Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4 A's Approach

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Within the period, students are expected for : 

A. Discover the area formula for triangles.

B. Answer problems involving area of triangles.
C. Apply what they have learned in real life.


Topic : Area of Triangles

References : http://www.mathgoodies.ccom/lessons/Vol/area_triangle.html


Materials : ruler, scissor, pencil


A. Daily Routine: A. Daily Routine:

1. Prayer 1. Prayer

Good morning class. Before we start may we The students will stand up and pray.
all stand up and pray. (the teacher will lead to

2. Cleaning 2. Cleaning

Okay class, before you sit down; please pick The students will pick up the pieces of paper
up the pieces of paper and trash. and trash then the class will sit down.

3. Greeting 3. Greeting

Good morning once again class, so how are Good morning teacher! (different responses)  
you today? Well good then.  

4. Checking of attendance  4. Checking of attendance 

Are there any absents today?  Are there any absents today? 
Very good! Very good!

B. Priming B. Priming

1. Recall 1. Recall

Before we begin to our lesson, let us have a Students will raise their hands.
recap on our past lesson. So who can still recall
our past lesson yesterday?

 So let’s hear student A. 

Very good! The past lesson was about the area of
So last time we studied about the area of
parallelogram. Who still remember the formula Students will raise their hands.
in solving for the area of parallelogram? 

Let’s call for student B.  Area of a parallelogram is equal to base

Very good!   times height
Thank you student B.
2. Motivation
2. Motivation

Okay class, who wants prizes? 

The students will raise their hands.
So many of you want prizes. Well I have a
puzzle here. I want someone to assemble the
The students will raise their hands.
pieces together and create a right triangle from
it. Whoever assembles the puzzle will get a
prize. Any volunteer?

Students C will assemble the puzzle.

Okay, student C, give it a try.

Very good! Let’s give him a round of applause. The students will clap.

Well, I have another question. Is it possible to Different responses

rearrange the pieces and come up with a
triangle with the same base and same height
yet have a missing area without excluding any

Who can give it a try? Some students will raise their hands.

How about you student D? Student D will try to assemble the puzzle.

(If the student solve the puzzle, the teacher will

Very good! That was a hard one. Let us give The students will clap together.
him a round of applause.

(if no one solve the puzzle, the teacher will say) No one raise his hand.
Thanks for trying. Anyone else?

So if nobody wants to try it, let me show you

how it is done. (the teacher will show the class
how to solve the puzzle)
C. Activity C. Activity

So from our activity, who could guess our topic Students will raise their hands.
for today?

Let’s call student E. I think our lesson for today is about area of a

That’s correct! Thank you student E.

So our topic today is about area of triangles. I

know every one of you knows what a triangle is.

I want you to group yourselves into 3 groups. The students will grouped themselves into 3

Now that you have grouped yourselves, I will

give each group activity sheets. All members Yes teacher.
should participate, ok? And don’t make loud

Ok, very well then.  (the teacher will distribute The students will scan the activity sheet.
the activity sheets to each group.)

Did you bring scissors and ruler? Yes teacher.

Very good. You will need that in our activity.

So the instructions are written on the activity The students will do the activity.
sheets. After that, record the data and answer
the following questions. Group 1 will answer
question no. 1; group 2, question 2; group 3,
question 3.

D. Analysis D. Analysis

1. What are the area of the rectangles A, B and

C? How about the triangles they formed?

2. What is the sum of the areas of the two

triangles formed by rectangle A? Is it equal to
the area of the same rectangle? How about B
and C?

3. What is the area of the largest triangle

formed by rectangle D? What can you say
about its area compare to its original shape?
OK class. Time’s up! The students will stop what they are doing and
will sit properly.

So may I call each group’s representative to Group’s representative will come in front and
present their findings? present their findings.

Group 1: 

 Rectangle A has an area of 16 units2

and its triangles both have an area of 8
 Rectangle B has an area of 24 units2
and its triangles both have an area of
12 units2 
 Rectangle C has an area of 12 units2
and its triangles both have an area of 6

Group 2: 

 The sum of the triangles of rectangle A

is 16 units2 and it has the same area
with its original shape, the same goes to

Group 3: 

 The estimated area of the largest

triangle is 17 units2 and its original
shape’s area is 35 units2. Its largest
triangle is about the half of its original

Very well said! Thank you every one for your

The students will clap their hands.
cooperation. Let us give ourselves a round of

E. Abstraction E. Abstraction

You all did great in our activity.  So now let us The area of the triangle is equal to one half of
go to the discussion. What can you say about their original shape.
the area of the area of the rectangles and the
triangles they formed?
Very good! 

Now let me ask you, if the area of rectangle or

any parallelogram is equal to base times height, The area of triangle is equal to one half of the
what is the formula for the area of a triangle? area of parallelogram or ½bh.

Very good.! 
You have discovered by yourselves the formula
for finding the area of a triangle. You are now

The formula for finding the area of a triangle is

A= ½bh since the area of a triangle is one half
of the area of parallelogram.

So now let us have examples.

Find the area of the given triangle:

May we have a volunteer?

Student F will raise his hand
Ok student F, try to solve it
Student will answer the example. The area of
the triangle is equal to 27 cm2

That is correct! 
Very good student F.

Reminder guys, never ever forget the units, ok?

Yes teacher!
Another example
Try to solve this:
Anyone from the class?
Student G, can you show us your answer in the Students will raise their hands. Student G will
board? show his answer in the board. The answer is 30

Very good Student G. 

You may now take your seat. The student will take his seat.


Are there any questions? So let us have a

recap. None teacher!

What is the formula in finding the area of a

triangle? The area of a triangle is equal to base times

Very good! 
How did we get the formula for the area of the
triangle? We got our formula since the area of triangle is
one half of the area of rectangle.

Very good. 
You all did understand the lesson.

F. Application
F. Application
Okay class, since there are no more questions
and you all understood the lesson; please The class will answer the problems.
answer the problems in the questionnaires that
will be handed to you.
(the teacher will distribute the questionnaire)

Solve for the following:

1. A triangular garden has a baseof 12m and a
height of 7m. Find thearea of the garden.
2. A pyramid has a triangular base.It covers
4,350 ft2 of theland and has equal sides of 87
ft. What is the height of the base of the
3. If a triangular field has an area of 150m2 and
a height of 20m. What is its base?
Okay guys, times up. Please pass your papers
to the front. And please copy your assignments. The students will stop writing and will pass their
paper to the front.

IV. Assignment

Answer the following.

1. A triangle has an area of 25m2. It has a base

of (2x + 1)m and a height of (3x + 4)m. Find the
measure of the base and the height.

2. Find the area of an equilateral triangle whose

sides are10m in length.

3. The perimeter of an isosceles triangles 16

meter and has an area of 12m2. Its height is
4m. Find the measure of its sides.

So goodbye class.
See you tomorrow. Good bye teacher!.

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