IT-361 Theory of Automata Outline

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IT-361: (Theory of Automata & Formal Languages)

Course Code: IT-361 Course Title: Theory of Automata &

Formal Languages
Year: 2021 Semester: 6th
Instructor’s Name: Mr. Mohsin Riaz Office (Room No): B 113-A
E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 8.30: 4.30

Course Description  The course introduces some fundamental concepts in

automata theory and formal languages including
grammar, finite automaton, regular expression, ,
pushdown automaton, and Turing machine.
 Theory of Automata not only the basic models of
computation also the foundation of many branches of
computer science, e.g. compilers, software
Course Type: Core

Pre-requisites Discrete Structures

Goals  The goal of this course is to make the students familiar

with fundamental principles of computability.
 To give them an insight into the theory and design of
problem solving in conventional and modem
computing machines.
 To bring a practical approach in the students, so that
they can initiate design and implement solution of a
 To give them the understanding of mathematical
models of the computing machines. To understand the
decidability and computability of the computational
 To make students able to practically implement the
ideas gained in the subject of Modem programming
 To prepare students for the study of compiler

(1)“Introduction to Computer Theory”, Daniel I. A. Cohen

Additional Readings (2) P. Linz. “Introduction to Formal Languages and
(3) Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Sessional Mid Term Final Term
25% 25% 50%
Quizzes, Assignments and 04 Quizzes , 04 Assignments, 01 Presentation
Presentation Schedule
Session Schedule

Session Topic Readings

Week 1 Basic concepts of Finite Automata and Languages, word, 1, 2

null string, length of a string, reverse of a string, Palindrome,
Kleene closure, Formal definition of Regular Expressions,
Defining languages with regular expressions, Languages
associated with regular expressions. Equivalent non
Equivalent Regular Expressions
Week 2 Deterministic finite automaton, Non Deterministic 1,2

Week 3 Differences between FA and NFA. More examples related to 1,2,3

NFA. Transition Graphs with examples, Generalized
Transition Graphs, Non-determinism in case of Transition
Graphs. Equivalence between DFA and NFA
Week 4 Kleene’s Theorem: Converting Regular Expressions into 1
FA’s. Converting NFA into Regular Expression

Week 5 Kleene’s Theorem: converting NFA into DFA, Properties of 1

Regular Languages (i.e. Union, Concatenation, Kleene
closure, Complements and Intersections) with examples.
Decidability, decision procedure, Decision to prove whether
two given RE’s or FA’s are equivalent. Checking whether
languages are finite or infinite.

Week 6 Non-Regular Languages, The pumping Lemma, 1,2,3

Week 7 Finite Automata with output. Moore and Mealy Machines 1

Week 8 Context-Fee Grammars and Languages, Grammar 1,2,3

conversion into language ,Languages conversion into


Week 9 Parsing (or derivation) Leftmost and Rightmost derivations , 1,2,3

Parse Trees ,Total language tree,
Week 10 Ambiguity of grammar and Languages, Unambiguous 1

Week 11 Simplification of CFG’s. Killing Null productions, Killing 1,2

unit productions, Killing of Useless Productions

Week 12 Chomsky Normal Forms and Greinbach normal forms 1,2

Week 13 Pushdown automaton (PDA), Various forms of PDA, 1,2
Pushdown stack. DPDA, Nondeterministic PDA.

Week 14 Equivalence between CFG and PDA, CFG = PDA,CFG 1,2

Conversion to PDA, Context Free Languages, their Closure
Properties, Union, Concatenation and Kleene Closures using

Week 15 Turing machines, Turing Recognizable Languages, 1,2,3

Halting Problem, and Defining Computers by TM’s.
Computable Functions and (un)decidability
Week 16 Final Revision

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