______________________________
3. ________ 3. ________ _______________________________
4. ________ 4. ________ 3. _______________________________
5. ________ 5. ________
4. _______________________________
6. ________ _______________________________
7. ________ 5. _______________________________
8. ________
9. ________
10. _______

Activity 2 Activity 3
1. _______________________________ 1. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
4. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
5. _______________________________

Activity 4 Activity 5
1. _______________________________ 1. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
4. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
5. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

Checking your Understanding Pretest

1. _______________________________
1. ________
2. _______________________________ 2. ________
_______________________________ 3. ________
3. _______________________________ 4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
10. _______

Reflective Learning Sheet

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________


References •
Google Images


Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V
Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Rebecca M. Roxas, EPS
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg

Editor/s: Medardo T. Mercado, PSDS

Writer/s: Neome G. Guinto
Layout Artist: Neome G. Guinto


Pretest Looking Back Posttest

1. C 1. Circulatory System 1. A
2. C 2. Integumentary System 2. C
3. B 3. Nervous System 3. D
4. A 4. Digestive System 4. A
5. B 5. Muscular System 5. B
6. A 6. C
7. B 7. B
8. D 8. C
9. A 9. C
Checking your Understanding
10. A 1. Musculoskeletal and nervous systems 10. A
2. Integumentary and nervous systems
3. Digestive, respiratory, and circulatory


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