Introduction To Industrial Security Management

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RA no. 5487 - (as amended by PD no. 11) - Private security agency law.

Private Detective Agency - is any person who for hire or reward or on commission conducts or carries
on or holds himself out as conducting or carrying on a detective agency or detective service.

Private Detective - any person who is not a member of a regular police agency or armed forces who
does detective work for hire,reward or commission.

PADPAO - Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators.

Watchmen/Security Guard - person who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure either
residential or business establishment or both or any building,compound or area for hire or
compensation or as an employee thereof.

Security Agency - any person, association, partnership or corporation who recruits, trains, muster
,furnishes, solicit individuals or business firms, private or government owned or controlled corporation
to engage his services or those of its watchmen.

Who May Organize Security Agency

1. Any Filipino Citizen or a corporation, partnership or association.

2. With a minimum capital required by law.

• In case of corporation, association, or partnership - must be 100 % owned and controlled by Filipino

•No person shall organize or have interest in more than one agency.

Qualification of an Operator or Manager of a Security Agency:

1. At least 25 years of age

2. College graduate and/or commissioned officer in the inactive service of the AFP

3. Good moral character

4. No previous record of any conviction of any crime/offense involving moral turpitude.

5. Not suffering from any of the following disqualifications:

a. dishonorably discharged or separate from the AFP. b. mentally incompetent.

c. addicted to the use of narcotic drugs. d. habitual drunkard.

•An elective or appointive government employees who may be called upon on account of the function
of their respective offices in the implementation and enforcement of the provision of RA 5487 and
person related to such government employees by affinity or consanguinity in the third civil degree shall
not hold any interest, directly or indirectly in any security guard agency.

Basic Qualification of a security Guard

1. Filipino citizen

2. High school graduate

3. Physically and mentally fit

4. Not less than 21 nor more than 50 years old

5. At least 5'4" in height

6. Not suffering from any disqualification under RA. 5487

• Veterans shall be given priority in employment as security guard or private detective.

• Person convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude shall not be employed as security guard or
private detective.

• Private detective, detective agency, security guard, security agency must first obtain license from the

• Employees employed solely for clerical or manual work need not be licensed.

• The license shall be displayed at all times in a conspicuous and suitable place in the agency office.

• The PNP shall exercise general supervision over the operation of all private detective and security
guard agencies.

• The City/Municipal Mayors has the power as director of the City/Municipal civil defense to deputize
private detective and security guards to help maintain peace and order or prevent or arrest law violators
in case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamity. They shall take orders from the Chief of Police
for the duration of the fire, inundation, earthquakes, riots or other emergency.

• A security guard or security agency is entitled to possess firearms.

• Firearm must not be higher than .45 caliber.

• Agency is entitled to possess firearm not exceeding one firearm for every security guard in its employ.

• Security guard is entitled to possess not more than one riot gun or shotgun.

• Firearms shall be carried by the security guard only during his tour of duty in proper uniform within
the compound of the establishment except when he escorts big amount of cash or valuables in or out of
said compound.
• The Chief PNP shall prescribe the uniform, ornaments, equipment and paraphernalia to be worn by
the security guards.

• Uniforms must be different from the PNP/AFP.

• Salary of security guard - not lower than the minimum wage prescribe by law.

Limitations and Prohibitions on a Security Agency

1. No agency operating in the City of manila and suburbs may employ more than 1000 watchmen or
security guards.

2. No agency operating in other cities and first class municipalities may employ more than 500
watchmen or security guards.

3. No agency operating in municipalities other than first class may employ more than 200 watchmen or
security guards.

4. No person, corporation, partnership or association may organize more than one agency in any one
city or municipality.

5. No agency shall offer, render or accept services to gambling dens or other illegal enterprises.

6. The extent of the security service being provided by any security agency shall not go beyond the
whole compound or property of the person or establishment requesting the security service except
when they escort big amount of cash.

Who can Issue rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of RA 5487?


the chief PNP, in consultation with the Philippines Association of Detective and Protective Agency

What are the penal provisions for violation of RA5487 or its implementing rules?


1. Suspension, fine or cancellation of license to operate with the forfeiture f bond filed with the Chief

2. Imprisonment ranging from 1 to 4 years and fine, in the discretion of the courts.

Physical security - describes the measures that are designed to deny access to unauthorized personnel
from physically accessing a building, facility, stored information and guidance on how to design
structures to resist potentially hostile acts.
- a system of barriers placed between a potential intruder and the material or
installation to be protected.

Security - the predictable state or condition which is free from harm, injury, destruction, intimidation or
fear. Freedom from fear or danger or defense against crime.

Physical Security System - a barrier or system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the
matter to be protected. Protective device against hazards, threats, vulnerability and risks.

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