Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4 A's Approach
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4 A's Approach
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4 A's Approach
Within the period, students are expected for :
References : http://www.mathgoodies.ccom/lessons/Vol/area_triangle.html
1. Prayer 1. Prayer
Good morning class. Before we start may we The students will stand up and pray.
all stand up and pray. (the teacher will lead to
2. Cleaning 2. Cleaning
Okay class, before you sit down; please pick The students will pick up the pieces of paper
up the pieces of paper and trash. and trash then the class will sit down.
3. Greeting 3. Greeting
Good morning once again class, so how are Good morning teacher! (different responses)
you today? Well good then.
Are there any absents today? Are there any absents today?
Very good! Very good!
B. Priming B. Priming
1. Recall 1. Recall
Before we begin to our lesson, let us have a Students will raise their hands.
recap on our past lesson. So who can still recall
our past lesson yesterday?
Very good! Let’s give him a round of applause. The students will clap.
Who can give it a try? Some students will raise their hands.
How about you student D? Student D will try to assemble the puzzle.
(if no one solve the puzzle, the teacher will say) No one raise his hand.
Thanks for trying. Anyone else?
So from our activity, who could guess our topic Students will raise their hands.
for today?
Let’s call student E. I think our lesson for today is about area of a
I want you to group yourselves into 3 groups. The students will grouped themselves into 3
Ok, very well then. (the teacher will distribute The students will scan the activity sheet.
the activity sheets to each group.)
So the instructions are written on the activity The students will do the activity.
sheets. After that, record the data and answer
the following questions. Group 1 will answer
question no. 1; group 2, question 2; group 3,
question 3.
D. Analysis D. Analysis
So may I call each group’s representative to Group’s representative will come in front and
present their findings? present their findings.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
E. Abstraction E. Abstraction
You all did great in our activity. So now let us The area of the triangle is equal to one half of
go to the discussion. What can you say about their original shape.
the area of the area of the rectangles and the
triangles they formed?
Very good!
Very good.!
You have discovered by yourselves the formula
for finding the area of a triangle. You are now
That is correct!
Very good student F.
Very good!
How did we get the formula for the area of the
triangle? We got our formula since the area of triangle is
one half of the area of rectangle.
Very good.
You all did understand the lesson.
F. Application
F. Application
Okay class, since there are no more questions
and you all understood the lesson; please The class will answer the problems.
answer the problems in the questionnaires that
will be handed to you.
(the teacher will distribute the questionnaire)
IV. Assignment
So goodbye class.
See you tomorrow. Good bye teacher!.