SA Docket

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Senior Agent Docket


1. SA – Role and Responsibilities

2. Enrolment Procedure

3. Licensing and RCU procedure

4. Initiation and Guidance procedure

5. ICICI Lombard Support to SA

6. Exit Procedure

Role of SA

• SA (Senior Agent) is an ICICI Lombard representative, business development

associate, customer service provider in a location where ICICI Lombard does
not have a branch of its own.
• SA needs to be a licensed agent with ICICI Lombard.
• To become a SA, the licensed agent
o Should be in legal/rightful possession of a shop/office with a minimum
built up area of 7.5 X 7.5 sq ft. The property should enable ICICI
Lombard to display marketing collaterals.
o Should sign the facilities agreement and agency agreement with ICICI
Lombard to become a SA.
o Should have basic infrastructure for business like phone, fax, printer
and will be responsible for the maintenance of the portable
infrastructure provided by ICICI Lombard.
• If the SA is able to meet his business and hygiene target for the first 3
months, he will be eligible for marketing, infrastructure and operations
support from ICICI Lombard.
• Basic role of a SA will entail:
o Selling ICICI Lombard products
o Getting business from new customers, existing clientele or through
advisors under him
o Providing policy issuance services to the clients
o Providing claims registration service to the customers of ICICI Lombard
even if the customer is not insured with the agent
• Business expectation from a SA:
o Booked business should be at least Rs. 4 lacs per month
o Indicative product mix to be
 Motor – 65 -70%
 Health – 15-20%
 SME, other non-motor – 5-10%
o The Loss Ratio of the SA should not exceed 70% in 3 month duration
o Cheque bounce to be zero.


• Allow ICICI Lombard to use his office space from both inside the building and
outside for display of marketing collaterals (marketing collaterals to include
signages, name boards, glow-signs, hoardings, billboards, posters, standees and any
other material which displays information about the agent to the general public) for
building brand image.
• Allow the workers & supervisors of architect firm/contractors to work in the
premises for displaying the said marketing collaterals.
• Obtain all the necessary clearances/NOCs from the respective municipal
corporations and other bodies/entities for displaying such marketing collaterals by
• Ensure that all the existing seepage/ leakage/ inundation, if any, in the
required area of the premises are rectified before handing over the possession to
the satisfaction of ICICI LOMBARD.

1. Who can become a SA agent?

a. Eligibility criteria:
i. Age: 25 years and above
ii. Education: Graduate
iii. At least 3 years experience in sales/financial services industry
b. Skill set required
i. Enterprise & enthusiasm
ii. High motivation level
iii. Good networking & relationship building skills
iv. Discipline & perseverance
v. Ambition & energy
vi. Good communication skills

2. Process of Selection: There will be 3 levels of screening before the prospect can
be enrolled as a SA officially with ICICI Lombard.
a. Branch Manager level:
i. Branch Manager to do due diligence in terms of the prospect’s
business potential, financial & personal background and the
factors mentioned under agent screening.
ii. These factors are to be included in the recommendation sent to
State Head.
iii. Photographs of the agent’s property where he plans to set up the
office needs to be provided along with the screening sheet to the
State Head
iv. File (refer file attached or Annexure-I) to be sent by the
Branch Manager to the State Head.

Profiling Sheet

b. State Head Level:

i. State Head needs to meet the prospect SA personally and
evaluate whether or not he should be appointed.
ii. The evaluation needs to be sent to the NSM.
c. NSM Level:
i. The NSM is to go through the evaluation sent by the State Head.
ii. In case he feels the prospect is fit to become a senior agent, he
should meet the SA in one of the head-quarters – Delhi, Mumbai,
Chennai, Kolkata, or a location suitable to him and finalize the SA
after the interview.
iii. In case of the first 5-10 SA, NSM should try and visit the SA

3. Parameters for Agent screening

a. Profiling of agent is to be done according to the Screening Questionnaire
based on the following criteria:

SA Questionnaire
i. Risk taking & entrepreneurial ability
ii. Selling & influencing skills
iii. Perseverance
iv. Relationship Building/Networking/Sociability
b. Other important factors to be considered for selection of the agent:
i. Agent infrastructure
ii. Agent’s reputation in the market
iii. Agent’s existing clientele


1. Licensing procedure (TAT – 30 days from date of submission of docs)

a. SA IM Id to be created by the sales team on Edison
b. Required documents (mentioned in point 2 below) need to be
submitted by the SA to the sales team
c. Sales team to submit the documents to the BOPS team.
d. BOPS to conduct QC check on the documents submitted and confirm
on Edison.
e. Documents to be uploaded on Omnidocs for Licensing team to check
f. Once QC is done by the licensing team, the request for user id for 50
hour online training is sent to IRDA
g. User Id is generated & training starts.
h. Once training is complete and training certificate generated, the
request for examination is sent to IRDA.
i. Examination Date received and examination conducted.
j. If the candidate passes, license is generated by IRDA.
k. If the candidate fails or is absent, he needs to reappear for the exam.
l. Key points to be noted:
i. Training Id expires if log in is not done within 5 days
ii. Training Certificate Valid for 6 months
iii. License valid till 3 years, after which it needs to be renewed
iv. All licenses due for expiry intimated 60 days in advance
v. For renewal of licenses, no exam is required - only training

2. SA needs to provide relevant documents for Licensing:

a. Income tax returns for the last 2 years
b. Other documents in line with Agent Licensing requirements:
i. Mandate Form with cancel cheque
ii. Agent Registration Form


iii. Form V-A (5-A)

iv. Education Proof (Minimum 12th Passed)
v. Residence Proof (Preferably current residential proof)
vi. 5 color photograph
vii. PAN Card copy
viii. DOB proof (optional if PAN card provided)
ix. Sponsorship Letter (For user-id)

3. RCU Procedure: RCU will be conducted by the IC&LM team for the SA. RCU
check will include address Check – residential and office address to be
verified. TAT – 7 days.

4. Once initiated, senior agent will have to sign the facilities agreement.
5. Document Flow:
a. In the prospecting stage, the prospect sheet should be sent to the
NSM, central coordinator and product team.
b. The profiling sheet sent by the State Head to the NSM should also be
marked to the central coordinator (Reshma Saiyad) who will maintain
all profiling sheets for audit purpose.
c. Without the profiling sheet and questionnaire being received at the
central level by the NSM, the franchisee will not be given a go ahead.
d. Benefits accruing to the franchisee will start only after the facilities
agreement and agency agreement are signed.
e. Facilities agreement is to be sent to the marketing team while the
Agency agreement is to be sent to the licensing team.
Initiation of the agent will be done in the following way:
1. Welcome SMS & Letter – On the date of license issuance, the SA shall receive a
welcome SMS sent by the licensing team. A welcome letter is also sent to the
agent with the license copy.

2. Introductory Training:
a. The SA needs to undergo the mandatory introductory training which
will be conducted at the nearest ICICI Lombard branch
b. The training needs to be completed within 1 week of licensing.
c. Without the completion of training, the IM ID of the SA will not be
d. The training is to be conducted by the Branch Manager & the BSG
e. SA agent will be introduced to the BSG, Sales and Claims
representatives of the branch and the hierarchy of the respective
teams will be shared with him with Names and Phone numbers.

3. Training schedule & content

a. Training will be conducted over a 2 day period and needs to be
comprehensive in nature
b. Day 1: Training on –
i. ICICI Lombard products
ii. Booking process
iii. Claims process
iv. Hands on training on iAgent
v. Key touch points within the branch
vi. Agent Training Kit with product guide and product cards to be
given to the agent
c. Day 2: Question & Answer session
i. Doubts and issues of the agent to be discussed.
ii. Agent to be reviewed on his knowledge of the ICICI Lombard
processes and system – this is to understand how comfortable
he would be in working independently on the iAgent system and
in talking to the customers about ICICI Lombard and its

4. Welcome Call within 15 days of licensing: Central Tele-calling Team

a. To give a brief about the company
b. To update them about the initiative, R&R program
c. Update him about the quick starter program
d. Update him about the name and phone number of his MO.

5. Comprehensive product/system/process training to happen every 3 months to

groom the agent

6. Agent Handholding process

a. BSG Anchor:
i. One BSM to be appointed as an anchor to handhold the agent
for any support required.
ii. BSM will act as a mentor to the SA and train him on all support
on training, processes & systems.

b. Claims Anchor:
i. One Claims Manager to be appointed as an anchor to handhold
the agent for any support required.
ii. The Claims Anchor will act as a mentor to the SA and train him
on all support on all claims related procedures and issues.
c. Sales Anchor for Joint Visits/Call: To initiate the agent in the initial
stage, the SM/BM of the area should accompany the agent to make the
first few calls.

Function on Visit Frequency

SM/BM Weekly
Sales Team Visit Monthly for first 3 months;
RSM/SH Quarterly henceforth
NSM Once in 6 months
Support (Claims & BSM/CSM Bi-Monthly
BSG) RSM Quarterly

7. Audit & Review

a. Agent performance to be tracked on a daily basis through central MIS
b. The BSG/Sales team should visit the agent in the above mentioned
frequency. The visit will be not just a support visit, but also an
audit/review visit to ensure there are no gaps in the operations &
performance of the agent
c. Central team to visit one SA location each month to conduct surprise
audit and share the report.

Marketing & Support

• The marketing support would include:
o Sign board: Dimensions will be of either 8 sq. ft (4 x 2) or 12 sq feet
o Maintenance expenses for the sign-board of Rs. 14,000
• Infrastructure support would include:
o Computer
o Internet connectivity
o Access to iAgent system
• Facility agreement (duration of agreement 11 months) to be signed by the SA
with ICICI Lombard for installation of sign-board or posters as a branding

Facilities Agreement

Operations Support
• If the performance criteria are met by the agent on monthly basis for a period
of 3 months, the facility of an Operating Agent (OA) will be provided to the SA.
• OA will be responsible for banking the cheques (received by the SA from the
customer) in a local bank and sending the documents and deposit slip to the
nearest branch.
• Cover Note can be issued by the SA on acceptance by branch rather than

Please note that:

• The benefits accruing to a franchisee will be applicable only once the
franchisee (Senior Agent) has completed 3 months in the system. Any
deviation to this has to be signed off by NSM on mail.
• Payout will be given to the senior agent as per the business booked in his IM
• Marketing support is applicable only to the senior agent and not to the
advisors under him.
• Senior agent will be eligible for the club benefits. However, advisors under him
will not be eligible for the club benefits.
In case any party wants to discontinue the agreement, the following procedure needs
to be followed:

1. ICICI Lombard may terminate the agreement:

a. By serving upon the Agent a prior 30 days written notice;
b. In the event of failure or breach by the Agent to perform any
obligation or terms under facilities agreement or violation of any laws.

2. Minimum performance levels:

a. The company will inform the SA of minimum performance
targets in advance for 3 month period.
b. In the event of inability to meet the minimum performance
i. The SA will be intimated at the end of first 3 months.
ii. The SA will be put on watch for another 3 month period.
iii. If the targets are not met in these 3 months, then the
facilities agreement will be terminated.

3. On termination/expiry of the facilities agreement, the Agent shall hand

over to ICICI Lombard all documents, material and property belonging to ICICI
Lombard. Access to any ICICI Lombard system will also be terminated.

Branch Manager State Head NSM

SA SCREENING Remarks Remarks Remarks
Current Income Level
No.of years in current locality/city
>5 years
His reputation in the locality/city
Does he have office space? Yes/No.
What is the Office built-up area in
sq. ft?
Which locality is the office in?
Does he have a team for his
business? How many people?
Marriage status
Educational Background
View point towards GI
Is he into General Insurance
Business? If yes,
What is his profile? (tick in
sheet below)
How long has he been into this
What is his current GI business per
What is his product mix in terms of
Pvt Car, CV, Health, Other non-
motor % break-up?
If he is not into GI,
What business is he into?
What is the per month business
potential for GI business?
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Ambitious in his approach and
confident to manage business
Business minded - able to see
opportunities & assess risk
Approach towards risk, uncertainty
and ambiguity
Previous sales experience
Selling skills
Contacts and network
Social groups/institutions he is a
member of

SA profile Please tick

Existing GI agent
MDRT’s of LI’s
Mutual Fund Agent
GI Broker
C.A's/Tax consultant
Financial advisors/Share Broker
Telecalling Setup
Travel agent
Career agent/New to GI
Individuals related to Motor Business: Ex. Tyre
Others (Please Specify)


Agency Agreement



Process for policy issuance:

• SA approaches the customer (existing clientele, new customers) by himself or
through advisors under him.
• If the customer is interested, SA would fill in the proposal form in iAgent
system & take the print out from the system
• SA to take customer signature on the proposal form
• SA to collect proposal form & cheque/DD for premium amount (Note: The
cheque amount should be always equal to the premium payable for all the
products, i.e. a single cheque would be collected). It is to be noted that
o Single cheque can be taken if insured is same & product category is
same (Motor or Health).
o If insured is same but different product say Motor & health then 2
different cheques will be required. If insured are different then different
cheques will be required
o Only MICR cheques to be accepted. Non-MICR cheques are not to be
accepted by the SA.
• SA would mention the following details on the backside of the instrument
o Applicant Name
o Proposal form number
o SA Name
o Vertical
o PID if received from iAgent (not mandatory)
• SA to send the set (proposal form & cheque/DD) to BSG team in the nearest
branch through courier
• Once payment acceptance is done on the system, the policy CN should be
available on iAgent system (subject to deal on acceptance mode)
• Once the payment confirmation is done, policy copy is available on the iAgent
• SA can take a print of the policy and provide to the customer.
• Break in cases and open CN cases will not be done on the iAgent system.
Process for booking such cases:
o Break in inspection / Open CN request sent to BSG in nearest branch
with vehicle details
o BSG to conduct inspection for break-in cases & send the quotation to
the SA. For open CN cases, BSG to assess the risk and provide a quote
o Based upon quotation sent by BSG, the SA will collect the cheque/DD
from the customer
o Proposal form is filled and signed by the customer
o Proposal form & cheque/DD is sent to BSG in the nearest branch
through courier
o Once payment acceptance is done on the system, the policy CN would
be mailed by BSG to the SA (subject to deal on acceptance mode)
o Once the payment confirmation is done, policy copy is mailed to the

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