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Sonali Bank LTD Customer Satisfaction Edit

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Chapter 1

Profile of the Organization

1.0 History of Sonali bank- Sonali is a state-owned leading commercial bank in Bangladesh. It is the
largest bank of the country. Sonali Bank was established in 1972 under the Bangladesh Banks
(Nationalization) Order, through the amalgamation and nationalization of the branches of National
Bank of Pakistan, Bank of Bahawalpur and Premier Bank branches located in Pakistan until the 1971
Bangladesh Liberation War. When it was established, Sonali Bank had a paid up capital of 30 million
taka. In 2001, it’s authorized and paid up capital were TAKA 10 billion and Taka 3.272 billion
respectively. Presently, it’s authorized and paid up capital is Taka 10 billion and Taka 9 billion
respectively. The bank's reserve funds were Taka 60 million in 1979 and Taka 2.050 billion on 30 June
2000.The bank has been converted to a Public Limited Company with 100% ownership of the
government and started functioning as Sonali Bank Limited from November 15, 2007 taking over all
assets, liabilities and business of Sonali Bank. After corporation, the management of the bank has been
given required autonomy to make the bank competitive & to run its business effectively.
During 2013, $250,000 was stolen from the bank by Cyber criminals using the Swift International
payments network. In 2016, the Bank signed a legal Memorandum of Understanding with PayPal.
Sonali Bank has a total of 1211 branches. Out of them, 343 are located in urban areas, 862 in rural
areas, and 2 are located overseas. It also operates the Sonali Exchange Company Inc. in USA and
Sonali Bank (UK) Ltd., United Kingdom, to facilitate foreign exchange remittances. Sonali Bank UK
remits up to 14 destinations across Bangladesh directly, these include Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet,
Moulvibazar, Beanibazar, Balaganj, Biswanath, Jagannathpur, Sunamganj, Gopalganj, Nabigonj,
Hobigonj, and KulauraorTajpur. There are currently three branches in the UK, one located in Osborn
Street, London, another in Small Heath; Birmingham and in Manchester. Sonali bank Limited is
governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 11 members. It is headed by the Managing Directors &
CEO, who is a well –known Banker and a reputed professional. The corporate head quarter of the bank
is located at Motijheel, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The main commercial center of the capital.
1.0.1 Corporate profile of sonali bank-
Name of the Company : Sonali Bank Limited
Chairman : Mr. Md. Ashraful Moqbul
CEO & Managing Director : Mr. Md. Obayed Ullah Al Masud
Company Secretary : Mr. Md. Hasanul Banna
Legal Status : Public Limited Company
Emerged as Nationalised Commercial Bank in 1972,
Genesis : following the Bangladesh Bank (Nationlisation) Order No.
1972 (PO No.26 of 1972)
Date of Incorporation : 03 June, 2007
Date of Vendor's Agreement : 15 November, 2007
Registered Office : 35-42, 44 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Authorized Capital : Taka 6000.00 Crore

Paid-up Capital : Taka 4530.00 Crore

Number of Employee : 18,167
Number of Branches : 1215

1.0.2 Management Hierarchy of Sonali Bank Limited


Board of Directors (BOD)

Managing Directors (MD)

Deputy Managing Directors (DMD)

General Manager (GM)

Deputy General Manager (DGM)

Assistant General Manager (AGM)

Senior Principal Officer (SEO)

Principal Officer (EO)

Senior Officer

Figure: Management Hierarchy of SBL

1.0.3Vision of Sonali Bank Ltd

Socially committed leading banking institution with global presence.

1.0.4 Mission of Sonali Bank Ltd

Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality product that support divergent needs of people aiming at
enriching their lives, creating value for stakeholders and contributing toward socio –economic
development of the country.

1.0.5 Slogan

‘Your trusted partner in innovative banking.’

1.0.6 Objectives of Sonali Bank

Sonali Bank has a various types of Objectives. Important objectives of Sonali Bank are as follows:

 To collect of deposits
 To alleviate poverty
 To secure deposit
 To inspire savings
 To create employment
 To control loan
 To create medium of exchange
 To expand trade and commerce
 To helps in industrialization
 To increase the capital formation
 To provide the customers service
 To earn profit
 To ensure Regional Development.

1.0.7 Functions of Sonali Bank Ltd

Main functions of Sonali Bank are:-
 Deposit collection from customers.
 Cash transactions through client’s current account.
 Attending bills of exchange and draft of customers.
 Loan sanction
 Provide online services to the customers
 Money transfer

1.0.8 Social Services-

 Old age allowances.
 Widows, divorcees and destitute women's allowances.
 Freedom Fighters' allowances.
 Rehabilitation allowances for acid survival women.
 Maternal allowances for poor women.
 Disability allowances.
 Savings Certificates.
 ICB Unit Certificates.
 Prize Bonds.
 Wage Earner's Development Bonds.
 US Dollar Premium & Investment Bond.
 Lottery tickets of different Semi-Govt. And Autonomous Bodies.
 Public Service Commission's application form.
 Judicial Service Commission's application form.
 Exchange of soiled / torn notes.
 Misc. Services:
 Bank a/c information on the taxpaying client according to demand of NBR.

1.1 Rational of the Study

This is a study of customer satisfaction of SBL . Customer satisfaction is an important part of all
organization. As a part of internship program of Bachelor of Business Administration program
requirement , I have chosen to do my internship on customer satisfaction level of Sonali bank limited
for the required period. After completing four years cumulative study ,it is very important to conduct a
practical study for having a strong idea about real world. Sonali bank Banani Bazar Branch has gives
me the opportunity to learn about banking activity. It is a government bank in our country which
provide many types of banking service.

1.2 Statement of the study

By conducting this study, I want to explore the answers of certain question as listed bellow -

 What types of service SBL is offering?

 To what extent customers are satisfied with their service?
 What are the limitation of SBL?
 How can they improve their service in future.?
 How they are helpful to their customer?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are started below:

1.3.0 Primary Objectives- Primary objectives of the report is to understand the level of customer
satisfaction in SBL and fulfilling the course requirement for completing of the BBA program at
Department of Marketing, Southeast University, Dhaka.

1.3.1 Secondary Objectives- Beside the primary objective, there are some other objective which are
equally important.

The prime objective of the study are listed bellow-

 To come up with possible ways of improving service quality and efficiency that will lead to
customer satisfaction for SBL.
 To analyze customer opinion regarding satisfaction through questioning customer.
 To assess the level of importance, the customer of SBL put across various service attributes and
also to determine how well SBL is satisfying the customers on those service ground and
different service quality dimensions.

1.4 Scope of the study-

The report plots a chronicle of Sonali Bank limited and its operation. The information consists of the
observation and the job experience throughout the internship era.

During my internship I started in the credit department. Having the facility to work in credit
I got some clear idea about loan application,analysis & process,proposal to head office,approval. In this
process I learn the procedure of Account opening, cheaque clearing ,etc. According to the study at first
I will focus on company background , management style,current status. This report has been prepared
according to the interview of customer & employees of the bank.

1.5 Limitation of the Study-

I have faced some problems while doing my internship in this branch and preparing my report which
are listed bellow-

 Survey Problem- It was difficult to collect data from customers because they do not feel free to
answer all the question.

 Time limitation – Time frame of the research was very limited and the actual survey was done
just two weeks.

 Difficult to get support from staff- SBL is one of the popular govt. bank in our country. They
have a huge number of customers. All the time they dealing with customer. So it was very
difficult to acquire some information from them.

 Confidentiality- Organization confidentiality is maintained in every formal organization for

the security of their documents. Due to confidentiality the Bank’s policy restricts disclosing
some data.
Chapter 2


2.0 Methodology of the Study- This report is conducting by using both primary and secondary data is
collected from first-hand experience and secondary data is data published or analyzed before
somewhere else. Primary data is collected through working in and being attached with various
activities of the organization. On the other hand, Secondary data is collected through company archives
in various documents.

2.1 Sources of Data-

2.1.0 Primary Data- A primary source in an artifact,a document, a recording or other source of
information that was created at the time under study. If created by a human source, then a source with
direct personal knowledge of the event being described. It serves as an original source of information
about the topic . I have collected data from primary sources using the following methods.

 Interview Method- The interview were face to face interpersonal situation in which one
person, the interview asks a person being interviewed,the respondent ,question designed to
obtained answer pertinent to research problem.
 Observation Method- Observation method means systematic viewing. We can define it as
accurate watching, nothing of phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause and
effect and mutual relationship.
 Survey Method- I have prepare questionnaire to collect data from customers. Which is listed

1. The bank Ensure good online banking service.

2. You are Satisfied With the technological aspect of the bank.

3. The bank has enough branches.

4. The bank provides sufficient loan amount.

5. The provides any special offers to their loyal customer.

6. The bank provides reasonable interest rate.

7. The bank staff helpful enough.

8. The bank has enough ATM booth.

9. You are satisfied with the employees behavior
10. The bank provides Facility of Utility bill payment.
2.1.1 Secondary Data –
 Internet was also used as a theoretical sources of information.
 Website of Sonali Bank.

2.2 Sample size-

To conduct this study I have selected a sample size of 50 customer’s from sonali bank Ltd. All the
customers filled up the questionnaire for the survey.

2.3 Types of Research-

2.3.1Qualitative Research- It is generally based on a social constructive perspective. Research

problems become research questions based on prior research experience. Sample sizes can be as small
as one. Data collection involves interviews,observation,archival data.

2.3.2Quantitative Research- It emphasize objectives measurement and statistical,mathematical, or

numerical analysis of data collected through polls,questionnaire,and survey, or by manipulating per-
existing statistical data using computational techniques.
Chapter 3
Theoritical Aspect of the Customer Satisfaction
Theoritical aspect of Customer Satisfaction:

A Quirk's resource guide covering satisfaction and loyalty market research companies (a special
advertising section) for 2016(Author: Quirk's Staff, issue July 2016) what your customers are
thinking. Whether through surveys, customer intercepts, concept testing or journey maps, the right
customer experience firm can help navigate the important aspects of the customer journey, give
valuable insight to assist with decision-making and help you understand and improve on ways to make
your product, service or business more successful with consumers. Here are companies that provide
customer experience and customer satisfaction service.

The field of marketing does not have a uniformly agreed-upon definition of one of its most-measured
concepts – customer satisfaction. Where does that leave marketing research(Author: Terry
Grapentine,issue oct 2019)

This article presents an argument for not measuring the concept of customer satisfaction as researchers
typically measure it: by using a direct rating scale such as the typical 0-10, very dissatisfied to very
satisfied scale. (For purposes of discussion, I refer to that scale as the satisfaction scale.) The article’s
fundamental premise is that the satisfaction scale is too ambiguous to be used as a good summary
measure of a respondent’s overall affective, i.e., emotional, response of varying intensity to a brand.1
This is because consumers who are identical in their beliefs, needs, wants and evaluation of a brand can
give widely different answers to the satisfaction scale, based on their interpretation of the term

From customer satisfaction to customer response: A new feedback model

If you work in marketing management or marketing research you are no doubt familiar with customer
satisfaction (CS) programs. Some CS programs, created in the hope of helping businesses become
more customer-centric, fail to deliver against this noble objective.( Author: Robert Walker, Magazine

As a result, the concept of customer satisfaction has reached an inflection point. As an industry, we
must move away from rote “report card” thinking to nimble feedback systems that support real-time
response and intervention. Some companreality;mostly have not and risk being lefbehind.
Chapter 4
Activities of sonali bank Limited
Activities Under Taken Customer satisfaction Sonali bank Ltd:
My work responsibilities some point are given below
 Account Opening Section.
 Cash Section.
 Remittance Section.

Account Opening Section:lAccount opening section is the basic way to start a transaction
between banker and a client. There are various kinds of accounts which are current
account,savings account,short term account,fixed deposit,check book issue and closing account.

Cash Saction:The most fuctional area of the bank is cash section.The officers who are in
change cash section have to deal with a lot of cash.Cash section such as cash pament and cash

Remittance Section:In this section bank transmits money from one account to another account
within in the country and outside in the country.
Remittance section such as local remittance,pay order, demand draft, telegraphic,transfer, mail
Chapter 5

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

5.0 Data Analysis And Interpretation-

For my internship report I have declare to conduct a study on customer satisfaction level of Sonali
Bank Ltd. I have prepare a questionnaire with ten question filled by 50 customers of Sonali Bank. The
data collected from the questionnaire was converted to charts revealed various levels of customer
satisfaction level of different services of Sonali Bank Ltd.

Using the survey I have tried to find the assessment of customer satisfaction of the following factors:

11. The bank Ensure good online banking service.

12. You are Satisfied With the technological aspect of the bank.

13. The bank has enough branches.

14. The bank provides sufficient loan amount.

15. The provides any special offers to their loyal customer.

16. The bank provides reasonable interest rate.

17. The bank staff helpful enough.

18. The bank has enough ATM booth.

19. You are satisfied with the employees behavior.

20. The bank provides Facility of Utility bill payment.

Q1. The bank Ensure good online banking service.

Online banking is a new dimension for the modern banking system. This is one of the Value
added service provide by different banks save time and cost for customer. With help of internet
connection customer will be able deposit money and make payment by sitting at home. Sonali Bank
has offer online banking as well. Survey indicate we can see 70% people strongly agree that Sonali
Bank provide good online banking service. 16% People Agree, 10% People Neutral, 4% People
Disagree & 0% People Strongly Disagree.

Satisfaction Pattern Percentage

Strongly Agree 70.00%
Agree 16.00%
Neutral 10.00%
Disagree 4.00%
Strongly Disagree 0.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree

Q2. You are Satisfied with the technological aspect of the bank.
0% people strongly agree with the statement technological aspect of the bank. 50% people agree with
the statement technology.10% people neutral.30% people disagree. And 10% people strongly
disagree with their technology.

Satisfaction Pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 0.00%
Agree 50.00%
Neutral 10.00%
Disagree 30.00%
Strongly Disagree 10.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Q3.The bank has enough branches.
Here 20% people strongly agree.70% people agree that they have enough branches. But 10% people a
disagree with others. And 0% people are neutral & about strongly disagree with the statement.

Satisfaction Pattern Percentage Pattern

Strongly Agree 20.00%
Agree 70.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 10.00%
Strongly Disagree 0.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q4. The bank has enough ATM booth.
In this statement 80% people disagree. Beside 20% people strongly disagree that they have enough
ATM booth. And strongly agree, agree & neutral people is 0%.None of the respondent with the

Satisfaction Pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 0.00%
Agree 0.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 80.00%
Strongly Disagree 20.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q5. The bank provides Sufficient loan amount.

Here 16% people strongly agree .70% people agree with this. 0% people neutral.10% people
disagree. And 4% people strongly disagree with sufficient loan amount.

Satisfaction Pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 70.00%
Agree 16.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 10.00%
Strongly Disagree 4.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q6. The bank provides special offers to their loyal customer.

Here 74% are disagree with this question. Beside 24% people strongly disagree with it. And 0% people
strongly agree,agree are neutral.

Satisfaction Pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 0.00%
Agree 0.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 76.00%
Strongly Disagree 24.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q7. The bank provides reasonable interest rate.
Here 22% people are strongly agree that they provide reasonable interest rate.62% people agree with
it.16% people disagree with this.0% people are neutral & strongly disagree.

Satisfaction pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 22.00%
Agree 62.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 16.00%
Strongly Disagree 0.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

Q8. The bank staff helpful enough.

Here 14% people strongly agree .22% people agree the bank staff are helpful enough. Neutral is 0%
people. But 36% people disagree with this. Also 28% people strongly disagree with this statement.

Satisfaction Pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 14.00%
Agree 22.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 36.00%
Strongly Disagree 28.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q9. You are satisfied with the employees’ behavior.
Here 18% people strongly agree with the employees’ behavior.48% people agree with this. 0% people
are neutral. 26% people disagree .And 8% people strongly disagree with this statement.

Satisfaction pattern Satisfaction percentage

Strongly Agree 18.00%
Agree 26.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 48.00%
Strongly Disagree 8.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Q10 The Bank Provides Facility of utility bill payment

Utility bill payment on the bank is one of the criteria where customers are interested in. They
want to pay bill to the nearby place of their home. If a bank provides this opportunity then it will
make customer glad. Here we can see that 24% people strongly agree with facility of utility bill
pament.30% people agree about this.0% people are neutral.But 38% people disagree with this. Also 8%
people strongly disagree with that sonali bank does not provides best way facility of utility bill

Satisfaction Pattern Satisfaction Percentage

Strongly Agree 24.00%
Agree 30.00%
Neutral 0.00%
Disagree 38.00%
Strongly Disagree 8.00%

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Chapter 6

Key Findings Of the study

6.0 Key findings from the study-

Beside the formal questionnaire survey, I have find out some important facts. Those facts were revealed
from the observation during the three month period. Such as facts reflects customers expectation
regarding the service providing by the agency some of the main findings are listed bellow:

 They have enough branches. Customer are easily complete their work from their suitable area.

 They have no ATM booth. So in this sector they need to take special steps.

 Their loan system is better than others. Customers are very much satisfied with this.

 Customers are satisfied with their interest rate.

 Customer are not fully satisfied disagree with their behavior. As well as with their helpfulness .
So SBL needs to special take care of it.

 Customer Satisfied about the keeping promise made by Sonali bank.

 Customers are Somewhat satisfied utility of bill payment.

 Customers are not fully satisfied their helpfulness is not enough for the customers satisfaction.
Chapter 7

Recommendation & Conclusion

7.0 Recommendation-

After conducting this study, I have identified some areas where SBL can improve their service in the
future. There are listed bellow:

1. In this recent banking market many of bank started their ATM booth to received money quickly
in any place. Sonali bank is one of the most popular bank in our country. They have a huge
number of customers. So I think they need to start about it.

2. They should offer special service and special offer to their core customers.

3. As a big and popular bank they should improve their behavior with customer.

4. They need to improve their helping side from the employee. Because many of the customer
cannot satisfied with their help.

5. They need to start some digital banking system in this digital time.

6. They need to improve their technology also.

7. They should improve their environment inside their bank. Because it is not upto the standard .

8. Token system service can be introduced so that customer can easily get service without any
hassle. It will reduce the waiting time to get service from the bank.

9. Sonali Bank Ltd. should emphasize more on empathy to customers which means that SBL
should take more attention to individual care of customers and solve their specific needs.
7.1 Conclusion-

Usually, if customer are not satisfied with the services provided, they can choose to buy service from
any other bank in Bangladesh.

In banking sector customer’s want to get service better. And now a days people are very much concern
about their service. So SBL need to make sure their service better. And make a good relationship &
understanding with their customer. Though SBL is one of the best govt bank in our country,they need to
aware their bad banking side also. It is the high time to take steps about it.

This report is totally based on the figures that I received while working there and the statistical data
was fully based on the direct survey and interview of the customers and also staffs. It was my honor to
be a part of such organization and work under leadership of such well-informed personalities who
trained me everything with serenity and care. Largely it was a countless experience to me. For being a
part of such institute I found myself fortunate to work and acquire such procedures to progress my
customer service skills. By employed here me also able to adjustment any kinds of customers and also
discuss their difficulties with proper solution

From this study , it is very apparent that SBL provide quite good service to customers. So that most of
the customers are satisfied. However there are some areas where they can still improve to make their
service better in the future.

 https://www.facebook.com/sonalibankLtd/

 https://www.sonalibank.com

 Sonali bank Ltd (2018), Company Overview, (Online)

Chapter 8

Appendix 1

Survey on Customer satisfaction


SL Description Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1 The bank Ensure good online
banking service.
2 You are satisfied with the
technological aspect of the bank.
3 The bank has enough branches.
4 The bank has enough ATM
5 The bank provides Sufficient
loan amount.
6 The bank provides special offers
to their loyal customer.
7 The bank provides reasonable
interest rate.
8 The bank staff helpful enough.
9 You are satisfied with the
employees’ behavior.
10 The bank provides Facility of
utility bill payment.

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