1.1.1 & 1.1.2 MCQ
1.1.1 & 1.1.2 MCQ
1.1.1 & 1.1.2 MCQ
2 Edexcel Business
MCQ Test 1
This MCQ test contains 13 questions covering the specification
content for 1.1.1 & 1.1.2: The dynamic nature of business & risk
and reward
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• There are 13 questions in this test.
• Your teacher will determine how long you have to complete
this test and under what conditions.
• Only one answer per question is allowed for questions 1-11
• Two answers should be selected for questions 12 and 13.
• For each answer, completely fill in the circle alongside the
appropriate answer(s).
• If you want to change your answer, you must cross out your
original answer.
• If you wish to return to an answer previously crossed out, ring
the answer you now wish to select.
0 1 A budding entrepreneur who is looking to set up a new enterprise is concerned that the
business might not provide enough of a stable income to maintain his current standard of
living. Which of the following best describes this risk?
D Lack of independence 5
[1 mark]
0 2 Sara decided to start-up a business as a personal trainer, due to her passion for fitness.
Which of the following is the main reason behind Sara’s business idea?
[1 mark]
0 3 Increased concern from consumers over the environment has led to new business start-ups
developing products from recycled materials. These business ideas have come about due to:
[1 mark]
0 4 Which of the following statements best describes the term, reward?
A The probability that something will go wrong 5
B The chance of loss or damage 5
0 5 An entrepreneur has developed a unique product to launch into the market. Which of the
following best describes how this new business idea came about?
A An original idea 5
B Adapting an existing product 5
C Adapting an existing service 5
0 6 Which of the following is a financial reason why an entrepreneur might start-up a new
A To make a profit 5
B To pursue a skill or interest 5
C To have more freedom in decision-making 5
When consumers:
A Poor management 5
B Poor quality 5
C Poor understanding of the economy 5
0 9 An entrepreneur has produced a shaving oil for customers with sensitive skin to eliminate
any pain when shaving. This is an example of a business idea that:
A Start to rise 5
B Rise rapidly 5
C Growth slows 5
A Services can be touched and held, whilst goods are usually invisible 5
B Goods can be touched and held, whilst services are intangible 5
C Services are visible, whilst goods are usually invisible 5
1 2 Which two of the following are examples of risk that can occur from business activity?
Select two answers:
A Profit 5
B Lack of security 5
C Independence 5
D Business success 5
E Financial loss 5
[2 marks]
When an entrepreneur:
[2 marks]