Physics1-1b Problem Sets

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PHYSICS 11 – General Physics


Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

I. How many significant figures are there in the following measurements:

1. 823456 6. 93 600 000
2. 725.00 7. 10-7
3. 0.0000029 8. 0.8050
4. 634 x 10 9. 179243
5. 43000001 10. 2.007

II. Round off as indicated:

11. 782  tens 16. 1650763  thousands

12. 13.0745  thousandths 17. 19.72500  hundredths

13. 67678  thousands 18. 273.16  tens

14. 0.095  tenth 19. 169929  ten-thousands

15. 89.60555  ten-thousandths 20. 231  hundreds

III. Write the following is scientific notation:

16. shortest electric wave is 2200000.0 A

17. shortest ultra violet wave is 0.00760 
18. speed of light is 186000 mi/s
19. radius of the earth is 6370000 m
20. acceleration due to gravity is 980.665 cm/s2
21. Avogadro’s number is 602.200,000,000,000,000,000,000 particles/mole
22. electron charge is 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,160219 coul
23. Coulomb constant is 8987550000 N-m2/coul2

IV. Convert the following as indicated:

24. velocity of sound in air is 1090 ft/s to m/s
25. density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3 to lb/ft3
26. maximum speed of man is 28 mi/hr to m/s
27. highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest at 8848 m to ft
28. distance of the moon from the earth is 238900 mi to ft
29. distance from the earth to the sun is 1.5 x 1011 m to mi
30. average human head weighs 6.35 kg to lb
31. average weight of a baby at birth is 7.25 lb to Mg
PHYSICS 11 – General Physics


Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

1. Find the magnitude of the single displacement that is equivalent to successive

displacements of 30 m and 50 m, the direction of the second displacement being
perpendicular to that of the first.

2. A rope attached to a sled makes an angle of 40o with the ground. With what force
must the rope be pulled to produce a horizontal component of 100 Nt? What will
then be the vertical component of the force.

3. A farmer plowing in the contour of his land plows 150 m on a bearing of 315o and
then turns and plow 50 m on a bearing of 200o. Determine the distance and bearing
of the farmer’s present position from his starting point.

4. A ferryboat goes straight across a river in which there is a current of 3 km/hr. If the
speed of the boat relative to the water is 10 km/hr, find the direction in which it is
pointed. What is the velocity relative to the earth? (17.5o, 9.54 kph)

5. Two forces, one of 30 lb and the other unknown, act at the same point to produce a
resultant force of 36 lb. If the angle between the two forces is 120oi, find the
magnitude of the unknown force.

6. A janitor holds the handle of his mop such that it makes 60o with the floor. If he
pushes with a force of 80 lbs what force will drive the mop against the floor?

7. Three football players participating simultaneously in a tackle exert the, following

forces in the ball carrier 100 lb NE, 120 lb 20o N of E and 80 lb 35o W of N. Find the
resultant of these forces.

8. Given:
Forces Direction Magnitude
F1 N 58 W 150 N
F2 N 350 E 400 N
F3 S 27 W 250 N
Required: Magnitude and Direction of the resultant.
250 PHYSICS 11 – General Physics
KINEMATICS (Motion on Straight Line)
Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________
Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________
1. How far does an automobile move while its speed increases uniformly from 15
mi/hr to 45 mi/hr. in 10 s?
2. An airplane requires a speed of 80 mi/hr to be airborne. It start from rest on a
runway 1600 ft long. a) What must be the minimum safe acceleration of the
airplane? b) With this acceleration, how many seconds will it take for the plane to
acquire its needed speed for take off? (80 mi/hr - 117.3 ft/s).

3. A car starts from rest and accelerates 6 m/s2 for 5 s after which it travels with a
constant velocity for 9 s. The brakes are then applied so that it decelerates at
4 m/s2. Find the total distance traveled by the car.
4. An object starts from rest and accelerates 4 m/s2. a) How far will it travel after 2s?
b) How far will it travel during the third second?
5. A freight train is travelling with a velocity of 15 m/s. at the instant if passes through
a station a passenger train at rest starts to accelerate 3 m/s2 in the same direction as
the velocity of the freight train? a) In how many seconds will the passengers train
overtake the freight train? b) How far will the passenger train travel before it
overtakes the freight train?
6. The brakes of a car are capable of producing an acceleration of 20 m/s2. How far
will the car go in the course of slowing down from 90 m/s to 30 m/c (180 m)

7. At the instant the traffic lights turn green, an automobile that has been waiting at an
intersection starts ahead with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2. At the same instant a
truck traveling with a constant velocity of 10 m/s overtakes and passes the
automobile. a) How far beyond its starting point will the automobile overtakes the
truck b) How fast will it be traveling. (100 m, 20 m/s).

8. A sporting car starting from rest accelerates 40 km/hr2 for 30 min after which it
travels with a constant velocity of 1 hr. When the brakes wire applied it slow down
at 2 km/hr2 until it stops. Find the total distance covered. (3.5 km)

9. A truck starts from rest and rolls down a hill with constant acceleration. It travels a
distance of 400 m in the first 20 s. Find the acceleration and the speed of the truck
after 20 sec. (2 m/s2; 40 m/s)

10. What velocity is attained by an object which is accelerated at 0.3 m/s2 from a
distance of 50 m if its initial velocity is 0.5 m/s. (5.5 m/s)

11. The brakes of an automobile traveling with a velocity of 50 ft/s are suddenly
applied. If the automobile comes to a stop after 5 s what is its acceleration?
PHYSICS 11 – General Physics
KINEMATICS (Projectile Motion)

Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

1. From what height must water fall from a dam to strike the turbine wheel with a
speed of 120 ft/s?

2. A stone is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 50 ft/s. What will its maximum
height be? when will it strike the ground? where will it be in 1 1/8 s?

3. If an object is thrown vertically down with a velocity of 20 ft/s. Find its velocity
after 3 s and the distance the stone falls during these 3 s.

4. With what initial velocity will a body moving along a vertical line have to be
thrown, if after 5 sec it is to be 50 ft above its starting place.

5. A boy on a bridge throws a stone horizontally with a speed of 25 m/s releasing the
stone from a point 19.6 m above the surface of the river. How far from a point
directly below the boy will the stone strikes the water?

6. A mango falls from its tree, how high is the tree if it takes 3 seconds for the fruit to
reach the ground.

7. A pebble is thrown vertically downward with a speed of 20 ft/s from the roof of a
building 60 ft high a) How long will it take the ball to reach the ground b) What
will its speed be when it strikes the ground.

8. A girl throws a ball vertically upward with a speed of 20 ft/s from the roof of a
building 60 ft high a) How long will it take the ball to reach the ground b)What
will its speed be when it strikes the ground.

9. An object is dropped from rest at a height of 300 ft:

a. Find its velocity after 2 seconds
b. Find the time it takes for the object to reach the ground
c. With what velocity does it hit the ground

10. A stone is thrown horizontally from bridge 122.5 m above the level of the water. If
the speed of the stone was 5 m/s what horizontal distance will the stone travel before
striking the water.
PHYSICS 11 – General Physics
Forces and Motion

Name: _________________________________ Student No.______________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_________
1. A force of 60 dynes acts upon a mass of 15g a) What acceleration is
imparted to the body, b) What velocity will the body acquire in 8s? c) What
distance will the body cover in these 8s?

2. A 10-kg box starting from rest is pulled by means of a rope which make an
angle of 30o with the horizontal. If it travels a distance of 10 km in 2s, what
is the magnitude of the force exerted by the rope.

3. A horizontal cord is attached to a 6.0-kg body in a horizontal table. The cord

passes over a pulley at the end of the table and to this end is hung a body of
mass 8 kg. Find the distance the two bodies will travel after 2s, if they start
from rest. What is the tension in the cord.

4. A string in a double inclined plane connects two bodies. If the 6.0 kg mass
starts from the top of the plane and the length BC is 8 m. Find the velocity of
the 6 kg body when it reaches the bottom of the plane.


5. The brakes of a 1000 kg automobile can exert a retarding force of 3000 N.

Find the distance the car will move before stropping if it is travelling at the
rate of 24 m/s when the brakes are applied (96 m).

6. An elevator weighs 2500 lb; it is supported by a cable which can sustain a

maximum tension of 6000 lb. IF the elevator is going down with a velocity of
9 ft/s find the minimum safe distance it can travel before coming to a stop.
(.9 ft)

7. A 6.0 kg body rests on a smooth horizontal table top. A horizontal cord

attached to the body passes over a light frictionless pulley at the edge of the
table to 1 2.0 kg body hanging freely. Find the acceleration and the tension
in the cord when the system is released (2.45 m/s2, 14.7 N)

8. Two bodies, one of mass 4 slugs and the other of mass m is fastened to the
two ends of a string. The string passes over a smooth pulley so that the two
bodies hang vertically and the 4 slug mass is 4 ft from the floor. One second
after the bodies are released, the 4 slug mass reaches the floor. Find the
mass of the other body (2.4 slugs)
9. One side of a double inclined plane makes an angle of 30 o with the
horizontal, the other makes an angle of 53 o. A 100 lb weight and a 50 lb
weight are attached to the ends of the string which passes over a pulley at
the top of the smooth double plane with the 50 lb load on the steeper side.
Find the velocity of the 50 lb load when it reaches the bottom of the plane.
Length of the steeper plane is 16.4 ft.
(2.16 ft/8.4 ft)

10. A body starting from rest acquires a velocity of 18 cm/s in 3 s. If the body
has a mass of 15 g. What force is exerted on the body? (90 days)

11. A box weighing 15 lb is pulled by a force of 10 lb along a plane inclined 30 o

with the horizontal; the force being parallel to the plane. Starting from rest
how far will the box travel after 5 sec? (66.7 ft).

12. What applied horizontal force is required to accelerate a 5 kg dv along a

horizontal surface. With an acceleration of 2 m/s 2 if the coefficient of friction
is 0.15.

13. A 6.0 lb box is pulled along horizontal floor by a rope that makes an angle of
30o above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between box and
floor is 0.10. If the tension in the rope is 1.0 lb find the acceleration of the

14. A block of mass 3.0 kg slides with uniform velocity down a plane inclined 25 o
with the horizontal. If the angle of inclination is increased to 40 o, what will be
the acceleration of the block (2.7 m/s 2)

15. An object traveling with a speed of 10 m/s slides on a horizontal floor. How
far will it travel before coming to rest if the coefficient of friction is 0.30?
PHYSICS 11 – General Physics


Circular Motion and Gravitation (Forces and Motion )

Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

1. A body weighing 12 oz tied at the end of a string 3 ft long revolves around a vertical
circle at the rate of 2 rps.
a) What is the tension of the string when the body is at the top of the circle?
b) What is the tension when the body is at the bottom of the circle.
c) What is the tension when the body is at the horizontal diameter.

2. A level track has a radius of curvature of 100 ft. What must be the coefficient of
friction between the tires and the read for the circle have a safe speed of 20 mi per

3. A 1 kg mass is attached to a cord 60 cm long and made to move as a conical

pendulum. If the cord makes an angle of 30o with the vertical, find the time it takes
for the mass to make one complete revolution. Find the tension in the cord for this

4. The moon has a mass of 7.32 x 1022 kg and a radius of 1609.4 km. Calculate the
value of "g" at the surface of the moon.

1. How large must the coefficient of friction be between the tires and the road if a car
is to round a level curve of radius 62 m at a speed of 55 km/h?

2. A child moves with a speed of 1.50 m/s when 7.8 m from the center of a merry-go-
round. Calculate a) the centripetal acceleration of the child, and b) the net horizontal
force exerted on the child (mass = 25 kg).

3. A ball on the end of a string is revolving at a uniform rate in a vertical circle or

radius 96.5 cm as shown in the figure below. If its speed is 3.15 m/s and its mass is
0.335 kg, calculate the tension in the string when the ball is a) the top of its path ,
and b) at the bottom of its path.


4. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the moon. The moon’s
radius is about 1.7x106 m and its mass is 7.4x 1022 kg.

5. Four 8.0-kg spheres are located at the corners of the square of side 0.50 m. Calculate
the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force on one sphere due to the other

6. At what distance from the earth will a spacecraft on the way to the moon experience
zero net force because the earth and moon pull with equal and opposite forces?

7. A coin is place 12.0 cm from the axis of the rotating turntable of variable speed.
When the speed of the turntable is slowly increase, the coin remains fixed on the
turntable until a rate of 58 rpm is reached, at which point the coin slides off. What is
the coefficient of static friction between the coin and the turntable?

8. Calculate the force of gravity on a spacecraft 12,800 km above the earth’s surface if
its mass is 850 kg.

9. What minimum speed must a roller coaster be travelling when upside down at the
top of a circle if the passengers are not to fall out? Assume a radius of curvature of
8.0 m.

10. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the earth in its orbit around the sun and the
net force exerted on the earth. What exerts this force on the earth? Assume the earth’s
orbit is a circle of radius 1.49 x 10 11 m.

11. A 1200-kg car rounds a curve of radius 65 m banked at an angle of 14 0. If the car is
travelling at 80 km/h, will a friction force be required? If so, how much and in what

12. A ball of mass ‘M’ is revolved in a vertical circle at the end of a cord of length ‘L’ .
What is the minimum speed ‘v’ needed at the top of the circle if the cord is to
remain taut?

17. If a curve with a radius of 60 m is properly banked for a car travelling 60 km/h,
what must be the coefficient of static friction for a car not to skid when travelling at
90 km/h?

18. How far above the earth’s surface will the acceleration of gravity be half what it is
on the surface?

19. How fast in (rpm) must a centrifuge rotate if a particle 9.0 cm from the axis of
rotation is to experience an acceleration of 110,000 g’s?

20. A force of 26.0 N is applied to a 0.60-kg stone to keep it rotating in a horizontal

Circle of radius 0.40 m. Calculate its speed.
PHYSICS 11 – General Physics


Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

1. 1. A force of 8 lbs. pulls a body along a horizontal surface to a distance of 10 ft. a)

How much work is done, b) If the force acts at an angle of 30o above the horizontal,
how much work is done?

2. A 100-g object is dragged with a uniform velocity along a plane inclined 30o with the
horizontal by a force parallel to the inclined. If the coefficient friction between the
object and the plane is 0.2, how much work is done when the object is moved a
distance of 40 cm along the plane?

3. A man weighing 120 lbs, climb up a stairway inclined 45o consisting of 20 steps each
step 6" high. What is his potential energy at the top.

4. A body a mass 10 slugs is thrown with a velocity of 6 ft/s. along a horizontal floor.
The coefficient of friction between the body and the floor is 0.2.
Find a) K-E and velocity of the body after travelling a distance of 2 ft. b) How far
will the body travel before it comes to rest.

5. A body weighing 64 lb slides down from rest at the top of a plane 18 ft long and
inclined 30o above the horizontal. The coefficient of friction is 0.1. Find the velocity
of the body as it reaches the bottom of the plane.

6. A 20 Hp engine is used to lift gravel from the ground to the top of a building 60 ft
high. Neglecting loss of energy due to friction how many tons of gravel can be lifted
in 50 minutes.

7. What weight can a 6 Hp engine pull along a level road at 15 mi/hr if the coefficient of
friction between the weight and the road is 0.2?

8. A rock of mass 2.0 kg is dropped from a bridge. After it has fallen 6.5 m, a) how
much potential energy has it lost; b) how much kinetic energy has it gained; c) from
your answer to (b), how fast is it going?

9. A 3.0 kg cart is pushed on a horizontal frictionless surface. It is pushed 2.5 m with a

force 12 N, and the force then changes to 18 N and pushes it another 1.8 m (a) How
much work has on it? (b) What is its kinetic energy? (c) How fast is it going?

10. A 35-kg crate slides from rest down a rough inclined plane, going a vertical distance
of 2.5 m. When it reaches the bottom, it is going 6.2 m/sec. (a) How much potential
energy has it lost? (b) How much kinetic energy has it gained?
11. A crate is pulled for a distance of 10 meters by means of a rope that makes an angle
of 450 with the ground. If the force exerted on the rope is 300 N, how much work is

12. A force of 200 N is exerted in lifting a 10 kg mass straight up to a height of 5 m (a)

How much work is done? (b) What are the kinetic and potential energy of the object
when it gets to that height?

13. If it takes a force of 1 N to depress a typewriter key through a distance of 1 cm in a

time of 0.1 sec, how much average power does it take?

14. A bullet is shot straight up with a muzzle velocity of 600 m/sec. Find out how high it
will rise by equating its original kinetic energy to the potential energy it has at the
highest point. Notice that we have not specified the mass of the bullet.

15. A tennis ball with a mass of 60 grams is dropped to the floor from a height of 1 m and
bounces back to a height of 0.8 m. Using the conservation of energy law, find: (a) its
velocity just before if struck the floor and just after it started up again, (b) the energy
lost in the collision.

16. A man shoves a box with a mass of 50 kg across the floor with a force of 100 N
through a distance of 5 m. He then shoves it up a 300 inclined to a height of 1 m by
exerting a force equal to 3/5 its weight. What is the final potential energy of the box?

17. What is the escape energy necessary to free a mass of 1 kg from the earth?

18. What is the escape energy necessary to free a mass of I kg from the moon’s influence,
starting from the surface of the moon?

19. A bullet is fired straight up. It is given enough kinetic energy so that as it rises, the
loss of kinetic energy is just sufficient to supply the potential energy needed for it to
escape the earth’s gravitation, and it will never come back. At what speed must is the
Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________
Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

First Condition for Equilibrium:

1. A pendulum bob with a weight of 20 N hangs from a cord. A horizontal force

sufficient to bring the cord to an angle of 25o with the vertical is applied to the bob.
Find the horizontal force and the tension in the cord. (9.3 N; 22.1 n)

2. A tightly stretched high wire is60 m long and sags 3.2 m when a 60-kg tightrope
walker stands at its center. What is the tension in the wire?

3. A uniform beam 10 ft long and weighing 10 lb is hinged at one end to a vertical wall.
The beam is supported in a horizontal position by a rope tied to the free end. The
rope is attached to the wall and makes an angle of 45o with the vertical. What is the
tension in the rope and the force of the hinge on the beam (5 2 , 5 lb)

4. A 100-kg man sits on a hammock whose ropes makes 30o with the horizontal. What
is the tension on each part of the rope?

5. A car is stuck in the mud. To set it out; the driver ties one end of a rope to the car and
the other end to a tree 100 ft away. He then pulls sideways on the rope at its
midpoint. If he exerts a force of 120 lb. how much force is applied to the car when he
has pulled the rope 5 ft to one side?

6. Two strings support a lamp weighing 12 lb. If one string makes an angle of 30o with
the horizontal and the other string makes an angle of 45o with the horizontal find the
tension of the two ropes. (8.78 lb; 10.76 lb)

7. An object weighing 50 lb is set on the surface of a plane inclined 40o with the
horizontal. What force applied parallel to the plane, is required to keep the object in
equilibrium. Neglect friction. (31 lb)

8. A frictionless car standing in an inclined plane that makes an angle of 15o with the
horizontal is kept from rolling downhill by a force of 12 N. applied in a direction
parallel to the plane. What is the weight of the car? What is the normal force
exerted on the car to the plane. (46 N; 44 N).

9. A 30-kg traffic light is supported by two wires one of which makes an angle of 20o
with the horizontal while the second makes an angle of 10o. Find the tension in
each. (60 kg; 58kg).

Second Condition for Equilibrium

13. A bar 10 ft long is acted upon by a force of 20 lb that makes an angle of 60o with the
bar. Calculate the torque due to this force about an axis perpendicular to the bar and
a) through the near end of the bar, b) through the middle of the bar, c) through the far
end of the bar.

14. A piece of wooden bar 4 ft long and weighing 500 g has its center of gravity 18 in
from one end. Where must a 300 g weight be hung so that the bar can be suspended
at the middle?

15. A uniform bar weighs 50 lb and is 12 ft long. At one end, a load of 16 lb is attached
and on the other end a load of 32 lb. Determine the force to be applied to the other
end so that it remains in a horizontal position where will this force be applied?

16. A non-uniform bar rests across two supports that are 20 ft apart when loads of 200 lb,
4 ft from end A and 150 lbs 6 ft from end B are on the bar. End A supports 233 lb
and end B supports 197 lb. Find the weight of the bar and the position of C-G.
PHYSICS 11 – General Physics

Name: _________________________________ Student No.___________________

Laboratory Schedule:____________________ Date Submitted:_______________

Coulombs Law

1. Find the force between two point charges of 0.01 and -0.02 µc if they are 8 cm apart
in air (-2.81 x 10-4 N).

2. Charge A of 250 statc is placed on a line between two charges B of 50 statc and c of
-300 statc. Charge A is 5.0 cm from B and 10 cm from C. What is the force on A.
(1250 dynes)

3. Charges, A, B and C of 25, 20 and -8 c, respectively are arranged as shown in the

figure. Find the magnitude of the force on change A. (0.17N)

Electric Field

4. The electric field in the space between the plates of a discharge tube is 3.25 x 104
N/coul. What is the first of the electric field on a proton in this field. Compare this
force with the weight of the proton if the mass of the proton is 1.67 x 10-27 kg and its
charge is 1.6 x 10-19 coul. (5.2 x 10-15 N; 3.17 x 1011).

5. A charge of 30 statc and another charge of 50 statc are 10 cm apart. What is the field
intensity at a point 8 cm from 50 and 6 cm from the 30 statc? (1.14 dynes/stat)

6. The force on a small test charge is 2.4 x 10-6 N when the charge is placed in an
electric field of intensity 6 x 105 N/c. How many electrons would be required to
neutralize this charge. (4 x 10-12 c; 2.5 x 107 e)

7. At the three consecutive corners of a square 10 cm on the side are point charges of
50 x 10-9 c; 100 x 10-9 c and 100 x 10-9 c respectively. Find the electrostatic field at
the fourth corner of the square. (95 x 103 N/C).

Electric Potential

8. The above figure shows a tube which has a source of electrons at one end and a metal
plate at the other. A 100-V battery is connected between the electron source and the
metal plate so that there is potential difference of 100V between then. The negative
terminal of the battery is connected to the electron source. What is the velocity of the
electrons when they arrive at the metal plate. (The tube is evacuated to prevent
collision between the electrons and air molecules.
9. Charge A of 8.0µc situated 1.0 m from charge B of -2.0µc. What is the potential at
point C located at the midpoint between A and B. What is the potential at point D
located 80 cm from A and 20 cm from B. How much work would be required to
move a charge of 0.03µc from D to C.

10. Two point charges of 200 x 10-9c and -300 x 10-9c are placed at two corners A and B
of an equilateral triangle ABC respectively. The side of the triangle is 20 cm. How
much work is needed to transfer a third charge from the third corner to a point exactly
midway between A and B.

Chapter Exercise

1. A charge of 20 x 10-8 coul is 20 cm from another charge of 180 x 10-8 coul

a) Find the force between the two
b) What is the potential at the point which is exactly midway between the two
c) What is the electric field intensity at the same point.

2. The identical charges of 40 x 210-8 coul are 10 cm apart. How much work is needed
to bring them to a distance of 5 cm apart.

3. Electrons are released from the cathode of a vacuum tube with zero velocity and are
accelerated towards the positively charged plates. If the potential difference between
the cathode and the plates is 500V, what is the velocity of the electrons just before
reaching the plates.

4. A charge of 0.6µc is 10 cm from another charge of -0.9µc. Find the force on a charge
of 1 µc placed at a point which is 8 cm from the negative charge and 6 cm from the
potential charge.

5. A point charge of 0.03µc is placed 0.6 m from a point charge of 0.04µc, what force is
exerted on each charge. Find the electric field strength at the point midway between
the charges.

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