B0193ax3 N (Function Block)
B0193ax3 N (Function Block)
B0193ax3 N (Function Block)
I/A Series®
Integrated Control
Block Descriptions
Volume 3 of 3, MSG – VLV
October 4, 2002
Foxboro, I/A Series, and EXACT are trademarks of Invensys Systems, Inc.
Invensys is a trademark of Invensys plc.
Modicon is a trademark of AEG Schneider Automation, Inc.
PLC is a trademark of Allen-Bradley Company.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Tables................................................................................................................................... xxi
Preface................................................................................................................................ xxiii
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
Contents B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
Contents B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
Contents B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
Contents B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
Contents B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
Contents B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N Contents
80-1. MSG Block I/O Diagram ........................................................................................ 1374
81-1. MTR Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 1381
81-2. MTR Detailed Diagram .......................................................................................... 1395
81-3. 2-wire Typical Timing Diagram .............................................................................. 1396
81-4. 3-wire Typical Timing Diagram .............................................................................. 1397
81-5. MTR Block Application .......................................................................................... 1401
82-1. Overview Diagram .................................................................................................. 1404
82-2. MVC and MVL Block Configuration ..................................................................... 1405
82-3. Embedded MVC (Showing One Loop) ................................................................... 1417
82-4. MVC Default Display ............................................................................................. 1419
83-1. Overview Diagram .................................................................................................. 1422
83-2. Embedded MVC (Showing One Loop) ................................................................... 1447
83-3. MVL Default Display ............................................................................................. 1449
84-1. OUTSEL Block I/O Diagram ................................................................................. 1451
85-1. PACK Block Functional Diagram ........................................................................... 1461
86-1. PAKIN Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 1463
86-2. PAKIN Block Operational Diagram ....................................................................... 1469
87-1. PAKOUT Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 1473
87-2. PAKOUT Block Operational Diagram ................................................................... 1482
88-1. PATALM Block I/O Diagram ................................................................................ 1487
88-2. PATALM, Detailed Block Diagram ........................................................................ 1495
88-3. Input, Mask, and Pattern Bit Comparison .............................................................. 1496
89-1. PATT Block Detailed Functional Diagram ............................................................. 1507
89-2. Cascade Configuration for PATT Block .................................................................. 1510
89-3. Application Diagram ............................................................................................... 1512
90-1. PID Block I/O Diagram ......................................................................................... 1518
90-2. PID Simplified Signal Flow Diagram ...................................................................... 1520
91-1. PIDA Functional Diagram ...................................................................................... 1549
91-2. PIDA Controller Detailed Functional Diagram ...................................................... 1584
91-3. Cascade Configuration (Typical) ............................................................................. 1593
91-4. Output Limiting ..................................................................................................... 1594
91-5. Butterworth Measurement Filter Response .............................................................. 1595
91-6. Supervisory Setpoint Control Cascade Configuration (Typical) .............................. 1597
91-7. Setpoint Lead/Lag Compensation ........................................................................... 1599
91-8. Nonlinear Gain Response ........................................................................................ 1601
91-9. Cascade Connection ................................................................................................ 1607
91-10. Cascade Control Loop Example (Split Range) ......................................................... 1608
91-11. Output Selection Provides a Safety Override ........................................................... 1608
91-12. PIDA Sample Configuration ................................................................................... 1609
91-13. NONLOP Display .................................................................................................. 1613
91-14. Parallel Cascades ..................................................................................................... 1615
92-1. PIDE Block I/O Diagram ....................................................................................... 1617
93-1. PIDX Block I/O Diagram ....................................................................................... 1656
94-1. PIDXE Block I/O Diagram ..................................................................................... 1690
B0193AX – Rev N Figures
Figures B0193AX – Rev N
108-6. Station Load Overview with Group Device Assignments Overlay ........................... 1988
108-7. Station Load Overview Supervisory Groups Overlay ............................................... 1989
108-8. Station Load Overview Supervisory Groups Overlay ............................................... 1989
109-1. STRIN Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 2001
109-2. STRIN Block Operational Diagram ........................................................................ 2006
110-1. STRING Block Functional Diagram ....................................................................... 2011
111-1. STROUT Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 2013
111-2. STROUT Block Operational Diagram ................................................................... 2018
112-1. SWCH Block I/O Diagram .................................................................................... 2021
113-1. TIM Block I/O Diagram ........................................................................................ 2033
114-1. VLV Block Diagram ............................................................................................... 2041
114-2. VLV Detailed Diagram ........................................................................................... 2054
114-3. 2-wire Typical Timing Diagram .............................................................................. 2055
114-4. VLV Block Application ........................................................................................... 2060
B0193AX – Rev N Figures
80-1. MSG Block Parameters ........................................................................................... 1374
81-1. MTR Block Parameters ........................................................................................... 1382
81-2. MTR Block Mode Control ..................................................................................... 1400
82-1. MVC Block Parameters ........................................................................................... 1407
83-1. MVL Block Parameters ........................................................................................... 1423
84-1. OUTSEL Block Parameters .................................................................................... 1452
85-1. PACK Block Parameters .......................................................................................... 1461
86-1. PAKIN Block Parameters ........................................................................................ 1464
87-1. PAKOUT Block Parameters ................................................................................... 1475
88-1. PATALM Block Parameters .................................................................................... 1488
89-1. PATT Block Parameters .......................................................................................... 1500
89-2. Bad Lock Truth Table ............................................................................................. 1508
89-3. PATT Block Feedback Patterns ............................................................................... 1514
89-4. PATT Block Pattern and Mask Configuration ........................................................ 1515
90-1. PID Block Parameters ............................................................................................. 1521
91-1. PIDA Block Parameters ........................................................................................... 1552
91-2. Variable Definitions ................................................................................................ 1585
91-3. Control Mode Filtering and Tuning Features ......................................................... 1590
91-4. Ramping Action for SPROPT Options ................................................................... 1600
91-5. Parameter Settings for Block Initialization ............................................................... 1605
91-6. Status of Critical Parameters ................................................................................... 1606
92-1. PIDE Block Parameters ........................................................................................... 1620
93-1. PIDX Block Parameters .......................................................................................... 1659
94-1. PIDXE Block Parameters ........................................................................................ 1693
95-1. PLB Block Parameters ............................................................................................. 1730
96-1. PLSOUT Block Parameters ..................................................................................... 1747
97-1. PTC Block Parameters ............................................................................................ 1763
98-1. RAMP Block Parameters ......................................................................................... 1792
99-1. RATIO Block Parameters ....................................................................................... 1805
100-1. REAL Block Parameters .......................................................................................... 1829
101-1. REALM Block Parameters ...................................................................................... 1835
101-2. REALM Inhibit Alarm Option Booleans ................................................................ 1852
102-1. RIN Block Parameters ............................................................................................. 1858
103-1. RINR Block Parameters .......................................................................................... 1874
104-1. ROUT Block Parameters ........................................................................................ 1895
105-1. SIGSEL Block Parameters ....................................................................................... 1918
106-1. STATE Block Parameters ........................................................................................ 1934
106-2. Operating Mode Priority ......................................................................................... 1946
106-3. STATE Block Parameter Configuration .................................................................. 1956
106-4. PATT Block Feedback Patterns ............................................................................... 1957
106-5. PATT Block Pattern and Mask Configuration ........................................................ 1958
107-1. STALM Block Parameters ....................................................................................... 1964
108-1. Load Sync Fields/ Loading Periods and Valid Phases ............................................... 1985
108-2. Station Load Overview Supervisory Groups Overlay Definitions ............................ 1990
B0193AX – Rev N Tables
This document, Integrated Control Block Descriptions, provides reference information for using
control blocks, equipment control blocks (ECBs) and window equipment control blocks (window
This book is intended for experienced process engineers and application programmers.
The Preface provides details on how to use this book, additional reference information, and revi-
sion information indicating which blocks were changed and how.
The control block sections each describe one control block – with the exception of Equipment
Control Blocks (ECBs) and Window Equipment Control Blocks, which describe multiple blocks
of the same basic design.
Each control block section contains the following:
♦ A brief functional summary.
♦ A list of features and options.
♦ Diagrams illustrating inputs, outputs, options and operation.
♦ A detailed description of block operation.
Revision Information
For Release 6.5, the following changes were made to the document:
Chapter 83 “MVL – Multivariable Loop Block”
♦ Revised Table 83-1, “MVL Block Parameters,” on page 1423
♦ Revised the SPCLMP parameter.
Chapter 86 “PAKIN – Packed Input Block”
♦ Revised the PKINGP parameter to reflect Modbus (FBM224) functionality.
Chapter 87 “PAKOUT – Packed Output Block”
♦ Added disclaimer to the PFSOUT and PFSOPT parameters
♦ Revised the PKCOGP parameter to reflect Modbus (FBM224) functionality.
Chapter 91 “PIDA – Advanced PID Block”
♦ Revised Table 91-1 on page 1552
♦ Revised the SPCLMP parameter
♦ Revised “Setpoint Limiting” on page 1598.
B0193AX – Rev N Preface
Related Documentation
Refer to the following documents for additional information:
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
♦ Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW)
♦ Supervisory Set Point Control (B0193RY)
♦ Fieldbus Cluster I/O User’s Guide (B0193RB)
♦ Enhanced PLC Block Descriptions (B0193YQ)
♦ FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 Interface Module (FBM220/221) User Guide (B0400FD)
♦ I/A Series® PROFIBUS-DPTM Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s
Guide (B0400FE)
♦ I/A Series® HARTTM Communication Interface Module (FBM214/215/216/218) User’s
Guide (B0400FF)
♦ I/A Series® Modbus® Communication Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide
80. MSG – Message Generator
This chapter gives a general overview of the MSG (Message Generator Block), its options and
parameters, describes block validation and initialization.
80.1 Overview
The Message Generator block (MSG) is designed to generate “STATE CHANGE” messages
upon transitions of its boolean inputs.
After initialization and subsequent block scan periods, the MSG block reads its eight boolean
message request indicators. If it detects a transition from 0-to-1 or 1-to-0, it sends the “STATE
CHANGE” message for each type of transition. The block does not send a message on the transi-
tion if you did not configure any text or linkage name.
The block has no alarming functionality.
80.2 Options
You can choose where the block should look for the input information:
♦ If the SUBSET parameter is configured to 0 (default), the block uses the generic bool-
ean inputs IN_1 through IN_8.
♦ If SUBSET is configured to 1, 2, 3, or 4, the block uses a byte from the long packed
boolean input LNGPIN to obtain the message requests. 1 corresponds to the high-
order byte of the LNGPIN; 4 corresponds to the low-order byte. The high-order bit
of the byte represents IN_1; the low-order bit represents IN_8.
If SUBSET is configured to 1, 2, 3, or 4, the block unpacks the 8-bit field from LNGPIN into
IN_1 through IN_8 each time there is a change in LNGPIN to bypass the faceplate display limi-
tations on switching to the different source parameters.
B0193AX – Rev N 80. MSG – Message Generator Block
IN_5 MSG messages
Figure 80-1. MSG Block I/O Diagram
80.3 Parameters
Table 80-1. MSG Block Parameters
80. MSG – Message Generator Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the MSG block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the MSG block, the following list
specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
B0193AX – Rev N 80. MSG – Message Generator Block
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
IN_1 to IN_8 Inputs 1 through 8 are boolean inputs. They identify the upstream out-
puts that are being monitored by the inputs of the block.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
IN_2 B10
IN_3 B11
IN_4 B12
IN_5 B13
IN_6 B14
IN_7 B15
IN_8 B16
IN_1 B17
IN_2 B18
IN_3 B19
IN_4 B20
IN_5 B21
IN_6 B22
IN_7 B23
IN_8 B24
IN_1 B25
IN_2 B26
IN_3 B27
IN_4 B28
IN_5 B29
IN_6 B30
IN_7 B31
IN_8 B32
IN_1 B1
IN_2 B2
IN_3 B3
IN_4 B4
IN_5 B5
IN_6 B6
IN_7 B7
IN_8 B8
IN_1 B9
80. MSG – Message Generator Block B0193AX – Rev N
MSG0_1 to MSG0_8
Message 0_1 through 0_8 are string inputs containing the text for one to
zero transition annunciation. If no text is configured for these messages,
no messages are sent.
MSG1_1 to MSG1_8
Message 1_1 through 1_8 are string inputs containing the text for zero to
one transition annunciation. If no text is configured for these messages, no
messages are sent.
MSGSND Messages Sent is an 8-bit mapped character indicating the points which
have undergone transitions.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
B0193AX – Rev N 80. MSG – Message Generator Block
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
SUBSET Sub-Set is a short integer input that sets the byte group number to be used
to derive IN_1 through IN_8 from LNGPIN.
If SUBSET is 0 (default), MSG uses the generic boolean inputs IN_1
through IN_8 to trigger “STATE CHANGE” messages.
If SUBSET is configured to 1, 2, 3, or 4, the block uses a byte from the
long packed boolean input LNGPIN to obtain the message requests. 1
corresponds to the high-order byte of the LNGPIN; 4 corresponds to the
low-order byte. The high-order bit of the byte represents IN_1; the low-
order bit represents IN_8.
If SUBSET is configured to 1, 2, 3, or 4, the block unpacks the 8-bit field
from LNGPIN into IN_1 through IN_8 each time there is a change in
LNGPIN. See LNGPIN above for a diagram.
TYPE When you enter “MSG” or select “MSG” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
80. MSG – Message Generator Block B0193AX – Rev N
The station reboot operation forces initialization logic to run. After “reboot,” LNGPIN and IN_1
through IN_8 are reset if they are not connected.
80.6 Example
Refer to the MEALM block description for an application example involving the use of the
MEALM, STALM, and MSG blocks.
B0193AX – Rev N 80. MSG – Message Generator Block
81. MTR – Motor Control Block
This chapter gives a general overview of the MTR (Motor Control Block), its features,
parameters and detailed operations.
81.1 Overview
The Motor Control block (MTR, Figure 81-1) provides run/stop control of 2-wire or 3-wire
motor circuits and interfaces to a discrete-type Fieldbus Module (FBM). The 2-wire configuration
generates a single sustained output. The 3-wire configuration provides two pulsed outputs. The
MTR block also provides mismatch timeout alarming if the motor’s sensed operation does not
match the requested operation within a user-defined time period.
Pulse Time
2 or 3-wire
Auto Run
Invert Output
Timer Time
Motor Status
Start/Stop Time
Figure 81-1. MTR Block Diagram
81.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto mode for “remote” control of the motor device
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Open loop indication to upstream blocks
♦ User-specifiable pulse output time width
♦ State mismatch alarming
♦ Bad FBM alarming
♦ Disable input for “local” control of the motor device
♦ Alarm message inhibiting
♦ Failsafe support.
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
81.3 Parameters
Table 81-1. MTR Block Parameters
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the MTR block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number* Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
22 Bad I/O Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B10
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the MTR block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parame- ALMSTA.B32–
ter PRTYPE for values ALMSTA.B28
used in the MTR block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest pri- ALMSTA.B27–
ority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
22 BAD Input/Output Bad (BAD ALMSTA.B10
output of block)
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
AUTRUN Auto Run is a Boolean input. Typical sources for this transition-type event
input are user programs or other blocks. In a two-wire configuration oper-
ating in Auto, a positive transition at AUTRUN sets COUT_1 true. In a
three-wire configuration operating in Auto, a positive transition at
AUTRUN sets the COUT_1 output true. A negative transition at
AUTRUN sets the COUT_2 output false.
AUTSW Auto Switch is a Boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BAD Bad is a Boolean output parameter which is set true when the input to the
block is unacceptable in any way. The BAD bit of BLKSTA (BLK-
STA.BAD) is also set true whenever BAD is true.
BAG Bad Alarm Group is an integer input that directs Bad alarm messages to
one of eight groups of alarm devices.
BAP Bad Alarm Priority is an integer input, ranging from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the Bad alarm (1 is the highest priority).
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the MTR block, only the following bits are used:
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
23 DIS Disable Status of Block BLKSTA.B9
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
CO1_PT Contact Output 1 Point is a string input that specifies the point number
on the FBM terminal board that connects to the Run Drive input of
MTR block. Point number ranges for the applicable FBM types are:
FBM Type Point Number
241 9 to 16
242 1 to 16
9 9 to 16
14 25 to 32
17 11 to 14
CO2_PT Contact Output 2 Point is a string input that specifies, for a three-wire
configuration, the point number on the FBM terminal board that con-
nects to the Stop Drive input of the MTR block. CO2_PT is ignored in a
two-wire configuration. See the CO1_PT definition for the point number
COUT_1 Contact Out 1 is one of the block’s two Boolean outputs. The block
always secures COUT_1. During two-wire operation (DISABL = false),
the selected input, is written to COUT_1. During three-wire operation
(DISABL = false, OUTOP = true), a positive transition at
AUTRUN/MANRUN (depending on auto/manual mode) pulses
COUT_1 for the time interval TPULSE. COUT_1, in turn, is written to
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
the addressed channel of the FBM when IOMOPT is true. Refer to the
MA and DISABL definitions for details on how they affect COUT_1.
COUT_2 Contact Out 2 is the other of the block’s two Boolean outputs. The block
always secures COUT_2. COUT_2 operates only in the three-wire con-
figuration. In three-wire operation (DISABL = false, OUTOP = true), a
negative transition at AUTRUN/MANRUN (depending on auto/manual
mode) pulses COUT-2 for the time interval TPULSE. COUT_2, in turn,
is written to the addressed channel of the FBM when IOMOPT is true.
Refer to the MA and DISABL definitions for details on how they affect
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
block. DEFINE is the inverse of undefined (UDEF) in the BLKSTA
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character letter-
bug identifier of the connected FBM or FBC. DEV_ID differs from
IOM_ID in that it is of character array rather than string type, and does
not allow the use of the ECB NAME parameter or ECB pathname in
specifying the connected FBM or FBC.
DISABL Disable is a Boolean input. When true, DISABL sets the outputs
COUT_1 and COUT_2 to stop states, and inhibits normal block opera-
tion in either Auto or Manual mode. While DISABL is false (block
enabled), the block accepts requests from either the AUTRUN or MAN-
RUN inputs. DISABL is independent of MA, and has a higher priority.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the MTR block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PHASE does not exist for given
COMBINATION” not compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or
ENGINEERING RANGE” equal to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in
CONNECTION” the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the
source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid boolean extension con-
nection has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W51 – INVALID An I/O block is connected to an
HARDWARE/ ECB or the wrong type.
“W52 – INVALID I/O An I/O block is connected to an
CHANNEL/GROUP ECB when the specified point num-
NUMBER” ber is invalid or when the specified
group or octet number is invalid.
“W53 – INVALID A parameter value is not in the
PARAMETER VALUE” acceptable range.
“W54 – ECB DOES An I/O block has a connection to an
NOT EXIST” ECB that does not exist or has not
yet been installed. When the ECB is
installed, previously installed I/O
blocks waiting for that ECB will ini-
tialize automatically.
“W58 – INSTALL A Database Installer error has
ERROR; occurred.
“W59 – DUPLICATE This block and another output
OUTPUT CHANNEL” block are connected to the same
output point. Since this may be
intentional, this message is only a
FS Failsafe is a Boolean output that is set true when the block detects the
FBM going to the Failsafe state. While in this state, the block retains the
actual Failsafe value of the output point as it is read back from the FBM.
This value, depending on the ECB Failsafe option, is either the fallback or
the hold value.
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed Boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
MTR block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Boolean Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Inhibit Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
INHIB Inhibit is a Boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the MTR block,
only the following bits are used:
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Inhibit Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
INVOP Invert Option, when true, inverts the Stop output (COUT_2) for three-
wire applications requiring normally-closed Stop contacts in the field.
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
IOMOPT Fieldbus Module Option is a short integer that specifies whether an FBM
connection to the block exists.
IOMOPT, for the MTR block, has a range of 0 to 1 where:
0= The block outputs are not connected to an FBM. This option
may be used for simulation, or for connecting
COUT_1/COUT_2 as inputs to other blocks.
1= The block outputs are connected to a discrete-type FBM speci-
fied by the IOM_ID, CO1_PT/CO2_PT.
IOM_ID Fieldbus Module Identifier is a string that specifies the FBM or FBC to
which the block is connected. IOM_ID can be either:
♦ The 6-character letterbug of the FBM or FBC. The ECB must
reside in the local compound <cp_letterbug>_ECB where
cp_letterbug is the station letterbug of the CP.) For IFD inputs,
this is the letterbug of the parent FBM (18, 43, 39, 44, or 46).
♦ The full pathname of the ECB. The ECB must be local but can
reside in any compound. The pathname must be of the form
<local_compound_name>:<ecb_name>, where <ecb_name> is the
NAME parameter of the ECB. In the case of IFD inputs, the
NAME parameter of the parent ECB (12, 23, or 38R) must be
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
output is always secured. An external program can then set the output to a
desired value.
MANRUN Manual Run is a Boolean input. The typical use for this transition-type
event input is to accept operator requests through the HI interface. In a
two-wire configuration operating in Manual, a positive transition at
MANRUN sets COUT_1 output true. In a three-wire configuration
operating in Manual, a positive transition at AUTRUN sets the COUT_1
output true. A negative transition at MANRUN sets COUT_2 output
MANSW Manual Switch is a Boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MMAIND Mismatch Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true whenever the
sensed state of the valve (determined by MSTAT) does not match the
requested state within the timer interval, TSTP. The block generates an
alarm when it sets MMAIND true, if the INHIB input is false.
MSTAT Motor Status is an input pointing to the program or block that monitors
the state of the motor (logic 0 = Stopped; logic 1 = Running).
OUTOP Output Option is a Boolean input that dictates whether the block is to
control a two-wire (OUTOP = false) or a three-wire (OUTOP = true)
motor. You can change OUTOP only by reconfiguring the block.
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min.
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min.
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min. 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
8 = BAD Alarm
RSMMOP Reset Mismatch Option is used to specify that the AUTRUN and MAN-
RUN inputs be reset when a mismatch alarm occurs in an MOVLV block.
0 = No reset action.
1 = Reset AUTRUN and MANRUN inputs if mismatch alarm occurs.
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
SAG State Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs mismatch alarm
messages to the corresponding group of alarm devices.
SAP State Alarm Priority is an integer input that sets the alarm priority for the
mismatch alarm reporting (1 is the highest priority).
TPULSE Time of Pulse sets the pulse duration of the two outputs, COUT_1 and
COUT_2, in minutes. Enter a value consistent with the drive require-
ments of the motor. Minimum value is 1 block scan period.
TSTP Time to Run or Stop is a real value fixing the delay, in minutes, before the
comparison for mismatch is made. Configure a delay at least as great as the
maximum time required for the motor to go from one state to the other.
TTOTAL Timeout Length is an integer used by the MTR block as a local value con-
taining the total number of block executions in the alarm timeout for out-
put mismatch.
TYPE When you enter “MTR” or select “MTR” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a Boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
WCOUNT Width Counter is an integer used by the MTR block as a temporary value
in counting the pulse width.
WTOTAL Pulse Width is an integer used by the MTR block as a local value contain-
ing the total number of block executions in the pulse width of a pulsed
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
81.4 Functions
81.4.1 Detailed Diagram
Auto COUT_1
Manual Invert
Timer Comparison
Readback AND
Point Status COUT.BAD
Failsafe AND Alarming
Detection AND
Auto AND
Transition Cycle Open INITO
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
Desired state parameters are the MANRUM and AUTRUN parameters and can be changed as
♦ MANRUN can be changed only when the block is in Manual.
♦ AUTRUN can be changed while the block is in Auto.
2 - wire
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
3 - wire
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
81.5.6 Alarming
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
set true to inhibit erroneous alarms until the bad MSTAT input is repaired.
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
Duplicate output channel detection is intended to alert you to the fact that this block and another
block capable of digital outputs are connected to the same output point. This does not necessarily
constitute a conflict, since the other block may be in a compound which is not intended to run at
the same time as the compound containing this MTR block, or the duplicate connection may be
desired as part of an elaborate control scheme.
When the block undergoes one of the following actions, the entire data base is checked for dupli-
cate output channels:
♦ The block is installed.
♦ The IOMOPT parameter is modified.
♦ The IOM_ID parameter is modified.
♦ A variable output point number (PNT_NO, CO1_PT, or CO2_PT) is modified.
The duplicate output channel check is also performed when the Control Processor is rebooted. It
is not performed when a compound is switched On or Off.
All blocks connected to the same output point receive the DUPLICATE OUTPUT CHANNEL
warning message, but are not set Undefined.
81. MTR – Motor Control Block B0193AX – Rev N
to a start request. The MANRUN input is used when the block is in manual; manipulated by the
The motor’s status (On/Off ) indicate the motor’s run/stop state. The status switch is connected
through an MCIN block to the MTR block's MSTAT parameter. If it takes longer than the time
specified by the TSTP parameter to start the motor, a mismatch alarm is generated. Notification
is in the form of messages sent to a printer, Boolean output MMAIND becomes TRUE, and a
STATE alarm is indicated in the block's faceplate.
*CIN and MCIN can be one MCIN
**These can be one FBM
B0193AX – Rev N 81. MTR – Motor Control Block
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller
This chapter gives a general overview of the MVC (Multivariable Controller block), its
features, parameters and operation.
82.1 Overview
The Multivariable Controller (MVC) block is one of two blocks (MVC and MVL) that support
embedded MVC in the Control Processor environment. The MVC block hosts the given multi-
variable controller application; one MVC block per multivariable controller. This block is the
host to the configuration parameters and functions that are global to the multivariable controller
The MVC block is also the host to the multivariable controller state machine. The Embedded
Multivariable Controller (MVC) is a multivariable control algorithm executing in a Foxboro
I/A Series Control Processor (CP), such as CP60. This allows you to use the fault-tolerant envi-
ronment of a CP as the platform for advanced multivariable control schemes. Two block types,
the Multivariable Controller (MVC) block and the Multivariable Loop (MVL) block, support an
Embedded MVC application running in the CP. These blocks support the multivariable control
algorithm and form the interface to other CP blocks. The MVL block gets Controlled Variable
(CV) and Feedforward Variable (FV) measurements from blocks such as the AIN and writes the
Manipulated Variable (MV) supervisory set points to other regulatory blocks (PIDA, DPIDA, or
Model Based Predictive Control in a workstation is the source of the Embedded MVC model
which is downloaded as the database for the MVC and MVL blocks. Once created, and then pop-
ulated by the download database file, the MVC and MVL blocks are free running, needing no
additional data from the workstation. Using the MVC and MVL blocks, you can tune and oper-
ate the free-standing multivariable controller independent of the workstation environment from
which the MVC model was downloaded. The blocks can then be checkpointed, rebooted, and so
forth. The detail display provides the buttons for turning the multivariable controller on and off
and provides a configuration overlay that displays the multivariable controller parameters.
The following two sections (this chapter and Chapter 83 “MVL – Multivariable Loop Block”)
deal with the deployment of Connoisseur in a CP.
It should be kept in mind that the MVC and MVL blocks are a real time deployment option for
developed Connoisseur multivariable applications. Referring to Figure 82-1 and Figure 82-2, we
can see that from a procedures perspective, that little has changed with regards to application
development, particularly with respect to the use of native Connoisseur's PAS functions. How-
ever, given a Connoisseur multivariable application has been developed, the Embedded MVC
product provides the user a deployment option.
For the user that has elected to deploy a Connoisseur multivariable application in a Control Pro-
cessor, Connoisseur facilities that enable the user to download the developed application into the
Control Processor are used. Once downloaded into a Control Processor, the user is given access to
the parameters to tune and operate the application independent of the workstation environment
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
from which the application was downloaded. At this point in the workflow, the workstation pro-
cessor used to support the development of the Connoisseur process model and application config-
uration can literally be removed from the I/A Series system. An Embedded MVC application is
designed to be free standing within the Control Processor. On-going operation and low-level
maintenance is then performed at the Control Processor level without requiring a workstation
For more information on MVC and MVL block operation, refer to the Connoisseur
User Guide.
Figure 82-1. Overview Diagram
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
Basic Configuration
Process Response Test Importing and
Testing Plant Processing Plant Data
Modeling of Plant
Controller and LP
Deployment in Download On-line Controller/LP Off-line Configuration
implementation Spec. File
Control Processor and Testing
Controller and LP
and Tuning
82.3 Features
The features are:
♦ Primary multivariable controller operational interface
♦ Links to all the multivariable loop (MVL) blocks
♦ Multivariable controller configuration display.
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
82.4 Parameters
These conventions apply to the table of MVC block parameters:
Data Type (Type)
B Boolean (True or False)
SI Short Integer (8 bits)
I Integer (16 bits)
L Long integer (32 bits)
PB Packed Boolean (16 bits)
PL Packed Long (32 bits)
R Real (32 bit Single Precision Float)
C Character (ASCII format)
S String (ASCII)
Downloaded (Down)
n Not Downloaded (from Connoisseur)
Y Downloaded (from Connoisseur)
Configurability (CFG)
n Not Configurable
D Displayable only
Y Displayable and Configurable
Connectability (Conn)
n Not connectable
I Connectable input (source or sink)
O Connectable output (source)
Settability (Set)
n Never Settable
Y Always Settable
U Settable only if Unconnected Input
S Special rules apply; refer to parameter definition
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the MVC block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
14 UDEF Undefined (inverse of BLKSTA.B18
parameter DEFINE)
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
BWIDTH Blocking Width is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Blocking Width (0-500) field in the configuration display.
CACTR Controller AUTO Request is used with the button bar button AUTO, to
request that the controller go to the AUTO state. This request is honored
depending upon the state of the controller’s Multivariables (MVs), Con-
trolled Variables (CVs), and Feedforward Variables (FVs). This parameter
acts as a momentary closed (1 = true) contact to generate the request.
After closing, the contact automatically opens.
CINITR Controller INITIALIZATION Request is used with the button bar but-
ton INITIALIZE, to request that the controller go to the INITIALIZE
state. This request is honored depending upon the state of the controllers
Multivariables (MVs), Controlled Variables (CVs), and Feedforward Vari-
ables (FVs). This parameter acts as a momentary closed (1 = true) contact
to generate the request. After closing, the contact automatically opens.
CLPR Controller Linear Programming (LP) request is used with the button bar
button LP, to request that the controller go to the LP state. This request is
honored depending upon the state of the controllers Multivariables
(MVs), Controlled Variables (CVs), and Feedforward Variables (FVs).
This parameter acts as a momentary closed (1 = true) contact to generate
the request. After closing, the contact automatically opens.
COFFR Controller OFF Request is used with the button bar button OFF, to
request that the controller go to the OFF state. This request is honored
depending upon the state of the controller’s Measured Variables (MVs),
Controlled Variables (CVs), and Feedforward Variables (FVs). This
parameter acts as a momentary closed (1 = true) contact to generate the
request. After closing, the contact automatically opens.
CONTYP Controller Type is the type of controller. For this release of the embedded
MVC, all controllers must be of the LR (-4) type.
CREADR Controller READY Request is used with the button bar button READY,
to request that the controller go to the READY state. This request is hon-
ored depending upon the state of the controller’s Multivariables (MVs),
Controlled Variables (CVs), and Feedforward Variables (FVs). This
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
CSTAT Controller Status flag indicates the controller status on the MVC faceplate
as follows:
0 = OFF - Download successful
1 = WAIT
2 = INIT - Initialize indicates that the MVC block is initializing. While in
this state, the block is not attempting to perform any real-time control
3 = READY - In the READY state, the block has completed its initializa-
tion steps and is ready to go into the AUTO state.
4 = AUTO - In the AUTO state, the block is executing the multivariable
control algorithm and sending set points to underlying regulatory control
5 = AUTO
6 = AUTO
7 = AUTO
8 = AUTO
9 = LP - Linear Programming (LP) indicates that the block is in the LP
state; the supervisory LP is sending manipulated variable targets to the
underlying multivariable controller.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). Define is set to 0 if
any configured parameters fail validation testing. In that case no further
processing of the block occurs. To return DEFINE to a true value, correct
all configuration errors and re-install the block. DEFINE is the inverse of
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the MVC block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAME- A parameter value is not in the accept-
TER able range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
INIOPT Initialization Option allows you to cause the MVC block to initialize to
the OFF or the INITIALIZE state for the embedded MVC controller. As
a general recommendation, you should use the default of zero.
0 = Off
1 = Initialize
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion, a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
LPINTR Controller LP update Interval is the execution interval of the LP, enforced
to be a multiple of the controller interval.
MSGnnn Message Group download number (001 - 050) is the controller download
message defining the MVC block internal parameters used as the data
space for downloading model and configuration data from native Con-
noisseur. MSG001-MSG050 message parameters each contains up to 500
MSGERR Message Error is the controller error message number. This parameter
indicates that a download error has occurred.
0 = No errors
1 = Message protocol error
2 = Download error
4 = Number of loops mismatch
5 = Model spread error
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
MSGGRP Message Group 1 - 8 is the I/A Series message group used for information
messages, alarms, and so forth.
MTIMER Message Timer is the controller download message timeout period in sec-
onds (1-255). The MVC block configuration information is passed in 125
word records to the MVC block. The MTIMER parameter sets the time-
out period for the record download. It is recommended that you use the
default 10 second timeout period. In practice, downloads occur in a very
short period of time, and a timeout is unlikely unless the communications
path is open or overloaded.
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
NUMMVL Number of MVL is the number (1-10) of MVL blocks connected to the
MVC block.
PERIOD This parameter is present but not used. The MVC block runs each BPC.
PHASE This parameter is present but not used. The MVC block runs each BPC.
SMPINT Controller Sample Interval is the same as shown on the native Connois-
seur’s Configuration display.
SUPGRP Supervisory Group contains the supervisory group of the underlying regu-
latory control blocks (downstream PIDA, RATIO, or DPIDA blocks)
used as the MVC manipulated variables. All the regulatory control blocks
used as the embedded MVC controllers manipulated variables must
belong to the same unique supervisory group. If, for example, a supervi-
sory application is coexisting with an embedded MVC application, these
two applications must have different supervisory groups.
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
TIMEXC Time to Execute is a cyclic counter that is preset to the negative of the
control interval and increments to 0 each sample interval.
TYPE When you enter “MVC” or select “MVC” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type (125).
82.5 Operation
Model Based Predictive Control in a workstation such as an I/A Series Application Workstation
51E or a high-end Windows NT laptop is the source of the Embedded MVC model which is
downloaded as the database for the MVC and MVL blocks (Figure 82-3). Once created, and then
populated by the download database file, the MVC and MVL blocks are free running, needing no
additional data from the workstation. Using the MVC and MVL blocks, you can tune and oper-
ate the free-standing multivariable controller independent of the workstation environment from
which the MVC model was downloaded. The blocks can then be checkpointed, rebooted, and so
MVLnn is a key MVC configuration parameter. You must identify each of the MVL blocks in the
embedded MVC block structure. You enter the connection using the MVL’s block name and
block status as follows: BLOCK NAME.BLKSTA. You must be certain that the MVL block
ordering in the compound is the same as entered via the ICC when entering the MVL block
names into the MVC block MVLnn parameters.
INIOPT is an initialization option for the embedded MVC controller. With this option, you can
initialize the MVC block to the OFF or the INITIALIZE state. As a general recommendation,
you should use the default 0 of zero (OFF).
When the MVC block is initially created and configured, the block’s CSTAT parameter shows the
block in its DISABLED state. This state is turned to OFF when a download is successfully com-
pleted. With the block in its OFF State, the block can be switched to:
♦ INIT - In this state the MVC block is initializing. While in this state the block is not
attempting to perform any real-time control action.
♦ READY - In the READY state, the block has completed its initialization steps and is
ready to go into the AUTO state.
♦ AUTO - In the AUTO state, the block is executing the multivariable control algo-
rithm and sending set points to underlying regulatory control blocks.
♦ LP - In the LP state, the supervisory LP is sending manipulated variable targets to the
underlying multivariable controller.
Simulation Option (SIMOPT) is the simulation facility “switch”. If it is zero, the controller is set
to the real-time control mode. If it is one, the controller is set to the simulation mode.
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
The MVC block configuration information is passed in 125-word records to the MVC block.
The MTIMER parameter sets the timeout period for the record download. It is recommended
that the default 10 second timeout period be used. In practice, downloads occur in a very short
period of time, and a timeout is unlikely unless the communications path is open or overloaded.
The Supervisory Group (SUPGRP) parameter contains the supervisory group of the underlying
regulatory control blocks used as the MVC manipulated variables. All the regulatory control
blocks used as the embedded MVC controllers manipulated variables must belong to the same
unique supervisory group. If, for example, a supervisory application is coexisting with an embed-
ded MVC application, these two applications must have different supervisory groups.
Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notification pur-
poses, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only allowed to clear
UNACK to false and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of UNACK is normally via an
operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display, or via a user task.
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
The Embedded MVC uses the I/A Series SSC functionality to perform group enables, group dis-
ables, and the ability to write the supervisory set points of manipulated variable CP regulatory
control blocks. Specifically, SSC allows:
♦ The CP Station block to set a group enable/disable, placing all the manipulated vari-
able regulatory control blocks into the SSC enable/disable state. This allows you to
place an MVC controller into its AUTO state without having to change the state of
individual regulatory controllers.
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
For additional information, such as, Block Connections, Supervisory Control and Multivarible
Controller operation, refer to the Connoisseur User’s Manual provided with the Connoisseur
B0193AX – Rev N 82. MVC – Multivariable Controller Block
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop
This chapter gives a general overview of the MVL (Multivariable Loop block), its features,
parameters and operation.
83.1 Overview
The Multivariable Loop (MVL) block is one of two blocks (MVC and MVL) that support
embedded Multivariable Control (MVC) in the Control Processor environment (see “Overview”
on page 1403 in Chapter 82 “MVC – Multivariable Controller Block” and refer to the Connois-
seur User Guide for more information). The MVL block is capable of hosting up to one manipu-
lated variable (MV), one controlled variable (CV), and one feedforward variable (FV) per block.
The MVL block interfaces to the CV and FV measurements and to an underlying PIDA block
used as a MV. The MVL block is the host to the configuration parameters associated with the
loop tuning parameters, and loop operational functions.
Each MV, CV, and FV associated with the MVL block has a configuration overlay that displays
the parameters for this variable. Switches are provided at the button bar to switch these variables
in and out of the multivariable control problem. Trends and bar indicators are also provided for
the respective variables. The MVL faceplate provides status information for the MV, CV, and FV
variables, indicating the status and health of the multivariable controller.
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
Figure 83-1. Overview Diagram
83.3 Features
The features are:
♦ Primary multivariable controller operational interface to individual MVs, CVs, and
♦ CV and FV measurement links
♦ Secure Supervisory Control link to MV PIDA blocks
♦ Switches for the respective MV, CV, and FV variables
♦ MV, CV, and FV configuration, trend, and status displays.
The options are:
♦ Alarm inhibit option (INHOPT)
♦ Measurement alarm option (MALOPT)
♦ Deviation alarm option (DALOPT)
♦ High-High alarm option (HHAOPT)
♦ Output alarm option (OALOPT)
♦ Setpoint clamp option (SPCLMP)
♦ Setpoint ramp option (SPRAMP)
♦ Setpoint option (SPROPT)
♦ Supervisory option (SUPOPT) - Supports SSC of the MVL set point
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
83.4 Parameters
These conventions apply to the tables of MVL block parameters:
Data Type (Type)
B Boolean (True or False)
SI Short Integer (8 bits)
I Integer (16 bits)
L Long integer (32 bits)
PB Packed Boolean (16 bits)
PL Packed Long (32 bits)
R Real (32 bit Single Precision Float)
C Character (ASCII format)
S String (ASCII)
Downloaded (Down)
n Not Downloaded (from Connoisseur)
Y Downloaded (from Connoisseur)
Configurability (CFG)
n Not Configurable
D Displayable only
Y Displayable and Configurable
Connectability (Conn)
n Not Connectable
I Connectable input (source or sink)
O Connectable output (source)
Settability (Set)
n Never Settable
Y Always Settable
U Settable only if Unconnected Input
S Special rules apply; refer parameter definition
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed boolean values representing the alarm
types that have been configured as options in the block. For the MVL
block, only the following unshaded bits are used.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number Boolean
* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
Number Boolean
* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output that is bit-mapped to indicate the block’s
alarm states. For the MVL block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
BCALCI Back Calculated Input is the connection to the underlying regulatory con-
trol block that is used as a embedded MVC control manipulated variable.
This is a vital connection, as it is used to build the implicit supervisory set-
point connection to the manipulated variable block. While an explicit
connection to the manipulated variable block SUP_IN parameter is not
made, an implicit connection is made by making this BCALCI connec-
tion. BCALCI must be connected to the downstream SUPBCO parame-
NOTE: The only Control Processor blocks that can be used for manipu-
lated variable are the PIDA, DPIDA and RATIO blocks.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the MVL block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
5 CTL Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
14 UDEF Undefined (inverse of parameter BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
16 SLLO Secondary Block Low Output BLKSTA.B16
Limit (Clamped)
17 SLHI Secondary Block High Output BLKSTA.B15
Limit (Clamped)
18 SLR Secondary Local (=false)/ BLKSTA.B14
Remote (=true)
19 SMA Secondary Manual (=false)/ BLKSTA.B13
Auto (=true)
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
21 SSE Secondary Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B11
22 SSC Secondary Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B10
23 SFLB Secondary Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B9
Fallback State
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB Supervisory Control Fallback BLKSTA.B1
CVBAD CV Bad status flag is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Status field in the controlled variable overview display.
0 = Good
1 = Bad
CVDZ CV Dead Zone is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Deadzone field in the controlled variable configuration display.
CVEFCT CV Error Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Error Factor field in the controlled variable configuration display.
CVFCTR CV base Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Origin field in the controlled variable LP configuration display.
CVFZ CV Frozen time is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Frozen Time field in the controlled variable configuration display.
CVHCON Controlled Variable High Constraint limit from Connoisseur are not used
in the Embedded MVC implementation. The CV high/low constraint
limits are replaced by the limits provided in the Integrated Control Con-
figurator (ICC). You can enter a value directly or enter a block address for
the limit source. As with native Connoisseur, the controlled variable con-
straint limits are treated as soft constraints for constraint type CVs.
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
CVHOR CV control Horizon is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s LR horizon field in the controlled variable configuration display
CVHVAL CV High Validity limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s High Validity field in the controlled variable configuration
CVITIM CV Inference Time is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Infer Time field in the controlled variable configuration display.
CVLACT CV Low Active constraint is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Constraint field in the controlled variable overview
CVLCON The CV Low Constraint is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Constraint field in the controlled variable configura-
tion display.
CVLVAL CV Low Validity Limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Validity field in the controlled variable configuration
CVROC CV Rate Of Change is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Rate Of Change field in the controlled variable configuration
CVSF CV Scale Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Scale field in the controlled variable configuration display.
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
CVSTAT CV Status flag indicator is analogous to the status indication shown in the
native Connoisseur’s loop display.
CVTYP CV Type, set point or soft constraint, is the same parameter as displayed
in the native Connoisseur’s Control Mode field in the controlled variable
configuration display.
0 = Constraint
1 = Set Point
CVUNIT CV engineering Units for the CV used for the MVL detailed display.
CVWT CV tuner Weight is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s CV Weight field in the controlled variable overview display.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether:
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low deviation alarming
2 = High deviation alarming only
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). Define is set to 0 if
any configured parameters fail validation testing. In that case no further
processing of the block occurs. To return DEFINE to a true value, correct
all configuration errors and re-install the block. DEFINE is the inverse of
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input that applies to both High and
Low deviation alarm limits.
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, 1 to 5, that sets the priority level of
the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
DEVTIM Deviation Time is a configurable integer value that specifies the delay time
for detecting a deviation alarm.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store, which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the MVL block, the following list
specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or
ENGINEERING RANGE” equal to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in
CONNECTION” the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the
source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid boolean extension
connection has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W49 – INVALID BLOCK An illegal block extension has been
EXTENSION” configured.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
FV The C:B.P address of the feedforward variable measurement. You can put
in the address of dummy blocks for debugging and/or special purposes.
FVBAD FV Bad status flag is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Status field in the feedforward variable overview display.
0 = Good
1 = Bad
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
FVDLY FV minimum Delay is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Identification Minimum Delay display.
FVDLYS FV Delay Spread is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Identification Delay Spread display.
FVFCTR FV LP base Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Origin field in the feedforward variable LP configuration dis-
FVFZ FV Frozen time is the same parameter as is displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Frozen Time field in the feedforward variable configuration dis-
FVHVAL FV High Validity limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s High Validity field in the feedforward variable configura-
tion display.
FVLVAL FV Low Validity limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Validity field in the feedforward variable configuration
FVROC FV Rate Of Change limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Rate of Change field in the feedforward variable configura-
tion display.
FVSF FV Scale Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Scale field in the feedforward variable configuration display.
FVUNIT FV engineering Units for the FV as used in the MVL detailed display.
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when
a high deviation alarm occurs.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that specifies the amount by
which the CV must exceed the set point to initiate a high deviation alarm
and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator (HDAIND) true.
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
HHAGRP High-High Alarm Group is a short integer that directs high-high absolute
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when the
CV is greater than the high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM).
HHAIND is set to false when the value is less than HHALIM. Once the
indicator is set true, it does not return to false until the value falls below
the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the CV
that triggers a high-high alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
high-high and low-low absolute alarming for alarming of the controlled
variable, or disables such alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indi-
cator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and low-low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only
HHAPRI High-High Alarm Priority is a integer input, 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HOAIND High Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when the
output (OUT) is greater than (HOALIM).
HOALIM High Output Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
OUT that triggers a high output alarm.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type configured in the block. For the MVL block,
only the following unshaded bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
2 Inhibit Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 Inhibit High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
4 Inhibit Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
5 Inhibit High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits the sending of all alarm
messages; the alarm handling and detection functions are determined by
the INHOPT setting. INHIB has no effect on the alarm notification at
the displays.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the MVL block,
only the following unshaded bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B11
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITSE Initial Supervisory is a configurable short integer value that specifies the
initial state of the SE parameter when this block initializes with SUPOPT
= 1. Options are:
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
2 = Do not change SE parameter.
LDAIND Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when
the CV falls below the set point by more that the deviation limit
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that specifies the amount by
which the CV must fall below the set point to initiate a low deviation
alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator (HDAIND) true.
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
LLAIND Low-low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when the CV
falls below the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to
false when the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the indicator is set
true, it does return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a dead-
LLALIM Low-low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the CV that
triggers a low-low alarm.
LOAIND Low Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is less than LOALIM.
LOALIM Low Output Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the OUT
that triggers a low output alarm.
LOATXT Low Output Alarm Text is a user configurable text string of up to 32 char-
acters, output with the alarm message to identify the alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation, which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input, which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit.
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
MEASGR Measurement Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs measure-
ment alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can
change the group number through the workstation.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the CV exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL).
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the CV that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the CV exceeds the low alarm limit (MEASLL).
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
CV that initiates a low absolute alarm.
MSGGRP Message Group is a short integer input that directs alarm messages to one
of eight groups of alarm devices.
MVBAD MV Bad flag is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Status field in the manipulated variable overview display:
0 = Good
1 = Bad
MVCP MVC Pointer is an internal pointer used for navigation from the MVL
block to the MVC block. MVCP is connected to the MVC BLKSTA
MVDLY MV minimum Delay is the same parameter as from the native Connois-
seur’s Identification Minimum Delay display.
MVDLYS MV Delay Spread is the same parameter as from the native Connoisseur’s
Identification Delay Spread display.
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
MVFCTR MV LP base Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Origin field in the manipulated variable LP configuration dis-
MVHCON Manipulated Variable High Constraint limits from the native Connois-
seur are not used in the embedded MVC implementation. The MV
high/low constraint limits are replaced by the limits provided in the ICC.
You can enter a value directly or enter a block address for the limit source.
As with native Connoisseur, the manipulated variables are treated as hard
MVHVAL MV High Validity limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s High Validity field in the manipulated variable configura-
tion display.
MVLACT MV Low Active constraint is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Constraint field in the manipulated variable overview
MVLCON MV Low Constraint limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Constraint field in the manipulated variable configura-
tion display.
MVLOPT MVL Option indicates the existence of a MV, CV, and FV within a given
MVL block. Used primarily for block detail displays. For the MVL block,
only the following unshaded bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
MVLVAL MV Low Validity limit is the same parameter as displayed in the native
Connoisseur’s Low Validity field in the manipulated variable configura-
tion display.
MVOUT MVL Output is the MVL block output which is implicitly connected to
the SUP_IN parameter of the underlying PIDA block.
MVSF MV Scale Factor is the same parameter as displayed in the native Connois-
seur’s Scale field in the manipulated variable configuration display.
MVSTAT MV Status flag is analogous to the status indication shown in the native
Connoisseur loop display.
MVTRWT MV Target Weight is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s Target Weight field in the manipulated variable overview dis-
MVWT MV tuner Weight is the same parameter as displayed in the native Con-
noisseur’s MV Weight field in the manipulated variable overview display.
OALOPT Output Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low alarming of the block output (OUT) or disables
output alarming altogether.
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low output alarming
2 = High output alarming only
3 = Low output alarming only
You can change OALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
These alarm limits are applied to the manipulated variable output, the
value used to establish the supervisory setpoint of the manipulated vari-
able regulatory control block. The alarm limits are compared to this out-
put value.
OUTADB Output Alarm Deadband is a real input that specifies the size of the dead-
band for both High and Low Output Alarm Limits.
OUTGRP Output Group is a short integer that directs high and low output alarm
messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
OUTPRI Output Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority level of
the output alarm (1 is the highest priority).
PIDP MVL block PID pointer is an internal pointer used for navigation from
the MVL block to an underlying PIDA block. PIDP is connected to the
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed short integer (0 to 9) output that indicates the
alarm type of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of
this block includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High-High
4 = Low-Low
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
7 = High Output
8 = Low Output
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
SPCLMP Setpoint Clamp is a configurable short integer that specifies the constraint
limits to be used when clamping or limiting the Supervisory set point
(SUP_IN) and the Local set point (CVSPT).
0 = clamp using the validity limits (CVHVAL and CVLVAL)
1 = clamp using the set point limits (CVHCON and CVLCON)
2 = reject values outside the set point limits (CVHCON and CVLCON).
If SPCLMP = 0, and the set point state is Supervisory or Tracking, the
SUP_IN value is clamped as follows:
1) If SUP_IN < CVLVAL, it is set to CVLVAL
2) If SUP_IN > CVHVAL, it is set to CVHVAL.
If SPCLMP = 0 and the set point state is Local, the CVSPT value is
clamped as follows:
1) If CVSPT < CVLCON, it is set to CVLCON.
2) If CVSPT > CVHCON, it is set to CVHCON.
If SPCLMP = 1, the CVSPT value in Local mode (SUP_IN in Supervi-
sory mode) is clamped as follows:
1) If CVSPT/SUP_IN < CVLCON, it is set to CVLCON.
2) If CVSPT/SUP_IN > CVHCON, it is set to CVHCON.
If SPCLMP = 2, an attempt to set CVSPT in Local mode or SUP_IN in
Supervisory mode via an OM Setval operation (or OM Write operation if
SUP_IN) less than CVLCON or greater than CVHCON will be rejected
with an OUT_OF_RANGE error code.
SPRAMP Set Point Ramp state is a boolean input that enables or disables set point
0 = Disable
1 = Enable.
SPRATE Set Point Ramp Rate is a positive real input that specifies ramping of the
set point to a new target value (SPTARG):
♦ by rate in engineering units per minute
♦ by time to target in minutes,
depending on the value of SPROPT.
SPROPT Set Point Option is a configurable short integer input that specifies the set
point ramping option:
0 = No set point ramping
1 = Ramp using SPRATE as ramp rate (units/minutes)
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
SPTARG Set Point Target is a real input that is the final value for a set point ramp in
engineering units. It must be set within the setpoint CVHCON and
CVLCON limits, otherwise SPRAMP is reset to 0 and no ramping
SUPOPT Supervisory Option is a configurable boolean input that allows the con-
trolled variable set point to be set by a Supervisory application:
0 = No
1 = Yes
SUP_IN Supervisory Input is a real output that is the parameter set by a Supervi-
sory application when performing supervisory control of this block’s set
point. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be set by the
supervisor to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in SUPBCO).
TYPE When you enter “MVL” or select “MVL” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type (126).
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to true when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
The only Control Processor blocks that can be used for manipulated variables are
the PIDA, RATIO, and DPIDA. It is important that you observe this convention.
The MVL block offers a number of alarm options that are applied to the MVL block controlled
variables. The alarm parameters work in exactly the same fashion as they do for the measurement
of a PIDA block. Typical alarm parameters are:
♦ MALOPT - for measurement variable
♦ DALOPT - for deviation, with CVSPT as the deviation reference, of controlled
♦ HHAOPT - High-high alarm option for the controlled variable.
♦ OALOPT - Output alarm option for the manipulated variable output, the value
establishes the supervisory setpoint of the manipulated variable regulatory control
block. The alarm limits are compared to this MVL blocks output value.
The controlled variable set point can be set by a supervisory application. The supervisory option is
enabled by the SUPOPT parameter. If the supervisory option is used, the controlled variable
supervisory set points must belong to a supervisory group, this group being unique from the
manipulated variable supervisory group specified in the MVC block parameter SUPGRP.
Like the MVC block, the MVL block has a message group parameter. This provides the ability to
separate and/or integrate the respective block alarms and messages. Block alarms are indicated
through the UNACK parameter whenever the block goes into alarm. The clearing of UNACK is
normally via an operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display, or via a user task.
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
The Embedded MVC uses the I/A Series SSC functionality to perform group enables, group dis-
ables, and the ability to write the supervisory set points of manipulated variable CP regulatory
control blocks. Specifically, SSC allows:
♦ The CP Station block to set a group enable/disable, placing all the manipulated vari-
able regulatory control blocks into the SSC enable/disable state. This allows you to
place an MVC controller into its AUTO state without having to change the state of
individual regulatory controllers.
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block B0193AX – Rev N
For additional information, such as, Block Connections, Supervisory Control and Multivariable
Controller operation, refer to the Connoisseur User’s Manual provided with the Connoisseur prod-
B0193AX – Rev N 83. MVL – Multivariable Loop Block
84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block
This chapter gives a general overview of the OUTSEL (Output Select Block) and describes its
parameters and cascade and limit handling.
84.1 Overview
The Output Select (OUTSEL) block is used in control strategies that require the higher or lower
of two output signals to be selected as the final output signal to the process, while providing the
appropriate handshake data to prevent integral action from “winding up” in the block supplying
the unselected signal. The OUTSEL block also provides initialization and limit indication signals
to each of the two upstream blocks when the cascade is open, when the cascade closes, and when
the OUTSEL or downstream block is limited.
The OUTSEL block supports a SELOPT parameter with these options:
1 = High Select, that is, select the higher input (default).
2 = Low Select, that is, select the lower input.
The OUTSEL block can be configured in any compound. A typical control block configuration
using the OUTSEL block is illustrated below.
Block 1* Block 2*
(Hi/Lo Select)
*PID/X/E/XE/A, RATIO, or BIAS block
Figure 84-1. OUTSEL Block I/O Diagram
B0193AX – Rev N 84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block
84.2 Parameters
Table 84-1. OUTSEL Block Parameters
84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block B0193AX – Rev N
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the OUTSEL block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
B0193AX – Rev N 84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
18 INER Input Error BLKSTA.B14
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the OUTSEL block, the follow-
84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block B0193AX – Rev N
ing list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of
each value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID A parameter value is not in the
PARAMETER VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
EROPT Error Option is a short integer. If PROPT is true, EROPT specifies how
the block responds to INP when the INP parameter is in error. EROPT
has a range of 0 to 2, where:
0 = The block ignores the errors.
1 = The block sets the ERROR bit in OUT if the INP parameter:
♦ has its BAD status bit set true;
♦ has its OOS status bit set true;
♦ is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
2 = The block sets the ERROR bit in OUT if the INP parameter:
♦ has its BAD status bit set true;
♦ has its OOS status bit set true;
♦ has its ERROR status bit set true
♦ is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
The block disregards EROPT if PROPT is configured false. If EROPT =
0, a block in a cascaded scheme does not open the cascade in response to
an error of its input signal, even if PRIBLK is configured true.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
B0193AX – Rev N 84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to
INITO connection, is eliminated.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
INITO1 With V4.2 or later software, BCALC1 contains the initialization request
data bit eliminating the need to configure INITO1 connections. However,
to preserve backward compatibility, the INITO1 parameter has been
maintained for use in existing configurations.
INITO2 With V4.2 or later software, BCALC2 contains the functions of the
INITO2 parameter eliminating the need to configure INITO2 connec-
tions. However, to preserve backward compatibility, the INITO2 parame-
ter has been maintained in existing configurations.
84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block B0193AX – Rev N
INP1 to INP2 Inputs 1 and 2 are inputs that are selected to monitor the output when the
TOGGLE input is false.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
B0193AX – Rev N 84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this configurable boolean input at
the workstation.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block B0193AX – Rev N
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
SELOPT Select Option is an indexed, integer input parameter that dictates the
block’s selection criteria when the block is in the Auto mode. The
SELOPT choices are:
1= Select the input with the highest value.
2= Select the input with the lowest value.
TYPE When you enter “OUTSEL” or select “OUTSEL” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
B0193AX – Rev N 84. OUTSEL – Output Select Block
For PRIBLK to function properly, the following connections should be made to the upstream
blocks in the cascade:
Upstream Block OUTSEL Block
The OUTSEL block also propagates the Failsafe (FS) bit from the downstream block to the
upstream blocks.
When it is in Auto, the OUTSEL block propagates the status of the selected input INP1 or INP2
to the output OUT as follows:
♦ The Bad status bit of OUT is set equal to the Bad status bit of the selected input.
♦ The Out-of-Service status bit of OUT is set equal to the Out-of-Service status bit of
the selected input.
♦ If the selected input has the Bad, Out-of-Service, or Error status bit true, or if the om
field of the selected input status has any other value than 1 (ON_SCAN), the Error
status bit of OUT is set true. Any other value in this field indicates that the source of
the connection has been deleted or is in a non-existent compound, or there has been a
peer-to-peer path failure.
85. PACK – Packed Long Integer
Variable Block
This chapter covers PACK (Packed Long Integer Variable Block) and its parameters.
85.1 Overview
The Packed Long Integer (PACK) variable block contains a packed long integer data variable
parameter (32 bits) that can be set by an application to store boolean values for later retrieval and
display (see Figure 85-1). You can make boolean extension connections to PACK blocks.
The PACK variable block does not contain PERIOD and PHASE parameters because it is not
executed by the compound processor. Any number of PACK blocks can be configured in any
compound. This block has a Detail Display for viewing and setting parameters.
85.2 Parameters
Table 85-1. PACK Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 85. PACK – Packed Long Integer Variable Block
TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Enter
“PACK” or select “PACK” from the block type list under “Show” when
configuring the block.
VALUE Value is a packed long (32 bit) data variable that can be set by an applica-
tion to store data for later retrieval and display.
86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block
This chapter describes the function of the Packed Input (PAKIN) block and defines its
This chapter describes the Distributed Control Interface (DCI) PAKIN block.
For a description of how the PAKIN block is used in PLC applications, refer to
PLC Interface Block Descriptions (B0193YQ).
86.1 Overview
The Packed Input (PAKIN) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI blocks
support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a general
purpose interface.) The Packed Input (PAKIN) block reads up to 32 contiguous bits from an
external device. It stores that data as a single packed long parameter PAKCIN.
Input from To
External Device I/A Series
B0193AX – Rev N 86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block
86.3 Features
The PAKIN block provides the following features:
♦ Operates in Auto mode at all times
♦ Individual bits of packed long input that are connectable to blocks or displays
♦ All necessary bit and byte reversals between the external device and I/A Series repre-
sentations automatically performed.
86.4 Parameters
Table 86-1. PAKIN Block Parameters
86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the PAKIN block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Description Connection
(0 to 31) Name When True (B32 to B1)
8 FBM Bad Status of ECB BLKSTA.B24
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block On BLKSTA.B17
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing (see ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block). In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a true
value, you should correct all configuration errors and re-install the block.
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
B0193AX – Rev N 86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set false. Val-
idation of configured parameters does not proceed past the first error
encountered by the block logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results
in an explanatory message at the block’s detail display. For the PAKIN
block, the following list shows the possible messages you may see:
86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
PAKCIN Packed Input is the final block output. Since it is implemented with the
structure of a block input, you may connect individual bits to the bits of
PAKCIN to create a single packed long format for them.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths.
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 second 5 30 seconds
1 0.5 second* 6 1 minute
2 1.0 second 7 10 minutes
3 2.0 seconds 8 60 minutes
4 10 seconds 9 0.2 second
*If the BPC is 0.2 second, this period is treated internally as
0.6 second, but the PERIOD parameter remains 1.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
B0193AX – Rev N 86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block
PKINGP Packed Input Group Address identifies the address in the external device
memory (or external device data stream) to which the block output is
directed. It is a string whose syntax depends on the make and model of the
external device.
For the Profibus interface (FBM223), PKINGP must be configured to
contain a Profibus data identifier. This information identifies, to the
FBM, the address of the input data in the Profibus data stream. Refer to
PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide
(B0400FE) for further details.
For the HART interface (FBM214/215/216/218), PKINGP must be con-
figured to contain a point address. This information identifies, to the
FBM, specific data in the HART data stream that is to serve as the device
data input to this block. Refer to HART™ Communication Interface
Module (FBM214/215/ 216/218) User’s Guide (B0400FF) for details.
For the Modbus interface (FBM224), PKINGP must be configured to
contain the address of a set of coils in a Modbus device. Refer to Modbus
Communication Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide for details.
TSTAMP Time Stamp is a long integer output that represents the time, in millisec-
onds since midnight, of the most recent updated input/output in a DCI
block. This time stamp is supplied either by the FBM or by the I/A Series
control station, depending on the type of FBM. If supplied by the FBM,
TSTAMP indicates the time of the latest updated value in the FBM. If
supplied by the I/A Series control station, TSTAMP indicates the time of
the latest updated value in the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter “PAKIN” or select it from a configurator list, an identify-
ing integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the value of
TYPE is 141.
86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
86.5 Functions
86.5.1 Detailed Diagram
Data Stream
from External
Device Necessary
ECB Good
B0193AX – Rev N 86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block
86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ The DCI is not yet connected, that is, the PIO maintenance task has not yet sent the
DATA_CONNECT message to the FBM for the linked-list addition described under
“DCI Connection” above.
♦ The DCI connection status information, which specifies the condition of the accessed
device parameter, indicates out-of-service, meaning (in general) that the parameter
value is unavailable, or
♦ The connection status information indicates disconnected, meaning (in general) that
the parameter is not connected or not defined.
♦ The connection status information indicates that the connection is not yet resolved.
The detail display shows “W62 – UNRESOLVED CONNECTION” with
ERCODE = 62.
♦ An ECB201 is specified and the ECB device status indicates that the DCI connection
is unresolved.
The status of PAKCIN is set to Bad if:
♦ The ECB status indicates that the field device has failed.
♦ The DCI connection status information indicates a bad value of the field device
The status of PAKCIN is set to Error if the status information indicates an uncertain or question-
able value for the field device parameter.
B0193AX – Rev N 86. PAKIN – Packed Input Block
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output
This chapter describes the function of the Packed Output (PAKOUT) block and defines its
This chapter describes the Distributed Control Interface (DCI) PAKOUT block.
For a description of how the PAKOUT block is used in PLC applications, refer to
PLC Interface Block Descriptions (B0193YQ).
87.1 Overview
The Packed Output (PAKOUT) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI
blocks support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a gen-
eral purpose interface.) PAKOUT passes from 1 to 32 binary values to a field device. The block
also continuously reports any changes made by the FBM to those values at the field device. In the
outbound direction, the block accepts binary inputs from the control strategy or an operator set
and sends them to the device’s group address. In the inbound direction, the block’s confirmed
output structure allows any change made by the FBM to a value in the field device to be read back
by the I/A Series block.
32 Binary Readback
Values from Processing
External Device Output
to I/A Series
Figure 87-1. PAKOUT Block Diagram
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
87.3 Features
The PAKOUT block provides the following features:
♦ Auto/manual mode selection that arbitrates between inputs by the operator or appli-
cation programs (Manual) and inputs from the control strategy (Auto)
♦ Packed long output written to device only when at least one bit changes
♦ Displayed output value that is always the read-back value
♦ A change timer that is used to synchronize values at both ends.
PKCOGP contains a user-configured data identifier string, which identifies, to the FBM, specific
data to be sent to the external device. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module
(FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for details.
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
87.4 Parameters
Table 87-1. PAKOUT Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
AUTSW Auto Switch forces the block mode to Auto. It is of higher priority than
configured, set, or linked values in MA, or the value of INITMA. It is of
lower priority than MANSW, however. If both MANSW and AUTSW are
true, the block mode is forced to Manual.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the PAKOUT block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
7 HLD Block Output Holding BLKSTA.B25
8 FBM Bad Status of ECB BLKSTA.B24
11 MA Manual = 0, Auto = 1 BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Access Locked BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Fail-Safe Active BLKSTA.B8
26 MAO M/A Override Active BLKSTA.B6
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing (see ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block). In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a true
value, you should correct all configuration errors and re-install the block.
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set false. Val-
idation of configured parameters does not proceed past the first error
encountered by the block logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results
in an explanatory message at the block’s detail display. For the PAKOUT
block, the following list shows the possible messages you may see:
IN1-32 Binary Inputs 1 to 32 are the values used as the inputs when the block is in
Auto mode. They normally originate from upstream blocks in the control
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input under
certain initialization conditions, namely:
♦ The block has just been installed into the I/A Series control station
♦ The I/A Series control station is rebooted.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter is modified via the Integrated Control
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
INITPO Initialize Packed Output is a cascade initialization signal which is set true
by the block logic whenever the cascade is opened. You should connect
INITPO to the INITI input of each upstream block.
IOM_ID ECB Identifier is a user-configurable string that specifies either of the fol-
♦ The device ECB (ECB201), for the purpose of connecting to
(accessing) a field parameter that resides in a field device hosted by
an ECB200.
♦ The parent ECB200, for the purpose of accessing a parameter
whose source is the FBM itself (not applicable to FBM223).
IOM_ID can be formatted in either of two ways, depending on the loca-
tion of the ECB in question:
♦ Simply the name of the external device ECB (ECB201). For
this format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB com-
pound <cp_letterbug>_ECB, where cp_letterbug is the station
letterbug of the I/A Series control station.
♦ The full pathname of the external device ECB (ECB201). For
this format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB com-
pound, or any compound where blocks that tie to it are located.
The pathname must be of the form:
where <ecb_name> is the NAME parameter of the ECB.
Note: Once configured, IOM_ID may not be modified. A delete/undelete
operation will NOT allow IOM_ID to be changed. The block must be
deleted and then re-entered into the data base. IOM_ID may then be
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation that has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean input, which can be set true or false only by a
set command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation displays.
When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion, a workstation identifier
accompanying the set command is entered into the LOCKID parameter
of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s parameters are
honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the workstation
whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID. LOCKRQ can be set
false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a new LOCKRQ is
accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier written to
PAKCO Packed Output is the output of the PAKOUT block. Its request compo-
nent contains the packed long value sent to the external device per
PKCOGP specification (addressing), and its confirmed component con-
tains the device readback.
PAKREQ Packed Request displays the value of the request component of PAKCO at
all times, for diagnostic purposes. PAKREQ cannot be set or configured.
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths.
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 second 5 30 seconds
1 0.5 second* 6 1 minute
2 1.0 second 7 10 minutes
3 2.0 seconds 8 60 minutes
4 10 seconds 9 0.2 second
*If the BPC is 0.2 second, this period is treated internally as
0.6 second, but the PERIOD parameter remains 1.
PFSOUT Packed Fail-Safe Output is the fail-safe value configured in the PAKOUT
block and downloaded into the FBM. It is used by the FBM, if the
PFSOPT option is set in the IOUT block, to assert fail-safe action to the
packed boolean output of the field device. It is also used to set the initial
output value when the PAKOUT block is installed and when the CP sta-
tion is rebooted.
This parameter is currently not supported by Modbus FBM224.
PFSOPT Packed Fail-Safe Option is a configurable option that specifies the fail-safe
conditions and action to be taken in an FBM for the output point in the
PAKOUT block:
0 = no fail-safe option
1 = assert fail-safe if control station-to-FBM communication is lost (FBM
option). This option will be enabled only if fail-safe is enabled at the FBM
level via the FSENAB parameter in ECB200 or ECB202.
This parameter is currently not supported by Modbus FBM224.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series Station is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
PKCOGP Packed Output Group Address identifies the address in the external device
memory (or external device data stream) to which the block output is
directed. It is a string whose syntax depends on the make and model of the
external device.
For the Profibus interface (FBM223), PKCOGP must be configured to
contain a Profibus data identifier. This information identifies, to the
FBM, specific data, in the Profibus data stream, to be sent to the external
device. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module
(FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for further details.
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
PRIBLK Primary Block specifies the cascade behavior of the PAKOUT block.
When PRIBLK is 1, PAKOUT remains in Holding for PRITIM seconds
when the cascade has been opened.
Be aware that the combination of PRIBLK = 1 and PRITIM = 0.0 is
When PRIBLK = 0, PAKOUT ends the Hold after one cycle.
PRITIM Primary Cascade Timer is a configurable parameter used to delay the clos-
ing of the cascade to a primary block when the output is initialized in the
PAKOUT block. It is used only if the PRIBLK option is set. If PRITIM =
0 and PRIBLK is used, the cascade remains open indefinitely, or until
acknowledged by the primary block.
TSTAMP Time Stamp is a long integer output that represents the time, in millisec-
onds since midnight, of the most recent updated input/output in a DCI
block. This time stamp is supplied either by the FBM or by the I/A Series
control station, depending on the type of FBM. If supplied by the FBM,
TSTAMP indicates the time of the latest updated value in the FBM. If
supplied by the I/A Series control station, TSTAMP indicates the time of
the latest updated value in the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter “PAKOUT” or select it from a configurator list, an iden-
tifying integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the
value of TYPE is 142.
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
87.5 Functions
87.5.1 Detailed Diagram
ECB Good Request
to Device
IN1-32 Input
Selection ∆ AND
Sets to Change
Request ECB Good
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
♦ The connected ECB is an ECB201 (device ECB) and its device status parameter indi-
cates that the connection is unresolved.
♦ The DCI connection cannot be configured due to lack of configuration information
in the FBM database.
♦ The DCI is not yet connected, that is, the PIO maintenance task has not yet sent the
DATA_CONNECT message to the FBM for the linked-list addition described under
“DCI Connection” above.
♦ The connection status information indicates that there is an unresolved DCI connec-
tion. (In this case, ERCODE is set to 62. The detail display shows “W62 –
♦ The DCI connection status information, which specifies the condition of the accessed
device parameter, indicates Out-of-Service, meaning (in general) that the parameter
value is unavailable, or
♦ The connection status information indicates disconnected, meaning (in general) that
the parameter is not connected or not defined.
The status of PAKCO is set to Bad if:
♦ The ECB status indicates that the field device has failed.
♦ The DCI connection status information indicates a bad value for the field device
The status of PAKCO is set to Error if:
♦ The status information indicates an uncertain or questionable value for the field
device parameter.
♦ No processing is performed in any cycle in which PAKCO is either Bad or Out-of-
87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 87. PAKOUT – Packed Output Block
88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
This chapter describes PATALM (Pattern Alarm Block), including its features, parameters and
detailed operations.
88.1 Overview
The Pattern Alarm block, PATALM, provides masking, bit compare, and alarming capabilities for
a specific pattern of up to 16 boolean inputs.
88.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of output
♦ Up to 16 boolean inputs
♦ Alarm message generation on pattern match
♦ Alarm message and alarm notification inhibiting
♦ State change alarming.
The options are:
♦ Mismatch alarming option, MMAOPT, which generates a state alarm on a mismatch
of the configured pattern
♦ Inhibit Option (INHOPT) lets you specify alarm inhibit options.
B0193AX – Rev N 88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
88.3 Parameters
Table 88-1. PATALM Block Parameters
88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the PATALM block, only the following unshaded bits
are used
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PATALM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the PATALM block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest ALMSTA.B27–
priority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
B0193AX – Rev N 88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PATALM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PATALM block, the follow-
ing list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of
each value in this block:
88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connec-
tion has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on the compound parameter
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the PATALM block,
only the following bits are used:
B0193AX – Rev N 88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
IN_1 to IN_16 Inputs 1 through 16 are boolean inputs. They identify the upstream out-
puts that are being monitored by the inputs of the block.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
MMAOPT Mismatch Alarm Option specifies that a state alarm be generated when
the masked input bit pattern mismatches a user-defined bit pattern in the
PATALM block.
MSK_1 to MSK_16
Masks 1 through 16 are boolean inputs. When set true, MSK_1 enables a
comparison of Bit 1 of the input bit pattern (IN_1–IN_16) against Bit 1
of a user-defined bit pattern (PAT_1–PAT_16). MSK_2 through
MSK_16 apply to Bit 2 through Bit 16 in the same manner as MSK_1 is
applied to Bit 1.
B0193AX – Rev N 88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
PAT_1 to PAT_16 Patterns Bits 1 through 16 are boolean inputs used for comparison against
the corresponding bits of Inputs 1 through 16 (IN_1–IN_16). For exam-
ple, Pattern Bit 1 is compared to IN_1.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec. this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PIND The Pattern Match Alarm Indicator output is set true when all the masked
Inputs (IN_1–IN_16) match the corresponding pattern specified by Pat-
tern Bits (PAT_1–PAT_16). Mask Bits (MSK_1 to MSK_16) determine
which Inputs are compared to their corresponding Pattern Bits (see
Figure 88-3).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
9 = State Alarm
88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
SAG State Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs mismatch alarm
messages to the corresponding group of alarm devices. You can change the
group number through the workstation.
SAP State Alarm Priority is an integer input that sets the alarm priority for the
mismatch alarm reporting (1 is the highest priority).
TYPE When you enter “PATALM” or select “PATALM” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
88.4 Functions
88.4.1 Detailed Diagram
Figure 88-2 is a simplified block diagram that depicts the functional signal flow of the PATALM
block. It shows the forward path of the block as it relates to the various states, logic control sig-
nals, and options represented by toggle switches.
INHOPT Output Message consisting of:
MMAOPT Block Name (NAME)
Point Description (ANM)
State Alarming Alarm Message Name (NM0
MSK_1 MA or NM1)
IN_1 Alarm Message Type (“Alarm”
PAT_1 AND or “Normal”)
State Alarm Priority (SAP)
State Alarm Group (SAG)
B0193AX – Rev N 88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
PATTERN BITS: 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
PATTERN BITS: 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Each of the masked input bits is compared with a pattern bit having the same bit position as the
input bit (for example, a masked IN_2 is compared to PAT_2).
If all the tested bits match, the pattern match indicator, PIND, is set true and, unless inhibited, an
alarm message is generated. The message includes the following information:
♦ The Block Name (NAME)
♦ The Point Descriptor (ANM)
♦ The Alarm State Name (NM0 if going to the mismatched state, or, NM1 if going to
the matched state)
♦ Alarm Message Type (“Alarm” or “Normal”)
♦ Priority (SAP)
♦ Group (SAG).
If any of the tested bits do not match, the pattern match indicator, PIND, is set false and, unless
inhibited, the state alarm is initiated, indicated via the above message. This state alarm
continues until PIND is set to true.
All input bits with a corresponding mask bit set to false (F) are not tested. “Don’t Test” means the
position always matches – unless all positions are “Don’t Test”, in which case the block does not
generate a match alarm.
88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
2. Establishing which bits are to be tested by inputting the MSK_x parameters at config-
uration or on-line, through the workstation.
3. Establishing the pattern to be matched by inputting the PAT_x parameters at configu-
ration or on-line, through the workstation. Initialization
Key Parameters: INITMA
At initialization, the block initializes MA. DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail
validation testing. Manual
Key Parameters: MA
In Manual, pattern matching is inhibited and the pattern match indicator, PIND, is set to false.
PIND is unsecured and can be set by an external task or program to simulate process conditions. Auto
Key Parameters: MA
In Auto mode, the block operates as described in this chapter.
B0193AX – Rev N 88. PATALM – Pattern Alarm Block
Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notification pur-
poses, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only allowed to clear
UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of UNACK is normally via an
operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display, or via a user task. UNACK remains
unchanged until the acknowledge, after which it reverts to 0.
If the block detects a transition out of alarm, PIND, PRTYPE, CRIT, and the appropriate ALM-
STA bits are reset, and the message NM0 is sent to the appropriate device.
89. PATT – Pattern Block
This chapter gives a general overview of the PATT (Pattern Block), including its basic
operations, features, parameters, and functions and provides an application example.
89.1 Overview
The Pattern (PATT) block is configured with up to 16 standard patterns, a hold pattern, and an
initialization pattern; each pattern contains up to 16 boolean values (see Figure 89-1). The block
compares the requested pattern against a 16-bit packed boolean input and outputs indications of:
♦ Whether the input matches the specified pattern or not
♦ Which bits in the input do not match the specified pattern
♦ Which, if any, of the 16 standard patterns match the input.
The PATT block easily interfaces with the STATE block. PATT blocks can be cascaded to handle
patterns of more than 16 bits.
16 Standard Patterns/Masks
1 Initialization Pattern/Mask
1 Hold Pattern/Mask
Compare all 16
standard patterns Patterns that match
using the masks (1 to 16)
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
In addition, there is a process initialization pattern (PTRN_I) and process hold pattern
(PTRN_H) that can be selected by PATSEL.
The match output (MCHOUT) parameter is a 16-bit packed boolean that contains the match
status for all 16 patterns, that is, each bit is assigned to a specific pattern. The mismatch
(MMATCH) output parameter is a 16-bit packed boolean that contains the mismatch status for
all bits in the pattern, that is, each bit is assigned to a specific pattern bit.
If more than 16 boolean inputs need to be compared, PATT blocks can be cascaded.
89.3 Features
The PATT block provides the following features:
♦ Compares up to 18 preconfigured patterns (16 bits each) against a packed boolean
input for the bits specified by the associated pattern mask.
♦ Provides a boolean output that indicates the pattern match status for the selected
♦ Provides a packed boolean output that contains the pattern match status for patterns
1 to 16, that is, each bit is assigned to a specific pattern.
♦ Provides a packed boolean output that contains the pattern mismatch status for each
bit in the selected pattern, that is, each bit is assigned to a specific pattern bit.
♦ Can be cascaded to provide the pattern match indication when more than 16 process
variables need to be compared.
♦ Provides process initialization and hold patterns.
♦ Provides an option to lock out updating of the match and mismatch outputs if the
input parameter is out-of-service (OOS), bad (BAD), or off-scan (OFF). These out-
puts retain their last good value.
♦ Supports the standard block-level manual/auto capability for all of its outputs.
89.4 Parameters
Table 89-1. PATT Block Parameters
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
BADIND Bad Indication is a boolean output that is set true when BADLCK is true
and one of the settable inputs is unhealthy, that is, out-of-service (OOS),
bad input/output (BAD), or off-scan (OFF).
BADLCK Bad Lock is a boolean input, that when true, sets MATCHB to false and
BADIND true if a settable input is unhealthy, that is, bad I/O (BAD),
out-of-service (OOS), or off-scan. MCHOUT and MMATCH retain
their last good value excepting:
♦ If PAKINP is healthy, MCHOUT is always updated.
♦ If only MATCHF is unhealthy and MTHOPT is true (cascade
configuration), then MMATCH is always updated.
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. The PATT block uses only the following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description (B32 to B1)**
11 MA (0 = Manual, 1 = Auto) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF (1 = Block Undefined) BLKSTA.B18
15 ON (1 = Compound ON) BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK (1 = Workstation Lock) BLKSTA.B12
CNAM01 to CNAM16
Character Names 1 through 16 are user-defined strings of up to 32 char-
acters each that describe patterns PTRN01 through PTRN16.
DEFINE Define is a boolean data store which when true indicates that the block
has no configuration errors. It is the inverse of UDEF in parameter BLK-
STA. When the block initializes, DEFINE is set to 0 (undefined) if the
block detects a parameter configuration error. To return DEFINE to a
true state, correct all configuration errors and re-install the block.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store that indicates the type of configuration
error that first caused the block to set the DEFINE parameter to false. Val-
idation of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error
encountered by the block logic. The block uses only the following error
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto is a short integer input that specifies the desired
state of the MA input during initialization:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = No change, except if a reboot, use the MA state as specified in the
checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial Manual/Auto state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the Integrated Con-
trol Configurator. The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if the MA input has an established linkage.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string data store that identifies the workstation that has
exclusive write access to the block. LOCKID arbitrates write access to the
control block parameters by operator workstations on the network. It is set
when LOCKRQ is set true, and nulled when LOCKRQ is cleared.
BUG is the 6-character letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is
the 1 to 6 character logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean data store. When set true, it locks workstation
write access to the block and sets LOCKID to the identifier of the request-
ing workstation. When LOCKRQ is reset to false, it unlocks write access
to the block and nulls LOCKID. An operator at any other workstation
can lock and unlock the block by toggling the LOCK U/L key on the
Block Detail Display.
MASK01 to MASK16
Masks 1 through 16 are packed boolean inputs that specify which bits in
PTRN01 through PTRN16 are compared against the packed boolean
input PAKINP when computing the pattern match outputs. If a MASK
bit is set true, the block compares the corresponding bit in PAKINP to the
pattern; if a MASK bit is false, the block ignores the corresponding bit.
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
MASK_H Mask for Hold pattern is a packed boolean input that specifies which bits
in PTRN_H are compared against the packed boolean input
PAKINP when computing the pattern match status outputs. If a MASK
bit is set true, the block compares the corresponding bit in PAKINP to the
pattern; if a MASK bit is false, the block ignores the corresponding bit.
MASK_I Mask for Initialization pattern is a packed boolean input that specifies
which bits in PTRN_I are compared against the packed boolean input
PAKINP when computing the pattern match status outputs. If a MASK
bit is set true, the block compares the corresponding bit in PAKINP to the
pattern; if a MASK bit is false, the block ignores the corresponding bit.
MATCHB Match Boolean is a boolean output that, when true, indicates that PAK-
INP matches the selected pattern.
MATCHF Match Feedback is a boolean input, that when true, indicates a pattern
match status to the second PATT block when using two PATT blocks in a
cascade configuration. MATCHB of the first block connects to MATCHF
of the second block, which has its MTHOPT set to 1.
MCHOUT Match Output is a packed boolean output that shows the pattern match
status (1 = match, 0 = mismatch) for patterns 1 through 16.
Bit Number* Boolean Connection
(15 to 0)* Pattern Number (B1 to B16)**
15 1 MCHOUT.B1
14 2 MCHOUT.B2
13 3 MCHOUT.B3
12 4 MCHOUT.B4
11 5 MCHOUT.B5
10 6 MCHOUT.B6
6 10 MCHOUT.B10
5 11 MCHOUT.B11
4 12 MCHOUT.B12
3 13 MCHOUT.B13
2 14 MCHOUT.B14
1 15 MCHOUT.B15
0 16 MCHOUT.B16
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
MMATCH Mismatch is a packed boolean output that shows the mismatch status (1 =
mismatch, 0 = match) for each bit that did not match the pattern selected
by PATSEL after the mask has been applied.
MTHOPT Match Option is a boolean input, that when true, allows the MATCHB
output to be set only when the MATCHF input is true. Set MTHOPT
only when two PATT blocks are cascaded, that is, set MTHOPT to 1 only
in the second block. MATCHB of the first block connects to MATCHF
of the second block.
PAKINP Packed Input is a packed boolean input that is compared to the selected
pattern to set the MATCHB and MMATCH outputs. PAKINP is also
compared to all patterns to set the MCHOUT output.
PATSEL Pattern Selector is an integer input that selects the pattern to which PAK-
INP is compared to set the MATCHB and MMATCH outputs.
PATSEL Pattern PATSEL Pattern
1 PTRN01 10 PTRN10
2 PTRN02 11 PTRN11
3 PTRN03 12 PTRN12
4 PTRN04 13 PTRN13
5 PTRN05 14 PTRN14
6 PTRN06 15 PTRN15
7 PTRN07 16 PTRN16
8 PTRN08 17 PTRN_H
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For a CP with a BPC of 0.5
s and a PERIOD of 2.0 s, the legal phase periods are 0, 1, 2, and 3. See the
Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW) document.
PTRN01 to PTRN16
Patterns 1 through 16 are selectable packed boolean inputs to which PAK-
INP is compared when computing the pattern match status outputs.
PTRN_H Pattern for Hold is a selectable packed boolean input to which PAKINP is
compared when computing the pattern match status outputs for the pro-
cess Hold state.
TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Enter
“PATT” or select “PATT” from the block type list under Show when con-
figuring the block.
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
89.5 Functions
89.5.1 Detailed Functional Diagram
. .
. .
through M
1 to 16 MCHOUT
AND Lock (16 Bits)
Select M
AND Lock (16 Bits)
(16 Bits)
if match MTHOPT
Figure 89-1. PATT Block Detailed Functional Diagram
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ If only MATCHF is unhealthy and the match option (MTHOPT) parameter is set
to 1 (cascade configuration), then MMATCH is always updated.
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
Block 1
Contact Inputs 1 to 16 PATSEL
Contact Inputs 17 to 32 MATCHF
Block 2
Since MMATCH is 0x0000, indicating that there is a match, the MATCHB parameter is set to
true. The hexadecimal values that are entered in the Integrated Control Configurator for the
above pattern and mask are:
MASK03 = 0xFC1F
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
If bits 0 and 2 of the PAKINP parameter change to 1s instead of 0s, the results are:
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
CIN Solenoid
CIN_A Valve
CIN_B Tank Full
CIN_2 Tank Half Heater
CIN_C Full Switch Switch
CIN_4 CIN Heater
AC Power
CIN Heater
CIN_E Switch Output
Flow Valve
Figure 89-3. Application Diagram
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
89. PATT – Pattern Block B0193AX – Rev N
PAKCRB* B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Hexadecimal
PTRN_I 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK_I 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP_I 0 0 0 0 0
PTRN01 1 0 0 0 0 0x8000
MASK01 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP01 1 0 0 0 0
PTRN02 1 0 1 0 0 0xA000
MASK02 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP02 1 0 1 0 0
PTRN03 1 0 1 1 0 0xB000
MASK03 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP03 1 0 1 1 0
PTRN04 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
MASK04 0 1 0 0 0 0x4000
FP04 X 1 X X X
PTRN05 0 1 1 1 1 0x7800
MASK05 1 1 0 1 0 0xD000
FP05 0 1 X 1 X
PTRN06 0 1 1 1 1 0x7800
MASK06 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
FP06 0 1 X 1 X
PTRN07 0 1 1 0 1 0x6800
MASK07 1 0 0 1 1 0x9800
FP07 0 X X 0 1
PTRN08 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK08 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP08 0 0 0 0 0
PTRN09 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK09 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP09 0 0 0 0 0
PTRN_H 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK_H 1 0 0 1 1 0x9800
FP_H 0 X X 0 0
* B1 to B5 are boolean connection bits.
** Shaded areas are don’t care bits.
B0193AX – Rev N 89. PATT – Pattern Block
90. PID – Proportional Integral
Derivative Block
This chapter gives a general overview of the PID (Proportional Integral Derivative Block),
provides an I/O diagram and describes its features, parameters and detailed operations.
90.1 Overview
The PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) block performs the functions of a traditional three-
term interacting PID controller. It can be configured to operate in one of five modes:
♦ Proportional Only (PO),
♦ Integral Only (IO),
♦ Proportional Plus Derivative (PD),
♦ Proportional Plus Integral (PI), and
♦ Proportional Plus Integral Plus Derivative (PID).
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
Supervisory Enable
Fallback Supervisory Back-Calculated Value
Supervisory Input SSC
Supervisory Group
90.3 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block.
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual.
♦ Local/Remote setpoint source selection.
♦ Local and Remote latch switch inputs (LOCSW and REMSW) that force the block to
be switched to Local or Remote setpoint mode.
♦ Derivative filtering using a second-order Butterworth filter for high frequency noise
♦ External integral feedback to prevent windup during closed loop operation.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Separate assignable engineering range and units for the block’s inputs and output.
♦ Bumpless transfer when the block switches between Manual and Auto.
♦ Adjustable derivative filter parameter (KD).
♦ Automatic scaling, based on assigned engineering ranges, so that the controller pro-
portional band (percent) is dimensionless.
♦ Output biasing with the bias term subject to scaling.
♦ Output clamping between user-selectable output limits.
♦ Bad inputs detection and handling.
♦ Automatic cascade handling using an input and output parameter (back-calculate)
that includes:
♦ Initialization of cascade schemes
♦ Back calculation of the BCALCO output for the upstream block, to provide
bumpless transfer to cascade operation. For the PID block, BCALCO is always
equal to either SPT (conditional initialization) or MEAS (all other times).
♦ Supervisory Control (SSC) allows user application software to perform supervisory
control over the PID block’s setpoints.
The options are:
♦ Setpoint Tracking Option (STRKOP) forces the setpoint to track the Measurement
input. See Figure 90-2. STRKOP takes this action only when the LR parameter has
transitioned in either direction and either the output is in Manual or a cascade is bro-
ken (INITI true). The block does not perform STRKOP if any critical data errors are
♦ Manual if Bad Option (MBADOP) is a Manual override feature. When MBADOP is
true, the block sets an unlinked MA input to Manual when it detects bad status of a
control input (MEAS, FBK, and/or INITI). This forces the output state to Manual.
Returning to Auto requires external intervention, unless AUTSW is true.
♦ Increase/Increase Option (INCOPT) reverses the normal sense of the control action
so that the controller output increases with increasing measurement. MALOPT, Mea-
surement Alarming Option, provides independent activation of high and low absolute
alarming of the measurement during auto operation. This option also provides stan-
dard alarm notification and reporting features.
♦ Deviation Alarm Option (DALOPT) enables independent activation of high and low
deviation alarming of the measurement-setpoint deviation signal. This option also
provides standard alarm notification and reporting features.
♦ High-High Alarm Option (HHAOPT) provides independent activation of High-
High and Low-Low absolute alarming of the measurement. This option also provides
standard alarm notification and reporting features.
♦ Output Alarm Option (OALOPT) provides independent activation of high and low
absolute alarming of the block output signal (OUT). This option also provides stan-
dard alarm notification and reporting features.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Manual Alarming Option (MANALM) allows you to invoke, while the block is in
manual, either all configured alarm options or all configured alarm options except out-
put alarming. Otherwise, alarming is normally performed only in Auto.
♦ Manual Clamping Option (MCLOPT) allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this boolean input at the workstation.
♦ Bias Track Option (BTRKOP), when true, forces the algorithm’s output Bias to track
the block output (OUT) provided the block is in Manual and the mode is P or PD.
See Figure 90-2. BTRKOP is a boolean input that you can change only by reconfigur-
ing the block.
♦ Control Error Option (CEOPT) allows you to enable, or disable, the block’s implicit
Hold action when it detects an error in the MEAS, FBK, or BCALCI input.
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) gives you the option of propagating certain input
errors to the status of the block’s OUT parameter. If PROPT is true and the block is
in Auto, a BAD, Out-of-Service (OOS), ERROR, or peer-to-peer path failure condi-
tion of the MEAS input causes the status of OUT to have an ERROR condition.
Several conditions of the Setpoint (SPT) input also cause OUT to have an ERROR
status. These are BAD or OOS status of SPT, or, when CEOPT is set to 2, the
ERROR status of SPT as well.
♦ Local Setpoint Secure (LOCSP) enables you to secure against any write access to the
LR parameter. This secure condition can be temporarily overridden by setting
♦ Manual Failsafe (MANFS) allows you to have the block go to the Manual state when
the block receives a Failsafe notification, provided the MA parameter is unlinked. Fail-
safe is originally detected by the AOUT block at the bottom of the cascade, and
ripples upward via the cascade status bits of the BCALCI inputs and BCALCO
♦ Supervisory Option (SUPOPT) specifies whether or not the block is under control of
a Supervisory Application Program.
♦ Fallback Option (FLBOPT) specifies the action taken in a block when Supervisory
fallback occurs. The fallback options can be: normal fallback, Auto, Manual, Remote,
or Local.
90.4 Parameters
Table 90-1. PID Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the PID block, only the following unshaded bits are
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PID block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the PID block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest ALMSTA.B27–
priority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
19 HOA High Output Alarm ALMSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
22 BAD Input/Output Bad (BAD ALMSTA.B10
output of block)
23 RATE Rate of Change Alarm ALMSTA.B9
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
28 OOR Out of Range Alarm ALMSTA.B4
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
AUTSW Auto Switch is a boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BBIAS Bias Scale Factor is a real input used for offsetting the product of the BIAS
input with KBIAS.
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
BCALCO Back Calculation Output is a real output that is equal to MEAS except in
the following situations, where it is equal to SPT:
♦ The block is transitioning from Local to Remote mode on this
♦ MEAS has Bad status.
♦ MEAS has Out-of-Service status.
♦ MEAS has Error status.
♦ MEAS is experiencing source connection problems.
With V4.2 and later software, the status bits of BCALCO contain the cas-
cade initialization requests formerly contained in the INITO parameter.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
BIAS Bias is a real input added to the controller or algorithm output, to achieve
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PID block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
4 FOL Follow BLKSTA.B28
5 CTL Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
9 STRK Setpoint Tracking BLKSTA.B23
10 LR Local(= false)/Remote(= true) BLKSTA.B22
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB Supervisory Control Fallback State BLKSTA.B1
BTRKOP Bias Track Option, when true, forces the PID algorithm’s BIAS input to
track the block output (OUT) when the block is in Manual, and operat-
ing in the PO or PD controller mode.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs is
in error. To provide backward compatibility, CEOPT defaults to 1.
CEOPT has a range of 0 to 2 where:
0= The block takes no implicit Hold action when it detects a con-
trol error.
1 = The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
either MEAS or BCALCI: (a) has its BAD status bit set true; (b)
has its Out-of-Service status bit set true; (c) is experiencing
peer-to-peer path failure.
2 = The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
either MEAS or BCALCI meets any of the conditions described
for CEOPT = 1, or if MEAS has its ERROR status bit set true.
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming.
1 = High and Low deviation alarming.
2 = High deviation alarming only.
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
DERIV Derivative Time is a real input that adjusts the derivative time constant in
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
The working DERIV value is indirectly limited by the DFCT parameter and the
working INT value.
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that applies to
both High and Low Deviation Limits. You can adjust this parameter at
the workstation.
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group
number through the workstation.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PID block, the following list
specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound PERIOD.
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal to
ENGINEERING RANGE” low range value.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
Message Value
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block option
OPTION” is illegal.
“W49 – INVALID BLOCK An illegal block extension has been
EXTENSION” configured.
“W53 – INVALID A parameter value is not in the accept-
PARAMETER VALUE” able range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has occurred.
ERROR Control Error is a real output that equals Setpoint minus Measurement.
ERROR can be sourced to other blocks.
FBK Feedback is a real input used to generate integration action. Its function is
to prevent integral windup. FBK is normally connected to BCALCI or
BCALCO of downstream blocks.
FLBOPT Fallback Option is a short integer input that defines the control action to
be taken by the block when a Supervisory fallback occurs:
0 = Take no fallback action (default)
1 = Set MA parameter to Auto
2 = Set MA parameter to Manual
3 = Set LR parameter to Remote
4 = Set LR parameter to Local
FLBOPT overrides linked MA and LR parameters, but does not override
the AUTSW, MANSW, REMSW, and LOCSW parameters.
FLBREQ Fallback Request is a short integer output that is an explicit request for the
block to go to the Fallback state, with recovery at the block level (when SE
is set), and/or at the group level (when the appropriate group enable bit is
set in SUPENA).
0 = No fallback requested
1 = Fallback requested; recovery at block or group level
2 = Fallback requested; recovery only at block level
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) exceeds the
high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when
the value is less than HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not
return to false until the value falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that
triggers a High-High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-
dependent value, generally the measurement input, or disables absolute
alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HOAIND High Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when-
ever the output is greater than HOALIM.
HOALIM High Output Alarm Limit is a real input, int OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a high output alarm.
HOLD Hold is a boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real values that define the upper limit
of the ranges for output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the PID
block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the PID block, only
the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm INHSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to
INITO connection, is eliminated.
INITLR Initialize Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state
of the LR input during initialization, where:
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial LR state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a restart operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
The Initialize LR state is ignored if the LR input has an established link-
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
INITSE Initial Supervisory Enable specifies the initial state of the SE parameter in
a block configured for Supervisory Control (SUPOPT =1) when the block
initializes due to reboot, installing the block, or turning on the com-
pound. Options are:
0= Disable
1= Enable
2= Do not change SE parameter.
INT Integral Time is a real input that adjusts the integral time constant when
the controller operates in the PI, IO, or PIDX modes. In the PO and PD
modes, Integral Time becomes the balance time (the time constant that
governs the rate at which the output approaches the proportional signal).
KBIAS Gain Factor is a real input that multiplies the BIAS input. It is expressed
in OUT units divided by BIAS units.
KD Derivative Filter Gain is a real input that adjusts the derivative filter gain.
KSCALE KSCALE is a conversion factor used to make the time units of the rate
parameters, which are in EI1 units per minute, dimensionally compatible
with the time units of the output, as defined by EO1.
LDAIND The Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the devia-
tion limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the
DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that defines how far the mea-
surement must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and
set the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to false when
the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does
return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a deadband.
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that trig-
gers a Low-Low Alarm.
LOAIND Low Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is less than LOALIM.
LOALIM Low Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a low output alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR when it initializes and maintains LR in the
secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOCSW Local Switch is a boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source.
LSCIN Low Scale for Input MULTIN is a real value that defines the lower limit of
MULTIN. A typical value is 0 (percent). EIN defines the units.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1, a value that defines the lower limit of the
range for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the units.
Make the range and units consistent with those of the output destination.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual. Normally alarms are
processed only in the Auto mode.
0 = No alarming in Manual.
1 = Full alarming in Manual.
2 = No Output alarming in Manual.
You can change MANALM only by reconfiguring the block.
MANSW Manual Switch is a boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you invoke output clamping while the
block is in manual. You can alter this configurable boolean input at the
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL). When
the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the low alarm limit (MEASLL). When
the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the block
sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
MODOPT Mode Option is a configurable short integer. When the block is in Auto,
MODOPT dictates the controller mode. The integer value ranges from 1
to 5 for PID blocks:
1 = PO - Proportional Only.
2 = IO - Integral Only.
3 = PD - Proportional and Derivative.
4 = PI - Proportional and Integral.
5 = PID - Proportional, Integral and Derivative.
OALOPT Output Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low alarming of the block output (OUT) or disables
output alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming.
1 = High and Low output alarming.
2 = High output alarming only.
3 = Low output alarming only.
You can change OALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
OSV Output Span Variance is a real input that defines the amount by which the
output clamp limits (HOLIM, LOLIM) can exceed the specified output
range, as defined by HSCO1 and LSCO1.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
OUTADB Output Alarm Deadband is a real input that specifies the size of the dead-
band for both High and Low Output Alarm Limits. You can adjust this
parameter at the workstation.
OUTGRP Output Group is a short integer input that directs high and low output
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change
the group number through the workstation.
OUTPRI Output Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority level of
the High and Low Output Alarms (1 is the highest priority).
PBAND Proportional Band is an input that determines, for any given deviation,
the length of the OUTINC or OUTDEC “on” time during each control-
ling period. PBAND defaults to 1000. A smaller value results in greater
sensitivity and a longer “on” time for a given deviation. A larger PBAND
value reduces sensitivity and the “on” time for a given deviation.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the MEAS
parameter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the MEAS
parameter is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
2 = Tracking
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High-High
4 = Low-Low
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
7 = Rate alarm
8 = BAD Alarm
REMSW Remote Switch is a boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
RSP Remote Setpoint is the selected setpoint source when LR is set to Remote.
RSP is a real input. Typically RSP connects to an upstream block in a cas-
cade scheme. RSP and its source must be expressed in MEAS units.
SPT Setpoint always represents the active controller setpoint. Setpoint is the
reference variable that is compared with the MEAS input to produce the
ERROR signal. SPT is implemented as a configurable output that deter-
mines its source from the Local/Remote setpoint selector, LR. When LR is
true (Remote), SPT assumes the Remote Setpoint (RSP) value. When LR
is false (Local), SPT is an unsecured, and thus settable, output and the
SPT source is the set value. Configure the value you want the SPT to
assume when it first goes to Local. As an output, SPT can also source the
setpoint value to other blocks.
STRKOP Setpoint Track Option is a boolean input. When true, STRKOP enables
the setpoint to track the measurement input if the setpoint source selector
LR is in Local AND either (a) the block is in Manual or (b) the Initializa-
tion input INITI is true. SPT is nonsettable while setpoint tracking is
active. You can change STRKOP only by reconfiguring the block.
SUP_IN Supervisory Input is a real output that is the parameter set by a Supervi-
sory application when performing supervisory control of this block’s set
point. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be set by the
supervisor to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in SUPBCO).
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
TYPE When you enter “PID” or select “PID” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
When the block is in the Remote mode, the value of the local setpoint (SPT) tracks the value of
the remote setpoint (RSP), and the BAD, OOS, and ERR status bits of RSP are copied to the sta-
tus of SPT. In addition, if RSP status shows Object Manager Disconnect, then the ERR bit is set
in the SPT status.
When the block is switched to Local mode, the setpoint status depends on the setpoint tracking
option (STRKOP).
The local setpoint is clamped each cycle when the setpoint mode is Remote, Local, or Supervi-
sory. The clamp limits used are the measurement scale limits HSCI1 and LSCI1. If the setpoint
value before clamping is equal to or less than LCSI1, status bit LLO of SPT is set true. If the value
before clamping is equal to or higher than HSCI1, status bit LHI of SPT is true.
The PID block has two output states, Auto and Manual. In Manual, the block releases the output,
allowing it to be set by you. In Auto, the block secures the output.
Auto has three substates: Controlling, Tracking, and Holding.
Closed loop automatic PID control is actually done in a substate of Auto called Controlling. See
Figure 90-2. In this state, the block computes the output signal based on the configured control
mode option and the values of SPT and MEAS. Proportional control is fixed by the steady state
gain term (100/PBAND).
Integral control action is generated by feeding back the external integral feedback signal (FBK)
through a first order lag. INT, the integral setting of the controller, fixes the time constant of the
lag. By connecting FBK to the BCALCI input, integral windup caused by limiting in a down-
stream block is avoided. See “Normal Configuration” on page 1547 for more details.
Derivative control action utilizes a second-order Butterworth filtering of the measurement signal
to reduce high-frequency output noise. The derivative time is specified with the DERIV parame-
ter and the filter time with DERIV/KD.
In Auto, the computed output value undergoes limiting. Limiting clamps the output between the
output limits HOLIM and LOLIM, which are configurable. You can place these limits anywhere
within the range defined by LSCO1 and HSCO1. Moreover, the output span variance parameter
(OSV) enables you to extend this range at both the high and low ends by an equal amount, up to
25 percent. If you set LOLIM higher than HOLIM, then HOLIM is automatically set equal to
the higher of the two values, which is LOLIM. The block provides, for control purposes, output
limit indicators that are active when the output is clamped at either limit.
In Auto, when you switch the setpoint source selector from Local to Remote, the transfer is made
bumpless by removing derivative dynamics (if applicable) and forcing the integral to absorb any
proportional action.
Switching from Remote to Local is always bumpless, because SPT retains the last value transferred
from the remote setpoint. For cascade purposes, the block sets the BCALCO initialization status
value true when the setpoint is under local control, or when the block’s BCALCI initialization sta-
tus value is set, indicating an open cascade downstream. This tells an upstream block to perform
an explicit initialization, so that the return to remote setpoint operation is bumpless.
The block goes to Tracking when the BCALCI initialization status value is set true, as long as the
block is not in HOLD, and there is no control error. The block performs explicit initialization in
the Tracking substate. When the BCALCI initialization status value returns to false, the block
returns to the Controlling substate to resume closed-loop control.
In the Tracking substate, OUT = BCALCI unless BCALCI is out of range, in which case OUT is
clamped between the LOLIM and HOLIM values. The block calculates the BCALCO parameter,
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
sets the BCALCO initialization status value to true (requesting upstream blocks to perform their
own explicit initialization), and sets bit 6 (TRCK) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When the PID block is the upstream block in a cascade control scheme, output tracking
(BTRKOP = true) assures a bumpless transfer for the downstream block.
During Auto operation, the block checks the critical inputs MEAS, FBK, and INITI for data
errors (off-scan, or BAD, OOS or ERROR status bits set). If an error is detected, the PID block,
depending on the value of the CEOPT parameter (see CEOPT definition), may set the block into
the Hold state.
The block goes to Hold if, while MBADOP is false and CEOPT = 1 or 2, either the HOLD
parameter goes true, or a condition required by the CEOPT parameter is met.
In the Hold substate, OUT keeps the last good value before the block went into Hold, and the
block secures this value against any changes. The block sets the BCALCO status to bad and sets
bit 7 (HOLD) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When all error conditions have ceased, the block returns to the Controlling substate and resumes
closed loop control.
No implicit Hold action takes place if CEOPT = 0.
A transition to Manual clears all alarm indicators if MANALM = 0, or only the output alarm
indicators if MANALM = 2. If MANALM = 1 (Manual Alarming), no alarm indicators are
Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notification pur-
poses, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only allowed to clear
UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of UNACK is normally via an
operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display, or via a user task.
If MBADOP is configured true (and the MA parameter is unlinked), the block goes to the Man-
ual state when it detects bad status in the MEAS, INIITI, or FBK inputs. MBADOP has prece-
dence over AUTSW. Therefore, if MBADOP is configured true and a bad input is detected, while
MA is unlinked, the block goes to Manual regardless of the AUTSW setting.
When the block is switched to Auto, the BAD and OOS bits of the OUT status are cleared.
During Manual operation, PID control is not performed. Alarm outputs are settable. The con-
troller output (OUT) is unsecured and may have its value set by an external task or program and
if the manual clamp option (MCLOPT) is configured, these set values undergo output clamping.
The setpoint track option forces the local setpoint (SPT) to track the measurement. While set-
point tracking is active, SPT becomes nonsettable to prevent you from manipulating the local set-
point value. Setpoint tracking is only performed if the setpoint source selector is switched to Local
and the block is either operating in Manual or the BCALCI Iinitialization Input value status is
true. BCALCI value status being true indicates that a block downstream in the cascade is open
The following summarizes the secured/released condition of the SPT parameter:
SPT is secured (non-settable) if any of the following are true:
♦ The block is in Remote mode, that is, LR is true. In this case, BLKSTA.LR is also
♦ Supervisory control is enabled, that is, SUPOPT and BLKSTA.SE are both true, and
SUP_IN is not in error.
90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Setpoint tracking is active, that is, BLKSTA.STRK is true. In order for this status bit
to be true, all of the following conditions must exist:
♦ The STRKOP parameter must be configured true.
♦ There must be no control error condition.
♦ One of the following conditions must be true:
♦ The block is in Manual mode.
♦ The cascade is open downstream (either the data value of INITI is true, or the
LHI and LLO status bits of BCALCI are simultaneously true).
♦ A request for conditional initialization has been received from downstream.
Otherwise SPT is released (settable).
When the block restarts, the INITMA configured option specifies the value of the MA parameter,
unless MA has an established linkage, or MANSW or AUTSW is set true. Likewise, the INITLR
specifies the value of the LR parameter, unless LR is linked, or LOCSW or REMSW is set true.
In SCC, when the Fallback Option (FLBOPT) is set, the block falls back to the configured nor-
mal, Auto, Manual, Remote, or Local mode of operation when Fallback occurs.
If the downstream block is an AOUT block, link BCALCI and FBK to the downstream block’s
BCALCO parameter.
If the secondary block is a DGAP or PTC block, link BCALCI and FBK to the secondary block’s
BCALCO parameter.
B0193AX – Rev N 90. PID – Proportional Integral Derivative Block
In a cascade configuration, connect the FBK of the primary to the BCALCO of the secondary
controller to prevent windup.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
This chapter gives a general overview of the PIDA (Advanced PID Block), including its
features, parameters and detailed operations.
91.1 Overview
The PIDA controller implements continuous PID feedback and additive and multiplicative feed-
forward control of an analog loop (see Figure 91-1). Its principal inputs, setpoint and measure-
ment, are used to compute its output, the manipulated variable, based on user-set or adaptively
tuned values of the tuning parameters – proportional band, integral time, derivative time, delay
time, and setpoint relative gain. The feedforward capability can be used to decouple interacting
loops, such as a slow level control cascading to a fast flow control, in addition to compensating for
measured load upsets.
Extender Block Extender Block
Supervisory Bias
Setpoint Block
Local LR Scale Scale
Local Ramp, Enable
Setpoint Limit
Remote Disable
Remote Limit
Setpoint + +
Manual Alarms
Com- Output
pensator Feedback x + Limit
Control B - Auto
Filter Algorithm
Measurement A/B + Track
A Feedback
The combination of the PIDA block, plus FBTUNE and FFTUNE extender blocks provide
adaptive control capabilities of the I/A Series patented EXACT MultiVariable control (see the
FBTUNE and FFTUNE Block Descriptions in this document). Connections can be made to the
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
FBTUNE and FFTUNE blocks, while the PIDA controller is operating, by configuring the
PIDA block’s BLKSTA into the PIDBLK parameter in the FBTUNE and FFTUNE extender
The FBTUNE extender block adaptively tunes the feedback controller parameters for controller
modes containing proportional and integral terms. The FFTUNE extender block provides
dynamic compensation for an absolute multiplicative or additive feedforward input and both
static and dynamic compensations for 3 or 4 incremental feedforward inputs and adapts the com-
pensator parameters. Also an extension connection can be made to a CHARC (characterizer)
block, that applies matched functions to setpoint and measurement.
91.2 Features
91.2.1 Control Modes
The PIDA block can be configured to operate in one of the following control modes:
♦ Proportional (P)
♦ Integral (I)
♦ Proportional-plus-Derivative (PD)
♦ Proportional-plus-Integral (PI)
♦ Proportional-plus-Integral-plus-Derivative (PID)
♦ Non-Interactive PID (NIPID)
♦ Proportional, integral, deadtime (interacting if derivative not 0) (PITAU)
♦ Non-interacting proportional, integral, derivative, deadtime (PIDTAU)
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
♦ Output Alarm Option (OALOPT) enables absolute alarming of the controller output
♦ Manual Clamping Option (MCLOPT) enables output clamping in Manual.
♦ Control Error Option (CEOPT) enables implicit Holding action when an error in the
MEAS input is detected.
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) propagates the ERR status bit from the MEAS
input to the OUT parameter.
♦ Local Setpoint Secure (LOCSP), typically used for local only controllers, secures
against any write access to the LR parameter.
♦ Workstation lock (LOCKRQ) allows write access to the block parameters only by the
Display Manager (LOCKID) that owns the lock. Any other workstation must first
unlock the lock to gain write access.
♦ Loop identifier (LOOPID) allows you to identify the loop or process unit that con-
tains the lock.
♦ Setpoint Ramp Option (SPROPT) allows you to ramp the setpoint to a new target
value (SPTARG) at a rate (SPRATE) in engineering units per minute or by time
(SPRATE) to target in minutes.
♦ Setpoint clamping between limits.
♦ Nonlinear Option (NONLOP) allows you to change the gain in a zone about zero
error. The zone is defined by HZONE and LZONE, and the gain by KZONE.
♦ Output Tracking (TRKENL) allows the output to track an independent signal source
♦ Limit Option (LIMOPT) lets you specify the anti-windup strategy used for recover-
ing from a limiting condition. For the default value of LIMOPT (1), integral action is
frozen, when the output or a downstream block is limited and the integral term is
between output limits. Downstream block limiting is propagated back through status
bits in the BCALCI input.
91.3 Parameters
Table 91-1. PIDA Block Parameters
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups.
For the PIDA block, only the following unshaded bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number* Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in use ALMOPT.B25
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Number* Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
16 Low measurement alarm config- ALMOPT.B16
17 High measurement alarm config- ALMOPT.B15
18 Low output alarm configured ALMOPT.B14
19 High output alarm configured ALMOPT.B13
20 Low deviation alarm configured ALMOPT.B12
21 High deviation alarm configured ALMOPT.B11
22 Bad I/O alarm configured ALMOPT.B10
24 Low-Low alarm configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High alarm configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PIDA block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in the ALMSTA.B28
PIDA block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest priority, ALMSTA.B27–
1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Measurement Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm ALMSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
Bit Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
22 BAD Input/Output Bad (BAD output of ALMSTA.B10
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
AUTSW Auto Switch is a Boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BATCHO Batch Control Option is a Boolean input that enables the PIDA block to
operate as a preloadable controller. You can change BATCHO only by
reconfiguring the block. When BATCHO is true, and a limit condition
exists, the integral term is set to the value nearer the limit, PRLOAD or
the value selected when LIMOPT is 2. This tends to avoid saw-tooth
ratcheting and excessively slow recovery.
BBIAS Bias Scale Factor is a real input used to offset the BIAS.
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. The source for this input is the back calculation
output (BCALCO) of the downstream block. With V4.2 and later soft-
ware, BCALCI contains the status bits which were formerly contained in
the INITI parameter. Therefore, INITI and INITO are not required for
cascade initialization.
BCALCO Back Calculation Output is a real output that is usually equal to the Mea-
surement input. BCALCO is the value that, when connected to BCALCI
of the upstream block, provides the initial value of the upstream block
output required for bumpless initialization. With version 4.2, the
BCALCO data record also contains status bits previously contained in
INITO. You connect BCALCO to the BCALCI input of the upstream
block. The setting of the handshaking bits is transmitted with status bits
in the BCALCO to BCALCI connection.
BIAS Bias is a real input added, after applying KBIAS and BBIAS, to the con-
troller output to achieve OUT. BIAS can be dynamically compensated by
employing the FFTUNE block.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PIDA block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
4 FOL Follow BLKSTA.B28
5 CTL Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
9 STRK Setpoint Tracking BLKSTA.B23
10 LR Local(= false)/ BLKSTA.B22
Remote(= true)
11 MA Manual(= false)/ BLKSTA.B21
Auto(= true)
12 BAD block in BAD state BLKSTA.B20
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
16 FTNI Feedforward Tune Inac- BLKSTA.B16
17 FTN Feedforward Tune Active BLKSTA.B15
19 SPRU Setpoint Ramp Up BLKSTA.B13
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
27 LOL Low Output Limit BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB Supervisory Control Fall- BLKSTA.B1
back State
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
BTRKOP Bias Track Option, when true, forces the PID algorithm’s BIAS input to
track the block output (OUT) when the block is in Manual, and operat-
ing in the Proportional Integral (PI) or Proportional Derivative (PD) con-
troller mode.
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs is
in error. To provide backward compatibility, CEOPT defaults to 1.
CEOPT has a range of 0 to 2 where:
0= The block takes no implicit Hold action when it detects a control
1= The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
either MEAS or BCALCI:
♦ has its BAD status bit set true
♦ has its Out-of-Service status bit set true
♦ is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
2= The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
♦ MEAS or BCALCI meets any of the conditions described
for CEOPT = 1.
♦ MEAS has its ERROR status bit set true.
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low deviation alarming
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
block. DEFINE is the opposite of the Block Status parameter Undefine
DELTI1 to Change delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are configurable real values that
DELTI2 define the minimum percent of the input range that triggers change-
driven connections for parameters in the range RI1 or RI2. The default
value is 1.0 percent. If communication is within the same CP that con-
tains the block’s compound, DELTI1 and DELTI2 have no effect.
DELTI1 is used for the measurement and DELTI2 is used for bias.
DELTO1 Change delta for Output Range 1 is a configurable real value that defines
the minimum percent of the output range that triggers change-driven
connections for parameters in the range RO1. The default value is 1.0 per-
cent. If communication is within the same CP that contains the block’s
compound, DELTO1 has no effect.
DERIV Derivative Time is a real input in minutes. DERIV in the PID, NIPID
and PIDTAU modes can be set by employing the FBTUNE block.
The working DERIV value is indirectly limited by the working INT value.
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that apply to
both High and Low Deviation Limits.
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
DEVTIM Deviation Time specifies the time to delay the detection of a deviation
alarm in the PIDA block. It is adaptively set by FBTUNE.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
DTIME Deadtime is an input parameter that specifies the dead time in minutes
placed in the integral-feedback path for the PIDTAU or PITAU
controller mode. It is adaptively set by FBTUNE.
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2 and LSCO1 to LSCO2, provides the engineering units
text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2. “DEG F” or “PH” are
typical entries. EI1 is used for the measurement and EI2 is used for bias.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false. Validation of configuration errors does
not proceed past the first error encountered by the block logic. The block
detailed display shows the ERCODE on the primary page, if it is not null.
For the PIDA block, the following list specifies the possible values of
ERCODE, and the significance of each value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PHASE does not exist for given
COMBINATION” not compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or
ENGINEERING RANGE” equal to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in
CONNECTION” the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the
source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid Boolean extension
connection has been configured.
“W47 – INVALID PARAMETER A tuning block is connected to a
CONNECTION” PIDA block containing a connected
tuning constant.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Message Value
“W49 – INVALID BLOCK An illegal block extension has been
EXTENSION” configured for NLNBLK (PIDA
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
NOT EXIST” has an unspecified or unresolved
extension connection to a PIDA
controller block. When the PIDA is
installed, previously installed tun-
ing blocks waiting for that PIDA
will initialize automatically.
CONTROLLER MODE” has an extension connection to a
PIDA block whose mode
(MODOPT) is not tunable.
LINKED” has an extension connection to a
PIDA block that has a linked tuning
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
ERROR Control Error is a real output that equals setpoint SPT minus measure-
ment MEAS.
FBK Integral Feedback is a real input that provides external integral feedback
behavior. Its function is to prevent integral windup when LIMOPT = 3. If
FBK is not linked to a source, it is connected to BCALCI, provided
BCALCI is linked. Otherwise FBK is internally connected to OUT.
FBTBLK Feed Back Tuning Block is automatically set to the BLKSTA of the
FBTUNE extender.
FFTBLK Feed Forward Tuning Block is automatically set to the BLKSTA of the
FFTUNE extender.
FILTER Filter is a real input parameter defining the time constant of a first order
lag filter in minutes. FILTER diminishes the destabilizing effect of mis-
match between process delay and controller delay in a PIDTAU or PITAU
control mode. This term is adaptively set by FBTUNE.
FLBOPT Fallback Option is a short integer input that defines the control action to
be taken by the block when a Supervisory fallback occurs:
0 = Take no fallback action (default)
1 = Set MA parameter to Auto
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
FLBREQ Fallback Request is a short integer input that is an explicit request for the
block to go to the Fallback state. The Fallback state of the block is defined
by the FLBOPT parameter. Recovery from the Fallback state occurs at the
block level (when SE is set), and/or at the group level (when the appropri-
ate group enable bit is set in SUPENA).
0 = No fallback requested
1 = Fallback requested; recovery at block or group level
2 = Fallback requested; recovery only at block level
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output set true when the mea-
surement input MEAS exceeds the high-high absolute alarm limit
(HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when the MEAS value is less than
HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not return to false until
the MEAS value falls below the HHALIM less a deadband MEASDB.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement input MEAS that triggers a High-High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming the measure-
ment input MEAS, or disables High-High and Low-Low alarming alto-
gether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
HHAPRI High-High Alarm Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HOAIND High Output Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true when-
ever the output is greater than HOALIM.
HOALIM High Output Alarm Limit is a real input, (range RO1), that defines the
value of the output OUT that initiates a high output alarm.
HOLD Hold is a Boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, (range RO1). If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent). HSCI1 is used for the measurement and HSCI2 is used for
HSCIN High Scale for Input MULTIN is a real value that defines the upper limit
of MULTIN. The default value is 100 (percent). EIN defines the units.
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for the output OUT. The default value is 100 (percent).
EO1 defines the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of
the output destination.
HZONE High Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the upper
limit of the zone in which the nonlinear gain option is exercised. HZONE
is expressed as a percentage of the measurement span.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
INHALM Inhibit Alarm is a packed Boolean input value that specifies the alarm
inhibit requests for each alarm type configured in the block. The PIDA
block, uses the following bits:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Boolean Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Measurement INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Measurement INHALM.B15
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
6 Inhibit Bad I/O Alarm INHALM.B10
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Abso- INHALM.B7
lute Alarm
12 Inhibit Out-of-Range Alarm INHALM.B4
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
INHIB Inhibit is a Boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHSTA Inhibit Status is a packed long output that contains the actual inhibit sta-
tus of each alarm type configured in the block. The PIDA block uses the
following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA
Low Measurement Alarm INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Measurement Alarm INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm INHSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
22 BAD Bad I/O Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B10
23 RATE Rate of Change Alarm INHSTA.B9
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
28 OOR Out-of-Range Alarm Inhib- INHSTA.B4
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this input is the initialization out-
put of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software, BCALCI con-
tains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating the need to
configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to preserve backward
compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained for use in exist-
ing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to reconfigure
their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI Boolean value is main-
tained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to INITO
connection, is eliminated.
INITLR Initial Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state of
the LR input during startup, where:
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial LR state when other parameters of the block
are modified:
♦ The block is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
The INITLR state is ignored if the LR input has an established linkage.
INITMA Initial Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
startup, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
these upstream blocks can sense when this block is open loop. With V4.2
or later software, BCALCO contains the initialization logic bits eliminat-
ing the need to configure INITO connections in cascades. The logic to set
or reset the INITO Boolean value has been maintained, but the setting of
the handshaking bits previously transmitted with the INITI to INITO
connection, is transmitted with status bits in the BCALCO to BCALCI
INITI and INITO are not required for cascade initialization.
INITSE Initial Supervisory Enable (INITSE) specifies the initial state of the SE
parameter in a block configured for Supervisory Control (that is:
SUPOPT =1) when the block starts up.
0= Disable
1= Enable
2= Do not change SE parameter.
INT Integral Time is a real input in minutes. INT in the PI, PID, NIPID,
PITAU, and PIDTAU modes can be set by employing the FBTUNE
KBIAS Gain Factor is a real input that multiplies the BIAS input. It is expressed
in OUT (RO1) units divided by BIAS (RI2) units.
KD Measurement Filter Factor is a real input that adjusts the time constant of
the measurement filter.
For PD and NIPID, the filter time constant is:
For PID, the filter time is:
1/[(1/INT) + (1/DERIV)]KD.
For PITAU and PIDTAU, the filter time is:
[DTIME / 4KD].
The value of KD is adjusted during FBTUNE’s pretune.
KZONE Middle Zone Gain establishes the relative gain within the zone defined by
HZONE and LZONE. KZONE is usually set at less than unity for pH
control applications, or for desensitizing the control to noise.
1. If KZONE is set to zero, the block behaves as a dead zone controller, causing
most loops to limit cycle.
2. If KZONE is set to greater than 1, the block may cause oscillations in the process
LDAIND The Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the devia-
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
tion limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the
DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that defines how far the mea-
surement must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and
set the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
LIMOPT Limit Option is a configurable integer that specifies the anti-windup strat-
egy for recovering from a limiting condition. LIMOPT values range from
1 to 3 and map to the following strategies:
1= Freezes the integral term between the effective limit values when
limiting is detected. This is the default choice. The net propor-
tional and derivative term must subside to the difference
between the effective limit value and the integral term before the
output comes out of limit and integration resumes.
2= Adjusts the integral term so that the prelimited output is equal
to the effective limit value when limiting is detected. As soon as
the net proportional and derivative terms change direction, the
output comes out of limits and integration resumes. This pro-
duces a more sluggish non-overshooting recovery.
3= Allows the integral term to exponentially coast up to the effec-
tive limit value with the integral time constant. If the limit con-
dition persists long enough (several integral time constants), the
net proportional and derivative term must change sign before
the output comes out of limit and integration resumes. The
result may be an overly-aggressive overshooting recovery.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output set true when the MEAS
input falls below the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is
set to false when the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is
set true, it does not return to false until the MEAS value exceeds the limit
plus a deadband MEASDB.
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
MEAS that triggers a Low-Low Alarm.
LOAIND Low Output Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is less than LOALIM.
LOALIM Low Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a low output alarm.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string data store that identifies the workstation that has
exclusive write access to the block. LOCKID arbitrates write access to the
control block parameters by operator workstations on the network. Set
requests to any of the block’s parameters are honored only if the requesting
workstation’s identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKID does not lock out sequence code write access to block parame-
ters. Sequence block set requests to any of the block’s parameters are
always honored.
The lock-request message sets LOCKRQ to true and sets LOCKID to the
identifier of the requesting workstation. The lock-release message clears
LOCKRQ and nulls LOCKID.
BUG is the 6-character letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is
the 6-character logical name of the Display Manager.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean data store that is set true or false by toggling the
LOCK U/L key on the Block Detail Display. An operator at any other
workstation can lock and unlock the block by toggling the LOCK U/L
The lock-request message sets LOCKRQ true, sets LOCKID to the iden-
tifier of the requesting workstation, and sets the WLCK bit in the BLK-
STA parameter. Set requests to any of the block’s parameters are only
honored if the requesting workstation’s identifier matches the contents of
LOCKID does not lock out sequence code write access to block parame-
ters. Sequence block set requests to any of the block’s parameters are
always honored.
The lock-release message resets LOCKRQ, nulls LOCKID, and resets the
WLCK bit.
Do not set LOCKRQ with an application program. Contention for the use of the
block may make the block inaccessible.
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a Boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR in local when it initializes and maintains LR in
the secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
LOCSW Local Switch is a Boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source. LSCI1 is used for the measurement and LSCI2 is
used for bias.
LSCIN Low Scale for Input MULTIN is a real value that defines the lower limit of
MULTIN. The default value is 0 (percent). EIN defines the units.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. The default value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
LZONE Low Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the absolute
value of the negative error level that sets the lower limit of the zone in
which the nonlinear gain option is exercised. LZONE is expressed as a
percentage of the measurement span RI1.
MA Manual /Auto is a Boolean input that controls the block’s operating state:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto.
In Manual, each PIDA block output is unsecured, which makes it settable
by an external process (program or display). In Auto, the block secures
each output so that they cannot be set externally.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual or Track mode. Normally
alarms are processed only in the Auto mode.
0= No alarming in Manual
1= Full alarming in Manual
2= No output alarming in Manual.
3= No output alarming in Track.
No output alarms are detected when the PIDA block, config-
ured as a primary block (PRIBLK = 1) in a cascade scheme,
goes into the Track mode due to a downstream open loop con-
There is no indication that the output alarm detection has been
disabled. If an output alarm already exists when the PIDA goes
into track mode, the output alarm indication in the faceplate is
removed but the indication in the Block Alarm Summary is not
cleared. If the PIDA primary is then put into Manual, the Man-
ual alarming status overrides the tracking status.
4= No output alarming in Manual or Track.
No output alarms are detected when the block is in Manual
mode or the PDIA block, configured as a primary block (PRI-
BLK = 1) in a cascade scheme, goes into the Track mode due to
a downstream open loop condition.
In Manual mode, the disabled output alarm detection is indi-
cated on the alarm overlay by displaying inhibited/disabled
(depending on the setting of INHOPT) for the output alarms.
Inhibited is not displayed, regardless of the setting of INHOPT.
The output alarming is disabled, not inhibited. Also, the output
alarm inhibited/disabled status remains if the block is switched
back to Auto and the Track condition still exists.
MANSW Manual Switch is a Boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true
when the measurement MEAS exceeds the high alarm limit MEASHL.
When the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement MEAS that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true
when the measurement MEAS falls below the low alarm limit MEASLL.
When the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the
block sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
MODOPT Mode Option is a configurable short integer. When the block is in Auto,
MODOPT dictates the controller mode. The integer value ranges from 1
to 8:
1= P – proportional only
2= I – integral only
3= PD – proportional plus derivative
4= PI – proportional plus integral
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
NONLOP Nonlinear Option is a configured Boolean input that allows you to cus-
tomize the gain in a zone about zero error. If true, the relative gain of the
controller is set to KZONE in the error band between LZONE and
HZONE. You can use NONLOP to reduce the sensitivity to measure-
ment noise.
OALOPT Output Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low alarming of the block output (OUT) or disables
output alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low output alarming
2 = High output alarming only
3 = Low output alarming only.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
OSV Output Span Variance is a configurable, real input that defines the
amount by which the output clamp limits (HOLIM, LOLIM) can exceed
the specified output range, as defined by HSCO1 and LSCO1.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the real result of the block algorithm. In Man-
ual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by you or by an external task.
OUT2 Output 2 is a real output used as a feedforward input for other blocks.
OUT2 is the back-calculated indication of the internal controller output,
expressed in percent or engineering units.
OUTADB Output Alarm Deadband is a real input that specifies the size of the dead-
band for both High and Low Output Alarm Limits.
OUTGRP Output Group is a short integer input that directs high and low output
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
OUTPRI Output Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority level of
the High and Low Output Alarms (1 is the highest priority).
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute with phases 0, 1, 2, or 3, assuming the
BPC of the Control Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software
Concepts (B0193AW) document.
PRLOAD Batch Preload is a real input that is loaded into the controller’s integral
term whenever the output is being limited at either the LOLIM or
HOLIM values. PRLOAD is operational only when the block is in Auto
and the Batch Control Option BATCHO is configured.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary cas-
cade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
5 “SUP_INIT” The supervisory cascade is initializing.
6 “SUP_OPN” The supervisory cascade is open.
7 “SUP_CLS” The supervisory cascade is closed.
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
2 = Tracking
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE outputs of this block
include the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High-High Absolute
4 = Low-Low Absolute
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
8 = BAD Alarm
25 = Out-of-Range.
If there is more than one active alarm with highest priority, PRTYPE
reports the alarm type according to which occurs first as follows: Out-of-
Range, High-High Absolute, Low-Low Absolute, High Absolute, Low
Absolute and Bad Deviation.
For example: if the Bad and High-High Absolute alarms both have prior-
ity 3 and the Out-of-Range alarm has priority 4, and all three alarms are
active, then CRIT = 3 and PRTYPE = 8.
REMSW Remote Switch is a Boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
RI1 Range Input 1 is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale (HSCI - LSCI) of the MEAS input. RI1 also applies to SPT
and related parameters.
RI2 Range Input 2 is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale (HSCI - LSCI) of the BIAS input.
RIN Range Input is a data store array of real values that specifies the high and
low engineering scale and change delta for input MULTIN.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale (HSCO - LSCO) of the controller output OUT and other
related parameters.
RSP Remote Setpoint is the selected setpoint source when LR is set to Remote.
RSP is a real input. Typically RSP connects to an upstream block in a cas-
cade scheme. RSP and its source must be expressed in MEAS units RI1.
SPCLMP Setpoint Clamp is a configurable short integer that specifies the limits to
be used when clamping or limiting the Supervisory setpoint (SUP_IN),
Remote setpoint (RSP), and local setpoint (SPT).
0 = clamp using the measurement scale limits (HSCI1 and LSCI1)
1 = clamp using the setpoint limits (SPHLIM and SPLLIM)
2 = reject values outside of the setpoint limits (SPHLIM and SPLLIM)
SPHLIM Setpoint High Limit is the upper limit for the local setpoint value in engi-
neering units RI1. It is an input. With SPCLMP = 0, if the setpoint is
greater than SPHLIM at the instant before switching to local, the effective
limit is stretched to allow the initial setpoint value. As the local setpoint is
decreased, the effective upper limit is decreased until the SPHLIM value is
SPLCOP Sample Controller Option is a configurable Boolean that allows the PIDA
to operate with a period between output updates larger than the block’s
PERIOD parameter. When SPLCOP is 1, the update period is defined by
TSAMPL or the update triggered by SPLRDY.
SPLLAG The Relative Gain applied to setpoint is an input parameter. Its optimum
value depends on the process type: 0.2 for a dominant lag process, 1.0 for
a dominant delay. It is adaptively set by FBTUNE.
SPLLIM Setpoint Low Limit is the lower limit for the local setpoint value in engi-
neering units. It is an input. With SPCLMP = 0, if the setpoint is less than
SPLLIM at the instant before switching to local, the effective limit is
stretched to allow the initial setpoint value. As the local setpoint is
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
increased, the effective lower limit is increased until the SPLLIM value is
SPRAMP Setpoint Ramp state is a Boolean input. It is set to 1 to trigger the start of
a setpoint ramp.
SPRATE Setpoint Ramp Rate is a positive real input that specifies ramping of the
setpoint to a new target value (SPTARG) by rate in engineering units per
minute or by time to target in minutes, depending on the value of
SPROPT Setpoint Option is a configurable short integer input that specifies the set-
point ramping option:
0= No setpoint ramping.
1= Ramp using SPRATE as ramp rate (units/minutes). The set-
point ramps to a new target value SPTARG at the rate
SPRATE, when the operator or a program starts the ramp by
setting SPRAMP to 1.
2= Ramp using SPRATE as ramp rate. Ramping stops whenever
the block is in deviation alarm and continued setpoint ramping
would increase the deviation. If ramping decreases deviation,
ramping is not inhibited.
3= Ramp using SPRATE as ramp time (minutes). The setpoint
ramps to a new target value SPTARG during the time period
SPRATE, when the operator or a program starts the ramp by
setting SPRAMP to 1.
4= Ramp using SPRATE as ramp time. Ramping stops whenever
the block is in deviation alarm and continued setpoint ramping
would increase the deviation. If ramping decreases deviation,
ramping is not inhibited.
SPT Setpoint always represents the active controller setpoint. Setpoint is the
reference variable that is compared with the MEAS input to produce the
ERROR signal. LR and SE determine the source of SPT.
When LR is set to Remote, RSP is the source of SPT, which is secured.
When LR is Local and SE is Disable, the user set value is the source of
SPT. When using the controller in only the Local mode, set LOCSP to 1
(True). SPT can source the setpoint value to other blocks.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
SPTARG Setpoint Target, an input, is the final value for a setpoint ramp in engi-
neering units. It must be set within the setpoint SPHLIM and SPLLIM
limits, otherwise SPRAMP is reset to 0 and no ramping occurs.
STATEB The state of the feedback adaptor is an output. Its values are:
-3 = Pretune
-2 = Off
-1 = Hold last tuning
0= Quiet, waiting for new (isolated) response
1= Locating and confirming peak 1
2= Locating and confirming peak 2
3= Locating and confirming peak 3
4= Locating and confirming peak 4
5= Wait for output peak search to finish
6= Settle (A non-isolated response can trigger a new search from
this state).
STATEF The state of the feedforward adaptor is an output. Its values are:
-2 = Off
-1 = Hold last tuning
0= Quiet, waiting for new disturbance
1= Unmeasured disturbance (or non-isolated response)
2= Measured disturbance
3= Significant (isolated) response
4= Confirmed response
5= Wait
6= Settle.
STRKOP Setpoint Track Option is a Boolean input. When true, STRKOP enables
the setpoint to track the measurement input if the setpoint source selector
LR is in Local AND either (a) the block is in Manual or (b) the Initializa-
tion input INITI is true. SPT is nonsettable while setpoint tracking is
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
These status bits of SUPBCO are non configurable and can only be
accessed by an application program.
SUP_IN Supervisory Input is a real input that is the parameter set by a Supervisory
application program when performing supervisory control of this block’s
setpoint. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be set by
the supervisory program to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in
TRACK Track is a real input that provides the input signal that block output OUT
tracks when the block is in Auto and TRKENL is 1. If TRKENL is true
(set to 1) when the block is in Manual, tracking is not performed.
TRKENL Track Enable is a Boolean input that enables the block output to follow
the TRACK input.
0 - Disable Tracking
1 - Enable Tracking.
TSAMPL Sampling Time is a real input parameter that specifies the period, in min-
utes, of an internal timer that triggers an output update. If external trig-
gering of the control action is desired, set TSAMPL to 0 and use SPLRDY
to trigger the output update.
TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Enter
“PIDA” or select “PIDA” from the block type list under Show when con-
figuring the block.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a Boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
SPT Limit Ramp Scale Scale BAO
block linked
B0193AX – Rev N
Butterworth dc f
FILTER* D ² -------- fbb
Filter cf cd fbr fb
dt fbb ³ f r f –b BCALCI
c b
Charc Scale fbr fbb fb
f bb ³ f r f –b
Variables used in Figure 91-2 and the following sections to describe controller operations are
listed and defined in Table 91-2.
Variable Description
A Setpoint lead/lag ratio (SPLLAG)
c Controlled variable – selected measurement
cf Butterworth filtered measurement
cd Derivative filtered cf
ci Integral filtered cd
D Derivative time (DERIV)
e Control error
DTIME Time delay or deadtime
eg Nonlinear gain adjusted e
ep Proportional filtered eg
fr Scaled MULTIN
fb Integral feedback
fbb fbb = fb - bias
fbr fbr = fbb/fr
I Integral time (INT)
KD Derivative gain (KD)
Kz Zone gain for nonlinear gain
m Internal feedback controller output
mf mf = m • fr
mb mb = mf + b
ml Limited mb
ms m - + LOSCAL
m s = ( HOSCAL – LOSCAL ) --------
meas Measurement
P Proportional band (PBAND)
r Selected setpoint
rf Compensated setpoint
t Time constant
x Lag input
y Lag output
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
m b = --------- ( r – c f )f r + b
♦ Integral only (I):
m b = ---- ( r – cf )fr + b
♦ Proportional and derivative (PD):
m b = --------- ( r – ( 1 + Ds )c f )f r + b
τ = -------
♦ Proportional, integral and derivative (PID):
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
100 ( 1 + Is ) ( r – ( 1 + Ds )c f )-
m b = --------- ------------------------------------------------------------ fr + b
P 1 – e – DTIMEs + Is
4 • KD
c f = ------------------------------------------
1 + τs + 0.5 ( τs )
m b = --------- ( r – cf )fr + b
♦ Integral only (I):
m b = --- ∫ ( r – cf ) dt f r + b
I 0
♦ Proportional and derivative (PD):
m b = --------- r – cf + D -------f f r + b
P dt
τ = -------
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
100 1 t
m b = --------- --- ∫ ( r – cf ) dt + Ar – c f f r + b
P I 0
♦ Proportional, integral, and derivative (PID):
100 1 t dc
m b = --------- --- ∫ ( r – c f ) dt + Ar – 1 + D
---- c f – D -------f f r + b
P I 0 I dt
1--- = 1--- + ---
1- K
τ I D D
100 1 t dc
m b = --------- --- ∫ ( r – c f ) dt + Ar – c f – D -------f f r + b
P I 0 dt
τ = ------
dm b ( t ) dcf ( t ) d 2 cf ( t )
--------- r ( t ) – cf ( t ) – ( D + I ) --------------- – ID ------------------- fr + b
I ------------------ = – m b ( t ) + m ( t – DTIME ) + 100
dt b P dt dc2
dm b ( t ) r ( t ) –c ( t ) – D dc f (t) d 2 cf ( t )
- = – m ( t ) + m ( t – DTIME ) + 100
I ----------------- --------
- --------------
- – ID ------------------- fr + b
dt b b P f dt dc2
τ- d cf dc f
---- • 2 + τ ------- + c f = c
2 dt dt
The above expression for cf can also be expressed as two simultaneous integral equa-
tions, but the above expression more clearly shows the effect of τ on cf.
The sign of the deviation (cf - r) signal is opposite that of the error (r - c). Scaling for engineering
units and normalized FBM counts and provision for sign reversal (INCOPT) is not shown in the
above simplified mathematical representations.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
The measurement filter response is shown in Figure 91-5. The setpoint gain compensation
response is shown in Figure 91-7.
Table 91-3 summarizes the filtering and tuning features for these control modes.
Control Mode
Measurement filtering X X X X X
Setpoint compensation X X X
Nonlinear gain X X X X X X X X
Multiplicative input X X X X X X X X
Bias input BIAS X X X X X X X X
FFTUNE feedforward tun- X X X X X
FBTUNE feedback tuning X X X X X
The PIDA supports multiplicative and additive feedforward compensation, and local setpoint
ramping and limiting. Using extender blocks, the PIDA block can accommodate matched nonlin-
ear setpoint and measurement compensations (CHARC) and also adaptive tuning of feedback
(FBTUNE) and feedforward (FFTUNE) parameters.
The outputs of the matched nonlinear functions, CHARC, are expressed in percent of full scale.
The functions are realized with a CHARC extender block invoked by specifying its BLKSTA in
the NLNBLK entry. The extender block must be configured ahead of the PIDA block and must
have its EXTOPT parameter set to 1. The CHARC block’s MEAS input should not be config-
ured, and its OUT not used.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Figure 91-3. Cascade Configuration (Typical)
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
computing interval is the greater than the downstream block, or peer-to-peer connections have
been made to a remote setpoint.
The BCALCO status is updated each BPC to indicate when SPT has exceeded the high or low
limit. The upstream block uses this status to prevent integral windup.
When an output limiting condition is detected in a controller with integral action, the integral
term is managed to prevent integrator windup. If the controller prelimited output becomes
greater than HOLIM or less than LOLIM, the integral term is managed to provide rapid recovery
with almost no overshoot (similar to LIMOPT = 1 in the PIDA block).
Depending on the configured value of LIMOPT one of three anti-windup strategies can be fol-
lowed. When an output limiting condition is detected in this block or in a downstream block:
1. If LIMOPT is 1, the integral term is frozen until the output limit condition clears
provided the integral term remains between the effective output limits.
2. If LIMOPT is 2, the integral term is set to the value that allows the output to come
out of effective limit when the net proportional and derivative term reverses direction.
This action may cause an output offset due to noise rectification and a more sluggish
recovery from the limit condition.
3. If LIMOPT is 3, the integral term lags the integral-feedback signal with the integral
time constant. If the limit condition persists for several time constants, the net pro-
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
portional and derivative term must change sign before the output comes out of limit.
This produces an overshooting recovery.
For any of these options, an exception is required for a variable external limit application. When
the integral-feedback term which is the effective high (low) limit value becomes less (greater) than
the integral term, the integral term is reset to the integral-feedback value unless this action would
cause the output to come out of limit. LIMOPT equal to 1 is preferred in most applications
because it causes a rapid recovery with almost no overshoot. Therefore the default value of
LIMOPT is 1.
When the BATCHO batch option is selected and a limit condition exists, the integral term is set
to the value nearer the limit, PRLOAD or the value selected when LIMOPT is 2.
These strategies prevent output limiting from causing integrator windup. Output limiting in the
PIDA controller is propagated to an upstream block through the status bits of its BCALCI input,
provided that it is linked to the BCALCO output of the PIDA controller.
.8 Output
τ τ = DERIV / KD = 1.0 s
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Time (s)
Figure 91-5. Butterworth Measurement Filter Response
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
τ----- d cf dc f
• 2 + τ ------- + c f = c = input measurement
2 dt dt
c f = -------------------------------------
- = output filtered measurement
1 + τs + 0.5τs
Measurement filtering can be useful even when derivative action is not used, such as when the
process has a high frequency resonance. In this case, choose DERIV to have a small nonzero value
and KD to have a value less than one, such that the filter time constant
(DERIV / KD) is large enough to provide significant attenuation at the resonant frequency. The
range of KD is restricted to be not less than 0.1 and not greater than 100.
In all control modes, the measurement (c) is fed through a Butterworth filter. For the P, I, and PI
control modes, the derivative time (DERIV) is set to 0, thus providing no measurement filtering.
A noisy measurement requires proper filtering to remove unwanted noise:
♦ For noisy measurements, set KD appropriately (decreasing KD provides more
♦ With FBTUNE feedback tuning, increase the threshold FBTUNE block parameter
“THRESH” for peak detection.
In addition, the measurement filter time constant factor KD is adjusted by pretune and the devia-
tion alarm delay DEVTIM is adapted. In a dead-time controller mode (PIDTAU or PITAU) the
filter time FILTER is added or can be adjusted if needed to prevent high frequency instability.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Operator Supervisory
Displays Application SUPBCO
Figure 91-6. Supervisory Setpoint Control Cascade Configuration (Typical)
For more information, refer to the Supervisory Setpoint Control (SSC) (B0193RY) document.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
When the Local switch (LOCSW) override is true, it sets LR to false (Local) and secures it.
LOCSW has priority over REMSW, INITLR, and LOCSP. If both LOCSW and REMSW are
true, LR is set to Local.
When the Remote switch (REMSW) override is true, it sets LR to true (Remote) and secures it.
REMSW has priority over INITLR and LOCSP.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Input r
Output rf
τ = INT
Figure 91-7. Setpoint Lead/Lag Compensation
For example if SPLLAG is set to 0.5, the output at the end of one time constant is:
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
Rate Stop on
SPROPT (Units/Minutes) Time (Minutes) Deviation Alarm
1 X
2 X X
3 X
4 X X
To be accepted, an SPTARG value must be within the local setpoint limits, SPLLIM and SPH-
LIM. When SPT reaches SPTARG or if the operator makes a local SPT change, setpoint ramping
stops and SPRAMP is reset to 0.
If SPTARG is changed during ramping, the block continues to ramp at the initial rate calculated
for the SPRATE time.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
A nonlinear gain option (NONLOP) specifies a gain factor (KZONE) and a zone of control error
values in which this alternate gain multiplies 100/PBAND (see Figure 91-8). This nonlinear zone
is defined by the HZONE and LZONE positive real values, and is situated, but not necessarily
centered, about zero error.
Slope = 1.0
Characterized Slope = 1.0
Control Deg
Error (eg) 0
Slope = KZONE = Deg / De
Slope = 1.0 De eg = KZONE ² e
30 Linear
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Control Error (e)
Figure 91-8. Nonlinear Gain Response
Nonlinear gain allows the controller to handle a process with nonlinear gain (for example, a pH
process) by providing a gain characteristic that is opposite that of the process. You set the width of
the zone and the gain (slope) of the line within the zone. The slope typically varies from 0 to 1.0.
At zero slope, the line between the low and high zone limits is horizontal. At a slope of 1.0, the
nonlinear characteristic is completely removed, and the controller behaves as a conventional linear
controller as shown by the dashed line in Figure 91-8.
The proportional gain (G) in the linear part of the response curve where the slope = 1.0 is:
G = ---------------------
G e = KZONE • ---------------------
The effective proportional band (Pe) within the zone is:
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
P e = ---------------------
91.4.10 Feedforward
PIDA Key Parameters: BIAS, MULTIN
Multiplicative MULTIN and additive BIAS parameters can be used for feedforward inputs (see
Figure 91-2). The multiplicative input divided by its span (fr) multiplies the output (m) of the lin-
ear part of the control algorithm. The gain/offset adjusted and scaled bias input (b) is added to mf
before output limiting is applied. A back calculation is applied to feedback input fb, using the pre-
vious values of these feedforward terms to achieve the integral-feedback input fbr to the linear part
of the algorithm.
If either the BIAS or MULTIN value becomes invalid, its last valid value is used.
91.4.12 Alarms
The PIDA block optionally supports the following alarms:
♦ Bad I/O
♦ Measurement absolute high-high (HHA) and low-low (LLA)
♦ Measurement absolute high (HMA) and low (LMA)
♦ Deviation high (HDA) and low (LDA)
♦ Output high (HOA) and low (LOA)
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
The block generates alarm messages on transition into the alarm state, and on return to normal of
the alarm condition.
Bad I/O Alarm occurs when the BAD parameter is set. If redundant measurements are used, the
block generates a separate alarm message when any measurement is bad, but it sets the Bad I/O
Alarm state and BAD parameter only when all of the measurements are bad.
High, low, high-high, or low-low absolute alarming occurs when the measurement exceeds the
related alarm limit (MEASHL, MEASLL, HHALIM, or LLALIM).
High or low deviation alarming occurs when the deviation (MEAS - SPT) exceeds the related
alarm limit (HDALIM or LDALIM).
High or low output alarming occurs when OUT exceeds the related alarm limit (HOALIM or
Separate deadbands for absolute, deviation, and output alarming establish hysteresis about the
limits to avoid intermittent state changes, when the MEAS, deviation (MEAS - SPT), or OUT is
close to one of the limits.
High-high and low-low absolute, high and low absolute, deviation, and output alarms have their
own alarm group parameter that is used for dispatching alarm messages to the alarm devices con-
tained in the group.
The CINHIB (compound parameter), INHIB, or INHALM parameter settings allow each alarm
to be dynamically inhibited.
The INHOPT value defines the type of alarm inhibiting:
♦ 0 = When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do not disable alarm
♦ 1 = When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and alarm detection. If
an alarm condition already exists at the time the alarm transitions into the inhibited
state, clear the alarm indicator.
♦ 2 = Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms, automatically
acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages. “Into alarm” messages may be acknowl-
edged by explicitly setting UNACK false.
♦ 3 = Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms, automatically
acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages. “Into alarm” messages may be acknowl-
edged by explicitly setting UNACK false.
Clearing the UNACK parameter acknowledges the alarms.
In Auto, the block processes all alarms.
When the block is in Manual, the MANALM value determines which alarms are processed:
♦ 0 = Disable all alarms in Manual
♦ 1 = Process all alarms in Manual
♦ 2 = Disabled only Output alarming in Manual
When an Auto-to-Manual state transition occurs, the block examines the MANALM option.
If MANALM = 0, the block clears the alarm information that it contains and queues an
ALARM_ACK message if the UNACK parameter was set prior to the transition. This alarm
information includes the alarm status (ALMSTA), CRIT, PRTYPE, and alarm output parameters
for high-high, high, and low absolute, deviation, and output alarms.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
If MANALM = 1, the block does not clear the alarm information that it contains.
If MANALM = 2, the block clears the alarm information that it contains only for the output
The block clears the CRIT and PRTYPE parameters only if there are no outstanding output
alarms prior to the transition to Manual. In this case, it queues an ALARM_ACK message if the
UNACK parameter had been set prior to the transition.
When the compound is turned on or off, or when the block is switched from Auto to Manual, an
appropriate ALARM_ENA or ALARM_DSB message is sent to all alarm devices configured in
the block; if the Station Block is configured to do this.
If you turn off an existing alarm option by reconfiguring an alarm option parameter, an
ALARM_DSB message is issued when the block is restarted. If an alarm was active prior to the
reconfiguration, and no other alarms are now active, and INHOPT specifies auto-acknowledge,
the alarm is acknowledged, an ALARM_ACK is sent to all alarm devices configured in the block,
and CRIT and PRTYPE are cleared.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the block is NOT restarting following an on-line upgrade warm start or a turning on of the com-
** If the block is NOT restarting following an on-line upgrade warm start or a turning on of the com-
pound, else MA =1.
***If the block is restarting due to a CP reboot, block install, or turning ON of the compound.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
Status Condition
MEAS.OOS = 1 FBM communications failure
MEAS.BAD = 1 FBM communications failure or bad measurement
BCALCO.OOS = 1 FBM communications failure
BCALCO.BAD = 1 FBM communications failure or bad measurement
MA.OOS = 1 FBM communications failure
For more information on block Bad, Shutdown and Bad states, refer to the Integrated Control Soft-
ware Concepts (B0193AW) document.
If the connected AOUT transitions to the Failsafe state, the PIDA block opens the upstream cas-
cade by setting the appropriate BCALCO status bits to true.
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Primary integrator windup must be prevented when the secondary controller limits or is in local
or manual. If integral action is not prevented, the prelimited output could windup, greatly
exceeding the effective limit value. Then secondary output recovery from limiting might occur
long after the primary control error changed sign because of its slow integral action, causing the
controlled primary variable to significantly overshoot its setpoint. If LIMOPT is 1 or 2, windup is
prevented by the response to logic bits transmitted with the secondary-BCALCO-to-primary-
BCALCI connection. If LIMOPT is 3, windup is suppressed passively through the FBK input
provided it is connected to the secondary BCALCO or its equivalent.
In a cascade, the connection of the primary FBK to its BCALCI, or to the secondary BCALCO,
compensates the integral action of a primary loop for the dynamic behavior of a secondary loop,
allowing tighter primary tuning.
Initialization of upstream blocks is triggered by a downstream manual-to-auto transition or local-
to-remote transition. When PRIBLK of all but the most primary block is set to 1, a secondary’s
remote setpoint RSP is not accepted until its upstream block’s OUT has been set to the down-
stream block’s BCALCO value. This is signaled with logic bits carried in the BCALCO to
BCALCI and OUT to RSP connections.
Primary BCALCI BCALCO Secondary
Block Block
For a controller, the BCALCO value is usually set to its MEAS value. However, it is set to its local
setpoint SPT if a local-remote transition has occurred. BCALCO may be back-calculated from its
BCALCI value in other types of blocks.
The logic handshake caused by setting PRIBLK to 1 is not necessary if the period and phase of
the cascaded blocks is the same and they are ordered primary to secondary in the same com-
pound. This is exploited in Figure 91-10 to achieve a split range. In Figure 91-10 two valves are
driven from two AOUTs. The AOUTs are driven from the same PIDA. When the PIDA’s OUT
goes from 0 to 30% the first AOUT is scaled so that its output goes full scale in the desired direc-
tion. The other AOUT’s output is scaled to go full scale when the PIDA’s output goes from 30 to
100%. If either of the AOUT’s BCALCO were connected to PIDA BCALCI, the limit at 30%,
sensed through logic bits, would cause the PIDA to misbehave. Instead a CALC block is used to
back calculate the real value connected to the PIDA’s BCALCI input without supplying logic bits.
The AOUT INITO Booleans are “anded” in the CALC block and the result linked to the PIDA
INITI input. Both AOUTs must request initialization for the AOUT to initialize. The CALC
block should be executed after the AOUTs (or ahead of the PIDA) to prevent an extra time step in
the upstream propagation.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
Steam Temp.
Primary PRIBLK = 0
Temperature PIDA
Heat Rate +
Temperature PIDA
B001 = INITO L and INITO H
R001 = BCALCO L and BCALCO H -30
30 to 100% 30 to 100%
0 to 100% 0 to 100%
Figure 91-10. Cascade Control Loop Example (Split Range)
Controllers can also be structured in parallel to provide a safety override of a normal control func-
tion. For example, the normal controlled variable can be a composition indicative of product
quality. In an emergency, a pressure controller can take over the final manipulated variable by
selecting the controller with the smaller (or larger) output to drive the final manipulated variable.
Integrator windup of the unselected controller is prevented by the same method used to recover
from downstream limiting, actively using BCALCI limit bits or passively using FBK. If the con-
trollers are tuned to have good unmeasured load rejection (high low-frequency gain) and
LIMOPT = 1, constraint enforcement (like output-limit recovery) will have a small controlled-
variable overshoot.
Normal u Selector u
Control <
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Block Block
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Default values for other parameters in the CALC configure list are accepted. CALC.RI04 is the
process gain.
The CALC output is linked to the input of a lead-lag block. The lag time is set to 0.2 minutes
providing a unity gain first order lag.
You can use the default values for other parameters in the LLAG configure list. If a quadratic lag
were desired configure a positive :LLAG.LAG2 value. The result is:
When LAG2/LAGTIM is greater than 0.25, the quadratic has complex (underdamped) roots.
The lag output is applied to the measurement input of the PIDA controller.
Default values can be accepted for the other parameters in the PIDA configure list. For this exam-
ple, MODOPT = 6 selects noninteracting PID, NIPID. Later you could try other MODOPT
choices such as PIDTAU = 8.
An FBTUNE extender block attached to the PIDA block provides adaptive feedback tuning.
You can use the default values for other parameters in the UNMEAS configure list.
An FFTUNE extender block attached to the PIDA block adaptive feedforward tuning.
Default values can be accepted for other parameters in the FFTUNE configure list.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
You can also test Selftune’s ability to cope with process changes in :DTIME.DT,
:LLAG.LAGTIM, and :CALC.RI04 (gain). It may be necessary to follow process changes with a
load or setpoint upset. Since Selftune may use a different gainset for up-transients than for down-
transients, it is often necessary to wait until the next transient of the same sign to view the result
of adaptation.
To cope with process nonlinearity, the use of :FBTUNE.PROG, whose span is divided into three
subranges by :FBTUNE.PROGLT and :FBTUNE.PROGUT, can cause up to six adapted gain-
sets to be employed, one for each subrange-direction pair.
Note that, :FBTUNE.PR_FL can change the style of Selftuning. A value of 0 uses a fuzzy-inter-
polation method for isolated error responses when :PIDA.MODOPT is 4 (PI) or 5 (PID). A
value of 2 suspends retuning but inserts the appropriate stored gainset to cope with each new dis-
turbance. For :FBTUNE.PRFL = 0, Selftune sets values for :PIDA.PBAND, :PIDA.INT,
If :PIDA.MODOPT is changed or if the process changes dramatically, for example from/to lag
dominant to/from deadtime dominant, you should run a new Pretune. Running a new Pretune,
or toggling :FBTUNE.PIDRCL from the FBTUNE Hold state, erases all stored gainsets. This
inserts into the PIDA the fallback tuning parameters :FBTUNE.PM, :FBTUNE.IM,
:FBTUNE.DM. Enter the FBTUNE Hold state by toggling to :FBTUNE.STHREQ to 1. This
state suspends both retuning and gainset insertion. When :FBTUNE.STNREQ is toggled to 0,
FBTUNE is turned off and all stored gainsets are erased. However, gainsets can be remembered by
checkpointing before FBTUNE is turned off.
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block B0193AX – Rev N
Vapor AT
Level LT LC AC
+ - X
PUMP Reflux Distillate
B0193AX – Rev N 91. PIDA – Advanced PID Block
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
This chapter describes the PID with EXACT Block, its features, parameters and detailed
92.1 Overview
The PIDE (Proportional-Integral-Derivative with EXACT) block adds a self-tuning function to
the traditional functions of a three-term interacting PID controller. The PID portion of this block
behaves exactly as the PID block except that the PIDE block does not support the MODOPT
Manual/Auto PIDE
Measurement BLOCK
Proportional Band
Integral Time Output
Derivative Time Controller Setpoint
Derivative Filter Gain Mode Error
Local/Remote Algorithm
Remote Setpoint Back Calculation Output
Integral Feedback
Output Bias High Output Limit Indicator
Back Calculation Input Low Output Limit Indicator
High Output Limit Block and Alarm Status
Low Output Limit
Alarm Notification Criticality
Priority Type
Measurement HiHi Alarm Limit Measurement HiHi Alarm Indicator
Measurement Hi Alarm Limit Measurement Hi Alarm Indicator
Measurement Lo Alarm Limit Alarm
Portion Measurement Lo Alarm Indicator
Measurement LoLo Alarm Limit Measurement LoLo Alarm Indicator
Measurement Alarm Priority High Deviation Indicator
High Deviation Limit Low Deviation Indicator
Low Deviation Limit
Deviation Alarm Priority
High Output Alarm Limit High Output Alarm Indicator
Low Output Alarm Limit Low Output Alarm Indicator
Output Alarm Priority
Supervisory Enable
Fallback Supervisory Back-Calculated Value
Supervisory Input SSC
Supervisory Group
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
92.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Local/Remote setpoint source selection
♦ Local and Remote latch switch inputs (LOCSW and REMSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Derivative filtering using a second-order Butterworth filter for high frequency noise
♦ External integral feedback to prevent windup during closed loop operation
♦ Separate assignable engineering range and units to the parameters Measurement, Bias,
and Input
♦ Bumpless transfer of the output signal when the block returns to controlling operation
in Auto
♦ Adjustable derivative gain parameter (KD)
♦ Automatic scaling, based on assigned engineering ranges, so that the controller gain is
♦ Output biasing with scaling
♦ Output clamping between variable output limits
♦ Bad inputs detection and handling
♦ Automatic cascade handling using an input and output parameter (back-calculated)
that includes:
♦ Initialization of cascade schemes
♦ Back calculation of the setpoint input for the upstream block, to provide bumpless
cascade operation when the cascade is open loop
♦ Supervisory Control (SSC) allows user application software to perform supervisory
control over the PIDE block’s setpoint.
The options are:
♦ Setpoint Tracking Option (STRKOP) forces the setpoint to track the Measurement
signal. STRKOP is enabled only when the LR parameter is in Local and either the
output is in Manual or the block detects a downstream block that is open loop. This
feature enables a bumpless return to automatic control when the PIDE or any down-
stream block returns to closed-loop operation. The block does not perform STRKOP
if any critical data errors are detected.
♦ Manual if Bad Option (MBADOP) is a manual override feature. When MBADOP is
true, the block sets the MA input to manual when it detects a control error, or when
the HOLD parameter goes true. This forces the output state to manual.
♦ Returning to Auto requires external intervention, unless AUTSW is true.
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Increase/Increase Option (INCOPT) reverses the normal sense of the control action
so that the controller output increases with increasing measurement.
♦ Measurement Alarming Option (MALOPT) provides absolute alarming of the mea-
surement during auto operation. This option also provides standard alarm
notification and reporting features.
♦ Deviation Alarm Option (DALOPT) enables (when true) deviation alarming of the
measurement-setpoint error signal.
♦ High-High Alarm Option (HHAOPT) enables High-High and Low-Low absolute
alarming for the measurement input, or disables absolute alarming altogether. Each
alarm triggers an indicator (HHAIND or LLAIND) and text message (HHATXT and
LLATXT) at a given priority level (HHAPRI) to be sent to the configured alarm
group (HHAGRP). Once an alarm limit (HHALIM or LLALIM) is exceeded, the
indicators remain set until the measurement returns within the defined limit plus (or
minus) the deadband (MEASDB).
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
♦ Manual Alarming Option (MANALM) allows you to invoke, while the block is in
manual, either all configured alarm options or all configured alarm options except out-
put alarming. Otherwise, alarming is normally performed only in Auto.
♦ Manual Clamping Option (MCLOPT) allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this boolean input at the workstation.
♦ Output Alarm Option (OALOPT) enables (when true) absolute alarming of the
block output signal (OUT).
♦ Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notifi-
cation purposes, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only
allowed to clear UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of
UNACK is normally via an “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display, or via a
user task.
♦ Bias Track Option (BTRKOP), when true, forces the algorithm’s output Bias to track
the block output (OUT). BTRKOP is a boolean input that you can change only by
reconfiguring the block.
♦ Control Error Option (CEOPT) allows you to enable, or disable, the block’s implicit
Hold action when it detects an error in the MEAS, FBK, or BCALCI input.
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) gives you the option of propagating the ERROR
status bit from the MEAS input to the block’s OUT parameter.
♦ Local Setpoint Secure (LOCSP) enables you to secure against any write access to the
LR parameter.
♦ Manual If Failsafe (MANFS) allows you have the block go to the Manual state when
the block receives a Failsafe notification.
♦ Supervisory Option (SUPOPT) specifies whether or not the block is to be under con-
trol of a Supervisory Application Program.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
♦ Fallback Option (FLBOPT) specifies the action taken in a block when Supervisory
fallback occurs. The fallback options can be: normal fallback, Auto, Manual, Remote,
or Local.
92.3 Parameters
Table 92-1. PIDE Block Parameters
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the PIDE block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PIDE block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the PIDE block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest ALMSTA.B27–
priority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm ALMSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
22 BAD BAD output of block ALMSTA.B10
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
28 OOR Out of Range Alarm ALMSTA.B4
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
AUTSW Auto Switch is a boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BATCHO Batch Control Option allows the PID to function as a preloadable con-
troller. It works in conjunction with the integral modes of the controller
and the integral preload input PRLOAD. Operationally, the batch option
preloads the integral term of the controller to the value of the preload
whenever the output is being limited to either its high or low output
BBIAS Bias Scale Factor is a real input used for offsetting the product of the BIAS
input with KBIAS.
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
BCALCO Back Calculation Output is a real output that is equal to MEAS except in
the following situations, where it is equal to SPT:
♦ The block is transitioning from Local to Remote mode on this
♦ MEAS has Bad status.
♦ MEAS has Out-of-Service status.
♦ MEAS has Error status.
♦ MEAS is experiencing source connection problems.
With V4.2 and later software, the status bits of BCALCO contain the cas-
cade initialization requests formerly contained in the INITO parameter.
You connect the BCALCO parameter to the BCALCI input of an
upstream block so that this upstream block can sense when the PIDE
block is open. Therefore with V4.2 and later software INITO is not
required for cascade initialization.
BIAS Bias is a real input added to the controller or algorithm output, to achieve
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PIDE block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 MTN Manual Tune Mode BLKSTA.B32
1 STN Self-Tune Mode BLKSTA.B31
2 PTN Pre-Tune Mode BLKSTA.B30
4 FOL Follow BLKSTA.B28
5 CTL Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
9 STRK Setpoint Tracking BLKSTA.B23
10 LR Local(= false)/Remote(= true) BLKSTA.B22
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
12 BAD block in BAD state BLKSTA.B20
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB FLB Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B1
Fallback State
BMP Bump is required for pretuning, and can be considered an option only if
you do not use the pretune feature. Bump is the amplitude of the doublet
pulse imposed at the controller output that causes the measurement to
respond. BMP is expressed in percent of the output span and should be
large enough to create a change in the measurement, larger than
BTRKOP Bias Track Option, when true, forces the PID algorithm’s BIAS input to
track the block output (OUT) when the block is in Manual.
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs is
in error. To provide backward compatibility, CEOPT defaults to 1.
CEOPT has a range of 0 to 2 where:
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
CLM Change Limit clamps the working PBAND and INT values within a
range that is expressed as a fraction/multiple of the reference PR and IR
values as follows:
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low deviation alarming
2 = High deviation alarming only
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
DERIV Derivative Time is a real input that adjusts the derivative time constant in
The working DERIV value is indirectly limited by the DFCT parameter and the
working INT value.
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that applies to
both High and Low Deviation Limits. You can adjust this parameter at
the workstation.
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group
number through the workstation.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
DFCT Derivative Factor is an input that controls the weight of the derivative
term; it multiplies the calculated derivative term by the derivative factor.
Setting DFCT to 0.0 eliminates the derivative term. Setting DFCT to 1.0
produces optimal controller tunings for a lag-delay process. A factor
greater than 1 signals Pretune to override the factor based on its identifica-
tion of the process delay and of primary and secondary lag times. For pro-
cesses requiring a large amount of derivative action (for example, a double
integral process), DFCT can be as large as 4.0.
DM Memory Derivative is one of the three parameters that support the PID
recall tuning feature, and is used to store a fallback DERIV setting.
DMP Damping limit is the maximum allowed damping of the closed loop
response. In the self-tuning mode, it is used with the OVR limit to set the
tuning criteria, to obtain the desired closed loop response. Generally,
damping and overshoot cannot be set independently. Best control is usu-
ally obtained using the damping limit.
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the value defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PIDE block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAME- A parameter value is not in the
TER acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
ERROR Control Error is a real output that equals Setpoint minus Measurement.
ERROR can be sourced to other blocks.
FBK Feedback is a real input used to generate integration action. Its function is
to prevent integral windup. FBK is normally connected to BCALCI or
BCALCO of downstream blocks.
FLBOPT Fallback Option is a short integer input that defines the control action to
be taken by the block when a Supervisory fallback occurs:
0 = Take no fallback action (default)
1 = Set MA parameter to Auto
2 = Set MA parameter to Manual
3 = Set LR parameter to Remote
4 = Set LR parameter to Local.
FLBOPT overrides linked MA and LR parameters, but does not override
the AUTSW, MANSW, REMSW, and LOCSW parameters.
FLBREQ Fallback Request is a short integer output that is an explicit request for the
block to go to the Fallback state, with recovery at the block level (when SE
is set), and/or at the group level (when the appropriate group enable bit is
set in SUPENA).
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
0 = No fallback requested
1 = Fallback requested; recovery at block or group level
2 = Fallback requested; recovery only at block level.
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) exceeds the
high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when
the value is less than HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not
return to false until the value falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that
triggers a High High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-
dependent value, generally the measurement input, or disables absolute
alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HOAIND High Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when-
ever the output is greater than HOALIM.
HOALIM High Output Alarm Limit is a real input, int OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a high output alarm.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
HOLD Hold is a boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
HZONE High Zone Limit establishes the upper end and positive region of the
closed interval about zero deviation for the nonlinear gain element for
which the control error is > 0. Its engineering range is 0 to the absolute
value of the measurement span; (that is, HSCI1 to LSCI1).
IM Memory Integral is one of the three parameters that support the PID
recall tuning feature and is used to store a fallback INT setting.
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
PIDE block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the PIDE block,
only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm INHSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to
INITO connection, is eliminated.
INITLR Initialize Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state
of the LR input during initialization, where:
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial LR state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a restart operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
The Initialize LR state is ignored if the LR input has an established link-
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
INITSE Initial Supervisory Enable specifies the initial state of the SE parameter in
a block configured for Supervisory Control (SUPOPT =1) when the block
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
INT Integral Time is a real input that adjusts the integral time constant when
the controller operates in the PI, IO, or PIDX modes. In the PO and PD
modes, Integral Time becomes the balance time (the time constant that
governs the rate at which the output approaches the proportional signal).
KBIAS Gain Factor is a real input that multiplies the BIAS input. It is expressed
in OUT units divided by BIAS units.
KD Derivative Filter Gain is a real input that adjusts the derivative filter gain.
KSCALE KSCALE is a conversion factor used to make the time units of the rate
parameters, which are in EI1 units per minute, dimensionally compatible
with the time units of the output, as defined by EO1.
KZONE Middle Zone Gain establishes the relative gain within the zone defined by
HZONE and LZONE. KZONE is usually set at less than unity for pH
control applications, or for desensitizing the control to noise. If KZONE
is set to zero, the block behaves as a dead zone controller, causing most
loops to limit cycle.
LDAIND The Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the
deviation limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through
the DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that defines how far the mea-
surement must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and
set the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to false when
the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does
not return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a deadband.
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that trig-
gers a Low-Low Alarm.
LMT Output Cycling Limit is a real input that indicates to the self-tuning algo-
rithm that the controller output is changing at a frequency that is too high
for the loop response as it is currently tuned. LMT has a range of 2 to 80
percent of output span and defaults to 80 percent. If the average peak-to-
peak amplitude exceeds LMT for over three minutes, the controller is
detuned by increasing PBAND and reducing DERIV. This feature is use-
ful for processes that have very little dead time and require a higher con-
troller gain.
LOAIND Low Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is less than LOALIM.
LOALIM Low Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a low output alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
6-character letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6
character logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ may be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR when it initializes and maintains LR in the
secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
LOCSW Local Switch is a boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
LZONE Low Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the absolute
value of the negative error level that sets the lower limit of the zone in
which the nonlinear gain option is exercised. LZONE is expressed as a
percentage of the measurement span RI1.
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual. Normally alarms are
processed only in the Auto mode.
0 = No alarming in Manual
1 = Full alarming in Manual
2 = No Output alarming in Manual.
You can change MANALM only by reconfiguring the block.
MANSW Manual Switch is a boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this configurable boolean input at
the workstation.
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL). When
the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the low alarm limit (MEASLL). When
the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the block
sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
NONLOP NonLinear Option inserts a segmental nonlinear gain element within the
forward path of the controller. It can be used to taylor the gain of the con-
troller in a zone about zero deviation. The zone is specified by HZONE
and LZONE parameters, and the gain within the zone is set by KZONE.
OALOPT Output Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low alarming of the block output (OUT) or disables
output alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low output alarming
2 = High output alarming only
3 = Low output alarming only.
You can change OALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
OSV Output Span Variance is a real input that defines the amount by which the
output clamp limits (HOLIM, LOLIM) can exceed the specified output
range, as defined by HSCO1 and LSCO1.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
OUTADB Output Alarm Deadband is a real input that specifies the size of the dead-
band for both High and Low Output Alarm Limits. You can adjust this
parameter at the workstation.
OUTGRP Output Group is a short integer input that directs high and low output
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change
the group number through the workstation.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
OUTPRI Output Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority level of
the High and Low Output Alarms (1 is the highest priority).
OVR Overshoot Limit is the target overshoot of the closed loop response, if the
fuzzy interpolation method is used (PR_FL=0), in the self tuning mode.
OVR has a range from 0.0 to 0.2 of the magnitude of the first peak.
PBAND Proportional Band is an input that determines, for any given deviation,
the length of the OUTINC or OUTDEC “on” time during each control-
ling period. PBAND defaults to 1000. A smaller value results in greater
sensitivity and a longer “on” time for a given deviation. A larger PBAND
value reduces sensitivity and the “on” time for a given deviation.
PCTOUT Percent of Output is a real value representing the percent of output span
per unit.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec,. this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PIDRCL PID Recall is a boolean input request that causes the memory tuning val-
ues PM, IM, and DM to be copied into the working values PBAND,
INT, and DERIV. PIDRCL is honored only in the FB_HOLD mode.
This feature provides a convenient means for the operator to save a fall-
back set of PID settings, which can be recalled if needed.
PM Memory PBAND is one of the three parameters that support the PID
recall tuning feature and is used to store a fallback PBAND setting.
PRLOAD PreLoad is the value that the integral term is set when the output is being
limited at either the LOLIM or HOLIM limit. It is operational only
under the batch option (BATCHOP) when the PID is in Auto. It precon-
ditions the integral term of the PID while the controller operates in Auto
during an open-loop situation, which usually arises during batch applica-
tions. The preload is usually set to the specific load conditions that existed
during closed-loop operation.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the MEAS
parameter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the MEAS
parameter is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
5 “SUP_INIT” The supervisory cascade is initializing.
6 “SUP_OPN” The supervisory cascade is open.
7 “SUP_CLS” The supervisory cascade is closed.
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
2 = Tracking
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High High
4 = Low Low
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
7 = Rate alarm
8 = BAD Alarm
PTNREQ Pretune Request is a user-set boolean input that initiates the Pretune func-
tion. The controller must be in Manual, and the process should be reason-
ably stationary before setting PTNREQ to 1. You can abort Pretune by
resetting PTNREQ to 0.
REMSW Remote Switch is a boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
RSP Remote Setpoint is the selected setpoint source when LR is set to Remote.
RSP is a real input. Typically RSP connects to an upstream block in a cas-
cade scheme. RSP and its source must be expressed in MEAS units.
SETTLE Settle is an override input that holds the self tuning algorithm in the Settle
substate of the self-tune state. An operator or a linked source can use this
parameter to inhibit self-tune adaptation during undesirable process con-
ditions. This feature can alleviate the need for you to manually return the
self-tune algorithm to the STN mode after an abnormal process condi-
SIGN Sign is a real value representing the sign of the first error peak.
SPLCOP Sample Controller option enables the PID to operate as a sampled con-
troller over a time period that is much greater than the block’s
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
SPT Setpoint always represents the active controller setpoint. Setpoint is the
reference variable that is compared with the MEAS input to produce the
ERROR signal. SPT is implemented as a configurable output that deter-
mines its source from the Local/Remote setpoint selector, LR. When LR is
true (Remote), SPT is nonsettable and assumes the Remote Setpoint
(RSP) value. When LR is false (Local), SPT is an unsecured, and thus set-
table, output and the SPT source is the set value. Configure the value you
want the SPT to assume when it first goes to Local. As an output, SPT can
also source the setpoint value to other blocks.
STNREQ Self-Tune Request is a boolean input that drives the self-tuning algorithm
into the self-tune operational mode. It can be initiated by either your
request or by a connection-based signal. If STNREQ is set to 1, self-tun-
ing begins when both PTNREQ and STHREQ are 0. Resetting
STNREQ turns self tuning off. The active tuning constants remain active
but the adapted stored tuning sets are erased.
STRKOP Setpoint Track Option is a boolean input. When true, STRKOP enables
the setpoint to track the measurement input if the setpoint source selector
LR is in Local AND either (a) the block is in Manual or (b) the Initializa-
tion input INITI is true. SPT is nonsettable while setpoint tracking is
active. You can change STRKOP only by reconfiguring the block.
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
SUP_IN Supervisory Input is a real output that is the parameter set by a Supervi-
sory application when performing supervisory control of this block’s set
point. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be set by the
supervisor to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in SUPBCO).
TCTRL Control Time establishes the time interval that the controller stays in the
Controlling substate of Auto. It is only active when SPLCOP is config-
ured. When this time interval expires, the controller is forced to the
S/HOLD substate of Auto. The controller returns back to Controlling if
either the TSAMPL timer expires, or the SPLRDY input is set. When
used in conjunction with the TSAMPL timer, it establishes a duty cycle
between Controlling and being in S/HOLD.
TRACK Track is an input parameter that the output follows whenever output
tracking is activated by the TRKENL input.
TRKENL Track Enable is an input that forces the output into the Track substate of
Auto. It is only enabled when the MA input is set to Auto. When active,
the output tracks the value of the TRACK input parameter and is
clamped between the output limits, HOLIM and LOLIM. If both INITI
and TRKENL are set in Auto, TRKENL takes precedence, and the output
tracks TRACK instead of BCALCI.
TSAMPL Sampling Time establishes the time period of an internal repeating timer
that cycles the controller updating. It is only active if the option SPLCOP
is configured. This timer can be used to effectively control a dead-time-
dominant process. If external triggering of the control action is desired,
TSAMPL should be set to 0, which effectively disables the timer. SPL-
RDY triggers the controlling state from S/HOLD.
TSTATE Tuner State is an encoded integer output that corresponds to the current
substate of the EXACT-tuning algorithm. The assigned integers and the
message that each represents are:
SI CODE Substate Name SI CODE Substate Name
SI_-01 MTUNE SI_007 Adjust PID
SI_000 Quiet SI_008 Adapt PID
SI_001 Locate First Peak SI_009 Settle
SI_002 Verify First Peak SI_100 Bump
SI_003 Locate Second Peak SI_101 Return Output
SI_004 Verify Second Peak SI_102 Wait Steady State
SI_005 Locate Third Peak SI_103 Monitor Noise
SI_006 Verify Third Peak
TYPE When you enter “PIDE” or select “PIDE” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
WMAX Wait Max is a crude estimate of the time scale of the process and repre-
sents the maximum time that the self-tune algorithm waits for the second
peak. It should be set larger than half the maximum period of oscillation
and smaller than eight times the minimum period of oscillation. You can
enter an NB value at configuration or derive a value from a pretune opera-
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
Switching from Remote to Local is always bumpless, because SPT retains the last value transferred
from the remote setpoint. For cascade purposes, the block sets the BCALCO initialization status
value true when the setpoint is under local control, or when the block is open-looped. This tells
an upstream block to perform an explicit initialization, so that the return to remote setpoint oper-
ation is bumpless.
The block goes to Tracking when the BCALCI initialization status value is set true, as long as the
block is not in HOLD, and there is no control error. The block performs explicit initialization in
the Tracking substate. When the BCALCI initialization status value returns to false, the block
returns to the Controlling substate to resume closed-loop control.
In the Tracking substate, OUT = BCALCI unless BCALCI is out of range, in which case OUT is
clamped between the LOLIM and HOLIM values. The block calculates the BCALCO parameter,
sets the BCALCI initialization status value to true (requesting upstream blocks to perform their
own explicit initialization), and sets bit 6 (TRCK) in the BLKSTA parameter.
During Auto operation, the block checks the critical inputs MEAS, FBK, and BCALCI for data
errors (off-scan, or BAD, OOS, or ERROR status bits set). If an error is detected, the PIDE
block, depending on the value of the CEOPT parameter (see CEOPT definition), may propagate
the error to its outputs by setting the ERROR status bit of the output, OUT.
The block goes to Hold if, while MBADOP is false and CEOPT = 1 or 2, either the HOLD
parameter goes true, or a condition required by the CEOPT parameter is met.
In the Hold substate, OUT keeps the last good value before the block went into Hold, and the
block secures this value against any changes. The block sets the BCALCO status to bad and sets
bit 7 (HOLD) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When all error conditions have ceased, the block returns to the Controlling substate and resumes
closed loop control.
No implicit Hold action takes place if CEOPT = 0.
A transition to Manual sets all alarm and limit indicators to false.
If MBADOP is configured true (and the MA parameter is unlinked), the block goes to the Man-
ual state when it detects a control error or when the HOLD input goes true, regardless of the
CEOPT value. MBADOP has the same priority as MANSW and has precedence over AUTSW.
Therefore, if MBADOP is configured true and a bad input is detected, the block goes to Manual
regardless of the AUTSW setting.
When the block is switched to Manual, the OUT status reflects the MEAS/SPT status at the time
the switch occurred. While the block is in Manual, it maintains this status until you changes the
OUT output via data access. At that time, the block clears the status.
During Manual operation, PID control is not performed. Alarm outputs are settable. The con-
troller output (OUT) is unsecured and may have its value set by an external task or program and,
if the manual clamp option (MCLOPT) is configured, these set values will undergo output
The setpoint track option forces the local setpoint (SPT) to track the measurement. While set-
point tracking is active, SPT becomes nonsettable to prevent any user from manipulating the local
setpoint value. Setpoint tracking is only performed if the setpoint source selector is switched to
Local and the block is either operating in Manual or the BCALCI initialization value status is
true. BCALCI value status being true indicates that a block downstream in the cascade is open
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
nal that is sent when the operator requests a PID Recall. If any of the working values are linked,
PID Recall is ignored.
The algorithm enters the other two states, PTN and STN, only through the MTN state. Further-
more, both these states exit only to the MTN state. This description moves first from the manual-
tune state to the Pretune state and then to the self-tune state.
Before the EXACT-tune algorithm can operate, the operator has to provide several tuning range
parameters. Pretune can help the operator who is tuning an unfamiliar loop obtain values for
some of these parameters. Specifically, it does this by running through an open-loop upset and
getting some rough estimates for the IR, PR, DR, NB, and WMAX parameters. When more reli-
able values are not already available, the operator can have these estimates stored into the reference
values by requesting pretune from the detail display.
To enter the PTN state, the block must be in Manual and the EXACT-tune algorithm must be in
the MTN state when the operator makes a pretune request at the detail display. BMP is the only
parameter the operator has to define for a pretune. BMP is the output step change that causes the
measurement to undergo the “process reaction curve” (a minimum of 2.5 percent of the measure-
ment span).
The “process reaction curve” identifies the process deadtime and the process sensitivity. The algo-
rithm uses the deadtime to estimate the reference values for the integral time (IR), the derivative
time (DR), and the maximum wait time (WMAX). Both the process sensitivity and the deadtime
enter into the estimate for the proportional band reference (PR). Pretune produces overly conser-
vative tunings for a dominant deadtime process.
Pretune estimates the noiseband (NB) by determining the amplitude of the measurement compo-
nent whose frequency is too high for the closed loop to remove. Reduce the Derivative Factor
(DFCT) if NB is high, since derivative is ineffective in a high-noise environment.
When the pretune operation is complete, the algorithm sets the pretune request to false, causing
an automatic return to the MTN state.
Before entering the STN mode, the operator, or the configuration, must define the following
To establish ranges for P, I, and D, the algorithm needs the reference values (PR, IR, and DR), the
change limit (CLM) value, and the derivative factor (DFCT).
To accurately detect peaks, and to correct for the oscillating or the overdamped response, the algo-
rithm needs values for the noiseband (NB), the maximum wait time (WMAX), and the output
cycling limit (LMT).
To confirm that its computed values will provide the desired closed-loop response, the algorithm
needs values for the maximum allowed damping (DMP) and the overshoot limit (OVR).
To enter the self-tune state (STN), the block’s working values must be free of linkages, the self-
tune algorithm must be in the MTN state, when the self-tune request (STNREQ) is true.
STNREQ may, based on its configuration, come from the operator or from another control
block. Once in STN, the EXACT-tuning algorithm remains in this state until STNREQ is set
false or the block is initialized.
In STN, the algorithm looks at the error each block execution cycle, immediately after the PID
algorithm is completed. As long as the error magnitude does not exceed twice the NB, the STN
mode remains in its quiescent state.
If the error magnitude does exceed twice NB, the algorithm records the next three peaks in the
error curve. Based on the magnitude of these three peaks and the period of time between peaks,
92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
the algorithm computes new values for P, I, and D, and checks that they are consistent with other
user-defined parameters. If they are consistent, the self-tune algorithm copies them into the PID
algorithm’s working values.
If the computed values violate any of these constraining parameters (for example, Overshoot or
Damping), the algorithm adjusts one or more of the computed values and rechecks for consis-
tency until it meets all constraints.
If the downstream block is an AOUT block, link BCALCI and FBK to the downstream block’s
BCALCO parameter.
If the secondary block is a DGAP or PTC block, link BCALCI and FBK to the secondary block’s
BCALCO parameter.
B0193AX – Rev N 92. PIDE – PID With EXACT Block
In a cascade configuration, connect the FBK of the primary to the BCALCO of the secondary
controller to prevent windup.
Use the PRIBLK option in all cascade configurations.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
This chapter gives a general overview of the PIDX (PID Extended Block), including its
features, parameters and detailed operations.
93.1 Overview
The PIDX (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Extended) block is a traditional PID controller with
added features. Like the PID block, PIDX can be configured to operate in one of five modes:
1. Proportional Only (PO)
2. Integral Only (IO)
3. Proportional Plus Derivative (PD)
4. Proportional Plus Integral (PI), and
5. Proportional Plus Integral Plus Derivative (PID).
In addition, the PIDX includes Output Tracking as a feature and options for:
1. Nonlinear Gain Compensation
2. Sampling mode
3. Batch control preload.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
Measurement BLOCK
Proportional Band
Integral Time
Derivative Time Output
Derivative Filter Gain Mode Setpoint
Local/Remote Algorithm Error
Remote Setpoint
Back Calculation Output
Integral Feedback
Output Bias
High Output Limit Indicator
Back Calculation Input
Low Output Limit Indicator
Block and Alarm Status
High Output Limit
Low Output Limit Criticality
Inhibit Priority Type
Measurement HiHi Alarm Limit Measurement HiHi Alarm Indicator
Measurement Hi Alarm Limit Alarm
Measurement Hi Alarm Indicator
Measurement Lo Alarm Limit Measurement Lo Alarm Indicator
Measurement LoLo Alarm Limit Measurement LoLo Alarm Indicator
Measurement Alarm Priority
High Deviation Limit
Low Deviation Limit
Deviation Alarm Priority
High Output Alarm Limit High Deviation Indicator
Low Output Alarm Limit Low Deviation Indicator
Output Alarm Priority
High Output Alarm Indicator
Low Output Alarm Indicator
Track Enable
Tracking Input
Nonlinear Gain
High Limit-Nonlinear Zone
Low Limit-Nonlinear Zone
Sample Time
Control Time
Sample Ready
Batch Preload
Supervisory Enable
Fallback Supervisory Back-Calculated Value
Supervisory Input
Supervisory Group
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
93.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Local/Remote setpoint source selection
♦ Local and Remote latch switch inputs (LOCSW and REMSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Derivative filtering using a second-order Butterworth filter for high frequency noise
♦ External integral feedback to prevent windup during closed loop operation
♦ Separate assignable engineering range and units to the parameters Measurement, Bias,
and Input
♦ Bumpless transfer of the output signal when the block returns to controlling operation
in Auto
♦ Adjustable derivative gain parameter (KD)
♦ Automatic scaling, based on assigned engineering ranges, so that the controller gain is
♦ Output biasing with scaling
♦ Output clamping between variable output limits
♦ Bad inputs detection and handling
♦ Automatic cascade handling using an input and output parameter (back-calculate)
that includes:
♦ Initialization of cascade schemes.
♦ Back calculation of the setpoint input for the upstream block, to provide bumpless
cascade operation when the cascade is open loop.
♦ Output Tracking allows the output to track an independent signal source
♦ Supervisory Control (SSC) allows user application software to perform supervisory
control over the PIDX block’s set point.
The options are:
♦ Setpoint Tracking Option (STRKOP) forces the setpoint to track the Measurement
signal. STRKOP is enabled only when the LR parameter is in Local and either the
output is in manual or the block detects a downstream block that is open loop. This
feature allows bumpless return to automatic control when the PIDX or any down-
stream block returns to closed-loop operation. The block does not perform STRKOP
if any critical data errors are detected.
♦ Manual if Bad Option (MBADOP) is a manual override feature. When MBADOP is
true, the block sets the MA input to manual when it detects a control error (CE =
true), or when the HOLD parameter goes true. This forces the output state to man-
ual. Returning to Auto requires external intervention, unless AUTSW is true.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
♦ Increase/Increase Option (INCOPT) reverses the normal sense of the control action
so that the controller output increases with increasing measurement.
♦ Measurement Alarming Option (MALOPT) provides absolute alarming of the mea-
surement during auto operation. This option also provides standard alarm
notification and reporting features.
♦ Deviation Alarm Option (DALOPT) enables (when true) deviation alarming of the
measurement-setpoint error signal.
♦ High-High Alarm Option (HHAOPT) enables High-High and Low-Low absolute
alarming for the measurement input, or disables absolute alarming altogether. Each
alarm triggers an indicator (HHAIND or LLAIND) and text message (HHATXT and
LLATXT) at a given priority level (HHAPRI) to be sent to the configured alarm
group (HHAGRP). Once an alarm limit (HHALIM or LLALIM) is exceeded, the
indicators remain set until the measurement returns within the defined limit plus (or
minus) the deadband (MEASDB).
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
♦ Manual Alarming Option (MANALM) allows you to invoke, while the block is in
manual, either all configured alarm options or all configured alarm options except out-
put alarming. Otherwise, alarming is normally performed only in Auto.
♦ Output Alarm Option (OALOPT) enables (when true) absolute alarming of the
block output signal (OUT).
♦ Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notifi-
cation purposes, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only
allowed to clear UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of
UNACK is normally via an operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display,
or via a user task.
♦ Manual Clamping Option (MCLOPT) allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. The operator can alter this boolean input at the workstation.
♦ Bias Track Option (BTRKOP), when true, forces the algorithm’s output Bias to track
the block output (OUT). BTRKOP is a boolean input that you can change only by
reconfiguring the block.
♦ Nonlinear Option (NONLOP) allows you to change the gain in a zone about zero
error. The zone is defined by HZONE and LZONE, and the gain by KZONE.
♦ Sample Controller Option (SPLCOP) enables the PID to operate as a sampling con-
troller over a time period that is much greater than the block’s execution period.
♦ Batch Control Option (BATCHO) works with the integral modes of the controller
and the integral preload input to allow the PID to operate as a preloadable controller.
♦ Control Error Option (CEOPT) allows you to enable, or disable, the block’s implicit
Hold action when it detects an error in the MEAS, FBK, or BCALCI input.
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) gives you the option of propagating the ERROR
status bit from the MEAS input to the block’s OUT parameter.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Local Setpoint Secure (LOCSP) enables you to secure against any write access to the
LR parameter.
♦ Manual If Failsafe (MANFS) allows you to have the block go to the Manual state
when the block receives a Failsafe notification.
♦ Supervisory Option (SUPOPT) specifies whether or not the block is under control of
a Supervisory Application Program.
♦ Fallback Option (FLBOPT) specifies the action taken in a block when Supervisory
fallback occurs. The fallback options can be: normal fallback, Auto, Manual, Remote,
or Local.
93.3 Parameters
Table 93-1. PIDX Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the PIDX block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PIDX block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK
Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the PIDX block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest ALMSTA.B27–
priority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm ALMSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
22 BAD BAD output of block ALMSTA.B10
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
28 OOR Out of Range Alarm ALMSTA.B4
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
AUTSW Auto Switch is a boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BATCHO Batch Control Option is a boolean input that enables the PIDX block to
operate as a preloadable controller. You can change BATCHO only by
reconfiguring the block. When BATCHO is true, and a limit condition
exists, the integral term is set to the value nearer the limit PRLOAD, or
the value selected when LIMOPT is 2. In the PIDX block, the only choice
is PRLOAD. The PIDA version tends to avoid saw-tooth ratcheting and
excessively slow recovery.
BBIAS Bias Scale Factor is a real input used for offsetting the product of the BIAS
input with KBIAS.
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
BCALCO Back Calculation Output is a real output that is equal to MEAS except in
the following situations, where it is equal to SPT:
♦ The block is transitioning from Local to Remote mode on this
♦ MEAS has Bad status.
♦ MEAS has Out-of-Service status.
♦ MEAS has Error status.
♦ MEAS is experiencing source connection problems.
With V4.2 and later software, the status bits of BCALCO contain the cas-
cade initialization requests formerly contained in the INITO parameter.
You connect the BCALCO parameter to the BCALCI input of an
upstream block so that this upstream block can sense when the PIDX
block is open. Therefore, with V4.2 and later software, INITO is not
required for cascade initialization.
BIAS Bias is a real input added to the controller or algorithm output, to achieve
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PIDX block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
4 FOL Follow BLKSTA.B28
5 CTL Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
9 STRK Setpoint Tracking BLKSTA.B23
10 LR Local(= false)/Remote(= true) BLKSTA.B22
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
12 BAD block in BAD state BLKSTA.B20
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB Supervisory Control Fallback BLKSTA.B1
BTRKOP Bias Track Option, when true, forces the PID algorithm’s BIAS input to
track the block output (OUT) when the block is in Manual, and operat-
ing in the PO or PD controller mode.
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs is
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming.
1 = High and Low deviation alarming.
2 = High deviation alarming only.
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
DERIV Derivative Time is a real input that adjusts the derivative time constant in
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
The working DERIV value is indirectly limited by the DFCT parameter and the
working INT value.
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that applies to
both High and Low Deviation Limits. You can adjust this parameter at
the workstation.
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group
number through the workstation.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PIDX block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
Message Value
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
ERROR Control Error is a real output that equals Setpoint minus Measurement.
ERROR can be sourced to other blocks.
FBK Feedback is a real input used to generate integration action. Its function is
to prevent integral windup. FBK is normally connected to BCALCI or
BCALCO of downstream blocks.
FLBOPT Fallback Option is a short integer input that defines the control action to
be taken by the block when a Supervisory fallback occurs:
0 = take no fallback action (default).
1 = set MA parameter to Auto.
2 = set MA parameter to Manual.
3 = set LR parameter to Remote.
4 = set LR parameter to Local.
FLBOPT overrides linked MA and LR parameters, but does not override
the AUTSW, MANSW, REMSW, and LOCSW parameters.
FLBREQ Fallback Request is a short integer output that is an explicit request for the
block to go to the Fallback state, with recovery at the block level (when SE
is set), and/or at the group level (when the appropriate group enable bit is
set in SUPENA).
0 = No fallback requested.
1 = Fallback requested; recovery at block or group level.
2 = Fallback requested; recovery only at block level.
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) exceeds the
high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when
the value is less than HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not
return to false until the value falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that
triggers a High High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-
dependent value, generally the measurement input, or disables absolute
alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming.
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming.
2 = High-High alarming only.
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HOAIND High Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when-
ever the output is greater than HOALIM.
HOALIM High Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a high output alarm.
HOLD Hold is a boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
HZONE High Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the upper
limit of the zone in which the nonlinear gain option is exercised. HZONE
is expressed as a percentage of the measurement span.
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
PIDX block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. The PIDX block uses
the following bits:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm INHSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to
INITO connection, is eliminated.
INITLR Initialize Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state
of the LR input during initialization, where:
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial LR state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a restart operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
The Initialize LR state is ignored if the LR input has an established link-
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
INITSE Initial Supervisory Enable is a configurable short integer value that speci-
fies the initial state of the SE parameter in a block configured for Supervi-
sory Control (with SUPOPT = 1) when the block initializes due to
reboot, installing the block, or turning on the compound. Options are:
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
2 = do not change SE parameter.
INT Integral Time is a real input that adjusts the integral time constant when
the controller operates in the PI, IO, or PIDX modes. In the PO and PD
modes, Integral Time becomes the balance time (the time constant that
governs the rate at which the output approaches the proportional signal).
KBIAS Gain Factor is a real input that multiplies the BIAS input. It is expressed
in OUT units divided by BIAS units.
KD Derivative Filter Gain is a real input that adjusts the derivative filter gain.
KSCALE KSCALE is a conversion factor used to make the time units of the rate
parameters, which are in EI1 units per minute, dimensionally compatible
with the time units of the output, as defined by EO1.
KZONE Zone Gain establishes the gain within the nonlinear zone defined by
HZONE and LZONE. KZONE is usually set at less than unity for pH
control applications. If KZONE is set to zero, the block behaves as a dead
zone controller.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
LDAIND The Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the devia-
tion limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the
DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that defines how far the mea-
surement must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and
set the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to false when
the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does
not return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a deadband.
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that trig-
gers a Low-Low Alarm.
LOAIND Low Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is less than LOALIM.
LOALIM Low Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a low output alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR when it initializes and maintains LR in the
secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
LOCSW Local Switch is a boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
LZONE Low Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the absolute
value of the negative error level that sets the lower limit of the zone in
which the nonlinear gain option is exercised.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual. Normally alarms are
processed only in the Auto mode.
0 = No alarming in Manual
1 = Full alarming in Manual
2 = No Output alarming in Manual.
You can change MANALM only by reconfiguring the block.
MANSW Manual Switch is a boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this configurable boolean input at
the workstation.
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL). When
the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the low alarm limit (MEASLL). When
the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the block
sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is an real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
MODOPT Mode Option is a configurable short integer. When the block is in Auto,
MODOPT dictates the controller mode. The integer value ranges from 1
to 5 for PID blocks.
1= PO – Proportional Only
2= IO – Integral Only
3= PD – Proportional plus Derivative
4= PI – Proportional plus Integral
5= PID – Proportional, Integral, Derivative (product of factors)
NONLOP Nonlinear Option is a configured boolean input that allows you to cus-
tomize the gain in a zone about zero error. The zone is defined by
HZONE and LZONE, the gain by KZONE. You can change
NONLOP only by reconfiguring the block.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
OALOPT Output Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low alarming of the block output (OUT) or disables
output alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low output alarming
2 = High output alarming only
3 = Low output alarming only.
You can change OALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
OSV Output Span Variance is a real input that defines the amount by which the
output clamp limits (HOLIM, LOLIM) can exceed the specified output
range, as defined by HSCO1 and LSCO1.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
OUTADB Output Alarm Deadband is a real input that specifies the size of the dead-
band for both High and Low Output Alarm Limits. You can adjust this
parameter at the workstation.
OUTGRP Output Group is a short integer input that directs high and low output
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change
the group number through the workstation.
OUTPRI Output Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority level of
the High and Low Output Alarms (1 is the highest priority).
PBAND Proportional Band is an input that determines, for any given deviation,
the length of the OUTINC or OUTDEC “on” time during each control-
ling period. PBAND defaults to 1000. A smaller value results in greater
sensitivity and a longer “on” time for a given deviation. A larger PBAND
value reduces sensitivity and the “on” time for a given deviation.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PRLOAD Batch Preload is a real input that is loaded into the controller’s integral
term whenever the output is being limited at either the LOLIM or
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the MEAS
parameter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the MEAS
parameter is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
5 “SUP_INIT” The supervisory cascade is initializing.
6 “SUP_OPN” The supervisory cascade is open.
7 “SUP_CLS” The supervisory cascade is closed.
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
2 = Tracking
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High High
4 = Low Low
5 = High Deviation
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
6 = Low Deviation
7 = Rate alarm
8 = BAD I/O Alarm
REMSW Remote Switch is a boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
RSP Remote Setpoint is the selected setpoint source when LR is set to Remote.
RSP is a real input. Typically RSP connects to an upstream block in a cas-
cade scheme. RSP and its source must be expressed in MEAS units.
SPLCOP Sample Controller Option enables the PIDX to operate as a sampling con-
troller with an effective control period much larger than the block’s
PERIOD parameter. The effective period can be controlled asynchro-
nously by TSAMPL or synchronously by SPLRDY. In the PIDX and
PIDXE blocks, SPLCOP invokes a run-hold duty cycle mode of opera-
tion. If True, the control algorithm can be executed when triggered by
SPLRDY or with the variable update interval TSAMPL. In the PID and
PIDX, SPLCOP invokes a run-hold duty cycle.
SPT Setpoint always represents the active controller setpoint. Setpoint is the
reference variable that is compared with the MEAS input to produce the
ERROR signal. SPT is implemented as a configurable output that deter-
mines its source from the Local/Remote setpoint selector, LR. When LR is
true (Remote), SPT is nonsettable and assumes the Remote Setpoint
(RSP) value. When LR is false (Local), SPT is an unsecured, and thus set-
table, output and the SPT source is the set value. Configure the value you
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
want the SPT to assume when it first goes to Local. As an output, SPT can
also source the setpoint value to other blocks.
STRKOP Setpoint Track Option is a boolean input. When true, STRKOP enables
the setpoint to track the measurement input if the setpoint source selector
LR is in Local AND either (a) the block is in Manual or (b) the Initializa-
tion input INITI is true. SPT is nonsettable while setpoint tracking is
active. You can change STRKOP only by reconfiguring the block.
SUP_IN Supervisory Input is a real output that is the parameter set by a Supervi-
sory application when performing supervisory control of this block’s set-
point. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be set by the
supervisor to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in SUPBCO).
TCTRL Control Time is a real input that specifies the number of minutes the
block stays in the Controlling substate when the sample controller option
is active. If used with the TSAMPL timer, TCTRL establishes the duty
cycle between the Controlling and the Sample and Hold states.
TRACK Track is a real input that provides the input signal block output tracks
when the block is in Auto and TRKENL is true.
TRKENL Track Enable is a boolean input that enables the block output to follow
the TRACK input.
TSAMPL Sampling Time is a real input parameter that specifies the period, in min-
utes, of an internal timer that triggers an output update. If external trig-
gering of the control action is desired, set TSAMPL to 0 and use SPLRDY
to trigger the output update.
TYPE When you enter “PIDX” or select “PIDX” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
♦ Supervisory control is enabled, that is, SUPOPT and BLKSTA.SE are both true, and
SUP_IN is not in error.
♦ Setpoint tracking is active, that is, BLKSTA.STRK is true. In order for this status bit
to be true, all of the following conditions must exist:
♦ The STRKOP parameter must be configured true.
♦ There must be no control error condition.
♦ One of the following conditions must be true:
♦ The block is in Manual mode.
♦ The cascade is open downstream (either the data value of INITI is true, or the
LHI and LLO status bits of BCALCI are simultaneously true).
♦ A request for conditional initialization has been received from downstream.
♦ Parameter TRKENL is true.
Otherwise SPT is released (settable).
LOCSP allows the block to secure the LR parameter when the block initializes and to maintain
that secured state except when LOCSW and/or REMSW is asserted.
When the block is in the Remote mode, the status of the local setpoint (SPT) tracks the status of
the remote setpoint (RSP).
When the block is switched to Local mode, the setpoint status depends on the setpoint tracking
option (STRKOP):
♦ If STRKOP is set true, the SPT status is cleared.
♦ If STRKOP is false, the SPT status reflects the RSP status at the time the switch to
Local occurred. The block maintains this status as long as block is in Local, unless you
change the SPT value via data access. At that time the status is cleared.
The local set point is clamped each cycle when the set point mode is Remote, Local, or Supervi-
sory. The clamp limits used are the measurement scale limits HSCI1 and LSCI1. If the setpoint
value before clamping is equal to or less than LCSI1, status bit LLO of SPT is set true. If the value
before clamping is equal to or higher than HSCI1, status bit LHI of SPT is true.
The PIDX block has two output states, Auto and Manual. In Manual, the block releases the out-
put, allowing it to be set by you. In Auto, the block secures the output.
Auto has three substates: Controlling, Tracking, and Holding.
Closed loop automatic PID control is actually done in a substate of Auto called Controlling. In
this state, the block computes the output signal based on the configured control mode option and
the deviation between SPT and MEAS. Proportional control is fixed by the steady state gain term
Integral control action is generated by feeding back the external integral feedback signal (FBK)
through a first order lag. INT, the integral setting of the controller, fixes the time constant of the
lag. Such a scheme avoids the pitfalls of integral windup. See “Normal Configuration” on
page 1687 for more details.
Derivative control action consists of a second-order Butterworth filtering of the Measurement sig-
nal. Both the time constant and the derivative gain of this filtering action are selected by you
using the DERIV parameter.
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
In Auto, the computed output value undergoes limiting. Limiting clamps the output between the
variable output limits, HOLIM and LOLIM. You can place these limits anywhere within the
range defined by LSCO1 and HSCO1.
Moreover, the output span variance parameter (OSV) enables you to extend this range at both the
high and low ends by an equal amount, up to 25 percent. If you set LOLIM higher than
HOLIM, then HOLIM is automatically set equal to the higher of the two values, which is
LOLIM. The block provides, for control purposes, output limit indicators that are active when
the output is clamped at either limit.
In Auto, when you switch the setpoint source selector from Local to Remote, the transfer is made
bumpless by removing derivative dynamics (if applicable) and forcing the integral to absorb any
proportional action.
Switching from Remote to Local is always bumpless, because SPT retains the last value transferred
from the remote setpoint. For cascade purposes, the block sets the BCALCO initialization status
value true when the setpoint is under local control, or when the block is open-looped. This tells
an upstream block to perform an explicit initialization, so that the return to remote setpoint oper-
ation is bumpless.
The block goes to Tracking when the BCALCI initialization status value is set true, as long as the
block is not in HOLD, and there is no control error. The block performs explicit initialization in
the Tracking substate. When the BCALCI initialization status value returns to false, the block
returns to the Controlling substate to resume closed-loop control.
In the Tracking substate, OUT = BCALCI unless BCALCI is out of range, in which case OUT is
clamped between the LOLIM and HOLIM values. The block calculates the BCALCO parameter,
sets the BCALCO initialization status value to true (requesting upstream blocks to perform their
own explicit initialization), and sets bit 6 (TRCK) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When the PIDX block is the upstream block in a cascade control scheme, output tracking
(BTRKOP = true) assures a bumpless transfer for the downstream block.
Output tracking, a feature of the PIDX block, functions only when the controller is in Auto.
While the TRKENL input is true, the output is forced into the Tracking substate of Auto; but the
output tracks the Track input instead of the BCALCI input as in the explicit initialization that
occurs when the BCALCI initialization status value is true. If both the BCALCI initialization sta-
tus value and TRKENL are true, BCALCI takes precedence and the output tracks BCALCI. Out-
put clamping is still active. If the block detects control errors, it bypasses output tracking and goes
to the Holding substate, which holds the last good output.
During Auto operation, the block checks the critical inputs MEAS, FBK, and BCALCI for data
errors (off-scan, or BAD, OOS, or ERROR status bits set). If an error is detected, the PID block,
depending on the value of the CEOPT parameter (see CEOPT definition), may propagate the
error to its outputs by setting the ERROR status bit of the output, OUT.
The block goes to Hold if, while MBADOP is false and CEOPT = 1 or 2, either the HOLD
parameter goes true, or a condition required by the CEOPT parameter is met.
In the Hold substate, OUT keeps the last good value before the block went into Hold, and the
block secures this value against any changes. The block sets the BCALCO status to bad and sets
bit 7 (HOLD) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When all error conditions have ceased, the block returns to the Controlling substate and resumes
closed loop control.
No implicit Hold action takes place if CEOPT = 0.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
93. PIDX – PID Extended Block B0193AX – Rev N
the controller is forced back to the S/Hold state to await the next SPLRDY input. Controller tun-
ing must take the duty cycle into account.
The asynchronous mode presumes no timing inputs from the source. In this mode, the block
waits in the S/Hold state collecting data until a strobe from an internal Sample Timer drives the
block to the Controlling substate. After controlling for a time period defined by TCTRL, the con-
troller is forced back to the S/Hold state to await the next Sample Timer strobe. The Sample Time
parameter (TSAMPL) fixes the period of the internal repeating Sample Timer. TCTRL = 0 results
in one control cycle execution of the block in each TSAMPL period.
In a synchronous operation, you can disable the Sample Timer by setting TSAMPL (Sample
Time) to zero. This ensures that the controller initializes to the S/Hold state and produces no con-
trol action before a valid measurement is available.
If the downstream block is an AOUT block, link BCALCI and FBK to the downstream block’s
BCALCO parameter.
If the secondary block is a DGAP or PTC block, link BCALCI and FBK to the secondary block’s
BCALCO parameter.
B0193AX – Rev N 93. PIDX – PID Extended Block
In a cascade configuration, connect the FBK of the primary to the BCALCO of the secondary
controller to prevent windup.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with
This chapter covers the PIDXE (PID Extended with EXACT Block), including its features,
parameters and detailed operations.
94.1 Overview
The PIDE (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Extended with EXACT) block adds extended fea-
tures and a self-tuning function to the traditional functions of a three-term interacting PID con-
troller. The PID portion of this block and its extended features behave exactly as the PID block
except that the PIDXE block does not support the MODOPT parameter.
The extended features that the PIDXE block adds to the PIDE block include Output Tracking as
a feature and options for:
1. Nonlinear gain compensation
2. Sampling mode
3. Batch control preload.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
Measurement BLOCK
Proportional Band
Integral Time
Derivative Time Output
Derivative Filter Gain Mode Setpoint
Local/Remote Algorithm Error
Remote Setpoint
Integral Feedback
Back Calculation Output
Output Bias
Back Calculation Input
High Output Limit Indicator
Track Enable
Tracking Input PIDXE
Nonlinear Gain Extended
High Limit-Nonlinear Zone
Low Limit-Nonlinear Zone
Sample Time
Control Time
Sample Ready
Output Alarm Priority
Supervisory Enable
Fallback SSC Supervisory Back-Calculated Value
Supervisory Input
Supervisory Group
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
94.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Local/Remote setpoint source selection
♦ Local and Remote latch switch inputs (LOCSW and REMSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Derivative filtering using a second-order Butterworth filter for high frequency noise
♦ External integral feedback to prevent windup during closed loop operation
♦ Separate assignable engineering range and units to the parameters Measurement, Bias,
and Input
♦ Bumpless transfer of the output signal when the block returns to controlling operation
in Auto
♦ Adjustable derivative gain parameter (KD)
♦ Automatic scaling, based on assigned engineering ranges, so that the controller gain is
♦ Output biasing with scaling
♦ Output clamping between variable output limits
♦ Bad inputs detection and handling
♦ Automatic cascade handling using an input and output parameter (back-calculate)
that includes:
♦ Initialization of cascade schemes
♦ Back calculation of the setpoint input for the upstream block, to provide bumpless
cascade operation when the cascade is open loop
♦ Output Tracking allows the output to track an independent signal source
♦ Supervisory Control (SSC) allows user application software to perform supervisory
control over the PIDXE block’s setpoint
The options are:
♦ Setpoint Tracking Option (STRKOP) forces the setpoint to track the Measurement
signal. STRKOP is enabled only when the LR parameter is in Local and either the
output is in manual or the block detects a downstream block that is open loop. This
feature enables a bumpless return to automatic control when the PIDXE or any
downstream block returns to closed-loop operation. The block does not perform
STRKOP if any critical data errors are detected.
♦ Manual if Bad Option (MBADOP) is a manual override feature. When MBADOP is
true, the block sets the MA input to manual when it detects a control error, or when
the HOLD parameter goes true. This forces the output state to manual.
Returning to Auto requires external intervention, unless AUTSW is true.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
♦ Increase/Increase Option (INCOPT) reverses the normal sense of the control action
so that the controller output increases with increasing measurement.
♦ Measurement Alarming Option (MALOPT) provides absolute alarming of the mea-
surement during auto operation. This option also provides standard alarm
notification and reporting features.
♦ Deviation Alarm Option (DALOPT) enables (when true) deviation alarming of the
measurement-setpoint error signal.
♦ High-High Alarm Option (HHAOPT) enables High-High and Low-Low absolute
alarming for the measurement input, or disables absolute alarming altogether. Each
alarm triggers an indicator (HHAIND or LLAIND) and text message (HHATXT and
LLATXT) at a given priority level (HHAPRI) to be sent to the configured alarm
group (HHAGRP). Once an alarm limit (HHALIM or LLALIM) is exceeded, the
indicators remain set until the measurement returns within the defined limit plus (or
minus) the deadband (MEASDB).
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
♦ Manual Alarming Option (MANALM) allows you to invoke, while the block is in
manual, either all configured alarm options or all configured alarm options except out-
put alarming. Otherwise, alarming is normally performed only in Auto.
♦ Output Alarm Option (OALOPT) enables (when true) absolute alarming of the
block output signal (OUT).
♦ Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notifi-
cation purposes, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only
allowed to clear UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of
UNACK is normally via an operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display,
or via a user task.
♦ Manual Clamping Option (MCLOPT) allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this boolean input at the workstation.
♦ Bias Track Option (BTRKOP), when true, forces the algorithm’s output Bias to track
the block output (OUT). BTRKOP is a boolean input that you can change only by
reconfiguring the block.
♦ Nonlinear Option (NONLOP) allows you to change the gain in a zone about zero
error. The zone is defined by HZONE and LZONE, and the gain by KZONE.
♦ Sample Controller Option (SPLCOP) enables the PID to operate as a sampling con-
troller over a time period that is much greater than the block’s execution period.
♦ Batch Control Option (BATCHO) works with the integral modes of the controller
and the integral preload input to allow the PID to operate as a preloadable controller.
♦ Control Error Option (CEOPT) allows you to enable, or disable, the block’s implicit
Hold action when it detects an error in the MEAS, FBK, or BCALCI input.
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) gives you the option of propagating the ERROR
status bit from the MEAS input to the block’s OUT parameter.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Local Setpoint Secure (LOCSP) enables you to secure against any write access to the
LR parameter.
♦ Manual If Failsafe (MANFS) allows you to have the block go to the Manual state
when the block receives a Failsafe notification.
♦ Supervisory Option (SUPOPT) specifies whether or not the block is under control of
a Supervisory Application Program.
♦ Fallback Option (FLBOPT) specifies the action taken in a block when Supervisory
fallback occurs. The fallback options can be: normal fallback, Auto, Manual, Remote,
or Local.
94.3 Parameters
Table 94-1. PIDXE Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the PIDXE block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PIDXE block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the PIDXE block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest priority, ALMSTA.B27–
1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm ALMSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
22 BAD BAD output of block ALMSTA.B10
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
AUTSW Auto Switch is a boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BATCHO Batch Control Option is a boolean input that enables the PIDX block to
operate as a preloadable controller. You can change BATCHO only by
reconfiguring the block. When BATCHO is true, and a limit condition
exists, the integral term is set to the value nearer the limit PRLOAD, or
the value selected when LIMOPT is 2. In the PIDX block, the only choice
is PRLOAD. The PIDA version tends to avoid saw-tooth ratcheting and
excessively slow recovery.
BBIAS Bias Scale Factor is a real input used for offsetting the product of the BIAS
input with KBIAS.
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
BCALCO Back Calculation Output is a real output that is equal to MEAS except in
the following situations, where it is equal to SPT:
♦ The block is transitioning from Local to Remote mode on this
♦ MEAS has Bad status.
♦ MEAS has Out-of-Service status.
♦ MEAS has Error status.
♦ MEAS is experiencing source connection problems.
With V4.2 and later software, the status bits of BCALCO contain the cas-
cade initialization requests formerly contained in the INITO parameter.
You connect the BCALCO parameter to the BCALCI input of an
upstream block so that this upstream block can sense when the PIDX
block is open. Therefore with V4.2 and later software INITO is not
required for cascade initialization.
BIAS Bias is a real input added to the controller or algorithm output, to achieve
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PIDXE block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 MTN Manual Tune Mode BLKSTA.B32
1 STN Self-Tune Mode BLKSTA.B31
2 PTN Pre-Tune Mode BLKSTA.B30
4 FOL Follow BLKSTA.B28
5 CTL Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
9 STRK Setpoint Tracking BLKSTA.B23
10 LR Local(= false)/Remote(= true) BLKSTA.B22
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
12 BAD block in BAD state BLKSTA.B20
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB FLB Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B1
Fallback State
BMP Bump is required for pretuning, and can be considered an option only if
you do not use the pretune feature. Bump is the amplitude of the doublet
pulse imposed at the controller output that causes the measurement to
respond. BMP is expressed in percent of the output span and should be
large enough to create a change in the measurement, larger than
BTRKOP Bias Track Option, when true, forces the PID algorithm’s BIAS input to
track the block output (OUT) when the block is in Manual.
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs is
in error. To provide backward compatibility, CEOPT defaults to 1.
CEOPT has a range of 0 to 2 where:
0= The block takes no implicit Hold action when it detects a con-
trol error.
1= The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
either MEAS or BCALCI: (a) has its BAD status bit set true; (b)
has its Out-of-Service status bit set true; (c) is experiencing
peer-to-peer path failure.
2= The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
either MEAS or BCALCI meets any of the conditions described
for CEOPT = 1, or if MEAS has its ERROR status bit set true.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
true, still drives the block into the Hold state whenever the block is in
Auto (and MBADOP is false).
CLM Change Limit clamps the working PBAND and INT values within a
range that is expressed as a fraction/multiple of the reference PR and IR
values as follows:
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low deviation alarming
2 = High deviation alarming only
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
DERIV Derivative Time is a real input that adjusts the derivative time constant in
The working DERIV value is indirectly limited by the DFCT parameter and the
working INT value.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that applies to
both High and Low Deviation Limits. You can adjust this parameter at
the workstation.
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group
number through the workstation.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
DFCT Derivative Factor is an input that controls the weight of the derivative
term; it multiplies the calculated derivative term by the derivative factor.
Setting DFCT to 0.0 eliminates the derivative term. Setting DFCT to 1.0
produces optimal controller tunings for a lag-delay process. A factor
greater than 1 signals Pretune to override the factor based on its identifica-
tion of the process delay and of primary and secondary lag times. For pro-
cesses requiring a large amount of derivative action (for example, a double
integral process), DFCT can be as large as 4.0.
DM Memory Derivative is one of the three parameters that support the PID
recall tuning feature, and is used to store a fallback DERIV setting.
DMP Damping limit is the maximum allowed damping of the closed loop
response. In the self-tuning mode, it is used with the OVR limit to set the
tuning criteria, to obtain the desired closed loop response. Generally,
damping and overshoot cannot be set independently. Best control is usu-
ally obtained using the damping limit.
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PIDXE block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
ERROR Control Error is a real output that equals Setpoint minus Measurement.
ERROR can be sourced to other blocks.
FBK Feedback is a real input used to generate integration action. Its function is
to prevent integral windup. FBK is normal.
FLBOPT Fallback Option is a short integer input that defines the control action to
be taken by the block when a Supervisory fallback occurs:
0 = Take no fallback action (default)
1 = Set MA parameter to Auto
2 = Set MA parameter to Manual
3 = Set LR parameter to Remote
4 = Set LR parameter to Local.
FLBOPT overrides linked MA and LR parameters, but does not override
the AUTSW, MANSW, REMSW, and LOCSW parameters.
FLBREQ Fallback Request is a short integer output that is an explicit request for the
block to go to the Fallback state, with recovery at the block level (when SE
is set), and/or at the group level (when the appropriate group enable bit is
set in SUPENA).
0 = No fallback requested
1 = Fallback requested; recovery at block or group level
2 = Fallback requested; recovery only at block level.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) exceeds the
high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when
the value is less than HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not
return to false until the value falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that
triggers a High High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-
dependent value, generally the measurement input, or disables absolute
alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HOAIND High Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when-
ever the output is greater than HOALIM.
HOALIM High Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a high output alarm.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
HOLD Hold is a boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
HZONE High Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the upper
limit of the zone in which the nonlinear gain option is exercised. HZONE
is expressed as a percentage of the measurement span.
IM Memory Integral is one of the three parameters that support the PID
recall tuning feature and is used to store a fallback INT setting.
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
PIDXE block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
6 Inhibit Bad I/O Alarm INHALM.B10
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the PIDXE block,
only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm INHSTA.B13
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to
INITO connection, is eliminated.
INITLR Initialize Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state
of the LR input during initialization, where:
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial LR state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a restart operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
The Initialize LR state is ignored if the LR input has an established link-
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
INITSE Initial Supervisory Enable (INITSE) specifies the initial state of the SE
parameter in a block configured for Supervisory Control (that is:
SUPOPT =1) when the block initializes due to reboot, installing the
block, or turning on the compound.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
2 = Do not change SE parameter.
INT Integral Time is a real input that adjusts the integral time constant when
the controller operates in the PI, IO, or PIDX modes. In the PO and PD
modes, Integral Time becomes the balance time (the time constant that
governs the rate at which the output approaches the proportional signal).
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
change limit (CLM) parameter to limit the actual working integral value
about the IR value. See CLM.
KBIAS Gain Factor is a real input that multiplies the BIAS input. It is expressed
in OUT units divided by BIAS units.
KD Derivative Filter Gain is a real input that adjusts the derivative filter gain.
KSCALE KSCALE is a conversion factor used to make the time units of the rate
parameters, which are in EI1 units per minute, dimensionally compatible
with the time units of the output, as defined by EO1.
KZONE Zone Gain establishes the gain within the nonlinear zone defined by
HZONE and LZONE. KZONE is usually set at less than unity for pH
control applications. If KZONE is set to zero, the block behaves as a dead
zone controller.
LDAIND The Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the devia-
tion limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the
DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that defines how far the mea-
surement must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and
set the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to false when
the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does
not return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a deadband.
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that trig-
gers a Low-Low Alarm.
LMT Output Cycling Limit is a real input that indicates to the self-tuning algo-
rithm that the controller output is changing at a frequency that is too high
for the loop response as it is currently tuned. LMT has a range of 2 to 80
percent of output span and defaults to 80 percent. If the average peak-to-
peak amplitude exceeds LMT for over three minutes, the controller is
detuned by increasing PBAND and reducing DERIV. This feature is use-
ful for processes that have very little dead time and require a higher con-
troller gain.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
LOAIND Low Output Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is less than LOALIM.
LOALIM Low Output Alarm Limit is a real input, in OUT units, that defines the
value of the output that initiates a low output alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR when it initializes and maintains LR in the
secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
LOCSW Local Switch is a boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
are two possible sources for the setpoint: (a) MEAS or (b) a user settable
input. The choice is based on the conditions of STRKOP and MA, as
described under STRKOP.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
LZONE Low Zone is a real input that defines, in terms of the error, the absolute
value of the negative error level that sets the lower limit of the zone in
which the nonlinear gain option is exercised.
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual. Normally alarms are
processed only in the Auto mode.
0 = No alarming in Manual
1 = Full alarming in Manual
2 = No Output alarming in Manual.
You can change MANALM only by reconfiguring the block.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
MANSW Manual Switch is a boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual.
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL). When
the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the low alarm limit (MEASLL). When
the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the block
sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
MI Code Message
MI_155 PI Clamped CLM Limit
MI_156 Self-Tune Initialize
MI_157 Linkage on Tuning Constant
MI_160 PID Open Loop
NONLOP Nonlinear Option is a configured boolean input that allows you to cus-
tomize the gain in a zone about zero error. The zone is defined by
HZONE and LZONE, the gain by KZONE. You can change NONLOP
only by reconfiguring the block.
OALOPT Output Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low alarming of the block output (OUT) or disables
output alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low output alarming
2 = High output alarming only
3 = Low output alarming only.
You can change OALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
OSV Output Span Variance is a real input that defines the amount by which the
output clamp limits (HOLIM, LOLIM) can exceed the specified output
range, as defined by HSCO1 and LSCO1.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
OUTADB Output Alarm Deadband is a real input that specifies the size of the dead-
band for both High and Low Output Alarm Limits. You can adjust this
parameter at the workstation.
OUTGRP Output Group is a short integer input that directs high and low output
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change
the group number through the workstation.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
OUTPRI Output Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority level of
the High and Low Output Alarms (1 is the highest priority).
OVR Overshoot Limit is the target overshoot of the closed loop response, if the
fuzzy interpolation method is used (PR_FL=0), in the self tuning mode.
OVR has a range from 0.0 to 0.2 of the magnitude of the first peak.
PBAND Proportional Band is an input that determines, for any given deviation,
the length of the OUTINC or OUTDEC “on” time during each control-
ling period. PBAND defaults to 1000. A smaller value results in greater
sensitivity and a longer “on” time for a given deviation. A larger PBAND
value reduces sensitivity and the “on” time for a given deviation.
PCTOUT Percent of Output is a real value representing the percent of output span
per unit.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PIDRCL PID Recall is a boolean input request that causes the memory tuning val-
ues PM, IM, and DM to be copied into the working values PBAND,
INT, and DERIV. PIDRCL is honored only in the FB_HOLD mode.
This feature provides a convenient means for you to save a fallback set of
PID settings, which can be recalled if needed.
PM Memory PBAND is one of the three parameters that support the PID
recall tuning feature and is used to store a fallback PBAND setting.
PRLOAD Batch Preload is a real input that is loaded into the controller’s integral
term whenever the output is being limited at either the LOLIM or
HOLIM values. PRLOAD is operational only when the block is in Auto
and the Batch Control Option is configured.
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the MEAS
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
parameter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the MEAS
parameter is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
5 “SUP_INIT” The supervisory cascade is initializing.
6 “SUP_OPN” The supervisory cascade is open.
7 “SUP_CLS” The supervisory cascade is closed.
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
2 = Tracking
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High High
4 = Low Low
5 = High Deviation
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
6 = Low Deviation
7 = Rate alarm
8 = BAD Alarm
PTNREQ Pretune Request is a user-set boolean input that initiates the Pretune func-
tion. The controller must be in Manual, and the process should be reason-
ably stationary before setting PTNREQ to 1. You can abort Pretune by
resetting PTNREQ to 0.
REMSW Remote Switch is a boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
RSP Remote Setpoint is the selected setpoint source when LR is set to Remote.
RSP is a real input. Typically RSP connects to an upstream block in a cas-
cade scheme. RSP and its source must be expressed in MEAS units.
SETTLE Settle is an override input that holds the self tuning algorithm in the Settle
substate of the self-tune state. An operator or a linked source can use this
parameter to inhibit self-tune adaptation during undesirable process con-
ditions. This feature can alleviate the need for the operator to manually
return the self-tune algorithm to the STN mode after an abnormal process
SIGN Sign is a real value representing the sign of the first error peak.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
SPT Setpoint always represents the active controller setpoint. Setpoint is the
reference variable that is compared with the MEAS input to produce the
ERROR signal. SPT is implemented as a configurable output that deter-
mines its source from the Local/Remote setpoint selector, LR. When LR is
true (Remote), SPT is nonsettable and assumes the Remote Setpoint
(RSP) value. When LR is false (Local), SPT is an unsecured, and thus set-
table, output and the SPT source is the set value. Configure the value you
want the SPT to assume when it first goes to Local. As an output, SPT can
also source the setpoint value to other blocks.
STNREQ Self-Tune Request is a boolean input that drives the self-tuning algorithm
into the self-tune operational mode. It can be initiated by either an opera-
tor request or by a connection-based signal. If STNREQ is set to 1, self-
tuning begins when both PTNREQ and STHREQ are 0. Resetting
STNREQ turns self tuning off. The active tuning constants remain active
but the adapted stored tuning sets are erased.
STRKOP Setpoint Track Option is a boolean input. When true, STRKOP enables
the setpoint to track the measurement input if the setpoint source selector
LR is in Local AND either (a) the block is in Manual or (b) the Initializa-
tion input INITI is true. SPT is nonsettable while setpoint tracking is
active. You can change STRKOP only by reconfiguring the block.
SUPGRP Supervisory Group (SUPGRP) specifies the group to which the block is
assigned for Supervisory Control. Range: 1 through 8 (default = 1)
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
SUP_IN Supervisory Input is a real output that is the parameter set by a Supervi-
sory application when performing supervisory control of this block’s set
point. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be set by the
supervisor to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in SUPBCO).
TCTRL Control Time is a real input that specifies the number of minutes the
block stays in the Controlling substate when the sample controller option
is active. If used with the TSAMPL timer, TCTRL establishes the duty
cycle between the Controlling and the Sample and Hold states.
TRACK Track is a real input that provides the input signal block output tracks
when the block is in Auto and TRKENL is true.
TRKENL Track Enable is a boolean input that enables the block output to follow
the TRACK input.
TSAMPL Sampling Time is a real input parameter that specifies the period, in min-
utes, of an internal timer that triggers an output update. If external trig-
gering of the control action is desired, set TSAMPL to 0 and use SPLRDY
to trigger the output update.
TSTATE Tuner State is an encoded integer output that corresponds to the current
substate of the EXACT-tuning algorithm. The assigned integers and the
message that each represents are:
SI CODE Substate Name
SI_000 Quiet
SI_001 Locate First Peak
SI_002 Verify First Peak
SI_003 Locate Second Peak
SI_004 Verify Second Peak
SI_005 Locate Third Peak
SI_006 Verify Third Peak
SI_007 Adjust PID
SI_008 Adapt PID
SI_009 Settle
SI_100 Bump
SI_101 Return Output
SI_102 Wait Steady State
SI_103 Monitor Noise
TYPE When you enter “PIDXE” or select “PIDXE” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
WMAX Wait Max is a crude estimate of the time scale of the process and repre-
sents the maximum time that the self-tune algorithm waits for the
second peak. It should be set larger than half the maximum period of
oscillation and smaller than eight times the minimum period of oscilla-
tion. You can enter an NB value at configuration or derive a value from a
pretune operation.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
When LR is switched to Remote (true), SPT is no longer settable and takes on the value of the
remote setpoint input, RSP. RSP provides a link to the remote setpoint source. If RSP is unlinked
when LR is true, the block forces the LR parameter to local and secures it.
The PIDXE block also provides the LOCSW and REMSW parameters to drive the setpoint state
to Local or Remote.
LOCSP allows the block to secure the LR parameter when the block initializes and to maintain
that secured state except when LOCSW and/or REMSW is asserted.
When the block is in the Remote mode, the status of the local setpoint (SPT) tracks the status of
the remote setpoint (RSP).
When the block is switched to Local mode, the setpoint status depends on the setpoint tracking
option (STRKOP):
♦ If STRKOP is set true, the SPT status is cleared.
♦ If STRKOP is false, the SPT status reflects the RSP status at the time the switch to
Local occurred. The block maintains this status as long as block is in Local, unless you
change the SPT value via data access. At that time the status is cleared.
The local setpoint is clamped each cycle when the setpoint mode is Remote, Local, or Supervi-
sory. The clamp limits used are the measurement scale limits HSCI1 and LSCI1. If the setpoint
value before clamping is equal to or less than LCSI1, status bit LLO of SPT is set true. If the value
before clamping is equal to or higher than HSCI1, status bit LHI of SPT is true.
The PIDXE block has two output states, Auto and Manual. In Manual, the block releases the out-
put, allowing it to be set by you. In Auto, the block secures the output.
Auto has three substates: Controlling, Tracking, and Holding.
Closed loop automatic PID control is actually performed in the substate of Auto called Control-
ling. In this state, the block computes the output signal based on the deviation between SPT and
MEAS. Proportional control is fixed by the steady state gain term (100/PBAND).
Integral control action is generated by feeding back the external integral feedback signal (FBK)
through a first order lag. INT, the integral setting of the controller, fixes the time constant of the
lag. Such a scheme avoids the pitfalls of integral windup. See “Normal Configuration” on
page 1727 for more details.
Derivative control action consists of a second-order Butterworth filtering of the Measurement sig-
nal. Both the time constant and the derivative gain of this filtering action are fixed by the user-
specified DERIV parameter.
In Auto, the computed output value undergoes limiting. Limiting clamps the output between the
variable output limits, HOLIM and LOLIM. You can place these limits anywhere within the
range defined by LSCO1 and HSCO1. Moreover, the output span variance parameter (OSV)
enables you to extend this range at both the high and low ends by an equal amount, up to 25 per-
cent. If you set LOLIM higher than HOLIM, then HOLIM is automatically set equal to the
higher of the two values, which is LOLIM. The block provides, for control purposes, output limit
indicators that are active when the output is clamped at either limit.
In Auto, when you switch the setpoint source selector from Local to Remote, the transfer is made
bumpless by removing derivative dynamics (if applicable) and forcing the integral to absorb any
proportional action.
Switching from Remote to Local is always bumpless, because SPT retains the last value transferred
from the remote setpoint. For cascade purposes, the block sets the BCALCO initialization status
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
value true when the setpoint is under local control, or when the block is open-looped. This tells
an upstream block to perform an explicit initialization, so that the return to remote setpoint oper-
ation is bumpless.
The block goes to Tracking when the BCALCI initialization status value is set true, as long as the
block is not in HOLD, and there is no control error. The block performs explicit initialization in
the Tracking substate. When the BCALCI initialization status value returns to false, the block
returns to the Controlling substate to resume closed-loop control.
In the Tracking substate, OUT = BCALCI unless BCALCI is out of range, in which case OUT is
clamped between the LOLIM and HOLIM values. The block calculates the BCALCO parameter,
sets the BCALCO initialization status value to true (requesting upstream blocks to perform their
own explicit initialization), and sets bit 6 (TRCK) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When the PIDXE block is the upstream block in a cascade control scheme, output tracking
(BTRKOP = true) assures a bumpless transfer for the downstream block.
Output tracking, a feature of the PIDXE block, functions only when the controller is in Auto.
While the TRKENL input is true, the output is forced into the Tracking substate of Auto; but the
output tracks the Track input instead of the BCALCI input as in the explicit initialization that
occurs when the BCALCI initialization status value is true. If both the BCALCI initialization sta-
tus value and TRKENL are true, BCALCI takes precedence and the output tracks BCALCI. Out-
put clamping is still active. If the block detects control errors, it bypasses output tracking and goes
to the Holding substate, which holds the last good output.
During Auto operation, the block checks the critical inputs MEAS, FBK, and BCALCI for data
errors (off-scan, or BAD, OOS or ERROR status bits set). If an error is detected, the PID block,
depending on the value of the CEOPT parameter (see CEOPT definition), can propagate the
error to its outputs by setting the ERROR status bit of the output, OUT.
The block goes to Hold if, while MBADOP is false and CEOPT = 1 or 2, either the HOLD
parameter goes true, or a condition required by the CEOPT parameter is met.
In the Hold substate, OUT keeps the last good value before the block went into Hold, and the
block secures this value against any changes. The block sets the BCALCO status to bad and sets
bit 7 (HOLD) in the BLKSTA parameter.
When all error conditions have ceased, the block returns to the Controlling substate and resumes
closed loop control.
No implicit Hold action takes place if CEOPT = 0.
A transition to Manual sets all alarm and limit indicators to false.
If MBADOP is configured true (and the MA parameter is unlinked), the block goes to the Man-
ual state when it detects a control error or when the HOLD input goes true, regardless of the
CEOPT value. MBADOP has the same priority as MANSW and has precedence over AUTSW.
Therefore, if MBADOP is configured true and a bad input is detected, the block goes to Manual
regardless of the AUTSW setting.
When the block is switched to Manual, the OUT status reflects the MEAS/SPT status at the time
the switch occurred. While the block is in Manual, it maintains this status until you change the
OUT output via data access. At that time, the block clears the status.
During Manual operation, PID control is not performed. Alarm outputs are settable. The con-
troller output (OUT) is unsecured and can have its value set by an external task or program and,
if the manual clamp option (MCLOPT) is configured, these set values undergo output clamping.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
The setpoint track option forces the local setpoint (SPT) to track the measurement. While set-
point tracking is active, SPT becomes nonsettable to prevent any user from manipulating the local
setpoint value. Setpoint tracking is only performed if the setpoint source selector is switched to
Local and the block is either operating in Manual or the BCALCI initialization status value is
true. BCALCI status value being true indicates that a block downstream in the cascade is open
The following summarizes the secured/released condition of the SPT parameter:
SPT is secured (non-settable) if any of the following are true:
♦ The block is in Remote mode, that is, LR is true. In this case, BLKSTA.LR is also
♦ Supervisory control is enabled, that is, SUPOPT and BLKSTA.SE are both true, and
SUP_IN is not in error.
♦ Setpoint tracking is active, that is, BLKSTA.STRK is true. In order for this status bit
to be true, all of the following conditions must exist:
♦ The STRKOP parameter must be configured true.
♦ There must be no control error condition.
♦ One of the following conditions must be true:
♦ The block is in Manual mode.
♦ The cascade is open downstream (either the data value of BCALCI is true, or
the LHI and LLO status bits of BCALCI are simultaneously true).
♦ A request for conditional initialization has been received from downstream.
♦ Parameter TRKENL is true.
Otherwise SPT is released (settable).
When the block restarts, the INITMA configured option specifies the value of the MA parameter,
unless MA has an established linkage, or MANSW or AUTSW is set true. Likewise, the INITLR
specifies the value of the LR parameter, unless LR is linked, or LOCSW or REMSW is set true.
The PIDXE block offers a Nonlinear Gain Option to specify a gain factor and a zone of error val-
ues in which this alternate gain multiplies 100/PBAND. This nonlinear zone is defined by the
HZONE and LZONE parameters, and is situated, but not necessarily centered, about zero error.
The PIDXE block offers two other options, the Batch Control option and the Sampling Control-
ler option. Both function only while the block is in the Automatic state.
The Batch Option presets the integral term of the PID to the value of PRLOAD while the con-
troller output is limited, a situation often arising at the start of a batch process.
Operationally, the Batch Option preloads the integral term of the controller to the value of the
preload (PRLOAD) input whenever the output is being clamped at either its high or low output
limit. The PRLOAD input is usually set according to the anticipated load conditions to prevent
overshoot following startup.
The Sampling Controller option operates in two modes, synchronous and asynchronous. Both
modes cycle the block between the S/Hold (Sample and Hold) and the Controlling substates of
Auto and both use the Control Time parameter (TCTRL) to fix the length of time that the con-
troller stays in the Controlling substate.
The synchronous mode presumes a strobe input from the measurement source that tells the con-
troller that collection of the data from a chromatograph or other slow-sampling measuring instru-
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
ment is completed. This “Sample Ready” strobe input is connected to the block’s
SPLRDY (Sample Ready) parameter.
In operation, the block waits in the S/Hold state taking data until a positive transition of the SPL-
RDY input drives the block to the Controlling substate. In this substate, the block performs nor-
mal closed-loop automatic PID control. After a time period defined by TCTRL (Control Time),
the controller is forced back to the S/Hold state to await the next SPLRDY input. Controller tun-
ing must take the duty cycle into account.
The asynchronous mode presumes no timing inputs from the source. In this mode, the block
waits in the S/Hold state collecting data until a strobe from an internal Sample Timer drives the
block to the Controlling substate. After controlling for a time period defined by TCTRL, the con-
troller is forced back to the S/Hold state to await the next Sample Timer strobe. The Sample Time
parameter (TSAMPL) fixes the period of the internal repeating Sample Timer.
In a synchronous operation, you can disable the Sample Timer by setting TSAMPL (Sample
Time) to zero. This ensures that the controller initializes to the S/Hold state and produces no con-
trol action before a valid measurement is available.
The EXACT-tuning algorithm is separate from the PID algorithm, and operates without affecting
the operation of the PID control algorithm except to provide new working values of PBAND,
INT, and DERIV following a process upset. The operator can override even this action by placing
the self-tune algorithm in either the Manual Tune state, or the Settle substate of the Self-Tune
The PIDXE block has three sets of P, I, and D values:
1. The working values – these are the values used by the PID control algorithm;
PBAND, INT, and DERIV. Working values are obtained from 1) the real values
entered at block configuration, or 2) the self-tune algorithm after a process upset, or
3) the Memory values when copied to the working values by the operator.
Although the parameters PBAND, INT, and DERIV are listed as connectable, they
must not be linked to other blocks if exact self-tuning is desired. Linking these param-
eters to other blocks secures these working values from other sources such as the
Memory values and the self-tune algorithm.
2. The memory values – these are values of P, I, and D that are stored into the PM, IM,
and DM parameters by the operator to be recalled later for a special situation or
because the loop performed particularly well with these values. The operator-initiated
PID Recall function loads these memory values into the PID working value records.
3. The reference values – these parameters, PR, IR, and DR, are used to form a range of
values which restrain, and clamp, the working values. Reference values are obtained
from the real values entered at block configuration or from a Pretune operation.
The self-tune algorithm has three primary states: Manual-Tune (MTN), Self-Tune (STN), and
Pretune (PTN).
When the PIDXE block is initialized, the self-tuning algorithm goes to the MTN state. EXACT-
tuning is inoperable in the MTN state. MTN is the only state that responds to the PIDRCL sig-
nal that is sent when the operator requests a PID Recall. If any of the working values are linked,
PID Recall is ignored.
The algorithm enters the other two states, PTN and STN, only through the MTN state. Further-
more, both these states exit only to the MTN state. This description moves first from the manual-
tune state to the Pretune state and then to the self-tune state.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
Before the EXACT-tune algorithm can operate, the operator has to provide several tuning range
parameters. Pretune can help the operator who is tuning an unfamiliar loop obtain values for
some of these parameters. Specifically it does this by running through an open-loop upset and get-
ting some rough estimates for the IR, PR, DR, NB, and WMAX parameters. When more reliable
values are not already available, the operator can have these estimates stored into the reference val-
ues by requesting pretune from the detail display.
To enter the PTN state, the block must be in Manual and the EXACT-tune algorithm must be in
the MTN state when you make a pretune request at the detail display. BMP is the only parameter
you must define for a pretune. BMP is the output step change that causes the measurement to
undergo the “process reaction curve” (a minimum of 2.5 percent of the measurement span).
The “process reaction curve” identifies the process deadtime and the process sensitivity. The algo-
rithm uses the deadtime to estimate the reference values for the integral time (IR), the derivative
time (DR), and the maximum wait time (WMAX). Both the process sensitivity and the deadtime
enter into the estimate for the proportional band reference (PR). Pretune produces overly conser-
vative tunings for a dominant deadtime process.
Pretune estimates the noiseband (NB) by determining the amplitude of the measurement compo-
nent whose frequency is too high for the closed loop to remove. Reduce the Derivative Factor
(DFCT) if NB is high, since derivative is ineffective in a high-noise environment.
When the pretune operation is complete, the algorithm sets the pretune request to false, causing
an automatic return to the MTN state.
Before entering the STN mode, the operator or the configuration must define the following
To establish ranges for P, I, and D, the algorithm needs the reference values (PR, IR, and DR), the
change limit (CLM) value, and the derivative factor (DFCT).
To accurately detect peaks, and to correct for the oscillating or the overdamped response, the algo-
rithm needs values for the noiseband (NB), the maximum wait time (WMAX), and the output
cycling limit (LMT).
To confirm that its computed values provides the desired closed-loop response, the algorithm
needs values for the maximum allowed damping (DMP) and the overshoot limit (OVR).
To enter the self-tune state (STN), the block’s working values must be free of linkages, the self-
tune algorithm must be in the MTN state, when the self-tune request (STNREQ) is true.
STNREQ can, based on its configuration, come from the operator or from another control block.
Once in STN, the EXACT-tuning algorithm remains in this state until STNREQ is set false or,
the block is initialized.
In STN, the algorithm looks at the error each block execution cycle, immediately after the PID
algorithm is completed. As long as the error magnitude does not exceed twice the NB, the STN
mode remains in its quiescent state.
If the error magnitude does exceed twice NB, the algorithm records the next three peaks in the
error curve. Based on the magnitude of these three peaks and the period of time between peaks,
the algorithm computes new values for P, I, and D, and checks that they are consistent with other
user-defined parameters. If they are consistent, the self-tune algorithm copies them into the PID
algorithm’s working values.
If the computed values violate any of these constraining parameters (for example, Overshoot, or
Damping), the algorithm adjusts one or more of the computed values and rechecks for consis-
tency until it meets all constraints.
94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block B0193AX – Rev N
If the downstream block is an AOUT block, link BCALCI and FBK to the downstream block’s
BCALCO parameter.
If the secondary block is a DGAP or PTC block, link BCALCI and FBK to the secondary block’s
BCALCO parameter.
In a cascade configuration, connect the FBK of the primary to the BCALCO of the secondary
controller to prevent windup.
Use the PRIBLK option in all cascade configurations.
B0193AX – Rev N 94. PIDXE – PID Extended with EXACT Block
95. PLB – Programmable Logic
This chapter covers the PLB (Programmable Logic Block), including its features, parameters,
detailed operations, and channel designators.
95.1 Overview
The Programmable Logic block (PLB) supports ladder logic executing in a digital Fieldbus Mod-
ule (FBM). A PLB connects user tasks, other blocks, and other ladder diagrams with a digital
FBM’s physical inputs and outputs and a ladder diagram’s I/O flags.
95.2 Features
The features are:
The actual number of physical I/O channels available depends upon the hardware
implemented. The block’s 32 input flag and 32 output flag parameters accommo-
date the maximum number of flag references you can create when constructing a
ladder diagram.
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
♦ At the configured processing interval, control processor software reads each physical
I/O channel and each ladder logic output flag reference from the FBM and updates
the appropriate PLB parameter values.
♦ At the configured processing interval, control processor software writes each input
parameter value from the PLB to the appropriate ladder logic input flag reference in
the FBM.
♦ The PLB name identifies the source file for a ladder diagram. Before you build the
ladder, you must create the PLB. You can configure the block’s parameters before
building the ladder or accept the default parameters, build the ladder, and then con-
figure the block parameters.
The options are:
♦ Input Flag Mask (IFLMSK) specifies which IFLs are initialized when the compound is
turned on.
♦ Input Flag Pattern (IFLPAT) contains packed boolean values representing the initial
values of IFLs specified in the IFLMSK parameter.
♦ Initialize Manual/Auto (INITMA) specifies the desired state of the MA input during
♦ Manual Enable 1 through 16 (MAE_1 to MAE_16) determine whether or not the
corresponding physical output remains functionally connected to its ladder rung
when the PLB goes to Manual.
95.3 Parameters
Table 95-1. PLB Block Parameters
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
BAD Bad is a boolean output parameter which is set true when the input to the
block is unacceptable in any way. The BAD bit of BLKSTA
(BLKSTA.BAD) is also set true whenever BAD is true.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PLB block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
8 FBM FBM Failure BLKSTA.B24
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
12 BAD Bad I/O (I/O Blocks only - BLKSTA.B20
block in BAD state)
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
18 SIM Simulation Mode BLKSTA.B14
19 TEST Test Mode BLKSTA.B13
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
CIN_1 to CIN_32
Contact Inputs 1 through 32 are block output parameters originating as
the 32 input values from physical input channels in the FBM. The actual
number of channels available depends on the hardware implemented.
CO_1 to CO_16 Contact Outputs 1 through 16 are boolean outputs that report the condi-
tions of the digital output points of the configured FBM. In Manual, the
output is unsecured and open to manipulation by Object Manager SET
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character letter-
bug identifier of the connected FBM or FBC. DEV_ID differs from
IOM_ID in that it is of character array rather than string type, and does
not allow the use of the ECB NAME parameter or ECB pathname in
specifying the connected FBM or FBC.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PLB block, the following list
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
FS Failsafe is a boolean output that is set true when the block detects the
FBM going to the Failsafe state. While in this state, the block retains the
actual Failsafe value of the output point as it is read back from the FBM.
This value, depending on the ECB Failsafe option, is either the fallback or
the hold value.
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
IFLMSK Input Flag Mask contains packed boolean values that specify which IFLs
are initialized from the IFLPAT values when the PLB block is installed,
and when the compound is turned on.
IFLPAT Input Flag Pattern contains packed boolean values that represent the ini-
tial values of the IFLs specified in the IFLMSK parameter.
IFL_1 to IFL_32 Input Flags 1 through 32 are the input parameters transferring up to 32
values from other blocks or tasks to the input flag references in the ladder
diagram executing in the FBM.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
IOGRPS I/O Groups is used to indicate the type of contact I/O groups in an FBM
connected to a PLB block.
Bits 1 to 0 for Points 25 to 32: 0 = none, 1 = DI, 2 = DO.
Bits 3 to 2 for Points 17 to 24: 0 = none, 1 = DI, 2 = DO.
Bits 5 to 4 for Points 9 to 16: 0 = none, 1 = DI, 2 = DO.
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
IOM_ID Fieldbus Module Identifier is a string that specifies the FBM or FBC to
which the block is connected. IOM_ID can be either:
♦ The 6-character letterbug of the FBM or FBC. The ECB must
reside in the local compound <cp_letterbug>_ECB where
cp_letterbug is the station letterbug of the CP.)
♦ The full pathname of the ECB. The ECB must be local but can
reside in any compound. The pathname must be of the form
<local_compound_name>:<ecb_name>, where <ecb_name> is the
NAME parameter of the ECB.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LSTATE Ladder State is an integer output. LSTATE values range from 1 to 4, and
indicate the following Ladder Logic operational states:
Value Status Description
1 Running The FBM is OK; Ladder Logic is running
without logic error.
2 Stopped The FBM is OK; Ladder Logic is not running.
There is no logic error.
3 Error The FBM is OK but the Ladder Logic is
experiencing a logic error.
4 Failed The FBM is not OK.
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
MAE_1 to MAE_16
Manual Enable 1 through 16 are configuration parameters that determine
whether or not the corresponding physical output remains functionally
connected to its ladder rung when the PLB goes to Manual. For example,
if MAE_1 is set to 1 and the block is in the Manual state, the first physical
output in the FBM is driven by whatever connection exists to the block’s
CO_1 output parameter. Set commands from tasks can also change the
state of the physical output. If MAE_1 is set to 0, or if the block is in the
Auto state, the ladder logic of the rung ending with coil symbol CO_1
determines the value of the first physical output point. This value is also
reflected as a readback to the PLB block and appears as the value of the
block’s output parameter, CO_1. CO_1 is thus a functional input to the
FBM when in Manual (MAE set) and a functional output from the FBM
at other times.
OFL_1 to OFL_32
Output Flags 1 through 32 are output parameters providing other blocks
or tasks with output values from output flag references in the ladder dia-
gram executing in an FBM. These outputs are accompanied by an OOS
status bit that is set when:
♦ The FBM is failed.
♦ The Ladder Logic is experiencing a logic error in the FBM.
♦ The Ladder Logic is not running.
PAKCIN Packed Contact Input is a 32-bit packed boolean where the LSB is the
value (1 or 0) of the channel 32 block output, CIN_32, and the MSB is
the value of the channel 1 block output, CIN_1. For example a PAKCIN
value of decimal 18 means that the physical input values for channels 28
and 31 were 1s, and all other channels had a physical input value of zero.
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
PAKCO Packed Contact Output contains boolean values that represent the states
of the CO parameters in a PLB block.
PAKIFL Packed Input Flag contains packed boolean values that represent the input
flag states in a PLB block.
PAKOFL Packed Output Flag contains packed boolean values that represent the
output flag states in a PLB block.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP04B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
TYPE When you enter “PLB” or select “PLB” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
♦ Unlinked IFL parameters not specified in IFLMSK are read back from the FBM.
As part of normal I/O processing, the PLB updates the control strategy with FBM physical I/O
contact states, FBM status, ladder logic input/output flag states, ladder logic status on a per-seg-
ment basis, the values of the MAE parameters (readback), and the values of the manually forced
CO’s (readback). When the block is scheduled to run, the PLB output parameters are updated
with physical I/O values and ladder logic output flag values.
In addition, each time the PLB is processed, in either Auto or Manual mode, the boolean
input/output parameters associated with the IFL, OFL, CIN, and CO parameters are packed and
stored into their packed boolean output parameters, as follows:
Parameter Data Type Data Format
PAKIFL Packed Long Boolean 1 = IFL_1, Boolean 32 = IFL_32
PAKCIN Packed Long Boolean 1 = CIN_1, Boolean 32 = CIN_32
PAKOFL Packed Long Boolean 1 = OFL_1, Boolean 32 = OFL_32
PAKCO Packed Boolean Boolean 1 = CO_1, Boolean 16 = CO_16
The OOS status bits of the individual CO and OFL parameters are continually updated while the
block is in Manual.
If the FBM is not operational or the ladder program is off-line, the inputs are not written and the
outputs are not updated. The BAD parameter is set true and the Bad status of all output parame-
ters is set to true. The BAD parameter can be used to effect alternate control strategies. The CO
and OFL parameters are secured while the FBM is BAD and the block is in Manual. On a bad-to-
good transition, CO parameters are read back to determine their actual values in the FBM.
When the CP detects that the connected FBM has entered the Failsafe state, the FS boolean out-
put is set in this and all connected I/O contact output blocks. The block’s FS block status boolean
is also set. Both FS booleans remain set for a single execution cycle of the block.
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
To enable the reinitialization of control schemes, the block sets INITO to true when it loses FBM
communications, or when the FBM’s ladder logic is not running, or when the block is in Manual.
The block supports Manual/Auto mode for manually updating block outputs. Manual does not
affect the operation of the input parameters or input flags.
Setting a PLB’s MA input false places the block in the Manual mode. Control of each physical
output depends upon the state of its MAE parameter. If MAE is set true, the ladder program does
not update the output. Workstations, other blocks, displays, and processes (user tasks or pro-
grams) can write to the unsecured output parameter, and these values are sent to the FBM’s phys-
ical output.
When multiple ladder (up to eight) exist in a single FBM, the MAE parameters let each PLB in
manual release only the output parameters that it is responsible for.
You can use the MA parameter to control linkage between ladders. By setting the MA parameter
input to the other PLBs false, you can isolate ladders when you want each to operate indepen-
95.4.3 Simulation
A special pair of parameters, SIMOPT and SIMCIN, enables CIN simulation for the ladder logic
Equipment Control Block, ECB8.
SIMOPT is automatically downloaded to the FBM on installation and modification of the ECB
from the Integrated Control Configurator. SIMCIN is automatically downloaded to the FBM
when the PLB block runs. When communications from the CP to a failed FBM is restored, SIM-
CIN is unchanged.
When simulation is active, the FBM sets a simulation status bit in all READ command response
messages, which in turn is reflected in a block status bit in all PLB blocks connected to the FBM.
This simulation status is also displayed in the PLB monitor and the PLB Ladder Logic default dis-
plays. Based on the value of the SIMOPT parameter, the FBM logic selects between the simulated
CINs downloaded from the CP or the physical CINs.
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
T2 empty
V2 position Valve
V2 Pump
>.< P1
V1 position Valve
V1 control V1 P1 control
V2 control
T1 Empty CIN_1
Fieldbus OFL_1
Module T1 PLB VLV To V1
Drain T1 CIN_2 BLOCK
T2 Empty CIN_3
Input OFL_2
Drain T2 Channels T2 PLB VLV To V2
1 to 4 BLOCK
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
To pump
Fieldbus P1
V1 Posit Module
V2 Posit Module CO_1 Physical
IFL_1 Output
Physical Channels MOTOR
Maint Input OFL_3
Channels CIN_7 RELAY
Disable Sw
5 to 7 MCIN COUT
95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 95. PLB – Programmable Logic Block
The PLB automatically sets the cin_ and co_ designations for the block when it
detects the FBM type to which it is connected.
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
This chapter describes the function of the Pulse Output (PLSOUT) block and defines its
This chapter describes the Distributed Control Interface (DCI) PLSOUT block.
For a description of how the PLSOUT block is used in PLC applications, refer
to PLC Interface Block Descriptions (B0193YQ).
96.1 Overview
The Pulse Output (PLSOUT) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI blocks
support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a general
purpose interface.)
PLSOUT allows the control strategy or operator to output on/off or start/stop type commands
through momentary pulsed outputs on two separate lines to addresses in an external device. Typi-
cally, these commands are sent to a latching function in a device, with one command used for the
set input of the latch and the other used for the reset input.
The first pulsed output is presented at Pulse Output 1 (COUT_1) and is transmitted to address
Output 1 Point Number (CO1_PT) associated with the field device. The other is presented at
Pulse Output 2 (COUT_2) and transmitted to address Output 2 Point Number (CO2_PT) asso-
ciated with the field device. Each of these addresses contains either the value transmitted by the
PLSOUT block, or a value written locally (such as from a local panel display), depending on
which write action is most recent.
When in Auto, in the outbound direction, the block accepts transitions on IN to drive the output
pulses. In Manual, the output pulses are driven by operator settings to inputs SET and RESET.
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
96.3 Features
The PLSOUT block provides the following features:
♦ Separate block inputs for use in triggering pulses when in Auto and Manual
♦ Two pulsed outputs to two configured device addresses may be used to set and reset
inputs of a latching function
♦ Limit switch state made available at specific configured device point
♦ Specific point reserved for Tracking notification from device.
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
96.4 Parameters
Table 96-1. PLSOUT Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
AUTSW Auto Switch forces the block mode to Auto. It is of higher priority than
configured, set, or linked values in MA, or the value of INITMA. It is of
lower priority than MANSW, however. If both MANSW and AUTSW are
true, the block mode is forced to Manual.
BKCO Back Calculated Contact Out is set equal to the value of RBK while the
cascade is initializing. Since its purpose is to provide the upstream block
with a back-calculated value, you may connect BKCO to the BCALCI
parameter of any upstream block capable of providing that functionality.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the PLSOUT block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
7 HLD Block Output Holding BLKSTA.B25
8 FBM Bad Status of ECB BLKSTA.B24
11 MA Manual = 0, Auto = 1 BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Access Locked BLKSTA.B12
26 MAO M/A Override Active BLKSTA.B6
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
CO1_PT For the PROFIBUS interface to the I/A Series system (FBM223)
Output 1 Point Number (C01_PT) must be configured to contain a
PROFIBUS data identifier. This information identifies, to the FBM, spe-
cific data (in this case the Output 1 Point Number address) associated
with the external device in the PROFIBUS data stream. Refer to PROFI-
BUS-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide
(B0400FE) for details.
For the Modbus interface (FBM224), CO1_PT must be configured to
contain the address of a coil in a Modbus device. Refer to Modbus Com-
munication Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide for details.
CO2_PT For the PROFIBUS interface to the I/A Series system (FBM223) Out-
put 2 Point Number (C02_PT) must be configured to contain a
PROFIBUS data identifier. This information identifies, to the FBM,
specific data (in this case the Output 2 Point Number address) in the
PROFIBUS data stream. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communication
Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for details.
For the Modbus interface (FBM224), CO2_PT must be configured to
contain the address of a coil in a Modbus device. Refer to Modbus Com-
munication Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide for details.
COUT_1 Pulse Output 1 is the pulsed block output generated by either a positive-
going transition of IN (Auto) or a change of SET from 0 to 1 (Manual).
All PLSOUT pulses are positive going.
COUT_2 Pulse Output 2 is the pulsed block output generated by either a negative-
going transition of IN (Auto) or a change of RESET from 0 to 1 (Man-
ual). All PLSOUT pulses are positive going.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing (see ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block). In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a true
value, you should correct all configuration errors and re-install the block.
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set false. Val-
idation of configured parameters does not proceed past the first error
encountered by the block logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
IN Input Request is the block input in Auto mode. A transition of the value
of IN causes a pulse to be initiated at either COUT_1 or COUT_2.
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
For the PROFIBUS interface to the I/A Series system (FBM223), INI_PT
must be configured to contain a PROFIBUS data identifier, which con-
tains the device address of the initialization input. Refer to PROFIBUS-
DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE)
for details.
For the Modbus interface (FBM224), INI_PT must be configured to con-
tain the address of a coil in a Modbus device. Refer to Modbus Communi-
cation Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide for details.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input under
certain initialization conditions, namely:
♦ The block has just been installed into the I/A Series control station
♦ The I/A Series control station is rebooted.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter is modified via the Integrated Control
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
When INITMA is asserted, the value set into MA is:
♦ 0 (Manual) if INITMA = 0
♦ 1 (Auto) if INITMA = 1
♦ The MA value from the checkpoint file if INITMA = 2.
IOM_ID ECB Identifier is a user-configurable string that specifies either of the fol-
♦ The device ECB (ECB201), for the purpose of connecting to
(accessing) a field parameter that resides in a field device hosted
by an ECB200.
♦ The parent ECB200, for the purpose of accessing a parameter
whose source is the FBM itself (not applicable to FBM223).
IOM_ID can be formatted in either of two ways, depending on the
location of the ECB in question:
♦ Simply the name of the external device ECB (ECB201). For
this format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB com-
pound <cp_letterbug>_ECB, where cp_letterbug is the station
letterbug of the I/A Series control station.
♦ The full pathname of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound,
or any compound where blocks that tie to it are located. The path-
name must be of the form:
where <ecb_name> is the NAME parameter of the ECB.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation that has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean input, which can be set true or false only by a
set command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation displays.
When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion, a workstation identifier
accompanying the set command is entered into the LOCKID parameter
of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s parameters are
honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the workstation
whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID. LOCKRQ can be set
false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a new LOCKRQ is
accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier written to
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 12 and
map to the following period time lengths.
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
PHASE PHASE is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific
BPC within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block
with PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PLSTIM Pulse Time specifies the width of all generated pulses, in seconds. If you
specify a value less than 1.0, all pulses have a width of 1.0 sec.
PRIBLK Primary Block specifies the cascade behavior of the PLSOUT block.
When PRIBLK is 1, PLSOUT remains in Holding for PRITIM seconds
when the cascade has been opened.
Be aware that the combination of PRIBLK = 1 and PRITIM = 0.0 is
When PRIBLK = 0, PLSOUT ends the Hold after one cycle.
Primary Block indicates whether the PLSOUT block has a connection
from an upstream block (PRIBLK = 1) or not (PRIBLK = 0). Its value
determines whether the PLSOUT block remains in Holding until the
PRITIM delay has expired, or ends the Hold after one cycle.
PRITIM Primary Cascade Timer is a configurable parameter used to delay the clos-
ing of the cascade to a primary block when the output is initialized in
PLSOUT block. It is used only if the PRIBLK option is set. If PRITIM =
0 and PRIBLK is used, the cascade remains open indefinitely, or until
acknowledged by the primary block.
RBK Read-back State is a Boolean block input read from point RBK_PT. It is
typically used to indicate whether a valve is fully open or closed, or the
off/on state of a motor. Thus, it is intended to be used for a limit switch
output or other pulse override signal to the I/A Series station.
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
RESET Reset Request is one of the two Manual mode pulse-driving inputs. Any
transition of RESET from false to true causes a pulse output at COUT_2.
SET Set Request is one of the two Manual mode pulse-driving inputs. Any
transition of SET from false to true causes a pulse output at COUT_1.
TSTAMP Time Stamp is a long integer output that represents the time, in millisec-
onds since midnight, of the most recently updated input/output in a DCI
block. This time stamp is supplied either by the FBM or by the I/A Series
control station, depending on the type of FBM. If supplied by the FBM,
TSTAMP indicates the time of the latest updated value in the FBM. If
supplied by the I/A Series control station, TSTAMP indicates the time of
the latest updated value in the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter “PLSOUT” or select it from a configurator list, an iden-
tifying integer is created specifying this block type. For this ECB, the
value of TYPE is 144.
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
96.5 Functions
96.5.1 Detailed Diagram
RBK_PT Configured Reversal
PRITIM Processing
Open Cascade BKCO
Up to
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
96.5.9 Initialization
The PLSOUT block initializes whenever the block is restarted, whenever there is a bad-to-good
transition of the ECB status, a bad-to-good transition of the field device parameter, or whenever
the status of INI_PT transitions from true to false (see “Status of INI_PT” above). If RBK_PT
has been configured, the value from the external device at this point is set into IN, and also into
parameter RBK. If RBK_PT is unconfigured, the current value of IN is copied into RBK. Any
active pulses are terminated at this time by turning off COUT_1 and COUT_2 and resetting the
pulse timer.
If there is a bad-to-good transition of IN while in Auto, IN is initialized to the value at RBK_PT.
Whenever RBK is configured, and it changes on any cycle, whether or not that change has caused
a premature termination of a pulse, IN is initialized to the value of RBK.
In any initialization, the cascade is opened to force an upstream initialization (See “Cascade Pro-
cessing” following.)
96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ The DCI connection status information, which specifies the condition of the con-
nected device parameter, indicates out-of-service, meaning (in general) that the
parameter value is unavailable, or
♦ The status information indicates disconnected, meaning (in general) that the parame-
ter is not connected or not defined.
♦ The connection status information indicates that the connection is not yet resolved.
The detail display shows “W62 – UNRESOLVED CONNECTION” with
ERCODE = 62.
♦ An ECB201 is specified and the ECB device status indicates that the DCI connection
is unresolved.
The status bits are set to Bad if the ECB status indicates that the field device has failed.
B0193AX – Rev N 96. PLSOUT – Pulse Output Block
97. PTC – Proportional Time
Controller Block
This chapter describes the PTC (Proportional Time Controller Block), its features, parameters
and detailed operations.
97.1 Overview
The Proportional Time Controller block, PTC, activates one of two pulsed outputs, OUTINC or
OUTDEC, for a time duration that varies directly with the deviation between the setpoint and
the measurement (see Figure 97-1). The outputs normally control on/off valves or bidirectional
type motor driven final operator devices, via COUT, MCOUT, VLV, MOVLV, or MTR
Input/Output blocks, or a suitable combination thereof.
Repeat Time
Proportional Band
Dead Zone
Setpoint +
0 e Duration
Algorithm OUTDEC
97.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that force the block to
be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Local/Remote setpoint source selection, the ability to lock out setpoint operator
changes, and the ability to secure against any write access to the LR parameter.
♦ Local and Remote latch switch inputs (LOCSW and REMSW) that force the block to
be switched to local or remote
♦ Bad input detection and handling
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
97.3 Parameters
Table 97-1. PTC Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the PTC block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number* Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Con- ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Con- ALMOPT.B15
20 Low Deviation Alarm Con- ALMOPT.B12
21 High Deviation Alarm Con- ALMOPT.B11
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm ALMOPT.B7
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the PTC block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSKPriority Type: See parame- ALMSTA.B32–
ter PRTYPE for values ALMSTA.B28
used in the PTC block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest pri- ALMSTA.B27–
ority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute ALMSTA.B7
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
AUTSW Auto Switch is a Boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the PTC block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
Controlling BLKSTA.B27
6 Tracking TRK BLKSTA.B26
7 Holding HLD BLKSTA.B25
Setpoint Tracking BLKSTA.B23
10 LR
Local(= false)/Remote(= BLKSTA.B22
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= BLKSTA.B21
12 BAD block in BAD state BLKSTA.B20
14 UDEF Undefined (Inverse of BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS input when it is in error. To provide backward
compatibility, CEOPT defaults to 1. CEOPT has a range of 0 to 2 where:
0= The block takes no implicit Hold action when it detects a con-
trol error.
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
1= The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
MEAS: (a) has its BAD status bit set true; (b) has its Out-of-
Service status bit set true; (c) is experiencing peer-to-peer path
2= The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false,
MEAS meets any of the conditions described for CEOPT = 1,
or if MEAS has its ERR status bit set true.
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
A value of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming of the deviation signal (MEAS - SPT), or disables
alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low deviation alarming
2 = High deviation alarming only
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
block. DEFINE is the inverse of undefined (UDEF) in the BLKSTA
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full range.
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that applies to
both High and Low Deviation Limits.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
DEVGRP Deviation Group is an integer input that directs deviation alarm messages
to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the
parameters HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2,
provide the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges
1 through 8. “DEG F” or “PH” are typical entries. EI1 is used with MEAS
and EI2 is used with the setpoint.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the PTC block, the following list
specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PHASE does not exist for given
COMBINATION” not compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or
ENGINEERING RANGE” equal to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in
CONNECTION” the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the
source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid boolean extension con-
nection has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID A parameter value is not in the
PARAMETER VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
ERROR Control Error is a real output that equals the Setpoint minus Measure-
ment (SPT - MEAS). ERROR can be sourced to other blocks.
GAP Control Dead Zone is a real input defining the size of the region which
the measurement (MEAS) may traverse without activating OUTINC or
OUTDEC. This parameter sizes a symmetric envelope (around the
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is an integer input that directs High-
High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output set true when the mea-
surement input exceeds the high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM).
Once the Indicator is set true, it does not return to false until the value
falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement input that triggers a High-High absolute alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is an integer input that enables High-High and
Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-dependent value, gen-
erally the measurement input, or disables High-High and Low-Low abso-
lute alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority)
HOLD Hold is a Boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto mode, holding the output at its last computed
HOLD is not affected by CEOPT.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 and EI2 define the text for the units.
Make the range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typ-
ical value is 100 (percent).
HSCI1 is used for scaling MEAS and SPT. HSCI2 is used for scaling GAP.
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed Boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the PTC
block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Boolean Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute INHALM.B15
4 Inhibit Low Deviation INHALM.B12
5 Inhibit High Deviation INHALM.B11
6 Inhibit Bad I/O Alarm INHALM.B10
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Abso- INHALM.B7
lute Alarm
12 Inhibit Out-of-Range Alarm INHALM.B4
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
INHIB Inhibit is a Boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm notification but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm notification
and alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” notification.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” notification.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains values that represent the actual inhibit status of
each alarm type configured in the block. For the PTC block, only the fol-
lowing bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhib- INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhib- INHSTA.B15
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
22 BAD Bad I/O Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B10
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
28 OOR Out-of-Range Alarm Inhib- INHSTA.B4
29 INH Inhibit Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged Inhibited INHSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
INITLR Initialize Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state
of the LR input during initialization, where:
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file (reboot only).
The block asserts this initial LR state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a restart operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
The Initialize LR state is ignored if the LR input has an established
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file (reboot only).
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the Integrated Con-
trol Configurator. (The block does not assert INITMA on
ordinary reconfiguration.)
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage, or if MANSW or
AUTSW is set true.
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
LDAIND Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true when
the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the deviation
limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the
DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is an input that defines how far the measure-
ment must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and set
the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). Once the Indicator is set
true, it does not return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement input that triggers a Low-Low absolute alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a Boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR when it initializes and maintains LR in the
secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
LOCSW Local Switch is a Boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 and
EI2 define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of
the measurement source.
LSCI1 is used for scaling MEAS and SPT. LSCI2 is used for scaling GAP.
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual. Normally alarms are
processed only in the Auto mode.
0 = No alarming in Manual
1 = Full alarming in Manual.
You can change MANALM only by reconfiguring the block.
MANSW Manual Switch is a Boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true
when the measurement exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL). When
the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a Boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the low alarm limit (MEASLL). When
the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the block
sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
PBAND Proportional Band is an input that determines, for any given error, the
length of the OUTINC or OUTDEC “on” time during each controlling
period. PBAND defaults to 1000. A smaller value results in greater sensi-
tivity and a longer “on” time for a given error. A larger PBAND value
reduces sensitivity and the “on” time for a given error.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD should be chosen to obtain the
minimum pulse width required for the process being controlled. For sta-
tions other than Integrators and Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
to 13 and map to the following period time lengths. (Integrator and Gate-
way blocks have different period values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a Boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the MEAS parame-
ter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the MEAS parame-
ter is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERR status is true, it remains
true until either a set command is written to that output or until the block
transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High-High Absolute
4 = Low-Low Absolute
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
8 = BAD Alarm
If there is more than one active alarm with the highest priority, PRTYPE
reports the alarm type according to which occurs first as follows: Bad,
High-High Absolute, Low-Low Absolute, High Absolute and Low Abso-
For example: if the Bad and High-High Absolute alarms both have prior-
ity 3 and the Low-Low alarm has priority 4, and all three alarms are active,
then CRIT = 3 and PRTYPE = 8.
REMSW Remote Switch is a Boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
REPTIM Repeat Time is a real input that establishes the periodic time interval in
which proportional time control occurs. REPTIM determines the sam-
pling period of the on/off controller and should be much smaller than the
dominant time constant of the process while still much greater than the
scan interval (PERIOD) of the block. Within each time interval, the per-
centage of “on” time of the appropriate on/off command signal is directly
proportional to the amount of error that exists at the instant the time
period begins, and inversely proportional to the PBAND value.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale (HSCI - LSCI) and change delta (DELTI) of a particular real
input. For a given block, it also forms an association with a group of real
input parameters that have the same designated range and change delta, as
defined by the parameters HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and
RI1 is used for MEAS and SPT. RI2 is used for GAP.
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
RSP Remote Setpoint is the selected setpoint source when LR is set to Remote.
RSP is a real input. Typically RSP connects to an upstream block in a cas-
cade scheme. RSP and its source must be expressed in MEAS units.
SPT Setpoint always represents the active controller setpoint. Setpoint is the
reference variable that is compared with the MEAS input to produce the
ERROR signal. SPT is implemented as a configurable output that deter-
mines its source from the Local/Remote setpoint selector, LR. When LR is
true (Remote), SPT is nonsettable and assumes the Remote Setpoint
(RSP) value. When LR is false (Local), SPT is an unsecured, and thus set-
table, output and the SPT source is the set value. Configure the value you
want the SPT to assume when it first goes to Local. As an output, SPT can
also source the setpoint value to other blocks.
STRKOP Setpoint Track Option is a Boolean input. When true, STRKOP enables
the setpoint to track the measurement input if the setpoint source selector
LR is in Local AND the block is in Manual. SPT is nonsettable while set-
point tracking is active. You can change STRKOP only by reconfiguring
the block.
TYPE When you enter “PTC” or select “PTC” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a Boolean output that the block sets to true when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOCSP Manual
Remote SPTRK
Local GAP
MEAS + Duration Manual
0 e Algorithm OUTINC
MEAS Deviation Manual
unreliable Control
(see BCALCO) Auto
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
determines when new
output is calculated
The entire control period is called the “Repeat Time” and is set by you when you enter the
REPTIM. The percentage of “on” time is:
♦ inversely proportional to the proportional band value (PBAND), and
♦ directly proportional to the error (MEAS − SPT) existing at the instant the control
period begins.
Therefore, the controller operates as a linear proportional-only controller whose gain is adjusted
by the PBAND setting.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
In this expression, the measurement span is used to normalize the error in proportion to the
repeat time period. Thus, the actual output pulse width in any repeat time period is:
pulse_width = duty_cycle * REPTIM
In an actual application, REPTIM should be shorter than the dominant time constraint of the
process, but should also be much greater than the PERIOD parameter time. PERIOD should be
selected to obtain the minimum pulse width required for the process being controlled. Its size, rel-
ative to REPTIM, determines the controller’s resolution within the proportional band setting.
In short:
PERIOD < REPTIM < dominant time constraint
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
When the block is in the Remote mode, the value of the setpoint (SPT) tracks the value of the
remote setpoint (RSP).
When the block is switched to Local mode, the setpoint value depends on the setpoint tracking
option (STRKOP):
♦ If STRKOP is set true, the SPT value is cleared.
♦ If STRKOP is false, the SPT value reflects the RSP value at the time the switch to
Local occurred. The block maintains this value as long as block is in Local, unless the
user changes the SPT value via data access. Initialization
Key Parameters: INITMA
At initialization, the block initializes MA. DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail
validation testing.
When the block restarts, the INITMA configured option specifies the value of the MA parameter,
unless MA has an established linkage, or MANSW or AUTSW are set true. Likewise, the INITLR
specifies the value of the LR parameter, unless LR is linked, or LOCSW or REMSW are set true. Manual
Key Parameters: MA
In manual, the block releases the outputs, allowing them to be set by the user.
A state change from Auto to Manual forces the block to set OUTINC, OUTDEC, and all alarm
indicators false. In the Manual state, PTC does not perform proportional time control and the
outputs become settable.
When the block is switched to Manual, the OUTINC or OUTDEC status reflects the
MEAS/SPT status at the time the switch occurred. While the block is in Manual, it maintains this
status until you change the output via data access. At that time, the block clears the status.
Alarming is only performed in Manual if the MANALM option is configured true.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N Auto
Key Parameters: MA
In auto mode, the block secures the outputs. Auto has two substates: Controlling and Hold.
Configured alarming is always performed in Auto. Controlling
In the Controlling substate, the block performs proportional time control (described above).
Control action for the two outputs is derived by a pulse-duration algorithm that is a function of
error (MEAS − SPT), the control period (REPTIM), and the proportional band setting
During Auto operation, the block checks the input MEAS for data errors (off-scan, or BAD,
OOS, or ERR status bits set). If an error is detected, the PTC block may propagate the error to its
outputs by setting the ERR status bit of OUTDEC and OUTINC, depending on the value of the
PROPT parameter (see PROPT definition). Hold
In the Hold substate, the block holds the process at the last controlled state by setting
OUTINC and OUTDEC to false. The block goes to the Hold substate if, while MBADOP is
false and CEOPT = 1 or 2, either the HOLD parameter goes true, or a condition required by the
CEOPT parameter is met. When all error conditions are removed, the block returns to the Con-
trolling substate to resume on-off control.
97.4.5 Alarming
The PTC block optionally supports absolute, high-high, low-low of the measurement and devia-
tion alarming for (MEAS − SPT). Configured alarming is always performed in Auto. Alarming is
only performed in Manual if the MANALM option is configured true. The block logs, and gener-
ates, alarm messages if the INHIB input is false.
Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a Boolean output parameter which is set true, for notification pur-
poses, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only allowed to clear
UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of UNACK is normally via an
operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display, or via a user task.
The different types of alarming are discussed below.
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
Alarm Generated
Deadband {
Low Absolute Alarm Limit
Low EU
Time Alarm Clears
Alarm Generated
Figure 97-4. Absolute Alarming
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
High EU
Low EU
Deviation = 0
Deadband {
Low Deviation Alarm Limit
- Deviation
Time LDA Alarm Clears
LDA Alarm Generated
Figure 97-5. Deviation Alarming
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
to, or below, HDALIM minus the deadband (DEVADB), the block sets HDAIND to false and
outputs a return-to-normal message. The alarm limit field of the messages reports the limit in
absolute terms, rather than using HDALIM, which is a relative quantity (that is, Alarm Limit
Field = Setpoint + HDALIM, rather than Alarm Limit Field = HDALIM).
Figure 97-6. PTC Block in Cascade Configuration
97.4.7 Application
Figure 97-7 shows the PTC block as a valve positioner for a furnace air damper, with feedback
from a position sensor, for example, slide wire, in the actuator. This application uses the PTC
pulse duration algorithm with the feedback signal connecting to the measurement input. The
PID controller sets the demand for valve position via the remote setpoint (RSP) input.
97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block B0193AX – Rev N
(Increase) (Decrease)
B0193AX – Rev N 97. PTC – Proportional Time Controller Block
98. RAMP – Ramp Block
This chapter describes the RAMP block, its features, parameters and detailed operations.
98.1 Overview
The Ramp function generator, RAMP, ramps the output (OUT) in a velocity mode. The toggle
input, UPDOWN, controls the direction of the ramp and two independent ramp rates,
DNRATE and UPRATE, determine the speed, or slope, of the ramp. Two variable output limits,
HOLIM and LOLIM, constrain the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output ramp waveform. It is
also possible to specify the direction of ramping using the RMPUP and RMPDWN parameters.
To use these parameters, set the RMPOPT option to true.
Repeat Option
Manual/Auto Output
Ramp Initialize
Ramp Control
Hold Control Block Status
Follow Control RAMP
98.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto mode for disconnecting control schemes from the process, for simula-
tion and checkout purposes
♦ Output Limiting – High and Low Absolute.
♦ Dynamic ramp inhibiting.
The options are:
♦ Repeat Option (REPTOP) allows the output to continuously ramp up and down
between the output limits, as long as the block is in the Ramp substate.
♦ Manual output clamping (MCLOPT).
B0193AX – Rev N 98. RAMP – Ramp Block
♦ Ramp Option (RMPOPT) allows you to specify RMPDWN and RMPUP parame-
ters. The RAMP block uses these parameters to determine the direction of the ramp.
If not set, the UPDOWN parameter is used.
♦ Initialize Manual/Auto (INITMA) specifies the desired state of the MA input during
98.3 Parameters
Table 98-1. RAMP Block Parameters
98. RAMP – Ramp Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the RAMP block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
4 FOL Follow BLKSTA.B28
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
B0193AX – Rev N 98. RAMP – Ramp Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
16 REPT Repeat Option BLKSTA.B16
17 RAMP Ramp Option BLKSTA.B15
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
BTIME Balance Time is a real input that specifies the time constant, in minutes, of
the rate at which the OUT value returns to the Auto setting, when the
block transits from Manual, Tracking, or Holding, to Auto state.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
DELTI1 Change Delta for Input Range 1 is a real value that defines the resolution
as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the Object
Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the full
error range.
DNRATE Down Rate is a real input whose absolute value determines the output’s
ramp rate when the block is in the Ramp mode and the UPDOWN input
is true, or RMPDWN is true when RMPOPT enters the Follow state.
The physical units are defined by EI1. The time units are minutes.
98. RAMP – Ramp Block B0193AX – Rev N
Make the units for the Output Range (EO1) consistent with the units of
Input Range 1 (EI1) and Input Range 2 (EI2).
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the RAMP block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
FOLLOW Follow is a boolean input. When true, FOLLOW forces the block into the
Follow substate of Auto. In this substate, the output follows the input
HOLD Hold is a boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
B0193AX – Rev N 98. RAMP – Ramp Block
HSCI1 High Scale for Input Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit of
the measurement ranges. EI1 defines the units. Make the range and units
consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is 100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that define the upper limit
of the ranges for output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
INHDWN Inhibit Down inhibits the ramp down function in a RAMP block.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
KSCALE KSCALE is a conversion factor used to make the time units of the rate
parameters, which are in EI1 units per minute, dimensionally compatible
with the time units of the output, as defined by EO1.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
98. RAMP – Ramp Block B0193AX – Rev N
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 Low Scale for Input Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the measurement
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this configurable boolean input at
the workstation.
OF_INP Offset to Inputs is the zero-based offset, in bytes, of the first block input
from the head of the block. It is used internally.
OF_OUT Offset to Outputs is the zero-based offset, in bytes, of the first block out-
put from the head of the block. It is used internally.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
B0193AX – Rev N 98. RAMP – Ramp Block
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec,. this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
RAMP Ramping is an input that forces the block into the RAMP mode, which is
a substate of Auto. While in RAMP, the output ramps in a velocity mode
in which the direction is selected by the UPDOWN input and the speed is
governed by the absolute value of the appropriate UPRATE or DNRATE
98. RAMP – Ramp Block B0193AX – Rev N
RAMPIN Ramp Initialize is a real input that determines the initial value of the out-
put at the time the block is switched into the Ramp mode. Also, in the
Follow mode, RAMPIN is the output forcing function.
REPTOP Repeat Option is a boolean input. When REPTOP is set true, the RAMP
block output, OUT, continuously ramps up and down between the out-
put limits, as long as the block is in the Ramp substate. In this mode, the
UPDOWN or RMPUP/RMPDWN inputs dictate the initial direction of
the ramp at the instant the block enters the Ramp substate.
RI1 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RMPOPT Ramp Option specifies that the RMPDWN and RMPUP parameters be
used to determine the direction of the ramp action in a RAMP block. If
not set, the UPDOWN parameter is used for this purpose.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
TYPE When you enter “RAMP” or select “RAMP” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UPRATE Up Rate is a real input whose absolute value determines the output's ramp
rate when the block is in the Ramp mode and the UPDOWN input is
false, or RMPUP is true when RMPOPT is true. The physical units are
defined by EI1. The time units are minutes.
B0193AX – Rev N 98. RAMP – Ramp Block
98. RAMP – Ramp Block B0193AX – Rev N
Both UPRATE and DNRATE parameters have the physical engineering units of EI1 at a per
minute rate unit, fixed by the block. The KSCALE parameter allows you to reconcile the specified
rate units to the actual units of the output (EO1).
For example, the default KSCALE value of one implies that the units of the rate parameters (EI1),
per minute, are the same as the positional units of the output, EO1. With the chosen time con-
vention of minutes, you need not rescale the ramp rates if the block period is changed.
Ramp rates can have positive, negative, or zero values, but the block actually uses the absolute
value of the rate parameter. It is the UPDOWN (or RMPUP and RMPDWN) parameter that
determines the direction. This allows you to enter negative DNRATE values for display purposes.
Set the HOLD input true to delay the start of, or suspend the operation of, the ramp waveform.
See Figure . In Hold, the output retains its present value until HOLD is set false.
Ramp Initializes
OUT Clamped
RAMP IN Between Limits
OUT (t)
LSC01 Time
Figure 98-2. Ramp Timing Device
HOLD overrides both RAMP and FOLLOW modes. Output clamping is active in the Hold
Set the FOLLOW input true when you want the output to track some other variable that has
been connected to the RAMPIN input. Setting the FOLLOW input true, while the block is in
Auto and not in the Hold mode, forces the block to the Follow mode, in which the output, OUT,
tracks the RAMPIN input.
Output clamping is active in the Follow mode. If the RAMP input is true when the
FOLLOW input is set to false, the output resumes ramping, without a bump.
To avoid bumping the output when the block enters the Follow mode, the block provides a bal-
ance time (BTIME) parameter. This parameter is the time constant of the first order lag that
smooths the output’s transition, from the value it had when the block entered the Follow mode,
to the RAMPIN value.
B0193AX – Rev N 98. RAMP – Ramp Block
Ramping can be inhibited up or down or both using the RMPOPT option parameter in conjunc-
tion with the INHUP and INHDWN parameters.
When RMPOPT = 0 (which is the default), ramping occurs in the direction specified by
UPDOWN (false indicating up and true indicating down) providing INHUP or INHDWN is
not set for the specified direction.
When RMPOPT = 1, ramping occurs only if either RMPUP or RMPDWN is set. If RMPUP is
set, ramping up occurs if INHUP is not set. If RMPDWN is set, ramping down occurs if
INHDWN is not set. If RMPOPT is set and both RMPUP and RMPDWN are true, ramping up
occurs and RMPDWN is ignored. If RMOPT is set, and neither RMPUP nor RMPDWN is set,
no ramping occurs.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block
This chapter describes the RATIO Block, its features, parameters and detailed operations.
99.1 Overview
The Ratio block, RATIO, performs a scaled multiplication of the measurement input with the
ratio setpoint to maintain an output which is scaled to the measurement.
Manual/Auto RATIO
Back Calculation In Back Calculation Out
Ratio Calculation
Local/Remote Ratio Portion
Remote Ratio
Remote Setpoint
Supervisory Back-Calculated Value
Supervisory Input SSC
Supervisory Group
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
99.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the output, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that force the block to
be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Local/Remote ratio source selection
♦ Local and Remote latch switch inputs (LOCSW and REMSW) that force the block to
Local or Remote Ratio
♦ Assignable engineering range and units to the local ratio setpoint, input measurement
and the output
♦ Output clamping between variable output limits
♦ User configurable scaling of the ratio calculation to make the computed output
dimensionally compatible with the specified output units
♦ Bad inputs detection and handling
♦ Automatic cascade handling using an input and output parameter (back-calculate)
that includes:
♦ Initialization of cascade schemes.
♦ Back calculation on the ratio setpoint input for the upstream block to provide
bumpless cascade operation.
♦ Supervisory Control (SSC) that allows user application software to perform supervi-
sory control over the RATIO block’s ratio input.
The options are:
♦ Manual if Bad Option (MBADOP) is a manual override feature. When MBADOP is
true, the block sets the MA input to manual when it detects a control error (CE =
true), or when the HOLD parameter goes true. This forces the output state to man-
ual. Returning to Auto requires external intervention, unless AUTSW is true.
♦ Manual Clamping Option (MCLOPT) allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual.
♦ Ratio Tracking Option (RTRKOP) forces the local ratio setpoint, RATIO, to track
the back-calculated ratio value, BCALCO. RTRKOP is enabled only when the LR
parameter is in Local and either the output is in manual or any downstream block is
open loop. RTRKOP is not performed if any measurement data errors are detected.
This feature allows bumpless return to ratio control when the block returns to auto or
the cascade returns to closed-loop operation.
♦ Measurement Alarming Option (MALOPT) provides absolute alarming of the mea-
surement during auto operation. This option also provides standard alarm
notification and reporting features.
♦ Control Error Option (CEOPT) allows you to enable, or disable, the block's implicit
Hold action when it detects an error in the MEAS or BCALCI input.
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) gives you the option of propagating the ERROR
status bit from the MEAS input to the block's OUT parameter.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ Local Setpoint Secure (LOCSP) enables you to secure against any write access to the
LR parameter.
♦ Manual If Failsafe (MANFS) allows you to have the block go to the Manual state
when the block receives a Failsafe notification.
♦ Hi-Hi and Lo-Lo Absolute Alarming option (HHAOPT) provides absolute alarming
for target (HHALIM and LLALIM) alarming of the input at a given priority level
(HHAPRI), or disables the alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator
(HHAIND and LLAIND) and text message (HHATXT and LLATXT) to be sent to
the configured alarm group (HHAGRP). Indicators remain set until the measurement
returns within the defined limit plus (or minus) the deadband (MEASDB).
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
♦ Unacknowledge (UNACK) is a boolean output parameter which is set true, for notifi-
cation purposes, whenever the block goes into alarm. It is settable, but sets are only
allowed to clear UNACK to false, and never in the opposite direction. The clearing of
UNACK is normally via an operator “acknowledge” pick on a default or user display,
or via a user task.
♦ Supervisory Option (SUPOPT) specifies whether or not the block is under control of
a Supervisory Application Program.
♦ Fallback Option (FLBOPT) specifies the action taken in a block when Supervisory
fallback occurs. The fallback options can be: normal fallback, Auto, Manual, Remote,
or Local.
99.3 Parameters
Table 99-1. RATIO Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the RATIO block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
22 Bad I/O Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B10
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the RATIO block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the RATIO block
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest priority, ALMSTA.B27–
1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm ALMSTA.B13
22 BAD Input/Output Bad ALMSTA.B10
(BAD output of block)
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
AUTSW Auto Switch is a boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
BCALCO Back Calculation Output is a real output that is determined by back calcu-
lation of the block algorithm based on the BCALCI input from the down-
stream block. With V4.2 and later software, the status bits of BCALCO
contain the cascade initialization requests formerly contained in the
INITO parameter. You connect the BCALCO parameter to the BCALCI
input of an upstream block so that this upstream block can sense when the
RATIO block is open. Therefore, with V4.2 and later software, INITO is
not required for cascade initialization.
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the RATIO block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
10 LR Local(= false)/Remote(= true) BLKSTA.B22
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
12 BAD Block in BAD state BLKSTA.B20
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
29 SE Supervisory Enabled BLKSTA.B3
30 SC Supervisory Control BLKSTA.B2
31 FLB Supervisory Control Fallback BLKSTA.B1
BSCALE Bias Scale is an additive term used with thermocouple and RTD SCIs.
BSCALE provides positive or negative offset to the span of temperatures
that result when KSCALE is multiplied by the span of Celsius tempera-
You can configure BSCALE as a sink connection or a constant (in which
case BSCALE is runtime settable). This allows you to dynamically bias the
output with a CALC block or an application program.
CEOPT Control Error Option is a short integer that specifies how the block
responds to the MEAS and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs is
in error. To provide backward compatibility, CEOPT defaults to 1.
CEOPT has a range of 0 to 2 where:
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, as defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the RATIO block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
FLBOPT Fallback Option is a short integer input that defines the control action
taken by the block when a Supervisory Set Point Control fallback occurs:
0 = Take no fallback action (default)
1 = Set MA parameter to Auto
2 = Set MA parameter to Manual
3 = Set LR parameter to Remote
4 = Set LR parameter to Local.
FLBOPT overrides linked MA and LR parameters, but does not override
the AUTSW, MANSW, REMSW, and LOCSW parameters.
FLBREQ Fallback Request is a short integer output that is an explicit request for the
block to go to the Fallback state, with recovery at the block level (when SE
is set), and/or at the group level (when the appropriate group enable bit is
set in SUPENA).
0 = No fallback requested
1 = Fallback requested; recovery at block or group level
2 = Fallback requested; recovery only at block level.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) exceeds the
high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when
the value is less than HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not
return to false until the value falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that
triggers a High High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-
dependent value, generally the measurement input, or disables absolute
alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority)
HOLD Hold is a boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the block into the
Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at its last computed value.
HOLIM High Output Limit is a real input that establishes the maximum output
value, in OUT units. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a higher
value, the output is clamped at the HOLIM value and the indicator
HOLIND is set true.
HOLIND High Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the high output limit, HOLIM.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
RATIO block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
6 Inhibit Bad I/O Alarm INHALM.B10
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the RATIO block,
only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
18 LOA Low Output Alarm INHSTA.B14
19 HOA High Output Alarm INHSTA.B13
22 BAD Bad I/O Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B10
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI to
INITO connection, is eliminated.
INITLR Initialize Local/Remote is an integer input that specifies the desired state
of the LR input during initialization, where:
0 = Local
1 = Remote
2 = The LR state as specified in the checkpoint file.
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
INITSE Initial Supervisory Enable (INITSE) specifies the initial state of the SE
parameter in a block configured for Supervisory Control (that is:
SUPOPT =1) when the block initializes due to reboot, installing the
block, or turning on the compound.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
2 = Do not change SE parameter.
KSCALE KSCALE is a conversion factor used to make the time units of the rate
parameters, which are in EI1 units per minute, dimensionally compatible
with the time units of the output, as defined by EO1.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to false when
the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does
not return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a deadband.
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that trig-
gers a Low-Low Alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LOCSP Local Setpoint Secure is a boolean input. When true, LOCSP provides
lockout of user write access to the LR parameter. If LOCSP is configured
true, the block secures LR when it initializes and maintains LR in the
secured state. The LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher prece-
dence, but LR remains secured when they are no longer asserted.
LOCSW Local Switch is a boolean input. When true, LOCSW overrides the LR
and INITLR parameters and drives the block to the Local state. If both
LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
LOLIM Low Output Limit is a real input that establishes the minimum output
value. If the algorithm tries to drive the output to a lower value, the out-
put is clamped at the LOLIM value and the indicator LOLIND is set true.
LOLIND Low Output Limit Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever
the output is clamped at the low output limit, LOLIM.
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Range 1 and 2 are real value that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 and
EI2 define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of
the measurement source.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
MANALM Manual Alarm Option is a configurable input which enables and disables
configured alarm options to function in Manual. Normally alarms are
processed only in the Auto mode.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
0 = No alarming in Manual
1 = Full alarming in Manual
You can change MANALM only by reconfiguring the block.
MANSW Manual Switch is a boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MCLOPT Manual Clamping Option allows you to invoke output clamping while
the block is in manual. You can alter this configurable boolean input at
the workstation.
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
MEASHI Measurement High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement exceeds the high alarm limit (MEASHL). When
the measurement passes back through the deadband, the block sets
MEASHI to false.
MEASHL Measurement High Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
MEASLI Measurement Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the low alarm limit (MEASLL). When
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
the measurement passes back through the MEASDB deadband, the block
sets MEASLI to false.
MEASLL Measurement Low Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
MEASPR Measurement Priority is an integer input (1 to 5), that sets the priority
level of the measurement alarm (1 is the highest priority).
OSV Output Span Variance is a real input that defines the amount by which the
output clamp limits (HOLIM, LOLIM) can exceed the specified output
range, as defined by HSCO1 and LSCO1.
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec,. this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the MEAS
parameter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the MEAS
parameter is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary cas-
cade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
5 “SUP_INIT” The supervisory cascade is initializing.
6 “SUP_OPN” The supervisory cascade is open.
7 “SUP_CLS” The supervisory cascade is closed.
PRSCON Present Control state is a short integer data store that contains the sub-
states of Auto:
1 = Holding
2 = Tracking
3 = Controlling (not open loop).
RATIO RATIO Setpoint is the multiplier that the block applies to the measure-
ment to produce the output. This parameter is implemented as an output
whose source is determined by the Local/Remote setpoint selector input,
LR. When the block is in Auto and LR is switched to local, RATIO
becomes settable allowing you to input the desired ratio setpoint value.
REMRAT Remote Ratio input is the selected ratio setpoint source when LR is set to
Remote. This real value is usually connected to an upstream block in a
cascade scheme.
REMSW Remote Switch is a boolean input. When true, REMSW overrides the
unlinked LR and INITLR parameters, and drives the block to the Remote
state. If both LOCSW and REMSW are true, LOCSW has priority.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input 1 and 2 are arrays of real values that specify the high and low
engineering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
SUPGRP Supervisory Group (SUPGRP) specifies the group to which the block is
assigned for Supervisory Control. Range: 1 through 8 (default = 1)
SUP_IN Supervisory Input (SUP_IN) is a real output that is the parameter set by a
Supervisory application when performing supervisory control of this
block’s set point. SUP_IN also contains a status bit (Bit 10) that must be
set by the supervisor to acknowledge a request to initialize (Bit 10 in
TYPE When you enter “RATIO” or select “RATIO” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
unless the user changes the RATIO value via data access. At that time the status is
The local set point is clamped each cycle when the set point mode is Remote, Local, or Supervi-
sory. The clamp limits used are the ratio/bias scale limits HSCI2 and LSCI2. If the set point value
before clamping is equal to or less than LCSI2, status bit LLO of SPT is set true. If the value
before clamping is equal to or higher than HSCI2, status bit LHI of SPT is true.
The RATIO block has two output states, Auto and Manual. In Manual, the block releases the
output, allowing it to be set by you. In Auto, the block secures the output.
Auto has three sub-states: Controlling, Tracking, and Holding.
The block performs the algorithm that automatically generates the output in the Controlling sub-
state of Auto. In this state the block computes the output signal based on the MEAS and RATIO
values and the user-supplied values of KSCALE and BSCALE.
In Auto, the block clamps the output between the variable output limits, HOLIM and LOLIM.
You can place these limits anywhere within the range defined by LSCO1 and HSCO1, or, using
the output span variance parameter (OSV) you can extend this range at both the high and low
ends by an equal amount, up to 25 percent. If the algorithm calculates a value less than LOLIM
or greater then HOLIM, the block clamps the value at the limit and sets the appropriate indicator,
HOLIND or LOLIND, to true. If you set LOLIM higher than HOLIM, then HOLIM is auto-
matically set equal to the higher of the two values, which is LOLIM. Output clamping occurs in
the Manual state when MCLOPT is true.
If the BCALCI initialization status value input goes to true while the block is in Auto, the block
performs explicit initialization, by entering the Tracking substate of Auto. In this state, the output
tracks the value of the BCALCI input. This causes the downstream block’s remote setpoint to
track its own measurement so that a return to closed loop control is bumpless. The BCALCO ini-
tialization status value is also set true in this state to request any upstream block to perform its
own explicit initialization. When BCALCI initialization status value sets to false, the block
returns to the Controlling substate of Auto to resume closed loop control.
The ratio track option, RTRKOP, forces the RATIO setpoint to track BCALCO. BCALCO is the
actual ratio of the dependent controlled variable, BCALCI, to the measurement.
When ratio tracking is active, RATIO becomes nonsettable to prevent any user from manipulat-
ing the local ratio value. Ratio tracking is only performed if the ratio source selector is switched to
Local and the block is either operating in Manual or the BCALCI Initialization Input status value
is true. BCALCI initialization status value being true indicates that a block downstream in the
cascade is open loop.
During Auto operation, the block checks the critical inputs MEAS and BCALCI for data errors
(off-scan, or BAD, OOS or ERROR status bits set). If an error is detected, the RATIO block,
depending on the value of the CEOPT parameter (see CEOPT definition), may propagate the
error to its outputs by setting the ERROR status bit of the output, OUT.
The block goes to Hold if, while MBADOP is false and CEOPT = 1 or 2, either the HOLD
parameter goes true, or a condition required by the CEOPT parameter is met. In the Hold sub-
state the block holds the output at its last value. When all error conditions are removed, the block
returns to the Controlling substate and resumes closed loop control.
No implicit Hold action takes place if CEOPT = 0.
If MBADOP is configured true (and the MA parameter is unlinked), the block goes to the Man-
ual state when it detects a control error, or when the HOLD input goes true, regardless of the
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
CEOPT value. MBADOP has the same priority as MANSW and has precedence over AUTSW.
Therefore, if MBADOP is configured true and a bad input is detected, the block goes to Manual
regardless of the AUTSW setting.
When the block is switched to Manual, the OUT status reflects the MEAS/RATIO status at the
time the switch occurred. While the block is in Manual, it maintains this status until you change
the OUT output via data access. At that time the status is cleared.
The block also goes to Manual if, while MANFS is configured true, it detects the Failsafe status
bit (BCALCO.FS) at its BCALCI input.
A transition to Manual sets all alarm and limit indicators to false.
In Manual mode, the block does not perform ratio calculation. Alarm outputs are settable. The
block output (OUT) is unsecured and may have its value set by an external task or program and if
the manual clamp option (MCLOPT) is configured, these set values will undergo output clamp-
When the block restarts, the INITMA configured option specifies the value of the MA parameter,
unless MA has an established linkage, or MANSW or AUTSW are set true. Likewise, the INITLR
specifies the value of the LR parameter, unless LR is linked, or LOCSW and/or REMSW are set
In SCC, when the Fallback Option (FLBOPT) is set, the block falls back to the configured nor-
mal, Auto, Manual, Remote, or Local mode of operation.
Figure 99-2 is a simplified block diagram that depicts the functional signal flow of the RATIO
block. It shows the forward path of the controller as it relates to the various states, logic control
signals, and options represented by toggle switches.
99. RATIO – Ratio Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 99. RATIO – Ratio Block
99.4.1 Configuration
If the downstream block is an AOUT block, link BCALCI to the downstream block’s BCALCO
parameter and link the downstream block's MEAS parameter to OUT.
If the secondary block is a DGAP or PTC block, link BCALCI to the secondary block's
BCALCO parameter and link OUT to the secondary block’s RSP.
In a cascade configuration, link the blocks as shown below.
100. REAL – Real Variable Block
This chapter describes the REAL (Real Variable Block), its features, parameters and basic
100.1 Overview
The REAL variable block provides data storage for a real value, and its configured high and low
scale clamping limits and engineering units (see Figure 100-1). When the real value reaches either
the high or low limit, it is clamped at this limit. The real value parameter is typically connected to
other blocks for use in a control strategy.
100.2 Features
The REAL variable block provides the following features:
♦ Real data variable (VALUE) for storing a real value
♦ Clamping of VALUE between user-defined high (HSCO1) and low (LSCO1) limits
♦ User-defined engineering units (EO1) for VALUE.
100.3 Parameters
Table 100-1. REAL Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 100. REAL – Real Variable Block
HSCO1 High Scale Clamp for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the
upper range value for the VALUE parameter. HSCO1 must be greater
than LSCO1.
LSCO1 Low Scale Clamp for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower
range value for the VALUE parameter.
RO1 Range Output 1 is a real array consisting of the three values, HSCO1,
LSCO1, and 1.0 (1.0 is normally the change delta, but it is not used by
this block). RO1 and its members can be accessed as an array by user tasks
and displays.
TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Enter
“REAL” or select “REAL” from the block type list under SHOW when
configuring the block.
VALUE Value is a real data variable that can be set by an application to store data
for use by other blocks.
100. REAL – Real Variable Block B0193AX – Rev N
Note: EO1 provides units for VALUE.
Figure 100-3. VALUE Clamping
B0193AX – Rev N 100. REAL – Real Variable Block
Block validation does not change any parameter values that have not been reconfigured, except for
a CP reboot, in which case it installs the parameter values in the checkpoint file. If you turn the
compound off and then on, the VALUE parameter value is unchanged.
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
This chapter describes the REALM (Real Alarm Block), its features, parameters and detailed
101.1 Overview
The Real Alarm block, REALM, provides any combination of deviation, High/Low and High-
High/Low-Low absolutes, and/or rate of change alarming for a single real input. The block also
provides boolean indicators for each alarm type, and generates alarm and return-to-normal mes-
sages for each alarm event.
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
Measurement Alarm Indicators (5)
Setpoint Alarm and Block Status
Absolute Criticality
Alarm Limits
and Priorities (8) Priority Type
Rate of
Alarm Inhibit Change Alarm Messages
High-High Absolute Alarm Indicator
Setpoint BLOCK
Low-Low Absolute Alrm Indicator
Priority Type
High Absolute Limit
Alarm Message
Low Absolute Limit Absolute High Absolute Alarm Indicator
Absolute Alarm Priority Portion
Low Absolute Alarm Indicator
Hi-Hi/Lo-Lo Alarm Limit
Hi-Hi/Lo-Lo Alarm Priority
Priority Type
Alarm Messages
Rate of Change Limit Rate Alarm Indicator
Rate of Change Time Rate of Criticality
Rate Alarm Priority Change
Priority Type
Alarm Messages
Measurement Rate of Change Value
101.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto mode for disconnecting control schemes from the process, for simula-
tion and checkout purposes
♦ Alarming: High-High/Low-Low Absolute, High-Low Absolute, Rate-of-Change, and
High-Low Deviation
♦ Alarm messages
♦ Return to Normal messages.
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
101.3 Parameters
Table 101-1. REALM Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
ABSGRP Absolute Group is a short integer input that directs absolute alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group
number through the workstation.
ABSINC Absolute Increment is a real value that specifies the amount by which the
alarmed variable can exceed the alarm limits (or the current re-alarm lim-
its), before incrementing the re-alarm level. Default = 5.0.
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
ABSLEV Absolute Level is an integer output that indicates the measurement’s cur-
rent level of re-alarming of the absolute alarm limits. The actual alarm
level of re-alarming violation is equal to:
(ABSLEV - 1) * ABSINC ± (high/low deviation limit)
The block clamps the maximum ABSLEV value at 10.
ABSPRI Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the absolute alarm. 1 is the highest priority.
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the REALM block, only the following unshaded bits
are used
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Configured Alarm Option Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
16 Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B16
17 High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B15
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B8
25 High-High Absolute Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B7
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the REALM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in ALMSTA.B28
the REALM block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest priority, ALMSTA.B27–
1= highest ALMSTA.B25
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B15
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
23 RATE Rate of Change Alarm ALMSTA.B9
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B7
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the REALM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DALOPT Deviation Alarm Option is a short integer input that enables High and
Low deviation alarming, or disables alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low deviation alarming
2 = High deviation alarming only
3 = Low deviation alarming only.
You can change DALOPT only by reconfiguring the block.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
DELTI1 is used for scaling MEAS. DELTI2 is used for scaling KSCALE.
DEVADB Deviation Alarm Deadband is a real input, in MEAS units, that defines
the size of the deadband that applies to both High and Low Deviation
Limits. You can adjust this parameter at the workstation.
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
DEVGRP Deviation Group is a short integer input that directs deviation alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group
number through the workstation.
DEVINC Deviation Increment is a real value that specifies the amount by which the
alarmed variable can exceed the alarm limits (or the current re-alarm lim-
its) before incrementing the re-alarm level. Default = 5.0.
DEVLEV Deviation Level is an integer output that indicates the measurement’s cur-
rent level of re-alarming of the deviation alarm limits. The actual alarm
level of re-alarming violation is equal to:
(DEVLEV - 1) * DEVINC ± (high/low deviation limit)
The block clamps the maximum DEVLEV value at 10.
DEVPRI Deviation Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the priority
level of the deviation alarm (1 is the highest priority).
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 through 8, as defined by the param-
eters HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, pro-
vide the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1
and 2. “Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
EI1 is used for scaling MEAS. EI2 is used for scaling KSCALE.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the REALM block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
Message Value
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W52 – INVALID I/O An I/O block is connected to an ECB
CHANNEL/GROUP when the specified point number is
NUMBER” invalid or when the specified group
or octet number is invalid.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
HABLIM High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a high absolute alarm.
HAIND High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the measurement
exceeds the high absolute alarm limit (HABLIM). The block sets HAIND
to false when the measurement passes back through the deadband and
returns to normal operation.
HDAIND High Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the
measurement exceeds the setpoint by more than the deviation limit
HDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the DEVADB
deadband, the block sets HDAIND to false.
HDALIM High Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that establishes the amount by
which the measurement must exceed the setpoint to initiate a high devia-
tion alarm and set the High Deviation Alarm Indicator, HDAIND, true.
HHAGRP High-High Absolute Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs
High-High Absolute alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm
HHAIND High-High Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) exceeds the
high-high absolute alarm limit (HHALIM). HHAIND is set to false when
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
the value is less than HHALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does not
return to false until the value falls below the limit less a deadband.
HHALIM High-High Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of
the block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that
triggers a High High alarm.
HHAOPT High-High Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
High-High and Low-Low absolute alarming for alarming of a block-
dependent value, generally the measurement input, or disables absolute
alarming altogether. Each alarm triggers an indicator and text message.
0 = No alarming
1 = High-High and Low-Low alarming
2 = High-High alarming only
3 = Low-Low alarming only.
HHAPRI High-High Absolute Priority is an integer input, from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the high-high absolute alarm (1 is the highest priority).
HLAOPT High/Low Alarm Option is a configured short integer input that enables
absolute High and Low measurement alarming, or disables absolute
alarming altogether.
0 = No alarming
1 = High and Low measurement alarming
2 = High measurement alarming only
3 = Low measurement alarming only.
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCI1 is used for scaling MEAS. HSCI2 is used for scaling KSCALE.
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
REALM block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
7 Rate of Change Alarm INHALM.B9
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the REALM block,
only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B12
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm INHSTA.B11
23 RATE Rate of Change Alarm INHSTA.B9
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B8
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm INHSTA.B7
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
LABLIM Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
measurement that initiates a low absolute alarm.
LAIND The Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when the
measurement falls below the low absolute alarm limit (LABLIM). The
block sets LAIND to false when the measurement passes back through the
deadband and returns to normal operation.
LDAIND The Low Deviation Alarm Indicator is a boolean output that is set true
when the measurement falls below the setpoint by more than the devia-
tion limit, LDALIM. When the measurement passes back through the
DEVADB deadband, the block sets LDAIND to false.
LDALIM Low Deviation Alarm Limit is a real input that defines how far the mea-
surement must fall below the setpoint to initiate a low deviation alarm and
set the Low Deviation Alarm Indicator LDAIND true.
LLAIND Low-Low Alarm Indicator is a boolean output set true when the block-
dependent parameter value (generally the measurement input) falls below
the low-low absolute alarm limit (LLALIM). LLAIND is set to false when
the value is greater than LLALIM. Once the Indicator is set true, it does
not return to false until the value exceeds the limit plus a deadband.
LLALIM Low-Low Absolute Alarm Limit is a real input that defines the value of the
block-dependent parameter (generally the measurement input) that trig-
gers a Low-Low Alarm.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
measurement source.
LSCI1 is used for scaling MEAS. LSCI2 is used for scaling KSCALE.
MEAS Measurement is an input identifying the source of the block’s input, or the
controlled variable.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High High
4 = Low Low
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
7 = Rate alarm
RI1 to RI2 Range Input 1 and 2 are arrays of real values that specify the high and low
engineering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
ROCGRP Rate of Change Group is a short integer input that directs Rate of Change
alarm messages to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change
the group number at the workstation.
ROCIND The Rate of Change Alarm Indicator is a boolean output. It is set true
when the measurement experiences a rate of change greater than the rate
of change alarm limit (ROCLIM). The block sets ROCIND to false when
the rate of change falls below that limit.
ROCLIM Rate of Change Limit is the absolute value of the allowable change in
MEAS, when ROCOPT is true. When ROCLIM is exceeded, it generates
a Rate of Change Alarm. You can configure ROCLIM as a constant, or
connect it to a block to vary the rate limit.
ROCPRI Rate of Change Priority is an integer input (1 to 5) that sets the priority
level of the rate of change alarm (1 is the highest priority).
ROCTIM Rate of Change Time is the number of minutes that the measurement’s
rate of change must remain greater than the rate of change limit,
ROCLIM, before the block generates an alarm. It is also the length of
time that the rate of change must remain below the limit to come out of
ROCTXT The Rate of Change Alarm Message Text is a user-defined text string of up
to 32 characters that are output with the alarm message to identify the
SETPT Setpoint is a real input that identifies the source of the reference input to
be used in conjunction with the MEAS parameter to produce a deviation
(Deviation = Setpoint - Measurement).
TYPE When you enter “REALM” or select “REALM” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
MEAS Scale ABSDB (High-High
HHATXT Absolute
HSCI1, Alarming)
ABSDB (Low-Low
LLATXT Absolute
ABSRAL Absolute
Alarming) Output Message
Absolute Auto ROCIND, ROCTXT
Alarming) ROCVAL
DEVRAL Deviation
DALOPT Re-Alarming
ROCLIM (Rate of
LSCI2, ROCTXT Alarming)
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block Initialization
Key Parameters: INITMA
At initialization, the block initializes MA. DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail
validation testing. Manual
Key Parameters: MA
In manual, the integer outputs CRIT and PRTYPE are reset to zero and all the Boolean indicator
outputs are set to false. In manual, the block represses all alarm functions, and all outputs are
unsecured and settable. Auto
Key Parameters: MA
In auto mode, the block operates as described below.
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
Alarm Indicator is set.
Figure 101-3. Absolute Alarming
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
Figure 101-4. Deviation Alarming
101. REALM – Real Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
Figure 101-5. Rate of Change Alarming
If the rate of change exceeds ROCLIM over a consecutive time limit greater than the interval
time, ROCTIM, the block sets ROCIND true and outputs an alarm message that includes the
user-defined ROCTXT. When the rate of change no longer exceeds ROCLIM over a consecutive
period greater than ROCTIM, the block resets ROCIND to false and generates a return-to-nor-
mal message. ROCLIM and ROCTIM are clamped at a minimum of 0.0 every cycle.
At configuration, define KSCALE so as to make the specified units of ROCLIM dimensionally
compatible with the fixed units of the measurement signal in the process of differentiation per-
formed over the time interval of the block PERIOD.
The output ROCVAL contains the rate of change of MEAS at all times. It is computed as follows:
ROCVAL = |MEAS - previous cycle MEAS| / (KSCALE * ROCTIM),
where ROCTIM is the period of the block in seconds.
101.4.7 Re-Alarming
Re-alarming allows you to check if a MEAS input which has initiated an alarm is extending fur-
ther beyond the alarm limit, or is returning to a safe level. When re-alarming is enabled, the alarm
limit for the initiated alarm is increased/decreased by a specified increment after a MEAS input
has triggered the alarm. If the MEAS input goes past the adjusted alarm limit again, the alarm
reoccurs, and the alarm limits are increased/decreased again. The alarm limits can be adjusted by
re-alarming up to 10 times.
Re-alarming is available for absolute and deviation alarming. The integer outputs ABSLEV and
DEVLEV provide the level of re-alarming (0 to 10) of the absolute and deviation alarm limits
(that is, the number of times the MEAS input has caused the alarm level to increment). ABSLEV
and DEVLEV are reset to zero (0) after the MEAS input has returned to safe levels and the initi-
ated alarm has been turned off.
ABSINC and DEVINC, respectively, provide the specified increments by which the absolute and
deviation alarm limits are adjusted each time a new level of re-alarming is established.
Re-alarming for absolute alarms is enabled or disabled via ABSRAL. Re-alarming for deviation
alarms is enabled or disabled via DEVRAL.
B0193AX – Rev N 101. REALM – Real Alarm Block
102. RIN – Real Input Block
This chapter covers the Real Input (RIN) block, its features, parameters and functions, and
application diagrams.
This chapter describes the Distributed Control Interface (DCI) RIN block. For a
description of how the RIN block is used in PLC applications, refer to PLC Interface
Block Descriptions (B0193YQ).
102.1 Overview
The Real Input (RIN) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI blocks sup-
port connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a general pur-
pose interface.) RIN receives one analog value from a field device. It presents that value, after
input processing, at parameter RINP, whether the block mode is Auto or Manual. An additional
parameter, MEAS, is provided for use as the block output to the control strategy. The value of
MEAS is the same as that of RINP when the block is in Auto mode. When the block is in Manual
mode, MEAS is independent of RINP, and can be used for manual sets.
Input From Range Final I/A Series
External Device Limiting Scaling
Conversion Limiting
Input From
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
this value is copied to parameter Block Output (MEAS). In Manual, it is not copied to MEAS,
and the you may set the value of MEAS.
The RIN block does not provide any alarm detection or reporting capability. If alarms are desired,
a separate AIN block can be used with a connection to the MEAS parameter of the RIN block.
102.3 Features
The RIN block provides the following features:
♦ Support for operator sets in Manual
♦ Specification of external device source point as device-specific string
♦ Input value scaled into I/A Series normalized raw count range before further
♦ Input in I/A Series normalized raw count converted to engineering units.
102.4 Parameters
Table 102-1. RIN Block Parameters
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the RIN block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
8 FBM Bad Status of ECB BLKSTA.B24
11 MA Manual = 0, Auto = 1 BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block ON BLKSTA.B17
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. (See ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block.) In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a True
value, you should correct all configuration errors and reinstall the block.
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
EI1 Engineering Units for Input Range 1 provides the engineering units text
for the RINP and MEAS parameters. The value configured for this text
string should be consistent with the values used for HSCI1 and LSCI1.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set False,
unless indicated otherwise (see meanings below). Validation of configured
parameters does not proceed past the first error encountered by the block
logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results in an explanatory message
at the block’s detail display. For the RIN block, the following list shows
the possible messages you may see:
ERCODE Message Meaning
W50 – INVALID SIGNAL CON- SCI is out of range for this block.
W52 – INVALID I/O CHAN- PNT_NO string is blank.
W62 – UNRESOLVED CON- Connection is not yet resolved.
NECTION (Block remains defined.)
W65 – INVALID POINT FBM parsing algorithm finds
ADDRESS that a used BIx_PT is invalid.
W66 – DUPLICATE CONNEC- There is a duplicate connection
TION to a particular point.
W67 – INSUFFICIENT FBM There is no available memory or
MEMORY/CONNECTIONS point connections in the FBM.
W68 – INVALID DEVICE The device connection is invalid.
W69 – INVALID POINT CON- The point connection is invalid.
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
HSCI1 High Scale for Input Range 1 specifies the upper range limit of the block
input when converted from limited raw count to engineering units.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input under
certain initialization conditions, namely:
♦ The block has just been installed into the I/A Series station
♦ The I/A Series station is rebooted.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter is modified via the Integrated Control
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
When INITMA is asserted, the value set into MA is:
♦ 0 (Manual) if INITMA = 0
♦ 1 (Auto) if INITMA = 1
♦ The MA value from the checkpoint file if INITMA = 2.
IOM_ID ECB Identifier is a user-configurable string that specifies either of the fol-
♦ The device ECB (ECB201), for the purpose of connecting to
(accessing) a field parameter that resides in a field device hosted by
an ECB200.
♦ The parent ECB200, for the purpose of accessing a parameter
whose source is the FBM itself (not applicable to FBM220/221 or
IOM_ID can be formatted in either of two ways, depending on the loca-
tion of the ECB in question:
♦ Simply the name of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound
<cp_letterbug>_ECB, where cp_letterbug is the station letterbug
of the I/A Series station.
♦ The full pathname of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound,
or any compound where blocks that tie to it are located. The path-
name must be of the form:
where <ecb_name> is the NAME parameter of the ECB.
Note: Once configured, IOM_ID may not be modified. A delete/undelete
operation will NOT allow IOM_ID to be changed. The block must be
deleted and then re-entered into the data base. IOM_ID may then be
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
LSCI1 Low Scale for Input Range 1 specifies the lower range limit of the block
input when converted from limited normalized raw count to engineering
MBIAS Measurement Bias is the offset factor applied to the raw count input from
the external device when rescaling it into the equivalent I/A Series station
normalized raw count.
The scaling is applied before the signal conditioning algorithm specified
by SCI is applied.
In the RIN block, the linear scaling is applied before the signal condition-
ing algorithm is applied. The GAIN and BIAS parameters are used in the
linear equation:
x = GAIN (x + BIAS)
MEAS Block Output contains the same value as RINP when the block mode is
Auto. It is independent of RINP in Manual mode (set by operator).
MGAIN Measurement Gain is the gain factor applied to the raw count input from
the external device when rescaling it into the equivalent I/A Series control
station normalized raw count.
The scaling is applied before the signal conditioning algorithm specified
by SCI is applied.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths:
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 seconds) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 second. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
PNT_NO Point Number identifies the source address in the external device memory
(or external device data stream) from which the block input is obtained. It
is a string whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external
For the FOUNDATION™ fieldbus interface (FBM220/221), PNT_NO
contains the Function Block Tag used to identify the function block, in
the external device, that is to be associated with the RIN block input.
Also, for FOUNDATION fieldbus devices, PNT_NO may be connected to
only one function block in the device. (Multiple connections are not sup-
For the PROFIBUS interface (FBM223), PNT_NO must be configured
to contain a PROFIBUS data identifier string. This information identi-
fies, to the FBM, specific data in the PROFIBUS data stream that is to
serve as the device data input to this block. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Com-
munication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for
For the HART interface (FBM214/216), PNT_NO must be configured
to contain a point address. This information identifies, to the FBM, spe-
cific data in the HART data stream that is to serve as the device data input
to this block. Refer to HART™ Communication Interface Module
(FBM214/215/ 216/218) User’s Guide (B0400FF) for details.
For the Modbus interface (FBM224), PNT_NO must be configured to
contain the address of a register or a pair of consecutive registers in a Mod-
bus device. Refer to Modbus Communication Interface Module (FBM224)
User’s Guide for details.
RI1 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
Range Input also forms an association with a group of real input parame-
ters that have the same designated range and change delta.
RINP Real Input is an input in the RIN block that can be used when SIMOPT
is used to simulate the real input value from the field device. When
SIMOPT is not used, RINP contains the selected field device input value.
SEVSTS This parameter is currently not supported by any FBM or field device.
TSTAMP The Time Stamp parameter of the block is updated every time there is a
change in the value of MEAS. In Auto mode, this means that the field
input value in RINP is changed. In Manual mode, it means that a new
manual value is set into MEAS. TSTAMP, which is expressed in units of
milliseconds past midnight, is read from the FBM, when it is available
there; otherwise, it is computed by the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter RIN or select it from a configurator list, an identifying
integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the value of
TYPE is 149.
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
VUMEAS This parameter is currently not supported by any FBM or field device.
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
102.5 Functions
102.5.1 Detailed Diagram
AND Scaling Limiting Units RINP
ECB Good Conversion Limiting
ECB Status
*As selected per SIMOPT MEAS.OOS
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
♦ If there is a duplicate connection to any point, the detail display shows “W66 –
♦ If there is no available memory in the FBM, or if the maximum number of connec-
tions have been allocated in the FBM, the detail display shows “W67 –
♦ If the device connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W68 – INVALID
♦ If the point connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W69 – INVALID POINT
In the following case, the block remains defined:
♦ If the connection is not yet resolved, the detail display shows “W62 – UNRE-
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
The status of RINP is set to Limited High or Limited Low (as appropriate) if:
♦ Either one of the limiting actions (normalized raw count and/or engineering units),
described in Section 102.5.6, forces a clamping of the value.
♦ The DCI connection status information indicates that the field device parameter is
limited high or limited low.
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
SCI = 0: No Linearization
Result is (value)
SCI = 1: Linear (0 to 64000)
Result is (value * span + offset)
SCI = 2: Linear (1600 to 64000)
Result is ((value - 1600.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 3: Linear (12800 to 64000)
Result is ((value - 12800.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 4: Square Root (0 to 64000)
Result is (sqrt (64000.0 * value) * span + offset)
SCI = 5: Square Root (12800 to 64000), Clamped
If (value <= 12800.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (51200.0 * (value - 12800.0)) * span + offset)
SCI = 6: Square Root, Low Cutoff (0 to 64000), Clamped < 3/4%
If (value <= 480.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (64000.0 * value) * span + offset)
SCI = 7: Square Root, Low Cutoff (12800 to 64000), Clamped < 3/4%
If (value <= 13184.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (51200.0 * (value - 12800.0)) * span + offset)
SCI = 9: Linear, Low Cutoff (1600 to 64000)
If (value <= 1600.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is ((value - 1600.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 10: Linear, Low Cutoff (12800 to 64000)
If (value <= 12800.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is ((value - 12800.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 11: Square Root (IT2 signal)
Result is (sqrt (value))
SCI = 12: Linear (2 - 10 V)
Result is ((value - 14080.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 13: Square Root (2 - 10 V), clamped
If (value <= 14080.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (49920.0 * (value - 14080.0)) * span + offset)
SCI = 14: Linear (0 - 16383)
Result is (value * span + offset)
SCI = 15: Square root (0 - 10 V), clamped
Result is (sqrt (62400.0 * (value - 1600.0)) * span + offset);
SCI = 50: Linear (0 to 65535) y = (HSCI1-LSCI1)/65535 * x + LSCI1
102. RIN – Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 102. RIN – Real Input Block
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input
This chapter covers the Redundant Real Input (RINR) block its features, parameters and
functions, and application diagrams.
103.1 Overview
The Redundant Real Input (RINR) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI
blocks support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a gen-
eral purpose interface.) RINR receives one real value from a field device. The source of the value
can be specified as either two or three redundant inputs. The redundant inputs can either be in
the same device or in different devices. Each of the redundant inputs is independently scaled, lim-
ited, and converted into engineering units before the block’s selection algorithm is invoked to
determine which of the two or three inputs is set into parameter RINP.
2 or 3
Redundant Input Processing To Upstream
External Inputs Block
Input from
Manual Set
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
103.3 Features
The RINR block provides the following features:
♦ Reads one real input value from two or three redundant inputs
♦ In Auto mode, copies its output to the Real Measurement (MEAS) parameter
♦ In Manual mode, enables manual setting of the MEAS parameter.
103.4 Parameters
Table 103-1. RINR Block Parameters
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
ARBLIM Arbitration Limit is a configurable real value that represents the tolerance
of the difference between pairs of redundant input values in an RINR
block. This value, specified in engineering units, is used to determine
whether the redundant input values agree or disagree.
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the RINR block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
FBM3 B22
FBM2 B23
FBM1 B24
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
8 FBM1 Bad Status of primary ECB BLKSTA.B24
9 FBM2 Bad Status of secondary ECB BLKSTA.B23
10 FBM3 Bad Status of tertiary ECB BLKSTA.B22
11 MA Manual = 0, Auto = 1 BKKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block ON BLKSTA.B17
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. (See ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block.) In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a True
value, you should correct all configuration errors and reinstall the block.
DEVID1 Primary Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character
identifier of the first connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID
configured in the ECB specified by IOMID1.
DEVID2 Secondary Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-charac-
ter identifier of the second connected device. It is copied from the
DEV_ID configured in the ECB specified by IOMID2. If ECBOPT= 0,
DEVID2 is ignored.
DEVID3 Tertiary Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character
identifier of the third connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID
configured in the ECB specified by IOMID3. If ECBOPT= 0, DEVID3
is ignored.
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
EI1 Engineering Units for Input Range 1 provides the engineering units text
for the RINP and MEAS parameters. The value configured for this text
string should be consistent with the values used for HSCI1 and LSCI1.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set False,
unless indicated otherwise (see meanings below). Validation of configured
parameters does not proceed past the first error encountered by the block
logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results in an explanatory message
at the block’s detail display. For the RINR block, the following list shows
the messages you may see:
HSCI1 High Scale for Input Range 1 specifies the upper range limit of the block
input when converted from limited normalized raw count to engineering
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input under
certain initialization conditions, namely:
♦ The block has just been installed into the I/A Series station
♦ The I/A Series station is rebooted.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter is modified via the Integrated Control
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
When INITMA is asserted, the value set into MA is:
♦ 0 (Manual) if INITMA = 0
♦ 1 (Auto) if INITMA = 1
♦ The MA value from the checkpoint file if INITMA = 2.
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
LSCI1 Low Scale for Input Range 1 specifies the lower range limit of the block
input when converted from limited normalized raw count to engineering
MBIAS Measurement Bias is the offset factor applied to the raw count input from
the external device when rescaling it into the equivalent I/A Series station
normalized raw count.
The scaling is applied before the signal conditioning algorithm specified
by SCI is applied.
In the RINR block, the linear scaling is applied before the signal condi-
tioning algorithm is applied. The GAIN and BIAS parameters are used in
the linear equation:
x = GAIN* x + BIAS
MEAS Block Output contains the same value as RINP when the block mode is
Auto. It is independent of RINP in Manual mode (set by operator).
MGAIN Measurement Gain is the gain factor applied to the raw count input from
the external device when rescaling it into the equivalent I/A Series control
station normalized raw count.
The scaling is applied before the signal conditioning algorithm specified
by SCI is applied.
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths:
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 seconds) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 second. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
RI1 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
this parameter also forms an association with a group of real input param-
eters that have the same designated range and change delta.
RI1_PT Primary Real Input address identifies the source address in the external
device memory from which the block input is obtained. It is a string
whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external device.
For the FOUNDATION™ fieldbus interface (FBM220/221), RI1_PT con-
tains the Function Block Tag used to identify the function block, in the
external device, that is to be associated with the RINR block primary real
input. Also, for FOUNDATION™ fieldbus, RI1_PT may be connected to
only one function block in the device. (Multiple connections are not
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
RI2_PT Secondary Real Input address identifies the source address in the external
device memory from which the block input is obtained. It is a string
whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external device.
For the FOUNDATION™ fieldbus interface (FBM220/221), RI2_PT con-
tains the Function Block Tag used to identify the function block, in the
external device, that is to be associated with the RINR block secondary
real input. Also, for FOUNDATION™ fieldbus, RI2_PT may be con-
nected to only one function block in the device. (Multiple connections are
not supported.)
For the PROFIBUS interface (FBM223), RI2_PT must be configured to
contain a PROFIBUS data identifier string. This information identifies,
to the FBM, specific data in the PROFIBUS data stream that is to serve as
the secondary real input to this block. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communi-
cation Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for details.
For the HART interface (FBM214/216), RI2_PT must be configured to
contain a point address. This information identifies, to the FBM, specific
data in the HART data stream that is to serve as the device data input, to
this block. Refer to HART™ Communication Interface Module
(FBM214/215/ 216/218) User’s Guide (B0400FF) for details.
For the Modbus interface (FBM224), RI2_PT must be configured to con-
tain the address of a register or a pair of consecutive registers in a Modbus
device. Refer to Modbus Communication Interface Module (FBM224)
User’s Guide for details.
RI3_PT Tertiary Real Input address identifies the source address in the external
device memory from which the block input is obtained. It is a string
whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external device.
For the FOUNDATION™ fieldbus interface (FBM220/221), RI3_PT con-
tains the Function Block Tag used to identify the function block, in the
external device, that is to be associated with the RINR block tertiary real
input. Also, for FOUNDATION™ fieldbus, RI3_PT may be connected to
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
only one function block in the device. (Multiple connections are not sup-
For the PROFIBUS interface to the I/A Series system (FBM223), RI3_PT
must be configured to contain a PROFIBUS data identifier string. This
information identifies, to the FBM, specific data in the PROFIBUS data
stream that is to serve as the tertiary real input to this block. Refer to
PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide
(B0400FE) for details.
For the HART interface to the I/A Series system (FBM214/216), RI3_PT
must be configured to contain a point address. This information identi-
fies, to the FBM, specific data in the HART data stream that is to serve as
the device data input, to this block. Refer to HART™ Communication
Interface Module (FBM214/215/ 216/218) User’s Guide (B0400FF) for
For the Modbus interface to the I/A Series system (FBM224), RI3_PT
must be configured to contain the address of a register or a pair of consec-
utive registers in a Modbus device. Refer to Modbus Communication Inter-
face Module (FBM224) User’s Guide for details.
RINP Real Input contains the value selected from RIN_1, RIN_2, and RIN_3
after input processing. RINP displays this value at all times, regardless of
the block mode.
RIN_1 Primary Real Input contains the real value read from BI1_PT, in the ECB
specified by IOMID1.
RIN_2 Secondary Real Input contains the real value read from BI2_PT, in the
ECB specified by IOMID2.
RIN_3 Tertiary Real Input contains the real value read from BI3_PT, in the ECB
specified by IOMID3.
ROCV Maximum Rate of Change applies to all used redundant RIN_x. It is con-
figured as a real value in the block’s engineering units, and converted to
normalized raw counts before being sent to the FBM when the DCI con-
nection is established. The actual rate-of-change detection is performed by
the FBM or field device supported by the FBM.
ROCV is currently supported only by the HART FBM216/218. It is not
supported by FBM220/221 or FBM223.
SELECT Selection Indicator shows which redundant RIN_x has been chosen by
the arbitration algorithm:
0 = none of the input values is selected
1 = primary input value is selected
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
SELOPT Selection Option is a configurable option that specifies the criteria for
selecting a redundant input in the RINR block when the arbitration algo-
rithm cannot resolve the choice. For the RINR block:
0 = The value of RINP is unchanged
1 = Select the lowest of the three inputs
2 = Select the highest of the three inputs
3 = Use the mean of the three inputs.
SEVSTS This parameter is currently not supported by any FBM or field device.
TSTAMP The Time Stamp parameter of the block is updated every time there is a
change in value of MEAS. In Auto mode, this means that the arbitrated
field input value in RINP has changed. In Manual mode, it means that a
new manual value has been set into MEAS. TSTAMP, which is expressed
in units of milliseconds past midnight, is read from the FBM, when it is
available there, or if not, is computed by the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter RINR or select it from a configurator list, an identifying
integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the value of
TYPE is 112.
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
0 = Not limited
1 = High limited
2 = Low limited
3 = High and low limited
Bits 2-5: Substatus (definition depends on Quality)
Bits 6-7: Quality:
0 = Bad
1 = Uncertain
2-3 = Good
Note: Bit 0 is the least significant, low order bit.
Each time the RINR block is executed, VALSTS is updated with the sta-
tus of the FF/PA value provided by the DCI connection chosen by the
arbitration algorithm. However, if SELECT is zero for any reason, the
value of VALSTS is not updated and remains at its last good value.
VUMEAS This parameter is currently not supported by any FBM or field device.
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
103.5 Functions
103.5.1 Detailed Diagram
BI1_PT Simulated
Value RINP
False = 1 ECB SIMOPT
True = 2 or 3 ECBs
1 Scaling
Limiting SCI Span
Final Limiting
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
The DCI connections are deleted (the linkages are removed from the linked lists for the ECB or
ECBs when the RINR block is deleted).
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
♦ The DCI is not yet connected (that is, the PIO maintenance task has not yet sent the
DATA_CONNECT message to the FBM for the linked-list addition described in
Section 103.5.3).
♦ The DCI connection status information, which specifies the condition of the accessed
device parameter, indicates Out-of-Service, meaning (in general) that the parameter
value is unavailable.
♦ The connection status information indicates Disconnected, meaning (in general) that
the parameter is not connected or not defined.
♦ The connection status information indicates that the connection is not yet resolved.
The detail display shows “W62 – UNRESOLVED CONNECTION” with
ERCODE = 62.
♦ An ECB201 is specified and the ECB device status indicates that the DCI connection
is unresolved.
The status of RIN_x is set to Bad if:
♦ The device ECB status indicates that the field device has failed
♦ The DCI connection status information indicates a bad value of the field device
The status of RIN_x is set to Error if the status information indicates an uncertain or questionable
value of the field device parameter.
The status of RIN_x is set to Limited High or Limited Low (as appropriate) if:
♦ Either one of the limiting actions described in Section 103.5.6 (normalized count
and/or engineering units) forces a clamping of the value.
♦ The DCI connection status information indicates that the field device parameter is
limited high or limited low.
Finally, if RIN_x is not Out-of-Service, the value of that field input is conditioned as described in
Section 103.5.6, and the result is set into the value of RIN_x. Otherwise, the previous value (last
good value) of RIN_x is retained.
The statuses and conditioned values of the individual RIN_x are available in the three output
parameters, and, in addition, they are used as the inputs to the arbitration algorithm. See
Section 103.5.7.
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
Engineering Units =
(I/A Series Limited Normalized Raw Count - span low limit)(HSCI1 - LSCI1)/span +
For example, if the SCI is linear 1600 - 64000, the span low limit is 1600, and the span is
64000 - 1600 or 62400.
The final step in input conditioning consists of limiting the engineering units value to within the
engineering range limits, HSCI1 and LSCI1.
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
When the Select column (above) reads “See Case x below”, the preconfigured parameter SELOPT
determines the value of RINP as follows:
Case 1: (all three values are available but all disagree)
♦ If SELOPT = 0, the value of RINP is unchanged.
♦ If SELOPT = 1, the algebraically lowest of RIN_1, RIN_2, and RIN_3 is selected.
♦ If SELOPT = 2, the algebraically highest of RIN_1, RIN_2, and RIN_3 is selected.
♦ If SELOPT = 3, the algebraic mean of RIN_1, RIN_2, and RIN_3 is used.
Case 2: (two of the three values are available but both disagree)
♦ If SELOPT = 0, the value of RINP is unchanged (last good value functionality).
♦ If SELOPT = 1, the algebraically lower of the two valid RIN_x is selected.
♦ If SELOPT = 2, the algebraically higher of the two valid RIN_x is selected.
♦ If SELOPT = 3, the algebraic mean of the two valid RIN_x is used.
Case 3: (none of the three values is available)
♦ The value of RINP is unchanged (last good value functionality).
Output parameter SELECT shows which RIN_x has been selected:
♦ If RIN_1 is selected, SELECT = 1
♦ If RIN_2 is selected, SELECT = 2
♦ If RIN_3 is selected, SELECT = 3
♦ Otherwise, SELECT = 0.
The status of RINP is set as follows:
♦ Case 1 or 2: status of RINP is Error if SELOPT = 0 or 3 (the Error status bit is set)
♦ Case 3: status of RINP is Bad and Out-of-Service (the Bad and Out-of-Service status
bits are set).
103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
The output of the RINR block, as normally used by the control strategy, is, therefore, the MEAS
parameter, whether the block mode is Auto or Manual.
SCI = 0: No Linearization
Result is (value)
SCI = 1: Linear (0 to 64000)
Result is (value * span + offset)
SCI = 2: Linear (1600 to 64000)
Result is ((value - 1600.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 3: Linear (12800 to 64000)
Result is ((value - 12800.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 4: Square Root (0 to 64000)
Result is (sqrt (64000.0 * value) * span + offset)
SCI = 5: Square Root (12800 to 64000), Clamped
If (value <= 12800.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (51200.0 * (value - 12800.0)) * span + offset)
SCI = 6: Square Root, Low Cutoff (0 to 64000), Clamped < 3/4%
If (value <= 480.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (64000.0 * value) * span + offset)
SCI = 7: Square Root, Low Cutoff (12800 to 64000), Clamped < 3/4%
If (value <= 13184.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (51200.0 * (value - 12800.0)) * span + offset)
SCI = 9: Linear, Low Cutoff (1600 to 64000)
If (value <= 1600.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is ((value - 1600.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 10: Linear, Low Cutoff (12800 to 64000)
If (value <= 12800.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is ((value - 12800.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 11: Square Root (IT2 signal)
Result is (sqrt (value))
SCI = 12: Linear (2 - 10 V)
Result is ((value - 14080.0) * span + offset)
SCI = 13: Square Root (2 - 10 V), clamped
If (value <= 14080.0) result is (offset)
Otherwise, result is (sqrt (49920.0 * (value - 14080.0)) * span + offset)
SCI = 14: Linear (0 - 16383)
Result is (value * span + offset)
B0193AX – Rev N 103. RINR – Redundant Real Input Block
104. ROUT – Real Output Block
This chapter covers the Real Output (ROUT) block, its features, parameters and functions, and
application diagrams.
This chapter describes the Distributed Control Interface (DCI) ROUT block. For a
description of how the ROUT block is used in PLC applications, refer to PLC Inter-
face Block Descriptions (B0193YQ).
104.1 Overview
The Real Output (ROUT) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI blocks
support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a general
purpose interface.) ROUT sends one analog value to an address in a field device. In the outbound
direction, the block accepts a real value from the control strategy or an operator set and sends it to
the addressed point. In the inbound direction, the block’s confirmed output structure allows any
change made by the FBM to the value in the field device to be read back by the I/A Series block.
Therefore, the block logic permits changes to the point value to be made at either end with the
two ends remaining in sync at all times.
Cascade To Upstream
Processing Block
from Input Selection Output Processing Output to
I/A Series External
System Device
Readback Confirmed
from Read-Back Output
External Processing to I/A Series
Device System
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
104.3 Features
The ROUT block provides the following features:
♦ Separate sources for inputs in Auto and Manual
♦ Specification of external device destination point as device-specific string
♦ Output optionally written to device only when output value changes
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
104.4 Parameters
Table 104-1. ROUT Block Parameters
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
AUTSW Auto Switch forces the block mode to Auto. It is of higher priority than
configured, set, or linked values in MA, or the value of INITMA. It is of
lower priority than MANSW, however. If both MANSW and AUTSW are
True, the block mode is forced to Manual.
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
BCALCO Back Calculated Output is set equal to the confirmed component of OUT
while the cascade is initializing. Since its purpose is to provide the
upstream block with a back-calculated value, you should connect
BCALCO to the BCALCI parameter of that block.
BIAS Bias is the offset factor used when the read-back value is converted from
the device normalized count range into I/A Series system normalized raw
count range.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the ROUT block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CLPOPT Clamp Option determines whether the operational limits HOLIM and
LOLIM are applied to the engineering units value in the output or read-
back direction, instead of the range limits HSCO1 and LSCO1. The val-
ues are:
CLPOPT = 0: The values are never clamped.
CLPOPT = 1: The values are clamped only if the block is in Auto.
CLPOPT = 2: The values are clamped in both Auto and Manual.
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. (See ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block.) In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a True
value, you should correct all configuration errors and reinstall the block.
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
EO1 Engineering Units for Output Range 1 provides the engineering units text
for the OUT output. The value configured for this text string should be
consistent with the values used for HSCO1 and LSCO1.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set False,
unless indicated otherwise (see meanings below). Validation of configured
parameters does not proceed past the first error encountered by the block
logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results in an explanatory message
at the block’s detail display. For the ROUT block, the following list shows
the possible messages you may see:
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
EROPT Error Option specifies the conditions under which MEAS is considered to
have bad status. It is used in determining whether there has been a bad-to-
good transition of MEAS.
If EROPT = 1, MEAS is considered bad if its status word indicates Bad,
Out-of-Service, or Not On Scan. (If it is Not On Scan, then the source of
the connection has been deleted or is in a nonexistent compound, or there
has been a peer-to-peer failure.)
If EROPT = 2, MEAS is considered Bad in any of the above situations. It
is also considered Bad if the Error bit in the status of MEAS is True.
FSOPTN Fail-Safe Option is a configurable option that specifies the fail-safe condi-
tions and action to be taken in an FBM for an output point in a ROUT
♦ Bit 0: 1 = assert fail-safe if input/measurement error. Note that
EROPT must be configured nonzero for this option to take effect.
♦ Bit 1: 1 = set/clear fail-safe when SETFS input is set/cleared.
♦ Bit 2: 1 = assert fail-safe if control station-to-FBM communication
is lost (FBM option). This option will be enabled only if fail-safe
is enabled at the FBM level via the FSENAB parameter in
ECB200 or ECB202.
♦ Bit 0 is the least significant, low order bit.
♦ For FOUNDATION fieldbus equipment, FSOPTN is dependent
upon how the fault state parameters are configured in the device
with which the ROUT block is being used. The fault state can
also be turned off in the device, which would render FSOPTN
♦ This parameter is currently not supported by Modbus FBM224.
FSOUT Fail-Safe Real Output specifies the real fail-safe value that is to be used by
the external device when any condition specified in FSOPTN exists. The
entered value is limited by HSCO1 and LSCO1 before it is set into
parameter FSOUT. If this limiting causes FSOUT to be changed, the sta-
tus of FSOUT is set to Limited High or Limited Low, as appropriate.
FSOUT is first converted to I/A Series system normalized raw count
(using reverse action if specified by REVOPT) and then into device raw
count (using inverse linear transformation based on GAIN and BIAS)
before being sent to the device.
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
HOLIM High Output Limit is the upper operational limit of the engineering units
value, optionally applied based on the value you have configured for
CLPOPT. HOLIM is forced to be within the HSCO1/LSCO1 range lim-
its, and forced to be greater than or equal to LOLIM.
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 specifies the upper range limit of the block
input and output when expressed in engineering units.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input under
certain initialization conditions, namely:
♦ The block has just been installed into the I/A Series station
♦ The I/A Series station is rebooted.
♦ The compound in which the block resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter is modified via the Integrated Control
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
When INITMA is asserted, the value set into MA is:
♦ 0 (Manual) if INITMA = 0
♦ 1 (Auto) if INITMA = 1
♦ The MA value from the checkpoint file if INITMA = 2.
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
INI_PT Initialize Address is a configurable string that specifies the point address of
an optional Boolean input connection in the ROUT block. If INI_PT is
used, the block output tracks the read-back value when this input Boolean
value is set. On a transition of this input value to zero, if PRIBLK is used,
the I/A Series cascade is initialized.
For FOUNDATION fieldbus, INI_PT is configured with a device specific
address. For PROFIBUS, INI_PT is be configured to contain a PROFI-
BUS data identifier string1 which identifies, to the FBM, the address of an
optional Boolean input.
IOM_ID ECB Identifier is a user-configurable string that specifies either of the fol-
♦ The device ECB (ECB201), for the purpose of connecting to
(accessing) a field parameter that resides in a field device hosted by
an ECB200
♦ The parent ECB200, for the purpose of accessing a parameter
whose source is the FBM itself (not applicable to FBM220/221 or
IOM_ID can be formatted in either of two ways, depending on the loca-
tion of the ECB in question:
♦ Simply the name of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound
<cp_letterbug>_ECB, where cp_letterbug is the station letterbug
of the I/A Series station.
♦ The full pathname of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound,
or any compound where blocks that tie to it are located. The path-
name must be of the form:
where <ecb_name> is the NAME parameter of the ECB.
Note: Once configured, IOM_ID may not be modified. A delete/undelete
operation will NOT allow IOM_ID to be changed. The block must be
deleted and then re-entered into the data base. IOM_ID may then be
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
For detailed information on configuring the PROFIBUS data identifier (and thus INI_PT configu-
ration), refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean input which can be set True or False only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set True in this fashion, a workstation identifier
accompanying the set command is entered into the LOCKID parameter
of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s parameters are
honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the workstation
whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID. LOCKRQ can be set
False by any workstation at any time, whereupon a new LOCKRQ is
accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier written to
LOLIM Low Output Limit is the lower operational limit of the engineering units
value, optionally applied based on the value you have configured for
CLPOPT. LOLIM is forced to lie within the HSCO1/LSCO1 range lim-
its, and forced to be less than or equal to HOLIM.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 specifies the lower range limit of the block
input and output when expressed in engineering units.
MANSW Manual Switch, when True, forces the block into Manual mode. It is of
higher priority than any other method of establishing the value MA, since
it overrides configured, set, or linked values. MANSW is also of higher
priority than AUTSW or INITMA.
MEAS Measurement is the value used as the input when the block is in Auto
mode. After limiting and inverse signal conditioning, this is the value nor-
mally set into OUT and sent to the external device.
OUT Output is the value sent from the block to the connected external device at
point PNT_NO. The displayed value of OUT is always the confirmed
OUTFBK Output Feedback Option is a connectable real output that contains the
feedback signal of an analog output devices when the OUTOPT option is
used. For FBM220/221, this value is provided by the PV parameter of a
FOUNDATION fieldbus AO block in the field device. If OUTOPT is not
used, OUTFBK tracks the OUT parameter.
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
OUTQ Output Request displays the value of the request component of the block
output for diagnostic purposes. It is not configurable.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths.
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 second 5 30 seconds
1 0.5 second* 6 1 minute
2 1.0 second 7 10 minutes
3 2.0 seconds 8 60 minutes
4 10 seconds 9 0.2 second
*If the BPC is 0.2 second, this period is treated internally as
0.6 second, but the PERIOD parameter remains 1.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 seconds) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 second. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
PNT_NO Point Number identifies the address in the external device memory (or
external device data stream) to which the block output is directed. It is a
string whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external
For the FOUNDATION™ fieldbus interface (FBM220/221), PNT_NO
contains the Function Block Tag used to identify the function block, in
the external device, that is to be associated with the ROUT block output.
Also, for FOUNDATION™ fieldbus, PNT_NO may be connected to only
one function block in the device. (Multiple connections are not sup-
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
PRIBLK Primary Block indicates whether the ROUT block has a connection from
an upstream block (PRIBLK = 1) or not (PRIBLK = 0). Its value, together
with that of PRITIM, determines whether the ROUT block remains in
Holding until the upstream block returns an acknowledgement, remains
in Holding for a fixed time delay, or ends the Hold after one cycle.
PRITIM Primary Cascade Timer is a configurable parameter used to delay the clos-
ing of the cascade to a primary block, when the output is initialized in the
ROUT block. It is used only if the PRIBLK option is set. If PRITIM = 0
and PRIBLK is used, the cascade remains open indefinitely until acknowl-
edged by the primary block.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
of data, or input of read-back data.) See Section 104.6 for the signal con-
ditioning tables.
SETFS Set Fail-Safe Request is a Boolean parameter that requests fail-safe action
to be set/reset by the FBM and/or field device for the specific output value
of the ROUT block. The settings are:
1 = set fail-safe request
0 = reset fail-safe request.
SEVSTS This parameter is currently not supported by any FBM or field device.
TSTAMP The Time Stamp parameter of the block is updated every time there has
been a change in the value of the readback from the external device point
(that is, the current readback differs from the read-back value obtained in
the last execution cycle). TSTAMP, which is expressed in units of milli-
seconds past midnight, is read from the FBM, when it is available there, or
if not, is computed by the control station.
TYPE When you enter ROUT or select it from a configurator list, an identifying
integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the value of
TYPE is 145.
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
Each time the ROUT block is executed, VALSTS reports the status of the
FF value from the information in the DCI connection.
VUMEAS This parameter is currently not supported by any FBM or field device.
104.5 Functions
104.5.1 Detailed Diagram
HSCO1 Output Limits Change
GAIN Range Limits
LSCO1 Timer
FBM Read-Back Limiting
or Scaling or
Conditioning Clamping
Simulated Value*
Cascade INITO Up to INITI**
Open Cascade Processing
Up to
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
IOM_ID may also directly specify the parent ECB200 to output to a parameter resident in the
FBM itself.
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
♦ If there is a duplicate connection to any point, the detail display shows “W66 –
♦ If there is no available memory in the FBM, or if the maximum number of connec-
tions have been allocated in the FBM, the detail display shows “W67 –
♦ If the device connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W68 – INVALID
♦ If the point connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W69 – INVALID POINT
In the following case, the block remains defined:
♦ If the connection is not yet resolved, the detail display shows “W62 – UNRE-
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
♦ A condition for fail-safe has been met this cycle but was not met the previous cycle
(“start of a fail-safe period”).
♦ A condition for fail-safe was present the previous cycle, but not this cycle (“end of a
fail-safe period”).
♦ The connection status information indicates Initialization Request this cycle, but not
on the previous cycle (“start of an IR period”).
♦ The connection status information indicated Initialization Request last cycle, but not
this cycle (“end of an IR period”).
♦ The block is in Auto and the value of MEAS has changed this cycle.
♦ The block is in Manual and the value of OUT_request has been changed this cycle.
♦ This is an initialization cycle, as defined in Section 104.5.17.
♦ The read-back value has actually been changed by application of the clamping or lim-
iting described in Section 104.5.7.
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
104.5.17 Initialization
The ROUT block initializes whenever the block is restarted, there is a bad-to-good transition of
the status of OUT, or there is a true-to-false transition in the status of INI_PT. See
Section 104.5.16.
Initialization action consists of setting the read-back value into MEAS and OUT_request. The
cascade is then opened to force an upstream initialization. See Section 104.5.18. The block out-
put is sent to the external device on an initialization cycle.
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
If the block is in Auto mode, and there has been a bad-to-good transition in the status of MEAS,
the same actions are taken, except for the initialization of OUT_request. The definition of Bad
for the status of MEAS depends on EROPT.
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
SCO = 0: No Conditioning
SCO = 1: Inverse Linear (0 to 64000)
Represents analog output of 0 to 20 mA
RAWC = (OUT - LSCO1) * 64000/(HSCO1 - LSCO1)
SCO = 2: Inverse Linear (1600 to 64000)
Represents analog output of 0 to 10 V dc
RAWC = ((OUT - LSCO1) * 62400/(HSCO1 - LSCO1)) + 1600
SCO = 3: Inverse Linear (12800 to 64000)
Represents analog output of 4 to 20 mA
RAWC = ((OUT - LSCO1) * 51200/(HSCO1 - LSCO1)) + 12800
SCO = 4: Inverse Square Root (0 to 64000)
Represents analog output of 0 to 20 mA
RAWC = ((OUT - LSCO1) * 64000/(HSCO1 - LSCO1))2 / 64000
SCO = 5: Inverse Square Root (12800 to 64000)
Represents analog output of 4 to 20 mA
RAWC = ((OUT - LSCO1) * 51200/(HSCO1 - LSCO1))2 / 51200 + 12800
SCO = 12: Inverse linear (2 - 10v)
temp_val = (out - offset) / span + 14080.0
SCO = 13: Inverse square root (2 - 10v)
temp_val = (out - offset) /span
temp_val = (temp_val * temp_val) / 49920.0 + 14080.0
SCO = 14: Inverse linear (0 - 16383)
temp_val = (out - offset) /span
SCO = 15: Inverse square root (0 - 10v)
temp_val = (out - offset) /span
temp_val = (temp_val * temp_val) / 62400.0 + 1600.0
SCO = 50: Linear (0 to 65535) x = (y - LSCO1) * 65535/(HSCO1-LSCO1)
SCO = 51: Linear (-32768 to 32767) x = (y - LSCO1) * 65535/(HSCO1-LSCO1) - 32768
SCO = 52: Linear (0 to 32767) x = (y - LSCO1) * 32767/(HSCO1-LSCO1)
SCO = 53: Linear (0 to 1000) x = (y - LSCO1) * 1000/(HSCO1-LSCO1)
SCO = 54: Linear (0 to 999) x = (y - LSCO1) * 999/(HSCO1-LSCO1)
SCO = 55: Linear (0 to 2048) x = (y - LSCO1) * 2048/(HSCO1-LSCO1)
SCO = 56: Linear (409 to 2048) x = (y - LSCO1) * 1639/(HSCO1-LSCO1) + 409
SCO = 59: Linear (0 to 4095) x = (y - LSCO1) * 4095/(HSCO1-LSCO1)
104. ROUT – Real Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 104. ROUT – Real Output Block
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
This chapter describes the SIGSEL (Signal Selector Block), its features, parameters and detailed
105.1 Overview
The Signal Selector block (SIGSEL) examines up to eight inputs and, based on your option, gen-
erates an output that is either: 1) the highest signal; 2) the lowest signal; 3) the average value of all
the configured inputs; 4) the low-median signal; or 5) the high-median signal.
105.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ Indication of the selected input (Select Flag) when selecting the high, low, low-median
or high-median value.
The options are:
♦ Select Option (SELOPT) establishes whether the block is selecting the high, the low,
the low median, the high median, or the average value of all the active inputs.
♦ Number of Inputs (NUMINP) allows you to fix the number of active inputs to be
included in the selection process.
♦ Error and error propagation (EROPT and PROPT).
♦ Bypass options for each INP_n input.
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
105.3 Parameters
Table 105-1. SIGSEL Block Parameters
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups.
For the SIGSEL block, only the following unshaded bits are used
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the SIGSEL block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
BNDX Biased Index is an integer input that provides a bias to the indexing of the
eight standard inputs. It allows the block to be cascaded for HIGH and
LOW selection of more than eight inputs. If BNDX = 0, the block ignores
the cascade selected input (CASINP), and considers only the eight stan-
dard inputs. If BNDX has a nonzero value, and any of the eight inputs are
selected, the SELNDX output is set to the index of the selected input plus
the bias value of BNDX.
Bypass Inputs 1 through 8 are boolean inputs, which when set true
exclude INP1 to INP8 from the selection process. The block disregards
the BYPASS option if PROPT is configured false.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block B0193AX – Rev N
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 through 8 are real values that define the
resolution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
DELTIC Change Delta for Input Cascade is a real value that defines the resolution
as a percent of the range for the cascade input CASINP.
EI1-EI8 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 through 8, as defined by the param-
eters HSCI1 to HSCI8, LSCI1 to LSCI8, and DELTI1 to DELTI8, pro-
vide the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1
through 8. “Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
EIC Engineering Units for Input Cascade, defined by the parameters HSCIC,
LSCIC, and DELTIC, provide the engineering units text for the values
defined by Input Range 1. “Deg F”, “PSI”, and “GPM” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations sets the block’s
DEFINE parameter to false, but not the warning situations. Validation of
configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encountered by
the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE on the
primary page, if it is not null. For the SIGSEL block, the following list
specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound PERIOD.
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
low range value.
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
Message Value
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block option
OPTION” is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID A parameter value is not in the accept-
PARAMETER VALUE” able range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
EROPT Error Option is a short integer. If PROPT is true, EROPT specifies how
the block responds to INP when the INP parameter is in error. EROPT
has a range of 0 to 2, where:
0= The block ignores the errors.
1= The block sets the ERROR bit in OUT if the INP parameter:
(a) has its BAD status bit set true;
(b) has its OOS status bit set true;
(c) is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
2= The block sets the ERROR bit in OUT if the INP
(a) has its BAD status bit set true;
(b) has its OOS status bit set true;
(c) has its ERROR status bit set true;
(d) is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
HSCI1 to HSCI8 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 through 8 are real values that define the
upper limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI8 define the units. Make
the range and units consistent with the INP source. A typical value is 100
HSCIC High Scale for Input Cascade is a real value that defines the upper limit of
the range for the cascade input, CASINP. EIC defines the units. Make the
range and units consistent with those of the input source.
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block B0193AX – Rev N
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the control configu-
rator. (The block does not assert INITMA on ordinary
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
INP1 to INP8 Inputs 1 through 8 are inputs that are selected to monitor the output
when the TOGGLE input is false.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LSCI1 to LSCI8 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 through 8 are real values that define the
lower limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1
to EI8 define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of
the INP source.
LSCIC Low Scale for Input Cascade is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the range for the cascade input, CASINP. A typical value is 0 (percent).
Make the range consistent with that of the input source.
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the INP param-
eter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the INP parameter
is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
RI1 to RI8 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RIC Range Array for Input Cascade is a real value that defines the range of the
cascade input, CASINP.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
SEL1 to SEL8 Select Flags 1 through 8 are boolean outputs that are set when INP1
through INP8 are the inputs whose values are selected.
SELC Select Cascade is a boolean output that is set true while the cascade input
CASINP is the selected output value.
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
SELNDX Select Index is an integer output that indicates the absolute index of the
selected input when the SIGSEL block is selecting the HIGH or LOW
value, particularly in a cascaded configuration testing more than eight
inputs. If any of the standard eight inputs is selected, SELNDX is set to
the index of the selected input plus the bias value of BNDX. If the cascade
select input CASINP is selected, SELNDX = CASNDX. This allows indi-
cation of an absolute index for the selected input when more than eight
inputs are selected by cascaded SIGSEL blocks. SELNDX has meaning
when you specify High Select (SELOPT = 1), Low Select (SELOPT = 2),
Low Median (SELOPT = 4) or High Median (SELOPT = 5).
SELOPT Select Option is an indexed, integer input parameter that dictates the
block’s selection criteria when the block is in the Auto mode. The five
SELOPT choices are:
1= Select the input with the highest value.
2= Select the input with the lowest value.
3= Compute the average of all active inputs. No specific input is
selected. All Select Flags are set to false.
4= Select the input with the low-median value. In operation, the
inputs are logically rearranged in ascending order. If the number
of inputs is odd, the input in the middle position is selected. If
the number of inputs is even, the input having the lesser value of
the two middle inputs is selected.
5= Select the input with the high-median value. In operation, the
inputs are logically arranged in ascending order. If the number of
inputs is odd, the input in the middle position is selected. If the
number of inputs is even, the input with the higher value of the
two middle inputs is selected.
TYPE When you enter “SIGSEL” or select “SIGSEL” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block B0193AX – Rev N
3. Compute the average of all active inputs. No individual input is selected and all Select
Flags are set to false.
4. Select the input having the median value. In operation, the inputs are rearranged in
ascending order. If the number of inputs is odd, the input in the middle position is
selected. If the number of inputs is even, the input having the lesser value of the two
middle inputs is selected. If there are only two inputs, the median option always
selects the input having the lower value.
5. The same as 4, except that, if the number of inputs is even, the input having the
greater value of the two middle inputs is selected. If there are only two inputs, the
median option always selects the input having the greater value.
In addition, the SELNDX output is updated with the selected signal index, when either the
median high or median low option is configured.
Upon transfer to Manual, all Select Flags are set to false.
In Manual, the output is not updated by the block. An external program can then set the output
to a desired value.
Upon transfer to Auto, the block instantaneously drives the output to the value dictated by
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
♦ If SELOPT = 1 (High) or SELOPT = 2 (Low), the ERROR status bit of OUT is set
true when the selected input has any of the following:
♦ A BAD status bit
♦ An OOS status bit
♦ An Error status bit
♦ Any value in the om field of its status except ON_SCAN.
♦ If SELOPT = 3 (Average), SELOPT = 4 (Low Median), or SELOPT = 5 (High
Median) the ERROR status bit of OUT is set true when any non-bypassed input has
one of the above conditions.
♦ For any value of SELOPT, the ERROR status bit of OUT is set true if all configured
inputs are bypassed.
105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block B0193AX – Rev N
Cascade Input is a connectable input that tells the block the highest value in the cas-
cade, prior to this block. OUT output of the previous block in the cascade provides
this value. Therefore:
configure SSCAS1.CASINP = 0.0 (default value);
configure SSCAS1.OUT to SSCAS2.CASINP;
configure SSCAS2.OUT to SSCAS3.CASINP.
In each of the blocks in the cascade, configure the Select Option to select the high
value (SELOPT = 1).
First, SSCAS1 tests inputs 1 through 8 for the highest value among the first eight
inputs. The definition of the example established that this is input 3 with a value of
SSCAS1.OUT takes the value, 97.3. Since one of the standard eight inputs (INP3)
was selected SSCAS1.SELNDX equals BNDX + the index of the selected input,
which is 0 + 3, or 3.
=3 = 13
SELNDX = 97.3 SELNDX = 98.5 SELNDX = 13
SELC =0 SELC =0 SELC = 1
Next, SSCAS2 tests inputs 9 through 16 against the cascaded input at CASINP.
According to the example definition, Input 13 (connected to SSCAS2.INP5) had the
highest value, 98.5, of the 22 inputs. SSCAS2.OUT takes on the value, 98.5. Since
one of the standard eight inputs (INP5) was selected SSCAS2.SELNDX equals
BNDX + the index of the selected input, which is 8 + 5, or 13.
Finally, SSCAS3 tests inputs 17 through 22 against the cascaded input at CASINP
(98.5). According to the example definition, the input at CASINP is higher than the
value at any of the six connected standard inputs. SSCAS3.OUT takes the value,
98.5. Since the Cascade Select Input, CASINP, was selected, SELNDX equals
CASNDX, which equals 13. The SELC flag is set true.
B0193AX – Rev N 105. SIGSEL – Signal Selector Block
106. STATE – State Block
This chapter gives a general of the STATE, or State Block, its basic operations, features,
parameters, and functions and provides an application example.
106.1 Overview
The STATE block is configured with up to 16 standard State patterns, a Hold pattern, and an Ini-
tialize pattern; each pattern contains up to 16 boolean values (see Figure 106-1). In the State
mode, the block outputs the pattern requested by the desired drive input. In the Step mode, the
block outputs each standard pattern in sequence as its drive input goes true.
In the Step or State mode, step transition can be inhibited by a mask, maximum step, or pattern
match feedback input. Time-out logic indicates when a step exceeds its configured time-out
period. Bad input detection inhibits step or mode transition and indicates bad status if one of the
related inputs is bad.
The STATE block can use the PATT block to confirm a pattern match before each step transi-
tion. If the process requires more than 16 patterns, the STATE block can be cascaded.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
16 Standard Patterns
1 Initialize Pattern
1 Hold Pattern Disable
Sequential Go to next step
Step Drives when drive is Select Selected
1 to 16 true, or go to Pattern
pattern A
Initialize or
Initialize Drive Hold step D
Hold Drive
Step Mode Inhibit
step/state Step Number
State Mode change A
Go to desired
step 1 to 16, or
go to Initialize
Desired Step
or Hold step
Detect Bad Status
bad input Indicator
(optional) A
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
In Manual, no step transition is processed. You can change settable outputs such as PAKOUT.
The feedback option (FBKOPT) parameter specifies if the block is to check the match feedback
(MATCHF) parameter to confirm process status before each step transition for STAT01 to
STAT16. The PATT block can compare process status to one of several preconfigured patterns, as
selected by the STATE block current step (ATSTEP) parameter, and then feed back the pattern
match status to the STATE block via MATCHF.
The time-out option (TIMOPT) parameter specifies if the block is to count down time and set
the time-out (TIMOUT) parameter. When TIMOPT is true, the block times each state pattern
and sets TIMOUT whenever the process does not reach the desired state within the time-out
The bad lock (BADLCK) option parameter specifies if the block is to allow a step or mode transi-
tion only when all related connectable inputs are in good health, that is, not bad (BAD), out-of-
service (OOS), or off-scan (OFF). If a requested step or mode transition cannot be made because
of an unhealthy input, the bad health indicator (BADIND) parameter is set true.
106.3 Features
The STATE block provides the following features:
♦ Supports up to 18 user-defined state patterns (steps) for process control, including the
Initialize and Hold patterns
♦ Supports the following block operating modes according to a defined priority: Dis-
able, Manual, Auto, Hold, Initialize, State, and Step
♦ Provides the option to select the desired state pattern in any order or to step through
the state patterns one at a time, when in the Auto mode
♦ Initializes the output pattern to a user-defined input step number
♦ Provides maximum step number checking to skip out-of-range steps in the State or
Step mode
♦ Provides state (step) bypassing via a user-specified mask
♦ Provides an option to check process status feedback from another block, before
enabling step transition during run-time
♦ Interfaces with the PATT block which feeds back pattern match indication of process
status to the STATE block
♦ Provides time-out indication for each state (step) that the block supports, based on
user-defined time periods
♦ Provides an option to prevent step or mode transitions if the driving input or higher
priority mode inputs are Bad (BAD), out-of-service (OOS), or off-scan (OFF)
♦ Can be cascaded in conjunction with a Sequence Control block to provide state out-
puts to control more than 16 process devices.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
106.4 Parameters
Table 106-1. STATE Block Parameters
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
ATSTEP At Step is an integer output that contains the step number for the state
pattern currently in PAKOUT in the Step, State, Initialize, or Hold mode.
Step Step
Number State Pattern Number State Pattern
1 STAT01 10 STAT10
2 STAT02 11 STAT11
3 STAT03 12 STAT12
4 STAT04 13 STAT13
5 STAT05 14 STAT14
6 STAT06 15 STAT15
7 STAT07 16 STAT16
8 STAT08 17 STAT_H
BADIND Bad Indicator is a boolean output that is set true when BADLCK is true
and a step or mode transition cannot be made because the status of one of
the related inputs is bad (BAD), out-of-service (OOS), or off-scan (OFF).
Related inputs are the step drive or any mode drives. For the mode drives,
related inputs are all higher priority mode drives.
BADLCK Bad Lock Option is a configurable boolean input that specifies if the block
is to allow a step or mode transition only when all related connectable
inputs are in good health, that is, not bad (BAD), out-of-service (OOS),
or off-scan (OFF):
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
0 = no lock
1 = lock.
If BADLCK = 1, transition into another step while the block is in the Step
or State mode is allowed only if the step, Disable, Manual/Auto, Hold,
and Initialize drive inputs are healthy. Transition between the State and
Step modes is allowed only if the STMODE is healthy.
If BADLCK = 1, transition into a higher priority mode is allowed only if
the mode drive input is healthy. Transition out of Disable, Manual, Hold,
or Initialize into a lower priority mode is allowed only when the drive
inputs for all higher priority modes are healthy.
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the STATE block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description (B32 to B1)**
7 HOLD 1 = Holding BLKSTA.B25
11 MA 0 = Manual, BLKSTA.B21
1 = Auto
14 UDEF 1 = Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON 1 = Compound ON BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK 1 = Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
23 DSBL 1 = Disabled BLKSTA.B9
BMODE Block Mode is an integer output that indicates the block operating mode:
0 = State
1 = Step
2 = Initialize
3 = Hold
4 = Manual
5 = Disable.
CHOICE Choice is a packed boolean input mask that specifies which step numbers
(1 to 16) to bypass in the State or Step mode. When the mask bit is set to
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
1 for a specific step, that step number is bypassed and the block proceeds
to the next step.
Bit Number Step Boolean Connection
(15 to 0)* Number (B1 to B16)**
15 1 CHOICE.B1
14 2 CHOICE.B2
13 3 CHOICE.B3
12 4 CHOICE.B4
11 5 CHOICE.B5
10 6 CHOICE.B6
6 10 CHOICE.B10
5 11 CHOICE.B11
4 12 CHOICE.B12
3 13 CHOICE.B13
2 14 CHOICE.B14
1 15 CHOICE.B15
0 16 CHOICE.B16
CNTDWN Count Down is a real output that tracks the countdown timer, which
starts when a step change occurs. The countdown timer continues to
count in the negative direction to indicate the period for which
CNTUP Count Up is a real output that tracks the elapsed time counter, which pro-
vides the total time that the block has been in a specific state.
DEFINE Define is a boolean data store which when true indicates that the block
has no configuration errors. It is the inverse of UDEF in parameter BLK-
STA. When the block initializes, DEFINE is set to 0 (undefined) if the
block detects a parameter configuration error. To return DEFINE to a
true state, correct all configuration errors and re-install the block.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
DISABL Disable is a boolean input that when true secures the all outputs and
inhibits normal block operation in the either Auto or Manual mode.
DISABL is independent of MA, and has a higher priority.
DRIV01-DRIV16 Drives for States 1 to 16 are boolean inputs that when true select STAT01
to STAT16 patterns for output to PAKOUT when the block is in the Step
DRVHLD Drive for Hold is a boolean input that when true selects the STAT_H pat-
tern for output to PAKOUT when the block is in the Step mode.
DRVINI Drive for Initialize is a boolean input that when true selects the STAT_I
pattern for output to PAKOUT when the block is in the Step mode.
DRVDSR Drive for Desired State Request is an integer input that specifies the Step
number for the State pattern to be written to the PAKOUT parameter,
when the block is in the State mode.
Step Step
Number State Pattern Number State Pattern
1 STAT01 9 STAT09
2 STAT02 10 STAT10
3 STAT03 11 STAT11
4 STAT04 12 STAT12
5 STAT05 13 STAT13
6 STAT06 14 STAT14
7 STAT07 15 STAT15
8 STAT08 16 STAT16
DTXT01 to DTXT16
Descriptive Text 1 to 16 are user-defined strings of up to 32 characters
that describe the state bits in PAKOUT.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error that first caused the block to set the DEFINE parameter to false. Val-
idation of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error
encountered by the block logic. The block uses only the following error
FBKOPT Feedback Option is a configurable short integer input that specifies the
following block operation:
0= No check on MATCHF
1= Go into the requested step (1 to 16) only if MATCHF = 1
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the Integrated Con-
trol Configurator. (The block does not assert INITMA on
ordinary reconfiguration.)
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
I_STEP Initial Step is a configured short integer input that specifies the Step num-
ber of the State pattern to be written to PAKOUT when the block is trans-
ferred from the Step or State mode to the Initialize mode.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string data store that identifies the workstation that has
exclusive write access to the block. LOCKID arbitrates write access to the
control block parameters by operator workstations on the network. It is set
when LOCKRQ is set true, and nulled when LOCKRQ is cleared.
BUG is the 6-character letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is
the 1 to 6 character logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean data store. When set true, it locks workstation
write access to the block and sets LOCKID to the identifier of the request-
ing workstation. When LOCKRQ is reset to false, it unlocks write access
to the block and nulls LOCKID. An operator at any other workstation
can lock and unlock the block by toggling the LOCK U/L key on the
Block Detail Display.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
MA Manual /Auto is a boolean input that controls the block’s operating state:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
In Manual, each STATE block output is unsecured, which makes it setta-
ble by an external process (program or display). In Auto, the block secures
each output so that it cannot be set externally.
MATCHF Match Feedback is a boolean input that when true enables a step transi-
tion for STAT01 to STAT16 when FBKOPT = 1 in the Step or State
mode. MATCHF is typically connected to the MATCHB output of a
PATT block to provide confirmation of a pattern match status to the
STATE block.
MAXSTP Maximum Step is a configured short integer input that specifies the maxi-
mum step number to which the block can be driven in the State or Step
mode while the block is in Auto.
PAKOUT Pack Boolean Output contains the currently selected state pattern
(16 bits) for controlling the contact output states:
State Pattern PAKOUT Boolean
Bit Number Bit Number Connection
(15 to 0)* (15 to 0)* (B1 to B16)**
15 15 PAKOUT.B1
14 14 PAKOUT.B2
13 13 PAKOUT.B3
12 12 PAKOUT.B4
11 11 PAKOUT.B5
10 10 PAKOUT.B6
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec, this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For a CP with a BPC of
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
0.5 s and a PERIOD of 2.0 s, the legal phase periods are 0, 1, 2, and 3. See
the Integrated Control Software Concepts (B0193AW) document.
SAVSTP Saved Step is an integer output that tracks the current step number
(ATSTEP) in the Step or State mode. When in Manual, you can change
SAVSTP to go to that step on a transfer to Auto. If SAVSTP has been
changed prior to the transfer to Auto, the block copies SAVSTP to
ATSTEP, resets the timers, and re-establishes the outputs according to
ATSTEP. SAVSTP does not change when the block is driven into the Dis-
able or Hold mode.
STAT01 to STAT16
States 1 to 16 are packed boolean input state patterns that specify the
states for output to PAKOUT in the Step or State mode. See the
PAKOUT parameter definition for the bit format.
STAT_H State for Hold is a packed boolean input state pattern that specifies the
Hold state pattern for output to PAKOUT. See the PAKOUT parameter
definition for the bit format.
STAT_I State for Initialize is a packed boolean input state pattern that specifies the
initial state pattern for output to PAKOUT. See the PAKOUT parameter
definition for the bit format.
STMODE Step Mode is a boolean input that controls the block’s operating mode in
the Auto state:
0 = State
1 = Step
In the State mode, the block writes the state pattern (STAT01 to STAT16)
requested by DRVDSR into PAKOUT one step at a time, except for the
steps excluded by the CHOICE bypass mask and MAXSTP.
In the Step mode, the block writes each state pattern (STAT01 to
STAT16) into PAKOUT sequentially, except for the steps excluded by the
CHOICE bypass mask and MAXSTP. Step transition occurs only if the
input drive (DRIV01 to DRIV16) for the next step is true. Once a step
transition has occurred, its drive input can be cleared.
Once a step transition has occurred, its drive input can be cleared without
affecting block operation.
STXT01 to STXT16
State Text 1 to 16 are a user-defined strings of up to 32 characters that
describe the STAT01 to STAT16 state patterns.
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
TIME01 to TIME16
Time 1 to Time 16 are configurable real inputs that specify the time-out
period for the STAT01 to STAT16 states in the Step or State mode when
TIMOPT = 1. If the time-out period is 0, the block does not apply the
time-out logic to that state.
TIME_H Time for Hold is a configurable real input that specifies the time-out
period for the STAT_H state in the Step or State mode when TIMOPT =
1. If the time-out period is 0, the block does not apply the time-out logic
to STAT_H. TIME_H is used only when FBKOPT = 2.
TIME_I Time for Initialize is a configurable real input that specifies the time-out
period for the STAT_I state in the Step or State mode when TIMOPT =
1. If the time-out period is 0, the block does not apply the time-out logic
to STAT_I. TIME_I is used only when FBKOPT = 2.
TIMOPT Time-out option is a configurable boolean input that when true enables
the block to detect when it remains at a particular step for a period that
exceeds the configured time for that step.
TIMOUT Time-out is a boolean output that is set true when TIMOPT = 1 and the
block remains at a particular step for a period that exceeds the configured
time for that step.
TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Enter
“STATE” or select “STATE” from the block type list under Show when
configuring the block.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
106.5 Functions
106.5.1 Detailed Functional Diagram
Ignore if
CHOICE associated bit in
CHOICE is set
DISABL Disable step A
Set time-out
Block BAD Detect A
Input OFF bad value
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
Mode Priority*
Disable 1
Manual 2
Hold 3
Initialize 4
Auto/State 5
Auto/Step 6
* Highest priority is 1.
Before a transition to Disable, you should place the process in the desired state. When DISABL is
set to 1, the block locks the values in PAKOUT, ATSTEP, and SAVSTP until DISABL is reset to
0. The block stores data for the operating mode prior to entering Disable.
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
When exiting Disable, the block goes to the requested operating mode. If the requested mode is
different than the operating mode prior to entering Disable, the block executes transition logic
from the prior mode to the requested one.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
Auto to Y
to Auto?
Y - Establish new
changed? - Restart timers
Re-establish - PAKOUT
outputs according not changed
to ATSTEP - Timers continue
Figure 106-3. Auto/Manual Transition Diagram
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
On exiting Hold, the block restores ATSTEP. If HNOBMP = 0, the block writes into
PAKOUT the pattern specified by the step number saved in SAVSTP. If HNOBMP = 1, PAK-
OUT does not change. If FBKOPT = 2, the block resets the countdown timer (CNTDWN) after
transition from Hold to the State or Step mode.
Hold overrides all other modes in Auto, but it can be overridden by Disable or Manual.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
Transition Y
to Hold?
Transition Y
from Hold?
(no match)
Re-establish PAKOUT =
outputs according STAT_H
Restart timers
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
If a drive input (DRIV01 to DRIV16) or MATCHF is not connected, it is reset
when it is used to make a step transition. MATCHF is used when FBKOPT = 1
or 2).
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
The block sets ATSTEP to the current step number, and performs timing according to the
TIMOPT and FBKOPT settings. Each time the block changes the step, all timers are reset.
Disable, Manual, Hold, Initialize, or Step can override the State mode.
On a transition from Step to State mode, PAKOUT is set to the state requested by DRVDSR. If
DRVDSR is zero, greater than MAXSTP, or bypassed by CHOICE, PAKOUT maintains its pre-
vious state pattern and ATSTEP is unchanged.
If MATCHF is not connected, it is reset when it is used to make a step transition,
that is, when FBKOPT = 1 or 2.
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
MA II0002
HLBL 0 to 17)
DRVINI II0004 IO0002
Block Indicator
(1 or 2)
DRIV02 Switch
to Condition
DRIV16 Override
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
There are many configurations for using a STATE block to control a process. Instead of using
COUT blocks for the output contacts, you can use a MCOUT block. Instead of using CIN
blocks and a MCOUT block to input process status, you can use a MCIN block whose
PAKCIN parameter connects to the STATE and PATT blocks.
PAKINP Feedstock
CIN_A Solenoid
CIN_B Tank Full
CIN_2 CIN Tank Half- Heater
CIN_3 CIN_C Full Switch Switch
CIN_4 Heater
CIN_5 AC Power
CIN Current
CIN_E Switch Output
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
PAKCRB* B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Hexadecimal
PTRN_I 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK_I 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP_I 0 0 0 0 0
PTRN01 1 0 0 0 0 0x8000
MASK01 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP01 1 0 0 0 0
PTRN02 1 0 1 0 0 0xA000
MASK02 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP02 1 0 1 0 0
PTRN03 1 0 1 1 0 0xB000
MASK03 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP03 1 0 1 1 0
PTRN04 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
MASK04 0 1 0 0 0 0x4000
FP04 X 1 X X X
PTRN05 0 1 1 1 1 0x7800
MASK05 1 1 0 1 0 0xD000
FP05 0 1 X 1 X
PTRN06 0 1 1 1 1 0x7800
MASK06 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
FP06 0 1 X 1 X
PTRN07 0 1 1 0 1 0x6800
MASK07 1 0 0 1 1 0x9800
FP07 0 X X 0 1
PTRN08 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK08 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP08 0 0 0 0 0
PTRN09 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK09 1 1 1 1 1 0xF800
FP09 0 0 0 0 0
PTRN_H 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000
MASK_H 1 0 0 1 1 0x9800
FP_H 0 X X 0 0
* B1 to B5 are boolean connection bits.
** Shaded areas are do not care bits.
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
106.6.2 Operation
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
MATCHB sets MATCHF true. The block then checks for DRIV06 to go true.
If the inlet valve is locked open, there will be no confirmation of inlet flow stopping, and the
block times out in TIME05 minutes. When the CNTDWN timer reaches TIME05, the block
sets TIMOUT true. If TIME05 is properly set, the operator can detect this failure and dispatch
someone to manually close the valve before the tank overflows.
A sequence block can be used to detect the time-out (TIMOUT = 1) when the step is in stop fill
(ATSTEP = 5) and activate an over fill alarm.
At this time, the operator can place the block in the Hold, Manual, or State mode. If the operator
places the block in Hold by setting DRVHLD true, then the block sets SAVSTP to ATSTEP,
ATSTEP to 17, and PAKOUT to STAT_H; MATCHB sets MATCHF to 0.
This turns the heater off and closes both valves. The PATT block then checks that the heater cur-
rent (B4), inlet flow (B1), and drain flow (B5) switches are false. The tank level switches (B1 and
B3) are don’t cares. When this state is attained, MATCHB sets MATCHF true, but the block does
not attempt to change states until DRVHLD is cleared.
When DRVHLD is reset to 0, the block returns to STAT05 because SAVSTP is 5. The block then
does all the steps described in the first part of this section.
106. STATE – State Block B0193AX – Rev N
The PATT block then checks for the outlet flow switch (B5) to go false, at which time MATCHB
sets MATCHF true. The block then checks for DRIV09 to go true.
B0193AX – Rev N 106. STATE – State Block
107. STALM – State Alarm Block
This chapter gives a general overview of STALM (State Alarm Block), its features, parameters
and detailed operations.
107.1 Overview
The State Alarm block (STALM) serves as alarm annunciator to activate the I/A Series alarm
mechanism upon alarm conditions detected by an external source such as HTG. It supports Win-
dow-style ECBs. Other blocks that do not have alarm generation functions (for example,
Sequence Control type blocks) can also use the STALM block for alarming.
The State Alarm block (Figure 107-1) uses boolean input parameters as alarm indicators to trigger
the alarm. The block detects state changes for absolute, deviation, rate, bad, out-of range, and
state alarms (defined by PRTYPE). The corresponding bit of ALMSTA is set if the block detects
the alarm condition of a particular type.
The block has a BAD I/O alarm option to generate the alarm if the primary input to the block
(IN) has the BAD status bit set. The block sets the BAD I/O indicator in ALMSTA and the BAD
boolean output indicator.
State Alarming
State Alarm Group AND
State Alarm Priority
Output Message consisting of:
MA Alarm Messages
Manual Highest Priority Type
BAD I/O Alarming Highest Priority Value
Bad Alarm Option
Bad Alarm Group AND Auto
Bad Alarm Priority
Bad I/O
Indicator Alarm Status
107.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Alarm message generation
♦ Alarm acknowledge support
♦ Bad input status detection and handling
♦ Alarm detection and/or alarm message inhibit (for all alarm types or individually)
♦ AUTO/MANUAL block operations.
B0193AX – Rev N 107. STALM – State Alarm Block
107.3 Parameters
Table 107-1. STALM Block Parameters
107. STALM – State Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the STALM block, only the following unshaded bits
are used
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the STALM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 107. STALM – State Alarm Block
Bit Boolean
Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parameter ALMSTA.B32–
PRTYPE for values used in the ALMSTA.B28
STALM block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest priority, ALMSTA.B27–
1= highest ALMSTA.B25
22 BAD Input/Output Bad ALMSTA.B10
(BAD output of block)
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
BAD Bad I/O Indicator is a boolean output parameter which is set true when
the input to the block is unacceptable in any way. The BAD bit of BLK-
STA (BLKSTA.BAD) is also set true whenever BAD is true.
BAG Bad Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs Bad alarm messages
to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group number
through the workstation.
BAO Bad Alarm Option is a configurable boolean which, when configured true,
enables BAD I/O alarm generation for each state change of the BAD
BAP Bad Alarm Priority is an integer input, ranging from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the Bad alarm (1 is the highest priority).
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the STALM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
107. STALM – State Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the STALM block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given
not compatible with compound
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in
CONNECTION” the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the
source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid boolean extension
connection has been configured.
B0193AX – Rev N 107. STALM – State Alarm Block
Message Value
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the
STALM block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Boolean Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
107. STALM – State Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the STALM block,
only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
22 BAD Bad I/O Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B10
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the Integrated Con-
trol Configurator. (The block does not assert INITMA on
ordinary reconfiguration.)
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
B0193AX – Rev N 107. STALM – State Alarm Block
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrator and Gate-
ways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
107. STALM – State Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PRTYPE Priority Type is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type
of the highest priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output of this block
includes the following alarm types:
0 = No active alarm
1 = High Absolute
2 = Low Absolute
3 = High High
4 = Low Low
5 = High Deviation
6 = Low Deviation
7 = Rate alarm
8 = BAD Alarm
9 = State Alarm.
25 = Out-of-Range
If there is more than one active alarm with highest priority, PRTYPE
reports the alarm type according to which occurs first as follows: Out-of-
Range, High-High Absolute, Low-Low Absolute, High Absolute and Low
For example: if the Bad and High-High Absolute alarms both have prior-
ity 3 and the Out-of-Range alarm has priority 4, and all three alarms are
active, then CRIT = 3 and PRTYPE = 8.
RTNTXT Return-To-Normal Text is the text sent to the alarm device when the
alarm condition returns to normal (out-of-alarm).
SAG State Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs State alarm mes-
sages to one of eight groups of alarm devices.
B0193AX – Rev N 107. STALM – State Alarm Block
SAP State Alarm Priority is an integer input, ranging from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the State alarm (1 is the highest priority).
SATXT State Alarm Text is the text sent to the alarm device when the alarm is
TYPE When you enter “STALM” or select “STALM” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
IN State Alarming
SATXT Output Message consisting of:
MA Alarm Message Type (BAT,
Manual Highest Priority Type (PRTYPE)
BAD I/O Alarming
Highest Priority Value (CRIT)
BAO CRIT Unacknowledge (UNACK)
107. STALM – State Alarm Block B0193AX – Rev N
The station reboot operation forces initialization logic to run. All inputs not connected are reset.
Initialization logic places the STALM block in one of three states: Initialization, Manual and
Auto. Initialization
Key Parameters: INITMA
At initialization, the block initializes MA. DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail
validation testing. Manual
Key Parameters: MA
When the block is switched to manual, no alarm detection logic is processed and the BAD alarm
indicator output is released. While the block is in manual, you can change the indicator. Auto
Key Parameters: MA
In auto mode, the block operates as described below. On transition from manual to auto, the
block resets the indicator and relevant ALMSTA bits to zero and resumes its regular operation
with the outputs secured.
B0193AX – Rev N 107. STALM – State Alarm Block
107.4.7 Example
Refer to the MEALM block description for an application example involving the use of the
MEALM, STALM, and MSG blocks.
108. Station Block
This chapter describes the Station Block, provides an I/O diagram and describes block features,
rules and functions.
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
The Station Load Overview display (see Figure 108-2) includes these parts:
♦ Title box
♦ Loading box
♦ Sink peer to peer status box
♦ Station free memory box
♦ Checkpoint fields
♦ Soft keys (at bottom of display).
Sink Peer
to Peer
Status Box
Title Box
Loading Memory
Box Box
Soft Keys
Figure 108-2. Station Load Overview for Station Block Detail Display
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
(For Solaris):
1. The OM SCAN and STATION IDLE TIME fields are not displayed for the
CP10 and Gateways because of memory constraints.
2. The loading summary values may not be exact because the algorithms use averag-
ing methods.
The Station Load Overview Sink Peer to Peer Status box presents data about points being col-
lected into this station by the Object Manager to satisfy the station database’s remote inter-block
linkages. This box does not supply any data about peer-to-peer data that this station is sending to
other stations. This box contains the following fields:
TOTAL POINTS The total number of unique remote inter-block linkages that exist
within this station’s database. If 20 blocks each have a remote
reference to REM_COMPOUND:PID.OUT, there is only 1 remote
inter-block linkage that is counted in the TOTAL POINTS field.
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
POINTS Represents the number of points that were connected at one time,
DISCONNECTED but are currently disconnected. It may indicate failure or reboot of the
source station or failure of an intermediate LAN Interface.
POINTS DELETED Represents the number of points that were connected, but have
had the remote source of data deleted from the remote station.
This is normally a transient state that lasts between the time that the
remote block was deleted and the “checkpoint” completing on that
remote station.
POINTS NOT Represents the number of points that have never been located
FOUND on the system. This occurs while multiple stations are being
loaded via the “LOADALL” process. Another common cause
for this counter being greater than 0 is a typographical error in
the Compound:Block.Parameter name or source block not yet built.
(For Solaris): The LARGEST SEG field is not displayed for the CP10 and Gate-
ways because of memory constraints.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
The following list of Control Stations and Gateways have the periodic checkpoint feature built
into them. All other Control Stations and Gateways ignore the AUTCKP parameter.
OS1C30 Control Processor 30
OS1C3B Control Processor 30, Style B
OS1C40 Control Processor 40
OS1C4B Control Processor 40, Style B
OS1C60 Control Processor 60
OS1AB3 Allen Bradley Integrator 30
OS1AB3B Allen Bradley Integrator 30, Style B
OS1IS3 Interspec Integrator 30
OS1IS3B Interspec Integrator 30, Style B
OS1MG3 Modicon Integrator 30
OS1MG3B Modicon Integrator 30, Style B
OS1MG4 Mod Bus Plus
OS1MG5 Mod Bus Plus Redundant
OS1FD3 Foreign Device Gateway 30
OS1ACM FoxGuard Manager
Before the control software initiates a checkpoint operation, it checks to make sure there is no
Integrated Control Configurator or ICCAPI driver session active for that station. if one is, the
periodic checkpoint is skipped until the next scheduled time.
If an attempt is made to open a session via Integrated Control Configurator or ICCAPI driver
while a periodic checkpoint operation is being performed, the control software will return the fol-
lowing message:
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
(For Solaris): The OM SCANNER LOADING key does not display on base dis-
plays for CP10s or Gateways.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
When LODSYN is toggled to ACTIVE while data collection is active, data collection is performed
on a scheduled basis in accordance with the specified LODPER, starting at the phase number spec-
ified in LODPHS (see Figure 108-4).
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
LODPER = 10 s
100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
% 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (s)
Figure 108-4. Control Loading Data Collection Phasing
LODSYN defines whether data collection is synchronized onto a particular Phase. Toggling
LODSYN to ACTIVE while DATA COLLECTION is ACTIVE locks data collection onto the Phase
defined by the LODPHS entry. When LODSYN is ACTIVE, the first column in both the TOTAL
CONTROL CYCLE box and the CONTINUOUS BLOCK LOAD box is the load from the Phase
defined by the LODPHS number.
When LODSYN is toggled to INACTIVE, data collection is performed on a continuous basis in
accordance with the default LODPER, starting at the current execution phase.
LODPER represents the period of data collection for the TOTAL CONTROL CYCLE and CONTINU-
OUS BLOCK LOAD boxes. If the station BPC is 0.5 seconds and the LODPER is 5.0 seconds, the
10 bars in the loading boxes represent all scans of the Compound Processor. If the LODPER is
10.0 seconds, the 10 bars in the loading boxes represent 10 of the 20 phases beginning with the
Phase defined in LODPHS.
LODPHS defines the Phase that is shown in the first (left-most) bars of the TOTAL CONTROL
The resolution for loading calculations is as follows:
Resolution = 10 / BPC
where: BPC is in milliseconds.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
The OM Scanner Loading Overlay is available for the CP30, CP40, CP40B, CP60
and Integrators. Differences between the CP30/CP40/CP40B/CP60 Station Block
Detail Display and those for the CP10, Integrators, and above listed Gateways are
noted in the following sections.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
The OM SCANNER field represents the number of times the OM Scanner task has overrun since
the station was rebooted or the counter was reset. OM Scanner overruns can occur when:
♦ Communications to a station are disconnected. This typically manifests itself by OM
Scanner overruns occurring at one minute intervals.
♦ A large number of simultaneous display requests from multiple WPs.
♦ Overload of the OM Scanner task by attempting to connect to many other stations at
the current station BPC. This can be corrected by reducing the number of stations
receiving data from this station or by reducing the number of concurrent applications.
♦ Block processing overload does not leave enough time for the OM Scanner to com-
plete processing.
♦ Overload of the OM Scanner by Sequence Logic that contains too many full path-
name references.
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
Figure 108-6. Station Load Overview with Group Device Assignments Overlay
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
Groups 1-8 are arranged from top to bottom on the overlay. Table 108-2 defines the contents of
the overlay.
Enable Disable Enable Status Value Reset Request Status
Disable Value
1 E/blank D/blank 1 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 1 Y/N F/blank
2 E/blank D/blank 2 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 2 Y/N F/blank
3 E/blank D/blank 3 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 3 Y/N F/blank
4 E/blank D/blank 4 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 4 Y/N F/blank
5 E/blank D/blank 5 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 5 Y/N F/blank
6 E/blank D/blank 6 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 6 Y/N F/blank
7 E/blank D/blank 7 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 7 Y/N F/blank
8 E/blank D/blank 8 E/D X/blank xxxxx yyyyy 8 Y/N F/blank
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
Control Function
ENABLE Enables SSC for selected supervisory group (1-8).
1-8 E = Enabled, (blank) = not enabled. Momentarily
highlighted when selected.
DISABLE Disables SSC for selected supervisory group (1-8).
1-8 D = Disabled, (blank) = not disabled. Disable overrides Enable
if both are requested. Momentarily highlighted when selected.
ENABLE Enables or Disables the selected supervisory group (1-8) timer.
DISABLE E = the timer is Enabled, D = the timer is Disabled.
STATUS Indicates the status of the timer. x = the timer has expired, blank
indicates the timer is running.
VALUE Indicates the current running value (0-32767 seconds, 0 to
9.1 hours) of the timer.
RESET Indicates the selected value (0-32767 seconds, 0 to 9.1 hours) to
VALUE which the timer is reset when the application issues a setpoint to
a block in its assigned supervisory group.
REQUEST Requests that the selected supervisory group (1-8) go the
fallback state.
Y = fallback is requested, N = fallback is not requested.
STATUS Indicates the status of the fallback group.
F = fallback, (blank) = no fallback.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
BPLD01-10 Block Processing Load 1 to 10 are real values that represent 10 consecutive
phase executions of the Compound Processor (BPLD01 is the oldest
value). They are shown on the Control Loading Overlay as 10 bars/values
in the TOTAL CONTROL CYCLE (% Of BPC) box. The values are
elapsed time for the total control cycle expressed as a percentage of the sta-
tion BPC. This includes Fieldbus or I/O scanning, Continuous block exe-
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
BPLOAD Block Processing Load is a real value that represents the percent of BPC
time used for executing all continuous blocks. It is shown on the Base Dis-
CKPTIM Checkpoint Time represents the time and date, in the format: year-
month-day;hours:minutes:seconds, that the last checkpoint was initiated.
CKPTIM is updated in the station block during a checkpoint operation
immediately prior to uploading the snapshot of the STATION block into
the checkpoint file.
CKPTIM: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (19 characters)
YYYY = 4-digit year (1998 to YYYY)
MM = 2-digit month of year (01 to 012)
DD = 2-digit day of month (01 to 031)
hh = 2-digit hour of day (00 to 23)
mm= 2-digit minute of hour (00 to 59)
ss = 2-digit second of minute (00 to 59)
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
CPLD01-10 Control Processor Load 1-10 are real values that represent 10 consecutive
phase executions of the Compound Processor (CPLD01 is the oldest
value). They are shown on the Control Loading Overlay as 10 bars/values
in the CONTINUOUS BLOCK LOAD (% Of BPC) box. The values are
elapsed time for just the Continuous block execution expressed as a per-
centage of the station BPC. When LODSYN is INACTIVE, the 10 bars
then represent the last 10 Compound Processor cycles.
CPLOAD Control Processor Load is a real value that represents the percent of BPC
time used for collecting data from FBMs or I/O load and executing Con-
tinuous and Sequence blocks, that is:
It is shown on the Base Display LOADING SUMMARY (% of BPC) box
CUMOVR Cumulative Over Run is a long value represents the value of the overrun
counter which is incremented when an overrun cycle is detected.
CUMOVR is available as an output of the Station block. You reset the
CUMOVR counter by setting the block’s momentary input parameter,
RESOVR, to true. The overrun counter is shown on the Control Loading
Overlay in the OVERRUNS box
DAY Day is an integer in the range 01-031 (example: the 12th day of the
month is integer value 12). DAY is updated by the station block software
every 30 seconds.
DV1-7 Device 1-7 are 32 character strings of user defined alarm device names for
station alarm groups.
FLBRQ1-8 Fallback Request 1-8 (FLBRQ1-8) is an explicit request for an SSC Group
n to go to the Fallback state. Fallback Request is shown on the Supervisory
Group Display as FALLBACK REQUEST 1-8.
FLBSTA Fallback Status contains the Fallback status of each of the supervisory
Bits 1-8: Fallback States for groups 1-8
(1= Fallback, 0= not Fallback)
Fallback Status is shown on the Supervisory Group Display as
HOUR Hour of the Day is an integer in the range 00-23 (example: Midnight is
integer value 00, 1:00 AM is integer value 01, 11:00 PM is integer value
23). HOUR is updated by the station block software every 30 seconds.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
IDLETM Idle Time is a real value that represents the percent of BPC time that the
station is executing an idle loop. It is shown on the Base Display LOAD-
INHPRT Inhibit print is a boolean input which when true inhibits the printing of
system messages from the station.
INITTE Initial Timer Enable specifies the initial states of Supervisory Control
group timers when the CP is rebooted.
IOLOAD Input/Output Load is a real value that represents the percent of BPC time
used for collecting data from Fieldbus Modules (FBMs), Fieldbus Proces-
sors (FBPs), Fieldbus interface units for intelligent field devices, Integra-
tors, or Gateway device interface units. This is mostly time spent by the
coprocessor communicating with FBMs or the device. It is shown on the
Base Display LOADING SUMMARY (% of BPC) box as the FIELDBUS
LODSYN Load Synchronization is a boolean output that represents the state of data
collection as follows:
data collection is done on a scheduled basis in accordance with the
specified LODPER, starting at the phase number specified in
LODPHS. When LODSYN is true, the value in both the
BPLD01 and CPLD01 is the load from the phase defined by the
LODPHS number.
♦ When LODSYN is false, data collection is done on a continuous
basis in accordance with the default LODPER, starting at the cur-
rent execution phase.
LDSYN is shown on the Control Loading Overlay in the PHASE SYNC
CNTRL box and can be toggled between the ACTIVE and INACTIVE
LODPER Load Period is an integer that represents the frequency at which the Sta-
tion block collects loading data for ten consecutive BPC frames. The
default value is 10*BPC. The valid range of LODPER is 5 seconds to
1 hour.
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
LODPER represents the period of data collection for the BPLD01-10 and
the CPLD01-10 parameters. If the station BPC is 0.5 seconds and the
LODPER is 5.0 seconds, then BPLD01-10 and CPLD01-10 parameters
will represent all scans of the Compound Processor. If the LODPER is
10.0 seconds, then BPLD01-10 and the CPLD01-10 represent 10 of the
20 phases beginning with the phase defined in LODPHS. LDPER is
shown on the Control Loading Overlay in the PHASE SYNC CNTRL
box as a value ranging between 5 seconds to 1 hour.
LODPHS Load Phase is an integer that represents the phase of the BPLD01-10 and
the CPLD01-10 parameters. LODPHS is shown on the Control Loading
Overlay in the PHASE SYNC CNTRL box as an integer value.
LOADSW Load Switch is a boolean output that when true indicates the station per-
formance data collection and station loading updates are being collected
and displayed. LOADSW is shown on the Base Display as DATA COL-
MAXMEM Maximum Memory is a long output that represents the sum of all
free-memory segments of user memory in a Control Processor 30 (CP30)
only. It represents the largest contiguous segment of memory within the
user free pool for a CP30. MAXMEM is shown on the Control Loading
overlay in the STATION FREE MEMORY box as LARGEST SEG in
MINUTE Minute of the Hour is an integer in the range 00-59 (example: 12 minutes
past the hour is integer value 12).
OMLD01 - 12 Object Manager Load 1 -12 are 12 real values that represent the last 12
scans of the Object Manager Scanner (OMLD01 is the oldest value). The
values are elapsed time for OM scanning as a percentage of the station
BPC. The values can change significantly between scans if Compound
Processor scans interrupt the Object Manager scans on some cycles but
not other cycles. They are shown on the OM Scanner Loading Overlay as
12 bars/values in the OBJECT MANAGER SCANNER DATA (% Of
BPC) box.
OMLDAV Object Manager Load Average is a real value that represents the percent of
BPC time used for scanning Object Manager data. This value is the aver-
age load of the past 12 OM Scanner scans. The value is shown on the Base
Display LOADING SUMMARY (% of BPC) box as the OM SCAN.
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
OMOVRN Object Manager Over Run is a long that represents the number of times
the OM Scanner task has overrun since the station was rebooted or the
counter was reset. OM Scanner overruns can occur in the following cases:
♦ Communications to a station are disconnected. This typically
manifests itself by OM Scanner overruns occurring at one minute
♦ A large number of simultaneous display requests from multiple
♦ Simple overload of the OM Scanner task by attempting to connect
to many other stations at the current station BPC. This can be
corrected by reducing the number of stations receiving data from
this CP or by reducing the number of concurrent applications.
♦ Block processing overload does not leave enough time for the OM
Scanner to complete processing.
♦ Overload of the OM Scanner by Sequence Logic that contains too
many full pathname references.
OMOVRN is shown on the OM Scanner Loading Overlay in the OM
OVRRUN OVRRUN is an output parameter that is set to true (or false) each cycle to
indicate when the control processor task does (or does not) overrun.
PIOE1R Process I/O Errors Retry is the total number of retries that have occurred
when transmitting messages over the Fieldbus.
PIOEFT Process I/O Fault-Tolerant Errors is the total number of errors for a fault-
tolerant station that have occurred when transmitting messages over the
PIOEGB Process I/O Good-Bad Errors is the number of total number of good - bad
station block errors that have occurred during the transmission of mes-
sages over the Fieldbus.
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
PP_NFD Peer-to-Peer Not Found is an integer that represents the current number
of peer-to-peer connections that have never been located on the system.
These errors can occur temporarily when a station is rebooted until its
connections are made with the source stations. Permanent errors of this
type indicate the inability to locate the source parameter in any station in
the network. These errors occur if the source station is not running, or if
the source parameter does not exist. PP_NFD is shown on the Control
Loading overlay in the SINK PEER STATUS box as POINTS NOT
FOUND. The station software updates PP_NFD, PP_DEL, and
PP_DSC every two minutes.
RESOVR Reset Over Run (RESOVR) resets the Cumulative Over Run
(CUMOVR) counter when set to true (1).
RESVL1-8 Reset value n (RESVL1-8) is the value used to reset the timer that detects
the failure of SSC over blocks assigned to group n. Reset value is shown on
the Supervisory Group Display as RESET VALUE 1-8.
STABPC Station Basic Processing Cycle is a real value that represents the station’s
BPC in seconds. The value is shown on the Base Display as the
STATYP Station type is a short data type which identifies the station type.
SQLOAD Sequence Load is a real value that represents the percent of BPC time used
for executing all Sequence blocks. The value is shown on the Base Display
108. Station Block B0193AX – Rev N
TIMSTA Timer Status (TIMSTA) contains the timers associated with each of the
supervisory groups.
Bits 1-8: Expired States for Timers 1-8
(1= Expired, 0= Not Expired)
Bits 9-16: Active States for Timers 1-8
(1= Active, 0= Inactive)
TIMVL1-8 Timer 1-8 (TIMVL1-8) is the current running value of the timer used to
detect the failure of SSC over blocks assigned to supervisory group 1-8.
Fallback Status is shown on the Supervisory Group Display as FALL-
TOTEM Total Memory is a long output parameter, that indicates the number of
bytes of dynamic free memory available for the control database. The sta-
tion updates this value a minimum of every thirty seconds. The value is
shown on the Base Display in the STATION FREE MEMORY as
TOTAL FREE in bytes.
TYPE When you enter “STA” or select “STA” from the block type list under
Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
VERSNO Software Version Number is the number of the installed I/A Series soft-
ware. It is shown on the Base Display as SOFT VERS.
YEAR Year is an integer in the range 0000-9999 (example: 1998 is integer value
1998). YEAR is updated by the station block software every 30 seconds.
B0193AX – Rev N 108. Station Block
109. STRIN – String Input Block
This chapter covers the String Input (STRIN) block, its features, parameters and functions,
and application diagrams.
109.1 Overview
The String Input (STRIN) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI blocks
support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a general
purpose interface.) STRIN receives one string value from an external device.
109.3 Features
The STRIN block provides the following features:
♦ Specification of external device source point as device-specific string
♦ Block functionality corresponds to the Auto mode at all times.
B0193AX – Rev N 109. STRIN – String Input Block
109.4 Parameters
Table 109-1. STRIN Block Parameters
109. STRIN – String Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the STRIN block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
8 FBM FBM failure BLKSTA.B24
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block On BLKSTA.B17
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. (See ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block.) In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a True
value, you should correct all configuration errors and reinstall the block.
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set False,
unless indicated otherwise (see meanings below). Validation of configured
parameters does not proceed past the first error encountered by the block
logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results in an explanatory message
at the block’s detail display. For the STRIN block, the following list shows
the messages you may see:
B0193AX – Rev N 109. STRIN – String Input Block
IOM_ID ECB Identifier is a user-configurable string that specifies either of the fol-
♦ The device ECB (ECB201), for the purpose of connecting to
(accessing) a field parameter that resides in a field device hosted by
an ECB200
♦ The parent ECB200, for the purpose of accessing a parameter
whose source is the FBM itself (not applicable to FBM220/221 or
IOM_ID can be formatted in either of two ways, depending on the loca-
tion of the ECB in question:
♦ Simply the name of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound
<cp_letterbug>_ECB, where cp_letterbug is the station letterbug
of the I/A Series station.
♦ The full pathname of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound,
or any compound where blocks that tie to it are located. The path-
name must be of the form:
where <ecb_name> is the NAME parameter of the ECB.
Note: Once configured, IOM_ID may not be modified. A delete/undelete
operation will NOT allow IOM_ID to be changed. The block must be
deleted and then re-entered into the data base. IOM_ID may then be
109. STRIN – String Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
MSGOPT When Message Option is configured True, the receipt of any new value of
STRIN causes a message to be sent to the logical devices in the group
specified by MSGGRP. This message is the INFO (that is, the
SEQ_1_MESSAGE) format. UNACK is set True when the message has
been sent.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths.
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 second 5 30 seconds
1 0.5 second* 6 1 minute
2 1.0 second 7 10 minutes
3 2.0 seconds 8 60 minutes
4 10 seconds 9 0.2 second
*If the BPC is 0.2 second, this period is treated internally as
0.6 second, but the PERIOD parameter remains 1.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 seconds) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 second. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
PNT_NO Point Number identifies the source address in the external device memory
(or external device data stream) from which the block input is obtained. It
is a string whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external
For the PROFIBUS interface (FBM223), PNT_NO must be configured
to contain a PROFIBUS data identifier string. This information identi-
fies, to the FBM, specific data in the PROFIBUS data stream that is to
serve as the device data input to this block. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Com-
munication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for
For the HART interface (FBM214/215/216/218), PNT_NO must be
configured to contain a HART point address string. This information
identifies, to the FBM, a specific value in the HART device that is to serve
as the input to this block. Refer to HART Communication Interface Module
(FBM214/215/216/218) User’s Guide (B0400FF) for details.
B0193AX – Rev N 109. STRIN – String Input Block
STRING String output of the STRIN block. STRING contains the value received
from the external device, truncated to 80 actual characters, and null-ter-
TSTAMP The Time Stamp parameter of the block is updated every time there is a
change in value of STRING. TSTAMP, which is expressed in units of mil-
liseconds past midnight, is read from the FBM, when it is available there;
otherwise, it is computed by the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter STRIN or select it from a configurator list, an identifying
integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the value of
TYPE is 114.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a Boolean output that the block sets to true when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
109.5 Functions
109.5.1 Detailed Diagram
Input from
External Device Truncation
AND Null-Termination STRING
( 80 Characters)
ECB Good
109. STRIN – String Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 109. STRIN – String Input Block
♦ If the point connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W69 – INVALID POINT
In the following case, the block remains defined:
♦ If the connection is not yet resolved, the detail display shows “W62 – UNRE-
109. STRIN – String Input Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 109. STRIN – String Input Block
110. STRING – String Variable
This chapter describes the STRING (String Variable Block), its basic operations, features and
110.1 Overview
The STRING variable block provides data storage for a string data value (see Figure 110-1). It
also provides an output change counter that is incremented each time the string value is changed.
The string value parameter is available for display by user graphics.
B0193AX – Rev N 110. STRING – String Variable Block
110.3 Features
The STRING block provides the following features:
♦ STRING data variable (VALUE) for storing a string data value.
♦ Output change counter (ACHANGE) for detecting a change in VALUE.
110.4 Parameters
Table 110-1. STRING Block Parameters
TYPE Type is a system-level mnemonic label indicating the block type. Enter
“STRING” or select “STRING” from the block type list under SHOW
when configuring the block.
VALUE Value is a string data variable that can be set by an application to store data
for use by other blocks.
111. STROUT – String Output
This chapter describes the function of the String Output (STROUT) block and defines its
111.1 Overview
The String Output (STROUT) block is a Distributed Control Interface (DCI) block. (DCI
blocks support connectivity of I/A Series control stations to various bus resident devices via a gen-
eral purpose interface.) STROUT can send one string value to an external device.
PNT_NO contains a user-configured data identifier string, which identifies, to the FBM, specific
data to be sent to the external device. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module
(FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for details.
B0193AX – Rev N 111. STROUT – String Output Block
111.3 Parameters
Table 111-1. STROUT Block Parameters
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate various block oper-
ational states. For the STROUT block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
111. STROUT – String Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Description Connection
(0 to 31) Name When True (B32 to B1)
8 FBM Bad Status of ECB BLKSTA.B24
14 UDEF Block Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Block ON BLKSTA.B17
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing (see ERCODE for the list of all possible validation errors in this
block). In that case, no further processing of the block occurs, including
further validation of remaining parameters. To return DEFINE to a true
value, you should correct all configuration errors and re-install the block.
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character identi-
fier of the connected device. It is copied from the DEV_ID configured in
the ECB specified by the IOM_ID parameter.
ERCODE Error Code is a character data store which indicates the type of configura-
tion error which caused the block’s DEFINE parameter to be set false. Val-
idation of configured parameters does not proceed past the first error
encountered by the block logic. Each nonzero value of ERCODE results
in an explanatory message at the block’s detail display. For the STROUT
block, the following list shows the possible messages you may see:
B0193AX – Rev N 111. STROUT – String Output Block
IOM_ID ECB Identifier is a user-configurable string that specifies either of the fol-
♦ The device ECB (ECB201), for the purpose of connecting to
(accessing) a field parameter that resides in a field device hosted by
an ECB200
♦ The parent ECB200, for the purpose of accessing a parameter
whose source is the FBM itself (not applicable to FBM223).
IOM_ID can be formatted in either of two ways, depending on the loca-
tion of the ECB in question:
♦ Simply the name of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound
<cp_letterbug>_ECB, where cp_letterbug is the station letterbug
of the I/A Series station.
♦ The full pathname of the external device ECB (ECB201). For this
format, the ECB201 must reside in the station ECB compound,
or any compound where blocks that tie to it are located. The path-
name must be of the form:
where <ecb_name> is the NAME parameter of the ECB.
Note: Once configured, IOM_ID may not be modified. A delete/undelete
operation will NOT allow IOM_ID to be changed. The block must be
deleted and then re-entered into the data base. IOM_ID may then be
111. STROUT – String Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. PERIOD values range from 0 to 9 and map
to the following period time lengths.
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 second 5 30 seconds
1 0.5 second* 6 1 minute
2 1.0 second 7 10 minutes
3 2.0 seconds 8 60 minutes
4 10 seconds 9 0.2 second
*If the BPC is 0.2 second, this period is treated internally as
0.6 second, but the PERIOD parameter remains 1.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
I/A Series station is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PNT_NO Point Number identifies the source address in the external device memory
(or external device data stream) from which the block input is obtained. It
is a string whose syntax depends on the make and model of the external
For the Profibus interface (FBM223), PNT_NO must be configured to
contain a Profibus data identifier. This information identifies, to the
FBM, specific data in the Profibus data stream to be sent to the external
device. Refer to PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module
(FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE) for details.
STRING String output of the STROUT block. STRING contains the value to
be sent to the external device.
TSTAMP Time Stamp is a long integer output that represents the time, in millisec-
onds since midnight, of the most recent updated STRING output. This
time stamp is supplied either by the FBM or by the I/A Series control sta-
tion, depending on the type of FBM. If supplied by the FBM, TSTAMP
indicates the time of the latest updated value in the FBM. If supplied by
the I/A Series control station, TSTAMP indicates the time of the latest
updated value in the I/A Series control station.
TYPE When you enter “STROUT” or select it from a configurator list, an iden-
tifying integer is created specifying this block type. For this block, the
value of TYPE is 115.
B0193AX – Rev N 111. STROUT – String Output Block
111.4 Functions
111.4.1 Detailed Diagram
String Input
from I/A Series AND STRING
ECB Good
111. STROUT – String Output Block B0193AX – Rev N
If the first character of PNT_NO is blank, the PNT_NO string is not sent to the FBM, and the
block is set undefined with ERCODE = 52. The detail display shows “W52 – INVALID I/O
In all of the following cases, the block is also set undefined:
♦ If the FBM parsing algorithm finds that PNT_NO is invalid, the detail display shows
♦ If there is a duplicate connection to any point, the detail display shows “W66-
♦ If there is no available memory in the FBM, or if the maximum number of connec-
tions have been allocated in the FBM, the detail display shows “W67 –
♦ If the device connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W68 – INVALID
♦ If the point connection is invalid, the detail display shows “W69 – INVALID POINT
In the following case, the block remains defined:
♦ If the connection is not yet resolved, the detail display shows “W62 – UNRE-
B0193AX – Rev N 111. STROUT – String Output Block
♦ The DCI is not yet connected, that is, the PIO maintenance task has not yet sent the
DATA_CONNECT message to the FBM for the linked-list addition described “DCI
Connections” on page 2018.
♦ The DCI connection status information, which specifies the condition of the con-
nected device parameter, indicates out-of-service, meaning (in general) that the
parameter value is unavailable, or
♦ The status information indicates disconnected, meaning (in general) that the parame-
ter is not connected or not defined.
♦ The connection status information indicates that the connection is not yet resolved.
The detail display shows “W62 – UNRESOLVED CONNECTION” with
ERCODE = 62.
♦ An ECB201 is specified and the ECB device status indicates that the DCI connection
is unresolved
The STROUT block is Bad (that is, the status of the STRING parameter is set Bad) if the ECB
status indicates that the field device has failed.
112. SWCH – Switch Block
This chapter describes the SWCH (Switch Block), its features, parameters and detailed
112.1 Overview
The Switch (SWCH) block supports a single-pole, double-throw switch element that selects one
of two real inputs. A balance feature provides switching between inputs for bumpless transfers.
Auto/Manual control of the output is also provided.
Manual/Auto Output
Input 1
Balance Time 1 SWCH
Input 2 BLOCK Block Status
Balance Time 2
112.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto control of the outputs, which can be initiated by a host process or
another block
♦ User specifiable balance times in toggling from input to input to provide bumpless
♦ Automatic cascade handling using an input and output parameter (back-calculate)
that includes:
♦ Initialization of cascade schemes
♦ Back calculation input/output chain from the downstream block to the upstream
block, to provide bumpless cascade operation when the cascade is open loop.
The options are:
♦ Propagate Error Option (PROPT) gives you the option of propagating the Bad, Out-
of-Service, and Error status bits from the selected input to the block’s OUT
♦ Error Option (EROPT) determines how the block responds to an error in its INP and
BCALCI inputs.
B0193AX – Rev N 112. SWCH – Switch Block
112.3 Parameters
Table 112-1. SWCH Block Parameters
112. SWCH – Switch Block B0193AX – Rev N
Back-Calculated Output 1 or 2 (BCALC1 or BCALC2) is the value from
a SWCH/OUTSEL block that is used by a primary block (via its BCALCI
connection) to initialize its output to the current INPn input to the
This parameter also contains the following status bits:
Bit 10: 1 = Initialize the primary output value
Bit 13: 1 = INP1/INP2 is Limited High
Bit 14: 1 = INP1/INP2 is Limited Low
(Both B13 and B14 =1: indicates remote cascade is open)
BCALCI Back Calculation In is a real input that provides the initial value of the
output before the block enters the controlling state, so that the return to
controlling is bumpless. It is also the source of the output value when its
integration bit, which puts the block into output tracking, is non-zero.
The source for this input is the back calculation output (BCALCO) of the
downstream block. With V4.2 and later software, BCALCI contains the
cascade initialization data bits which were formerly contained in the
INITI parameter. Therefore, BCALCI defines the source block and
parameter that drives this block into initialization, and INITI and INITO
are not required for cascade initialization.
B0193AX – Rev N 112. SWCH – Switch Block
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the SWCH block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
BTIME1 Balance Time to Input 1 is a real input that specifies the balancing time
for toggling from Input 2 to Input 1. The output approaches the Input 1
value with a response characteristic of a first order lag having a time con-
stant of BTIME1, in minutes. The value actually input to this parameter
represents nearly one-fifth of the time that it takes the output to transfer
from the Input 2 value to the Input 1 value.
BTIME2 Balance Time to Input 2 is a real input that specifies the balancing time
for toggling from Input 1 to Input 2. The output approaches the Input 2
value with a response characteristic of a first order lag having a time con-
stant of BTIME2, in minutes. The value actually input to this parameter
represents nearly one-fifth of the time that it takes the output to transfer
from the Input 1 value to the Input 2 value.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
Change Delta for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the res-
olution as a percent of the measurement range. Entering a 1 causes the
Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of the
full error range.
112. SWCH – Switch Block B0193AX – Rev N
EI1 to EI2 Engineering Units for Input Ranges 1 and 2, defined by the parameters
HSCI1 to HSCI2, LSCI1 to LSCI2, and DELTI1 to DELTI2, provide
the engineering units text for the values defined by Input Ranges 1 and 2.
“Deg F” or “pH” are typical entries.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the SWCH block, the following
list specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the
VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
B0193AX – Rev N 112. SWCH – Switch Block
EROPT Error Option is a short integer. If PROPT is true, EROPT specifies how
the block responds to INP when the INP parameter is in error. EROPT
has a range of 0 to 2, where:
HSCI1 to HSCI2 High Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the upper
limit of the measurement ranges. EI1 to EI2 define the units. Make the
range and units consistent with the measurement source. A typical value is
100 (percent).
HSCO1 High Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit
of the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 100 (percent). EO1 defines
the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output
INITI Initialization In defines the source block and parameter that drives this
block into initialization. The source for this short integer input is the ini-
tialization output of a downstream block. With V4.2 or later software,
BCALCI contains the cascade initialization request data bit eliminating
the need to configure INITI connections in cascades. However, to pre-
serve backward compatibility, the INITI parameter has been maintained
for use in existing configurations. Existing configurations do not need to
reconfigure their cascades. The logic to set or reset the INITI short value is
maintained, but the setting of the handshaking bits, via the INITI-INITO
connection, is eliminated.
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
112. SWCH – Switch Block B0193AX – Rev N
INITO1 Initialization Output 1 is set true when the block is not in Auto, or not
toggled to input INP1. While the block is in Auto, INITO1 is reset to
false when the SWCH block selects INP1. In a cascade configuration, you
link this parameter to the INITI input of the upstream block that is linked
to INP1. This enables that upstream block to sense when it is open loop.
With V4.2 or later software, BCALCI contains the initialization request
data bit eliminating the need to configure INITO1 connections. However,
to preserve backward compatibility, the INITO1 parameter has been
maintained for use in existing configurations.
INITO2 Initialization Output 2 is set true when the block is not in Auto, or not
toggled to input INP2. While the block is in Auto, INITO2 is reset to
false when the SWCH block selects INP2. In a cascade configuration, you
link this parameter to the INITI input of the upstream block that is linked
to INP2. This enables that upstream block to sense when it is open loop.
With V4.2 or later software, BCALCO contains the functions of the
INITO2 parameter eliminating the need to configure INITO2 connec-
tions. However, to preserve backward compatibility, the INITO2 parame-
ter has been maintained in existing configurations.
INP1 to INP2 Inputs 1 and 2 are inputs that are selected to monitor the output when the
TOGGLE input is false.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
B0193AX – Rev N 112. SWCH – Switch Block
LSCI1 to LSCI2 Low Scale for Input Ranges 1 and 2 are real values that define the lower
limit of the measurement ranges. A typical value is 0 (percent). EI1 to EI2
define the units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the
INP source.
LSCO1 Low Scale for Output Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the ranges for Output 1. A typical value is 0 (percent). EO1 defines the
units. Make the range and units consistent with those of the output desti-
OUT Output, in Auto mode, is the result of the block algorithm applied to one
or more input variables. In Manual, OUT is unsecured, and can be set by
you or by an external task.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
112. SWCH – Switch Block B0193AX – Rev N
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PROPT Propagate Error Option is a boolean input. When true, PROPT sets the
ERROR Status bit of the output parameter if the input to the INP param-
eter is in error while the block is in Auto. The input to the INP parameter
is in error when:
♦ Its BAD status bit is set true.
♦ Its OOS (Out-of-Service) status bit is set true.
♦ Its ERROR status bit is set true.
♦ It is experiencing peer-to-peer path failure.
If a transition to Manual occurs while the ERROR status is true, it
remains true until either a set command is written to that output or until
the block transfers to Auto with the error condition returned to normal.
B0193AX – Rev N 112. SWCH – Switch Block
PRSCAS Present Cascade State is a data store that indicates the cascade state. It has
the following possible values:
Value State Description
1 “INIT_U” Unconditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
2 “PRI_OPN” The primary cascade is open.
3 “INIT_C” Conditional initialization of the primary
cascade is in progress.
4 “PRI_CLS” The primary cascade is closed.
RI1 to RI2 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input. For a given block,
it also forms an association with a group of real input parameters that have
the same designated range and change delta.
RO1 Range Output is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale of a particular real output. For a given block, it also forms an
association with a group of real output parameters that have the same des-
ignated range.
TOGGLE Toggle is a boolean input that performs the input selection. Input 1 is
selected when Toggle = 0 (false). Input 2 is selected when Toggle = 1.
TYPE When you enter “SWCH” or select “SWCH” from the block type list
under Show, an identifying integer is created specifying this block type.
112. SWCH – Switch Block B0193AX – Rev N
If EROPT = 0, the block does not open the cascade in response to an error of its input signals.
EROPT=1 or 2
B0193AX – Rev N 112. SWCH – Switch Block
113. TIM – Timer Block
This chapter describes the TIM (Timer Block), its features, parameters and detailed operations.
113.1 Overview
A Timer (TIM) block contains four individual timers that can be run by a Sequence block (IND,
DEP, or EXC) to time sequence activities. A TIM block does not contain any Sequence language
statements, only standard parameters.
113.2 Features
The features are:
♦ 4 independent timers per block
♦ Indicators that switch from 0 to 1 when a timer value changes from negative to
The option is:
♦ RSTMA, Restart Manual Auto, specifies the desired value of the MA parameter at
block initialization.
B0193AX – Rev N 113. TIM – Timer Block
113.3 Parameters
Table 113-1. TIM Block Parameters
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the TIM block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
113. TIM – Timer Block B0193AX – Rev N
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
DELTI1 Change Delta for Input Range 1 is a real value that defines the resolution
as a percent of the Timers 1 through 4 Value range. Entering a 1 causes
the Object Manager to recognize and respond to a change of 1 percent of
the full error range.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations set the block’s
DEFINE parameter to false, but not the warning situations. Validation of
configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encountered by
the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE on the
primary page, if it is not null. For the TIM block, the following list speci-
fies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each value in
this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given block
compatible with compound
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal
ENGINEERING RANGE” to low range value.
B0193AX – Rev N 113. TIM – Timer Block
Message Value
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the
CONNECTION” input connection cannot be found in
the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an
invalid boolean extension connection
has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W53 – INVALID A parameter value is not in the
PARAMETER VALUE” acceptable range.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
HSCI1 High Scale for Input Range 1 is a real value that defines the upper limit of
the TIMR1V to TIMR4V ranges. EI1 defines the units. Make the range
and units consistent with the timer source.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a
SETVAL command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation dis-
plays. When LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier
accompanying the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID
parameter of the block. Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s
parameters are honored (subject to the usual access rules) only from the
workstation whose identifier matches the contents of LOCKID.
LOCKRQ can be set false by any workstation at any time, whereupon a
new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a new ownership workstation identifier
written to LOCKID.
LSCI1 Low Scale for Input Range 1 is a real value that defines the lower limit of
the TIMR1V to TIMR4V ranges. EI1 defines the units. Make the range
and units consistent with those of the timer source.
113. TIM – Timer Block B0193AX – Rev N
put is unsecured. An external program can then set the output to a desired
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
B0193AX – Rev N 113. TIM – Timer Block
POS_V1 to POS_V4
Positive Value Timers 1 through 4 are boolean outputs that indicate
whether the Timer 1 through 4 values are positive or zero (true = 1) or
negative (false = 0). POS_V1 to POS_V4 are useful in a timeout applica-
tions. For example, enter the timeout value (in seconds) into Timer 1 as a
negative value and monitor this parameter. POS_V1 switches from nega-
tive to positive as Timer 1 value increments from a negative value to a zero
(or positive) value, thereby indicating that the timeout period has expired.
RI1 Range Input is an array of real values that specify the high and low engi-
neering scale and change delta of a particular real input (TIMR1V to
TIMR4V). For a given block, it also forms an association with a group of
real input parameters that have the same designated range and change
RSTMA Restart Manual Auto specifies the desired value of the MA parameter at
block initialization. It can have one of three values:
0 = RSTMA sets MA to 0 (Manual)
1 = RSTMA sets MA to 1 (Auto)
2 = RSTMA leaves MA unchanged.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a restart operation.
Timers 1 through 4 Running are boolean inputs which enable/disable the
four timers in TIM. For example, when true, TIMR1R enables Timer 1.
When TIMR1R is false, Timer 1 is stopped. When the sequence logic
from a DEP, IND, or EXC block executes a START_TIMER (sets
TIMR1R true) or STOP_TIMER (sets TIMR1R false) sequence language
statement, it overwrites the configured TIMR1R value.
Timers 1 through 4 Value are real inputs that presets the time value, in
seconds. For timeout schemes, as an example, you can enter a negative
value (and monitor POS_V1). The START_TIMER sequence language
statement can overwrite this configured value. While TIMR1R is true,
TIMR1V is updated every scheduled Basic Processing Cycle (BPC).
TYPE When you enter “TIM” or select “TIM” from a configurator list, it creates
an identifying integer specifying this block type.
113. TIM – Timer Block B0193AX – Rev N
A Sequence (IND, DEP, or EXC) block starts a timer with a START_TIMER statement. This
sends the value true to the timer’s boolean parameter and initializes the timer value. When true,
the timer’s real parameter is updated each scheduled BPC.
A Sequence block stops a timer with a STOP_TIMER statement. The STOP_TIMER statement
sends the value false to the timer’s boolean parameter and the timer value initializes. The timer’s
real parameter is no longer updated.
In manual mode, the TIM block is not processed.
Within a BPC, the block processing order is as follows:
♦ Continuous
♦ Monitor and Timer
♦ Exception
♦ Independent and Dependent
♦ Extension of Continuous Blocks.
If the block processor cannot process all blocks in a scheduled BPC, there is a Basic Processing
Cycle (BPC) overrun. The system produces an error message to indicate when an overrun occurs.
In a serious system overload, TIM blocks are always processed, even if it delays the
next BPC.
B0193AX – Rev N 113. TIM – Timer Block
114. VLV – Valve Block
This chapter describes the VLV (Valve Block), its features, parameters and detailed operations.
114.1 Overview
The On/Off Valve block (VLV, Figure 114-1) provides open/close control of a motor or air oper-
ated valve and interfaces to a discrete type FBM (Fieldbus Module). The block supports a 2-wire
configuration using a single sustained output. VLV supports both Manual and Auto operational
modes. The VLV block also provides mismatch timeout alarming of the valve’s sensed limit posi-
Auto Open FBM
Point No.
Man. Open Manual
114.2 Features
The features are:
♦ Manual/Auto mode for “remote” control of valve
♦ Auto and Manual latch switch inputs (AUTSW and MANSW) that allow the block
to be switched to Auto or Manual
♦ Open loop indication to upstream blocks
♦ Timed indication of a mismatch between the desired state and the actual state of the
♦ State mismatch alarming
♦ Bad FBM alarming
♦ Alarm message Inhibit
♦ Disable input for “local” control of final operator device
♦ Failsafe support.
The options are:
♦ Fieldbus Module Option (IOMOPT) specifies whether an FBM connection to the
block exists.
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
♦ Initialize Manual/Auto (INITMA) specifies the desired state of the MA input during
♦ Manual If Failsafe (MANFS) when configured true, drives the block to the Manual
state if the block detects an incoming failsafe status.
♦ Inhibit Option (INHOPT) allows you to specify alarm inhibit options.
♦ Desired State Request Track (DSRTRK) option when set true, forces Manual/Auto
DSR parameters to track each other and prevents these parameters from being set
while the block is not in the parameter’s designated state.
114.3 Parameters
Table 114-1. VLV Block Parameters
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
ALMOPT Alarm Options contains packed long values representing the alarm types
that have been configured as options in the block, and the alarm groups
that are in use. For the VLV block, only the following unshaded bits are
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
Number* Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection
(0 to 31) When True (B32 to B1)
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
22 Bad I/O Alarm Configured ALMOPT.B10
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
ALMSTA Alarm Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s alarm
states. For the VLV block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number Connection
(0 to 31)* Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
0 to 4 PTYP_MSK Priority Type: See parame- ALMSTA.B32–
ter PRTYPE for values ALMSTA.B28
used in the VLV block
5 to 7 CRIT_MSK Criticality; 5 = lowest pri- ALMSTA.B27–
ority, 1= highest ALMSTA.B25
22 BAD Input/Output Bad (BAD ALMSTA.B10
output of block)
29 INH Alarm inhibit ALMSTA.B3
30 UNAK Unacknowledged ALMSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
ANM Alarm Name is a user-specified character string in which the user can use
to identify the source of any alarm message associated with the respective
block. It serves as a point descriptor label.
AUTOPN Auto Open is a boolean input. While the block is in Auto, a positive tran-
sition at AUTOPN sets COUT true. While the block is in Auto, a nega-
tive transition at AUTOPN resets COUT to false. If DSRTRK is set true,
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
an unlinked AUTOPN input tracks the MANOPN input when the block
is in Manual.
AUTSW Auto Switch is a boolean input that, when true, overrides the MA and
INITMA parameters, and drives the block to the Auto state. If both
MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
BAD Bad is a boolean output parameter which is set true when the input to the
block is unacceptable in any way. The BAD bit of BLKSTA
(BLKSTA.BAD) is also set true whenever BAD is true.
BAG Bad Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs Bad alarm messages
to one of eight groups of alarm devices. You can change the group number
through the workstation.
BAP Bad Alarm Priority is an integer input, ranging from 1 to 5, that sets the
priority level of the Bad alarm (1 is the highest priority).
BLKSTA Block Status is a 32-bit output, bit-mapped to indicate the block’s opera-
tional states. For the VLV block, only the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name
Description When True (B32 to B1)
FBM Failure BLKSTA.B24
11 MA
Manual(= false)/Auto(= BLKSTA.B21
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
22 DSR DSR Mismatch BLKSTA.B10
23 DSB Disabled BLKSTA.B9
24 FS Failsafe BLKSTA.B8
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
CLSLIM Close Limit is an input pointing to the program or block that monitors
the state of the Valve-Closed Limit Switch.
COUT Contact Out is the block’s boolean output (1 = Open; 0 = Close). During
normal operation (when DISABL is false), the selected input is written to
COUT. COUT is written to the addressed channel of the FBM when
IOMOPT is true.The VLV block always secures this output. Refer to the
MA and DISABL definitions for details on how they affect block opera-
CRIT Criticality is an integer output that indicates the priority, ranging from 1
to 5, of the block’s highest currently active alarm (1 is the highest priority).
An output of zero indicates the absence of alarms.
DEFINE Define is a data store which indicates the presence or absence of configura-
tion errors. The default is 1 (no configuration errors). When the block ini-
tializes, DEFINE is set to 0 if any configured parameters fail validation
testing. In that case, no further processing of the block occurs. To return
DEFINE to a true value, correct all configuration errors and re-install the
DEV_ID Device Identifier is a character array that specifies the 6-character letter-
bug identifier of the connected FBM or FBC. DEV_ID differs from
IOM_ID in that it is a character array rather than a string type, and does
not allow the use of the ECB NAME parameter or ECB pathname in
specifying the connected FBM or FBC.
DISABL Disable is a boolean input. When true, DISABL sets the output COUT to
false, and inhibits normal block operation in either Auto or Manual mode.
While DISABL is false (block enabled), the block accepts requests from
either the AUTOPN or MANOPN inputs. DISABL is independent of
MA, and has a higher priority.
DSRTRK Desired State Request Track option, when set true, forces unlinked Man-
ual/Auto DSR parameters to track each other. DSRTRK also prevents the
setting of these parameters while the block is not in the parameter’s desig-
nated state. (For example, in the VLV block, AUTOPN cannot be set in
the Manual state, and MANOPN cannot be set in the Auto state.) DSR-
TRK is a configurable boolean option that can be set at any time, regard-
less of the compound or block state. However, once DSRTRK is enabled,
it can be disabled only by performing a delete/undelete of the block.
ERCODE Error Code is a string data store which indicates the type of configuration
error or warning encountered. The error situations cause the block’s
DEFINE parameter to be set false, but not the warning situations. Valida-
tion of configuration errors does not proceed past the first error encoun-
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
tered by the block logic. The block detailed display shows the ERCODE
on the primary page, if it is not null. For the VLV block, the following list
specifies the possible values of ERCODE, and the significance of each
value in this block:
Message Value
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/ PHASE does not exist for given
not compatible with compound
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in
CONNECTION” the input connection cannot be
found in the source block, or the
source parameter is not connectable,
or an invalid boolean extension con-
nection has been configured.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block
OPTION” option is illegal.
“W51 – INVALID An I/O block is connected to an
HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ECB or the wrong type.
“W52 – INVALID I/O An I/O block is connected to an
CHANNEL/GROUP ECB when the specified point num-
NUMBER” ber is invalid or when the specified
group or octet number is invalid.
“W53 – INVALID PARAME- A parameter value is not in the
TER VALUE” acceptable range.
“W54 – ECB DOES NOT An I/O block has a connection to an
EXIST” ECB that does not exist or has not
yet been installed. When the ECB is
installed, previously installed I/O
blocks waiting for that ECB will ini-
tialize automatically.
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error has
“W59 – DUPLICATE OUT- This block and another output
PUT CHANNEL” block are connected to the same
output point. Since this may be
intentional, this message is only a
FS Failsafe is a boolean output that is set true when the block detects the
FBM going to the Failsafe state. While in this state, the block retains the
actual Failsafe value of the output point as it is read back from the FBM.
This value, depending on the ECB Failsafe option, is either the fallback or
the hold value.
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
INHALM Inhibit Alarm contains packed boolean values that represent alarm inhibit
requests for each alarm type or point configured in the block. For the VLV
block, only the following bits are used:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Number* Boolean Connection
(0 to 15) Description When True (B16 to B1)
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
INHIB Inhibit is a boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the
alarm handling and detection functions are determined by the INHOPT
setting. Alarms may also be inhibited based on INHALM and the com-
pound parameter CINHIB.
INHOPT Inhibit Option specifies the following actions applying to all block alarms:
0= When an alarm is inhibited, disable alarm messages but do
not disable alarm detection.
1= When an alarm is inhibited, disable both alarm messages and
alarm detection. If an alarm condition already exists at the
time the alarm transitions into the inhibited state, clear the
alarm indicator.
2= Same as 0 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
3= Same as 1 for all inhibited alarms. For all uninhibited alarms,
automatically acknowledge “return-to-normal” messages.
“Into alarm” messages may be acknowledged by explicitly set-
ting UNACK false.
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
INHSTA Inhibit Status contains packed long values that represent the actual inhibit
status of each alarm type configured in the block. For the VLV block, only
the following bits are used:
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bit Boolean
Number* Connection
(0 to 31) Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
29 INH Inhibit Alarm INHSTA.B3
30 UNACK Unacknowledged INHSTA.B2
* Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right)
INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
initialization, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file.
The block asserts this initial M/A state whenever:
♦ It is installed into the Control Processor database.
♦ The Control Processor undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the Integrated Con-
trol Configurator. (The block does not assert INITMA on
ordinary reconfiguration.)
INITMA is ignored if MA has an established linkage.
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
The block clears INITO when none of these conditions exist. You connect
this parameter to the INITI input of upstream blocks so that these
upstream blocks can sense when this block is open loop.
IOMOPT Fieldbus Module Option is a short integer that specifies whether an FBM
connection to the block exists. IOMOPT for the VLV block has a range of
0 to 1, where:
0= The block outputs are not connected to an FBM. This option
may be used for simulation, or for connecting COUT as an
input to other blocks.
1= The block outputs are connected to a discrete-type FBM speci-
fied by the IOM_ID and COUT.
IOM_ID Fieldbus Module Identifier is a string that specifies the FBM or FBC to
which the block is connected. IOM_ID can be either:
♦ The 6-character letterbug of the FBM or FBC. The ECB must
reside in the local compound <cp_letterbug>_ECB, where
cp_letterbug is the station letterbug of the CP.
♦ The full pathname of the ECB. The ECB must be local but can
reside in any compound. The pathname must be of the form
<local_compound_name>:<ecb_name>, where <ecb_name> is the
NAME parameter of the ECB.
LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block via a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has the
format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the 6-char-
acter letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1 to 6 character
logical device name of the Display Manager task.
LOCKRQ Lock Request is a boolean input which can be set true or false only by a set
command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation displays. When
LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier accompany-
ing the SETVAL command is entered into the LOCKID of the block.
Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s parameters are honored (sub-
ject to the usual access rules) only from the workstation whose identifier
matches the contents of LOCKID. LOCKRQ can be set false by any
workstation at any time, whereupon a new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a
new ownership workstation identifier written to LOCKID.
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
put is unsecured. An external program can then set the output to a desired
MANOPN Manual Open is a boolean input that begins with an operator request
through the HI interface. A positive transition at MANOPN, while the
block is in Manual, set COUT to true. If DSRTRK is true, an unlinked
MANOPN input is secured and it tracks the AUTOPN input when the
block is in Auto.
MANSW Manual Switch is a boolean input. When true, MANSW overrides the
MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to the Manual state. If
both MANSW and AUTSW are true, MANSW has priority.
MMAIND Mismatch Indicator is a boolean output that is set true whenever the
sensed state of the valve (determined by OPLIM and CLSLIM) does not
match the requested state within the timer interval, TOC. The block gen-
erates an alarm when it sets MMAIND true, if the INHIB input is false.
OPNLIM Open Limit is an input pointing to the program or block that monitors
the state of the Valve-Open Limit Switch.
PERIOD Period is an indexed input that dictates the block’s execution time base
and allowable PHASE values. For stations other than Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD values range from 0 to 13 and map to the following
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
period time lengths. (Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period
values than shown here.)
Period Length Period Length
0 0.1 sec 7 10 min
1 0.5 sec* 8 60 min
2 1.0 sec 9 0.2 sec
3 2.0 sec 10 5.0 sec**
4 10 sec 11 0.6 sec***
5 30 sec 12 6.0 sec****
6 1 min 13 0.05 sec*****
* If the BPC is 0.2 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.6 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 1.
** If the BPC is 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 6.0 sec., but the
PERIOD parameter remains 10.
*** If the BPC is 0.5 sec., this period is treated internally as 0.5 sec., but
the PERIOD parameter remains 11.
**** If the BPC is not 2.0 sec., this period is treated internally as 5.0 sec.,
but the PERIOD parameter remains 12.
***** Available in CP40, CP40B, and CP60.
PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the Con-
trol Processor is 0.5 sec. See Integrated Control Software Concepts
(B0193AW) document.
PNT_NO Point Number specifies the point number on the FBM terminal board
that connects to a field device.
RSMMOP Reset Mismatch Option is used to specify that the DSR input be reset
when a mismatch alarm occurs in a VLV block.
0 = No reset action.
1 = Reset DSR inputs if mismatch alarm occurs.
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
SAG State Alarm Group is a short integer input that directs mismatch alarm
messages to the corresponding group of alarm devices. You can change the
group number through the workstation.
SAP State Alarm Priority is an integer input that sets the alarm priority for the
mismatch alarm reporting (1 is the highest priority).
TCOUNT Timeout Count is an integer used by the VLV block as a temporary value
in counting the alarm timeout.
TOC Time to Open or Close is the delay, in minutes, before the comparison for
mismatch is made. Configure a delay at least as great as the maximum
time required for the valve to go from one state to the other. To avoid
truncation, set TOC equal to an integral multiple of the PERIOD.
TTOTAL Timeout Length is an integer used by the VLV block as a local value con-
taining the total number of block executions in the alarm timeout for out-
put mismatch.
TYPE When you enter “VLV”, or select “VLV” from a configurator list, it creates
an identifying integer specifying this block type.
UNACK Unacknowledge is a boolean output that the block sets to True when it
detects an alarm. It is typically reset by operator action.
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
114.4 Functions
114.4.1 Detailed Diagram
CLSLIM Comparison
Failsafe Bad
BAO AND Alarming
Detection AND
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
2 - wire
If the block is in I/O simulation mode (IOMOPT = 0), MANOPN, AUTOPN, and COUT ini-
tialize to the current setting of the OPNLIM switch. If the block is in I/O mode (IOMOPT = 1),
they are initialized to the current contact output value read back from the device. This ensures
that the valve state remains unchanged across reinitializations.
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
When DISABL is false (block enabled), the block operates according to the MA status. In all
modes of operation, the block always secures the COUT output.
For bumpless transitions out of DISABL mode, the block initializes the MANOPN/AUTOPN
parameters to the state of the block’s boolean outputs.
114.4.7 Alarming Mismatch
A mismatch indicator is set true, and a mismatch alarm is generated, if the actual state of the valve
does not match the requested state within the user-specified Time to Open or Close (TOC). The
open state is determined by the open limit switch (OPNLIM) feedback input and the closed state
by the close limit switch (CLSLIM) feedback input. A mismatch alarm also occurs if both limit
switches are true at the same time (invalid state).
The option parameter RSMMOP (Reset Mismatch Alarm Option), when true, causes the
AUTOPN or MANOPN parameter to be reset to its original state when a mismatch alarm
occurs. This allows you to retry the original request action, without having to toggle the request
parameter in the wrong direction, by creating a leading edge for the timeout to begin again.
Mismatch alarms are cleared, and return-to-normal messages are generated, when the alarm is
acknowledged by the operator, or the OPNLIM or CLSLIM input indicates that the field device
has changed state as requested.
If COUT changes state (from OPEN to CLOSE, or CLOSE to OPEN) before the valve reaches
the first state, and before a mismatch timeout could occur, a new time count is begun.
The open limit (OPNLIM) and the close limit switch (CLSLIM) feedback inputs are normally
connected from a CIN block. It either input goes bad, the block can be placed in Manual to dis-
able the block. In addition, alarm inhibit (INHIB) can be set true to inhibit erroneous alarms
until the bad OPNLIM or CLSLIM input is repaired.
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
114. VLV – Valve Block B0193AX – Rev N
B0193AX – Rev N 114. VLV – Valve Block
*CIN and MCIN can be one MCIN
**These can be one FBM
A/S Solenoid
33 Commercial Street
Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035-2099
United States of America
Inside U.S.: 1-866-PHON-IPS (1-866-746-6477)
Outside U.S.: 1-508-549-2424 or contact your local Foxboro representative.
Facsimile: 1-508-549-4999
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