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Енглески језик за други разред основне школе

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Гинтер Гернгрос • Херберт Пухта • Бојана Гледић


I. Introduction

What is innovative in Playway to English 2 Serbian edition?.............................................................................................. 4

The components of Playway to English 2 Serbian edition.................................................................................................. 4
Aims .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Activities ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

How to use Playway to English 2 Serbian edition in the lesson ........................................................................................ 8

The selection of teaching topics ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Lesson overviews ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Basic technology...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Working with the flashcards ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Working with the word cards ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Using the DVD sequences and the story cards (where applicable) .......................................................................................... 9
Using the Mr Matt stories (where applicable) ............................................................................................................................ 9
How to use the action stories .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Using the songs ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Using the rhymes..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Using the chants ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Developing speaking skills ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Working with Show what you can do ....................................................................................................................................... 12

Observations from the psychology of learning on the early learning of foreign languages .......................................... 12
Requirements of foreign language learning for very young learners ...................................................................................... 12
Learning languages as a holistic process ............................................................................................................................... 13

The SMILE approach ............................................................................................................................................................. 13

Learning a language through play is more than just fun and games................................................................................ 15

The importance of constant revision ................................................................................................................................... 15

Classroom management ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

The role of the parents .......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Characteristics of early foreign language learning (Photocopiable master) ................................................................... 20

II. Lesson plans ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Unit 1: Hello again......................................................................................................................................................... 24

Unit 2: Shopping............................................................................................................................................................ 37
Units 1–2: Show what you can do....................................................................................................................................... 47
Unit 3: In my house....................................................................................................................................................... 49
Unit 4: My body............................................................................................................................................................. 62
Units 3–4: Show what you can do....................................................................................................................................... 74
Unit 5: Clothes............................................................................................................................................................... 76
Unit 6: One whole year.................................................................................................................................................. 88
Units 5–6: Show what you can do....................................................................................................................................... 98
Unit 7: Family.............................................................................................................................................................. 100
Unit 8: On the farm...................................................................................................................................................... 111
Units 7–8: Show what you can do..................................................................................................................................... 122
Unit 9: My town............................................................................................................................................................ 124
Unit 10: Holidays........................................................................................................................................................... 135
Units 9–10: Show what you can do..................................................................................................................................... 146

III. Appendix.......................................................................................................................................................................... 148

2 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 3
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition represents an In Playway to English 2 Serbian edition Pupil’s Book, you
integrated body of material for teaching English in Year 2; will find a CLIL activity on page 29 – a listening activity about
its essential characteristic is learning through play. With the the senses.
aid of the SMILE approach Playway to English 2 introduces
basic listening and speaking skills and engages the children CLIL activities are optional and well-suited to different
in learning English. interests and abilities. Teachers can decide on a case to case
basis whether to carry out such activities with the children,
The tried and tested SMILE approach is based on the taking into account their level of knowledge and interests.
following principles:
4. Steps to creativity (Word Play):
S kill oriented foreign language learning These activities have been developed especially to give the
children an opportunity to be linguistically creative with the
M ulti-sensory learner motivation help of set structures or models.
I ntelligence-building activities
5. More user-friendliness:
L ong-term memory storage through music,
A clear cross-referencing system in the Pupil’s Book, Activity
movement, rhythm and rhyme Book and Teacher’s Book facilitates the use of Playway to
E xciting stories and games English in the lesson. The CD icons alongside the Pupil’s
Book and Activity Book rubrics give the relevant audio
track number. Transcriptions of all audio CD recordings are
included in the teaching notes.

What is innovative in
Playway to English 2 The components of
Serbian edition? Playway to English 2
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition is highly efficient
Serbian edition
as it contains:
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition consists of a compre-
hensive range of teaching materials:
1. A stronger emphasis on outcome in the development
of speaking skills: • Teacher’s Book
• 3 Audio CDs
With the aid of numerous exercises the pupils are
• Pupil’s Book
systematically encouraged to speak English. An extended
• Activity Book
range of exercises and a clearer focus on communicative
• DVD with the Cartoon Stories and Mr Matt Sketches
speaking results in the children learning to express
(where applicable)
themselves on a wide variety of topics and developing an
• Cards Pack (Flashcards, Word Cards and Story Cards)
ever expanding repertoire of communicative expressions.

2. Better opportunities for assessment and

Under the heading Show what you can do, Playway now
Teacher’s Book
offers material for self-assessment at regular intervals that The Teacher’s Book provides:
the children can use to assess their progress. This is initially • Information on the structure, components and ways
done under supervision but then gradually the students are of using the material and also on the desired
encouraged to assess their progress independently. outcomes. In addition there is an introduction to the
teaching theory of Playway to English 2, the educational
bases and the principles behind the use of the materials
3. CLIL plus a discussion of important issues of classroom
(Content and Language Integrated Learning): management.
A CLIL activity introduces content from the general curriculum • Comprehensive notes on the individual units. These
into the English classroom. In this cross-curricular lesson, notes give a clear overview of the topic in question, the
the intention is not so much ‘language learning’ but ‘learning de­s ired outcomes, the learning content, the learning
through language’. This means, therefore, that the children activi­ties and vocabulary plus tips on possible pronun­
work with interesting content from another area of the ciation difficulties. The main part consists of detailed and
curriculum that is new to them. The main aim of this lesson well-tried step-by-step instructions for using the indivi­dual
is to cultivate the receptive processing of language, i.e. for lesson plans in class. There are also suggestions on how
the children to learn to understand the foreign language in a to practise listening comprehension and speaking skills
new, meaningful context that is important to them. This cross- and sub-skills such as vocabulary and pronunciation.
curricular link promotes holistic ‘immersion’ in English and
gives foreign language learning additional meaning.

4 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
Audio CDs • Regular Word Play activities give the children a valuable
opportunity to use the language they have learned creatively.
The three audio CDs contain all the listening exercises,
After practising a structured chant or rhyme, the children are
including karaoke versions.
then encouraged to produce their own version, therefore
Listening to a foreign language frequently and intensively is
allowing them to engage with the language in a wholly
an essential requirement for the development of speaking
personal, imaginative way.
skills. On the CD, the children hear examples of authentic
• At the end of every second unit the Show what you can do
pronunciation and intonation from both child and adult
section serves as a summary, revision and reinforcement of
native speakers. Although the teacher represents the most
the main vocabulary in the topics of the preceding two units.
important model for pronunciation and intonation for the
The children may – at first with the help of the teacher and,
children, by using the CD from the start of their learning
gradually, independently – evaluate their progress for the
process the children are given the opportunity to hear a
purpose of self assessment.
variety of native speakers. In this way they can develop
• A picture dictionary with all the main vocabulary also in print
differentiated listening comprehension skills that are not
offers students the chance to revise or consolidate the learning
limited to just one attachment figure (the teacher). The CD
of the new words or phrases after each unit (see Pupil’s Book
is, therefore, an ideal resource in preparing the students for
pp. 74-80).
meeting different variations of English.
1) Child A points to a picture, covers up the written word or
The different types of aural comprehension activities give the
phrase. Child B names it.
children exposure to a variety of models. In the trial phase of
2) Child A looks at the picture dictionary for ten seconds and
Playway to English 2 it was noted that, in a role play activity,
tries to remember as many items as possible. Then they close
some children were able to imitate the pronunciation of the
their eyes and tell child B as many items as they can
characters almost perfectly. This is seldom achieved with
isolated pronunciation exercises but the various activities
3) Child A names a picture and child B points to it.
offered in Playway to English 2 e.g. humorous role plays
4) Both children look at the picture dictionary. Child A says the
that encourage the students to identify with the characters
names of all the items except one. Child B has to identify and
through play, emphasise the valuable connection between
name it.
motivation and pronunciation.

Pupil’s Book Activity Book

The 64-page Activity Book offers a variety of exercises
The 80-page Pupil’s Book has a wide range of illustrations
designed to consolidate the language that children have
that support the development of the children’s listening
learnt and to assist them in using it creatively in individual,
comprehension and speaking skills.
pair and group work. There are a wide range of activities that
involve students in a number of different tasks: they listen and
Key features and activities:
complete with numbers or colour; complete logical sequences
• The illustrations of the songs and chants help the children to
by drawing pictures; draw, colour and speak, etc.
quickly master the meaning of written words.
As a general guideline, the Activity Book is for use at the
• Many lessons begin with a song, a rhyme or a chant on the
end of a lesson rather than at the beginning since it helps
CD and invite children to follow it in the book. With the aid of
to consolidate the language that has been practised through
pictures the children learn to understand the texts and
various other means.
gradually to sing or say them.
• There are several action stories in the Pupil’s Book. These
encourage children to learn phrases in the imperative.
Children match the pictures in the Pupil’s Book to what they DVD (where applicable)
hear, e.g. on p. 6. The DVD contains four Mr Matt stories and eight cartoon
• Exercises on vocabulary revision are for playful and­ stories that present English in a way that is both humorous
multi-sen­sory consolidation of new words (e.g. Pupil’s Book and informative. At the centre of the Mr Matt stories are
p. 16). Mr Matt and his two children, Danny and Daisy. These
• The model presentation of dialogues with the aid of pictures sequences are intended to help the children to understand
has a similar function. The children look at the picture and at English in the context of a genuine dialogue. The interaction
the same time listen to a mini-dialogue. They learn to say it of picture and sound offers important support for the
themselves and also to change it in a creative way (e.g. Pupil’s comprehension process. The use of native speakers provides
Book pp. 14, 28). an ideal preparation for understanding English in real
• There are exercises that directly build upon the stories. When situations. The sketches also offer the children important
the children have seen a cartoon story on the DVD, for pronunciation models.
example, they then complete missing scenes in the picture In their first school years, children still have a very strong
story with the aid of the picture stickers (see appendix of the imitative way of learning pronunciation, and classroom
Pupil’s Book) whilst listening to the audio version on the CD. research shows that this process is particularly effective
This engages the children in an active reconstruction of the when the pronunciation models are appropriately motivating
story. and invite imitation.
• There are a wide range of activities to encourage active The cartoon stories are fully animated. There are also audio
listening. For example, the children listen to instructions on versions of them on the CD. This means that the children can
the CD and complete a set exercise in the Pupil’s Book (they listen to a story several times for revision without needing
draw a picture following spoken instructions, or put pictures to use a PC or DVD player. Furthermore, the children listen
in the correct sequence). to the audio version after watching the story on the DVD

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 5
when they do the text-editing exercises in the Pupil’s Book, • to lay the foundations for an open and positive attitude to
such as completing a picture story by correctly inserting the other peoples and cultures by familiarising the children
picture stickers. with another linguistic community.
• to offer teachers concrete teaching models for an innovative
and up-to-date foreign language lesson in the primary
school and to support them with ideas for integrating
Cards Pack foreign language learning into the curriculum.

There are flashcards for all the main vocabulary. They are an
essential means of conveying the meaning of new words and
they help the children to memorise them more e ­ ffectively.
The flashcards also eliminate the task of drawing on the Playway to English 2 Serbian edition is divided into ten topic
board or producing home-made pictures, thus saving a lot areas that have been selected according to motivational and
of preparation time for the teacher. The lesson notes give age-appropriate criteria.
numerous tips on how the flashcards can be used for the
reinforcement and revision of vocabulary and in games. Topics
A list of all the flashcards is given in the appendix of the Unit 1 Hello again Unit 6 One whole year
Teacher’s Book. Unit 2 Shopping Unit 7 Family
Unit 3 In my house Unit 8 On the farm
Word cards Unit 4 My body Unit 9 My town
In addition to the flashcards, there are also word cards Unit 5 Clothes Unit 10 Holidays
available. In Playway to English 2 Serbian edition the
written word is introduced from Unit 7. Once the children Characters
have understood the meaning of the word, have heard it Linda, Benny and Max appear frequently as characters in
several times and have spoken it, the teacher will introduce the cartoon stories and also in listening exercises in Playway
the written form of the word. A list of all the word cards is to English 2 Serbian edition. Max is a fantasy figure who is
given in the appendix of the Teacher’s Book. friends with Benny and Linda. Alongside them, the characters
of Mr Matt, Danny and Daisy from the DVD Mr Matt stories
Story cards will become familiar to the children.
There are story cards to accompany the cartoon stories in
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition. After the children have
watched a story on DVD, they reconstruct it with the aid of
the pictures and picture stickers in the Pupil’s Book, then
the teacher repeats the story using story cards, mimes and
gestures. Alternatively, these two stages can be reversed. The content of the units is taught through various types of
The teacher revises the story with the aid of the story cards texts:
and gradually the children can join in the reconstruction of
• Cartoon Stories
the story. Then they complete the exercise in the Pupil’s
• Mr Matt Stories
• Action Stories
A list of all the story cards is given in the appendix of the
• Songs
Teacher’s Book.
• Chants
• Word Plays

Aims It has been clearly shown that information in a foreign lan­gua­

ge remains more firmly fixed in the children’s memories when
what they are learning appeals to them. Most infor­ma­tion that
The aims of Playway to English 2 Serbian edition are:
reaches our brains via various senses is quickly forgotten.
• to let the children experience, through all the senses, that
What is retained in our memories is what is relevant to us.
learning a foreign language is fun.
Psychologists talk of the ‘depth quality’ of an experience. For
• to enable the children to experience language as a means
teaching interesting and humorous content, stories, rhymes,
of communication in the lesson itself.
songs and chants are particularly suitable.
• to enable the children to express their own wishes and
The activities in Playway to English 2 Serbian edition are
needs in English.
designed to be compatible with the interests of Year 2 child-
• to develop listening comprehension and speaking skills.
ren and to facilitate their learning. These involve as many of
• to offer a wide range of activities that promote the learning
the children’s senses as possible.
The combination of interesting content and holistic
• to contribute to the development of the intellectual, social,
presentation ensures that the children retain the
emotional and spatial skills of the children.
material and have fun learning English.
• to establish foreign language learning as a positive
experience for the children from the start. They gather
positive learning experiences of finding their creative side
when, for example, they learn to compose short texts, Cartoon stories and Mr Matt stories
rhymes and chants using the models provided and with It is impossible to imagine primary school lessons without
linguistic assistance. stories. There is good reason for this as educational

6 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
psychologists repeatedly stress the idea that stories make looking at other children in the group and using them as
an essential contribution to the cultural, social and emotional models.
development of the child: • Right from the start the children learn through the action
stories that they can do something in English. This gives
The story form is a cultural universal; everyone everywhere
an important sense of achievement and strengthens the
enjoys stories. The story, then, is not just some casual
children’s confidence in their own ability to learn a foreign
entertainment; it reflects a basic and powerful form in which
we make sense of the world and experience.1
• The development of the children’s listening comprehension
In the foreign-language lesson the children learn to under- skills forms an important foundation for their speaking.
stand longer sequences of events with the aid of stories When working with the action stories the children should
and gradually become accustomed to descriptive, narrative first and foremost be listening. Gradually, they will speak
­language. It has been clearly established through research along with the teacher and in this way gain self-confidence
on foreign language in primary schools that stories rate in their pronunciation and intonation. The primary goal in
­particularly highly in the children’s scale of preferences. working with action stories is developing listening
­Stories are strong motivators and remain very strongly comprehension. This means that the teaching/learning goal
­anchored in the memory if they are conveyed appropria- is achieved when the children can act out the sentences of
tely. Moreover, they promote the children’s enjoyment of an action story independently after practising it. It is not the
theatrical presentation. The children watch the story first on primary goal of working with action stories to have the
DVD, then the mini-dialogues are practised and next a role children immediately recite the story or even to be able to
play is performed. reconstruct it freely.
The work with the role plays makes an essential contribution
to the development of the children’s speaking skills. The
children’s high degree of identification with the content of
a story can be seen in the fact that many children succeed
in imitating with surprising accuracy the pronunciation Songs are highly valuable for motivating children of primary
and intonation of the roles of the speakers that they have school age. Singing in groups is fun and children enjoy
previously heard on the DVD. learning a repertoire of songs during the course of the year.
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition offers songs that
have been specially written for the individual topics. The
advantage of this is that songs consolidate the language
Action stories presented and the language input can be easily monitored.
Action stories are short stories with sentences that can
be represented by actions, gestures and mimes. They
are performed using the Total Physical Response (TPR)
method developed by James Asher 2 to convey language
with a multi-sensory approach by first aiming for intensive Chants are texts that are recited to a set rhythm. They offer
training of the receptive skills. As already noted above, it an excellent opportunity to practise pronunciation, intonation
is critically important to develop listening comprehension and speech rhythm. All the chants in Playway to English 2
skills. The closer the link between what children hear and a Serbian edition have been specially written for the individual
concrete action, the better they can remember the language topics. When working on a chant, the children listen to it on
that they have learned and the easier it is for them to use the CD first. In the Pupil’s Book, the text is represented by
it productively. In the action stories the children hear a the illustrations; so, when listening to the chant a second
sentence and act it out immediately by imitating the teacher. time, the children follow the chant in the book. The pictures
The sentence is represented physically after it has been are very helpful for the children in mentally reconstructing
heard; in this way, listening comprehension is directly linked the text.
to action. Then the children watch the gestures of the teacher, imitate
Action stories are a classic example of learning with all the them and speak at the same time. Next the children listen
senses. Studies on the use of Total Physical Response show to the first part of the karaoke section (And now you!) with
that, for several reasons, this method is well suited to getting gaps (half playback) and say the missing parts of the text.
the foreign language across to children at beginners’ level. Finally, the children recite the complete text of the chant with
The reasons for this are: the rhythmic support of the karaoke section.

• Doing the actions with others allows the child to experience

following instructions as an action game. In this game,
language and action are inseparable and the meaning of Word Plays – creative tasks
the language is learned directly through the action.
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition includes tasks that
• Action stories are learned in an anxiety-free environment
carefully encourage the children to be creative in English. For
and through play. The actions of the group provide security,
example, on p. 9 of the Pupil’s Book the children can create
particularly for those children who need a little longer to
their own chant on the basis of a set model, expressing their
process the language: they can get their bearings by
own preference while performing the task.
By involving as many senses as possible the rhymes are
retained in the memory long-term. Research findings in
Egan, K, (1986) Teaching as Story Telling, Chicago, University of Chicago primary school English lessons show that children who
Press, p. 2. have forgotten parts of the text can remember them again by
Asher, J. (1988), Learning Another Language Through Actions: The
recalling the series of actions or the colours and the rhymes.
Complete Teacher’s Guide Book, Los Gatos, Ca.: Sky Oaks Publications.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 7
ME-page Basic technology
Most units in the Activity Book also contain a ME-page. ­These
activities are designed to give the children the ­opportunity
Working with the flashcards
to personalise the language they have used in the class.
They are encouraged to complete the activity in a way that The purpose of the flashcards is to introduce important new
is personal to them and are therefore given guided support words visually. These suggestions for using them in the
in using the language creatively. lesson are based on the following educational principles:
• Conveying the meaning of new words in the foreign
language lesson should be carried out as visually as
• Always apply the principle listening precedes speaking.
How to use Playway to The children should first of all become accustomed to the
pronunciation and intonation of a word before they are
English 2 Serbian edition asked to repeat it.
• When introducing new words use a combination of all
in the lesson the senses. Pictures, pronunciation and intonation and
also motor-processing techniques complement each other
and help to anchor a word in the long-term memory.
• The anchoring of the new words will be all the more
The selection of teaching topics long-lasting if the words are repeated often enough. No
There are numerous ways of using the material in Playway more than one to two minutes are needed for this. The
to English 2 Serbian edition. The topics have been organised flashcards are highly suited to such repetition stages.
in such a way that they provide cross-curricular integration.
The following methods have proven successful:
Introduction of vocabulary
Lesson overviews • Show the flashcards in order and say the English word at
the same time.
At the start of the teaching notes for each individual lesson an
• Then stick the cards on the board. Repeat the words in
overview box provides a summary of the language used and
order, then jumbled up, at the same time pointing to the
lists the materials required in that lesson under the following
corresponding flashcard.
• Say the words and encourage the children to point to the
• Vocabulary, phrases and structures flashcards, e.g.: Point to the grapes.
• Linguistic skills • Have the children repeat the word after you several
• Cognitive, motor and social skills times.
• Cross-curricular integration • Gradually increase the pace.
• Materials
Exercises for anchoring the vocabulary in the
children’s recognition memory:
• Call one child up to the board and say the words in order.
The child points to the corresponding flashcards on the
board. Call another child to the board, say the words
jumbled up and ask the child to point along as you
• Call individual children to the front and ask them to take
a card from the board and to give it to another child in the
class, e.g.: Strahinja, take the skirt, please. Pass it to
Jovana. Strahinja: Here you are. Jovana: Thank you.
When all the flashcards have been distributed around the
class, say: Stick the lamp on the board. The child with the
corresponding flashcard sticks it back on the board.
Continue in this way until all the flashcards are stuck back
on the board.
• Call individual children out to the board. Give the following
instruction: Touch the (grapes). The children touch the
corresponding flashcard. Then remove all the flashcards
from the board. Ask the children to close their eyes. By
turning off the visual channel the children can concentrate
completely on the sound pattern. Say the words
indivi­dual­ly. Change your voice as you do so. Say the
words loudly, quietly, in a high voice, in a deep voice,
happily, sadly, angrily and encouragingly. The children
just listen first of all then they repeat the word exactly as
you say it.

8 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
Exercises for anchoring words in the children’s 3rd stage: Picture sticker activity
productive memory The children listen to the audio version of the story on the
• Hold a flashcard in your hand with the reverse side to the CD while they are completing the picture story with the
children and ask: What is it? The children guess what the picture stickers from the appendix of the Pupil’s Book.
word is. When a child has guessed correctly, show the
flashcard and reply: Yes, it is. 4th stage: Evaluation
• Stick the flashcards on the board. Then say all the words Go around the class and check whether the children have
in order together with the children. Clap twice between completed the picture story correctly with the stickers.
each word. Repeat the words a few times but change the Alternatively, produce a completed picture story and the
activities between the individual words. For example, click children check their work independently.
your fingers, slap your thighs, stamp your feet, stand up
and sit down at the next word. 5th stage: Telling the story
• Take one flashcard after another, say the words and turn In further stages the story cards can be used to practise
the card over so that only the reverse is visible. When all and reinforce the story texts through play. They can also
the flashcards have been turned over, ask: Who can be used later on as an ideal way to regularly revise the
remember the words? Have individual children come up, learned material.
say a word and turn over the card they think is the right • Tell the story with the aid of the story cards. While you
one. are telling the story stick the cards one after the other on
the board.
• Tell the story again. While you are telling the story keep
Working with the word cards stopping and asking the children with corresponding mi-
mes and gestures to reconstruct the story with you. For
When the children can pronounce the new words correctly,
example, when working on the story … The racoons and
the teacher should introduce the word cards. Word cards are
the beaver (Pupil’s Book, pp. 48–49) say: The racoons
to be introduced from Unit 7. When they are introduced for
are going for … Children: A picnic. Etc.
the first time, it is important that the teacher says the words.
• The following techniques have proved very successful
6th stage: Story reconstruction game
when the children are trying to commit the written words
• Distribute the story cards to individual children. Tell the
to their long-term memory.
story again. The child with the corresponding picture
• Put the relevant flashcards on the board.
comes out to the front. Finally, all the children who were
• The teacher hands out words cards and the children
given the story cards are standing in the order of the
match the flashcards with the word cards.
sequence of the story in front of the class. Tell the children
• Memory game. The children sit in a circle. The teacher
to hold the pictures up so that they can be seen clearly
puts the flashcards face down on the floor. Then the
by all.
­teacher adds the word cards and says the words. They
• Tell the story with mistakes. Say: The racoons are going
are also put on the floor face down. Now a child turns
to school. Children: No, they are going for a picnic. Etc.
over two cards. If the picture and the word are a match,
the child can keep them. If not the cards are turned over
again and the next child tries their luck. Using the Mr Matt stories (where
Using the DVD sequences and the
story cards (where applicable) For using the Mr Matt stories on the DVD we recommend
the following steps:
Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions
of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the Pupil’s 1st stage: Preliminary preparation of important words
Book. This is mainly because of the length of the stories but and phrases
also this serves to encourage the children to listen for the Pre-teach important words or phrases beforehand if
necessary information in order to complete the gap fill in the necessary – ideally with the aid of the flashcards.
Pupil’s Book.
2nd stage: Playing the DVD sequence
For using the cartoon story sequences on the DVD we Play the DVD sequence – several times if necessary.
recommend the following steps:
3rd stage: Listening exercise
1 stage: Preliminary preparation of important words
st Play the listening exercise for the Mr Matt stories on the
and phrases CD (ideally) twice. In their books the children number the
Pre-teach important words or phrases beforehand if scenes depicted in the sketches.
necessary – usually with the aid of the flashcards or story
cards. 4th stage: Evaluation
Go around the class and check whether the children have
2nd stage: Playing the DVD sequence correctly numbered the pictures. You can also hold up
Play the DVD sequence – several times if necessary. your book, point to scenes, and have the children say the
corresponding number.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 9
How to use the action stories Using the songs
The action stories are based on the Total Physical Response The following steps have proven very successful when used
method through which listening comprehension is consolidated with the songs.
holistically through play. Here is an example for the text of
an action story from the topic Clothes (Unit 5): 1st stage: Preliminary preparation and playing the
You’re in the swimming pool. song on the CD
Get out of the water. Option: Introduce the new words with the aid of the
Dry yourself. flashcards. If necessary, reinforce important phrases with
Put on your jeans. appropriate actions/gestures or drawings on the board.
Put on your shoes and socks. Play the song twice. The children follow in the book.
Put on your T-shirt.
Put on your jacket. 2nd stage: Reinforcing the text
Walk out. Facilitate understanding of the text with corresponding
Oh, no! You’re wearing your swimming goggles! actions or gestures and encourage the children to imitate
you. Say the lyrics – several times if necessary in the
The following steps have proven very useful in working with rhythm of the song.
the action stories.
3rd stage: Singing along
1 stage: Listening and imitating
st Ask the children to stand in a circle. Hum the tune of the
• Model the first statement (You’re in the swimming pool.) song. Gradually the children join in with you and hum along.
and act it out by pretending to swim. When they are all humming, start to sing the words. Sing
• Model the next statement and mime it. The children imitate the song together with the children a few times along with
your actions and synchronise theirs as closely as possible the CD.
with yours. Repeat this procedere for all the lines in the
action story. 4th stage: Singing to the karaoke version of the CD
Sing the song together with the children using the karaoke
2nd stage: Carrying out instructions version of the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
• The sequence of instructions and actions is repeated
several times until you see that the children can carry Using the rhymes
them out independently and without difficulty.
• Then give the instructions again in the correct order and The rhymes in Playway to English 2 Serbian edition have
the children carry them out. This time you do not do the been carefully constructed so that they can be worked on
actions with them. Repeat this several times until you see using a multi-sensory method: the children not only listen to
that the children all understand well. the rhyme, but also speak and carry out certain movements.
The following steps have proven very useful in practice:
3rd stage: Carrying out the instructions in jumbled
order 1st stage: Play the rhyme on the CD and present its
• Give the instructions in jumbled order and the children carry content in gestures
them out. Do not do the actions yourself. Play the rhyme on the CD and, at the same time, present
• A particular favourite is a game where you give instructions its content with the aid of appropriate gestures and actions
to individual children more and more quickly to see if they or point to the corresponding pictures in the book.
can keep up. The game is fun, and practises quick
responses to English utterances whilst furthermore 2nd stage: Reinforcing the text (1)
increasing the concentration of the children. Play the rhyme for a second time. Do the corresponding
actions to it again or point along in the book. At first the
4th stage: Listening exercise children just watch. Say the rhyme line by line with the
• Finally the children open the Pupil’s Book. They listen to support of actions and encourage the children to copy you.
the instructions on the CD and point along in the book Practise the chant with the children one line at a time by
where the pictures are illustrated in jumbled order. Then saying it out loud and doing the appropriate actions. The
the children put the pictures in the right order by numbering children repeat after you and imitate your actions.
them. This serves to check and confirm whether individual
children can understand the sentences in the action 3rd stage: Reinforcing the text (2)
story. The children open their books. Say the lines of the text in
random order and the children point to the corresponding
5th stage: Evaluation pictures in the book.
• Go around the class and check the children’s work.
• Option: In high-ability classes, you can put out an answer 4th stage: Presentation
key for self-checking. The children go and check their own Invite any children who feel confident about it to recite the
work themselves. rhyme. The children can also do this in pairs. High-ability
• Alternatively: On the board, draw the appropriate number groups can also say the rhyme to the playback version
of boxes to represent the pictures on the page in the of the CD.
Pupil’s Book. Have the children tell you the numbers.
Write the numbers in the boxes.

10 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
5th stage: Step to creativity (only relevant for Word foremost laid by the children getting to know and understand
Plays) various sorts of texts (action stories, songs, chants, rhymes,
Some of the rhymes are used as Word Plays. In that case, stories, listening exercises), important words, chunks of lan-
the original rhyme gives the children the framework to guage, phrases and sentences. A wide range of exercises
compose their own rhyme using the pictures in the Pupil’s serves to consistently build up and systematically extend the
Book as a guide. children’s linguistic expressions. A distinction must be made
between so-called ‘pre-communicative’ and ‘communicative’
exercises in the course. In the pre-communicative exercises
the focus is on the language work. The exercises provide pre-
Using the chants paration for later communicative exercises. Communicative
exercises, on the other hand, are distinguished by the fact that
All the chants in Playway to English 2 Serbian edition have they offer opportunities for speaking that the children want or
been specially written for the individual topics and have been have to use to express themselves.
carefully constructed so that they can be worked on using
a multi-sensory approach. The following steps offer a basic Examples of pre-communicative exercises in Playway to
structure for working on the chants: English 2 Serbian edition
• Games on p. 27 of the Pupil’s Book. Child A pretends that
1st stage: Play the chant on the CD and mime the her tummy hurts by miming. Child B says, “Your t­ummy
meaning hurts”.
Play the chant on the CD and carry out appropriate actions • On p. 42 of the Pupil’s Book there is the board game
to facilitate the comprehension of the text. snakes and ladders. When the children get onto a certain
picture they have to say the word.
2nd stage: Reinforcing the text (1) • Simple pair work activities. On p. 32 of the Pupil’s Book,
Play the chant a second time on the CD and have the the children listen to items of clothing and point at the pic-
children point along in the book. The text is represented tures. Afterwards, they work in pairs. Child A points to the
by the illustrations in the Pupil’s Book. Say the text line picture of a jacket and child B says the word.
by line. The children do the actions. • Checking comprehension. On p. 52 of the Pupil’s Book
there are ­pictures and words of animals. The children
3rd stage: Reinforcing the text (2) ­listen and write numbers next to each picture/word. As a
Practise the chant with the children by giving two comprehension check the teacher asks: What’s number
‘instructions’ and miming them. The children imitate your six? The children respond by saying the word.
actions and repeat after you. Practise the chant in this
way one verse at a time, then get the children to repeat Examples of communicative exercises in Playway to
the verses rhythmically and mime them. English 2 Serbian edition
• Simple pair work activities. In Unit 1, p. 7 of the Pupil’s
4th stage: Listening exercise Book there is a model for a very simple dialogue. Child A
Play the chant on the CD. The children point to the pictures puts a piece of fruit in child B’s mouth and asks: What is
accordingly in the book. This serves to check and confirm it? Child B who has her eyes closed, tries to guess and
whether they can understand the lines of the chant. says: A peach.
• Role plays. The children listen to a story about Max, Ben-
5th stage: Using the first playback version of the CD ny and Linda shopping on the CD. After they have put in
(And now you!) the missing stickers and listened to the story on the CD
Play the CD. The children point to the corresponding the teacher asks them to close their eyes. They listen to
pictures in the book and join in the verses. Play the half the story again. Then the teacher acts out short scenes
playback version on the CD. The children point along in with the children. Whenever they can’t remember their
the book and recite the missing parts of the text. part the teacher helps by whispering the words/phrases/
sentences to them. Finally groups of children act out the
6th stage: Using the karaoke version of the CD shopping scene.
(One more time!) • Information gap activities. On p. 30 of the Activity Book
The children now say the whole text to the karaoke section there are two identical black and white pictures of a boy.
on the CD. Finally, divide the children into two groups. The children colour in the first picture without their part-
Allocate sections of the chant that can be said by each ners seeing it. They then instruct their partner on how to
group; the teaching notes for specific chants offer some colour in the second picture so that it is the same as theirs.
suggestions as to how this could be done, e.g. one group
takes the part of the speaker with the teacher and the other
group repeats. The group that is not speaking carries out The use of the English in the here-and-now of the lesson
the instructions. Repeat this several times.
Increasingly, conversation in class should be carried out in
English. It will start off with the teacher speaking English
and the children understanding and carrying out what the
Developing speaking skills teacher says. With the appropriate skills it will, however,
also be possible to motivate the children to try saying
The development of the children’s ability to express them- something themselves in English which goes beyond the
selves in English represents an important aim in the educa- pre-communicative or communicative exercises described
tional concept of Playway to English 1 Serbian edition and above. You can support the children in this by whispering
in its method of use. Foundations for speaking are first and words or groups of words as prompts whenever necessary. It

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 11
is also important to emphasise that learning foreign languages
and making mistakes belong inseparably together. Observations from the
psychology of learning on
Working with Show what you can do
the early learning of
• This self-assessment section appears after every two
units. It serves the purpose of consolidating the most foreign languages
important words and phrases; the ones that are set as
compulsory in the syllabus. The children listen to the CD Requirements of foreign language
and match the words/phrases to the pictures by numbering
them. learning for very young learners
• Children and parents should be aware that the words/
phrases in the self-assessment are to be mastered as When children start learning English at primary school as
productively as possible, i.e. that the children can use the a rule they not only already know a few English words but
words/phrases from the self-assessment with as few also have a range of basic skills that enable them to learn a
­errors as possible. new language. These skills have been gained in the process
of learning their mother tongue. Learning a foreign language
at school builds on these foundations and further develops
the skills:

The ability to grasp meaning

Before toddlers know the exact meanings of individual
words they are able to understand the sense of complete
utterances. Intonation, mime, gesture, and the connection
between what is said and their environment helps them to
decode what they have heard. In the foreign-language lesson
this skill needs to be activated. By doing so, already in very
early stages of the foreign-language lesson, the children
experience a sense of achievement.

The ability to manage with limited linguistic means

Children often play with language and try to extend their often
very limited linguistic options by transferring what they have
learned to other contexts and through new creations. Often,
for example, L1 words are spoken with an English accent
if a child cannot find the right word in English. Observing
this gives the teacher insight into important processes in the
learning of languages.

The ability to learn indirectly

Primary school children are not very interested in grammatical
structures, the system of pronunciation or other formal
aspects of language. They are fascinated by a story and
try to understand it. They gain pleasure from the sound of
new words that the teacher introduces and love copying
them. They enjoy chants and songs and enthusiastically
do the actions to them when they speak or sing. They want
to find the answer in a guessing game and eagerly use
the structure that the teacher has introduced when they do
this. They act out scenes from a story in class imitating the
voices of the characters that they are playing so well that
their pronunciation comes very close to the models that they
have previously heard on the DVD or CD. In all these cases,
and in many others, the children are unconsciously learning
important linguistic skills. Here language is not an end in itself
but a natural means of reaching communicative goals.

The ability to learn through fantasy and imagination

Children know that role play is a game. At the same time they
identify so strongly with the story that it is as if it were actually
real. The boundary between make-believe and reality is
blurred. Children can better make the foreign language their
own in such situations. In this way, the foreignness of the
new language is gradually diminished.

12 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
The ability to interact and to speak
Children have a natural need to communicate with each other The SMILE approach®
and to adults. This may not always be easy, especially when
teachers or parents want to encourage them to listen. However In developing the SMILE approach® we were guided by
communication is also an important basic skill on which the the following basic principles which are based on accepted
ability to interact in a foreign language can be built. findings in research in the psychology of learning:

➣ Skill-oriented learning
Learning languages as a holistic process
Language is communication. By using language we can I
understand others and make ourselves understood. For L
many adults learning a foreign language, the conscious
explanation of its formal aspects is important. They want
to understand how the language works and what rules it Recent findings in the psychology of learning clearly show that
follows; they want to know, for example, how different verb the development of foreign-language skills does not take place
tenses are formed and how they are used and try to use their independently of general cognitive development. For example,
cognitive knowledge about language as an aid to learning when children are engaged in deciphering the meaning of a
a foreign language systematically. Children learn a foreign sentence that they have heard spoken by the teacher they
language in a different way. They pick it up as a holistic draw on abilities that they also need for handling tasks in
process. The development of listening comprehension other areas of life. These abilities include solving problems,
forms one of the important bases of this process. Children establishing causal relationships, drawing conclusions based
learn to understand what they hear, speculating at first about on analogy, etc. For this reason it makes sense to integrate
what it might mean. In this process, mime and gesture, realia early foreign-language learning into the curriculum as far as
and other visual aids such as pictures and drawings on the possible. This is congruent with the learning style of children of
board play an important part in assisting comprehension. this age group which is still very holistic. Integrating the foreign-
Thus, from the beginning, the children can understand the language lesson and the curriculum in this way develops the
teacher’s request to Stand up. because the teacher stands child’s general intellectual skills and they promote each other
up the first time the phrase is used and asks the children reciprocally.
to imitate through mime and gesture. When subsequently
the teacher gives the same instruction time and again, the S
children will gradually be able to do it without any prompting.
What a child assumes a phrase or question might mean ➣ Multi-sensory learner motivation
is verified through constant repetition. An anxiety-free I
atmosphere and a pleasant learning environment are created L
by praising children for having correctly understood and by
patiently helping them when they have misunderstood.
The content of what the children are offered in the new You need only watch children at play to understand the
language is of crucial importance in motivating them to significance of using all the senses when learning. Playway
work out the meaning of what they hear. If this content is to English 2 Serbian edition aims to constantly activate all
meaningful, interesting, exciting or funny they will be more the senses to as great a degree as possible. This is based
motivated to try to understand. The pleasure in their ability on the following concepts of the psychology of learning:
to understand, for example, a story in the foreign language, • When our pupils take in information, they do so through
increases their self-esteem and heightens their motivation the senses: they learn what they see, hear and do.
to learn. • The auditory reception of information correlates with the
The same is true for developing speaking skills. Songs, so-called left side of the brain activities. Processing
rhymes and chants give children the opportunity to gain information kinaesthetically – by concrete activity is
experience with pronunciation and intonation, through play closely connected to the processing part that is often
and without anxiety. The children also practise and repeat attributed to the right side of the brain. The visual reception
important words and expressions in ways that are fun of information can be controlled by either the left or the
and subconsciously store them in their memories. Stories right side of the brain.
(cartoon stories and Mr Matt stories) are as valuable an • The better the individual senses are integrated into the
aid in the development of speaking skills when learning a presentation of information stage the better the children’s
foreign language as they are in the acquisition of the mother reception of the information (multi-sensory reception).
tongue. The children memorise important expressions. They • The reception of information activates the neurological
learn to understand connections and they can try out simple systems (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) in the processing
utterances in communicative contexts in the role plays. of information when thinking and remembering. During
these processes a multi-sensory activation of the brain
heightens children’s ability to pay attention and concentrate
and to store linguistic information in their long-term
• The fact that most children have different learning styles
and have a preference for one sensory channel over
another (and can therefore also have weaknesses in one
or two sensory channels) underlines the importance of a

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 13
teaching methodology that takes account of the differing
Activation in Playway to
sensory needs of different learners and aims to strike a Area of intelligence
English 2 Serbian edition by:
balance between visual, auditory and kinaesthetic
presentation, processing and practice of linguistic Musical • Promoting the ability to
information. intelligence differentiate rhythm through
• Children love stories (narrative texts) and humorous chants and rhymes.
sketches (dialogues). These stories and sketches remain
firmly in the memory when presented in an appropriate • Promoting the ability to
multi-sensory way. Words, parts of sentences and differentiate tunes through
sentences (chunks of language) can thus be fixed in the songs.
long-term memory.
Interpersonal • Developing basic social skills
intelligence as an intrinsic principle:
S learning to listen to each other,
M tolerance of language errors,
➣ Intelligence-building activities patience, etc.
L • Promoting empathy through
E role play.
• Promoting the ability to work in
‘Intelligence’ is a collective term that covers a range of pairs by cooperative tasks.
different human abilities which are all independent of each
other. Researchers into intelligence speak of a multiplicity Kinaesthetic • Using the whole body when
of ‘intelligences’. intelligence working on the language
Howard Gardner, for example, claims that there are seven through action stories, songs
different areas of intelligence, i.e. ‘multiple intelligences’.3 and action games.
Modern research into intelligence also clearly indicates that
intelligence is not a gift with which human beings are born • Developing fine motor skills
and which then stays with them for the rest of their lives through various types of
in the form of a higher or lower IQ (intelligent quotient). activities: picture stickers,
Even though the inherited element is not inconsiderable, drawing, colouring and craft
intelligence is quite clearly influenced by the learning activities.
process. Simply put, it can be said that intelligence can be
learned. Learning a foreign language at an early age helps Visuospatial • Developing visuospatial
develop and stimulate a child’s intelligence in a number of intelligence perception through picture
ways. All the intelligences named by Howard Gardner are searches (discovery pictures).
stimulated by the SMILE approach: • Promoting the visual memory
through picture puzzles.
Activation in Playway to
Area of intelligence Mathematical-logical • Developing mathematical-
English 2 Serbian edition by:
intelligence logical intelligence through
Linguistic • Systematically developing the exercises where the children
intelligence ability to decode the meaning sort and match.
of a foreign language through
a great variety of different • Encouraging logical perception
kinds of text. through logical sequences and
activities requiring putting
• Developing the child’s hearing things in order.
of phonemes by exercises in
phonetic and articulatory Intrapersonal • Encouraging the ability to
differentiation. intelligence reflect as a basis for one’s own
• Promoting the pleasure in speaking.
playing with language.
• Promoting unconscious
discovery of laws of language.
• Offering associative aids to
noting vocabulary and

Gardner, H, (1983) Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
Basic Books.

14 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
S Learning a language
I through play is more than
➣ Long-term memory storage through
E music, movement, rhythm
just fun and games
and rhyme ‘That is by no means to say that learning too must be through
play in all these cases. It can also remain associated with
It is well known that adults can remember rhymes and songs effort even during a game…’. 4 Early foreign-language
they learned in the earliest stages of childhood. The reason learning is anything but laborious swotting of vocabulary,
these songs are so well retained is because children learn difficult puzzling over structures or anxiety-ridden battling
them using actions and movement. The ability to grasp and with correctness of language. Foreign-language learning
carry out rhythmic structuring can almost be seen as an should not have negative connotations at any age – and
expression of the level of language development of a child. yet for some adults it has those associations. Playway to
The central function of the rhythmic differentiation ability for English 2 Serbian edition makes it possible for children to
the unity of the perception and understanding of language enjoy foreign-language learning from the very beginning by
is important for the storage of word and writing content and involving them in games, songs, chants, role plays, puzzles
also of sentence patterns. and craft activities. For children these activities are fun, and
yet they are involved in serious learning as they are doing
S them. Because of the many elements of play, children seem
to completely forget that they are learning. They are so
M fascinated by the stories, role plays, songs and activities that
I they seem to take in the language effortlessly and remember
L it well. The children often cannot wait to be allowed to recite a
➣ Exciting stories and games rhyme or a short dialogue in a role play in front of the class.

When learning, motivation is highly dependent on whether the

learners identify with what they are learning. When children
can identify closely with what has been learned it leads to
The importance of
them remembering it better. They remember phrases, parts
of sentences and often whole sentences (so-called chunks
constant revision
of language) holistically. Good foreign language learners Revision is vital for learning a foreign language. This is
are characterised by the fact that they can repeatedly clearly established in the psychology of learning. The
transfer such chunks of language to other contexts and thus acquisition of a foreign language makes it necessary to
practise and consolidate the foreign language through play. acquire a whole range of complex skills that can be summed
A learner who identifies with a foreign language makes this up, in terms of cognitive psychology, under the heading of
foreign language more easily ‘their own’. This reduces the procedural knowledge. This is a multitude of intertwining
‘foreignness’ of the foreign language. This principle also plays cognitive process skills acquired as a complex whole
an important role in the acquisition of good pronunciation. and cannot be compared with the simple learning of facts
Role plays are a natural component of a child’s everyday (declarative knowledge). One of the essential prerequisites
life. In role play children develop their identity. Identifying for establishing procedural knowledge is that its acquisition
with the foreign language and with foreign-language roles requires significantly more time and is stimulated by
and characters in role play in the class helps build up a good constant regular practice over a long period of time. Like
pronunciation and intonation. driving a car, procedural knowledge is established by regular
revision.5 Therefore it is beneficial to revise with the children
repeatedly in very short bursts during the lesson. This can
be very enjoyable for them; it becomes a demonstration of
their own capabilities and thus an essential confirmation of
their learning success. It shows you and the children how
the foreign language grows and gradually moves into the
‘possession’ of the children. The applause of the class
community and praise from the teacher are not only an
outward sign of progress made; they also strengthen the
children’s self-confidence and increase their motivation.

Hans Scheuerl, (1990) Das Spiel [Play], Volume 1, Beltz, p. 176.
cf. J. R. Anderson, (1983) The Architecture of Cognition, Harvard,
University Press.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 15
Playway to English 2 Serbian edition offers you numerous • The question Do you understand? is in most cases
options for revision: counterproductive. Children prefer to say yes to a question
• Revising the songs and chants regularly. rather than go into explaining what they have not
• Revising the rhymes and also having them recited by understood. It is much more useful to maintain eye contact
individual children. and watch closely how the children behave and this will
• Carrying out regular vocabulary revision with the aid of enable you to determine whether further aids to
the flashcards. comprehension are needed.
• Using the DVD or story cards to revise the stories. • The following pattern of behaviour can frequently be
• Having the children perform role plays of the stories that observed during lessons. The teacher gives an instruction
lend themselves to it. in English and then translates it into the L1. The reason
for this may be that the teacher is unsure whether or not
the children really understand the instruction in English.
As soon as the children realise that each instruction is
Classroom management also given in L1, they hardly bother to listen to the English
instruction any more. It is therefore recommended that
The teacher’s tasks you speak in short sentences, give the children time to
think, repeat the instructions patiently and help by using
mimes and gestures or, in some cases, support the
In the process of teaching English the teacher has a number
instructions by drawing on the board or using pictures.
of different tasks:
• Conveying linguistic input (in part with the aid of media)
and checking that this input has been understood.
• Using the mother tongue (L1) in small doses.
• Establishing routines.
The role of the mother tongue (L1)
• Encouraging the children to express themselves in the
In the first months of the children’s contact with the foreign
foreign language.
language, giving explanations, instructions etc. in the child’s
• Reacting to the children’s errors in a methodologically
first language cannot be avoided. The aim, however, over
correct way.
the course of the school year is to increase the use of the
• Encouraging the children to learn independently.
foreign language in conducting the classroom activities. By
• Adapting the seating arrangement to suit the type of
constantly using classroom phrases it is easy to gradually
move over to the foreign language for regular routines. So
the children very soon react, e.g. to the request Let’s do an
action story., by standing up and putting their chairs away
Checking comprehension to make room for the actions, and to the request Now work
in pairs., by moving closer together.
When we learn a foreign language we are constantly exposing Although the aim is to reduce the use of the mother tongue,
ourselves to the risk of not understanding everything that we there are always situations where it is necessary to translate
hear or see. We try to understand messages holistically and single words or phrases because they cannot be represented
work out what is not understood from the context. In class, by gestures, pictures, realia, etc. It is unavoidable to explain,
the teacher tries to help the children understand as much for example, the phrase Let’s … in Let’s make a … with a
as possible by conveying the information through different mother tongue equivalent when it first comes up. Let’s …
sensory channels (auditory, visual and motor). Watching cannot be represented with gestures, pictures, realia etc.,
children when they are performing tasks gives the teacher and the children must be prevented from coming up with their
clues as to how much they have understood. Three patterns own interpretation. In contrast, when introducing the word
of behaviour frequently observed among teachers checking book it is pointless to add a translation in addition to showing
comprehension are counterproductive. an actual book. The meaning is made clear by the object.
These are: To sum up, the following ground rule should determine the
• Constantly translating individual words. This makes the use of the mother tongue. Use as much English as possible
children feel that they can only understand the foreign and only as much of the mother tongue as is absolutely
language when they know every single word. For example, necessary.
when you teach the sentences in the action story in
Unit 5 (Clothes), Get out of the water.; Dry yourself, etc.
you teach the children to understand the sentences as an
integral whole. Translating individual words would be
absurd and would hinder the learning process. In contrast,
translation in the following case is appropriate. The
teacher says: Touch the shoes., etc. to establish whether
the children have mastered the English terms for clothes.
A child hits every object named. At this point the teacher
cannot distinguish whether the child is displaying
aggressive behaviour, wants attention or has not
understood. The teacher goes to the child and says Touch
the T-shirt. S/he gives the L1 equivalent for touch and
shows the child the action once again.

16 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
An observation on the children’s names CLASSROOM LANGUAGE
General instructions:
In primary schools there is a tradition of giving the children Let’s start.
English names in the English lesson. Two arguments for Listen.
this are usually given: Stand up.
• Children like to slip into another role. Sit down.
• When the teacher says for example Sergej, can you help Can you come here?
me, please?, the articulatory basis is the native language Can you come to the front?
– the child’s name – and the teacher then switches into Show me a/the … .
English with the next word. Bring me a/the … .
Give me a/the … .
We are inclined to support the following counterarguments Put it here/there.
in favour of retaining the child’s own name: Open/close the door/window … .
• Playing a part in a role play means that a child takes on Stop now.
the identity of a character for the duration of the game. Pay attention.
However, Milica becomes Sue in the English lesson, she Stop eating.
does not take on another identity. Only the name is Put it in the bin.
changed. The child stays the same person despite the
fact that she has been given or has assumed another Working with vocabulary:
name. Say the word.
• The children – and sometimes also the teacher – keep All together.
forgetting the English names of their classmates. This Say it after/with me.
leads to confusion in group work and when working with Say it again.
a partner. Now in groups.
• If children are to learn to communicate in the foreign
language, then this also means that they should state Working with the Pupil’s Book:
their own feelings, state of health, preferences etc. When, Look at the picture/pictures.
for example, the teacher encourages Sue (who is actually Write the numbers.
called Milica) to name her favourite food, Milica talks Work in/get into pairs.
about herself. Sue’s identity is not present. Colour the … .
• If Milica meets another child in the holidays and this child Open your books (at page) … .
can only communicate in English, if she is asked her
name, she will answer Milica and not Sue. Working with Songs, Rhymes und Chants:
Sing along.

Routines Giving praise:

English lessons involve constantly changing classroom Well done.
scenarios. The children watch and listen to a story and show Yes, that’s right.
that they have understood it by putting pictures in order. What a lovely drawing!
They learn a song. They practise and revise a rhyme that Good./Very good.
they already know well. They ask each other for words in
pair work, etc. Language the children use:
Alongside these changing scenarios, other processes are Good morning.
constantly taking place at the socio-emotional level. One Goodbye.
child is being disruptive, another is trying to get the teacher’s Hello.
attention, a third is explaining an exercise to their partner, Can I have the (scissors)?
another is looking for their pencil or borrowing a rubber, I don’t know.
etc. I don’t understand.
The teacher tries to guide these processes verbally and non- Can I go to the toilet?
verbally. The important thing is that the teacher begins to Check, please.
develop routines around all these complex processes using It’s my turn.
English to an ever-increasing degree. Sorry!
Thank you.
I can’t find my … .
I haven’t got … .
What’s … in English?

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 17
Dealing with linguistic errors Learning to learn
What errors do children make when acquiring a foreign Learning to learn can, in its initial stages, start to be developed
language? Basically, we differentiate between errors in the first year of primary school. The aim is for children to
that occur in understanding and errors in reproduction or gradually gain slight awareness of how they understand what
production of language. The errors that can be made at the is presented to them, what helps them remember words,
reproduction stage or in the production of language occur at phrases and texts and whether or not the pace of the lesson
the levels of pronunciation and intonation, vocabulary and is appropriate for them. In order to achieve this aim, it is
grammar. Three examples may illustrate this: important to talk with the children about goals and about their
• In a role play one child says to the other Go away. During own learning. That does not mean that the teacher takes the
the performance several children do not succeed in position of knowing everything, but that the aim is to take
pronouncing the [w] in away correctly. The teacher does on board what the children say and talk about and what is
not interrupt the role play. Even after the role play she particularly helpful or hinders their learning progress.
does not dwell on the fact that three particular children
have made this pronunciation mistake but she practises
the [w] with the whole class with other words they already The seating arrangement
know and points out the exact position of the mouth. It
would be naïve to assume that this compensatory practice Although it is unrealistic to expect the tables in the classroom
would have the effect of clearing up problems with the [w] to be moved round for short periods of English teaching,
once and for all. The correct pronunciation of sounds and the following points should, if possible, be considered with
sound combinations, and also the intonation are the result respect to the seating arrangement:
of long practice. Adequate opportunities to hear English • Tables and chairs should be arranged in such a way that
in motivating situations, the teacher’s good example and the children have enough room in their places to be able
short activities that are carried out again and again help to move.
the learners to improve their pronunciation and • Ideally there should be space in the classroom to allow
intonation. the performance of role plays.
• While performing a mini-dialogue a child says: Here. • All children should have a clear view of the board.
instead of Here you are. The teacher does not interrupt • If a DVD player is used, the children should be able to sit
but practises the phrase again before other pairs present on the floor in front of the ‘stage’ like a puppet show.
the dialogue.
• When working out a puzzle a child says: Three nut. The
teacher repeats: Right, three nuts. Unlike during a role
play, a rhyme or chant where it would be disruptive for
the teacher to interrupt the course of the lesson, in this
example they acknowledge the correct content of the
child’s utterance positively and adds the linguistic

Making mistakes is unavoidable when trying to make

progress in a foreign language. For this reason, when
the teacher corrects the child the tone and context must
be clearly helpful so that the child perceives it as such.
Correcting in a negative way is counterproductive. The result
is that the children no longer dare to speak. Mistakes that
occur during activities with the objective of producing correct
language (drills, etc.) are corrected immediately. The teacher
does not make corrections during role plays and other
situations where the children are trying to be linguistically
creative. The teacher will show interest in what the child is
Should certain errors occur repeatedly in these stages then
the teacher should consider what activities could be effective
in improving the linguistic accuracy as a follow-up.

18 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
The role of the parents
In general, the parents of primary school children have a
very positive attitude towards the early learning of a foreign
language and also want to actively support their children’s
language development.

It is recommended that at a parents’ evening the following

points are made:
• The children’s early experiences of learning the foreign
language should be positive ones. Through these
experiences they gain self-esteem and motivation and
lose their shyness about expressing themselves in a
foreign language.
• Parents should not expect their children to be able to
speak English right from the start. Children should first
learn to understand linguistic utterances and later be able
to respond orally in simple language.
• Using Playway to English 2 Serbian edition in foreign-
language lessons will develop the children’s intellectual,
social, emotional, and motor skills.
• Learning a foreign language at an early age stimulates
an open-minded attitude towards other people and
• Point out that it is very important to praise children for the
slightest progress in learning. If a child comes home and
says ‘Today we learned ‘yes’ and ‘no’.’, they should
receive recognition for it.
• If children would like to show what they can do at home,
parents should listen patiently and show interest. Errors
are a sign of progress in learning. It is quite normal for
children to make a lot of errors at the beginning.
• Parents should not ask their children to translate an
English sentence into their mother tongue. The children
learn the foreign language holistically. They may be able
to understand the content of many sentences and phrases
but not be able to translate them into the mother tongue.
• Parents should not be disappointed if their child cannot
yet say something that has been learned. Some children
start talking earlier than others. Parents can support their
children in learning English with Playway to English 2
Serbian edition in the following way:
– Rhymes, songs and chants can be revised. The pictures
in the Pupil’s Book can be used for support.
– Parents can play ‘at school’ with their children and take
on the role of the pupil. Children take great pleasure in
teaching their parents in the foreign language. On the
following page, you will find a photocopiable master
that explains foreign-language learning with Playway
to English 2 Serbian edition in more detail.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 19
Photocopiable master:

Characteristics of early
foreign language learning
This is how children learn in practice:

• They grasp the meaning of new words with the aid of

• They learn correct pronunciation by imitating English
native speakers on the CD.
• They extend their vocabulary through play with the aid of
targeted exercises.
• They learn to understand and carry out short action
• They learn songs, rhymes and rhythmic chants.
• They learn to perform simple dialogues/role plays in
• They learn to assess their learning/progress/knowledge/
vocabulary and their ability themselves by means of
regular self-assessment activities.
• They also learn to understand other topics on the
curriculum in the foreign language.

20 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
Lesson plans

Unit Unit 1 Units Units 5–6

1 Hello again
Hello ag in 1-3 Show what
Show wh you
t you c ncan
do do

Unit Unit 2 Unit Unit 7

2 Shopping
Shopping 7 Family
F mily

Units Units 1–2 Unit Unit 8

1-3 Show what
Show wh you
t you do do8
c ncan On thefFarm
On the rm

Unit Units
Unit 3 Units 7–8
3 In myhouse
In my house 1-3 Show what
Show wh you
t you c ncan
do do

Unit Unit
Unit 4 Unit 9
4 My body
My body 9 Travelling
My town

Units Unit
Units 3–4 Unit 10
1-3 Show what
Show wh you
t you c ncan 10
do do Holidays
Holid ys

Unit Unit 5 Units Units 9–10

5 Clothes
Clothes 1-3 Show what
Show wh you
t you c ncan
do do

Unit 6
One whole year

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 21

Lyrics: Gerngross/Puchta
Text: Playway-Autoren
Music: Lorenz
Musik: Lorenz Maierhofer
Playway to English © Helbling,
© Helbling, Rum/Innsbruck

j j F
&bc Œ

œ œ ¿ œ œ œ œ œ œ
œ œ
With PLAY - WAY (clap) learning Eng - lish is fun, with

j j .. j j F
&b œ Œ
F C7 C7

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
1. 2. Fine

œ œ ¿
PLAY- WAY, PLAY - WAY, hip, hip, hoo- ray! hip, hip, hoo- ray! (clap)

&b œ œ œ œ œ œ Ó Ó
G G7 C G G7 C

œ œ ¿ ¿ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ¿ ¿
Learn- ing to list- en is ea - sy, (clap) learn - ing to speak is not hard, (clap)

j j j j
G C G G7 C

&b œ œ Œ Œ œ œ œ œ nœ ˙.

œ œ œ œ œ œ
D. C.

¿ ¿
come on and smile, (clap) com - mu - ni - cate, (clap) learn- ing Eng- lish is great!

Zur Gestaltung:

¿ ¿

snap snap
left right

22 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
Pictograms in the Teacher’s Book:

Pupil’s Book

Activity Book



Word cards

Story cards

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 23

1 Hello g in

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding sentences from the CD and
Hello, nice to see you again; How are you?; I’m connecting them with the corresponding pictures
fine; Fine, thanks; Hello again; We know lots of and words in the book.
words. Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: colours; toys; school; pets;
Topic: Speaking motivation 'Meeting and greeting
party; numbers from one to ten
Linguistic skills: Art
Greeting each other. Asking How are you? Materials:
Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of
soft ball; Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic
new words.
areas: school, toys, pets, colours, party, numbers
Singing a song: (Hello again).
CD 1/2–4; Pupil’s Book, p. 4, ex. 1; Activity Book,
Learning the lyrics of a song.
p. 4, ex. 1–2; coloured pencils
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Maintaining rhythm and melody while speaking in
unison, singing and clapping.

Warm-up 1 Listen and point.

• Greet the children in English, say: Hello, nice to see you Sing the song.
• Ask the children How are you? and prompt them, if ne-
Song: Hello again CD 1/2–3
cessary, to answer with I’m fine/ Fine, thanks. • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 4.
• Divide the class into pairs and have the children greet
each other. Walk around the class to check their pro-

1 Hello g in

1 CD 1
Listen and point. Sing the song.

• Revise the vocabulary from the first year of the course
by giving the children game activities that will allow them
to practise the following word groups: school; toys; pets;
colours; party; numbers.
• Start drawing the outline of a schoolbag on the board.
Stop and ask: What is it? Let the children guess before
you finish the drawing. Then say: Tell me some more
words for school things. Make an inviting movement with
your hand. The children name the school items they
already know.
• Proceed in the same way with the topic areas toys,
pets, colours, numbers and party. For revision of these
topic areas use the flashcards from the first year of the
course. 4

• Then play the following vocabulary game with the

children: Throw a soft ball or a ball of wool to one child. Hello
Hello again
Holiday boogie
Text: Playway-Autoren
Musik: Lorenz
Music: Lorenz Maierhofer
At the same time say one of the words from the topic
# j
& &# c œ œ œ œ œ œ œj œ ¿ .œ œ Œ ¿‰ œ œ œ œ Œ ..
C A C D (clap) C A D Fine
areas: school, toys, pets, colours, party, numbers.
• Tell the children to throw the ball to each other. The œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ J œ œ œ œ œ œ
­person throwing the ball must at the same time say Ref.: One,
Thistwo,isthree, ho -ve,
the four, six, seboo-
li - day - ven,
gie,eight, nine, ten,
yeah! hel - lois athe
This - gain!
ho - li - day

another word from the same word group.

• Revise the numbers one to ten on the board, saying
#& Aj j œ Œ A 7 j œD (clap)
œ Ó œ œJ
¿. ŒD (clap) œ œ Œ

& # œœ œœ œ œ œ
œ ¿ ¿ ¿ œ œ œ œ œ ¿Œ J ¿Ó ¿
A7 A
them at the same time.
Note: If you are unable to obtain the flashcards from boo - gie, yeah!
1. Red and pink and brown,
Come on, boys, come on, girls.
prin - cess, she - riff, clown,
Playway 1, make do with drawing whichever objects 2. Ted - dy bear and plane, puz - zle, ball and train,

Œ œj Aœ
you can on the board or pointing to various objects in
j . œ œ Œ

& A œ E7 ¿ J j A7
the classroom and on the children’s desks.
# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
& # Let's Œ Ó ‰
A7 D

œ œsing œthe œho - œli - day¿ ¿ boo-¿ gie, œyeah!œ œ # œLet's œhave œ ˙


school- bag, pen - cil, glue, o- range, white and blue. (Come on!)

j œ œ œ
œ œ Œ j
dogs and cats and birds, we know lots of words. (Oh yes!)

& œ œ Œ œ
F C G7 C

J J œ œ œ œ
24 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
in the sun. Bye bye bye bye, see you a - gain!

• Play the song CD 1/2. First of all, just sing the chorus of • Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 1 on p. 4 in
the song with the children. their Activity Book. Say, for example: Four red planes.
• Then ask the children to point at the numbers at p. 4 of etc. Get the children to point at the respective pictures in
the Pupil’s Book as they sing. They can also clap when their books as you say them.
they reach ten, and wave when they say: Hello again.
• Ask the children to sit in a circle. Lay flashcards for the
words of the song face down.
• Say: Tell me a word. Good. Turn the card over. Continue Tapescript:
until all the flashcards are turned over. Then say: We One: Seven orange balls.
know lots of words. Explain the sentence in L1. Have the One: Seven orange balls.
children repeat the sentence several times.
Two: Four red planes.
• Repeat the vocabulary exercise.
Two: Four red planes.
• If you do not have the flashcards, hold up your book and
point at various items while eliciting words from the chil- Three: Eight pink pencils.
dren, first slowly and then more and more quickly and Three: Eight pink pencils.
then say We know lots of words in the manner described
Four: Nine green balls.
Four: Nine green balls.
• Recite the text several times together with the children.
• Play the song several times. The children sing and point Five: Three white dogs.
at the respective pictures in the book. Five: Three white dogs.
• Practise the text by giving instructions such as the
Six: Two black dogs.
­following: (Nikola), point to schoolbag, pencil and glue.
Six: Two black dogs.
• The child is to point to the pictures of the three things
named in rapid succession. Seven: Ten green pencils.
• Ask the children to “read” the text in pair work. Seven: Ten green pencils.
• Sing the song several times with the children. Use the
karaoke version of the song on CD1/3. Eight: Five blue planes.
Eight: Five blue planes.
Option: In very good classes, you can also play a memory
U ni t

game: 1 ask the childrenHello g in

• Play CD 1/4 and to number the pictures
Have the children name words that they remember.
accordingly from one toListen and write the numbers.

Then ask them to find the flashcard matching the word CD 1

named. A child says e.g. schoolbag, looks for the right • Play the CD twice.5 6

card and turns it over. • Play the CD again and ask the children to check their
Say: Can you find the card? Let’s see. Sorry. Try again. work. 8 2
Who can help? Yes, good.
4 1
Tip: Explain the phrase Hello again in L1. 2 Colour and say.
Pronunciation tips: Take care with the pronunciation of [θ] in Speaking exercise
7 3
three, of [w] in white (with rounded lips), of
[p] and [b] in pink and brown.
2 Colour and say.
1 2

1 Listen and write the numbers. 3 4

Listening exercise CD 1/4


U ni t

1 Hello g in
• A
sk the children to have a look at the second exercise
1 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.
on p. 4 of their Activity Books. Make sure they have their
5 6 coloured pencils ready in the colours that they can say
in English.
8 2 • Give the class instructions on how to colour the items
in the four pictures, e.g.: One: one blue rubber, one
4 1
red rubber, two green rubbers. To check the children’s
answers, have them tell you the descriptions for each
picture, ask them, e.g. (Marija), what’s number one?
7 3
• Alternatively, give instructions for the first and second
picture and divide the children into pairs. Have them give
2 Colour and say. one another instructions on how to colour the remaining
1 2
two pictures. Have child A instruct child B how to colour
picture 3 and child B instruct child A how to colour pic-
3 4 ture 4. Check their answers in the same way.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 25

1 Hello g in

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: Stand up. Sit down. Touch Understanding instructions on the CD and pointing
your nose. Stretch. Listen. Look. Open the door. to the appropriate pictures in the book.
Close the window. Run! Say ‘Hello!’ Smile! Matching instructions with actions.
Receptive language: Walk/Run to school. Come
into the classroom. Cross-curricular integration:
Say ‘Hello!’ to your teacher. Take out your book. Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
Put it on the desk. You’re ready? Sport

Linguistic skills: Materials:

Understanding instructions on the CD. Flashcards from Playway 1: desk, chair, door,
Understanding successive instructions on the CD window, classroom
and matching with the pictures in the book. CD 1/5–6; Pupil’s Book, p. 5, ex. 2–3

• Revise the words for school items by using the flash-
cards. Put them up on the board and elicit the words Stand up.
from the children. If you do not have the flashcards Sit down.
from Playway 1, elicit the words for these objects using Touch your nose.
examples from the classroom. Stretch.
• Revise the orders (see the table for Vocabulary revision) Listen.
by giving out instructions to a few randomly selected Look.
students. If you believe there is a need to revise all the Open the door.
orders, present their meaning with the use of mime and Close the window.
• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 5 and
look at ex. 2.
Pre-teaching key phrases • Before playing the recording, point to each of the
pictures and elicit the appropriate phrases from the
walk (to), come into, take out, put (it) on (the desk), you’re
• Play CD 1/5 and have the children listen and point at the
• Pre-teach these key phrases by using mime and appropriate pictures while checking their own answers.
gestures wherever you can. Demonstrate walk to by • Play the recording a second time and have the children
miming Walk to the door. Demonstrate come into by repeat the phrases one more time.
having a child stand at the door and saying Come into U ni t

the classroom! motioning with your hands at the same 1

time. Demonstrate put on by using any example from 3 Listen and point.
Look and say. Listen and check.
CD 1

the classroom (e.g. Put the pencil on the desk). Finally,

ask the children if they are ready. Clarify the meaning of
Do the actions.
this phrase in L1. Listening exercise CD 1/6

3 Listen and point. Do the actions.

2 Look and say.

CD 1

Listen and check.

Listening exercise CD 1/5
U ni t


2 CD 1
Look and say. Listen and check.

3 Listen and point. Do the actions.

CD 1

26 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Ask the children to look at p. 5, ex. 3 of their Pupil’s
Tapescript: Books.
Walk to school. • Play CD 1/6 and have the children listen and point at the
Run to school. appropriate pictures.
Come into the classroom. • Play the recording a second time and have the children
Say ‘Hello!’ to your teacher. ‘Hello!’ repeat the phrases one after the other.
Sit down. • Play the recording a third time for the children to follow
Open your schoolbag. the instructions using mime.
Take out your book. • Play a game by giving out the instructions at a fast pace.
Put it on the desk.
Take out your pencil case.
Put it on the desk.
You’re ready?

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Receptive language: Walk to school; Open your Matching instructions with actions.
schoolbag; Take out a banana; Eat it; Throw the Understanding and carrying out jumbled
skin away; Walk on; Ouch!; Tom is hungry; He ­instructions.
opens his bag; He takes out a pear; Tom eats the Understanding sentences on the CD and numbe-
pear; Eek!; Tom throws the pear away; Tom walks ring pictures accordingly.
on; The birds eat the pear.
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation 'The banana skin'.
Understanding instructions in an action story (The
banana skin). Materials:
Understanding instructions from the CD and CD 1/7–8; Pupil’s Book, p. 6, ex. 4; Activity Book,
matching them with the corresponding pictures. p. 5, ex. 3
Understanding sentences from the CD and mat-
ching them with the corresponding pictures.

Revision Carrying out instructions

• Revise the instructions from the previous lesson by • Tell the children that you are now going to give the
giving out random instructions and having the children same instructions but not carry them out yourself. Give
carry them out. the same instructions as above in the same order. The
children carry out the movements. You do not do any of
the movements yourself but give positive feedback (e.g.
Listen and imitate. by nodding your head) when the children carry out the
Action Story: The banana skin instruction correctly. Continue in this way with the rest of
the instructions.
Walk to school; Open your schoolbag; Take out a banana; • Keep repeating this until you see that the children can
Eat it; Throw the skin away; Walk on; Ouch! carry out the instructions without difficulty. Gradually
• Ask the children to stand in a circle or stand up in their increase the pace.
• Say the sentences of the action story (above) and at the Carrying out the instructions
same time carry them out in mimes/gestures.
in a jumbled order
• Keep repeating this until you see that the children have
a good grasp of the sentences and the actions that go • Announce that you are going to give the instructions in a
with them. random order and the children must carry them out. Do
not join in yourself.
• Keep repeating this until you see that the children can
carry out the instructions without difficulty.
• Call on individual children and give each of them one of
the instructions to carry out, in any order.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 27

1 Hello g in
 Listen and point.  Listen and write the numbers.
Write the numbers. Listening exercise CD 1/8
Action Story: The banana skin CD 1/7 U ni t


U ni t 8

1 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

2 4
4 CD 1
Listen and point. Write the numbers.

4 5 3

7 6

7 2
3 8

5 1
6 1

• Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 3 on p. 5
in their Activity Book. The pictures are printed in random
• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 6. The seven
order. Tell the children to listen to the CD and to number
pictures are printed in random order. Now give the
the pictures accordingly from one to eight.
­children sufficient time to look at the pictures.

Tapescript: Tapescript:
One: Tom is hungry.
Walk to school.
One: Tom is hungry.
Open your schoolbag.
Take out a banana. Two: He opens his bag.
Eat it. Two: He opens his bag.
Throw the skin away. Three: He takes out a pear.
Walk on. Three: He takes out a pear.
Ouch! Four: Tom eats the pear.
Four: Tom eats the pear.
• Play the listening exercise (CD 1/7). At first the children Five: Eek!
just point to the appropriate pictures in the book. Five: Eek!
• Explain to the children that they should number the Six: Tom throws the pear away.
pictures from one to seven. Six: Tom throws the pear away.
• Play the listening exercise again and the children Seven: Tom walks on.
­number the pictures in the book. Seven: Tom walks on.
• Go round the class and check the children’s work.
Eight: The birds eat the pear.
Option: Draw a rough page layout on the board to look like Eight: The birds eat the pear.
Pupil’s Book p. 6. Ask the children to dictate the
numbers for each box.
• Play CD 1/8 twice. The children listen and number the
pictures in the book.
• Check the children’s work: Ask: What number is ‘He
opens his bag’? Children: Number two.

Option: With better classes, you can ask: What’s number two?
The children answer with: He opens his bag.

28 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: colours Understanding mini-dialogues on the CD and
Receptive language: Congratulations! Thank you! colouring pictures accordingly.
I’m sorry. That’s OK. This/It is very good. This/It is Acting out a mini-dialogue.
fantastic. This is not good. I hate ...
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
Understanding mini-dialogues on the CD and Art
matching with the pictures in the book. Drama
Acting out a mini-dialogue.
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
CD 1/9; Activity Book, p. 6, ex. 4; coloured pencils

Revision  Listen and colour.

• Revise the words for colours by using the flashcards. Listening exercise CD 1/ 9
Put the cards up on the board and elicit the words from
U ni t
the children or put all the cards on a desk and instruct 1
different children to give ‘a colour’ to you or another 9

child, e.g.: (Vanja), give me/Nikola (red), please. If you CD 1
Listen and colour.

do not have the flashcards from Playway 1, use colou- black blue

red pencils to elicit the words.

Introduction of vocabulary yellow

picture, colour, fantastic

• Introduce the word picture by drawing a picture on the
board. Explain colour by using the words for colours
that the children already know. Try with questions such green red

as: What’s this? A red pencil. What colour is the pencil?

Red. Stress the word colour. Explain fantastic by using
gestures and explain it additionally in L1 if necessary.
Encourage the children to repeat the new words several
times. 6

Pre-teaching key phrases Announcer: Brown.
Congratulations! Thank you! I’m sorry. That’s OK. This/ Boy Congratulations, Sue!
It is (very good). This/It is (fantastic). This is (not good). I Girl: Thank you!
hate ... Announcer: Green.
• Some of these phrases and sentences are already fa- Boy: Oh, I’m sorry!
miliar to the children. However, because of the exercise Girl: That’s OK.
that follows, it is necessary to explain them all one by Announcer: Red.
one. Girl: I hate yellow!
Explain as many of them as you can by using gesture
and mime, and use explanations in L1 for those that you Announcer: Blue.
cannot explain in this manner. Girl: Your picture is fantastic! Wow!
Boy: Thank you!
Announcer: Yellow.
Girl: The picture’s not good.
Boy: It’s very good, Sandra!
Announcer: Black.
Girl: This colour’s fantastic!

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 29

1 Hello g in
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 6 and in the circles next to the pictures. The circle next to the
look at ex. 4. Allow them a minute to examine the pic- presentation of the first mini-dialogue has been partially
tures and make sure they have their brown, green, red, coloured already.
blue, yellow and black pencils ready. • Play the recording a third time, stopping the CD after
• Play CD 1/9 and let the children listen and mark the each mini-dialogue or phrase for the children to repeat
appropriate pictures with the appropriate colours. Consi- the phrases and sentences.
der pausing the recording after each colour to allow the • Finally, try to act out the mini-dialogues. Have the child-
children sufficient time to find the appropriate picture. ren practise selected mini-dialogues in pairs. To check
• Play the recording a second time and have the children the children’s answers, have them act out the mini-dia-
check their answers. Allow them some time to colour logues in front of the class.

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
peaches; nuts; kiwis; strawberries; oranges; Understanding dialogues from the CD, drawing
Close your eyes; Open your mouth; What is it?; and colouring pictures in the book correspondingly.
A peach/plum/nut; an orange; That’s right. Re-enacting the dialogues in pair work.
Receptive language: What does (Andy) get?; Who
gets a (peach)?; I’m hungry, (Mum); Have an apple Cross-curricular integration:
(Maria); Can I have a banana, (Dad)?; Here you Topic: Speaking motivation 'Recognising fruit from
are, (Andy); Give me some plums, please; Thank its taste'.
you. Art
Linguistic skills:
Understanding and giving instructions. Materials:
Guessing fruits. Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area: fruit
Flashcards from Playway 2: melon, grapes, peach,
nuts, kiwis, strawberries; CD 1/10–11; Pupil’s
Book, p. 7, ex. 5–6; Activity Book, p. 7, ex. 5;
coloured pencils

 Listen and draw.

• Revise the types of fruit with the aid of the flashcards. Listening exercise CD 1/10
Put the cards up on the board and elicit the words from
the children or put all the cards on a desk and instruct U ni t

different children to give you or another child ‘a piece of 1

fruit’, e.g.: (Anja), give me/Aleksa (the banana), please.

5 CD 1
Listen and draw.
If you do not have the flashcards from Playway 1, draw
different pictures of fruit on the board and elicit words
from the children.
• Revise Close your eyes. What is it? with the aid of small
objects in the classroom that the children can name, e.g.
a plum
pencils, rubbers, etc. Have a child close his/her eyes
and, placing a small object into their hand, ask them

what it is and have the class respond in unison with yes/

an orange

6 Say.
• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 7. Give
Introduction of vocabulary them time to look at the pictures in ex. 5. Explain the
peach/es, nut/s, kiwi/s, strawberry/strawberries, melon, exercise: The children are going to hear three ­dialogues,
grapes draw and then colour the missing two fruits in the
­respective bubbles.
• Introduce the new words with the aid of the flashcards. 7
Repeat the new words several times and have the child-
ren repeat the new words after you.

30 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

 Listen and draw.
Listening exercise CD 1/11
Announcer: One.
Boy: Close your eyes. U ni t

Girl: OK. 1
Boy: Open your mouth.

5 CD 1
Listen and draw.

Girl: Mmh. 1

Boy: What is it?

Girl: A peach.
Boy: That’s right.
3 4
Tom Sandra

Announcer: Two.
Boy: Close your eyes.
Girl: OK.
Boy: Open your mouth. 5

Girl: Mmh.
Boy: What is it?
Girl: A plum. 7 8

Boy: That’s right.

Max Benny

Announcer: Three.
Girl: Close your eyes.
Boy: OK. 7

Girl: Open your mouth.

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 7 and
Boy: Mmh.
look at ex. 5.
Girl: What is it?
• Introduce the characters in the pictures by pointing to
Boy: An orange.
them and reading their names out to the class. Say, e.g.:
Girl: That’s right.
This is Mum. This is Maria.

• Now play the listening exercise (CD 1/10). Give the

­children enough time to draw the missing fruit in Tapescript:
­dialogues two and three.
• Play the listening exercise again and stop after eachU ni t Maria: I’m hungry, Mum.
1 Mum: Have an apple, Maria.
­dialogue. Ask the children: What is it? The children answer

with: (It’s) a plum, after the second dialogue or: (It’s) an

5 Listen and draw.
Andy: Can I have a banana, Dad?
CD 1
orange, after the third one. Then they colour in the fruit.
• Go round the class and check the children’s work. Dad: Here you are, Andy.
Andy: Thank you.

Tom: Can I have an orange, Mum?

a plum
Mum: Here you are, Tom.
 Say. 3
Tom: Thanks, Mum.
Pair work: Multi-sensory vocabulary games Sandra: I’m hungry, Dad.
an orange

Dad: Have a pear, Sandra.

6 Say.
Sandra: Thanks. Yummy.

Karen: Can I have a peach, Mum?

Mum: Here you are, Karen.
Karen: Thanks, Mum.
Bob: I’m hungry, Dad.
• Ask the children to look at ex. 6 on p. 7 of their Pupil’s Dad: Have some nuts, Bob.
Books and examine the picture. Ask them to identify the Bob: Thanks, Dad.
fruit on the plate by saying: What is it? Max: Linda, can I have some grapes?
• Have the children play a game in pairs; have child A
Linda: Here you are, Max.
close his/her eyes and child B place a small school
object in his/her hand and ask him/her what it is. They Max: Thank you, Linda. Grapes, yummy.
then swap roles. Benny: I ’m hungry, Max. Give me some plums,
• If you are able to bring some fruit to class, it would also please.
be useful to select two volunteers and have them use
Max: Here you are, Benny.
the fruit to act out the guessing game in front of the
Benny: Thank you.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 31

1 Hello g in
• Play the first dialogue from CD 1/11. • Play the other dialogues several times if necessary. The
• Press the pause button and ask: What does Maria have? children draw the fruits. Then ask questions, e.g.: What
The children answer: An apple. Point at the first picture does Andy get? Who gets a peach?
in the book and say: Right. Let’s draw an apple here.
Take a pencil and act as if you were drawing an apple in
Mum’s hand.

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding numbers from the CD and writing
Vocabulary revision: fruits Understanding instructions from the CD and using
Receptive language: What about pattern number them to make patterns.
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills:
Topic: Speaking motivation 'Fruit'.
Consolidating the meanings and pronunciation of Maths (numbers 1–10)
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic areas:
Understanding a combination of words from the fruit, numbers from one to ten; Flashcards from
CD and associating them with the corresponding Playway 2: melon, grapes, peach, nuts, kiwis,
pictures in the book. strawberries
CD 1/12–14; Pupil’s Book, p. 8, ex. 7–8; Activity
Book, p. 8, ex. 6; coloured pencils

• Use the flashcards to revise the words for fruit and num-
One: Kiwi.
bers. Play What’s missing? with the children. Put the
One: Kiwi.
flashcards on the board. The children close their eyes.
(Close your eyes.) Take away one flashcard from the Two: Apple.
board. The children open their eyes. (Open your eyes.) Two: Apple.
Ask: What’s missing? The children name the missing Three: Grapes.
number or colour. You can also take away two flash- Three: Grapes.
cards at the same time. Four: Nut.
Four: Nut.
7 Listen and write the numbers. Five: Strawberry.
Five: Strawberry.
Listening exercise CD 1/12 Six: Orange.

U ni t
Six: Orange.
1 Seven: Plum.

CD 1
Listen and write the numbers. Seven: Plum.
2 1 3 Eight: Peach.
Eight: Peach.
5 6 10
8 Nine: Banana.
7 4 9 Nine: Banana.

CD 1
Listen. Find the pattern and draw. Ten: Pear.
1 Ten: Pear.
• Ask the children to look at the pictures on p. 8, ex. 7 in
their Pupil’s Books. Name the fruits and get the children • Play CD 1/12 twice. The children listen and fill in the
to point at the respective pictures.
• Tell them to listen to the CD and number the pictures • To check ask, for example: Number three? What is it?
accordingly from one to ten. The children answer accordingly: Grapes.

32 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U ni t

8 Listen. CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.
6 Listen and match.
2 1 3
Find the pattern and draw. Listening exercise CD 1/14
5 6 10
Listening exercise8 CD 1/13
U ni t

7 4 9 1
8 CD 1
Listen. Find the pattern and draw. 6 Listen and match.
CD 1

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7 Colour and say.

• Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 6 on p. 8 in

their Activity Book.
8 • Tell them to listen to the CD and draw lines to match the
numbers to the correct fruit.
8 Draw and say.

• Tell the children to look at the fruits in ex. 8 on p. 8 in

their Pupil’s Book. Say the names of the first row of fruit
in number one: Kiwi, grapes, orange, nut, banana. The Tapescript:
children point at the pictures in their books. Then say the
One: Strawberry.
second row: Apple, plum, pear, strawberry, peach. 8

One: Strawberry.
• Tell the children that they are going to hear fruits from
the CD and that they should draw lines to join the dots Two: Nut.
underneath and above each fruit. The result should be a Two: Nut.
pattern. Three: Pear.
• Do the first pattern together with the children. Three: Pear.
• Hold up your book. Point at number one. Say: One. Now Four: Peach.
listen carefully. Four: Peach.
• Play CD 1/13 and stop the CD after number one. While
listening pretend to draw lines to join the appropriate Five: Kiwi.
dots in your book. The children at first only listen and Five: Kiwi.
look. They then listen and draw the lines. Six: Orange.
Six: Orange.
Seven: Grapes.
Tapescript: Seven: Grapes.
One: Kiwi, apple, plum, grapes, orange, pear, Eight: Banana.
strawberry, nut, banana, peach. Eight: Banana.
Two: Kiwi, apple, grapes, plum, orange, pear, nut, Nine: Apple.
strawberry, banana, peach. Nine: Apple.

Three: Kiwi, grapes, apple, plum, orange, nut, pear, Ten: Plum.
strawberry, banana, peach. Ten: Plum.

• Play the CD several times more. The children try to find • Play CD 1/14 twice. The children listen and draw the
the other two patterns and while listening they draw the lines.
lines according to the listening text. • Play the CD again and the children check.
• Check the children’s work: Ask individual children to
‘read out’ their pattern. Say: Who can read out/What
about (pattern) number one/two/three? Child: Kiwi –
­apple – plum – grapes …

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 33

1 Hello g in

L E S S O N 7
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: colours Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Fruit’
Receptive language: One (red) (strawberry). Two Maths
(green) (pears). Art
Linguistic skills: Materials:
U ni t

Understanding instructions. Flashcards from1Playway 1 on the topic areas:

Describing pictures in the book. colours, fruit and plate

6 Listen and match.

CD 1

Activity Book, p. 8, ex. 7-8; coloured pencils

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cognitive, motor and social skills:

Understanding instructions and colouring pictures

7 Colour and say.

Revision 8 Draw and say.

• Revise the words for colours, fruit and the word plate
by using the flashcards. Put the cards up on the board 8 Draw and say.

and elicit the words from the children or put all the

U ni t
cards on a desk1and instruct different children to give
you or another child a card, e.g.: (Ana), give me/Marko

(red), please. If you doListen and match.
not have the flashcards from
CD 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
­Playway 1, use drawings instead. 8

7 Colour and say. • Ask the children to look at their Activity Books, p. 8, ex. 8.
• Ask them about the first two pictures: What’s this? And
on this plate?
7 Colour and say.
• When they have answered, instruct them to draw fruit
on the other plates as well. Give out random instructions
using a number and a type of fruit. Allow the children
some time to colour in the fruit, and then elicit the same
8 Draw and say. statements as in the previous exercise.
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 8 and • Alternatively, allow the children to choose what kind of
look at ex. 7. fruit they want to draw, and then ask them to describe
• Elicit the words for the different fruit in the eight pictures. their pictures: (Jovana), what have you got?
While eliciting the names for the fruit, ask how many pie-
ces there are, eliciting
statements such as One banana/
Four bananas. Stress the plural forms.
• Next, ask for the colours of the fruit: What colour is the
banana? Yellow.
• Allow the children some time to colour in the pictures.
Ask them about the colour. Elicit statements such as
One yellow banana/Four yellow bananas.

34 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 8
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
One apple for Benny, … and some grapes for me; Composing one’s own chant.
… and ten strawberries for me; Reciting one’s own chant rhythmically.
Linguistic skills: Cross-curricular integration:
Consolidating the meanings and pronunciation of Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Creating a chant
words. about fruit’
Understanding the meaning of some (e.g. some
grapes). Materials:
Understanding chants from the CD, pointing along Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic areas:
in the book and chanting rhythmically in unison fruit, numbers from one to ten; Flashcards from
and individually. Playway 2: melon, grapes, peach, nuts, kiwis,
CD 1/15–16; Pupil’s Book, p. 9, ex. 9–10; coloured

Revision • Play both chants a second time and have the children
• Use the flashcards to revise the words for fruit and repeat the lines. Try to practise first one and then the
numbers. Play What’s missing? with the children. If you other chant without the aid of the recording, or by play-
do not have the flashcards from Playway 1, make use of ing the karaoke version (CD 1/16).
drawings or the illustrations on Pupil’s Book p. 8. • Once the children have mastered the lines and the
rhythm, go on to the next exercise.
U nit

9 Listen and point. 9
Listen and point. Say the chant.
 Create your own chant. CD 1

Say the chant. 1 , 1 ,

Speaking exercise:
1 , 2 ,
Listening exercise CD 1/15
Step to creativity (Word Play)
1 3

CD 1/156
U ni t

1 16

10 CD 1
Create your own chant.

9 CD 1
Listen and point. Say the chant.

1 , 1 , ,

1 , 2 ,

1 3
. 10 .

10 CD 1
Create your own chant.

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 9 and

look at ex. 9. , .

• Elicit the words for the fruit and the characters in the two
pictures, one by one. Then play the
recording (CD 1/15) 9
and have the children point along in the book.
• Clarify the meaning of the word some. Draw an apple on • Tell the children to compose their own chant. In Pupil’s
the board and say: One. Draw another apple. Say: Two. Book ex. 10, p. 9, the children write a number from one
Then draw five apples and say: Five. Then draw some
. to ten and draw one fruit item each in one of the three

more apples (overlapping) so that it is not clear how blank spaces provided. They write one number in the
many apples exactly there are. Say: Some apples. last row and draw one fruit item that they like.

• One child might compose this chant, for example:

1 kiwi for Benny,
2 apples for Linda,
One apple for Benny, 3 bananas for Li
one orange for Linda, And some plums for me.
one pear for Li • Give the children sufficient time for this work. When they
and some grapes for me. have finished the drawings the children can learn the
One orange for Benny, text of their poems by heart. Show the children the best
two kiwis for Linda, way to do this. Hold up your book. Recite your poem
three nuts for Li several times in a low voice and point at the respective
and ten strawberries for me. words/pictures in the book. Then go round the class and
help, if necessary.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 35

1 Hello g in
• Finally, individual children present their poems to the Note: Give the children the option of presenting their poem just to
class. Remember to praise them for their work (Let’s you on their own first, so that if necessary you can help
give them a big hand!). with the pronunciation.
Individual children may like to say their poems to the
karaoke version of CD 1/16.

L E S S O N 9
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: fruit, toys, colours, animals Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘My world’
Receptive language: My favourite ... is/are ... Art
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Understanding statements on the CD and mat- Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic areas:
ching with the pictures in the book. fruit, toys, colours and animals; Flashcards from
Making statements about one’s own preferences. Playway 2: melon, grapes, peach, nuts, kiwis,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: CD 1/17; Activity Book, p. 9, ex. 9–10; coloured
Understanding statements on the CD and mat- pencils
ching objects.
Drawing pictures of items of personal preference.

Revision • Tell the children to listen to Max on the CD. He is talking

about his favourite colour/toy/fruit and animal. The
• Revise the words for colours, fruit, animals and toys by ­children circle only his favourite items/colours.
using the flashcards. Put the cards up on the board and • Play CD 1/17 twice.
elicit the words from the children. If you do not have the • The children listen and circle the appropriate pictures.
flashcards from Playway 1, make use of drawings. • Check the children’s work: Ask: What is Max’s favourite
• Play the karaoke version of CD 1/16 to revise the colour/toy/…? Children: Blue/Train/…
children’s chants from the previous class.
Preparation of key phrases
My favourite colour is blue.
My favourite … is/are … My favourite toy is my train.
• Pre-teach the phrase My favourite (fruit/…) are My favourite fruit are pears. U ni t

(plums/…) in the following way: Say: I like plums. Draw My favourite animal is a cat. 1
some plums on the board and speak along. Then say, 9

CD 1
Listen and circle.

for example: I like bananas. Draw some bananas on the

board again. Now say: My favourite fruit are strawberries.  Draw and say.
Yummy! Draw some strawberries on the board and draw
a heart around your drawing. Step to creativity (ME-page)
• Then ask individual children about their favourite fruit. My favourite …
Say, for example:
Jason, what’s your favourite fruit?
10 Draw and say.

9 Listen and circle.

Listening exercise CD 1/17
U nit


9 CD 1
Listen and circle.

• Tell the children to draw their own face in the outline of

the head in ex. 10 on p. 9 in their Activity Book.
• Then they should draw their own favourite toy/fruit/
animal and colour. Give the children sufficient time for
10 Draw and say.
• Hold up your book and name the colours, objects, fruits this. Go round the class and help, if necessary.
and animals illustrated in ex. 9 on p. 9 in the Activity • Finally, individual children report to the class.
Book: A train, a cat… The children listen to you and point • One child might say, for example: My favourite toy is a
at the appropriate pictures in their books. car. My favourite fruit is bananas.

36 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013


Shopping 2
L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
potatoes; onions; carrots; green/red peppers; Music
tomatoes; cucumbers Topic: Speaking motivation 'Fruit and vegetables'.
I like (potatoes) …; What about cucumbers?; Yuck!
I don’t like cucumbers! Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area: fruit;
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 2: melon, grapes, peach,
Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of the nuts, kiwis, strawberries
new words. Flashcards from Playway 2: potatoes, carrots,
onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, green/red peppers;
Cognitive, motor and social skills: CD 1/18–19; Pupil’s Book, p. 10, ex. 1; CD 1/21;
Practising words with a partner. Activity Book, p. 10, ex. 1–2
Hearing a chant from the CD, pointing along in the
book and chanting it rhythmically in unison and
Matching words with the appropriate pictures.

Revision • Have individual children come up and ask them to take a

card from the board and to give it to another child in the
• Sit in a circle with the children. Hold up a fruit flashcard class.
just briefly and have the children name the fruit. Say: Darko, take the onions, please. Pass them to Mila.
• Then put the flashcard face down on the floor. P ­ roceed Darko: Here you are.
in the same way with the rest of the flashcards. Then Mila: Thank you.
name the fruits one after the other. Individual children • When all the flashcards have been distributed round the
turn the relevant flashcard over. class, say e. g.: Put the onions on the blackboard. The
child with the corresponding flashcard sticks it back on
• Hand out the flashcards to individual children. Say a fruit
the board. Continue in this way until all the flashcards
and the children with the appropriate cards hold them
are back on the board.

Introduction of vocabulary Sentence building

I like/I don’t like (tomatoes).
potatoes; carrots; onions; tomatoes; cucumbers; green/red
peppers • Build the phrases I like … and I don’t like … as follows:
• Stick the flashcards on the topic of vegetables on the
• Show the flashcards in order and say the corresponding board. Then draw a heart /smiley face (  ) next to
word. Then stick the cards on the board. one of the flashcards and say a sentence with I like
• Repeat the words in order at the same time pointing to ­corresponding to this card, e.g.: I like tomatoes. Proceed
the corresponding flashcard. in the same way with some of the other flashcards.
• Ask the children to repeat I like tomatoes/… a few times.
Pronunciation tips: Take care that with the word onions that it is • Have individual children draw a smiley face (  ) on the
pronounced with a [ʌ] as in but. The British board and say the corresponding sentence: I like …
pronounce tomato as follows: [tǝˈmaːtǝʊ]. and whisper cues to help them.
The form [tǝˈmeitǝʊ] is found in American
• Then draw a frowning face (  ) next to one of the
English. With cucumber the stress is on the
first syllable: [ˈkjuːkʌmbə]
­flashcards and say a sentence with I don’t like
­corresponding to this card, e.g.: I don’t like ­potatoes.
Proceed in the same way with some of the other
Exercises for anchoring • Have the children repeat: I don’t like potatoes/… a few
the vocabulary in the children’s times.
• Ask individual children to come out to the board. Ask
recognition memory
them to draw a frowning face (  ) next to one picture
• Have one child come to the board, say the words in and say the corresponding sentence. I don’t like …
any order and ask the child to point at the respective

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 37

2 Shopping
1 Listen and point. • Recite the text several times together with the children in
the prescribed rhythm.
Say the chant.
• Play the first part of the CD 1/19 (And now you!) The
Chant: I like potatoes CD 1/18–19 children point along with it in the book and say the
­missing words.
• Then play the second part of the CD 1/19 (karaoke

U ni t

2 Shopping
version) and the children say the chant.
• Again the children point in the book and chant the text in

1 CD 1
Listen and point. Say the chant.

unison in rhythm.
• Now the chant is recited with roles split between two
groups (the boy group and the girl group). The pictu-
res in the book should be used as visual support. The
third verse (the group of children) is said by everyone

1 Listen and write the numbers.

Listening exercise CD 1/ 21

U ni t

2 Shopping

10 1 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

2 1

• The children look at the pictures on p. 10 in the Pupil’s 3 4

Book. Name the types of vegetables illustrated. The
children point to the appropriate pictures in the book. 5 6

8 7

Tapescript: 10 9
Boy: I like potatoes,
2 Say.
I like tomatoes,
I like carrots,
yummy, yummy!
Girl: I like potatoes, Tapescript:
I like onions,
I like peppers, One: Carrots.
yummy, yummy! Two: Carrot.
Group of children: Potatoes, tomatoes, Three: Tomato.
carrots and peppers. Four: Tomatoes.
Potatoes, tomatoes, Five: Cucumber.
carrots and peppers. Six: Cucumbers.
Munch, crunch, Seven: Potatoes.
munch, crunch. Eight: Potato.
Munch, crunch, munch! Nine: Red peppers.
Yummy, yummy, yummy! Ten: Red pepper.
Munch, crunch,
munch, crunch.
Munch, crunch, munch! • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 10,
Yummy, yummy, yummy! ex. 1. Elicit the words for the vegetables, paying
Girl: What about cucumbers? attention to the use of plural forms among the children.
Boy: Cucumbers? Yuck! I don’t like Stress the ‘s’ at the end of the words.
cucumbers! • Play CD 1/21. The children listen and number the pictu-
res. The first picture has already been numbered.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to
• Then play the chant from CD 1/18. check their answers.
• Play the chant again. The children point at the • To check the children’s answers, ask: One, what is it?
­corresponding pictures at p. 10, ex. 1 in the Pupil’s Book.
• Practise the chant with the children in sections. Say
it first, the children repeat. Use the corresponding
­flashcards (potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes,
­cucumbers, green/red peppers) as visual support.

38 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

1 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

2 1 Unit


2 Say 8 7
• Now ask the children to look at ex. 2 on p. 10 of their
Activity Books.
Pair work 10 9
• Divide the class into pairs. Have one child ‘read’ the first
row and the other child ‘read’ the second, and then they
2 Say.
swap roles. Consider repeating the plural forms once
again with the entire class.


L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Good morning; Four (carrots), please. Mathematics: Counting from one to six.
Receptive language: How many … are there? Topic: Speaking motivation 'Asking and answering
There are … about quantities of fruit'.
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Understanding and being able to say plural forms CD 1/20; Pupil’s Book, p. 11, ex. 2; Activity Book,
of fruit and vegetables. p. 11, ex. 3
Understanding short shopping dialogues from the CD.
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Understanding shopping dialogues from the CD,
identifying quantities and numbering the pictures in
the book.

Revision 2 Listen and write the numbers.

• Say the chant I like potatoes from the previous lesson Listening exercise CD 1/20
together with the children to the karaoke version
CD 1/19. Use p. 10 in the Pupil’s Book as visual support. U nit


2 Listen and write the numbers.

Pre-teaching key phrases

CD 1

5 3

How many … are there?; There are …

• Start to draw a carrot. Stop your drawing and get the
children to guess. Ask: What is it? What do you think?
Guess. Continue your drawing until the children name 6 4
the respective vegetable. Say: Right. A carrot.
• Now get the children to close their eyes or turn around.
Draw, for example, another three carrots on the board.
Cover the board. Get the children to open their eyes
or turn around. Say: How many carrots are there now? 1 2
What do you think? Let the children guess. Then open
the board and say: There are four carrots.
• Continue in this way with two other types of vegetables.


• Hold up the Pupil’s Book briefly and point to the first

­illustration on p. 11. The children open their book at
p. 11. Now point to the first picture and say: How many
tomatoes are there? Count together with the children:
One, two, three, four, five. Five tomatoes. Right. Proceed
in the same way with the remaining types of vegetables
in the pictures.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 39

2 Shopping
• Tell the children that they are going to hear shopping • Now play the listening exercise from CD 1/20. Stop
dialogues. They should number the respective pictures the CD after each dialogue so that the children have
in the book from one to six. ­sufficient time to find the correct picture.
• Draw a grid with six boxes on the board. This grid
­represents p. 11 in the Pupil’s book. Have the children
Tapescript: dictate the numbers for the corresponding box. What
number is it?
Announcer: One. • If the children do not agree on answers, play the
Girl: Good morning. ­listening exercise several times.
Man: Good morning.
Girl: Three red peppers, two onions, six
potatoes and five cucumbers, please. 3 Look and say.
Man: OK. Three red peppers, two onions,
six potatoes and five cucumbers.
Announcer: Two. U ni t

Boy: Good morning. 2

Woman: Good morning. 3 Look and say.

Boy: Three green peppers, two carrots, six 1 2

potatoes, five cucumbers, please.

Woman: OK. Three green peppers, two carrots,
six potatoes, five cucumbers. 3 4

Announcer: Three.
Girl: Good morning.
Man: Good morning.
Girl: Four carrots, five tomatoes, three 5 6

cucumbers and one onion, please.

Man: Four carrots, five tomatoes, three
cucumbers and one onion.
Announcer: Four.
7 8

Boy: Good morning.

Woman: Good morning.
Boy: Five red peppers, four green peppers,
two carrots and six cucumbers, 11

Woman: OK. Five red peppers, four green
peppers, two carrots and six • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 11,
cucumbers. ex. 3. Elicit the words for the vegetables, paying
Announcer: Five. attention to the use of plural forms among the children.
Girl: Good morning. Stress the ‘s’ at the end of the words (e.g. cucumber,
Man: Good morning. tomatoes, etc.).
Girl: Four carrots, five tomatoes and three • Then elicit the numbers: How many ... are there?
onions, please. • Finally, elicit short descriptions of the items in the pictu-
Man: OK. Four carrots, five tomatoes and res, e.g.: What’s this? One cucumber./Three tomatoes.
three onions. or: Number one, what is it?
Announcer: Six.
Boy: Good morning.
Woman: Good morning.
Boy: Five red peppers, four green peppers,
two onions and six cucumbers,
Woman: OK. Five red peppers, four green
peppers, two onions and six

40 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
(Maria) likes/doesn’t like; I like/don’t like ... Topic: Speaking motivation 'Discussing what fruit
Receptive vocabulary: What do you like?; What you like/dislike'.
don’t you like?; What about you?
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area: fruit;
Expressing likes or dislikes. Flashcards from Playway 2: melon, grapes, peach,
Listening to a partner in a conversation and giving nuts, kiwis, strawberries, potatoes, carrots, onions,
information. tomatoes, cucumbers, green/red peppers
Understanding what someone likes and doesn’t Pupil’s Book, p. 12, ex. 3; CD 1/ 22; Activity Book,
like on the CD. p. 12, ex. 4-5; stickers from the appendix of the
Pupil’s Book
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Thinking about your own likes and dislikes.
Recording the results by sticking in pictures.

Revision • Then ask the children, e.g.: What do you like, Lena? –
• Revise the words for types of fruit and vegetables al- Lena: (I like) apples, pears, nuts …
ready learnt with the aid of the flashcards. If you do not What don’t you like, Danilo? – Plums, cucumbers …
have the flashcards from Playway 1, either use only tho- What about you, Sandra? – I like …/I don’t like …
se from Playway 2 or use the illustrations in the Pupil’s In addition in able groups you can ask the children what
Book as visual support. they have noticed about the likes and dislikes of the
other children in the class:
Say: Marija likes... Have the children complete the
3 Stick and say. sentence.
Say: Marija doesn’t like... Get the children to name the
Sticker activity types of fruit and vegetables that Marija doesn’t like.

U ni t

Pair work: Speaking exercise
3 Stick and say.
• The children should tell at least three different partners
I like ... which types of fruit and vegetables they like or don’t like.
• Practise the expression for this pair work (I like …; I
don’t like …) by saying and repeating several times
before the children carry out the pair work. You could
mix the pairs by playing music. The children go round
the class as the music plays. When the music stops the
children work with the person who is standing closest to
I don't like ... them. They tell each other what they like and what they
don’t like.

4 Listen and match.

Listening exercise CD 1/22

U ni t

12 2

4 CD 1
Listen and match.

• Show the children the page in the appendix of the Pupil’s

Book with the stick-in pictures for p. 12, ex. 3.
• Name the types of fruit and vegetables illustrated in Amy James Lily Harry

random order and the children point at the respective 2

pictures in the appendix of the book. 1 3

• Explain to the children that they are only to stick the fruit
and vegetables that they like in the box in the top half of
p. 12 in the Pupil’s Book. They stick the types of fruit and
vegetables that they don’t like in the bottom box on p. 12.
4 5

• Give the children sufficient time for this work. Go round

the class and help if necessary.
5 Say.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 41
Unit Amy James Lily Harry

2 Shopping 1

• The children open their Activity Book at p. 12 and look 5 Say. 4 5

at the photos and pictures in ex. 4. Say the names of the

children in the book: Amy, James, Lily and Harry. The Speaking exercise
children look at the respective names.
5 Say.
• Then explain the listening task: The children are going
to hear what Amy, James, Lily and Harry like and what
they don’t like. They should find out which tables belong
to whom. Tell the children that one table is left.
• Play CD 1/22. Press the pause button after the first 12

child, Amy. Give the children sufficient time to find her

• Get the children to look at ex. 5 on p. 12 in their Activi-
• Continue with the remaining children in the same
ty Books. Point to the children in the picture and say:
­manner. Go round the class and check.
I like.../I don’t like... and have the children finish the
sentence for you.
• If time allows, have the children try and tell their partner
Tapescript: what they like/don’t like without the aid of p. 12 of the
Speaker: What do you like, Amy? Activity Book.
Amy: I like potatoes, tomatoes, red and green
peppers. I don’t like cucumbers.
Speaker: James, what about you?
What do you like?
James: I like potatoes, cucumbers and carrots.
I don’t like tomatoes, red and green
peppers and onions.
Speaker: What about you, Lily?
Lily: I like cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, red
and green peppers. I don’t like onions
and tomatoes.
Speaker: Harry. What do you like?
Harry: I like tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots
and red and green peppers. I don’t like
onions and potatoes.

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Presenting a time sequence visually.
Putting pictures in the right order in a picture story
Receptive language: Good morning; Six and sticking them in.
­tomatoes…, please; Linda, the flowers, please; Role playing different characters.
No, Max; How much is it?; Here you are; Goodbye;
Yummy; Two pounds, please. Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation 'Buying fruit'.
Understanding a story (At a shop) from the CD and Materials:
from narration by the teacher. Story Cards: At a shop; CD 1/23–24; Pupil’s Book,
Joining in with story-telling. pp. 13–14, ex. 4–5; stickers from the appendix of
Carrying out role plays. the Pupil’s Book
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Following the narrative structure of a story from the

Introduction of vocabulary
• Ask the children what they can remember about the flower
likes and dislikes of classmates from the previous • Introduce the word flower by either using the appropriate
lesson: What does Nenad like?/What about Maja? The flashcard from Playway 2 or by drawing a flower on the
children answer, for example: Bananas, nuts, pears ... board. Repeat the new word several times and have the
children repeat after you.

42 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

5 Listen and point.
Linda, Benny,
Listening exercise CD 1/24
Max: Good, morning.
U ni t
Shop assistant: Good morning. 2
Linda: Six tomatoes, four green peppers 24

5 Listen and point. Act it out.

and three cucumbers, please. CD 1

Shop assistant: Six tomatoes, four green peppers

and three cucumbers.
Max: Linda, the flowers, please.
Linda: No, Max.
Max: Oh!
Benny: How much is it?
Shop assistant: Two pounds.
Benny: Oh, two pounds.
Here you are.
Linda, Benny: Goodbye.
Shop assistant: Goodbye.
Max: Goodbye. Flowers, yummy.

Note: Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions

of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the
Pupil’s Book. This is mainly because of the length of the 14

stories but also this serves to encourage the children to

listen for the necessary information in order to complete the • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 14 and
gap fill in the Pupil’s Book.
look at the pictures in ex. 5.
• Tell them that they are going to listen to a shopping
4 Listen and stick. dialogue and they should point at the respective pictures
in the book.
Listening exercise:
• Play CD 1/24 twice. The children listen and point.
Sticker activity CD 1/23
U ni t

2 Tapescript:

4 Listen and stick.

CD 1
Tom/Sue: Good morning.
Greengrocer: Good morning.
? Sue: Three apples and two tomatoes,
Greengrocer: Here you are. £2, please.
Tom: Here you are.
Greengrocer: Thank you.
? Tom/Sue: Goodbye.
Greengrocer: Goodbye.
5 Act it out.
? Mini-dialogue
• Hold up your book, point to the pictures and act out the
13 mini-dialogues using different-sounding voices. Repeat
the mini-dialogues several times and encourage the
• Play the listening version of the story twice (CD 1/23). children to repeat them after you.
The children stick the stick-in pictures from the appendix • Encourage children to take over the roles of the children
in the corresponding blank spaces in the Pupil’s Book on in the story. You act as the greengrocer. Later, children
p. 13 while they are listening. also take over the role of the greengrocer.
• Check the children’s work. • Divide the children in groups of three and get them to
Option: To promote self-checking put out a completed picture practise the dialogue. Go round the class and help, if
story in the classroom. The children go and check their necessary.
own work themselves. • Volunteers act out the dialogue in front of the class.
• Get the other children to applaud (Let’s give them a big
Telling the story. hand).

• Now tell the story with the aid of the story cards (see the
tips on Basic Technology in the Introduction).
Option: In high-ability groups, the story can also be performed
as a role play after appropriate intensive practice.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 43

2 Shopping

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: Here you are. Thank you. Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
Receptive language: Good morning! Good after- Art
noon! Good evening! Good night!
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
Understanding phrases on the CD and matching colours
with the pictures in the book. Flashcards from Playway 2: morning, afternoon,
night, evening; CD 1/ 25–26; Pupil’s Book, p. 15,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: ex. 6; Activity Book, p. 13, ex. 6; coloured pencils
Understanding phrases on the CD and colouring
pictures accordingly.

• Revise the words for colours by using the flashcards.
Put the cards up on the board and elicit the words from Morning
the children or put all the cards on a desk and instruct Good morning!
different children to give you or another child ‘a colour’. Afternoon
If you do not have the flashcards from Playway 1, use Good afternoon!
coloured pencils to elicit the appropriate words. Evening
Good evening!
Introduction of vocabulary Good night!
morning, afternoon, night, evening
• Introduce the four new words with the aid of the flash- • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 15 and
cards. Encourage the children to repeat the new words look at the pictures in ex. 6. Say or elicit the words for
several times. the parts of day in the left-hand column on the page.
• Play CD 1/26 and have the children listen and point
Pre-teaching key phrases • Play the recording a second time and have them repeat
the words and phrases with the aid of the recording.
Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good • Finally, have the children tell you the appropriate word
night! or phrase for each picture. Additionally, consider poin-
• Introduce these phrases by explaining them in L1. En- ting to them in a jumbled order and eliciting the correct
courage the children to repeat the new phrases several answers from the children.
6 Listen and colour.
6 Listen and point. Say.
Listening exercise CD 1/25
Listening exercise CD 1/26 U ni t

U ni t
2 6
Listen and colour.
CD 1

6 CD 1
Listen and point. Say. 1 2

1 2

3 4
4 5 6
green purple

5 6

7 8 9
black red blue

7 8



44 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 13 and
Tapescript: look at ex. 6. Allow them a minute to examine the pictu-
res and make sure they have their green, yellow, pink,
Green: Three onions, please. orange, blue, black, purple, brown and red coloured
Green: Three onions, please. pencils ready.
Yellow: Two pounds, please. • Play CD 1/25 and have the children listen and mark the
Yellow: Two pounds, please. appropriate pictures with the appropriate colours. Consi-
der pausing the recording after each colour to allow the
Pink: Mum, the cucumbers, please. children sufficient time to find the appropriate picture.
Pink: Mum, the cucumbers, please. • Play the recording a second time and have them check
Orange: Good morning! their answers. Allow them some time to colour in the
Orange: Good morning! circles next to the pictures. The circle next to the pre-
sentation of the first phrase has been partially coloured
Blue: How much are the grapes? already.
Blue: How much are the grapes?
Black: Here you are.
Black: Here you are.
Purple: Goodbye.
Purple: Goodbye.
Brown: Thank you.
Brown: Thank you.
Red: Lovely pears!
Red: Lovely pears!

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Colouring in the ingredients of one’s own fruit
Vocabulary revision: How many ... are there? salad and talking about it.
There are ... Cross-curricular integration:
Receptive language: In my favourite fruit salad
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Discussing quantities
there are ...
of fruit and the ingredients of one’s own favourite
Linguistic skills: fruit salad’
Saying how many. Materials:
Understanding the ingredients of Max’s favourite
Story Cards: At a shop; Flashcards from Playway 1
fruit salad from the CD.
on the topic area: fruit; Flashcards from Playway 2:
Talking about one’s own favourite fruit salad.
melon, grapes, peach, nuts, kiwis, strawberries,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers,
Discovering various vegetables in a picture puzzle green/red peppers
and saying how many there are of each. CD 1/27; Activity Book, pp. 14–15, ex. 7–9;
Understanding the ingredients of Max’s favourite coloured pencils
fruit salad from the CD and circling the
­correspon­ding pictures in the book.

• Revise the story At a shop from the previous lesson.
Use the story cards for this.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 45

2 Shopping
7 Look, count and write. • Play CD 1/27 twice. Now the children circle the
­corresponding pictures in the book.
Picture puzzle • The children then listen again and check. Ask: What’s in
Max’s favourite fruit salad? Children: (There are) nuts,
U ni t


U ni t

2 pears, grapes. 27

8 CD 1
Listen and circle.
7 Look, count and write.

9 Draw and say.

Step to creativity (ME-page)
My favourite fruit salad

9 Draw and say.

My favourite fruit salad

7 4 10 8 6 5 9

• Ask the children to look at ex. 9 in their Activity Book on

• Ask the children to look at the picture on p. 14 in their p. 15. Tell them to draw their own face in the outline of
­Activity Book for about ten seconds only. They then the head.
close their books. Ask: How many cucumbers are there? • They then colour only the fruits they want to put into
Write the children’s guesses on the board. Continue in their own favourite fruit salad.
the same way with the other vegetables. Then say: Let’s Make sure the children understand that they should not
check. The children open their books and count. They fill colour all the fruits.
in the numbers in the boxes at the bottom of the page. Give the children sufficient time for this. Go round the
• Tell the children to close their books. Play a Call my class to help, if necessary.
bluff game with them. • Practise the phrase: In my favourite fruit salad there are
• Say, for example: There are eight onions. If the children … thoroughly by getting the children to say and repeat it
think this is the wrong number, they stand up. If they several times.
think the number you have given is right, they remain • Have the children tell you their descriptions of their
seated. favourite fruit salad.

8 Listen and circle.

Listening exercise CD 1/27
• Ask the children to look at the picture in ex. 8 on p. 15
in the Activity Book. Name the illustrated fruits and get
the children to point at the corresponding pictures in the

U ni t


8 CD 1
Listen and circle.

9 Draw and say.

• Tell the children that they are going to listen to the CD
My favourite fruit salad

and that they should circle only the fruits Max mentions.

In my favourite fruit salad there are
grapes, peaches, kiwis, pears and nuts.


46 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

Show wh t you c n do 1-2

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Checking of vocabulary acquisition in Units 1–2. Matching words and phrases from the CD to the
corresponding pictures and situations.
Linguistic skills: Circling the odd word out.
Understanding and saying the important words and Checking the results with the aid of an answer key.
sentences from Units 1–2 on the topic areas 'fruit Self-evaluation
and vegetables'.
CD 1/28–30; Pupil’s Book, pp. 16–17, ex. 1–4;
coloured pencils; answer key

Self-evaluation Number seven: Potato.

Number seven: Potato.
Option: Divide Show what you can do into two lessons.
Number eight: Peach.
Note: For notes on the basic methodology of this section, see Number eight: Peach.
Show what you can do in the Introduction.
Number nine: Onion.
Number nine: Onion.
1 Listen and write the numbers.
U ni t s

1-2 Show wh t you c n do

Listening exercise CD 1/28 • Now play the listening exercise (CD 1/28).

• The children number1 the pictures in the book a

Listen and write the numbers.
CD 1 ­ ccor­dingly.

U ni t s The first picture has
1 already been 3 numbered.
1-2 Show wh t you c n do • Go round the class and help the children, if necessary.

CD 1
Listen and write the numbers. • Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
1 3 5 their results independently.
2 4 7

2 4 7 2 Circle the odd

one out.
9 6

8 9 6 2 Circle the odd one out.


2 Circle the odd one out.

• Tell the children to find out by themselves which food
words in the Pupil’s Book on p. 16, ex. 1 they already

know. 3

• The children check independently whether they can

match the words they hear to the corresponding pictures.
16 • Tell the children to have a look at ex. 2 on p. 16 of their
Pupil’s Books.
Tapescript: • Elicit the appropriate words for all the pictures.
• Tell the children that they are to find the odd one out and
Number one: Apple.
circle it. To check their answers, ask: Number two, what
Number one: Apple.
is it?
Number two: Red pepper.
Number two: Red pepper.
Number three: Plum.
Number three: Plum.
Number four: Pear.
Number four: Pear.
Number five: Carrot.
Number five: Carrot.
Number six: Green pepper.
Number six: Green pepper.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 47
3 4


1-2 Show wh t you c n do

2 1

3 Listen and write the numbers. 4 Look and say. Then listen and check.
Listening exercise CD 1/29 Listening exercise CD 1/ 30
U ni t s 30
4 Look and say. Then listen and check.
1-2 CD 1

1 2 3 4

3 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

3 4


2 1
One: I like apples.
Two: I don’t like plums.
Three: Walk to school!
Four: Say ‘Hello!’ to your teacher. ‘Hello!’
4 CD 1
Look and say. Then listen and check.

1 2 3 4
• Ask the children to find out by themselves which
­sentences in the Pupil’s Book on p. 17, ex. 3 they can
• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 17 of their
already guess and say.
Pupil’s Books.
• Elicit the appropriate statements for all the pictures.
Tapescript: • Tell the children that they are to listen to the recording to
check their answers.
Number one: Close your eyes. • To check their answers once again, ask: Number one,
Number one: Close your eyes. what is it?
Number two: I like carrots.
Number two: I like carrots.
Number three: I don’t like peppers.
Number three: I don’t like peppers.
Number four: Here you are.
Number four: Here you are.

• Now play the listening exercise from CD 1/29.

­ ccordingly.
• The children number the pictures in the book a
The first picture has already been numbered.
• Go round the class and help, if necessary.
• Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.

48 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

In my house 3
L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Colouring in objects.
table; lamp; curtains; sofa; chair; mat; telephone; Asking about the colour of objects on a partner’s
TV; cupboard picture and colouring in objects accordingly.
Receptive language: There’s a green sofa; There Cross-curricular integration:
are yellow curtains; What colour is your (sofa)?;
Topic: Speaking motivation 'Describing furniture in
What colour are your (curtains)?
a home'.
Linguistic skills:
Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of the
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
new words.
colours; a soft ball
Understanding new words from the CD.
Flashcards from Playway 2: table, lamp, curtains,
Asking and answering questions.
sofa, chair, mat, telephone, TV, cupboard; CD 1/31;
Exchanging information.
Pupil’s Book, p. 18, ex. 1; Activity Book, p. 16,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: ex. 1; coloured pencils
Matching words with the corresponding pictures
and the corresponding actions.

• Stand in a circle with the children. Name a word from the Tapescript:
word group colours, e.g. yellow and throw a soft ball to sofa telephone
one child. The child who catches the ball names another chair TV
colour and throws the ball to another child and so on. In lamp curtains
this way revise the word groups vegetables, fruit, pets, table mat
numbers and school things. cupboard

Vocabulary revision and introduction • Play the listening exercise (CD 1/31) a few times. The
children listen and point at the respective pictures on
table; lamp; curtains; sofa; chair; mat; telephone; TV; p. 18, ex. 1 in the Pupil’s Book.
cupboard • Then hold your book up. Point to the individual items of
• Show each flashcard, say the English word and do a furniture. Practise the words by saying and ­repeating
corresponding action to it, e.g.: ­several times. Then point faster and faster to the
sofa – Lean back on an imaginary sofa. ­individual items of furniture in your book. The children
lamp – Switch an imaginary lamp on. name the corresponding words.
table – Show the outline of a table etc.
• Stick the flashcards to the board when the children have Pronunciation tips: Take care that the [æ] in lamp is pronounced
repeated the word. as open as possible. Pay attention to the
clear diphthongisation in table [ˈteɪbl]. Make
sure in the pronunciation of cupboard
[kʌbəd] that only the [b] is audible.

1 Listen and point.

Listening exercise CD 1/31 Pair work

U ni t
• The children work in pairs with one book. Child A points
3 In my house to an item of furniture and child B names the word. Then
Listen and point.
they swap roles.
CD 1

Vocabulary revision and

reinforcement of key phrases
What colour is the (sofa) …?
• Repeat the colours with the aid of the flashcards from
Listen and point. Sing the song.
Playway to English 1.
• Hold the flashcard of the sofa so that the children cannot
CD 1

see it. Ask: What colour is the sofa? The children guess.
Proceed in the same way with the other items of

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 49

3 In my house
1 Colour and say. • Divide the children into pairs. Child A colours the items
in picture A in the colours of his/her choice. Child B does
Pair work: Speaking exercise the same with picture B.

U ni t
• Tell the children that they should set up a schoolbag or
3 In my house a book between their books so that their partners cannot
1 Colour and say.
see how the drawings are coloured. Give the children
A sufficient time for this.
• Practise the expression: What colour is your…?
­thoroughly by getting the children to say and repeat it
several times.
• Then ask one child: What colour are the curtains?
­Practise this question in the same way.
Now the children carry out the pair work.
Child A asks child B what colours the items in child B’s
picture are, for example: What colour is your table?
Child B e.g.: Blue.
Child A colours the table in picture B in his book blue.
Child A continues with the remaining items in the same
way. Go round the class and help, if necessary.
• When child A has coloured all the items of furniture it is
child B’s turn to ask.
• When both children have finished colouring the items of
furniture they compare their pictures.
• If the questions What colour is your …?/What colour
• Ask the children to open their Activity Book at p. 16. are your …? are too difficult for your class, then it is
• Work with the drawing of the living room on the top half ­recommended that the children ask as follows: Child A:
of the page. Say the words one after the other. The Table. What colour? Child B: Green.
children point to the corresponding picture in each case.

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Maintaining the rhythm and melody while speaking
mice; floor; door; on; family in unison and singing.
Receptive language: The family; the family’s not Saying a chant and pointing along in the book.
here; The mice are having fun; What’s happening?; Drawing items of furniture and composing one’s
Oh dear!; Mice, mice, mice everywhere; on the own chant.
sofa/chair/cupboard/floor/curtains/door. Saying one’s own chant rhythmically.

Linguistic skills: Cross-curricular integration:

Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of the Music
words. Topic: Speaking motivation 'Describing furniture in
Singing a song (The mice are having fun). a room'.
Understanding a chant from the CD. Materials:
Producing one’s own chant.
Flashcards from Playway 2: table, lamp, curtains,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: sofa, chair, mat, telephone, TV, cupboard
Learning the words of a song with the aid of Flashcards from Playway 2: floor, door;
actions and pictures. CD 1/32–35; Pupil’s Book, pp. 18–19, ex. 2–4

Revision Introduction of vocabulary

• Revise the words from the previous lesson with the aid mice; floor; family
of the flashcards in the usual manner.
• Start drawing a mouse on the board. Stop and ask the
children: What is it? What do you think? Let the ­children
guess. When the children have guessed ­correctly, say
e.g.: Yes, right! It’s a mouse. Finish ­drawing the picture.
Then ask the children to turn round or close their eyes:
Turn around./Close your eyes.

50 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Add two or three mice to the drawing. Cover the board. • Play the song (CD 1/32). At first the children just listen
The children turn round again or open their eyes. Ask: and follow in the book.
How many mice are there? Guess. Let the children • Then say the words of the song line by line.
guess. When the children have guessed the correct The children point at the pictures in the book.
number open the board. Say the word several times and • Play the song several times.
get the children to repeat it. • Say the words with the children in the rhythm of the
• Introduce the word floor with the aid of the flashcards. song with the children pointing at the respective pictures
Say the word several times and have the children repeat in the book again.
it. • Stand in a circle with the children. Play the song again
• Introduce the word family by drawing four stick figures

U ni t
and all sing it together. Do the corresponding actions to
on the board. Say:
3 Mum, dad, In my house
brother, sister. Draw a jog their memory.
circle around them and say: Family. 31 • Finally, sing the song to the karaoke version (CD 1/33).
1 CD 1
Listen and point.

2 Listen and point. 3 Listen and point.

Sing the song. Say the chant.
Song: The mice are having fun CD 1/32–33 Listening exercise CD 1/34
U nit


2 CD 1
Listen and point. Sing the song.


3 CD 1
Listen and point. Say the chant.

In m y roo m In m y roo m

, , , ,



4 CD 1
Create your own chant.

• Ask the children to open theirIn Pupil’s
m y roo m Book at p. 19 and
look at ex. 3.
• Hold up your book and elicit the words for all , the items
• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 18 and look , ,
in the picture. Next, point to the mouse and say: This is
at the pictures on the bottom half of the page (ex. 2) for Freddie. Point to the cat and say: This is Tiger.
about five seconds. ,
• Then the children close their books and try to remember
the words.
Say: Tell me some words.
• Also ask the children, for example: Where are the mice?
In my room 19
Elicit the answer: On the sofa/floor …
There’s a pink sofa,
• Explain the phrase: The mice are having fun! in L1.
There’s a blue TV,
There are green curtains,
Text: Playway-Autoren And there’s a little house.
Micemice are having
are having
Holiday boogiefun fun Lyrics: Gerngross/Puchta
Musik: Lorenz Maierhofer
Music: Lorenz
Music: Lorenz
© Helbling,
© Helbling, Rum/Innsbruck
For Freddie the mouse.

cj C j j
A Refrain

& c& œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œ œ œ ¿ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ‰ œ œ œ
Am C7 F In my room
There’s a white chair,
The Thisfamis- ithe
- ly,ho -the
li - day
fam - i boo-
- ly,gie, the
yeah!fam - i - ly's
Thisnot ishere.
the ho - liThe
- day There’s a green bed,
What's hap - pen - ing? What's hap - pen -ing? What's hap - pen -ing? Oh dear! There are red curtains,
And there’s a pink mat.
j j œ œ œ œCœ Œ Œ œj œ Œ œ œ‰
& &œ œ œ œ ¿ . œŒ
J œœ
C F F Fine
C G7 F C

JJ ¿ ¿ J
For Tiger my cat.
miceboo - gie,are yeah! hav - ing
Come on, fun!
boys, come on,
(clap) girls.

‰ œ j œj ˙¿ .
• Play the recording (CD 1/34) and have the children point
B Verse

& &.. œ œ œ Œ Œ œ œj œœ œœJ œ œ Œ

FC C Dm C G7 C G7
along in the book.
œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ • Play both chants a second time and have the children
Mice, mice, mice, ev - ery-where, on the so - fa,
Let's sing the ho - li - day boo- gie, yeah! Let's have fun repeat the lines. Try to practise one and then the other
j œ œj œ . G7 œ œ ˙C
chant without the aid of the recording.
& œj Fœj œœ œœ Œ œ
C C7 F C F C

œ j
œ œ œJ œ Œ
• Once the children have mastered the lines and the
& œ œ J Œ œ œ œ

on the chair, on the cup - board, on the oor,

rhythm, go on to the next exercise.

in the sun. Bye bye bye bye, see you a - gain!

j ..
D.C. (al Fine)

& œ œ œ ˙
Dm G7 C D7 G7

œ œ œ #œ
on the cur - tains, on the door.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 51

3 In my house
U ni t


3 Listen and point. Say the chant.

4 Create your own chant. CD 1

In m y roo m In m y roo m
• Ask the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 19 of their
Pupil’s Books.
Speaking exercise: , , , ,

• Tell the children that they are going to compose their

Step to creativity (Word Play) CD 1/35
own chant. Explain to them that they should draw items
of furniture in the first three boxes and that they should
choose between ‘house’ and ‘mouse’ and ‘mat’ and ‘cat’

4 CD 1
Create your own chant.

In m y roo m
in the last two boxes. Tell them that they can name their
animals differently.
• Allow the children sufficient time to do this. Walk around
, ,
the class to provide assistance if necessary, especially if
they are having trouble with the pronunciation.
• When everyone has finished, have the children read
out their chants to the class with the aid of the karaoke
recording (CD 1/ 35).


L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
There is a pink sofa, there are two yellow chairs, … Topic: Speaking motivation 'Describing furniture in
a room'.
Linguistic skills:
Understanding the new words from the CD. Materials:
CD 1/33; Flashcards from Playway 2: table, lamp,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: curtains, sofa, chair, mat, telephone, TV, cupboard,
Understanding descriptions of rooms from the CD floor, door;
and matching them to the corresponding pictures. CD 1/36, 38; Activity Book, pp. 17–18, ex. 2–4
Describing a room.

Revision • Ask the children to look at the rooms in ex. 2 on p. 17 in

• Together with the children sing the song The mice are their Activity Book. Tell them that they are going to hear
having fun! from the previous lesson to the karaoke descriptions of the rooms. The children should identify
version (CD 1/33). the rooms and say which number they are.
• Ask individual children to present their self-composed
chant from the previous lesson.
• Revise the items of furniture with the aid of the Tapescript:
­flashcards in the usual manner. There’s a pink sofa, there are two yellow chairs, there
are blue curtains, there’s a white table, a telephone, a
2 Listen and say. TV, a cupboard and a pink lamp.
What number is it?
Listening exercise CD 1/36
There’s a pink sofa, there’s one yellow chair, there are
U nit blue curtains, there’s a white table, a TV, a cupboard
3 and there are two pink lamps.
What number is it?

2 CD 1
Listen and say.

1 2

There’s a pink sofa, there are two yellow chairs,

there are blue curtains, there’s a white table, a TV, a
cupboard and a pink lamp.
What number is it?
There’s a blue sofa, there are two yellow chairs,
there are pink curtains, there’s a white table, a TV, a
3 4 telephone, a cupboard and a pink lamp.
What number is it?

• Play CD 1/36. Stop the CD after the first description.

Give the children sufficient time to identify the room. Ask:
What number is it? Children: (It’s) number two.
• Proceed in this way with the other three descriptions.

52 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U ni t

Listen and write the numbers.
CD 1

2 4
3 Listen and write the numbers. 4 Say.
Listening exercise CD 1/38 1 3

U ni t
4 Say.
3 1 2


3 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

2 4 3 4

1 3 39
5 CD 1
Listen and colour.

• Ask the children to look at ex. 4 on p. 18 of their Activity

red blue

4 Say.
Books. Allow them a few seconds to examine the pic-
1 2

tures and then elicit the words for the furniture and the orange green

Tapescript: colours by asking: What’s this? What colour is it? How


There are blue curtains.

many (brown) 18(chairs) are there?
• Following your example, have the children provide the
Two: There are two sofas, a pink sofa and a yellow
5 Listen and colour.
descriptions for the pictures as given in the previous
sofa. CD 1

red blue exercise.

Three: There’s a cupboard and there are two lamps. • Encourage them to repeat the statements several times
Four: There are three chairs. orange green and have them pay attention to is and are.

• Ask the children18

to open their Activity Books at p. 18 and
look at ex. 3. Allow them a few seconds to examine the
pictures and then elicit the words for the furniture.
• Play CD 1/38 and have the children number the approp-
riate picture. Number one has been completed already.
• Play the recording a second time and have the children
check their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what
is it?

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 53

3 In my house

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Let’s watch TV!; Listen! A car; Oh no! They’ve got a Representing a time sequence visually.
cat!; A cat! Let’s run; The TV’s on! That’s strange; Following the narrative structure of a story on the
I can smell mice!; It’s time for fun. CD.
Receptive language: Come on!; Hooray; The sofa’s Sticking the stick-in pictures correctly in the picture
for me and Fred; All right; The curtains are for me story.
and Billy!; The lamp and the cupboard are for Mike (Optional) comparing the answers of one’s own
and me; work independently with an answer sheet.
Understanding characters through role play.
Linguistic skills:
Understanding a story (Time for fun!) from the CD Cross-curricular integration:
and from narration by the teacher. Topic: Speaking motivation ‘Time for fun’
Joining in with story-telling.
Acting out a role play. Materials:
soft ball
CD 1/37; Pupil’s Book, pp. 20–21, ex. 5; stick-in
pictures from the appendix of the Pupil’s Book;
answer key

• Show the children the video sequence Time for fun!
• Play the following Word ping-pong game with the
twice (DVD).
children. Divide the children up into two teams. Start with
• If your classroom is not equipped with a DVD player,
the words for items of furniture. Throw a soft ball to
proceed to the next exercise.
team A and say, for example: Lamps. The one who
­catches the ball says a different (plural) word for an item
of furniture and throws the ball to team B. The teams
throw the ball back and forth until one of them can’t think 5 Listen and stick.
of a word. The last team to say a word scores a point. Listening exercise:
• Proceed in this way with the words for colours/animals/…
Sticker activity CD 1/37
• Play the listening version of the story twice from
Preparation of key phrases CD 1/37. The children stick the stick-in pictures from
Time for fun!; That’s strange! the appendix in the Pupil’s Book in the corresponding
blank spaces in the book (pp. 20 and 21) while they are
• Explain the phrases Time for fun! and That’s strange! in ­listening.
L1. • Check the children’s work.

Tapescript: Option: To promote self-checking it is recommended that you

put out a completed picture story in the classroom. The
Mouse 1: Come on! It’s time for fun! children go and check their own work themselves.
Other mice: Hooray!
Mouse 2: The sofa’s for me and Fred!
U ni t

Other mice: All right. 3

Mouse 3: The curtains are for me and Billy! 37

5 Listen and stick.

Other mice: All right. CD 1

Mouse 4: The lamp and the cupboard are for

Mike and me!
Other mice: All right.
Mouse 1: Hey, come here! Let’s watch TV!
Listen! A car.
Oh no! They’ve got a cat!
Other mice: A cat! Let’s run! ?
Dad: The TV’s on! That’s strange.
Cat: Mmmmmmmh! I can smell mice!

Note: Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions

of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the
Pupil’s Book. This is mainly because of the length of the
stories but also this serves to encourage the children to
listen for the necessary information in order to complete the
gap fill in the Pupil’s Book. 20

54 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U ni t

3 Role play
• Play the listening version of the story again (CD 1/37).
The children close their eyes and see the story in their
• Play the story with the roles distributed among the
? children. The children play the parts of the mice and that
of the cat. Play the part of the father. Help the children
by whispering cues. Afterwards the children can play all
the parts.


L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: dog, rabbit, run, sing, draw, Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
listen Art
Receptive language: Let’s (run)! They’ve got two
rabbits. I can smell ... Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
Linguistic skills: colours
Understanding phrases and sentences on the CD CD 1/39–40; Activity Book, pp. 18–19, ex. 5–6;
and matching with the pictures in the book. coloured pencils
U ni t

Cognitive, motor and social skills: 3


3 Listen and write the numbers.

Understanding sentences on the CD and numbe- CD 1

2 4
ring pictures accordingly.
Understanding phrases on the CD and colouring
1 3
pictures accordingly.
4 Say.
1 2

Revision 5 Listen and colour.

3 4

• Revise the words for colours by using the flashcards. Listening exercise CD 1/39
Play What’s missing? with the children. If you do not 39
have the flashcards from Playway 1, use coloured penci- CD 1
Listen and colour.

ls to elicit the ‘colours’ vocabulary.


• Revise the words eat, draw, run, sing by using mime and
gestures. orange green


Pre-teaching key phrases

Let’s ...; I can smell ... Tapescript:
• Introduce these phrases by explaining them in L1. En- Blue: Let’s eat!
courage the children to repeat the new phrases several Orange: Let’s sing!
times. Green: Let’s draw!
• Use the four instructions from exercise five (Let’s eat! Red: Let’s run!
Let’s sing! Let’s draw! Let’s run!) to play a game with the
children: give out random instructions, e.g. Let’s draw!, • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 18 and
and have the children mime the actions. look at ex. 5. Allow them a minute to examine the pictu-
res and make sure they have their blue, orange, green
and red pencils ready.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 55

3 In my house
• Play CD 1/39 and have the children listen and mark the
appropriate pictures with the appropriate colours. Consi- Tapescript:
der pausing the recording after each colour to allow the
children sufficient time to find the appropriate picture. Speaker: One.
• Play the recording a second time and have them check Boy: A dog! Let’s run.
their answers. Allow them some time to colour in the Speaker: Two.
circles next to the pictures. The circle next to the presen- Girl: The TV is on. That’s strange.
tation of ‘blue’ has been partially coloured already.
Speaker: Three.
Boy: Let’s watch TV.
6 Listen and write the numbers. Speaker: Four.
Listening exercise CD 1/40 Girl: Listen! A car.
Speaker: Five.
U ni t
Boy: They’ve got two rabbits.

CD 1
Listen and write the numbers. Speaker: Six.
3 4 Girl: I can smell oranges.

• Play the listening exercise from CD 1/40 twice. The

children listen and write the corresponding numbers in
the circles provided in the book. Number one has alrea-
2 5
dy been completed.
• Check the children’s work: Hold your book up. Point to
the first picture and ask: What number is it? Children:
(Number) three.
6 1
Note: You can also check the children’s answers by saying e.g.:
Let’s watch TV. What number is it?
Children: (It’s number) three.


• The children open their Activity Book at p. 19 and look at

the pictures. Tell the children that they are going to hear
individual sentences on CD. They should match them to
the corresponding pictures in the book.

56 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding instructions on the CD and colou-
Vocabulary revision: bedroom, living room, bath- ring pictures accordingly.
room, kitchen Doing math sums.
There’s a ... in the ... Cross-curricular integration:
Receptive language: (One) plus (two) is (three).
Doing maths is great! There’s an (armchair) in the Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Doing maths’ and ‘The
(living room). world of the child’
Linguistic skills: Art
Understanding words and sentences on the CD
and matching with the pictures in the book.
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
Cognitive, motor and social skills: colours
Understanding a chant on the CD and reciting it. Flashcards from Playway 2: bath, shower, mirror,
Understanding sentences on the CD and numbe- armchair, numbers from eleven to twenty;
ring pictures accordingly. CD 1/41–44; Pupil’s Book, p. 22, ex. 6–8; Activity
Book, p. 20, ex. 7; coloured pencils

• Revise the words for colours by using the flashcards
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
in the usual manner. If you do not have the flashcards,
seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
use examples from the classroom to elicit the words for
• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 22 and
Introduction of vocabulary look at the pictures and numbers in ex. 6.
• Play CD 1/41 and have the children listen and point
bath, shower, mirror, armchair, along while repeating the numbers read on the CD.
numbers from eleven to twenty • Play the recording a second time and have them repeat
the numbers one more time.
• Introduce the words bath, shower, mirror, armchair by • Finally, have the children tell you the numbers without
using the appropriate flashcards from Playway 2. Con- the aid of the recording. Additionally, consider pointing to
sider also using the illustrations in the Pupil’s Book. Re- the numbers in a jumbled order and eliciting the cor-
peat the new words several times and have the children rect answers from the children or eliciting the different
repeat them after you.

colours for each number.

U ni t

• Introduce the numbers by using the appropriate flash- 3

cards from Playway 2. Repeat the new words several 6

CD 1
Listen and point. Say.

times and have the children repeat them after you. 7 Listen and point. Say the chant.
Listening exercise CD 1/42
Pre-teaching key phrases

7 Listen and point. Say the chant.

(one) plus (one) ... (five) minus (two) ... is ...;
CD 1

2+2 = 4
Doing maths (is great)! 12–4 =8 =
10+10 =20
• Introduce these phrases by drawing the appropriate 43

symbols on the board. Since the children are already fa- CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

miliar with them, this should not be a problem. Encoura- Tapescript: 4


ge the children to repeat the new phrases several times 1

Two plus two is four.
by writing some sums on the board.
Twelve minus four is eight.
• Explain Doing maths is great! in L1. 3
Ten plus ten is twenty. 5
Doing maths is great!
6 Listen and point. Say.
Listening exercise CD 1/41 22
• Ask the children to look at ex. 7 on p. 22 of the Pupil’s

U nit
Book. Read out the sums presented in the picture and
3 then play the chant (CD 1/42).
Listen and point. Say.
• Play the chant a second time and have the children
repeat the lines. Then try to practise it without the aid of
CD 1

the recording.
• Once the children have mastered the lines and the
rhythm, go on to the next exercise.
7 CD 1
Listen and point. Say the chant.

2+2 = 4
© Cambridge University12–4
=8 Helbling Languages
= GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 57
10+10 =20

8 CD 1
Listen and write the numbers.

U nit


3 In my house

6 CD 1
Listen and point. Say.


8 Listen and write

the numbers. CD 1
Listen and point. Say the chant.
7 Listen and colour.
2+2 = 4
Listening exercise
12–4 =8 CD 1/43 = Listening exercise CD 1/44
10+10 =20

43 U ni t
8 Listen and write the numbers.
CD 1
4 7
Listen and colour.
CD 1
20 10 17 12 19 14 11
13 18 16

8 Do sums and write. Say.

11 7 2 20 20 13 5 12

Tapescript: 8 3 6 17 19 16
6 3

Tapescript: Colour number ten9

purple. 45
Listen and draw.
CD 1

One: There’s a bed in the bedroom. Colour number seventeen pink.


Two: There’s a bath in the bathroom. Colour number fourteen brown. lamp

Colour number twelve blue.

Three: There’s a fridge in the kitchen.
Colour number eighteen yellow.
Four: There’s a shower in the bathroom.
fridge armchair

Colour number twenty red.

Five: There’s an armchair in the living room.
Colour number20sixteen black.
Six: There’s a mirror in the bathroom.
Colour number thirteen orange.
Number eleven is white.
• Ask the children to look at ex. 8 on p. 22 of their Pupil’s Colour number nineteen green.
Books. Elicit the words for the furniture, trying to include
the new words as well, if possible. Colour number fifteen grey.
• Play CD 1/43. The children listen and number the pic-
tures. The first picture has already been numbered. • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 20
• Play the recording a second time for the children to and look at the colours and numbers in ex. 7. Make sure
check their answers. they have their orange, yellow, red, purple, pink, blue,
• To check the children’s answers, ask: One, what is it? green, brown, white, black and grey coloured pencils
• Before playing the recording, elicit the words for the
colours and the numbers.
• Play CD 1/44 and have the children listen and mark the
appropriate numbers with the appropriate colours. Con-
sider pausing the recording after each colour to allow the
children sufficient time to find the appropriate number.
• Play the recording a second time and have the children
check their answers. Allow them some time to colour in
the numbers.
• To check the children’s answers, ask, e.g.: Number
(fifteen), what colour is it?

58 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 7
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: numbers from one to ten Playing a game in pairs.
eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen; Understanding and following the rules of a game.
seventeen; eighteen; nineteen; twenty; fifteen Drawing items in accordance with instructions.
minus/plus two is …; It’s my turn; It’s your turn.
Receptive language: Start; Finish. Cross-curricular integration:
Mathematics: Adding and subtracting with numbers
Linguistic skills: from one to twenty.
Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of the Art
new words.
Using the expressions necessary for a game. Materials:
Understanding instructions from the CD. Pupil’s Book, p. 23, ex. 9; Activity Book, p. 20,
ex. 8–9; dice for the children

Revision 9 Do sums.
one; two; three; … twenty Pair work: Arithmetic game
U ni t
• Revise or reinforce the numbers one to twenty by writing
the numbers on the board and saying them at the same
time. First point to the numbers in order, then in random Do sums.

order and have the children repeat several times.

• Count from one to twenty. While doing this vary the
­volume of your voice and the speaking pace (start 18-5=
­counting slowly and then faster and faster and the other 15-7=
way round). The children speak along with you.
• Ask individual children to come out to the board and 14-5= 13+2=
touch a number, e.g. Ivana, come out and touch 6+8= 15+4=
number fifteen.
• Pair work (back writing): Ask the children to work in 11+9=
pairs. Child A turns round and child B writes a number 9+6=
from one to twenty with his/her finger on child A’s back. 11+5=
Child A has to guess the number. Then they swap roles.
Then write some simple additions and subtractions on
the board, e.g,
8 + 10 =
19 – 7 =
• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 23 and look at
• Read the sample sum out, say: Eight plus ten is … and the game.
look at the children. Elicit the correct answer: Eighteen. • Say: Find the start/finish. Hold up your book so that you
• Then say: Nineteen minus seven is … and have the can point at the sums and the children can see.
children carry out the calculation and give the answer. • Then read out the calculations in order: Four plus three
is ... The children point at the sums in their books and
Pronunciation tip: Be careful that with the numbers thirteen, give you the answers. Afterwards have individual
fourteen to nineteen the second syllable is children read out the sums and others say the results.
more heavily stressed than the first: • Reinforce It’s my/your turn, and Throw the dice, with
[ˌθɜːˈtiːn], [ˌfɔːˈtiːn] etc. appropriate gestures. Practise the new phrases with the
children by having them repeat after you several times.
• Then demonstrate the game with one child. Let the
others watch until they are all sure about the rules of the
• Say: Throw the dice. Ask the child to throw the dice.
The child throws e.g. three. Say: Three. Point to the
spaces in the book and say: Move to three. On space
three is the following sum: Eleven plus five is … Read
out the sum and ask the child playing with you to give
the answer to the sum. If the child cannot solve the sum
she/he misses a go. Now it is your turn etc. The first
person to reach Finish is the winner.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 59

3 In my house
• If necessary explain the game in L1.
• Distribute the dice to the class. Now have the children Tapescript:
play in pairs or in small groups. Go round the class and

U ni t

3 There’s a lamp in the bedroom.

help if necessary.
Listen and colour.
There’s a fridge in the kitchen.
CD 1

There’s a mirror in the bathroom.

20 10 17 12 19 14 11
13 18
8 Do sums and write. Say. 16
There’s an armchair in the living room.

8 Do sums and write. Say.
• Ask the children to look at ex. 9 on p. 20 of their Activity
11 7 2 20 20 13 5 12
8 3 6 17 19 6 3 16 • Before playing the recording, elicit the words for the dif-
45 ferent rooms.

U ni t 9 Listen and draw.
CD 1
• Play CD 1/45 and pause the recording after each room
• Ask the children3to open their Activity Books at p. 20 and
to allow the children sufficient time to draw the appropri-
look at ex. 8.
7 Listen and colour.
CD 1
ate item of furniture.
• Tell the children to complete the sums. When they have
10 17 12 19 14 11 16 • Play the recording a second time and have the children
finished, have them13read
18 20out the sums.
fridge armchair 15 check their answers. Then elicit the words for all the
9 Listen and20draw.
8 Do sums and write. Say.

Listening exercise CD 1/45 11 7 2 20 20 13 5 12

8 3 6 17 19 6 3 16


9 CD 1
Listen and draw.


fridge armchair


L E S S O N 8
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: animals, furniture Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘My world’
Receptive language: In my crazy room there Art
is/are ...
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching animals; Flashcards from Playway 2: table, lamp,
with the pictures in the book. curtains, sofa, chair, mat, telephone, TV, cupboard;
Making statements about one’s own drawing. Flashcard from Playway 2: window;
CD 1/46; Activity Book, p. 21, ex. 10–11
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
Drawing pictures of furniture and animals accor-
ding to one’s own preference.

Revision • Revise the word window with the aid of the flashcard.
Encourage the children to repeat the word several times
• Revise the words for the animals and items of furniture and pay attention to their pronunciation.
by using the flashcards. Put the cards up on the board
and elicit the words from the children. If you do not have
the flashcards from Playway 1, draw pictures of animals
on the board or use the illustration in the Pupil’s Book (p.

60 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U ni t


10 CD 1
Listen and match.

 Listen and match.  Draw and say.

Listening exercise CD 1/46 Step to creativity (ME-page)
U ni t
My crazy room
46 11 Draw and say.
10 CD 1
Listen and match. My crazy room

11 Draw and say.

My crazy room
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 21,
ex. 10.
• Then tell them that they are going to hear Max on the • Ask the children to draw their own crazy room in ex. 11
CD talking about his crazy room. on p. 21 in their Activity Book.
• Explain the word crazy as something strange or unusual. • Tell them that they can use any animal and any item of
If necessary, translate it in L1. furniture from the previous exercise.
• The children should listen and point at the items of • After allowing them sufficient time to finish the drawing,
furniture and animals Max mentions. ask them to tell the class what their room looks like and
• Play CD 1/46 twice. The children first point at the help them with pronunciation if necessary.
respective place and animal in the book. Then they
draw lines from the animal to the corresponding piece of

Max: Look at my crazy room.
There’s a snake on the sofa.
There’s a frog on the TV.
A cat on the chair.
A rabbit on the table.
And there are three mice on the

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 61

4 My body

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: numbers one to twenty; Topic: Speaking motivation 'Naming parts of the
tooth/teeth; knee/s; eye/s; hair; nose; mouth; body'.
hand/s; head; ear/s; shoulder/s; arm/s; finger/s;
toe/s; leg/s; foot/feet Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1: tooth/teeth, knees;
Linguistic skills: numbers from one to ten; Flashcards from Play-
Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of the way 2: numbers from eleven to twenty
new words. Flashcards from Playway 2: eyes, mouth, nose,
hands, head, ears, hair, shoulders, arms, fingers,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: toes, legs, foot/feet; CD 2/1; Pupil’s Book, p. 24,
Understanding words from the CD and matching ex. 1–2
them to pictures and words.
Reacting to words and instructions with appropriate
Carrying out pair work.

Vocabulary revision • The children look at the illustration on p. 24, ex. 1 in their
Pupil’s Book.
numbers from one to twenty; tooth/teeth; knee/s;
• Name the parts of the body in any order. The children
eye/s; nose; hair;
point to the pictures.
• Revise the words for numbers and some parts of • Explain the listening exercise: Tell the children to match
the body with the aid of the flashcards. Play What’s the numbers to the corresponding parts of the body in
missing? with the children. the Pupil’s Book and write them in the spaces.

Introduction of vocabulary
mouth; hand/s; head; ear/s; shoulder/s; arm/s; finger/s;
toe/s; leg/s; foot/feet One: Mouth. Nine: Foot.
Two: Nose. Ten: Shoulder.
• Introduce new words with the aid of the flashcards in the Three: Head. Eleven: Finger.
usual manner. Four: Tooth. Twelve: Hand.
Five: Knee. Thirteen: Leg.
Exercises for anchoring the vocabulary Six: Ear. Fourteen: Toe.
Seven: Hair. Fifteen: Arm.
in the children’s recognition memory Eight: Eye.
• Name the individual parts of the body, at first in order
and then jumbled up. Ask the children to touch the
corresponding part of the body.
• Say, for example: Touch your teeth. Touch your arms. • Play the listening exercise twice (CD 2/1).
• Check the results of the listening exercise in the
following way: Name a part of the body and ask one
1 Listen and write the numbers.
child to say the number written next to that body part.
Listening exercise CD 2/1

U ni t

4 My body Exercises for anchoring

1 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers. the vocabulary in the children’s
12 2 7 3 productive memory
• Take the body part flashcards and put them in a pile on
15 8 your desk. Take a flashcard from the pack, look at it and
ask: What is it? The child who guesses the flashcard can
4 ask another question.

10 Pronunciation tip: Pay attention with teeth [tiːθ] to the correct

13 11 pronunciation of the [θ]. It is not to be
5 spoken as an [s]. Have the children say the
14 9 correct sound several times.
2 Play the game. Point and say.

62 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

1 CD 2

12 2 7 3

15 8


2 Play the game. Point and say. Vocabulary game
13 11
Pair work: Speaking exercise 5 • Practise following instructions together with the children
14 9
by saying the sentences and doing the matching
2 Play the game. Point and say.
actions. The children imitate your actions:
Touch your toes/nose/eyes/head/feet/face …!
Shake your arms/hands/fingers …!
Clap your hands!
Open your mouth!
Close your eyes!
Sit down!
• The children work in pairs (see Pupil’s Book, p. 24, Stand up!
ex. 2). Child A points to a part of the body and child B
names it. Then they swap roles. • Ask the children to carry out various activities.

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Bend your knees; Touch your toes/hair/chair/the Music
sky; Clap your hands; Shake your fingers/head;
Stamp your feet; Jump up high. Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1: tooth/teeth, knees;
Linguistic skills:
Flashcards from Playway 2: eyes, mouth, nose,
Understanding the new words and a chant (Bend hands, head, ears, hair, shoulders, arms, fingers,
your knees) from the CD. toes, legs, foot/feet; Pupil‘s Book, p. 24, ex. 2
Cognitive, motor and social skills: CD 2/2–4; Pupil’s Book, p. 25, ex. 3; Activity Book,
p. 22, ex. 1–2
Pointing to the right pictures or doing the right
actions while listening and speaking rhythmically.
Understanding words from the CD and numbering
pictures accordingly.
Matching items in a picture.

Vocabulary revision
• Revise the body words with the help of the flashcards
Speaker 1: Bend your knees.
and word cards in the usual manner.
Touch your toes.
• Then play the game on Pupil’s Book p. 24, ex 2.
Clap your hands.
Touch your nose.
3 Listen and point. Say the chant.
Speaker 2: Bend your knees.
Chant: Bend your knees CD 2/2–3 Touch your toes.
Clap your hands.
4 Touch your nose.

3 CD 2
Listen and point. Say the chant. Speaker 1: Shake your fingers.
Touch your hair.
Stamp your feet.
Touch your chair.
Speaker 2: Shake your fingers.
Touch your hair.
Stamp your feet.
Touch your chair.
Speaker 1: Shake your head.
Jump up high.
Grow and grow.
Touch the sky.
Speaker 2: Shake your head.
Jump up high.
Grow and grow.
Touch the sky.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 63

4 My body
• Play the chant (CD 2/2) and carry out the actions • Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 1 at p. 22

named. in their Activity Book.U ni t

My body
• Play the chant again and have the children point at the Tell them to listen to the CD and number the pictures

respective pictures in the Pupil’s Book on p. 25. Clarify accordingly from 11 to 15.
Listen and write the numbers.
CD 2

the meaning of the words grow and sky through • Play CD 2/4 twice. The
6 children
14 listen
15 and
1 fill in
13 the numbers.
appropriate gesture/mime. • Play the CD again and the children check.
• Say the text while the children do the actions. • Check the children’s work by touching, for example your
• Practise the chant with the children by giving two head. Ask: What number
7 3 is it? 2The children 11 8 answer:

instructions and carrying them out. The children imitate (Number) one.
your actions and repeat after you.
10 5 12 9 4
• Get the children to repeat the verses rhythmically and 2 Match and say.
carry them out.
• Play the chant (CD 2/2). The children point to the
2 Match and say.
corresponding pictures in the book and join in the repeat
• Also say the chant to the first part of the karaoke version
CD 2/3. The children point at the respective pictures
in the book and say first of all the missing parts of the
text. Then play the second part of the CD 2/3 (karaoke
­version) and the children say the whole text in two 22

• Ask the children to look at ex. 2 on p. 22 of their Activity
1 Listen and write the numbers. Books. Allow them a minute to examine the items in the
Listening exercise CD 2/4 • Elicit the words for the different parts of the body, first
using the picture on the left, and then the one on the

U ni t
My body right (providing assistance with the plural forms). Pay
attention to how the children use the plural forms and
1 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.
help them if necessary.
6 14 15 1 13 • Tell the class that they are to match the corresponding
parts of the body by drawing lines to connect them.
Allow them sufficient time to do this.
7 3 2 11 8 • To check the children’s answers, have them read out the
words in pairs, e.g.: Shoulder/shoulders.

10 5 12 9 4

2 Match and say.

One: Head. Nine: Nose.
Two: Mouth. Ten: Toe.
Three: Foot. Eleven: Leg.
Four: Eye.
22 Twelve: Finger.
Five: Ear. Thirteen: Knee.
Six: Hand. Fourteen: Hair.
Seven: Arm. Fifteen: Shoulder.
Eight: Tooth.

64 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Receptive language: Wilbur gets out of bed; He Matching instructions with actions.
shakes his arms; He shakes his legs; He bends his Understanding sentences from the CD and
knees; He says hello to his dog; Oh, no!; Wilbur matching them to the corresponding pictures
runs into the bathroom; He cleans his teeth; in the book.
Linguistic skills: Cross-curricular integration:
Understanding instructions in an action story Topic: Speaking motivation 'Wilbur'.
Understanding instructions from the CD and Materials:
matching with the corresponding pictures. CD 2/3
Understanding sentences from the CD. CD 2/5–6; Pupil’s Book, p. 26, ex. 4; Activity Book,
p. 23, ex. 3

• Speak the chant Bend your knees from the previous Tapescript:
lesson together with the children in two groups to the Wilbur gets out of bed.
karaoke version CD 2/3. He shakes his arms.
He shakes his legs.
He bends his knees.
Action Story: Wilbur He says hello to his dog.
• For reinforcement of the action story carry out the Oh, no!
following steps in the usual manner (see also Wilbur runs into the bathroom.
­Introduction of the Teacher’s Book): He cleans his teeth.
– Listen and imitate
– Carry out instructions
– Carry out the instructions jumbled up • Play the listening exercise CD 2/5.
• The children listen and point at the respective pictures in
4 Listen and point. the book.
• Then play the listening exercise again. This time the
Write the numbers. children number the pictures.
Action Story: Wilbur CD 2/5 • Go round the class and check the children’s work.

4 3 Listen and tick ().


Listening exercise CD 2/6
Listen and point. Write the numbers.
CD 2

8 2 3

U ni t


3 CD 2
Listen and tick ( ✓ ).
1 2
✓ ✓
6 7 1

3 4
✓ ✓
5 4

5 6
✓ ✓

• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 26. The eight

pictures are printed in random order. Give the children
sufficient time to look at the pictures. 23

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 65

4 My body
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 23, ex. 3.
Tapescript: • Allow them a minute to have a look at the pictures.
• Play the recording (CD 2/6) and have the children tick
One: Wash your face.
the appropriate pictures.
Two: Stamp your feet.
• Write the numbers (1–6) on the board and draw two
Three: Grow and grow.
boxes next to each. Ask the children whether they ticked
Four: Touch your shoulders.
the left or right one. Tick the appropriate box on the
Five: Shake your arms.
Six: Stretch your fingers.

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding statements from the CD and
numbering pictures accordingly.
My tummy/knee/nose/arm/shoulder… hurts; My/
Working in pairs.
eyes/feet hurt.
Understanding sentences from the CD and mat-
Joe runs into the kitchen; He brings his dog some
ching with the corresponding pictures.
water; Joe and his dog are happy.
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills:
Topic: Speaking motivation 'Health and your body'.
Understanding statements from the CD.
Differentiating between words in the singular and Materials:
the plural. Flashcards from Playway 1: tooth/teeth, knees;
Making statements about how people feel. Flashcards from Playway 2: eyes, mouth, nose,
Understanding sentences from the CD and mat- hands, head, ears, hair, shoulders, arms, fingers,
ching with the corresponding pictures. toes, legs, foot/feet
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Flashcard from Playway 2: tummy; CD 2/7–8;
Pupil’s Book, p. 27, ex. 5–6; Activity Book, p. 24,
Matching statements with actions.
ex. 4

Revision • The children open their Pupil’s Books at p. 27 and look

• Revise the words for parts of the body by using the at the pictures in ex. 5.
flash­cards in the usual way. • Play the listening exercise (CD 2/7). The children
number the pictures in the book correspondingly
from one to six.
Game to prepare key phrases • Check the children’s work in the following way:
• Introduce the word tummy with the aid of the flashcard. • Draw a grid with six boxes on the board that represents
• Play Call my bluff with the class. Explain the phrase It the boxes in ex. 5.
hurts. (Translate – if necessary – into L1). Point to the first box on the board.
• Say e.g.: My tummy hurts, but hold your hands over Ask: What number is it?
your ears as if you had earache. In this case the Children: Two.
children have to stand up. If however you say the Write the corresponding number in the first box.
sentence and at the same time act as if you had tummy
ache the children stay sitting down. After a while one
child takes over your role. Tapescript:
Announcer: One.
Max: My tummy hurts.
5 Listen and write the numbers. Announcer: Two.
Max: My knee hurts.
Listening exercise CD 2/7 Announcer: Three.
Max: My eyes hurt.
4 Announcer: Four.

CD 2
Listen and write the numbers. Max: My nose hurts.
2 1 6 Announcer: Five.
Max: My feet hurt.
Announcer: Six.
Max: My arm hurts.

4 3 5
• Continue in this way with the remaining boxes in the grid.
• Say the sentences in order: My knee hurts. My tummy
hurts. etc. The children point at the respective pictures in
the book.
6 Say.

66 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
5 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.

2 1 6

4 3 5

6 Say. 4 Listen and point. Say.

Pair work: Speaking exercise Listening exercise CD 2/8

U ni t

6 Say. 4

4 CD 2
Listen and point. Say.

1 2 3

4 5 6

• Ask one child to come out in front of the class and show
by gestures and mimes where it hurts.
• Then say: Your … hurt/hurts. Repeat this exercise with
several children. 5

Listen and tick ( ✓ ).

• Ask the children to look at ex. 4 on p. 24 in their
CD 2

• Get other children to come out in front of the class and

Activity Book. Tell them to listen to the ✓CD and point at
indicate where they have a pain. Now the class must
the pictures in the book.
say: Your … hurt/hurts. ✓
✓ ✓
• Tell the children in L1 when they should say hurt and ✓ ✓
when they should say hurts. (i.e. plural = hurt: My toes Tapescript: ✓
Sam gets out of bed.
• The children look at ex. 6 on p. 27 of their Pupil’s Books. 24
He says hello to his dog.
Practise the expressions thoroughly beforehand with the
Oh, no!
children: Your tummy hurts./Your shoulder hurts … Write
Sam runs into the kitchen.
some of these expressions on the board and read them
He brings his dog some water.
out. Get the children to repeat several times.
Sam and his dog are happy.
• Tell them that they are now to work in pairs.
• Child A imitates pain and child B names it. Then they
swap roles. • Play CD 2/8 twice. The children point at the respective
• Go round the class and help if necessary. pictures in their books.

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: My ... hurt/hurts. Understanding phrases on the CD and ticking the
Receptive language: His/Her (nose)/My (knee) appropriate boxes.
hurts. Ouch, my back! Next, please. I’ve got an Understanding sentences on the CD and circling
idea. Look at my tooth. the appropriate items in the picture.
Understanding sentences on the CD and colouring
Linguistic skills: pictures accordingly.
Understanding phrases on the CD and matching
with the corresponding items in the picture. Cross-curricular integration:
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching Topic: Speaking motivation ‘Health and your body’
with the corresponding pictures.
CD 2/9, 11–12; Activity Book, pp. 24–25, ex. 5–7;
coloured pencils

Revision • Explain the meaning of the word neck by pointing to

• Repeat the game from the previous lesson (See Game your own neck. Encourage the children to repeat the
to prepare key phrases). new word several times.

Introduction of vocabulary Preparation of key phrases

his, her; neck Ouch, my back! Next, please. I’ve got an idea. Look at (my
• Explain the meaning of his and her with the aid of the
illustrations on p. 24 of the Activity Book. You can also • Try to explain as many of these phrases as you can
use real-life examples from the classroom, e.g. point at by using mime and gestures. Use clarification in L1 for
some boys and girls in the classroom and say, e.g.: His/ those that you cannot. Encourage the children to repeat
her notebook. Clarify the meaning of these words in L1 if the new phrases.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 67

4 CD 2
Listen and point. Say.

4 My body
1 2 3

4 5 6

5 Listen and tick ().

Listening exercise CD 2/9 Speaker: One.

Listen and tick ( ✓ ).

Boy: My tummy hurts.
Speaker: Two.
CD 2

✓ Girl: My knee hurts.

Speaker: Three.
✓ ✓

✓ Boy: My eyes hurt.

Speaker: Four.
Girl: My nose hurts.
Speaker: Five.
Boy: My feet hurt.
Speaker: Six.
Girl: My arm hurts.
U ni t

His nose. 4
Her eyes. • Play the CD 2/11 6several times.
Listen and circle.
CD 2

His ears. • To check the children’s work ask: My nose hurts. What
1 2 3

Her hair. number is it? Children: (Number) four.

Her mouth.
His neck.
7 Listen and colour. 4 5 6

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 24, ex. 5. Listening exercise CD 2/12
• Point to the boy and say ‘his face’ and then to the girl
and say ‘her face’. Stress the words his and her and 7
Listen and colour.
encourage the children to repeat after you.
CD 2

orange green

• Play the recording (CD 2/9) and have the children tick
items in the appropriate pictures.
• To check the answers, ask the children, e.g.: His nose or pink red

her nose?

6 Listen and circle. 25

Listening exercise CD 2/11

U nit

4 Tapescript:

6 CD 2
Listen and circle.
Orange: Ouch, my back!
Orange: Ouch, my back!
1 2 3

Pink: Next, please.

4 5 6
Pink: Next, please.

Green: I’ve got an idea.

Green: I’ve got an idea.

7 Listen and colour.

• Ask the children to look at ex. 6 on p. 25 in their Activity
CD 2

Red: Look at my tooth.
Book. There are six pictures of children numbered from Red: Look at my tooth.
one to six.
• Tell the children to listen to the CD and to circle the body
pink red

parts that hurt in the pictures. • Ask the children to look at ex. 7 on p. 25 of their Activity
Books. Allow them a minute to examine the pictures and
make sure they have their orange, pink, green and red
coloured pencils ready.
• Play CD 2/12 and have the children listen and mark the
appropriate pictures with the appropriate colours. Con-
sider pausing the recording after each colour to allow the
children sufficient time to find the appropriate picture.
• Play the recording a second time and have the children
check their answers. Allow them some time to colour in
the speech bubbles next to the pictures. The bubble next
to the presentation of the first utterance has been partially
coloured already.

68 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: His/her ... Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
Receptive language: Next, please. Good morning, with the appropriate pictures.
take a seat. What’s the matter? Understanding the teacher’s statements and
My head hurts. You’ve got a temperature. Stay in ticking the appropriate boxes.
bed and drink lots of tea.
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation ‘Health and your body’
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
with the corresponding pictures. Materials:
Understanding the teacher’s statements and Flashcard from Playway 2: tea; CD 2/10; Pupil’s
matching with items in a picture. Book, pp. 28–29, ex. 7–8

• Have two volunteers stand in front of the class (a girl and
a boy). Point at various parts of their bodies and elicit Nurse: Next, please.
answers such as: His nose, her eyes. Mum and daughter: Good morning.
Doctor: Good morning. Take a seat.
7 Listen and point. What’s the matter?
Act it out. Daughter: My head hurts.
Doctor: You’ve got a temperature. Stay in
Listening exercise CD 2/10 bed and drink lots of tea.

4 • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 28 and

Listen and point. Act it out.
look at ex. 7.
CD 2

• Play CD 2/10 and have the children listen and point to the
appropriate pictures.
• Play the recording a second time and have them repeat
the phrases and sentences with the aid of the recording.
If necessary, clarify the meaning of tea additionally with
3 4
the aid of the flashcard.
• Finally, have the children tell you the appropriate phrase
or sentence for each picture. Practise these short sen-
tences with them until they feel confident enough to act
out the mini-dialogue. First, take on one of the roles your-
5 6 self (e.g. play the doctor) and assist the children if neces-
sary, and later on have them act out the dialogue on their


© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 69

4 My body

C L I L:
Content and Language Integrated Learning
To find out about the five senses.
To train the senses.

8 Look and tick ().

Thinking exercise Look at the pictures. Tick one of the five boxes.
U ni t Picture number one. The girl is eating an ice cream.
4 Mmmh! She likes the taste a lot!
8 Look and tick ( ).
✓ Tick the correct box.
1 2 Which one is it? Correct! It’s the mouth.
Picture number four. What a lovely smell!
The flower smells nice.
Do you use your mouth, eye, ear, hand or nose?

Tick one of the five boxes.
Which one is it? Correct! It’s your nose.
✓ Picture number two. The boy touches the horse.
It’s soft!
✓ Tick one of the five boxes.
Which one is it? Correct! It’s the hand.
Picture number three. The boy is looking at
✓ ✓ Tick the correct box.
Which one is it? Correct! It’s the eye.

Picture number five. The boy is listening to the music.

• The children look at ex. 8 on p. 29 of their Pupil’s Book. He likes the sound.
• Tell them that they are now to find out which sense is Again, tick one of the five boxes.
involved in which picture. The children should tick the Which one is it? Correct! It’s the ear.
appropriate box in the picture bar (mouth, eye, ear,
hand, nose). Go through the situations with the children
in order and speak as you do so.
• If necessary translate difficult words in L1.

70 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 7
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: numbers from one to ten; Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
parts of the body with the appropriate pictures.
Receptive language: Close your eyes. Monster
(one) has got ... Cross-curricular integration:
Topic: Speaking motivation ‘Naming parts of the
Linguistic skills: body’
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
with the corresponding characters in the picture. Materials:
Consolidating the meaning and the pronunciation Flashcards from Playway 1: tooth/teeth, knees;
of the new words. numbers from one to ten; Flashcards from
Playway 2: eyes, mouth, nose, hands, head, ears,
hair, shoulders, arms, fingers, toes, legs, foot/feet
CD 2/13; Activity Book, p. 26, ex. 8

Revision • Explain the listening exercise to the children: They

should close their eyes, listen carefully and imagine the
• Revise the words for numbers and parts of the body by monster that is being described.
using the flashcards and playing What’s missing? with the

8 Listen and write the numbers. Tapescript:

Listening exercise CD 2/13 Speaker 1: OK now. Close your eyes.
Monster one has got four orange eyes,

U ni t
six green teeth, two big yellow ears,
four arms and three legs.
8 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.
Once more:
5 Monster one has got four orange eyes,
six green teeth, two big yellow ears,
four arms and three legs.
1 Now open your eyes.
Speaker 2: Close your eyes again.
Monster two has got three green eyes,
six yellow teeth, four yellow ears, six
arms and two legs.
6 Once more:
Monster two has got three green eyes,
six yellow teeth, four yellow ears, six
arms and two legs.
4 Now open your eyes.
Speaker 3: Close your eyes.
Monster three has got one big red eye,
four orange teeth, four pink ears, four
• Draw a monster on the board similar to the monsters
arms and three legs.
in the Activity Book on p. 26. Use coloured chalks or
Once more:
markers. Have the children watch while you are draw-
Monster three has got one big red eye,
ing. Speak while you are drawing. Say e.g.: My monster
four orange teeth, four pink ears, four
has got three big ears …two pink teeth … etc. Then say:
arms and three legs.
Nice, isn’t it? Cover the drawing or fold up the board.
Now open your eyes.
Ask: What has my monster got? Can you remember?
• Get the children to reconstruct it from memory, e.g.: (It Speaker 4: Close your eyes again.
has got) three legs, yellow hair … Afterwards have the Monster four has got two yellow eyes,
children compare their statements with the drawing on eight orange teeth, six pink ears, two
the board. arms and six legs.
• Ask the children to open their Activity Book at p. 26. The Once more:
children look at the monsters in ex. 8 for about fifteen Monster four has got two yellow eyes,
seconds, place a pencil in the book and close it. eight orange teeth, six pink ears, two
• Say: Tell me about the monsters. The children say e.g.: arms and six legs.
Two yellow ears, …. Now open your eyes.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 71

4 My body
Speaker 5: Monster five has got three • Play the first picture description of the listening exercise
yellow eyes, two pink ears, from CD 2/13.
six arms, one leg and five green teeth. • Stop the CD after the first description and ask the
Once more: children to open their books and number monster one.
Monster five has got three Proceed in the same manner with the remaining five
yellow eyes, two pink ears, picture descriptions.
six arms, one leg and five green teeth. • Check the answers to the listening exercise together
Now open your eyes. with the children. Hold up the page so the children can
see and point to the corresponding picture. Say: Number
Speaker 6: Close your eyes.
one. What has the monster/it got? The monster/It has
Monster six has got four yellow ears,
got four orange eyes, six green teeth, two big yellow
two green eyes, two arms,
ears, four arms and three legs.
two red teeth and four legs.
• Continue in this way with the other pictures.
Once more:
Monster six has got four yellow ears,
two green eyes, two arms,
two red teeth and four legs.
Now open your eyes.

L E S S O N 8
Vocabulary, structures and phrases Matching the pictures in the book to the senses.
Making a body dice.
My monster has got blue hair/one red eye/etc…;
Playing a game with others and keeping to rules.
What has the monster got?; The monster has got…
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills:
Topic: Speaking motivation 'Creating and
Understanding the description of a monster from
­describing a new character'.
the CD.
Describing one’s own monster.
Science – senses
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Training of sensory perception.
CD 2/14; Activity Book, p. 27, ex. 9–10; coloured
Drawing one’s own monster and describing it.
pencils; body dice (photocopiable master from the
Naming the five senses (touch, hearing, sight,
appendix of the Teacher’s Book)
taste and smell).

9 Listen and draw. • Play CD 2/14 twice. The children draw while listening to
the CD.
Listening exercise CD 2/14 • To check the children’s work ask: What has the monster

U ni t
got? The monster has got … Look at the children. Get U nit

4 them to describe the monster: … Blue hair, one4red eye,

Listen and draw.
etc. 9
Listen and draw.
CD 2
CD 2
blue hair
four pink
four pink ears

 Draw and say.

ears red
one six black
red eye
six black teeth

Step to creativity (ME-page)

My monster has got … five orange legs
five orange legs

10 Draw and say.

10 Draw and say.
My monster has got …
My monster has got …

• The children look at ex. 9 on p. 27 in their Activity Books.

Tell them to listen to Max on CD 2/14 describing his
monster. The children should listen carefully and draw
the monster according to the listening text.

Tapescript: 27
Max: My monster has got blue hair, one red eye,
four pink ears, six black teeth, three yellow • Ask the children to draw a monster of their own choice
arms and five orange legs. in the space provided in ex. 10 on p. 27 in their Activity

72 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Give the children sufficient time to do this.
• Ask individual children to describe their monster. Help Instructions and expressions:
through whispering cues, if necessary. The other Cut the dice out. Cut along the dotted lines. Like this.
children should close their eyes and try to imagine the Yes, very good.
monster being described. Now, fold it along the lines. Like this.
Well done.
Option: This exercise can also be carried out in pair work:
Put some glue here and here and put the dice
The children get together with a partner and describe
their monsters to each other. Child A says, for example: together. Like this. Be careful. OK.
My monster has got three pink eyes, four green ears, That’s right. Good!
six black teeth, one red arm and three yellow legs.
Child B has to close his/her eyes and tries to imagine
the monster. Then child A shows his/her drawing to • Go round the class and help, if necessary.
child B. Then they swap roles. • Introduce the words for the five senses while pointing to
your own body. Have the children repeat the new words
several times after you.
A game: the body dice • The children get together with a partner or a small
group. They take it in turns to roll one dice and say
• Each child makes a copy of the body dice
which of the five senses each picture represents.
(see photocopiable master in appendix of the Teacher’s
• Demonstrate the game with a child in front of the class.
Book). Distribute photocopies and get the ­children to
Roll the dice.
make the body dice together with you.
• If the dice shows a hand, for example, elicit the word
• Demonstrate the individual steps and accompany your
‘touch’. If the child says the word correctly, they get a
activities with the corresponding English instructions.
Keep to the right pace so that each child can follow your
• If the dice shows Roll again, you may take another turn.
instructions easily.
The person with the most points is the winner.
• Keep repeating your instructions and praise the children
when they get it right.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 73

3–4 Show wh t you c n do

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Checking of vocabulary acquisition in Units 3–4. Matching words and sentences from the CD to the
corresponding pictures.
Linguistic skills: Numbering these words and sentences according
Understanding and being able to say and read to the CD.
important words and sentences from Units 3 and 4 Checking the results with the aid of an answer key.
on the topic areas 'furniture' and 'body'. Self-evaluation
CD 2/15–17; Pupil’s Book, pp. 30–31, ex. 1–4;
coloured pencils; answer key

Self-evaluation Number seven: Hands.

Number seven: Hands.
Option: Divide Show what you can do into two lessons.
Number eight: Table.
Note: For notes on the basic methodology of this section, see Number eight: Table.
Show what you can do in the Introduction.
Number nine: Feet.
Number nine: Feet.
Number ten: Ear.
1 Listen and write the numbers. Number ten: Ear.

Listening exercise CD 2/15 Number eleven: Nose.

Number eleven: Nose.

3-4 Show wh t you c n do Number twelve: Cupboard.

Number twelve: Cupboard.
1 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.

12 11 7

• Play the listening exercise CD Show 2/15.wh t you c n do

3 4 8 • The children number the pictures in the book accordingly.

1 already
The first picture has been numbered.
Listen and write the numbers.
CD 2

• Go round the class 12 and help11the children, 7 if necessary.

10 5 2
• Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.
3 4 8
6 9 1

10 5 2
2 Circle the odd one out.

• Tell the children that they are going to find out which
2 Circle the odd
one out.
9 1
words in the Pupil’s Book on p. 30, ex. 1 they can

already understand 13 well. 16 19 7 15

2 Circle the odd one out.

Tapescript:30 2

Number one: Lamp.

13 16 19 7 15

Number one: Lamp.

Number two: Chair. 30

Number two: Chair.

• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 2 on p. 30 of their
Number three: Hair.
Pupil’s Books.
Number three: Hair.
• Elicit the appropriate words for all the pictures.
Number four: Tooth. • Tell the children that they are to find the odd one out and
Number four: Tooth. circle it. To check their answers, ask: Number two, what
is it?
Number five: Mouth.
Number five: Mouth.
Number six: Curtains.
Number six: Curtains.

74 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

3 Listen and write the numbers.

CD 2

2 3

3 Listen and write the numbers. 4 Look and say.
4 1

Listening exercise CD 2/16 Then listen and check.

U ni t s
Listening exercise CD 2/17

3 Listen and write the numbers. 17

CD 2
4 Look and say. Then listen and check.
CD 2

2 3 1 2 3 4


4 1

One: Let’s eat.
Two: Let’s sing.

CD 2
Look and say. Then listen and check. Three: What’s the matter?
• Tell the children they are going to find out which
1 2 3 4
Four: My head hurts.
sentences in the Pupil’s Book on p. 31, ex. 3 they can
already understand.
31 • Tell the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 31 of their
Pupil’s Books.
Tapescript: • Elicit the appropriate statements for all the pictures.
Number one: My tummy hurts. • Tell the children that they are to listen to the recording
Number one: My tummy hurts. and check their answers.
Number two: Let’s watch TV. • To check their answers once again, ask: Number one,
Number two: Let’s watch TV. what is it?

Number three: Let’s run!

Number three: Let’s run!
Number four: I can smell onions.
Number four: I can smell onions.

• Now play the listening exercise CD 2/16.

• The children number the pictures in the book accordingly.
The first picture has already been numbered.
• Go round the class and help the children, if necessary.
• Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 75

5 Clothes

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: colours; numbers from one to Understanding the new words from the CD and
twenty pointing to the appropriate pictures.
cap; woolly hat; dress; trainers; pullover; jacket; Matching words to the corresponding flashcards.
skirt; shoes; socks; T-shirt; hat; Three red woolly Working in pairs.
hats plus two blue woolly hats plus four green Recognising a number of articles and carrying out
woolly hats are nine woolly hats. addition sums.
Receptive language: How many (blue)… (woolly Understanding descriptions from the CD and
hats)… are there?; Susan is wearing a (white) matching them to the pictures in the book.
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation 'Using clothing to
Learning the meaning and the pronunciation of the describe someone’s appearance'.
new words. Mathematics: Identifying and adding quantities.
Understanding new words and descriptions from
the CD. Materials:
Asking questions about the number of articles of Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
clothing. colours
Formulating addition sums. Flashcards from Playway 2: cap, woolly hat, dress,
trainers, pullover, jacket, skirt, shoes, socks,
T-shirt, jeans, hat; CD 2/18–20; Pupil’s Book, p. 32,
ex. 1–2; Activity Book, p. 28, ex. 1–2; coloured

1 Listen and point.

Listening exercise CD 2/18
• Revise the colours already learnt with the aid of the

U nit

5 Clothes

1 Listen and point.

Vocabulary revision and introduction CD 2

cap; woolly hat; dress; trainers; pullover; jacket; skirt;

­shoes; socks; T-shirt; jeans; hat
• Show the flashcards for articles of clothing and give the
English term at the same time:
a woolly hat, a dress …
• Stick all the flashcards on the board. Say the words in
order and point to the corresponding picture.
• Then call out individual children and ask them to touch
the appropriate item of clothing, i.e. the appropriate Do the sums.

flashcard. Say, e.g.: Mina, touch the dress/the jeans. • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 32 and
to look at ex.1. 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 2 + 2 + 2 = 6

Tip: The English distinguish between hat and cap in the following • Explain the listening exercise: The children should listen
way: Cap always has a peak; hat not only means a hat with 1 + 2 articles
and point to the correct + 5 = 8 of clothing = 4 are
1 + 2 + 1 which
a brim but also a woolly hat. arranged round the edge of the picture.

Exercises for anchoring the vocabulary in A woolly hat.
the children’s recognition memory A dress.
• Say the clothes words in order and ask individual A cap.
­children to point to the pictures on the board. Jeans.
• Ask the children to close their eyes and say the words at A T-shirt.
different volumes and pitches several times. At first the Shoes.
children just listen. Trainers.
A pullover.
A jacket.
A hat.
And a skirt.

76 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Play the listening exercise twice (CD 2/18). The children 1 Listen and circle. Draw and say.
point along in the Pupil’s Book first at the pictures and
Listening exercise CD 2/19
then at the words.

U ni t

5 Clothes
Game: Perception 1
Listen and circle. Draw and say.
CD 2

• Play the following guessing game: Tell the children that

they are only allowed to look very briefly for approx. five

U ni t

seconds at the articles Clothes
of clothing inside the frame in the
Pupil’s Book on p. 132. Then ask: How many woolly hats
Listen and point.

CD 2

are there?
• The children guess, e.g.: Five/Three/... Say: That’s 20

wrong./Yes, that’s right. 2 CD 2

Listen and circle.

• Proceed likewise with the remaining articles of clothing. Tapescript:

Boy: I’m wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, green
and white socks, blue trainers, and a green and
2 Do the sums. purple cap.
Pair work: Arithmetic examples
2 Do the sums. • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 28, ex. 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6

• Elicit the words28for the different items of clothing in the

3 + 2 + 4 = 9
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
picture on the left.
• Then play the recording (CD 2/19) and have the children
1 + 2 + 5 = 8 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 circle the appropriate items in the picture.
• Next, instruct the children to draw the items of clothing
on the figure in the picture on the right.
• Once they have finished, ask the children, e.g.: What is

U ni t

• Demonstrate the first calculation exercise on the lower the boy wearing? Clothes such as: A (white)
5 and elicit answers
half of p. 32 in the Pupil’s Book. T-shirt … 19

1 Listen and circle. Draw and say.

• Do the first sum on the board. Draw one red, one blue CD 2

and one green woolly hat on the board. Speak as you

do it. Underneath write the following arithmetical signs:
2 Listen and circle.
+ + =
• Say the terms several times and have the children Listening exercise CD 2/20
repeat them: Plus … plus … is …
• Then point to the red woolly hat. Say: How many red 2
Listen and circle.
woolly hats are there? The children count the red woolly
CD 2

hats inside the frame at the top of p. 32 in the Pupil’s

Book and say: Three.
Say: Yes, good. Enter the number three on the board
under the red woolly hat and say: Three plus …
Point to the blue woolly hat and say: Now, how many
blue woolly hats are there? etc.
• Highlight the final result on the board correspondingly
and say it at the same time. Practise the expressions
1 2 3 4 5 6

for this arithmetic operation thoroughly by getting the
children to say and repeat it several times.
• The children do the remaining three sums as individual
work. Go round the class and help if necessary.
• To check ask: How many blue/… skirts/pullovers/jackets Announcer 1: Take a pink pencil. Find and circle
are there? Record the arithmetic operations on the board Susan. Susan is wearing a white T-shirt, a red
and say at the same time: One (skirt) plus two (skirts) pullover, a blue skirt, blue socks, and yellow trainers.
plus five (skirts) is eight skirts.
• The children check their answers by means of the Announcer 2: Take a blue pencil. Find and circle
picture on the board. Mike. Mike is wearing an orange cap, a green T-shirt,
blue jeans, green socks, and blue trainers.

Announcer 1: Take a yellow pencil. Find and circle

Frank. Frank is wearing a green cap, a green T-shirt,
blue jeans, black socks, and white trainers.

Announcer 2: Take an orange pencil. Find and circle

Debra. Debra is wearing a white T-shirt, a yellow
pullover, a green skirt, yellow socks, and white

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 77

5 Clothes
• Ask the children to look at ex. 2 on p. 28 of their Activity • Then play the recording (CD 2/ 20) and have the child-
Books. Allow them a minute to examine the pictures and ren circle the appropriate child in the picture using the
elicit the words for the colours used in the picture. Make appropriate colour.
sure they have the four necessary coloured pencils • To check their answers, ask the children, e.g.: What
ready. number is orange?.

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Receptive language: You’re in the swimming pool; Matching instructions with actions.
Get out of the water; Dry yourself; Put on your Understanding and carrying out jumbled
jeans; Put on your shoes and socks; Put on your ­instructions.
T-shirt; Put on your jacket; Walk out; Oh, no!
You’re wearing your swimming goggles; Walk Cross-curricular integration:
away; Get your swimming goggles; Topic: Speaking motivation 'Oh, no!'.

Linguistic skills: Materials:

Understanding the chain of instructions of an Flashcards from Playway 2: cap, woolly hat, dress,
action story (Oh, no!). trainers, pullover, jacket, skirt, shoes, socks,
Understanding instructions from the CD and T-shirt, jeans, hat
matching with the corresponding pictures. Flashcards from Playway 2: swimming pool, swim-
ming goggles, put on, take off; CD 2/21–22; Pupil’s
Book, p. 33, ex. 3; Activity Book, p. 29, ex. 3

Revision 3 Listen and point.

• Revise the articles of clothing with the aid of the Write the numbers.
flashcards in the usual manner.
• Stand in a circle. Get individual children to act out the
Action Story: Oh, no! CD 2/21
following instructions: Marko, touch a red pullover/blue U ni t

dress/green shirt/… Point to socks/trainers/... 5


3 CD 2
Listen and point. Write the numbers.

8 2 4

Vocabulary extension
swimming pool, swimming goggles, put on, take off
• Introduce the new words and phrases with the aid of the 3 6 5

flashcards in the usual manner. Encourage the children

to repeat them several times after you. Support put on
and take off with mime.

7 1 9
Action Story: Oh, no!
• Work on the action story in the usual manner
(see also Introduction of the Teacher’s Book):
– Children listen and imitate your actions
– They carry out instructions 33

– They carry out instructions in a jumbled order

• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 33. The nine
pictures are printed in random order. Give the children
sufficient time to look at the pictures.
• Now play the listening exercise twice (CD 2/21). At first
the children just point to the appropriate pictures in the

78 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

Tapescript: Tapescript:
You’re in the swimming pool. One: Get out of the swimming pool.
Get out of the water. One: Get out of the swimming pool.
Dry yourself.
Two: Put your swimming goggles on a chair.
Put on your jeans.
Two: Put your swimming goggles on a chair.
Put on your shoes and socks.
Put on your T-shirt. Three: Dry yourself.
Put on your jacket. Three: Dry yourself.
Walk out.
Four: Put on your shoes.
Oh, no! You’re wearing your swimming goggles!
Four: Put on your shoes.

• Play the listening exercise again and now the children Five: A boy throws your swimming goggles into
number the pictures in the book. the water.
• Go round the class and check the children’s work. Five: A boy throws your swimming goggles into
• Check the children’s work: Draw a grid with nine the water.
boxes on the board. This grid represents p. 33 in the Six: The boy falls into the swimming pool.
book. Have the children dictate the numbers for the Six: The boy falls into the swimming pool.
­corresponding box (What number is it?)
Seven: Get your swimming goggles.
Seven: Get your swimming goggles.

3 Listen and write the numbers. Eight: Walk away.

Eight: Walk away.
Listening exercise CD 2/22
U nit
• Play the listening exercise from CD 2/22 twice. The
children listen and write the corresponding numbers in
3 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.
the circles provided in the book.
6 2 • Check the children’s work: Hold your book up. Point to
the first picture and ask: What number is it? Children:
(Number) six.
8 1
Note: You can also check the children’s answers by saying, for
example: Get your swimming goggles. What number is it?
Children: (It’s number) six.
3 5

4 7


• Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 3 at p. 29

in their Activity Book. The eight pictures are printed in
random order. Give the children sufficient time to look at
the pictures.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 79

5 Clothes

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
He is wearing; She is wearing. Following the narrative structure of a story on the
Receptive language: Father Bear has a hobby; He CD.
makes woolly hats; Joe, this hat is for you; Joe is Sticking the stick-in pictures correctly in a picture
not happy; I hate it. Aaaargh!; It’s time for school; story.
Bye, Dad; It’s Fred, the fox; Oh, what a lovely hat; Joining in with role play.
Fred puts the hat on; Joe is in the classroom;
Wonderful; Stupid me; Cross-curricular integration:
Topic: Speaking motivation 'Using clothing to
Linguistic skills: describe someone’s appearance'.
Understanding a story (The woolly hat) from the Art
CD and from it being narrated by the teacher. Drama
Joining in with story-telling.
Carrying out role plays. Materials:
Flashcard from Playway 2: fox; Story Cards: The
woolly hat; CD 2/23–24; Pupil’s Book, pp. 34–35,
ex. 4–5; stick-in pictures from the appendix of the
Pupil’s Book; coloured pencils; answer key

Revision Note: Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions
of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the
• Revise the instructions of the action story Oh no! from Pupil’s Book. This is mainly because of the length of the
the previous lesson. stories but also this serves to encourage the children to
listen for the necessary information in order to complete the
Vocabulary extension gap fill in the Pupil’s Book.

4 Listen and stick.
• Introduce the new word with the aid of the flashcard in
the usual manner. Encourage the children to repeat the Listening exercise:
new word several times. Sticker activity CD 2/23
• If your classroom is equipped with a DVD player, play
Pre-teaching key phrases the recorded version of the story before proceeding to
I hate (it)! the next exercise.
• Play the listening version of the story twice (CD2/23).
• Introduce the new phrase with gestures. Try to explain it
with the help of the phrases learnt in the previous weeks:
U ni t

I like/I don’t like. If necessary, give an additional explana- 5

tion of the meaning of this phrase in L1. Encourage the

4 CD 2
Listen and stick.

children to repeat the new phrase several times.

Storyteller: Father Bear has a hobby.
He makes woolly hats.
Father Bear: Joe, this hat is for you.
Joe: Oh! Thank you.
Storyteller: Joe is not happy.
I hate it. ?
Storyteller: It’s time for school.
Joe: Bye, Dad.
Father Bear: Bye-bye, Joe.
Joe: Bye-bye, woolly hat!
Storyteller: Ah! It’s Fred, the fox. 34

Fred: Oh, what a lovely hat. U nit

Storyteller: Fred puts the hat on. 5

Joe is in the classroom.
Other animals: Ah! What a lovely hat!
Joe: Stupid me! ?

5 Listen and colour.

80 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
CD 2



U ni t

5 5
• The children stick the stick-in pictures from the appendix 5 Listen and colour.
in the corresponding blank spaces in the Pupil’s Book at ?
Listening activity CD 2/24
pp. 34–35, ex. 4 while they are listening.
• Check the children’s work.

5 CD 2
Listen and colour.

Option: To promote self-checking it is recommended that you

put out a completed picture story. The children go and
check their own work themselves. pink


Telling the story pink

• Now tell the story with the aid of the story cards. blue

• Distribute the story cards to individual children. Tell the red white

story again. The children with the corresponding pictures

come out to the front. Finally all the children who were
given the story cards are standing in the order of the 35

sequence of the story in front of the class. The pictures

are held up so that they can be seen well by all. • The children open their Pupil’s Books at p. 35 and look
at ex. 5. Tell them that they are going to hear a CD
Story reconstruction game and should colour the boy and the girl according to the
listening text.
• Tell the children that you are tired and you may get
• Play CD 2/24 twice.
some of the facts wrong while telling the story. The
• Tell the children to mark the clothes in the
children should listen particularly carefully and correct
corresponding colours according to the instructions in
the mistakes.
the listening exercise and afterwards colour them.
• Say e.g.: Father Bear has a hobby. He makes jeans.
The children correct the mistake: No. Woolly hats.
Repeat the sentence with the right wording: He makes
woolly hats.
• Continue in this way. Speaker 1: His hat is blue.
His jacket is red.
Tip: The children put their hands up or say stop when they He’s wearing a yellow pullover.
discover a mistake. The mistakes are “corrected” by the He’s wearing blue jeans.
children if possible. Then the story is continued. His trainers are red.
Speaker 2: She’s wearing a pink cap.
Role play Her pullover is grey.
• Play the listening version of the story again (CD 2/23). Her skirt is pink.
The children close their eyes and see the story in their She’s wearing white socks and black
imaginations. shoes.
• Re-enact the story. You play the part of the storyteller.
The children play the other parts. Help the children by • Go round the class and check the children’s work. Ask:
whispering cues. What colour’s the boy’s/girl’s pullover/…?
• After several practises one child can also take on the
role of the storyteller.

Tip: Use certain articles of clothing to identify the parts, for

example a woolly hat for Joe.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 81

5 Clothes

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: colours, clothes Understanding sentences on the CD and numbe-
Receptive language: Good morning! Can I help ring pictures accordingly.
you? Can I try it on? I’ll take it! Take it off! Hurry Understanding phrases on the CD and circling
up, we’re going shopping; I don’t know what to items in a picture accordingly.
wear; Put on your ... Take the jacket off; Yeah, you Colouring pictures.
look great.
Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Going shopping’
Understanding phrases and sentences on the CD Art
and matching with the pictures in the book.
Describing what a person is wearing. Materials:
Story Cards: The woolly hat;
CD 2/27; Pupil’s Book, p. 36, ex. 6–7; CD 2/25;
Activity Book, p. 30, ex. 4–5; coloured pencils

• Reconstruct the story The woolly hat from the previous
lesson with the aid of the story cards. Announcer: Picture one.
Man: Can I try it on?
Announcer: Once again, picture one.
Pre-teaching key phrases and structures Man: Can I try it on?
Can I help you? Can I try it on? I’ll take it! Hurry up! We’re Announcer: Picture two.
going shopping. I don’t know what to wear. Yeah, you look Man: I’ll take it!
great. Announcer: Once again, picture two.
• Introduce the meaning of these phrases and sentences Man: I’ll take it!
by explaining them in L1 and with the aid of the illust- Announcer: Picture three.
rations in the Pupil’s Book. Encourage the children to Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you?
repeat them several times. Announcer: Once again, picture three.
Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you?
Announcer: Picture four.
6 Listen and write the numbers. Girl: Take it off!
Listening exercise CD 2/27 Announcer: Once again, picture four.
Take it off!
U ni t

U ni t
5 • Ask the children to6openListen and write the numbers.
their Pupil’s Books at p. 36, ex. 6.

CD 2


CD 2
Listen and write the numbers. • Play CD 2/27. The3 children listen and 1 number the pictu-
3 1 res. The first picture has already been numbered.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to
check their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, ask: One, what is it?.
4 2

4 2
7 Look and act it out.

7 Look and act it out.

7 Look and act it out.



• Ask the children to look at ex. 7 on p. 36 of their Pupil’s

• Get volunteers to act out the scene. Use the construc-
tions from the previous lesson as prompts, e.g.: Good
morning! Can I help you? Can I try it on? I’ll take it!

82 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

4 Listen and circle. Preparation of key phrases
Listening exercise CD 2/25 What colour is the jacket? What colour are the shoes? It’s
blue/…; They’re brown/…

U ni t

5 • Practise the phrases by asking one boy and one girl

Listen and circle.
to come out to the board. The other children have time
CD 2

briefly to look at both children.

• Go to the back wall of the classroom. The children turn
round to you so that they cannot see the two children at
the board.
• Ask e.g.: What’s Nemanja wearing? The children say, for
example: Black jeans.
• Then ask: What’s Zorica wearing? The children say, for
example: A T-shirt.
5 Colour and say.

• The children open their Activity Book at p. 30 and look at

• Say: Right. She’s wearing a T-shirt. What colour is it?
the illustration in ex. 4 for about five seconds. Children: Red.
• Have them close their books and say: Give me words. • In this way ask further questions about the clothing of

U ni t

The children name the articles of clothing and their the two children5at the board. Repeat the children’s
colours: A red jacket, yellow socks, etc. answers in full sentences and have the children repeat

4 Listen and circle.

• Then name all the articles of clothing and colours again them. CD 2

and the children point at the respective pictures in the

book. 30

• Tell the children that they will hear a dialogue from the 5 Colour and say.
CD. First, they should circle the articles of clothing that Pair work: Speaking exercise
Max puts on.

5 Colour and say.

Tapescript: A B

Linda: Mdialogueax, hurry up, we’re going shopping.

Max: I don’t know what to wear.
Linda: Put on your black T-shirt, your green jeans,
your red socks, your white trainers, and your
blue jacket.
Max: OK, my black T-shirt, my green jeans, my red 30
socks, my white trainers and my blue jacket.
Linda: Take the jacket off. Put on your orange jacket.
• The children look at ex. 5 on p. 30 of their Activity Book.
Yeah, you look great. A black T-shirt, green
• Tell the children to colour the boy’s clothing. They must
jeans, red socks, white trainers and an orange
use only one colour for each article of clothing and set
up a schoolbag between the books so that their partner
cannot see the drawing.
• Play the listening exercise (CD 2/25). • Two children then demonstrate the following pair work
• Next ask the children what Max now has on: What is with your help:
Max wearing? –– Child A tells child B how s/he has coloured the
• If there are any uncertainties play the CD again and say: clothing of the boy in the book: A blue woolly hat ...
Listen again. Listen very carefully. etc.
• If there is time the children draw Max. –– Child B colours the second boy in his/her book
according to this description. Then the children swap
roles and child B says how he/she has coloured the
boy. Child A now colours the second boy in his/her
book according to this description.
• Give the children sufficient time for this pair work. Go
round the class and help if necessary.

Note: Constantly introduce phrases that enable the children to

carry out the course of the lesson or their pair work in
English. Can you say it again, please? Can you help me,

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 83

5 Clothes

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding a rhyme and pointing along in the
Vocabulary revision: the four seasons book.
my T-shirt’s red; my jeans are blue; like a parrot in Drawing items of clothing.
a zoo Cross-curricular integration:
Receptive language: Joe is at home; He’s sad;
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Clothes’
Stupid me; My lovely hat; I’ve got an idea; I can
make a woolly hat; What a lovely colour.
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1: the four seasons;
Consolidating the meaning and the pronunciation
Flashcards from Playway 2: cap, woolly hat, dress,
of the new words.
trainers, pullover, jacket, skirt, shoes, socks,
Understanding a rhyme from the CD and matching
T-shirt, jeans, hat
with the appropriate items in the picture.
Flashcards from Playway 2: parrot, zoo; CD 2/28;
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Pupil’s Book, p. 37, ex. 8–9; CD 2/26; Activity
Understanding a story from the CD and putting Book, p. 31, ex. 6
pictures in the correct order.

• Revise the words for the items of clothing with the aid of
the flashcards. Put the cards up on the board and elicit Storyteller: Joe is at home. He’s sad.
the words from the children. Joe: Stupid me. My lovely hat.
• Revise the words for the four seasons with the aid of Ah. I’ve got an idea. I can make a
the flashcards from Playway 1. If you do not have these woolly hat.
flashcards, draw pictures on the board (e.g. a picture of Oh, no!
the sun), say: Summer. and stick the appropriate clothes Joe’s dad: Let me help you, Joe.
flashcards (e.g. the T-shirt) under the drawing. This will Joe: Yes, please.
also come in handy for the last exercise. Thank you, Dad.
Fred: Hello, Joe.
Joe: Hello, Fred.
6 Listen and write the numbers. Fred: What a lovely colour.
Joe: Thanks, Fred.
Listening exercise CD 2/26

U ni t
• Play CD 2/26. The children listen and put the pictures in
the correct order by filling in the numbers.
6 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.
• Check the children’s work: Hold your book up, so that
6 4 all the children can see. Point at the pictures and the
children say the correct number.

Option: Say, for example: Joe is at home. He’s sad. What

number is it?
5 3

Introduction of new vocabulary

zoo; parrot
2 1 • Introduce the words zoo and parrot with the aid of the
flashcards. Say the new words several times and have
the children repeat them.


• Ask the children to look at p. 31 in their Activity Book.

84 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U ni t


8 CD 2
Listen and point.

8 Listen and point. 9 Draw and say.

Listening exercise CD 2/28
9 Draw and say.
U ni t


8 CD 2
Listen and point.

9 Draw and say.

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 37 and

look at the picture in ex. 8.

Tapescript: • Ask the children to look at ex. 9 on p. 37 of the Pupil’s

Look at me. Book. Explain that the four pictures represent the
My T-shirt’s red. seasons, e.g.: This is winter. I’m wearing my ... and elicit
My jacket’s green. the words for the appropriate items of clothing from the
My jeans are blue. children. Allow them sufficient time to draw the clothes
Like a parrot in a zoo. and then go on to the next picture.

Option: If you see fit, consider introducing the words scarf and
• Play the recording (CD 2/28) and have the children point beach slipper, which you can see in the picture.
along in the book.
• Play the rhyme a second time and have the children
repeat the lines. Try to practise it without the aid of the
• Once the children have mastered the lines, go on to the
next exercise.

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: Can I help you? I’ll take ... Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Shopping’
Receptive language: I don’t like it. I’ll take the blue Art
jacket. Can I try the T-shirt on? Can I help you? Drama
That’s nice. A (dress), please. Take it off.
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 2: cap, woolly hat, dress,
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching trainers, pullover, jacket, skirt, shoes, socks,
with the pictures in the book. T-shirt, jeans, hat
Acting out a mini-dialogue. CD 2/29; Activity Book, p. 32, ex. 7; coloured
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Understanding sentences on the CD and colouring
pictures accordingly.
Acting out a mini-dialogue.

Revision • Some of these phrases and sentences are already fa-

miliar to the children. However, because of the exercise
• Repeat the rhyme from the previous lesson. that follows, it is necessary to explain them all one by
Explain as many of them as you can by using gesture
Revision and introduction of key phrases
and mime, and use explanations in L1 for those that you
I don’t like (it). I’ll take (the blue jacket). Can I try (the cannot explain in this manner.
T-shirt) on? Can I help you? That’s nice. A (dress), please.
Take it off.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 85

5 Clothes
7 Listen and colour. • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 32 and
look at ex. 7. Allow them a minute to examine the pictu-
Listening exercise CD 2/29 res and make sure they have their pink, yellow, green,

U nit
red, orange, blue, purple and black pencils ready.
5 • Play CD 2/29 and have the children listen and mark the
Listen and colour.
appropriate pictures with the appropriate colours. Consi-
der pausing the recording after each colour to allow the
CD 2


children sufficient time to find the appropriate picture.

• Play the recording a second time and have the children
check their answers. Allow them some time to colour

green in the circles next to the pictures. The circle next to the
presentation of the first utterance has been partially
coloured already.
• Play the recording a third time, stopping the CD after
black purple
each utterance for the children to repeat the statements
one more time.


yellow Role play At a shop

32 • Finally, try to act out a mini-dialogue. You can play the
shop assistant and the children take on the roles of the
customers. Put the flashcards with the items of clothing
on the desk. They will be a replacement for actual shop-
Tapescript: ping items. Try to use as many of the taught phrases
and sentences as you can (some customers like the
Pink: I don’t like it.
things they try on, some don’t). Gradually encourage the
Pink: I don’t like it.
children to act out mini-dialogues among themselves.
Yellow: I’ll take the blue jacket.
Yellow: I’ll take the blue jacket.
Green: Can I try the T-shirt on?
Green: Can I try the T-shirt on?
Red: Yellow?
Red: Yellow?
Orange: Can I help you?
Orange: Can I help you?
Blue: That’s nice.
Blue: That’s nice.
Purple: A dress, please.
Purple: A dress, please.
Black: Take it off!
Black: Take it off!

86 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 7
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: colours, clothes Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘My world’
Receptive language: My favourite (item of clothing) Art
is/are ...
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching colours; Flashcards from Playway 2: cap, woolly
with the pictures in the book. hat, dress, trainers, pullover, jacket, skirt, shoes,
Making statements about one’s own preferences. socks, T-shirt, jeans, hat
CD 2/30; Activity Book, p. 33, ex. 8–9; coloured
Cognitive, motor and social skills: pencils
Understanding statements on the CD and colou-
ring objects accordingly.
Drawing pictures of items of personal preference.

Revision • Play CD 2/30. The children first only mark the clothes in
the colour according to the CD. Later they finish colou-
• Revise the words for the colours and items of clothing ring them.
by using the flashcards. Play What’s missing? with the • The children then listen again and check. Ask: What
children. colour is Max’s favourite T-shirt/his favourite cap/…? U ni t

Children: (It’s) yellow/pink. 5


8 Listen and colour. 8 CD 2

Listen and colour.


Listening exercise CD 2/30


9 Draw, colour and say.

U nit blue

5 Step to creativity (ME-page)


8 Listen and colour.

My favourite clothes
CD 2

black and white

9 Draw, colour and say.



black and white

9 Draw, colour and say.

• Ask the children to look at the picture in ex. 8 on p. 33 in

the Activity Book. Name the illustrated clothes and get
the children to point at the corresponding pictures in the 33

• Tell them to listen to the CD and to colour the clothes • Now ask the children to look at ex. 9 on p. 33 of their
according to the listening text. Activity Books. Elicit the words for the items of clothing
• Tell the class that they should colour in the items of
Tapescript: clothing in the picture however they prefer to. Tell them
that they can also add items which are not already there
Max: My favourite T-shirt is yellow, my favourite
and colour them in as well.
cap is pink, my favourite jacket is blue, my
• To check the children’s work, elicit statements such as:
favourite jeans are black and my favourite
My favourite (T-shirt) is (blue).
trainers are black and white.
Once again.
My favourite T-shirt is yellow, my favourite
cap is pink, my favourite jacket is blue, my
favourite jeans are black and my favourite
trainers are black and white.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 87

6 One whole ye r

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: toys; He’s/She’s got ... Hearing a story on the CD and pointing along in
This is for you! Thank you! the book.
Receptive language: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Matching characters and their toys by following the
bring me presents, lots of presents! Fast, fast, fast, lines that connect them.
over the hills. I bring presents to good children, I
don’t bring presents to bad children. Come here Cross-curricular integration:
and help me, please. Good boy! Merry Christmas Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Christmas’
and Happy New Year!
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area: toys
Understanding a story from the CD. Flashcards from Playway 2: Santa Claus, Christ-
Understanding statements on the CD and mat- mas tree, present; CD 2/31; Pupil’s Book, p. 38,
ching with the pictures in the book. ex. 1; Activity Book, p. 34, ex. 1

1 Listen and point.

Listening exercise CD 2/31
• Revise the words for different kinds of toys by using the
flashcards. Stick the flashcards on the board and elicit
U ni t

words from the children. If you do not have the flash- 6 One whole year
cards from Playway 1, draw toys on the board and elicit 1
Listen and point.

the words for them.

CD 2

1 2

Revision and introduction

of vocabulary
3 4
Santa Claus, Christmas tree, present,
good, bad, fast, hills
• Although the children are familiar with the word Christ-
mas tree, use this opportunity to revise it in a new
context. Hold up the flashcards one by one and say the 5 6

words. Repeat the new words several times and have

the children repeat them after you.
• Revise the meanings of good and bad by using mime or
drawing smiling and frowning faces on the board.
• Introduce the meaning of hills by drawing an outline of 38

some hills on the board.

• Introduce the meaning of fast by using mime and gestu-
res. If necessary, clarify the meaning in L1. Tapescript:
Ben: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, bring me
Revision and introduction of key phrases presents, lots of presents!
Santa Claus: Fast, fast, fast, over the hills. I bring
Bring me (lots of presents)! Come here. Help me please.
presents to good children. I don’t
Good boy! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
bring presents to bad children.
• Explain the meanings of as many of these phrases as Mum: Ben, come here and help me, please.
you can by using mime and gestures. For additional ex- Good boy!
planations, use L1. Have the children repeat the phrases Santa Claus: Merry Christmas and Happy New
several times after you. Year! This is for you!
Ben: Oh, thank you!

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 38,

ex. 1. Tell them that they are going to hear a story about
Santa Claus and Ben.
• Play CD 2/31 and have the children point along in the
book. Consider pausing the recording after each state-
ment and having the children repeat it.

88 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

1 Find and say. • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 34 and
look at ex. 1. Elicit the words for the different toys in the

U ni t

6 One whole year

• Explain to the children that they should find out which
1 Find and say. child received which gift from Santa Claus. Allow them
1 sufficient time to follow the lines and find which child has
got which toy.
• To check the children’s answers, hold up your book and
say, e.g.: This boy, what has he got?. Once the child

answers, elicit statements such as: Santa Claus, bring
me a (doll).
3 2

5 6 6


L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding words on the CD and ticking the
Vocabulary revision: the four seasons appropriate boxes in the book.
Receptive language: January, February, March, Cross-curricular integration:
April, May, June, July, August, September, Octo-
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘One whole year’
ber, November, December
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area: the
Understanding words on the CD, repeating the
four seasons
Flashcards from Playway 2: January, February,
Understanding words on the CD and matching with
March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
the pictures in the book.
October, November, December; CD 2/32–33;
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Pupil’s Book, p. 39, ex. 2; Activity Book, p. 35,
Understanding words on the CD and sticking in the ex. 2; picture stickers from the appendix of the
missing items. Pupil’s Book

2 Listen and stick.

Listening exercise: Sticker activity CD 2/32
• Revise the sentences from the previous lesson: Santa
Claus, bring me a ... by playing a game as follows: have U ni t

the children come out in turn to the front of the class and 6
draw a picture of a toy on the board. The child who is to 2

CD 2
Listen and stick.

come out next must give the proper word for it and say:
Santa Claus, bring me a (the drawn toy).
• Revise the words for the four seasons by sticking the ?
flashcards on the board and eliciting the words from the
children. If you do not have the flashcards, draw pictures
on the board.
Introduction of vocabulary
January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
• Introduce the words for the twelve months with the aid
of the flashcards. Hold up the flashcards one by one
and have the children repeat each word after you. Pay ?
attention to their pronunciation.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 89

6 One whole ye r
2 Listen and tick ().
Listening exercise CD 2/33
Winter: December, January, February
Winter: December, January, February U ni t

Spring: March, April, May 2

Listen and tick ( ✓ ).

Spring: March, April, May
CD 2

1 2
✓ ✓
Summer: June, July, August
Summer: June, July, August
Autumn: September, October, November
Autumn: September, October, November 3 4
✓ ✓

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 39 and

look at ex. 2. Inform them that they can find the stickers
for the missing pictures at the back of the book. 5


• Play CD 2/32 and first have the children listen.
• Play the recording a second time and have the children
stick the pictures in the appropriate places.
• Play the recording a third time for the children to check
their answers. 35

• To check the children’s answers, go around the class

and check their work.
• Finally, have them try to repeat the names for all twelve Tapescript:
months first with and then without the aid of the recor-
ding. Hold up the flashcards in a jumbled order and have One: March.
the children tell you which month it is. One: March.
Two: May.
Two: May.
Three: July.
Three: July.
Four: December.
Four: December.
Five: November.
Five: November.
Six: August.
Six: August.

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 35 and

look at ex. 2.
• Play CD 2/33 and first have the children listen.
• Play the recording a second time and have the children
tick the appropriate boxes.
• Play the recording a third time for the children to check
their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, draw six pairs of boxes
on the board and ask: One ... left or right?.

90 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: bee, butterfly, flower, umbrella Following the narrative structure of a story.
Receptive language: A little seed; The little seed is Completing a picture story with stickers.
asleep. Hello, bee. Hi, butterfly. Look at the Role-playing.
clouds! I’ve got an umbrella. Come with me! Aah!
This is good! The little seed grows and grows. The Cross-curricular integration:
rain stops. Thanks for the umbrella. That’s OK. Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Cycles in nature’
Careful! Oh, dear! Look! Here comes the sun! Drama
Fantastic! A week later. The seed grows and
grows. Look at the wonderful flower! Mmmm, what
a sweet smell! Bless you! Flashcards from Playway 1: bee, butterfly,
flower(s), umbrella, rain, clouds, sun
Linguistic skills: CD 2/35; Pupil’s Book, pp. 40–41, ex. 3; picture
Understanding a story (The little seed) from the stickers from the appendix of the Pupil’s Book;
CD and from it being narrated by the teacher. (optional) a completed picture story for
Gradually joining in with the story-telling. self-checking
Acting out a role play.

Revision Tapescript:
• Revise the words bee, butterfly, flower(s), umbrella, rain, Storyteller: The little seed is asleep.
clouds, sun by sticking the flashcards on the board and
eliciting the words from the children. If you do not have Butterfly: Hello, bee.
the flashcards, draw pictures on the board. Bee: Hi, butterfly. Oh. Look at the clouds!
Butterfly: I’ve got an umbrella. Come with me!
Introduction of vocabulary and preliminary Bee: Aah! This is good!
preparation of phrases and structures Storyteller: It’s raining. The little seed grows and
grows. The rain stops.
The little seed is asleep. Come with me! The little seed
Bee: Thanks for the umbrella.
grows and grows. The rain stops. Careful! Look! Here co-
mes the sun! Fantastic! What a sweet smell! Bless you! Butterfly: That’s OK. Careful!
Bee: Oh, dear!
• Draw a picture of a seed under the ground on the board.
Point to the drawing and say: Look, a little seed. With Butterfly: Look! Here comes the sun!
your thumb and index finger make a sign for little to re- Bee: Fantastic!
mind the children what the word means. Say: It’s asleep. Storyteller: A week later. The seed grows and grows.
To make it clearer, mime asleep.
• Draw several pictures of a seed at various stages of Bee: Hi, butterfly.
growth into a flower. Say: Look at the seed. It grows and Butterfly: Hi, bee. Look at the wonderful flower!
grows. Point to the pictures and, to make it clearer, make Bee: Mmmm, what a sweet smell!
a gesture to represent growth. Finally, point to the flower A... A... Atishoo!
and say: Look! A flower! Butterfly: Bless you!
• Say the words seed, asleep, grows and flower several
times and encourage the children to repeat them after
• Get five children to come out to the front and have each
child point to the corresponding picture as you say: rain,
sun, seed, flower, grows (and grows). The class checks
their answers.
• Introduce What a sweet smell! by mime, e.g. by sniffing
a flower and smiling.
• Explain the meaning of Bless you! by pretending to
sneeze and eliciting the response from the children in
• Repeat the two statements. The children do the corres-
ponding actions.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 91

6 One whole ye r
3 Listen and stick. • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 40 and
look at ex. 3. Inform them that they can find the stickers
Listening exercise: Sticker activity CD 2/35 for the missing pictures at the back of the book.

U ni t
• Play CD 2/35 and first have the children listen.
6 • Play the recording a second time and have the children
Listen and stick.
follow the story in the book and stick the pictures in the
appropriate places.
CD 2

• Go around the class and check the children’s work.

Option: Display the completed picture story in the classroom.

The children come and check their own work them-

? selves.

Role play – Act it out

? • Play the CD. The children close their eyes and see the
story in their mind’s eye (TV in the head).
• Act out the story. You play the part of the speaker and
have two children play the bee and the butterfly. Help
the children by whispering cues. Option: a third child can
? also play the part of the little seed or the flower.


U ni t


4 CD 2
Listen and point. Sing the song.

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: hot, cold, wind, snow, rain.
41 Understanding a song on the CD and singing
Receptive language: It’s (very) hot / (very) cold / along.
raining / windy / foggy. Understanding statements on the CD and
numbering the appropriate pictures in the book.
Linguistic skills:
Understanding a song (It’s raining) from the CD, Cross-curricular integration:
singing the song. Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Weather’
Understanding statements on the CD and
matching with the pictures in the book. Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 1: bee, butterfly,
flower(s), umbrella, rain, clouds, sun
CD 2/36; Pupil’s Book, p. 41, ex. 4; CD 2/34;
Activity Book, p. 36, ex. 3

Introduction of vocabulary
• Revise the words bee, butterfly, flower(s), umbrella,
rain, clouds, sun by playing What’s missing? with the • Explain the meaning of fog with the aid of the illustration
children. If you do not have the flashcards, draw pictures in the Activity Book or by explaining it in L1. Repeat the
on the board and elicit the words. new word several times and have the children repeat it
• Revise It’s hot. and It’s cold. by using mime and gestu- after you.
res. Have the children repeat the phrases several times
after you.

92 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
U ni t Unit


4 Listen and point. 3 Listen and write the numbers.
Sing the song. Listening exercise CD 2/34
Song: It’s raining CD 2/36 ?
U ni t

36 34

4 Listen and point. Sing the song. 3 CD 2

Listen and write the numbers.
CD 2

5 2

8 1


3 7

It’s raining, it’s raining, come out and let’s play! 4 6
Run and jump, oh what a rainy day!

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 41 and

look at ex. 4. 36

• Play the song (CD 2/36) and have the children listen
and point along in the book.
• Say the lines of the song one by one with the children. Tapescript:
Use the pictures in the book as prompts and point along
in the book while you do this. One: Snow. It’s snowing.
• First practise with the aid of the recording and then One: Snow. It’s snowing.
slowly try to reproduce the melody with only the class Two: It’s hot. It’s very hot.
singing. You can help the children by humming the tune. Two: It’s hot. It’s very hot.
Three: Sun. It’s sunny.
Three: Sun. It’s sunny.
Four: Wind. It’s windy.
Four: Wind. It’s windy.
Five: It’s cold. It’s very cold.
Five: It’s cold. It’s very cold.
Six: Fog. It’s foggy.
Six: Fog. It’s foggy.
Seven: Cloud. It’s cloudy.
Seven: Cloud. It’s cloudy.
Eight: Rain. It’s raining.
Eight: Rain. It’s raining.

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 36 and

look at the pictures in ex. 3.
• Play CD 2/34 and have the children number the pictures
accordingly. Number one has already been done.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to
check their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what
is it? or Snow. It’s snowing, what number is it?.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 93

6 One whole ye r

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: seed, flower, sun, rain, Understanding statements on the CD and ticking
umbrella, parts of the body, fruit and vegetables, the appropriate boxes in the book.
furniture, clothes, weather, toys Categorising items.
Receptive language: It’s raining. The little seed is
asleep. Come here, bee, I’ve got an umbrella. The Cross-curricular integration:
rain stops. The little seed grows and grows. Look Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
at the wonderful flower! Art
What a sweet smell! Look! Here comes the sun!
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic areas:
Understanding statements on the CD and fruit, toys, weather, clothes, parts of the body;
matching with the pictures in the book. Flashcards from Playway 2 on the topic areas: fruit
Describing categories of objects. and vegetables, furniture, parts of the body,
CD 2/37; Activity Book, p. 37–38, ex. 4–5

Revision Tapescript:
• Revise the words for parts of the body, fruit and One: It’s raining.
vegetables, furniture, clothes, weather and toys by using One: It’s raining.
the flashcards. Stick the flashcards on the board and
elicit the words from the children. If you do not have Two: The little seed is asleep.
the flashcards from Playway 1, use drawings for these Two: The little seed is asleep.
groups of words. Three: Come here, bee, I’ve got an umbrella. Zzz,
this is good!
Three: Come here, bee, I’ve got an umbrella. Zzz,
4 Listen and tick (). this is good!

Listening exercise CD 2/37 Four: The rain stops.

Four: The rain stops.
U ni t

6 Five: The little seed grows and grows.


Listen and tick ( ✓ ).

Five: The little seed grows and grows.
CD 2



Six: Look at the wonderful flower!
Six: Look at the wonderful flower!
Seven: Mmm, what a sweet smell!
3 4 Seven: Mmm, what a sweet smell!
✓ ✓
Eight: Look! Here comes the sun!
Eight: Look! Here comes the sun!
5 6
✓ ✓

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 37 and



look at ex. 4.
• Play CD 2/37 and have the children tick the appropriate
boxes. Number one has already been done.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to
37 check their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, draw two boxes next
to eight numbers on the board and ask: One ... left or

94 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

5 Look and draw. Say. • Ask the children to look at ex. 5 on p. 38 of their Activity

U ni t
6 • Elicit the words for all the pictures and then explain to
the children that they should form six categories of simi-
Look and draw. Say.
lar items by drawing the appropriate items in the space
provided for each of the categories.
• Allow the class sufficient time to complete this task and
then have the children read out the categories to you.


L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Playing a game in pairs.
Vocabulary revision: food, fruit and vegetables, Understanding and following the rules of a game.
numbers, weather, furniture, school items, toys Cross-curricular integration:
It’s my turn; It’s your turn; I don’t know; What is it?;
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Following the rules of
Throw the dice; Start; Finish; I’m/You’re the winner!
a game’ and ‘Food’
Receptive language: Let’s eat ...! Let’s drink ...!
Let’s have ... Materials:
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic areas:
numbers, fruit, toys, weather, clothes, parts of the
Understanding statements on the CD and
body, food; Flashcards from Playway 2 on the
matching with pictures in the book.
topic areas: numbers, fruit and vegetables,
Understanding and using certain expressions
furniture, parts of the body, clothes
necessary to play a game.
Pupil’s Book, p. 42, ex. 5; CD 2/38; Activity Book,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: p. 39, ex. 6
Understanding statements on the CD and circling

5 Play the game. Say.

Game: Snakes and Ladders
• Revise the words for numbers, parts of the body, fruit
and vegetables, furniture, clothes, weather, toys, and

U ni t

food by using the flashcards. Play What’s missing? 6

with the children. If you do not have the flashcards 5 Play the game. Say.

from Playway 1, play What’s missing? with those from

Playway 2 and use drawings to elicit the other groups of


© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 95

6 One whole ye r
• Explain the rules for the board game in the Pupil’s Book 6 Listen and circle.
on p. 42 in L1. The game is played with one book in
pairs. Child A and child B put their tokens on the start. Listening exercise CD 2/38
Child A throws the dice and moves his/her token on the U ni t

board the number he/she has thrown. If the token lands 6

on e.g. the picture for plum, child A says plum. Then it 6
Listen and circle.
is child B’s turn. If child A does not know the word plum
CD 2

child B may say it and then throw the dice twice. The
number of spots on the dice are added together and
child B may move forwards that number of squares with 2

his/her token.
• If the token lands on a square that has the start of a
ladder (e.g. sun) then the token can climb the ladder and 3

be placed on the square at the end of the ladder

(in this case trainers).
• If the token lands on the tail of a snake (e.g. green 4

pepper) the token has to be put back on the square

where the head of the snake is (in this case plum).
• The first person to reach FINISH is the winner. 5

• Have the children play in twos and go from pair to pair.

Help, if necessary. Try to encourage the children to only
use the English expressions as far as possible during 39
the game. After each part of the game keep practising
the English sentences in groups.
Tip: Coins, buttons or erasers can be used as tokens.
One: Let’s eat toast and butter!
One: Let’s eat toast and butter!
Two: Let’s eat spaghetti!
Two: Let’s eat spaghetti!
Three: It’s five o’clock. Let’s have tea.
Three: It’s five o’clock. Let’s have tea.
Four: I’m hungry, let’s eat chicken!
Four: I’m hungry, let’s eat chicken!
Five: I’m thirsty! Let’s drink orange juice!
Five: I’m thirsty! Let’s drink orange juice!

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 39 and

look at ex. 6.
• Hold up your book and elicit the names for all the diffe-
rent kinds of food in all five rows.
• Then play CD 2/38 and have the children circle the
appropriate food in the picture.
• Play the recording a second time and have the children
check their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what
is it?.

96 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 7
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: fruit and vegetables Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Fruit and vegetables’
Receptive language: (Peaches) grow in (summer). Art
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Understanding the teacher’s statements about fruit Flashcards from Playway 2 on the topic area: fruit
and vegetables. and vegetables
Making statements about fruit and vegetables. Flashcard from Playway 2: corn; Pupil’s Book,
p. 43, ex. 6; coloured pencils
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Categorising fruit and vegetables.
Drawing fruit and vegetables.

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 43 and

Revision look at ex. 6.
• Revise the words for fruit and vegetables by sticking • First elicit the words for the fruit and vegetables pre-
the flashcards on the board and eliciting the appropriate sented from the children, or consider saying the words
words from the children. yourself and having the children point at the appropriate
items in the picture.
• Then make statements about the fruit and vegetables,
Introduction of vocabulary
e.g.: (Apples) grow in (autumn). Have the children draw
• Introduce the word corn with the aid of the flashcard in an apple in the space next to the appropriate season.
the usual manner. Repeat this process for all the fruit and vegetables.
• Allow the children sufficient time to colour in their
drawings and then have them make statements about
Pre-teaching key phrases the different fruit and vegetables. Help them with cues if
• Explain the phrase (Peaches) grow in (summer) by necessary.
drawing this process on the board. It would be conveni-
ent to draw at least one type of fruit that grows on trees Suggested answers (which may vary depending on the
and one type that grows underground and provide the climate and region):
appropriate sentences. If necessary, provide additional
explanations in L1. Have the children repeat the senten- Spring: strawberries
ces after you. Summer: cucumbers, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, onions,
Autumn: apples, pears, grapes, potatoes, nuts, corn,
6 Look and draw. plums

U ni t

6 Look and draw.


© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 97

5–6 Show wh t you c n do

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Checking of vocabulary acquisition in Units 5–6. Matching words and sentences from the CD to the
corresponding pictures.
Linguistic skills: Numbering these words and sentences according
Understanding and saying vocabluary from Units 5 to the CD.
and 6 on the topic areas ‘clothes’ and ‘seasons’. Checking the results with the aid of an answer key.
CD 2/39–41; Pupil’s Book, pp. 44–45, ex. 1–4;
coloured pencils; answer key

Self-evaluation Number seven: Parrot.

Number seven: Parrot.
Option: Divide Show what you can do into two lessons.
Number eight: Fox.
Note: For notes on the basic methodology of this section, see
Show what you can do in the Introduction.
Number eight: Fox.
Number nine: Hat.
Number nine: Hat.
1 Listen and write the numbers.
Listening exercise CD 2/39 • The children will check independently whether they can
match the words and numbers to the corresponding

U ni t s
pictures by numbering them from one to nine.

U ni t s

Show wh t you c n do 5-6 Show wh t you c n do

5-6 • Now play the listening exercise (CD 2/39).
Listen and write the numbers.
• The children number 1 the pictures in the book accordingly.
Listen and write the numbers.
CD 2

The first picture has

9 already been numbered.
CD 2

9 5 2 5 2
• Go round the class and help the children, if necessary.
Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
8 6 7
their results independently.
8 6 7

1 3 4 2 Circle the odd

1 one out.
3 4

2 Circle the odd one out. 2 Circle the odd one out.
• Tell the children that they are going to find out which

words in the Pupil’s Book on p. 44, ex. 1, they can


already understand well. 3



• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 2 on p. 44 of their
Number one: Santa Claus. Pupil’s Books.
Number one: Santa Claus. • Elicit the appropriate words for all the pictures.
• Tell the children that they are to find the odd one out and
Number two: Trainers. circle it. To check their answers, ask: Number two, what
Number two: Trainers. is it?.
Number three: Present.
Number three: Present.
Number four: Skirt.
Number four: Skirt.
Number five: Swimming pool.
Number five: Swimming pool.
Number six: Jacket.
Number six: Jacket.

98 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

3 CD 2
Listen and write the numbers.

1 3 Units

3 Listen and write the numbers. 4 Look and say.
2 4

Listening exercise CD 2/40 Then listen and check.

U nit s
Listening exercise CD 2/41
40 41

3 Listen and write the numbers. 4 CD 2

Look and say. Then listen and check.
CD 2

1 2 3 4
1 3


2 4

One: Put on your shoes.
Two: Can I try it on?
Three: What a lovely hat.
4 CD 2
Look and say. Then listen and check.

Four: Atishoo! Bless you!

1 2 3 4
• Tell the children to find out which sentences in the
Pupil’s Book on p. 45, ex. 3 they can already say.
• The children then check independently whether they
can match the sentences they hear to the corresponding
45 • Tell the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 45 of their
pictures. Pupil’s Books.
• Elicit the appropriate statements for all the pictures.
• Tell the children that they are to listen to the recording
Tapescript: and check their answers.
Number one: My cap is green. • To check their answers once again, ask: Number one,
Number one: My cap is green. what is it?.

Number two: Come with me.

Number two: Come with me.
Number three: What a sweet smell!
Number three: What a sweet smell!
Number four: I hate it!
Number four: I hate it!

• Now play the listening exercise (CD 2/40).

• The children number the pictures in the book accordingly.
The first picture has already been numbered.
• Go round the class and help the children, if necessary.
• Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 99

7 F mily

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding a rhyme from the CD.
Learning by heart and reciting fluently one’s own
Vocabulary revision: arithmetic, numbers
mum; dad; brother; sister; grandpa; grandma;
Composing a rhyme to fit a picture in the book.
Receptive language: In my family there’s my mum Cross-curricular integration:
etc…; Tom’s/Daniel’s… family; Kate’s 4 years old; Topic: Speaking motivation 'Discussing members
I’ve got a big family; What about Tom’s family? of a family'.
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Learning the meaning, the pronunciation and the Flashcards from Playway 2: dad and mum, brother
written form of the family words. and sister, grandpa and grandma, racoon; Word
Understanding a rhyme from the CD. Cards from Playway 2: dad and mum, brother and
Cognitive, motor and social skills: sister, grandpa and grandma; CD 3/1–3; Pupil’s
Book, pp. 46–47, ex. 1–3
Understanding family descriptions from the CD
and matching them to the corresponding pictures
in the book.

Vocabulary revision and introduction Option: An alternative activity is for you to hold up the word
cards one after another, saying the corresponding
family; mum; dad; sister; brother; grandpa; grandma words. Then hand the cards out to individual children.
• Revise the words already learnt for family members Say the words in sequence. After each word, the child
or introduce the new words in the following way: Draw with the correct card comes out to the board and puts it
up next to or below the flashcard.
a girl on the board. Have the children find a name for
the girl, e.g.: Susan. This is Susan. Show the flashcard
for dad and mum and say: This is Susan’s dad. This is 1 Listen and write the numbers.
Susan’s mum. Put the flashcards up on the board. Say
the words dad and mum several times and have the Listening exercise CD 3/1
children repeat them.
• Proceed in the same way with the remaining flashcards

U nit

7 F mily
until the family is complete. Then point to the board

and say: This is Susan’s family. Repeat the word family 1 CD 3

Listen and write the numbers.

several times and write it on the board. Then say: In F amily Ph otos
Susan’s family there is a brother, a sister …
• Get the children to repeat all the family members again.
• Ask the children to bring photos of their closest family 4
members with them. One child comes out in front of the
class and presents his/her family members. Whisper: My
mum… etc. 3

Vocabulary exercises with the

support of the written forms
mum; dad; sister; brother; grandpa; grandma
• Hold up the word cards in quick succession. Do not
allow the children enough time to read the words letter
by letter. They should absorb the written form only as a
single entity.
• When the children say the correct word, repeat it. Then
get one of them to put the card up on the board next to the • Now ask the children to open the Pupil’s Book at p. 46
corresponding flashcard. Say: Put it on the board, please. and look at the individual families.
• Take down all the flashcards, but leave the word cards • Tell the children that they are going to hear Tom, Daniel,
on the board. Read them out together with the children Emma and Anne describing their families. They should
several times. listen carefully and number the families from one to four.
• Tell the children to close their eyes. Change the
positions of the word cards. Say: Open your eyes.
What’s wrong? Ask individual children to put the cards
back in their correct places.

100 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Play the recording (CD 3/2) and have the children listen
Tapescript: to the chant.
One: Hi, my name’s Tom. In my family there’s • Play the chant again and encourage the children to
my sister, my dad and me. speak along. Practise the chant first with and then U nit

Two: Hi, I’m Emma. In my family there’s my without the aid of the recording. Once the children 7 have
mum, my grandma, my sister Kate and mastered the chant,
2 goListen and point. Say the chant.

CD 3
on to the next exercise.
me. Kate is 4 years old.
Three: Hi, I’m Daniel. I’ve got a big family.
There’s my mum, my dad, my brother 3 Listen and point.
Mike, my grandpa, my grandma and me. Say the chant.
Four: Hi, I’m Anne. In my family there’s my
mum, my dad and me. Listening exercise CD 3/3

3 CD 3
Listen and point. Say the chant.

• Play the listening exercise (CD 3/1). Stop the CD after

each description so that the children can find and
number the corresponding family.
• Check the children’s answers by asking: What about
Tom’s family? Whisper clues to help them: There’s a …
Children: … sister and a dad. etc.
• The children compare their answers. 47

• Tell the children to have a look at the picture in ex. 3 on

2 Listen and point. p. 47 of their Pupil’s Books.
• Play the recording (CD 3/3) and have the children listen
Say the chant. to the chant.
Chant: This is my family CD 3/2 • Play the chant again and encourage the children to
speak along.
U nit


2 CD 3
Listen and point. Say the chant.
My mum,
my two sisters and me.
This is my family.

Step to creativity (Word Play)

• Encourage the children to create their own chant. Exp-

3 CD 3
Listen and point. Say the chant.

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 47 and lain to them that they are now going to present a chant
look at ex. 2. Point at the picture of the racoon. Say the similar to the one in ex. 3.
word racoon and get the children to repeat several times. • Instruct the class to draw a picture of their family and
Support the introduction of the new word visually with aid themselves in a picture frame in their notebooks.
of the flashcard. • Go around the class and help the children with their
composition if necessary.
• Finally, have the children present their chants to the
Tapescript: 47 class. Don’t forget to praise them for their work (Let’s
My mum, give him/her a big hand!).
my dad,
three sisters,
two brothers and me.
This is my family.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 101

7 F mily

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
picnic, river; beaver; Cut off his tail! Topic: Speaking motivation 'The raccoons and the
Receptive language: I’ve got an idea; Let’s help beaver'.
him; Let’s go to the river; Swim across the river; He Drama
is happy; We are happy. Materials:
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 2: dad and mum, brother
Understanding a story (The racoons and the and sister, grandpa and grandma, river, racoon,
beaver) from the CD and from it being narrated by picnic, beaver; Story Cards from Playway 2: The
the teacher. racoons and the beaver;
Joining in with story-telling. CD 3/7; Pupil’s Book, pp. 48–49, ex. 4; stick-in
Mini-dialogues and (optional) acting out a role play. pictures from the appendix of the Pupil’s Book;
photocopiable master from the appendix of the
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Teacher’s Book; answer key
Following the sequence of events in a story.
Sticking stick-in pictures from the appendix
correctly in the picture story.
Matching pictures to the appropriate sentences.

• Revise the family members with the aid of the
flashcards and word cards in the usual manner. Storyteller: The racoons are going for a picnic.
Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother,
Preparation of key words Ronnie: Let’s go to the river.
and phrases Rosie: Yes, great!
Mum and Dad: OK.
picnic, river; racoon; beaver; cut off his tail
Beaver: Help!
• Revise the word racoon and introduce the words picnic, Mum: What’s that?
river and beaver with the aid of the flashcards in the Beaver: Help! Help!
usual manner. Ronnie: It’s a beaver.
• Stick on the board the story card where you can see Over there!
the family of racoons and the beaver who has just been Rosie: Let’s help him.
released. Revise and reinforce the words racoon and Storyteller: Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his sister want
beaver with it. Point to the corresponding animals on the to help. They swim across the river.
picture. Beaver: Help!
• Explain the phrase cut off his tail in the following way: Rosie, Ronnie: Pull! Pull!
Take the beaver flashcard or draw a beaver on the Crow: Cut off his tail.
board. Mime cut off his tail by pretending to cut off his Cut off his tail.
tail with an imaginary knife. Dad: Go away.
Mum: I’ve got an idea.
Comment: Explain the habits of these two types of North Beaver: Help! Help!
Ame­ri­can animals in L1. Racoons (also variant Mum: Just a minute.
raccoons) [rəˈkuːnz] live in trees, sleep during the day Mum, Dad,
and go hunting at night. They have long, bushy, black
Rosie, Ronnie: One, two, three … jump.
and white ringed tails. Beavers [biːvəz] live in Europe
and North America. They have thick fur, a broad tail
Beaver: It works.
and fell whole trees with their sharp front teeth. Storyteller: The beaver is very happy.
Mum, Dad, Rosie and her brother
Ronnie are happy too.
Rosie: Now let’s have our picnic.
All: Yes. Great.
Mmmh. That’s good. Yummy.

Note: Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions

of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the
Pupil’s Book. This is mainly because of the length of the
stories but also this serves to encourage the children to
listen for the necessary information in order to complete the
gap fill in the Pupil’s Book.

102 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

4 Listen and stick. Telling the story
Listening exercise: • Now tell the story with the aid of the story cards.
• Distribute the story cards to individual children. Tell the
Sticker activity CD 3/7 story again. Each child holding a picture comes out to

U ni t the front at the correct point in the story. Finally all the
7 children who were given the story cards are standing in

CD 3
Listen and stick. the order that the story happens in front of the class. The
pictures are held up so that they can be seen well by all.

? Reconstructing the story

• Tell the story slowly and at the same time point to the
child with the corresponding picture. Stop and ask the
child to complete the sentence. If necessary, get the
other children to help. Support with mimes and gestures.
Say: They are going for a …
Child: … picnic.
Say: Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother, Ronnie. Let’s go
? to the …
Child: … river.

Role play
U ni t

7 • The story can also be performed as a role play after

appropriate intensive practice.

Additional task: Masks (racoon, beaver)

? Materials:
• Copies, drawing paper, water colour paints, opaque
white, paint brush, scissors, glue, elastic.

? Expressions:
Take the copy of the mask.
Put some glue on it and stick it on the drawing paper.
Colour the mask.
Cut out the mask.
? Cut out the eyes.
Push through the holes on each side of the mask.
Fix the elastic.
Put the mask on.

• If your classroom is equipped with a DVD player, play • Copy the masks (racoon, beaver) once from the
the recorded version of the story before proceeding to photocopiable master in the appendix of the Teacher’s
the next exercise. Book.
• Play the listening version of the story twice (CD 3/7). • Show the copy to the children. Ask the children each to
The children listen and stick the pictures from the choose one of the masks. Photocopy the appropriate
appendix in the corresponding blank spaces in the number.
Pupil’s Book (pp. 48–49). • Get the children to stick the copies on to drawing paper.
• Check the children’s work. • The beaver mask is coloured in various shades of
Option: To promote self-checking it is recommended that you • The black and white drawing of the racoon’s face is
put out a completed picture story in the classroom. The
coloured with opaque white and black.
children go and check their own work themselves.
• Then the outlines and also the eyes of the mask are cut
• The holes on either side of the mask are pushed
through. Then quite a strong piece of elastic is pulled
through and knotted.
• Demonstrate the individual steps and give instructions in
• Perform the role play again wearing the masks.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 103

7 F mily

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: members of the family, rooms Writing the words for family members.
in a house Understanding sentences on the CD and circling
Receptive language: Mum’s in the kitchen. items accordingly.
Grandpa’s in the living room. The children are in Understanding sentences on the CD and labelling
the bathroom. Grandma’s in the garden. Dad’s in pictures accordingly.
the bedroom. The dog is in the house. In my family Cross-curricular integration:
there’s …
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Family’
Linguistic skills:
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
with the pictures in the book. Flashcards from Playway 2: dad and mum, brother
Making statements about a family. and sister, grandpa and grandma; Word Cards
from Playway 2: dad and mum, brother and sister,

grandpa and grandma;

7 Story
U ni t
Cards from
F mily
Playway 2: The racoons and the beaver;
1 Look and write.
CD 3/4–5; Activity Book, pp. 40–41, ex. 1–3 grandma brother grandpa mum sister dad

1 2

grandpa grandma

3 4

Revision 2 Listen and circle. mum dad

• Reconstruct the story The racoons and the beaver from Listening exercise CD 3/4 5 6

the previous lesson with the aid of the story cards. sister brother

• Revise the words for the family members with the aid of 2

CD 3
Listen and circle.

the flashcards and the word cards in the usual manner. 1 2 3

Introduction of vocabulary ✓ ✘ ✓ ✘ ✓ ✘
4 5 6

• Introduce the new word with the aid of the flashcard in
✓ ✘ ✓ ✘ ✓ ✘
the usual manner. Encourage the children to repeat the
new word several times.

1 Look and write.

One: Mum’s in the kitchen.

U ni t

7 F mily
Two: Grandpa’s in the living room.
1 Look and write.
grandma brother grandpa mum sister dad Three: The children are in the bathroom.
1 2
Four: Grandma’s in the garden.
grandpa grandma

3 4
Five: Dad’s in the bedroom.
mum dad Six: The dog is in the house.
5 6

sister brother

• Ask the children to look at ex. 2 on p. 40 of their Activity

2 CD 3
Listen and circle.
1 2 3
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 40 and
• Elicit the words for the different rooms in the pictures.
look at ex. 1.
• Then play the recording (CD 3/4) and have the children
• First elicit the words for all
✓ ✘ the family
✓ ✘ members
✓ ✘by
circle the appropriate symbol underneath each picture
pointing to the six pictures one by one. Next, read out
4 5 6

(correct/incorrect). Number one has already been done

the words from the list one by one and have the children
as an example.
repeat them after you.
✓ ✘ ✓ ✘ ✓ ✘ • To check the answers, ask the children, e.g.: Number
• Read the first word again – grandpa − and allow the
one, yes or no? or draw the two symbols on the board
children a sufficient amount of time to copy the word

and have the children tell you which one they selected.
next to the appropriate picture. Repeat this process for
Finally, elicit short descriptions of the pictures from the
all six words.
children, e.g.: Mum’s in the bathroom.
• Read out the word next to each picture one more time
together with the children.

104 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

3 Listen and write. • Now ask the children to look at ex. 3 on p. 41 of their
Activity Books.
Listening exercise CD 3/5 • Show them the silhouettes of the four kids, read out their
names, and tell the class that they are going to hear the
U nit
children talk about their families.
7 • Play the recording (CD 3/5) and have the children select

3 CD 3
Listen and write. the appropriate picture for each child. Number one has
already been done as an example.
• Once they have selected a picture, stop the recording
and have them copy the selected child’s name below the
picture. If necessary, read out all four names each time
Laura Emily Oliver Jason
so that the children can make a proper choice.
• Go around the class to check the answers. Finally, elicit
short descriptions of the pictures, e.g.: There’s mum, dad …

Oliver Emily

Jason Laura


Oliver: Hi, I’m Oliver. In my family, there’s my mum,
my dad, my two sisters and my grandma.
Laura: Hi, I’m Laura. In my family, there’s mum,
dad, two brothers and grandpa.
Emily: Hello, my name’s Emily. In my family,
there’s mum, my two sisters, my grandpa
and my grandma.
Jason: Hi, my name’s Jason. In my family, there’s
my mum, my dad, my two brothers and my

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 105

7 F mily

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: picnic, river, racoon, beaver, Understanding sentences on the CD and numbe-
carrot, happy, swim, help ring pictures accordingly.
Receptive language: That’s good! Yummy! They
swim across the river. Go away! Let’s go to the Cross-curricular integration:
river. He’s happy. We’re happy! Let’s help him! The Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The story of the carrot’
beaver is very happy. Drama

Linguistic skills: Materials:

Understanding phrases and sentences on the CD CD 3/6, 8; Activity Book, pp. 42–43, ex. 4–5
and matching with the pictures in the book.

Six: We’re happy!
• Revise the phrases That’s good! Yummy! Go away! Let’s Six: We’re happy!
go! and the words swim, happy, help by using mime
and gestures. The children have already heard these Seven: Let’s help him!
words and phrases, but, seeing that they have not been Seven: Let’s help him!
mentioned particularly in the last couple of classes, take
Eight: The beaver is very happy.
some time to revise them one by one.
Eight: The beaver is very happy.

1 Listen and write the numbers.

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 42, ex. 4.
Listening exercise CD 3/4 • Play CD 3/6. The children listen and number the pictu-

U ni t res. The first picture has already been numbered.
7 • Play the recording a second time for the children to

CD 3
Listen and write the numbers. check their answers.
8 3 • To check the children’s answers, ask: One, what is it? or
That’s good! Yummy – what number is it?.

1 4
5 Listen and write the numbers.
Listening exercise CD 3/8
5 7
U ni t


5 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

6 2 8 4

42 5 1

Tapescript: 7 2

One: That’s good! Yummy!

One: That’s good! Yummy!
6 3
Two: They swim across the river.
Two: They swim across the river.
Three: Go away!
Three: Go away! 43

Four: Let’s go to the river. • Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 5 at p. 43 in
Four: Let’s go to the river. their Activity Book. Tell them that the pictures are
Five: He’s happy. printed in random order. They listen to the story on the
Five: He’s happy. CD and put the pictures in the correct order by
numbering them accordingly.

106 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Play CD 3/8 twice.
Tapescript: • Check the children’s work: Draw a grid with eight boxes
Announcer: One. on the board. This grid represents p. 41 in the book.
Ronnie: Mum, help me. Have the children dictate the numbers for the
Mum: OK. corresponding box. Point to the first box on the board
Ronnie, call your sister. and say: What number is it? Children answer: Number
Announcer: Two.
Ronnie: Rosie, come here.
Role play
Announcer: Three.
• The story can also be performed as a role play after
Rosie: Pull, pull.
appropriate intensive practice.
Announcer: Four.
Mum: Rosie, call dad.
Rosie: OK.
Announcer: Five.
Ronnie: Pull dad, pull.
Announcer: Six.
Rabbit: Can I help?
Dad: Yes, please.
Announcer: Seven.
All: Hooray!
Announcer: Eight.
Mum: Let’s have a picnic!
All: Yummy!

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Revision: family words Pointing to the correct pictures while listening.
Receptive language:The clever racoons are Maintaining rhythm and melody and doing actions
helpful/strong; Oh, here they come; A bushy tail to songs and rhymes.
and two small ears; A funny face and a black nose; Formulating categories.
That’s Ronnie, he’s Rosie’s brother. Reading descriptions of families and matching
Happy birthday, grandpa; Thank you Emily; Do them to the corresponding pictures.
you like pink roses?; They’re from the garden; Oh,
no, my roses; Cross-curricular integration:
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Being helpful’
Linguistic skills:
Understanding a song (The clever racoons) from Materials:
the CD. Flashcards from Playway 2: clever, strong;
Understanding a story in dialogue from the CD. CD 3/9–11; Pupil’s Book, pp. 50–51, ex. 5–6
Understanding sentences from the CD.

• Revise the role play from the previous class.

Introduction of vocabulary
clever, strong, helpful
• Introduce the words clever and strong with the aid of the
flashcards in the usual manner.
• Explain the meaning of helpful in L1.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 107

7 F mily
5 Listen and point. 6 Listen and point.
Sing the song. Listening exercise CD 3/11
Song: The clever racoons CD 3/9–10
U nit

U nit
7 11

9/10 6 Listen and point.

5 CD 3
Listen and point. Sing the song.
CD 3


• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 50 and look at • The children look at the picture story on p. 51, ex. 6
the pictures. of their Pupil’s Book.

6 The clever racoons

The clever racoons
#3 Walzing
Waltzing G G G
Text: Lyrics:
© Helbling,
© Helbling,
Emily: Happy birthday, Grandpa.
& 4 œ œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ Grandpa: Thank you, Emily.
œ Emily: Do you like pink roses?
Ref.: The cle - ver ra - coons are help - ful, the

# Grandpa: Yes. Mmmh. They smell wonderful.

G G D7 D7 D7

& œ œ ˙ œ ˙. ˙ œ œ œ Emily: They’re from the garden.

œ Grandpa: Oh, no, my roses.
cle - ver ra - coons are strong. Ron - nie and

D7 D7 D7 D7 D7

& œ ˙ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ • Play the listening exercise several times (CD 3/11).

Ro - sie, Dad and Mum, the cle - ver ra - coons, oh, The children look at the pictures in the book.
# Fine
• Check whether the children have understood the text.
D7 G D7 D7 D7 G

& œ œ œ ¿ ¿ ¿ ä œ œ œ œ ˙ Say the individual sentences in random order.

p The children point to the corresponding pictures in the
he - re they come! (soft clap) Sh! Oh, he - re they come!
# book.
œ œ œ Œ
C C G G D7

& œ œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ œ œ
A bu - shy tail and two small ears, a fun - ny face

D7 G G7 C C

& œ œ œ ˙. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
and a black nose. 1. That's Ro - sie, the cle - ver ra -

2. That's Ron - nie, he's Ro - sie's

Œ œ œ œ œ Œ
G G D7 D7 G G D. C.
& œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙
coon, that's Ro - sie, the cle - ver ra - coon.
bro - ther, that's Ron - nie, he's Ro - sie's bro - ther.


• Play the song (CD 3/9) and point at the correct pictures.
Listen. Sing the song.

• Play the song again and do the corresponding actions.

The clever racoons

• With the children, say the text together in the rhythm of

the song, letting the children use the pictures in the book
The clever racoons are helpful.

to jog their memory and point along again. The clever racoons are strong.

• The children stand up and put their masks on. Sing the Ronnie and Rosie,

song together and do the corresponding actions to it. Dad and Mum.

Finally, sing to the karaoke version (CD 3/10).

The clever racoons, oh, here they come!

A bushy tail and two small ears,

a funny face and a black nose.

That's Rosie, That's Ronnie.

the clever racoon. He's Rosie's brother.

Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
© 2005 Helbling, Rum/Innsbruck

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
Vocabulary revision: family words pictures accordingly.
Receptive language: Here you are, Grandma. Drawing one’s own family members.
Thank you, Ryan. Do you like the yellow bird? It’s Cross-curricular integration:
wonderful. It’s from your bedroom. Oh, no, my
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Family’
Linguistic skills:
Understanding sentences on the CD and matching
Flashcards from Playway 1: cake, spaghetti,
with the pictures in the book.
chicken, chips, apple, plum
Describing one’s own family members.
Flashcards from Playway 2: dad and mum, brother

U ni t

Cognitive, motor and social skills: 7 and grandma

and sister, grandpa
Understanding sentences on the CD and numbe- CD 3/12–14; Activity
6 Book, pp. 44–45, ex. 6–9
Listen and write the numbers.
CD 3

5 2 6
ring pictures accordingly.

Revision 7 Listen and match.

1 3 4

• Revise the words for the family members by sticking the Listening exercise CD 3/13
flashcards on the board and eliciting the words from the
children. 7
Listen and match.
• Revise the words for the different kinds of food by using 1
CD 3

2 3 4 5 6

the flashcards from Playway 1. If you do not have these

flashcards, draw pictures of the food on the board and
elicit the words from the children.

6 Listen and write the numbers.

Listening exercise CD 3/12

U ni t

7 Tapescript:

6 Listen and write the numbers.

CD 3
Grandma wants some cake.
5 2 6
Grandma wants some cake.
The sister wants a plum.
The sister wants a plum.
1 3 4
Grandpa wants some chicken.
Grandpa wants some chicken.
The brother wants some spaghetti.
The brother wants some spaghetti.

7 CD 3
Listen and match.

1 2 3 4 5 6

• The children open their Activity Book and look at the Mum wants an apple.
pictures in ex. 6, on p. 44. Mum wants an apple.
Dad wants some chips.
Dad wants some chips.
Boy: Here
44 you are, Grandma.
Grandma: Thank you, Ryan. • Now ask the children to look at ex. 7 on p. 44 of their
Boy: Do you like the yellow bird? Activity Books. Elicit the words for the presented family
Grandma: Yes, thank you. It’s wonderful. members and food.
Boy: It’s from your bedroom. • Tell the class that they should match the family mem-
Grandma: Oh, no, my curtains! bers with the food they wish to eat. Play the recording
(CD 3/13) and have the children match the appropriate
• Play the CD 3/12 twice. The children listen and number pictures. Explain the meaning of wants in L1.
the pictures accordingly. Number one has already been • To check the children’s work, elicit statements such as:
done. Mum wants an apple.
• To check the children’s answers, draw six boxes on the
board and have the children tell you the numbers.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 109

7 F mily

CD 3
Listen and point. Say.
U ni t

8 Listen and point. Say. 9 Draw and say.

Listening exercise CD 3/14 Step to creativity (ME-page)
U ni t
In my family there’s …

8 CD 3
Listen and point. Say.
9 Draw and say.
In my family there's …

9 Draw and say.

In my family there's …

Tapescript: 45

In my family, there’s my mum, my dad, my brother

Ronnie and me. • Get the children to draw a picture of themselves in the
space provided in ex. 9 on p. 45 in their Activity Book.
Point to the empty frame. Tell them they should draw
• Ask the children to look at the picture in ex. 8 on p. 45 in their family or stick in a photo of their closest family.
their Activity Book where Rosie is presenting her family. • Ask individual children to describe their family:
• Play CD 3/14 twice. The children listen and point45to the In my family there’s … Help through whispering cues,
appropriate character in the picture. Then they repeat if necessary.
the description without the aid of the recording.

110 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

On the f rm 8
L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: numbers from 1 to 12; cat; Practising the new words in pair work.
dog; mouse; duck; butterfly; bee; hen Understanding words from the CD and numbering
earthworm; horse; pig; cow; sheep; egg/s the pictures in the book to correspond.
Receptive language: Put on your shoes; Take Understanding and carrying out jumbled
some corn; Go outside; Call the hens; Feed the instructions.
hens; Go to the hen house; Look for eggs; Pick up
an egg; Crack; There’s a chick; Pick up your Cross-curricular integration:
trainers; Put on your trainers; Call the cat; Look for Topic: Speaking motivation 'Talking about animals
the cat; Feed the cat. that live on a farm' and 'Feed the hens'.

Linguistic skills: Materials:

Learning the meaning, the pronunciation and the Flashcards from Playway 1: cat, dog, mouse, duck,
written form of the new words. butterfly, bee; numbers from one to ten; Flash-
Understanding instructions from an action story cards from Playway 2: eleven, twelve
(Feed the hens). Flashcards from Playway 2: earthworm, horse, pig,
Understanding instructions from the CD and cow, sheep, hen; Word Cards from Playway 2:
matching with the corresponding pictures. dog, mouse, duck, butterfly, bee, earthworm,
horse, pig, cow, sheep, hen; CD 3/15–16; Pupil’s
Book, pp. 52–53, ex. 1–2

Vocabulary revision Child: Is it a cow?

Teacher: No, sorry.
numbers from one to twelve; cat; dog; mouse; duck; Child: Is it a horse?
­butterfly; bee Teacher: Yes, Tom, you are right. Come out. It’s your
• Revise numbers one to twelve in the usual manner. turn now.
• Revise the animal names already learnt with the aid of • The child who has guessed correctly can now continue
the flashcards. in your place etc.
• If you do not have the flashcards from Playway 1, draw
pictures of the animals on the board instead. Option: Mime an animal (sound or movement) and the children
guess what it is. The child that has guessed right is the
next to mime another one etc.
Introduction of vocabulary
pig; cow; earthworm; sheep; horse; hen Vocabulary exercises with the
• Reinforce the new words with the aid of the flashcards in support of the written forms
the usual manner. dog; mouse; duck; cat; bee; butterfly; hen; earthworm;
horse; pig; cow; sheep
Exercises for anchoring the vocabulary • Hold up the word cards in quick succession. Do not
in the children’s recognition memory allow the children enough time to read the words letter
• Stick the animal flashcards to the board. Call ­individual by letter. They should absorb the written form only as a
children out to the board and give them e.g. the f­ollowing single entity.
simple instruction: • When the children say the correct word, repeat it. Then
Kristina, touch the cow. get one of them to put the card up on the board next to
Marko, swap the pig and the horse. the corresponding flashcard. Say: Put it on the board,
Ana, take the earthworm and put it on Sanja’s desk. please.
Mirko, take the cat and give it to Veljko. • Take down all the flashcards, but leave the word cards
etc on the board. Read them out together with the children
several times.
• Tell the children to close their eyes. Turn the word cards
Exercises for anchoring the vocabulary face down on the board and tell the children to open
in the children’s productive memory their eyes. Point to the word cards in any order and say,
• Say all the words together with the children. each time: What is it? What do you think?
• Then play What’s missing? with the flashcards on the
Option: An alternative procedure is for you to hold up the word
cards one after another, saying the corresponding
• Then remove all the flashcards from the board. Take one
words. Then hand the cards out to individual children.
card and keep it hidden. Ask: What is it? Guess. Have Say the words in sequence. After each word, the child
individual children guess using the following expressions: with the corresponding card comes out to the board and
puts it up next to or below the flashcard.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 111

8 On the f rm
1 Listen and write the numbers. 2 Listen and point.
Listening exercise CD 3/15 Write the numbers.

U ni t
Action Story: Feed the hens CD 3/16
8 On the f rm
U ni t


CD 3
Listen and write the numbers. 8

2 CD 3
Listen and point. Write the numbers.

3 6 9 3


sheep 12 1 5 7
pig dog

10 cat
11 hen
duck 6
5 bee
4 8 2
butterfly earthworm



Tapescript: • The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 53, ex. 2.

One: Bee. The nine pictures are printed in random order.
Two: Earthworm. Give the children sufficient time to look at the pictures.
Three: Horse.
Four: Cat.
Five: Butterfly. Tapescript:
Six: Mouse. Put on your shoes.
Seven: Pig. Take some corn.
Eight: Cow. Go outside.
Nine: Sheep. Call the hens.
Ten: Duck. Feed the hens.
Eleven: Hen. Go to the hen house.
Twelve: Dog. Look for eggs.
Pick up an egg.
Crack. There’s a chick.
• The children work in pairs with one Pupil’s Book at
p. 52, ex. 1. Child A names individual animals, child B • Play the listening exercise (CD 3/16). At first the children
points to the corresponding illustration/word in the book. just listen and point at the pictures in the book.
Then they swap roles. • Play the listening exercise again. Now the children
• Play the listening exercise twice (CD 3/15). The children number the pictures in the book.
listen and number the pictures in the Pupil’s Book on • Go round the class and check the children’s work.
p. 52.
• Check the children’s answers by saying the numbers. Pronunciation tip: Pay attention in the pronunciation of chick
The children say the names of the corresponding [tʃɪk] to the voiceless [tʃ]. This sound is
animals. clearly different from the [dʒ] in jump

Action Story: Feed the hens

• For reinforcement of the Action Story carry out the
following steps in the usual manner (see also
­Introduction of the Teacher’s Book):
– Listening and imitating
– Carrying out instructions
– Carrying out the instructions in a jumbled order.

112 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding statements on the CD and drawing
Vocabulary revision: farm animals items accordingly.
Receptive language: There’s a (cow) on the farm. Understanding statements on the CD and numbe-
Pick up your trainers. Put on your trainers. Go ring pictures accordingly.
outside. Look for the cat. Call the cat. Feed the cat. Circling the odd one out.

Linguistic skills: Cross-curricular integration:

Consolidating the meaning, the pronunciation, and Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Animals on the farm’
the written form of the new words. Materials:
Understanding statements on the CD and mat-
Flashcards from Playway 1: cat, dog, mouse, duck;
ching with the pictures in the book.
Flashcards from Playway 2: earthworm, horse, pig,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: cow, sheep, hen;
U ni t

Finding new words in a word snake and copying CD 3/17–18; Activity

8 Book,On
f rm ex. 1–4
them next to the appropriate picture. 1 Look, circle and write.

wea ou sh
m ee
rthw orm p p ig

1 2 3

Revision 2 Listen and draw. Say.

cow mouse duck

• Revise the words for different animals by using the flash- Listening exercise CD 3/17
4 5 6

cards. Stick the flashcards on the board and elicit words pig sheep earthworm
from the children. If you do not have the flashcards from 2

CD 3
Listen and draw. Say.

Playway 1, draw the animals on the board and elicit the

words for them.
1 2 3

sheep pig
Pre-teaching key phrases

4 5 6

Go outside. Look for (the cat). Call (the cat). hen cow
Feed (the cat).
• Explain the meanings of as many of these phrases as 46

you can by using mime and gestures. For additional ex-

planations, use L1. Have the children repeat the phrases
several times after you. Tapescript:
One: There’s a duck on the farm.
1 Look, circle and write.
One: There’s a duck on the farm.

U ni t Two: There’s a sheep on the farm.
8 On the f rm Two: There’s a sheep on the farm.
1 Look, circle and write.
Three: There’s a pig on the farm.
wea m
Three: There’s a pig on the farm.
rthw orm p p ig

1 2 3
Four: There’s a horse on the farm.
Four: There’s a horse on the farm.
cow mouse duck

Five: There’s a hen on the farm.

4 5 6

pig sheep earthworm Five: There’s a hen on the farm.


2 Listen and draw. Say.

CD 3
Six: There’s a cow on the farm.
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 46 and Six: There’s a cow on the farm.
look at ex. 1. Elicit the words for the different animals in
1 2 3

the pictures. sheep

duck pig
• Explain to the children that they should find six animals • Ask the children to look at ex. 2 on p. 46 of their Activity
in the word snake. Show them the example of the first
4 5 6
word and help them • First elicit the words for the animals and then play
horsefind the next
hen one. Allow
cow them suffici-
ent time to find all the words. CD 3/17. Stop the recording after each sentence so that
• To check the children’s answers, hold up your book and the children have enough time to draw an animal in the

have them tell you the words that they found. Next, inst- space provided.
ruct the children to copy the name of each animal on the • Play the recording a second time and have the children
given line. Go around the class to check the children’s check their answers.
work. • To check the children’s answers, ask: There’s a duck on
the farm ... what number is it? or One, what is it?.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 113

8 On the f rm
3 Listen and write the numbers. • Ask the children to have a look at their Activity Books,
p. 47, ex. 3.
Listening exercise CD 3/18 • Play CD 3/18 and have the children number the pictures
U nit

U nit accordingly. Number one has already been done. 8

8 • Play the recording a second time for the children to

3 Listen and write the numbers.

Listen and write the numbers. check their answers. CD 3

CD 3
4 2 3
4 2 3 • To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what
is it? or Put on your trainers, what number is it?.

1 5 6
1 5 6 4 Circle the odd one out.

4 Circle the odd one out.

4 Circle the odd one out.

Tapescript: 2

One: Pick up your trainers. 3

Two: Put on your trainers. 4

Three: Go outside.4

Four: Look for the cat. 47

Five: Call the cat.

• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 47 of their
Six: Feed the cat.
Activity Books.
• Tell the children that they are to find the odd one out and
circle it. To check their answers, ask: Number one, what
is it?.

114 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
Vocabulary revision: bee, hen, eggs, cow, Topic: Speaking motivation 'The role of earthworms
earthworm, milk, flower in gardens'.
vegetables; trees Drama
Receptive language: Who are you? I live under-
ground. Eddie is happy. Cows give milk. Bees Materials:
make honey. Hens lay eggs. Eddie is sad. Flashcards from Playway 1: bee, (a glass of) milk,
Everybody loves you. eggs; Flashcards from Playway 2: earthworm, cow,
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 2: honey, vegetables;
Understanding a story (Eddie, the earthworm) from Story cards from Playway 2: Eddie, the earthworm;
the CD and from it being narrated by the teacher. CD 3/19; Pupil’s Book, pp. 54–55, ex. 3; stick-in
Joining in with the story-telling. pictures from the appendix of the Pupil’s Book;
Carrying out role plays. (optional) answer key for self-checking
Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Following the narrative structure of a story on the
Role playing.

Revision and introduction

Storyteller: Eddie is sad.
of vocabulary
Hen: Who are you?
bee; eggs; hen; cow; earthworm; milk; honey; vegetables; Eddie: Hi. I’m Eddie, the earthworm.
trees; flowers Hen: I lay eggs. What about you?
• Revise bee, (a glass of) milk, eggs, flower, earthworm, Eddie: Erm, erm … I live underground.
cow and hen by using the flashcards. Stick them on the Hen: Underground? Stupid.
board and elicit the words from the children. If you do Storyteller: Eddie is very sad.
not have the flashcards from Playway 1, draw pictures Bee: Who are you?
on the board and elicit the words for them. Eddie: Hi. I’m Eddie, the earthworm.
• Introduce the words honey and vegetables with the aid
Bee: I make honey. What about you?
of the flashcards in the usual manner.
• Revise the meaning of happy and sad with the appropri- Eddie: Erm, erm … I live underground.
ate facial expressions. Bee: Underground? Stupid.
Storyteller: Eddie is very, very sad.
Girl: Hello, Eddie. You look sad.
Pre-teaching key structures
What’s the problem?
Who are you? I live underground. Cows give milk. Bees Eddie: I can’t give milk. I can’t lay eggs and
make honey. Hens lay eggs. Everybody loves you. I can’t make honey.
• Explain the meanings of as many of these sentences as Girl: Eddie, you’re the king of the garden.
you can by drawing pictures on the board. For additio- Eddie: Really?
nal explanations, use L1. Have the children repeat the Girl: Yes.
sentences several times after you. The flowers love you, the vegetables
love you, and the trees love you.
Chorus: Eddie, Eddie is the king of the garden.
Eddie, Eddie, everybody loves you.
Storyteller: Eddie is happy again.
Storyteller: It’s a lovely morning on the farm.
Eddie: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
This is Eddie, the earthworm.
Eddie: Hi, everybody.
Cow: Moo. Who are you?
Note: Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions
Eddie: Hi. I’m Eddie, the earthworm. of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the
Cow: I give milk. What about you? Pupil’s Book. This is mainly because of the length of the
Eddie: Erm, erm … I live underground. stories but also this serves to encourage the children to
Cow: Underground? Stupid. listen for the necessary information in order to complete the
gap fill in the Pupil’s Book.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 115

8 On the f rm
3 Listen and stick. • If your classroom is equipped with a DVD player, play
the recorded version of the story before proceeding to
Listening exercise: the next exercise.
Sticker activity CD 3/19 • Play the listening version of the story twice (CD 3/19).

The children stick the stick-in pictures from the appendix
U ni t
in the corresponding blank spaces in the Pupil’s Book
(pp. 54 and 55) while they are listening.
3 CD 3
Listen and stick.
• Check the children’s work.

Option: To promote self-checking it is recommended that you

? put out a completed picture story. The children go and
check their own work themselves.

Telling the story

• Tell or reconstruct the story with the aid of the story
cards in the usual manner.

Role play
? • Tell the story again. Have two children play and say the
parts of Eddie, the cow, the hen and the bee. Practise
the parts thoroughly by getting the children to say and
54 repeat them several times.
U nit
• Then give the part of the girl to two children.
8 • Re-enact the story as a role play. You play the part of
the storyteller and help the children, if necessary, by
whispering cues.

Comment: In the rehearsal phase two children can take one part
? to help each other along. After that let the children
speak their parts alternately and not at the same time
to keep the performance natural.


116 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: numbers from one to ten; Understanding statements on the CD and numbe-
earthworm, bee, eggs, honey, morning ring the appropriate pictures in the book.
Receptive language: I live underground. Bees Understanding statements on the CD and pointing
make honey. Who are you? It’s a lovely morning to the appropriate items in a picture.
on the farm. Hens lay eggs. Eddie is happy. Eddie Cross-curricular integration:
is sad. Everybody loves you.
In picture (A), there’s a (black) (cat). In picture (A), Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘On the farm’
there are (three) (pigs). In picture (B), there are Materials:
(four) (blue) (flowers).
CD 2/20, 23; Activity Book, pp. 48–49, ex. 5–7
Linguistic skills:
Understanding statements on the CD and mat-
ching with the pictures in the book.
Describing a picture.

Five: Hens lay eggs.
• Revise the story Eddie, the earthworm from the previous Five: Hens lay eggs.
lesson by acting out the role play.
Six: Eddie is happy.
5 Listen and write the numbers. Six: Eddie is happy.
Seven: Eddie is sad.
Listening exercise CD 3/20
Seven: Eddie is sad.

U ni t

8 Eight: Everybody loves you.

20 Eight: Everybody loves you.
5 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

2 5

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 48 and

look at the pictures in ex. 5.
8 3
• Play CD 2/20 and have the children number the pictures
accordingly. Number one has already been done.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to
7 6
check their answers.
• To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what
is it? or Eddie is sad, what number is it?.

1 4

6 Listen and point.

Listening exercise CD 3/23
U ni t

6 Listen and point.
Tapescript: A
CD 3

One: I live underground.

One: I live underground.
Two: Bees make honey.
Two: Bees make honey.
Three: Who are you? 7 Look and say.
Three: Who are you?
Four: It’s a lovely morning on the farm.
Four: It’s a lovely morning on the farm.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition
49 117
U ni t
Unit 8

8 On the f rm 23
6 CD 3
Listen and point.

7 Look and say.

In picture A, there’s a black cat. 7 Look and say.

In picture B, there’s an orange cat. A B

In picture A, there are three pigs.

In picture B, there are four pigs.
In picture A, there’s one horse.
In picture B, there are two horses.
In picture A, there are five red flowers.
In picture B, there are four blue flowers.

• Ask the children to look at ex. 6 on p. 49 of their Activity • Now ask the children to look at ex. 7 on p. 49 of their
Books. Tell them that the first picture is picture A and the Activity Books. Tell them that the first picture is picture
second picture is picture B. A and the second picture is picture B and have them
• Play CD 3/23 and have the children point along in the produce the same kind of descriptions as in the previous
book. Consider pausing the recording after each state- exercise. Try to include as many animals as you can in
ment and having the children repeat it. the descriptions and to have the children use the appro-
priate colours as well.

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Maintaining rhythm and melody while speaking in
unison and singing.
Vocabulary revision: How many ...
Role playing different characters.
Revision: Hens lay eggs; Cows give milk;
Drawing animals on one’s own farm.
And bees make honey; Lots of eggs/milk/honey;
But Eddie is the king of the garden; Everybody Cross-curricular integration:
loves you; Music
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation 'Talking about animals
that live on the farm'
Learning the meaning and pronunciation of the
new words.
Singing a song (The earthworm song).
Describing one’s own farm. Materials:
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Flashcards from Playway 2: earthworm, horse, pig,
cow, sheep, hen; Word Cards from Playway 2:
Pointing to the correct pictures while listening.
dog, mouse, duck, butterfly, bee, earthworm,
horse, pig, cow, sheep, hen;
CD 3/21–22; Pupil’s Book, p. 56, ex. 4; CD 3/24;
Activity Book, p. 50, ex. 8–9

• Revise the words for the farm animals by using the
flashcards and the word cards in the usual manner.

118 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

4 Listen and point. • Play the song several times. The children point along in
the Pupil’s Book.
Sing the song.
• Say the text with the children in the rhythm of the song,
Song: The earthworm song CD 3/21–22 while the children point at the pictures in the book again.
• Stand in a circle with the children. Hum the tune of the

U ni t song. Gradually the children join in with you and hum
8 along. When they are all humming start to sing the

CD 3
Listen and point. Sing the song. words.
• Act out the story of Eddie, the earthworm again.
• After that sing the earthworm song with all the children
using the karaoke version (CD 3/22).

8 Listen and point.

Listening exercise CD 3/24

U ni t

8 CD 3
Listen and point.


9 Draw and say.

On my farm there are …

• The children look at the picture on p. 56, ex. 4 in the

Pupil’s Book for about five seconds. They close their
books and give you words. Say: Tell me some words. On my farm there are six horses, five sheep, two
Unit cows, four ducks and there is one hen.

0 The earthworm
The earthworm
Earthworm song
Lyrics: Gerngross/Puchta
Text: Playway-Autoren
Musik:Music: Lorenz
© Helbling,
© Helbling,
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 50 and
look at ex. 8.
• Get the children50 to look at the picture in ex. 8 on p. 50 in
# G
& C œ œ
C D7 G

˙ ˙.
their Activity Book for about five seconds only. Get them
œ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ to close their books. Ask: How many horses are there?
The children answer accordingly: Six. Say: Right. There
Hens lay eggs, cows give milk, and bees make hon - ey.
# G C D7 G are six horses. Continue with the remaining animals.
& œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ • Play CD 3/24 and have the children point at the approp-

U ni t

riate animals in8the picture.

Lots of eggs, lots of milk, and lots of hon - ey. 24

8 Listen and point.
A7 D

CD 3

& œ œ œ ¿ ¿ œ œ ¿ ¿ 9 Draw and say.

But Ed - die, Ed - die
Step to creativity (ME-page)
# A7

œ œ
D A7

& œ œ œ œ ˙. œ œ Œ Œ On my farm there are …

¿ ¿
is the king of the gar - den. Ed - die,

# D A7 D D7 9
Draw and say.
D. C.
& œ œ ¿ ¿ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙
On my farm there are …

Ed - die, ev - ery - bo - dy loves you!

ñ Ending

D7 G

(singing or speaking) (clap)

& œ œ œ œ œ œ ¿ ¿
But Ed - die is the king! (Oh yes!)

On the farm
• Play the song (CD 3/21). At first the children just listen
5 Listen. Sing the song.

and follow in the book. The earthworm song

• Then say the lyrics line by line and do the appropriate • Ask the children to look at ex. 9 on p. 50 of their Activity
Hens lay eggs,
actions to it or point to the pictures in the book to cows give milk,
facilitate understanding of the text. The children and bees make honey.

Lots of eggs,
• Instruct them to draw animals on the farm in the picture
imitate your actions or point at the respective pictures in lots of milk,
and lots of honey. however they so choose. Allow the children sufficient
the book. time to draw the animals.
But Eddie, Eddie
is the king of the garden.
• Once they have finished, ask them to describe their pic-
Eddie, Eddie,
everybody loves you.
tures: (Jelena), on your farm there’s/there are ...?.
... but Eddie is the king!
Oh yes!

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 119

8 On the f rm

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Understanding a song on the CD and singing
Vocabulary revision: colours
Discovering hidden objects in a picture.
Linda’s got ...
Finding objects in a maze.
Receptive language: Look for Easter eggs! Easter
eggs, red, blue and yellow! Easter bunny, hello! Cross-curricular integration:
Linguistic skills: Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Easter’
Understanding a chant (Easter eggs) on the CD,
chanting along. Materials:
Understanding a song (Easter bunny) on the CD, Flashcards from Playway 1 on the topic area:
singing the song. colours
Making statements about a picture. Flashcard from Playway 2: bunny; CD 3/25–26;
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Pupil’s Book, p. 57, ex. 5–6; Activity Book, p. 51,
ex. 10
Understanding a chant on the CD and chanting
along rhythmically.

Revision • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 57 and

look at ex. 5.
• Revise the words for colours by playing What’s missing? • First play a discovery game with the children and have
with the children. If you do not have the flashcards from them find out how many red, blue and yellow Easter
Playway 1, use coloured pencils to elicit the words. eggs there are in the picture. Have them tell you the
three numbers and instruct them to write the appropriate
number next to each egg in the left-hand corner of the
Introduction of vocabulary
Easter, bunny • Next, play the chant (CD 3/25) and have the children
• Explain the meaning of bunny with the aid of the flash- chant rhythmically.
card. Explain the word Easter in L1. Repeat the new • First practise with the aid of the recording and then have
words several times and have the children repeat them the children produce the chant on their own.
after you.
6 Listen and sing the song.
5 Look, count and write.
Say the chant. Song: Easter bunny CD 3/26
Chant: Easter eggs CD 3/25
U ni t

8 Easter eggs, Easter eggs, red, blue and yellow!


CD 3
Look, count and write. Say the chant. Easter bunny, Easter bunny, hello, hello!

• Ask the children to look at the picture on p. 57 of their

Pupil’s Books again.
• Play the song (CD 3/26) and have the children listen.
• Say the lines of the song slowly with the children.
• First practise singing along with the aid of the recording
and then slowly try to reproduce the melody with only
the class singing. You can help the children by humming
the tune. When the children have mastered the melody
and the lines, go on to the next exercise.

6 4 7


6 CD 3
Listen and sing the song.


Look for eggs, look for eggs, look for Easter eggs!

120 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

 Find and say. • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 51,
ex. 10. Elicit the words egg, bunny and chick from the
U nit
class and present the four children in the picture by
8 reading out their names.
Listen and point. 10 Find and say.
• Tell the children that they are to find out which of the
children has got a bunny and who has got an Easter
• Allow the children sufficient time to find the objects in the
• To check the children’s answers, ask: What has (Linda)


© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 121

7-8 Show wh t you c n do

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Numbering words and sentences according to the
Checking of vocabulary acquisition in Units 7–8. CD.
Circling the odd word out.
Linguistic skills: Checking results with the aid of an answer key.
Understanding and saying important words from Self-evaluation
Units 7–8 on the topic areas 'family' and 'on the
CD 3/27–29; Pupil’s Book, pp. 58–59, ex. 1–4;
Cognitive, motor and social skills: coloured pencils; answer key
Matching words and sentences from the CD to
corresponding pictures.

Self-evaluation Number seven: Bee.

Number seven: Bee.
Option: Divide Show what you can do into two lessons. Number eight: Duck.
Note: For notes on the basic methodology of this section, see Number eight: Duck.
Show what you can do in the Introduction. Number nine: Rose.
Number nine: Rose.
Number ten: Pig.
Number ten: Pig.
1 Listen and write the numbers. Number eleven: Eggs.
Listening exercise CD 3/27 Number eleven: Eggs.
Number twelve: Horse.

U ni t s Number twelve: Horse.
7-8 Show wh t you c n do
U ni t s
1 Listen and write the numbers.
CD 3
7-8 Show wh t you c n do
6 3 8 • Now play the listening exercise (CD 3/27).
• The children number 1 the pictures in the book
Listen and write the numbers.
CD 3

­correspondingly. The6 first picture

3 has already
8 been
4 7 1
• Go round the class4 and help7the children, 1
if necessary.
2 11 10 • Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.
2 11 10
9 5 12

2 Circle the odd one out.

2 Circle the odd
one out.
5 12

• Tell the children that they are going to find out which

words in the Pupil’s Book on p. 58, ex. 1 they can
Circle the odd one out.

already understand well.

• The children are going to see whether they can match 2

the words they hear to the corresponding pictures by 3

numbering them from one to twelve.

• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 2 on p. 58 of their
Number one: Picnic.
Pupil’s Books.
Number one: Picnic.
• Elicit the appropriate words for all the pictures.
Number two: Hen. • Tell the children that they are to find the odd one out and
Number two: Hen. circle it. To check their answers, ask: Number two, what
Number three: River. is it?.
Number three: River.
Number four: Earthworm.
Number four: Earthworm.
Number five: Cow.
Number five: Cow.
Number six: Sheep.
Number six: Sheep.

122 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

3 Listen and write the numbers. • Now play the listening exercise (CD 3/28).

• The children number the pictures in the book U ni t s

Listening exercise CD 3/28 accordingly. The first picture has already been7-8

3 Listen and write the numbers.

CD 3
U ni t s

7-8 • Go round the class 3 and help, if necessary. 4

Listen and write the numbers.
• Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.
CD 3

3 4

4 Look and say.

1 2

Then listen and check.

1 2
Listening exercise CD 3/29

4 Look and say. Then listen and check.
CD 3

1 2 3 4

4 Look and say. Then listen and check.
CD 3

• Tell the children to find out by themselves which

1 2 3 4

­sentences in the Pupil’s Book on p. 59, ex. 3 they can 59

already say.
• The children check independently whether they 59 can Tapescript:
match the sentences they hear to the corresponding
pictures. One: This is my family.
Two: Who are you?
Three: I can’t make honey.
Four: Happy Easter!
Number one: I’ve got an idea.
Number one: I’ve got an idea.
Number two: My sister is very sad. • Tell the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 59 of their
Number two: My sister is very sad. Pupil’s Books.
Number three: They smell wonderful. • Elicit the appropriate statements for all the pictures.
Number three: They smell wonderful. • Tell the children that they are to listen to the recording to
check their answers. Play the recording (CD 3/29).
Number four: Happy birthday, Anna! • To check their answers once again, ask: Number one,
Number four: Happy birthday, Anna! what is it?.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 123

9 My town

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
car; train; plane; boat; bike; walk; left; right Topic: Speaking motivation 'Recognising different
Receptive language: Point to the boat/person/… modes of transport'.
turning left/right.
Linguistic skills: Flashcards from Playway 2: go by car, go by train,
Learning the meaning, the pronunciation and the go by plane, go by bike, go by boat, walk, go by
written form of the new words. bus, go by underground, turn left, turn right; Word
Understanding new words from the CD. Cards from Playway 2: go by car, go by train, go by
plane, go by bike, go by boat, walk, go by bus, go
Cognitive, motor and social skills: by underground; CD 3/30; Pupil’s Book, p. 60,
Understanding the new words from the CD and ex. 1; Activity Book, p. 52, ex. 1
pointing along in the book.
Left and right.

Revision and preparation of key words 1 Listen and point. Say.

car; train; plane; boat; bike; walk; left; right Listening exercise CD 3/30
• Revise the words car, train, plane and boat with the aid
U nit

9 My town
of corresponding gestures/sounds and by drawing the
transport on the board. Elicit each one from the class 1

CD 3
Listen and point. Say.

and label the pictures. Repeat the process for walk and
• Reinforce the words left and right as follows: Turn car

around. Stretch out your left arm and say, Left. Do the
same with right. Repeat this several times. Draw an bike

arrow showing to the left and one showing to the right on

the board. Use the flashcards. walk

Vocabulary game to anchor the words in the


children’s recognition memory

• Say one new word after the other and get the children to
make the corresponding gestures. plane

• Get the children to stand up. Give instructions like: Say:

left right
Point to the left/right. Turn to the left./Turn to the right.
Walk. Walk to the left. Walk to the right. 60

• The children make the corresponding movements.

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 60 and
look at the pictures in ex. 1.
Vocabulary exercises with the support of the • Hold up your book. Say: Look. Left. Right. Point to the
written forms red arrows on the left side on the bottom of the page.
• Then say: Look. A car turning left. Point at the yellow
boat; car; train; plane; bike; walk
• Hold up the word cards in quick succession. Do not • Say: Now you. Point to the boat turning right. Now the
allow the children enough time to read the words letter children try to find the boat turning right and point to it in
by letter. They should absorb the written form only as a their books. Give some more similar instructions with the
single entity. words train, person, bike and plane.
• When the children say the correct word, repeat it. Then
get one of them to put the card up on the board next to
the corresponding flashcard. Say: Put it on the board,
• Take down all the flashcards, but leave the word cards
on the board. Read them out together with the children
several times.
• Then play: What’s missing? with the cards.

124 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013


U ni t

9 My town
Point to the boat turning left. Look and say.

Point to the boat turning right.

Point to the car turning left.
Point to the car turning right.
Point to the bike turning right.
Point to the bike turning left.
Point to the person turning left.
Point to the person turning right.
Point to the train turning right.
Point to the train turning left.
Point to the plane turning right.
Point to the plane turning left.

• Tell them to listen to the CD and to point at the

respective pictures in their books. Play CD 3/30 twice.

1 Look and say.

• Then the children say the sentences for the remaining
Speaking exercise pictures.
• Ask the children to open their Activity Book and look at • Consider asking individual children for answers, e.g.:
ex. 1 on p. 52. Hold your book up so that all can see. (Darko), what about this picture?.
Say: Look. A car turning right. Point to the first picture. • Divide the class into pairs and have child A describe
• Then point to the third picture. Say: A bike … Look at the a picture and child B point to it in the book. Then they
children and get them to finish the sentence. Children: swap roles.
… turning left. Help through whispering cues, if needed.
Repeat the sentence: A bike turning left. Get the children
to repeat several times.

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Speaking rhythmically in a group.
Carrying out the appropriate actions while
By bus/car/ …; How do you get to …?
­speaking rhythmically.
Receptive language: What about Simon? How
does he get to school?; Go by plane; Come to my Cross-curricular integration:
party on Saturday at eight; Listen how to get there; Topic: Speaking motivation 'Describing how you
And don’t be late; you can’t go by underground/ get to school'.
bike/car/bus/plane; You can’t walk; I live far away; Music
I live on a star; Take my rocket, Aaaah!
Linguistic skills:
Flashcards from Playway 2: go by car, go by train,
Understanding short dialogues from the CD. go by plane, go by bike, go by boat, walk, go by
Speaking a chant rhythmically (Come to my party). bus, go by underground, turn left, turn right; Word
Cognitive, motor and social skills: Cards from Playway 2: go by car, go by train, go by
plane, go by bike, go by boat, walk, go by bus, go
Carrying out pair work.
by underground; CD 3/31–34; Pupil’s Book, p. 61,
Matching the answers given in interviews on the
ex. 2–3; Activity Book, p. 53, ex. 2
CD with the right pictures in the book.

Revision Preparation of key phrases

• Revise all the means of transport already learnt with the How do you get to school?; By bus/car …;
aid of the flashcards and the word cards. Go by bus/car …
• Then present a means of transport in a mime and get the
children to guess what it is. The child who has guessed • Explain the meaning of How do you get to school? in
correctly may act out a means of transport next etc. L1. Then ask individual children about how they get to
school and help them give you the appropriate answers
if necessary.
Comment: You can say to go by tram. However in Britain there
are only a few towns with trams.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 125

9 My town
Vocabulary extension • Play the listening exercise from CD 3/31 several times.
• Check the answers to the listening exercise: Ask: What
(go by) car; (go by) train; (go by) plane; (go by) bike; about Simon? How does he get to school? The children
(go by) boat; walk; (go by) bus; (go by) underground answer: By car.
• Introduce the phrases for (go by) bike, (go by) train • Finally, divide the class into pairs and have the children
and (go by) bus with the aid of the flashcards and word ask one another questions about the children in the
cards. pictures.
• Say, e.g.: Go by bike. The children pretend to go by bike
by doing the movements. etc.
Vocabulary extension
Game rocket
• Stick the flashcards of the types of transport on the • Start drawing a rocket on the board and keep stopping to
board. ask: What is it? Keep on until the children have guessed
• Make two or three groups. Draw a chalk line on the floor. the word. Say: A rocket. and write the word on the
U ni t

Each group lines up behind each other. The first child in board. 31

each line waits ready to start at your command behind 2 CD 3

Listen and match. Say.

How do you get to school?

the line. You say one type of transport, e.g. Go by bus.
The first one to touch the corresponding flashcard gets a 3 Listen and point.
point for their group. The first ones go to the end of their
line. The second ones are thus moved forward and carry Say the chant. Simon Pamela Ben Maria

out the next instruction etc. Chant: Come to my party CD 3/32–33

by car by bus I walk by underground

Pair work: Speaking exercise 3


CD 3
Listen and point. Say the chant.

U ni t


2 CD 3
Listen and match. Say.

How do you get to school?

Simon Pamela Ben Maria


by car by bus I walk by underground

Listen and point. Say the chant.
• Have the children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 61
and look at the pictures in ex. 3. Then say a few
CD 3

• The children open p. 61 in their Pupil’s Book and look at

words in random order and the children point to the
ex. 2. Name the means of transport illustrated in random
corresponding pictures: star, rocket, car, plane …
order increasing the pace as you go. The children point
• Explain to the children in L1 that in the following chant
at the respective pictures in the book.
someone is being invited to a party.
• The children practise in pairs with one book. Child A
There is a description of how to get there.
names a means of transport and child B points to the
corresponding picture.

2 Listen and match Say. Speaker 1: Come to my party on Saturday at eight.
Listening exercise CD 3/31 Listen how to get there. And don’t be late.
Speaker 2: You can’t go by underground.
• Tell the children that they are now going to hear how No, no, no.
four children called Maria, Simon, Pamela and Ben, You can’t walk or go by bike.
get to school every day. Looking at p. 61, ex. 2. in their No, no, no.
Pupil’s Book, they should match the children with the Speaker 1: You can’t go by car.
right means of transport by drawing lines. You can’t go by bus.
You can’t go by train.
You can’t go by plane.
Speaker 2: I live far away.
Speaker: Maria, how do you get to school? I live on a star.
Maria: I walk. Take my rocket.
Speaker: And what about you, Simon? Aaaaaaah!
How do you get to school?
Simon: By car. My father takes me.
Speaker: And you, Pamela? • Then play the chant from the CD 3/32 several times.
Pamela: By underground. Hold your book up to that they can all see and at first
Speaker: Mmh. point at the respective pictures in the book. Play the
And you, Ben, how do you get to school? chant again. Now the children look and point at the
Ben: By bus. respective pictures in their books.

126 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Say the first verse slowly and do the appropriate
gestures to it. Tapescript:
• Practise with the children the second and third verses Speaker: Polly, how do you get to school?
by saying and having them repeat, support the Amy: By bus, I take the bus.
understanding of the text by appropriate mimes and Speaker: Patrick, how do you get to school?
actions. Mia: I walk. It’s not far.
• Recite the last four lines and make the meaning clear Speaker: Mia, what about you?
with gestures. For example hang up a small star/planet How do you get to school?
in one corner of the classroom and point to it when you Lily: By car. My dad takes me.
say: I live on a star. At the last sentence point to the Speaker: Ken, how do you get to school?
picture of a rocket on the board. Ken: By bike.
• Then practise the last four lines (fourth verse) with the Speaker: By bike?
children by saying and repeating several times. Ken: Yes, I go with my mum. We go by bike.
• Play the chant again a few times. The children join in the Speaker: Ella, how do you get to school?
second and fourth verses (Speaker 2). Ella: By train. I live far from school.
• Play the first part of the karaoke version (CD 3/33). The Speaker: OK, now Tom. How do you get to school?
children say the missing parts of the text in unison. Tom: By underground.
• Practise the first verse intensively. Finally, play the Speaker: Thank you children.
karaoke section of the CD 3/33 and the children say the
whole text.
• Play the listening exercise from CD 3/34 several times.
• Check the answers to the listening exercise: Ask: What
2 Listen and write the names. about Polly? How does she get to school? The children
answer: By bus.
Listening exercise CD 3/34
U nit


2 CD 3
Listen and write the names.

Ella Tom Polly Patrick Mia Ken

Mia Patrick

Ken Polly

Tom Ella


• Ask the children to look at the box with the names at

the top of ex. 2 on p. 53 in their Activity Book for five
seconds. Get the children to close their books and give
you the names. Write the names on the board.
• Tell the children that they are now going to hear how
these six children called Ella, Tom, Polly, Patrick, Mia
and Ken get to school every day. They should match the
children to the right means of transport by writing their
name underneath the corresponding picture.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 127

9 My town

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: Turn left, turn right ... Understanding statements on the CD and pointing
station, museum, theatre, cinema, post office, along in the book.
shop, park Understanding statements on the CD and numbe-
toy shop, clothes shop, shoe shop, sweet shop, ring pictures accordingly.
pet shop, bookshop Matching characters and means of transport.
Receptive language: Turn left, go to the (museum). Cross-curricular integration:
Turn right, go to the (station).
Go through the park, there’s the school. I get to Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Social environment’
school by train. I get to school by car. I walk to Materials:
school. I get to school by underground.
Flashcards from Playway 2: turn left, turn right, go
Linguistic skills: by car, go by train, go by plane, go by bike, go by
Understanding statements on the CD and mat- boat, walk, go by bus, go by underground;
ching with the pictures in the book. Flashcards from Playway 2: station, museum,
theatre, cinema, post office, shop, park;
CD 3/35–38; Pupil’s Book, p. 62, ex. 4–5; Activity
Book, p. 54, ex. 3–4

• Revise the words for the different methods of transport
by using the flashcards. Stick the flashcards on the Turn left, go to the museum.
board and elicit the words from the children. Turn left, go to the museum.
Turn right, go to the station.
Introduction of vocabulary Turn right, go to the station.

station, museum, theatre, cinema, post office, shop, park Turn left, go to the cinema.
heavy, basket Turn left, go to the cinema.

• Introduce the meaning of station, museum, theatre, cine- Turn right, go to the theatre.
ma, post office, shop, park with the aid of the flashcards Turn right, go to the theatre.
in the usual manner. Repeat the new words several Turn right, go to the post office.
times and encourage the children to repeat them after Turn right, go to the post office.
• Introduce the meaning of heavy and basket through Turn left, go to the toy shop.
mime and drawing. Turn left, go to the toy shop.
Go through the park, there’s the school.
Go through the park, there’s the school.
4 Listen and point.
Listening exercise CD 3/35 • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 62 and

look at ex. 4. Before playing the recording, explain the
U ni t

9 meanings of go to and through to the class.

• Play CD 3/35 and have the children point along in the
4 Listen and point.
CD 3
book. Consider pausing the recording after each state-
ment and having the children show you ‘where they are’.


5 CD 3
Listen and point. Say.


128 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U ni t


3 Listen and write the numbers.

CD 3

3 4 2


4 CD 3
Listen and point.

5 1 6
5 Listen and point. Say. 4 Listen and match. Say.
Listening exercise CD 3/36 Listening exercise CD 3/38
4 Listen and match. Say.
5 CD 3
Listen and point. Say. CD 3

Paul Melissa Mike Caroline



Tapescript: Paul: I get to school by train.
Paul: I get to school by train.
toy shop, clothes shop, shoe shop, sweet shop, pet
shop, bookshop Melissa: I get to school by car.
Melissa: I get to school by car.
• Now ask the children to have a look at the pictures in Mike: I walk to school.
ex. 5 on p. 62 of their Pupil’s Books. Before playing the Mike: I walk to school.
recording, briefly revise all the words describing different
Caroline: I get to school by underground.
kinds of shops with the aid of the illustrations in ex. 5.
Caroline: I get to school by underground.
• Play CD 3/36 and have the children point to the appro-
priate pictures. Consider pausing the recording after
each shop name and having the children repeat the new
words. • Now ask the children to look at ex. 4 on p. 54 of their
Activity Books. Present the names of the four children to
the class.
3 Listen and write the numbers. • Tell the class that they should match the children with
the means of transport they use to get to school. Then
Listening exercise CD 3/37 play the recording (CD 3/38) and have the children

U ni t match the appropriate pictures.
9 • To check the children’s work, ask, e.g.: Does (Mike) get

CD 3
Listen and write the numbers. to school by bus?.
3 4 2 • Finally, divide the class into pairs and have the children
ask one another questions about the children in the

5 1 6


4 CD 3
Listen and match. Say.

• Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 3 on p. 54

in their Activity Book.
• Tell them that they should listen to the CD and number
Paul Melissa Mike Caroline

the pictures accordingly from one to six.

Tapescript: 54
One: It starts raining.
Two: What a strong wind!
Three: What’s in your basket?
Four: Can I have an apple?
Five: Nicole goes by bus.
Six: What a heavy basket.

• Play CD 3/37 twice. The children listen and fill in the

• Play the CD again and the children check.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 129

9 My town

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: station, museum, theatre, Understanding a chant on the CD and chanting
cinema, post office, shop, park along rhythmically.
swimming pool, party, picnic, play, swim, see, Understanding statements on the CD and mat-
travel, buy, send; teddy bear, train, cat, lion ching pictures in the book.
film, postcard, days of the week
Receptive language: On Monday we’re going to Cross-curricular integration:
the zoo; On Tuesday we’re going to the museum; Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Plans for the week’
On Wednesday we’re going to the theatre; On
Thursday we’re going to the swimming pool; On
Friday we’re going to the cinema; On Saturday Flashcards from Playway 2: swimming pool, picnic,
we’re having a party; On Sunday we’re having a go by car, go by train, go by plane, go by bike, go
picnic; Hooray, hooray, what a wonderful week! by boat, walk, go by bus, go by underground,
I want to (play). Go to the (park). I want (to buy) a station, museum, theatre, cinema, post office,
(teddy bear). shop, park;
Flashcard from Playway 2: postcard; CD 3/39;
Linguistic skills: Pupil’s Book, p. 63, ex. 6; CD 3/41; Activity Book,
Understanding a chant on the CD and chanting p. 55, ex. 5
along rhythmically.
Understanding statements on the CD and mat-
ching with the pictures in the book.

Revision 6 Listen and point.

• Revise the new words from the previous lessons by Say the chant.
using the flashcards to play What’s missing? with the Chant: Wonderful week CD 3/39
U ni t

Introduction of vocabulary 39

6 CD 3
Listen and point. Say the chant.

postcard, days of the week

• Introduce the meaning of postcard with the aid of the
flashcard in the usual manner. Repeat the new word
several times and encourage the children to repeat it
after you.
• Introduce the days of the week with the aid of a calen-
dar/timetable from the classroom or the illustrations on
p. 63 of the Pupil’s Book. Repeat the new words several
times and encourage the children to repeat them after
you, explaining them further in L1 if necessary.


On Monday we’re going to the zoo,
On Tuesday we’re going to the museum,
On Wednesday we’re going to the theatre,
On Thursday we’re going to the swimming pool,
On Friday we’re going to the cinema,
On Saturday we’re having a party,
On Sunday we’re having a picnic,
Hooray, hooray, what a wonderful week!

130 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 63 and • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 55, ex. 5.
look at ex. 6. • Explain to them that they need to match the pictures in
• Tell them that they are going to hear a chant about the the two columns. Tell them the example for the first two
days of the week. pictures: I want to play. Go to the park. Allow the child-
• Next, play the chant (CD 3/39) and have the children ren sufficient time to match the pictures.
point along in the book. Play the recording again and • Then play the recording (CD 3/41) and have the children
have the class chant rhythmically in unison. check their answers.
• First practise chanting with the aid of the recording and • To check the children’s answers, say the first sentence
then have the children produce the chant on their own. and have them tell you the corresponding sentence, e.g.
say: I want to see a lion. and have the children tell you:
Go to the zoo. Finally, have each child practise these
sentences with a partner – child A says the first sentence
5 Look and match. and child B replies with the second.
Listen and check.
Listening exercise CD 3/41
U nit


5 CD 3
Look and match. Listen and check.


I want to play.
Go to the park.
I want to swim.
Go to the swimming pool.
I want to buy a teddy bear.
Go to the toy shop.
I want to see a film.
Go to the cinema.
I want to travel by train.
Go to the station.
I want to buy food for my cat.
Go to the pet shop.
I want to send a postcard.
Go to the post office.
I want to see a lion.
Go to the zoo.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 131

9 My town

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: museum, theatre, cinema, Understanding a mini-dialogue on the CD and
sweet shop, farm, swimming pool, picnic, days of pointing along in the book.
the week, colours Colouring a picture.
Receptive language: Let’s go to the show on Understanding statements on the CD and mat-
Monday. Let’s go to the cinema on Tuesday. ching pictures in the book.
Let’s go to the swimming pool on Wednesday.
Let’s go to the museum on Thursday. Cross-curricular integration:
Let’s go to the sweet shop on Friday. Let’s have a Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
picnic on Saturday. Let’s go to the farm on Sunday.
What’s your address? I live at number sixteen,
Skadarska Street. What about you? Flashcards from Playway 2: museum, theatre,
cinema, swimming pool, picnic
Linguistic skills: CD 3/40; Pupil’s Book, p. 64, ex. 7–8; CD 3/42;
Understanding a mini-dialogue on the CD and Activity Book, p. 56, ex. 6; coloured pencils
repeating it.
Giving instructions for colouring a picture.
Understanding statements on the CD and mat-
ching with the pictures in the book.

Revision • Tell the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 64, ex. 7.
• Have them read out the number and name of the street
• Revise the words museum, theatre, cinema, swimming in the picture.
pool, picnic by sticking the flashcards on the board and • Tell the children that they are to listen to the recording to
eliciting the words from the children. You can revise the check their answer.
words for colours by holding up the coloured pencils • Play the recording (CD 3/40) and have the children
one at a time and eliciting the correct words from the repeat the conversation.

U nit
children. • As an extension, 9 write numbers and street names on the
board and have the 7
children 40 act out mini-dialogues in
Listen and point. Say.
front of the class.
CD 3

Introduction of vocabulary and

preliminary preparation of phrases
What’s your address? I live at ... Street ...
8 Colour and say.
• Explain the meaning of these structures in L1. Repeat
them several times and have the children repeat them Pair work: Communication game
after you.
8 Colour and say.

7 Listen and point. Say. A B

Listening exercise CD 3/40

U ni t


7 CD 3
Listen and point. Say.


• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 64 and look at

ex. 8.
• Tell them that they should set up a schoolbag or a book
between their books so that their partners cannot see
how the drawings are coloured.
8 Colour and say. Child A colours the types of transport in picture A as
she/he chooses. Child B does the same with picture B.
Tapescript: A B
Tell the children to use one colour only for each means
Boy: What’s your address? of transport. Child A asks child B what colours the
Girl: I live at number sixteen Skadarska Street. means of transport in child B’s picture are, e.g.: What
What about you? colour is your train?
Child B answers e.g.: Red.


132 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

• Child A colours the train in picture B in his/ her book to
correspond. Child A continues with the remaining means Tapescript:
of transport in the same way. When child A has coloured Let’s go to the show on Monday.
all the illustrations, it is child B’s turn. Let’s go to the cinema on Tuesday.
• When both children have finished colouring the means Let’s go to the swimming pool on Wednesday.
of transport they compare their pictures. Let’s go to the museum on Thursday.
Let’s go to the sweet shop on Friday.
6 Listen and match. Say. Let’s have a picnic on Saturday.
Let’s go to the farm on Sunday.
Listening exercise CD 3/42

U ni t

• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 56, ex. 6.
6 CD 3
Listen and match. Say.
• Explain to them that they need to match the pictures with
Monday the days of the week in accordance with the statements
on the CD. Revise the days of the week by reading them
out with the children.
• Then play the recording (CD 3/42) and have the children
match the pictures with the days of the week.
• Play the recording one more time for the children to
check their answers.
Thursday • To check the children’s answers, say the first sentence
and have them tell you the corresponding day of the
Friday week, e.g. say: Let’s go to the museum on ... and have
the children tell you: Thursday.



L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
First by bike, then by train…; Travelling from six to Topic: Speaking motivation 'Recognising different
one; Travelling, travelling is such fun! modes of transport'.

Linguistic skills: Materials:

Understanding a rhyme from the CD and saying Flashcards from Playway 2: go by car, go by train,
the rhyme. go by plane, go by bike, go by boat, walk, go by
Reciting one’s own chant fluently. bus, go by underground, turn left, turn right; Word
Describing the manner in which one gets to school. Cards from Playway 2: go by car, go by train, go
by plane, go by bike, go by boat, walk, go by bus,
Cognitive, motor and social skills: go by underground;
Drawing the means of transport one likes and CD 3/43–45; Pupil’s Book, p. 65, ex. 9–10; Activity
composing one’s own chant. Book, p. 57, ex. 7
Reciting one’s own chant rhythmically.
Drawing one’s own way to school and describing it.

9 Listen and say the rhyme.

• Stand in a circle together with children. Get a child to
Listening exercise CD 3/43
choose a word card and have a brief look at it. The child U ni t

mimes the means of transport (movement or sound) and 9

the others try to guess. When guessed correctly, put 9

CD 3
Listen and say the rhyme.

the card in the middle of the circle. The child who has
guessed the word draws the next card etc.
• Play a memory game with the flashcards and the word


10 CD 3
Draw. Create your own chant.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 133

9 My town
• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Book at p. 65 and 7 Listen and point.
look at ex. 9.
Listening exercise CD 3/45
Step to creativity (ME-page)
Tapescript: My transport
First by bike,
Then by train, U ni t

Then by boat, 9
And then by plane,

7 CD 3
Listen and point. Then draw and say.

Travelling from six to one,

Travelling, travelling is such fun!

• Elicit the words for the four means of transport presented

in the four pictures.
• Next, play the rhyme (CD 3/43) and have the children U nit

repeat it. 9
• First practise it with
9 the aid of the recording and then
Listen and say the rhyme.
CD 3

have the children produce the rhyme on their own.

 Draw. Create your own chant.

Step to creativity (Word Play) CD 3/44
44 57
10 CD 3
Draw. Create your own chant.

Girl: I get to school by bus.
Boy: I walk to school.
Girl: I get to school by car. My dad takes me.
Boy: What about you?

• Encourage the children to create their own chant. Exp- • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 57, ex. 7.
lain to them that they are now going to present a chant • First explain to the class that they are going to hear
similar to the rhyme in ex. 9. three children talk about how they get to school. Then
• Instruct the class to draw pictures of two means of trans- play the recording (CD 3/45) and have the children point
port in the picture frames in the Pupil’s Book. to the appropriate characters in the pictures.
• Go around the class and help the children with their • Next, allow the children sufficient time to draw a picture
composition if necessary. of themselves in the space provided, along with the
• Finally, have the children present their chants to the manner in which they get to school.
class. Don’t forget to praise them for their work (Let’s • Elicit the children’s answers individually.
give him/her a big hand!).

134 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Vocabulary revision: book, boat, orange juice, Understanding statements on the CD and numbe-
swim, sing, run, fly, sandwich ring pictures accordingly.
man, woman, baby, girl, boy, children Understanding statements on the CD and ticking
Receptive language: The dog is running. The birds the appropriate pictures in the book.
are flying. The girl is reading a book. The cat is Cross-curricular integration:
swimming. The boy is building a sandcastle. The
children are singing. The man is sailing a boat. The Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘Holidays’
bees are having a cola. The woman is having a Materials:
sandwich. The baby is playing.
Flashcards from Playway 1: fly, swim, sing, orange
Linguistic skills: juice, sandwich, bird, cat, book, boat
Understanding statements on the CD and mat- Flashcards from Playway 2: beach, sandcastle,
ching with the pictures in the book. read a book, sail a boat; Word Cards from
Playway 2: beach; CD 3/46–47; Pupil’s Book,
p. 66, ex. 1; Activity Book, p. 58, ex. 1

Revision 1 Listen and write the numbers.

• Revise the words fly, swim, sing, orange juice, sandwich, Listening exercise CD 3/46
bird, cat, boat by using the flashcards. Stick the flashcards
on the board and elicit the words from the children. If you

U ni t

10 Holid ys
do not have the flashcards from Playway 1, present dra- 46

wings on the board and elicit the words from the children. 1 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

Revision and introduction 8

of vocabulary
beach, sandcastle, read a book, sail a boat, play, run, 7
build, cola man, woman, baby, girl, boy, children

• Although the children are familiar with the words play and
run, use this opportunity to revise them in a new context. 3 2
Use mime and gestures.
• Introduce beach, sandcastle, read a book, sail a boat with
the aid of the flashcards and the word card. Hold up the
flashcards and the word card one by one and say the
words. Repeat the new words several times and have the 4

children repeat them after you.

• Introduce the meaning of cola by explaining it in L1. 66

• Introduce the meaning of man, woman, baby, girl, boy,

children by drawing stick figures on the board. Repeat the
new words several times and encourage the children to Tapescript:
repeat them after you.
One: The boy is swimming.
One: The boy is swimming.
Introduction of key structures Two: The dog is running.
The dog is running. The birds are flying. Two: The dog is running.
The woman is reading a book.
Three: The children are playing.
• Explain the meanings of these structures by pointing to the Three: The children are playing.
illustrations in the Pupil’s Book (p. 66). Bearing in mind that
Four: The woman is reading a book.
these verb forms are new to the children, have them repeat
Four: The woman is reading a book.
the forms several times after you.
Five: The baby is having an orange juice.
Five: The baby is having an orange juice.
Six: The man is sailing a boat.
Six: The man is sailing a boat.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 135

10 Holid ys

Seven: The girl is building a sandcastle. Tapescript:

Seven: The girl is building a sandcastle. One: The girl is reading a book.
Eight: The birds are flying. Two: The cat is swimming.
Eight: The birds are flying. Three: The boy is building a sandcastle.
Four: The children are singing.
Five: The man is sailing a boat.
• Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 66 and Six: The bees are having a cola.
carefully examine the picture in ex. 1. Seven: The woman is having a sandwich.
• Play CD 3/46 and have the children number the pictures Eight: The baby is playing.
accordingly. Number one has already been done.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to check
their answers. • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 58 and
• To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what is look at the pictures in ex. 1.
it? or The birds are flying, what number is it?. • Play CD 3/47 and have the children tick the appropriate
boxes. Number one has already been done.
• Play the recording a second time for the children to check
their answers.
1 Listen and tick (). • To check the children’s answers, draw two boxes next to
eight numbers on the board and ask: One ... left or right?.
Listening exercise CD 3/47

U ni t

10 Holid ys

1 CD 3
Listen and tick ( ✓ ).

1 2
✓ ✓

3 4
✓ ✓

5 6
✓ ✓

7 8
✓ ✓


136 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 2
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
lake Combining instructions with actions.
Receptive language: Jump in. Take off your jeans; Understanding and carrying out instructions
Go to the swimming pool; Swim; You’re hot; cool jumbled up.
off. Understanding sentences from the CD and
matching them with pictures in the book.
Linguistic skills:
Understanding instructions in an action story (The Cross-curricular integration:
lake). Topic: Speaking motivation 'The lake'.
Understanding instructions from the CD and
matching with the corresponding pictures. Materials:
Flashcards from Playway 2: lake, ride a bike, dive;
Word Card from Playway 2: lake; CD 3/48–50;
Pupil’s Book, p. 67, ex. 2; Activity Book, p. 59,
ex. 2–3

Revision • The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 67. The nine
• Revise the new words and structures from the previous pictures in ex. 2 are printed in random order. Now give
lesson by presenting drawings on the board and having the children sufficient time to look at the pictures.
the children describe them to you (e.g. man, woman, the
birds are flying).
You’re riding your bike.
Vocabulary extension
You’re hot.
lake, ride a bike, dive Stop and get off your bike.
You can see a lake.
• Introduce the new words and phrase with the aid of the
Go down to the water.
flashcards and the word card in the usual manner.
Cool off.
Dive into the water.
Action Story: The lake Aargh! There’s something in your mouth.
• For reinforcement of the action story carry out the It’s a frog.
following steps in the usual manner (see Introduction of the
Teacher’s Book):
– Listen and imitate • Play the listening exercise (CD 3/48). At first the children
– Carry out instructions just listen and follow in the book.
– Carry out the instructions jumbled up • Play the listening exercise again. Now the children
number the pictures in the book.
• Go round the class and check the children’s work.
2 Listen and point.
Write the numbers. Option 1: Draw a grid with nine boxes on the board. This grid
represents p. 67 in the book. Have the children dictate
Action Story: The lake CD 3/48 the numbers for the corresponding box. (What number
U ni t
is it?)
Option 2: Say e.g.: Number three. Do it. The children carry out
2 Listen and point. Write the numbers.
CD 3
the action corresponding to it, in this case they imitate
3 8 9 getting off a bike etc.

4 2 6

5 1 7


© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 137

Unit 2 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

10 Holid ys
5 3 2

1 4 6
2 Listen and write the numbers. 3 Listen and match. Say.
Listening exercise CD 3/49 Listening exercise CD 3/50
U ni t

10 3 CD 3
Listen and match. Say.
Anna Mary Sam Robbie

2 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

5 3 2

1 4 6

3 CD 3
Listen and match. Say.
Anna wants to go to the lake.
Anna Mary Sam Robbie
Mary wants to go to the farm.
• Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex. 2 at p. 59 in
Sam wants to go to the river.
their Activity Book.
Robbie wants to go to the beach.
• Tell them to listen to the CD and point at the
­corresponding pictures.
• Additionally, explain, using mime and gestures and L1, • Now ask the children to look at ex. 3 on p. 59 of their
all the phrases you believe the children may have 59
troub- Activity Books. Present the four children by reading
le understanding. out their names and elicit the words for the presented
• Play the recording (CD 3/49) and have the children num- scenery.
ber the pictures. Number one has already been done. • Tell the class that they should match the children with
• Play the recording a second time for the children to the places where they wish to go. Then play the recor-
check their answers. ding (CD 3/50) and have the children match the approp-
• To check the children’s answers, ask: Number one, what riate pictures.
is it? or Cool off, what number is it?. • To check the children’s work, elicit statements such as:
Mary wants to go to the farm.

You’re hot.
Go to the swimming pool.
Take off your jeans and T-shirt.
Cool off.
Jump in.

138 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

L E S S O N 3
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cross-curricular integration:
tiger; jungle; Let’s be quiet; It’s asleep; Let’s jump Topic: Speaking motivation The jungle safari.
in; Too late; Careful; Look at its big teeth. Drama

Linguistic skills: Materials:

Understanding a story (The jungle safari) from the Flashcards from Playway 1: snake, elephant
CD and from it being narrated by the teacher. Flashcards from Playway 2: tiger, jungle; Word
Joining in with the storytelling. Cards from Playway 2: tiger, jungle; Story Cards
Acting out a role play. from Playway 2: The jungle safari; CD 3/51; Pupil’s
Book, pp. 68–69, ex. 3; stick-in pictures from the
Cognitive, motor and social skills: appendix of the Pupil’s Book; (optional) answer
Following the sequence of events in a story. key for self-checking
Sticking stick-in pictures from the appendix
correctly in the picture story.

Revision Note: Not all the language in the DVD sequences or CD versions
of the stories are presented in the cartoon story in the
• Revise the words snake and elephant by using the Pupil’s Book. This is mainly because of the length of the
flashcards. Hold up the flashcards and elicit the words stories but also this serves to encourage the children to
from the children. If you do not have the flashcards from listen for the necessary information in order to complete the
Playway 1, draw pictures of the two animals on the gap fill in the Pupil’s Book.
board and elicit the words for them. • Put the story cards in random order up on the board. Ask
• Revise the instructions from the action story from the two children to put the story cards in the right order.
previous lesson by giving them out to the children in • Get the children to name individual words and phrases
random order. from the story that they can recall. Now show the video
sequence The jungle safari (DVD) again and compare
Introduction of vocabulary and together with the children whether the order of the story
cards on the board is correct. Then take the cards down
preparation of important phrases from the board. If your classroom is not equipped with
tiger; jungle; Let’s be quiet; It’s asleep. a DVD player, then tell the story to the children so that
they check whether their order is correct.
• Reinforce the new words tiger and jungle with the aid of
the flashcards and word cards.
• Explain the meaning of the sentences Let’s be quiet. and
3 Listen and stick.
It’s asleep. by making the corresponding gestures for them. Listening exercise:
Sticker activity CD 3/51
U ni t

Benny: Sssshhhh! 51

Linda: Let’s be quiet. CD 3
Listen and stick.

Max: It’s asleep.

Linda: Wow! What a big snake!
Benny: Careful!
Max: Don’t worry. It’s asleep. ?
Linda: An elephant!
Benny: Look at its big ears!
Max: It’s asleep too. Hee hee hee hee!
Atishoo! Atishoo! Atishoo!
They’re coming!
Benny: Oh, no!
Max: Let’s run!
Look, there’s a boat!
Let’s jump in!
Max: Help me, Benny.
Linda: Row, row, Benny!
Benny: OK! 68

Max: Too late! Hee hee hee hee!

Benny, Linda: Bye, bye, bye, bye, see you again!
and Max: Bye, bye, bye, bye, see you again!

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 139

10 Holid ys
U nit

10 Telling the story

• Now tell the story with the aid of the story cards.
• Ask the children for individual words and phrases to
complete it.
Say e.g.: Sssshhhh! Let’s be quiet. It’s …
Look at the children.
? Children: … asleep. etc.

Story reconstruction game

• Tell the children that you are tired and you may get
? some of the facts wrong while telling the story. The
children should listen particularly carefully and correct
the mistakes.
Say e.g.: The tiger is sad.
The children correct the mistake: No. … asleep.
Repeat the sentence with the right wording: The tiger is
69 • Continue in this way.

• Play the listening version of the story twice (CD 3/51).

The children listen and stick the stick-in pictures from
Role play
the appendix in the corresponding blank spaces in the • In high-ability groups the story can be performed as a
Pupil’s book pp. 68 and 69. role play after intensive practice.
• Check the children’s work.

Note: To promote self-checking you can place a completed

picture story out in the classroom. The children go and
check their own work.

L E S S O N 4
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Receptive language: Let’s be quiet. Careful! Too Understanding sentences on the CD and
late. Let’s jump in! What a big frog! It’s asleep. numbering pictures accordingly.
Look at its big teeth! Atishoo! Atishoo! Bless you. Cross-curricular integration:
There’s an elephant. Let’s run. Look, there’s a
Topic: Speaking motivation: ‘The world of the child’
boat. Let’s get in. Where’s the elephant? There he
and ‘Jungle safari’
is! Drama
Linguistic skills: Materials:
Understanding phrases and sentences on the CD CD 3/51; Pupil’s Book, pp. 68–69, ex. 3
and matching with the pictures in the book. CD 3/52–53; Activity Book, pp. 60–61, ex. 4–5

Revision Revision and introduction

of key phrases
• Revise the story The jungle safari from the previous
lesson. For this use the listening version (CD 3/51) and (Let’s) be quiet. Careful! Too late. (Let’s) jump in! What a
pp. 68 and 69 in the Pupil’s Book. Finally, have children big (frog)! It’s asleep. Look at (its big teeth)! Atishoo! Bless
perform the story as a role play. you.

• Revise and introduce as many of these phrases as you

can by using mime and gestures. Use additional expla-
nations in L1 for those that you cannot.

140 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

4 Listen and write the numbers. 5 Listen and write the numbers.
Listening exercise CD 3/52 Listening exercise CD 3/53

U ni t

10 U ni t

4 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

5 Listen and write the numbers.

1 4 CD 3

2 4

6 7

6 1

2 3

3 5
8 5


One: Let’s be quiet. Tapescript:
Two: Careful! One: There’s an elephant.
Three: Too late. Two: Let’s run.
Four: Let’s jump in! Three: Look, there’s a boat.
Five: What a big frog! Four: Let’s get in.
Six: It’s asleep. Five: Where’s the elephant?
Seven: Look at its big teeth! Six: There he is!
Eight: Atishoo! Atishoo! Bless you.
• Ask the children to open their Activity Book at p. 61
• Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 60, ex. 4. ex. 5. The pictures are printed in random order. Give the
• Play CD 3/52. The children listen and number the pictu- children sufficient time to look at the pictures.
res. The first picture has already been numbered. • Tell them to listen to the CD and number the pictures in
• Play the recording a second time for the children to the order they happen from one to six.
check their answers. • Play CD 3/53 twice. The children listen and fill in the
• To check the children’s answers, ask: One, what is it? or numbers.
Careful! – what number is it?. • Play the CD again and the children check.
• To check say: Where’s the elephant? What number is it?
The children answer: (Number) five.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 141

10 Holid ys

L E S S O N 5
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Let’s go to the (show); Let’s go swimming; Let’s Following pictures in the book while listening.
build a sandcastle; Let’s watch TV;This is the Maintaining rhythm and melody and doing
holiday boogie, yeah!; Come on boys/girls; Let’s corresponding actions while speaking in unison
have fun in the sun; See you again. and singing.
Receptive language: Let’s go home. Let’s go to the Understanding sentences from the CD and
show. Let’s go fishing. Let’s build a sandcastle. I’m colouring pictures accordingly.
bored. Let’s go sailing. I can swim. I can build a Understanding phrases from the CD and pointing
sandcastle. I can ride a bike. I can sail a boat. along in the book.

Linguistic skills: Cross-curricular integration:

Singing a song (Holiday boogie). Music
Understanding statements from the CD and mat- Topic: Speaking motivation 'Planning free time
ching with pictures in the book. activities'.
Understanding phrases from the CD and matching Materials:
with pictures in the book.
Flashcards from Playway 2: beach, lake, tiger,
jungle, sandcastle, ride a bike, read a book, sail a
boat, dive
CD 3/54–57; Pupil’s Book, p. 70, ex. 4; Activity
Book, p. 62, ex. 6–7; coloured pencils

Revision Holiday boogie

Text: Lyrics:
Holiday boogie Musik: Lorenz
© Helbling,
Lorenz Maierhofer
© Helbling, Rum/Innsbruck
• Revise the new words from this unit by using the flash-
&c j ¿. Œ

cards to play What’s missing? with the children.

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ
This is the ho - li - day boo- gie, yeah! This is the ho - li - day
4 Listen and point.
Sing the song. j j
& œj ¿. Œ œ œ
œ œ Œ œ œ
œ œ Œ

Song: Holiday boogie CD 3/54–55 œ J J

boo - gie, yeah! Come on, boys, come on, girls.

U ni t

j Œ j œ œ
¿. œ œ Œ

& œ œ J
œ œ œ œ œ œ

4 CD 3
Listen and point. Sing the song.

Let's sing the ho - li - day boo- gie, yeah! Let's have fun

j œ œ Œ œ j œ œ Œ
& œ œ œ
F C G7 C

J œ œ œ œ J
in the sun. Bye bye bye bye, see you a - gain!

• The children open their Pupil’s Book at p. 70.

• Play the song (CD 3/54). The children listen and look at
the illustrations in the book.
• Now recite the lyrics once and make the meaning clear
in the following way:
This is the holiday boogie, yeah! – clap in time and move
with it in the rhythm of the song.
Yeah! – stretch your arms up. Ask the children to imitate
your actions:
Come on, boys. – Stamp your right foot three times and
make a gesture of invitation towards the boys. Ask the
girls to imitate these actions:
Come on, girls. – Stamp your left foot three times and
make a gesture of invitation towards the girls. Ask the
boys to imitate your actions.

142 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

Let’s sing the holiday boogie, yeah! – clap again in time • Ask the children to open their Activity Books at p. 62 and
and move with it to the rhythm of the song. look at ex. 6. Allow them a minute to examine the pic-
Let’s have fun in the sun. – Run on the spot. All the tures and make sure they have their green, blue, pink,
children imitate your actions. orange, red and yellow pencils ready.
Bye-bye, bye-bye, see you again. – Clap again. • Play CD 3/56 and have the children listen and mark the
At See you again. Wave goodbye. All the children copy appropriate pictures with the appropriate colours. Consi-

U nit
your actions. der pausing the 10recording after each colour to allow the
children sufficient time to find the appropriate picture.
• Recite the lyrics again a few times and again do the 56

• Play the recording6 a second time and have them check

Listen and colour.
CD 3

corresponding actions to them. Ask the children to join green

their answers. Allow them some time to colour in the

in the speaking and doing the actions. Recite the text
speech bubbles. The speech bubble for the first utteran-
several times rhythmically together with the children and
ce has been partially coloured in already. pink

sing the song to the CD. orange yellow

• Finally, the children go round the class singing the song

and doing the corresponding actions. Use the karaoke
version (CD 3/55). 7 Listen and point. Say.
Option: Only the girls sing the line Come on, boys. The line Listening exercise CD 3/57
Come on, girls. is only sung by the boys. red


7 CD 3
Listen and point. Say.

Revision and introduction of key structures

Let’s go home. Let’s go to the show. Let’s go fishing. Let’s
build a sandcastle. I’m bored. Let’s go sailing. I can swim.
I can build a sandcastle. I can ride a bike. I can sail a boat. 62

• Revise and introduce as many of these structures as

you can by using mime and gestures. Use additional
explanations in L1 for those that you cannot. Tapescript:
Girl: I can swim.
Boy: I can build a sandcastle.
6 Listen and colour. Girl: I can ride a bike.
Boy: I can sail a boat.
Listening exercise CD 3/56

U ni t

10 • Now ask the children to have a look at ex. 7 on p. 62 of


CD 3
Listen and colour. their Activity Books.
green • Play CD 3/57 and have the children listen and point
along while repeating the phrases from the CD.
• Play the recording a second time and have them repeat
orange yellow
the phrases one more time.
• Finally, have the children tell you the phrases without
the aid of the recording. As an extension, consider poin-
ting to the pictures in a jumbled order and eliciting the
correct answers from the children.


7 CD 3
Listen and point. Say.

Green: Let’s go home.
Green: Let’s go62home.
Blue: Let’s go to the show.
Blue: Let’s go to the show.
Pink: Let’s go fishing.
Pink: Let’s go fishing.
Orange: Let’s build a sandcastle.
Orange: Let’s build a sandcastle.
Red: I’m bored.
Red: I’m bored.
Yellow: Let’s go sailing.
Yellow: Let’s go sailing.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 143

10 Holid ys

L E S S O N 6
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Making statements about a picture.
Let’s go to the seaside. Hooray! Hooray! There’s Describing one’s favourite holiday.
an umbrella! There’s a boat! There’s a sandcastle! Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Let’s go to the mountains. There’s a lake! There
Understanding statements from the CD and
are trees! There are flowers!
pointing along in the book.
My favourite holiday: at home with Benny and
Colouring objects in a picture.
Linda; on a beach/farm; at home.
Drawing a picture of one’s favourite holiday.
Linguistic skills:
Understanding statements from the CD and
CD 3/55
matching with pictures in the book.
Flashcards from Playway 2: sea, mountains;
Understanding statements from the CD and
CD 3/58–59; Pupil’s Book, p. 71, ex. 5; Activity
repeating them.
Book, p. 63, ex. 8–9; coloured pencils

Revision • Ask the children to open their Pupil’s Books at p. 71 and

• Sing the Holiday boogie from the previous lesson look at the two pictures in ex. 5.
together with the children. Use the karaoke version • Play CD 3/58 and have the children point along in the
(CD 3/55). book. Consider pausing the recording after each state-
ment and having the children repeat it.
• Next, allow the children some time to colour in the two
5 Listen and point. • Finally, elicit statements from the children that include
Then colour and say. the colours as well, e.g.: Let’s go to the seaside. Hooray!
Hooray! There’s a red umbrella! There’s a green boat!
Listening exercise CD 3/58 There’s a brown sandcastle!

U ni t

10 8 Listen and point.


5 Listen and point. Then colour and say.

CD 3

Listening exercise CD 3/59

U nit


8 CD 3
Listen and point.

9 Draw and say.

My favourite holiday

on the beach, on a farm, at home

Max: My favourite holiday is at home with Benny and

Linda. What about you?
Let’s go to the seaside.
Hooray! Hooray!
• The children open their Activity Book at p. 63 ex. 8 and
There’s an umbrella! There’s a boat! There’s a
look at the pictures.
• Play CD 3/59 and have the children point to the approp-
Let’s go to the mountains.
riate pictures.
Hooray! Hooray!
• Practise the expressions thoroughly by getting the
There’s a lake! There are trees! There are flowers!
children to say and repeat them several times.

144 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

U nit


8 CD 3
Listen and point.

9 Draw and say.

Step to creativity (ME-page)
My favourite holiday
9 Draw and say.
My favourite holiday


• Ask the children to look at ex. 9 on p. 63 of their Activity

• Instruct them to draw themselves and their favourite holi-
day. Allow the children sufficient time for the drawing.
• Once they have finished, ask them to describe their
pictures: (Jelena), what’s your favourite holiday?

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 145

9-10 Show wh t you c n do

L E S S O N 1
Vocabulary, phrases and structures: Cognitive, motor and social skills:
Checking of vocabulary acquisition in Units 9–10. Matching words and sentences from the CD to the
corresponding pictures.
Linguistic skills: Numbering these words and sentences according
Understanding and saying important words from to the CD.
Units 9 and 10 on the topic areas ‘my town’ and Circling the odd word out.
'holidays'. Checking the results with the aid of an answer key.
CD 3/60–62; Pupil’s Book, pp. 72–73, ex. 1–4;
coloured pencils; answer key

Self-evaluation Number six: Go by train.

Option: Divide Show what you can do into two lessons.
Number six: Go by train.
Number seven: Lake.
Note: For notes on the basic methodology of this section, see
Number seven: Lake.
Show what you can do in the Introduction.
Number eight: Go by bus.
Number eight: Go by bus.
Number nine: Elephant.
1 Listen and write the numbers. Number nine: Elephant.
Listening exercise CD 3/60

U nit s

• Now play the listening

9-10 exerciseShow(CD wh t3/60).
you c n do
U nit s

9-10 Show wh t you c n do • The children number the pictures 60 in the book
1 Listen and write the numbers.
accordingly. The first picture has already been
CD 3


1 Listen and write the numbers. 4 2 5

CD 3

4 2 5
• Go round the class and help the children, if necessary.
• Set out a completed 9
sheet and 1
let the children
their results independently.
9 1 3

7 8 6
7 8 6 2 Circle the odd one out.

2 Circle the odd one out.

2 Circle the odd one out.

• Tell the children that they are going to find out by


themselves which words in the Pupil’s Book on p. 72,

ex. 1 they can already say.
• The children check independently whether they can
match the words they hear to the corresponding pictures
by numbering them from one to nine.
• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 2 on p. 72 of their
Pupil’s Books.
• Tell them that they are to find the odd one out and circle
Tapescript: it. The first row has already been done.
Number one: Boat. • To check the children’s answers, ask: Number two, what
Number one: Boat. is it?.
Number two: Go by underground.
Number two: Go by underground.
Number three: Walk.
Number three: Walk.
Number four: Go by bike.
Number four: Go by bike.
Number five: Go by plane.
Number five: Go by plane.

146 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
CD 3

4 1


2 3

3 Listen and write the numbers. 4 Look and say. Then listen and check.
Listening exercise CD 3/61 Listening exercise CD 3/62
U ni t s

9-10 4 CD 3
Look and say. Then listen and check.

1 2 3 4
3 CD 3
Listen and write the numbers.

4 1


2 3
One: He’s riding a bike.
Two: They’re swimming.
Three: They’re building a sandcastle.
Four: She’s sailing a boat.
4 CD 3
Look and say. Then listen and check.

1 2 3 4

• Tell the children to have a look at ex. 4 on p. 73 of their

• Tell the children to find out themselves which sentences Pupil’s Books.
in the Pupil’s Book on p. 73, ex. 3 they can already say. • Elicit the appropriate statements for all the pictures.
• The children now check independently whether they
• Tell the children that they are to listen to the recording to
can match the sentences they hear to the corresponding check their answers. Play the recording (CD 3/62).
pictures. • To check the children’s answers once again, ask:
Number one, what is it?.

Number one: Bye-bye, see you again.
Number one: Bye-bye, see you again.
Number two: What a big snake.
Number two: What a big snake.
Number three: Tom is asleep.
Number three: Tom is asleep.
Number four: Let’s be quiet.
Number four: Let’s be quiet.

• Now play the listening exercise (CD 3/61).

• The children number the pictures in the book
accordingly. The first picture has already been
• Go round the class and help the children, if necessary.
• Set out a completed sheet and let the children check
their results independently.

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 147


148 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013

Unit 1 – Hello again nineteen Unit 6 – One whole year

melon twenty Santa Claus
grapes Christmas tree
peach present
nuts Unit 4 – My body corn
kiwis eyes seed
strawberries mouth flower
nose bee
hands butterfly
Unit 2 – Shopping head January
potatoes ears February
carrots hair March
onions shoulders April
tomatoes arms May
cucumbers fingers June
green/red peppers toes July
morning legs August
afternoon foot/feet September
evening tea October
night tummy November

Unit 3 – In my house Unit 5 – Clothes

table cap Unit 7 – Family
lamp woolly hat dad and mum
curtains dress brother and sister
sofa trainers grandpa and grandma
chair pullover river
mat jacket picnic
telephone skirt racoon
TV shoes beaver
cupboard socks garden
floor T-shirt clever
door jeans strong
window hat
bath goggles
shower fox Unit 8 – On the farm
mirror parrot dog
armchair swimming pool mouse
eleven zoo duck
twelve put on butterfly
thirteen take off bee
fourteen eggs
fifteen earthworm
sixteen horse
seventeen pig
eighteen cow

© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 149
sheep post office
hen shop
honey park
vegetables postcard
bunny turn left
turn right
Unit 9 – My town
go by car Unit 10 – Holidays
go by train beach
go by plane lake
go by bike tiger
go by boat jungle
walk sea
go by bus mountains
go by underground sandcastle
station ride a bike
museum read a book
theatre sail a boat


Unit 2 – Shopping: At a shop

Unit 5 – Clothes: The woolly hat
Unit 7 – Family: The racoons and the beaver
Unit 8 – On the farm: Eddie, the earthworm
Unit 10 – Holidays: The jungle safari

Word cards

Unit 7 – Family Unit 9 – My town

dad and mum go by car
brother and sister go by train
grandpa and grandma go by plane
go by bike
Unit 8 – On the farm go by boat
dog walk
mouse go by bus
duck go by underground
bee Unit 10 – Holidays
earthworm beach
horse lake
pig tiger
cow jungle

150 Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013
Photocopiable master



© Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages GmbH and Klett 2013  Teacher’s Book • Playway to English 2 Serbian edition 151

Photocopiable master (Unit
(Unit 5,
2, Unterrichtssequenz
Unterrichtssequenz 1)

1 Playway Teacher's Book © 2008 Helbling, Rum/Innsbruck

114 Teacher’s
Playway 2Book • Playway
Teacher's Bookto English 2 Serbian edition © Cambridge University Press, Helbling
© 2008Languages GmbH
Helbling, and Klett 2013

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