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Explanation-seeking curiosity in childhood

Emily G Liquin and Tania Lombrozo

Children are known for asking ‘why?’ — a query motivated by metacognition [13]. For example, when prompted to
their desire for explanations. Research suggests that generate explanations (versus report observations) while
explanation-seeking curiosity (ESC) is triggered by first- learning novel causal rules, preschoolers are more likely to
person cues (such as novelty or surprise), third-person cues learn causal rules that are broad [14], are simple [15], and
(such as a knowledgeable adults’ surprise or question), and emphasize internal properties over perceptual similarity
future-oriented cues (such as expectations about information [16]; when prompted to explain aspects of a story, 5-year-
gain or future value). Once triggered, ESC is satisfied by an olds to 6-year-olds are more likely to extract its lesson [17].
adequate explanation, typically obtained through causal However, this research has rarely focused on ESC — the
intervention or question asking, both of which change in drive state that prompts explanation search.
efficiency over development. ESC is an important driver of
children’s learning because it combines the power of active Second, research on curiosity (including developmental
learning and intrinsic motivation with the value of explanatory prerequisites to experiencing and expressing curiosity [18,19])
content, which can reveal the unobservable and causal has been pursued in many contexts, including active word
structure of the world to support generalizable knowledge. learning [3] and question asking [20 ]. Among other benefits
[21,22], there is evidence that curiosity-driven exploration can
Address be as efficient as direct pedagogy for causal learning [23] and
Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Peretsman Scully Hall, lead to better memory for target informa-tion [24–29], and that
Princeton, NJ, 08540, USA
exploration efficiency relates to IQ in young children [30].
Corresponding author: Liquin, Emily G ([email protected]) However, this work has typically focused on curiosity directed
towards non-explanatory tar-gets, such as facts, object labels,
or object properties.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2020, 35:14–20
This review comes from a themed issue on Curiosity (Exolore versus Given the epistemic power of explanation and the learn-ing
benefits of curiosity, ESC is poised to be an especially
Edited by Daphna Shohamy and Ran Hassin important driver of children’s learning. While it is yet
unclear precisely how ESC diverges from other forms of
curiosity [31 ,32] or fits into existing taxonomies for
curiosity [e.g. Ref. 33], ESC is unique in its ability to drive the discovery of unobservables and causal structure —
2352-1546/ã 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an important foundations for generalizable knowledge. For
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creative- these reasons, the study of ESC is likely to lead to
important insights about how (young) human learners come
to know so much about the world given limited evidence,
time, and cognitive resources, with potential implications
Introduction for education and for the development of artificial learners
From early in development, children exhibit curiosity about [34,35], as well.
the properties [1] and names [2–4] of objects, and about
visual and auditory patterns [5,6]. Moreover, they often What triggers explanation-seeking curiosity?
seek explanations for their observations, and in so doing Children encounter far more unexplained observations than
construct intuitive theories that equip them to better predict they have the time or resources to pursue as targets of
and intervene upon the world [7,8]. Here we focus on inquiry. In fact, there is evidence that merely lacking
children’s ‘explanation-seeking curiosity’ (ESC), which we information is insufficient to trigger information search: in
define as an affective drive state [9] that motivates learning one study, 5-year-olds to 9-year-olds explored following
how or why something is the case [10]. We review recent some types of underinformative evidence, but not others
research addressing two questions: (though this may in part stem from a developing capacity to
(1) What triggers ESC? And (2) How is ESC satisfied? recognize whether evidence is informative) [36]. Thus,
both theoretically and perhaps empirically, we have rea-son
Our focus on ESC complements two existing bodies of to believe that ESC is selective, and that additional cues
research. First, research has considered the epistemic power make some unexplained observations call out for
of explanations. Seeking explanations supports learning in explanation more strongly than others [37,38]. We review
young children [10,11], and explanations can drive three categories of cues: first-person cues, third-person
subsequent exploration [12] and improve cues, and future-oriented cues (Figure 1). The evidence

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2020, 35:14–20

Explanation-seeking in childhood Liquin and Lombrozo 15

Figure 1

Child sticks
magnets and non-
magnets together;
gives plants
different Explanation
kinds/quantities of Magnets exert a
Child observes Explanation- liquid force on metals,
magnet sticks to Seeking Curiosity but not non-
paper clip; child Affective drive state that metals; water
notes that plants motivates learning how or
This is selective, depends on: transports
need water to why something is the case nutrients to the
Question plant
Child asks adult,
”Why did those
stick together?”;
First-Person Third-Person Future-Oriented “Why do plants
need water to
Cues Cues Cues grow?”
Child evaluates fit Adult surprised; adult Child evaluates
with prior beliefs asks, “Why did that expected utility of
(novelty, surprise…) happen?” acquiring explanation

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences

Model of explanation-seeking curiosity, including cues that trigger it (first-person cues, third-person cues, and future-oriented cues), and two
methods by which it is satisfied (causal intervention and question asking).

for these cues comes from studies of ESC as well as studies Third-person cues
of curiosity more broadly; we discuss the poten-tially Third-person cues rely on social information from others.
unique triggers of ESC in the Conclusions section. For example, infants use others’ surprised expressions to
guide visual exploration [46], and preschoolers spend more
time exploring a novel toy after viewing an experi-menter’s
First-person cues surprised expression while playing with it [47]. Adults can
First-person cues, such as surprise and novelty [39], are also highlight information through the use of pedagogical
those that relate unexplained information to an individual’s questions: questions with answers that are known to the
epistemic state. We refer to these cues as first-person asker, but posed to facilitate learning [48]. After a
because observations are not intrinsically surprising or pedagogical question from a knowledgeable teacher,
novel; they are surprising or novel with respect to a set of children spend more time playing with a novel toy and
expectations or prior experiences. Indeed, recent research discover more of its functions [49 ]. However, relying on
has clarified the first-personal (subjective) nature of these knowledgeable others can also suppress explo-ration —
cues. Infants preferentially explore objects that violate their direct pedagogy decreases preschoolers’ explo-ration and
expectations, whether those expectations are formed on the learning of non-target information [50], and preschoolers
basis of core knowl-edge [27], inferred rules [40], or (though not elementary schoolers) forgo exploration of
probabilistic information [41,42]. Furthermore, infants’ counterintuitive claims offered by reliable sources [51].
exploration after an expec-tation violation may be
specifically geared towards unco-vering an explanation for
that violation [43]. Future-oriented cues
Future-oriented cues concern expectations about how
One proposal is that curiosity is piqued not by maxi-mally acquiring information will serve the learner in the future. In
surprising or novel information, which may be too far one task, 4-year-olds to 5-year-olds were more likely to
beyond a learner’s grasp, but by moderately surprising or explore unknown rewards over known rewards only when
novel information, which presents the best opportu-nity for the unknown rewards would inform future choices [52].
learning [44]. Infants preferentially direct their visual While this could be explained by reward-seeking behavior
attention to patterns that are moderately predict-able [5, see (and not curiosity), there is evidence that 4-year-olds to 5-
also Ref. 6]. However, this ‘moderate information gap’ year-olds explore a causal system more than older children
hypothesis has been studied primarily in adult populations and adults, but fail to efficiently exploit their knowledge to
[e.g. Ref. 45], and has not been applied to ESC. gain rewards (EG Liquin et al., unpublished) [see also 53–
55]. These findings cast doubt on reward pursuit as Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2020, 35:14–20

16 Curiosity (Exolore versus Exoloit)

the sole motivation behind children’s future-oriented Causal intervention

exploration. Furthermore, children sometimes pursue Effective causal intervention in pursuit of explanations
information that may be relevant for future action even relies on the ability to perform informative experiments:
when this information will notimpactimmediate reward: in typically, interventions that isolate a single causal variable
one study, children displayed greater curiosity about coun- and control confounds. Early research suggested that chil-
terfactual outcomes that were under their control, relative dren’s ability to design informative experiments is limited
to outcomes they could not have caused [56 ]. until adolescence [82], but recent research has demon-
strated that preschool-aged children choose interventions
Future-oriented cues are in tension with approaches that define that disambiguate causal structure [83], use conjectured
curiosity as the pursuit of information as an end in itself [e.g. explanations to inform their later exploration [84], and
Ref. 44]. In fact, in both adults [57] and non-human animals selectively deploy different exploratory actions based on
[58], curiosity has been operationalized as costly information- their relative informativeness for the task [85 ]. Older
seeking without immediate benefit. We propose that curiosity children selectively deviate from controlled experiments in
is defined by the phenomenological experience of pursuing contexts where testing multiple variables at once is more
information for its own sake, even in cases where the efficient [86]. In more complex tasks, however, 3-year-olds
psychological function of this experience is instrumental. The to 6-year-olds fail to spontaneously create disambiguating
willingness to pursue information with no immediate benefit is interventions after receiving evidence that disconfirms their
good evidence that such a phe-nomenology is present. expectations [87]. Instead, they use intervention strategies
However, adults report experienc-ing curiosity even when like the ‘positive test strategy,’ which privileges positive
instrumental goals are at play, and this reported curiosity is in evidence consistent with a single target hypothesis [87–89].
part guided by the future utility of information [31 ,59–61]. However, some have argued that a positive test strategy
Our model predicts the same for young children (and couldbequite useful insomecontexts[90] orgiven particular
potentially for many non-human animals), but direct evidence learning goals [91].
for this claim will require moving away from paradigms that
rely on exploration as an index of curiosity, and Question asking
towardsparadigmsthat more directly measure the Causal intervention is not appropriate in all circum-stances;
phenomenology of curiosity. unobservable entities (e.g. germs) and inaccessi-ble entities
(e.g. the moon) cannot be readily manipu-lated, and thus
How is explanation-seeking curiosity question asking may be the only way for children to learn
satisfied? about explanations involving these enti-ties. Indeed, by the
ESC can be satisfied when the child acquires what they age of six, children ask fact-seeking questions about
judge to be an adequate explanation. Children prefer unobservable entities but directly explore observable
explanations that are simple [62] and general [63 ], and that entities [92].
contain a moderate amount of detail [64] that is
explanatorily relevant [65,66 ]. Children also prefer tele- Children begin asking questions before the age of two, and
ological explanations (which appeal to function or pur- the proportion of questions that are explanation-seeking
pose) [67,68] and explanations that appeal to properties increases with development, peaking around age three [93].
inherent to the thing being explained [69], though these While children begin to direct questions to appropriate
preferences decrease across development. When children sources in preschool [20 ,52,94], children’s ability to ask
receive a non-explanatory response rather than an explan- maximally informative questions to solve a specified
atory response, they are more likely to re-ask their original problem continues to develop during the pre-school years
question [70] (though children’s reactions to explanatory and beyond. In one set of studies [95], 3-year-old to 5-year-
and non-explanatory responses are moderated by socio- old children were asked to identify the most informative
economic status [71,72] and age [73]). The perceived question to discover the explanation for an event. With
quality of a provided explanation predicts subsequent increasing proficiency with age, children preferred
explanation-seeking behavior, as well [74 ]. questions that targeted an individual explana-tion when that
explanation was more likely than others, but chose
Often, children are not simply offered an explanation, but questions that eliminated several candidate explanations
must solicit an explanation, reason their way to one, or when all were equally likely. Other studies using similar
discover one for themselves. Children have many tools for methods have also shown age-related improvements in
eliciting information — such as pointing [4,75–77] and question-asking efficiency [96–98, but see Ref. 99], and
social referencing [78] — but these are unlikely to elicit that question efficiency can be influ-enced by certain
specifically explanatory information. Causal intervention structural supports [96].
and question asking, by contrast, are likely to be especially
useful for the pursuit of explanations because they allow To summarize, children use both causal intervention and
the learner to infer causal relations [79,80] and inquire question asking to seek explanations, with both strategies
about unobservable entities [81] (Figure 1). improving in efficiency over the preschool and early

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2020, 35:14–20

Explanation-seeking in childhood Liquin and Lombrozo 17

elementary school years, and with the former continuing to explanation [31 ]. Finally,satisfactionmethods maydiffer:
develop through adolescence. Additional research will be for example, causal intervention is more likely than point-
required to link these exploratory behaviors to the drive ing to elicit explanatory information.
states that motivate them over development, and to iden-
tify whether and when these behaviors are triggered by Lastly, research on decision making under risk [110] and
first-person, third-person, or future-oriented cues. For on how costs are weighed against the benefits of informa-
example, in tasks that involve seeking rewards, there are tion gain [53–55,111] will shed light on when we can
age-related changes in the extent to which exploration is expect children to pursue their curiosity. With adults, it has
random (the result of decision noise)or systematic(directed been proposed that information is itself rewarding, and that
towards uncertainty) [54,100], and in tasks that involve curiosity motivates learners to obtain this reward [112–
learning about categories, children direct their exploration 114]. In settings where children are more explor-atory than
differently from adults [101]. Future research is needed to adults [53–55], do children find information more
determine how and why exploration that is motivated by rewarding than adults, or are the costs associated with
curiosity and directed at acquiring explanations changes (in exploration less steep for young learners? If explan-atory
quantity or in nature) across development. information is indeed especially powerful for learn-ing, do
learners find the satisfaction of ESC especially rewarding,
Conclusions and correspondingly experience stronger curi-osity towards
Combining the motivational drive of curiosity with the explanatory targets?
epistemic power of explanations, explanation-seeking
curiosity is likely to be an important driver of children’s Despite these open questions, recent research has dramati-
learning, especially when it comes to the unobservable and cally deepened our understanding of children’s ESC.
causal structure of the world captured by intuitive theories. Through question asking and exploration, children actively
We reviewed evidence that very young children are pursue information that helps them make sense of the
selective in their ESC and preferentially seek expla-nations world, and they do so with increasing proficiency over the
when cued by first-person cues, third-person cues, and course of development. Motivated by explanation-seeking
future-oriented cues. Children’s ability to seek expla- curiosity, children come to know not just what events and
nations also develops, with causal intervention and ques- phenomena they can expect to encounter, but why such
tion asking playing critical roles. events and phenomena occur — providing a powerful
means for prediction, intervention, and understanding.
While much of our analysis is based on studies of actual
learners, many of the papers we review argue that fully Conflict of interest statement
rational learners should explore when a relevant cue is present, Nothing declared.
or that exploration should be pursued in a particular way to
resolve uncertainty, typically using Bayesian approaches. Acknowledgements
Bayesian models have provided a powerful method for We would like to thank Corey Cusimano for helpful comments on an earlier
draft. This work was supported by a grant provided by the Templeton
understanding active learning in development, but additional Foundation to TL and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to EL [grant
questions arise when combining these indi-vidual analyses into number DGE-1656466]. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
a single model: How should a rational learner weigh recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton Foundation or the National
competing cues to curiosity against each other? How should a Science Foundation.
rational learner choose between question asking, causal
intervention, and other available behaviors? And how do References and recommended reading
actual learners navigate these problems? Answering these Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
have been highlighted as:
questions will require building more complex models,
designing more sophisticated experiments, and better of special interest
characterizing children’s explora-tion in real-world of outstanding interest
environments [78,94,102–105,106 ,107]. Ultimately, however,
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