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The chart shows the cost of living in two different cities,R and

C,compares with the national average cost of living.The average cost of

several different kind of living expenses are shown.
The cost of living in the city of R is higher than the national average
level in all areas shown.The highest is housing,with an average cost 19
percent higher than national average.The lowest is transportation,but
that is still 4 percent higher than national
average.Groceries,utilities,health care,and clothing all have average
cost between 4 to 7 percent higher than national average.
The cost of living in C is close to national average level for most
types of expenses.The expense that differ most from national average is
housing,with an average cost 12.5 percent lower than national
average.Transportation costs 3.8 percent lower than the national
average.The others listed range from .5 to 1.2 percent higher than
national average level.The cost of living in C appears to be significantly
lower than it is in R.

The way we live now is different in many aspect from the way
people lived 100 years ago.Technology has changed how we earn our
livings and how we carry out our daily lives.Our lives have improved in
many important ways over the past 100 years.At the same time,there
are certain positive things have been lost.
Technology has improved our daily lives in many ways.We have
machinery,appliances that make our work and daily chores much easier
and more comfortable.Advances in communication technology make it
easier and more flexible to be in contact with our colleagues,friends
and relatives anytime and anywhere.We have many types of
transportation that make it easy to travel anywhere,even around the
world,for both business or personal reasons.Finally,because of
advances in medicine,fewer people die of common diseases that were
fatal not long ago.For all these reasons,we can say that life now is
better than a century ago.
On the other hand,there are other,less material aspects of our
lives that have not necessarily improved.For example,while it is true
that technology make communication easier,at the same time families
are breaking up.Family members no longer tend to live near one
another as was common in the past.This means a loss of important
social and emotional support.In addition,because we have so many
electronical devices,people tend to pay more attention on these
devices than their actual face-to-face relationship.
This is a challenge for people live in the 21st century.

There is a strong evidence to suggest that obesity is a growing

problem in many countries of the world.In fact,it would appear that the
problems start in childhood with many children becoming fatter
because they are eating junk food,in other words diet containing too
much salt,sugar and fat.These eating habits continue into adulthood.It
is a very worrying trend indeed.
Many people,including doctor and teacher believe that junk food
advertising should be banned because they encourage people to eat
bad food such as junk food.They think that advertising to children is
effective and influences what they choose to buy and eat.They believe
that children should eat healthier foods such as fruit and vegetables
and argue that there should be advertisements for healthier options on
TV and on the internet.
However,other people say that junk food advertising does not
contribute to the problem of obesity.They feel that the problem of
obesity is caused in the large part by the fact that people are less
physically active than in the past.They think that people of all ages live
a more sedentary lifestyle.Moerover,they also believe that banning
advertising junk food would simply make such foods become more
In my opinion,the idea of banning junk food’s adverstisment for
children is well-meaning but it falls short of actually helping children
and parents.Educating people young and old about a balanced diet and
enjoy a healthy,active lifestyle is the best way forward. Educating
people young and old about a balance diet and enjoy a healthy,active
lifestyle is the best way forward.In my opinion,the idea of banning junk
food’s advertisment.

The charts show that the number of people who speak a regional
language to their children is a great deal lower than the number of
people whose parents spoke a regional language to them.For
example,over 600.000 people who had parents spoke Alsatian to them
habitually and over 200.000 had parents spoke it occasionally,but only
400.000 speak it to their children now.The fall is even greater in case of
Occitan.Over 600.000 people had parents spoke it to them habitually
and over 1 million had parents spoke it occasionally,but the number of
people who speak the language to their children is just over 200.000.In
the case of Breton,over 200.00 people had parents who spoke it to
them habitually and close to 400.000 had parents spoke it
occasionally,but now under 100.000 who speak it to their
children.There has not been much decrease in cases of Creole and
Corsican.The overall picture presented by the chart is that people are
not passing regional language to their children as they used to.

These days,stress is a big subject.In all sorts of jobs,people get ill

because of it and have time off work.The business world is full of
pressure and many people worried all the time that they might lose
their jobs if they don’t work harder and harder.Lots of people worked
very long hours and are given very difficult targets to meet.Their
employers expected a lot and sometimes they can not cope.Young
people suffer from stress too – for example,when they have to take
exams that will have big effects to their future.And in general,life is
more stressful for a lot of people than it used to be.People are always
in a hurry to do everything and the pace of life has increased.
But is life really more stressful than it used to be?In the
past,people didn’t have the comforts that they have now.They had to
do a lot more things for themselves.They didn’t have all the
equipments that people take for granted now,like cars and
machines.Life was harder for most people.Working conditions for an
enormous number of people were much worse than they are
today,when a lot of manual work is done by machines.
The impression I have from talking to older people is that they
simply accepted that life was hard and they didn’t complain of suffering
from stress.They just got on with their lives.These days there are all
sorts of “experts” talking about how much stress people have – people
didn’t talk about this in the past.
In my opinion,people today have different pressures from the one
they got in the past,but this does not mean that they have more
pressures.In the past,people had harder lives in many ways.
The table showed us the percentage of Australian families that
had six different household items – personal stereos,computers,TV
sets,washing machines,refrigerators,hairdryers-in the years 1995 and
We can see that TV sets and refrigerators were the most
widespread of the six items in 1995 and remained so in 2002.In
1995,79% of families had a TV set,and 78% of them had a
refrigerator.By 2002,these figures had risen to 93% and 96%,meaning
that refrigerators had overtaken TV sets as the most common of the six
items in Australian households.
Washing machines were in the two third(67%) of Australian family
households in 1995,and this percentage had risen to 80% in
2002.Almost half(44%) of Australian families had hairdryers in 1995.In
2002,two out of every threee(67%) did.This rise of 23 percentage points
was second only to the rise in the presence of computers.A third(33%)
of Australian families had personal stereos in 1995 and by 2002,this has
increased to a little under half(44%).
The biggest increase was in the number of families with
computers.The figure for 1995 was 18%,but this had more than
quadrupled in 2002,by 76%.

Discussion about the effects of an aging population has become

topical in many countries in recent years.Many people are concerned
about the relative increase in the number of people who have and
therefore have to be supported by a smaller number of working
people.I think this trend has both positive and negative effect in the
The main negative effect of supporting older people is that it will
become more expensive.This means that either supports for retired
people have to be cut or more money has to be found,either through
workers paying more or finding more workers.In Europe,this trend is
toward importing workers from other countries.This has led to heated
debates about wheter the immigrants should integrate fully to the
European society.Some people believe that allowing mass immigration
will undermine the value of the host country,whereas others believe
that having a variety of cultures aids social development.Japan has
decided to import workers but also invested a lot of money in
developing robots that can take over some jobs done by
human.This,they hope,will reduce their reliance on foreign workers and
avoid any cultural problems.
There are also advantages of having older population,and these
are often overlooked.Older people in developed countries where the
proportion of retired workers is increasing are generally healthier.This
means that one way to increase the work force and reducing the costs
of having retired population is to increase the retirement age.A recent
report in Britian suggested that the retirement age for men be
increased from 65 to 68.One result might be more respect for older
workers,who are also more experienced.
In conclusion,an aging population can have both positive and
negative effects on society,largely depending on how we react to it.
This graph shows the amount of water used in homes each day in
the US both with and without water conservation methods.The water
conservation methods offer a considerable reduction in water
consumption in most activities.
Each day,every American consumes many gallons of water for a
variety of reasons.The most water is used when flushing
toilets,followed respectively by washing clothes,taking showers,using
faucets,leaks and other uses.In total,per day,every American uses
nearly twenty gallons of water just flushing the toilet.On the other end
of the spectrum,washing dishes uses only about one gallon per day.
However,if water conservation methods were put in place,these
numbers would be reduced significantly.The savings would be most
considerable in the case of toilet-flushing:water used would fall from
around 20 gallons a day to only slightly more than ten gallons with
conservation methods.Around two to five gallons would be saved for
most “other used”.The exceptions are using faucets and the category of
other uses,where water conservation methods would have no
effect.Still,over all,implementation of conservation methods means
that total water consumption would drop.

Racism and xenophobia are serious problems which most people

have experienced personally.Maybe someone you know has felt afraid
of others who are different from them,without being able to explain
exactly why.Perhaps you have a friend of different race who has been
denied career opportunities.Or perhaps you have heard someone say
something racist to you or to someone else.But what did you do in
these situation?Did you let it go,or did you say something?Only if we all
speak up and bring attetion to case of racist and xenophobia will the
problem start to disappear.
If indeed people are taught and not born with attitudes that are
racist or xenophobic,it is critically important to challenge any examples
of these forms of discrimination that we are exposed to.First of all,this
is true because children learn by example and imitation,and they are
very perceptive – picking on things that adults around them may not be
aware of.If children do not hear ‘racist’ talk,they will not repeat
it.Furthermore,if adults are made to answer any racist statements they
made,perhaps they will think twice of expressing them,and if they stop
expressing them,this could break the cycle and prevent children from
learning that it is an aceeptable behaviour.
Even in the increasingly frequent,but unfortunate cases where
people from relatively homogenous scietites are just afraid of those
persons of different ethnic or cultural descent,it would be benefical to
challenge any expressions of racism and xenephobia.The truth
is,whatever people feel,if they learn that certain opinions are socially
unacceptable,they will not air them publicity.This is an important first
small step.It will reduce tension in society and allow for more positive
interactions between individuals of different races and cultures,which
will in turn bring familiarity and lessen the fear of the unknown.
I believe that people can modify their nature,although it may be
difficult.I believe that as long as awareness is increased,gradually these
neagative attitudes will be diminished.

The pie charts show that during the period 2000 and 2011,some
EU countries exported more to India than to China and others exported
more to China than to India.They also show that the exports of some
countries to either India or China increased,while the exports of others
The UK exported more to India in this period but the different was
far greater in 2011.In 2000,the UK was the biggest exporter to India
with a 29% share of the market.By 2011,that share had fallen to
13%.Germany had become the greatest exporter to India with a 25%
Germany also exported far more to China over the period with its
share of export to China rising from 38% to 48%.By 2011,Germany was
the biggest EU exporter to both China and India.
For other countries,the market was stable.Italy exported more or
less the same amount to both countries in the period
shown.Belgium,exported approximately five times the amount to India
than to China,but its share of the market changed very little.

In many countries boys and girls are educated together in mixed

schools from primary through secondary level.It is no doubt true that
educating in this way reflects te reality of the world outside the
classroom.Co-education schools give the two sexes the chance to mix
and feel easy in each other’s company and that is a good preparation
and foundation for adulthood.
However,many people think that boys and girls can achieve more
by being educated seperately.They believe that single-sex schools offer
children the opportunities to concentrate on their schoolwork.They
claim that in mixed schools,boys and girls spending too much time
trying to attract each others instead of focusing attention on their
subjects.As a result,they have less opportunity to reach their full
academic potential.
However,in my opinion,there is just as much distraction in a
single-sex school as in a mixed school.Students in single-sex schools still
wish to impress their peers of the same sex.It could be argued that the
choice of subjects open to students in a single-sex school may be more
traditional,limited and restricted compare to those offer in mixed
In conclusion,I believe that co-educational schools provide both
boys and girls with equal opportunities.Both sexes therefore have
chances to develop the academic and social skills they need to live and
work alongside each other in adult life.

The line graph shows different average daily temparatures

throught out the year for A and C,and L and E.
A and C both record warmer temparatures during Januray and
February of approxiamately 24ºC and 23ºC repectively.The
temparatures of both cities then dropped steadily,reaching a low of
15ºC in A and 11ºC in C in July before beginning to rise back up to over
20ºC in December.
In contrast,the data for London and E shows a temparature
slightly over 5ºC in January,prior to climbing to a peak of 23ºC in July in
L and approximately 18ºC in E during the same month.The
temparatures for both cities then dip to about 6º in December.
Overall,the average daily temparatures in NZ show completely the
opposite pattern to British citites,althoug British cities had lower
temparatures than NZ on the whole,regardless of season.

Television has become an integral feature of almost every

household in the world.As a result,children undoubted spend more
time watching television than previous generations and less time being
active.There are several reasons for this phenomenon,but also a
number of strategies to encourage children to be more active.
Firstly,televisions have become much more accessible through
price reductions.Also,interesting programs which target children,such
as cartoons,have increased in number and improved in quality,and this
attracted a great number of children viewers.The other reason for the
increased in television viewing is related to the amount of time young
people and children have these days.Often by the time they have
studied full day,they are simple too tired to go outside to play or do
However,it is still vital that children spend enough time being
active outdoor.One approach which could be taken is to take time to do
fun outdoor activities with children,such as go swimming or jogging
with them.Running children’s outdoor fun groups and camps is another
way to encourage people to be active.As well as this,schools can run
physical education classes as part of their curriculum,to ensure the
recommended level of activity completed each day.

The table depicts the number of Twh,produced by five different

renewable resources over three years from 2009 to 2012.The table
shows that production from all five renewable sources has increased
over the time period.Hydraulic energy has consistently produced the
greatest number of Twh.Geothermal energy showed the smallest
increase in Twh produced,being overtaken in 2012 by solar energy.The
amount of Twh wind energy produced in 2012 is almost double the
amount produced in 2009,showing one of the greatest percentage
change.Although the amount of solar energy produced annually only
increased by 83.5 Twh from 2009 to 2012,we can see that figure has
more then quadrupled from 21 to 104.5 Twh,showing the solar energy
has the greatest percentage increase.

The number of children who are obese has increased dramatically

over the past decades.The increase in childhood obesity causes a
problem throughout the developed world because lifelong obesity has
associated with decreased life expectancy,and is thought to increase
the likelihood of certain diseases and illnesses,such as high blood
pressure and some forms of diabetes.

In an effort to combat obesity beginning in childhood,some

people have proposed that adverts for unhealthy foods high in sugar
and fat such as fast food should be banned from school and
colleges.People argue that the benefit of banning such adverts is that
children will be less likely to crave and then buying unhealthy foods if
they are not surrounded by images of unhealthy snacks which are
known to increase the risk of obesity.
Although this could be true,and would certainly help students
who are trying to be healthier ignoring unhealthy options,it is unlikely
to reach to the root of the problem.Children typically learn what to eat
from their parents,and such obese children often came from obese
families.Even if children are not reminded of unhealthy foods at
school,if they are used to eat unhealthy foods at home,they are likely to
eat unhealthy foods at school as well,even if unhealthy foods are not
advertised.Rather than simply removing adverts for unhealthy
foods,schools and colleges should be encouraged to emphasize the
benefits of healthy foods to individuals,in order to introduce an
alternative diet to overweight and obese children and lower their risks
of obesity in later life.

The bar chart shows us how many hours per week,on average,male and
female Australians of various ages spend watching TV.

Males aged under 15 watch an average of 15 hours per week,which is

almost half of the 26 hours that female spend watching it.This figure
then rises to 19 hours a week for males aged 15 to 25(the highest
number of hours for males),before falling to 16 for males aged 26 to
35.There is a further drop to 10 hours per week for males aged 36 to
45.Thereafter,the figures rise to 15 hours per week for males aged 46
to 55,with a further rise to 17 hours for males aged over 55.

On average,females aged under 15 watch more hours of TV than any

other age group of either gender.This figure falls to 20 hours for
females aged 15 to 25,followed by further drop to 17 hours for those
aged 26 to 35,with yet another fall to 8 hours for women aged 36 to
45.This is the lowest figure for men and women in any age group.There
is then a rise to 18 hours a week for women aged 46 to 55 and another
increase to 20 hours for women aged over 55.

In summary,the trend for people aged 15 and over is the same for both
men and women,with the 35-45 age group watching the least TV.

While I agree that mobile phones have their problems,I still believe that
these problems are outweighted by the benefits tha mobile phones
brought to us.In this essay,I will look at the problems and benefits.

I think that the social problems presented by the use of mobile phones
are quite serious.However,it is not the phones themselves that create
this problem-it is the way that people using mobile phones.Many
people seem to think that it is perfectly acceptable to use mobiles
during meetings,classes,and even classical music concerts.This is an
indication of their lack of respect for other people rather than a
demonstration of the problems of mobile phones,since every mobile
phone has an “off” button.

There may be medical problems associated with mobile phones,such as

interference with brain waves,but these have not been proven.Indeed,a
recent study demonstrated that there was no danger even when
hundreds of people using mobiles at the same time in a train.Any
detrimental medical effects are likely to be minor and unlikely to
outweight the advantages that mobiles bring.
The main technical problems associated with mobile phones include
the problem that they can not receive signals everywhere,the system
can be overloaded,and battery time may be short.Signals are only
usually missing in remote areas.Systems can generally dealing with all
but the heaviest traffic,and in such situations,there are alternative
forms of communication available.Manufacturers are constantly
looking at ways to extend battery life.

The benefits of mobile phones are that they provide person-to-person

communication almost everywhere.People can be contacted at any
time.Mobile phones have been proven to be particularly useful in poor
rural areas,allowing reliable communication with the outside world
and,as a result,furthering rural economies.

The line graph compares the average price of a barrel of oil with the
food price index over the period of 11 years.

It is clear that average global prices of both food and oil rose
considerable between 2000 and 2011.Furthermore,the trends for both
commodities were very similar,and so a strong correlation(93.6%) is
In the year 2000,the average global oil price was close to 25$ per
barrel,and the food price index stood at just under 90 points.Over the
following four years both price remained relatively stable,before rising
steadily between 2004 and 2007.By 2007,the average oil price has
more than doubled,to nearly 60$ per barrel,and food price had risen by
around 50 points.

A dramatic increase in both commodities prices was seen from 2007 to

2008,with oil price reaching a peak of approximately 130$ per barrel
and the food price index rising to 220 points.However,by the beginning
of 2009 the oil prices had dropped by roughly 90$,and food price index
was down by about 80 points.Finally,in 2011,the average oil prices rose
again,to nearly 100$ per barrel,while the food price index reached its
peak,at almost 240 points.

Cities are often seen as places of opportunities,but there are also some
major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis.In my
opinion,governments could do much more to improve city life for the
average inhabitants.

The main problem to anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is

that the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small
town or village.Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher price for
housing,transport,and food.Another issue is that urban areas tend to
suffer from social problems such as high crimes and poverty rates in
comparision to rural village.Furthermore,the air quality in cities is often
poor,due to pollution traffic,and the streets and public transport
systems are usually overcrowded.As a result,citylife can be unhealthy
and stressful.

However,there are various steps that governments could take to tackle

these problems.Firstly,they could invest money in the building of
affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of
living.Secondly,politicans have the power to ban vehicles from city
centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport,which would
help to reduce both air pollutions and traffic congestion.A third option
would be to develop provincial towns and rural areas,by moving
industries and jobs to those regions,in order to reduce the pressure on
major cities.

The graph compares unemployment rates and average weekly earnings

across different educational levels in the year of 2008.The information
clearly illustrates that people with higher educational levels were better
off economically than those with lower levels.

The first graph shows some unemployment rates.There was a

significant gap between those with the lowest educational levels and
those with higest level.In 2008,unemployment workers with a high
school diploma only was at 5.5%.This rate gradually decreased with
eacg succeeding educational level.It was lowest among those with a
graduate degree – only 1.2%.
The second graph shows average weekly earnings.Again,the differences
between the lower and higher educational levels are significant.In
2008,workers with a high school diploma earned an average of just
600$ a week.The level of earnings increased with each educational
level.Workers with a college degree earnd and average of 1100$
weekly,almost twice as much as the high school graduates.The workers
with graduate degrees earned almost as half much as the workers with
college degrees.These graphs show that it pays to get an education.

The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste

output between the years 2000 and 2015.

It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste

produced by three companies shown on the graph.While companies A
and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period,the amount of
waste produced by company C increased considerably.

In 2000,company A produced 12 tonnes of waste,while companies B

and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material
respectively.Over the following 5 years,the waste output of companies
B and C rose by around 2 tonnes,but the figure for company A fell by
approximately 1 tonne.

From 2005 to 2015,company A cut waste production by roughly 3

tonnes,and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes.By
contrast,company C saw an increase in waste production of
approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10 years period.By
2015,company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes,while the
respective amount of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8
tonnes and only 3 tonnes.

It is true that foreign films are more popular in many countries than
domestically produced films.There could be serveral reasons why this is
the case,and I believe that governments should promote local films by
subsiding the industry.

There are various reasons why many people find foreign films more
enjoyable.Firstly,the established film industry in many countries have
huge budget for action,special effects and spectacular
locations.Hollywood blockbusters are fine examples of such
productions,and their global appear is undeniable.Another reason why
these big-budget films are so successful is that they often star the most
famous actors,and they are made by the most accomplished producers
and directors.The poor quality,low-budget film making in many
countries suffers in comparision.

In my view,governments should support local film industries

financially.In every country,there may be talented amateur film-makers
who just need to be given opportunities to prove themselves.To
compete with big-budgets production from oversea,these people need
money to pay for film crew related to producing high-quality films.If
governments did help with these costs,they would see an increase in
employment in the film industry,income from film sales,and perhaps
even a rise in tourist numbers.New Zealand,for example,has seen an
increase in tourism related to the L film,which were partly funded by
government’s subsidies.

The line graphs show the average monthly amount that parents in
Britain spent on their children’s sporting activities and the number of
British children who took part in three different sports from 2008 to

It is clear that parents spent more money each year on their children’s
participations in sports over the six-year period.In terms of the number
of children taking part,football was significantly more popular than
athletics and swimming.

In 2008,British parents spent an average of around 20$ per month on

their children’s participation in sports.Parents’ spending of children’s
sports increased gradually over the following six years,and by 2014 the
average monthly amount has risen to just over 30$.

Looking at participation numbers,in 2008,approximately 8 million

British children played football,while only 2 million children were
enrolled in swimming clubs and less than 1 million practised
athletics.The figures for football participation remained relatively stable
over the following six years.In contrast,participation in swimming
almost doubled,to nearly 4 million children,and there was a near five-
fold increase in the number of children practised athletics.
It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer
than ever before.Although there will be undoubtly some negative
consequences of this trend,societies can take steps to mitigate these
potential problems.

As people live longer and the population of developed countries grow

older,several related problems can be anticipated.The main issue is that
there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be
eligible to receive a pension.The proportion of younger,working adults
will be smaller,and governments will therefore receive less money in
taxes in relation to the size of the population.In other words,an aging
population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults.Further
pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare,and the fact
young adults will increasingly have to look after their older relatives.

There are several actions that governments could take to solve the
problems described above.Firstly,a simple solution would be to
increase the retirement age for working adults.Nowadays,people of this
age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life.A
second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration
in order to increase the number of working adults who pay
taxes.Finally,money from national budgets will need to be taken from
other areas and spend on healthcare,accommodation and transport
facilities for the rising number of older people.
In conclusion,various measures can be taken to tackle the problems
that are certain to arise as the population grow older.
The line graph compares figures for daily travel by workers in the UK
using three different forms of transport over the period of 60 years.

It is clear that the car is by far the most popular mean of transport for
UK commuters throughout the period shown.Also,while the number of
people who use the car and train increase gradually,the number of bus
users falls steadily.

In 1970,around 5 million UK commuters travelled by car on a daily

basis,while the bus and train were used by about 4 million and 2 million
people respectively.In the year 2000,the number of those driving to
work rose to 7 million and the number of commuting rail passengers
reached 3 million.However,there was a small drop of approximately 0.5
million of bus users.

By 2030,the number of people who commute by car is expected to

reach almost 9 million,and the number of train users is also predicted
to rise,to nearly 5 million.By contrast,buses are predicted to become a
less popular choice,with only 3 million users.

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems,but

we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the
planet.This essay will discuss environmental problems and the
measures that governments and individuals can take to address these

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and
waste.Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles
lead to global warming,which may have a devastating effect on the
planet in the future.As human population increases,we are also
producing ever greater quantities of waste,which contaminates the
earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.

Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air

pollution.They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or
to force companies to use renewable energy.They could also impose
“green taxes” on drivers and airline companies.In this way,people
would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flight
abroad,therefore reducing emissions.

Individuals should also take responsibilities for the impact they have on
the environment.They can take public transport rather than
driving,choose products with less packaging,and recycle as much as
possible.Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as
well as “banks” for recycling products.By reusing and recycling,we can
help to reduce waste.

In conclusion,both national governments and individuals must play

their part in looking after the environment.
The line graph shows changes in the per capita consumption of
beef,pork,broilers and turkey in the US between 1955 and 2012.

It is noticeable that beef was by far the most popular of the four types
of meat of the 57-year period.However,a considerable rise can be seen
in the consumption of broilers,with figures eventually surpassing those
for beef.

Between 1955 and 1976,US beef consumption rose from around 60 to a

peak of 90 pounds per person per year.During the same
period,consumption of broilers also rose,to nearly 30 pounds per
person,while the figure for pork fluctuated between 50 and 40 pounds
per person.Turkey was by far the least popular meat,with figure below
10 pounds per capita each year.

By 2012,the amount of beef consumed by the average American had

plummeted to around 50 pounds per person per year,but the
consumption of broilers had doubled since the 1970s,to approximately
55 pounds per capita.By contrast,there were no significant changes in
the trend for pork and turkey consumption over the period.

People’s opinions differ as to whether or not school children should be

given homework.While there are some strong arguments against the
setting of homework,I still believe that it is a necessary aspect of
There are several reasons why people might argue that homework is an
unnecessary burden on children.Firstly,there is evidence to support the
idea that homework does nothing to improve educational
outcomes.Countries such as Finland,where school children are not
given homework,regularly outperform nations where setting homework
is the norm.Secondly,many parents would agree that the school day is
already long enough,and leaves their children too tired to do further
study when they return home.Finally,it is recognised that play time is
just as beneficial to study time from the perspective of brain

In spite of the above arguments,I support the view that homework has
an important role to play in the schooling of children.The main benefit
of homework is that it encourages independent learning and problem
solving,as children are challenged to work through tasks alone and at
their own pace.In doing so,students must apply the knowledge that
they learnt in the classroom.For example,by doing mathematics
exercises at home,students consolidate their inderstanding of the
concepts taught by their teacher at school.In my view,it is important for
children to develop an independent study habit because this prepares
them to work alone as adults.

These charts show the energy consumption of an average Australian

household and how proportion of emitting greenhouse gas in each type
of active.
First,the biggest differences are using heating and other
appliances,related to 42% and 15%,but they going up side down in gas
emittions,which is 15% and 28%.

One important stage in a child’s grown is certainly the development of

a conscience,which is linked to the ability to tell right from wrong.This
skill comes with time and good parenting,and my firm conviction is that
punishment does not have much role to play in this.Therefore I have to
disagree almost entirely with the given statement.
To some extent the question depends on the age of the child.To punish
the very young child is both wrong and foolish,as an infant will not
understand what is happening or why he or she is being punished.Once
the age reason is reached however,a child can be for good behaviour
and discouraged from bad.This kind but firm approach will achieve
more than harsh punishments,which might entail many negative
consequences unintended by the parents.

To help a child learn the difference between right and wrong,teachers

and parents should firstly provide good role modelling in their
behaviour.After that,sanctions are needed,the punishment should not
be of a physical nature,as that merely send the message that it is
acceptable for larger people to hit smaller ones-an outcome which may
well result in the child starting to bully others.Nor should the
punishment be anyway cruel.

Rather,teachers and parents can use a variety of methods to discipline

their young charges.Making the punishment fit the crime is a useful
notion,which would see children being made to pick up rubbish they
have dropped,clean up graffiti they have drawn,or appologise to
someone they have hurt.In these ways responsibility is developed in
their child,which leads to much better future behaviour than does

The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans on

mobile and landline phone services from 2001 to 2010.

It is clear that spending on landline phones fell steadily over the 10-year
period,while mobile phone expenditure rose quickly.The year 2006
marks the point at which expenditure on mobile services overtook that
for residential phone services.

In 2001,US consumers spent an average of nearly 700$ on residential

phone services,compared to only around 200$ on cell phone
services.Over the following five years,average yearly spending on
landlines dropped by nearly 200$.By contrast,expenditure on mobiles
rose by approximately 300$.

In the year 2006,the average American paid out the same amount of
money on both types of phone services,spending just over 500$ on
each.By 2010,expenditure on mobile phones had reached around
750$,while the figure for spending on residential services had fallen to
just over half this amount.
People have different views about whether government should
introduce a maximum wage.While in some ways it may seem
reasonable to allow people to earn as much as companies are willing to
pay,I personally believe that employee remuneration should be capped
at a certain level.

There are various reasons why it might be considered beneficial to

allow people to be paid extremely high salaries.If companies offer
excellent pay packages,they can attract the most talented people in
their field to work for them.For example,technology companies like
Google are able to employ the best programers because of the huge
sums that they are willing to pay.Furthermore,these well-paid
employees are highly motivated to work hard and therefore drive their
business successfully.In theory,this should result in a thriving economy
and increased tax revenues,which means that paying high salaries
benefits everyone.

However,I agree with those who argue that there should be a

maximum wage.By introducing a limit on earnings,the pay gap between
bosses and employees can be reduced.Currently,the difference
between normal and top salaries is huge,and this can demotivate
workers who feel that the situation is unfair.With lower excutive
salaries,it might become feasible to introduce higher minimum
wages,and everybody should be better off.One consequence of greater
equality could be that poverty and crime rates fall because the general
population will experience an improved standard of living.
In conclusion,it seems to me that it would be better,on balance,for
governments to set a limit on the wag of the highest earners in society.

The line graph compares the percentage of people aged 65 or more in

three countries over a period of 100 years.

It is clear that the proportion of elderly people increases in each

country between 1940 and 2040.Japan is expected to see the most
dramatic change in its elderly population.

In 1940,around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over,compared to

about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people.The
proportions of elderly people in the USA and Sweden rose gradually
over the next 50 years,reaching just under 15% in 1990.By contrast,the
figures for Japan remained below 5% until the early 2000s.

Looking into the future,a sudden increase in the percentage of elderly

people is predicted for Japan,with a jump of over 15% in just 10 years
from 2030 to 2040.By 2040,it is thought that around 27% of the
Japanese population will be 65 years old or more,while the figures for
Sweden and USA will be slightly lower,at about 25% and 23%

People have different views about how much choices student should
have with regard to what they can study in the university.While some
argue that it would be better for students to be forced into certain key
subject areas,I believe that everyone should be able to study the course
of their choice.

There are various reasons why people believe that universities should
only offer subjects that will be useful in the future.They may assert that
University courses like medicine,engineering and information
technology are more likely beneficial than certain art degrees.From a
personal perspective,it can be argued that these courses provide more
job opportunities,career progression,better salaries,and therefore an
improved quality of life for students who take them.On the societal
level,by forcing people to choose particular university
subjects,governments can ensure that any knowledge and skill gaps in
the economy are covered.Finally,a focus on technology in higher
education could lead to new inventions,economic growth,and greater
future prosperity.

In spite of these arguments,I believe that university students should be

free to choose their preferred areas of study.In my opinion,society will
benefit more if our students are passionate about what they are
learning.Besides,nobody can really predict which areas of knowledge
will be most useful to society in the future.

Inconclusion,althoug it may seem sensible for universities to focus only

on the most useful subjects,I personally prefer the current system in
which people have the right to study whatever they like.
The pie charts compare visitor’s responses to a survey about customer
service at the P Hotel in 2005 and in 2010.

It is clear that overall customer satisfaction increased considerably from

2005 to 2010.While most hotel guests rated customer service as
satisfactory or poor in 2005,a lear majority described the hotel service
as good or excellent in 2010.

visitors rated its customer service as excellent,but this figure rose to

28% in 2010.Furthermore,while only 14% of guests described customer
service in the hotel as good in 2005,almost three times as many people
gave this rating 5 years later in 2010.

With regard to negative feedback,the proportion of guests who

considered the hotel’s service to be poor fell from 21% in 2005 to only
12% in 2010.Similarly,the proportion of people who thought customer
service was very poor dropped from 15% to 4% over the 5-year
period.Finally,a fall in the number of “satisfactory” ratings in 2010
reflects the fact that more people gave positive responses to the

People having different views with regard to the question of how to

make our road safer.In my view,both punishments and a range of other
measures can be used together to promote better driving habit.
On the one hand,strict punishments can certainly help to encourage
people to drive more safely.Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a
deterrent,meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence.There
are various types of driving penalty,such as small fines,license
suspension,driver awareness courses,and even prison sentence.The ain
of these punishments is to show dangerous driver that their actions
have negative consequences.As a result,we should hope that drivers
become more discipline and alert,and that they follow the rules more

On the other hand,I believe that safe driving can be promoted in

several different ways that do not punish drivers.Firstly,it is vitally
important to educate people properly before they start to drive,and
this could be done in schools or even as part of a driving
test.Secondly,more attention could be paid to safe road design.For
example,signs can be used to warn people,speed bumps can be added
to calm traffic,and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving
to quickly.Finally,governments and local councils could reduce road
accidents by investing in better public transport,which would mean that
fewer people to need to travel by car.

In conclusion,while punishments can help to prevent bad driving,I

believe that other road safety measures should also be introduced.

The pie charts give information about the water used for
residential,industrial and agriculture purposes in San,Cali,and the world
as a whole.
It is noticeable that more water is consumed by homes than by
industries or agriculture in the two American regions.By
contrast,agriculture accounts for the vast majority of water used

In San Diego and Cali,residential water consumption accounts for 66%

and 39% of total water usage.By contrast,a mere 8% of water used
globally goes to homes.The opposite trend can be seen when we look
at water consumption for agriculture.This accounts for a massive 69%
of global water used,but only 17% and 28% used in S and C respectively.

Such dramatic differences are not seen when we compare the figures
for industrial water use.The same proportion of water(23%) is used by
industry in S and worldwide,while the figure for Cali is 10% higher,at

People have different views about how goverments should measure

their countries’ progress.While economic progress is of course
essential,I agree with those who believe that other measures of
progress are just as important.

There are three key reasons why economic growth is seen as

fundamental goal for countries.Firstly,a healthy economy results in job
creation,a high level of employment,and better salaries for all
citizens.Secondly,economic progress ensures that more money is
available for governments to spend on infrastructure and public
services.For example,a government with higer revenues can invest in
the country’s transport network,its education system and its
hospitals.Finally,a strong economy can help a country’s standing on the
global stage,in terms of its political influence and trading power.

However,I would argue that various other forms of progress are just as
significant as the economic factors mentioned above.In particular,we
should consider the area of social justice,human rights,equality and
democratic itself.For example,the treatment of minority groups is often
seen as a reflection of the moral standards and level of development of
a society.Perhaps another key consideration when judging the progress
of a modern country should be how well that country protects the
natural environment,and whether it is moving towards environmental
sustainability.Alternatively,the success of a nation could be measured
by looking at the health,well-being and happiness of its residents.

In conclusion,the economy is obviously a key marker of a country’s

success,but social,environmental and health criteria are equally

The chart shows population figures for four countries from 1990 to
2000 and projected growth for 2020 and 2050.

The country with the lowest population and the lowest projected
growth rate is NZ with 3.4m in 1990 rising to 3.8m in 2000 and
expected to increase to 4.7m in 2050.The US has a similar growth rate
but a much larger population,starting at 249.9m in 1990,reaching
275.1m in 2000 and anticipated to increase by almost 100m in 2050.

Canada’s population rose from 26.6m to 31.0m from 1990 to 2000 and
is expected to increase by 50% from where it was in 1990 by 2050.The
highest growth rate occurs in Australia where population grew by 2.1m
to reach 19.2m in 2000 and is predicted to reach 26m by 2050.

Overall,the countries represented had,and are forecast to have,fairly

stable rate of growth over the time period although their total
populations differ markedly.

With communication technology constantly developing,working from

home has become a reality for many workers,which some would argue
only benefits employees.However,I disagree with this argument for
several reasons.

Keeping office down is a key benefit to having the staff work from
home.For instance,the cost of paying rent or even a mortgage on office
space can be saved when employees work from home.Likewise,the day
to day running cost of an office can all be kept to minimum when staffs
are based at home.

Maintaining low staff stress level is the key to increasing productivity in

the workplace,and working from home has been proven to increase or
maintain worker productivity while facilitating higher level of
happiness.This is due to the fact that employees feel trusted with the
responsibility of managing their own time and tasks without the need
for a supervisor monitoring their performance.This,coupled with the
flexibility that those who work from home can have,all contributes to
worker wellbeing and satisfaction.

There is also evidences to suggest that allowing employees to work

from home actually help employers to retain staff,which is a definite
advantage.Provided with the flexibility of working from home,staff
remain loyal and committed to the company which is a valuable aspect
of any organisation’s human resource.

To sum up,I disagree with the idea that working from home represent a
draw back for employers,for the reasons stated above.

The pie charts compare the proportions of people falling into three
distinct age groups in Yemen and Italy in two different years.
It is clear that Italy had the older population in the year 2000,and the
same is predicted for the year 2050.The populations of both countries
are expected to age over the period.
In the year 2000,just over half of the population of Yemen was aged 14
or under,while most Italians(61.6%) fell into the 15-59 age group,and
only 14.3% were children under 15 years old.People aged 60 or over
accounted for almost a quarter of Italian population,but only 3.6% of
the inhabitants of Yemen.
By 2050,the proportion of children under 15 is predicted to drop in
both countries,most noticeably in Yemen where the figure is expected
to fall by 13.1%.On the other hand,the figures for elderly people are
expected to rise,by 2.1% in Yemen and a massive 18.2% in Italy.Finally,it
is anticipated that the 15 to 59 age group will grow bu around 10% in
Yemen,but shrink by around 15% in Italy.

People have different views about whether we are more or less

dependent on others nowadays.In my view,modern life forces us to be
more independent than people were in the past.

There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more
dependent on each other now.Firstly,life is more complex and
difficult,especially because the cost of living has increased so
dramatically.For example,young adults tend to rely on their parents for
help when buying a house.Property prices are higher than ever,and
without help it would be impossible for many people to pay a deposit
and a mortgage.Secondly,people seem to be more ambitious
nowadays,and they want a better quality of life for their families.This
means that both parents usually need to work full-time,and they
depend on support from grandparents and babysitters for childcare.
However,I would agree with those who believe that people are more
independent these days.In most countries,families are becoming
smaller and more dispersed,which means that people cannot count on
relatives as much as they used to.We also have more freedom to travel
and live far away from our home towns.For example,many students
choose to study abroad instead of going to their local university,and
this experience makes them more independent as they learn to live
alone.Another factor in this growing independence is technology,which
allows us to work alone and from any part of the world.
Inconclusion,while there are some reasons to believe that people now
depend on each other more,my own view is that we are more
independent than ever.

Some people have different view about the funding of creative

artists.While some people disagree with the idea of government
support for artists,I believe that money for art projects come from both
government and other sources.

Some art projects definitely require help from the state.In the UK,there
are many works of art in public spaces,such as streets or squares in city
centers.These artworks represent culture,heritage and history.They
serve to educate people about the city,and act as landmarks or talking
points for visitors and tourists.Governments and local councils should
pay creative artists to produce this kind of art,because without their
funding our cities would be much less interesting and attractive.

On the other hand,I can understand the arguments against government

funding for art.The main reason for this view is that governments have
more important concerns.For example,state budgets need to be spent
on education,healthcare,infrastructure and security,among other
areas.These public services are vital for a country to function
properly,whereas the work of creative art,even in public spaces,is a
luxury.Another reason for this opinion is that artists do a job like any
other professional,and they should therefore earn their own money by
selling their work.
In conclusion,there are good reasons why artists should rely on
alternative sources of financial support,but in my opinion government
help is sometimes necessary.

It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on

animals before they are cleared for human use.While I tend towards
the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong,I would have to
support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the
development of medicines.
On the one hand,there are clear ethical arguments against animal
experimentation.To use a common example of these
practices,laboratory mice may be given an illness so that the
effectiveness of a new drug can be measured.Opponents of such
researchs argue that humans have no right to subject animals to this
kind of trauma,and the lives of all creatures must be respected.They
believe that the benefits to humans do not justified the suffering
caused,and that scientists shuold use alternative research methods.
On the other hand,reliable alternatives to animal experimentation may
not always be available.Supporters of the use of animals in medical
research believe that a certain amount of suffering on a part of mice or
rats can be justified if human lives are saved.They argue that opponents
of such research might feel differently if a member of their own families
needed a medical treatment that had been developed through the use
of animal experimentation.Personally,I agree with the banning of
animal testing for non-medical product,but I feel that it may be
necessary where new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.
The pie charts compare the expenditure of a school in the UK in three
different years over a 20-year period.

It is clear that teachers’ salaries made up the largest proportion of the

school’s spending in all three years.By contrast,insurance was the
smallest cost in each year.

In 1981,40% of the school’s budget went on teachers’ salaries.This

figure rose to 50% in 1991,but fell again by 5% in 2001.The proportion
of spending on other workers’ wages fell steadily over the period,from
28% of the budget in 1981 to only 15% in 2001.

Expenditure on insurance stood at only 2% of the total in 1981,but

reach 8% in 2001.Finally,the percentage for resources and furniture
fluctuated.The figure for resources was highest in 1991,at 20%,and
spending on funiture reached its peak in 2001,at 23%.

People have different views about the role and function of museum.In
my opinion,museums can and should be both entertaining and
On the one hand,it can be argued that the main role of the museum is
to entertain.Museums are tourist attractions,and their aim is to exhibit
a collection of interesting objects that many people still want to
see.The average visitors may become bored if he or she has to read or
to listen too much educational contents,so museums often put more
emphasis on enjoyment rather than learning.This type of museum is
designed to be visually spectacular,and may have interactive activities
or even games as part of its exhibitions.

On the other hand,some people argue that museums should focus on

education.The aim of any exhibition should be to teach visitors
something that they do not previously know.Usually this means that
the history behind the museum’s exhibition needs to be explained,and
this can be done in various ways.Some museums employ professional
guides to talk to their visitors,while other museums offer headsets so
that visitors can listen to detailed documentary about the exhibition.In
this was,museums can play an important role in teaching people about
history,culture,science and many other aspects of life.

In conclusion,it seems to me that a good museum should be able to

offer an interesting,enjoyable and educational experience so that
people can have fun and learn something at the same time.

Salmon begin life as eggs on a pebble riverbed,hidden among reeds in

the slow-moving upper reaches of a river.After five to six months the
eggs hatch into “fry”.For approximately the next four years,these baby
salmons will live in the lower,faster-flowing waters of the river.During
this time they measure between 3-8 centimetres in length.

By the time the salmon reach 12-15 centimetres,they are termed

“smolt”,and at this time they migrate further downriver into the open
sea.After five years at sea the salmon will have grown to adult
size,which is between 70-76 centimetres.They then begin swimming
back to their birthplace,where they will lay their eggs,and the cycle
starts new.

In summary,the salmon passes through three distince physical stages as

it grows to maturity.Each of these stages takes place in a very different
aquatic location.It is noteworthy that the first two stages of this fish’s
life occur in a fresh water environment,while the third stage is lived in

The table compares two primary schools in terms of the proportions of

their pupils who experienced seven educational problems in the year
2005 and 2015.

It is noticeable that school A had higher proportions of children with all

seven educational difficulties in both years.However,while school A
managed to reduce the incidence of most of the problems between
2005 and 2015,school B saw an overall rise in the percentage of
children who were struggling.

In 2005,42% of school A pupils found it difficult to follow

instructions,whereas only 6% of pupils in school B experienced this
problem.Similarly,between 30 to 40 percent of children attending
school A had problems in the areas of spelling,listening,verbal
expression and concentration in lessons,while the equivalent figures for
school B stood at between 5 to 15 percent.
In 2015,the different between two schools was less
pronounced.Notably,the proportion of children who struggled to follow
instructions fell by 24% in school A,and this school also saw falls of
22%,15%,14% and 5% in the figures for children who had problems with
concentration,listening,verbal expression and spelling.In school
B,however,the proportion of children who struggled with spelling and
following instructions doubled,to 10% and 12% respectively,and there
was almost no change in the incidence of listening,verbal or
concentration problems.

When they finish school,teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get

a job or continue their education.While there are some benefits to
getting a job straight after school,I would argue that it is better to go to
college or university.

The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several
reasons.Many young people want to start earning money as soon as
possible.In this way,they can become independent,and they will be able
to afford their own house or start a family.In terms of their
career,young people who decide to find work,rather than countinue
their studies,may progress more quickly.They will have the chance to
gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen
profession.This may lead to promotions and a succesful career.

On the other hand,I believe that it is more benefical for students to

continue their studies.Firstly,academic qualifications are required in
many professions.For example,it is impossible to become a
doctor,teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree.As a
result,university graduates have access to more and better job
opportunities,and they tend to earn higher salaries than those with
fewer qualifications.Secondly,the job market is becoming increasingly
more competitive,and sometimes there are hundred of applicants for
one position in the company.Young people who do not have
qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete.

For the reasons mentioned above,it seems to me that students are

more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their
studies beyond school level.

The tables show the amount of money spent on fair-trade coffee and
bananas in two separate years in 5 European countries.

It is clear that sales of fairtrade coffee rose in all five EU countries from
1999 to 2004,but sales of fairtrade bananas only went up in three out
of five countries.Overall,the UK saw by far the highest level of spending
on the two products.

In 1999,Switzerland had the highest sales of coffee,at 3 million,while

revenue from fairtrade bananas was highest in the UK,at 15 million.By
2004,however,sales of fairtrade coffee in the UK had risen to 20
million,and this was over three times higher than Switzerland’s sales
figure for coffee that year.The year 2004 also saw dramatic increases in
the money spent on bananas in the UK nad Switzerland,with revenues
rising by 32 million and 4.5 million respectively.
Sales of the two products were far lower in Denmark,Belgium and
Sweden.Small increases in sales of coffee can be seen,but revenue
remained at 2 million or below in all three countries in both
years.Finally,it is noticeable that the money spent on bananas actually
fell in Belgium and Sweden.

It is true that some minority languages may disappear in the near

future.Although it can be argued that government could save money by
allowing this to happen,I believe that these languages should be
protected and preserved.

There are several reasons why saving minority languages could be seen
as a waste of money.Firstly,if a language is only spoken by a small
number of people,expensive education programmes will be needed to
make sure that more people learn it,and the state will have to pay for
facilities,teachers and marketing.This money might be better spent on
other public services.Secondly,it would be much cheaper and more
efficient for countries to have just one language.Goverment could cut
all kind of costs related to communicating with each minority groups.

Despite the above arguments,I believe that governments should try to

preserve languages that are less widely spoken.A language is much
more than simply a mean of communicationl;it has a vital connection
with the cultural identity of the people who speak it.If a language
disappears,a whole way of life will disappear with it,and we will lose the
rich cultural diversity that makes societies more interesting.By spending
money to protect minority languages,governments can also preserve
traditions,customs and behaviours that are part of a country’s history.
In conclusion,it may save money in the short term if we allow minority
languages to disappear,but in the long term this would have an
extremely negative impact on our cultural heritage.

The chart compares the amounts of waste that were produced in six
countries in the years 1980,1990,and 2000.

In each of these years,the US produced more waste than any other

countries combined.It is also noticeable that Korea was the only
country that managed to reduce its waste output by the year 2000.

Between 1980 and 2000,waste production in the US rose from 131 to

192 million tonnes,and rising trends were also seen in Japan,Poland and
Portugal.Japan’s waste output increased from 28 to 53 million
tonnes,while Poland and Portugal saw waste totals increase from 4 to
6.6 and from 2 to 5 tonnes respectively.

The trends for Ireland and Korea were noticeably different from those
described above.In Ireland,waste production increased more than
eightfold,from only 0.6 million tonnes in 1980 to 5 million tonnes in
2000.Korea,by contract,cut its waste output by 12 million tonnes
between 1990 and 2000.

Some people believe that technological developments lead to the loss

of traditional cultures.I partly agree with this assertion,while it may be
true in the case of some societies,others seem to be unaffected by
technology and the modern world.

On the one hand,the advances in technology that have driven

industrialisation in developed countries have certainly contributed to
the disappearance of traditional ways of life.For example,in pre-
industrial Britain,generations of families grew up in the same small
village communities.These communities had a strong sense of
identity,due to their shared customs and beliefs.However,development
in transport,communications and manufacturing led to the dispersal of
families and village communities as people moved to the cities in
search of work.Nowadays most British villages are inhabited by

On the other hand,in some parts of the world traditional cultures still
thrive.There are tribes in Amazon forest,for example,that have been
completely untouched by the technological developments of the
developed world.These tribal communities countinue to hunt and
gather food from the forest,and traditional skills are passed on to their
children.Other traditional cultures,such as farming communities are
embracing communication technologies.Mobile phones give farmers
access to information,from weather predictions to market prices,which
help them to prosper and therefore supports their cultures.

The table compares the numbers of people who cycled to work in

twelve areas of the UK in the years 2001 and 2011.
Overall,the number of UK commuters who travelled to work by bicycle
rose considerably over the 10-year period.Inner London had by far the
highest number of cycling commuters in both years.

In 2001,well over 43 thousand residents of Inner London commuted by

bicycle,and this figure rose to more than 106 thousand in 2011,an
increase of 144%.By contrast,although Outer London had the second
highest number of cycling commuters in each year,the percentage
change,at only 45%,was the lowest of twelve ares shown in the table.

B and H saw the second biggest increase(109%) in the number of

residents cycling to work,but B was the UK’s second city in terms of
total numbers of cycling commuters,with 8108 in 2001 and 15768 in
2011.Figures for other eight areas were below the 10 thousand mark in
both years.

Some people argue that we no longer remember the original meaning

of festivals,and that most of us treat them as opportunities to have
fun.While I agree that enjoyment seem to be the priority during
festivals,I do not agree that people have forgotten what these festivals

On the one hand,religious and traditional festivals have certainly

become times for celebration.In the UK,Christmas is a good example of
festival period when people are most concerned with shopping,giving
and receiving presents,decorating their homes and enjoying traditional
meals with their families.Most people look forward to Christmas as a
holiday period,rather than a time to practise religion.Similar behaviour
can be seen during non-religious festivals.Enjoyment is people’s
primary goals.

However,I disagree with the idea that the underlying meaning of such
festivals has been forgotten.In many primary schools,children learn in
detail about the religious reasons for celebrating Christmas,Easter and
a variety of festivals.Families also play a role in passing knowledge of
religious festivals on to the next generation.The same is true for
festivals that have a historical background,in the sense that people
generally learn the stories behind these occasions at an early age.

The table compares the percentage of people using different functions

of their mobile phones between 2006 and 2010.

Throughout the period shown,the main reason why people used their
mobile phones was to make calls.However,there was a marked increase
in the popularity of other mobile phone features,particularly the
Internet search feature.

In 2006,100% of mobile phone users used their phones to make

calls,while the next most popular functions were text messaging and
taking photos.By contrast,less than 20% of owners played games or
music on their phones,and there were no figures for users doing
Internet searches or recording video.
Over the following four years,there was relatively little change in the
figures for the top three mobile phone features.However,the
percentage of people using their phones to access the Internet jumped
to 41% in 2008 and then to 73% in 2010.There was also a significant rise
in the use of mobiles to play games and to record video,with figures
reaching 41% and 35% respectively in 2010.

In recent years,extreme sports have become increasingly popular,and

some people argue that governments should prohibit them.I
completely disagree with the idea that these sports are too
dangerous,and I therefore believe that they should not be banned.

In my opinion,so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous as people

think.All sports involve some element of risk,and there should always
be clear regulations and safety procedures to reduce the possibility of
accidents.People who take part in extreme sports are usually required
to undergo appropriate training so that the dangers are minimised.For
example,anyone who wants to try skydiving will need to sign up for
lessons with a registered club,and beginners are not allowed to dive
solo,they must be accompanied by an experienced
professional.Finally,the protective equipment and technology used in
sports from motor racing to mountain climbing is constantly improving

While I support regulations and safety measures,I believe that it would

be wrong,and almost impossible,to ban extreme sports.In the first
place,we should all be free to decide how we spend our leisure times,as
long as we understand the risk,I do not believe that politicians should
stop us from enjoying ourselves.However,an argument against such a
ban would be difficulty of enforcing it.

In conclusion,I would argue that people should be free to enjoy

extreme sports as long as they understand the risks and take the
appropriate precautions.

The table shows percentages of costumer expenditure for three

categories of products and services in five countries in 2002.

It is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each

country went on food.On the other hand,the education category has
the lowest percentage in the table.

Out of the five countries,consumer spending on food was noticeably

higher in Turkey,at 32%,and Ireland,nearly 29%.The proportion of
spending on leisure and education was also highest in Turkey,at
4.5%,while expenditure on clothing was significantly higher in Italy,at
9%,than any other countries.

It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentage of national

consumer expenditure for food and for clothing,at nearly 16% and over
5% respectively.Spain had slightly higher figures for these
categories,but the lowest figure for education,at only 2%.
Businesses have always sought to make profit,but it is becoming
increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations
that companies have.I completely agree with the idea that businesses
should do more for society than simply make money.

On the one hand,I accept that businesses must make money in order to
survive in a competitive world.It seems logical that the priority of any
company should be cover its running costs,such as employees’ wages
and payments for buildings and utilities.On top of these
costs,companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if
they wish to remain successful.If a company is unable to pay its billsor
meet the changing needs of customers,any concerns about social
responsibilities become irrelevant.In other words,a company can only
make positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.

On the other hand,companies should not be run with the sole aim if
maximising profits,they have a wilder role to play in society.One social
obligation is to treat employees well,rather than exploiting them.I also
like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to
support local charities,environmental projects or education
initiatives.Finally,I believe that company bosses should be happy to
contribute to society through the tax system.

In conclusion,I believe that companies should place as much

importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial
The table gives information about poverty rates among six types of
household in Australia in the year 1999.

It is noticable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than
for couples,and people with children were more likely to be poor than
those without.Poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly

Overall,11% of Australians were living in poverty in 1999.Aged people

were the least likely to be poor,with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for
single aged people and aged couples respectively.

Just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty,whereas only
12% of parents living with a partner were classed as poor.The same
pattern can be seen for people with no children:while 19% of single
people in this group were living below the poverty line,the figure for
couples were much lower,at only 7%.

Some people argued that it is pointless to spend money on the

protection of wild animals because humans have no need for them.I
completely disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion,it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in

the 21st century.I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the
benefit of humans.Furthermore,there is no compelling reason why we
should let animals die out.We do not need to exploit or destroy every
last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world’s
population.There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild
animals,and this should be our aim.

I also disagree with the idea that protecting wild animals is a waste of
resources.It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures
the survival of animals,and most scientists agree that these habitats are
also crucial for human development.For example,rainforests produce
oxygen,absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate.If we
destroyed these areas,the costs of managing the resulting changes
would far outweight the costs of reservation.By protecting wild animals
and their habitats,we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.

In conclusion,we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals

should exist,and I believe that we should do everything we can to
protect them.

Behemoth,behemoth:con vat to lon,behemoth

Bestial,bestial,bestial:doc ac,da man,bestial

Saurian,saurian,saurian:than lan
Vulpine,vulpine:t.xao quet,vulpine:t.xao quet,vulpine:t.xao quet
Ambiguous,ambiguous:t.nhap nhang,ambiguous:t.nhap nhang
Atonement:s.chuoc loi,atonement,atonement:s.chuoc loi
Bicameral,bicameral:t.luong vien,bicameral:t.luong vien
Decimate:tan sat,decimate,decimate:tan sat
Dichotomy:s.luong phan,dichotomy,dichotomy:s.luong phan
Double-think:s.ba phai,double-think,double-think:s.ba phai
Nihilism,nihilism:s.vo chinh phu,nihilism
Penultimate:t.ap chot,penultimate:t.ap chot,penultimate
Primeval:t.nguyen thuy.primeval,primeval:t.nguyen thuy
Quintessence:s.tinh tuy,quintessence,quintessence:s.tinh tuy
Adjudicate:xet xu,adjudicate,adjudicate:xet xu
Appellate,appellate:t.khang an,appellate,appellate
Collusion:s.thong dong,collusion,collusion:s.thong dong
Deposition:cung khai,s.phe truat,deposition,deposition:cung khai,s.phe
Equity:s.cong bang,vo tu,equity,equity:s.cong bang,vo tu,equity
Ipso facto:tu minh,ipso facto,ipso facto:tu minh
Perjury:s.khai man,perjury,perjury:s.khai man
Tribunal:toa an,tribunal,tribunal
Circumspect:t.than trong,circumspect,circumspect
Dispassionate:t.binh than,dispassionate,dispassionate
Dolorous:t.dau buon,dolorous,dolorous
Edacious:t.tham an,edacious,edacious:t.tham an
Effete:t.kiet suc,effete,effete:t.kiet suc
Feisty:t.nong nay,feisty,feisty:t.nong nay
Flippant:t.suong sa,flippant,flippant
Glabrous:t.nhan nhui,glabrous,glabrous
Ingenious:t.tai tri,ingenious,ingenious:t.tai tri
Intractable,intractable,intractable:t.kho bao
Intransigent,intransigent,intransigent:t.khong khoan nhuong
Arcane,arcane,arcane:t.bi mat
Conundrum,conundrum,conundrum:cau do
Inscrutable:t.bi hiem,inscrutable,inscrutable:t.bi hiem
Purloin:an cap,purloin,purloin:an cap,purloin,purloin,purloin
Shamus:tham tu,shamus,shamus
Soothsayer,soothsayer,soothsayer:thay boi
Thaumaturgy,thaumaturgy,thaumaturgy:phep than thong
Amplitude,amplitude:bien do,amplitude:bien do
Elfin:t.yeu tinh,elfin,elfin
Minutiae,minutiae,minutiae:nhung chi tiet vun vat
Peccadillo,peccadillo,peccadillo:loi nho
Teeming:t.thua thai,teeming,teeming:t.day,thua thai
Conclave:buoi hop kin,conclave
Draconian:t.ha khac,draconian:t.ha khac,draconian:t.ha khac
Epicurean:t.huong lac,epicurean,epicurean:t.huong lac
Gossamer:t.mong nhe,gossamer,gossamer
Immolate:cung te,immolate,immolate:cung te
Junket:bua tiec,cuoc vui
Ostracism,ostracism:s.tay chay,ostracism:s.tay chay
Proletariat,proletariat,proletariat:vo san
Rigmarole:s.huyen thuyen,rigmarole,rigmarole
Rubric:de muc,rubric:title,rubric:title
Sycophant,sycophant,sycophant:ke ninh hot
Abhor,abhor,abhor:cam ghet
Acrophobia,acrophobia,acrophobia:s.so do cao
Anathema,anathema,anathema:loi nguyen
Bibliophile:nguoi ham sach,bibliophile,bibliophile:nguoi ham sach
Misanthropy,misanthropy,misanthropy,misanthropy:long han doi
Philately:s.suu tam tem,philately,philately:s.suu tam tem
Philistine,philistine,philistine:ke pham tuc
Gynecology:khoa san,gynecology,gynecology:khoa san
Oncology:ung thu hoc,oncology,oncology:ung thu hoc
Paleontology,paleontology,paleontology:co sinh vat hoc
Pathology:benh hoc,pathology,pathology:benh hoc

The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste

output between the years 2000 and 2015.

It is clear that there were significant changes in the amount of waste

produced by all three companies shown on the graph.While companies
A and B saw waste outputs fall over the period,the amount of waste
produced by company C increased considerably.

In 2000,company A produced 12 tonnes of waste,while companies B

and C produced about 8 and 4 tonnes respectively.Over the following 5
years,the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2
tonnes,but the figure for company A fell by approximately 3 tonnes.

From 2005 to 2015,company A cut waste production by roughly 3

tonnes,and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes.By
contrast,company C saw an increase in waste production of
approximately over 4 tonnes over the same 10-year-period.By
2015,company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes,while the
respective amount of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8
tonnes and only 3 tonnes.

Cities are often seen as places of opportunities,but there are also some
major drawbacks of living in a large metropolis.In my
opinion,governments could do much more to improve city life for
average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hope to migrate to a big city is that
the cost of living is likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or
village.Inhabitants of cities have to pay higher price for
housing,transport,and even food.Another issue is that urban areas tend
to suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in
comparison with rural areas.Furthermore,the air quality in cities is
often poor,due to pollution from traffic,and the streets and public
transport systems are usually overcrowded.As a result,city life can be
unhealthy and stressful.

However,there are various steps that governments could take to tackle

these problems.Firstlt,they could invest money in the building of
affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of
living.Secondly,politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city
centres and promote the use of cleaner public transport,which would
help to reduce both air pollution and traffic congestion.In London,for
example,the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has helped
to curve the traffic problems.A third option would be to develop
provincial towns and rural areas,by moving industry and jobs to those
regions,in order to reduce the pressure on major cities.

In conclusion,governments could certainly implement a range of

measures to enhance the quality of life for all city residents.
Dilettante:ke nghiep du,dilettante,dilettante:ke nghiep du
Jejune:t.te nhat,jejune,jejune:t.te nhat
Sad to say,he took an exciting theme and turned it into a jejune story
that put us all to sleep.

Libidinous:t.dam dang,libidinous,libidinous:t.dam dang

The comic’s libidinous patter was censored by the cautious sponsor
before it ever got on the air.

Licentious:t.bua bai,dam dang,licentious,licentious

Mercurial:t.lanh loi,mercurial:t.hoat bat,lanh loi,mercurial:t.hoat

bat,lanh loi,hay thay doi
Since my boss is a man of mercurial moods,we never what to expect
from him.

Meretricious:t.dep ma,hao nhoang,meretricious:t.dep ma,hao nhoang

Minatory:t.de doa,minatory,minatory:t.de doa

Out flight attendant assured the obnoxious passenger that he could be
arrested for his minatory remarks.

Mutable:t.hay thay doi,mutable,mutable:t.hay thay doi

As politicians often find out,the electorate can be most mutable.

Nonchalant:t.tho o,nonchalant,nonchalant:t.ho hung

J’s seemingly nonchalant manner is actualle a cover-up for his

The firemen began to gasp as they got a whiff of the noxiou gas.

Obdurate:t.ngoan co,obdurate,obdurate:t.ngoan co
Despite many pleas from his supporters,the general remained obdurate
in his refusal to run for the presidency.

Her husband’s obtuse behaviour proved a constant embarrassment to

Officious:t.lang xang,nhieu su,officious,officious

The room was filled with officious bureaucrats who were doing their
best to frustrate the public.

When we are young we pester our parents with questions because we
believe they are omniscient.

Pusillanimous,pusillanimous:t.nhat gan,pusillanimous
Amicus curiae,amicus curiae,amicus curiae:co van phien toa,amicus

Arson:s.dot pha,arson,arson
The fire marshall characterized the case as arson.

Barrister:luat su,barrister,barrister:luat su
He called upon the finest barrister in London to defend him.

Embezzle,embezzle,embezzle:bien thu
The treasurer of our union tried to embezzle pension funds but he was
caught and punished.

Extradition:s.dan do,extradition,extradition:s.dan do

Immaterial:t.ko quan trong,immaterial,immaterial

What seemed to be serious charges turned out to be quite immaterial.

Incarcerate:tong giam,bo tu,incarcerate,incarcerate:bo tu

The judge threatened to incarcerate anyone who disturbed his court.

Indeterminate,indeterminate:t.vo thoi han,indeterminate:t.vo thoi han

Larceny:ke trom,larceny,larceny:ke trom
Since this is G’s fourth conviction for grand larceny,he will go to jail for

Miscreant:ke vo lai,miscreant:ke pham toi,miscreant

Perpetrator:thu fam,perpetrator,perpetrator:thu pham
Although R was the perpetrator of a cruel hoax,he escaped serious


Avant-garde:nguoi di tien phong,avant-garde,avant-garde

Lord K was an avant-garde economist in the period before WW2.

Bon mot:loi noi di dom,bon mot,bon mot:loi noi di dom

Max was applauded for his bon mot on the talk show.

Cul-de-sac:canh duong cung,cul-de-sac,cul-de-sac:ngo cut,canh duong

cung,cul-de-sac:the be tac
Deus ex machina,deus ex machina,deus ex machina
When things were mighty bleak,J’s rich uncle arrived and turned out to
be the family’s deus ex machina.

Fait accompli:viec da roi,fait accompli,fait accompli

Dad brought home a van,and that fait accompli put an end to our
disscussion as to what kind of car we should by.

Gauche:t.vung ve,gauche,gauche:t.vung ve
Following his gauche behaviour,Arthur was ordered to leave the room.

Mot juste:cau tu chinh xac,mot juste,mot juste:cau tu chinh xac,mot

I was searching for a mot juste but my mind was a blank.

Non compos mentis:t.mat tri,non compos mentis,non compos mentis

Au courant:t.cap nhat,au courant,au courant

Listening to the radio will keep you au courant on the world affairs.
Coiffure:kieu toc,coiffure,coiffure:kieu toc
Mrs D’s elegant coiffure was admired by all the ladies.

Denouement,denouement,denouement:ket cuc
The denouement of the play was so unrealistic that the audience booed

De rigueur,de rigueur,de rigueur:nescessary

Formal clothing was de rigueur at the wedding.

Impasse:the be tac,impasse:s.be tac,impasse:s.be tac

When both sides reached an impasse,a mediator was called to settle
the dispute.

Malaie:s.kho chiu,malaise,malaise:s.kho chiu

I had a sense of malaise about the investment and should have paid
attention to my intuition.

Repartee:s.doi ung,repartee,repartee:s.doi ung

The comedian was noted for his brilliant repartee.

Sangfroid:s.diem tinh,sangfroid,sangfroid:s.diem tinh

E was suspicious of I’s sangfroid because she was normally quite

Tour de force,tour de force,tour de force:thanh cong

Addle:lam roi oc,addle,addle

Ado:s.kho khan,ado,ado:s.kho khan

When all the excitement died down,we could see that it had been
much ado over nothing.

Alms:cua bo thi,alms,alms:cua bo thi

Each morning the monk go seeking alms.

Aperture:lo hong,aperture,aperture:lo hong

The emcee’s tie was askew,but he straightened it just before the show
went on air.


Bilk:quit tien,bilk,bilk:quit tien

The real estate agent protested that he never intended to bilk us out of
our investment.

Blithe:t.vo tu,blithe:t.vo tu,blithe:t.vo tu

N had a blithe way of treating the most depressing facts.

Careen,careen:lat nghien,careen:lat nghieng

We watched the tiny boat careen wildly during the storm.

Parsimony:s.keo kiet,parsimony,parsimony
Grandiose,grandiose,grandiose:t.hung vi
Squander,squander,squander:lang phi
Intercede:hoa giai,intercede,intercede:hoa giai
Lackluster:t.lo do,lackluster,lackluster,lackluster:t.lo do
Censure:phe binh,censure,censure:phe binh
Enthrall:me hoac,enthrall,enthrall:me hoac,enthrall,enthrall
thoi,transience,transience,transience:s.tam thoi

Desiccate:lam kho,desiccate,desiccate:lam kho

Protrusion:s.tho ra,protrusion:s.tho ra,protrusion:s.tho ra
Entice:du do,entice,entice:du do,entice,entice:du do
Baffle:can tro,baffle,baffle
Orthodoxy,orthodoxy,orthodoxy:s.chinh thong
Dank:t.am uot,dank,dank:t.am uot
Limber:t.mem deo,limber,limber:t.mem deo,limber:t.mem deo
Obliquity:s.quanh co,obliquity,obliquity:s.quanh co
Slur:vet nho ban,slur,slur:vet nho ban
Apotheosis:s.ton sung,apotheosis,apotheosis:s.ton sung
Enervate:lam kiet suc,enervate,enervate:lam kiet suc,enervate

The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major

The table compares the six networks in terms of their age,size and the
number of people who use them each year.It is clear that the three
oldest underground systems are larger and serve significantly more
passengers than the newer systems.

The London underground is the oldest system,having opended in

1863.It is also the largest system,with 394 kilometres of route.The
second largest system,in Paris,is only about half the size of the London
underground,with 199 kilometres of route.However,it serves more
people per year.While only third in terms of size,the Tokyo system is
the most used,with 1927 millions passengers per year.
Of the three newer networks,the W Dc underground is the most
extensive,with 126 kilometres of route,compared to only 11 kilometres
and 28km for the Tokyo and L systems.The LA network is the
newest,having opended in 2001,while the Kyoto network is the smallest
and serves only 45 million passengers per year.

It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal,productive members of

society.I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people to
speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to
discourage them from breaking the law.

In my opinion,teenagers are more likely to accept advices from

someone who can speak from experience.Reformed offenders can tell
young people about how they became involved in crime,the dangers of
criminal lifestyle,and what life in prison is really like.They can also
dispel any ideas that teenagers may have about criminal leading
glamorous lives.While adolescents are often indifferent to the guidance
given by older people,I can imagine that most of them would be
extremely keen to hear the stories of an ex-offender.The vivid and
shocking nature of these stories is likely to have powerful impact.

The alternative to using reformed criminals to educate teenagers about

crime would be much less effective.One option would be for police
officers to vist schools and talk to young people.This could be useful in
terms of informing teens about what happens to lawbreakers when
they are caught,but young people are often reluctant to take advice
from figures of authority.A second option would be for school teachers
to speak to their students about crime,but I doubt that students could
see teachers as a credible sources of information about this
topic.Finally,education films might be informative,but there would be
no opportunity for young people to interact and ask questions.

In conclusion,I fully support the view that people who have turned their
lives around after serving a prison sentence coud help from deter
teenagers from committing crimes.

The line graph shows the average monthly amounts that parents in
Britain spent on their children’s sporting activities and the number of
British children who took part in three different sports from 2008 to
It is clear that parents spend more money each year on their children’s
participation in sports over the six-year period.In terms of number of
children taking part,football was significantly more popular than
athletics and swimming.
In 2008,British parents spent and average of around 20$ per month on
their children’s sporting activities.Parents’ spending of children sports
increased gradually over the following six years,and by 2014,the
average monthly amount had risen to just over 30$.

Looking at participation numbers,in 2008 approximately 8 million

children played football,while only 2 million children enrolled in
swimming and less than 1 million practised athletics.The figure for
football participation remained relatively stable over the 6-year
period.By contrast,participation in swimming almost doubled,to nearly
4 million children,and there was a near fivefold increase in the number
of children doing athletics.

It is true that foreign films are more popular in many countries than
domestically produced films.There could be serveral reasons why this is
the case,and I believe that should promote local film-making by
subsiding the industry.

There are various reasons why many people find foreign films more
enjoyable than the films produced in their own countries.Firstly,the
established film industry in certain countries have huge budget for
action,special effects and to shoot scenes in spectacular
locations.Another reason why these big-budget films are so successful
is that they often star the most famous actors and actresses,and they
are made by the most accomplished producers and directors.The poor
quality,low-budget filmmaking in many countries suffer in comparison.

In my view,governments should support local film industries

financially.In every country,there maybe talented film-makers who just
need to be given opportunity to prove themselves.To compete with
big-budget productions from overseas,these people need more money
to pay for crews,actors and a host of other costs related to producing
high-quality films.If governments did help with these costs,they would
see an increase in employment in the film industry,income from film
sales,and perhaps even a rise in tourist numbers.
In conclusion,I believe that increased financial support could help to
increase the quality of locally made films and allow them to compete
with the foreign productions that currently dominate the market.

The line graph compares figures for daily travel by workers in the UK
using three different forms of transport over a period of 60 years.

It is clear that car is by far the most popular mean of transport for UK
commuters throughout the period shown.Also,while the numbers of
people who use the car and train increase gradually,the number of bus
users falls steadily.

In 1970,around 5 million of UK commuters travelled by car on a daily

basis,while the bus and train were used by about 4 million and 2 million
people respectively.In the year 2000,the number of those driving to
work rose to 7 million and the number of commuting rail passengers
reached 3 million.However,there was a small drop of approximately 0.5
million in the number of bus users.

By 2030,the number of people who commute by car is expected to

reach almost 9 million,and the number of train users is also predicted
to rise,to nearly 5 million.By contrast,buses are predicted to become a
less popular choice,with only 3 million users.

It is true that people in industrialised countries can expect to live longer

than ever before.Although there will undoubtedly be some negative
consequences of this trend,societies can take steps to mitigate these
potential problems.

As people live longer and population of developed countries grow

older,several related problems can be anticipated.The main issue is that
there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be
eligible to receive a pension.The proportion of younger,working adults
will be smaller,and governments will therefore receive less money in
taxes in relation to the size of the population.In other words,an aging
population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults.Further
pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare,and the fact
young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives.

There are several actions that governments could take to solve the
problems described above.Firstly,a simple solution would be to
increase the retirement age for working adults.Nowadays,people of this
age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life.A
second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration
in order to increase the number of working adults.Finally,money from
national budget will need to be taken from other areas and spent on
healthcare,accommodation and transport facilities for the rising
number of old citizens.

In conclusion,various measures can be taken to tackle the problems

that are certain to arise as the populations grow older.
The graph illustrates the quantities of goods transported in the UK by
four different modes of transport between the time period of 1974 and
2002.Over this span of 28 years,the quantities of goods transported by
road,water and pipeline have all increased while the quantity
transported by rail has remained almost constant at about 40 million

The largest quantity of goods transported both in 1974 and 2002 was
by road(70 million tonnes and 98 million tonnes respectively) while the
lowest in both 1974 and 2002 was by pipeline(about 5 million tonnes
and 22 million tonnes respectively).The amount of goods transported
by water was constant from 1974 to 1978,where it showed an
exponential growth,rising to almost 60 million tonnes after which It
plateaued for about 20 years before starting to rise gradually again.

The amount of goods transported by rail is almost constant at 40

million tonnes in 1974 and 2002,which decrease in quantity between
the years.It is also interesting to note that almost all showed a decrease
in 1994 in amount of goods transported excepted for the
pipeline,which actually peaked in that year.

In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their

levels of health and fitness are decreasing.I think that the cause of
these problems are due to unhealthy lifestyle and the lack of exercise.

Nowadays,people are getting more and more lazy.They want

convenience in everything.When they come home from work,they will
have microwaved dinner or fast food so that they do not have to take
the trouble to preapre a meal or wash up after dinner.The introduction
of fast food is also the main cause of unhealthy livingstyle.People are
opting a fast food restaurant meal rather than a simple homecooked
meal.Yes,your burgers and pizzas tasted better than a homecooked
meal but think of all the calories you are swallowing.The oil they used
to fry your fries.Eating too much fast food will also lead to health
problems.Surgary drinks,pachted chips,candies and chocolate are also
some of the causes that contribute to unhealthy lifestyle.Heavy
consumption can lead to weight gain and diabeties.

I think that the main cause is the lack of exercise.As you grow
older,your metabolism rate drops.Even if you are eating the same
amount as before,you will still gain weight.The one and only solution to
this is exercise.The recommended exercise per day is at least 30
minutes of brisk walking.This target can be easily achieved if people do
not drive to work.They can take a bus or a train and drop one stop
earlier then walk to the office.Every little bit counts.when you come
home from work,you can play with your kids or bring the dog for a
walk.Anything to get your attention away from the couch.More
exercise will surpass your cravings for surgary stuffs.

People should also balance their diet.By eating more vegetables and
fruits,for example.Eat less meat and drink plenty of water throughout
the day.Organise time with your family to take a walk outdoors to enjoy
the sceneries rather than coping yourself in the house.This is healthy
living for the body,heart and the soul.
Cyclopean,cyclopean:t.to lon,cyclopean
Gorgon:ng dan ba xau,gorgon,gorgon:ng dan ba xau xi,gorgon
Harpy,harpy,harpy:nu quai,harpy
Homeric:t.hung vi,homeric,homeric,homeric,homeric,homeric
Myrmidon,myrmidon,myrmidon:lau la,myrmidon
Oracular:t.sam truyen,oracular,oracular:t.sam truyen
Promethean:t.sang tao,promethean,promethean:t.sang tao
Siren:ng dan ba quyen ru,siren,siren:ng dan ba quyen ru,siren,siren
Stygian,stygian,stygian:t.am dam
Pedantic:t.ra ve thong thai,pedantic,pedantic:t.ra ve thong
thai,pedantic:t.ra ve thong thai
co,pertinacious,pertinacious,pertinacious:t.ngoan co
Pretentious:t.kieu cang,pretentious,pretentious:t.kieu cang,tu phu
Prolix:t.dai dong,prolix:t.ruom ra,prolix:t.ruom ra
Puerile:t.kho dai,puerile,puerile:t.kho dai
Quiescent,quiescent,quiescent:t.yen ang
Recalcitrant:t.cung dau,recalcitrant,recalcitrant:t.cung dau
Restive:t.bon chon,restive,restive:t.bon chon
Ribald:t.hai huoc,tuc tiu,ribald,ribald
Sardonic:t.mia mai,sardonic,sardonic:t.mia mai,sardonic:t.mia mai
Sedulous:t.cham chi,sedulous,sedulous:t.cham
Sleazy,sleazy,sleazy:t.mong,nhech nhac
Supercilious:t.kieu ngao,supercilious,supercilious:t.kieu ngao
Voluptuous:t.kheu goi,voluptuous,voluptuous:t.kheu goi

Ad hoc:t.boc phat,tam thoi,ad hoc,ad hoc:t.tam thoi,boc phat,ad hoc

Bon vivant:ng thanh lich,bon vivant,bon vivant:ng thanh lich

De facto,de facto,de facto:tren thuc te

Par excellence:de nhat,thuong hang,par excellence,par excellence
Parvenu:ke moi phat,parvenue,parvenu,parvenu:ke moi phat
Postprandial:t.sau bua com,postprandial,postprandial
Quid pro quo:vat tra lai,quid pro quo,quid pro quo: vat tra lai.quid pro
Qui vive:s.canh giac,qui vive,qui vive:s.canh giac,qui vive:s.canh giac
Savoir faire:s.khon kheo,savoir faire,savoir faire,savoir faire:s.khon kheo
Sub rosa:s.bi mat,sub rosa:s.bi mat,sub rosa:s.bi mat

Ambivalent:t.nc doi,ambivalent,ambivalent:t.nc doi,ambivalent:t.nc doi

Bucolic:t.dong que,bucolic,bucolic:t.dong que
Crotchety:t.ky quac,crotchety,crotchety:t.ky quac,crotchety
Dilatory:t.cham chap,le me,dilatory,dilatory:t.cham chap,le me
Disconsolate:t.ko an ui dc,disconsolate,disconsolate:t.ko an ui dc
Dudgeon:s.tuc gian,s.phan no,dudgeon,dudgeon:s.tuc gian,phan no
Froward:t.ngoan co,forward,froward:t.uong buong,froward:t.uong
Genteel:t.thuong luu,quy phai,genteel,genteel
Splenetic,splenetic:t.cau kinh,splenetic:t.cau kinh,splenetic
Truculent:t.ngo nguoc,truculent,truculent:t.ngo nguoc
Venal,venal,venal:t.de mua chuoc

The diagram shows that a mechanical arm functions in a way that is

very similar to the human arm.The mechanical arm has joints just like a
human arm,each of which play a small role.To start with,the mechanical
arm is fixed to base at the shoulder.The base is usually stationary,but
occasionally the arm is fixed to a movable base.A pivot between the
shoulder and the base enables the whole arm to rotate.

The shoulder functions just like a human shoulder,raising and lowering

the arm.The elbow in the middle of the arm allows further movement
and gives the whole arm flexibility.In the same way that the human
wrist allows the hand to move,the wrist on the mechanical arm allows
the gripper to both flex and rotate.
Each of the joints of the mechanical arm is connected to a separate
motor,which is in turn connected to a computer.The computer controls
the motors,ensuring perfect precision.
The gripper can be replaced with various end-effectors for specific
applications.A mechanical arm may be fitted with an end-effector that
spray paint,drills holes and welds metal.In-built sensors control the
force that the grippers or alternative end-effectors applied.

Eco-tourism is definitely becoming more popular.More and more

people are interested in travelling in a responsible way in order to help
protect both the geographical areas they visit and at the same time
show respect to the local inhabitants who live there.In my
opinion,however,it is debatable whether this can be regard as a wholy
positive development.

Because eco-tourism is so popular,many travel companies claim to be

environmentally-friendly simply to attract business.For example,some
hotels claim to be “eco-lodges” simply because they have good
view.However,they may be making no effort to conserve resources and
limit waste.Wildlife safari trips are often described as “eco-tours” even
if they give nothing back to the local ecology and,instead of
contributing to conservation,they may in fact cause problems to an
area’s wildlife.For example,some animals and birds may be disturbed
by tourists approaching them too closely.In my opinion,just because a
holiday focuses on nature that doesn’t make it an eco-tourism.

There are,however,some good examples of eco-tourism.For

example,staying in a homestay instead of a large hotel means that the
costs of your accommodation goes straight back into the
community.Most homestay arrangements include meals so this means
that local suppliers will benefit from your stay.

In conclusion,I think that the growth of eco-tourism is a positive trend

but we need to make sure the term is fully understood by travel
companies,the local communities and the tourists themselves.Eco-
tourism should minimise the negative effects of tourism and truly
contribute to reservation efforts.This means co-operating with local
people so that they can manage these natural areas.

Great changes have taken place in our life along with the development
of society.As far as I am concerned,the Internet plays a big part in this.

First of all,with the opportunity of surfing internet or playing computer

and video games,people have a more sedentary lifestyle.Children no
longer play games outside and get exercise but they spend time on the
computer.This has bad effect on their health and can cause problems
such as obesity.

Another problem is the negative effect on their relationship with their

families.Internet access fills most young people’s time,and even their
leisure time,so this is the cause of their disconnection with their family
and ultimately can have an effect on their social behaviour.A third
problem is that not all Internet sites are useful.Information is
sometimes inaccurate and some sites are not suitable for
children.Some internet sites like chat rooms can even be dangerous
because you do not know who is the other person.

As regarding children’s use of the Internet,the first solution must be

with the parents.

They need to limit hours that children spend on computer and

encourage them to have other hobbies and pastimes.There is an
important need for them to spend more time to speak with their family
than an electronic connection.Parents should also encourage children
to use other means of information in addition to the Internet.

To conclude,I would say that the Internet has brought many benefits
and it will not disappear,therefore it is very important that we learnt to
use it well so that we can reap the benefits and not the disadvantages.

The issue of whether grandparents should live with their extended

families is partly a question of the traditions in different cultures or
nationalities.However,the question of affordability also plays an
increasing part,and so this debate is rather complex,as we shall see.

On the one hand,those who support the idea of grandparents living

with their children point to the higher level of emotional support which
all family members may receive in such situations,for example in times
of crisis such as bereavement.Furthermore,it is also true that personal
security may be increased,offering protection against such problems as
robbery.Finally,it seems that extended family life will also be
considerably less costly,for instance with lower food and utility
bills,meaning that enjoyment of life may be higher.

By contrast,supporters of grandparents living independently often state

that elderly people should be encouraged to be as self-reliant as
possible,as this boosts their self-esteem and may guard against mental
decline in old age.They also say,with some merit,that many younger
families these days do not have the housing space,or indeed the spare
time,which is necessary to care properly for older members.As a last
point,it is also true that many grandparents prefer to see their
grandchildren on a less frequent basis,making these visits more special
and cherished for all concerned.

Overall,it appears to me that the stronger argument is in favour of

grandparents living independently,with all the advantages of self-
reliance and separate space.This is provided that their health and
finances allow them to continue living seperately,without risk or the
fear of isolation.

The given column graph illustrates the percentage of adults of different

age groups using the Internet between 2003 and 2006,in the UK.The
over 65s had the least percentage of Internet users.

The main users of the Internet were young adults between 16 and 24
years.In 2003 and 2004,they share the same percentage,which was
80%.In 2005,this figure increased significantly to 100%,but decreased
slightly to 90% in the next year.

We can see from the chart that all the age groups experienced an
upward trend as far as their daily use of the Internet is concerned.In the
25-44 group,there was a gradual growth in the percentage,from 50% to
80%,between 2003 and 2006.There was a similar increase for the 45-54
year olds,rising from 60% in 2003 to 80% in 2006.As for the other two
groups,although the percentages had minor fluctuation,the overall
trend was upward.

Overall,adults between 16 and 44 showed the greatest usage of

Internet and the users grew with time regardless of age.

The question of which skill is priotised for a child’s early education is

important for all parents and educators,and music can certainly claim
to be a key possibility when deciding which ability to teach.However,I
feel that playing music is actually less important than basic literacy,and
I will explain the reasons here.

Firstly,it seems simplistic to say that music is paramount for all

children.Certainly,there are some children who are highly talented or
have great interest in music.However,such talents are rare,and even
the enjoyment and cultural values to be obtained from learning music
cannot genuinely be compared to the benefits of becoming
literate.Secondly,it is a fact that literacy is a guarantee of academic
progress and the absorption of information,while playing music does
not offer this security.For example,it would be unimaginable to
transmit scientific or mathematical information to children via the
medium of music.Finally,it is surely wiser to regard music as one of a
wide range of secondary skills,ranking below literacy and sitting
alongside with sports,hobbies,foreign languages and other important
but less essential acitvities.

Of course,those who say that highly talented children must be allowed

to develop their talents are quite correct;it is equally true,though,that
few children seem to possess musical ability to the extent that it should
be prioritised.

In conclusion,I would not wish to underestimate the potential benefits

of learning to play music for a minority of children.However,if we think
of all children in a given community,literacy appears to be a far stronger
pathway to progress and independence.

The column graph compares the changes in the proportion of

population in India,China,USA and Japan in 1950 and 2000,and also
indicates the projection for 2050.It is clear from the graph that China
had the highest percentage of population in 1950 and 2000,but
estimates show that India will take the lead by 2050.

In 1950,China accounted for a little over a quarter of the world’s

population.Although it decreased to a little under a quarter,it was still
the highest in 2000,compared to other three countries.It is estimated
that the population of China will continue to drop and would reach
approximately 19% in 2050.

India showed an opposing trend to China.The population in India in

1950 was 15%,which was considerably lower than that of
China.However,the population increased moderately to 19% in 2000
and is further expected to grow and reach a little over 20% ,which
would be the highest among the given countries in 2050.

When it comes to the population of USA and Japan,both showed a

decrease from 1950 to 2000.It is predicted that the percentage will
remain the same in USA,whereas in Japan,the population will likely to
keep falling till 2050.

Overall,Japan had the least population in the given period,and the

population is expected to decrease to approximately 3% in 2050.

Truancy is an activity which some children regard as amusing or even

exciting,but which can have serious impacts on their future and on
society as a hole.I can identify two main causes,and three broad
effects,which we will describe now.

Perhaps the main cause is the sense of boredom or frustration with

school itself,for instance with the content,pace or organisation of the
lessons.This can be seen in the way that pupils often advoid certain
lessons but not others,suggesting that specific subjects or teachers are
the personal grievance.Another factor may frequently be peer
pressure,meaning that pupils feel obliged to play truant because some
of their peers or friends are doing this.We can see that the child’s
desire to be popular among a group of peers may be higher than the
motivation to study or progress.

Turning to possible effects,the tendency to underperform academically

probably the most serious impact on a pupil’s life.Another effect may
be the temptation to participate in crime or antisocial behaviour while
the child is unsupervised,potentially open a pathway into more serious
crimes later on.For example,a child who commits vandalism may
progress to theft and robbery.This issue of crime may be the third
possible effect,and on that impacts on the community as a whole.For
instance,children playing truant may cause damages which spread a
sense of instability and anxiety,even though the financial impacts are

To sum up,the cause of truancy generally relate to lack of challenge or

peer pressure,while the effects are seen in individual under-
achievement an commitment in crimes against the community as a

The given column graph compares the amount of money spent by five
age groups of the UK on three different items,in the year 2004.It is
interesting to note that spending on food and drink was the least by the
under 30s,and the highest by the above 76 age group.
It is noticeable that the largest proportion of spending went on food
and drink in many age groups,except for the under 30s and those
between 61 and 75 years old.Expenditure on restaurant and hotel was
almost similar among all age groups below 60 years.They spend 12-14%
on this sector.The 61-75 and 76+ age groups spend 2% and 7%
respectively on restaurant and hotel.The under 45s spend lesser on
entertainment than on restaurant and hotel,but the vice versa was true
for all other given age groups.The 61-75 years olds,showed the highest
discrepancy in their spending.They spend 2% and 23% on restaurant
and hotel,and entertainment respectively.

Overall,it is observed that as age advanced,the spending priorities of

people changed.Older age groups spend more on food and drink and
entertainment.However,the 76+ age group did not give much
importance to entertainment.

There is no doubt that the number of visitors and business men and
women who are travelling abroad has been increasing markedly in
recent years.However,not surprisingly,understanding the culture of
local people brings many benefits to all kind of visitors as well as
problems for those who do not understand a new culture.

First of all,no sensible person can deny the importance of breaking

down barriers between countries.By this I mean,people from different
lands can socialize effectively regardless of their race and religion,If
they take time to learn languages and to find out about where they are
going before they travel.As a result,the tension between people from
different backgrounds would be melted.
Another important advantage that needs to be taken into account is
that travellers can broaden their horizons by travelling.In other
words,people who travel for business or tourism definitely would gain a
lot of information from their host society.Knowing how to behave can
help businessmen make lots of money for themselves and for their
companies.Undoubtedly business and tourism play a vital role in
employment and reviving the local economy.

On the other hand lack of understanding of the culture and traditions of

people may lead to misunderstanding and even increase tensions
between different communities,simply because the background of any
society can act as a mirror to reflect the nature personality and
behaviour of people.Certainly,when we know these vital things we can
overcome many difficulties.

The graph shows the use of wood,coal,oil and gas for a period between
the years 1800 and 2000.Only wood was used for fuel in 1800.The use
of wood decline following the advent of coal.This decline countinued
ina steady fashion for the next 150 years and after 1950 there was
negligible use of wood.

No coal was used in 1800 but its use increased rapidly over the next
100 years.By about 1875,coal and wood were used in equal
amounts,after which time coal became the most popular fuel.Coal
reached its peak aroung 1900 and then,like wood,it declined steadily,as
oil and gas became more popular.
Oil came into use after 1900.Starting at a low level,the percentage of oil
rose quickly over the next 50 years before leveling off after about 1970.

Gas came into use the same time as oil,and although less popular at
first,the use of gas grew steadily over the next 100 years to eventually
match oil.

It can be seen that coal,oil and gas account for roughly one-third each
of the fuel used in the year 2000.At this time,coal was in decline,oil use
was holding steady and gas was countinuing to climb.

The electronic calculator is a very useful tool for carrying out basic
calculations and it is hard to imagine anyone never having used
once.They are ideal for adding up large numbers quickly and reduce the
chances of making mistake.This does not mean that a calculator should
be used for making every calculation.In some math problems-for
example,fractions – it is not impossible to find a solution without a
calcualtor.For this reason,pupils should be able to solve mathematic
problems either in their head or by writing the calculation down on

If calculators are introduced in school too early,the pupils will not have
developed their mental arithmetic skills.In a situation where a
calculator is not available,the pupil will find that they are unable to
solve the problem.Calculators can save time but this is not always more
important than being able to work out the right answer unaided.In the
real world it is important to have a good grasp of numbers,even for
simple things like money.

I believe that calculators should be allowed in schools but only after

the pupils can work out basic arithmetic problems.It is very important
that pupils have competent number skills so that they can work out a
wide range of mathematical problems.Calculators are not the answer
for every problem.Mental arithmetic is particularly useful for checking if
an answer make sense.A calculator is not an alternative to pupils using
their brains.

There is strong evidence to suggest that obesity is a growing problem in

many countries of the world.In fact,it would appear that the problem
starts in childhood with many children become fatter because they are
eating junk food,in other words diets containing too much salt,sugar
and fat.These eating habits continue to adulthood.It is a very worrying
trend instead.

Many people,including doctors and teachers believe that junk food

advertising should be banned because they encourage people to eat
bad food.They think that advertising to children is effective and
influences to what they choose to buy and eat.They believe that
children should be encouraged to eat healthier foods such as fruit and
vegetables and argue that there should be advertisements for healthier
options on TV and on the Internet.
However,other people say that junk food advertising does not
contribute to the problem of obesity.They feel that the problem of
obesity is caused in large part by the fact that people are less physically
active now compared with the past.They think that people of all ages
live a more sedentary lifestyle where it is rare for them to walk any
distances.Moreover,they also believe that banning advertising of junk
food would simply makes such food more desirable.

In my opinion,the idea of banning the advertising of junk food for

children is well-meaning but it falls short of actually helping children
and parents.Educating people about how to build a balanced diet and
enjoy a healthy,active lifestyle is the best way forward.

The given column graphs compare the number of hours spent on work
per week by industrial workers in F,D,S and the UK in 2002.In three
countries,it can be seen that the maximum workers worked 36-40
hours,but in F the maximum workers worked 31-35 hours per week.

In F,approximately half the workers worked for 31-35 hours per

week.The percentage of people who worked for 36-40 hours and 46-50
hours was 35% and 20% respectively.The figures for the rest of working
hours accounted for around 10% workers each.

D and S witnessed the highest proportion of people working for 36-40

hours,which was quite different from that of F.The second and the third
place came from 31-35 hours and 41-45 hours workers(25% and 10% in
D,35% and 30% in S).The proportion of people working for the
remaining hours was higher in D than in S).

It is interesting to note that in the UK,the percentage of people working

50+ hours was the maximum.Almost 50% worked 36-40 hours per

Overall,F was the country where people worked for the least
hours,wheres the Swedish people spent most time on works among the
people from four different countries.

It is inevitable that modern households will produce some wastes,but

the increasing volumes of refuse over recent years presen a challenge
for us all.There seem to be two main problems stemming from this
situation,and also two steps we could take to address it fully.

Possible the major problem is the huge question of how to

collect,process and dispose of this material.Household comprises
elements ranging from foodstuffs to metal,paper and plastics,and local
authorities sometimes struggle to handle such a diverse mix of
material.The historical solution has been incineration or landfill,but the
problems of pollution and long-term ground contamination which arise
have led to widespread efforts to recycle at least some of the
waste.This leads us to second concern,which is the high cost of
disposing of refuse in an ecologically sound manner.We would all wish
as much possible of our rubbish to be recycled but the expense
involved must be met by higher taxes and charges.
Regarding possible solutions,probably the most immediate short-term
solution would be to divert far more government funds into waste
processing and recycling facilities at a local level.This would reduce the
environmental impact of the waste by reducing pollution,and also
lower our demand for raw materials,as more recycled products would
consequently be produced.A further,long-term solution might be to
raise the level of public understanding of the need to consume less
material,especially in terms of packaging and wasted food.A campaign
of education along these lines would gradually lessen the volumes of

Overall,the main problems are both environmental and financial.The

possible solutions involved more immediate investment in facilities,and
also encouraging long-term changes in household behaviours.

The pie charts show that during the period 2000 and 2011,some EU
countries exported more to India than in China and others exported
more to China than India.They also show that the export of some EU
countries to either C or I increased,while the exports of others

The UK exported more to India in this period but the different was far
greater in 2000.Then,the UK was the biggest EU exporter to India with a
29% share of the market.By 2011,that share had fallen to 13%.Germany
had become the biggest EU exporter to India with a 25% share.
G also exported far more to China over the period with its share of
exports to C rising from 38% to 48%.By 2011,G was the biggest EU
exporter to both China and India.

For other countries,the market was stable.Italy exported more or less

the same amount to both countries.Belgium also has its share of the
market changed very little.

In many countries boys and girls are educated together in mixed

schools from primary through secondary level.It is no doubt true that
educating children in this way reflects the reality of the world outside
the classroom.Co-educational schools give the two sexes the chances to
mix and feel easy in each other’s company and that is a good
preparation and foundation for adulthood.

However,many people think that boys and girls can achieve more by
being educated seperately.They believe that single-sex schools offer
children the opportunity to concentrate on their school work.They
claim that in mixed schools,boys and girls spend too much time trying
to attract each other instead of focusing attention on their subjects.As a
result they have less opportunity to reach their full academic potential.

However,in my opinion there is as much distraction in a single-sex

school as in a mixed school.Student in single-sex schools will still wish
to impress their peers but in their case it will be members of the same
sex.It could also be argued that the choices of subjects open to
students in single-sex school may be more traditional,limited and
restricted compared to those offered in a mixed environment.

In conclusion,I believe that co-educational schools provide both boys

and girls with equal opportunities.Both sexes therefore have chances to
develop academic and social skills they need to live and work alongside
each other in adult life.

Pivotal:t.nong cot,pivotal,pivotal:t.nong cot


The given column graph illustrates the amount of aid given by six
developed countries from 2008 to 2010,measured in billion dollars.

The US provided the most aid in all three years and despite a slight drop
in 2009 from 22 to 20 billion dollars,the figure rose to 25 billion dollars
in 2010.German,UK and Japan were other three major donors,with
figures ranging between 10 to 15 billion dollars.It is interesting to note
that Germany increased its aid continuously over the years,but the aids
from other two showed fluctuations.The aid from N and S always under
10 billion,yet the three years saw simillar changes in figures.

Overall,the US contributed the most in supporting the developing

world.While the aid of most countries fluctuated over the years,G was
the only country with consistent increase.
Social media plays an increasingly pivotal role in our lives,and an ability
to use these systems is certainly an advantage both socially and
professionally.However,it seems rather excessive to say that ignorance
of these matters will restrict people’s careers,and I will explain why.

Firstly,career progression relies on a whole range of factors,not only on

the use of social media.For example,a professional person will have a
range of qualifications,ranging from academic exams to vocational
certificates and membership of professional bodies.We see this in the
way that successful doctors take increasingly specialised qualifications
and join specific institutes to develop their skills.Here,social media may
be a communication tool,but it is surely not the driving force behind
success.Secondly,career development relies greatly on interpersonal
skills such as presentation methods,persuasiveness and negotiation,all
of which are used in face-to-face situations rather than
remotely.Finally,we should remember the dangers of social
media,indeed,many professionals minimise their use of these media
because of its risk.

Admittedly,it is true that social media brings great opportunities for

making contacts and networking.However,this tends to happen when a
person is already qualified and respected in their field,rather being a
cause of success.

The bar chart compares the time spent by 10 to 15-year-olds in the Uk

on two activities,namely chatting online and playing console games.
Overall,we can see that playing computer games is marginally more
popular than chatting online.However,complete different trends can be
seen it we look at specific figures for boys and girls.

Boys aged between 10 and 15 clearly favour playing on games consoles

over chatting online.According to the chart,while 85% of boys play
computer games everyday,only 55% chat online daily.Furthermore,the
majority of boys play their consoles for more than one hour per
day,and 10% do this activity for more than 4 hours.

By contrast,girls prefer chatting online.Close to 70% of 10 to 15-year-

old girls engage in online conversation each day,compared to about
50% of this cohort who play computer games.Of the girls who do play
consoles,most of them play for less than an hour,whereas most girls
who chat online do so for more than one hour,and nearly 10% chat for
four hours or more.

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems,but

we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the
planet.This essay will discuss environmental problems and measures
that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

Two of the biggest threat to the environment are air pollution and
waste.Gas emissons from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles
lead to global warming,which may have a devastating effect on the
planet in the future.As human population increases,we are also
produce even greater quantities of waste,which contaminates the earth
and the ocean.

Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air

pollution.They could introduce laws to limit emissions from factories or
to force companies to use renewable energy from solar,wind and water
power.They could also impose “green taxes” on vehicle drivers and
airline companies.In this way,people would be encouraged to take
public transport and to take fewer flight abroad,therefore reducing

Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on
the environment.They can take public transport rather than
driving,choose products with less packaging,and recycle as much as
possible.Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as
well as banks for recycling glass,plastic and paper.By reusing and
recycling,we can help to reduce waste.

In conclusion,both national governments and individuals must play

their parts in looking after the environment.

The bar chart shows how many library books from each category were
borrowed from L in 1991 and 2001.
Two genres of books,crime novels and children’s fiction,showed a
reduction in the number of books borrowed.The borrowing of crime
novels decreased from approximately 500 in 1991 to slightly over 200
in 2001,whereas the number of children’s fiction books have taken out
nearly havled from close to 700 to just under 400 in the same period.

However,all other categories of books experienced an increase in the

number borrowed,with the biggest jump in the self improvement
category,which increased from just over 200 in 1991 to slightly under
1000 in 2001.Romance books also had a surge in popularity to 1400 in

All in all,the number of books lent in most categories increased with the
exception of categories of crime novels and children’s fiction.

The pie chart gave information about gender of library members in

2010:approximately two thirds were female and about one third were

The advent of new technologies meant that nowadays,machines are

more capable of doing many of the tasks and jobs that people used to
do.There are both advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

One of the main advantages of having machines do works related to

speed and efficiency.Machines tend to be much faster and more
efficient at doing repetitive tasks such as those performed in
factories.In addition,human’s error is eliminated,further saving time
and cost.Also,although machines might require a more expensive initial
outlay,their long-term usage is much more economical than paying
human wages.

However,there are also serveral disadvantages.Machines can not be

used for everyday task,as often the human’s touch is necessary to
complete those tasks.For instance,a machine can not interface with a
client or customer in the same way as a human employee.Nor can they
create new ideas or concepts in an innovative way as human
can.Machines are also unable to show initiative.In addition,many types
of machinery require consistent and costly maintenance which can
reduce their overall cost effectiveness.

In conclusion,machinery certain has its place in society,supporting and

freeing up people’s work time so they can concentrate on more
interesting tasks,and work to their strengths.However,machinery also
has its limitations and these need to be recognised in weighing up their
advantages and disadvantages.

The diagram shows the various stages of development in the life cycle
of the salmon.

At the very beginning of the cycle,eggs take approximately three

months to hatch.After hatching,the baby salmon called alevin-not yet
looking like a fish-feeds off the yolk-sac.Several weeks later it takes the
form of a young fish,identified as fry,which can swim.The fry is about 5
to 10 weeks old.By the time it is several months old,the salmon,now
known as parr,has developed typical finger-shaped marks.At some
point between the age of one to three years old,the salmon or smolt
form groups and swim out to sea.The fully grown adult spends up to 8
years swimming in the ocean until it is time to spawn.The spawning
adult then return and after spawning dies within a couple of weeks.

Overall,the life cycle of a salmon covers seven distinct stages over

approximately 8 years from the hatching of the eggs till death.

International celebrities come from different fields these days,with a

considerable numbers of them famous for a little more than good looks
and expensive fashion.However,they are all served to act as role
models for society.There are positive and negative aspects to this
phenomenon,but on the whole I see it as a detrimental development.

First of all,many celebrities have achieved their fame not through

admirable behaviour but for public misconduct.For instance,many
young pop stars with little talent have exploited media focus on their
party lives,courting photographs of them with little clothing or
involvement in drugs or alcohol.Celebrity scandals provide young
people with poor examples of how to conduct themselves morally and
with integrity in public eyes,which is an extremely worrying trend.
In addition,marketing celebrities these days has become a multi-million
dollars industry.Social networking pages such as Facebook or Twitter
ensure that people can obsess and focus on their idols twenty four
hours a day.This constant following of celebrities only serve to
perpetuate the idea that their shallow lives are worth of this constant
attention,and it is distracting young people from the real issue facing
modern society.

Watching television is a normal part of everyday life for people of all

ages.It enables us to relax and enjoy a variety of programmes in a
comfortable and safe environment.It can also be argued that it brings
families and friends together,providing a source of conversation.In my
opinion,these are all good reasons to watch television.

However,it is no doubt that there is a lot of violence potrayed on

TV.Even children’s cartoons may sometimes feature examples of
violence.However,I think that children can tell difference between
reality and fantasy.In these cartoons they know that it is not real
world.Watching such scenes may have no influence on a child’s

It is understandable that parents worry about the amount of violent

scene featured in dramas and films.And there can be no doubt that
fights and shooting are often parts of an average evening’s
entertainment.Many people believe that as a result,society has become
more violent and that we have become more used of
violence.However,parents can control over the amount of exposure
their children have on violent content and so any negative effect can be

In conclusion,I think that violence is a reality in our society and TV need

to reflect that reality.As long as people discuss the violence that is often
portrayed on TV with their children and keep an open mind about what
they are viewing,violent behaviour will not result.

This table shows how many victims were injured fatally,seriously and
slightly as a result of assaults with guns and knives over a ten-year
period in Britain.

The table shows that the total number of injuries increased by 342%
over the period.The total increased steadily from 98 to 05 but then fell
slightly in the final year.The number of slight injuries also rose
dramatically by 405%.The number of serious injuries increased,but by a
less dramatic 194%.The number of fatalities did not increase
much,though the 18% increase did not tell the whole story.The number
of fatalities fluctuated violently with a dramatic rise between 98 and 02
and an remarkable fall between 05 and 06.

The year o1 and 02 saw the number of deaths peak at 95 – a figure

significantly higher than the beginning and the end of the period.In the
same year,the number of serious and slight injuries were no higher
than would be expected.
Overall,the figure demonstrates that non-fatal injuries from gun and
knife crime rose steadily,while the number of death fluctuated quite

Globalisation is shaping our world.Nations are moving closer and closer

together both economically and culturally,and this is opening up
opportunities for rapid contact from people around the world.Recent
developments in transportation and information technology mean that
the world is fast becoming one village,inhabited by people who are
developing increasingly similar lifestyle.In cities across the world,the
same food and shopping chains are dominating the high streets,the
same films are showing and the same music is downloaded.

There is no doubt that globalisation has brought with it many benefits.It

has therefore increased the choices for people in both work and life as
a whole.

However,it is important to remember that there are negative aspects

too.Globalisation has environmental implications such as pressure on
the eco-system.In addition,because physical borders are
disappearing,globalisation risks depriving nations of what makes each
one unique.For instance,local customs and languages are slowly
disappearing and small local businesses are being replaced by large
multinational companies.
In conclusion,I think that globalisation has the potential to create
wealth and improve living standard but it has to be handled in a
sustainable way.In my view,multinational companies have the
respnsibility to make sure this happens by focussing less on profit and
doing more to support local businesses and communities.

The given column graph illistrates three methods of disposal of waste

materials in 2005,2006 and 08.It is clear that landfill method was the
most used for waste disposal in 05 and 06 and dumping in the sea was
used the maximum in 08.

It is clear that about 2000 million of waste was disposed by the landfill
method in 05.Disposal of waste by this method lost popularity gradually
and by 08,only 1200 million tonnes was disposed off by this
method.About 900 million tonnes of waste was burnt and about 1200
million tonnes was dumped in the sea.

In 06,again the most popular method of waste disposal was landfill,but

the amount disposed was lesser than that in 05.Just under 1200 million
tonnes was disposed of by burning and a little over 1400 million tonnes
was dumped in sea.

In 08,the most popular method was dumping in the sea and over 1600
million tonnes was disposed off like this.A little under 900 million
tonnes was burnt.
Overall it can be seen that dumping in landfill sites lost popularity and
dumping in sea gained popularity in the given time.The burning method
of waste disposal fluctuated over the period.

Success at work these days requires a wide range of skills,of which

presentational ability is certainly among the most
important.However,there are two othe skills which appear to be more
useful,which we will evaluate now.

Possibly the key skill in professional life today is the ability to handle
high workload,including the method of priotising tasks and managing
one’s time in an effective way.In most professions,this skill has grown in
importance hugely over recent years,while the need for public speaking
has probably remained static.For example,in the medical field,doctors
attend increasingly fewer conferences and seminars,because these
events are perceived as time-consuming and less productive than they
used to be due to the case of exchanging information remotely.

The second most important skill is probably the capacity to manage

teams of people,including the techniques of setting and monitoring
team objectives.This ability is fundamental for organisation in both
business and public sector,and success in this area virtually guarantees
a person professional advancement,even if their public speaking skill is
less developed.We see this in a way in which companies promote
effective managers.The same trend can be seen in the public
services,where public speaking skill has been replaced by use of social
For these reasons,I would evaluate presentation skill as a tertiary
skill,which is important but increasing less useful than in the past,due
to the radical changes in the way we work together and communicate
with each other professionally.The skills of workload management and
team direction appear to be more relevant and decisive in today’s
rapidly evolving workplace.

The pie charts compare the expenses of an average American

household in 1970 and 2004.The most significant change the can be
seen was in the proportion that went towards paying the mortgage;and
the other increase was in the outlay for children.

In 1970 about a quarter of household income was spent on mortgage

payments whereas,by 04,this has doubled to account for half of all
expenses.The 1970 family spent only 1% of income on childcare while
the 04 family allocated ten times more of the budget to this.

Expenditure on entertainment remained the same at 13% but the

percentage spent on food halved from 25% to 12%;and 8% less of total
income was taken up by transport costs in 04(5%).Clothing consumed
more of the budget in 70,at 22%,but this fell to only 10% in 04.

Imprisonment has long been the form of punishment for criminals in

society,but many believe also that rehabilitation should take the form
of psychological and medical treatment.
Those in favour of long term imprisonment argue that criminals are not
fit to live alongside with normal members of society.The obvious reason
for this is they present dangers to other’s personal safety and it is true
that society would not tolerate criminals living in its midst.The thinking
behind imprisonment is to take away freedom rights of prisoners:this is
their punishment.In addition,it is thought that prisoners use their time
in prison to reflect on and consider their illegal behaviour,hopefully
regretting and feeling remorseful about their crimes.

However,some people argue that prison is not the best place for
criminals.Advocates for psychological rehabilitation believe that
therapy and medication may be better alternatives to imprisonment for
some offenders.Psychological therapy may address the root cause of
behaviour and offer strategies and possibilities for changes in the
future.This approach may be successful in preventing re-offending in
the long run.

On the whole,I believe prisons definitely have its place as a form of

punishment,as criminals need to be removed and isolated from
society.However,I think a combined approach which has focus on
psychological treatment is essential in addressing the core causes of
crime,as prisons alone offer no hope for future change and
eventually,almost all criminals are released back to the society.

The given column graph illustrates the percentage of adults of different

age groups using the Internet between 03 and 06,in the UK.The over
65s had the least percentage of Internet users.
The main users of the Internet were young adults aged between 16 and
24 years.In 03 and 04,they shared the same percentage,which was
80%.in 05,this figure increased significantly to 100%,but decreased
slightly to 90% in the next year.

We can see from the chart that all age groups experienced and upward
trend.In the 25-44 group,there was a gradual growth in the
percentage,from 50 to 80%,between 03 and 06.there was similar
increase for the 45 and 54 years old,rising from 60% in 03 to 80% in
06.As for other two groups,although the percentages had minor
fluctuatuion,the overall trend was upward.

Overall,adults between 16 and 44 showed the greatest usage of the

Internet and the users grew with time regardless of their ages.

The issue of whether grandparents should live with their extended

family is partly a question of traditions in different
cultures.However,the question of affordability also plays an increasing
role,and so this debate is rather complex,as we shall see.

On the one hand,those who support the idea of grandparents living

with their children point to the higher level of support which all family
members may receive in such situations,for example in time of
crisis.Furthermore,it is also true that personal security may be
increased,offering protection against probems such as accidents or
even robbery.Finally,it seems that extended family life will also be
considered less costly,meaning that the enjoyment of life will be higher.

By contrast,supporters of grandparents living seperately often state

that elderly people should be encouraged to be as self-reliant as
possible.They also say,with some merit,that many younger families
these days do not have the housing space,or indeed the spare
time,which is necessary to care properly for the older members.As a
last point,it is also true that many grandparents prefer to see their
grandchildren on a less frequent basis,making these visits more special
and cherished for all concerned.

Overall,it appears to me that the stronger argument is in favour of

grandparents living independently,with all the advantages of self-
reliance and separate space.This is provided that their health and
finance allow them to continue living seperately,without risks or fear of

The diagram shows the 15-month process of blue mussel production

from spawning to sale.

After spawning and fecondation,mussel larvae spend three to four

weeks in the trochophore stage,at which time they are around 0.3
millimetres in length.During the verliger larval stage that follows(2-9
days),they double in size.Metamorphosis occurs at aroung three
months,when the creatures grow shells and settle either on or off-

On-bottom mussels attach themselves to rocks on the seabed as in


Off-bottom mussel lives on artificial structures:coconut fibre ropes or

suspended subtidal cages.After six weeks,these 3-10 millimetres
mussels are manually transferred to bouchot ropes,where most of their
growth takes place.

The bouchot culture method is intertidal.Annual yield is 17.5

tonnes.The longline method is subtidal,with clusters of mussels hanging
from buoyant ropes just below the surface of the sea.Annual yield is
around 20 tonnes.

Mussel harvesting is mechanical.

On shore,mussels are separated,and processed for sale.The average

length of marketable blue mussels is 50 millimetres.

Although plagiarism is stealing other people’s ideas,thoughts and

words,and considered unacceptable by most,it is becoming more and
more a fact of life.As the world population increases,and millions are
using the World Wide Web to search for information and to
communicate in general,it becomes much harder for the police what is
on the Web itself.Checking the originality of the vast amount of
material that is written on the Web is difficult,deciding whether a
student’s essay or a journalist’s article is original can be quite difficult.

Authors,journalist,students and researchers are all still supposed to

offer original works,and provide their sources if they use someone
else’s ideas.But some do not do either.Simply by going online,a writer
can copy and paste from various websites and blogs,and change a word
here and there withou detection.Whether a writer’s work is original or
not can often be difficult to ascertain.

However,there are now online plagiarism checkers that are used by

teachers,students and others.Essays can be transferred to the chosen
site and checked for originality.Not only can writer’s words be
scrutinised,but their sources can also be checked for possible uncited

Today,the main problem with plagiarism is that some writers cheat

their ways to success without offering originality.However,eventhough
there are ways to check for plagiarism,it is understandable why some
do not see plagiarism as a problem since our technological world is
putting everything out there for all to do what they like with,thus
making it more and more impossible to police.
Despite the power of WWW,I believe that writers should advoid
cheating,and instead,rigorously uphold the conventions of good
writing.They must acknowledge their sources,advoid plagiarising
others,and show some originality.
The line graph compares figures for daily travel by workers in the UK
using three different forms of transport over a period of 60 years.

It is clear that the car is by far the most popular mean of transport for
UK commuters throughout the period.Also,while the number of people
who use the car and train increase gradually,the number of bus users
fell steadily.

In 1970,around 5 million UK commuters travelled by car on a daily

basis,while the bus and train were used by about 4 million and 2 million
people respectively.In the year 2000,the number of those driving to
work rose to 7 million and the number of commuting rail passengers
reached 3 million.However,there was a small drop of approximately 0.5
million of bus users.

By 2030,the number of people who commute by car is expected to

reach almost 9 million,and the number of train users is also predicted
to rise,to nearly 5 million.By contrast,buses are predicted to become a
less popular choice,with only 3 million daily users.

People’s opinions differ as to whether or not school children should be

given homework.While there are some strong arguments against the
setting of home work,I still believe that it is a necessary aspect of

There are several reasons why people may argue that homework is an
unnecessary burden on children.Firstly,there is evidence to support the
idea that homework does nothing to improve educational
outcomes.Countries where school children are not given
homework,regularly top outperform nations where setting homework
is the norm.Secondly,many parents would agree that the school day is
already long enough,and leaves their children too tired to do further
study when they return home.Finally,it is recognised that play time is
just beneficial as study time from the perspective of brain

In spite of the above arguments,I support the view that homework has
an important role to play in the schooling of children.The main benefit
of homework is that it encourages independent learning and problem
solving,as children are challenged to work through tasks alone and at
their own pace.In doing so,students must apply the knowledge that
they have learnt at school.In my view,it is important for children to
develop and independent study habit because this prepares them to
work alone as adults.

In conclusion,homework certainly has its drawbacks,but I believe that

the benefits outweighted them in the long term.
The given column graph depicts the increase in the percentage of urban
population in Africa,Asia,and LA and the whole world from 50 to 00 and
also gives predictions for 30.It can be seen that population escalated in
all given areas and is expected to growth further.

In 1950,LA had the maximum of urban population,which constitued

42% of the total population.In contrast,Asia and Africa had much lesser
people living in the cities at 14% and 12% of the total population
respectively.Just under a third of the population was of urbanites in the
whole world in 50.

In 2000,Africa and Asia saw an almost threefold increase in urban

population.In both these areas city population became approximately
38% of the total.La had over two third of the population in the
cities.However,the whole world had almost equal the number of rural
and urban people in 00.

It is predicted that by 30 the urban population will continue to grow in

all areas.Almost 80% of people in LA are expected to live in the
cities.Whereas in the whole world the percentage of urbanites is
expected to be 60%.

Overall,it is clear that urban population has grown in all given areas and
is expected to grow in the future.
Space exploration is a subject which provokes great emoitions as well
as scientific interest,and at times the two become somewhate
blurred.There are long arguments on both sides of the debate about
whether to continue space travel,which we will discuss here.

On the one hand,those who urged the continued exploration of space

say that this field has given us substantial techonological
advances,ranging from better plastics to a greater understanding of
flight and gravity.Furthermore,they claim that further investigations will
help to solve some of mankind’s most pressing issues,such as lack of
food and environmental damage,because the study of biology and
chemistry can be carried out more radically in space.Recent
experiments in the field of genetics certainly support this view.

Conversely,however,people who oppose more funding for space

research point to the extremely high costs involved,compare to the
practical benefits which are gained for mankind.For example,these
opponents state that all the major developments in terms of
medicine,genetics,materials and mechanics have actually been as a
result of terrestrial science and experiments,rather than stemming
from space exploration.Moreover,they feel that space investigation is
largely for academic pursuit,and that at a time of austerity our funding
should be more directed to more practical programmes to help people.

Overall,I feel that the opponents of high funding for space have the
stronger arguments at the present.It seems that the enormous sums
involved could be used more pratically to deal with some of our most
immediate problems.After all,space will always be there to
explore,when funding and other problems make its research more
affordable for us as a species.

The given column graphs compare the proportion of boys and girls
getting top grades in five different subjects,which are
science,maths,arts,languages and humanity,in 60 and 00.it is clear from
the graph that girls scored higher in language and arts,whereas boys
scored higher in science and math in the given years.

In 60,slightly over 30% of boys scored good grades in science and

maths,whereas in language and humanities the high scores was 20%
each.Only one in ten scored high in arts.In contrast,girls did much
better in languages,Arts and humanities,which 45%,32% and 30%
scoring high in these subjects respectively.Only 10% girls scored high in
science and the least(5%) scored high in maths.

In 2000,among boys,the percentage of top scorers in arts and

humanities almost doubled whereas that in science and maths became
approximately half as compared to the figures in 60.The percentage of
top scorers in languages remained the same.Among girls,however,the
percentage of top scorers in Arts,languages and humanities decreased
moderately,whereas that in science and maths remained the same.

Overall,it is surprising that boys scored better than girls in humanities in

the year 2000.
The idea of giving employees sabbatical time has become quite
fashionable these days,with some major companies believing it has
great benefits.However,there is also substantial opposition to the
concept,and we will discuss the two views now.
Those employers who support unpaid sabbaticals often highlight the
motivating effects which such leave can have on an employee.They feel
that,at a time when people are under pressure,a certain amount of
extended leave can allow someone to return to work feeling refreshed
and more committed to the company.A second point in favour is that
such leave does not cost the company anything,as the employee stop
drawing the salary.Indeed,it seems that such breaks might actually save
money,as department can be downsized without the need for

On the other hand,many other employers feel that this practice has a
disruptive effect which outweight its possible benefits to the
individual.For example,if employees have certain skills or
responsibilities,they must be replaced by someone who is equally
qualified,probably involving a cost in training and hiring new
employees.Companies are also reluctant to allow skilled employees to
drift away from their duties,fearing that the person might lose interest
or even go to work for a competitor.Finally,some employers feel that
the whole idea of sabbaticals is more suited to an academic context
such as universities or research institutes.

To sum up,it seems true that problems caused by unpaid sabbaticals do

indeed outweight the potential advantages.Although the individual
employees may feel refreshed,the disruption and costs caused by this
absence are unresonable for the company.

Alliteration:s.diep am,alliteration,alliteration:s.diep am

Bathos,bathos,bathos:s.ha xuong cuc diem,bathos

Epithet:tu ngu chi trich,epithet,epithet
Malapropism,malapropism,malapropism:s.dung sai nghia
Panegyric,panegyric,panegyric:bai tan tung
Paradigm:mau,mo hinh,paradigm,paradigm
Semantics:ngu nghia,semantics,semantics:ngu nghia
Simile:s.so sanh,simile,simile:s.so sanh,simile
Threnody,threnody,threnody:bai dieu ca

The country with the lowest population and the lowest projected
growth rate is NZ with 3.4 in 1990 rising to 3.8m in 00 and is expected
to increase to 4.7m in 50.The US has the similar growth rate but a much
larger population,starting at 249.9m in 90,reaching 275m in 00 and
anticipated to increase by almost 100m over the 60 year period.

Canada’s population rose from 26.6m to 31m between 90 and 00 and is

expected to increase by 50% from where it was in 90 by 50.The highest
growth rate occur in Australia where population grew by 2.1m to reach
19.2m in 00 and is predicted to reach 26m in 50.

Overall,countries represented had,and are forecast to have,fairly stable

rate of growth over the time period although their total populations
differ markedly.

With communication technology constantly developing,working from

home has become a reality for most workers,which some would argue
only benefits employees.However,I disagree with this argument for
several reasons.

Keeping offices overhead down is a key benefit to having staff work

from home.For instance,the cost of paying rent or even a mortgage so
that each staff can have their own office space can be saved when
employees work from home.Likewise,the day to day running cost of the
office,such as power,water and phone costs can all be kept minimum
when staff are based at home.

Maintaining low staff stress levels is the key to increasing productivity

in the workplace,and working from home hase been proven to increase
or maintain worker productivity while facilitating higher levels of
happiness.This is due to the fact that employees feel trusted with the
responsibility of managing their own time and tasks without the need
for a supervisor monitoring their performance.This,coupled with the
increaed flexibility that those who work from home can have for
activities such as picking up children or go the gym,all contributes to
worker well-being and satisfaction.

This is also evidence to suggest that allowing employees to work from

home actually helps employers to retain staff,which is a definite
advantage.Provided with the flexibility of working from home,staff
remain loyal and committed to the company and the company retain
their knowledge and experience which are valuable aspects of any
organisation’s human resources.

To sum up,I disagree with the idea that working from home represents
a drawback for employers,for the reasons stated above.

The given column graph illustrates the average class size in PM and LS
school in six nations in 06,and compares it with the world average.On
the whole,the class size of primary school in UK and Denmark was
larger than it in LS school,whereas in the othe countries it was smaller.

It is clear that the UK and Denmark had higher number of students in

primary school(23 and 21 respectively) than those in LS school(22 and
19 respectively).A similar trend was seen in the world average,with 26
and 24 students in primary and secondary school.SK had the highest
number of students in both primary and secondary schools(around 35
in each class).Japan had an average primary class size of 26
students,whereas the secondary class size was slightly bigger with 31
students in average.The biggest discrepancy in class size was seen in
Mexico,where the primary class strength was only about 20
students,but secondary class had a little over 30 students.Iceland had
the smallest primary and secondary class size of 15 and 17 students

Overall,the teacher-taught ratio was the best in Iceland with the

smallest classroom size.

As more of us live in cities,the question of light pollution is becoming

increasingly topical and important to address.There seem to be three
main issues,and two key solutions which we could take to lessen the

The main cause is almost certainly the use of lighting for advertising in
public spaces.For example,if we look at cities like Tokyo or
Moscow,almost all available surfaces are fitted with some form of
light,often for announcements or commercial use.This huge expansion
in illuminated advetising is partly a result of competitive pressures,and
also due to the power of such advertising,with flashing lights,video and
pictures.A secondary cause is the large number of street lamps and
security lights used in cities,which are intended to reduce accidents and
crime by removing shadow areas at night.Finally,high levels of traffic
also produce light pollution,as drivers use headlamps which shine into
windows and gardens after dark.

Turning to possible remedies,it might be tempting for governments to

ban or regulate electric advertising billboards,but in many cases these
signs are now local symbols.It would also be difficult to reduce security
and traffic lights,because these are needed to keep residents and
travellers safe.I would rather see a government-backed program of
light protection for private homes,involving better insulation against
outside light after dark.This would allow residents to rest in their
homes without being disturbed by the light of the street
outside.Additionally,a voluntary “dark day” once per week,supported
by business advertisers,in which commercial lighting is reduced,would
allow residents to experience a more natural level darkness without
jepardizing their safety.

In summary,advertising and public lighting are the main factors behind

this problem.Better light insulation,and occasional voluntary reductions
in commercial lighting,would greatly help the residents to live more in
peace with a brightly illuminated environment.

The given column graph illustrated the best-loved subjects of 60

students of two school A and B.It is clear from the graph that the choice
of subjects varies greatly between the two schools.
In school A,more than half of the students(36) like sports.By
contrast,the rest of the subjects are not very popular among students
in school A.

In school B,25 students like craft and drawing which is more than six
times the number of school A.Language is the second most preferred
subject in school B,chosen by 18 students.Social science is the third
most liked subject,with 10 students liking it,which is almost double the
number of students in school A.Only two students of school B like
science,whereas nine of school A like science.The big discrepancy can
be seen in those choosing sport as their favourite subject,with 36
students of school A going for sports,in contrast to only 5 in school B.

Overall,craft and drawing is the least preferred subject of school A

students,while science is the least liked subject of students in school B.

Poaching is a phenomenon with a variety of causes,both commercial

and cultural.The effects can be extremely serious for both animals and
the community,which we will discuss now.

Possibly the most common cause of people turning to poaching is the

profit which can be made from animal materials.We see this in the high
price attached to illegal ivory,furs and hides,which are highly sought
after by a small but wealthy group of collectors.In turn,these prices may
be the result of novelty or rarity value,or connected to immaginary
medicinal properties,for example in the illegal trade for bear and gorilla
body parts.A secondary cause is the more pressure of hunting for
food,which forces some local people to hunt purely for meat.The root
of this tend to be localised famine or drought,or in political instability
which disrupts the food supply,as we see in central Africa recently.

Turning to the effects of poaching,the most serious is the threat of

extinction posed to species which are already endangered because of
habitat loss.The resulting consequences of extinction may include
damage to the food chain and the ecosphere,in addition of course,to a
loss of a precious form of life.A further effect is the erosion of a
country’s natural heritage,which comprises its animals,landscape and
natural resources,all of which may be under pressure already.

Overall,the factors behind poaching tend to be commercial and

connected to regional instability.The effects may include
extinction,with the damage to the ecosystem and loss of heritage.

The column graph compares the changes in the proportion of

population in India,China,USA and Japan in 1950 and 2000,and also
indicates projections for 2050.It is clear from the graph that China had
the highest percentage of world population in 1950 and 2000,but
estimates show that India will take the lead by 2050.

In 1950,China accounted for a little over a quarter of the world

populaton.Although it decreased to a little under a quarter,it was still
the highest in 2000,compared to other three countries.It is estimated
that the population of China will continue to drop and would reach
proximately 19% in 2050.

India showed an opposing trend to China.The population in India in

1950 was 15%,which was considerably lower than that of
China.However,the population increased moderately to 19% by 2000
and is further expected to grow and reach nearly 20%,which would be
the highest among the given countries by 2050.

When it comes to the population of the USA and Japan,both showed a

decrease from 1950 and 2000.It is predicted that the percentage will
remain the same in the USA,whereas in Japan,the population is likely to
keep falling till 2050.

Overall,Japan had the least population in the given period,and the

population is expected to decrease to around 3% by 2050.

The question of which skill to prioritise for a child’s early education is

important for all parents and educators,and music can certainly claim
to be a key possibility when deciding which abilities to teach.However,I
feel that playing music is actually less important than basic literacy,and
I will explain the reasons here.

Firstly,it seems simplistic to say that music is paramount for all

children.Certainly,there are some children who are highly talented or
have great interest in music,and when we think of childhood prodigies
sich as Beethoven we see how this talent can be brought
out.However,such talents are rare,and even cultural values to be
gained from learning music cannot genuinely be compared to the
benefits of becoming literate.Secondly,it is a fact that literacy is a
guarantee of academic progress and the absorption of
information,while playing music does not offer this security.For
example,it would be unimaginable to transmit scientific or
mathematical information to children via the medium of music.Finally,it
is surely wiser to regard music as one of a wide range of secondary
skills,ranking below literacy.

Of course,those who say that highly talented children must be allowed

to develop their talents are quite correct;it is equally true,though,that
few children seem to possess musical ability to the extent that it should
be prioritised so highly for all pupils.

In conclusion,I would not wish to underestimate the potential benefits

of learning to play music for a minority of children,and it should
certainly be available as an option.However,if we think of all children in
a given community,literacy appears to be a far stronger pathway to
progress and independence.

The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans on

mobile and landline phone services from 2001 to 2010.
It is clear that spending on landline phones fell steadily over the 10-year
period,while mobile phone expenditure rose quickly.The year 2006
mark the point at which expenditure on mobile services overtook that
for residential phone services.

In 2001,US consumers spent an average of yearly 700$ on residential

phone services,compared to only around 200$ on phone services.Over
the following five years,average yearly spending on landlines dropped
by nearly 200$.By contrast,expenditure on mobiles rose by
approximately 300$.

In the year 2006,the average American paid out the same amount of
money on both types of service,spending just over 500$ on each.By
2010,expenditure on mobile phones had reached around 750$,while
the figure for spending on residential services had fallen to just over
half this amount.

People have different views about how much choices students should
have with regard to what they study at university.While some argue
that it would be better for students to be forced into some key subject
areas,I believe that everyone should be able to study the course of
their choices.

There are various reasons why people believe that universities should
only offer subjects that will be useful in the future.They may assert that
university courses like medicine,engineering and information
technology are more likely to be beneficial than certain art
degrees.From a personal perspective,it can be argued that these
courses provide more job opportunities,career progression,better
salaries,and therefor an improved quality of life for students who take
them.On the societal level,by forcing people to choose particular
university subjects,government can ensure that any knowledge and skill
gaps in the economy are covered.Finally,a focus on technology in
higher education could lead to new inventions,economic growth,and
greater future prosperity.

In spite of these arguments,I believe that university students should be

free to choose their preferred areas of study.In my opinion,society will
benefit more if our students are passionate about what they are
learning.Besides,nobody can really predict which area of study will be
most useful for society in the future.

In conclusion,although it might seem sensible for universities to focus

on the most useful subjects,I personally prefer the current system in
which people have the right to study whatever they like.

Itinerate:luu dong,itinerate,itinerate:luu dong

Jejune:t.te nhat,can coi,jejune,jejune:t.te nhat,can coi
Jibe:an khop,jibe,jibe:an khop
Jocose:t.dua gion,jocose,jocose:t.dua gion

Labile:t.de bien doi,labile,labile:t.de bien doi,labile:t.de bien doi

Lachrymose:t.uy mi,lachrymose,lachrymose:t.uy mi
Laconic,laconic:adj.suc tich,laconic
Lassitude:s.ue oai,lassitude,lassitude:s.ue oai
Lavish:t.hoang phi,lavish,lavish:t.hoang phi
Lethargic:t.lo do,lethargic,lethargic:t.lo do
Libertine:nguoi truy lac,libertine,libertine:nguoi truy lac

The diagram shows that by 2020,some significant changes will have

been made to both the town square itself and the buildings that
surround it.

Presently,it is possible to enter the square from three of the four

streets surrounding it.The plan is to make it accessible from all four
sides,which will mean knocking down the old administrative buildings
to create a walk way through.The town hall will remain but all the
administrative buildings will be replaced by new shops.

The bottom part of the square will undergo vast changes too.The
buidings currently there,including the library,will make way for a
number of new bars and restaurants.Areas of covered seating for these
establishments will be provided in the square itself.

At the top of the square,the fish market will be replaced by a new

supermarket,and what is now a history museum will be a local artist’s
The square itself will welcome some new features.The fountain will
remain in its central position but the bandstand will be pulled down.In
its place will be two large plant beds.A children’s playground will be
constructed close to the covered seating areas previously mentioned.

More and more of us are recycling.In fact,we can see recycling bins
everywhere-on street corners and outside supermarket – with different
coloured bins for different products from glass bottles to clothing.We
also have constant reminders to separate our newspaper and tin cans
by way of advertisements and leaflets reinforcing the message.But it is
debatable whether the environmental benefits of recycling are really
worth the cost.

The cost of recycling all our goods is increasing.These costs include the
cost of collecting,sorting and processing all the materials.Some people
say that these costs are justified because recycling helps reduce the
amount of waste sent to landfill sites.However,it is important to
remember that many landfill sites have negative environmental effects
and there is no practical limit on the amount of waste can be stored.

Some people believe we need to focus more on the amount of waste

we are producing.They think that advertisements promoting recycling
should be replaced by those encouraging consumers to buy no more
than they need.Supermarkets should stop using promotions that tempt
us into buying three cans of soup for the same price as two.They should
also stop giving consumers plastic bags free of charge.

In conclusion,I think that we should focus much more attention on the

amount of waste we are producing than on the amount of waste we
are recycling.The most important thing for us is to change the way we
shop and what we consume in the first place.

Inchoate:t.so khai,inchoate,inchoate:t.so khai

Incidence:ti le mac phai,incidence,incidence:ti le mac phai
The scholarship covered his incidental expenses as well.
Incipient:t.so khai,incipient,incipient:t.so khai
Incisive:t.sac ben,incisive,incisive:t.sac ben
Incite:khuyen khich,incite,incite
Inclement:t.khac nghiet,inclement,inclement:t.khac nghiet
Incognito:adv.giau ten,incognito,incognito:adv.giau ten
Incoherent:t.tap nham,incoherent,incoherent:t.tap nham
Incommodious,incommodious:t.bat tien,incommodious:t.bat tien
Inconsequential:t.ko quan trong,inconsequential,inconsequential:t.ko
quan trong
Incontinent:t.vo do,incontinent,incontinent
Incontrovertible:t.hien nhien,incontrovertible,incontrovertible
Incorporate:t.hop nhat,incorporate,incorporate
Incorporeal:t.ko cu the,incorporeal,incorporeal:t.ko cu the
Incorrigible:t.ko the sua,incorrigible,incorrigible:t.ko the sua
Incredulity:s.nghi ngo,incredulity,incredulity
Incubate:ap trung,incubate:hatch,incubate:ap trung

Incubus:con ac mong,incubus,incubus
Incumbetn:t.bon phan,incumbent,incumbent:t.bon phan
Incur:ganh chiu,incur,incur:ganh chiu,incur,incur,incur:ganh chiu
Incursion:s.xam nhap,incursion,incursion:s.xam nhap
Indefatigable:t.ko moi met,indefatigable,indefatigable:t.ko moi met
Indelible:t.ko the got rua,indelible,indelible:t.ko the got rua
Indemnify:bao dam,indemnify,indemnify:bao dam,indemnify,indemnify
Indentation:s.lom vao,indentation,indentation:s.lom vao
Indenture:ban giao keo,indenture,indenture:ban giao keo,indenture
Indict:ket toi,indict,indict
Indigent:t ngheo,indigent,indigent:t.ngheo
Indignation,indignation:s.phan no,indignation
Indignity:s.si nhuc,indignity,indignity:s.si nhuc
Indiscriminate:t.bua bai,indiscriminate,indiscriminate:t.bua
Indissoluble:t.vinh vien,indissoluble,indissoluble:t.vinh vien
Indite:soan thao,indite,indite:soan thao
Indubitable:t.ro rang,indubitable,indubitable:t.ro rang,indubitable
Induce:thuyet phuc,induce,induce:thuyet phuc,induce:thuyet phuc
Inductive:t quy nap,inductive,inductive:T.quy nap

Indulgent:t.nuong chieu,indulgent,indulgent:t.nuong
chieu,indulgent,indulgent:t.nuong chieu
Ineffable:t.ko ta noi,ineffable,ineffable:t.ko ta noi

Ineluctable,ineluctable,ineluctable:t.ko the tranh khoi,ineluctable

Inerrancy:s.ko the sai,inerrancy,inerrancy:s.ko the sai
Inert:t.tri tre,inert,inert:t.tri tre
Inexorable:t.ko mui long,inexorable,inexorable:t.ko mui long
Infamous:t.khet tieng,infamous,infamous
Infantile:t.tre con,infantile,infantile:t.tre con
Infer:suy luan,infer,infer:suy luan
Infernal:t.dia nguc,infernal,infernal:t.dia nguc,infernal,infernal
Infidel:s.vo dao,infidel,infidel:s.vo dao,infidel,infidel,infidel:s.vo dao
Infiltrate:ro ri,xuyen qua,infiltrate,infiltrate,infiltrate
Infinitesimal,infinitesimal,infinitesimal:t.cuc nho
Infirmity:s.diem yeu,infirmity,infirmity:diem yeu
Inflated:t.thoi phong,inflated,inflated:t.thoi phong

Infringe:vi pham,infringe,infringe:vi pham

Ingenuous:t.ngay tho,ingenuous,ingenuous:t.ngay tho
Ingrained:t.an sau,tham sau,ingrained,ingrained:t.tham sau,an sau
Ingrate:ke vo on,ingrate,ingrate:ke vo on,ingrate,ingrate,ingrate:ke vo
Ingratiate:lay long,ingratiate,ingratiate:lay long
Inherent:t.von co,inherent:t.von co,inherent:t.von co
Inimical:t.thu dich,inimical,inimical:t.thu dich,inimical:t.thu dich
Inimitable:t.ko the bat chuoc,inimitable:t.ko the bat
chuoc,inimitable:t.ko the bat chuoc
Iniquitous:t.toi loi,iniquitous,iniquitous:t.toi loi
Inkling:loi goi y,inkling,inkling:loi goi y,inkling:loi goi y,inkling:loi goi y
Innocuous:t.vo hai,innocuous,innocuous:t.vo hai
Innuendo,innuendo,innuendo:loi am chi,innuendo,innuendo,innuendo
Inopportune,inopportune:t.ko dung luc,inopportune:t.ko dung luc
Inordinate:t.qua muc,inordinate,inordinate:t.qua muc
Inquisitor:nguoi tham van,inquisitor:nguoi tham van,inquisitor:nguoi
tham van
Insalubrious:t.doc hai,insalubrious,insalubrious:t.doc hai
Insatiable:t.tham lam,insatiable,insatiable
Inscrutable:t.bi hiem,inscrutable,inscrutable:t.bi hiem
Insensate:t.vo tri,insensate,insensate:t.vo tri
Insensible:t.bat tinh,insensible:t.bat tinh,insensible:t.bat tinh
Insightful:t.sau sac,insightful:t.sau sac,insightful:t.sau sac
Insinuate:am chi,insinuate,insinuate:am chi,insinuate:am chi
Insipid:t.vo vi,insipid,insipid:t.vo vi,insipid
Insolence:s.xac lao,insolence,insolence:s.xac lao
Insolvent:t.vo no,insolvent,insolvent,insolvent:t.vo no
Insouciant:t.vo tam,insouciant,insouciant:t.vo
tam,insouciant,insouciant,insouciant:t.vo tam
Instigate:xui giuc,instigate,instigate:xui giuc

Insubstantial:t.mong manh,insubstantial:t.mong manh,insubstantial

Insularity:s.hep hoi,insularity,insularity:s.hep hoi
Insuperable:t.ko the hon,insuperable,insuperable:t.ko the hon
Insurgent:t.noi day,insurgent:t.noi day,insurgent:t.noi day
Insurrection:s.noi day,insurrection,insurrection
Integrate:hop nhat,integrate:hop nhat,integrate:hop nhat
Integrity,integrity:s.chinh truc
Intelligentsia,intelligentsia,intelligentsia:gioi tri thuc

Inter:chon cat,inter:chon cat,inter:chon cat,inter,inter,inter

Interim:tam thoi,interim,interim:tam thoi
Interloper:ke xam pham,interloper,interloper:ke xam pham
Interminable:t.vo tan,interminable,interminable:t.vo tan
Internecine:t.tan pha ca hai ben,internecine,internecine:t.tan pha ca
hai ben
Interpolate:chen vao,interpolate,interpolate:chen vao
Intimate:hint,intimate:goi y,intimate:goi y
Intransigence:s.ko khoan nhuong,intransigence,intransigence:s.ko
khoan nhuong
Intrepid:t.gan da,intrepid:t.gan da,intrepid:t.gan da
Intrinsic:t.ban chat,intrinsic,intrinsic:t.ban chat
Introspective:t.tu kiem diem,introspective,introspective:t.tu kiem diem
Intrude:xam pham,intrude,intrude:xam pham
Inveterate:t.lau nam,inveterate,inveterate:t.lau nam
Invidious:t.gay ac cam,invidious,invidious
Inviolable,inviolable:t.ko the xam pham,inviolable
Invocation:s.cau khan,invocation,invocation:s.cau khan
Iota:s.luong nho,iota:luong nho,iota:luong nho
Irate:t.tuc gian,irate,irate:t.tuc gian
Iridescent:t.phat ra ngu sac,iridescent,iridescent
Irreconciable:t.ko the hoa giai,irreconciable,irreconciable
Irremediable:t.ko the sua,irremediable,irremediable:t.ko the sua
Irrepressible,irrepressible,irrepressible:t.ko the kim nen
Irreproachable,irreproachable,irreproachable:t.ko the che trach
Irresolute:t.do du,irresolute,irresolute:t.do du,irresolute,irresolute
Irretrievable,irretrievable,irretrievable:t.ko the cuu van
Irreverence:s.thieu ton kinh,irreverence,irreverence:s.thieu ton kinh
Irrevocable:t.ko the thay doi,irrevocable,irrevocable:t.ko the huy
Isotope:chat dong vi,isotope,isotope:chat dong vi,isotope:chat dong vi
Itinerant:t.luu dong,itinerant,itinerant:t.luu dong,itinerant
Jabber:noi huyen thuyen,jabber,jabber
Jaded:t.kiet suc,jaded,jaded:t.kiet suc,jaded,jaded,jaded
Jargon:biet ngu,jargon,jargon:biet ngu
Jaundiced:t.thanh kien,jaundiced,jaundiced:t.thanh kien,jaundiced
Jibe:an khop,jibe,jibe:an khop,jibe,jibe,jibe:an khop
Jingoist,jingoist:ng hieu chien,jingoist:ng hieu chien
Jocose:t.hai hc,jocose,jocose
Jostle:xo day,jostle,jostle:xo day
Jovial:t.vui ve,jovial,jovial
Jubilation:s.vui suong,jubilation,jubilation:s.vui
suong,jubilation,jubilation:s.vui suong
Judicious:t.khon ngoan,judicious,judicious:t.khon ngoan

Juncture:thoi co,tinh hinh,juncture,juncture

Junket:chuyen cong du,junket,junket:chuyen cong du
Junta:uy ban hanh chinh,junta,junta:uy ban hanh chinh
Justification:ly le,justification,justification:ly le
Juxtapose,juxtapose,juxtapose:dat canh nhau
Ken:tam hieu biet,ken,ken
Kindle:nhom lua,kindle,kindle:nhom lua
Knave:ke deu gia,knave,knave:ke deu gia
Knead:nhao tron,knead,knead:nhao tron,knead
Knoll:small hill,knoll,knoll
Knotty:t.rac roi,knotty,knotty:t.rac roi
Kudos:tieng tam,kudos:honor,kudos
Labile:t.ko ben,labile,labile:t.ko ben
Laceration,laceration,laceration:s.xe rach

The line graph shows different average daily temperatures throughtout

the year for ….

A and C both recorded warmer temperatures during January and

February of approximately 24C and 23C respectively.The temperatures
in both cities then dropped steadily,reaching a low of 15C in A in July
and 11C in C in July and August before beginning to rise back up to just
over 20C in December.

In contrast,the data for London and E shows a temperature slightly

above 5C during January,prior to climbing to a peak of about 23C during
July in London and approximately 18C in E during the same month.The
temperatures for both cities then dip to approximately 7c and 6c in
December respectively.
Overall,the average daily maximum temperatures of the two cities in
NZ show completely the opposite pattern to the two British
cities,although British cities had lower temperatures than NZ on the
whole,regardless of season.

Television has become an integral feature of almost every household in

the world.As a result,children undoubtedly spend more time watching
television than previous generations and less time being active.There
are several reasons for this phenomenon,but also a number of
strategies to encourage children to be more active.

Firstly,televisions have become much more accessible through price

reductions.Also,interesting programmes which target children,such as
cartoons,have increased in number and improved in quality,and this
attracts a greater number of children viewers.The other reason for the
increase in television viewing is related to the amount of time young
people and children have these days.Often by the time they have
studied a full day,they are simply too tired to go outside and play or do

However,it is still vital that children spend enough time to do fun

outdoor activities and being active.One approach which could be taken
to motivate children is to take time to do fun outdoor activities with
them.Running children’s fun outdoor groups and camps is another way
to encourage young people to be active.As well as this,schools can run
physical education classes as part of their curriculum,to ensure the
recommended level of activity.Finally,television programmes can build
awareness and ideas for physical activities into their shows.

All in all,the reduction in the price of televisions,combined with high

quality of children’s programmes has contributed to the
problem.However,as discussed above,there are several initiatives which
could help to combat the issue of increased television viewing and
decreased physical activities in today’s children.

Argot:tieng long,argot,argot:tieng long

Aspersion:s.phi bang,aspersion,aspersion:s.phi bang
Badinage:dua cot,badinage,badinage:dua cot,badinage,badinage
Bombast:loi noi khoa truong,bombast,bombast:loi noi khoa truong
Braggadocio,braggadocio:ng khoa truong,braggadocio:ng khoac lac
Censure:chi trich,censure,censure:chi trich
Countermand:huy lenh,countermand,countermand:huy
Gainsay,gainsay,gainsay:choi cai
Harangue:bai dien thuyet,harangue,harangue:bai dien thuyet,harangue
Mellifluous:t.ngot ngao,mellifluous,mellifluous,mellifluous:t.ngot ngao
Resonant:t.vang doi,resonant,resonant
Abase,abase,abase:si nhuc
Abash,abash,abash:lam nhuc
Abate:lam diu di,abate,abate
Abdicate:tu bo,abdicate,abdicate:tu bo
Aberrant:ko binh thuong,aberrant:t.ko bt
Abet:xui giuc,abet,abet:xui giuc,abet,abet:xui giuc
Abeyance:s.dinh chi,abeyance,abeyance:s.dinh chi‘
Abhor:cam ghet,abhor,abhor:cam ghet
Abject:t.khon kho,abject,abject,abject,abject:t.khon kho
Abjure:tu bo,abjure,abjure:tu bo
Ablution,ablution:s.tam rua,ablution
Abnegation:s.tu bo,abnegation,abnegation:s.tu bo,abnegation:s.tu bo
Abominable:t.ghe tom,abominable,abominable:t.ghe
Abrasive:t.mai mon,abrasive,abrasive
Abscond>bo tron,abscond:bo tron,abscond:bo tron
Absolve:bao chua,absolve,absolve:bao chua
Abstemious:t.dam bac,abstemious,abstemious:t.dam bac
Abstruse:t.map mo,abstruse,abstruse
Abusive:t.lang nhuc,abusive,abusive:t.lang nhuc
Abut:tiep giap,abut,abut:tiep giap
Abysmal:t.ko day,abysmal,abysmal,abysmal,abysmal,abysmal:t.ko day
Abyss:vuc tham,abyss,abyss:vuc tham
Accede:dong y,accede,accede:dong y
Acclaim:hoan nghenh,acclaim,acclaim:hoan nghenh
Accolade:vinh quang,accolade,accolade:vinh quang
Accommodate:giup do,accommodate,accommodate:giup suc
Accomplice:dong fam,accomplice:s.dong pham,accomplice:s.dong
Accost,accost:bat chuyen,accost:bat chuyen,accost,accost,accost
Accoutre:trang bo,accoutre,accoutre:trang bi
Accretion:s.lon len,accretion,accretion:s.lon len
Accrue:phat sinh,accrue,accrue:phat sinh,accrue:phat sinh
Acerbic:t.chua cay,acerbic,acerbic:t.chua cay
Acme:s.tot dinh,acme,acme:s.tot dinh
Acquittal:s.tha bong,acquittal,acquittal:s.tha bong
Adage:cham ngon,adage:cham ngon,adage:cham ngon
Adamant:t.cung ran,adamant,adamant:t.cung ran
Addendum,addendum,addendum:phu luc,addendum,addendum
Addle:roi tri,addle,addle:roi tri
Adept:t.thong thao,adept,adept:t.thong thao,adept:t.thong thao
Adhere:giu vung,adhere,adhere:giu vung,adhere:giu
Admonish:canh bao,admonish,admonish:canh
bao,admonish,admonish,admonish:canh bao
Canon:the le,quy tac,canon,canon:the le,quy tac
Hegemony:quyen ba chu,hegemony,hegemony:quyen ba chu
Peonage:s.lam tra no,peonage,peonage:s.lam tra no
Plebiscite:s.trung cau dan y,plebiscite,plebiscite:s.trung cau dan y
Plenary:t.hoan toan,plenary,plenary
Plenipotentiary:dai dien toan quyen,plenipotentiary,plenipotentiary
Proxy:s.uy quyen,proxy,proxy:s.uy quyen
Renascent:t.tai sinh,renascent,renascent:t.tai sinh
Reprisal:s.tra dua,reprisal,reprisal,reprisal,reprisal:s.tra dua
Subversion:s.lat do,subversion:s.lat do,subversion:s.lat do
Surrogate:vat thay the,surrogate,surrogate:vat thay the

Cartography:thuat ve ban do,cartography,cartography

Concierge:nhan vien sai phai,concierge
Parochial:t.han che,parochial,parochial:t.han che,nho hep,parochial
Peripatetic:t.tieu dao,peripatetic,peripatetic:t.tieu dao
Portmanteau,portmanteau:va li,portmanteau
Safari:cuoc di san,safari,safari:cuoc di san,cuoc hanh trinh
Wayfarer:ng di du lich,wayfarer,wayfarer:ng di du lich,wayfarer

A la carte,a la carte,a la carte

Assuage:lam thoa man,assuage,assuage
Condiment:do gia vi,condiment,condiment
Deleterious:t.doc hai,deleterious,deleterious:t.doc hai

Manna:luong thuc tu nhien,manna,manna:luong thuc tu nhien
Refection:bua an lot da,refection,refection:bua an lot da
Repast:bua an,mon an,repast,repast:bua an,mon an
Subsistence:s.song,s.ton tai,subsistence,subsistence
Viands:thuc an,viands,viands,viands,viands

According to a recent survey in the UK,people attribute poor

attendance in schools to a number of causes.The respondents were
asked to choose from five causes:upbringing,both parents working,lack
of school discipline,peer group pressure and bullying.
First,the way a child is brought up was considered by about 40% of
respondents to be the cause of poor attendance.Among the five causes
suggested in the survey,this was the opinion most commonly
held,whereas only 25% of those asked thought having both parents
working might lead to children missing school.

Second,about 15% of people surveyed thought lack of school discipline

might also be a contributing factor.The same number of people thought
that peer group pressure was a cause of poor attendance.

Bullying was not widely seen to be an important cause,with only 5

percent of respondents considering it a cause of poor attendance.

According to the data shown,it appears that poor attendance in schools

in the UK is not seen as attributable to only one category of causes.

Digital technology has changed the way people access

information.Since their introduction in 1980s,technologies such as
mobile phones and the Internet have become cheap and
commonplace.Some people see this as a window of opportunity to deal
effectively with such problems as unemployment.They argue that the
government should make mobile phones and the Internet available free
of charge to anyone looking for a job.I disagree with this point of view
for serveral reasons.In the first place,one of the most common reasons
why jobless people cannot find employment is that the skills they have
are out of date.Instead of investing public funds in an expensive
infrastructure,the government should organise training programs that
people who are out of work could sign up in order to learn new skills.

Another argument against the idea is the way the use of Internet and
mobile phones would be controlled.It would be technically very
challenging to control how these technologies are used.Instead,public
money could be used to provide subsidies for jobfair or training
workshops for the unemployed.

The table depicts the number of Watt hours,produced by five different

energy resources over three years from 2009 to 2012.the table shows
that production from all five renewable energy sources has increased
over the time period.Hydraulic energy has consistently produced the
greatest number of twh,indeed,hydraulic energy produced more twh
than all other renewable energy sources combined.Geothermal energy
showed the smallest increase in twh produced,being overtaken in 2012
by solar energy,which generated the smallest number of twh in the
previous three years.The amount of wind energy produced in 2012 is
almost double the amount produced in 2009,showing one of the
greatest percentage increases.Althoug the amount of solar energy
produced annually only increased by 83.5 twh from 2009 to 2012,we
can see that the figure has more than quadrupled,showing that solar
energy has shown the greatest individual percentage increase.

The given bar charts compare the top three countries importing
different types of fruits in 2012.The fruits given are
oranges,lemons,grape and all other fruits.
As can be seen from the charts,oranges were the most popular
fruit.More specifically,South Africa was the country where the largest
number of oranges were exported amounting to more than 1000
thounsand tonnes.This was followed by Egypt(500 thousand tonnes)
and US(400 thousand tonnes).

Lemon was the second popular fruit in the four categories,with 500.000
tonnes imported by Mexico and 200 imported by US.The minimum
amount was imported by Argentina(100 thousand tonnes).

Grape did not constitute a large number of imported fruit.Turkey was

the main country that imported grapefruits,while Mexico and US
imported 400.000 tonnes and 300.000 tonnes respectively.

The largest import of all other fruits was done by Mexico.The other two
countries only accounted for a tiny proportion of the whole volume.

Almost everyone uses softwares to create texts these days,and we all

find the “spell check” feature very useful.However,it would be unwise
for people to completely ignore learning how to spell properly,for
reasons which I will explain here.
Firstly,although we mostly use typing devices,there will always be
occasions when we need to write manually or without the support of
softwares.This may be in examinations,which are still mostly
handwritten,or when writing letters or notes on paper,or filling in
forms.It is essential,for example,that police records or medical
notes,which are often quickly completed by hand,are accurately and
clearly composed.Secondly,understanding spelling is an integral part of
learning a language and the various ways that it can be used.Most
educators would agree,for example,that it is impossible to divorce
spelling from grammar and syntax as part of a approach to literacy.

Finally,and perhaps most importantly,the whole process of learning

different sounds and spellings is a vital part of a child’s mental
development,involving the complex relationship between
hearing,sight,thought and the writing process itself.To say that this
relationship is “unnecessary” is to neglect some of the most
fundamental stages of human development.

It I true that the use of software is an invaluable tool,and may well have
a role in the process of teaching children to use computers and
improving their works.However,this means that this is a supporting
facility,not a replacement for human thought.

The given column graphs compare the retirement age of males and
females in six different countries in 04 and 08.Overall,the retirement
age increased in all countries with the exception of Italy,among
men,and France,among women,where it remained the same in the
given years.

The Danish men and women retired at the ages of 60 and 59

respectively in 04,but in 08 they both retired at the age of 61.The
average age of retirement for both gender was the lowest in
France,with men retiring at the age of 58 in 04 as well as 08,whereas
women retired at a younger age in both the year as compared to
men.The age of retirement for women was 58 in 04 and 59 in 08.A
similar trend of retirement ages was seen among the Dutch,Swede and
British males and females.

To conclude,a striking feature of the graph is that the retirement age

for both sexes was highest in Sweden in comparision with all other

Truancy is an activity which some children regard as amusing or even

exciting,but which can have serious impacts on their future and on
society as a whole.I can identify two main causes,and three broad
effects,which I will describe now.

Perhaps the main cause is the sense of boredom or frustration with

school itself,for instance with the content,pace or organisation of the
lesson.This can be seen in the way that pupils often advoid certain
lessons but not others,suggesting that specific subjects or teachers are
the personal grievance.Another factor may frequently be peer
pressure,meaning that pupils feel obliged to play truant because some
of their peers or friends are doing this.We can see that the child’s
desire to be popular among a group may be higher than the motivation
to study and progress.
Turning to possible effects,the tendency to underperform academically
is probably the most serious impact on a pupils’ life,leading to poor
exam results and weak career progression in later life.Another effect
may be the temptation to participate in crime or antisocial behaviour
while the child is unsupervised,potentially open a pathway into more
serious crimes later on.

To sum up,the causes of truancy generally relate to lack of challenge or

peer pressures,while the effects are seen in individual under-
achievement and in crimes against the whole community.

The chart indicates the proportion of land covered by forest in four

different countries in 1990 and 3005 as well as projected figures for

The figures for two countries showed an increase in the amount of

forested land,including NZ at 28.8% in 1990,climbing to 31% in
2005,with a predicted rise to 32% in 2015.Likewise,the proportion of
forested land in Chile also rose from 20.4% in 90 to 21.5% in 05 and is
expected to rise to 22% in 2015.

However in Australia and Brazil,the percentage of land covered by

forest decreased.Australia’s 1990 figure of 21.9% fell to 21.3% in 05 and
is estimated to continue to fall to 20% until 2015.Brazil had a drop from
62.2% in 90 to 57.2% in 05 and this figure is projected to dip further to
53.5% in 15.
Overall,NZ and Chile had an increase in the proportion of forested land
whereas Brazil and Australia experienced a decrease and these trends
are expected to continue in the future.

International air travel has become progressively cheaper over the past
decade.As a result,many more people are ultilising this mode of
transport more frequently.

Proponents of cheap air travel argue that it provides more

opportunities in the areas of business and tourism.For instance,it is
now cheaper for business people to attend meetings or conferences
abroad,thus contributing to a global knowledge economy and opening
up business opportunities and economic growth.Furthermore,there has
been huge tourism growth as access to some countries has become
cheaper through reduced airplane fares.For these countries,the
economic benefits of tourism are clear:more money is spent locally.

However,others feel that cheap air travel has associated detrimental

environment costs.Firstly,aeroplanes use huge amounts of fuel,a non-
renewable resource.They also emit high level of carbon dioxide,which is
the main contributor to climate change and global warming.At a more
local level,air travel has a negtive effect on air quality and noise levels.

All in all,it is certain that people will continue to ultilise air travel,as it is
so convenient for business and leisure.However,in my view,it would be
beneficial for travellers to be more aware and informed of the true
costs of their air travel in relation to the environment.

Antic:tro he,antic,antic:tro he
Beguile:tieu khien,beguile:giai tri,beguile:giai tri
Cajole:tan tinh,cajole,cajole:ga gam,tan tinh
Congenial:t.an y,congenial,congenial:t.an khop
Divertissement,diverttissement,divertissement:tiet muc dem
Euphoria,euphoria:s.khoan khoai,euphoria
Guffaw:s.cuoi to,guffaw,guffaw:s.cuoi to
Insouciance:s.vo tu,insouciance,insouciance:s.vo tu
Regale:dac san,regale,regale:dac san
Risible:t.de cuoi,risible,risible:funny
Roguish:t.tinh nghich,roguish,roguish,roguish,roguish,roguish
Waggish:t.khoi hai,waggish,waggish:t.khoi hai

The given column graph illustrates the percentage of dependents in five

countries in 00 and also gives projection for 50.It also depicts the world
average in the given two years.
In 00,India had the maximum percentage of dependents(38%),with
Japan,Indonesia and China following closely behind with around 34% of
dependents.Korea had the least percentage of reliant people(22%).The
overall world population of children below 15 and adults over 65 was

Looking into the future,an increase in the population of dependents is

predicted for Indo,Korea,China and Japan.In contrast,the needy
population is thought to fall from 38% to 32%.In Korea the population is
expected to double by 50,from 22% to 44%.Approximately 15% rise in
such population is predicted for Japan,whereas China is thought to
show the least increase(2%).The world average of the dependents is
expected to go up from about 25% to 42%.

Overall,the percentage of dependents is expected to decrease in India

whereas in other four countries it is projected to increase.

It is inevitable that modern households will produce some wastes,but

the increasing volumes of refuse over recent years present a challenge
for us all.There seem to be two main problems stemming from this
situation,and also two steps we could take to address it fully.

Possible the major problem is the huge question of how to

collect,process and dispose of this material.Household waste comprises
elements ranging from foodstuffs to metal,paper and plastics,and local
authorities sometimes struggle to handle such a diverse mix of
material.The historical solution has been incineration or landfill,but the
problems of pollution and long-term ground contamination which arise
to have led to widespread efforts to recycle at least some of the
waste.This lead us to the second concern,which is the high cost of
disposing of refuse in an ecologically sound manner.We would all wish
as much possible of our rubbish to be recycled,but the expenses
involved must be met by higher taxes and charges for household.

Regarding possible solutions,possibly the most immediate short-term

solution would be to divert far more government funds into waste
processing and recycling facilities at a local level.This would reduce the
environmental impacts of the waste,and also lower our demand for raw
materials,as more recycled products would consequently be
produced.A further,longer-term solution might be to raise level of
public understanding for the need to consume less material in
households,especially in terms of packaging and wasted food.A
campaign of education along these lines would gradually reduce the
volume of waste,especially if reinforced by incentives for consuming
less and penalties for excessive waste.

Overall,the main problems are both environmental and financial.The

possible solutions involve more immediate investment in facilities,and
also encouraging long-term changes in household behaviour.

Laity:ng vo than,laity,laity:nguoi vo than
Lament:than van,lament,lament
Languid:t.ue oai,languid,languid:t.ue oai
Languish:om yeu,languish,languish:om yeu
Larceny:s.an cap,larceny,larceny,larceny,larceny
Larder:tu thuc an,larder,larder
Largess:s.bo thi,largess,largess:s.bo thi
Lassitude:s.met moi,lassitude,lassitude:s.met moi
Latent:t.tiem tang,latent,latent:t.tiem tang
Latitude:quyen hanh,latitude,latitude:quyen hanh

Laud,lavish:t.phung phi,lavish,lavish:t.phung phi

Lax:t.ko can than,lax,lax
Leaven:lam no ra,leaven,leaven:lam no ra,leaven,leaven,leaven
Lechery:s.phong dang,lechery,lechery:s.phong dang
Leery:t.ngo vuc,leery:t.ngo vuc,leery:t.ngo vuc
Leeway:tgian tre,leeway,leeway
Legerdemain,legerdemain:tro ao thuat,legerdemain
Lethargic:t.tho o,lethargic,lethargic:t.tho o,lethargic:t.tho o
Levee:dap de,levee,levee:dap de
Levitate:bay len,levitate,levitate
Levity:s.coi nhe,levity,levity:s.coi nhe
Levy:thu thue,levy,levy

Liability:s.kho khan,liability,liability
Liaison:s.lien lac,liaison,liaison,liaison:s.lien lac
Libel:s.phi bang,libel,libel:s.phi bang
Licentious:t.dam loan,licentious,licentious:t.dam loan
Limber:t.linh hoat,limber,limber:t.linh hoat
Limn:phac hoa,limn,limn:phac hoa,limn
Lineaments:net mat,lineaments,lineaments:net mat
Linger:chan chu,linger,linger
Liquidate:thanh toan,liquidate,liquidate
Listless:t.bo pho,listless,listless:t.bo pho,listless
Litany:kinh cau nguyen,litany,litany
Lithe:t.mem mai,lithe,lithe:t.mem mai
Litotes:s.noi giam,litotes,litotes
Livid:t.tham tim,livid,livid:t.tham tim
Loath:t.mien cuong,loath,loath:t.mien cuong
Lode:mach mo,lode,lode:mach mo
Lofty:t.rat cao,lofty,lofty:t.rat cao
Loiter:la ca,loiter,loiter
Loll:quanh quan,loll,loll:quanh quan,loll,loll,loll

Limn:phac hoa,limn,limn:phac hoa

Limpid:t.trong treo,limpid,limpid:t.trong treo
Lucid:t.ro rang,trong treo,lucid,lucid:t.ro rang,trong treo
Lumber:di chuyen nang ne,lumber,lumber:di chuyen nang ne
Magnanimity:s.hao hiep,magnanimity,magnanimity
Malevolent:t.ac tam,malevolent,malevolent:t.ac tam
Malfeasance,malfeasance:s.lam quyen,malfeasance:s.lam quyen
Malinger,malinger:gia vo om,malinger,malinger:gia vo om

Martial:t.quan su,martial,martial,martial,martial,martial
Martinet:ng theo ky luat,martinet,martinet
Maunder:noi nham,maunder,maunder:noi
nham,maunder,maunder,maunder:noi nham

Maverick,maverick:ng ko dang phai,maverick

Mendacity:s.xuyen tac,mendacity,mendacity:s.xuyen tac
Mendicant:ng an may,mendicant,mendicant:nguoi an
Mercurial:t.dong bong,mercurial,mercurial:t.dong bong

The graph shows the use of wood,coal,oil and gas for a period between
the years 1800 and 2000.Only wood was used for fuel in 1800.The use
of wood declined following the advent of coal.This decline continued in
a steady fashion for the next 150 years and after 1950 there was
negligible use of wood.

No coal was used in 1800 but its use increased rapidly over the next
100 years.By about 1925,coal and wood were used in equal
amounts,after which time coal became the most popular fuel.Coal
reached its peak around 1900 and then,like wood,it declined steadily,as
oil and gas became more popular.
Oil came into use after 1900.Starting at a low level,the percentage of oil
rose quickly over the next 150 years before levelling off after about

Gas came into use at the same time as oil,and although less popular at
first,the use of gas grew steadily over the next 100 years to eventually
match oil.

It can be seen that coal,oil and gas account for roughly one-third each
of the fuel used in the year 2000.At this time,coal was in decline,oil use
was holding steady and gas was continuing to climb.

The electric calculator is a very useful tool for carrying out basic
calculations and it is hard to imagine anyone never having used
one.They are ideals for adding up large columns of numbers quickly and
reduce the chances of making mistakes.This does not mean that a
calculator should be used for making every calculation.In some maths
problem-for example,fractions-it is not possible to find the solution
without a calculator.For this reason,pupils should be able to resolve
arithmetic problems either in their head or by writing the calculations
down on paper.

If calculators are introduced to school too early,the pupils will not have
developed their mental arithmetic skills. In a situation where a
calculator is not available,the pupils will find that they are unable to
solve the problem.Calculators can save time but this is not always more
important than being able to work out the right answer unaided.In the
real world it is important to have a good grasp of numbers,even for
simple things like money.

I believe that calculators should be allowed in schools but only after the
pupils can work out basic arithmetic skills.It is very important that
pupils have competent number skills so that they can solve a wide
range of mathematical problems.Calculators are not the answer for
every problems and it is still possible to make mistakes if you press
wrong button.Mental arithmetic is particularly useful for checking if an
answer makes sense.A calculator is not an alternative to pupils using
their brains.

It is certainly true that,taken as a whole,the tourist industry generates

huge sums of money for the global economy.Moreover,the local
economies of resorts around the world are often dependent on the
influx of visitors every year,particularly with regards to local
employment.My own country welcomes huge numbers of oversea
visitors annually,and a significant number of people are employed in
the hotel industry as a result.

However,it is sometimes argued that a significant share of money

generated goes not to local economies but to the multinational
companies that supply transport to and from the destination and the
hotel chains that offer hospitality to these visitors.Critics also point to
the negative effects of tourism on local culture.The way of life of
indigenous people can often be undermined by developments that
prioritize the needs of tourits.Finally there is a widespread effect of
tourism on local environment.The arrival of huge number of tourists
can be a drain on scarce local resources such as water,food and
energy.Pollution,both through an increase in passenger flights and the
local wastes generated at the tourist attractions,is another
environmental concern.Then of course there is the physical impact on
the landscape and ecosystem of large-scale construction.

Nonetheless,it is probably wrong to claim the problems are being

ignored.The growth of sustainable tourism is evidence that people are
aware of the impact they are having and keen to contribute to a more
positive experience,for themselves as well as for local people and the

There is strong evidence to suggest that obesity is a growing problem in

many countries in the word.In fact,it would appear that the problem
starts in childhood with many children becoming fatter because they
are eating junk food,in other words diets containing too much
salt,sugar and fat.These eating habits countinue to adulthood.It is a
very worrying trend indeed.

Many people,including doctors and teachers believe that junk food

advertising should be banned because it encourages people to eat bad
food such as sweat candy bars.They think that advertising to children is
effective and influences what they choose to eat.They believe that
children should be encouraged to eat healthy foods such as fruits and
vegetables and argue that there should be advertisements for healthier
options on TV and on the Internet.
However,other people say that junk food advertisements do not
contribute to the problem of obesity.They feel that the problem of
obesity is caused largely by they fact that people are less physically
active now than in the past.They think that people of all ages live a
more sedentary lifestyle where it is rare for them to walk any
distance.Moreover,they also believe that banning advertising of junk
foods would simply make such foods more desirable.

In my opinion,the idea of banning junk food advertising for childrenis

well-meaning but it falls short of actually helping children and
parents.Educating people young and old about how to build a healthy
diet and enjoy a heathy,active lifestyle is the best way forward.

Adulation:ninh hot,adulation,adulation,adulation,adulation
Adulterate,adulterate:pha tron,adulterate
Adventitious,adventitious,adventitious:t.tinh co
Adversary:ke dich,adversary,adversary
Adversity,adversity,adversity:s.bat hanh
Advert:de cap,advert,advert:de cap
Advocacy,advocacy,advocacy:ung ho
Aerie:to chim,aerie,aerie:to chim
Affable:t.nha nhan,niem no,affable,affable,affable,affable,affable
Affected:t.gia tao,affected,affected:t.gia tao
Affiliation:s.sap nhap,affiliation:s.sat nhap,affiliation:s.sat nhap
Affinity,affinity,affinity:moi quan he mat thiet
Affix:them vao,affix,affix:them vao
Affliction,affliction,affliction:noi dau buon,affliction,affliction
Affront:s.lang ma,affront,affront:s.lang ma
Agape:t.kinh ngac,agape,agape:t.kinh ngac
Agglomeration:s.tich tu,agglomeration,agglomeration:s.tich tu
Aggrandize,aggrandize:t.lon len,aggrandize:lon
Aghast:t.kinh so,aghast,aghast:t.kinh so
Agitate:kich dong,agitate,agitate:kich dong,agitate,agitate,agitate
Agog:t.sot ruot,agog,agog
Alacrity:s.sot sang,alacrity,alacrity
Alimentary:t.cap duong,alimentary,alimentary:t.cap duong
Allegory:t.ngu ngon,allegory,allegory:t.ngu

Allude:am chi,allude,allude:am chi,allude,allude,allude

Alluvial:t.phu sa,alluvial,alluvial
Ambience:moi truong,ambience,ambience:moi
Ambivalence,ambivalence,ambivalence:s.mau thuan tu tuong
Amble:s.di thong tha,amble,amble:s.di thong tha

The table shows the changes in household types in Great Britain at 10-
year intervals from 1971 to 2001 and again 2007.

There has been a steady increase in households without children during

this period.One-person households doubled from 6% in 1997 to 12% in
2007,while the percentage of couples with no children rose from in
1971 to in 1991 and to in 2001.However,this figure leveled out in
2007.Even bigger changes have occurred when it comes to couples with
dependent children.This category shrank from in 1971 to in 2007.In
contrast,the percentage of lone parents trebled over the same
period,rising from in 1971 to in 2007.The percentage of families with
none-dependent children has remained more stable: in 1971,rising only
over the next 21 years before falling to in 2001.

In conclusion,the table shows definite patterns of change within the

British family over the past 40 years.

It is certainly true that,taken as a whole,the tourist industry generates

huge sums of money for the global economy.Moreover,the local
economies of resorts around the world are often dependent on the
influx of visitors every year,particularly with regards to local
employment.My own country welcomes huge numbers of oversea
visitors annually,and a significant number of people are employed in
the hotel industry as a result.

However,it is sometimes argued that a significant share of money

generated goes not to the local economy but to the multinational
companies and the hotel chains or shopping outlets that offer
hospitality to these visitors.Critics also point to the negative effect of
tourism on local culture.The way of life of indigenous people can often
be undermined by developments that prioritize the needs of visiting
tourist.Finally there is a widespread effect of tourism on the
environment.The arrival of huge numbers of tourists can be a drain on
scarce local resources such as water,food and energy.Pollution,both
through an increase in passenger flights and the local waste generated
at the tourist destinations,is another environmental concern.Then of
course there is the physical impact on the landscape and ecosystem of
large-scale construction.

Nonetheless,it is probably wrong to claim the problems are being

ignored.The growth in sustainable tourism is evidence that people are
aware of the impact they are having and are keen to contribute to a
more positive experience,for themselves as well as for local people and
the environment.As the markets tend to determine how things
developed,we can only hope that the demand for this form of
responsible tourism continues to grow.
The given bar graph compares the access to medical,educational and
postal services by the city and coutryside people in a specific region in
the UK.Overall,it can be seen that almost all urban people are within
fifteen-minute drive to all these mentioned service.

Nearly 100 percent of urban and rural people have access to medical
facilities.They are all within fifteen minutes drive to see a
doctor.Similarly,secondary school can be reached within 15 minutes by
all residents of villages and cities.All city people have a pot office in
their propinquity.However,five per cent of villagers have to drive more
than fiftenn minutes to avail post services.The biggest discrepancy lies
in primary school facilities.Only 65 percent of villagers have a primary
school within a quarter of an hour drive,where as the
remaining,approximately one third inhabitants of countryside have to
drive their children to far-off schools.

Overall,the rural and urban communities have similar access to

medical,postal and secondary school facilities but only about a third of
villagers do not live close to a primary school.

Social media plays an increasingly pirvotal role in our lives,and an ability

to use these systems is certainly an advantage both socially and
professionally.However,it seems rather excessive to say that ignorance
of these matters will always restrict people’s careers,and I will explain
Firstly,career progression relies on a whole range of factors,not only on
the use of social media.For example,a professional person will have a
range of qualifications,ranging from academic exams to vocational
certificates and membership of professional bodies.We see this in the
way that successful doctors take increasingly specialised qualifications
and join specific institutes to develop their skills.Here,social media may
be a communacation tool,but it is surely not a driving force behind
success.Secondly,career development relies greatly on interpersonal
skills such as presentation methods,persuasiveness and negotiation,all
of which are used in face-to-face situations rather than
remotely.Finally,we should remember the dangers of social media and
the risk that actually hindering our careers,for instance by accidentally
distributing awkward photos which can be embarassing personally and
professionally.Indeed,many professionals infact minimise their use of
these media because of its risk.

Admittedly,it is true that social media presents a great opportunities for

making contact and networking,for example by exchanging updates on
a particular topics.However,this tends to happen when a person is
already qualified and respected in their field,rather than being a cause
of success.

Wood pellets are a type of fuel used for heating buildings.They are
made from sawdust,which arrives from sawmills.The manufacturing
process takes several steps and use several different types of machines.
The first machine that is used is the hammer mill.When the sawdust
arrives from the sawmill,it is put into the hammer mill.There,the
sawdust is hammered into fibers.The fibers are all same length.The
fibers are then dampened with steam,and they are ready for the next
machine.It is called the pellet machine.This machine forms the damp
fibers into pellets by forcing them through holes.

After the pellets come out of the machine,they are cooled.The cool
pellets are vacuumed to remove the dust.Finally,the finished pellets are
packed into 40-pound bags.They are then ready for sale.They can be
burn in a stove to heat any kind of building.

I agree that everybody,no matter what his or her level of academic

ability,should be admitted to university programs.In the first
place,everyone has the right to an education and no one can take this
away.Also,people are generally attracted to educational programs that
fit their interest and abilities.Finally,there are different university
programs designed to fit different kinds of students.

Everybody has the right to an education,and this includes education

beyond high school.Some people choose to go to the university while
others choose some other form of training.No matter what form of
education a person chooses,no one else has the right to make that
choice for him or her.

People tend to choose educational programs that fit their interests and
abilities.They do not need someone else to tell them what they can and
cannot do.If a person is interested in studying law,for example,it is
probably because they feel it is something they like and will do well
at.Also,when students interest in their study program,they are
motivated to work hard,even when some of the assignments are
difficult for them.

There are all different kinds of study programs.There are programs that
suit different interests,goals,and abilities.Because of this,there is no
reason to deny university programs to anyone.There is something for
everyone who wants to study at the university level.

Everyone has the right to an education,including a university education

if that is what he or she chooses.It should not be denied to anyone.

The given column graph compares the percentage of men and women
of seven different age groups who lead a sedentary life in Australia.It
can be clearly seen that except the 45 to 64 year olds,all other age
groups have more females than males who do not do much physical

The 15-24 year age group is the most active with only about 14 and
17% men and women respectively who don’t do much physical
activity.The 25-34 age group has a little more percentage of people
following a leisurely way of life.As age advances the percentage of easy-
going men and women also is seen to be on the rise,with the exception
of the 65-74 age group.Surprisingly,in this age group the number of
males and females doing no physical activity is lesser than that of the
55-64 age group.However,the 75+ age group has the maximum number
of both genders doing no physical work.

Overall it is clear that as age goes up more and more people start
leading physically inactive lives except for the 65-74 year olds,and in
most age groups more females than males lead sedentary lives.

Success at work these days requires a wide range of skills,of which

presentation ability is certainly among the most
important.However,there are two other skills which appear to be more
useful,which we will evaluate now.

Possibly the key skill in professional life today is in fact the ability to
handle high workload,including the methods of prioritising tasks and
managing one’s time in an effective way.In most professions,this skill
has grown in important hugely over recent years,while the need for
public speaking has probably remained static.For example,in the
medical field,doctors attend increasingly fewer conferences and
seminars,because these events are percieved as time-consuming and
less productive than they used to be due to the ease of exchanging
information remotely.

The second most important skill is probably the capacity to manage

teams of people,including the techniques of setting and monitoring
team objectives.This ability is fundamental to modern organisations in
both business and public sector,and success in this area virtually
guarantees a person professional achievement,even if their public
speaking skills are less developed.We see this in the way which
companies promote efective team managers,but rarely require them to
address large groups of people.The same trend can be seen in the civil
administration and public services,where public speaking has to some
extent been replaced by the use of social media.

For these reasons,I would evaluate presentation skill as a tertiary

skill,which is important but increasingly less useful than in the past,due
to the radical changes in the way we work together and communicate
with each other professionally.

People attend college for a lot of reasons.I believe that the three most
common reasons are to prepare for a career,to have new
experiences,and to increase their knowledge of themselves and of the
world around them.

Career preparation is probably the primary reason that people attend

college.These days,the job market is very competitive.Careers such as
information technology will need many new workers in the near
future.At college,students can learn new skills for these careers and
increase their opportunities for the future.

Students also go to colleges to have new experiences.For many,it is

their first time away from home.At college,they can meet new people
from many different places.They can see what life is like in a different
city.They can learn to live on their own and take care of themselves
without having their family always nearby.
At college,students have the opportunity to increase their
knowledge.As they decide what they want to study,pursue their
studies,and interact with other classmates,they learn a lot about
themselves.They also,of course,can learn about many subjects in their
classes.In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their
career,college students can also have the chance to take class in other

Colleges offer much more than career preparation.They offer the

opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kind of things.I
think all of these are reasons why people attend colleges.

The given column graph elucidates the outcome of a survey as to the

best solution of global warming among the people of four European
countries.It is clear that lifestyle changes were rated as the best
solution by the maximum youth of all the countries.

50% of the Portugese young people rated lifestyle changes as te best

solution of global warming.Goverment regulations and environmental
issues were considered the best ways to solve global warming by 20%
and 17% respectively.The maximum Spanish young generation also of
the view that lifestyle changes were the most effective solution but
their percentage was lesser than that of Portuguese in this respect.17%
and 20% of young people in Spain rated government regulations and
environment issues are the best solution.The overall trend of the
Spanish,the Italian and the Dutch youth was the same for all the factors
with minor differences in percentage.
Overall,only a small minority of the youth of all countries opined that
none of the factors could help reduce global warming.

Space exploration is a subject which provoke great emotions as well as

scientific interest,and at time the two became somewhat blurred.There
are strong arguments on both sides of the debate about whether to
continue space travel,which we will discuss here.

On the one hand,those who urged to continue exploration of space say

this field has given us substantial advances over the past fifty
years,ranging from better plastics and alloys to a greater understanding
of flight and gravity.Furthermore,they claim that further investigations
will help to solve some of mankind’s most pressing issues,such as lack
of food and environmental damage,because some studies can be
carried out more radically in space.Recent experiments on the
International Space Station in the field of genetics certainly seem to
support this view.

Conversely,however,people who oppose more funding for space

research point to extremely high cost involved,compared to the
practical benefits which are gained for all human race.For
example,these opponents state that all the major development in
terms of medicine,genetics,materials and mechanics have actually been
the result of terrestrial science and experiments,rather than stemming
from space exploration.Moreover,they feel that space investigation is
largely an academic pursuit,fascinating though it is,and that at a time of
austerity our funding should be directed to more practical programmes
to help people.It is indeed true that addressing some major human
challenges such as pollution,protection of wildlife and greater political
conflicts would not require any involvment at all by space scientists.

Overall,I feel that the opponents of high funding for space have the
stronger arguments at present.It seems that the enormous sums
involved could be use more practically to deal with some of our most
immediate problems.After all,space will always be there to explore.

The pie charts compare home ownership and renting for 1985 and 2005
in percentage term.
In 1985,privately owned homes were the most popular type of
housing,accounting for 55%,or more than half of all homes.The next
largest sector was council rented homes,amounting to … or nearly one-
third of homes.The remaining homes were mostly private rented with a
tiny fraction being to social housing.

Twenty years later,in 2005,the number of privately owned homes had

risen to…,or almost three quarters of all homes.This was an increase of
… compared with 1985.Much of the increase in private ownership can
be explained by the decrease in council rented homes,which had
dropped from … to… .The percentage of privately rented home
remained stable at … .However,there were … more homes in 2005
compared with 1985 so the number of rented homes had increased
despite the same percentage.Social housing had increased three-fold
from … to … in 2005,but it remains least popular type of housing.
I do not believe that unemployed people should be given money for
doing nothing.However,I accept that some people are unable to work
through disabilities or ill health,in which case welfare payment are
appropriate.Other than these exceptions,I see no reason why benefit
claimants should not be made to work for their money like everyone
else has to.

There are many advantages to working.It can help the long-term

unemployed get back to the routine of work.It is very easy to get out of
the habit of getting up early in the morning and working from 9 to
5.There are self-esteem and confidence issues to consider.Working
provides people with a sense of purpose and self-worth.It is easy to
become socially isolated if you are out of work,whereas working forces
you to meet new people.You might find something that you like doing
or even learn new skills.It also looks good on your CV if you have been
working rather than doing nothing.

The disadvantages of being made to work on the type of work that is

available.If you are professional person then manual work may be
unsuitable for you.To save money,some employers might use
unemployed people to do work that should be done by an employee.

I think that making unemployed people do some work for their welfare
payments is a good idea.However,the workers should have some
choices about the work they do and it need to be organized properly so
that employers can not exploited them.
The table shows that the small companies considered the best to work
for have something in common but also differ greatly in some
aspects.In terms of staff numbers,the figures are fairly similar,although
the fifth company has a much higher staff number than other four.

The best company has a high proportion in female staff.However,this is

not the case for other companies,and the third company has far more
males than females members of staff.As for age of staff,three of the
companies have a high proportion of people aged under 35,but the
fourth company has a low percentage of that age group.All the
companies have no member or staff or only a samll percentage aged
over 55.The best company has a comparatively low percentage of staff
turnover figure of 5% and the third company’s figure for this is also low
at 8%.However,the figure is much higher for the other companies,and
the fifth best company has a very high staff turnover of 33%.With
regard to salary,the top company has about a third of staff earning high
incomes,the second company has about half and the third company
about three-quarter.However,for the other two companies the figure is
extremely low.

The overall picture is that,apart from the lack of old people,there are
no consistent features that make a small company popular with its
staff.Even salaries do not always seem to be a major factor.

People know a lot more about other countries today than they used
to.First of all,they can travel much more easily than they could in the
past.You can fly to almost anywhere and airtravel is a lot more
affordable for people than it used to be.As a result,more and more
people have personal experience of other countries,and they see for
themselves how other people live.In some ways,this is a good thing
because it helps people of different nationalities and from different
cultures to understand each other much better.They have more
understanding of each other and this help people to get on better

The media also shows people how other lives.People have much more
access to international news than they used to,both in newspaper and
on television.Satellite television enables people to see programmes
from other countries and the internet also gives people access to what
is going on all over the world.People are much more informed about
other countries.This kind of knowledge is a very useful thing because it
can make people change their own attitudes.People in one country can
learn a lot about what happens in other countries and use this
knowledge to do things differently in their own country.

However,there are disadvantages too.International travel can cause

problems when people from richer countries visit poorer countries in
large numbers.The people in poorer countries,though they might make
some money,often dislike the attitudes of the tourists.Visitors often
make little effort to meet local people,or treat them as inferiors,and so
international travel can cause problems between people rather than
increase understanding.A disadvantge of the spread of mass media is
that it can make people jealous of how people in richer countries live.If
they see rich people living in luxury apartments in TV,whereas their
own lives are difficult,they may dislike those people.And access to
international news may cause problems too because people may
decide to dislike other countries that they knew nothing about before.
In conclusion,I would say that there are both advantages and
disadvantages of these developments.On the whole,I think that the
advantage outweighted the disadvantage because this spread of
international and mass media has led to greater understanding
between nations and cultures,and this has been one of the best
developments in the world in modern times.

Parents shaped their children from the beginning of their children’s

lives.They teach their children values.They share their interests with
them.They develop close emotional ties with them.Parents can be very
important teachers in their children’s lives;however,they are not always
the best teachers.

Parents may be too closed to their children emotionally.For

example,they may limit their child’s freedom in the name of safety.A
teacher may organize a trip to a city,but a parent may think this trip can
be dangerous.A school may want to take the children go camping,but
parents may be afraid of the child getting hurt.

Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children’s

interests to be similar to their own.If the parents love science,they may
try to force their child to love science too.But what if the child prefer
art?If the parents enjoy sports,they may expect their children to
participate in some kind of sports too.But what if the children prefer to
Parents want to pass on their values to their children.However,things
change.The children of today are growing up in a world different from
their parent’s world.Sometimes parents,especially older ones,cant keep
up with rapid social changes.

Parents are important teachers in ourlives,but they arent always the

best teachers.Fortunately,we have many teachers in our lives.Our
parents teach us,our teachers teach us,and we also learn from our
peers.Books and newspaper also teach us.All of them are valuable.

We are living in the twenty- first century which is an era of developed technology and cars
are not an exception. We can’t deny cars’ contribution to our convenient life. With cars,
distance means nothing. We can travel everywhere more easily and safely. However, a big
improvement in public transportation as well as environmental problems are taken in
consideration by everyone when it comes to the issue whether it is good to owning a car or
not. In my opinion, I agree that in twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are
today because of a greater awareness of cars’ bad effect on the environment.

We are living in the twenty-first century which is an era of developed technology can cars
are not the exception.We cant deny cars’ contribution to our convenient daily lives.With
cars,distance means nothing.We can travel everywhere more easily and safety.However,big
improvements in public transportation as well as environmental problems are taken in
consideration by everyone.In my opinion,I agree that in twenty years there will be fewer cars
in use than there are today because of a greater awareness of cars’ bad effect on the

First, gasoline is used to function cars. With speed of using cars today, fuel sources may be
exhausted soon. Due to the potential energy crisis, people are finding out alternative energy
sources. But it is hard to make it efficient and economic because of limited technology.
Moreover, cars emissions are blamed for air pollution and global warming. To solve these
problems, we need to reduce the quantity of cars in our country.

First,gasoline is used to fuction cars.With speed of using cars today,fuel sources may be
exhausted soon.Due to the potential energy crisis,people are finding out alternative energy
sources.But it is hard to make it efficient and economic because of limited
technology.Moreover,cars’ emissions are blamed for air pollution and global warming.To
solve these problems,we neen to reduce the quantity of cars in our country.

Second, when the natural sources are consumed at a fast rate, the prices for using gases
are going up. People will find ways to depreciate their daily expenses such as commuting
by public transportation instead. Therefore, decreasing the number of cars will definitely
happen in the future.

Second,when the natural sources are consumed at a fast rate,the prices for using gases are
going up.People will find ways to reduce their daily commuting expenses by taking public
transportation instead.Therefore,decreasing the number of cars will definitely happen in the

Third, since the public transportation has improved, it is convenient to take a bus or a
subways. In some big cities, due to crowd, we always have to face the situation in which
hardly finding place for parking cars or getting stuck in rush hours. So people prefer to travel
by public transportation than driving cars. It seems clear that public transportation are much
more convenient in term of being economic, fast, connected routes and friendly

Third,since the public transportation has improved,it is convinient to take a bus or a

subways.In some big cities,due to crowd,we always have to face the situation when it is
hardly to find a place to park our cars or getting stuck in rush hours.So people prefer to
travel by public transportation than driving cars.It seems clear that public transportation is
much more convenient in term of being economic,fast,connected routes and friendly

To sum up, although cars have served as a comfortable and safe vehicles in our life,
overusing cars is damaging the environment and running out the natural resources. In light
of these bad effects, I believe that in the next twenty years, there will be fewer cars hitting
on the road.

The given bar graph compares the percentage of males and females,of
15-24 age group,who used the Internet for various purposes in
Canada.It is manifest from the graph that the least percentage of both
gender used the Internet for research and education.

It is clear from the graph that the maximum number of men used the
Internet for emails.The second most popular use among the males was
for goods and services.A slightly higher percentage of women used the
Internet for emails.However,a significant lesser percentage of women
used the Internet for goods and services.

Chat rooms were almost equally popular among both genders with …
males and … females using the Internet for this purpose
repectively.Online shopping was more popular among women. …
women used the Internet for this purpose and only … of men used the
Internet for online shopping.

Games were slightly more popular among males than females.Research

and education was the least popular activity among both men and
women…. Of women and … of men used the Internet for this purpose.

Overall,it can be seen that women are ahead of men in using the
Internet for emailing and shopping.In all other activities,males
superseded women.

As more of us live in cities,the question of light pollution is become

increasingly topical and important to address.There seem to be three
main causes,and also two key solutions which we could take to lessen
the problem.

The main cause is almost certainly the use of lighting for advertising in
public areas.For example,if we look at cities such as Moscow or
Tokyo,almost all available surfaces are fitted with some form of
light,often for announcements or commercial use.This huge expansion
in illuminated advertising is partly a result of competitive pressures,and
also due to the power of such advertising.A secondary cause is the large
number of street lamps and security lights used in cities,which are
intended to reduce accident and crime by removing shadow areas at
night.Finally,high levels of night-time traffic also produce light
pollution,as drivers used headlamps which shine into windows and
gardens after dark.

Turning to possible remedies,it might be tempting for governments to

regulate electric advertising billboards,but in many case these signs are
now local symbols.It would also be difficult to reduce security and
traffic lights,because these are needed to keep residents and travellers
safe.I would rather see a government-backed program of light
protection for home-security.This would allow residents to rest in their
homes without being disturbed by the lights in the street
outside.Additionally,a voluntary dark-day per week,supported by
business advertisers,in which commercial lighting is reduced,would
allow residents to experience a more natural level of darkness without
jeopardizing their safety.
In summary,advertising and public lighting are the main factors behind
this problem.Better light insulation,and occasional voluntary reductions
in commercial lighting,would greatly help residents to live more in
peace with a brightly illuminated envorionment.

The given column graph illustrates the number of trips made by

children in separate years,which are 1990 and 2010 in a particular

In 1990,the trips made by bus were dramatically higher than other

methods.About … million trips were made by bus,which was two times
more than those made by walking and cycling each,and three times
more than those made by car.About … million trips were made by bus
and walking together.

Two decades later,in 2010,the car trips superseded all other modes and
became approximately … million,and increase of … million from the
figures of 1990.The bus trips decreased to half and became …
million.Trips made by bus and walking together also decreased by …
million from the figures of 1990.Trips made on foot also decreased
from … to … million and those made by cycling reduced to … million.

On the whole,the column graph shows that bus was the most popular
form of transportation to go to and from school for children in
1990.However,in 2010,the car became the most popular mode.
Poaching is a phenomenon with a variety of causes,both commercial
and cultural.The effects can be extremely serious for animals and the
communities,which we will discuss now.

Possibly the most common cause of people turning to poaching is the

profit which can be made from animal materials.We see this in the high
prices attached to illegal ivory,furs and hides,which are highly sought
after by a small but wealthy group of collectors.In turn,these prices may
be the result of rarity value,or connected to imaginery medicinal
properties,for example in the illegal trade for bear and gorilla body
parts.A secondary cause is the more basic pressure of hunting for
food,which forces some local people to kill animals purely for meat.The
roots of this tend to be in localised famine or drought,or in political
instability which disrupts the food supply,as we see in central Africa

Turning to the effects of poaching,the most serious is the threat of

extinction posed to species which are already rare of endangered
because of habitat lose or other environmental factors.The resulting
consequences of extinction may include damage to the food chain and
the ecosphere,in addition to of course,to the loss of a precious form of
life.A further effect is the erosion of a country’s natural heritage,which
comprises its animals,landscapes and natural resources,all of which
may be underpressure already.

Overall,the factors behind poaching tend to be commercial or

connected to regional instability.The effects may include final
extinction,with the damage of the ecosystem and loss of heritage that
this involves.

The given column graph illustrates the average time spent by men and
women at different levels of employment on household chores over a
period of two decades.It can be clearly seen that full time employed
men spent the least amount of time on housework.

Women with no employment spent the maximum time on housework

in the three given years.They spent 7 hours per day in 1985 and 2005
and … hours a day in … .A little less time was spent by part time
employed women.They spent a,b,and c hours per day on household
chores in a,b,and c respectively.Women with full time employment
spent lesser time on domestic work than other two categories of
women.They spent … hours per day in…;…hours per day in … and …
hours per day in … .Full time employed men spent one hour per day in
… and … and … hours per day in … .No data is given for the unemployed
men and men with partime employment.

Overall,it can be seen that full time employed women spent lesser time
in household chores than unemployed and part-time employed
women,but still they work more than their male counterparts.

The issue of wheter grandparents should live with their extended

families is partly a question of the traditions in different cultures or
nationalities.However,the question of affordability also plays an
interesting part,and so this debate is rather complex,as we shall see.
On the one hand,those who support the idea of grandparents living
with their children point to the higher level of emotional support which
all family members may receive.Furthermore,it is also true that
personal security may be increased,offering protections against
problems such as accidents or even robbery.Finally,it seems that
extended family life will also be considerably less costly,for instance
with lower food and utility bills,meaning that enjoyment of life may be
By contrast,supporters of grandparents living independently often state
that elderly people should be encouraged to be as self-reliant as
possible,as this boosts their self-esteem and may guard against mental
decline in old age.They also say,with some merit,that many younger
families these days do not have the housing space,or indeed the spare
time,which is nescessary to care properly for older members.As a last
point,it is also true that many grandparents prefer to see their
grandchildren on a less frequent basis,making these visits more special
and cherished for all concerned.

Overall,it appears to me that the stronger argument is in favour of

grandparents living independently,with all the advantages of self-
reliance and separate space.This is provided that their health and
finances allow them to continue living seperately,without risk or fear of

Food is a basic part of life,so it follows that improved methods of

preparation have made our lives better.Nowadays we can prepare
meals much faster than we could in the past.We can also enjoy a
greater variety of food and eat more healthfully,all because of modern
methods of food preparation.

Microwave ovens have made it possible to prepare delicious food

quickly.People these days rarely have time to stop and prepare meals
the old-fashioned way.We live very fast lives.We are busy
working,caring for our families,traveling,playing sports,and many other
things.Because of microwave ovens,we have time to enjoy good meals
with our family and then play soccer,go to a movie,study, or do
anything else we want to afterwards.

Modern methods of perserving food have made it possible to enjoy a

wide variety of food.Because of refrigerators,freezers,canning,and
freeze-drying,we can eat food and vegetables that com from far away
places.We can prepare a meal one day and save the leftovers in the
refrigerator or on the shelf.It’s easy to always have food available and
to be able to eat completely different meals everyday.

Healthful eating is easier now than it ever was.Because of modern

transportation methods,fresh fruits and vegetables are available all
year round.Modern kitchen appliances make it easy to prepare food for
cooking.Bread machines make it possible to enjoy healthful,home-
baked bread whenever we like.We can eat fresh and healthful food
everyday because modern methods have made preparation easy.

Our lifestyle is fast,but people still like good food.New food preparation
methods have given us more choices.Today we can prepare food that is
more convenient,healthier,and of greater variety than ever before in

Comparing activities,we can see that e-mail is the most popular activity
with users of all ages.At least 90% of people use the internet for e-

Whilst … of teenagers play online games,this figure drops to … of

people in their twenties and … of people in their thirties.Online games
reaching a low of … with people in their fifties and then increases in
popularity with older people.

Music and video downloads display a similar trend to internet

games,but they are less popular in general and decline markedly with
people over age 40.Only … of people over age 70 download music and

Online travel reservations are made by over half of all people except for
teenagers who do not book any travel over the internet.Travel
reservations peak in the thirties age group,when almost three-quarter
of people make reservations in this way.

Online purchases are made by approximately two-thirds of

people,except for those at both ends of age scale,where internet
shopping is least popular.Searching for people online is done by
between on-quarter and one-third of people depending of age,except
for teenagers who make only three searches out of every 100.

I believe that eating fast food is making our society

overweight.However,people can choose what type of food they eat so
fast food is not entirely to blame.

People will gain weight if they eat too much food or if it has a high fat
or sugar content.It should be possible to control your weight by
avoiding convenience foods,such as biscuits and snacks,and by making
healthy choices at mealtimes.A lack of exercise can also encourages
obesity.People should take action to stop themselves from being
obese;for example,by going on a diet or taking more exercise.A more
active lifestyle will help people to burn off the extra calories.

Fast-food companies must take some responsibilities for obesity in

society because they often sell high-fat food in oversize portions.They
should offer healthier alternatives and label their food with its calorie
content.Ready-made meals are very popular but these are not always
the healthiest choices.People should cook more of their own food so
that they know what has gone into it.

I think that obesity in children is the faul of parents.Children should not

be exposed to unhealthy high-fat foods too early in life or be allowed to
develop a “sweet tooth”.A visit to a fast food restaurant should be an
occasional treat rathey than a regular eating habit.It is also important
that schools encourage healthy eating in children by providing
tasty,healthy food at lunchtime.If young people can make the right
nutritional choices then obesity will not be a problem for society.

The first graph shows that 200.000 drivers were caught speeding in the
first year of speed camera.After that,the number rose steadily until the
fifth year,when it began to rise dramatically.Between the fifth and eight
years,it rose from about … to… .However ,the number of road accident
fatalities over the same period hardly changed at all.Although it fell
slightly during the fourth year,it remained fairly constant at just over …
per year.It would therefore appear that giving people fines for speeding
had no effect on the number of serious road accidents.This is the view
of the people in the survey.The majority of them felt that speed
cameras did not reduce the number of road accidents,and … of them
felt that the purpose of them was to get money from fines,rather to
improve road safety.Just over half thought that there were too many
speed cameras,and the rise in fines indicates that more and more
cameras were installed over the eight-year period.

I don’t agree that genuine talent is not valued or appreciated these

days.The difference is that people nowadays have access to technology
that can enable them to create things they could not have done in the
past.As a result,some very talented people whose work nobody would
have seen or heard in the past are able to become well-known.

This is particularly true in music,where the “anyone can do it” attitude

has always been an important feature.In recent times,computer
technology has been invented,which makes it possible for people to
create and record their own music at home,with very high quality of
sound.They don’t have to pay to go to expensive recording studios and
because of digital equipment,they can make the sound of a whole
group without needing a lot of other musicians.Some very talented
people have become rich and famous as a result of making their first
recordings at home in this way.

Of course,some people with absolutely no talent do become rich and

famous.Some very poorly written books become best sellers,some
people with no apparent artistic ability become famous artists and
some people who can not act at all become television stars.The idea
that you need special gifts and skills and that you need to train and
practise a lot had dissappeared in some areas of the arts.There is now a
believe that ordinary people who are just like everyone else can
succeed,whereas in the past people in the arts were seen as special in
some way and admired because they could create things that most
people could not.However,in my opinion,genuine talent is still
admired.People with no talent do become rich and famous but people
still appreciate and value genuine talent.

“Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliché,but I agree with it.We

can learn a lot of important things from books,but the most important
lessons in life come from our own experiences.Throughout different
stages of life,from primary school to university to adulthood,experience
teaches us many skills we need for life.

As children in primary schools,we learn facts and information from

books,but that is not all we learn from school.On the playground we
learn how to make friends.In our class work,we learn how it feels to
succeed and what we do when we fail.We start to learn about the
things we like to do and the things we don’t.We don’t learn these
things from books,but from our experiences with our friends and

In our university classes,we learn a lot of information and skills we will

need for our future careers,but we also learn a lot that is not in our
textbooks.In our daily lives both in and out of class,we learn to make
decision for ourselves.We learn to take on responsibilities.We learn to
get along with our classmates,our roomates,and our workmates.Our
successes and failures help us develop skills we will need in our adult
lives.They are skills that no book can teach us.

Throughout our adulthood,experience remains a constant teacher.We

may continue to read and take classes for professional
development.However,our experiences at work,at home,and with our
friends teach us more.The triumphs and disaster of our lives teach us
how to improve our careers and also how to improve our relationships
and how to be the person each one of us wants to be.

Books teach us a lot,but there is a limit to what they teach.They can

give us information or show us another person’s experiences.These are
valuable things,but the lesson we learn from our own experiences,from
childhood to adulthood,are the most important ones we learn.

Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more of a challenge.
Personally, I believe that both types of hobby can be fun, and I therefore disagree
with the statement that hobbies need to be difficult in order to be enjoyable.
On the one hand, many people enjoy easy hobbies. One example of an activity

Some hobbies are relatively easy,while others present more of a

challenge.Personally,I believe that both types of hobby can be fun,and therefore I
disagree with the statement that hobbies need to be difficult to be enjoyable.

On the one hand,many people enjoy easy hobbies.One example of an activity that
is easy for most people is swimming.

is easy for most people is swimming. This hobby requires very little equipment, it
is simple to learn, and it is inexpensive. I remember learning to swim at my local
swimming pool when I was a child, and it never felt like a demanding or
challenging experience. Another hobby that I find easy and fun is photography. In
my opinion, anyone can take interesting pictures without knowing too much
the technicalities of operating a camera. Despite being straightforward, taking
photos is a satisfying activity.

This hobbies require very little equiment,it is simple to learn,and it is

inexpensive.Another hobby that I find easy and fun is photography.In my
opinion,anyone can take interesting pictures without knowing too much about
the technicalities of operating an camera.Despite being straightforward,taking
photos is a satisfying activity.

On the other hand, difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting. If an activity
is more challenging, we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we
to do it successfully. For example, film editing is a hobby that requires a high level
of knowledge and expertise. In my case, it took me around two years before I
became competent at this activity, but now I enjoy it much more than I did when I
started. I believe that many hobbies give us more pleasure when we reach a
level of performance because the results are better and the feeling of
is greater.

On the other hand,difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting.If an acitivity

is more challenging,we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we manage
to do it successfully.For example,film editing is a hobby that requires a high level
of knowledge and expertise.In my case,it took me around two years before I
became competent at this activity,but now I enjoy it much more than I did when I
started.I believe that many hobbies give us more pleasure when we reach a
higher level of performance because the results are better and the feeling of
achievement is greater.

In conclusion, simple hobbies can be fun and relaxing, but difficult hobbies can be
equally pleasurable for different reasons.

In conclusion,simple hobbies can be fun and relaxing,but difficult hobbies can be

equally pleasurable for different reasons.

In England and Australia, the jury is not given the previous crime history of the
accused. Some lawyers believe that having access to all the previous records
of the defendant helps the judges to pronounce accurate verdicts. I completely
agree with the statement and shall put forth my arguments in the upcoming

In England and Australia,the jury is not given the previous crime history of the
accused.Some lawyers believe that having access to all previous records
helps the judges to pronounce accurate verdicts.I completely agree with the
statement and shall put forth my arguments in the upcoming paragraphs.
It is pivotal for the bench to have past records of the criminal so that they do
not make any prejudiced decisions. Previous history of the accused helps in
deciding the severity of the punishment. For example, repeat offenders such
as serial murderers and rapists should receive stringent punishment whereas
someone who commits a crime under the influence of unfavourable
circumstances should be treated more leniently.

It is pivotal for the bench to have past records of the criminal so that they do
not make any prejudiced precisions.Previous history of the accused helps in
deciding the severity of the punishment.For example,repeat offenders such as
serial murderers or rapists should receive stringent punishment whereas
someone who commit a crime under the influence of unfavourable
circumstances should be treat more leniently.

Moreover, innocent people are also benefited, if the past records are taken
into consideration as they will not be misjudged. For example, a girl may
commit murder in order to protect herself from being raped. In other words,
breaking the law for self-defense or such circumstances should not be
compared with committing a crime intentionally. In this case, the clean history
of the girl can save her from life imprisonment or from death sentence.
Moreover, the previous history gives insight into the criminal’s social
background, upbringing, education, character and mental health status.
Therefore, the jury can read the subconscious mind of the convicted and take
a well-defined, appropriate, conscious decision.

Moreover,innocent people are also benefited,if the past records are taken into
consideration as they will not be misjudged.For example,a girl may commit
murder in order to protect herself from being raped.In other words,breaking
the laws for self-defense or such circumstances should not be compared with
committing a crime intentionally.In this case,the clean history of the girl can
save her from life imprisonment or from death sentence.Moreover,the
previous history gives insight into the criminal’s social
background,upbringing,education,character and mental health
status.Therefore,the jury can read the mind of the convicted and take a well-
defined,approporiate,conscious decision.
In conclusion, it is evident from the above arguments that the jury must be
made aware of the comprehensive past records of the accused to make
judgements without flaws.

In conclusion,it is evident from the above arguments that the jury must
be made aware of the comprehensive past records of the accused to
make judgements without flaws.

The given column graph depicts the percentage of people

going to the cinemas on different days of the week,in
2003,2005 and 2007.It is manifest from the graph that more
people attended cinemas on weekends than on weekdays.

There was not much variation in the given three years in

cinema attendance.In all the three years,which are 03,05 and
07,nearly … of people frequented the cinemas from Tuesdays
to Thursdays.The least number of people viewed cinema on
Mondays.This percentage was …,… and … in all the years
respectively.A little over … watched cinemas on Fridays,in all
the given three years.On Saturdays and Sundays the cinema
halls were flooded with people as over … and … went for
viewing on these two days respectively.
Overall,the number of people going to the cinemas grew
slightly on Saturdays and Sundays and the number frequenting
cinemas on Mondays fell slowly over the given years.

As hand-held devices become almost universal in our

society,the number of accident related to their use is increasing
accordingly,in addition to various social danger.I will outline
two such risks,and also two possible counter-measures we
could take.

Firstly,the greatest danger is surely the possibility of people

failing to pay attention to their surroundings when they use
such items while walking along the pavements or streets.By
diverting all their attention onto their device,the user may
bump into other people,fall over uneven surfaces or even step
into traffic lanes,with potentially fatal results.A number of
deaths among teenagers in the UK,for example,is attributable
to this cause each year.A second problem must be the anti
social nature of people focusing all their thoughts on a
device,to the exclusion of all others surrounding them,who may
need help or guidances.The increasingly impolite atmosphere
in many public spaces may well be connected to this

Turning to possible solutions,it would be helpful to see a joint

initiative between the authorities and mobile phone producers
to raise public awareness about these risks.Such a program
could take any forms,ranging from advertising to dedicated
class at scholl and colleges,and could be aimed at both the
problem of accidents and the unsociable nature of excessive
device usage,which would make it very cost-effective.A further
solution may be to install warning mechanism on these
devices,which detect when traffic or obstacles are nearby,so
that the user does not walk blindly into danger.Such systems
already exist in cars to alert drivers to impending trouble or the
need to change direction.

Overall,the dangers in this situation are both physical and

social.Potential remedies may involve better education,and also
enhanced danger detection along the lines already successfully
used in motor vehicles.

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 Đề ngày 5/1/2019: Animal products

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Đề ngày 5/1/2019: Animal products

Đề thi thật ngày 5/1/2019

In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, clothing or

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Write at least 250 words 

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Sample Answer

Many people believe that in today's world, humans no longer need animals in making
food, clothing or medicines products. Personally, I disagree with this opinion because
people are still in great demand of animals, particularly in food and pharmaceutical
manufacturing. Nevertheless, the advancements in science can help people to reduce
human uses of animals in clothing industry.  

Many people believe that in today’s world,humans no longer need animals in making
food,clothing or medicines products.Personally,I disagree with this opinion because
people are still in great demand of animals,particularly in food and pharmateutical
manufacturing.Nevertheless,the advancements in science can help people to reduce
human uses of animals .

Animals play a crucial role in numerous different areas of human life, especially in the
production of food and medicines. Clearly, animals provide much of the meat eaten by
the human population, whether farmed or hunted, and meat is an essential source of
various vital nutrients. Therefore, animal-sourced food is significant part of humans' diet.
Stopping using animals as food means that all humans must practise vegetarianism or
veganism for nourishment and this is simply impossible. In addition, animals are needed
in research to develop drugs and medical procedures to treat diseases. Animals are
ideal research subjects because they are biologically similar to humans and have many
of the same health problems. Therefore, animal testing is needed in order to test the
effectiveness and safety of a newly-discovered cure or medicine. Scientists must do
experiments on animals since there are no alternatives and it is impractical and
unethical to study humans.

Animals play a crucial role in numerous different areas of human life,especially in the
productions of food and medicines.Clearly,animals provide much of the meat eaten by
the human population,whether farmed or hunted,and meat is an essential source of vital
nutrients.Therefore,animal-sourced food is significant part of humans’ diet.Stopping
using animal as food means that all humans must practise vegenetarism for
nourishment and this is simply impossible.In addition,animals are needed in research to
develop drugs and medical procedures to treat diseases.Animals are ideal research
subjects because they are biologically similar to humans and have many of the same
health problems.Therefore,animal testings are needed to test the effectiveness and
safety of a newly-discovered cure or medicine.

However, the usage of animals in other industries can be limited significantly thanks to
the inventions of new artificial materials. Taking clothing manufacturing as a typical
example for this. In the past, many animal species were hunted and farmed for their fur
or skin to make clothing items and accessories. However, at present, humans would not
need any of the animal's body parts since there are now many synthetic materials
available today with their quality as high as the animal-derived textiles, such as
synthetic wool or artificial leather. Also, thanks to the discovery of synthetic dyes,
people stop using insects, such as snails or bugs, for textile dyeing.
However,the usage of animals in other industries can be limited significantly thanks to
the invention of new aritificial materials.Take clothing manufacturing as a typical
example of this.In the past,many animal species were hunted or farmed for their fur or
skin to make clothing items or accessories.However,at present,humans would not need
any of the animals’ body part since there are now many synthetic materials available
today with their quality as high as the animal-derived textiles,such as synthetic wool or
artificial leather.Also,thanks to the discovery of synthetic dyes,people stop using insects
for textile dyeing.

In conclusion, it seems to me that human's demands of using animals and animal

products are still tremendously great, which can be clearly in food and pharmaceutical
sector. However, human uses of animals can decline thanks to scientific discoveries
and this has been proved in clothing industry. 

To build a water clock,you must first get a stand and attach a bottle at
the top of it with some tape.This bottle must have a hole in the bottom
of it and a hole at the side,into which you give a straw.Then you get
another bottle,cut the neck off it and place it beneath the first bottle.

You begin the process by turning the tap on and covering the hole at
the bottom of the first bottle with your finger.Water drop from the tap
into that bottle until it is full.Then you take your finger away from the
holes,so that water drips through it and into second bottle.As it drips
into second bottle,you mark with a pen on the second bottle what the
level of water is after one minute,after two minutes,and so on.When
the second bottle is full and you have made marks for each minute,you
empty the second bottle.You can then repeat the process to time
things,for example because you know how many minutes it takes for all
of the water to pass from the top bottle to the bottom bottle.

Many older people are forced to end their working lives much earlier
than they would like to,and this is a shame because their experience is
valuable.Also,it is good for people to work if they want to,if more older
people were able to get good jobs,it would be good for business,the
economy and society.

One reason why older people find it difficult to get good jobs is that
many jobs these days require skills and knowledges that they did not
get when they were younger.In particular,computer and information
technology play a very big role in many professions,and these are things
that only came into existence after older people have finished schools
and after they have begun their working lives.

Another reason is that in many countries these days,there is a view that

younger people are preferable for many jobs to older
people.Experience is seen as being less important than youth.Many
businesses and industries have a majority of workers who are
young,and young people are promoted to top jobs much more quickly
than they used to be.One way of solving the problem is for older people
to be re-trained so that they learn the skills required in the modern
world.Training courses should be made widely available and
affordable.Older people should be made to feel that they can get good
jobs after retraining,and this will encourage them to re-train.Employers
should understand that older workers have a lot to offer,and that their
experience can be very useful to companies,for example because they
can pass their experience of work and life to younger people.

Prevention is better than cure” is a controversial topic that raise argument among both
authorities and citizens around the world. some people believe that we should focus the
investment on medical treatments while many insist that diseases treating are more
expensive than preventative methods so the society should spend more money on
preventing plans. I definitely agree with this point of view since some medicines are way
too costly and at present human race is unable to cure manifold of diseases. this essay
will discuss my perspective.

“Prevention is better than cure” is a controversial topic that raise argument among both
authorities and citizens around the world.Some people believe that we should focus the
investment on medical treatments while many insist that diseases treating are more
expensive that preventative methods so the society should spend more money on
preventing plans.I definitely agree with this point of view since some medicines are way
too costly and at present human race is unable to cure manifold of diseases.This essay
will discuss my perspective.

Firstly, the treatment processes for some specific diseases such as cancer or diabetes are
so pricey which make underprivileged people cannot afford to pay for. In addition,
isolation strategies to prevent the widespread infection of virus cost an arm and a leg for
the government. At the same time, it is cheaper when investing on the research into
annihilating cancer risk factors or manufacturing vaccine for the virus.
Firstly,the treatment process for some specific diseases such as cancer or diabetes are so
pricey which make underprivileged people cannot afford to pay for.In addition,isolation
strategies to prevent the widespread of infection cost an arm and a leg for the
government.At the same time,it is cheaper when investing on the research into
annihilating cancer risk factors or manufacturing vaccine for the virus.

Secondly, sometime it is too late to cure a sickness when its symptoms start appearing.
SARS, HIV, H1N1, Ebola are the examples for the global pandemic which killed million
of people in the world. There is no cure for these epidemics after they turn from
incubation periods into latent states Because citizens’ health is the most important factor
of a nation, preventing human loss is an indispensable mission no matter how costly the
price is.

Secondly,sometimes it is too late to cure a sickness when its symptom start appearing….s
are the example of global pandemic that killed million pf people around the world.There
is no cure for these epidemics after they turn from incubation period into latent
states.Because citizen’s health is the most important factor of a nation,preventing human
loss is an indispensable mission no matter how costly the price is.

In conclusion, although researching medical treatments is important, developing diseases

preventing method should not be underestimated and the government need to invest a big
budget on it.

In conclusion,although researching medical treatments is

important,developing diseases preventing methods should not be
underestimated and the government need to invest a big budget on it
Education means imparting knowledge to a person and there are vast troves of
educational resources today. Some educationalists uphold the merits of
international student exchange while others have reservation about it. I am on
the view that advantages of it overweigh the disadvantages. This essay
examines different aspects of this issue.

Education means imparting knowledge to a person and there are vast troves of
educational resources today.Some educationalists uphold the merit of
international student exchange while others have reservation about it.I am on the
view that advantages outweight the disadvantages.This essay examines different
aspects of this issue.

On the one hand, there are some drawbacks of this programme of international
exchange, especially among teenage school students. Firstly, it may mislead the
students. Since teenagers are young and gullible, they are easily attracted by the
temptations and easy prey to pitfalls. Secondly, these exchange visits pave the
way to adopt different cultures and lifestyles which are not suitable for our
customs and values. In addition, it can be a financial burden to many students.

On the one hand,there are some drawbacks of this programme of international

exchange,especially among teeange school students.Firstly,it may mislead the
students.Since teenagers are young and gullible,they are easily attracted by the
temptations and easy prey to pitfalls.Secondly,these exchange visits pave the
way to adopt different cultures and lifestyles which are not suitable for our
customs and values.In addition,it can be financially burden to many students.

On the other hand, it is fairly easy to understand the numerous benefits of

exchange visits at international level. Primarily, it helps to improve the knowledge
level. That is these international visits are the platforms for students to acquire
new knowledge or information and thereby widen their education horizons.
Secondly, these programmes provide a wide range of exposure to the teenagers.
From this, they can come to know various students from different countries and
they can share their knowledge and information each other. Hence, they exploit
to the wide-spread world. Moreover, it helps to mingle with others in the society.
Students can identify and understand the various cultures, customs and values of
different nations and can acquaint with good values from them to upgrade
themselves. In addition, these programmes help in molding of personality and
reforms them to more independent and self-reliant.

To conclude, when we analyse the issue in depth, it becomes crystal clear that
international students exchange programme has more advantages than
disadvantages to school students. We should help and advise the students to
exercise their prudence and discernment and thus can avoid any pitfall.

Since older times. education has focused upon developing and enhancing
students' reading, writing and math skills. However, as modern life is dominated
by computers, some people are of the opinion that computer skills should be
added to the skill set. I strongly agree with the point of view.

Computers have made our lives easier and efficient. Moreover, computer as a
subject has been introduced in most of the schools and children are encouraged
to use it's applications and websites to support learning. For instance, 1x1 is an
application developed for schools that enables children to create an account and
practice grade appropriate Maths and English exercises. Teachers also use the
interface to track the progress of each child based on exercises completed by
them. Therefore, to be able to use websites and applications to support learning,
children have to know how to use a computer.

The increased range of computers can also be seen at workplace. Nowadays,

everyone is supposed to send  e-mails for official communication. Internet has
taken over lives and made the world a much smaller place. With multi national
companies having offices in different global locations, e-mails are the most
efficient and economic means of communication. Furthermore, when recruiting
new employees, companies seek individuals with a prior knowledge of computer
applications like MS Office, emails, etc. Thus, if seen from this light if students
learn computer skill at school level, their chances of gaining employment are
After having discussed the most relevant advantages of computers in our modern
life, it can be clearly seen that the addition of computer skill to my education will
be beneficial to the children in the long run.
Science plays an important role in the growth and progress of a
nation. However, other subjects are also important for the
economic development of a country. Therefore, I believe that
the government should allot equal funds for the teaching of all
Science subjects are definitely helpful. They help to solve many
problems affecting us and our environment. Government
funding will lead to improvement in medical research and the
invention of many cures. Health, after all, is wealth. In order for
a nation to progress, its people have to be healthy. Research in
medical science facilitates this. In addition, scientific research in
agriculture can increase the fertility of the land and result in
economic growth. Science subjects like technology and
engineering also play a crucial role in making our lives happy
and comfortable. Obviously, the government funding of science
subjects helps the country to develop and progress.
However, this does not mean that only science subjects are
important. Other subjects like arts, crafts, literature and
humanities also play an important role in the overall progress of
a nation. These subjects make people aware of their history and
culture. They improve our aesthetic skills and enhance the
overall quality of our life. Art subjects provide plenty of job
opportunities too. After all, no nation can progress only on the
wings of science.
To conclude, government funding should not be limited to
science subjects. For the overall development of the country, the
government should support the teaching of other subjects as
Discipline is important for the all round development of
children; however, nowadays many students seem to lack it.
According to some people parents are responsible for
inculcating the value of discipline in their children; others insist
that it is the duty of teachers. I agree with the former view.
Different schools have different subjects depending on the
child’s age and each subject is taught by a specific teacher. It is
highly unlikely that each teacher teaches the same standards of
discipline to all pupils across all grades. Each child is different
and has to be molded depending on the child’s behavior. To
illustrate further, the school near my house has 40 students in
one class. The teacher often finds it very difficult to control the
class and teach the lesson within the allotted time. The teacher is
more concerned about explaining the lesson and completing the
course and gives less attention to those who misbehave in their
On the contrary, parents observe their kid very closely since
their birth. They tend to spend a lot of time with their children
during their free time at home. Since they interact more with
their child, they have an opportunity to teach them discipline
and mend their behavior. Children often try to imitate their
parents and learn behavioral skills from them. For example, my
son wakes up early in the morning and gets ready for school as
we all get ready for our offices. This behavior was not taught by
any of us; rather it was something he learned from his own
To conclude this essay, teachers in this modern era find it
extremely difficult to discipline all the children and mend their
ways within the allotted time. It is the responsibility of the
parents to discipline their child and show them what is right and

It is thought by some that the most concerning problem is how to feed a big
number of people as world population is growing, so few people consider that
GM foods is a vital solution to tackle this issue. In my opinion, I believe that GM
foods can help people as they can grow everywhere around the year and healthy
for people organism.
Researches created different types of GM foods and the main feature is that they
are adaptable for different weather conditions. Moreover, some GM foods can be
planted in desert regions and in poor soil and despite harsh weather conditions,
they still can give rich harvest to people. In addition, GM plants grow faster than
usual plants and can give crops three or four times a year what is beneficial for
people as they can eat different vegetables and fruits within a year. For example,
in our country farmers started to plant GM apple trees as a result people can
afford to eat them around the year for reasonable price.
Another point to consider is that gene modified foods are not harmful for people’s
health. According to recent research GM foods contain the same amount of
crucial vitamins and proteins also scientists modified its gene structure and such
foods can be saved for longer time. Furthermore, GM foods have delicious taste
and people like to eat them also such foods have beautiful appearance.
In conclusion, GM foods can be beneficial for people as they rich with crucial
vitamins and can give crops around the year in different weather conditions.
These days, there is a controversy surrounding the issue of the obesity among children
throughout the globe. Some assert that being overweight would have a detrimental effect
on children’s health and also financial support of treatment will get them in the trouble in
the future. I persistently support this idea, and in my personal view, children are involved
in this issue in the view of the fact that now they are not only enough physically active,
but also they choose to eat much more fast food rather than eating healthy.

There are a number of reasons for the proliferation of overweight children in the society.
The first among such factors are eating a redundant amount of junk food. According to a
thorough scrutiny, 17% of children aged from 2-19 are a prey of obesity. This is because
there are some parents who choose not to cook at home because they are indolent and
thereby prefer to eat non-healthy food at fast food places like McDonald's, which leads
them as well as their kids to be fat. Yet another factor, in my opinion, is not introducing
the kids to sports and exercises. In the modern day society, children are provided with
their personal phones, laptops, and video game consoles. Furthermore, on an average, a
child spends about 8 hours using technology per day. Therefore, sitting at home all day
and not physically playing games can also accelerate fat as well as other harmful effects
to other body parts like eyes, brain, and heart.
In addition, if the parents want their kids to stay fit, it is essential that they are being more
careful of what their children eat as well as focusing on their daily activities. Parents
should have a diet plan, in which their broods are allowed to eat a very little amount of
junk food; also, mothers/fathers should try to prevent eating outside food as much as
possible and cook healthy food at home instead. Moreover, keeping an eye on how much
time a child spends in front of screens is significant. There should be a strict timetable, in
which a child can only spend 1-hour playing video games and at least 2 hours playing
sports and exercising.

In conclusion, if couples want their children to be fit and healthy, they have to spend a lot
of time with their kids being staggering with their eating habits as well as the use of

People like factories because they bring new job to a community.In my

opinion,however,the benefits of a factory are outweighted by the risks.Factories cause
pollution and they bring too much growth.In addition,they destroy the quiet lifestyle of a
small town.That is why I oppose a plan to build a factory near my community.

Factories cause smog.If we build a new factory,the air we breath will become
dirty.Everything will be covered with dust.Factories also pollute rivers and streams.Our
water will be too dirty to drink.The environment will be hurt and people’s health will be
affected by a factory.

Some people will say that more jobs will be created by a factory.However,this can have a
negative result.Our population will growth quickly.Many new homes and stores will be
built.There will be a lot of traffic on the roads.Fast growth can cause more harm than
Our city will change a lot.It is a pleasant place now,it is safe and quiet.Everybody knows
everybody else.If a factory brings growth to the city,all of this will change.The small-
town feel will be lost.

A factory would be helpful in some ways,but the dangers outweigh the benefits.Our city
would be changed too much by a factory,I cannot support a plan to build a factory here.

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