Easy Paisa Case Study

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Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

INTRODUCTION Easy Paisa introduced by TELENOR with TAMEER

Kim and Mauborgne (2005) challenge the leading bank in Pakistan. The study is aimed to analyze
position that rivalry is assumed to act in strategic the action taken by both companies in their
management. Kim and Mauborgne explained that pursuit of blue oceans that how they have made
in the long term company profits require not be an attempt to move from a theory of
negatively related to the number of companies in Reconstructionism to practical application.
its industry. They contend that companies can Starting from the analysis of Telecommunication
find markets where they can acquire their profits Industry, the case will provide information on
without competition. Banking Industry, therefore Mobile Banking, a
comprehensive discussion of Blue Ocean Strategy
Suppose a market universe framed of two sorts followed by the Product - Easy Paisa
of oceans: red oceans and blue oceans. Red
oceans equate to all the industries in existence 1 TELECOMMUNICATION
today. This is the known market space. Blue
“The exchange of information by
oceans refer all the business not in existence
electronic means at distant
nowadays. This is the unnamed market space. places is telecommunication”
Blue oceans are defined by untapped market The sector comprises of Six major segments;
space, demand formation, and the chances for Cellular Mobile Sector, Fixed Line Sector, Wireless
extremely lucrative augmentation. Several blue Local Loop Sector, Payphone Services, Internet
oceans are created well beyond existent industry Services, Voice over IP.
boundaries and most are shaped from within red
oceans by building up existing industry Telecommunication is one of the most
boundaries. In blue oceans rivalry is beside the accelerated developing industries in Pakistan. At
point because the rules of the game are waiting the time of independence, Pakistan had inherited
to be set. The term “Blue Ocean” represents the 14,000 landlines only and now there are over 120
wider potential of market space that is vast, million mobile connections. In the year 1994 a
sound, and not eventually explored. Regulatory authority was formed as “Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority” which is
The formation of blue oceans is relating with driving responsible for the establishment, functioning
costs down while at the same time aiming value up and maintenance of telecommunication in
for buyers. This is a way a bounce in value for both
Pakistan. During October 2010, highest mobile
the company and its buyers is attained. Buyer value
saturation rate was witnessed in South Asian
comes from the utility and price that the company
region. In September 2012, PTA reported that
proposes to buyers and because the value to the
company is generated from price and its cost the overall cellular phone subscriptions had
construction, blue ocean strategy is achieved only climbed to 120 million with an increase of 1.5
when the entire system of the company’s utility, price, million new subscribers in the past two months.
and cost behavior is properly affiliated.
Telecom Sector confronted a hard business
In an attempt to make the formulation of blue environment during the fiscal year 2010-11 due
ocean strategy as systematic and actionable as to levied taxes, Power crisis, Security situation,
rival in the red waters of the known market abundant subscribers and natural disasters.
space, the case study will study the concept of Despite all these limitations, the cellular industry
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Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

managed to double its growth from the previous customers. All the existent players have more or
fiscal year. One of the key factors of a successful less standardized prices for similar type of
and advanced cellular market is the geographical products/services and possibly due to this reason
coverage of land area by the cellular mobile it is unlikely for the companies to maintain any
operators in the country. Pakistan has kind of product distinction, hence buyers have
unparalleled topography ranging from steep adequate options to switch over. The individual
mountains to brutal deserts. Despite such a buyers are larger in numbers and do not have
challenging terrain, more than 92 percent of the competition among themselves but the
land area is under the umbrella of cellular mobile enterprise customers like IT Companies and
services. At the end of March 2012, there were Banks do have.
33,027 cell Sites across Pakistan. Revenue from
Furthermore, buyers have enough information
the Cellular Mobile Services climbed to Rs.
regarding the availability of different packages
262,761 million from Rs. 236,047 million showing
offered by the companies due to increased social
an increase of 11 percent from the preceding
networking, excessive advertising through TV,
hoardings, banners and word of mouth.


Pakistan Telecommunication Industry is by and According to one of the Global Technology Report
large dependent upon the Foreign Investment. As 2010-11 of Work Economic Forum, Pakistan ranks
per an estimate, approximately two billion US no. 1 in the Internet and Telephony Competition.
dollars are needed to set up an average Telecom Profiles of existing market players are described
Operation firm in Pakistan. At present, almost all as under:-
the companies in operation are funded by the
foreign groups, which is an evidence of the heavy Orascom Telecom (Mobilink). Orascom Telecom
investment required by the Industry. Table 1 Holding S.A.E. ("Orascom Telecom") or ("OTH")
depicts the Foreign Direct Investment made founded in 1998 has arisen to become a big
during 2003 to 2011. player in the telecommunication market. OTH is
conceived among the broadened network
Table 1 - Foreign Direct Investment in operators in the Middle East, Africa, and South
Telecom Sector Asia is a leading mobile telecommunications
(US $ million)
operator in Six markets with an average
Period FDI in Total FDI Telecom
Telecom (%) Share
penetration of mobile telephony across all
2003-04 207.1 949.4 21.8% markets of approximately 40%. OTH operates
2004-05 494.4 1,524.0 32.4% GSM networks in Algeria (Djezzy), Pakistan
2005-06 1,905.1 3,521.0 54.1% (Mobilink), Egypt (Mobinil), Tunisia (Tunisiana),
2006-07 1,824.2 5,140.0 35.5% Bangladesh (Banglalink) and Zimbabwe
2007-08 1,438.6 5,410.0 26.6%
(Telecel Zimbabwe). OTH has placed itself as a
2008-09 815.0 3,720.0 21.9%
leader in the region for its diverse GSM
2009-10 373.6 2,199.4 17%
2010-11 79.2 1,574.0 5% operations with various GSM support and
1.2 SUBSCRIBERS Internet operations. One of OTH's main strategies
is to create its own non- GSM subsidiaries to act
Generally there are two categories of buyers in
as a backbone of support for its regional GSM
telecom industry: Individual and Enterprise
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operations. OTH has endeavored to achieve this South Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and the
by devoting financial, technical and management Black Sea region in a range of diverse sectors.
resources for supporting its subsidiaries. This
includes network support and installation of GSM China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak) Zong is a 100%
operations, equipment procurement, handset subsidiary of China Mobile commenced a set up
procurement and distribution companies, Value of China Mobile came through acquisition of a
Added Services, and Internet operations. license from Millicom to operate a GSM network
in Pakistan in the year 2008. With a plan to cater
to the fastest growing Pakistani market it is
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
offering extended coverage, voice and data
(PTCL) commenced its operations in January 2001
services as well as a range of tariff options.
under the brand name ‘Ufone’. As a result of
CMPak's has an edge which came from the
PTCL’s privatization, Ufone became a part of the
experience and expertise of running the world's
Emirates Telecommunication Corporation Group
largest telecom service. CMPak Value Added
(Etisalat) in 2006. Since its inception, Ufone has
products are healthful for the individuals,
focused on empowering the people with the
corporates as well as small businesses.
required communication modes claiming of the
lowest call rates, clear sound and a good
Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by the Telenor
network. Ufone has built a subscriber base of
Group, an international provider of quality voice,
over 20 million in less than a decade. It has
data, content and communication services in 11
network coverage in 10,000 locations and across
markets across Europe and Asia. Telenor Group is
all major highways of Pakistan, currently caters
among the largest mobile operators in the world
for International Roaming to 288 live operators in
with 140 million mobile subscriptions (Q4 2011)
more than 160 countries. Ufone also offers GPRS
and a workforce of approximately 30,000.
& BlackBerry Roaming coverage available with
Telenor Pakistan is the Country's single largest
200 Live Operators across 122 countries.
European foreign direct investments in excess of
US$2 billion. It acquired a GSM license in 2004
Warid Telecom is a joint venture between Abu
and began commercial operations on March 15,
Dhabi Group & SingTel Group. Abu Dhabi Group
went in a strategic alliance with Singapore
Telecom. Subsequent to this transaction in 2005,
Market Share
SingTel gained 30% percent equity stake in Warid
Telecom, Pakistan, for US$758 million. This
partnership is part of a strategy to support Warid Mobilink
30% Ufone
Telecom's growth and to enhance its market Zong
position. Warid Telecom is backed by the Abu 25% Telenor
Dhabi Group, a business conglomerate in the Warid

Middle East and an investor in Pakistan. It has

diversified business interests, offering strong 20%
financial resources and extensive management
expertise. The Abu Dhabi Group also invests in a Note: Market Shares as of Sep 2012 based on
number of emerging markets including East- & information by PTA.
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Mobilink Pakistan, a subsidiary of Orascom million new subscribers, respectively. Table 2

Telecom Holding, is Pakistan’s leading Cellular shows the company-wise net subscriber additions
service provider with more than 36 million from the year 2003 to date.
subscribers. Other major competitors are Telenor
30.1 million, and Warid (Abu Dhabi Group) 12.64 1.4 SUPPLIERS
million, Ufone 23.82 million and Zong (China Setting up a telecommunication, cellular operator
Mobile Company) 17.8 million. By September requires a license from Pakistan Tele-
2012, there were 120 million cellular subscribers communication Authority and a basic infra-
in Pakistan out of which over 98% are prepaid structure consisting of hardware, software as well
subscribers because of the characteristics as the technical support. In Pakistan companies
including no security deposit, no line rent, like ZTE Pakistan, Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens,
control over the usage, easy availability and Alcatel, Hawaii and Wateen telecom are
affordable balance recharge. Hefty net additions providing services and equipments of Network &
were witnessed till 2008, however, market took a Passive Infrastructure which mainly includes BTS
massive plunge afterwards. The FY 2011 marks (Base terminal stations) along with the Micro
the return of high net addition figures as almost a wave link and call centre activities to telecom
million new subscribers joined the cellular operators. On the other hand civil engineering
subscriber league. During the year under review, firms provide services for site acquisition for BTS
the cellular operators added 9.70 million and other sort of equipments.
subscribers to their networks showing 100%
growth against a drop of 24% last year. In spite of 1.5 SUBSTITUTES
being the smallest operator, CMPak came out as There are some substitutes available to the
the fastest growing operator in terms of net cellular sector of Telecom Industry. Products and
addition as this company got almost 4.2 million services from non-traditional telecom industries
subscribers during FY 2011. Though Telenor and can pose serious substitution threats. Landlines,
Mobilink put in 2.9 million and 1.2 million CDMA, Video conferencing, Viber, Skype, Google
subscribers, respectively, yet their combined net Talk, Chat messengers, Email, social networking

Table 2 - Annual Cellular Subscribers

Period Mobilink Ufone Zong Instaphone Telenor Warid Total
2003-04 3,215,989 801,160 470,021 535,738     5,022,908
2004-05 7,469,085 2,579,103 924,486 454,147 835,727 508,655 12,771,203
2005-06 17,205,555 7,487,005 1,040,503 336,696 3,573,660 4,863,138 34,506,557
2006-07 26,466,451 14,014,044 1,024,563 333,081 10,701,332 10,620,386 63,159,857
2007-08 32,032,363 18,100,440 3,950,758 351,135 18,125,189 15,489,858 88,019,812
2008-09 29,136,839 20,004,707 6,386,571 34,048 20,893,129 17,886,736 94,342,030
2009-10 32,202,548 19,549,100 6,704,288 - 23,798,221 16,931,687 99,185,844
2010-11 33,378,161 20,533,787 10,927,693 - 26,667,079 17,387,798 108,894,518
2011-12 35,953,434 23,897,261 16,836,983 - 29,963,722 13,499,835 120,151,235
Jul-12 35,678,830 23,050,993 17,144,681 - 29,903,055 13,199,210 118,976,769
Aug-12 35,719,433 23,691,492 17,517,108 - 29,945,115 12,897,738 119,770,886
Sep-12 36,073,988 23,829,009 17,801,032 - 30,162,943 12,646,458 120,513,430
additions fell short of that of CMPak. Ufone and websites Cable TV and satellite operators now
Warid trailed behind with 0.9 million and 0.5 compete for buyers. The cable guys, with their
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own direct lines into homes, offer broadband

internet services, and satellite links can substitute
for high-speed business networking needs. On
the other hand, Postal (Courier) services, Faxing
can be used for the exchange of information.

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2 BANKING are 6 fully fledged Islamic banks as at end of

Banking in Pakistan has seen drastic shifts a time December 2011.
period of 65 years since country’s independence
in 1947. At the start it suffered from intense Micro Financing
deficit of resources and uncertainty due to In Pakistan, Micro financing by the Banks extends
persisting political and socioeconomic conditions. poor people access to primary financial services
Lack of developed human resource and such as loans, savings, money transfer services
professionals led into mediocre quality of and micro insurance. People living in poorness,
products and services. However, State Bank of like everyone else, need a diverse range of
Pakistan was constituted as the central bank on financial services to run their businesses, build
July 1, 1948 to control the financial sector. assets, smooth consumption, and manage risks.
Subsequent amendments were brought in to Microfinance clients are often described
broaden the control and functions of SBP through according to their poverty level - vulnerable non-
State Bank of Pakistan Act 1956. SBP promoted poor, upper poor, poor, very poor. This can
the private sector to establish banks and financial obscure the fact that microfinance clients are a
institutions in the country. It resulted into diverse group of people - and need diverse
insalubrious competition and unlawful practices products. By reducing vulnerability and increasing
due to bribe and corruption during the decades earnings and savings, financial services allow poor
of 1950s and 1960s. In 1974, all the existing households to make the shift from “every-day
banks were nationalized by the Government. The survival” to “planning for the future.” Households
performance of nationalized banks devolved due are able to send more children to school for
to government protection to employees, longer periods, and make greater investments in
resulting into the provision of inferior products their children’s education. Increased earnings
and poor services. It also discouraged the private from financial services lead to better nutrition
investors and foreign financial institutions. The and better living conditions, which translates into
inadequate performance of nationalized banks a lower incidence of illness. Increased earnings
caused the reforms/privatization of banking also mean that clients may seek out and pay for
sector in early 1990s. Today, the Banking sector health care services when needed rather than go
of Pakistan is playing crucial role in the growth of without or wait until their health seriously
country’s economy. In accordance with the State deteriorates.
Bank of Pakistan Act, the banking system of
Pakistan is a two-tier system including the State
Bank of Pakistan (SBP), commercial banks, State Bank of Pakistan has brought microfinance
specialized banks, Development Finance under the horizon of its regulatory and
Institutions (DFIs), Microfinance banks and supervisory orbit. However, licensing and
Islamic banks. As of December 2011, the banking regulatory requirements for Micro Credit and
sector comprised 36 commercial banks (including Rural financial institutions have been relaxed and
25 local private banks, 4 public sector commercial made simple to help widespread access to small
banks and 7 foreign banks) and 4 specialized borrowers particularly in the rural areas. Contrary
banks with a total number of 9,087 branches to the commercial banks, the Microfinance
throughout the country. Among the banks, there Institutions (MFls) can be set up at district,
provincial and national levels with varying capital
requirements. There is less strictness and more
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facilitative push embedded in the prudential established to service the under banked market
regulations designed for this type of institutions. of Pakistan.
Many microfinance institutions are operating and
their outreach has crossed a million customers. 2.2 COMPETITION
Conventional banking industry is considered
extremely competitive. The financial services
industry has been around for hundreds of years
Micro Financing is mostly dependent upon
and just about everyone who needs banking
subsidized financial support from Pakistan
services already has them. Because of this, banks
Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) to finance their
must attempt to lure clients away from
lending operations. Under the current legislative
competitor banks. They do this by offering lower
structure, supervisory responsibility for
financing, higher rates, investment services, and
conventional and microfinance banks fall within
greater conveniences than their rivals. The
the legal authority of the State Bank of Pakistan,
banking competition is often a race to determine
while the remaining financial institutions are
which bank can offer both the best and fastest
monitored by other authorities. No MFB shall
services, but has caused banks to experience a
commence business unless it has a minimum
lower ROA (Return on Assets). Given the nature
paid-up capital as prescribed in MFIs Ordinance
of the industry it is more likely to see additional
2001. It shall also uphold capital equivalent to at
consolidation in the banking industry. Major
least 15% of its risk weighted assets.
Banks tend to choose to acquire or merge with
other banks than to spend money marketing and
The barrier of entry for the banking industry can
advertising. As far as the Micro Financing is
be trust. Since, the industry deals with other
concerned, the services can be classified as
people's money and financial information
therefore, new banks find it difficult to start up.
Due to the nature of the industry, people are  Microfinance banks (MFBs) specialized
more willing to place their trust in big name, well institutions that operate as microfinance
known, major banks who they consider to be banks;
trustworthy.  Rural Support Programmes (RSPs): programs
that run microfinance operations as a part of
integrated rural development initiatives;
The banking industry has gone through a
 Nongovernmental rganizations/microfinance
consolidation in which major banks seek to serve
institutions (NGO MFIs): nongovernmental
all of a customer’s financial needs under their
organizations that run microfinance
roof .This consolidation furthers the role of trust
operations as part of integrated development
as a barrier to entry for new banks looking to programs or that focus exclusively on
compete with major banks, as consumer are microfinance;
more likely to allow one bank to hold all their  Commercial financial institutions:
accounts and service their financial needs. It is commercial institutions involved in
difficult for a new bank to enter the industry microfinance; or government-owned
offering the trust and full range of services as a institutions: institutions involved in
major bank; it is fairly easy to open up a smaller microfinance that are owned by the
bank operating on the regional level, however government.
microfinance bank or institution can be
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Players Profile banking and financial services approachable for

Tameer Microfinance Bank Limited (TMFB) is a the unbanked and under-banked. The bank is
majority (51%) owned subsidiary of Telenor aimed to bring in mass market financial products
Pakistan. It is a private commercial Microfinance for providing more choices and benefits to the
bank licensed by the State Bank of Pakistan under people. Waseela Microfinance is the most former
the Microfinance Institutions Ordinance 2001. addition to the microfinance industry of Pakistan
TMFB differentiates itself from other having a goal to serve lower-income groups by
Microfinance Banks by being one of the first providing structured financial services suited to
countrywide, private sectors, non-NGO the need.
transformed, commercially sustainable micro-
finance institutions in Pakistan. Tameer United Bank Limited (UBL) founded in 1959 is
Microfinance Bank (TMFB) aims to provide considered to one of the most promising bank in
committed services to the economically active Pakistani market, having 3.5 million customer
poor and to be demand driven, client centered base. UBL launched Branchless banking product
and responsive to the special needs of customers. in the name of UBL Omni in the year 2010 to
Serving low-income, salaried, self-employed and serve the masses. UBL was awarded ‘Bank of Year
micro entrepreneurs men and women with a 2012 Pakistan’ by the International publication
range of financial products designed to allow ‘The Banker’ for promoting industry-wide services
them to grow their businesses and produce in the global banking community.
significant economic multiplier effects throughout
local economies. Currently the network of microfinance providers
in Pakistan spans 1,343 branches and services
Askari Bank Limited incorporated in Pakistan in about 1.5 million clients with a gross loan
Oct 1991, as a public limited company. It portfolio of PKR 15.1 billion ($250 million). The
commenced operation on April 1, 1992, and is sector is dominated by one or two players within
principally engaged in the business of banking. each of the groups. The heavy concentration of a
The Bank is listed on Karachi, Lahore and few institutions in the sector (NRSP, Khushhali
Islamabad Stock Exchanges. Since inception, the Bank, Tameer Bank and Kashf Foundation) serves
bank has concentrated on growth through 70 percent of the market (Please refer to Table-
improving service quality, investment in 3). The largest and fastest-growing providers in
technology and people, utilizing its extensive the sector, these institutions have outpaced the
branch network which includes Islamic and rest of their competitors.
Agricultural banking. In the year 2012, Askari
Bank has started branchless banking operations
under the umbrella of Micro financing to cater
the mass market of under banked potential

Waseela Microfinance Bank Limited is a fully-

owned subsidiary of Orascom Telecom Holdings
established in May 2012, a sister concern of
Pakistan Mobile Communications Limited (PMCL)
constituted to cater to the demand of the
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Table – 3 Details of Major MFBs/MFIs The main categories of microfinance users are
Heads of households, pensioners, retrenched
Gross Loan Portfolio Gross Loan No. of
Portfolio borrowers workers, small farmers, and micro-entrepreneurs.
with loans Locations include urban and rural areas, but
outstanding penetration of rural areas, where most of the
Khushhali Bank 54,911,820 435,353
poorest live, is more difficult. On the whole
National Rural Support Prog 45,131,081 333,511
women tend to be poorer than men, and
Kashf Foundation 31,212,895 286,443
First MicroFinanceBank Ltd 36,699,473 161,341
therefore to prefer smaller loan sizes. In the rural
ASA Pakistan Limited 16,168,125 146,876 culture of Pakistan, women have less access to
Tameer Micro Finance Bank 66,131,261 144,850 collateral, such as title deeds to land, which also
NRSP Microfinance Bank Ltd 23,832,505 110,849 makes it more difficult for them to secure larger
BRAC – Pakistan 9,773,951 96,567 loans. Users of Micro-financing products are
Punjab Rural Support Prog 9,493,465 73,944 mostly Traders (31%), Agriculturist (24%),
Sindh Rural Support Org 10,425,613 63,340 Manufacturers (7%), Service Sector (7%) and
Akhuwat 7,970,814 63,085 Housing (1%).
Thardeep Rural Development 5,794,064 55,404
Orangi Pilot Project 5,017,865 40,462 The individual doesn't pose much of a threat to
Safco Support Foundation 3,651,340 34,543 the industry, but one major factor affecting the
DA for Mobilization 6,000,083 33,629
power of buyers is relatively high switching costs.
Rural Comm Develop. Society 3,559,422 24,104
If a person has one bank that services their
Kashf Bank 8,873,566 22,035
banking needs, it can be a huge hassle for that
Jinnah Welfare Society 3,229,416 20,178
person to switch to another banking option. To
Orix Leasing 2,113,963 16,231
Community Support Concern 2,207,463 13,882
try and convince customers to switch to their
Asasah 1,412,391 13,662 bank they will often times lower the price of
Aga Khan Rural Support Prog. 1,722 12,288 switching, though most people still prefer to stick
Taraqee Foundation 1,623,518 12,203 with their current bank.
Pak-Oman Microfinance Bank 1,583,428 12,052
Sungi Develop. Foundation 683,573 8,666 2.4 SUPPLIERS
Bank of Khyber 4,091,241 7,852 Capital is the primary resource of any bank and
Woman Co-operative Develop 1,185,978 7,433 there are following major suppliers of capital in
Network Leasing Corporation 8,635,255 3,768 the industry. 
Sarhad Rural Support Prog. 242,464 3,121
Narowal Rural Develop. Prog. 283,024 2,716  Deposits & Grants
Save the Poor 1,004 2,000  Mortgages and loans
Gender Awareness Prog. 156,627 1,662  Mortgage-backed securities
Support Working Solution 276,851 792  Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
Apna Microfinance Bank 303,482 696  Loans from other financial institutions.
Buksh Foundation 82,081 565
Rozgar MicroFinance Bank 10,469 52
By utilizing these major supplies, a bank can be
Farz Foundation 13,641 -
sure that they have the necessary resources
Source : Statebank of Pakistan, Data as on 30th June 2012 required to service their borrowing needs while
2.3 MICRO FINANCE USERS maintaining enough capital to meet withdrawal
expectations. Power of the suppliers is largely
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based on the market, their power is often

considered to fluctuate between medium to high.

Some of the banking industry's largest threats of
substitution are not from rival banks but from
non-financial competitors. The industry does not
suffer any real threat of substitutes as far as
deposits or withdrawals; however insurances,
mutual funds, and fixed income securities are
some of the many banking services that are also
offered by non-banking companies. There is also
the threat of payment method substitutes and
loans are relatively high for the industry. Often
times these non-banking companies offer a lower
interest rates on payments then the consumer
would otherwise get from a traditional bank loan.

Substitutes to Micro financing in Pakistan can be

the informal source where commercial creditors
liaison with marketing intermediaries, Land–
based credit arrangements extended by landlords
to farmers, socially based arrangements of
friends and family. Further, Conventional banking
initiatives can also be considered as a major
Substitute force for Micro Financing.

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3 MOBILE BANKING Bank-Led Model offers a distinct alternative to

Under banked consumers need minute-to-minute conventional branch-based banking in that
information about their finances, and mobile customer conducts financial transactions at a
financial services are well befitted to deliver it. whole range of retail agents (or through mobile
Although these consumers often have insufficient phone) instead of at bank branches or through
access to financial services, their access to mobile bank employees. This model promises the
phones is fairly widespread. This disparity potential to substantially increase the financial
suggests an opportunity exists for financial services outreach by using a different delivery
providers to efficaciously serve the under banked channel (retailers/ mobile phones). Bank led
population using the mobile channel. Given the model may be implemented by either using
absolute volume of mobile phone usage all over correspondent arrangements or by creating a
the world, combined with ever-increasing mobile Joint Venture between Bank and Cellular
phone functionality, there is a potential for a rich Operator. In this model customer account
suite of mobile financial management and relationship rests with the bank.
transaction tools to strengthen the financial lives
of under banked consumers. Nonbank-Led Model is where bank does not
come in picture (except possibly as a safe-keeper
A wide spectrum of branchless banking models is of surplus funds) and the Non-Bank/ Telecom
developing. These models differ primarily on the Operator performs all the functions.
question that who will establish the relationship
Mobile phones have several properties that make
(account opening, deposit taking, lending etc.) to
them desirable for delivering financial services to
the end-customer, the Bank or the Non-
consumers. Four core features-mobile phones are
Bank/Telecommunication Company (Telco).
portable, ubiquitous, personalized, and multi-
Another difference lies in the nature of agency
modal- enable financial providers / Banks to use
agreement between bank and the Non-Bank.
these devices to connect with their customers on
a much deeper level than is possible with any
3.1 MODELS OF BRANCHLESS BANKING other channel. These same features offer
Models of branchless banking can be classified customers vastly improved access to their
into three broad categories - Bank Focused, Bank- financial information.
Led and Nonbank-Led.
Bank-Focused Model emerges when a traditional
bank uses non-traditional low-cost delivery Portability. It is the key attribute that makes
channels to provide banking services to its mobile phones ideal for delivering financial
existing customers. Examples range from use of information to consumers. This feature underlies
automatic teller machines (ATMs) to internet all of the others that follow, as the portability of
banking or mobile phone banking to provide the mobile device is central to its utility to
certain limited banking services to banks’ consumers generally, and to under banked
customers. This model is additive in nature and consumers in particular. Because most cell phone
can be seen as modest extension of conventional users carry their phones with them at all times,
branch-based banking. financial providers can use mobile phones to
deliver time-sensitive information, such as fraud

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alerts, low-balance warnings, and overdraft other tasks. The increasing sophistication of
warnings, and consumers can use them to get mobile phones increases the possibilities for
immediate account information at any time. financial providers to use them to interact with
their customers for more complex purposes, such
Ubiquitousity. Mobile phone usage is as check depositing and fraud detection.
ubiquitous all over the world, and people
increasingly are relying exclusively on wireless 3.3 BENEFITS FOR A BANK AND
phones for their calls. In 2010, 27 percent of U.S. TELECOM OPERATOR
households had only wireless phones and no Financial Institutions have the potential to:
landline. Unlike internet access at home, mobile
• Drive increased financial capability: Timely
access is consistently high across demographic
access to account information through
and socioeconomic groups. In addition to placing
alerts, reminders, and more can empower
calls and sending text messages, people use
consumers to make more informed choices
mobile devices to take pictures, check email,
about how and when they spend, borrow,
manage appointments, access maps and traffic
and save.
information, edit documents, and much more.
• Offer greater convenience: One of the most
Personalization. Because the mobile phone is significant benefits of mobile financial
often the primary way people reach friends and services is the added convenience of using
family, users feel an emotional connection with Banking tools.
their phones. Moreover, these devices house a
great deal of information about the people who • Lead to improved security and fraud
use them—location, purchasing behavior, protection: All consumers, but especially
interests, health, contact with friends and family, those who are under banked, may benefit if
and much more. A MasterCard survey found that security advances lead to a higher level of
more than half of consumers believe a person’s trust between consumers and financial
phone reveals more about them than their providers.
wallet.7 Similarly, many experts note anecdotally
that consumers are quicker to miss a lost phone As mobile financial services grow more
than a lost wallet. This suggests that financial sophisticated, these tools may eventually:
providers can connect with their customers more • Transition consumers from cash to
personally through a mobile device than through electronic transactions: Turning cash
other channels. transactions into electronic transactions
could benefit consumers with added
Multi-modal. In addition to placing calls and convenience and potentially lower cost,
sending text messages, people use mobile while enabling providers to generate
devices to take pictures, check email, manage additional fee revenue on electronic
appointments, access maps and traffic transactions.
information, edit documents, and much more.
• Improve access to basic financial
With these multi-modal devices, people can
accounts: Mobile devices may eventually
download applications to maintain a budget,
become a distribution channel for financial
track diet and exercise, access social media tools,
products, creating new access for the
play games, and complete a growing number of
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Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

4 MOBILE BANKING IN PAKISTAN The banking industry of Pakistan has tremendous

In order to evaluate the potential for Banking growth potential and can deliver a lot more than
Sector to drive financial inclusion in Pakistan, it is what it is delivering right now. The driving force
important to examine international models that behind the efficiency and dynamism of the
have increased access to financial products and banking business today is the use of technology.
services. Mobile Banking systems around the The significance of e-banking and e-commerce
world have evolved by following the models of can be emphasized because of the fact that both
Branchless Banking. Those have generally set out have brought about remarkable changes in the
to create new access to formal financial services ways people think and do their banking business
for the unbanked, whereas those following an today. Introduction of more efficient mobile
additive approach have sought to deploy mobile banking services in the country can utilize the
financial services simply as a supplementary strengths of Mobile Networks to provide financial
channel for existing customers. 20 Mobile services to the large unbanked (rural, poor)
Financial Systems in the developing world have population as well as increase the overall
tended to follow a transformational approach, efficiency of the banking sector in Pakistan. The
while those in developed countries have typically State Bank of Pakistan had introduced the
been additive. Branchless Banking Regulations in March 2008
and subsequently, the Ministry of IT issued the
In developing countries where mobile financial Policy Directive (May 2008) to support the
services have been transformational, formal technical implementation of mobile banking
banking services were generally limited prior to within the country. According to the World
the introduction of Mobile Banking, and these Bank’s Consultative Group to Assist the Poor
limitations were caused at least in part by a lack (CGAP) 2011, Pakistan is the fastest growing
of banking and payments infrastructure. In 2008, branchless banking market in the world. The
for example, only 10 percent of Kenyan adults banking architecture for the subject services has
had access to formal financial services. When been developed in a robust manner in
Safaricom’s M-PESA service was introduced in collaboration with the telecommunication
2007, it vastly improved access and efficiency in industry that is not only helping its growth but
meeting Kenyans’ basic financial services needs. also ensuring quality of services and connectivity.
M-PESA enhanced the way millions of people The Pakistani population is vast, and in rural
send and receive money, solving for a distinct and areas of the country, deploying traditional bank
poorly met need. People who had migrated to infrastructure was not appropriate due to the
urban centers from rural villages regularly sent expense and lack of access to physical branches.
money back to their families in their home As such, the government has fostered an
villages. But a limited banking infrastructure advanced approach to governance and regulation
meant that methods for sending money home to encourage developments such as the
were inefficient, slow, and risky. M-PESA’s introduction of mobile financial services. 88% of
person-to-person payments functionality offered the Pakistan population does not have access to
a much better tool for completing these financial services. There are only 16 million bank
transactions. accounts for a population totaling 180 million
(CGAP, 2011).
Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 13 | P a g e
Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

According to State Bank of Pakistan’s statistics,

there are 5.06 branches per 100,000 individuals
Cellular Growth in Pakistan
Mobile Subscribers in Millions
in Pakistan as opposed to the global median of
8.4 branches for every 100,000 individuals and to 94 99
reach the global median Pakistan needs another
5,517 branches in addition to 8,343 branches
which mean increasing the branch network of
Pakistan by 66%. 2 2 5









Number of Brancher per 100,000

Growth of Branch Network in Pakistan

Number of Branches
7,847 7,755
7,253 6,966 6,916 6,882 7,105 7,421


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Global Median Pakistan Gap

On the other hand, the average annual growth

The problem is particularly prevalent in rural
rate of bank branches in Pakistan from year 2000
areas, with only 2,500 banking branches servicing
to 2008 was 0.8% whereas the average annual
105 million people – an average of 42,000
growth rate of cellular subscribers was 91.65%
Pakistanis per branch. However in direct contrast
during the same time period.
to this, the mobile market enjoys 65%
penetration – a figure which is set to grow to 95%
Pakistan: Branchless Banking Target Segments
by 2013 (PTA, 2011).
8% Untapped
Banking+Cell Market The result was a perfect storm of factors that had
49% Cellphone the potential for the explosive mobile financial
services adoption: a proactive mobile operator,
an operator with a banking license and a market
43% Non-
Cellphone Users with high mobile penetration but low financial

Population of Pakistan

Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 14 | P a g e

Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

5 RECONSTRUCTIONIST visiting nearest Easy paisa shop, Telenor

APPROACH – BLUE OCEAN Franchise, Telenor Sales & Service Center or a
STRATEGY Tameer Microfinance Bank branch.
A Blue Ocean is an exclusively new industry,
Telenor Pakistan structured its offering for the
created by bringing in neglected prospective
diverse Pakistani market. It provided a mobile
customer segments through offering them
wallet offering, which was an entirely
compelling buyer utility not currently offered
‘standalone’ function, which gave new customers
anywhere. In a recent research, four buyer utility
a fully functional bank account. The second
values were mentioned by the users of Mobile
offering was an additive service, which allowed
Banking. Ninety-eight per cent (98%) cited speed,
existing Tameer Bank customers to enhance their
98% picked safety, 96% identified convenience
bank account with mobile functionality. Careful
and 96% cited affordability. In a Blue Ocean
planning prior to the launch was part of the
competition is irrelevant. With no competition,
success of the new service. It was important to
profits are sterling.
set up a transparent governance structure as the
responsibilities across the value chain crossed
5.1 THE PRODUCT – EASY PAISA two separate legal entities regulated by different
Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by the Telenor regulators.
Group, a global provider of high quality data,
voice, and communication services in 11 markets 5.2 THEME
across Asia and Europe. Telenor is among the Easy paisa is accessible for all mobile phone users
largest mobile operators in the world with 140 and In fact to public without mobile phones can
million mobile subscriptions and a labor force similarly enjoy Easy paisa products. With Easy
around 30,000. Telenor Pakistan is the country's paisa, customers have access to the easiest way
single largest European foreign direct investor, to perform financial transactions related to
with investments in excess of US$2 billion. It paying bills, sending and receiving money within
acquired a GSM license in 2004 and began country, receiving money from abroad,
commercial operations on March 15, 2005. purchasing airtime for mobile phones or giving
donations etc. 
Telenor Pakistan acquired 51% of Tameer
Microfinance Bank in November 2008. In 2009 it Product
launched 'Easy paisa' to become Pakistan's first  Easypaisa slogan “ Badlay Zindagi assani
telecom operator to partner with a bank to offer say” (changes life through convenience)
mobile financial services across Pakistan.  Expanding agent network for cash
deposit, withdrawal, money transfers and
Telenor Pakistan partnered with Tameer Micro account opening
Finance Bank to bring in branchless banking for  OTC Channel open to everyone
the first time in Pakistan. The pioneering product  Extended timings, no queues and minimal
Easy paisa gives the people total ease for paperwork
performing financial transactions. And there is  Mobile Accounts for more convenience
no need to travel extensively, wait in long queue and security
at Banks or be constrained by limited operational
hours. People can use Easy paisa services by
Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 15 | P a g e
Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA


 Financial Services for the financially While many services have been launched
excluded successfully, many have been less than
 Empowers individuals to break down the successful. The service can be compelling,
barriers to get things done revolutionary even, but without careful
 Businesses to use for m-commerce management of distribution it will never take off.
 Individuals to use for transfers, deposits, The selection of agent and its location was very
bill payments, savings important in order to provide easy access for
 Agent / franchisees to expand business consumers and ensure liquidity was easily
 Operator to realize network and managed within the agent network. The roll out
distribution for new income of the offering was also supported with a
 Government to formalize informal targeted marketing campaign to aid consumer
transactions currently outside the banking understanding. The campaign increased uptake,
industry as potential customers were made aware of the
service, and existing customers gained visibility of
Platform the new offerings available. It also enabled
 State Bank of Pakistan’s robust branchless Telenor Pakistan to educate the subscribers on
banking framework, detailed guidelines the benefits of the service. The marketing
 Licensed bank behind all transactions with campaign implemented by Telenor Pakistan,
country’s first branchless banking license designed to maximize outreach, included:
 Telenor ownership in the bank for  Advertorial and editorial content in
seamless integration of banking platform national and local publications
and mobile phones  Billboard and banner adverts
 A Large customer base  YouTube videos, explaining the
 Agent network and its familiarity of deployment in detail including how to
mobile based transactions register and use
 The agent network carried relevant
educational material

Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 16 | P a g e

Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA



Reliability The Easy paisa service includes a mobile account.

 Assurance that transaction is valid These are virtual bank accounts that work just
 Money is safe like a normal bank account. Users can go to any
 Peace of mind (that my money is safe) of the thousands of Easy paisa shops in Pakistan
 Responsive & proactive retailer to deposit or withdraw cash from their Easy paisa
 It’s worth paying for: The benefits BB mobile account. The initial deployment was
provides are perceived higher than price concentrated in urban areas, where the service
paid was used predominantly to send money to the
 Post-transaction CS more isolated areas in rural Pakistan. The service
 Money is placed in SBP regulated Bank also allowed for the payment of bills via the
 Brand endorsed by a BANK mobile phone. However, within a year the
service rapidly expanded to provide subscribers
Convenience with far more sophisticated services, such as:
 Service is always available (geographically
& around the clock)  Mobile accounts (M-wallet)
 Easy to use – intuitive, user friendly –Payments (bills, person)
 Anyone can use it –Cash deposits
–Cash withdrawals
 Makes life easy
–ATM Cards (Future)
Empowerment –Funds Transfers (Inter-bank, a/c to a/c)
 Power in hands
 Inter bank Funds Transfer (Future)
 People say that user of this brand is very  Donations
smart  C 2 B (Corporate and Government Payments)
 Money transfers
–Over the Counter
–M-wallet to CNIC

Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 17 | P a g e

Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

–CNIC to M-Wallet regulatory level. The service is offered without

– M-Wallet to Card any added charges, due to its positive effect on
–Card to M-Wallet the inflow of international remittances, which is
 Utility Bill Payments important to Pakistan's economy. The mobile
–Over the Counter
financial service which helped Telenor Pakistan to
 International remittance
provide has seen huge uptake in Pakistan. More
–Cash to counter
–Cash to m-wallet than one million Pakistani people subscribe to the
–Cash to other banks service, and which processes up to 80,000
 M-commerce (Future) transactions a day.
–Retail Purchase and settlement
The service was also then deployed into more
rural areas. This provided financial services to the Opportunities include the following
huge rural populace of Pakistan, who until this
 More Security options
point, had been unable to access them due to the
 Merchant efficiencies
isolating geography of the country, and the
 Consumer Convenience, Demographic &
expense required in building brick and mortar
Life style changes
banking branches. Easypaisa overcame these
 Marketing & Location-Based services (LBS)
problems, and was able to provide rural people
with a mobile wallet service.  Convergence with value-added services
 Financial inclusion
International remittances were then introduced
as key service in September 2010. A large portion Challenges include the following
of the Pakistani workforce finds employment  Lack of consumer demand
outside the country. There are at least seven  Business model revenue sharing
million Pakistanis living abroad, remitting US$8  Customer (and data) ownership
billion to Pakistan. The government of Pakistan  Collaboration of many stakeholders
realised that facilitating easy and affordable  Lack of global standards
transfers back home would significantly impact  Unclear regulatory direction
the economy and have assisted the introduction
of cross-border payments at a policy and

Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 18 | P a g e

Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA

5 Conventional 5.10
Easy Paisa


Factors of Competition



Mudasser Ali Khan, M. Phil, IoBM 19 | P a g e

Bluest Ocean Strategy for EASY PAISA


Webroot survey (UK/US 2011) reported that out Large market for the people who are un-banked
of 1200 mobile users 40% have security but have a mobile phone. Generally only 12% of
applications and 50% do not lock phones. Pakistani adults have any form of bank or MFI
Possible Threats for Easy Paisa and mitigation account. Typically 500% more phone owners than
tools can be classified as under:- the banked population; this equates to 60M to
70M individuals who could benefit from such
Threat Mitigation services. Besides the competition given by UBL
Inadequate fraud Strong password to
Omni, launch of Mobilink Mobi-Cash and Zong’s
controls access phone
Timepey exactly at the time of writing of this case
Unauthorized access to Multifactor authentication study lead to transforming the Mobile Phone
device of financial data Banking from Blue Ocean to a conventional Red
Ocean Market.
Poor mobile device Remote devise
security deactivation
Mobil device lost or Remote wipe and lock
Easy Paisa, Pakistan, website www.easypaisa.com.pk – Accessed
November 2012
Limit and monitor
Download virus, infected transaction
Kim, W. Chan and Mauborgne, Renée (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy.
application or malware Boston: Harvard Business School Press
Use alerts to notify
customer of suspicious Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Annual Report 2010 &
activity 2011

Encrypt sensitive data Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, website www.pta.gov.pk -

stored on mobile Accessed November 2012
Pakistan Economic Survey 2011 - Transport and Communications
Chapter 13
Encrypt transmissions
Sulaiman D. Muhammad, European Journal of Social Sciences
during process and at rest
Microfinance Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan Volume 14,
Number 1 (2010)
Provide consumer
education for mobile Syndicate Group no. 2, “The Rapid Growth of Banking Sector in
device and app security Pakistan and its Impacts on Revenue Generation” Directorate
General of Training & Research Academy (Dot), FBR, Lahore
Develop mobile policies
and procedures State Bank of Pakistan, website www.statebank.gov.pk – Accessed
November 2012

Telenor Pakistan website, www.telenor.com.pk – Accessed

November 2012

Viruli de Silva Director Studies, Blue Ocean Strategy for Integrated

Development Anniversary Convention 2011

W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy:

From Theory to Practice, California Management Review Vol. 47,
No. 3

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