Paper 1 YEAR 4 2020 SK SRI DELIMA

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Section A

(30 marks)
Question 1 – 12
Circles the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. This is Song Jihyo. She ________________ from Korea.

A am
B is
C are
D was

2. Aina always __________________ breakfast before she goes to school.

A has
B have
C had
D is having

3. James enjoys playing football, _____________ he?

A don’t
B didn’t
C hasn’t
D doesn’t

4. Do you like __________________ apple or an orange?

A a
B the
C an
D -

5. He has to _________________ the plants twice a day.

A water
B watered
C waters
D watering

6. Maria __________________ brush her teeth every morning.
A never
B always
C sometimes
D usually

7. Those are Tommy and Penny. They ___________________ from UK.

A is
B am
C or
D are

8. Bill and James are __________________ to China next week.

A go
B going
C goes
D went

9. Kim __________________ up at six o’ clock in the morning.

A woke
B wake
C wakes
D wipe

10. My father works as an __________. He designs new buildings and houses.

A designer
B lawyer
C contractor
D architect

11. He is sad _____________ he failed the test.

A or
B and
C but
D because

12. She made the hand puppet by ______________ yesterday.
A himself
B herself
C myself
D themselves.

Question 13 – 16
Use the answers in the box to label the book cover as follow.
main character title

authors kite





Question 17-20
Circle the best answers to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

The pupils are at the canteen. They are (17)____________ their food and sitting on long

benches. The food at the canteen (18) ____________ cheap. The pupils (19)_________ their

canteen clean. They (20) _____________ not throw rubbish, plates or glasses around.

17. A buy 19. A keep

B buys B kept
C buying C keeping
D bought D -

18. A is 20. A do
B am B did
C are C does
D the D have

Give the opposite of the underlined word.

21. “Look at that. The mummy is alive” said Carlos.

A exist
B dead
C die
D active

Question 22 -23
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

22. A Can you help me to wash the car Arif!

B Can you help me to wash, the car Arif?
C Can you help me to wash the car, arif?
D Can you help me to wash the car, Arif?

23. A “I’m sending you to sabah during the school holidays,” said his father.
B “I’m sending you to Sabah during the school holidays,” said his father.
C I’m sending you to Sabah during the school holidays,” said his father.
D “I’m sending you to Sabah during the School Holidays,” said his father.

Questions 24 – 25
Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

24. Uranus is the __________ planet from the Sun.

A furethest
B furtest
C furthest
D furdest
25. A kettle is a ____________ that we use to boil water.
A utensel
B utensil
C utinsel
D utencil

Questions 26 – 30
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage
that follows.

Mowgli is a little boy. He is an orphan. He and his friends (26) ____________ in a small
village in Timbuktu. His parents have died. Shere Khan, the ferocious tiger (27)____________
killed Mowgli’s parents when Mowgli was born. It vows to kill Mowgli too. Mother Wolf and
Father Wolf (28)____________ to adopt Mowgli. They love Mowgli very much. They take care
and (29)____________ him from Shere Khan. Mowgli feels happy and (30)____________.

26. A. live C. lived . 29. A. kill C. protects

B. protect D. killed
B. lives D. life

27 A. have C. had 30. A. playful C. sad

B. will D. has B. grateful D. laugh

28. A. decided C. will decide

B. decides D. decide

Section B
(20 marks)
Question 31

(a) Tick (/) the correct answer.

The playground is beside the bookstore.

Minah’s house is near the playground.
The grocery is next to the supermarket
(1 mark)
(b) Tick (/) the correct answer.

There are many books in the library.

People buy fruits and vegetables at the grocery.
Post office sells toys.
(2 marks)
(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
Children play at the playground at the post office.
Amir buys some stamps in the evening.
Last weekend my mother at the bookstore.
Suraya bought some story books brought me to the supermarket.
(3 marks)
Give directions:
(d) From the bookstore to the public library.
Walk along __________________. Turn _____________ and go______________
on. You will go past the ___________________. The public library is on your right.
(2 marks)
(e) From the playground to the school
Walk __________ Jalan Mawar. You will go _________ the post office. Then turn
__________. The school is ______________Minah’s house.
(2 marks)
Question 32 – 36

Choose, match and write the correct answers.


Its seven o’ clock


Its half past four



Its quarter to twelve


Its half past one


Its quarter past ten


(10 marks)

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