Documentation: Hose Filter (SFL)

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Hose Filter (SFL)

BA112EN0812.doc Translation
Bühler GmbH Contents

0.1 Details of the SFL..................................................................................... 4

0.2 Manufacturer ............................................................................................ 4
0.3 Copyright .................................................................................................. 4
0.4 Explanation of symbols ............................................................................ 5
CERTIFICATES .................................................................................. 6
INSTRUCTION MANUAL ................................................................... 7
1. Area of application and use ..................................................................... 8
1.1 Area of application ...................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Intended use ............................................................................................................... 8
2. Safety ....................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Instructions fitted to the machine ............................................................. 9
2.2 Industrial safety instructions ..................................................................... 9
2.3 Safety instructions for inflammable and explosive gas and dust mixtures10
2.3.1 General notes............................................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Fire and explosion protection .................................................................................... 10
2.4 Pressure relief devices ........................................................................... 10
2.5 Protection against electrostatic charging ............................................... 10
3. Description ............................................................................................. 11
3.1 Structural configurations ........................................................................ 11
3.1.1 Main configurations ................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Round filter configurations......................................................................................... 11
3.2 General description ................................................................................ 11
3.3 Constructive design ............................................................................... 12
3.3.1 Round filter ................................................................................................................ 12
3.3.2 Gutter dedusting device ............................................................................................ 12
3.3.3 Spot filters ................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Filter function ......................................................................................... 13
3.4.1 Filtration .................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 Cleaning .................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Filter hoses ............................................................................................ 14
3.6 Support cages ........................................................................................ 15
3.6.1 Support cages for vertical installation ........................................................................ 15
3.6.2 Support cages for horizontal installation ................................................................... 15
3.7 Seals ...................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Screw connections ................................................................................. 15
3.9 Compressed air supply .......................................................................... 16
3.10 Pressure tank with diaphragm valve ...................................................... 17
3.11 Differential pressure ............................................................................... 17
3.12 Filter pressure controller ........................................................................ 17
3.13 Pressure relief surfaces ......................................................................... 18
4. Commissioning....................................................................................... 19
4.1 General information ............................................................................... 19
4.2 Starting / Stopping ................................................................................. 19
4.3 Operation ............................................................................................... 19

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Bühler GmbH Contents

ASSEMBLY MANUAL ...................................................................... 21

5. Requirements to be met at the point of installation ................................ 22
5.1 Permissible ambient conditions.............................................................. 22
5.1.1 Foundations .............................................................................................................. 22
5.1.2 Safety equipment ...................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Supply connections to be provided by the customer ............................. 22
5.2.1 Grounding ................................................................................................................. 22
5.2.2 Pneumatic connection ............................................................................................... 23
5.2.3 Making the electrical connections ............................................................................. 23
6. Transport, storage and assembly: ......................................................... 24
6.1 Items supplied ........................................................................................ 24
6.2 Transport ................................................................................................ 24
6.3 Storage .................................................................................................. 25
6.4 Installation facilities, safety railings ........................................................ 25
6.4.1 Installation of the round filters ................................................................................... 25
6.4.2 Work place ................................................................................................................ 26
6.4.3 Installation of the gutter dedusting system ................................................................ 26
6.4.4 Installation of the spot filter ....................................................................................... 26
6.5 Installation .............................................................................................. 26
6.5.1 Installation of the filter hoses ..................................................................................... 27 Assembly of the filter cages for vertical installation ................................................... 28 Vertical installation of the filter hoses ........................................................................ 29 Horizontal installation of the filter hoses .................................................................... 30
6.6 Earth connection .................................................................................... 31
6.7 Dismantling, disposal ............................................................................. 31
6.8 Disposal ................................................................................................. 31
MAINTENANCE MANUAL ............................................................... 33
7. Maintenance and repairs ....................................................................... 34
7.1 Maintenance/Inspection ......................................................................... 34
7.2 Maintenance .......................................................................................... 34
7.2.1 Replacement of vertical filter hoses .......................................................................... 35
7.2.2 Replacement of horizontal filter hoses ...................................................................... 35
7.2.3 Changing the diaphragms ......................................................................................... 35
7.3 Spare parts and after sales service ....................................................... 35
7.3.1 Spare parts stocks and spare parts orders ............................................................... 35
7.3.2 After-sales service..................................................................................................... 36
7.4 Lubrication ............................................................................................. 36
8. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 38

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Bühler GmbH Data sheet

0.1 Details of the SFL

0.2 Manufacturer
Bühler GmbH
Grain Logistics
Eichstätter Strasse 49
D-92339 Beilngries
[email protected]

0.3 Copyright
The author reserves the copyright pursuant to Directive 2001/29/EC.

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Bühler GmbH Data sheet

0.4 Explanation of symbols

If safety instructions in this documentation have to be observed at all cost in order to avoid placing personnel in

they are marked with the general hazard symbol

Warnings of electric voltage are marked with

Warnings of suspended loads are marked with

Warnings of explosion hazards are marked with

If safety instructions have to be observed at all cost in order to avoid jeopardizing the machine and its operation
they are marked with the word Caution!

Instructions attached directly to the filter, e.g.

 Information and warning signs
 Markings for pressure connections
 Direction of rotation arrow
must be strictly observed and kept in fully legible condition at all times.

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Instruction Manual

Hose Filter (SFL)

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Bühler GmbH Operation

1. Area of application and use

1.1 Area of application

The area of application is the dry or dry-wet filtration of dust in aspiration systems for grain processing, transport
and storage.
In this respect, the SFL can also be used in potentially explosive atmosphere zone 22.

1.5 Intended use

The SFL is designed only for the filtration of dust from flue gases and from the waste air within the performance
date set out in the data sheet. Permitting the SFL to be operated only by skilled workers (who know how to use
the SFL correctly and are acquainted with the hazards.
Any use other than that for which the machine is intended shall be deemed a case of misuse. The manufacturer
shall not be liable for any damage resulting from such a case of misuse.


Excessive dust values in the clean gas.

It is essential to use the equipment as intended.

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Bühler GmbH Safety

2. Safety
The operating manual contains basic instructions that must be observed during installation, operation and
It is therefore essential that this operating manual is read by the fitter as well as the authorized technical
personnel/owner before installation and start-up and that it is constantly available at the point of use of the
It is imperative to follow not only the special safety instructions included under the main points but also the
following general safety instructions.

2.1 Instructions fitted to the machine

Instructions attached directly to the filter, e.g.

 Information and warning signs
 Markings for pressure connections
 Direction of rotation arrow
must be strictly observed and kept in fully legible condition at all times.

2.2 Industrial safety instructions

- The owner-user must have read and understood the operating manual before installing, operating, servicing
or repairing the filters.
- The responsibilities for installing, operating, servicing and repairing filters must be clearly defined and
complied with.
- Compliance with the local regulations and laws must be ensured by the installation and operation of filter
- Compliance with the local accident prevention regulations for transport and installation is a prerequisite.
- The maximum loads of the transport equipment and lifting gear may not be exceeded.
- The support structures for the installation of the filters set out for the specific order must not be modified nor
subjected to additional loads.
- If the operator provides support structures or building for the installation, he must also provide verification
that they offer the requisite stability.
- Before commissioning, all safety devices must be installed and checked for functionality.
- The customer must install interlocks on inspection and operating doors specifically for this project to comply
with local regulations.
- The residual dust content in the clean gas must be checked in accordance with local regulations or process
- Maintenance and repair work must be duly carried out to ensure safe operation.
- When operating with hazardous dust, any work on the filters must be carried out in accordance with the
locally stipulated safety measures.
- Compliance with the local regulations is a prerequisite when the removed dust is to be used again or
disposed of.
- When disposing of dust-covered spare parts, in particular filter hoses, make sure to comply with the disposal
regulations in force.
- Do not allow burning objects or burning materials into the filter.
- If necessary the filter must be additionally fitted with suitable fire safety measures after consulting the
relevant fire safety experts.
- The filters are only designed for the removal of dust from the gas types listed in section 1.1. Any use other
than that for which the machine is intended shall be deemed a case of misuse. The operator shall bear sole
responsibility for any risks resulting from such misuse.
- All electrical work may only be carried out by qualified electricians.
- All electrical work may only be carried out by qualified electricians. If there are no qualified personnel
available, you must use the manufacturer's service support.
- The warranty obligations of the manufacturer are set out in the relevant contracts of supply. These can be
neither extended nor restricted by safety instructions.

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Bühler GmbH Safety

2.3 Safety instructions for inflammable and explosive gas and dust mixtures

2.3.1 General notes

a) Inflammable dust types are:

- inflammable when not disturbed
- explosive when disturbed.
b) Filters must be fitted with safety equipment to prevent dust explosions if they are to be used with
inflammable dust types. This also applies to electrical equipment.

2.3.2 Fire and explosion protection

- Filters used to filter explosive dust and gas mixtures must be fitted with suitable explosion safety measures.
- Safety equipment to counter dust explosions and dust fires must be designed on the basis of the risk
potential. If the operation of the filters is changed, the safety equipment must be checked by specialists.
- The correct fighting of a fire must be ensured by suitable measures.
- An annual personnel training must be conducted.
- Annual coordination with the local fire-fighting department is necessary (with practical firefighting exercise if
- Maintenance and cleaning schedules must be issued by the operator.
- Keeping records of maintenance and repair work
- Welding and cutting work must be carried out in accordance with local regulations.
- If you hear unusual noises, witch off the SFL immediately.

2.4 Pressure relief devices

To keep equipment damages to a minimum in case of explosions, the ELE is equipped with pressure relief in
accordance with the valid regulations.

2.5 Protection against electrostatic charging

Machines must be grounded in order to discharge electrostatic charging. Detailed information can be found in
chapter 5.2.1 "Earthing“.

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Bühler GmbH Description

3. Description
Chapter 5 contains information about all the various components. In this section you will also find information
about functional sequences, settings and maintenance instructions.

3.1 Structural configurations

3.1.1 Main configurations

The SLF is available in the following main configurations:

Round filter Gutter deduction filter Spot filter

3.1.2 Round filter configurations


Dust collecting hopper Scraper bottom and air Bunker top filter, Dust collecting hopper
and air intake at the top intake at the top air intake and dust and air intake at the
discharge at the bottom bottom

3.2 General description

The SLF are composed of standard components using the modular element principle. If required, further
modules can be built by combination of the individual configurations.

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Bühler GmbH Description

3.3 Constructive design

3.3.1 Round filter

1 Dust-laden gas inlet possible at the top

and bottom
5 6 2 Inspection door
3 Filter housing
1 4 Filter hoses with cages
7 5 Filter head
6 Clean gas chamber
7 Compressed air cleaning
8 Perforated plate
8 4
9 Dust hopper or scraper bottom
10 10 Inspection opening

3.3.2 Gutter dedusting device

6 1 Dust-laden gas 6 Clean gas chamber

5 inlet
7 2 Inspection door 7 Compressed air
4 cleaning
3 Filter housing 8 Dust return
2 4 Filter hoses 9 Gutter
3 5 Filter head


3.3.3 Spot filters

1 Filter housing
2 Filter hoses
3 Filter head
4 Fan
5 Compressed air
4 3 5 1 2

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Bühler GmbH Description

3.4 Filter function

The dust carried in the raw gas is caught on the surface of the filter hoses and cleaned off using the fully
automatic filter cleaning system with short compressed air pulses. The pulsed control of the filter cleaning
system can be performed dependent on time or differential pressure. Spot and gutter filters work in a similar
way. However, in these cases the raw gas is not drawn into the filter like a cyclone but is drawn in directly and
the removed dust is returned to the product flow.

Filter cleaning Clean air

laden air
Filter hoses

Filter dust

3.4.1 Filtration

The air laden with dust passes from outside to inside through the filter hoses, which are stretched over the
support cages. As the gases pass through them the dust is left on the surfaces of the filter hoses. The purified
air exits the filter through the pure gas chamber and the connected pure gas line.

laden gas Clean gas

Support cage


3.4.2 Cleaning

Gas for the

cleaning system

Support cage

The SLF are fitted with a fully automatic cleaning system. The filter hoses are cleaned by pulse-type backrinsing
using compressed air or other compressed gases. The current of cleaning air blows through the Venturi tubes
into the filter hoses.
As a result of the sudden change of pressure this creates, the filter hose, which rests in a star shape on the
support cage, is inflate in a circle so that the dust on the filter hose is removed by the movement of the filter
hose and the backrinsing process of the cleaning air and falls into the dust collection chamber located below, or
back into the product flow.

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Bühler GmbH Description

Filter hoses are not cleaned off correctly

Check the cleaning at regular intervals

3.5 Filter hoses

Clamping ring

Filter hose


The material of the filter hose is extremely important for the function of a filter and is designed individually for
each application. The main factors for this are as follows:
- Dust type, dust-laden air composition and grain size distribution in the dust-laden air flow
- System or process engineering of the system
- Required residual dust values in the clean air


Wrong filter hoses in use

Only install filter hoses approved by the manufacturer.

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Bühler GmbH Description

3.6 Support cages

3.6.1 Support cages for vertical installation

The support cages are a telescopic design. They can be adjusted to the hose length with extensions and
coupling rings. The cages are finished off by a cage bottom.

1 Telescopic part of the support cage

1 2 Support cage top
4 3 Extension
4 Coupling ring
3 5 Support cage bottom


3.6.2 Support cages for horizontal installation

These support cages have a one-piece design. The support cage has a slot at the top for securing to the top
perforated plate. The snap ring on the filter hose is in the double ring of the slotted end and both are pressed
into the perforated plate together.

3.7 Seals

The perfect function of the filter depends to a large extent on the quality of its seals. In general all sheet metal to
sheet metal and bracket to sheet metal connections are sealed with silicon or self-adhesive flat seals during the
assembly process. The sealing material must be applies on both sides next to the screw holes in full strips.

3.8 Screw connections

The table shows which screw must be used at which screw connection point. All the individual parts must
initially be screwed together loosely to enable any tolerances to be compensated. When the filter has been
assembled in this way, all the screws can be tightened.

Parts 12 2-7 Clamping length Screws

6 M12 x 20
7 to 9 M12 x 25
10 to 15 M12 x 30
16 to 20 M12 x 35
21to 25 M12 x 40

Serrated washer

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Bühler GmbH Description


No grounding

Always make screw connections with serrated washers.

3.9 Compressed air supply

3 4 Limit of supply 1 SLF

2 Compressed air tank
3 Stopcock
4 Filter pressure controller
5 5 Supply line
1 6 Compressor
9 8 7 Main stopcock for the compressor
8 Mains connection
7 6 10 9 Main stopcock for the supply connection
10 Compressor drain

The required compressed air is generally supplied by:

- the plant supply system (8),
- a compressor unit (6).

A filter pressure controller is installed upstream of each SLF.

The compressed air tank can be separated from the compressed air network in order to carry out repairs and
The cleaning pressure is shown on the data sheet. If the pressure in the supply line is higher than the maximum
pressure in the compressed air tank, the compressed air system for the filter must be protected by a safety
valve. Supply lines provided by the customer must have a cross-section which suits the local conditions .


Pressure in the compressed air tank is too high

Be sure to observe the regulations for setting up compressed air systems.

Max. permissible pressure in the compressed air tank is 6 bar.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the compressor.

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Bühler GmbH Description

3.10 Pressure tank with diaphragm valve

1 3
4 6

The compressed air tank (1) is an approved pressure tank in which the connection for the diaphragm valves (2),
the supply line (3) and the condensate drain (4) are installed. Depending on the installation position the supply
line and condensate drain can be fitted to the left or right side of the compressed air tank. The compressed air
surge required for cleaning is generated using the diaphragm valve and is then fed into the Venturi pipe (5). The
compressed air tank is also fitted with the terminal box (6) for the membrane valves.

3.11 Differential pressure

The filter function is monitored by measuring the differential pressure (hose resistant) using the filter controller.
The measurement lines are connected to the walls of the raw and pure gas chambers.

Connections for differential pressure

measurement system

A correct measurement requires that the measuring lines are clean. Therefore the measurement line to the raw
gas chamber, in particular, must be cleaned from time to time.


Differential pressure too high

Filter function impaired

Check the filter hoses and replace if necessary.

Check the cleaning and reset if necessary.

3.12 Filter pressure controller

A filter pressure controller is used to treat and regulate the compressed air. If the required air quality is not
achieved, an oil and water separator must be installed upstream of the filter pressure controller.


Pressure in the compressed air tank is too high

Max. permissible pressure in the compressed air tank is 6 bar.

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Bühler GmbH Description

3.13 Pressure relief surfaces

The cross-sections specified below comply with the calculation regulations set out in VDI 3673 and RD 14-568-
03 (applicable in Russia).

Cross-section A in Length of blow-out Response

Filter Type KST value pmax
mm duct pressure
RA19 340 x 440
RA41 1.5 + 3.0 m 131 bar*m/sec 9.3 bar 0.1 bar
RA50 586x 920
RA82 920 x 920


The pressure relief surface is inadequate.

The limit values quoted must not be exceeded without the approval of the manufacturer.

The pressure relief is found underneath

the filter hoses, near the bottom flange

Rupture disks with relief ducts leading outdoors are used as standard. However, it is also possible to use Q
pipes, FlamQuench or other pressure relief devices.

The pressure relief system cannot dissipate the explosion pressure.
There must be no filter hoses covering the pressure relief system.

Pressure relief in non-permissible ranges.

The pressure must be relieved into non-vulnerable areas (outdoor areas).

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Bühler GmbH Commissioning

4. Commissioning

4.1 General information

Before starting the SLF complete the following checklist.

Points to test OK.

Transport locking devices removed?
Are the assembly residues (e.g. screws, nuts, welding electrode waste or tools) removed from the
dust transport equipment and the discharge organs?
Have all the screw holes and openings that you do not require been sealed?
Is all the mechanical equipment, such as dust screw conveyors, bucket wheel feeders and dust
discharge valves functioning perfectly?
Is the direction of rotation and transport the same on all the dust discharge units?
Is the direction of rotation of the blowers correct on spot filters?
Were the mechanical equipment trials completed perfectly?
Is the cleaning pressure adequate to clean the filter?
Are the membrane valves working properly?
Is the cycle time correct?

4.2 Starting / Stopping

Activation sequence
1. Compressor
2. Dust discharge
3. Filter hose cleaning system
4. Fan

The above units must be stopped in reverse order. Depending on the dust type and the local operating
conditions the filter hose cleaning system may have to carry out working after the fan has been switched off. In
general it will continue to work for between 10 and 30 minutes.

After the system has been switched on:

1. Check the filter hose differential pressure
2. Check the pure gas discharge for excessive dust content or dust accumulations.


Residual dust content in the clean gas too high

Replace the defective filter hoses

4.3 Operation

The SLF are designed for permanent operation. Monitoring tasks during operation are therefore restricted to the
following points:
1. Monitoring the mechanical equipment
2. Monitoring the differential pressure
3. .Monitoring the residual dust content in the clean gas

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Assembly Manual

Hose Filter (SFL)

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Bühler GmbH Requirements at the point of installation

5. Requirements to be met at the point of installation

Additional information is provided in the attached documents.

5.1 Permissible ambient conditions


Explosive atmosphere

Raise to Zone 22 standard by introducing suitable measures.

5.1.1 Foundations

Static provisions in accordance with the manufacturer's weight specifications have to be made at those points
where the SFL rests on the substructure.

5.1.2 Safety equipment

The customer has to provide additional mechanical safeguards (e.g. railings) and control-related safety devices
(e.g. Emergency Stop switches).

5.2 Supply connections to be provided by the customer


Fault in the electrical system

The electrical installation work must be left strictly to qualified electricians who have received
training in connection with Ex protection compliant with Directive 94/9/EC.

All customer-end supply connections have to be installed at or as close as possible to the points stipulated by
the manufacturer or shown in the installation drawing.

5.2.1 Grounding

The equipotential bonding has to be carried out in accordance with local regulations. Check the grounding
resistance by carrying out a phase resistance measurement.
The earth connections on the device are to be used as connection points. See also section 6.6

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Bühler GmbH Requirements at the point of installation

5.2.2 Pneumatic connection


Pressure-loaded lines

Be sure to observe the regulations for setting up and operating compressed air systems .

Air quality:
Filtered (solid content < 75 µm), condensate-free (water content < 10 g/m³), oil-free (oil content < 0.02 g/m³)
compressed air, p = approx. 6 bar
Join up to the point of connection with hoses specially designed for compressed air lines or with a pipe
connector. A sleeve (1) is welded into the compressed air tank to act as the connector.


5.2.3 Making the electrical connections

The electrical connection must be made as specified in the documentation for the filter controller and, if there is
one, for the drive unit (see appendix).

Terminal box versions:

Up to 9 valves Up to 14 valves

If more valves are required, an appropriate number of terminal boxes must be installed side by side.

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation

6. Transport, storage and assembly:

6.1 Items supplied

Round filter Gutter dedusting system Spot filter

Filter head Filter housing Filter housing
Filter housing Filter hoses Fan
Filter hoses Support cages Filter hoses
Support cages Compressed air tank Support cages
Compressed air tank Diaphragm valves Compressed air tank
Diaphragm valves Filter pressure controller Diaphragm valves
Filter pressure controller Filter control Filter pressure controller
Filter control Terminal box Filter control
Terminal box Terminal box
Rupture disk
Burst indicator

6.2 Transport


Accidents during transport, assembly and disassembly

Wear personal safety equipment (e.g. safety gloves, helmet) as stipulated.

Do not position yourself under suspended loads!

Have the equipment transported and unloaded only by experienced specialists.

Prior to unloading:
Provide a clear space around the transport framework.

Unloading equipment
 Forklift truck or building machinery with appropriate lifting capacity. The unloading equipment may only be
used by qualified personnel. The total weight can be found in the data sheet.
 Hoisting slings or double suspension gear of sufficient load capacity

Fixing the lifting gear:

 Hook shackles, lifting hooks, etc. on the suspension lugs.
 The strands of the lifting gear must have a spread angle of max. 120°.
 The equipment must be suspended horizontally

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation


Accidents during transport and assembly

Never wrap a chain around the equipment.

Transport damage:
 Note any damage on the freight bill and have it confirmed by the driver.
 Notify the carrier and manufacturer/supplier immediately by phone and in writing.

Check the consignment against the consignment note, which is enclosed with the shipping documents. If no
notice of damage is issued, we shall assume that the SFL was delivered to the point of installation in complete
and perfect condition.


Damage and defects to the equipment

The fault rectification work must be left strictly to qualified electricians who have received
training in connection with Ex protection compliant with Directive 94/9/EC.

6.3 Storage

Choose a storage place where:

 There is no risk of damage from (building) vehicles or careless work
 There is no soiling by splashes of cement or mortar.
 There are no sparks from angle grinders, etc.
 The temperature lies within the range from –5°C to +50°C and is not subject to large fluctuations
 The relative humidity is lower than 60%.
 There is no direct exposure to sunshine or UV light.
 There are no aggressive, corrosive substances (contaminated air, ozone, gases, solvents, acids, alkaline
solutions, salts, radioactivity, etc.) in the surroundings.
 There are no shocks or vibrations.

6.4 Installation facilities, safety railings

6.4.1 Installation of the round filters

The filter is connected to the building or the substructure by brackets which are fastened either
to hoppers or to the cylinder. Support feet can also be fitted to these brackets. They are
connected to the foundation using anchor bolts or heavy duty plugs.


Stability of the equipment impeded

Use mounting devices with sufficient strength.

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation

6.4.2 Work place

To prevent the inspection and maintenance personnel falling whilst carrying out the work, the necessary safety
railings, steps and ladders must be provided in compliance with the local safety regulations.
Make sure there is enough space around the SLF for operation and maintenance activities. This is best done at
the building planning stage. You must leave a space of at least 60 cm all round the SLF. Platforms or walkways
must be provided accordingly. The following sketch shows the space requirement near the maintenance door
and the compressed air tank.


Filter size Xmin in mm

7 500
12 800
19 1000
28 1200
50 1700

6.4.3 Installation of the gutter dedusting system

The gutter dedusting system is placed on the side of the gutter that needs to be freed from dust.

6.4.4 Installation of the spot filter

Spot filters are positioned directly on the spot that needs to be aspirated.

6.5 Installation

General information on assembling:

The following instructions are to be followed if the assembly work is not included in the scope of services
agreed with Bühler GmbH. If the customer chooses to assemble the machine himself, the manufacturer can
accept no liability for any damage resulting from improper unloading or assembly.

Condition upon delivery

The SFL housing is delivered fully assembled where possible. If additional assembly work is required, assembly
instructions will be provided in the appendix. Site conditions and possibilities vary so much that it is impossible
to provide exact instructions for moving the SFL housing to the point of installation. This work should be left to
qualified personnel (fitters).
Paintwork damage must be touched up using suitable paint during the installation procedure.


Accidents during transport and assembly

Wear personal safety equipment (e.g. safety gloves, helmet) as stipulated.

Do not position yourself under suspended loads!

Have the equipment transported and assembled only be experienced specialists.

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation

In view of the SFL housing's weight, lifting equipment must always be used to transport the machine from
intermediate storage to its final point of installation. Stackers, mechanical shovels, building cranes etc. are to be
used - depending on the transport route and availability - as lifting equipment to move the SFL housing as far as
the building.

Lifting equipment mostly used inside the building:

Polyester belts, tripods, chain pulley blocks, pallet stackers, transport rollers, rope pulley blocks, etc.

The filter is generally installed:

- on support feet (small filter types)
- on sub-structures
- on platforms


Transport locking devices are still fitted

Remove the transport locking devices

Prior to assembly:
 Read this operating manual and any additional assembly manual in the appendix in full. It contains vital
information which will stop damage being caused by ignorance.
 Make sure there is an electric power supply on site when you start with the assembly.

6.5.1 Installation of the filter hoses


Heavily contaminated filter hoses

 Before removing the hoses switch on the filter cleaning system until the filter
hoses contain no dust.
 Comply with local accident prevention regulations.
 Always wear a breathing mask.
 Wear the prescribed safety clothing and safety equipment when dealing with
physiologically harmful dust types.
 Ensure there is a constant supply of fresh air.
 Dispose of worn filter hoses in compliance with local regulations.
 Apply the spare filter hoses in accordance with the data sheet.


Explosive atmosphere

Clean the filter housing before replacing.

Avoid ignition sources (for example smoking) when carrying out the replacement work.

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation


Crush and cutting injuries when fitting the filter elements

Use the prescribed personal protection equipment (safety gloves). Assembly of the filter cages for vertical installation

1. Compress the upper part of the filter cage

2. Mount the coupling ring.

3. Compress the filter cage extension and insert in the coupling ring.

4. Proceed likewise with the other filter cage extensions.

5. Compress the last filter cage extension and mount the filter cage base.

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation Vertical installation of the filter hoses

1. Compress the holder and push downwards into the first ring.

2. Insert the support cage into the filter and push until you reach the end of the hose.

3. Slightly compress the snap ring against the hose seam.

4. Hook the hose into the perforated plate from the raw gas side. The groove at the upper end of the hose must
rest closely against the edge of the hole. Align all hose seams in one direction.

5. Reach through a neighbouring hole and press the snap ring outwards at long as possible until the hose is in
close contact. When working on the last hose, press the snap ring outwards from the bottom.

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation

6. Hold the hose tight with one hand and at the same time use the other hand to push the cage upwards until it
is positioned over the perforated plate.

7. Hold the cage in this position with one hand and with the other hand push the top support cage part upwards
in the hose until the holders snap open audibly. Then let go of the filter hose and the support cage. The top
support cage will remain hanging to the perforated plate by the holders. The bottom support cage will slide
down to the end of the hose.


No grounding of the filter hoses

Make sure that the support cage is seated on the perforated plate. Horizontal installation of the filter hoses

1. Remove the cover at the front

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Bühler GmbH Transport, storage, installation
2. Open the maintenance door

3. Slightly compress the snap ring against the hose seam. Attach the filter hoses to the perforated plates using
the snap rings. The grooves at the upper end of the hose must rest closely against the edge of the hole.
Align all hose seams in one direction.

4. Push the filter cages with the closed rings at the front into the hoses.

5. Compress the slotted sections of the support cages to thread them into the perforated plate.

6. Move the snap ring on the hoses between the clamping rings on the support cage.

7. Position and secure the earth cross.

8. Close the maintenance door and cover.

6.6 Earth connection

The terminal link on the perforated plate can be used as a terminal point for grounding. The connection can be
made to the actual galvanized housing on spot filters.

6.7 Dismantling, disposal

Dismantling of the mechanical units is to be performed by qualified and experienced fitters. Refer to the
instructions set out in 6.2 Transport.

6.8 Disposal

Remove plastic and electric components from the machine.

Remove the lubricants from the bearings.
Plastic, electric components and lubricants must be disposed of in accordance with the governing directives.
All other metal components can be scrapped.
Recommendation: Get in touch with the manufacturer of the SLF!

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Maintenance Manual

Hose Filter (SFL)

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Bühler GmbH Maintenance / Repairs

7. Maintenance and repairs


Unintentional start-up
Turn off the main switch and lock with a padlock.
The maintenance work must be left strictly to qualified specialists.

7.1 Maintenance/Inspection

In addition to the maintenance instructions set out below, please note the special maintenance and inspection
instructions issued by the manufacturers of any accessory equipment. They are contained in the appendix.

Interval Action
After the first 14 days Clean the silencers of the diaphragm valves.
At the latest after 500h Check the filter hoses
Check the function of the burst indicator
Check the differential pressure measurement system and clean the
measurement lines, if necessary
Check the temperature of the gear unit
Check the filter hoses for leaks
Check the cleaning cycle
Check the filter pressure controller
Every 14 days Check that the dust discharge system in is good working order Refer also to
the manufacturer's instructions
Remove deposits from the drive motor
Carry out a visual inspection of the electric terminals
Check that the Venturi pipes are secure and tighten any loose mountings
Check the Venturi pipes for leaks
Check the filter hoses
Check that the control unit works properly
Check that the diaphragm valves are in good working order
Check the door seals
Check all pneumatic lines for leaks and seal any leaks if necessary.
Check the diaphragm in the diaphragm valves
Check the clean gas chamber for dirt.
Every 6 months Check the mounting for the support cages on the perforate plate.
Check the mounting for the ground plate on the support cages (horizontal
SFL only)
Clearing element: check for wear
Yearly Drain the condensation out of the compressed air tank.

7.2 Maintenance


Insufficient qualification of the maintenance personnel

Training of the maintenance personnel
The replacement of electrical parts must be left strictly to qualified specialists

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If necessary please contact:

Bühler GmbH Service phone: 08461 / 701-0

Grain Logistics
Eichstätter Straße 49 Fax: 08461 / 701-333
D-92339 Beilngries
[email protected]

7.2.1 Replacement of vertical filter hoses

1. Compress the snap ring. The telescopic part of the filter cage will then also be compressed.
2. Pull the filter element out of the perforated plate.
3. Pull the filter hose from the filter cage.
4. For instructions on fitting the filter element see section

7.2.2 Replacement of horizontal filter hoses

1. Open the front cover and maintenance door.

2. Release the ground plate and take it off the support cage.
3. Compressed the clamping ring on the support cage and pull out the support cage.
4. Compress the snap rings on the filter hose and remove the filter hose.
5. For instructions on fitting the filter element see section

7.2.3 Changing the diaphragms


High pressure in the filter cleaning unit

Only change the diaphragm after the system has been depressurized.

- Close the shut-off cock on the compressed air supply

- Depressurise the compressed air tank by means of several cleaning procedures.
- Change the diaphragm in accordance with the information issued by the manufacturer.

7.3 Spare parts and after sales service

7.3.1 Spare parts stocks and spare parts orders

To ensure that the SFL can be kept operational and ready for use at all times and so that you can complete
repairs on them, recommends that you keep a stock of spare and wear parts.Bühler GmbH

When placing orders for spare parts, please quote the following details:
- Job number
- Serial number
- Type
- Spare part designation
- Article number
- Required quantity
- Exact consignment address
- Required delivery date

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Wrong filter hoses in use

Only install filter hoses approved by the manufacturer.


Wrong filter hoses in use

Only install filter hoses approved by the manufacturer.

7.3.2 After-sales service

You can consult the after sales service department for all problems related to the SLF. To ensure smooth
operation of the SLF, Bühler GmbH offers health checks for appraisal of the equipment as well as service

Bühler GmbH Service phone: 08461 / 701-0

Grain Logistics
Eichstätter Straße 49 Fax: 08461 / 701-333
D-92339 Beilngries
[email protected]

7.4 Lubrication


Insufficient qualification of the maintenance personnel

Training of the maintenance personnel.

The maintenance work must be left strictly to qualified specialists.
Never carry out any work in an explosive atmosphere

Unintentional start-up
Turn off the main switch and lock with a padlock.
The maintenance work must be left strictly to qualified specialists.

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Bühler GmbH Maintenance / Repairs


Incorrect use of lubricant

Mineral and synthetic lubricants must not be mixed.

When changing over from a synthetic to a mineral lubricant and vice versa, clean out the gear
unit with a cleansing solvent (e.g. cleaning spirit)

Lubricate in accordance with the inspection and maintenance list and with the manufacturer's instructions. Pay
particular attention to the time intervals and the type and quantity of lubricant.
Lubricants such as oils and greases must be kept in clean, sealed containers. The lubricant must be stored in
dry and cool conditions.
The DRV and its units are provided with the right quantities of lubricant when assembled at the factory.

Oil grade:
synthetic oil with viscosity grade ISO VG220
A list of different makes of oil with their manufacturer's specifications is enclosed for your information.

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Bühler GmbH Troubleshooting

8. Troubleshooting


Unintentional start-up
Turn off the machine at the main switch and secure it to prevent its being switched on again.
All faults and errors must be remedied and acknowledged immediately.
Defective parts or devices must be replaced or repaired immediately.

Error Cause Action

Power supply interrupted Restore the power supply
Filter does not work Control voltage is interrupted Restore contact
The raw gas supply is interrupted Restore raw gas supply
Differential pressure Connection blocked Clean connection
measurement produces Measurement line contaminated with
Clean measurement line
abnormal value condensate or deposits
Differential pressure is too Fan not working correctly or defective Refer to the manufacturer's information.
high Cleaning system not working correctly See following points
Power supply interrupted Restore the power supply
The compressed air supply is
Restore the compressed air supply
The control unit is defective Refer to the manufacturer's information.
Compressed air controller defective Refer to the manufacturer's information.
Compressor defective, see
manufacturer's data
Air pressure too low
Increase the air pressure. Maximum
pressure 6 bar
No cleaning is completed
Check control unit, see the
or cleaning is
manufacturer's data
Power supply not functional, restore it
Control cable defective; replace it
Diaphragm valve not working
Diaphragm defective; replace it, see
manufacturer's data
Clean the silencer of the diaphragm
Cleaning cycle not perfect Reset
Replace the filter hose with an original
Wrong filter hose quality
filter hose
Permanent pressure loss Replace the membrane, see
Diaphragm valve defective
in storage tank manufacturer's data
Replace the filter medium
Clean gas chamber Filter medium (hose or cartridge) Check the support cages for defects or
contaminated defective burr formation and replace if necessary or
grind off the burr
No filter media fitted Install filter media
No dust discharge
Dust discharge defective Refer to the manufacturer's information.
Filter media defective Replace filter media
Some filter media not installed Install filter media
Dust discharge too low
Transport elements running with
Refer to the manufacturer's information.
insufficient power
Scraper bottom not
Drive motor defective Refer to the manufacturer's information.
working correctly

If no reason can be found for the problems, please consult the service department of Bühler GmbH.

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