Excellent Journal On Indo Pak War 1965 Dsa1965200815

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is as much yours,
as it is ours!
he fighting that began in April 1965 culminated at the end of September 1965. That is a really long-time
to keep at it and yet not produce a result. Which is broadly what happened in the 1965 War between
India and Pakistan. There are narratives and counter-narratives of what is the only really indecisive
conflict between two neighbours constantly at it. All of the other wars, 1947-48, 1971 and even the
localised 1999 Kargil conflict, produced results. But this one was a strange one, because having ended in the
manner in which it did and yet a result is claimed by both. When both claim victory it is fair to say neither won.
The war began in the salt flats of the Rann of Kutch in April and ended in the shadows of the snowy peaks
of Kashmir at the end of September. This is not to say that it was an endless contest of lead all along. The
Pakistan Army initiated forays into the Rann of Kutch, to check Indian resolve and preparation. They found both
wanting in Kutch and thought Kashmir was available for plucking. So they did what they did in 1947 and sent
infiltrators in the garb of civilians to stir the hive, hoping to collect the honey when it would drop into their lap.
As in 1947 the infiltrators were soldiers in the guise of civilians, except that they didn’t plunder and
rape as they had done earlier. They were inducted to incite the local population that was ‘reeling under the
brutalities of Indian rule’, as the Pakistani narrative has all to believe. The assumption that the locals would
now welcome them as saviours, rise in revolt against India and Kashmir would become a part of Pakistan.
This simplistic plot was code-named ‘Operation Gibraltar’, borrowing from a romanticised episode from the
mythical period of Islamic history.
Once the people of Kashmir revolted ‘Operation Gibraltar’ was to be converted into ‘Operation Grand Slam’.
Except that Kashmir shepherds informed Indian authorities well in advance that there were infiltrators,
which gave India time to respond. Which it did by sending 1 Para to capture Hajipir Pass on a rainy August
night, thus cutting a critical Pakistani link. Pakistan had to prepone ‘Operation Grand Slam’, by which time
the Indian Army was well advanced in its campaign. So much so that 3 Jat under Lt Col Desmond Hyde
crossed Ichhogil Canal on the outskirts of Lahore on 3 September with negligible losses. 
This was not the case elsewhere, for the main aim of ‘Operation Grand Slam’ was to cut Akhnoor from
India and all communication lines thereafter. The losses in this sector were heavy and were to remain so
through the war. Since Pakistan began the war in Kashmir and India took it to Punjab, Pakistan took it
further south to the deserts of Rajasthan and captured territory in Barmer district. Each country opening
a front that suited it, to relieve pressure on the other fronts. And that is where the narrative of the war
gets muddled, for each has a version at variance with the other. The initiator became the defender and the
defender became the attacker, so on and so forth.
Pakistan celebrates 6 September as the Defence Day. This is in recognition of the success in thwarting
Indian gains into Lahore. Lt Col Desmond Hyde, who had almost crossed into Lahore, was left perplexed
when asked to withdraw from his position of strength. And that is really where the lessons of 1965 War
begin. This stalemated war is an episode rife with incidents of immense unit level leadership and bravery,
juxtaposed with an astonishing shortfall in generalship. The opportunities that commanders of 1 Para and
3 Jat and others like them, provided to the higher military leadership were squandered by timidness, at
times, misinformation, sometimes and downright absence of foresight, many many times. 
There is no antidote to that other than greater professionalism. Having been bested in 1962 by China and
brought Pakistan’s ambitions to a halt in 1965, India was well prepared to instil greater professionalism into
its armed forces by the time 1971 came. The result of that war is plain to all. Which is the greatest lesson to
learn of all, that there are no shortcuts to professionalism. What of Pakistan? The one pointer is that it has
tried the same formula three times, 1947, 1965 and 1999. None of its objectives were met, yet narratives
persist. There is a lesson in that too.

Manvendra Singh

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 1

publisher’s view

Wars and Lessons
No one needs war; but when it happens, it
generates an inexorable momentum of its own.
India, the Golden Bird, has been a victim of foreign
assaults from time immemorial and the incursions
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Magazine have continued even after the moment of our
Volume 6 | Issue 11 | August 2015 emergence as a sovereign, independent nation. It
is significant, that in the five wars that we have
Chairman Shyam Sunder had to fight after independence in 1947, some part
Publisher and ceo Pawan Agrawal of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir
President Urvashi J Agrawal has been involved, as Pakistan and China, singly
Director Shishir Bhushan
and in collusion, have sought to delink it from the rest of India. Kargil
Editor-in-chief Manvendra Singh in 1999 was the last such manifestation. Hence the rationale to bracket
Corporate consultant KJ Singh
wars and locale in this edition of DSA.
Corporate communication Irrespective of the logic and comprehension, every war has taught
Mamta Jain crucial and imperative lessons for sharpened preparedness of the
forces involved. There had been a paradigm shift in the war scenarios
Sales of ancient times till the Second World War and then subsequently
Anup Kumar Sinha from Second World War till date. India had to face the first of these five
Creative battles immediately after independence in 1947 when Pakistani troops,
Satyapal Singh disguised as tribals, invaded the princely state to try and give credence
to the spurious Two-Nation Theory. They managed to reach the gates
Representative (Europe and Americas)
Jo S Birring of Srinagar, compelling the Maharaja to seek help from Indian troops
Representative (J&K) to sweep away the invaders. This was only partially achieved before
Salil Sharma
the UN-sponsored Ceasefire was imposed. Because of this unfinished
Correspondent (Europe) business, India has had to revisit the battlefield, time and again. The
Dominika Cosic second Indo-Pakistani conflict was also challenged over Kashmir
Production and started without a formal declaration of war. This war began on
Dilshad and Dabeer August 5, 1965 and concluded on September 22, 1965.
In many ways, the Chinese attack of 1962 across a broad front
Sundar Rawat from Aksai Chin in J&K in the west and Arunachal Pradesh in the
east was a predecessor and template for the Pakistani attack of
IT operations 1965 – the Pakistanis hoped that they would be able to do the same to
Neeraj Vaid
a psychologically depressed India. But that was not to be because of the
Photographer lessons our political and military leadership had learned.
The 1962 War was an extensive and crucial lesson for the preparedness
Circulation and distribution of our forces. The infantry and the artillery divisions of Indian Army were
Ashok Gupta well equipped to counter the Pakistan Army. The role of Indian Army was
outstanding and well-supported by the Indian Air Force. Our courageous
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and the peasantry on whose land the war was being fought (remember
advertisement: [email protected] the slogan Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan?)
As we commemorate and celebrate 50 years of a victorious abrogation
Editorial and corporate office of this Pakistani invasion in 1965, DSA attempts an introspective of
Prabhat Prakashan Tower
4/19 Asaf Ali Road invaluable lessons learnt, game changers of the war, vulnerabilities then
New Delhi-110002 (India) and our preparedness to frustrate any future Pakistani misadventure
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[email protected] | www.dsalert.org while Islamabad persists in its self-destructive militarism.
Stagnant minds create immobile systems which become roadblocks
Disclaimer to growth. India demands creative thinking in governance that
All rights reserved. Reproduction and enables fast-track development and ensures social harmony and
translation in any language in whole or in
part by any means without permission from secure environs for its citizens. The nation has to be placed above
Defence and Security Alert is prohibited. partisan impulses.
Opinions expressed are those of the individual
writers and do not necessarily reflect those of Team DSA extends warm greetings to fellow Indians and salutes our
the publisher and/or editors. All disputes are soldiers in uniform along with extraordinary men and women who have
subject to jurisdiction of Delhi Courts. sacrificed their todays for our tomorrows, as India unfurls the ‘Tricolour’
Defence and Security Alert is printed, published in honour of its 69th Independence Day.
and owned by Pawan Agrawal and printed at
Graphic World, 1686, Kucha Dakhini Rai,
Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 and published
Stop Press: Team DSA joins me in paying homage to former Indian
at 4/19 Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi (India). President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam who passed away on 27th July 2015.
Editor: Manvendra Singh

Jai Hind!

Pawan Agrawal
2 August 2015 Defence AND security alert
Bharat Ratna
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam


Like Rishis of yore the epitome of

simple living and high thinking and
a modern day achiever par excellence!
Rest in peace Dr Kalam!

Team DSA

August 2015

Battle Of Asal Uttar
Indian Army

The Indo-Pak War Of 1965

Gen S Roychowdhury (Retd)

The Elusive CDS
Air Chief Marshal PV Naik (Retd)

State Of The Two Armies

Lt Gen Satish Nambiar (Retd)

Jammu And Kashmir

The Bone Of Contention 24
Lt Gen Syed Ata Hasnain (Retd)

1965 War With Pakistan

Lt Gen Harwant Singh (Retd)

Indo-Pak War 1965

Role Of Indian Air Force 30
Indian Air Force 6

Ayub’s Miscalculation
Maj Gen Ian Cardozo (Retd)

Pakistan Misses A Trick

Operation Grand Slam 36
Maj Gen Dhruv C Katoch (Retd)

1965: A Tribute To Courage

And Resoluteness 39 16
Brig Rahul K Bhonsle (Retd)

Follow DSA on: @dsalert Follow DSA on: @dsalert

4 August 2015 Defence AND security alert


An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Magazine

The Indian Navy
And The Indo-Pak War Of 1965 42
Indian Navy

Indo-Pak War 1965: Reflections

Lt Gen Munish Sibal (Retd)

The 1965 Indo-Pak War

No Victor No Vanquished? 48
Maj Gen Raj Mehta (Retd) 11

The Capture And Return

Of Hajipir Pass Amended Dpp Report Submitted To Rm 11
Myth And Reality
Maj Gen Sheru Thapliyal (Retd)
Sneak Peek 15

Celebrating Victory
54 Know The Chief
Brig Chitranjan Sawant (Retd) 44

Audacious Fortunes
56 Get Connected 75
Lt Col Rohit Agarwal (Retd)

As I Look Back
Col Naresh K Rastogi (Retd)

Revisiting 1965 India Pakistan War

Kriti Singh

Jammu And Kashmir

And The Idea Of India 65
Lt Gen Kamal Davar (Retd)

Incoherent Strategies
Reactive Policies 68
Dr Ajai Sahni

Jammu And Kashmir: Looking Ahead 54

team dsa
72 54

For online edition log on to: www.dsalert.org

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 5


Despite heavy enemy fire for long spells, Lt Col Caleb exercised his
command with calmness and fortitude and inspired his officers and
men to fight against the enemy fearlessly. In this action 15 enemy
Patton tanks were destroyed and nine others which were in good
working condition were captured. His cool courage, leadership and
foresight contributed greatly to this outstanding success.

arly in 1965, the already strained relations agreement was signed on 30 June, 1965.
between India and Pakistan worsened and Later it transpired that the attack in the
war seemed imminent. In April 1965, fighting Rann of Kutch was a diversionary attack to the
broke out in the Rann of Kutch. Indian one contemplated in Kashmir to draw Indian Forces
Police outposts were constantly shelled, followed by to the south and, away from Kashmir.
an attack by the Pakistan Army. Thus, a full-scale However, Pakistan failed in its aim.
but undeclared war erupted along the Rajasthan The unprovoked attack in Kashmir was not
and Gujarat borders. American built Pakistani long in coming. On 05 August, 1965, raiders
Patton tanks entered India and demonstrated their from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir began
effectiveness under Indian desert conditions. infiltration (Pakistan’s ‘Operation Gibraltar’).
These intruders were pushed back across the
From Babina To The Battlefield ceasefire line. Pakistan however, persisted with its
The fighting in the Rann of Kutch Sector had broadcasts of a revolution in Kashmir taking
come to an end by April 29, 1965. A boundary place to overthrow the Indian Government.

6 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

In April, 1965, 3 Cavalry, part of 1 Armoured Brigade land interspersed by streams/canals of various
had moved from Babina, Central India. To reduce dimensions. The subsoil water level was high. Slight
the time taken by rail to move to the concentration rain or watering of ground would make it boggy.
area, 3 Cavalry was located in Punjab itself. Nabha The 3 Cavalry was equipped with Centurion tanks
was the place selected. It was from here that it was while the enemy held Patton and Chaffee tanks in its
moved on 01 September, 1965, to battle. establishment. The disposition of own troops in this
By the end of August, 65 Indo-Pak relations XI Corps area was as follows:
had reached a very dangerous stage. On l 1 5 Infantry Division with 14 Horse
01 September, 1965, All India Radio in its morning (Scinde Horse) with Sherman tanks, in the
news broadcast announced, that Pakistan’s Amritsar Sector in the north.
forces had crossed the International Boundary in l 7 Infantry Division with CIH (Central India Horse)
Kashmir. Pakistan had attacked Indian troops in the Khalra Sector in the centre.
Chamb Sector with two Regiments of Patton tanks. l 4 Mountain Division, with 9H (Deccan Horse)
Thus, started the Indo-Pak Conflict of 1965. On Sherman MK IV tanks in the Khemkaran
06 September, 1965, India in riposte attacked Sector in the south.
along the Indo-Pak borders in the Amritsar 2 Independent Armoured Brigade was earmarked
and Khemkaran Sectors (Punjab). as XI Corps reserve and positioned in the area.
The 3 Cavalry on arrival in Punjab was
Change Of Operational Area

indian army
finally placed under the Command of 2 Independent
Prior to its move to Punjab in September, 1965, 3 Cavalry Armoured Brigade. Its task was to ‘Counter any
was an integral part of 1 Armoured Brigade of 1 Armoured tank threat in the XI Corps area’.
Division. 1 Armoured Division was earmarked for
operations in the Shakargarh salient. As such, all Mobilisation And Concentration
pre-operational tactical planning, reconnaissance and, As 3 Cavalry tank column was now moving during
tactical exercises without troops (TEWT) had been focused daylight, there was understandable fear of an enemy
on that area. However, someone changed 3 Cavalry’s air attack. Soon enough, aircraft appeared over
operational role to the Amritsar Sector at the last 3 Cavalry tank column. Anti-aircraft precautions were
minute (After the war, on a query by the Commandant, taken but, fortunately the aircraft turned out to be of
General JN Chaudhuri, Army Chief, replied that he the Indian Air Force. Perhaps out on a reconnaissance
himself had changed the regiment’s destination). sortie. With own aircraft in the area no enemy aircraft
This sudden change in the area of operations caused could approach the tank column unchallenged. Thus
some consternation in the minds of 3 Cavalry officers. 3 Cavalry’s move to Chabal Kalan remained unknown
But, there was little time to worry about the reasons to the enemy. Some Regimental tanks got bogged
for the change, 3 Cavalry had to move to an area in down near Chabal Kalan but, were soon recovered
the Amritsar Sector. Thus the Regiment, as part of with the help of the local farmers and, their tractors.
1 Armoured Division, came to be in Punjab, under Civilian help would remain a commendable feature
a new formation, with a fresh task, under directions throughout the ensuing operations.
of a different formation commander. The 3 Cavalry On reaching Chabal Kalan, the Commandant’s
moved to Punjab on 01 September, 1965, with the request to move further south towards Bhikhiwind
following officers on its establishment. was accepted by 2 Independent Armoured Brigade.
The Bhikhiwind area being preferred as it was in
Indian Tank Deployment the centre and in depth of 2 Independent Armoured
XI Corps was responsible for the defence of Punjab. Brigade’s operational area. At this stage 2 Independent
The 3 Cavalry’s operational area lay between Armoured Brigade was located at Bundala (Punjab)
Amritsar and Khemkaran. It was plain agricultural and 3 Cavalry was in Bhikhiwind area.

a. RHQ
i. Commandant – L
 t Col Salim Caleb
ii. Second-in-command – M
 ajor Bachan Singh Grewal
iii. Adjutant – C
 aptain Dilip Kumar Kundu
iv. Intelligence Officer – 2
 /Lt Rameshwar Singh Pathania
b. ‘A’ Squadron – M
 ajor Suresh Chander Vadera
c. ‘B’ Squadron – M
 ajor Prabhakar Shripad Belvalkar
d. ‘C’ Squadron – Major Narindar Singh Sandhu
e. ‘HQ’ Squadron – O
 fficiating Risaldar Jagat Singh
also performed duties of 2IC vice Major
Bachan Singh Grewal SOS – 08 September, 1965
f. Quartermaster – Captain Satpal Singh
g. Regimental Medical Officer – Captain Jitendra Nath Bhargava
h. Light Aid Detachment (EME) – Captain TP Chandran

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 7


08 September, 1965
By 11:00 hours the Regiment had commenced its
move southwards on the Bhikhiwind-Khemkaran
road. ‘B’ Squadron was leading with Regimental
Headquarters and, ‘C’ Squadron, less two troops
following. ‘A’ Squadron was to move along road
Patti-Valtoha-Khemkaran. Thus the main routes
of enemy’s advance were blocked.
Major PS Belvalkar thereafter sped forward to
contact Lieut Colonel AS Vaidya (later Chief of Army
Staff) of Deccan Horse and, returned to confirm
that Deccan Horse was actually in contact with
enemy’s Chaffee and Patton tanks and any assistance
from 3 Cavalry would be most welcome. The two
‘C’ Squadron troops guarding Kulluwal Bridge
were recalled to join the Regiment.
On his way towards Khemkaran, the Commandant
met Major JM Vohra in his Sherman tank heading
Meanwhile, enemy activity continued all along the
northwards. During the short briefing that ensued,
border. Heavy fighting was reported in the Khemkaran
Major JM Vohra confirmed that Patton tanks
area. 3 Cavalry’s hour of destiny had arrived.
were heading towards Bhikhiwind.
The volume of civilian movement north along the
Khemkaran-Bhikhiwind road indicated a considerable
and sudden increase in activity. First Patton Tank Destroyed
With the leading elements of ‘B’ Squadron having
reached south of Chima Village the Regiment scored
Four Fateful Days (8-11 September)
its first hit on the Patton. ALD Charan Singh sighted,
The Regiment completed its move to Bhikhiwind
what he described as a strange form suddenly take
on 08 September, 1965. Its fighting elements,
shape of a Patton in his gunner’s sight. However,
deployed as follows:
with sure but sweating hands and a short prayer he
l ‘A’ Squadron in general area Patti.
pressed the trigger. The enemy tank burst into flames.
l ‘B’ Squadron in general area Bhikhiwind.
The first blow had been struck. A good omen indeed!
l Regimental Headquarters and ‘C’ Squadron less
The time 14:37 hours, the date, 8 September, 1965.
two troops, in area Kacha Pakka.
3 Cavalry was at war. Within minutes a second
Patton tank was hit. The Patton tank’s invincibility
Moulding The Battleground was now crumbling. ‘A’ Squadron meanwhile was
The frontage available to the enemy was restricted trying to outflank the enemy on the eastern flank.
between the Sutlej River on the east and Pakistan Number of Patton tank casualties added further
border on the west. Within this area, the to their misunderstanding and disbelief. That
Commandant had two options. Option one was to night (8/9 September, 1965) the majority of enemy
hold fast to the Bhikhiwind area (the area of its positions were withdrawn. The enemy pulled
present location). This would gain 3 Cavalry more out his Patton tanks from the eastern flank and
time for preparation of its defences, but would diverted his attention to the western flank. The
allow the enemy the additional advantage of a dispositions were as follows at this stage:
broader frontage for manoeuvre – a frontage beyond l ‘B’ Squadron on the Centre Line
3 Cavalry’s strength of three Squadrons. (Bhikhiwind-Khemkaran road).
Moreover, 3 Cavalry would have to l Regimental Headquarters on the centre line.
withdraw all its echelons which by now, had l ‘C’ Squadron on the western flank.
concentrated to its immediate north. This would l ‘A’ Squadron in reserve in place of ‘C’ Squadron
lead to chaos and confusion, resulting in on the centre line (in rear).
irreparable damage to its morale. A fierce tank battle now developed. As the first day
Option two was to move south and attack the closed (8 September, 1965), no casualties had been
advancing enemy. This would restrict the enemy, reported on the Indian side. The Regiment’s tank crew
from enlarging its frontage to boundaries within had taken to battle with mastered ease and without
3 Cavalry’s capability. It would necessitate offence much fear or tension. Meanwhile, 2/Lt PA Joseph’s
and prove excellent for the morale of a Regiment on Centurion was hit by a Patton from 800 yards, it shook
its very first wartime action. And most importantly, as the shot hit the Centurion mantlet (metal shield
3 Cavalry by attacking would not be surrendering protecting the base where the gun enters the turret).
large areas of good agricultural land and, a number 2/Lt PA Joseph got the impression that his tank gunner
of populated towns/villages to the enemy without had fired without permission. On being corrected and,
a fight. Commandant 3 Cavalry adopted option after a little inspection, it became clear that a Patton
two. He chose to move southwards to Khemkaran shell had fired but had not pierced the Centurion’s
– and bring the enemy to battle. turret mantlet. This information was quickly relayed

8 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

to the rest of Squadrons who were instructed to face
their tank towards the enemy when engaging.

09 September, 1965
On 9 September, 1965, the Squadron dispositions
were as follows:
l ‘A’ Squadron readjusted its tank position to
milestone 29 on road Bhikhiwind-Khemkaran.
l ‘B’ Squadron stayed on the centre line and was
shelled by enemy medium guns.
l T he balance of ‘C’ Squadron tanks were
redeployed on the Mohamed Pura Chitt Kui
track. The day came to a close with the enemy
constantly probing Centurion defensive positions
but, withdrawing without a fight. Obviously
reconnoitring in preparation for an assault.
At 23:00 hours 8 September 1965, Captain
Nagindar Singh along with the two composite

indian army
troops was ordered to return to Raja Tal to protect ‘A’ Squadron thus watched and waited with bated
the Kulluwal Bridge area. Troops were in position breath. Around 17:30 hours, ‘A’ Squadron reported
by 07:00 hours on 9 September 1965. These two Pattons sighted. The Squadron Commander’s gunner
troops were commanded by Captain Nagindar Singh Sowar Dhirpal Singh destroyed three Pattons roughly
and Naib Risaldar Chander Bhan. in as many minutes. Two Pattons were destroyed by
To meet this western flank tank threat, 3 Cavalry Naib Risaldar Jagdeo Singh’s Centurion. The enemy
now deployed in two roughly formed semicircles. tank assault thus calmed down in fury and finally came
With tank troops at Madar-Algun-Khurd along the to a halt. Five enemy tanks lay damaged in the fields.
main road Dibbi Pura-Mohamed Pura-Lakhna. The
mouth of this horse shoe was left open between Show Of Strength
Lakhna and Madar. The second semicircle was Thereafter the Commandant ordered all Centurions
formed partly with the same tanks, that is, tanks at to ‘Open Up’ with both main gun and machine gun
Lakhna-Mohamed Pura, the Khemkaran Minor, where fire to show that 3 Cavalry’s defended position was
‘C’ Squadron had placed six tanks further south held in strength. The enemy would have to do better
on the road upto Chima and beyond. Regimental than his last attempt. As darkness set in, an Infantry
Headquarters tanks were ordered to place themselves assault was expected soon. The Artillery Op with the
north of the Rohi Nala Bridge, on the main road under Regiment was directed to lay down maximum fire on
Command of the Adjutant, with instruction to allow likely enemy tanks and Infantry assembly area and
the enemy to come through ‘only over his dead body’. start lines. However, no Infantry attack was launched.
By now, Centurions generally needed immediate
Spotters On Treetops replenishment of ammunition. ‘A’ Squadron
‘A’ Squadron had in the meantime readjusted Commander reported a balance of one AP (armour
their tank positions to meet the Patton tank’s piercing) and two HE (high explosive) rounds. Tank
assault, which were persistently trying to establish commanders now requested permission to withdraw
a road block on Bhikhiwind–Khemkaran road. for replenishment. But, the Commandant directed
‘A’ Squadron headquarters accompanied by a troop that “No one will change position or withdraw,
of tanks moved into area Dibbi Pura-Mohamed Pura. everyone will stay in their respective positions.” Later,
By 13:00 hours ‘A’ Squadron was heavily shelled. jeeps from the Intercommunication troop were used
Because of restricted visibility at ground to replenish tanks requiring ammunition. This proved
level due to high sugarcane crops in the area, a little difficult to execute at first but, after some time
observation posts (OPs) were established at selected all tanks were reasonably replenished.
treetop heights at Regimental Headquarters.
On 10 September, 1965, as the day progressed First Patton Tank Captured
it appeared that the enemy was likely to launch Major SC Vadera mounted Patton tank BA No 77651
a tank assault in the Mohamed Pura area. and, was able to start it with the help of instructions
After advising ‘A’ Squadron Commander the clearly recorded and prominently displayed by the
Commandant’s message to Major SC Vadera manufacturers. The news of the capture was radioed
ended with a bit of hard advice – “Anyone who to Regimental Headquarters and relayed to Brigade
remains cooler under this stress longer will win Tactical Headquarters and to 4 Mountain Division.
– Identify, take a good aim and then shoot well, God be It caused much jubilation all around.
with you.” Identifying of tanks became a difficult task, GOC 4 Mountain Division, Major General
as both Centurions and Pattons kept continuously on Gurbaksh Singh, after having cross-checked with
the move inside the thick growth of sugarcane fields. the Brigade Commander and the Commandant the

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 9


of 4 Cavalry’s tanks had perished. In fact, so

many tanks casualties littered the area that the
Commandant requested the Brigade Commander
to arrange for numbering the enemy tanks with
paint in order to make counting easier. All captured
enemy tanks turrets therefore showed a number in
white paint, in addition to their original Urdu serial
numbers, Photographs of these were taken later.
Apart from the Pattons captured on
11 September, 1965, a serviceable Armoured
Personnel Carrier (APC), BA No 078915 belonging to
10 FF (Pakistan) was also captured. This APC had
logged only sixty hours at the time of its capture. For
the next few days this APC was to become an object
of delight and curiosity for subalterns who mastered
its mechanism and drove it around.

accuracy of the information regarding Pakistani Pak Operational Plans Captured

tanks crews having left their tanks, visited Later in the evening enemy’s 4 Armoured Brigade’s
the Regiment. He just wanted to be sure that Operational Order Number G-3548 (Copy No 3) dated
what he had heard was true. 08 September, 1965 was recovered by the Regiment. It
Thereafter plans were immediately undertaken to disclosed the mission of 4 Armoured Brigade Group.
drive the serviceable Patton tanks into own territory. This briefly stated that 4 Armoured Brigade Group was
The decisions arrived at were that: to advance on axis Kasur-Khemkaran-Valtoha-Nabipur
l Major SC Vadera would report when he started astride Sabroan Branch on orders and secure
his move forward; Beas Bridge on main Grand Trunk Road.
l The main gun of the captured tank would point It was signed by its Brigade Major Sarup Khan.
towards the enemy; The original Copy No 3 of this order now hangs in
l His tank would fly a white flag. A white flag not the Regimental Officers’ Mess. (This operational
being readily available, a white vest had to suffice; order was later published by DR Mankekar in his
l Although it was daylight, tank BA No 77651 book – Twenty-Two Fateful Days). This operational
would be driven with its headlights switched ‘ON’. order revealed the
Asked about the time required to complete his details and scope of a
journey to Regimental Headquarters – “about “colossal enemy
fifteen minutes” replied the Squadron Commander. dream come untrue”
Fifteen minutes later, Patton tank BA No 77651 as Lieut Colonel
turned into Regimental Headquarters and was Caleb later remarked.
parked there. Captain Kundu, the Adjutant and On 17 September,
Naib Risaldar Nasib Singh were ordered to study 1965, All India Radio
the mechanism of the gun and, to get it into action. announced the award
An inspection later revealed all captured Pattons of a Maha Vir Chakra
were overloaded with ammunition. Petrol tanks to Lieut Colonel
were low in case of those left running. A detailed Salim Caleb. The
search later disclosed many more Patton tanks lying citation read:
abandoned over a large area. Risaldar Jagat Singh, “On 10 Sep, 1965,
the Officiating Risaldar Major and 2/Lt PJS Mehta Lt Col Salim Caleb
were ordered to immobilise them. was in Command of
Since some Pakistani tanks crews were still a Cavalry Regiment
seeking shelter in the sugarcane fields, it was which was engaged
feared, that some attempt may be made by them in a tank battle
to recover their abandoned tanks. To foil any such with Pakistan tanks
attempt, certain precautions were taken. The banks near Khemkaran.
of a nearby minor canal were broken and, the area Despite heavy
flooded. Brigade Headquarters then ordered the enemy fire for long Comdt Lt Col Salim Caleb
EME to remove some vital electrical parts from spells, he exercised
these tanks. Major SC Vadera was later awarded his command with calmness and fortitude and
a Vir Chakra, for his commendable work. inspired his officers and men to fight against the
All India Radio broadcast the news of capture of enemy fearlessly. In this action 15 enemy Patton
these Pattons in their afternoon news bulletin. tanks were destroyed and nine others which were
It now became evident that the enemy had in good working condition were captured. His cool
launched his attack with squadrons one after the courage, leadership and foresight contributed
other in a ‘staggered’ manner. A large percentage greatly to this outstanding success.”

10 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

The Committee of Experts headed by Dhirendra Singh presenting the Report
to RM Manohar Parrikar

Amended DPP Report

Submitted to RM
anohar Parrikar led Defence Ministry vision of the government and also make the
constituted a committee of Experts Defence Procurement procedures more friendly
for Amendments to DPP 2013 in implementation. Many suggestions ranging
including a Policy Framework from making the procurement executive more
for aligning it with the ‘Make in India’ enabled to easing of offset norms for effective
initiative of the Modi government. engagement to take place are in the report.
The committee submitted its report The report has addressed aspects beyond
to the hon’ble RM on 24 July 2015. DPP by suggesting incorporation of certain
Highlights of the report are as follows: institutional mechanisms for facilitating
The report is intended to suggest measures industry including MSMEs, skill development
for enabling implementation of ‘Make in India’ as part of offsets and enabling exports.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 11



In the opinion of some, the 1965 Indo-Pak War was a pointless

stalemate. Others feel that India achieved its strategic aims by
breaking the taboo on crossing international borders and established
a historical precedent for strategic decision-making which paid
rich dividends in 1971. The master sequence can be said to have
been initiated almost from 1963 onwards, on a staggered dateline
commencing with the Moe-e-Muqaddas riots in Srinagar in 1963 with
the ultimate finale at the Tashkent Declaration on 10 January 1966.

t would not be incorrect to state that the roots of Pakistani Agenda
the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965 lie in the partition Pakistan’s own aims were focused on the takeover
itself that vivisected India in 1947, a bloody and of the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir, which
traumatic affair that permanently scarred the Pakistan visualised as the unfinished agenda of
India-Pakistan psyche and drove Pakistan into a quest the Partition. Membership of SEATO and CENTO
for military balance with India at all costs. In the was merely a means towards this end. The results
search for a military sheet anchor against its ‘natural were gratifying and military aid poured in including
enemy’, Pakistan was an early and willing candidate M47 and M48 Patton tanks, M113 Armoured
for membership in the overlapping ‘collective security’ Personnel Carriers and heavy artillery for the
zones created by the USA after the Second World War Pakistan Army, F-86 Sabre and F-104 Starfighter
to keep the territorial ambitions of Soviet Russia in combat aircraft for the Pakistan Air Force and
check as also to prevent the ideological expansion of Gearing Class destroyers for the Pakistan Navy.
Communism in the post-Second World War world. This large-scale blood transfusion of military
Pakistan accordingly became a member of the South equipment greatly enhanced the offensive edge
East Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO) in 1954 and of the Pakistani Armed Forces vis-à-vis India,
the Central Treaty Organisation (CENTO – also known where their putative adversaries the Indian Armed
as MEDO or Middle East Defence Organisation) in Forces had been accorded a very low-priority in
1959 to pursue its own strategic agenda which totally the national priorities post–Independence. Even
diverged from that of the United States. as the Pakistani armed forces surged ahead in

12 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

War of 1965
their capabilities, the Indian Armed Forces were later just as mysteriously as it
struggling under a backbreaking burden of obsolete had disappeared, the incident
outdated equipment of World War II vintage, with instigated a violent religious
no replacements or refurbishments in sight. frenzy that exploited and
took advantage of the strong
Shadow Of ’62 anti-India feeling in Srinagar. Gen
The lead-in to the India-Pakistan War of 1965 actually Major separatist demonstrations S Roychowdhury
commenced with the Sino-Indian border war of 1962 broke out in the Kashmir Valley, PVSM, AVSM (Retd)
which came to be internationally symbolised by the while in the Jammu region The writer is a former
Indian military shambles at the Sela Pass in what south of the Banihal Pass; Chief of Army Staff of
is now the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. The counter-demonstrations were the Indian Army and a
launched against pro-Pakistani former member of the
prestige of the Indian Army and that of the nation Indian Parliament. He
plummeted and touched rock bottom. But, as always, separatism in Srinagar. was commissioned into
even the darkest cloud has a sliver of silver in its the 20 Lancers of the
lining. The blow which had humiliated India had Pak Opportunism Indian Army Armoured
The actual authors of the Corps on 9 June 1957,
also jolted it hard. The debacle at Sela had shaken after graduating from
up the entire country politically and a wrathful mischief remain untraced even
the Indian Military
Parliament forced the exit from office and public life to the present day. Anti-India, Academy. He took part
of VK Krishna Menon, the close confidante of Prime pro-Pakistan sentiments in the Indo-Pakistani
Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and his de facto have always been strongly War of 1965 in the
entrenched in the Valley region Chamb-Jaurian sector
‘National Security Adviser’, though the term had and in Jessore and
not yet come into vogue. Repairing the torn fabric of Kashmir and the widespread
Khulna during the
and broken scaffolding of the Indian Armed Forces public disorder during the Bangladesh Liberation
was taken urgently in hand by new and energetic Moe-e-Muqaddas riots of 1963-64 War in 1971. He
commanders and the task of reconstruction proceeded provided Pakistan with the commanded the 16 Corps
opportunity it was looking for. in Jammu and Kashmir
apace. But, heavily influenced by the 1962 experience, from 1991 to 1992. He is
the new army was naturally oriented towards the With 1965 just around the
a graduate of the National
terrain along the Himalayan borders, where infantry corner and, the Indo-Pakistan Defence Academy,
War, when it came that year, Indian Military Academy,
would be predominant. The plains and desert terrain
would be a largely plains and Defence Services Staff
towards Pakistan was given little attention.
desert oriented conflict this time College, Army War
around, where tanks, artillery College; National Defence
American Intrusive Inspections and air power would be the
College and also DLitt
During this period, some limited intakes of light (Honoris Causa).
Prime determining factors,
equipment came from the United States, in all of which India
but it was a trickle, besides being subject Minister was still grossly deficient. Pakistan had
to periodic snap inspections by the Shastri ordered succeeded in ‘shaping the battlefield’ to
American authorities to ensure that they
the Indian Army its own advantage and any war in 1965
were deployed only on the Himalayan was unlikely to be of India’s time and
front facing the Chinese threat and not to take the war into place of choice. The situation looked
facing west against Pakistan. It was a Pakistan across the strategically unpropitious for India.
humiliating time for the Indian Army international Meanwhile, Pakistan was already
and its commanders and all for some well into refurbishment of its operational
scraps of semi-obsolete ironmongery.
capabilities for mechanised warfare and,
Pakistan meanwhile looked speculatively at felt that having been softened up by China in
the dismal performance of the Indian Armed Forces 1962, the Indian elephant could now be pushed and
and probed for further opportunities. As part of its prodded in other areas as well, amongst them the
game plan, it took a hand in the internal politics Indo-Pak border in the Gujarat region, specifically
of Jammu and Kashmir state and managed to along the parallel of latitude 24 degree North in the
create an opening in 1963 when Pakistani covert Rann of Kutch. In this run-up Pakistan’s military
agencies, possibly ISI, managed to surreptitiously planners had first methodically strengthened the
make away with the Moe-e-Muqaddas, a revered defence of its Punjabi heartland by constructing the
sacred relic attributed to the Prophet Mohammed, Ichhogil Canal as a barrier against any direct Indian
from its traditional shrine within the complex of the threat towards Lahore along the Grand Trunk Road. A
Hazratbal Masjid at Srinagar on 26 December 1963. similar network of ‘ditch-cum-bund’ canal systems to
The loss was immediately broadcast to the public protect Sialkot and other urban centres located close
in Srinagar and though the relic reappeared a week to the Indo-Pakistan border was also constructed.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 13


Having secured the homeland (in some senses the Jammu-Rajouri-Poonch road and cut-off the entire
‘Al Qaeda’ – ie the Base), Pakistan’s military planners Poonch-Rajouri-Naushera region from the remainder
for offense had come up with a broad three part plan, of Jammu and Kashmir and then acquire it at leisure.
to be made operative at times and places of their
choosing. These were: Operation Desert Hawk in the The Shastri Manoeuvre
Rann of Kutch to draw Indian reserve forces away ‘Operation Grand Slam’ opened with an intense artillery
from Kashmir and southward towards the Gujarat barrage in the Chamb Sector on 15 August 1965,
border. This was launched on 10 April 1965 against coinciding with the entry of the Gibraltar columns into
the Indian border outpost of Sardar Post held by the Srinagar. This was followed on 1 September 1965 with
CRPF spearheaded by M47 Patton tanks of Pakistan’s an overwhelming onslaught of two Pakistani armoured
24 Cavalry, grouped with 51 Infantry Brigade Group regiments and follow-up infantry, which were initially
under 8 Infantry Division of the Pakistan Army. India opposed by the Indian 191 (Independent) Infantry
reinforced the sector with minimum forces only – the Brigade Group of three infantry battalions, but only one
ready-to-go 50 Independent Parachute Brigade in a under strength squadron light French AMX 13 tanks.
ground holding role, to be replaced by a newly raised Reinforcements in the shape of a newly organised
31 Independent Infantry Group, hurriedly created 10 Infantry Division were parcelled in piecemeal
out of the erstwhile local Sub-area Headquarters from far away Bangalore and the Indian Army held
and very weak in all types of supporting arms on here, but only just. It was then that the newly
and services, particularly armour. Jugaad is elected Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri
admirable, but there are limits beyond which made a grand strategic decision which must surely
it cannot (and should not) be exploited. rank amongst the greatest and most decisive by any
Indian Prime Minister before or since – he ordered
Pak Army Infiltration the Indian Army to take the war into Pakistan across
An offensive by infiltration into the Kashmir Valley the international border. The war that followed
by six columns of predominantly Punjabi speaking was fought along the western borders only, from
mujahideen forces raised, equipped and trained for Jammu and Kashmir in the north to Rajasthan in the
covert warfare by the US trained Special Services south possibly because in another instance of well
Group (SSG) of the Pakistan Army, to enter Srinagar judged geopolitical sagacity, India chose not to escalate
coinciding with the festival of Id and create riots the war into what was then East Pakistan. This
and civil disorder to build-up a popular non-involvement was to pay overwhelming
resistance movement against the Indian The 1965 strategic dividends subsequently, in 1971,
presence in the Valley. This had been when India under a different Prime
Indo-Pak War
designated ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and Minister, won a true strategic victory over
there is certainly room for speculation also brought before Pakistan and created the new Republic
whether the Moe-e-Muqaddas riots in the Indian people the of Bangladesh. But that is a separate
Srinagar which fitted almost too neatly story, a Mahabharata by itself. Indo-Pak
into this scheme of things, were in fact a
undimmed valour hostilities in the 1965 War concluded
preliminary to the main operation itself. of their Armed on 23 September 1965, followed by
‘Operation Gibraltar’ did not succeed. Forces Indo-Pak talks at Tashkent chaperoned
The Kashmiri speaking awam of the Valley by Soviet Russia culminating in the
did not respond in adequate measure to their Tashkent Declaration of 10 January 1966.
Punjabi speaking co-religionists with whom they had
little cultural or social linkages, an aspect totally Post-war Assessment
overlooked by the Punjabi-centric Pakistan Army. In the opinion of some, the 1965 Indo-Pak War
The Indian Army soon got its act together and created was a pointless stalemate. Others feel that India
‘V’ Sector, an ad hoc headquarters for a composite force achieved its strategic aims by breaking the taboo
for urban counter-insurgency composed of military on crossing international borders and established
and police forces. The Indian Army had stumbled a historical precedent for strategic decision-making
almost by default on to an almost ideal solution to which paid rich dividends in 1971.
resolve the situation. Mistakes were committed on The 1965 Indo-Pak War was in fact a composite of all
the Indian side, but ultimately the Gibraltar columns these segments. The master sequence can be said to have
were decimated and defeated and the remnants been initiated almost from 1963 onwards, on a staggered
fled into the countryside where they were hunted dateline commencing with the Moe-e-Muqaddas
down. ‘Gibraltar’ was defeated, but not permanently, riots in Srinagar in 1963 with the ultimate finale
as the future revival in the Kashmir Valley of the at the Tashkent Declaration on 10 January 1966
Hurriyat, Lashkar-e-Taiba and above all Al Qaeda and the tragic and some say mysterious demise of
and the Islamic State were to show. But all these were Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri the very
still in a future as yet distant. next day. But what it also brought before the Indian
‘Operation Grand Slam’, an armour predominant people was the undimmed valour of their Armed Forces,
offensive to be launched in conjunction always a beacon of hope and inspiration to the
with ‘Operation Gibraltar’, to capture the people of India, especially in the troubled times of
Akhnoor Bridge on the River Chenab and interdict the Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

14 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

sneak peek

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More than a decade after Kargil Group of Ministers’ recommendations,
many of the decisions with the exception of the most crucial one
─ that of the appointment of a CDS ─ have been implemented.
The CDS envisaged as a single-point military adviser continues to
remain elusive mainly because there is no political or military
consensus and the bureaucracy is happy to play along.

here seems to be a renewed vigour in the of what I had said. I thought it was more than likely
discussion circles not only in and around that there were more minds which needed a better
Delhi but the cognoscenti all over the country. explanation and this situation needed to be rectified.
For the uninitiated and the unwashed the The fundamental questions arising out of the issue
uproar is about OROP, a very touchy subject for many. of CDS, in my opinion, are three:
I would like to submit that there are a few who are l Do we need a CDS?
thinking beyond OROP and suchlike on ‘Enterprises l What model of CDS do we need?
of great pith and moment’. One such issue being l Is the present compromise formula acceptable?
addressed is important yet not in the public eye: The
issue of the ‘Elusive’ CDS (Chief of Defence Staff). Bureaucratic Sleight Of Hand
During my tenure as Chief of Air Staff I had a lot of I am sure everyone knows the history behind the
occasions to address the topic of CDS because there idea of CDS. However, it would be worthwhile
seemed to be a misconception doing the rounds of recalling relevant facts. According to Gen Sinha (the
power corridors that the IAF was the only Service erudite Vice Chief, Governor and more), at Gallipoli
opposed to the idea of a CDS. This was wrong and I during WW I, Gen Sir Ian Hamilton, commanding
used every opportunity to put forward the IAF point the Royal Army was desperate for Naval gunfire
of view. I thought I had, by and large, succeeded. support. He did not get it because the Admiral of the
Recently I came across a 2013 article by a senior Fleet had ordered his warships to clean the boilers.
officer which showed a total lack of understanding After the First World War, the British introduced

16 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

a Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC), comprising These meetings are informal,
the three Service Chiefs in their Defence High without any agendas or note
Command. This arrangement was also adopted by taking and have no official
other countries. During the Second World War, the status although in theory, the
concept of a Supreme Commander in all theatres of Defence Minister is deemed to
war was evolved. Within a few years after that war, have given policy directions
the appointment of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) was in these meetings! Following
made at the national level in all countries, except Kargil in 1999 the work of
India. Preying on Nehru’s suspicions of Indian Armed the Kargil Review Committee
Forces, the civilian bureaucracy by an innocuous (KRC) is well-known. Their
government note on May 27, 1952 declared the recommendations followed Air Chief Marshal
Armed Forces Headquarters as ‘attached offices’ of formation of a Group of Ministers PV Naik
the Defence Ministry. In one stroke the bureaucracy (GoMs) who came out with some PVSM, VSM
divested the Armed Forces Headquarters of policy futuristic recommendations. (Retd)
making roles as the government manual of office Some major ones are: The writer was
procedures decreed that while Ministry of Defence l Creation of the post of Chief commissioned into
could make policy, their ‘attached offices’ merely of Defence Staff (CDS), the Indian Air Force
implemented it. In essence the decision-making whose task was to include on 21 June 1969. In
a distinguished career
process was to have the benefit of independent inter-services prioritisation
spanning forty years,
inputs from the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC), of defence plans and the former CAS has
the Defence Minister’s Committee (Service Chiefs improvement in synergy flown a wide variety
were members of this Committee) and the Defence among the three Services of combat and trainer
Committee of the Cabinet. These in turn signified l C reation of Headquarters aircraft. He is a Qualified
Flying Instructor with
representation of the Services, mechanism for the Integrated Defence Staff (IDS)
vast instructional
bureaucratic processing and of course political l Formation of a tri-Service experience and a Fighter
control. The Service Chiefs interacted directly with Andaman and Nicobar Combat Leader from the
the Cabinet through the Defence Cabinet Committee. Command and a Strategic prestigious Tactics and
Through the seventies, eighties and the nineties, the Command Air Combat Development
bureaucracy continued to acquire disproportionate l Establishment of tri-Service Establishment (TACDE).
He has been Directing
powers vis-à-vis the Service Chiefs. The bureaucracy Defence Intelligence Agency Staff at TACDE and the
conveniently points to the ‘Government of India (DIA) Defence Services Staff
Transaction of Business Rules’. Framed in 1961 l C reation of The National College. He has been the
under the constitutional powers of the President Technical Research Senior Air Staff Officer
of India these documents continue to guide the Organisation (NTRO) for at HQ Western Air
Command, the Air Officer
conduct of business by the Government of India. gathering electronic and Commanding-in-chief of
It is instructive to read the document. Under these other technical intelligence Central Air Command
rules, the three Service headquarters were designated More than a decade after these and the Vice Chief of
as ‘Attached Offices of the Department of Defence’ recommendations, many of the Air Staff, prior to his
and are therefore placed in a position subordinate to decisions with the exception of appointment as the
Chief of the Air Staff. The
the DoD. The Service Chiefs, as professional heads the most crucial one – that of
former Air Chief Marshal
of the three Armed Forces and with an experience the appointment of a CDS – have is a graduate of the
garnered over a period of at least four decades, found been implemented. The CDS Defence Services Staff
no mention in these rules. The Secretary Department envisaged as a single-point College and an alumnus
of Defence on the other hand, according to these military adviser continues to of the National
Defence College.
rules, is responsible for Defence of India and every remain elusive mainly because
part thereof including preparation for defence there is no political or military
and all such acts as may be conducive in times consensus and the bureaucracy
of war to its prosecution and after its termination is happy to play along.
to effective demobilisation. The Armed Forces
of the Union, namely, Army, Navy and Air Force, Do We Need A CDS?
Integrated Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence Well, what are our reference points? USA, UK,
comprise Army Headquarters, Naval Headquarters, France, Australia, Israel, all have a CDS, though
Air Headquarters and Defence Staff Headquarters. under different names. China and Russia also enjoy
a similar dispensation but their political systems are
Politico-military Interface totally different from ours. Even the democracies have
Sixty-eight years after Independence, it is no secret adopted different models of CDS. The USA with global
that the political-military interface is all but absent commitments has independent theatre commands,
in India’s institutional set-up. The Armed Forces are such as the Pacific Command, Central Command etc.
completely under the day-to-day as well as policy Each of these are equipped with land, air and sea
control of the MoD. The desirable politico-military units, bureaucrats and political departments needed
interface is now reduced to weekly, sometimes for independent campaigns. The theatre commander,
fortnightly meetings chaired by the Defence Minister. a four-star General or Admiral, reports directly to the

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 17


US President, through the Secretary for Defense. In start small and when confidence builds, up the ante.
Washington, there is a centralised Joint Chiefs of Staff The next major setback is the total absence of any
Committee (JCSC), headed by a five-star chairman. The document concerning National Strategy spelling out
Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps chiefs plan, where we are and where we want to be in 20 years
train and develop human resources, leaving the theatre from now. We not only need to define our national
commanders free to handle operations independently. strategy but publish a ‘White Paper’ so the other
The smaller British, French, Canadian and Australian countries are also aware of our thinking.
Militaries place their Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine
units directly under their respective four-star Service Military Ego
chiefs. These Service chiefs answer to a five-star Within the Services, we must set our egos aside
Chief of Defence Staff, who could be from any Service. and genuinely embrace jointness. We should
The CDS reports to the minister in charge of defence. concentrate on jointness in Intel gathering; Training;
Our requirement for India must be seen through the Perspective Planning and, finally Acquisitions, to
lens of our strategic perspective, our threat evaluation, exploit advantages accruing through economies of
the future environment over our region and future scale. We need to train for jointness. We need to
battle scenarios which include an assessment of create joint billets right from the rank of Major or
our capability build-up. In the foreseeable future equivalent. We need to modify our promotion policy to
our main concerns will continue to be China and ensure that performance in joint billets (living space)
Pakistan and the two-front scenario. We are unlikely has a major effect on promotion.
to develop large-scale autonomous expeditionary A look at most countries shows that the CDS has
capabilities. Our chief requirements would continue had to be thrust upon the militaries. For example
to be deterrence against aggression and safeguarding the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 of USA which
our territory. Non-state actors will continue in made the most sweeping changes to US Department
J&K Sector. Although chances of war are remote, of Defense required it to be made a law before the
future wars will be hi-tech, short, with high energy, military accepted it. Therefore we need to have a
day/night, with high transparency of battlefield parliamentary debate, not only to educate but to iron
and heavy rate of consumption of resources. It will out differences, if any. Now in a democracy all these
involve rapidly shifting scenarios and use of Remotely things take time. Therefore the post of CDS would be
Piloted Aircraft will proliferate. I do not envisage realistically tenable only 8-10 years from now.
operations away from mainland. Some out-of-area
contingencies, however, cannot be ruled out. What Model Of CDS Do We Need?
Successful handling of above scenarios requires This is the second fundamental question to be
quick decisions; a high-level of synergy between the addressed. In USA the chain of command runs
government and military leadership; a thorough from the President, through the Secretary of
understanding of hi-tech and availability of Defense to the Theatre or Combat Cdr. The Service
resources to match the pace of battle. All these and Chiefs support the Combat Cdr by providing
many other factors lead me to the conclusion that facilities like Spl Ops, Transport support, Strategic
a CDS in the future will become inevitable. Now forces etc. The Combat Cdr now has a force
it is not like waving a magic wand. You wave and using all assets required to employ the Air/Land
say ‘CDS’ and, hey presto, there he is. We have to doctrine. The CDS or, in this case the Chairman,
prepare the ground for progressing onto a viable Jt Chiefs of Staff, is the principal military adviser
CDS regime. So what do we need to do? to the President, the National Security Council and
the Secretary of Defense. He heads the Jt Chiefs of Staff
Integrating Three Services With MoD Committee of which the three Service chiefs are
This is mandatory. If this does not happen we members along with the Marines component.
cannot move forward. Governments over the USA has global interests. For operations far from
last six decades have ignored this issue. What homeland the policy of having Theatre Commands
this has done is that ours is the only country in works efficiently. What this also implies is that each
the world where the security apparatus functions Theatre has to be by and large self-sufficient. This
without military participation in decision-making. is costly and only a couple of countries could afford
What is worse is that the benefit of years of it. Similarly other models of CDS exist. We have to
operational experience and advice is denied to choose a model based on our strategic environment
the government. The MoD has paid lip service to and not blindly adopt foreign models. We must see
integration. Nothing has happened on the ground. what improvements our model can provide over the
The bureaucracy is quite happy because they have present system. The guiding principle is that policy,
the ear of the ministers and any failures or delays resource allocation and setting of priorities must be
can, conveniently, be attributed to the ‘attached the exclusive domain of the Central Staff.
offices’. Integration cannot happen overnight. I had Individual Services will manage their own Service
suggested to the then RM time and again to start within the framework centrally set. Something
small, let us say at Director level. Let some civil akin to centralised planning and decentralised
Directors work in Service HQs and some Colonel execution with a policy oriented CDS or central
/equivalent Service officers work in MoD. We need to staff and management oriented Service staffs. This

18 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

involves striking a delicate balance between the It may be a way out of the muddle but is definitely
central planning staff and the management tasked not a solution. On ground nothing has changed.
Service staffs. Ultimately, however, decisions on There is no integration with MoD. The Chiefs are
the central issues of policy and resources must not likely to give the poor fellow the time of the day.
be taken by the Central Staff. Where the advice The bureaucracy would be laughing all the way at
of individual Services is rejected, it must be for successfully having added another appendage in the
reasons that are openly stated. There is, therefore, process without affecting their sphere of influence.
a need to put these proposals to wider debates and The main function of ‘a single-point of military advice’
discussions so that those who have to ultimately would not be achieved. I feel this would just be an
make them successful are indeed convinced of the exercise in lip service. It is better to reject it outright
benefits that are likely to accrue. than muddle through for the next ten years.
The Kargil Review Committee (KRC) says, “there
‘Senior Service’ Syndrome is both comfort and danger in clinging to any
There is an unstated agenda in Army minds that long established status quo”. It goes on to say,
being the senior Service they must get first shot at “While this is true we must be careful not to effect
CDS. There is discussion on whether it should be a change for the sake of change” lest we throw the
four or five-star rank. Whether he should be deep baby out with the bathwater as the cliché goes.
selected or an outgoing Chief and what should be The idea of CDS needs acceptance by not only
his tenure. In my opinion, the appointment of CDS the government but other political parties also.
should be by rotation among the three Services. More than that the MoD bureaucracy must be
I think the selection should be on merit from the made ready to handover a large and lucrative
serving Chiefs after finishing a minimum two year part of their power to the Services. Integration
tenure. We need to appoint not only the CDS but his with MoD and the subsequent transparency and
Deputy also who could be a four-star officer. This will accountability has to be acceptable. The Services,
reduce seniority problems and provide a cushion or within themselves have to get rid of their individual
overlap during changeover. I think their tenure must egos and think jointness. In my opinion the idea
be three to five years to be effective. As far as rank of Theatre operations which many feel is a natural
is concerned, it must be a five-star appointment. We fallout of the CDS system is not viable in our
keep quibbling about four or four plus stars for what scenario. It will lead to unnecessary duplication
reason, I do not know. If he has to have control over of resources. A cost penalty that the country can
the Chiefs, he must be five-star. There is a misplaced ill afford. This proposal stems from a mistaken belief
fear of a coup if so much power is vested in one that personnel of all three Services will perform
person. History tells us that while there have been better if ‘Under Command’. However the fact
many coups by Army Chiefs in different countries remains that officers and men need to accept the
there is no case of a CDS effecting a coup. importance of functioning in a joint organisation.
Now that we have got the mundane details out of Lastly, the importance of Service Chiefs,
the way let us come to the crux. The appointment of their freedom and initiative must be maintained
CDS should have the following characteristics: with the CDS directing policy and the Chiefs
l Five-star General/equivalent at par with Cabinet managing within those policy guidelines.
Secretary. Senior most single-point adviser The discussions above would bring home to the
to the PM and the government through the reader how difficult a transformation this is. The
Raksha Mantri on matters military with the initial framing of rules must be experimental. They
Defence Secretary handling Defence Production, should be finalised only after sufficient experience
DRDO, HAL, OFB and inter-ministry issues. is acquired. I would like to state a few home truths
l C DS should be a member of the Cabinet before I end. The whole process of CDS must start with
Committee on Security and not an invitee. integration of the Armed Forces with MoD. As can be
l He should look after Jt Comds like the Strategic seen, the time frame is about 8-10 years by which
and ANC as well as future Jt Comds like Cyber the Services need to set their house in order and the
and Spl Forces Comds. government needs to remain committed to the idea.
l He should provide the strategic vision and Management of Armed Forces in future will require
be responsible for strategic, perspective and a CDS type of system. Our strategic imperatives will
contingency plans. dictate the type of CDS we need. This would be refined
l He should be in charge of tri-Service Acquisitions with experience. Whichever model is chosen, I say
so that we gain by utilising economies of scale go all out without compromises like a permanent
and avoid infructuous duplication. chairman of COSC. I would like to end by quoting
l The CDS must be viewed as the ‘Head’ of our from an Australian ‘White Paper’ on Defence, 2000
Armed Forces providing strategic planning and on how the Armed Forces should be viewed. It states,
the vision, while, at the same time each Chief “The Armed Forces are not only a Service provided by
continues to head his Service as before. the Government. They are part of Australia’s national
Coming on to the last fundamental question identity”. Our Armed Forces, too, have, over the last
whether the present compromise formula of having a seven decades more than proved that they are a part
permanent head of COSC in lieu of CDS is acceptable. of the national identity and not just a Service.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 19


State Of The Though the outcome of the

1965 War cannot be considered
an outright victory for the Indian
Armed Forces, it went a long way
in restoring the pride, confidence
and self-esteem of the forces
that had taken a battering in
1962. It also restored the image
of the forces in the eyes of the
general public. As a consequence,
Indian Army units responded
with added determination to the
provocations along the Ceasefire
Line in Jammu and Kashmir in
later years, at Nathu la Pass in
1967, in securing the outstanding
victory in 1971, at Sumdorong
Chu in 1987 and most recently
during the Kargil operations.

he defeat at the hands of the Chinese in
October/November 1962 reflected poorly
on the capacity of the then political
leadership to handle issues of governance
and national security. The military setbacks having
been the result of the neglect of the vital aspects of
organisation, equipment and operational readiness
of the Armed Forces, as also political interference
in its internal affairs, there was a great trust
deficit between these two vital pillars of the Indian
establishment. The credibility of the country’s
foreign policy thrust based on non-alignment and
appeasement of the Chinese was perceived as flawed
and the intelligence apparatus was not only suspect,
but seemed to be in some disarray.
The Pakistanis no doubt perceived the political
situation in India as one where the political leadership
under Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri was weak,
divided and in any case pacifist. How wrong they were
proved is another matter altogether; Shastri came
out as a hero to us youngsters in the Indian Army.

The Efforts At Resuscitation

In the aftermath of the 1962 debacle, the
Government of India undertook measures to expand,
re-equip, modernise and reorganise the Indian
Armed Forces. While these measures were long
overdue and needed to be implemented urgently,

20 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Two Armies
they put the establishment under some strain. The and equipment, (all of which one
additional manpower requirements for the newly had personal experience of), the
raised units and formations of the Indian Army were Chinese were made to pay a heavy
met by increased intake at all levels; at officer grade price for the relative success
through short service commissions and shortened they achieved. To that extent,
training periods and similar arrangements at the it may be stated without fear of Lt Gen
level of the rank and file. Needless to say, core serious contradiction, that while Satish Nambiar
personnel for the new raisings were found through that generation of officers and PVSM, AVSM, VrC
‘milking’ of existing units and formations which men may have found it difficult (Retd)
to that extent, stood diluted in terms of trained to forgive the then political The writer was a young
manpower and operational capability. Newly raised leadership, our intelligence captain with just under
formation headquarters and units had not yet had agencies and sections of our eight years commissioned
time to develop integration as effective entities; senior military leadership, for not service when the conflict
personnel inducted from various military stations taking the appropriate strategic started and took part
in the operations in the
in the country and from regimental centres were just and operational decisions at Jammu-Sialkot sector.
about beginning to function in a cohesive manner that time and most inexcusably,
within units; training on old and new equipment was not providing us with the tools
underway in real earnest, as were efforts to ensure to deal with the adversary, we largely retained our
operational readiness of units and formations. professional competence and composure. We knew
There were inevitable imbalances in organisational through the experience of battle, that ‘man-to-man’
capabilities as also in training standards, both at the Indian soldier was a match for any adversary;
the individual level and of formations and units. that the Chinese soldier was no ‘superman’. Hence
our generation never suffered from any irretrievable
The Politics Of The Time ‘trauma’ of the military defeat in 1962. This assertion
In so far as Pakistan was concerned, the practical stands proven by the events at Nathu la Pass in 1967
wisdom then prevalent was that if India was to and at Sumdorong Chu in 1987; on both occasions,
be defeated on the battlefield, it had to be dealt we gave the Chinese a ‘run for their money’.
with before the expansion, reorganisation and This reality could not have been factored in by
re-equipping of the Indian Armed Forces was the Pakistani political and military leadership who
completed. Hence ‘the earlier the better’. were possibly of the view that the morale of the
Given the scale of the military defeat inflicted by the Indian Army was in its boots. And that it would
Chinese and the background to the debacle in political therefore be a ‘cakewalk’ before the Indian
terms, as also because of the poor state of military establishment could resurrect the situation. How
equipment and the questionable quality of some sections wrong the Pakistanis were in their analysis was more
of the senior military leadership, it was inevitable than borne out by the outstanding performance of
that there was a degree of turbulence in the senior our units and formations in the 1965 operations.
ranks of the military. Fortunately, the repositioning
of senior military commanders of proven professional Operational Philosophy
competence and credibility and the inherent resilience Though the Indian political leadership of the time
of the Indian Army units and establishments, ensured had displayed commendable initiative and resolve in
that there was no serious debilitating impact on the dealing with immediate post-Independence situations
morale of the Service as a whole. like the invasion of Jammu and Kashmir by tribal
A major contributing factor to this quick recovery irregulars supported by the Pakistani military,
was, in my view, the fact that the impact of the 1962 Junagadh and Hyderabad, as also Goa/Daman/Diu
debacle on the morale at junior leadership level and etc the overall philosophy in so far as dealing with
the rank and file was only marginal. As someone with disputes on our boundaries with neighbours like
five years commissioned service at the time of the Pakistan and China was perceived at the tactical
Chinese aggression, one can claim to speak with some levels as defensive and reactive rather than offensive
credibility on the subject. Though deployed at that or proactive; possibly with good reason given
time, on the Ceasefire Line in the Uri Sector and not the equipment state of the Indian Armed Forces.
therefore having had the privilege of fighting against To that extent, the decisions taken in 1962
the Chinese, one is fully aware of the fact that while to occupy forward positions on our borders with
the Indian Army suffered some major reverses, on the Tibet in Ladakh and NEFA appeared to be out of
whole, the performance of the junior leadership and character; with of course, the disastrous results that
the rank and file in most cases was unexceptionable. followed because they were so obviously misplaced.
Notwithstanding the outdated weaponry, inadequacy On the other hand, in Pakistan a military
of ammunition in many cases and poor quality clothing dictatorship led by Field Marshal Ayub Khan was

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 21


in power and had put in place an offensive defence during April and May 1965. This was brought to a
concept through the creation of a formidable obstacle halt through a ceasefire negotiated by Prime Minister
system using the existing canal system adjacent to Harold Wilson of the United Kingdom on 30 June 1965.
the border, boosted with ditch-cum-bunds in the In due course, this was followed by arbitration through
more vital sectors, thus releasing significant force a three member International Tribunal.
levels for offensive operations against what was The leadership in Pakistan was apparently
presumed to be a numerically larger Indian Army. buoyed by the outcome of these operations in the
Rann of Kutch which they perceived as a vindication
Equipment Status of their belief about the lack of preparedness of
The equipment held by units and formations the Indian Armed forces, as also the fragility of the
of the Indian Army was largely of World War II Indian political leadership. This perception obviously
vintage: personal weapons of infantry units being propelled the Pakistani leadership to initiate action for
the .303 bolt action Lee-Enfield rifles and light induction of infiltrators into Jammu and Kashmir, to
machine guns; tank holdings based on four regiments be followed by military action against India.
equipped with Centurions and the remainder with
vintage Shermans and Stuarts, together with a couple Major Pakistani Errors Of Judgement
of AMX-13 light tank regiments; artillery regiments The first major error of judgement was the
based on vintage 25 pounder and 76 mm mountain presumption about the Rann of Kutch operations
guns; vintage 40 mm anti-aircraft guns and so on. best summarised by quoting from a Pakistani analyst,
Consequent to the 1962 conflict, some spasmodic Brigadier Shaukat Qadir who writes: “Early the
induction of equipment did take place. Even so, same year Pakistan Army had successfully defended
at the onset of the 1965 conflict the Indian Army itself against the Indian attempted incursion in the
was still far from being modernised in terms of Rann of Kutch, but that chapter was closed since
weapons and equipment. Units and formations were the dispute had been referred for arbitration. Why
still largely organised and equipped in the therefore should Pakistan embark on a venture that
traditional British Indian Army mode (It is another might lead to war remains an unanswered question
matter altogether that the British Army had itself to date, particularly when we were aware that such
shed much of its traditional philosophy in context of a venture in which we were considered the aggressor
being part of the Cold War Western military alliances would result in the severance of aid from the US,
like NATO, SEATO, CENTO etc). which ultimately happened? It is a matter of historical
On the other hand, having joined up in military record that Bhutto, then foreign minister, convinced
alliances like SEATO and CENTO, the Pakistan Ayub Khan, the president, that the Indian response
Army had absorbed much of the American-led to our incursions in Kashmir would not be across
Western equipping philosophy that dominated these the international boundary and would be confined to
alliances. For instance, each infantry battalion of the Kashmir. He must have offered powerful diplomatic
Pakistan Army had eight medium machine guns and arguments as forcefully and articulately as he could,
eight 106 mm anti-tank weapons, as also two light but despite that I find it difficult to comprehend how
machine guns in each section against one in each Ayub accepted such an argument which was militarily
section in the infantry battalions of the Indian Army; untenable and, while Ayub could be accused of many
giving the Pakistani units the capacity to bring to bear things, he was far from being militarily unwise.”
greater automatic firepower and anti-tank capability The second error was the presumption
in the battle zone. Of even more significance in terms about local support for the infiltration into
of giving them significant capabilities, each infantry Jammu and Kashmir about which Shaukat Qadir
division of the Pakistan Army had, on its order of has this to say: “For some obscure reason, Pakistan
battle, a reconnaissance and support battalion that undertook Operation Gibraltar, without preparing the
had an imposing inventory of 48 mobile 106 mm grounds for it or seeking guarantees of local support
anti-tank weapons and 48 medium machine guns or even attempting to assess the mood of the Kashmiri
that provided the flexibility of considerable additional people. Pakistan went into Operation Gibraltar
firepower. Pakistani tank regiments were largely without any preliminary preparations and undertook
equipped with the more state-of-the-art M-47 and a guerrilla operation inside Indian held Kashmir
M-48 Patton tanks provided by the USA together with with a large number of regular soldiers, some SSG
their holdings of vintage Sherman and Chaffee tanks. elements and a smattering of irregulars, expecting to
be welcomed by the local population and raise them
The Kutch Episode up in arms against the Indian Government. They were
Given the perception of the Pakistani military and destined to be rudely disillusioned. Far from rising
political leadership about the state of affairs on the up in arms, the local population denied any support
Indian side both politically and militarily, it was and, in many instances handed over the infiltrators
not surprising that in March 1965 they decided to Indian troops. An act for which they should not
to ‘test the waters’ as it were, by initiating military be held to blame in any way, since by then they
action in the Rann of Kutch in support of ostensible were reconciled to staying within the Indian Union
territorial claims in the area. A series of military and Pakistan had made no preparations for such a
actions by both sides with debatable results ensued venture. It was to take another twenty four years for

22 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

them to rise indigenously against the Indian Union. That therefore was the state of play when the
Gibraltar soon became a disaster. The majority of Indian Army launched operations across the
the infiltrators were captured by the Indian troops, international border in Lahore, Sialkot and Sind
though some managed to exfiltrate.” Sectors in September 1965.
On Operation Grand Slam, Shaukat Qadir
writes: “... was one of a number of contingency plans Some Reflections
that had been prepared to support Gibraltar. Since Though the outcome of the 1965 War cannot be
Gibraltar’s failure was considered inconceivable, this considered an outright victory for the Indian
plan intended to sever the road link between Armed Forces, it went a long way in restoring
India and Indian held Kashmir once the The the pride, confidence and self-esteem of
valley was up in flames. Now that Gibraltar the forces that had taken a battering in
had not just failed but had resulted
war proved
1962. It also restored the image of the
in the loss of some key positions in that it will forces in the eyes of the general public.
Kashmir (like Hajipir), the operation always be the As a consequence, Indian Army units
was undertaken to relieve pressure responded with added determination
on the troops defending Kashmir. man behind the to the provocations along the Ceasefire
Operation Grand Slam was four phased; weapon that Line in Jammu and Kashmir in later
the capture of Chamb, the crossing of years, at Nathu la Pass in 1967, in
River Tawi and consolidation, followed by matters securing the outstanding victory in
the capture of Akhnoor and finally severing 1971, at Sumdorong Chu in 1987 and most
the Indian lines of communication and capturing recently during the Kargil operations.
Rajouri. Despite the difficulties of terrain, specially The performance of the junior leadership
entailing a river crossing, the possibility for success was outstanding as always. It is a measure of
lay in the bold audacity of the plan, which necessitated the commitment and dedication of the junior
speed in execution, since if there was sufficient time leaders that the officer to rank and file casualty
permitted to the Indians, they would reinforce Akhnoor ratio during the 1965 war was 1:14 against
and it would be impossible to capture.” As it happened, a rank structure ratio of 1:60.
the operation did not succeed and in fact turned out The war proved (if such proof is necessary)
to be the third error of judgement; because it led to that it will always be the man behind the
Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri giving the weapon that matters and not so much the
Indian Armed Forces clearance to enlarge the scope of weapon system itself. The Indian Army
operations as deemed militarily necessary. jawan proved his worth once again.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 23



The one major lesson which must
go down for posterity with the
Indian security establishment
is the fact that Pakistan was, is
and will always remain obsessed
with J&K. Its acts to initiate
and secure a military advantage
will never be dictated by a sense
of rationale and deniability is
something it has mastered. The
irrational is something that we
can always expect which makes
the task of defence of J&K that
much more challenging.

here are three things about the 1965 Indo-Pak
Conflict which draw attention. First is
the strategic scenario in the subcontinent
which attracted General Ayub Khan and
Zulfiqar Bhutto to undertake the botched operations
(conflict initiation). Second is the strategy which
Pakistan establishment followed through 1964-65, to
primarily aim at wresting J&K (conflict progression).
Third and last is the negotiation which resulted in
the handing back of the crucial gain India made,
the Hajipir Pass (conflict termination). In these three
events the story of the two years of conflict (not 22 days
as is customarily believed) can be told threadbare.
I intend to do that briefly from my perspective and
understanding of Conflict Initiation, detailing the
operations in J&K and only mentioning the other
theatres of conflict – Punjab, Rajasthan and Kutch.
In doing so, I also wish to dilute all perceptions which
exist in Pakistan that its Armed Forces won
for it a decisive military victory.

The Strategic Scenario

Examining the strategic scenario should commence
from 1962, the year of India’s unfortunate defeat
in a brief border war with China, but the tenor of
Pakistan’s perception about India’s military capability
goes back to the fifties. The stark difference between
India’s soft approach towards enhancing its strategic
interests and Pakistan’s aggressive stance by joining
US-led anti-communist blocs developed the perception
that India’s leadership was out of sync with its
military resulting in weakening of the Armed Forces.
In Pakistan, with Pakistan Army in power from

24 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

1958, its say in defence policy was far more marked with India labelled the aggressor.
than that of the Indian Army in the functioning of Bhutto egged him on, as the
Indian democracy. This contrast helped develop a Foreign Minister. Besides belief
perception that when it came to war fighting Pakistan’s in their own infallibility and the
politico-military leadership could outmatch Indian questionable fighting capability
leadership where the influence of the military would of the Indian soldier there were
be marginal and the politicians would be unwilling other paradoxes; among them was
to take risk of a wider conflagration. The events of the fact that Ayub’s pre-partition
1962 with reference to the developing situation and unit was one which comprised
the response from India must have been closely Hindus and Muslims, yet his
analysed by Ayub and Bhutto to surmise that the perception of Indian soldiers Lt Gen
coordination of politico-military decisions in India was was decidedly flawed. The prime Syed Ata Hasnain
flawed. The frequent utterances about the invincibility trigger in Pakistani thinking was Pvsm, Uysm, Avsm,
of the Pakistani soldier in comparison with his Indian that India was suffering from Sm, Vsm & Bar
counterpart also helped in this self-delusionary game loss of confidence, its political (Retd)
that Pakistan’s leadership indulged in. leadership was weak and would The writer is a former
not respond adequately, its GOC of the Srinagar
Chinese Gambit Army was reorganising and based 15 Corps which
re-equipping and China would was responsible for the
Pakistan developed its relationship with China on the J&K front in 1965. He
support Pakistan’s war effort too.
basis of the belief that ‘enemy’s enemy is a friend’. It has served extensively
If the Indian Army was allowed in J&K at different levels
reinforced it with a border agreement in 1963 ceding
more time the resultant growth and has a thorough
the Shaksgam Valley in Baltistan to China despite its
in confidence would not afford knowledge of the ground
disputed status. While Pakistan did not have China’s in the crucial state.
the advantage then available.
nod to initiate hostilities it perceived that it had
Intelligence was weak even at
China’s tacit support. In the context the Chinese only
the strategic level and deductions
postured on the eastern front to prevent India from
were self-delusional eg that the Kashmiri Muslims
comprehensively defeating Pakistan with additional
would rise in support of Pakistani infiltrators or that
military resources it could mobilise from the east.
India would never have the courage to expand a
conflict if triggered by Pakistan in J&K.
US Calculus In hindsight the presumptions with which Ayub
The US was in a quandary having supported India worked were irrational displaying a poor strategic
with basic arms and finances to rebuild its Army, also mind. This has been the trend with most Pakistani
providing Pakistan with modern military equipment leaders – excellent executors of Conflict Initiation and
such as Patton tanks and F-86 Sabre jets as part of its clueless Conflict Terminators. The chain of operations
commitments to nations of the security blocs. While it and the sequence supports this deduction.
may not have perceived India as a close friend or ally it
did recognise India’s democratic culture and was not in Kutch-Kargil Operations, April-June 1965
favour of further weakening of India’s military capability. The Bhuj stand-off was essentially testing of waters
It also knew the human fallout of war between two by Pakistan with aggressive patrolling evicting Indian
impoverished nations and thus was neutral in attitude troops from Kanjarkot and capturing Sardar post
as far as potential hostilities were concerned, although occupied by Indian Forces in 1956 and four other
its political support rested with Pakistan. posts in the Kanjarkot area. In Kargil the Indian Army
While India was in the non-aligned group of nations recaptured Pt 13620 and Black Rock, two features
it was progressively displaying socialist ideology which had been occupied by the Pakistan Army
and could be perceived as getting closer to the then along the Dras-Leh Road. A brokered ceasefire by the
Soviet Union without a decided tilt. Much as analysts British Government brought an end to hostilities on
would like us to believe there were no clear cutlines of 01 July but Pakistan appeared to perceive a victory, as
support from the two poles of the then existing world per analysts Altaf Gauhar and Air Marshal Asghar Khan
order. There was obfuscated and mere perceptional who surmise that the continuation of hostilities in J&K
support than anything else. The one thing that was due to this confidence gained by Ayub.
was reasonably clear that neither the US nor the
Soviet Union was happy to see another military defeat Operation Gibraltar, August 1965
for India which would have decimated its self-esteem This was the irregular operation that Ayub launched
and the very idea of existence as a nation. Such a in J&K to wrest ground advantage preceding the
situation would not have been to the advantage of those main conventional war, in early August 1965. With
who perceived the dangers of a rising and irrational compulsory military training for recruitable young
China under its dogmatic leader Mao Zedong. men in PoK, Pakistan created a joint force of civilians
and military men. The strength was between 5,000
Flawed Pak Perception and 8,000. Eight to ten infiltrating columns of
Ayub had an abiding belief that the US would approximately 300-400 men were created, named
support his war efforts once they were underway, after Islamic Generals of folklore and armed with

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 25


Browning machine guns, mortars and explosives, to which Ayub imagined was in his favour, the support
exploit the wide gaps in the Indian Army defences. of the Kashmir people, had obviously been assumed
Their task was to execute stealth attacks on the without any preparations. ‘Operation Gibraltar’
Indian Army, cause panic, create turbulence in the rear failed to achieve its objectives and was virtually
areas, tie-down reserves, interdict the Jammu-Srinagar over by 12 August 1965. It set the stage for
highway and finally converge at Srinagar where an Indian riposte in the Uri sector.
a Revolutionary Council was to be set-up after the
overthrow of the State government. Ayub personally India’s Riposte
spoke to the commanders of the various columns “India cannot go on pushing the Pakistanis off
promising them that the people of Kashmir were its territory. If infiltration continues, we will have
awaiting their arrival and would join them in battling to carry the fight to the other side.” Thus spoke
the Indian Army. Some of the known forces were: Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, whose
l Salahuddin Force: Gulmarg, Srinagar and Mandi personality had been assessed by Ayub as one
l K Force: Uri incapable of hard military decisions. It was virtually
l Khalid Force: Tithwal the hot pursuit of today which the Prime Minister
l Nusrat Force: Rajouri-Mendhar authorised the Army for its mission. Attacks were
l Ghaznavi Force: Poonch-Rajouri carried out in Uri and Bugina bulge to recapture
l Babar Force: Nowshera-Chamb some heights occupied by the Pakistan Army but
l Tariq Force: Kargil the coup de main was the decision to capture the
l Qasim Force: Gurez Hajipir Pass and thus the Hajipir Bulge, straighten
l Khilji Force: Kel-Minimarg the bulge and link Poonch and Uri. The same had
The operations under ‘Operation Gibraltar’ are well been achieved in 1947-48 but could not be retained
described by Maj Gen Afsir Karim of the Indian Army, under intense Pakistani pressure.
one of the well-known personalities of India’s strategic The 68 Infantry Brigade under Brig Zoru Bakshi,
community and a famous paratrooper. Although he MVC (later Lt Gen), which was placed under 19 Infantry
has mentioned that the Gibraltar Force had a strength Division was tasked to capture Hajipir with a pincer
of almost 30,000 men alternative sources astride the Uri-Poonch Road from the direction
appear to suggest a lower strength. The HQs of Uri. The operation was called ‘Operation
of the Force was at Murree alongside the Bakshi’ and was supplemented from
Pakistan HQs 12 Division and probably the south by 93 Infantry Brigade
placed under command of Maj Gen with which conducting ‘Operation Faulad’. As an
Akhtar Malik the GOC of that division. Ayub worked ex Commander of today’s Uri Brigade
The simultaneity of launch may have were irrational and also ex GOC 19 Infantry Division
caught the Indian troops off guard as it is my honour to write about the
trans Line of Control intelligence was displaying a poor operations conducted over the terrain
sketchy although the contiguity and strategic which I have had the pleasure to walk
the similarity of ethnicity should have mind over several times and appreciate it on
given the Indian Army enough scope to the map too. Hajipir Bulge was held by a
detect such concentrations and intent. The brigade with a full battalion deployed on the
Gibraltar Force elements were discovered mostly defences of the pass. The operation was planned as
by nomads in the high altitude areas where they a set piece one with five battalions, two launched
intended to mingle with the Bakarwal population from the west (direction of Sar and Sank) and two
which abounds there in the summer months. The from the east (direction of Bedori) with one in reserve
deployment of the Indian Army was not as dense as and was launched on the night of 26 August. On
it is today, with only 19 (Dagger) Infantry Division the eastern thrust a battalion was to capture Bedori
looking after both the Line of Control (then Ceasefire and exploit up to the defences close to Hajipir and
Line or CFL) and the rear area security in the Valley. link-up with the western thrust. The latter involved
The area south of Pir Panjal was the responsibility the capture of Sar and Sank and thereafter another
of 25 (Ace) Infantry Division where at least three to battalion passing through and capturing the western
four such forces of varying strength were infiltrated. shoulder. In the event it was the western thrust by
The Indian Army did suffer casualties particularly 1 PARA that succeeded in early capture of Sar and
in the Tangdhar Sector but Nasta Chun (Sadhana) Sank. Thereafter, in a classic case of manoeuvre
Pass remained secure from the infiltrators. The in the mountains Major Ranjit Dayal, company
forested area between Gulmarg and Baramulla along commander 1 PARA, sought permission to exploit
Sultanpur Kandi, Odur and Tangmarg remained a the opening and continue to the pass to capture it.
potent area for bases which had to be destroyed by He rapidly advanced to the base of Hajipir leading his
deliberate search and destroy operations as much as exhausted men with personal example, overcame the
in the Khag-Sutharan forest of Budgam. resistance on the northern slopes and captured the
The intended occupation of Srinagar, the airfield western shoulder. A unit followed in the wake from
and the radio station did not materialise as the the west capturing Bisali. The strategic importance
Force was detected well in time and engaged before of Hajipir was well realised by the Pakistan Army
it reached the outskirts of Srinagar. The major factor which counter-attacked in strength evicting the unit

26 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

from Bisali and forcing it to return to Sank. The on the first day, 01 September 1965. It probably
eastern thrust succeeded after being beaten back instigated a change of command with the Pakistan
twice, leading to occupation of the eastern shoulder. Army Chief flying into the battle zone and relieving
The operation was over by 28 August 1965 but Maj Gen Akhtar Malik and replacing him with
link-up with ‘Operation Faulad’ from the south Maj Gen Yahya Khan, the GOC of 7 Division. It
could only be achieved by 9 September 1965. The led to a tactical pause on the part of the Pakistani
operations against Hajipir were supported with operations, the one major factor which changed the
diversionary attacks against Tilpatra, Mehandi Gali course of the operations and destinies in the battle
and Lunda in the current Torna battalion area. in Akhnoor Sector. Twenty-four hours is a long-time
Praise for the leadership of the GOC Dagger Division, in a conventional battle. In this time the Indian
Commander 68 Infantry Brigade and Major leadership got its act together, redeployed, reinforced
(later Lt Gen Ranjit Dayal, MVC) can never be too and placed its bets on a strong defence around the
much. Major Dayal exemplified the true spirit of an Akhnoor Bridge, even as the Indian Army fought to
Indian infantryman, displayed valour beyond the defend the narrow space which provided depth to
call of duty and proved the thinking capability of the the Akhnoor Bridge. A little known fact is that the
junior leadership under stress and strain. Lesser men current HQs 10 Infantry Division which today holds
would have wilted. The operations helped ensure that the Chamb-Jaurian Sector had been under raising
Pakistan’s focus from the Gibraltar Force was lifted at Bangalore and assumed operational responsibility
and measures had to be undertaken by it to stabilise from 191 Infantry Brigade only on 01 September,
the CFL lest India further built on its marked success. just while ‘Operation Grand Slam’ was launched.

Operations In Akhnoor Sector Indian Thrust Into Punjab

On 01 September 1965, Pakistan launched The destiny of ‘Operation Grand Slam’ underwent
‘Operation Grand Slam’ with the aim of relieving further change due to the Indian Army’s decision
pressure from the Uri-Poonch Sector where the to open the Sialkot and Lahore fronts with
Hajipir operations had upset their equilibrium. offensives by 1 Corps and 11 Corps almost
‘Operation Grand Slam’ was launched in If simultaneously forcing the troops of the
the Akhnoor Sector of Jammu division. attacking Pakistan 7 Division to retract
It was India’s major vulnerability infiltration and divest some of its resources towards
with the iron girder bridge over the continues, we the defence of Sialkot. The operations
Chenab River as the prime objective; on the Punjab front are described in
that was the lifeline for 25 Infantry will have to carry detail elsewhere in this issue of DSA.
Division at Rajouri and its formations What is important for the reader is to
the fight to the
deployed in Poonch and Mendhar. With link the individual operations of 1965
Indian forces of 15 Corps involved in other side in a continuum to silently deduce how
stalling the progress of infiltrators of the the actions and responses played out from
Gibraltar Force the Akhnoor Sector was lightly April to September 1965.
held, a risk that had to be taken. Pakistan read the As to the question why Hajipir was returned to
situation well and had the requisite intelligence. It Pakistan and the strategic victory not exploited at
was one of the better decisions it made through the the Tashkent talks the explanation offered by military
course of the war because if ‘Operation Grand Slam’ historians points to the trade-off necessary to regain
had succeeded the Indian Army would have little the lost territory in Chamb-Jaurian which was
to respond with. Four battalions and a squadron of affording the Pakistan Army a virtual launch pad to
tanks held the Akhnoor Sector. It is well-known that capture the Akhnoor Bridge in a future stand-off.
‘Operation Grand Slam’ was a deliberately planned However, there is perhaps much more to it that has not
operation and not just an operational response. Its been sufficiently analysed. Post conflict negotiations
strategic connotations were clear; the securing of the are about understanding both conflict and diplomacy.
Jammu-Rajouri communication artery would throw India displayed a similar lack of understanding of
Indian responses out of gear making it difficult for it politico-military dynamics at the strategic level in the
to proactively engage anywhere else. However, it was talks post the spectacular victory in 1971 leading to
launched as a response to the successful operation the signing of the Shimla Agreement 1972.
by the Indian Army in the Hajipir area of Uri sector. Space does not permit discussion and analysis
of the lessons learned from the military operations
Akhnoor Highlights in J&K in 1965. Yet, the one major lesson which
Space does not permit the narration of the must go down for posterity with the Indian security
fascinating run of events in Akhnoor Sector in establishment is the fact that Pakistan was, is and will
early September 1965. However, a few highlights always remain obsessed with J&K. Its acts to initiate
are necessary. Pakistan brought in 7 Division for the and secure a military advantage will never be dictated
offensive but placed its resources under command by a sense of rationale and deniability is something
of 12 Division the holding formation. The initial it has mastered. The irrational is something that we
operations were undertaken by two brigades but can always expect which makes the task of defence
both failed to make the crossing over the Tawi River of J&K that much more challenging.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 27


1965 War With Pakistan

We have learned no lessons from history, old and more recent. Now
when Pakistan is arming itself with Chinese and Russian military
equipment and China has been busy building military infrastructure in
Tibet, India appears to be in no better state than that of 1962 period.
Though we are now faced with the prospects of a two-front war.

s the Indian Army gets down to recalling There were serious disparities in the capabilities of the
the 1965 War with Pakistan, there is the two opposing armies. Indian Army had been locked into
need to know some basic facts about this a futile argument with the Ministry of Defence to have
conflict. The genesis of 1965 War goes back 21 instead of 17 infantry divisions. Ministry of Defence
to Pakistan’s failed attempt to grab J&K soon after had also worked overtime to keep the Indian Army starved
independence. India’s defeat in 1962 at the hands of contemporary weapons systems, especially when
of China and the serious weaknesses that surfaced Pakistan Army was being armed with the state-of-the-art
in the Indian Army during that conflict encouraged weapon systems under the American Aid programme.
Pakistan to try one more time to grab J&K. Indian Army had in all 608 tanks of Second World
There was the impression in Pakistan that if sufficient War vintage, (including 180 Centurion and 90 AMX
numbers of infiltrators are pushed into the valley, there light tanks of mid-forties period) 625 artillery pieces
would be a general uprising and then Pakistan Army of various calibre and 35 infantry brigades for the
could move in and take over Kashmir Valley. Military western front, which included a number of mountain
rule in Pakistan made it easier for it to follow this line brigades/divisions as well. These mountain formations
of thinking. To divert India’s attention towards the were neither equipped nor trained for plains warfare. As
south-west, Pakistan, during June 1965, did some against this Pakistan had 765 tanks (which included
ingress into the Rann of Kutch area. 352 state-of-the-art Patton tanks) 552 artillery pieces of
all calibres and 26 infantry brigades and 9,000 Razakars.
Phase One Pakistan had two armoured divisions against one with
Sometime later, this was followed by large-scale the Indian Army. Pak guns had better range and higher
infiltration into the valley. Indian Army reacted with calibre. It is only in infantry (if one included mountain
alacrity and was able to check infiltration, strike formations) that Indian Army had some advantage,
across the Line of Control (LoC) at some of the bases whereas Pak had distinct advantage in the quality and
of these infiltrators and captured Hajipir Pass, where number of tanks and was to conduct operations on
Major Ranjit Dayal won his Maha Vir Chakra (MVC). the ‘interior lines’. Even the uninitiated would know
Pakistan struck back in the Chamb-Jaurian Sector that tanks play dominant role in plains warfare.
of J&K, where it enjoyed great advantage due to Therefore, one may ask as to how this disparity, in
terrain and India’s limitations to deploy sufficient capabilities had come about against another belligerent
troops, more so armour. Indian Air Force responded neighbour, so soon after the 1962 debacle!
well, but unfortunately targeted own troops.
Further, Pakistan by restricting this aggression in Phase Two
the Chamb-Jaurian Sector was under the mistaken The Indian war plan was simple. On the Punjab
impression that India would confine fighting to J&K front it was to advance and establish bridgeheads
only. Upto here one could term as phase 1 of the war. across Ichhogil Canal and threaten Lahore and no
The only course open to India to relieve pressure more. India had no obstacle system of its own in this
in the Chamb-Jaurian Sector was, to launch sector to base its defences. It was expected that Pak
counteroffensive in the plains sectors of J&K and in would expend its offensive potential in its efforts to
Punjab. This counteroffensive took Pakistan completely eliminate this threat to Lahore. However reserves were
by surprise and proved a game changer in this held in this sector to deal with any counteroffensive
war. Indian Armoured Division, which was initially by Pak. To ensure safety of the Punjab sector, one
located in the Amritsar Sector, was sidestepped Centurion regiment from the armoured division was
to Samba-Jammu Sector, in complete secrecy, left behind in this sector. Centurion was the only tank
adding to the element of surprise. Indian offensive with the Indian Army, which could stand up to the
was essentially aimed at relieving pressure against Patton tank with which Pakistan Army was equipped.
Akhnoor, (Chamb-Jaurian) which provided vital link Though this shedding of one Centurion regiment
to Poonch-Rajouri Sector and an opening to Jammu. weakened the armoured division and with it, Indian
Army’s offensive potential, it ensured safety of the
Insufficient Weaponry Punjab sector. Where resources are limited, allocating
However Indian Army was in no state to go to war with these to tasks is a Hobson’s choice. Compromises
Pakistan, but was left with no option other than to react. have to be made and risks accepted.

28 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

On the Jammu-Samba front, plan was to launch an There were many acts of gallantry
offensive into Pak territory with the dual aim of relieving both on the Punjab front and during
pressure in the Akhnoor Sector on one part and on the armour battles of Phillora
the other bring to battle Pak Forces in this sector and in the Jammu Sector. Maj Gen
destroy these. Indian offensive, both in the Punjab and Rajinder Singh Sparrow added
Jammu sectors achieved complete surprise. a bar to his MVC. On the Punjab
On the Punjab front there was some hard fighting front Havildar Abdul Hamid of
and Indian Forces came under heavy air attacks by Grenadiers won Param Vir Chakra
Pak Air Force, before troops could get to the by standing upto Pak Patton tanks
Ichhogil Canal. However existence of aqueducts with his anti-tank gun. Beside these
under the Ichhogil Canal were not known two, there were innumerable acts of Lt Gen
to Indian Army and it is through these that gallantry by the troops and officers Harwant Singh
Pakistan launched its counteroffensive with its of the Indian Army: Some noticed PVSM, AVSM (Retd)
1 Armoured Division, achieving complete surprise. and some that went unnoticed. The writer was
On the Jammu-Samba front Indian Army failed There were indeed some anxious commissioned in 1955
to exploit surprise it had so successfully achieved. moments during this war, as there and joined armoured
One of the regiments of Indian Armoured Division are in any hard fought battles. corps. He has been
was badly mauled by the enemy. There followed a Indian security and intelligence Brigade Major of an
Independent armoured
self-imposed and inexcusable freeze of 48 hours by establishment had failed to brigade, General Staff
the Indian Forces. On the Punjab front there were anticipate threat from Pakistan. No Officer-1 of an armoured
some goof-ups. So far the battle on both fronts could effort was made to identify those in division and commanded
be termed as phase 2 of this very short war. the MoD who had worked overtime School of Armoured
to keep Indian Army starved of Warfare. Has been
senior instructor at the
Phase Three contemporary weapon systems, War College. Commanded
Hereafter the war entered into its phase 3. On especially when Pakistan was a mountain brigade and
the Punjab front Pakistan’s counteroffensive was being armed so heavily. Finally it is an armoured brigade.
brought to a halt and better part of its 1 Armoured time we declassified complete war Was Deputy Director
records with the MEA, RAW, MoD Operational Logistics and
Division was destroyed. On the Jammu front, in a
Director General Weapon
series of brilliantly executed manoeuvres Pakistan’s and Army headquarters for a clearer
and Equipment at Army
6 Armoured Division was decimated. picture of the war to emerge. Headquarters. Raised
When the fighting ended, Pakistan’s offensive potential first Reorganised Army
had been comprehensively destroyed. That in brief is Perennial Unpreparedness Plains Infantry Division
the story of 1965 War with Pakistan. Some have tried India seems to repeatedly find (RAPID) and fielded it in
Exercise Brass Tacks as
to belittle Indian Army’s achievements in this war. itself unprepared for a war, defending commander.
Lt Gen Harbaksh Singh, the highest field commander, be it 1962 War with China or Commanded a corps
in his book, War Dispatches, records, “I have heard 1965 War with Pakistan or later in J&K and retired as
that our concept of operations lacked offensive dash at Kargil. Even now one can see Deputy Chief of Army
and dimension, forgetting elementary wisdom that little change in this attitude of Staff in August 1992.
unless ends are balanced against the means available, Indian defence establishment.
a campaign is foredoomed to failure.” Given force We have learned no lessons from history, old and
equation, to expect dramatic results or a resounding more recent. Now when Pakistan is arming itself
victory was unrealistic, bordering on foolishness. with Chinese and Russian military equipment and
With the existence of high value population China has been busy building military infrastructure
centres close to the border on both sides and in Tibet, India appears to be in no better state than
other considerations, neither country was willing that of 1962 period. Though we are now faced with
to concede territory and therefore pitched battles the prospects of a two-front war.
took place within a few kilometres on either side of
the border. That was and will remain the dominant Chief Of Defence Staff
reality of offensive-defensive battles in the plains Without the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) system in its
sectors of J&K and the two Punjabs. full spectrum, it would be impossible to meet fully the
challenges of a two-front war and yet there is no move
India’s Plus Points to adopt the CDS system any time soon. Historically
The complete destruction of Pakistan’s offensive potential India has never paid adequate attention to national
by a weaker force was indeed a miracle. It was the skills security and this malady persists to this day. Over
of our commanders, the daring and proficiency of tank 6 decades after independence India still imports nearly
crews, the grit of infantry and gunners which brought 70 per cent of its defence weapons and equipment.
about this miracle. When the war ended, undoubtedly We have scaled down the essential requirement of
and undeniably Indian Army was decisively on top fighter planes to mere 36 numbers. The mountain
with Pak offensive capability completely shattered. The strike corps for the Tibet border is being reduced to
dynamics of a short war, a very short war, are quite half. Indian Navy is in no position to counter Chinese
apart from our more common knowledge of conflicts moves in the Indian Ocean. There is no long-term
between large forces spread over longer duration. national security architecture in the making.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 29


Indo-Pak War 1965

Role of Indian Air Force
Air Commodore PM Wilson, a distinguished IAF bomber pilot,
encapsulated his assessment of the air operations as follows: ‘My
impression about all air force operation whether east or west was
that nobody seemed to know what to do. The lessons learned in
1965 were all negative ones; in other words, what not to do, should
there be another conflict. These lessons were so numerous and so
cogent that they were more valuable than any positive lessons’.

n 01 August 1964, Air Marshal Arjan Singh grown into a well-equipped, highly-trained force of
took over as the Chief of Air Staff from about 17 squadrons. Its inventory had B-57 bomber,
Air Marshal AM Engineer. He was charged F-104 Starfighter and F-86 Sabre as fighter aircraft,
with the responsibility of supervising the SA-16 Albatross amphibian aircraft, H-43 helicopter
swift expansion and training of the Indian Air Force for maritime recce and air-sea rescue, RB-57 for high
(IAF). It was then expected that within a period of five altitude recce and C-130 Hercules and Bristol as
years, the Indian armed forces would total a million transport aircraft. The F-104 Starfighter was, indeed,
men and be equipped with modern weapon-systems. the ‘star’ fighter of the PAF. It was among the first
It was firmly believed that once the modernisation airplanes that were capable of flying at twice the speed
process was completed, Pakistan would have little of sound (Mach 2) and was armed with a rapid-firing
chance of a successful military adventure against India. 20 mm gun and two Sidewinder heat-seeking missiles
Nonetheless, in April 1965, the first indication of (AIM 9B). It had a radar for interception and fire
Pakistan’s nefarious intentions became apparent; when control. It was expected to be of particular use towards
its forces started encroaching into Indian Territory intercepting and shooting down of the night bomber.
in the Kutch area of Gujarat. This was well before
the military ‘balance of power’ had tilted decisively
in favour of India. The continued inflow of massive
American military aid had made the Pakistani Armed
Forces overly confident. Furthermore, as things stood
then, its governance was a military dictatorship under
Field Marshal Ayub Khan. These factors predisposed
Pakistan to even have the temerity to deploy Main
Battle Tanks (MBTs) in a
border skirmish between
the paramilitary patrols of
the two neighbours.
On 01 September,
with the Pakistani
forces pressing across IAF Gnat
the Jaurian Sector; the
Indian Army found that it The IAF, on its part, was equipped with 26 fighter
could not fight entirely on and four bomber squadrons; there were also
its own; since the Pakistan 13 squadrons of transport aircraft and five helicopter
Air Force (PAF) was also units, making it a formidable force of 43 squadrons.
harassing it constantly. On its inventory, the IAF fighter aircraft fleet included
The Army needed air Hunter, Gnat, Mystere, Vampire, Toofani (Ouragon)
defence and tactical and MIG-21 (a single squadron was under ‘raising’ at
support; but the necessary the time). The bomber fleet was represented by the
arrangements for the same Canberra only. Dakota, Packet, Ai-12, Il-14, Caribou
Air Marshal Arjan Singh, DFC had never been made in and Otter comprised the transport ‘line-up’. The Mi-4
(later Marshal of the conjunction with the IAF. and Alloutte represented the helicopter component.
Indian Air Force)
Numerically speaking, in 1965, the IAF was
The Contending Forces approximately three times the strength of the PAF.
By 1965, both the IAF as well as the PAF had come It is pertinent to note that six squadrons of Vampire
a long way since the partition of 1947. The PAF had and three of Toofani fighters were definitely outdated

30 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

vis-a-vis a modern air force such as the PAF. A few Unfortunately, the raid proved fruitless, as no enemy
of the remaining 17 fighter squadrons and many aircraft were spotted on the ground. Notwithstanding
bomber aircraft, had to be earmarked for location to this, the first Canberra dropped its bomb-load on
the east, as a deterrent against the Chinese threat. the runway itself. The second aircraft was then
The contending air forces to the west, therefore, were called in, but its bombs undershot and exploded on
well and truly matched. The IAF MiG was comparable the flying control building. Later, Wg Cdr Wilson was
to the F-104, but was not, as yet, fully operational or, awarded the Vir Chakra (VrC).
even integrated in the offensive matrix. The Chittagong raid was followed up by the
Hunter and Gnat were comparable to Sabre, but Vampires of No 24 Sqn striking Jessore and the
were bereft of air-to-air missiles. Hunter was less agile; Toofanis (Ouragons) from Nos 4 and 29 Sqn striking
whilst the Gnat had an ongoing control problem, with Lalmunirhat. Also, four Hunters of No 14 Sqn carried
its guns also prone to jamming. Mystere, on the other out fighter sweeps over Dhaka. In these efforts,
hand, was a dedicated ground-attack aircraft and nothing tangible could be achieved, since there were

Indian Air Force

could not hold its own against the versatile Sabre. The no enemy aircraft to be seen either on the ground or
PAF radars and electronics were also superior to what for that matter, even in the air.
was then available with the IAF; the latter force being
critically dependant on the radar unit at Amritsar. The PAF Attack On KKD
IAF superiority in quantity was, to a significant extent, As the IAF aircraft could not locate the lone PAF
offset by the PAF advantage of quality equipment that F-86 Sqn of twelve aircraft located in East Pakistan,
had been gifted to it by the USA. this Sqn later destroyed a sizeable number of Indian
aircraft on the ground. When the two Canberras and
Operation Grand Slam four Hunters returned to Kalaikunda after their futile
Its insidious attempt at annexing Kashmir, through missions at about 06:00 hours on 07th September,
‘Operation Gibraltar’ having been foiled, the desperate the PAF struck Kalaikunda (KKD) at 06:40 hours
Pakistani Army made a major armour-cum-infantry after flying at low-level and partly over the sea.
thrust into the Chamb area. The offensive, Six F-86s destroyed two Canberras and four fully
code-named ‘Operation Grand Slam’, threatened armed Vampires. One airman was also injured.
the vital Akhnoor Bridge on the Jammu-Poonch The PAF aircraft did not face any air opposition
road. At this juncture, General Chaudhuri, the since the Indian Hunters were patrolling between
Indian Army Chief, along with Air Marshal Arjan Singh, Dum Dum and Kalaikunda at that time. This
the IAF Chief, held an urgent audience with Pakistani raid was a complete surprise.
YB Chavan and PRV Rao, the then Defence Minister
and Defence Secretary, respectively. The primary
agenda was for permission to use the IAF decisively.
The ‘Go Ahead’ was immediately given; with the
offensive air support aircraft being launched within
the hour to stem the enemy onslaught.

Wg Cdr Wilson being awarded the VrC by

President Radhakrishnan

No More Offensive Ops In East

Indian offensive operations in the east were restricted
Canberra – the IAF bomber aircraft to the early missions mentioned above. After these
raids, instructions were received from Delhi on
Air Operations In East 7 September itself, that no offensive action was to be
Although, the policy of the Indian Government, at the undertaken in East Pakistan. After receipt of these
time, was to preclude the conflict into East Pakistan, instructions, all the aircraft were prepared for air
the IAF ordered a Canberra probe sortie to Chittagong defence duties and they flew Combat Air Patrol (CAP)
towards neutralising any PAF aircraft on the ground. sorties only for the remaining period of hostilities.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 31


The training facilities, being located along the

western front, were found to be prone to attacks.
Consequently, these were moved to the south, being
concentrated around the Hyderabad area. New bases
were constructed and the unused ones were activated.
Forward airbases were earmarked for operations
during a period of war. New strategies were built
around the lessons learned from the 1965 War; the
result of which were evident during the 1971 conflict
– in an exhilarating and unequivocal victory for the
Indian Armed Forces and the nation.
The ‘general war’ of September ’65, that followed
the initial skirmishes, showed the armed forces
of both the sides, Pakistani as well as Indian;
in poor light. There was lack of professional
Map showing air-bases in ‘West Pak’
competence and good leadership on the part of
both the sides. Although, by a military yardstick,
Prior to the 1965 conflict, the Army and IAF had the contest was a draw; it was a victory for India in
not carried out sufficient joint exercises. This was the overall context. The Indian aim was to preserve
due to the lack of joint planning. Both the Army and status quo in J&K, whilst defeating the Pakistani
IAF had their sight firmly fixed on their respective attempt at annexing the same. The limited and
objectives. Cooperation between them was incidental rather defensive, aim was fully achieved on the
rather than well planned. In the absence of joint Indian side. On the other hand, Pakistan’s military
plans, large gaps remained in the air cover over the objectives during ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and ‘Grand
combat zone. There was no reliable and quick system Slam’ having come to naught, its nefarious designs
by which the Indian Army could call for aircraft from on J&K through proxy and direct action, lay in
IAF, when attacked by PAF. tatters. India still remained an integrated nation.
There was almost a complete lack of air intelligence The war resulted in the Indian military developing
at the commencement of hostilities. The IAF could and improving upon, its strengths, whilst weeding
not locate the PAF aircraft in East Pakistan at out certain weaknesses; thus, preparing it for
all. In the west, it was not known for quite some conflicts in the future. The results showed
time that almost all the PAF’s air effort in the themselves in the subsequent conflict of 1971.
Jammu and Punjab sector was launched from
the Sargodha area and Peshawar.

Implications Of ‘Lessons Learnt’

The lessons of the ’65 War were well imbibed by
the IAF. A significant weakness, that was observed,
related to airfield protection. It was a fact that a
mere couple of PAF raids on IAF airbases, namely
those against Pathankot and Kalaikunda, accounted
for nearly 40 per cent of the IAF loss. Although this
had little effect on its overall combat capability, the
attrition was a definite pointer towards the poor
dispersal and protection procedures of the IAF. The Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi with
learning, then, led to greater camouflage measures Air Staff Offers shortly after the war
and subsequently, the development of hardened
aircraft shelters (HAS), duly protected with concrete Taking holistic view of the 1965 air war, it appears
and earth works, thus offering relative immunity to that neither side won a decisive victory. It may, then,
parked aircraft from enemy air attacks. be worthwhile to quote Air Commodore PM Wilson,
The radar coverage, of airfields and vital areas, a distinguished IAF bomber pilot, who encapsulated
was also found to be extremely deficient. The his assessment of the air operations as follows:
solitary radar unit at Amritsar proved to be ‘My impression about all air force operation
inadequate in providing coverage over the entire whether east or west was that nobody seemed to
western region. The deficiency, of radar coverage, know what to do. The lessons learned in 1965 were
was more pronounced in the eastern sector; all negative ones; in other words, what not to do,
wherein, the PAF Sabres put in their attack should there be another conflict. These lessons were
undetected in most of the raids. The shortage of so numerous and so cogent that they were more
radar coverage was addressed before the 1971 War. valuable than any positive lessons’.

32 August 2015 Defence AND security alert


Although many have termed the result of the
1965 War with Pakistan as a stalemate, it would be Maj Gen
more appropriate to say that it was Pakistan that lost Ian Cardozo
AVSM, SM (Retd)
the war. Pakistan failed miserably once again in her The writer was
aim of annexing Jammu and Kashmir by force although commissioned at the
Indian Military Academy
all factors were in her favour. On the contrary, into the 1st Battalion
the Fifth Gorkha Rifles
it resulted in the near total destruction of one (Frontier Force) where
of her armoured divisions. he received his basic
grounding as a young

officer. Wounded and
akistan’s obsession to take Jammu and massive military aid had been disabled at the battle of
Kashmir by force tempted her early in 1965 received from the United States Sylhet in Bangladesh
to replicate her earlier failed attempt of in 1971, he overcame
amounting to US$ 1.5 billion.
the handicap of losing
1947-48. General Ayub Khan who had come This included 200 M-45 Patton a leg and became
to power through a military coup apparently felt that tanks, one squadron of M-114 the first officer of the
the situation was too good to be ignored. India had supersonic Starfighters, four Indian Army to be
suffered a severe reverse in the Sino-Indian War approved for command of
squadrons of F-86 Sabre jet an Infantry Battalion and
of 1962 – her economy had suffered substantially,
fighters and two squadrons of subsequently, also the
reorganisation of her forces was incomplete, arms-aid first war-disabled officer
B-75 bombers. This completely
after the war with China was only for the mountains to command an Infantry
and that too had yet to be absorbed. Pandit Nehru upset the military balance and Brigade. Thereafter,
had died and the new leadership had yet to be relative strength between India he commanded an
and Pakistan. Diplomatically Infantry Division and
tested. Taking these factors into consideration,
retired in 1993 from his
Pakistan felt that the opportunity needed to be taken Pakistan had excellent relations
appointment as Chief of
advantage of. Her own economy was sound due to with the USA and she had Staff of a Corps
a good agricultural harvest and her industries were substantially improved her in the East.
picking up. Significant economic assistance and relations with China.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 33


Miscalculation that Hajipir, the strategic pass in PoK opposite Uri

General Ayub conferred with his corps commanders should be captured to eliminate the threat to Uri.
and they came to the conclusion that success This pass, at a height of about 2,600 metres and
could come their way with the implementation strongly held by Pakistan was captured in a daring
of three operations – ‘Operation Desert Hawk’, night operation on 10 September 1965. Concurrently,
‘Operation Gibraltar’ and ‘Operation Grand Slam’. a similar operation was successfully launched in the
They felt that these three operations launched one Tithwal Sector and Pir Saheba another strategically
after the other would forever solve the intractable important hill feature was also captured.
issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
The aim of ‘Operation Desert Hawk’ was to Consecutive Operation Grand Slam
take the measure of Indian military and political Soon after ‘Operation Gibraltar’, Pakistan launched
leadership by launching a limited offensive in the ‘Operation Grand Slam’ with her regular Army
desert area of the Rann of Kutch. This would also across the international border and the CFL. The
give her the opportunity to test the calibre of her intention of these two congruent operations was
newly acquired armour, arms and equipment from to destroy the Indian Army units on the CFL in a
America. The acquisition of ground intelligence hammer and anvil operation with the Pakistan Army
which would come with this experience would be units as the hammer and the insurrection which
useful for future operations in the Rann. they hoped to instigate, as the anvil. In effect, the
Pakistan carried on with her plans. She however aim was to sandwich and crush the units of the
needed to lull India into a false sense of security Indian Army on the CFL between the Pakistan Army
so that she could go ahead with her plans for on one side and the infiltrating forces on the other.
the annexation of J&K and to therefore convince Simultaneously, her Air Force attacked our airfields
India that there would be no further offensives. and her Navy bombed Dwarka.
So, she agreed to a ceasefire and status quo ante
in the Rann, while at the same time preparing
for ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and ‘Operation Grand
Pakistan Punjab Ripped Open
India’s patience was now pushed beyond the
Slam’. India remained oblivious of Pakistan’s
restraint that she always exhibited when dealing
plans and intentions. India ought to have known
with Pakistan. Fortunately, India had a Prime
better and looked at Pakistan’s legacy of duplicity
of the past. While ostensibly agreeing to the Minister who had broad enough shoulders to take
ceasefire, she began to initiate a series of violent a strong decision. Since Pakistan had enlarged the
incidents across the Ceasefire Line (CFL) in war by attacking across the international border in
preparation for her subsequent offensives. J&K, he allowed the Indian Army to open a second
front by launching a counteroffensive in Punjab
to take the pressure off Akhnoor, on grounds that
Deniability In Its Genes
J&K was an integral part of India and therefore
Although Pakistan denied complicity in
India had the right to attack Pakistan across
‘Operation Gibraltar’, there was clear-cut evidence
ground of her own choosing.
of her involvement. Statements by captured personnel
In accordance with Indian plans to cross the border
blew her game away and revealed that plans for the
in areas of our own choosing, the Indian Army’s
guerrilla operation were made in the month of May,
11 Corps was given the task of securing the line of
a month before the Rann of Kutch operation and
the Ichhogil Canal, establishing bridgeheads across
that President Ayub had himself addressed the force
commanders at Murree in the second week of July. the canal and posing a threat to Lahore.
Unfortunately for Pakistan and contrary to her The Indian Army fought some brilliant battles
expectations, it was the civilians of Jammu and in this area, most memorable being the battle of
Kashmir who alerted the Army in J&K about Dograi in Punjab, Pakistan. After some very hard
the infiltrating columns and who helped to hunt fighting, elements of the Indian Army reached
them down. ‘Operation Gibraltar’ was a failure. the outskirts of Lahore but further advance was
The guerrilla groups were destroyed and most not possible as neither the main elements of the
of the infiltrators were either killed or captured. attacking formation could link-up with the troops
Those who escaped the Indian Army dragnet broke who had reached the Bata factory on the outskirts
up into small groups and exfiltrated back into of Lahore nor was it desirable to get involved in
Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). The expected street fighting in built-up areas.
revolt did not take place and it became known
to the UN through their military observers that Armoured Trap
the infiltrators were from Pakistan and not The threat to Lahore, as anticipated, would cause
Kashmir. This was conveyed by them to the Pakistan not only to take the heat off Akhnoor but
United Nations Secretary General who made a also to launch a counteroffensive in accordance
statement in the UN to this effect. with her plan to attempt a breakout and to go
Towards the latter part of August, it became clear for Amritsar. This is just what 11 Corps wanted,
that the main infiltration routes from Pakistan in order to destroy Pakistan’s counteroffensive.
needed to be captured. It was therefore decided It was decided that Asal Uttar and Khemkaran

34 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

would be the ideal killing ground to destroy Navy Not Used
Pakistan’s Armoured Division. Asal Uttar covered In this war, the Indian Navy was not allowed
both, the Khemkaran-Amritsar axis as well as the to launch offensive operations on the western
Khemkaran-Patti axis. The Pakistani Armoured seaboard. The Government of India passed strict
Division attacked exactly as anticipated on orders to the Navy that they would remain on
9-10 September 1965. Massive tank battles were the defensive on the western coast and should
fought in the areas of Asal Uttar, Khemkaran and not cross the 24th parallel which passes through
Patti and this area soon became a graveyard for Dwarka. This was because the Indonesian Navy
Pakistani tanks. It is said that this battle was had posed a threat to the Nicobar Islands and
second only to the battle of the Bulge fought during the bulk of the Navy had to meet that threat.
World War II. Despite repeated attempts to break
This order was passed despite the Naval Chief,
through the Indian anti-tank defences deployed
Admiral Soman’s, persistent plea that he should be
in this area, the Pakistanis were unable to make
allowed to take offensive action on the western
any headway and suffered tremendous losses. A
coast with whatever resources.
total of 97 Patton tanks were lost by Pakistan in
During this war, the Army felt that air support
this area of which 32 were in running condition.
to the troops on the ground was inadequate as
It is here that Company Quartermaster Havildar
Abdul Hamid won his Param Vir Chakra for a substantial part of the air effort was directed
knocking out seven Patton tanks. towards strategic tasks and air defence. Also, the
available air effort was kept centralised at Advance
Air Headquarters Western Air Command and it
The ‘Jai Kisan’ Element
took time for formations to receive air support.
A vital factor that helped the Indian Army to destroy
the Pakistani Armoured Division was that the The IAF Gnats did exceedingly well in shooting
Indian farmers of that area, knowing that a big down PAF Sabres that earned them the sobriquet
battle was brewing in that area, cut their of Sabre Slayers. IAF Canberras raided
PAF bases at Sargodha and Chaklala
irrigation channels so that their fields The
could get watered during their absence. at night, flying over 200 counter-air
1965 War and interdiction missions at these
As a result the Pakistani armoured
offensive got bogged down in the resulted in and other Pakistan air bases. The
slushy fields and their tanks became the near total virtuosity of the Hunters also was
sitting targets for the Indian armour destruction of one showcased as they were used in the
and anti-tank guns. It is perhaps counter-air, interdiction and close
of Pakistan’s air support roles. The Mysteres were
because of this that the slogan
Jai Jawan Jai Kisan was coined. armoured very effective in the ground attack
Having lost the ability to continue divisions role and proved particularly effective
the offensive any further, the Pakistani against enemy armour. The 1965 War
Commander-in-chief called off the offensive. was the first full-scale war in which the IAF
Thus came to an ignominious end, Pakistan President’s was involved and many lessons were learnt.
boast that “My tanks will reach New Delhi along the
Grand Trunk Road in a matter of hours!” Bold Political Decision
In the meanwhile, India’s newly raised 1 Corps was It is the leadership and courage of brave officers
given the task of isolating Sialkot from Lahore. The and men that sometimes changes the course
capture of Chawinda was part of the overall design
of history and the destiny of nations. Indian
of 1 Corps in its operations in the Sialkot Sector.
leadership at all levels proved strong and effective.
To meet this threat, Pakistan planned to use her
Most of the fighting was done in Pakistani territory,
1 Corps with her 6 Armoured Division to prevent an
thanks to the bold political decision to open
Indian breakthrough from the north and to destroy
the second front and considerable losses were
the Indian forces in the Sialkot-Jassar Sector.
inflicted on the enemy, particularly in armour.
Although many have termed the result of the
1965 War with Pakistan as a stalemate, it would be The bulk of the Patton tanks gifted to Pakistan
more appropriate to say that it was Pakistan that by the USA were destroyed and the area around
lost the war. Pakistan failed miserably once again Asal Uttar, the graveyard of Pakistani tanks, was
in her aim of annexing Jammu and Kashmir by appropriately christened as Patton Nagar. The
force although all factors were in her favour. On the correct appreciation and timely occupation of the
contrary, it resulted in the near total destruction of Asal Uttar position and the aggressive conduct
one of her armoured divisions. of the defensive battle was primarily responsible
In facing the Pakistani offensive, India decided that for the defeat of the Pakistani war machine and
the best alternative open to her was the destruction the failure of their boastful slogan of Delhi Chalo.
of Pakistan’s offensive forces and in this she Most importantly, it forced Pakistan to realise
substantially succeeded. The timely occupation of that she had miscalculated India’s response and
the Asal Uttar position and the conduct of its brave underestimated her military capabilities. A lesson
defenders turned the tide of the war. she had to learn again in 1971 and 1999.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 35


Pakistan Misses a Trick

Operation Grand Slam
Among the many reasons proffered for the change in command, three
have some semblance of credibility. One explanation was that Yahya
was a close friend of Ayub and with the fall of Akhnoor imminent,
he lobbied with Ayub to give him command and Ayub obliged to help
an old friend. Another reason that has been proffered was that Malik
belonged to the Ahmadiyya sect and Ayub did not want an Ahmadiyya
to become a war hero. Both these theories while possible, appear
unlikely. Perhaps the change had something to do with Ayub’s belief
that the capture of Akhnoor would lead to a general war with India
– a possibility that he wished to avoid. Why then did Ayub sanction
the operation if he feared such a possibility? The reasons for the
change will perhaps remain an enigma.

n the summer of ’64, voices within Pakistan reservations about the viability of the project. Ayub
favouring the use of force to wrest Kashmir from gave Major General Akhtar Malik, the commander of
India started becoming stronger and louder. The Pakistan’s 12 Infantry Division the authority to plan
President of Pakistan, Field Marshal Ayub Khan and execute the military operation. ‘Operation Gibraltar’
had just formed the ‘Kashmir Publicity Committee’, with and ‘Grand Slam’ thus came into being.
a mandate to ‘keep the Kashmir issue alive’ and this
Committee, in February 1965, put together a proposal Invasion By Infiltration
to send troops of the Pakistan Army, disguised as General Malik’s plan consisted of two components.
Kashmiri guerrillas, into the Indian state of Jammu and The first, code named ‘Operation Gibraltar’, envisaged
Kashmir, to foment an uprising against the government. the infiltration of thousands of regular and irregular
The underlying belief was that such an uprising, in troops dressed as Kashmiri guerrillas into Jammu
conjunction with armed military intervention, could and Kashmir, to create an uprising in the state and
wrest the state from India. The proposal mooted by tie down Indian security forces in combatting the
the Committee was supported by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, guerrillas. This was to be followed by an armoured
the then foreign minister of Pakistan, but was not too thrust by 12 Infantry Division across the Chamb
well received by Ayub and his Army Chief, General Sector to threaten Akhnoor. While approving the
Musa, who feared that such an act could lead to war plan, Ayub increased its scope to the capture of
with India. It received a quiet burial, but strangely, two Akhnoor for which additional resources were allotted
months later, Ayub accorded approval to the proposal, to the Division. Preparations for ‘Operation Gibraltar’
despite the fact that the Army Chief still had serious then commenced in earnest. On 1 August 1965, the

36 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

various columns of ‘Operation Gibraltar’ crossed the herself with ‘Operation Gibraltar’
Ceasefire Line (CFL) to move into their designated and launching an offensive in
areas. ‘Gibraltar’ had been set in motion with D day support of the infiltration forces
set for 7 August to commence operations. either in the Jhangar-Naushera
area or in Chamb, the former
India Surprised being assessed as the more
Meanwhile in India, not a whiff of such stirring probable course of action that
happenings permeated to any of the intelligence the enemy would take. It was
agencies. The 19 Infantry Division, deployed along the also assessed at that time that
Ceasefire Line in Kashmir, too was unaware of what should an offensive be launched
lay in store for them. On 1 August, at the moment in Chamb, it would not be able Maj Gen
that the infiltrators were moving into India across to get very far. This, as events Dhruv C Katoch
the CFL, the divisional commander had moved to were to prove, was a gross SM, VSM (Retd)
Srinagar, en route to visit the holy Amarnath Shrine. underestimation of Pakistan’s The writer is NCR based
His principal staff officer, the GSO 1 of the Division intention and capabilities. defence analyst and a
had just received his posting orders on that very day former Director, Centre
and was required to move forthwith to Wellington. He Force Levels: India for Land Warfare Studies
(CLAWS) New Delhi.
too proceeded to Srinagar to inform his family and The 191 Infantry Brigade Group
thereafter planned to meet the forward formations on had four infantry battalions,
a farewell visit. The Pakistanis could not have asked 9 Punjab, 3 Mahar, 6 Sikh Light Infantry (Sikh LI)
for a better situation than this. However, at times, and 15 Kumaon. In addition, it had 3 J&K Militia
as said by the Scottish poet, Robert Burns, “the best and a Punjab Armed Police Battalion. The artillery
laid plans of mice and men, often go awry”. ‘Gibraltar’ component consisted of 14 Field Regiment, 85 Light
was detected in time, more by chance than design and Battery and a troop of medium guns from 39 Medium
thereafter, the situation was brought under control, Regiment. B Squadron 20 Lancers had recently been
with Indian Forces also capturing the Hajipir Pass inducted into the area and formed the armoured
in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. And then Pakistan component of the Brigade. It was equipped with
launched ‘Grand Slam’ on 1 September. AMX 13 tanks, a light tank of French origin. As the
Akhnoor Bridge was a Class 18 bridge, only vehicles
Reaching For Jugular with gross weight below 18 tonnes could ply over it.
For the second time, the Indian intelligence agencies The AMX 13, at 13 tonnes was hence inducted into
were taken by surprise. The Chamb Sector where the area, but no heavier tank could be so inducted.
Pakistan attacked was the area of operational The 9 Punjab and 3 Mahar were deployed in the
responsibility of India’s 191 Infantry Brigade Group. Hill Sector on the Kalidhar Range. 6 Sikh Light
The Commander had taken over the Brigade just Infantry (Sikh LI), which was destined to face the
15 days earlier, following the death of the previous brunt of the Pakistani attack on 01 September 1965,
commander in enemy shelling. The Brigade was was deployed in the plains sector in several isolated
directly under the Corps, but a newly created pickets along the IB and the CFL. The Battalion was
headquarters had been designated to assume scattered in company minus and platoon pickets. This
responsibility of this sector from 15 September. was a new Battalion, raised just two years earlier, on
This was HQs 10 Infantry Division, under raising in 1 October 1963 at Meerut. It took over the operational
Bangalore and Belgaum. Elements of the HQs moved role in the Chamb Sector under 191 Infantry Brigade
into the area only on 28 August. When the enemy on 3 May 1965. The 3 J&K Militia, a paramilitary
struck on 1 September, the Divisional Commander, force was interspersed with both 3 Mahar and
who was yet to visit this sector, was at Jhangar, 6 Sikh LI. Some border outposts along the IB were
carrying out a reconnaissance of the 80 Infantry also manned by the Punjab Armed Police. The fourth
Brigade Sector. He was told to assume operational infantry battalion, 15 Kumaon, was deployed in
responsibility of the area with immediate effect and depth at Mandiala, along with the Brigade HQs. Two
this he proceeded to do with the skeleton staff at troops of the armoured squadron were deployed in
his disposal. In the timing and scale of her attack, an extended manner to cover the entire front upto
Pakistan had achieved total surprise. In the words Burejal. A troop was in the south in Munawar area
of the Army Commander, General Harbaksh Singh, and one troop in reserve was at Barsala. Of this force,
“Pakistan scored one over us in keeping us guessing three tanks were under repair in the rear. To the rear
regarding the timing and area of her intended offensive of Chamb, upto and inclusive of Akhnoor, there were
even up to the eleventh hour. Our intelligence service no forces deployed. A breakthrough at Chamb, would
had once again failed to penetrate the fog of war.” That hence give a free run to the enemy upto Akhnoor.
Pakistan still failed to exploit the opportunity was for
India, indeed providential. Just a day earlier, the Force Levels: Pakistan
Army Chief had visited Srinagar and was briefed by The forces allotted for the offensive gave Pakistan
GOC 15 Corps about the operational situation. Both overwhelming superiority in terms of tank and
the Chief and the Corps Commander were cognisant artillery support. The Armour component consisted of
of the possibility of Pakistan officially associating two armoured regiments, 11 Cavalry and 13 Lancers,

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 37


each equipped with two squadrons of Patton tanks and against an Indian counter attack! The advance was
one squadron of Sherman M-36B2 tank destroyers. resumed only after last light on 3 September. This gave
These regiments were from Pakistan’s newly raised India just the time needed to reinforce the defences at
6 Armoured Division. Artillery was massed to give the Jaurian and at the Fatwal Ridge – two positions which
force tremendous firepower. This consisted of 4 Corps the enemy had to overcome if he was to reach Akhnoor.
Artillery Brigade and the 7 Division Artillery Brigade. Among the many reasons proffered for the change in
The total firepower was a formidable 110 artillery command, three have some semblance of credibility. One
guns plus a light anti-aircraft gun battery and explanation was that Yahya was a close friend of Ayub
artillery locating resources. Three infantry brigades and with the fall of Akhnoor imminent, he lobbied with
were made available for the offensive. Ayub to give him command and Ayub obliged to help an
In terms of Infantry, the force levels were 2:1 in favour old friend. Another reason that has been proffered was
of Pakistan, but in armour the ratio was 6:1 in their that Malik belonged to the Ahmadiyya sect and Ayub
favour. More importantly, the AMX 13 tank held by did not want an Ahmadiyya to become a war hero. Both
20 Lancers was a light tank which was decidedly these theories while possible, appear unlikely. Perhaps
inferior to the newly acquired Patton tanks deployed the change had something to do with Ayub’s belief that
by Pakistan, both in terms of the main gun and armour the capture of Akhnoor would lead to a general war
protection. Pakistan also had a 6:1 superiority in with India – a possibility that he wished to avoid. Why
artillery. In addition, the two locating regiments available then did Ayub sanction the operation if he feared such
with them gave them a further advantage in terms of a possibility? The reasons for the change will perhaps
locating the Indian gun positions and making their remain an enigma but Pakistan lost a grand opportunity
neutralisation easier through counter-bombardment. to capture Akhnoor and place India on the back foot – an
This restricted the Indian artillery capability opportunity which she was not to get again.
to retaliate and to support their own forces. With the launch of operations by India across
the International Border on 6 September, Pakistan
Execution Of The Plan was forced to pull back the major component of
The overall plan for ‘Grand Slam’ involved three phases. its offensive forces from the Chamb Sector and a
The first phase was the most critical and envisaged a stalemate developed in the sector which was to
move up to the Manawar Wali Tawi after overrunning continue till the declaration of the ceasefire.
the defences of 191 Infantry Brigade west of Tawi, in Undoubtedly, Pakistan missed a golden opportunity
Laleali, Deva, Sakrana and Chamb by 4 Sector and to capture Akhnoor, which lay ripe for the picking, had
102 Infantry Brigade. The second phase envisaged the they moved with speed on day one itself, bypassing
capture of Akhnoor by 10 Infantry Brigade. The third opposition en route and making a breach over the
phase envisaged exploiting success by 102 Infantry Munawar Wali Tawi. That would have turned the
Brigade on axis Akhnoor-Jhangar-Dharmshal, defences of 191 Infantry Brigade. A dash to Akhnoor on
link-up with the infiltrating forces operating there and 2 September would have met with no opposition, but
thereafter capture Rajouri. Alternately, if feasible, the the impact on India would have been catastrophic. The
plan called for the capture of Jammu. entire defences of the sector stretching from Poonch
The Pakistani plan was bold, but was dependent on to Naushera were dependent on the single bridge
speed if Akhnoor was to be captured. At the point of across the Chenab River at Akhnoor and would have
application, the two enemy assaulting brigades had been impossible to maintain. The National Highway
only a thinly strung out battalion, 6 Sikh LI opposing to Srinagar would have been threatened and Jammu
them. Against the might of two armoured regiments, would have remained extremely vulnerable. Indeed,
equipped with the latest tanks, were just two troops the course of the war would have changed. Pakistan
of AMX 13 tanks. The terrain favoured the movement would have been able to justify the aggression, stating
of armoured forces and in real terms, the enemy had that it had been necessitated by India’s capture of the
a superiority in excess of 10:1 at the point of decision. Hajipir Pass and world opinion would largely have
It still took them the better part of the day to breach remained ambivalent to Pakistani aggression.
the defences of 6 Sikh LI. The 15 Kumaon, deployed
at Mandiala, however held on and withdrew only later Heroes Of Akhnoor
on orders after last light. The enemy made no attempt That India was saved the blushes can be attributed
to bypass the opposition, breach the Munawar Wali to the resistance put up by 191 Infantry Brigade
Tawi and isolate the brigade. Had it done so, it would Group, especially to the heroism and courage of
have had a clear run to Akhnoor on the next day, 6 Sikh LI, 15 Kumaon and the squadron of
2 September. That was the first stroke of luck for India. 20 Lancers, which delayed the enemy on the critical
first day. After all, the enemy had to advance just
Change Of Command 5 to 7 km in open country where no natural obstacle
On 2 September, for some strange and inexplicable existed upto the Munawar Wali Tawi and no anti-tank
reasons, the command of the enemy forces changed mines too had been laid to hinder the attacker. On
hands. Malik was relieved of the command of the the second day, it was providence that intervened
offensive forces and the same was handed over to with the inexplicable change in command. Truly,
General Yahya Khan. There was a lull in the battle and Pakistan missed a great opportunity to change the
Yahya took up a defensive posture, ostensibly to guard course of the war, even before it had begun.

38 August 2015 Defence AND security alert


Rahul K Bhonsle
The writer is Director
Security Risks Asia, an
Asian risk and knowledge
management consultancy
based in New Delhi
and specialises in risk
management and
future warfare.

A Tribute to Courage
and Resoluteness
Today our national goal remains that of securing economic growth
and development. This precludes strategic offensive and it is generally
perceived that the nation will not go to war unless it is forced to. This
is evident from the operational tasks assigned to the Indian Armed
Forces as are evident in discussions in the open domain. The three
Services are required to be prepared for a war to dominate Pakistan and
deter China. Thus a two-front war scenario is realistically appraised
and in both the cases strategic defensive remains the primary option
with variation for a more robust posture to ‘dominate’ Pakistan.

ndo-Pak War 1965 was one of the finest hours of Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri led him
in the history of independent India which saw to commit the blunder of launching his nation into
Indian Armed Forces triumph after the perceived a war which was unwinnable. Shastri’s unwavering
humiliation of 1962 by an adversary who was determination was reflected by the military leadership
better armed. The Indian military demonstrated led by Chief of the Army Staff General JN Chaudhuri and
admirable resilience in coming on top of an opponent Lt Gen Harbaksh Singh General Officer Commanding
that was fed on a false sense of superiority in strategy, in Chief Western Command. To General Harbaksh goes
tactics and military equipment and was led by a the credit of successes on the Western Front, which
dictator who lacked the sagacity to appreciate the covered the entire belt from Jammu and Kashmir up to
intrinsic strength of India’s leadership. Ganganagar in North Rajasthan. The Indian Air Force
under Marshal of the Air Force the then Air Chief Marshal
Underestimating India Arjan Singh similarly distinguished in outmatching the
Pakistan’s President Field Marshal Ayub Khan’s gross Pakistan Air Force equipped with superior aircraft and
misreading of the diminutive yet resolute personality technology provided by the United States.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 39


In 1965 India traditionally adopted a defensive The statement reflected the advantages of the
strategy given the necessity for restraint, preservation strategic defensive. Prewarning the opponent of
of national power, adverse impact on the economy consequences of abandoning restraint is in-built
and providing greater options for effective employment in the same while in the military field it enables
of military force. Today the Indian Armed Forces choosing the most appropriate response in terms of
leadership tempered in the War of Liberation of timing and theatre of operations.
Bangladesh in 1971, the misadventure by Pakistani Underlying the strategic defensive is the principle of
regular forces in Kargil in 1999 and many years restraint borne out of the logic of war avoidance and
of fighting insurgency and terrorism has the aura retention of military power for effective employment at
of confidence which was relatively untested in the place and time of one’s own choosing. A sagacious
1965. Thus there would be infinite wariness in political and military opponent would read the intent
the opposition for an adventure. Moreover force and flexibly readjust aims and objectives
accretion provides a distinct advantage to India
vis-à-vis Pakistan which could be assessed as Pak Misreading
anything from 1:2 to 2.5 considering not just the Pakistan’s military leadership lacked accountability
numbers but the combat potential of the tanks, to its people and thus was intent on following the
fighter aircraft and warships. However despite these predetermined offensive strategy. This was despite
advantages the strategy remains defensive. heavy losses suffered in the Rann of Kutch by
A comparison of the strategic defensive as adopted in Pakistan which were estimated to be 300 or three
1965 and as envisaged today will therefore be relevant times the Indian number of 98. Ayub Khan completely
to understand advantages of the same and measures misread Prime Minister Shastri’s resolve and his
to be undertaken for a successful outcome in the case deeper understanding of matters military and
of a conventional war including the nuclear option. persisted with the second phase of the 1965 offensive
in Jammu and Kashmir.
India’s Defensive Strategy Pakistan infiltrated the Gibraltar Force in the
India operated on the premise of the strategic Kashmir Valley with the aim of raising the civil
defensive in 1965. This was a well-considered population to revolt in August 1965. On 1 September
option based on holistic appraisal of the need for ‘Operation Grand Slam’ was launched by Pakistan
national and military rebuilding as a consequence in the Chamb Sector with the aim of capturing the
of the trauma of 1962. There was the food crisis Akhnoor Bridge and cutting off areas in the North in
of the 1950’s which had led to import of wheat the Rajouri belt. These operations were undertaken
from the United States under PL 480, Soviet Union even as ceasefire post the Kutch action was
and others. While military strength, capability signed by both sides on 1 July.
and morale had been restored, there was natural
aversion to, ‘testing the sword’, in another Chaudhuri Doctrine
confrontation with uncertainty of outcome. Moreover Having anticipated this perfidy, Indian Chief of the
on the west, Pakistan had been equipped with Army Staff General JN Chaudhuri issued
modern American military equipment while orders to implement plans for an offensive
India fought with dated Gnat fighters and in Punjab threatening the most vital
Centurion tanks. Strategic defensive of Lahore political objective Lahore. This was the
was thus a natural preference. was seminal as offensive component of India’s defensive
On the other hand Pakistan adopted strategy, wherein when forced upon
the strategic offensive in 1965. This it hurt the core of by circumstances of the campaign or
was based on the reverse logic of Pakistani national a threat to a vital area, an aggressive
superiority in arms and a military response is initiated on a front of
leadership that was not accountable pride and one’s own choosing. The aim of such a
to the travesty imposed by war on its prestige manoeuvre is to threaten the vitals of the
people. Pakistan’s offensive strategy mainly enemy with a view to force him to retract and
comprised of launching operations in the review his own offensive.
Rann of Kutch as a prelude to ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and In this the selection of Lahore was seminal
‘Grand Slam’ in Jammu and Kashmir. as it hurt the core of Pakistani national pride
India checkmated the first phase in Kutch and and prestige situated on the Grand Trunk
Prime Minister Shastri was quick to warn Pakistan Road connecting Delhi-Amritsar and Lahore in
not to misread Indian intention and avoid a larger pre-partitioned India. As Indian 11 Corps undertook
conflagration. As Major KC Praval highlights in an offensive on a broad front with a view to contact
his seminal historical work, Indian Army After the Ichhogil Canal, one of the battalions, 3 Jat crossed
Independence, speaking in the Lok Sabha on over the same and reached the outskirts of Lahore
28 April 1965 Shastri said, “If Pakistan continues to in Batapur locality on 7 September creating a storm
discard reason and persists in its aggressive activities, in the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi. While
our Army will defend the country and it will decide its lodgement could not be sustained, this set the stage
own strategy and the employment of its manpower for a considerable campaign of attrition that followed
and equipment in the manner it deems best.” in the Western Theatre. This included destruction of

40 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

the potent 1 Armoured Division of Pakistan which had
been composed with a view to make a breakthrough to
the Beas in the Battle of Khemkaran. By 15 September
Field Marshal Ayub Khan was personally humiliated
and was publicly calling for a ceasefire.

War Waging Strategy 2015

While the defensive strategy was eminently
successful in 1965 and achieved the war aims of
preservation of territorial integrity and destruction
of enemy combat power, what are the environmental
dynamics today that may impact its application and
thus suitability needs examination.
War as an option for nation states in the world
where economy dominates polity and globalisation
has brought nations together on a common platform
has generally receded in the 21st century. As the
recent discourse on declared military strategy by
China and the United States in May and June 2015
reveals the possibility of state on state conflict has
considerably reduced though not ruled out. that the main objective is to deter grab actions of
Emergence of political militias such as the territories in dispute such as the Tawang tract and
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and closer of vital importance like the Siliguri Corridor.
home terrorist groups as Pakistan ISI sponsored
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) have been identified as the key Key Factors Of Success
adversaries against whom nations will have to wage While the strategic defensive does not imply
a war. In the Indian context the Pakistani state will passivity, it is reactive in nature and denies the
remain relevant even in the non-state scenario as it military commander seizure of initiative during
is actively supporting groups like the LeT. pre-hostility period. The advantage lies in the
discretion in employment of force as was seen
Pak Nuke Intentions in the 1965 War. This would denote the need for
Nuclear is another dimension that is relevant envisaging options for employment of the offensive
to the discussion. For India and so far to China force to regain the initiative and force the enemy
as well the nuclear weapon remains a political in turn, first on the tactical defensive, followed by
option, not so for Pakistan. By developing and an operationally retrograde manoeuvre and finally
deploying the Nasr, battlefield ripple firing rocket, calling for cessation of hostilities.
Pakistan has declared the intention of using the Development of force capability is analogous
same as a military weapon of war. to the above aim with focus on a balance of
Today our national goal remains that of the defensive and offensive components
securing economic growth and development. Unlike in the conventional and the nuclear
This precludes strategic offensive and it
is generally perceived that the nation
in 1965, dimension. Unlike in 1965, a maritime
a maritime component of the military strategy is
will not go to war unless it is forced to.
an important advantage that India
This is evident from the operational component of the has in 2015. Thus evolving a joint
tasks assigned to the Indian Armed
military strategy tri-Service response, validating
Forces as are evident in discussions
in the open domain. The three is an important the same through simulation and
rehearsing all components of the
Services are required to be prepared advantage that
force in symphony will ensure that a
for a war to dominate Pakistan and India has in strategic defensive strategy will be as
deter China. Thus a two-front war
scenario is realistically appraised and in
2015 successful in 2015 as it was in 1965 even
both the cases strategic defensive remains the in the ‘Two-front’ scenario.
primary option with variation for a more robust A word of caution is also necessary: Much will
posture to, ‘dominate’, Pakistan. depend on an all-pervasive surveillance architecture
Given the environmental conditions and national that can provide real time situational awareness and
military objective of war avoidance; the military an all source analysis intelligence system that ensures
strategy remains that of strategic defensive. Options that the military and nation are not surprised. In
such as Cold Start in response to a major terrorist addition strong denial of access to critical areas of
attack by Pakistan, though increasingly negated national significance is necessary to ensure that
publicly and nuclear, ‘no first use’, denotes such a loss does not create a situation that cannot be
reactive approach. A discussion of the role and tasks retrieved in the short window of opportunity before
of the 17 Mountain Strike Corps (MSC) also suggest triggering the nuclear threshold.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 41



fter China’s attack on India’s northern while the remaining four ships remained deployed off
frontiers in 1962, the Army’s hands were Madras (Chennai) to continue the anti-submarine
more than full and the Indian Navy had exercises. In end August 1965, Mysore, Brahmaputra
been charged with the garrisoning of the and Beas proceeded to Calcutta.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. As is well known, Pakistan had been committing
Commencing 1964 onwards, Indonesia’s stance was violations of the Indo-Pak border throughout the
markedly pro-Pakistan. Indonesian leaders started summer months of 1965 and the frequency of these
voicing claims to Great Nicobar Island, which was violations had increased further during the first week
closest to Sumatra and there was an increase in the of August culminating in a large number of armed
sightings of unidentified submarines and aircraft infiltrators crossing the ceasefire line in Kashmir on
in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It was this 05 August 1965. In spite of continued efforts made by
vulnerability in July/August 1965 that impelled India to ensure peace, the situation soon aggravated
Naval Headquarters to keep the Indian Fleet in the and the Indian Army had to take preventive measures
Bay of Bengal for as long as possible, so as to deter in Kashmir to plug the entry points of these infiltrators.
adventurist Indonesian naval moves. Since Pakistan was likely to extend the war to the
The Indian Fleet comprising Mysore (Flagship), Arabian Sea as well, Karachi being its main naval
Brahmaputra, Beas, Khukri, Kirpan, Kuthar and Ranjit base, the Indian Navy decided to initiate necessary
sailed for the Bay of Bengal in end June 1965. It actions to prepare the fleet for the probable war.
had been arranged for a British Submarine Astute Thus, it was in the middle of the deployment of
to be available off Madras in July for anti-submarine the Indian Fleet to the Bay of Bengal and before
training, after which it was planned that ships of the second group of ships Khukri, Kirpan, Kuthar
the Fleet deploy off Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and Ranjit had finished exercising with the British
Calcutta and Visakhapatnam. submarine off Madras (Chennai), that the Indian
Accordingly, Mysore, Brahmaputra and Beas, after Fleet was immediately recalled to Bombay, as
completion of the exercise off Madras, were deployed Pakistan Army crossed the international border on
in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in August 1965 01 September 1965 and advanced towards Akhnoor.

42 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Ganga. The Fleet carried out intensive patrols and
sweeps in the Arabian Sea, in conjunction with the
Navy’s aircraft, throughout the duration of the war.
On one occasion, the Navy’s Alize aircraft sighted
two Pakistani ships 60 miles off India’s West Coast.
The Ships of the Indian Fleet at once pursued the
enemy, who without giving battle, scurried back to
Karachi. In fact, for most of the duration of the war,
Pakistani Navy was ensconced in Karachi, seeking
safety behind heavy shore defences.
The Indian Navy’s anti-submarine task force
was keeping constant vigil and was particularly
searching for the Pakistani submarine Ghazi,
which was known to have closed to within 12 miles
off Bombay harbour. On two occasions, INS Kuthar,
Naval Operations in September 1965
Commanded by Commander DS Paintal, detected
an underwater sonar contact of a possible
The Indian Navy’s role was the maritime defence of the submarine and launched attacks with full salvos
Western and Eastern Coasts and the island territories. from her anti-submarine mortars. The hide and

The tasks envisaged were: first, to carry out sweeps off seek went on for five continuous days and Ghazi
the West Coast of Pakistan to disrupt the Port of Karachi was kept under continuous pressure by the
and inflict heavy damage on port installations; next, Indian Navy’s ships and aircraft. Because of this
the destruction of Pakistan Naval Forces if ordered; relentless anti-submarine action, Ghazi, which was
third, provision of general support for the defence of the the only submarine in the entire subcontinent (the
major ports on the West Coast and fourth, the provision Indian Navy only acquired its first submarine in
of general cover and protection to our merchant 1967), could not make any impact on the war.
ships in the Arabian Sea, especially those plying to and Seahawk aircraft of Indian Naval Air Squadron
from the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. (INAS) 300, then located at Jamnagar in Gujarat,
India’s policy, however, was not to escalate the were placed under the operational control of the
conflict by a direct confrontation at sea. Given the Indian Air Force on 02 September 1965 for offensive
Government’s determination to limit the scope of the action against the enemy. All Naval Air Squadrons
conflict as much as possible, the role assigned to the – INAS 300 (Seahawk fighter squadron), INAS 310
Navy during the war was mainly a defensive one. (Alize anti-submarine aircraft squadron), INAS 550
Nevertheless, the Indian Navy remained vigilant to (Seahawk and Alize trainer squadron) and INAS 551
ensure the safety of Indian ports, guard the country’s (Kiran jet trainer squadron) were deployed for
entire coastline and above all protect India’s shipping reconnaissance and anti-shipping roles and for the
from interference by the Pakistan Navy. Whereas air defence of Indian seaports.
most of Pakistani shipping was carried on neutral On the eve of the ceasefire on 23 September 1965,
bottoms, India’s shipping was largely borne by Indian a false statement broadcast by the Pakistan Radio
ships – 250 of them were owned by India, while only claimed that an Indian frigate, INS Brahmaputra
30 merchant ships belonged to Pakistan. had been sunk in the Arabian Sea, by the Pakistani
Intelligence on the disposition of the Pak naval submarine Ghazi. After the war, the Indian Navy
forces had indicated that the Pak submarine Ghazi invited the world press and Naval Attachés of all
was at sea and was likely to have been deployed off countries accredited to India, to have a cup of tea
Bombay for anti-shipping operations and the Pak Fleet on board Brahmaputra at the Naval Dockyard,
had been proceeding to sea everyday for exercises and Bombay, which was hosted by the Fleet Commander,
returning to its anchorage in the evening. Rear Admiral BA Samson.
The Indian Fleet was led by the Flagship Mysore – a In his letter to the Navy, the then Defence
sleek cruiser powered by an 80,000 shaft horsepower Minister YB Chavan expressed the government’s
steam plant with state-of-the-art command and appreciation for the role played by the Navy
control facilities. Mysore’s nine 6 inch guns, during the war as follows:
controlled by the latest fire control equipment, “I greatly appreciate the silent but efficient
could deliver two and a half tonnes of explosives a role which the Navy played in the defence of the
minute on the target. Mysore also had eight 4 inch country. The Navy protected islands which were
guns for surface and anti-aircraft operations and vital to our security, guarded our ports and the
twelve 40 mm Bofors AA guns. In fact her punch long Indian coast line. All merchant ships destined
and looks were legendary and she was popularly for our ports reached safely and our international
referred to as the Queen of the Orient. trade was not permitted to be interfered with by the
Flying the flag of Rear Admiral BA Samson, Mysore Pakistan Navy. I take this opportunity to emphasise
sailed for offensive patrols on the West Coast, again that the Navy has done and achieved all that
accompanied by Brahmaputra, Beas, Betwa, Khukri, the Government desired of it, within the bounds and
Kirpan, Kuthar, Talwar, Rana, Rajput, Ranjit and compass allotted to it”.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 43

know the chief CRPF


Central Reserve Police Force

rakash Mishra joined the Indian Police
Service in 1977 and he was allotted to
the Odisha Cadre. He is a postgraduate
in Applied Economics and also
a Law graduate.
During his 36 years of Police career, he
has held several positions of eminence both
at the State and the Centre. In his home
State Odisha he served as SP Security
(1988-90), DIG (Security) to CM, DIG
Bhubaneswar Range (1996-98), DIG Crime
Branch (1988-89), Director (Sports & Youth the kidnapping of Ms Rubiya Sayeed, killing of
Services) (1999-2000), IG (Admin) (2000-01), Station Director of Doordarshan Srinagar, killing of
CMD (Police Housing Corporation) (2006-2009), Air Force personnel at Srinagar etc.
DG-cum-Director of Intelligence (2009-2010), DG He has undergone several training courses of
Home Guards and DG Fire Services (2010), DGP international repute, viz specialised training on
Odisha (2012-14) and CMD, Odisha State Road interrogation, international Terrorism and non-verbal
Transport Corporation. At the Centre he served as communication from FBI National Academy,
SP/DIG, CBI (1990-96), IG RPF (2001-2003), Joint USA, ATAP programme on interdicting Terrorist
Director NPA, Hyderabad (2003-05, ADG/Spl DG, Organisation in New Mexico, USA and training on
NIA (2010-12) and Director General, National International Terrorism conducted by JICA, Tokyo.
Disaster Reponse Force and Civil Defence (2012). Prakash Mishra is an eminent speaker on
As Director Intelligence, Odisha he initiated a slew various police subjects, national security,
of measures against Naxals in the State. As the DGP intelligence, investigations, Left Wing Extremism,
of Odisha, during 2012-14, his effective anti-Naxal counter-terrorism etc.
strategies could effectively contain the Naxal He is recipient of Police Medal for Meritorious
menace in the State resulting in the neutralisation Service (1994), President’s Police Medal for
of several Naxal leaders and in drastic reduction of Distinguished Service (2001) and Odisha
SF casualties. As Spl Director NIA, he supervised Governor’s Medal (2006).
investigation and trials of several important cases of He has held the charge of Special Secretary (Internal
national and international ramifications. As DIG, CID Security) in Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi
Odisha, he investigated the sensational Australian looking after the internal Security matters of the
Missionary Graham Stains’ murder case and the country with particular emphasis on the North-east,
offenders were brought to justice. As SP/DIG CBI, counter-terrorism and Left Wing Extremism from
supervised several important investigations including 8th July, 2014 to 21st December, 2014.

44 August 2015 Defence AND security alert


Indo-Pak War 1965

The process of expansion and reorganisation of Armed
Forces started post 1962. This was still in process Lt Gen
when the 1965 War started. However having learnt Munish Sibal
the lessons they were in a better state to fight which (Retd)
was evident during the war. The performance of Armed The writer is a Defence
Analyst and Former GOC
Forces during 1971 conflict bears testimony to the of 11 Corps (Punjab) and
fact of our ability to give a crushing defeat to Pakistan Army
retired from the Indian
as Quarter Master
which led to its bifurcation and creation of Bangladesh. General.

Modernisation and restructuring of Armed Forces is a

continuous process which is based on various factors viz envisaged
threat perception, geopolitical realities etc. This has enabled us to
optimise our forces in a manner that the areas of responsibilities
today are reduced and are much better managed.

“What is the good of experience if you do not reflect.”

─ Frederick the Great

he month of August 2015 will witness India was a major morale booster for the nation and its
and its Armed Forces commemorating fifty Armed Forces. The success came in the backdrop of
years of India-Pakistan War 1965. This the debacle of 1962 Indo-China conflict. The political
war was significant in many aspects and establishment had clearly understood the need to

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 45


strengthen its security apparatus and modernise vis-à-vis Pakistan. The war, as per experts, ended in
its Armed Forces to meet the future challenges from a stalemate; however India had once again prevented
its neighbours especially Pakistan and China. The Pakistan from annexing Kashmir. Indian Army displayed
focus shifted to the Armed Forces that went in for exemplary aggressiveness and highest level of morale to
major expansion, reorganisation, restructuring redeem its honour and bring glory to the nation.
and modernisation. It must be amply clear that the
above process takes considerable time, resources Present Day Scenario
and effort. The Pakistan establishment had never While a lot has been commented upon by various
reconciled to its failure to annex Kashmir in 1948. analysts on the lessons learnt in war, what is
Every government in Pakistan has focused on this imperative is to analyse our vulnerabilities then and
unfinished agenda till date. It had clearly realised how well are we prepared now. Accurate and timely
that given the size of both the countries, it was intelligence of adversary is a major contributing factor
unlikely to succeed in any future conflict against for success in war. It may be worth recording the old
India. Pakistan also felt that post-1962 debacle and saying “Forewarned is Forearmed”. Unfortunately
the death of Prime Minister Nehru in 1964, India intelligence regarding activities of Pakistan and its
was both politically and militarily at its weakest. intentions were found wanting. They were mostly
It therefore was a great opportunity once again to inaccurate and misleading. Post 1965 War India went
execute its nefarious designs. in for establishment of Research and Analysis Wing
(R&AW) in 1968 to beef up its external intelligence
Commencement Of Operations both during peace and war. The intelligence
The skirmishes in Rann of Kutch in April-May 1965 apparatus also got reviewed post Indo-Pak conflict
emboldened Pakistan and were seen as a prelude of 1971 and Kargil Operations 1999 in a major way.
to conduct of major operations in Jammu and There is multiplicity of intelligence agencies and
Kashmir which were launched in August 1965. surveillance assets at the centre and state level. Lack
Both sides were able to gain success in various of Intra and Inter-ministerial coordination as also the
areas along the Ceasefire Line. The launch of one-upmanship of various intelligence agencies
‘Operation Grand Slam’ by Pakistan to Our to gain prominence continues to be a major
annex Akhnoor and cut-off Kashmir in future impediment which needs to be corrected.
early September was thwarted by the The quality of intelligence including tactical
Indian Army. It was a major failure
planning will intelligence has considerably improved
and an important turning point of have to cater for with the availability of Unmanned Aerial
the war. India in a brilliant strategic a multiple front Vehicles (UAVs), satellites etc. The
move, therefore decided to expand threat and prepare process of dissemination of intelligence
the area of conflict further south in has also been streamlined with the
Punjab for which plans had been well
for related establishment of suitable structures.
conceived by the Indian Army. contingencies However intelligence can never be enough
and we must continue with our present
Operations In Punjab efforts to further improve this aspect.
The overall strategy was to launch multiple operations
towards Lahore and Kasur. Operations in Punjab Border Management
(‘Operation Riddle’) were conducted under aegis of Infiltration along the Line of Control (LoC) and
Vajra Corps, the oldest Corps of Indian Army. The International border has been part of Pakistan
operations were characterised by surprise, speed strategy. It adopted the same during 1965 War and
and aggressiveness and were launched along the subsequently continues to support non-state actors
Grand Trunk Road to Lahore, Khalra-Lahore and to foment trouble in India. This vulnerability has
Khemkaran-Kasur road. Major gains were made in got addressed in a major way with the construction
these areas. Indian forces crossed the Ichhogil Canal of counter-infiltration obstacles along the LoC and
and soon were threatening the outskirts of Lahore. This fencing of International Border. The border is being
area saw some hard fought and exemplary infantry effectively managed by deployment of paramilitary
actions in the battles of Dograi and Barki. The desperate forces, beefing up by army in critical areas as also
Pakistan Army launched a counter-offensive further deployment of modern surveillance assets. These
south in Khemkaran by its elite Armoured Division actions have seen a visible drop in infiltration.
with the aim of threatening Amritsar. It met with stiff The paramilitary forces and other assets must
resistance and faced with major annihilation of its be integrated in overall plans so as to optimise
front line US made Patton tanks in the famous Battle of given resources for better application in war. They
Asal Uttar. The area of Bhikhiwind came to be known can play a prominent role for rear area security.
as Patton Nagar. It may be pertinent to mention here We must continue with effective vigilance and
the obituary of Patton tanks aptly made by President further strengthen the counter-infiltration posture to
Radhakrishnan during his post-war visit to this area in defeat Pakistan’s nefarious designs.
following words “Born in Detroit, Died in Bhikhiwind”. The war clearly brought out the importance of
The proclamation of ceasefire on 22 September 1965 plains sector of Punjab and Jammu region where
saw major territorial gains made by the Indian Army Pakistan launched its determined armour thrust to

46 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

capture maximum territory and cause criticality. This
to a large extent has been addressed by strengthening
of the obstacle profile including both artificial
and natural as also deployment of additional
resources based on envisaged threat.

Restructuring Of Forces
The process of expansion and reorganisation of
Armed Forces started post 1962. This was still
in process when the 1965 War started. However
having learnt the lessons they were in a better
state to fight which was evident during the war.
The performance of Armed Forces during 1971
conflict bears testimony to the fact of our ability
to give a crushing defeat to Pakistan which led
to its bifurcation and creation of Bangladesh.
Modernisation and restructuring of Armed Forces
is a continuous process which is based on various
factors viz envisaged threat perception, geopolitical
realities etc. This has enabled us to optimise our level. While we have gone in for establishment of
forces in a manner that the areas of responsibilities Integrated Defence Staff, the one point advice to the
today are reduced and are much better managed. government is still not possible for want of Chief of
We have also been able to create dedicated forces Defence Staff despite recommendation by various
for offensive operations. We need to equip our committees. Creation of above is imperative to bring
forces with the best and latest weapon platforms in greater synergy between Services, joint planning,
to meet the future challenges. Our dependence on integration and optimum utilisation of resources.
external purchases has to reduce which can only
be done by indigenisation of defence industry and Integrated Training
restructuring of Defence Research and Development Success in war for a country is directly proportional to
Organisation (DRDO) and making them more how well-trained, equipped and motivated are
accountable. Modernisation requires Another its Armed Forces. The 1965 War brought
tremendous resources and time out a number of shortcomings in our
but also the political will to take hard
issue of
training at tactical and operational
and timely decisions for acquisition. concern has been levels. These have been reviewed and
Any delay in this regard will be at the lack of integration the curriculum has been suitably
cost of national security. modified at formation and training
of Services to establishments. Integrated training at
External Linkages And Diplomacy jointly prosecute formation levels and with other Services
The war did witness some movements plans continues to be a focus area based on
by China in support of Pakistan with envisaged threat perception.
minimal effect. However in future conflict
we will have to factor the growing strategic Logistics Sustenance
relationship between these two countries. This can History bears testimony to the fact that wars can
be seen in the form of build-up of infrastructure be won if the country has a strong economic base
in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and other areas, and has the ability to sustain the efforts of its
provisions of latest weapons, nuclear and missile Armed Forces for a prolonged period of operations.
technologies, support in various international We have made reasonable progress in this regard.
forums etc. Our future planning will have to cater However what is required is to make up the
for a multiple front threat and prepare for related deficiencies of our weapon systems, ammunition and
contingencies. Our diplomacy will have to play a equipment as also build-up our infrastructure and
major role in mitigating such linkages and creating logistic facilities in border areas.
our own support base in international forums.
Joint Planning And Integration The Indian Army today is one of the most
Another issue of concern has been lack of professional, well-trained and motivated armies in
integration of Services to jointly prosecute plans. the world. It can justifiably be proud of its valour
Lack of coordination between Indian Army and and dedication to the nation. The need of the
Indian Air Force was visible during 1965 operations. hour is to speed up the process of modernisation,
Air power in future wars will play an important acquisition, build-up of infrastructure, making up
role. The success of any future conflict will be of the deficiencies and restructuring of its Armed
dependent upon integration of effort at national Forces to meet the future challenges.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 47

1965 war OVERVIEW


Is this caption a fair, valid summation of the 1965 Indo-Pak War?
Is it a judgement that needs reinterpretation? The writer critically
examines the evidence available on record.

“Friends! There are no friends!” – Aristotle.

“Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.” – Bertolt Brecht.

inning or losing wars is sometimes a pronounced naivety for its wars with India since 1947
matter of perception; a matter of the till date and now with homegrown terrorists within the
mind more than of clinical analysis. Pakistani heartland. Not the least, Indian apologists
Matters become rather more complicated rationalise the disastrous 1962 Sino-Indian War and
when narrow nationalism, sepia mindsets and clever ‘Operation Pawan’ in Sri Lanka in a like manner.
propaganda enter the fray to dilute harsh reality with Globally, it is rare that any claim of Victory has
euphemistic myth created by clever spin doctoring. been unanimously accepted as reality. For instance, in
When realisation does seep in as it eventually the past 100 years, the credit for untrammelled total
must, apologists on the losing side use the tactic victory belongs only to USA which led a consortium
of rationalisation to suggest that the winning side of nations to win World War II decisively. This point
used unethical means; that their (the losing sides) is better understood when one realises, still using
soldiers won but obtuse politicians, inept diplomacy, USA as an example that since its ‘total Victory’ in
luck, chance and even God failed the nation. August 1945, America has ‘won’ all its military
German apologists did exactly this at Versailles campaigns, battles, engagements and skirmishes
post World War I; the American establishment has but ended up ‘losing’ the war … Korea, Vietnam, Iraq
rationalised their near and far abroad wars post 1945 and its redux a decade later and now Afghanistan;
in this manner. Pakistan has done similarly with they all offer staggering proof of this reality.

48 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Judging The 1965 War nations rather than to their military
Closer home, 50 years after the bruising forces. Equally importantly, when a
1965 Indo-Pak War was fought, the adrenalin-triggered nation goes to war, its entire range of
rush of nationalism demands that both India and force-multipliers come into play
Pakistan stake a strident claim to victory. Look beyond of which the military is but
narrow jingoism and you see an increasing number of one. By implication this means
reality checks: official accounts, enlightened politicians, that war-fighting, diplomacy,
think tanks, defence analysts, journalists and war economy, financial reserves,
veterans; all of whom have, in varying degrees begun commerce, trade, industry, R&D,
to see the 1965 War as a stalemate; an unnecessary stocking levels, media, societal
war replete with mind-boggling missed opportunities support, internal cohesion, Maj Gen Raj Mehta
at the politico-strategic, military-strategic and tactical culture, historical underpinnings, AVSM, VSM
levels of functioning. In general, it is now assessed that morale, demography, regional (Retd)
1965 had ‘No Victor; No Vanquished.’ The reader is and world groupings, coalitions; The writer is a Cavalry
cautioned not to take this broad assessment at its face communication infrastructure in all officer with command
value because such branding is contingent upon who planes physical, electronic, cyber, experience of Armoured,
is doing it; with what intent and purpose; from what technological, spiritual; the nation’s Rashtriya Rifles and
perspective and with which target audience in mind. work ethic, systems, processes, Infantry formations,
war-fighting doctrines, all come into has served in a senior
rank in the Military
play singly and in concert with each
Some Astute Observers Think Otherwise Operations Directorate
other. The list includes post-war
There is however another school of thought at Army HQ and has also
rehabilitation, reconstruction and held varied command
stretching across the continuum of the warring
relocation of people. and staff assignments;
nations to some evolved subcontinent watchers and
It is axiomatic that neither an important one being
international analysts. This school suggests that the
India nor Pakistan had the a Brigadier in Military
No-Victor-No-Vanquished categorisation is a trifle Operations Directorate.
political will, vision, compulsion
unfair. It opines that even if the line of separation He has served as Chief
or the skill sets to seek such
was very slim, it was India that had nosed ahead of Staff in two Corps
synergised ‘Victory’ as its Headquarters and
as the war was ending, if only just. India wasn’t a desired end-state. Instead, the has had a number of
victor in the rarefied sense of ‘Victory’; NOT by a long war was, fought along predictable command and staff
shot. However, India edged ahead of an exhausted linear lines, albeit with a few assignments in J&K.
Pakistan blighted by its senior leadership and grim strategic surprises in the military He has taught at the
ammunition deficiencies (by comparison, India had and diplomatic realms. Let us National Defence
spent only 14 per cent of its ammunition). Pakistan examine some relevant macro Academy and the Defence
was trapped in its Bhutto-authored propaganda Services Staff College.
aspects of what transpired before He has done Masters in
hype which created a slipstream of macho myth we arrive at our takeaways. English and in Defence
versus harsh reality that severely degraded Pakistani
Studies and completed
takeaways from the 23 day land/air slugfest fought in
The External Environment two MPhil qualifications;
the autumn of 1965. To be fair however to Pakistan in Strategic Studies
With USA and USSR locked in
and to history, army Chief Choudhary when asked by (Madras University, 1996)
‘Cold War’ conflict in Europe,
government had said that ammunition was running and in National and
China had emerged as a regional Global Security (National
out. He was misinformed; it wasn’t. Asian power after its Korean War Defence College, 2001).
The 2011 official MoD approved Indian history of the and Sino-Indian War performances
1965 War by Dr SN Prasad and Dr UP Thapliyal states and Lop Nor nuclear explosion in
that India’s “Faulty strategy led to stalemate on 1964. USA needed support for its anti-Communist
all fronts”. Some scholars, however, feel otherwise. stance but found India obsessed with non-alignment;
The famous American defence correspondent of that this despite the generous military aid USA had given
time, Stanley Wolpert summed this status admirably to India during and after 1962. Pakistan, having
when he noted that “India was in a position to inflict signed the US-Pak Mutual Security Pact of 1954 was
grave damage to, if not capture Pakistan’s capital of flooded with quality military supplies which helped
the Punjab (Lahore) when the ceasefire was called it draw near parity with India. It willingly joined
and controlled Kashmir’s strategic Uri-Poonch bulge, the US promoted SEATO/CENTO anti-Communist
much to President Ayub Khan’s chagrin”. alliances and by clever diplomatic juggling, found
favour, material and moral support from USA, NATO,
What Comprises ‘Victory’ In War? Russia, China and most Muslim nations. Better off
Readers will doubtless insist on understanding what economically than India, Pakistan supped on the
‘victory’ is all about and why is it so elusive as to be world’s high table and sneered at India.
practically non-attainable. First of all, it must be In exchange for US largesse, Pakistan aided it in
understood – contrary to existing hard-wired global sea-domination in the oil-rich Gulf region, besides
mindsets – that when war happens, whole Nations go helping it to keep electronic and aerial surveillance
to war; not just their Armed Forces. Pronouncements on USSR off Pakistani bases. Pakistan also started
of win/loss/status quo are thus more applicable to accessing Gulf oil with US backing. East Pakistan

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 49

1965 war OVERVIEW

helped USA keep a tight watch over Southeast Asia, and Chaffee Regiments. The 1965 London-based
China and the Malacca Straits. Unhappy with the IISS handbook on Military Balance revealed that
Pakistani proximity to USA, USSR started helping Pakistan had tank parity with India but better
India militarily and politically but without openly quality tanks. Pakistan’s artillery too was far
antagonising Pakistan or China. NATO also played a superior in quality compared to India’s.
balancing act and post 1962 assisted India by way l It also received 100 F-86 Sabre jets, one squadron
of limited access to weapons and supply systems. of F-104 Starfighters, 30 B-57 bombers and four
Pakistan had secretly hoped that the help India was C-130 transport aircraft.
getting from USA/NATO/Russia could be cashed in l Not the least, Foreign Minister Bhutto and his
later by getting the same powers to get India to agree foreign office and military confidantes created a
to Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir and avoided criticising deliberate euphoria that the Indians were down
these supplies. Realising around 1963 that its and out and that Pakistan must take military
expectation of diplomatic support for Kashmir wasn’t advantage of this vulnerability while it had a
going to happen, Pakistan became critical and started chance. The Kutch settlement in Pakistan’s favour
courting China, ceding the geostrategically important removed the last vestige of doubt and emboldened
5,000 sq km Shaksgam Valley to it. This caused India Bhutto’s assertions. ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and
grave concern. Pakistan was (wrongly, it turned out) its attendant ‘Operation Grand Slam’ were
playing up to China assuming that it would use force thus planned contingencies premised on
against India in the event of an Indo-Pak war. Bhutto ‘Victory’ in its widest application.
had averred in the Pakistan National Assembly in 1963
that, “in the event of war, Pakistan would be helped The Indian Situation
by the most powerful nation in Asia”. It was with this During this period, India was on a relative low. The
aggressive Pakistani mindset that Kutch happened 1962 War had crushed Nehru in spirit and reputation;
in 1965; followed by the 23 day long September war. singed and scarred the Indian psyche. Dying a broken
man, he was succeeded by low-profile, understated
The Pakistani Swagger and under-rated Lal Bahadur Shastri as PM. Left
It was substantial and, from the Pakistani perspective, bereft of many friends, the country was slowly
justified, fuelled by what Pakistani spin-masters picking itself up from the despair and shame of 1962;
presented to the world as a runaway victory in Kutch reorganising its forces and struggling with serious food
in April 1965 with India left sulking and defensive. shortages; accepting US PL-480 food aid and facing
The swagger hinged on: widespread anti-Hindi language riots. On the positive
l An antediluvian conviction highlighted by US side, steel-nerved Shastri empowered the Armed
author Stephen Cohen in The Pakistan Army Forces to plan for war including taking proactive
whereby one Pakistani equalled ten Indians; action if push came to shove. In fact, ‘Op Ablaze’
were push-overs for macho Pakistanis. With the (May-July 1965) war-gamed India’s offensive options,
1947-48 Indo-Pak War left undecided, this core some of which were fielded in August-September 1965.
belief of superiority; of carrying the Mughal legacy This government support for aggressive action positively
forward got reinforced. affected the mojo of the Armed Forces and restored their
l Field Marshal Ayub Khan and his Foreign Minister self-belief and this reflected in the war that followed.
both held the Indian PM in contempt. Post an
airport lounge meeting at a stopover at Karachi Events Leading To The September War
Airport, both of them are on record deriding the Despite a UN mediated ceasefire (CF) effective
Indian PM; a feeling which was reinforced when January 1949, relations between the two countries
the Kutch skirmish showed the Indian leadership remained blighted. Kashmir remained the main issue which
as timid, tentative and unsure. led to the 1965 War. The ‘Uneasy Ceasefire’ was evident in
l An obsession that Kashmir must be militarily the number of border violations by Pakistan: 488 in 1963,
won since diplomatic annexation was untenable 1,522 in 1964 and over 1,800 in January-July 1965.
and that Kashmiri Muslims would aid Pakistani On 09 April 1965, Pakistan ‘tested the waters’ as
annexation. The decision taken was that it was President Ayub would unabashedly confess later,
Kashmir ‘now or never’. by transgressing in Kutch. Though India thwarted
l A perception abetted by China that India post 1962 this offensive, Pakistan felt emboldened by the ‘silent
was in disarray; a state that India was fervently spectator’ stance of the world community led by USA. The
seeking to improve with new raisings and weaponry UN negotiated settlement was also in Pakistan’s favour.
after which period India could not be defeated. This The Bhutto driven ‘Op Gibraltar’ of August 1965 that
was magnified in the Pakistani mind by a belief that followed was Pakistan’s last effort to resolve the ‘K’ Question
if Pakistan attacked, close ally China would open militarily by an ‘Algerian’ type of ‘people-supported’
a second front; keeping India’s forces tied down. struggle. The 8,000 strong force (planned to expand to
l The endless flow of state-of-the-art American 30,000) comprised men from the Regular Army, Azad
arms fuelled brash confidence in the US trained Kashmir Militia, Frontier Scouts, Mujahids and Razakars.
officers about winning. Under the 5 and a half On 05 August 1965, the armed infiltrators crossed the
Division plan, Pakistan fielded nine regiments CFL between Jammu and Kargil into J&K to ‘liberate’
of M47/48 Patton tanks to add to its Sherman Kashmir but were defeated at launch itself.

50 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Overview Of The September War technologically superior. Indian communications
The totally unexpected aggressive Indian response at were certainly better as were the Sappers. So far
Tangdhar, Kargil and the brilliant, unorthodox capture as the Air Battle was concerned it was probably
of Hajipir on 28 August following the miserable failure ‘No Victor No Vanquished’ even if India would have
of ‘Op Gibraltar’ panicked the Pakistani leadership won, had the war been extended because it had more
into launch of ‘Op Grand Slam’ on 1 September; an resources to bank upon
operation that President Ayub had himself identified in l Surprise and Intelligence. Pakistan won hands
a rare Eureka moment during an ‘Op Gibraltar’ briefing down here. The Indians were taken aback in
at Murree. The operation was intended to capture Kutch; by ‘Operation Gibraltar’; at Chamb. At
Akhnoor; threaten/capture Jammu and thereby cut Kasur, both were surprised but India adapted
off all Indian forces in J&K. better. At Sialkot and Lahore, Pakistan was
This article is not intended to detail what happened
surprised but ensured status quo.
in the many battles that were fought during the war
except to crisply summarise that both sides made
modest gains even as they suffered debacles, with In Summation: A Town; A Bridge; A City …
India taking a slight edge. A summary: Eminent Pakistani analyst Dr Ahmed Faruqui sums
l Kutch. Pakistan had the edge. up the despair of Pakistan at Akhnoor; a stunning
l Operation Gibraltar. Strategically brilliant, strategic near victory which was abandoned when
Pakistan’s failure was soul-wrenching. Initially victory was in sight; a victory whose impact would
surprised, the Indians reacted aggressively and won. have been profound; perhaps even compelled India
l T angdhar, Kargil, Hajipir. Pakistan was to call off its Sialkot offensive to save J&K. Akhnoor,
strategically shocked and found militarily he writes poignantly, turned out to be ‘A town too
deficient. India was a clear winner. far’ … Indeed it was, as much as the Beas Bridge
l Chamb. India was strategically shocked yet again. was a bridge too far; Srinagar, Amritsar, Lahore cities
Pakistan’s strange reluctance to take Akhnoor; that were too far. There were missed opportunities
inexplicable change of command on the cusp of galore and on both sides of the border. When it came
victory and delay thereto saved Akhnoor. The to offensive operations, both sides were found wanting
factor of luck also played an important role in even as the defensive battles were largely well fought.
saving India much embarrassment.
Pakistan as the initiator of the war had obviously
l S ialkot-Lahore-Kasur Sectors. Pakistan
more chances of taking early-bird advantage. An
was caught strategically off balance with
example is illustrative. Asked for his opinion by
India’s strategic intent, stage-management
counterpart ZA Bhutto at a stopover at Karachi airport,
and synchronisation of its offensives and was
compelled to fight back-to-the-wall. Overall Chinese Foreign Minister Chen Yi suggested that
stalemate with the edge with India in Kasur and Akhnoor was like a thumb, which, if cut off – he
Lahore; with Pakistan at Sialkot. made an incisive (sic) gesture – would render the
l The Desert. A diversion of little operational hand useless. Pakistan failed to do just that.
consequence. From an earlier time, it failed to follow the pragmatic
l Diplomacy. Pakistan had the edge; at the UN; advice of Chinese PM Zhou Enlai (Chou En-lai) as
with the great powers; certainly with China whose quoted in the memoirs of Pakistani Gen Tariq Majid.
repeated ultimatums eventually led to an abrupt Zhou Enlai had advised Pakistan with typical
ceasefire with India winning. Even Tashkent was Sun Tzu restraint to “go slow, not to push India
a Pakistani success far more than India’s. hard; and avoid a fight over Kashmir, for at
l P erception Management. Pakistan made least, 20-30 years, until you have developed your
spectacular initial gains but eventually lost out; economy and consolidated your national power.”
certainly with its domestic clientele as it’s people Obsessed with Kashmir and with Bhutto’s brazen
and institutions felt betrayed. Indian perception lies, Pakistan launched prematurely without a quality
management was muted as was domestic criticism. well-thought-through plan B and plan C in place.
l Apex Leadership. India won because Shastri
On balance, therefore, it isn’t quite right to suggest
and Army Chief Choudhary assumed a new,
that 1965 was a war in which there was ‘No Victor
resolute and strong persona with that of Ayub and
No Vanquished’. There was a winner and it wasn’t
Army Chief Musa rapidly declining. Gen Harbaksh,
Pakistan. When you win, margins of winning become
the Western Army Commander became iconic even
as Gen Bakhtiar Rana his counterpart was seen irrelevant and academic. Pakistan paid a heavy price
with contempt as inadequate and ill-prepared. for misreading India and failing to realise an empirical
l Middle and Junior Level Leadership. This was the truism: “Because things are the way they are, things
strong point of both countries, with some stunning will not stay the way they are” – Bertolt Brecht.
examples of battle leadership of the transformational India changed from the way it was in 1962 but
kind. On balance, India had a slight edge, which Pakistan remained in Mughal mode. This demanded
helped it touch the tape ahead of Pakistan if only just. a price and Pakistan paid it; the full payment being
l Combat Edge. Indian tank, Infantry and Artillery deferred to 1971 and the surgical loss of East Pakistan;
handling was better even when Pakistan was the birth of a brave new nation; Bangladesh.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 51


The capture and Return Of Hajipir Pass

Myth And Reality
As far as the captured territory is concerned, it was decided that
all territories across the International Border and ceasefire line
will be returned and status quo ante will be restored. This posed a
serious dilemma for the Indian military establishment which had
briefed the Prime Minister prior to his departure. However, allowing
Pakistani dagger to keep pointing at Akhnoor and Jammu was thus
both militarily and politically unacceptable. Shastri therefore, had
no option but to agree to return Hajipir Pass.

mboldened by its success in Kutch in
April 1965, Pakistan evolved operation
Gibraltar in J&K which was launched
in August-September 1965. This was a
massive infiltration campaign designed to create
chaos in J&K and incite the populace to revolt
against the government. Operation Gibraltar failed
because while launching this operation, Pakistan
failed to assess the ground realities inside the state
of J&K. The expected open support from locals never
materialised. Even pro-Pakistan political parties did
not come out in open support of the infiltrators.
Moreover, the quick and firm retaliation of the
Indian security forces made sure that Pakistan Army
could not make gains anywhere.

Capture Of Hajipir Pass

In order to cut-off the vital link in the scheme of
Pakistan infiltration into J&K, it was decided to
capture Hajipir Pass in Uri-Poonch blulge which was
the lifeline for infiltrators in the area. The operation
was planned as a major pincer movement by
launching an offensive from Uri towards Poonch and
at the same time launching an operation from Poonch
towards Uri. The link-up would have ensured that the
Uri-Poonch bulge was not available to Pakistan for
infiltration. The task of capture of Hajipir Pass was cutting off the Kashmir Valley from the rest of the
given to 68 Infantry Brigade of 19 Infantry Division country. The Pakistani plan was bold in conception
and given the code name Operation Bakshi named but its tardy execution denied them success.
after the Brigade Commander Brig (later Lt Gen) Nevertheless the end state in Chamb Sector was
ZC Bakshi, who is the highest decorated officer of highly favourable to them with their forces halting
the Indian Army. The capture of Hajipir Pass was at Fatwal Ridge only 4 km from Akhnoor when the
successfully accomplished by 1 PARA under Major war was ended on 23rd September, 1965.
(later Lt Gen) Ranjit Dayal on 28th August, 1965. The selection of Chamb-Jaurian sector for launching
the offensive was well considered. The area is bound
Operation Grand Slam in the west by the ceasefire line, in the south by
Following the failure of Operation Gibraltar, the Chenab River and in the north by Kalidhar Range. The
massive infiltration attempt in J&K, Pakistan decided terrain was suitable for employment of armour and
to launch an offensive in Chamb Sector in order the only river obstacle in the area – Munawar Tawi
to capture Akhnoor and cut-off the Indian lines was fordable by tanks in dry weather. From the Indian
of communications to Poonch Sector. Later the side the terrain was unfavourable. There was only one
operation was to be programmed to Jammu thereby road link – the 180 km road from Pathankot. The

52 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Maj Gen
Sheru Thapliyal
SM (Retd)
The writer after an
outstanding career
in the Army, joined a
multinational company
from where he retired
as Vice President
Business Development.
He is convener of
Surya Foundation, a
defence think tank in
Delhi. He contributes
regularly to magazines
and newspapers and
participates in panel
bridge over Chenab River at Akhnoor could not take aim was also to ensure that discussions on Security
heavy tanks which had to be ferried across. neither Britain nor USA could related issues on TV.
The Pakistanis launched their offensive on get a say in the region. The last
1st September, 1965 with an infantry division letter of 17th September invited the leaders of India
supported by two regiments of tanks. Indian 191 and Pakistan to hold peace talks in Tashkent or
Infantry Brigade, deployed west of River Munawar Tawi any other part of the Soviet Union. India accepted
was quickly overrun on the first day itself. Thereafter the proposal on 22nd September but Pakistan
an inexplicable delay of two days took place when the accepted it later. Initially, talks were to be held on
Pakistanis did not progress their operations. There 15th November, but since the situation on the
was a change in command also by the Pakistanis Indo-Pak border was still fluid, the conference was
when Maj Gen Akhtar Hussain Malik was replaced postponed to 4th January, 1966.
by Maj Gen Yahya Khan. This gave the Indians much In the opening session Kosygin did not refer to
needed time to organise their defences. However, it Kashmir problem and strongly advocated friendly
was clear to the Indian planners that if Pakistani relations between the two countries. Prime Minister
Chamb offensive was to be halted, it was imperative Shastri proposed an agreement to renounce
to launch counteroffensive across the International recourse to war to resolve differences between
Border in the south. Accordingly India launched its the two counties. Ayub Khan proposed a No-war
two counteroffensives in Sialkot and Lahore sectors Pact after the core issue of Kashmir was resolved.
on 6/7th September,1965. This forced the Pakistanis The conference was thus deadlocked. Kosygin
to thin out Chamb Sector by moving some forces from held long discussions with both leaders and on
here to the south. The Pakistani momentum was 9th January succeeded in persuading both
thus halted but not before their forces had reached countries to agree to a Joint Declaration. As far
Fatwal Ridge, a mere 4 km from Akhnoor. as the captured territory is concerned, it was
Thus, when the ceasefire came about on decided that all territories across the International
23rd September, Pakistan was well poised in this Border and ceasefire line will be returned and
sector with its forces posing a grave threat to Akhnoor status quo ante will be restored. This posed a serious
and subsequently to Jammu, a mere 30 km away. dilemma for the Indian military establishment
which had briefed the Prime Minister prior to his
Soviet Intervention departure. However, allowing Pakistani dagger to
Since a war on its southern flank did not suit the keep pointing at Akhnoor and Jammu was thus
Soviet Union, it made sincere efforts to restore peace both militarily and politically unacceptable. Shastri
in the subcontinent. Soviet Premier Kosygin wrote therefore, had no option but to agree to return to
to Prime Minister Shastri and President Ayub Khan Hajipir Pass. It was weighing so heavily on his
on 20th August and 4th, 11th, 17th September conscience that it was the reason for his heart
and appealed for a peaceful solution to the conflict. attack. Shastri has therefore, been unfairly blamed
He also added that both sides could count on for return of Hajipir Pass. He had no option.
Soviet Union’s goodwill and good offices. The Soviet’s May his soul thus rest in peace.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 53


General Ayub Khan had failed to assess his adversary, Shastriji.
Shastriji was a votary of Ahimsa but once it came to killing the
enemy to defend the motherland, he was second to none. Both Ayub
and later Yahya made a mistake in assessing the fighting spirit of
the Hindu soldier and what they mistakenly called Hindu India.
With the result the puffed up Generals across the border lost all the
wars they fought against Hindu India.

al Bahadur Shastri, Prime Minister of General Ayub Khan, the then President of Pakistan
India ordered the Indian Army to cross the made the second major mistake of launching
international border in Punjab and launch ‘Operation Grand Slam’. Their tanks and crack infantry
a two-pronged attack on Pakistan. It was a regiments were ordered to cross Chamb-Jaurian and
magnificent masterstroke of high-level strategy that capture Akhnoor to fan out in the plains of Jammu
broke the back of attacking forces of Pakistan in the and cut the vital lines of communications and supply
Chamb-Akhnoor Sector of Jammu and Kashmir. The of the Indian Army located in J&K. His supposed
wily attackers had no choice but to withdraw from master move was to paralyse the Indian Army by
their winning position and rush to the defence of their starving them of rations, ammunition and weaponry,
homeland – Punjab. Shastriji’s strategic move to cross not forgetting reinforcements.
the international border and attack towards Lahore The Pakistan Army initially met with major
and Sialkot was indeed a game changer. successes as their armour cut deep into the
Pakistan Army, thereafter, could never achieve its Indian Territory. Gen Ayub Khan had issued a
Aim of War to wrest Kashmir by force and annex it with special Order of the Day congratulating Generals,
Pakistan. That was a long cherished dream of their officers and troops of his army on their major military
founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It may be recalled achievements. The Indian Air Force fighter jets were
that Jinnah’s dreams were dashed in 1947 when the not a bugbear to their tanks as the old time planes
Indian Army had landed at the Srinagar Airport to were shot down. “You have pierced the enemy flesh
turn the tide and stop the attacking of Pakistan tribals with your teeth, bite deep and let him bleed”, said old
commanded by regular Pakistan Army officers in their Ayub in one of his statements to his soldiers.
tracks. Jinnah kept waiting at Abbottabad cantonment  
for a green signal from its army to move ceremonially The Blunder
into Srinagar to accept the surrender of representatives And yet for no rhyme or reason Gen Ayub Khan made
of the Hindu Dogra ruler, Maharaja Sir Hari Singh but a major mistake of his military career. He ordered
returned home deeply disappointed. a change of command at their advancing infantry
  division level by replacing the GOC and putting
Pakistan’s Game Plan Major General Yahya Khan in the saddle. The change
Pakistan’s military rulers had made the Himalayan of command halted the fast pace forward and there
blunder of underestimating the will power of Prime was a period of inaction for a day plus. It gave time to
Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and the fighting the Indian Generals to regroup their forces and tie their
capability of the Indian Army. President Ayub Khan loose ends. It remains unexplained why Gen Ayub Khan
of Pakistan made the greatest mistake of his life by changed the General Officer Commanding of the strike
launching ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and sending thousands division at a crucial moment.
of his army soldiers into Kashmir in disguise in the The morale of the Indian soldiers in the Akhnoor
summer of 1965 to sabotage lines of communications area was rather low. They did not perceive any major
of the Indian Army and incite the Kashmiri Muslims to reinforcement coming from India nor was there any
rise in revolt against occupation of their homeland by material change in the battle plan. The civil population
the Hindus of Indian Army. The aim was not achieved was also perplexed. They had never anticipated such
as the said operation failed to take-off. In fact the local ferocious attack from Pakistan, an underdog until
Kashmiri kisans and Gujjar herdsmen were the first then. What had emboldened Pakistan’s planners and
ones to inform the Indian Army of the massive enemy executors was their information that the Indian Army
infiltration. Their element of surprise was lost and their was incapable of fighting against Pakistan. Its
‘Operation Gibraltar’ collapsed like a house of cards. disastrous defeat in the 1962 India-China War and

54 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

running away from battle of both officers and soldiers two-pronged attack on the enemy Chitranjan Sawant
was a proof of lack of training and poor quality of country. He achieved success. VSM (Retd)
weapon system. Although some mistakes had been When departing for Tashkent to The writer is an
rectified between 1962 and 1965 but that was not attend the peace negotiations with international
perceived to be enough to make them fighting fit. Pakistan after the war was over, commentator on
  a journalist asked him, “Sir, you matters military. He
has been doing running
Surfeit Of American Arms are short statured but President
commentary on the
Pakistan, on the other hand, had been preparing Ayub is so tall, how would you Republic Day Parade for
for a war with India for quite some time to avenge face him?” Shastriji’s prompt 42 years without a break.
their failure in J&K in 1947-48. They had joined reply in Hindi was:  “Wo sar He has written books on
CENTO and SEATO and the USA poured military jhuka kar baat kreinge aur main Vedic Thought both in
sar utha kar baat karunga”. The English and Hindi.
armaments much more than what Pakis needed. The
US strategists had organised a seminar to assess the questioner was left speechless.
military situation in South Asia where the consensus  
was that should there be a military engagement in Assessing ’65 War
South Asia, Pakistan was sure to defeat India. Many a time the question crops up: Who won, who
Pakistan Army officers had been brainwashing their lost? In any case both Bharat and Pakistan are
junior commissioned officers and Jawans with the celebrating their Victory Day on 6th  September
concept that man to man a Pakistani soldier was miles 2015. It was 50 years ago that India had launched
ahead of an Indian soldier. It was indeed a morale its forces across borders towards Lahore and Sialkot.
booster for the Pakistan Army. But their officers had They fought for 22 days when the Security Council
overplayed their hand in this game of cards. of the United Nations brokered peace and ordered a
  Ceasefire on 23 September 65 at 03:30 hrs.
Shastri Factor Going by territorial gains, India had won
A diminutive figure physically but Rishi-size mentally 720 sq miles of Pakistan. The enemy had captured
and saint like spiritually, Lal Bahadur Shastri had about 400 sq miles of the Indian Territory. Casualty
a humble beginning but drew on his reserve of on Indian side was 30,000 whereas on their side it was
honesty, tenacity, perseverance and problem-solving. 30,800. Who knocked out how many tanks is a much
Never Say Die was his motto and he lived by it. debated point. However, all agree that after WWII,
Will To Win was a trait of his character and mental Chawinda and Asal Uttar were the two biggest tank
personality. No wonder he made it to the high office battles of the 1965 India-Pakistan War. The graveyard
of Prime Minister of India and made an impact on the of Paki Patton tanks in the Khemkaran area is a glaring
history of the Indian subcontinent. proof of incapacity of American tanks to win a war. One
General Ayub Khan had failed to assess his adversary, may emphasise again that it is the man behind the gun
Shastriji. Shastriji was a votary of Ahimsa but once it and not the gun that becomes a battle winning factor.
came to killing the enemy to defend the motherland, he Gallantry awards were given to the bravehearts
was second to none. Both Ayub and later Yahya made by both the countries. India honoured one officer
a mistake in assessing the fighting spirit of the Hindu and one Jawan with Param Vir Chakra, the highest
soldier and what they mistakenly called Hindu India. gallantry award for displaying extraordinary bravery
With the result the puffed up Generals across the above the call of duty in the face of the enemy.
border lost all the wars they fought against Hindu India. Pakistan gave one award of this nature.
The Indian nation had great confidence in its Let us assess what was the aim of Pakistan when
national leader, Lal Bahadur Shastri. When USA they launched ‘Operation Gibraltar’ and ‘Operation
made a veiled threat of stopping grain supply under Grand Slam’. Pakistan wanted to snatch Kashmir
PL-480, Shastriji advised the nation to miss a meal from India and make it a part of Pakistan. Did they
once a week and more often, if need be. Like a good succeed in their aim? The answer is a big NO. What
leader, he followed his own advice. It inspired all was India’s aim in going to war against Pakistan?
Indians to acquire moral courage, a quality that had Well, to defend every inch of India and not let
enriched personality of the diminutive man. Pakistan wrest any part of India. Did India succeed
No wonder Shastriji ordered the Indian Army in achieving its aim? The answer is a big YES. India
to cross the international border and launch a won the war and Pakistan lost.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 55


Audacious Three brave men across three

theatres of operation, bound
together by their audacity and
good fortune. Each of them
survived to personally play a
significant role in ensuring
ultimate victory for the country,
providing decisive leadership
at critical junctures. It was as if
fortune was actually watching
over them, indulgently placing
a protective hand to keep them
from harm’s way, knowing
their sheer audacity would
prevent them from looking out
for themselves.

he correlation between ability to toil and
corresponding returns in terms of better
fortune was aptly put by Hollywood producer
Samuel Goldwyn when he said, “The harder
I work, the luckier I get”. In the case of soldiers this
concept is better epitomised in the adage “Fortune
favours the brave”. Reading the exploits of some of
the heroes of the 1965 Indo-Pak War, I came to a
conclusion that while there is a lot of wisdom in
these words, there is room for slight modification.
In a battlefield with bullets flying thick and fast,
shrapnel from a hundred projectiles seeking their
unfortunate prey to kill or maim, difference between
finding the bullet with your name on it and giving it
a skip is often a matter of chance and probability.
But to actually cheat the projectile even after it
has been delivered to the correct address can be
attributed to nothing but pure luck. Bravery in war
is so commonplace that lady luck is probably too
hard pressed to serve every instance. But there
are some notable instances during that war when
she did manage to reach on time.
Major (Later Lt Gen) Ranjit Singh Dayal, became
a household name after leading 1 Para attacks on
successive enemy held features over three days,
ultimately capturing the vital Hajipir Pass. Beginning
on 25 August 1965, this was the first large-scale foray
by Indian Forces across the Ceasefire Line (CFL) at
a time when war had not been formally declared.
Pakistani infiltrators had been coming across in large
numbers, supported and augmented by their regular
troops, in a repeat of the tribal invasion of 1947. The

56 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

capture of Hajipir Bulge including the pass of the had waited, hidden in turret
same name was meant to strike at the infiltration down positions, allowing the
bases and send a strong message to deter Pakistan. larger Pattons to come nearer. As
they came within range, Maj Roy
Victor Of Hajipir Pass ordered his tank gunner to open
Lt Col Rohit Agarwal
Major Dayal led the action from the front all along fire on a selected tank target and
the way. He lost many men during those fateful days, the other tanks followed suit.
The writer was
but remained unscathed himself despite tantalisingly commissioned into
tempting fate several times. It was after the most Saved By Cigarette Case the armoured corps
critical battle was over and Hajipir Pass captured that An intense tank vs tank battle in 1989 and took
the bullet with his name finally traced him. The Paras ensued, with both sides taking premature retirement
in 2010. An alumnus
were in the process of consolidating their hold over the several direct hits. The doughty of National Defence
pass by occupying heights around it when Maj Dayal crew in lighter tanks gave as Academy and Defence
was hit by a burst from an enemy automatic weapon. good as they got, notching up Services Staff College,
It hit the housing of his sten gun and pierced through several Patton kills and denting his last assignment
his Denison Smock (the iconic loose coverall jacket the cocky self-confidence of was as a GSO 1 in the
Military Operations
worn by paratroopers) without wounding him. He was their adversaries. During this
Directorate. He is now
subsequently awarded the Maha Vir Chakra, lived battle Maj Roy’s tank took a engaged as a Learning
to serve his country for another 49 years, retired as hit and a piece of shrapnel and Development
an Army Commander and subsequently served as a came whizzing and struck him consultant with several
Lt Governor of Puducherry and the Andamans. on his chest. The impact was organisations including
the World Bank. He is
hard and would have been
presently writing a book
Pak Counter-attack In Chamb fatal, but for the silver cigarette on the 1965 Indo-Pak
As a reaction to the loss of Hajipir, Pakistan upped case in his chest pocket. It War to be published
the ante, launching a full scale attack into the was a present from his father under the aegis of Centre
adjoining Chamb Sector. On 1st September 1965, and Maj Roy generally carried for Land Warfare Studies
it on his person – that day it (CLAWS), New Delhi.
two Pakistani armoured regiments crossed the CFL
and the International Boundary (the junction of the saved his life; possibly one of
two lies in this sector) with almost a division worth the few occasions when the habit of smoking was
of Infantry following in their wake. Pakistani plan responsible for doing so to someone. His gunner
was simple but daring – to head for Akhnoor and wasn’t as lucky and succumbed to another splinter.
capture the solitary bridge on Chenab River there. The battle continued for better part of the rest of
They could then reinforce this success by capturing the day, with the AMXs falling back to successive
Jammu and cutting off Indian access to Kashmir positions to contest enemy, delaying their advance.
completely. Preponderance of armour in composition Though the enemy tanks did ultimately succeed
of this force meant that the Indian Infantry Brigade in advancing substantially, but the actions of this
deployed ahead of Chenab could be bypassed solitary squadron led by the audacious and lucky
or overwhelmed with impunity. The only Indian squadron commander ensured that they didn’t
elements that could pose any deterrence to Pakistani have the free run-up to Akhnoor that they were
tanks were one squadron of light tanks and the hoping for. The delay gave time for Indian forces to
few anti-tank weapons of the infantry battalions. build-up across the river and reinforce their positions,
Besides, of course, the indomitable spirit and courage preventing the execution of the Pakistani plan.
of Indian troops manning these. Maj Roy fought out the rest of the war without any
Major Bhaskar Roy was commanding the squadron major incident and was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra
of 20th Lancers located in the sector, equipped with for his role in stopping the Pakistani advance. He died
French AMX-13 tanks. The 13 tonne light tanks, three years later in an unfortunate road accident.
favoured for that sector since they were the only ones
which could be taken across the Akhnoor Bridge, Frittered Opportunity
were no match for the 40 tonne Pattons which had a The Indian Government considered the violation
bigger gun, longer range and much thicker armour. of International Boundary in Chamb Sector by
Yet, undeterred by the overwhelming odds, Maj Roy Pakistan as an act of war and gave the Army the go
and his squadron fought a valiant battle to halt ahead to take necessary actions accordingly. The
the tide of enemy armour for as long as they could. Army’s plans in such a contingency were to launch
Maj Roy, mounted on his tank, was in the thick of the offensives into Pakistani Punjab, threatening Lahore
very first engagement with enemy Pattons near the and Sialkot, forcing them to withdraw their armour
border village of Burejal. The shorter ranged AMXs and artillery from Chamb to protect these vital

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 57


towns. This was put into action on 6th September before he could fire at the CO. A little later Col Hayde
and as part of this offensive 3 Jat under Lt Col narrowly missed being shot down by enemy aircraft
(later Brig) Desmond E Hayde was tasked to capture which strafed their position, though his second in
a Pakistani village called Dograi. The village lay on command, Maj Marwah, wasn’t as lucky.
the Grand Trunk Road between Amritsar and Lahore. The next incident took place on 8th September,
Over the next 17 days, 3 Jat fought some of the fiercest after the battalion had fallen back from Dograi and
battles of the war, capturing Dograi not once but taken up position on the Upper Bari Doab Canal
twice. The first time was on 6th September itself, when halfway between the border and Dograi. They had dug
the Indian offensive caught the Pakistanis ill-prepared shallow trenches and the CO was sitting on the edge
and the Jats brushed aside minor opposition, rushing of one such trench when their position came under
headlong and capturing their objective within 8 hours attack by enemy tanks. One tank shell landed very
of crossing the International Boundary. Due to a close to where he was sitting, killing Lt KP Singh,
series of unfortunate miscommunications or lack the Intelligence Officer, instantly. A shrapnel struck
of adequate communications, they were ordered Col Hayde in the small of the back too and would
to fall back closer to the International Boundary, have been fatal but for the fact that it hit his water
frittering away the territorial gains. bottle, causing a minor injury in his back instead
The Jat’s next tryst with Dograi was on of cutting through his spine. His lucky run didn’t
21st September, when they attacked and captured it end there. The impact knocked him into the trench
yet again. This time around it was a much tougher nut and moments later another shell landed precisely
to crack, since it had been reinforced by an adequately where he had been sitting. Two such narrow escapes
warned and well-protected enemy. But Col Hayde led within a span of a couple of minutes do show that
his battalion to the capture of Dograi for the second Col Hayde’s luck must have been working overtime.
time, just before the war came to an end with the He survived, to lead the battalion to glorious victory at
ceasefire being declared on 23rd September. Dograi and was also awarded the Maha Vir Chakra,
retiring as a Brigadier years later.
Brushes With Death Three brave men across three theatres of operation,
During both the battles for Dograi and in the actions bound together by their audacity and good fortune.
during the intervening period, Col Hayde continued to Each of them survived to personally play a significant
have the uncanny knack of being wherever the fighting role in ensuring ultimate victory for the country,
was thickest. His utter disregard for personal safety providing decisive leadership at critical junctures. It
led the Jat troops to label him as a Bawla (Mad) CO. was as if fortune was actually watching over them,
Fate did take up the temptations he offered on several indulgently placing a protective hand to keep them
occasions and he had a couple of narrow brushes with from harm’s way, knowing their sheer audacity would
death. The first two were on 6th September, the very prevent them from looking out for themselves. So,
first day of operations, when he suddenly came face while there were many brave men in that war, not all
to face with the enemy and his own carbine failed to of them were similarly favoured by fortune. I therefore
fire. But Lance Naik Kunwar Lal, Col Hayde’s orderly, like to believe that fortune may not always favour the
disposed the enemy soldier off with a well-aimed shot brave, but it does do it’s bit for the audacious.

58 August 2015 Defence AND security alert


Naresh K Rastogi
The writer had an
eventful career in the
Army including active
participation in the
1965 War in Khemkaran
as Signals officer and
1971 War with Infantry
in Jessore-Khulna,
now Bangladesh. After
commanding 8 Madras
he got a chance to
serve overseas in the
Italian and French
for 12 years.

AS I Look Back
Defences for the assaulting troops! I was bewildered. We had
no defence stores, so digging of trenches was the only answer.
Unfortunately Signals Company has the biggest problem. All
the radio operators and linemen were busy. Just a few drivers
available for this job. It was then one Sabre strafed us for about
45 minutes. We cursed the IAF. My regret was that though it was
flying so low, I did not shoot it down with my sten gun.

he 1965 operations in Khemkaran Sector left Advance And Preliminary Operations
a deep impression on my mind, which I would On the 5th morning I reached Khemkaran Sector
cover in three parts, restricting myself to my dressed in civvies but travelling in an army jeep with
personal experiences and my personal views only. the tactical sign concealed. The driver had his helmet
On the 4th September 1965 the entire Corps was and rifle, I had my sten gun, so much for the secrecy
on the move including our 4 Mountain Division and and surprise. On the narrow roads, with the road
7 Mountain Brigade. My Signal Company moved with signs missing; MPs in a state of bewilderment; tea
them but I had to wait till midnight to collect the and biscuit stalls all along the roads; all the heavy
Top Secret Operation Order. Our plan was very simple. vehicles stuck-up; none knew where to proceed to;
On the morning of the 6th launch a surprise attack on but my driver somehow managed to reach while I
the Ichhogil Canal converting the canal into anti-tank quickly glanced through the Op Order.
defence. Pakistan Armoured Division located in Quetta Linemen had laid the cables along the roads; but
would take at least 48 hours to react; by then the the unit locations were not decided nor of the Brigade
defences should be made impregnable. However the HQs. First thing they asked me for food since our
unfolding was a comedy of errors on both sides. The B echelon had not fetched up. I had only a few rupees
dice only declared the partial winner. in my pocket; in any case from which market do I

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 59


procure food for them? Luckily, the villagers were a complete chaos. Weapons, packs and many stores
jubilant and helped us in many ways. Sitting on a lying all around; number of vehicles lying exposed to
charpoy with chapatti and gur and a glass of lassi was air strike; A depressing sight. I retrieved three or four
a memorable experience. The units that I met were jeeps which I used during the operations. Their owners
anxious about their scattered troops, heavy weapons somehow did not come forward to claim these. While
and ammunition and the B echelon vehicles. I located returning I gave lift to the wounded soldiers asking
the Brigade HQs in a grove where all the vehicles them where to drop them but they had no knowledge;
had been parked. Radio Silence had been imposed luckily the villagers informed us the new location for
and the lines mostly were not connected to the Unit Brigade HQs at Cheema village, with a feature 11r on
exchanges so I had to depend on my jeep. the road side. Commander immediately asked me to
forget everything else but prepare the defences.
Confusion Confounded
The 4 Grenadiers were to launch the attack at Defensive Battle
Theh Pannu at 0600 hours, preceded by H-hr Defences for the assaulting troops! I was bewildered.
bombardment; Engineers to blow up the bridge on We had no defence stores, so digging of trenches was
the canal. Since the main party had not arrived the the only answer. Unfortunately Signals Company
H-hr was postponed by two hours; however there has the biggest problem. All the radio operators and
was no way to contact the Engineer Company. They linemen were busy. Just a few drivers available for
reached Theh Pannu at the scheduled time where this job. It was then one Sabre strafed us for about
they surprised the enemy post. But where was 45 minutes. We cursed the IAF. My regret was that
our Infantry? Own pre H-hr bombardment made though it was flying so low, I did not shoot it down
them pull back only to find the gleaming rifles of with my sten gun. Of course we had no anti-aircraft
4 Grenadiers in the FUP (forming up place). Brigadier defence. The trench where I was crouching was just
David Siddhu, Commander 7 Mountain Brigade, with about 2 feet deep; 50 mm bullets on my left and on
the nerves of steel did not allow the fire to be opened my right. Thank God no casualty.
as the FUP location would be given away though It seems our information as usual was absolutely
Lt Col Farhat Bhatti, Commanding Officer wrong. The Pak Armoured Division was not in Quetta
4 Grenadiers was insistent that the Pak soldiers but had assembled for launching their attack on the
masquerading as Sikhs were fast approaching them 8th. That explains the failure of the 7 Grenadiers
for an assault. What a miraculous escape for the attack. Organising defences around Asal Uttar was
Engineers under my friend Maj Satish Thareja! the best command decision ever made. 1/9 GR along
Attack by 7 Grenadiers was postponed till the with 18 Raj Rif of the neighbouring 62 Mountain
evening. Radio Silence had been lifted partially, yet Brigade was holding paper thin defences against the
no contact with them. I, accompanied with GSO3, mighty armoured division of Pattons, at Asal Uttar just
Capt Abdul Rasul Khan of 4 Grenadiers reached ahead of us – Brigade HQs and 4 Grenadiers astride
their location, leaving the jeep about 2 km behind the road Khemkaran-Bhikhiwind. On the 8th morning
the FUP. From a distance I could recognise the voice 1/9 GR were pushed back and the 4 Grenadiers
of the operator at Bde HQs shouting hoarsely but front line came in direct contact. Fortunately Capt
the operator at the Battalion had been forbidden to YR Khanna of Ordnance who would disappear every
respond. His voice was feared to reach the enemy post morning, hence the butt of our envy, would return in
and give away surprise. Having met their officers we the evening to be the pet of Commander, managing
waited at the nearby school rooftop. The pre H-hour to cut the miles of red tapes applied even during the
bombardment was spectacular. On our way back it actual war and brought in 106 mm Recoilless Guns
took considerable time to locate the jeep at night since and other necessities from the Ordnance Depots.
the driver had selected a low-lying spot and pulled What a relief! Also it speaks very high of the training
across the camouflage net. But it refused to start. and the motivation of the Infantry troops to put these
Grudgingly after wasting about an hour we moved in action immediately and achieve excellent results.
back on foot. Crops, shoulder high all along the border Luckily the terrain and the crops favoured us. The
could be the places for the enemy to hide. Villagers enemy tanks restricted to roads and tracks advanced
at the dead of night were hospitable and directed us in troops. Our tanks in support had to hold their fire
correctly. We made to the HQs by about 4 am. Luckily since their range was much less and at a distance
one of the radio operators was brewing tea. As I was Patton armour would have just shaken off the shells.
sipping tea, Commander fully dressed in his red tabs The 4 Grenadiers held their fire, opening only when
appeared. After briefing him I enquired as to why the tanks closed in. Three tanks on the main road
should he make it easy for the enemy to single him were damaged and the fourth abandoned. Perhaps
out. “One sweats the whole life for these ranks and at it was a probing attack so they withdrew. They tried
the historic moment you want me to conceal these”. He outflanking, but not much headway.
continued, “In any case why haven’t you shaved yet?”
Soon after daylight I went back to fetch my jeep Abdul Hamid’s Marksmanship
carrying a jerry can of petrol. I saw some wounded On the 9th the defences were better prepared and
soldiers trudging back with hanging morose face, early morning attack was well repulsed. CQMH
carrying some heavy equipment even. FUP area was Abdul Hamid had destroyed 3 tanks with his brand

60 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

new anti-tank gun mounted on jeep. In the evening fire. In the jeep I had rifles with the boys and my
I accompanied Commander where he satisfied sten gun. We must have moved about 2 km in the
himself by sighting the line of fire from the jeep at no man’s land when we spotted a Sig Coy trailer
various angles. Immediately we sent an ‘Emergency’ in the middle of the road. My heart missed a beat.
Signal recommending him for Maha Vir Chakra. Could it be ours? Luckily it was sort of a gift from
Commander with our team then proceeded to Pak. I immediately hooked it to rush back. 8 CAV
inspect the invincibles on the roadside. My boys troop had withdrawn for some other task. Raising
pulled out instruction manuals in sealed condition a huge swirling column of smoke and dust I landed
along with the radio set and Infrared Binoculars. in the HQs to be admonished by commander for
Inside the odour was of a hardly used brand new making the Brigade front line stand to. Fortunately
tank. At night one infantry platoon was moved ahead they had orders to hold fire unless fully
when it was reported that the enemy tanks trying to satisfied whether friend or foe.
outflank were caught in the fields when the artillery Khemkaran town was still in the enemy hands
fire had burst the irrigation channels. I must admire so a brilliant plan to establish a road block behind
their sense of humour. Their commander asked the them by 4 Sikhs coming from another division after
JCO Platoon Commander whether he had arranged sleepless engagements for the past six nights.
morning cup of tea for them. Saragarhi Day, the saga of courage and valour
Reveille on the 10th as usual began with the to be re-enacted. 2 Mahar coming from Jodhpur
tank rumblings. Abdul Hamid had destroyed their travelling at night during blackouts, to assemble
front tank but the tank behind fired to explode in our sector to launch a frontal attack where
his jeep. Commander asked for a ‘FLASH’ Signal the enemies armour was still present. At about
for Param Vir Chakra (Posthumous) which the 4 am I met their Commanding Officer with a small
AIR announced at 9 pm news the same day. group trudging past our HQs with his pack on the
Kudos to their efficiency. Again another troop back. The only ammunition carried was on person.
approached along the road, but the deadly fire Our Radio detachment accompanied him. Before
kept it at bay. They withdrew, but within an hour leaving he asked me the names of the officers in
again approached but repulsed. Now Commander the Brigade HQs, the Units under command and
got suspicious; as the tanks withdrew, our one support. I offered him a cup of tea but he refused,
platoon moved forward. Open jeep of Enemy ‘no time!’ He had no proper map also, so I gave
Artillery Commander with his body collapsed on him my own. It can tell about the preparations
the front seat was brought in. The main prize was made. About 7 am Commander moved forward to
his completely marked Artillery map and the Top the designated FUP; I accompanied him. Before the
Secret Operation Order. Muslim troops buried his Battalion could form up, murderous machine gun
body, but within an hour instructions from the fire started and heavy artillery pounding. Luckily
Divisional HQs to rebury him with full military the shells were astray from the location Commander
honours. In the meantime one enemy tank was and I were standing. Very soon wounded soldiers
reported just behind the Brigade HQs stuck-up in started falling back. Commander gave up his jeep;
pond in a tilted condition. Tanks here and tanks in two jeeps I ferried in three or four trips many
there, of course only the enemy’s. Our troubles wounded soldiers to the RAP where I learnt later
were not over yet. Machine gun fire from the on that the surgeon continued to operate non-stop
advancing tanks coming from behind us. That was for more than 36 hours till he collapsed. Standing
the moment to forget everything since we were there Commander tried again to reorganise
surrounded by the enemy tanks all around in day another attack; but the enemy gave no chance.
time. No chance of any escape. Holding my breath Around 11 am we came back. But where was
like everyone else I was lying doggo. Suddenly I 4 Sikh? By then some of the Sikh troops escaping
heard a known voice shouting ‘anybody around’ capture had entered our defence sector showing
as if he was entering the Officers Mess. After a few white clothes. They were assembled at the back.
anxious moments I made up my mind and crawled By their accounts 4 Sikh had been captured but
forward to wave a soiled white kerchief. Maj Vohra the top brass were not convinced. Another frontal
of 3 CAV jumped down to hold me in bear hug. ‘So assault in the evening, again many casualties.
you chaps are still kicking around’. What a relief Then Commander suggested night attack which
after their deadly prophylactic fire! was agreed to unwillingly. AIR at 9 pm gave us
the shocking news that Lt Col Anant Singh with
Disaster Invited about 125 soldiers had been captured. Finally the
On the 11th morning an eerie silence. Nothing attack was called off. What an ignoble Celebration
happening. Feeling restless. In the Ops Room of the ‘Saragarhi Day’. Someone had to shoulder
telephone rings, ‘This is Corps Cdr Extremely well the brunt of this fiasco. None better than the
done, my boy! We are proud of you all. Call your CO 2 Mahar. But Commander like a true brave
commander, Hurry up!’ My chest puffed up. In the soldier accepted all responsibility. He was removed.
afternoon taking a few daring boys I moved forward But he had made his name in the annals of the
towards Khemkaran in my jeep. On the way I met Indian Army. The back of the mighty Pak armoured
8 CAV troop so asked them to provide covering Division had been broken. Victory was his!

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 61


Revisiting 1965
India Pakistan War
Till today the Indian leadership has made continuous efforts to
‘organise peace’, which is always marred by the cross-border terrorism,
mistrust and lack of will from the other side to resolve the conflict.
But one may keep the hope that we learn from our histories and give
peace a chance, nevertheless the same history also taught us that
fortune favours the brave one, the prepared one.

“In the utilisation of our limited resources, we have always given primacy to plans
and projects for economic development. It would, therefore, be obvious for anyone
who is prepared to look at things objectively that India can have no possible interest
in provoking border incidents or in building-up an atmosphere of strife ... In these
circumstances, the duty of Government is quite clear and this duty will be discharged
fully and effectively ... We would prefer to live in poverty for as long as necessary but
we shall not allow our freedom to be subverted.”
─ Lal Bahadur Shastri During Indo-Pak 1965 War

espite knowing the fact that wars will only In words of former Director, History Division, MoD,
lead to bloodshed, irreparable damage and UP Thapliyal, “The conflict which was engineered
scarred histories, sometimes the untamed by Pakistan in the Rann of Kutch was subsequently
ambition of a few minds, blinded with carried over to Kashmir with the launch of ‘Operation
power, force a peace-loving nation into war. The Gibraltar’ – an ingenious military strategy to push the
Indo-Pak War of 1965, also known as the Second Kashmir question into centre stage internationally.”
Kashmir War, was one such conflict. The twentytwo
days battle began in August 1965 and lasted till Kutch Prelude
September 1965. It was a consequence of a series The immediate trigger for the war was the conflicting
of border disputes that occurred between India claims over the ‘Rann of Kutch’ in April 1965. As
and Pakistan. The border skirmishes increased the per the observations made by the United Nations
tensions between both the nations; this was followed Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
by confrontation between paramilitary forces and (UNMOGIP), “The early months of 1965 saw
subsequently between the armies of both the nations. the increase in tensions between the Indo-Pak

62 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Pak Proxy War
In order to achieve its plan, the
‘Operation Gibraltar’ was initiated
by Pakistan. It was code name
for Pakistan’s planned operation
against India, formulated first
by the foreign office but then
taken up by Ayub Khan. The
plan was based on self-preening
and optimistic ‘lessons’ from the
Rann of Kutch conflict and from Kriti Singh
limited Indo-Pak skirmishes The writer is an Associate
fought earlier in the year. Pakistan Fellow at the Centre
engaged 30,000-40,000 men as for Air Power Studies,
Gibraltar force. The Gibraltar force New Delhi and currently
working on the research
comprised of ‘mujahideens’ and
project related to Media
regular Pakistan Army men. One and National Security.
can trace the origin of Pakistan Her areas of interest
‘proxy war’ against India from are media military
‘Operation Gibraltar’. relationship, media
In response to the mayhem research, theories and
cyber journalism.
created by the Pakistan surrogate
Gibraltar force in the valley, Indian
Forces crossed the Ceasefire Line on 15 August 1965
and launched an attack on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
The action saw Pakistan loosing significant strategic
mountain locations to India. Subsequently, India also
withstood the adversary aggression in Tithwal, Uri and
Poonch. Nevertheless, despite the damages Indian Armed
relationship over the conflicting claims over the Forces were able to capture the highly prized Hajipir Pass,
Rann of Kutch. The situation steadily deteriorated eight kilometres inside Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
during the summer of 1965 and, in August, military
hostilities between India and Pakistan erupted on UN Intervention
a large-scale along the ceasefire line in Kashmir.” The main confrontation between the two armies was
Prior to main face-off, the months of March and April battled on land, mainly in Kashmir and along with the
1965 saw India Pakistan clash in the Rann of Kutch, International border. Subsequently, another Pakistan
when Pakistan made an attempt to seize the marshy attempt to cut-off Jammu and Kashmir by initiating
wasteland located in Gujarat. The Kutch episode ‘Operation Grand Slam’ on 1 September 1965 to
from Pakistan’s side was only to check waters. In capture Akhnoor and to catch India off guard while
his book India’s Armed Forces: Fifty Years of War the battle was on, also failed. On 6 September 1965
and Peace, Maj General Ashok Krishna, AVSM the Indian troops ‘marched into Lahore sector.’ The
opined, “The Kutch affair was a proving ground for Pakistan Army’s endeavour to seize Kashmir by
Pakistani men and material. It gave the Pakistani coercion was marred by Indian Armed Forces. And
military an opportunity to assess Indian strength and subsequently resulted in an impasse, which was
vulnerabilities. According to some, it was a rehearsal further affected by prevailing global politics of the
for the conquest of Kashmir before launching full-scale Cold War. In his report of 3 September 1965, the
attack there, Ayub Khan thought it necessary to try Secretary-General U Thant stressed that the “ceasefire
his new American weapons, the steadfastness of his agreement of 27 July 1949 had collapsed and that
friends and India’s capacity to resist”. a return to mutual observance of it by India and
The conflict of Rann of Kutch was prelude to Pakistan would afford the most favourable climate
Pakistan’s bigger malevolent plan. This was to in which to seek a resolution of political differences.”
initiate the clandestine operation based on two With the intervention of Great Powers, on
wrongly placed assumptions. The first was that 22 September 1965, India and Pakistan agreed to a UN
Indian Armed Forces won’t be able to retaliate mandated ceasefire, thus ending the war that had by that
in short period of time and secondly to leverage point reached a stalemate, with both sides holding some
sentiments of Kashmir population as Pakistan of the other’s territory. Thereafter on 10 January 1966,
assumed that the Kashmiris are embittered with the peace accord between the rival countries was formally
India. In this erroneous assumption, Islamabad brought about by signing declaration at Tashkent, the
expected to spark mass protest and use Kashmiris capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Soviet Union.
to its advantage in weakening India’s stand and The Tashkent Declaration was signed between the
to unleash infiltrators to add fuel to the fire, then Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and
thus snatching Kashmir from India. Pakistan President Ayub Khan in the presence of the

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 63


Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin who mediated between the adversary’s leadership. The gallant air warriors,
them. The biggest challenge while negotiating the despite limitations in terms of lack of intelligence,
Tashkent Declaration was the negotiation for the return radar cover, surface-to-air missiles, operational
of territories captured by both the sides, particularly, training and obsolete aircraft, tilted the battle in
on the issue of return of Hajipir in exchange of Chamb. favour of India. The Indian Air Warriors created
Although New Delhi was willing to return Hajipir to havoc in adversaries’ mind and territory both.
Islamabad but simultaneously wanted Islamabad to Notwithstanding the IAF’s constraints, Pakistan
relinquish the use of force. Nevertheless, this peace Air Force experienced an attrition rate that was
accord couldn’t provide remedy to ailing relationship 21 per cent higher than that of the IAF. In his book,
between both the countries. 1965 War - The Inside Story, while highlighting the
limitations of IAF, author RD Pradhan writes, “What
Post-war afterthoughts McNamara said was true, but nonetheless offensive.
The declassified documents from the United States USA did not offer any aid and India’s Air Force was
from the period 1964-1968 also throw light on few mostly the same “museum”. With that background,
important issues with regards to 1965 War. Firstly, it was an exhilarating moment when some of those
it clearly underlines the Indo-Pak perennial conflict. ‘junk’ planes, such as Mysteres, Vampiers and Hunters
A State Department memo of January 27, 1964 performed brilliantly against Pakistan’s sophisticated
acknowledged the US ‘low’ leverage in respect of both F-86s. In fact, the indigenously built Gnat, a small
and the futility of asking the UN Security Council beaver like fighter, brought down several F-86s.”
to discuss Kashmir. Secondly, the intention of
Pakistan to wage a war against India can be clearly Pak ‘Imaginary Victory’ Syndrome
seen. As per the record letter dated May 12, 1965, The war also witnessed the failure on part of Pakistan
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, then Pakistan Foreign Minister to accept the idea of ‘peaceful coexistence’ advocated
argued, “that since India’s military strength was by India’s Panchsheel principles and reiterated by
growing” and “is at present in no position to the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri.
risk a ground war, it was time to strike.” Aristotle It also saw Pakistan’s use of ‘proxy war’
Thirdly, the decision to go on war was said “It is not as tool against India and to ‘bleed India
later regretted by Ayub, which as per through a thousand cuts’. It also exhibit
the declassified documents reveals,
enough to win
Pakistan’s miscalculation based on the
Ayub unwisely fell in with his plans, a war; it is more assumption that Indian Armed Forces
inflicting lasting damage on Pakistan won’t be able to face Pakistan aggression
and his own position. In April 1966 he
important to
after Indo-China 1962 debacle. China’s
told the Cabinet: “I want it understood organise the position, especially after this war towards
that never again will we risk 100 million India, was seen in favourable light by
Pakistanis for 5 million Kashmiris – never Pakistan. It also highlighted the Pakistan’s
again.” Fourthly, there is substantial evidence, leadership’s imprudent and reckless attitude
which indicates Pakistan’s attempt to rope in China not only towards India but also towards their own
in war. The CIA was convinced that there was people. Quite well summarised by Altaf Gauhar, the
“some secret understanding” between China and Pakistan Secretary of the Ministry of Information and
Pakistan before the war but “China will avoid direct, Broadcasting in Pakistan said, “The result: few people
large-scale, military involvement in the Indo-Pakistan outside armed forces realise how close Pakistan came
War,” the document revealed. Thereafter US warned to disaster in the 1965 war ... unless all the facts of
China against interfering in the war. 1948, 1965 and 1971 are made public, our people will
go on living in a false world scoring imaginary victories
Unique Features against fictitious adversaries.”
Apart from the display of the highest level of bravery, To conclude, some 2,300 years ago around 300 BC
valour and unshakable determination of the Indian ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that “It
Armed Forces, the 1965 War was unique in many is not enough to win a war; it is more important to
ways. The deployment of tanks was one of the high organise the peace.” And peace relies heavily on political
points of the battle. The Battle of Asal Uttar was will to do so. Fifty years back during 1965 War, the
the biggest tank battle fought after World War II. then Defence Minister YB Chavan’s thoughts resonated
After 1947 India Pakistan division, the 1965 War the same idea when he wrote, “The ball is now in the
witnessed one of the largest troops deployments in political court again – where it should be – and not the
Kashmir region. The war largely saw main action military one. I hope we have the vision and courage to
between the foot soldiers and armoured units along accept this challenge to (our) political leadership.” And
with intermittent use of air power. The war spanned till today the Indian leadership have made continuous
for twentytwo days and resulted in heavy casualties efforts to ‘organise peace’, which is always marred by the
on both sides with no significant advantage to any of cross-border terrorism, mistrust and lack of will from the
the sides. However the losses were relatively heavy other side to resolve the conflict. But one may keep the
on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks hope that we learn from our histories and give peace a
and 3,800 troops. The 1965 War exhibited the chance, nevertheless the same history also taught us that
‘shock effect’ generated by the Indian Air Force on fortune favours the brave one, the prepared one.

64 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

festering chasm QUEST FOR PEACE

Lt Gen Kamal Davar

The writer is a
distinguished soldier
having served in all
theatres of operations in
his 41 years of service.
Has been Chief of Staff
of a Corps HQs in
Jammu and Kashmir
and then as GOC 11

Jammu and Kashmir

Corps responsible for the
defence of Punjab. He
was especially selected

And The Idea Of India

by the Government of
India to raise the Defence
Intelligence Agency after
the Kargil War. After

J&K is at the core of Indian nationalism and secularism retirement he writes

and lectures on security
on which the values of a multi-plural and inclusive issues. He is widely
known to passionately
Indian nationhood are based. Notwithstanding the espouse the cause of
jointness in the Indian
mistakes and blunders of the past 68 years, successive Armed Forces. As the

governments at the Centre and State, may have made first DG, DIA, many
intelligence initiatives
in J&K, it is time for us to discard the baggage of including abroad were
taken by him.
history and take all suitable and firm measures,
both in the external and internal dimensions, to fully
integrate J&K into its parent nation.

“Most people have concluded long ago that Pakistan’s Kashmir policy has been
hurting Pakistan and Kashmir more than India.”
─ US political commentator Michael Krepon

he captivatingly scenic and enormously Notwithstanding Pakistan’s proxy war and myriad
strategic state of Jammu and Kashmir, since machinations, the Indian state has also to ponder
its stormy accession to the Union of India seriously that, even after 67 years of accession to
on 26 October 1947, has, more often than the Indian Union, why has Kashmir not emotionally
not, displayed an uneasy coexistence with the liberal, integrated itself fully into the Indian mainstream.
secular and, unquestionably, generous environs of Is the Indian state in some form of denial as regards
its parent nation. That countless soldiers, innocent the political aspirations and angst of the people of the
citizens, policemen and even some local political Valley – within the framework of Indian integrity – also
leaders have sacrificed their lives to give the restive needs introspection. The Kashmiri ethos of Sufism and
state a semblance of peace, progress and, importantly, Kashmiryat is essentially closer to the multi-plural,
democracy, will be stating the obvious. That the chief inclusive and secular moorings of the Indian state than
perpetrator of all violence, terrorism and public unrest the divisive, extremist forms of the Islamic faith, on the
in J&K is neighbouring Pakistan is a universally ascendant, in violence stricken and sectarian Pakistan.
accepted fact. Thus ravaged by Pak inflicted conflict and Mistakenly, Pakistan considers Kashmir as India’s
a few internecine contradictions within, J&K endures as Achilles heel but that J&K is a flashpoint for conflict
an illogical and perhaps a fatal obsession for Pakistan. between the two nuclear neighbours is also a stark reality.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 65

festering chasm QUEST FOR PEACE

Like most intractable problems, the J&K conundrum The Indira-Sheikh Accord reiterated the accession of the
also has both an external and internal dimension to erstwhile princely state to India as final and the Sheikh
its resolution. Thus there is a conflict of Kashmir had dropped the demand for any plebiscite to determine
(external dimension foisted by Pakistan) and the the final status of J&K. The Accord, however, allowed the
conflict in Kashmir (the internal dimension) – if the Government of India to impose President’s Rule in the
Indian state can rise to the challenges of the latter, state, if required. As a sop to the Kashmiris, Article 370 of
the former will gradually lose its relevance! the Indian Constitution was retained and the Residuary
Powers were to remain with the J&K Assembly.
Significant Benchmarks The 2015 elections to the state assembly witnessed a
Covering the historical facets and various nuances of record turnout of over 65 per cent and after protracted
the Kashmir conundrum will be rather voluminous to negotiations, for the first time in its history, a coalition of
be covered in this article but it is essential that certain two ideologically, diametrically opposite political parties,
benchmarks on J&K, since 1947, are recapitulated the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and the BJP joined
as relevant for an overall analysis. Some of these are hands to form a coalition government in J&K. The state
briefly enunciated below: government uneasily plods on and has yet to achieve any
l O verall 5,000 Pathan tribesmen/Pak Army credible success in governance or in establishing law and
personnel masquerading as Razakars invaded order effectively in the state. The PDP is considered by
J&K in October 1947. many in India as being ‘soft’ on separatists. Meanwhile the
l Maharaja Hari Singh, ruler of J&K, signed the right wing BJP, which self-proclaims to be ultra-nationalist,
Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947; appears to be caving in frequently to the PDP on state
accepted by the Governor General of India, Lord issues, including pertaining to security.
Mountbatten on 27 October 1947. Indian troops
were immediately flown to Srinagar airport Article 370
to save the Valley and drive out the Pakistani Article 370 is a law in the Constitution of India which
Razakars/troops. grants special status to J&K within the Union of India. This
l Indian troops stabilised the situation, saving law ordains that except for foreign affairs, defence, finance
the capital Srinagar and to some extent, pushed and communications, the Indian Parliament will require
back the Pakistani invaders. Reportedly, the approval of the state government for introduction
Sheikh Abdullah prevailed upon Pt Nehru not to or application of any other laws on aspects other than
commit the Indian Army in the Gilgit-Baltistan region mentioned ibid. During its introduction at the time of the
as its population were not Kashmiris. Meanwhile, enactment of the Constitution, Article 370 fell under the
Pt Nehru, on Mountbatten’s advice, chose to go to the Constitution of India’s Part XXI called ‘Temporary and
UN on 1 January 1948 on Pak aggression in J&K. Transitional Provisions’. On 27 November 1963, Pt Nehru
l UN adopted two Resolutions on 13 August 1948 himself confirmed on the floor of Parliament that he
and 5 January 1949 providing for a plebiscite had earlier made the statement that “Article 370 of the
to be held by India under UN supervision but Constitution would be eroded progressively.” But as the
after Pak withdraws its troops from J&K and also years have passed, Article 370 appears to have become
disbands its Azad Kashmir forces in the state. The effectively permanent and for the local leaders of the
latter conditions have always been glossed over Kashmir Valley an emotive issue.
conveniently by Pakistan in international fora.
l The Regent of J&K, Yuvraj Karan Singh, issued AFSPA
a proclamation on 25 November 1949 that The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA)
legally declared the state’s assimilation to the was enacted by the Indian Parliament on
Constitution of India. Article 370, which confers 11 September 1958, which confers special powers
some special rights on the state of J&K, was to the armed forces in ‘disturbed areas’. The Act is
incorporated in the Indian Constitution in 1950. central to the operations of the security forces who
l Sheikh Abdullah became the PM of J&K in 1951 require legal immunity while operating in areas
after elections to J&K’s Constituent Assembly afflicted by insurgency and terrorism. However, some
were held. However, on grounds of treason, the state governments, certain citizens and NGOs have
Sheikh was arrested in 1953. been demanding withdrawal of this Act on the grounds
l On 15 February 1954, J&K Constituent Assembly that it is ‘draconian’ in its implementation and some
with Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad as Chief Minister NGOs have dubbed it, unfairly, as a ‘license to kill’.
ratified the state’s Accession to India. As regards J&K, the present CM and even the
After many years in political wilderness, previous one, have advocated repealing AFSPA from
Sheikh Abdullah became the CM of J&K in 1975, J&K. An unbiased look at the current security situation
signed the landmark Kashmir Accord with then does not recommend the withdrawal of the Act in the
PM Indira Gandhi and stayed on as CM of the state present security scenario. However, whenever the
till his death in 1982. In his last years and especially security situation normalises, the Army may revisit
after Pakistan’s decisive defeat in the 1971 War with the necessity of AFSPA in J&K’s hinterland and leave
Bangladesh’s emergence, Kashmir’s tallest political leader it to the state police and the central police/paramilitary
ever, Sheikh Abdullah had come to the conclusion that forces to handle internal security while the Army
J&K’s future was best served with it being a part of India. concentrates on manning the Line of Control (LoC).

66 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Meanwhile as the Army conducts its counter-terror the Arabian Sea, running through Gilgit-Baltistan-PoK
and counter-insurgency operations in the state, it and thence through insurgency hit Balochistan.
must do so with a human face, ensuring minimum In the last few months, Pakistan definitely appears
collateral damage, involve locals with them for local emboldened in its nefarious activities in J&K and a
intelligence gathering and logistical support and strident anti-India stance after Chinese President
further energise its people-friendly activities. Xi Jinping’s visit to Pakistan in March this year.
According to media reports including in the US media,
Rehabilitation of KPs China has stationed nearly 50,000 troops in GB-PoK
The advent of heightened Pak sponsored militancy in region, masquerading as a labour force and engineers,
the early 90s witnessed the phenomenon of nearly to build infrastructure along the Karakoram Highway
3 lakh Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) fleeing their homes from whilst also having taken a 50 years lease for this
the Kashmir region to outside the state or areas around region from Pakistan. The large and strong Chinese
Jammu. In a matter of months the KPs became refugees presence in the region has obviously ominous
in their own homeland. For years, there has been much concerns for J&K and India.
discussion on the return of the KPs to Kashmir. The
present state government has advocated the concept Other Important Issues
of establishing small townships for them (calling them There are some other important issues for consideration
composite camps) in Srinagar and some other towns by the Indian state as regards J&K. Importantly, with
in the Valley whilst the separatists have suggested the the US drawdown in neighbouring Afghanistan and after
KPs to return to their original abandoned homes. The its eventual pull-out or a reduced military presence, will
KPs themselves, with most of them now living in refugee a likely Talibanised Kabul, in cohorts with Pakistan
colonies, in and around Jammu, are themselves not and its notorious ISI, spell further trouble for J&K? In
sure about their own security in case they return to
addition, what are the concerted measures India needs
the Valley ─ thus an impasse has resulted.
to take to achieve reconciliation through dialogue and
development to bring the restive Valley into the national
Handling Separatist Leaders mainstream? Has the nation done enough to assist J&K
Since Kashmir’s accession to India, Pakistan has get out of last year’s havoc caused by the unprecedented
assiduously endeavoured to foment trouble in J&K, floods in the state? Does the Centre need to pump in
especially in the Valley, not only by violent methods but greater resources in the fields of education, health care
encouraging separatist leaders to regularly drum up and infrastructure generating additional employment for
anti-India activities in diverse ways. Misusing the liberty
youth in J&K which may also wean them from militancy?
of democracy and often India’s soft attitudes towards
its errant citizens, these separatist leaders, supported
ideologically and financially by Pakistan, have Reclaiming PoK
employed the pulpits of the mosques and madrassas We should make it clear to Pakistan that we will not brook
to spread their message of hatred and communal any interference by them in J&K. The unfinished agenda
disharmony. Each year, most of them, surprisingly, are of the Partition is how to get Gilgit-Baltistan and PoK
allowed by the Indian state to attend functions at the back into India. If need be, we must raise the costs to
Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi, where they Pakistan for exporting terror to the state by synergising our
get their annual financial doles and the latest diplomatic, political, economic and military measures. We
instructions from their Pakistani ISI handlers. can remind them of their various fault lines – which India
The Government of India and the state government being a peace loving neighbour has never exploited so far.
must come down with a heavy hand on these l Any seditious/anti-national activities must be
separatists like the fundamentalist Geelani, dealt with firmly and speedily to send out the
Yasin Malik, Shabir Shah, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq right signal to all concerned.
and any anti-national activities be firmly curtailed. l Perception management be accorded its due
The state governments merely putting them in significance to give a true picture to the local Kashmiris.
comfortable ‘house arrests’ hardly solves the problem l India must open up channels of communication to
– they should be housed, whenever they indulge in the oppressed masses in Gilgit-Baltistan and PoK.
anti-national activities, in proper jails even outside l The Indian Army and the Air Force must further
the state and dealt under the Indian law. re-energise their reaching out to ‘welfare of the
locals’ programmes.
Ever Growing China-Pak Axis Jammu and Kashmir is at the core of Indian nationalism
For years, the ‘higher than the mountains’ and ‘deeper and secularism on which the values of a multi-plural and
than the oceans’ friendship between China and its inclusive Indian nationhood is based. Notwithstanding the
supplicant nation, Pakistan, has been on the ascendant. mistakes and blunders of the past 68 years, successive
India has to factor in the strategic ramifications of this governments at the Centre and State, may have made in
axis which is primarily targeted against India behind J&K, it is time for us to discard the baggage of history
the façade of economic cooperation between Pakistan and take all suitable and firm measures, both in the
and China. This collusion will get further cemented external and internal dimensions, to fully integrate J&K
by the so-called Economic Corridor from restive into its parent nation. Thus sagacious and strong
Kashgar in China to the Gwadar deep water port on leadership is the need of the hour.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 67

festering chasm VALLEY OF ALIENATION

Incoherent Strategies
Reactive Policies
The most insistent problem in Kashmir is not Pakistan. Nor is it the
Kashmiris. The problem is India’s abysmal leadership, the lack of
vision, of consistency and of dedication to purpose among a deeply
corrupted political elite and a political culture of expediency and
of short-term gains, both in Srinagar and in Delhi. Unless this deep
and tragic flaw is addressed, the theatre of human suffering will
continue to play out in J&K, with the principal actors flailing about
aimlessly, like puppets on strings.

nsanity, it has been remarked, is doing the same short of lunacy. For decades, the national leadership
thing over and over again and expecting different has failed to evolve anything resembling a coherent
results. By this measure, India’s ‘policy’ on Kashmir strategy of response, ceding the initiative entirely to the
and on the Pakistan-backed movement of Islamist adversary, reacting fitfully to each new provocation and
subversion and terrorism there, has been nothing celebrating accidental gains as great strategic victories.

68 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Mere Rhetoric Inexplicable U-turn
Each party in opposition talks about strategy and And yet, utterly inexplicably,
strength and national interest; every party in power the Modi Government, which
negotiates on its knees with Pakistan and with its boasted that it had a ‘strategy’ for
separatist and terrorist proxies in Jammu and Pakistan and against terrorism,
Kashmir. This process has gone through its most is proving no better than its
recent cycle, as the sorry posturing of the Modi predecessor United Progressive
regime was brought to an ignominious end at Ufa, Alliance Government, whose
where it is now known that it was an importunate policy pendulum on Pakistan
India that sought the restoration of talks with was exhausted by two fruitless
Pakistan, after New Delhi’s high dudgeon in options: Talks and no talks. The Dr Ajai Sahni
August 2014 over the Pakistan High Commissioner’s logic of this ‘policy’ is deeply The writer is Executive
hosting of Kashmiri separatists in Delhi. In the entrenched in the Indian state Director, Institute for
intervening months, Pakistan has made little and its agencies and was recently Conflict Management and
secret of its contempt for the various ‘preconditions’ South Asia Terrorism
articulated by AS Dulat, former
Portal and Editor, South
India has periodically set for the resumption of Chief, Research and Analysis Asia Intelligence Review.
‘dialogue’: the Pakistan High Commission hosted Wing (RAW) and Prime Minister
Kashmiri separatists on Eid-ul-Zuha in March Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s principal
2015 and had invited them again for Eid-ul-Fitr interlocutor in Kashmir, who writes, in his Kashmir:
celebrations in July, though some prominent The Vajpayee Years, “ … what is India’s problem in
separatist formations refused to attend because of Kashmir? It is Pakistan. So either you bomb and finish
Pakistan’s failure to mention Kashmir in the Ufa off Pakistan – a strategy that even the Americans could
talks; no effective action has been taken against the not successfully pull-off in Afghanistan or Iraq and
perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks and, in which we certainly can’t do – or you talk to Pakistan.”
fact, the principal accused, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, And so, the entire and vast spectrum of possible
has now been released, even as Pakistan insists that strategies against Pakistan is condensed into this
voice samples cannot be used as evidence against reductionist and false dyad, with no supporting argument
him; the ‘infrastructure of terrorism’ remains intact and no examination of any available alternatives.
in Pakistan and there are almost daily violations  
of the 2003 Ceasefire Agreement along the Line of
Control (LoC) and International Border (IB) in J&K.
Other Options
There have, over the decades, been many variations
of this argument of necessity. Thus, it is argued, you
Targeted Attack can’t change your neighbours and its consequent
Crucially, just a day before Modi met Sharif at
‘corollary’, that a strong and stable Pakistan is
Ufa, a Border Security Force (BSF) trooper was
in India’s best interests. But we did change our
killed by a Pakistani sniper in the Nowgam Sector
neighbours in 1971, with the creation of Bangladesh.
of Kupwara District, along the LoC. Earlier, on
China changed our neighbours for us by occupying
July 5, Pakistani Rangers had killed another BSF
Tibet in 1950 and certainly altered the neighbourhood
jawan in the Nowgam Sector. According to partial
with the occupation of Aksai Chin in 1962. Pakistan
data compiled by the South Asia Terrorism Portal
changed the neighbourhood within months of
(SATP), Pakistani Forces violated the Ceasefire
Partition, by occupying large parts of J&K; has
Agreement (CFA) on at least 50 occasions during
engineered further changes by transferring some of
the first six months of 2015 (data till June 30),
resulting in three fatalities among Security Force these territories to China and continues to seek to
(SF) personnel. There were 74 CFA violations by complete what it regards as its ‘unfinished agenda’ of
Pakistan during the last six months of 2014, resulting taking over the whole of J&K. Indeed, the South Asian
in three deaths among SF personnel. SATP’s partial neighbourhood was utterly transformed in 1947, when
data also recorded at least 17 infiltration attempts lunatic British cartographers arbitrarily dissected the
during the first six months of 2015 (till June 30), subcontinent. The entire record of human history is,
resulting in 11 fatalities – eight terrorists and three in fact, a narrative of ‘changing neighbours’. Crucially,
SF personnel, adding to 19 such attempts during it is unlikely that any country in history, other than
the last six months of 2014, which resulted in modern India, could ever have argued that a ‘strong
13 fatalities – 12   terrorists and one trooper. and stable’ enemy was in its interest – and the fact that
Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police, in Pakistan’s orientation is one of unyielding enmity to
June 2015, warned of a significant concentration India cannot have escaped the notice of even the most
of terrorists along the LoC and in February 2015, Panglossian (overly optimistic) idealists. And yet, the
Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary, Union Minister of arguments endure, with little challenge and frequent
State in the Ministry of Home Affairs told Parliament reiteration, among the ‘intelligentsia’ in this country.
about “several terrorist training camps in Pak-occupied  
Jammu and Kashmir … which are used for training Jingoism Galore
and subsequently for infiltrating trained militants There have, of course, been some other streams
/terrorists into J&K State.” of popular ‘strategic’ argument. There are the

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 69

festering chasm VALLEY OF ALIENATION

‘military minds’ that advise precision bombings, strengths; the creation of covert capacities to
‘limited war’ and even, occasionally, the threat inflict direct harm (not necessarily through violent
of tactical nukes. Tit for tat responses and, as retaliation) on sponsoring State and non-State
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar expressed it, actors in Pakistan; a vast augmentation of our
‘neutralising terrorists with terrorists only’, are intelligence capacities on Pakistani soil – capacities
some lesser variations on this theme. Elaborating that appear to have been systematically eroded or
on one such position before he became the dismantled over the past decades; capacities to
National Security Adviser (NSA), Ajit Doval warned contest Pakistan’s strategic overreach in the wider
Pakistan, “You can do one Mumbai, you may lose Asian region and capacities to counter Pakistan’s
Balochistan”. None of these options are backed by immensely successful international efforts to
any realistic assessment of capacity, capability or continue to receive support and aid from a range of
consequence and reflect, essentially, ‘masculine’ countries through patterns of blackmail, including
postures, intended to stave off legitimate criticisms nuclear blackmail, as well as subordination, as in
of the infirmity of the State and its leadership. the case of its current relationship to China and
There are also the ‘good people’ who dream of past relationship to USA.
creating a ‘strong, stable and democratic Pakistan’, Crucially, at the core of India’s reorientation,
even as they ignore the deeply flawed democracy must be the recognition that Pakistan’s existence is
and ailing state we have in our own country; even as itself in question – hence its claims on Kashmir do
they refuse to face up to the reality that they lack the not need to be taken as a permanent ‘given’ in the
most rudimentary instrumentalities – beyond their geostrategic equation.
ineffectual good intentions – to secure the objectives
they articulate and even as they studiously ignore No Protracted Conflict Paradigm
the entrenched dynamic of radicalism and Islamist It is abundantly clear that the Modi regime
extremism that permeates all aspects of state, does not have any coherent conception of any
society and politics in Pakistan. such ‘protracted conflict’ paradigm of response.
In over sixty five years of confrontation with The ‘Doval doctrine’, as some commentators
Pakistan, among the most protracted of contemporary have chosen to describe the NSA’s prior and
conflicts in the world, these rudimentary, rash, rudimentary articulations of this strategy, appears
unthinking notions are the best we have been able to have failed to win traction with the country’s
to evolve. And this is just in the realm of purported present political masters, who continue to look for
‘doctrine’; in reality, we remain trapped in perpetual quick and flashy public spectacles and show no
and defensive reaction, with the rare exception stomach for a sustained strategic approach that
of 1971, when India seized the opportunity and could actually compel Pakistan to abandon its
initiative to dismember Pakistan. criminal support to terrorist proxies.
But ‘India’s problem in Kashmir’ is not
Great Expectations just Pakistan. A long history of political
When Ajit Doval was appointed NSA, it was mismanagement, adventurism, neglect, corruption
assumed that the Modi government would adopt and sheer incompetence prepared this troubled
a protracted conflict perspective in dealing province for the campaigns of destabilisation,
with Pakistan. Doval had, shortly before his radicalisation and terrorism that Pakistan
appointment, publicly articulated the notion of eventually executed here. For decades before
the ‘defensive offence mode’, arguing that India separatist terrorism swept across J&K, a process
should “work on the vulnerabilities of Pakistan”, of Islamist radicalisation had been visible, backed
which, he argued further, were “many, many times by Pakistan’s mischief and by petrodollars flowing
higher than that of India ... Once they find that in unchecked and unaccounted from West Asia.
India has shifted gears from the defensive mode The Indian establishment continued to sing
to one of defensive offence, they will find that it paeans to ‘Kashmiriyat’ and the unique patterns of
(sponsoring terrorism) is unaffordable for them.” Sufi Islam – liberal, tolerant and all embracing
Among the broad components of this strategy, – that were thought to be integral to the values
Doval had spoken of economic instrumentalities, of the people of this region; but it did nothing
Pakistan’s politics and bringing about Pakistan’s to protect this stream from the vigorous and
isolation internationally.  well-funded onslaught to which it was being
It is not clear whether India has, in fact, existing subjected across the Valley and beyond. Indeed,
capacities to impose unbearable costs on Pakistan, the State confers virtual immunity from law,
but it is abundantly clear that the country needs to with rare exception, on anyone operating
create such capacities, given Pakistan’s persistent under the cover of religion – a pattern that is
support to terrorism and proxy war and its unfortunately not restricted to J&K, but afflicts
relentless hostility to the very idea and existence State action across the country. It was this
of India. A coherent strategy of protracted conflict radicalised, Salafist, Islam that eventually came
would include, among others, instrumentalities to form the core of the separatist mobilisation and
of competitive attrition to undermine Pakistan’s eventual terrorism in J&K, despite the pretensions
limited enduring economic and administrative of some separatist formations.

70 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

After more than two and a half decades of terrorism,
the State continues to look the other way, as the
project of Islamist radicalisation continues unchecked
in J&K. Hundreds of Salafist madrassas and
mosques have come up over just the past decade
– overwhelmingly funded by questionable sources
abroad and through illegal (hawala) channels – but
no questions are asked, no accounts are sought.
Indeed, the growth of some radical ideological streams
of Salafist Islamism are actively encouraged, because
these do not currently support the separatist agenda,
despite the fact that there is nothing to distinguish
their basic ideology from that of separatist Islamism.
In the meanwhile, the Indian State and
establishment continues to demonstrate great faith
in the power of corruption. The shenanigans of
competing secret agencies – widely known and openly
discussed in J&K – have now been ably exposed
by one of their prominent practitioners, AS Dulat.
The fundamental premise of State policy in India
has long been that, if you can buy up the elites, the
people won’t matter. This has yielded a strategy of
mass corruption by State agencies and has created
a perverse economy that has directly contributed
marginalisation of violent and terrorist formations
to the persistence of separatism, extremism
and to increasing flows of intelligence to security and
and terrorism. Crucially, many (if not most) of the
intelligence agencies in India.
beneficiaries of the munificence of Indian State
agencies have not been particularly shy of receiving
concurrent revenues from Pakistani agencies as well. Historic Opportunity
There is, evidently, a historic opportunity here, but
a pervasive absence of vision, plan and purpose
Soft Separatism
continues to afflict policy. The State, activists,
At the same time, most ‘mainstream’ political
journalists, strategic ‘experts’ – no one has an
formations with a popular base in the Valley continue
institutional memory. Everything begins anew on
to articulate ideologies of soft separatism and
each cycle. The wheel is reinvented, ad nauseam,
Delhi sees this as a ‘counter’ to the ‘hard’ (violent)
separatism of Pakistan-backed groups. This is the same entrenched platitudes are trotted out by
another pattern of opportunism that has kept the successive regimes and the cost in human lives and
Valley on a low boil for decades. The soft separatism anguish mounts interminably.
of mainstream parties creates the orientation and the The most insistent problem in Kashmir is not
spaces within which extremism and hard separatism Pakistan. This perspective, it appears, has failed
thrive. In all this, there are no advocates of liberal to win traction with the country’s present political
democracy; no one pursues, propagates or declares masters, who continue to look for quick and flashy
a clear commitment to the constitutional path. public spectacles and show no stomach for a sustained
Despite the enveloping incoherence of India’s strategic approach that could actually compel Pakistan
policy in J&K, the insurgency in the State to abandon its criminal support to terrorist
has virtually collapsed, from a peak of proxies. Resuming talks with Pakistan
4,507 fatalities in 2001, to 193 fatalities Kashmiris will only help Islamabad secure greater
in 2014, according to data compiled legitimacy in the international arena, even
by the South Asia Terrorism Portal. are now deeply as its open support to externally directed
While the Security Forces have fought terrorist groups operating in India and
relentlessly to secure this end, this is disappointed with Afghanistan continues unabated. Nor is
the consequence, overwhelmingly, of it the Kashmiris. The problem is India’s
extraneous circumstances, including Pakistan and abysmal leadership, the lack of vision, of
international pressures on Pakistan, the consistency and of dedication to purpose
progressive denial of credible deniability, the ISI among a deeply corrupted political elite
a rising tide of the terrorist blowback within and a political culture of expediency and of
Pakistan and a shift of Islamabad’s priorities short-term gains, both in Srinagar and in Delhi.
to the more urgent terrorist campaigns directed Unless this deep and tragic flaw is addressed, the theatre
towards Afghanistan. Crucially, Kashmiris are now of human suffering will continue to play out in J&K,
deeply disappointed with Pakistan and the ISI and with the principal actors flailing about aimlessly,
this has contributed enormously to the progressive like puppets on strings.

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 71

festering chasm PROXY WAR

Jammu And Kashmir

he Corps Commander of Srinagar based
15 Corps recently said that some
200 Pakistani infiltrators are waiting for an
opportunity to crossover the Line of Control.
Terrorist training camps in Pakistan-occupied
Kashmir are running full swing. Pakistan continues
to indulge in anti-India rhetoric with Pakistani NSA
Sartaj Aziz officially stating, “Pakistan should not
target militants who do not threaten the country’s
security” (read LeT and associated scum are free
to attack India), while Army Chief Raheel Sharif
continues harping upon the ‘unfinished agenda of
Kashmir’. The latest encounter in Tangdhar signals
Pakistani resolve to continue her proxy war against
India. All this has been routine for past several years.
But what appears changed is the soft approach of
the J&K state government towards separatists
reaching a new high by the gesture of openly
thanking Pakistan for his victory as Chief Minister
Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, was grim forewarning this
may follow. A recent post addressed to the Prime
Minister on Facebook read, “Modi Ji, beware frequent
unfurling of Pakistani flags in the Valley, army being
ambushed in northeast and pro-Khalistan slogans
re-emerging in the Golden Temple”.

Militancy In Jammu And Kashmir

General Ayub Khan visiting Chamb Sector Militancy in J&K always had full support from
during 1965 Indo Pak War Pakistan. Buoyed by the birth of PoK (78,114 sq km
of state of J&K legally acceded to India) as a result
of Pandit Nehru declaring unilateral ceasefire
The security forces will continue to in 1948 while Indian Army was in hot pursuit of
manage the levels of violence but fleeing Pakistani forces. Had Nehru not halted our
Army, Pakistan would have no border with China.
the administration must deliver With the illegal occupation of PoK, Pakistan has
and grass root organisations like always been obsessed with the idea that grabbing
the Panchayat must be fully J&K would be a cakewalk. It is this misconception
because of which President Ayub Khan prompted by
empowered. What must also be Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto launched the
focused at the national level are Gibraltar Force and Operation ‘Grand Slam’ in 1965,
both failing miserably. It is this same itch that was
the collusive China-Pakistan behind Musharraf’s Kargil intrusions. Pakistan
efforts to destabilise India at the has been extending every possible support to keep
terrorism alive in J&K. This includes infiltration
sub-conventional level. In this operations, training J&K youth in terrorism, supply
context, there is urgent need of arms, armament, ammunition and warlike
stores, fiscal support, moral support, psychological
to establish credible deterrence operations and sustained propaganda. Ironically,
against the China-Pakistan proxy cross-border nexus of some J&K political parties too
is obvious. The PDP is supported by the PoK-based
wars by going fully proactive. This Hizbul Mujahideen. On the recent incidents of
is a dirty war and idealism should unfurling of Pakistani flags in the Kashmir Valley, NC
politician Mustafa Kamal Khan not only justified the
not be a stand-alone factor …. We action but stated the said flag should be respected.
must get surreptitious handle on In 2013, the NIA had declared Hizbul Mujahideen
the fault lines of our adversaries, chief Syed Salahuddin, his deputy Gulam Nabi Khan
and eight other militants proclaimed offenders and
rather than them controlling ours. charged them with channelling huge sums of money

72 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

Looking Ahead
into J&K for subversive activities. One wonders if A scholar recently posted on
Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was actually thanking Facebook: “It is also an open secret
Salahuddin post his assuming the chair of CM of that militants in Kashmir are paid now by Chinese
J&K while alluding to Pakistan. Also in 2013, media and not Pakistan. The Chinese have established
quoting NIA had said that Kashmiri terrorist groups huge control over Kashmiri separatist leaders.” This
had received US$ 100 million for terror operations certainly requires investigation. If it were not for
in past two years, over the past 10 years some Chinese nuclear and other support, Pakistan would
` 600 crore were diverted to J&K terrorism from not dare to continue her proxy war. The cumulative
within India, ` 98 crore were diverted in one single effect of pan-India China-Pakistan proxy nexus adds
year from the J&K Affectees Fund and that the J&K up to indirectly boosting terrorism in J&K. This
Affectees Relief Trust (JKART) had been facilitating China-Pakistan terror nexus is fanning the fires of
Pakistani infiltration into J&K. Intelligence reports terrorism across the length and breadth of India. The
also revealed that goods sent through trucks to PoK Maoist insurgency is being supported by them and so
were intentionally overpriced 2-3 times in the vouchers is the northeast insurgency. So we see rise of militancy
and additional money received was being diverted for even in Arunachal Pradesh. The apprehension of four
terrorist operations. It is unthinkable that the state Chinese nationals with fake Indian documents on
government doesn’t get major slice of the pie. Hence a mission to meet Naga insurgents four years back
the soft attitude of J&K state government towards was warning of Chinese intelligence involvement and
Hurriyat hardliners who are Sunni Muslims (same obviously contributed to abrogation of the 13 year old
as the PDP and NC hierarchy), also affected by purge peace treaty by the NSCN this year.
of Ahmadiyyas in Pakistan from the time Zia-ul-Haq
declared them non-Muslims and ongoing massacres China’s Proxy War
of Shias in Pakistan. That is perhaps why the state In March 2015, nine militant groups of northeast
government has been starving the Jammu and Ladakh including the NSCN-Khaplang and the ULFA faction
regions of funds even though Kargil District of Ladakh led by Paresh Baruah, have come together to form
is 99 per cent Muslim, but Shia. a new unified front with active indulgence of
The influence of the separatists in J&K The Chinese intelligence during a meeting held
is restricted to only five districts. There J&K recently in Myanmar in March 2015; the
has never been any talk of separatism Affectees Relief new organisation called ‘United National
in the Jammu and Ladakh regions that Liberation Front of WSEA (West South
together constitute 1,13,197 sq km Trust (JKART) had East Asia)’. Chinese intelligence
of the state of Jammu and Kashmir; been facilitating operatives are active in the Sagaing
26,293 sq km of Jammu region and Pakistani region and weapons are often shipped
86,904 sq km of Ladakh. Yet, it is our to the northeastern groups through
free media, controlled by media houses infiltration the China-Myanmar border. Khaplang,
abroad, which hype separatism for obvious into J&K Chairman NSCN will be the nominal head
reasons. With all the Pakistani interference in of the new grouping, a key role will be played
India’s internal affairs, it is without doubt that the by Paresh Baruah, the chief of the ULFA, who has
ISI too would have invested heavily in our media not been sheltered on Chinese soil for the past several
only to hype separatism but also hit at the morale months. Besides the NSCN-Khaplang and ULFA, other
of security forces. Interestingly, during the two day groups that participated in the meeting held at Taga in
round table for all MPs and MLAs/MLCs of J&K Sagaing (Myanmar) in April 2015 were the Kangleipak
organised by the Delhi Policy Group two years back, Communist Party, Kanglei Yawol Kunna Lup, People’s
questions were raised by Muslim J&K politicians Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak, People’s Liberation
as to why no action was being taken to retrieve the Army, United National Liberation Front and National
territories of PoK and CoK (China-occupied Kashmir). Democratic Front of Bodoland (Songbijit faction).
The bottom line is that the separatists have influence China has created her deadliest proxy in the United
in just about 15 per cent area of the state of J&K and Wa State Army (USWA), perhaps more lethal than the
this minuscule minority, headed by Geelani and his LTTE, headquartered in Shan state of Myanmar even
protégés like the Mirwaiz need to be simply blocked arming it with missile fitted helicopters, in addition
out of any media cover. to assault rifles, machine guns, shoulder fired air
defence missiles and armoured vehicles.
External Factors
The China-Pakistan nexus is perhaps the most The Manipur Milieu
dangerous in the world, both being nuclear powers The deadly terrorist attack on an army convoy in
and both proactively indulging in sub-conventional Manipur in June 2015 was a consequence of the
war. China has been giving tacit support to formation of the United National Liberation Front of
Pakistan’s anti-India jihad. WSEA assisted perhaps by the ISI-backed Peoples

August 2015 Defence AND security alert 73

festering chasm PROXY WAR

Funds given by the US to reimburse Pakistan for

counter-terrorism operations was found diverted; US
officials visiting FATA found Pakistani Frontier Corps
units poorly equipped, soldiers wearing sandals in
snow, wearing World War I era pith helmets and
carrying barely functional Kalashnikov rifles with
‘just 10 rounds of ammunition each’. So it is quite
evident that bulk of USAID is used to support
Pakistan’s state policy of terrorism against India
and Afghanistan, not for CI and CT.

British Activity
Recently, Britain (perhaps on US behest) has also
engineered an MoU between the Afghan intelligence
and the ISI that virtually gives power to ISI to exercise
United Liberation Front (PULF) aims to establish its writ in Afghanistan. The Taliban are making gains
an Islamic country in India’s northeast and whose through their summer offensive even as the ISI is
leaders are based in Chandel District of Manipur present in Beijing during parleys between the Chinese
where the army convoy was recently ambushed. and Afghani Taliban. The ISIS too is slowly but firmly
According to recent reports, some 3,000 radio establishing itself in the Af-Pak region on both
controlled explosive devices have been If sides of the Durand Line supported by
supplied to ULFA through China-ISI the Pakistan Taliban. These dynamics
it were including those discussed in preceding
channels. The China-Pakistan unholy
not for Chinese paragraphs plus the Chinese strategic
nexus needs to be watched on other
fronts as well. One example is nuclear and other lodgement in Gilgit-Baltistan and the
Maldives with over 1,000 uninhabited support, Pakistan China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will
have deleterious effect on the levels of
islands, which has been methodically would not dare to terrorism in J&K. The current rallies
radicalised through the LeT, which is a
continue her in Srinagar and Tral with waiving of
proxy both for China and Pakistan. Then
South India may be sitting on a tinderbox proxy war Pakistani flags may well be pointers to
as well with Al Qaeda having sponsored collusive China-Pakistani effort to raise the
level of terrorism in J&K.
the Kerala based PFI (Popular Front of India)
currently lying dormant.
Foreign-inspired Violence
It is unlikely that Pakistan will curb its proxy war
Inexplicable US Role
against India. Conversely, it is likely to step it up
Despite all the casualties suffered by US and NATO
with Chinese backing, especially when the only way
in Afghanistan because of Pakistani proxies, the US
for the military and ISI to keep Pakistan under their
continues to support the Pakistani military ostensibly
thumb is confrontation with India and Afghanistan.
due to its continued presence in Afghanistan and
A new terror group, Tehrik-e-Taliban (TeT) parading
has supplied over 14 combat aircraft, 59 military openly in Sopore with ISIS type black flags, carrying
trainer jets and 374 armoured personnel carriers to assault rifles and making demands on the public
Pakistan as part of Excessive Defence Articles (EDA) akin to Taliban doesn’t augur well. Hopefully given
besides approving a billion dollars worth of sale of time, the PDP-BJP alliance will be able to stabilise the
military hardware, identifying Pakistan, ironically region. Safe return of Kashmiri Pandits would do well
for counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency for J&K, as would development of infrastructure and
operations. In 2009, the Centre of the Harvard investments that can usher jobs for the unemployed
Kennedy School had pointed to clear evidence of youth. The security forces will continue to manage the
misuse of USAID to Pakistan citing proof: US provided levels of violence but the administration must deliver
US$ 1.5 million to reimburse Pakistan for damage to and grass root organisations like the Panchayat must
navy vehicles which had never been used in combat; be fully empowered. What must also be focused at the
US$ 15 million for Pakistani Army bunkers that were national level on the collusive China-Pakistan efforts
never built; US$ 30 million for Pakistani road building to destabilise India at the sub-conventional level. In
but no evidence of construction; US$ 55 million for this context, there is urgent need to establish credible
helicopter maintenance of national fleet that was not deterrence against the China-Pakistan proxy wars by
performed; Pakistan military received US$ 80 million going fully proactive. This is a dirty war and idealism
per month for military operations during ceasefire should not be a stand-alone factor, because the cost
periods when troops were in barracks; Musharraf of always following an inward looking policy is much
once complained army helicopters needed more higher. Our foreign policy must have a balanced mix
spare parts and support, despite US having provided of realism and idealism. We must get surreptitious
US$ 8 million worth of Cobra parts over previous handle on the fault lines of our adversaries, rather
six months; ‘great majority’ of the Coalition Support than them controlling ours.

74 August 2015 Defence AND security alert

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