Answer Key
Answer Key
Answer Key
RH: How do you feel about acting? Is it just something Forests are home to some two-thirds of the world’s plants
that you feel? and animals. As they are cleared and degraded, the unique
DF: I just love it. I love the feeling I get when I’m on a set; I flora and fauna that depend on these ecosystems become © AREAL
love reading the scripts, playing the characters, getting to be threatened with extinction. To protect endangered species –
someone else. I love every aspect of it, I really do. such as mountain gorillas, whooping cranes and giant
pandas – and prevent those not currently threatened from
RH: How do you avoid the paparazzi? Do they hunt joining this list, we must protect forests.
you down a little bit? Since its beginning, the Rainforest Alliance has worked to
DF: You know, they really don’t. They’re probably going to conserve habitat and protect wildlife all over the world. By
know that I said that. One time, I was walking down the preventing deforestation, conserving natural areas,
street, and this guy jumped out and ambushed my mom protecting vital ecosystem services and providing
and me, and I screamed! It was the funniest thing. communities and businesses with economically
sustainable alternatives to forest destruction, we are
RH: Does someone have a crush on you? Are you getting ensuring the health and survival of these habitats, and the
little notes with “Check here to be my girlfriend” – type plants and animals that depend on them.
things? Through certification, we evaluate forestry and agricultural
DF: [laughs] Not quite yet. But I think they don’t do that businesses to ensure that they are complying with rigorous
anymore. They ask “text me.” environmental standards, which include properly caring for water and soil, monitoring wildlife populations, protecting
(abridged and slightly adapted) migratory pathways and prohibiting the hunting and
trafficking of wild animals.
Because tourism businesses rely on wildlife to attract
visitors, and animals need the help of businesses and
communities to ensure that their habitats remain intact, we
help communities to establish sustainable tourism
businesses as an alternative to deforestation. We also
Endangered species are animals or plants that are soon to
provide training to the staff and owners of these
die out. This means that once they become extinct, they will
enterprises, so that they can better manage their
never be seen on Earth again. Many animals and plants
interactions with wildlife and surrounding natural areas.
become endangered or extinct each year. Recently,
however, the rate has increased dramatically. It is estimated
that 27,000 species become extinct each year, about 3 an
There are many reasons that can cause a species of LISTENING TEST 1
animals or plants to become endangered, or even extinct.
First of all, the human population has exploded since the
last few decades. To accommodate the oversized human
its impact on society; easy access to news stories; new
population more and more lands are taken away from these
educational tools.
animals or plants, leaving them only a small portion of the
land, where food becomes scarce and adaptation difficult. 2.
Animals and plants also become endangered because of 2.1. c; 2.2. a; 2.3. d; 2.4. b
the chemicals people use, like pesticides to kill off insects
and other pests. These chemicals may get into the river or ACTIVITY B
other water sources, contaminating the fish and the birds 3.
that prey on them. 3.1. a); 3.2. b); 3.3. a); 3.4. a); 3.5. b)
Hunting and trading are other reasons that threaten the lives 4.
of many innocent living creatures. People kill animals or a) … the right of Skype…
plants just for the fun of it, or for trading, many times illegally, b) … success stories of the Internet.
by poaching. They kill animals for their fur, oil, body parts, and c) … changed the way we talk.
many other things in order to fatten their wallet. These things d) … 560 million registered Skype users.
are turned into fur coats, cosmetics, perfume, oil for lamps, e) … 250 billion minutes of calls.
and traditional medicines. f) … seven years… webcam image
Lastly, pollution is another huge factor causing these
animals or plants to become endangered. They too need a
clean habitat to survive. By innocently eating our garbage
they might get poisoned or choked to death. Toxic waste
in the water system also has caused a large number of
fish to die out. By polluting our planet, we not only poison
ourselves but also cause other, more innocent creatures
to suffer and die. (abridged)
1. 1.
a) True; b) False; c) True; d) True; e) False TV reality shows – American Idol, Survivor, Project Runway,
2. America’s Next Top Model, American Gladiator, The Real
a) Yes, (they do). Housewives and The Biggest Loser.
b) No, (they don’t). Positive aspects – fun; illusion.
c) Meeting their friends. Negative aspects – too many reality shows; unattractive
d) they approach fifteen. themes; feed obsession with other people’s lives; replace
e) Because; cheaper. quality series during primetime.
f) bad, small, virus 2.
a) There are reality shows for all tastes, that is, for music
ACTIVITY B lovers, fashion lovers, sports lovers, and so on.
3. b) Yes, they do. Viewers put themselves in the contestants’
3.1. a); 3.2. a); 3.3. c); 3.4. c); 3.5. a) shoes and usually have preferences and follow their
4. favourites on Facebook.
a) … Hollywood’s biggest stars. c) The author thinks that there are too many reality shows on
b) … mature roles. TV these days. Besides, they have been replacing good
c) … five. programmes.
d) … agency in Georgia. 3.
e) … season a) American Idol and Survivor; b) people; c) viewers
f) … my girlfriend. 4.
a) topics; b) gossiping; c) die out
LISTENING TEST 3 a) The author said that there were many reality shows on TV
ACTIVITY A and viewers didn’t have a choice.
1. b) The author said that reality TV was a phase that would soon
Reasons for many species to be in danger of extinction: die out and viewers would turn to better programs.
lands… taken away; chemicals…pesticids; Hunting… 6.
trading; Pollution… endangered a) on; b) at; c) at; d) on; e) At; f) on
2. 7.
1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. e; 5 b a) must be; b) shouldn’t watch; c) should take; d) must go; e)
should call
(1) world; (2) fauna; (3) extinction; (4) gorillas; Personal answer.
(5) protect; (6) habitat; (7) deforestation;
(8) ecosystem; (9) sustainable; (10) depend
a) Through certification we evaluate forestry and
agricultural businesses. ACTIVITY A
b) By properly caring for water and soil, monitoring wildlife 1.a) computer; b) Internet; c) chatroom; d) surf
populations, protecting migratory pathways, and
prohibiting the hunting and traficking of wild animals. ACTIVITY B
c) Yes, because tourism businesses rely on wildlife to 1.
attract visitors. a) True.
d) By helping communities to establish sustainable tourism b) False. It started in the USA.
businesses. c) False. It was first used to protect US Army computer
e) The staff and owners of these tourism enterprises systems.
d) False. The www is one part of the Internet.
PROGRESS TEST 1 e) False. He invented a programming language called html.
f) False. It can be dangerous.
1. 1. d; 2. f; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c; 6. e
black and white – colour TV – remote control – high
definition – three-dimensional
2. The programmes I prefer watching on TV are soap
operas and talk shows. I also like watching the news and
some good movies.
3. b) George said when he posted / had posted comments on
a) It’s millions of computers that are linked by telephone Twitter he didn’t intend / hadn’t intended it to be an attack.
lines. 6.
b) The Web is one part of the Internet. It is a network of a) must; b) should; c) shouldn’t ; d) must; e) should
pages that are on computers around the world. 7.
c) It can be dangerous because some adults use a) on; b) at; c) in; d) at; e) in; f) on
chatrooms to make friends with young people to hurt them.
d) She met a 31-year-old American man on the Internet ACTIVITY C
and disappeared with him. Personal answer.
e) Microsoft closed its chatrooms to protect young people.
f) The British government is changing the law so that PROGRESS TEST 4
adults who use the Internet to harm young people go to
prison for five years.
I would like to take a gap year in order to get some
a) Who invented html?
experience before getting a job. I could travel to other
b) Where did Shevaun Pennington meet the American man?
countries and maybe engage in a solidarity project.
c) When did Microsoft close its chatrooms?
a) in; b) in; c) at; d) on; e) at; f) on; g) –
increase language skills / meet different people / learn
a) shouldn’t; b) must; c) should; d) mustn’t
about other cultures / be by yourself
a) When; b) while; c) As soon as; d) before; e) after
a) False; b) False; c) False; d) True; e) False
a) John said that when he was younger he surfed the Net
a) Yuki wanted to go to the USA to study their culture and
for about an hour every day.
to see what she could do by herself alone in a different
b) He said that it was easy to go online.
country. Also, she thinks that in Japan university is not
c) Sue told me she was chatting with her friends then.
demanding enough.
d) Peter said that he had bought a new computer the
b) When she got there, she felt surprised to see so many
month before.
differences. The USA is a much bigger and multifaceted
c) She has learnt some hard things like the difficulty of living
Personal answer.
alone far away from her family but also some good things
like the importance of following one’s dreams.
ACTIVITY A a) Yuki’s; b) America; c) university students
1. 5.
1. e; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b; 5. c a) starts; b) will get; c) are visiting; d) will control; e) is going
2. to have
Some dangerous aspects of the Internet are hackers scam 6.
and viruses. Besides, your privacy can be invaded and a) Ralph Lauren, who is a famous designer, introduced
you can became a victim of cyberbullying. street fashion in his lines.
b) I spent my holidays in Scotland, which is in the north of
ACTIVITY B Great Britain.
1. c) The singer whose album has sold a lot, is Irish.
1. b; 2. e; 3. d; 4. c; 5. a d) The film (which) I was watching yesterday is based on a
2. true story.
a) Cyberbullying is the act of insulting or harassing weaker 7.
people online. a) would go; b) will have; c) had got; d) would travel;
b) The consequences of cyberbullying are always harmful. e) would have seen
People feel sad and humiliated and it may ruin a 8.
friendship. a) himself; b) myself; c) each other / one another;
c) George doesn’t consider himself a bully because he d) yourselves; e) themselves
wrote some mean words on the Internet but it was for
fun and not an intentional attack. ACTIVITY C
3. Personal answer.
a) launching; b) Tweet; c) harassment
a) turn… on; b) turned down; c) turn back; d) turned to
a) They said it was difficult to define cyberbullying
because it might take many forms.
PROGRESS TEST 5 a) catwalk; b) accessories; c) outfit; d) urban tribes;
e) high fashion; f) dressmaker; g) hairstyle; h) designer
1. Fashion is important for me. I like wearing modern outfits and
Types of music: rock, pop, jazz, heavy metal, disco, I love all types of accessories. Most part of my pocket money
country, R & B, hip hop. is spent on that.
In my free time, I prefer listening to music and watching ACTIVITY B
TV. My favourite programmes are series and films. I also 1.
like sports, so I practise handball. youth culture / streets / different styles / unique
ACTIVITY B a) … in the streets among young people.
1. b) … high fashion industry.
a) “As a child I sang in the church choir.” c) … wants to make a statement with different clothes.
b) “I played the violin, piano and saxophone.” 3.
c) “I wanted to be independent, so I moved out.” a) It is usually associated with young people.
d) “My parents weren’t really strict, but they thought they b) Punk, hippie and hip hop style are considered street
knew what I should do.” fashion.
e) “I went to clubs sometimes but I usually stayed at home.” c) Some famous designers, like Ralph Lauren and Calvin
f) “I knew I wanted to do music, so I kept working, meeting Klein, have introduced street fashion in their designs.
new musicians and waiting for the right thing to happen.” d) Street fashion can be seen not only in America but in the
2. entire world.
1. d; 2. a; 3. e; 4. c; 5. b 4.
3. a) street fashion; b) styles; c) young people
a) … an international music star. 5.
b) … Milkshake and Trick Me. a) feature; b) wear; c) throughout
c) … when she was sixteen. 6.
d) … with her parents’ ideas about her future. a) on; b) to; c) to / about; d) with; e) for
e) … short, blue-black 7.
4. a) would choose; b) had arrived; c) will say; d) weren’t
a) He was a jazz musician. 8.
b) She started writing songs when she was a little girl. a) Street fashion, which has many different styles, was
c) She worried about life after secondary school. created by young people.
d) Personal answer. b) This is the man who works in that shop.
5. c) I know the family whose house you bought.
a) She is the international music star who is famous for d) This is the plane which is flying to Brazil.
Milkshake and Trick Me.
b) She lives in a flat [which/that] she bought herself. ACTIVITY C
c) The actress whose husband is a TV producer lives in Estoril. Personal answer.
d) She has got two sisters who live in New York City and
one who lives in Miami. PROGRESS TEST 7
a) her; b) themselves; c) yourself; d) herself ACTIVITY A
7. 1.
a) They only think about themselves. (1) endangered; (2) high; (3)elephant; (4) estimated;
b) They have a high opinion of themselves. (5) protect; (6) habitats; (7) changing
c) You shouldn’t blame yourselves for the bad results.
a) with; b) to, to; c) of; d) for; e) on 1.
9. a) (He was born on) November 11th 1974.
a) will understand; b) wrote; c) would talk; d) went; b) (He started his acting career) at the age of 5 in an
e) wouldn’t have missed American TV show called Romper Room.
10. c) (He is famous because) he has starred in some popular
a) will go; b) are you going to do; am going to stay films.
c) am playing; d) starts d) (He created) the Leonardo DiCaprio Charitable
ACTIVITY C e) It protects animals and the environment.
Personal answer.
1. d; 2. h; 3. b; 4. f; 5. g; 6. i; 7. c; 8. e; 9. a 7.
3. a) harder; b) more slowly; c) the most beautifully; d) the
a) They do everything they can to protect the environment nearest
and its animals.
b) He works with Greenpeace and EarthAction Network. ACTIVITY C
c) He takes part in Earth Day. Personal answer.
d) He uses his popularity to tell everyone they must “Save
Planet Earth”. PROGRESS TEST 9
e) He says that because environmental problems affect ACTIVITY A
everyone and we must all take action to save our planet. 1.
4. 1 b); 2 d); 3 e); 4 f); 5 c); 6 a).
a) Animals and the environment are protected by the 2.
Leonardo DiCaprio Charitable Foundation. To save the environment we should separate the garbage
b) Elephants were saved from elephant hunters. for recycling, use the bicycle instead of the car, eat less
c) Street demonstrations have been held. meat and save as much energy as we can.
d) The government will be asked to take action.
e) Endangered species should be protected. ACTIVITY B
5. 1.
a) recycle; b) to give; c) to use; d) to see b) deforestation; c) waste; d) water pollution; e) soil erosion; f)
6. hunger; g) desertification; h) loss of biodiversity.
a) faster; the fastest; b) the most slowly/slowest [informal]; c) 2.
harder; (the) hardest; d) more carefully a) Meat production is very harmful to the planet, causing
7. between 14% and 22% of the greenhouse gases
a) disagrees; b) disobeyed; c) untied; d) disappeared produced every year. It is worse than transportation or
Activity C industry.
Personal answer. b) If we eat less meat, we won’t need such big quantities of
pasture. Consequently, all the negative effect of meat
PROGRESS TEST 8 production will decrease.
c) Eating too much meat may lead to serious health
ACTIVITY A problems, like heart disease, cancer and obesity.
1. 3.
a) deforestation; b) drought; c) flood; d) exhaust fumes; a) environmental impacts of meat production;
e) endangered species; f) ice melt; g) oil spill; h) pesticides b) people; c) the need for large quantities of land
2. 4.
I consider myself environmentally friendly since I separate a) rethink; b) disagree; c) undo; d) misunderstand
garbage for recycling, go to school on foot, reuse paper 5.
and save energy. a) … impact is caused by meat production.
b) … have been destroyed.
ACTIVITY B c) … was offered a good job.
1. 6.
Greenpeace / Levi’s, Zara, Mango and Esprit / fashion a) to see; b) to close; c) go; d) be; d) to spend; e) to eat
without pollution / sharing information and using non- 7.
hazardous chemicals. a) completely; b) beautifully; c) lately; d) easily
a) Levi’s has committed to a global movement for fashion ACTIVITY C
without pollution called Detox. Personal answer.
b) More than 400,000 people have joined this campaign.
c) Activists and volunteers went to the streets to talk to the
clients and staff working in those stores.
d) It is necessary that more companies join the movement, PLACEMENT TEST (P. 6)
because the situation is urgent. A.
3. 1. a; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. c; 10. b; 11. c; 12.
a) ten clothing companies; b) Greenpeace; c) factories b
4. B.
1. c; 2. e; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d 1. on; 2. in; 3. in; 4. in; 5. in; 6. in; 7. at; 8. on; 9. in; 10. in;
5. 11. on; 12. on; 13. on; 14. at
a) to be; b) to go; c) tell; d) do; e) not to lie; f) to find C.
6. 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a
a) … is protected by Greenpeace. D.
b) … has been joined by many people. 1. b; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b
c) … will be persuaded to join Detox.
1. must; 2. must; 3. should; 4. mustn’t; 5. shouldn’t; START UP
6. must; 7. mustn’t; 8. shouldn’t B.
MODULE 4 music programme news
4.1 MEDIA EVOLUTION sports programme series
(P. 10)
wildlife programme cartoon
A. weather forecast sitcom
Radio, TV and newspapers. Global media: Traditional soap opera talk show
media and the Internet.
B. documentary quiz show
1. b; 2. c; 3. e; 4. a; 5. f; 6. d
1. They prefer the Internet.
1. d; 2. e; 3. a; 4. f; 5. c; 6. b
2. – 5. Personal answers.
1. Meg; 2. Paulo; 3. Roberto; 4. Ana; 5. Roberto
1. They prefer surfing the Internet.
2. They don’t like reading books and magazines very much.
1. He doesn’t like sitcoms. He says the actors could never be
3. They spend 12 hours per week.
his friends.
4. – 6. Personal answers.
2. It’s EastEnders.
3. It’s about working-class families living in Albert Square, in
the East of London.
4. Her favourite characters are Sonia and Kat because they
1. (1) radio; (2) station; (3) ears; (4) crying; (5) sad;
have strong personalities.
(6) show; (7) crying; (8) sad; (9) ears
5. She hates soap operas because they go on and on and
2. It’s about a radio song that makes the author sad.
there’s never a conclusion.
6. She likes films or short series that have a start, a middle
1. False. The world is collapsing.
and an end.
2. False. He couldn’t hear it clearly.
3. False. He could tell she had been crying.
1. … is ER.
4. False. It makes him sad.
2. … what happens in real life.
5. False. He wanted to turn it off.
3. … their own problems.
6. True.
RADIO DJ (P. 14)
1. Caroline said she watched a film on Saturdays.
2. Fred told me he was his best friend.
1. d; 2. f; 3. b; 4. a; 5. g; 6. c; 7. i; 8. e; 9. h
3. Janice said the scarf was in her bag.
4. Tom told me that film wasn’t/ /hadn’t been very interesting.
1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a
5. Jerry said that wasn’t his school.
6. Yesterday Jennifer told me they would walk for half an
1. It was listening to the radio.
2. She used it to record stuff off the radio.
7. Mike said those T-shirts didn’t fit him.
3. She decided to be a DJ when she was in college after
8. They said they were parking their car there.
some radio classes.
9. Helen told me it was her boyfriend’s birthday party the
4. To get work experience and find a job later.
next day.
5. She met some DJs during a visit to a local radio station.
10. He said he thought there would be a students’ meeting
6. First she worked at a radio station doing research. Then
very soon.
she worked at another station filing paperwork and
11. The students said it was difficult to finish that project that
mopping the floors.
7. It’s getting calls from people who tell her that she makes
12. Alicia told me she wasn’t busy then.
their day much better and meeting rock stars.
13. My brother said he didn’t want those CDs anymore.
14. The girls said they felt fine then.
15. My parents told me they were going to do the shopping
1. h; 2. j; 3. f; 4. a; 5. i; 6. l; 7. e; 8. g; 9. k; 10. c; 11. b; 12. d
that day.
16. Mary said she had finished her homework when I arrived
1. turned on; 2. turn off; 3. to turn down; 4. Turn… up;
5. turned against; 6. turn back; 7. Turn out/off;
8. turn away; 9. turned down; 10. turned to
1. F; 2. F (2002); 3. T; 4. F (between 35 – 49); 5. T; 6. T;
TEXT COMPREHENSION 7. F (more mobile phones); 8. F (in the USA)
1. It’s about a two-hour special programme called A.
“Surprise Wedding”. 1. It began in the 1970s.
2. The participants were brides and grooms. 2. It was only used by people who worked in governments
3. It happened last November. and universities.
4. It was decorated with flowers. 3. A British man called Tim Berners-Lee invented the ‘Web’.
5. The wedding march started playing and the audience 4. Hundreds of new companies started on the Internet in
became silent. the 1990s.
6. In the show, some women proposed to their boyfriends 5. Young people often know more about computing and
on national television. the Internet than older people.
7. They won $200. 6. He started two companies on the Internet.
8. She mentions three reasons: Fortune, Fame and Fun. 7. Internet users can be anywhere in the world.
9. Personal answer. 8. To copy their favourite music free.
10. Personal answer. B.
B. 1. … find information on the Internet.
1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c 2. … work, shop, play games and study.
3. … of new companies started on the Internet.
TYPES OF NEWSPAPERS 4. … he began using computers.
A. 5. … he began putting football scores on the Internet.
1. (The) Financial Times 6. … a company called Napster.
2. The Times and the Independent C.
3. The Daily Telegraph 1. f; 2. g; 3. i; 4. b; 5. j; 6. ev7. h; 8. d; 9. c; 10. a
4. The Guardian D.
5. (The) Daily Mirror 1. When did the Internet begin?
6. The Guardian 2. Who invented the ‘Web’?
7. (The) Financial Times, The Guardian 3. Why did hundreds of new companies start on the
8. (The) Daily Mirror Internet?
B. 4. Who started Schoolsnet?
Tabloid or larger. Tabloid. 1. in; 2. in; 3. on; 4. in; 5. at; on; 6. in; 7. on; ; 8. at; for;
Elegant, in good taste. Showy, in bad taste.
9. at; 10. in; 11. on; 12. in; 13. at; 14. –; 15. in; 16. –; 17.
Headlines in fairly small print. Headlines in very big print.
Complex, objective style. Simple, sensational style. WE ARE ADDICTED TO THE COMPUTER (P. 40)
Most pictures of events, Lots of pictures of celebrities, A.
politicians, businessmen, etc. sexy women and sport. Surf the web, join chatrooms discussions, play video
‘Human interest’ stories & games, order a pizza, send e-mails and get information.
Stories of intellectual interest. B.
1. True.
Opinion articles reasoned & Opinion articles simple &
2. False. People like chatting on the Internet because it’s
persuasive. assertive.
Readers’ letters short & rely on 3. False. We can order pizza.
Readers’ letters well-informed.
personal experience. 4. True.
Cartoons, satirical caricatures Strip cartoons, jokes & 5. False. Because they are curious and want to try.
of politicians. anecdotes. 6. True.
Ads. of expensive products Ads. of cheap products. 1. They spend so much time online because it’s comfortable
Reviews of classical music, and they can use the Internet for various purposes.
Reviews of pop music, films. 2. People can talk to their friends from home and meet new
12, 6, 10, 1, 4, 9, 8, 12
1. ring; 2. necklace; 3. belt; 4. sunglasses; 5. handbag;
6. bracelet
1. d; 2. g; 3. e; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c; 7. f
1. True. “Visit the shopping malls of small town USA and
you’ll see rap’s influence on teen style.”
1. Marc; 2. Susanne; 3. Manola; 4. Fabio; 5. Manola;
6. Fabio and Marc
B. C.
1. f; 2. e; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. d D H
C. R E L A T I O N S H I P S
1. They work by night and paint graffiti in railway and bus U A
stations and subway trains. G L W R
2. They think blank walls are ugly and so they paint S T D R E A M S O
colourful images on them. H R I R M
3. They can be seen by lots of people.
4. Because graffiti artists spoil new buildings with their paint.
5. Susanne and Manola like graffiti.
6. Fabio and Marc are against graffiti.
D. N M
For Against Solutions
– Walls are – Graffiti is difficult to – Provide spaces D.
more remove. for graffiti
1. Right; 2. who; 3. who; 4. Right; 5. Right; 6. who;
colourful. – Public buildings belong to artists.
– Graffiti everyone. – Graffiti artists
7. which/that; 8. Right.
artists can – They spoil new buildings should be E.
be creative. with their paint. punished. 1. She’s an Italian who loves Italy.
– They write – Some graffiti artists – Coat surfaces 2. They live in a flat which has got big windows.
important belong to gangs. with a 3. He’s the electrician whose wife works in an office.
messages. – They do graffiti to mark substance that 4. They work for a Japanese company which makes
–… out the gang’s territory. paint can’t calculators.
adhere to. 5. The boy who answered the phone told me you were at
GRAMMAR PRACTICE 6. I have a friend who’s a good technician.
A. 7. I met a boy who’s studying in Britain.
1. mustn’t drive; 2. mustn’t bring; 3. can’t wear; 8. This is the girl who had the best mark in the test.
4. mustn’t park; 5. can’t talk; 6. mustn’t touch; 9. What’s the name of the river which flows through London?
7. aren’t allowed to smoke; 8. aren’t allowed to talk 10. A coffee maker is a machine which/that makes coffee.
B. 11. The girl who phoned didn’t leave any message.
You mustn’t smoke in this area. 12. I know a boy whose father is an accountant.
You mustn’t walk on the grass. F.
You mustn’t park here. 1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c; 6. b; 7. c; 8. c; 9. c; 10. b; 11. a; 12. a
You mustn’t swim here. G.
1. by myself; 2. by herself; 3. by themselves; 4. by yourself; 5.
MOD 5 WORKBOOK by themselves; 6. by herself; 7. by yourselves; 8. by itself
5.1 (P. 122) H.
1. We’re angry with ourselves.
A. 2. They only think about themselves.
1. (1) If you must.; (2) How about here?; (3) That’ll work. 3. You must behave yourselves.
2. It shows that young people spend a lot of time online. 4. We’re trying to teach ourselves Spanish.
3. It shows that parents and children don’t talk very much 5. They’re feeling sorry for themselves.
these days. 6. The lights switch themselves off after a few minutes.
4. Personal answer. 7. You shouldn’t blame yourselves for the accidents.
B. 8. They’ll make themselves ill if they don’t stop working so hard.
1. e) mobile phone – telemóvel 9. We can pay for our tickets ourselves.
2. a) briefcase – pasta 10. They have a high opinion of themselves.
3. g) sunglasses – óculos de sol I.
4. c) glasses case – caixa dos óculos 2. John and Mary love each other.
5. h) contact lenses – lentes de contacto 3. We’re sitting next to each other.
6. b) CD player – leitor de CD 4. John and Mary are always thinking about each other.
7. j) pencil case – porta-lápis 5. We’re crazy about each other.
8. d) hairbrush – escova para o cabelo 6. Kate and Ricky can help each other / one another.
9. f) toothbrush – escova dos dentes 7. They are looking at each other.
10. k) cheque book – livro de cheques 8. Mike and Kelly have got photos of each other.
11. i) rucksack – mochila J.
1. b; 2. b; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. a; 8. A
5.2 (P. 125)
A. Suggestions 1. piano – pianist; 2. guitar – guitarist; 3. flute – flautist;
1. He’s throwing laptop / portable computers into the 4. drums – drummer; 5. saxophone – saxophonist; 6. violin –
gardens. violinist; 7. cello – cellist; 8. trombone – trombonist
2. There are paper-boys in America, not Portugal. 2.
3. Very important. I want to work in a bank. 1. A songwriter is someone who writes songs.
4. Electronic communication! 2. A musician is a person who makes music by playing or
B. conducting.
1. reception; 2. technician; 3. Greece; 4. grow up; 5. postman; 3. A band is a group of people playing popular music (or wind
6. address; 7. collection; 8. farmer; 9. rubber; 10. art instruments).
C. 4. A singer is someone who sings songs.
BRITISH ENGLISH AMERICAN ENGLISH 5. A composer is a person who composes music.
favour favor 6. A soloist is a person who performs a musical solo.
colour color 7. A keyboarder is a person who operates a keyboard.
cheque check C.
rucksack backpack/daypack 1. first floor; 2. second floor; 3. ground floor; 4. first or second
trainers sneakers floor; 5. third floor; 6. basement; 7. basement;
postcode zip code 8. ground floor; 9. second floor; 10. third floor; 11. fourth floor;
post box mailbox 12. ground floor
postman mail carrier D.
post mail 1. shop assistant; 2. shop window; 3. cash; 4. credit
phone box phone booth
2. Mary didn’t use to wear a mini-skirt but she does now.
5. shopping centre; 6. shopping list; 7. basement; 8.
3. They used to live in the city but they don’t anymore. customer; 9. boutique; 10. cash desk (till)
4. He didn’t use to wear glasses but he wears glasses now. S C S
5. She used to study German but she doesn’t anymore.
6. I didn’t use to go to work by car but I do now.
7. We used to start school at 8.20 but we don’t now. H O S O
8. Walt used to play video games but he doesn’t play video O P H P
games now.
9. James didn’t use to go swimming twice a week but he
does now. I C R E D I T C A R D I
10. Roy used to listen to classical music but he doesn’t W N S N
1. Did you use to like fish when you were younger? N M
2. Where did they use to live before they moved to this D C C U S T O M E R L
town? O E N I
3. What game did she use to play?
4. What time did he use to get up?
5. Was there a theatre in your street? T T
6. How often did he use to go swimming? R B O U T I Q U E
7. What did you use to do in your free time?
8. What did you use to do at weekends?
9. Did you use to go to work by train? E.
10. How many cars did you use to have? 1. will go; 2. need; 3. will cut off; 4. will understand;
F. 5. will help; 6. can have; 7. doesn’t behave; 8. go;
1. go; 2. used to work; 3. used to be; 4. listen; 5. used to live; 9. may/will; 10. don’t want
6. watches; 7. used to wear; 8. works; 9. used to eat; 10. drink F.
G. 1. had ( I would buy a big house.)
1. f; 2. h; 3. e; 4. j; 5. a; 6. c; 7. d; 8. b; 9. k; 10. m; 11. g; 2. would you stop (Yes, I would stop doing it.)
12. i; 13. o; 14. n; 15. l 3. would you go (No, I wouldn’t./ /Yes, I would.)
H. 4. were (No, I would feel very proud of him/her.)
1. for; 2. about; 3. to; 4. about 5. wrote (I would feel terrible.)
6. met (I would ask him/her some questions about his/her
5.3 (P. 128) career.)
A. 7. travelled (I would take my personal belongings.)
3. 8. were (I would go fishing.)
1. trumpet, 2. synthesiser, 3. guitar, 4. piano, 9. went (I would visit Hollywood.)
5. xylophone, 6. violin, 7. harp, 8. drums G.
1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. b
H. – They are the home to lots of animals, insects and plants.
1. won’t have; 2. will meet; 3. won’t find; 4. will find;
5. will succeed; 6. will start; 7. will succeed; 8. won’t travel;
9. won’t buy; 10. won’t be
Why have they been cut down or burnt?
– To build houses.
1. I’m going to play; 2. I’ll lend; 3. I’ll count; 4. starts; 5. I’m
– To clear land for agriculture.
going to be; 6. I’ll get; 7. I’m going; 8. I’ll kill;
– For industrial uses.
9 are you going to wear; I’ll decide; 10. arrives;
– To produce energy.
11. are you doing; I’m staying
J. What else do we use trees for?
1. a; 2. c; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b; 6. c; 7. c; 8. c – To make furniture.
– To make medicines.
MODULE 6 – To make boats.
– Cork, rubber.
A. 1. misread; 2. disapprove; 3. undo; 4. misunderstand;
1. They show natural disasters and environmental problems. 5. unlock; 6. disobey; 7. overcharge; 8. rebuild;
9. rewind; 10. misbehave; 11. overestimate; 12. rethink
POLLUTION EFFECTS 1. ler ou interpretar mal; 2. desaprovar, reprovar;
3. desfazer, anular; 4. entender mal, interpretar mal;
storm CO2 (carbon dioxide) temperature rise 5. abrir (a fechadura de), destrancar; 6. desobedecer;
earthquake exhaust fumes higher sea levels 7. cobrar demais; 8. reconstruir; 9. rebobinar; 10. portar-se mal;
hurricane waste ice caps could 11. avaliar em demasia, superestimar; 12. reconsiderar
tornado toxic waste melt
avalanche chemicals endangered 1. dislike; 2. disconnected; 3. disappeared; 4. disagreed;
volcanic oil species
5. undressed; 6. are redecorating; 7. misread; 8. overwork
eruption fertilizers
BIG YELLOW TAXI You: I’m fine, thank you.
TEXT COMPREHENSION You: What did you do?
A. You: Did you go swimming?
1. (1) parking lot; (2) hot spot; (3) tree museum; (4) to go; (5) You: Could you see wildlife?
parking lot; (6) my apples; (7) the bees; (8) parking lot; (9) You: What else did you do?
parking lot; (10) girl away; (11) to go You: Are there any woods or forests?
B. You: What animals do they have there?
1. “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. You: You love nature, don’t you?
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot”.
2. “That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone”. INTERVIEW WITH HANNAH MCHARDY, A YOUNG
3. “They took all the trees, and put them in a tree ACTIVIST (P. 144)
museum”. START UP
4. “And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see A.
them”. 1. A tropical rainforest is one of the earth’s most spectacular
5. “Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT”. natural wonders!
6. “I don’t care about spots on my apples”. 2. The largest tropical rainforests are in Brazil (South
7. “Leave me the birds and the bees”. America), Zaire (Africa) and Indonesia (islands found near
C. the Indian Ocean).
1. He heard the screen door slam. 3. Because they’re wet!
2. His girlfriend went away. 4. They help control the world’s climate. They give us wood,
3. Yes, I think so, because he says “That you don’t know fruits, rubber and many of our medicines, such as aspirin,
what you got ‘til it’s gone”. come from plants that grow in rainforests.
4. The song refers to one of the causes of environmental 5. Indigenous, or native peoples and many other people live
problems: the destruction of forests and trees. in rainforests.
5. He is criticizing the people who chop down trees to 6. A rainforest cannot be replaced.
construct buildings.
D. 1. They are found in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Why are trees so important? 2. It’s 16. 9 million hectares.
– Trees produce oxygen.
– They protect soil from erosion.
– They absorb CO2.
1. Industries, governments and individuals should help stop
VOCABULARY STUDY climate change.
What’s in the rainforest? 2. We must begin to use clean energy solutions and reduce
plants; air; animals; insects; trees; birds fossil fuels. At the same time, immediate international
What do we get from the rainforest? action must be taken to reduce emissions of greenhouse
fruits; wood; medicines; rubber gases.
What’s the rainforest like? 3. Greenpeace is campaigning to stop climate change –
tall; hot; wet; dark from the campaign to force ExxonMobil and George W
Bush to work with the rest of the world to stop climate
TEXT COMPREHENSION change, to promoting clean energy solutions.
A. 4. We should walk or cycle instead of going by car; We
1. d; 2. f; 3. a; 4. h; 5. b; 6. e; 7. c; 8. g should use public transport; We should use less paper;
B. We should write letters to the government and local
1. True. authorities; We could join a green organisation.
2. False. She started a project to convince her school to C.
use recycled paper. 1. consequence; 2. cause; 3. consequence; 4. cause;
3. True. 5. cause; 6. consequence; 7. cause; 8. cause
4. False. They won’t have clean air and many forests D.
unless something is done. 1. solar power; 2. wave power; 3. water power; 4. wind farms
5. True.
C. A.
1. To convince their school to use only recycled paper. As a 1. All the pupils of my school were sent a leaflet by
result, more than 50 large trees per year would be saved. Greenpeace.
2. Because our planet is being destroyed and she thinks we A leaflet was sent to all the pupils of my school by
should do something to save it for future generations. Greenpeace.
3. When she moved to the Pacific Northwest. 2. The students were shown the brochure of other green
4. They wrote letters about the importance of rainforests to technologies.
people and animals. Then they delivered them to all The brochure of other green technologies was shown to
people in their community. They also read some of the the students.
letters aloud on a megaphone during lunch hour and 3. Green organisations won’t be paid a lot of money.
handed out lots of information to people. A lot of money won’t be paid to green organisations.
5. She advises them to be creative and brave and find new 4. I have been offered a voluntary job.
ways to stop the destruction of the planet. A voluntary job has been offered to me.
E. 5. The government should be sent the letter.
4, 1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 6 The letter should be sent to the government.
6. He is paid a good salary.
GRAMMAR PRACTICE A good salary is paid to him.
A. 7. She can be lent our research work on global warming.
1. Our research work on global warming can be lent to her.
1. is used; 2. is used; 3. is covered; 4. is covered; 5. is 8. I was told those young activists are British.
covered; 6. are caught; eaten; 7. is imported; 8. is visited 9. The young activists were given food and money.
2. Food and money was given to the young activists.
1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c; 6. b; 7. c; 8. a 10.The students are being told a sad story.
B. A sad story is being told to the students.
1. was built; 2. has been built; 3. is being dumped; 4. will 11. They have been asked difficult questions.
be recycled; 5. can be produced; 6. has been discovered; Difficult questions have been asked.
7. is usually dumped 12. I was brought a beautiful present from Ireland.
A beautiful present was brought to me from Ireland.
STOP CLIMATE CHANGE 13. Have you been shown the photographs?
(P. 155) Have the photographs been shown to you?
TEXT COMPREHENSION 14. You will be paid to do the work.
1. True.
2. True.
3. False. The worst environmental problem is global
4. True.
5. False. They reduce the burning of fossil fuels.
6. True.
1. It’s the US.
2. African countries consume less electricity. GRAMMAR PRACTICE
3. Maybe because it’s one of the most developed countries A.
and people have different lifestyles. 1. to go; 2. to eat; 3. to visit; 4. tell; 5. spend; 6. to switch off;
C. 7. to see; 8. to answer; 9. to lend; 10. to hear
1. Put; 2. Walk; 3. Use; 4. Turn off; 5. Turn down; 6. Turn
down; 7. Use; 8. Have; 9. Use WRITING PRACTICE
1. It was less than 1 billion.
6.2 SHARING THE PLANET 2. There were 6.1 billion people.
START UP (P. 158) 3. There will be more than 10 billion people.
A. 4. They live in less developed countries.
1. They show five cities. 5. They don’t have access to health services, family planning
2. Tokyo, Mexico City, Bombay, New York and Shanghai. and education.
3. café, park, school, hospital, restaurant, bar, disco, 6. Population growth means that our cities will be much bigger
theatre, cinema, hotel, shop, factory, public services because most people prefer living in the city. There will be
more factories and more roads. We will need more water and
natural resources. We will probably have serious problems in
CITY LIFE the future if we don’t change the way we live.
Positive Negative
adjectives adjectives
overcrowding modern polluted START UP
pollution exciting dangerous A.
water attractive noisy 3.
shortage lively dirty 1. h; 2. f; 3. a; 4. g; 5. d; 6. e; 7. c; 8. b
vandalism historic ugly B.
traffic jams stressful 1. They want to do business, have a holiday or visit friends or
crowded family.
2. There are better means of transport.
3. It’s one of the biggest industries in the world.
5. China, India, US, Indonesia, Brazil 4. It’s when tourists visit places in their own country.
5. It’s when tourists visit other countries.
LISA HOLTINE 6. Stonehenge, Sistine Chapel in Rome, Parthenon in Athens.
TEXT COMPREHENSION 7. They are in danger because mass tourism causes
A. pollution and many people touch and destroy them.
Good things about Long Beach 8. Mass tourism destroys plants and animals and causes
It’s got a beach; there are lots of things to do; the climate is pollution.
good; it’s near the mountains; there’s very little crime. 9. 1.b; 2.d; 3.a; 4.e; 5.c; 6.g; 7.h; 8.f
Good things about Los Angeles
It’s quite nice; there are a lot of places to go and things to do. TEXT COMPREHENSION
Bad things about Los Angeles A.
Pretty crowded; problems of pollution, crime and drugs. 1. Eco-tourism means travelling to places to learn about
Differences between them different cultures and environments.
People in LA seem to be more cold-hearted than in LB; LB is 2. Eco-tourists enjoy themselves and sometimes do
less populated and people are not so worried about crime. conservation work.
B. 3. It means the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.
1. obviamente; 2. parques de diversão; 3. centros comerciais; 4. They start work at nine o’clock in the morning and finish at
4. muito cheia de pessoas; 5. o maior; 6. preocupadas five o’clock in the afternoon.
C. 5. They build walls, clean beaches, and do a lot of other jobs
1. always; 2. very bad; 3. rarely; 4. small; 5. slower; 6. fewer to help the environment.
D. 6. They enjoy themselves like anyone on holiday.
1. “Lisa Holtine lives in Long Beach, which is away from B.
the centre of Los Angeles, on the coast.” 1. travelling – viajar
2. “It’s a really nice place to live.” 2. to learn – para aprender
3. “…there are lots of things to do – amusement parks, 3. Enjoying yourself – A diversão
theatres and shopping malls .” 4. more and more popular – cada vez mais popular
4. “…we are also one and a half hours from the 5. an ordinary tourist – um turista vulgar
mountains.” 6. conservation work – trabalho de conservação
5. “… is usually pretty crowded.” 7. build walls – constroem paredes
6. “The greatest contrast between the city and Long Beach 8. clean beaches – limpam praias
is that people in LA seem to be more cold-hearted than 9. animals in danger – animais em perigo
in Long Beach.”
C. C.
1. … themselves but also do conservation work. POLLUTION – CAUSES
2. … this type of holiday. air water land noise
3. … a different attitude towards the countries they visit. – smoke from – fertilizers and – rubbish – cars, buses,
4. … to help animals in danger. factory pesticides – abandoned aeroplanes,
5. … of volunteers’ work. chimneys – rubbish vehicles, factories
D. – exhaust fumes – sewage buildings, and loud
TOURISM – gases from – oil slicks mines, music
power stations – toxic waste factories
Good things Bad things
– CO2 (burning from factories and old
It brings jobs/money. It causes pollution oil, coal and – organic waste refineries
It creates facilities (cars, planes, litter). wood) from farms
(hotels, restaurants, Some monuments are – aerosol sprays
shops, theatres…). destroyed by mass tourism.
There are better means of It causes problems in traffic.
transport. Things are more expensive. – Health problems (asthma, cancer…)
– Rivers and lakes are now dead.
GRAMMAR PRACTICE – Ozone depletion (hole in the ozone layer)
A. – Acid rain
1. hard; 2. fast; 3. happily; 4. politely; 5. well; 6. badly; – The greenhouse effect: the level of the sea is rising and the
7. carefully; 8. correctly climate is changing.
1. faster; 2. more clearly; 3. more quickly; – Use the wind, the sun and the sea to make electricity.
4. more slowly; 5. more carefully; 6. better – Use electric cars and buses.
C. – Reduce traffic in cities.
1. the hardest; 2. the most carefully; 3. the worst; – Reduce waste.
4. the best; 5. the most healthily – Recycle waste.
– Reuse things.
A. I W I I H A E
1. Vegetarianism is the abstinence from meat, fish, and O E N E B S
2. All the answers are right.
B. N A T U R A L R E S O U R C E S
1. “When I was 12, my parents had friends who were
vegetarians. They explained to me that there were lots
of delicious dishes to replace meat.”
B. 6. Cocoa is transported long distances to Europe.
7. Chocolate is made in factories in Europe.
8. Most chocolates are advertised on TV.
water pollution I.
fossil fuels (oil, wood, gas) greenhouse 1. Household and garden waste can be recycled.
trees effect 2. The energy from the sun is collected by special panels.
acid rain 3. Water was brought by pipes to the house for drinking.
global warming
4. Rainwater is being collected in a big container.
C. 5. All water is recycled.
antelope, gorilla, leopard, parrot, snake, jaguar, toucan, 6. Waste paper has been recycled.
turtle, spider, tarantula 7. The gas was being carried by a pipe to a power station.
D. 8. Electricity will be produced in/by a power station.
• banana – banana 9. Recycling should be encouraged by the government.
• pineapple – ananás 10. Lots of materials for recycling had been collected by the
• orange – laranja Greens.
• lemon – limão 11. Rubbish has never been dumped in the sea or rivers.
• coconut – coco 12. Recycled products are used by many people.
• cashew – caju 13. A lot of fish is caught in this area.
• peanut – amendoim 14. The pavement has been cleaned.
• maize – milho J.
• rice – arroz 1. I was given this necklace.
• avocado – abacate 2. She has been sent a beautiful birthday present.
• onion – cebola 3. We will be shown their pictures.
• tomato – tomate 4. They are going to be told the good news.
• eggplant – beringela 5. Were you offered the job I told you about?
• pepper – pimentão; pimenta 6. Have you ever been asked about your work experience?
• ginger – gengibre 7. She might be offered a higher salary at the bank.
• sugar – açúcar 8. I was allowed twenty minutes to get ready.
• cinnamon – canela K.
• vanilla – baunilha (1)are being chopped down; (2)are being preserved; (3) are
• cocoa – cacau chopping down; (4)were being planted;
E. (5)there were; (6)am writing; (7)supplies; (8)can
(1) tree; (2) future; (3) planet; (4) food; (5) spirit; (1) nature; (2)
hike; (3) earth; (4) enjoy; (5) family; (6) trip; (1) plants; (2) 6.2 (P. 193)
endangered; (3) zoos; (4) zookeepers A.
F. 1.
1. and 2.
1. falsify – falsificar
2. terrify – apavorar; amedrontar Entertainment Cinema, theatre, Historic Buildings
3. shorten – encurtar; diminuir museum
4. justify – justificar Shops Music shop, shopping Traditional shops
5. simplify – simplificar centre, clothes shop,
6. exemplify – exemplificar furniture shop,
7. sharpen – afiar supermarket,
8. intensify – intensificar; reforçar toy shop
9. identify – identificar Schools Secondary school, Primary school
10. fatten – engordar university
11. purify – purificar
12. lengthen – alongar Communications Post office, Internet Post office
3. café
1. tolerate; 2. hospitalize; 3. equalize; 4. commercialize; Health centres Hospitals __________
5. specialize; 6. regularize; 7. tranquillize; 8. captivate;
Noise Noisy, crowded, busy Peace, quiet
9. domesticate; 10. familiarize
4. Environment Polluted, dirty Clean air, animals,
1. familiarize; 2. tolerate; 3. regularize; 4. domesticate; farms, open space
5. hospitalized; 6. specialize; 7. equalized; 8. were captivated 2.
G. City: alive, crowded, historic, chaos, pollution, traffic,
1. Chocolate is produced from cocoa. unemployment
2. Cocoa was taken to Africa by Europeans.
3. Chemical pesticides are used in growing cocoa.