Moraga Rotary Newsletter May 4 2021

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• Rotary membership was declining

MORAGA and average age was increasing.

Not any more!
• Rotary membership worldwide is
ROTARY growing in numbers of clubs and
memberships and the average
membership age is dropping.
NEWSLETTER • Paul Harris was 36 when he
founded Rotary. Changing as
May 4, 2021 many things as the automobile
_________________________________ did???

Evening Meeting: Evie then offered a quote. “How

wonderful it is that nobody need wait a
Tuesday, May 11 at 6:00 PM single moment before starting to
Program: Avi Mylrea, improve the world.” -Anne Frank
Common Hope
She recommended that we take
Greeter: Hubert Ma advantage of the recordings made
____________________________ during the conference and highlighted
To participate next week: the House of Friendship. -
Zoom connection information for next week’s ShelterBoxes, Jennifer Jones, Rotacare
meeting will be distributed early next week. with Rita Moreno donation videos.
Upcoming Speakers:
May 18 – Breyana Brandt – Director Our guests today included Mary Caburi
Moraga Parks and Recreation and Lillian Roodveldt. We were also
May 25 – Joint Meeting with Rotary joined by Alka Mulakaluri from India!
Club of GomaTumaini (Congo) 8AM !!
June 1 – Paul Graves – Community ~~HAPPY BUCKS~~
Violence Solutions President Brian offered a Hi $5 for the
District Conference and the long-
distance attendance of Alka at our
meeting today
~~Forty Fifth Meeting of “20/21”
Evi Michon and Debbie Koo also
offered $5 for the conference and Alka.
President Brian South rang the
Moraga Rotary bell to open the meeting Debbie Roessler is happy about the
and today’s greeter, Evie Michon, success of the virtual White Elephant
highlighted some items heard at last sale. She mentioned that they sold
weekend’s District Conference: $100K of merchandise in one day last

Frank and Linda May offered $5 for a Alka described the effects of the
wonderful Rotary pillow received from pandemic on her own family. She
Barbara Bruner. described, in personal terms, the loss of
family members and the lack of medical
Jennifer Brophy offered $10 for facilities to combat Covid. Alka, we are
receiving her second Covid shot. very sorry for the losses in your family.
Angelo Costanza is sending in $15 for Alka was able to setup communication
an exchange student that he sponsored between our Rotary club and the club in
in the past. Nagpur City. Brian is in contact with our
The Pandemic in India. local district and helping to coordinate
possible support activities going
President Brian announced that he is forward.
working with the Rotary Club of Nagpur
Ishanyain India. For more about this ~ANNIVERSARIES & BIRTHDAYS~
large, active club view the following Dianne Wilson celebrated a birthday
video: this week, but she missed the meeting
today. We will catch her soon ro hear about her celebration.
Rich and Peg Render returned from a
two-week trip to Maui. Rich described
the process they went through to travel
safely in this Covid world. He did say
that the island is open, and the trip was
very enjoyable after the Covid testing
and screening were completed.

Alka Mulakaluri from India ~~ANNOUNCEMENTS~~

We were joined by Alka Mulakaluri, a President Brian announced that he
club member who is currently visiting plans to send out a survey to obtain the
her family and friends in India. Mumbai opinions of members on club meetings
is twelve and a half hours ahead of and projects in the new Rotary year. He
Moraga in time – so it was the middle of also plans to offer some new Moraga
the night for Alka – thank you for joining Rotary hats and shirts in the near future
our meeting today! and is looking for a Rotarian to help with
this project.

Brian and Rich Render also ~~PROGRAM~~
announced that the Campolindo Interact
Club has selected new leaders and a Brian South presented our latest
new board for the next academic year. international project that is being
Stasia Thommason has led the club as spearheaded by the Lamorinda Sunrise
president for two years. She is a Rotary Club, a Concrete Floors project
recipient of one of our Rotary in Guatemala. We are also partnering
Scholarships this year. Thank you, with the Club Rotario Guatemala Vista
Stasia for a wonderful job and Hermosa. This local club, although only
congratulations! having 20 members, has sponsored
several successful large projects in the
Rich Render announced that the past.
E-Waste event will be held on Saturday, The concrete floors project will replace
May 15th. A flyer detailing this event can the dirt floors currently in houses with
be found at the end of this newsletter. concrete. A concrete floor reduces the
Let Rich know if you can help out on parasitic infestations that infect children
that day. There will be a morning shift through dirt floors. Other benefits
starting at 9:30 AM and an afternoon include reduction in diarrhea and
shift at 12:30 PM. The event ends at anemia as well as a huge improvement
around 4 PM (with beer). in the cognitive development of children.
Herb Wehmeyer is seeking Greeters for
our zoom meetings in June. Please
email Herb at [email protected] to sign

Lamorinda Sunrise Rotary Club is

sponsoring their last takeout dinner on
May 12. See the flyer later in this
newsletter for information on signing up
for this Italian Dinner at Locanda
Guatemalan Villagers
Positano in Lafayette. Note the cutoff
date is Thursday, May 6. We plan on supporting this project both
financially as well as travelling to
~~WHAT’S IN THE BOX~~ Guatemala to actually work on the
No game this week.
Brian noted that this project is in
addition to the planned work on the
Lumumba Congo Library project (LCL).

Note From the Editor
The 1928 Packard picture below was
taken in the town of Ferndale, Michigan
where I went to junior high and high
school. (Somewhat after 1928). Notice
the Rotary wheel to the right of the
Packard. Rotary has been active in
Ferndale for a long time!

Each week we end the meeting with this
game. The goal is to guess the suit of a
single ace drawn from four aces.
Today’s potential prize was $20. Angelo
Costanza’s selection was not correct!
Better luck next time!!
• 5/11 – Hubert Ma
• 5/18 – Mark Hoog
• 5/25 – Debbie Koo
• 6/1 -- Roger Gregory
• 6/8 -- open
• 6/15 – open
• 6/22 -- open

Moraga Rotary Directors 2020/2021
President Brian South
President Elect Brian South
Past Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
Executive Secretary Evie Michon
Secretary Jennifer Brophy
Treasurer and Youth Services Chair Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chairman John Erickson
Community Service Chairman Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chairman Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chairman Frank May
International Service Chairs Dianne Wilson & Debbie Koo
Membership Chairman Roger Gregory
Director at Large Mary Sue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman
District Governor 5160 Mark Roberts
President, Rotary International Holger Knaack
This month’s Newsletter Editor – Frank May

Link for the 5/12 dinner from Locanda Positano

Lamorinda Sunrise Rotary May 1, 2021, 3:00 PM

Join us for dinner May 12!

Enjoy a fabulous take-out meal from Locanda Positano in Lafayette. Eat well & DO GOOD all at the
same time!

3 choices and 3 pick-up times

With each two meals purchased you will receive a free bottle of wine.

Purchase of entrees includes a donation to Lamorinda Sunrise Rotary, to help fund our local and
international service projects.


MAY 6, 2021 AT 6:00 P.M.

Pick up at the Restaurant at your selected time.:

1005 Brown Avenue, Lafayette

Rotary Club of Lamorinda Sunrise

Meets on Fridays at 7 AM


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