Practitioner Review: Twenty Years of Research With Adverse Childhood Experience Scores - Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications To Practice
Practitioner Review: Twenty Years of Research With Adverse Childhood Experience Scores - Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications To Practice
Practitioner Review: Twenty Years of Research With Adverse Childhood Experience Scores - Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications To Practice
Background: Adverse childhood experience (ACE) scores have become a common approach for considering childhood
adversities and are highly influential in public policy and clinical practice. Their use is also controversial. Other ways of
measuring adversity - examining single adversities, or using theoretically or empirically driven methods - might have
advantages over ACE scores. Methods: In this narrative review we critique the conceptualisation and measurement of
ACEs in research, clinical practice, public health and public discourse. Results: The ACE score approach has the
advantages – and limitations – of simplicity: its simplicity facilitates wide-ranging applications in public policy, public
health and clinical settings but risks over-simplistic communication of risk/causality, determinism and stigma. The
other common approach – focussing on single adversities - is also limited because adversities tend to co-occur.
Researchers are using rapidly accruing datasets on ACEs to facilitate new theoretical and empirical approaches but this
work is at an early stage, e.g. weighting ACEs and including severity, frequency, duration and timing. More research is
needed to establish what should be included as an ACE, how individual ACEs should be weighted, how ACEs cluster,
and the implications of these findings for clinical work and policy. New ways of conceptualising and measuring ACEs
that incorporate this new knowledge, while maintaining some of the simplicity of the current ACE questionnaire, could
be helpful for clinicians, practitioners, patients and the public. Conclusions: Although we welcome the current focus
on ACEs, a more critical view of their conceptualisation, measurement, and application to practice settings is urgently
needed. Keywords: Adversity; child abuse; early life experience; social work; social psychiatry.
societal risks, such as community dysfunction and experience, frequency and duration of experience
ethnic minority status, should be considered as are not considered. For example, neglect could be
adversities (Cronholm et al., 2015; Edwards et al., conceptualised as an event or a condition: being
2017; Hartas, 2019; McEwen & Gregerson, 2019). left unattended for a short time probably would not
We consider adversities to be those experiences constitute neglect but repeated and ongoing lack of
which require significant adaptation by the develop- supervision would. Most studies (77%) identified in
ing child in terms of psychological, social and neu- Appleton et al. (2017) systematic review used
rodevelopmental systems, and which are outside of unweighted cumulative risk scores and only three
the normal expected environment, adapted from studies weighted adversities by their perceived
(McLaughlin, 2016). ACEs investigated thus far severity (Crowell et al., 2016; Davis et al., 2014;
typically include the same ACEs as the study by Slopen, Koenen, & Kubzansky, 2014). The adult
Felitti et al. (1998). This study asked more than life events literature could potentially offer guid-
8,000 adults presenting at the Kaiser Permanente ance on how to better model severity and fre-
San Diego Health Appraisal Clinic for a medical quency data. In 1979 Ross and Mirowsky reviewed
examination between 1995 and 1996 to complete a the life events literature and suggested that simply
questionnaire on ACEs. The ACEs included were adding up undesirable events was still giving the
abuse (psychological, physical and sexual) and best prediction of psychiatric symptomatology
household dysfunction (living with a household (Ross & Mirowsky, 1979). Despite their proposing
member with substance abuse problems, mental more sophisticated weighting systems, such as
illness or who had ever been to prison, and mother weighting adversities according to their statistical
was treated violently). The ACEs included were effect, this body of literature, now forty years old,
expanded by Anda et al. (1999) to add parental does not appear to have influenced modern ACEs
separation/divorce, and emotional and physical research.
neglect were later included by Dong et al (2004). The key conceptual issues in ACEs research are
These ten ACEs have been used in many subsequent summarised in Table 1, alongside some considera-
studies and in translation to practice. However, the tions/recommendations that researchers might take
choice of these ACEs has rarely been questioned. No into account in future studies. Such issues are
rationale for inclusion of those specific adversities, central for informing future ACEs research and
or for not including others, was given in the original translation into practice, and for considering mea-
Felitti paper (1998). Many subsequent studies have surement (considered in the next section).
included additional ACEs. In a systematic review of
studies assessing the association between ACEs and
cardiovascular risk factors (Appleton, Holdsworth,
Ryan, & Tracy, 2017), a third included poverty as an Table 1 Summary of conceptual issues and considerations for
ACE and a third included parenting styles. Poverty, future ACEs work
particularly, is conceptually distinct from psychoso-
cial adversities as it is a broader structural issue Considerations/
recommendations for future
determined largely by political and economic influ- Conceptual issues research
ences (Children1st, 2018).
Adverse childhood experience screening tools are Lack of internationally agreed Be explicit in definitions about
consequently far from uniform (Bethell et al., 2017); definitions of adversity what is and is not considered
to be an adversity, and why.
the ACE Questionnaire (ACE-Q) used by the Center Conduct research on
for Youth Wellness (Bucci et al., 2015) includes the clustering of ACEs and their
same items from the Felliti study, whereas the relative prognostic
World Health Organisation ACE International Ques- significance, both
tionnaire (ACE-IQ) includes additional adversities individually and in
such as bullying, war and parental death (WHO, Assigning individuals into Consider including
2018). Finkelhor et al. (2013) suggest that associ- binary categories regarding information on perceived
ations between ACE scores and health are improved ACEs (experienced vs. not severity or effect of
when adversities, such as peer rejection, peer experienced) experience too, as well as
victimisation, and community violence, are added. timing and duration of
These varying conceptualisations make comparison Lack of justification for using Consider inclusion of other
of study findings challenging and can create ten- original ten Kaiser adversities too – but justify
sions about how different studies should inform Permanente ACEs their inclusion based on
practice. clustering and prognostic
Another conceptual issue is the yes/no nature of significance
Differing items in various ACE Need for greater consensus on
ACE recording: individuals are usually assigned screening questionnaires which items to include and
into simply experiencing or not experiencing each why
adversity (Evans, Li, & Whipple, 2013). This means
that risk is arbitrarily attributed and the severity of ACE, adverse childhood experience.
have the same risk of poor outcomes – another practice and policy, but developments of the ACE
unlikely assumption. score approach will be necessary before meaningful
3. ACE scores are uninformative in elucidating the progress can be made on mechanisms, protective
mechanisms through which adversities might factors, and the development of more focussed
lead to poorer outcomes individually and with preventative and treatment interventions for ACE-
other adversities. We need to know about the associated poor outcomes.
effects of separate adversities, how and which
different adversities interact or co-occur and the
Alternative approaches to measuring ACEs
effects of these patterns of co-occurrence (Lanier,
Maguire-Jack, Lombardi, Frey, & Rose, 2018). What are the alternative approaches to measuring
4. The ACE score approach assumes that everyone ACEs in research and their implications for practice?
with the same ACE score will receive the same We consider three common methods – single adver-
benefit from an intervention regardless of what sities; theoretically driven models; and empirically
those adversities were. Understanding mecha- driven methods.
nisms is key to developing better interventions. At
present a ‘one size fits all’ approach to practice Single adversity approaches. There are thousands
and policy is assumed, because we have limited of research studies, many long pre-dating the focus
knowledge on how different ACE combinations on ACE scores, which examine one single adversity.
affect health (Lanier et al., 2018). There are also studies that disaggregate the ACE
5. Revisiting Felitti’s (1998) study there was no score into its component parts and examine the
rationale for why the adversities were summed effect of each adversity independently. For example
rather than applying other statistical approaches Merrick et al. (2017) used the Kaiser Permanente
to deal with the co-occurrence of adversities. study to examine associations between each ACE
Associations between ACE scores and outcomes and health without adjusting for the effect of each of
might be driven by the effect of one or a sub-set of the other adversities, making it possible to compare
adversities. Despite the known limitations of sim- the strength of associations between different adver-
ple summative approaches, and the longstanding sities and specific outcomes. The strongest associa-
existence of more sophisticated approaches e.g. tions were observed between parental substance
(Ross & Mirowsky, 1979), the cumulative risk misuse and the participant’s own engagement with
approach has rarely been questioned. risky health behaviours. Dennison et al (2017) found
6. There has been a reliance on retrospective report- associations of differing magnitude between trauma
ing of ACEs despite poor agreement between (assessed via the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire),
prospective and retrospectively-reported ACEs caregiver neglect and food insecurity on reward
(Baldwin, Reuben, Newbury, & Danese, 2019; processing. Alcala et al. (2018) also found different
Newbury et al., 2018). The equivalence between associations between different adversities and out-
retrospectively and prospectively reported ACEs comes; participants who reported childhood physical
therefore cannot be assumed. Longitudinal abuse were less likely to attend prostate, breast or
research has shown that retrospectively recorded cervical screening, while no associations were
ACEs are more strongly associated with health observed between sexual abuse and screening atten-
outcomes than those that were objectively dance. The key strength of these single adversity
assessed prospectively (Reuben et al., 2016). approaches is that one can examine the potential
7. Few studies have considered the importance of mechanisms linking a specific adversity to a specific
timing, chronicity and discontinuity of adversi- outcome (McLaughlin, 2016), but this is an under-
ties, although there are some exceptions (Alastalo researched area.
et al., 2013; Crowell et al., 2016; Davis et al., The main limitation of the single adversity
2014; Friedman, Montez, Sheehan, Guenewald, approach is that it ignores the presence of other
& Seeman, 2015; Schooling et al., 2011; Slopen adversities when we know there is a high level of co-
et al., 2014, 2015). Few studies use repeated ACE occurrence (Finkelhor et al., 2007). It is therefore
scores at different ages, and often just use a possible that any association observed between a
single ACE score for the whole of childhood/ specific adversity and outcome is in fact explained by
adolescence (Howe, Tilling, & Lawlor, 2015). the experience of other adversities not accounted for
There has been a greater focus on adult outcomes in the analysis. The increasing recognition of the
with less focus on how ACEs might affect chil- clustering of adversities has resulted in a decline in
dren. This is likely driven by the reliance on the single adversity approach and a subsequent
retrospective reporting in adult populations but increase in research which applies an ACE score
also by issues surrounding the disclosure of approach (McLaughlin et al., 2014) – with the
adversities by children (considered later). limitations we have already discussed.
The use of cumulative ACE scores has been
Theoretically driven models of adversity. The
profoundly influential in medical and social science,
appreciation of the clustering of adversities and the
Table 2 Summary of strengths and limitations of the main approaches to measuring adversities
ACE score Simple to understand and carry out Assumes that each adversity has same
More likely to find strong, statistically sig- association with outcomes of interest
nificant associations with outcomes Ignores the specific patterning of ACEs i.e.
Acknowledges that adversities tend to co- which adversities tend to co-occur?
occur Unhelpful if interested in mechanisms
through which adversities might affect out-
The specific adversities in an ACE score are
rarely justified or questioned
Largely reliant on retrospective reports which
are likely to be biased/unreliable
Consequently, larger focus on adult out-
comes rather than child outcomes
Single adversities Can investigate mechanisms linking specific Ignores the co-occurrence of adversities (i.e.
adversities with outcomes of interest associations seen could be confounded by
Can compare effects of different adversities presence of other adversities)
Theoretically driven adversity Adversities grouped theoretically based on Often difficult to test in a comprehensive way
models how they are thought to affect outcomes and to separate adversities into different
Therefore useful for investigating mecha- types
nisms linking different types of adversities
with outcomes
Empirically driven methods Allow researchers to better understand the Little currently known about the predictive
(e.g. variable-centred and co-occurrence of adversities and the impact power of these methods and how they com-
person-centred methods) and prevalence of different combinations pare to other methods, e.g. ACE scores, for
Adversities are weighted depending on how outcomes
strongly they influence outcomes Require large sample sizes
Useful for identifying prevalent and harmful Often criticised for being ‘analysis-specific’
ACE patterns and consequently to prioritise and therefore not easily generalised to other
interventions populations. However there is evidence of
replication of adversity clusters across dif-
ferent samples as these methods become
more common
Most of the research using these methods
has concentrated on maltreatment rather
than broader ACEs
‘Trauma informed’ training of Whole ‘Trauma-focussed’ encounters with clients/patients i.e. increasing As above
frontline staff working with services understanding by practitioners of what might have happened to their
children or adults (e.g. police, patients/clients and consequently why they might be in their current
Rebecca E. Lacey and Helen Minnis
ACE score not as informative as information about Routine enquiry. Routine Enquiry aims to train
This will help elucidate the life course mecha- Adverse childhood experience scores have been
nisms leading to poorer outcomes, and guide instrumental in stimulating an explosion of trans-
intervention developments. formative research into childhood adversity. Inno-
4. Longitudinal studies, recording high quality vations in practice are multiplying based on these
prospective ACEs data, are crucial to ACEs findings. The challenge now is to find more
research, particularly those in which the severity, nuanced ways of measuring and conceptualising
duration, frequency, timing and patterning of ACEs that are still easily usable so that detailed
adversities can be taken into account, as well as models of development can better inform practice
the direction of associations. and policy.
5. Rigorous intervention studies are needed to
examine the cost-effectiveness and safety of pro-
grammes such as routine enquiry and trauma Acknowledgements
informed initiatives. R.L. was funded by the UK’s ESRC (grant number ES/
P010229/1). The authors are grateful to the following
Our recommendations for practitioners are: people for reading a draft of this review – Philip Worsfold
(Population Health Directorate, Department of Health
1. To be more cautious and sensitive in translating and Social Care); Christine Garrington (Economic and
evidence from population research to individual Social Research Council’s (ESRC) International Centre
risk in order to reduce stigma and avoid deter- for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health, University
ministic messages from being propagated. College London); Ross McQueenie (General Practice and
2. Give careful thought to how and when to appro- Primary Care, Institute of Health and Wellbeing,
priately record ACEs in different practice settings. University of Glasgow); Ann Hagell (Association for
Young People’s Health); Sara Dodds (Directorate for
In some situations, e.g. in therapeutic settings,
Children and Families, Scottish Government); Steven
detailed information on specific adversities might
Beeston (Shenley Academy School, Birmingham);
be useful but it needs to be recognised that ACEs Michael Smith (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde); Lucy
do not necessarily result in poor outcomes. Thompson (Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Univer-
3. Consider whether evidence is available on the sity of Glasgow). Their feedback has been immensely
effectiveness and acceptability of programmes helpful in shaping this review. The authors have
such as routine enquiry and trauma informed declared that they have no competing or potential
initiatives before implementation. conflicts of interest.
4. Only routinely enquire about ACEs where the
benefit outweighs any potential harm, and where
evidence-based interventions exist and are read- Correspondence
ily available. Rebecca E. Lacey, Research Department of Epidemiol-
5. Look beyond individuals and families to the broader ogy and Public Health, University College London, 1-19
structural ‘causes’ of ACEs, such as poverty – Torrington Place, London WC1E 6BT, UK; Email:
[email protected]
especially when developing policy initiatives.
Key points
Researchers need to be clearer about their definitions of adversity – what constitutes an adversity and what
does not?
Researchers should consider including additional ACEs other than the 10 frequently investigated ACEs from
the Kaiser Permanente Study and justify these clearly.
Researchers should explore the different ways in which ACEs tend to cluster cluster and, individually and
together, predict outcomes
Longitudinal studies are required, particularly those which are able to consider the co-occurrence, timing,
frequency, duration and severity of ACEs, and which have high quality prospective ACEs data.
Twenty years of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) research has shown a graded relationship between the
number of adversities (ACE score) and health and other outcomes in many different populations, with
important implications about the potential impact of ACEs in clinical practice, public policy and public health
In all clinical, public policy and public health uses of ACE scores, appropriate and sensitive communication of
messages about risk/resilience and causation versus correlation is crucial in order to avoid detrimental and
deterministic messages being propagated. More sophisticated recording of ACEs (e.g. all ACEs experienced
rather than just reason for coming into care) will allow development of practice and research understanding
of the way ACEs cluster and of their individual and combined impact.
Before implementing routine enquiry about ACEs, careful considerations are required, including how data
are used, availability of evidence-based interventions, determinism and stigma
A broader focus on the structural ‘causes’ of ACEs is also warranted, especially a focus on issues such as
poverty and inequality
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