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3rd Generation Partnership Project;

3GPP TS 29.514
Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals;
5G System; Policy Authorization
Technical Specification
Stage 3
(Release 16)

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
Specifications and Reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 16 2 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)



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Release 16 3 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................10
2 References............................................................................................................................................10
3 Definitions and abbreviations...............................................................................................................12
3.1 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 Abbreviations.....................................................................................................................................................12
4 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service.......................................................................................................14
4.1 Service Description............................................................................................................................................14
4.1.1 Overview......................................................................................................................................................14
4.1.2 Service Architecture.....................................................................................................................................14
4.1.3 Network Functions.......................................................................................................................................15 Policy Control Function (PCF)..............................................................................................................15 NF Service Consumers...........................................................................................................................15
4.2 Service Operations.............................................................................................................................................16
4.2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................16
4.2.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation..................................................................................16 General...................................................................................................................................................16 Initial provisioning of service information.............................................................................................17 Gate control............................................................................................................................................21 Initial Background Data Transfer policy indication...............................................................................21 Initial provisioning of sponsored connectivity information...................................................................21 Subscriptions to Service Data Flow QoS notification control...............................................................22 Subscription to Service Data Flow Deactivation...................................................................................23 Initial provisioning of traffic routing information..................................................................................23 Void........................................................................................................................................................24 Subscription to resources allocation outcome........................................................................................24 Void........................................................................................................................................................24 Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services...........................................................................................24 Support of content versioning................................................................................................................25 Request of access network information.................................................................................................25 Initial provisioning of service information status...................................................................................25 Provisioning of signalling flow information..........................................................................................26 Support of resource sharing....................................................................................................................26 Indication of Emergency traffic.............................................................................................................26 Invocation of MCPTT............................................................................................................................27 Invocation of MCVideo.........................................................................................................................27 Priority sharing indication......................................................................................................................28 Subscription to Out of Credit notification..............................................................................................28 Subscriptions to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information........................................................28 Provisioning of TSCAI input Information and QoS related data...........................................................29 Provisioning of bridge management information and port management information...........................30 Invocation of Mission Critical Services.................................................................................................30 P-CSCF restoration enhancements.........................................................................................................30 Support of FLUS feature........................................................................................................................31 Subscription to EPS Fallback report......................................................................................................31 Subscription to TSN related events........................................................................................................32 Initial provisioning of required QoS information..................................................................................32 Support of QoSHint feature....................................................................................................................32 Subscription to Reallocation of Credit notification................................................................................32
4.2.3 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation.................................................................................33 General...................................................................................................................................................33 Modification of service information......................................................................................................34 Gate control............................................................................................................................................36 Background Data Transfer policy indication at policy authorization update.........................................36

Release 16 4 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Modification of sponsored connectivity information.............................................................................37 Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS notification control.......................................38 Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow Deactivation.........................................................38 Update of traffic routing information.....................................................................................................38 Void........................................................................................................................................................39 Modification of subscription to resources allocation outcome..............................................................39 Void........................................................................................................................................................39 Modification of Multimedia Priority Services.......................................................................................39 Support of content versioning................................................................................................................39 Request of access network information.................................................................................................39 Modification of service information status............................................................................................40 Support of SIP forking...........................................................................................................................40 Provisioning of signalling flow information..........................................................................................40 Support of resource sharing....................................................................................................................41 Modification of MCPTT........................................................................................................................41 Modification of MCVideo......................................................................................................................41 Priority sharing indication......................................................................................................................41 Modification of Subscription to Out of Credit notification....................................................................42 Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information...............................42 Update of TSCAI Input Information and TSC QoS related data...........................................................43 Provisioning of bridge management information and port management information...........................43 Modification of Mission Critical Services.............................................................................................43 Support of FLUS feature........................................................................................................................44 Subscription to EPS Fallback report......................................................................................................44 Modification of required QoS information............................................................................................44 Support of QoSHint feature....................................................................................................................45 Modification of Subscription to Reallocation of Credit notification.....................................................45
4.2.4 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation..................................................................................45 General...................................................................................................................................................45 AF application session context termination...........................................................................................45 Reporting usage for sponsored data connectivity..................................................................................46 Void........................................................................................................................................................47 Termination of Multimedia Priority Services........................................................................................47 Request and report of access network information................................................................................47 Termination of MCPTT.........................................................................................................................48 Termination of MCVideo.......................................................................................................................48 Priority sharing indication......................................................................................................................48 Report of RAN-NAS release cause........................................................................................................48 Termination of Mission Critical Services..............................................................................................49 Report of Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring.......................................................................................49
4.2.5 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation..................................................................................50 General...................................................................................................................................................50 Notification about application session context event.............................................................................50 Notification about application session context termination...................................................................52 Notification about Service Data Flow QoS notification control............................................................53 Notification about Service Data Flow Deactivation...............................................................................54 Reporting usage for sponsored data connectivity..................................................................................55 Void........................................................................................................................................................55 Notification about resources allocation outcome...................................................................................55 Void........................................................................................................................................................56 Notification of signalling path status.....................................................................................................56 Reporting access network information...................................................................................................57 Notification about Out of Credit............................................................................................................58 Notification about TSN port detection and/or bridge management information and/or port
management information, Individual Appllication Session Context exists...........................................58 Notification about Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring control............................................................58 Report of EPS Fallback..........................................................................................................................59 Notification about 5GS Bridge Information, no Individual Application Session Context exists..........59 Notification about Reallocation of Credit..............................................................................................60
4.2.6 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation.............................................................................61 General...................................................................................................................................................61

Release 16 5 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Handling of subscription to events for the existing application session context....................................61 Initial subscription to events without provisioning of service information............................................63 Subscription to usage monitoring of sponsored data connectivity.........................................................65 Void........................................................................................................................................................65 Request of access network information.................................................................................................65 Subscription to notification of signalling path status.............................................................................66 Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information.........................................................66
4.2.7 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe service operation.........................................................................67 General...................................................................................................................................................67 Unsubscription to events........................................................................................................................67
5 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service API................................................................................................68
5.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................68
5.2 Usage of HTTP..................................................................................................................................................68
5.2.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................68
5.2.2 HTTP standard headers................................................................................................................................68 General...................................................................................................................................................68 Content type...........................................................................................................................................68
5.2.3 HTTP custom headers..................................................................................................................................69
5.3 Resources...........................................................................................................................................................69
5.3.1 Resource Structure.......................................................................................................................................69
5.3.2 Resource: Application Sessions (Collection)...............................................................................................70 Description.............................................................................................................................................70 Resource definition................................................................................................................................70 Resource Standard Methods...................................................................................................................70 POST................................................................................................................................................70 Resource Custom Operations.................................................................................................................72 Overview..........................................................................................................................................72 Operation: PcscfRestoration.............................................................................................................72 Description..................................................................................................................................72 Operation Definition...................................................................................................................72
5.3.3 Resource: Individual Application Session Context (Document).................................................................73 Description.............................................................................................................................................73 Resource definition................................................................................................................................73 Resource Standard Methods...................................................................................................................73 GET..................................................................................................................................................73 PATCH.............................................................................................................................................74 Resource Custom Operations.................................................................................................................76 Overview..........................................................................................................................................76 Operation: delete...............................................................................................................................76 Description..................................................................................................................................76 Operation Definition...................................................................................................................76
5.3.4 Resource: Events Subscription (Document)................................................................................................77 Description.............................................................................................................................................77 Resource definition................................................................................................................................77 Resource Standard Methods...................................................................................................................77 PUT...................................................................................................................................................77 DELETE...........................................................................................................................................79 Resource Custom Operations.................................................................................................................79
5.4 Custom Operations without associated resources..............................................................................................80
5.5 Notifications......................................................................................................................................................80
5.5.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................80
5.5.2 Event Notification........................................................................................................................................80 Description.............................................................................................................................................80 Target URI..............................................................................................................................................80 Standard Methods...................................................................................................................................80 POST................................................................................................................................................80
5.5.3 Termination Request....................................................................................................................................81 Description.............................................................................................................................................81 Target URI..............................................................................................................................................81 Standard Methods...................................................................................................................................82 POST................................................................................................................................................82

Release 16 6 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

5.5.4 Detected 5GS Bridge for a PDU session.....................................................................................................83 Description.............................................................................................................................................83 Target URI..............................................................................................................................................83 Standard Methods...................................................................................................................................83 POST................................................................................................................................................83
5.6 Data Model........................................................................................................................................................84
5.6.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................84
5.6.2 Structured data types....................................................................................................................................90 Introduction............................................................................................................................................90 Type AppSessionContext.......................................................................................................................90 Type AppSessionContextReqData.........................................................................................................91 Type AppSessionContextRespData.......................................................................................................93 Type AppSessionContextUpdateData....................................................................................................94 Type EventsSubscReqData....................................................................................................................95 Type MediaComponent..........................................................................................................................96 Type MediaSubComponent....................................................................................................................98 Type EventsNotification........................................................................................................................99 Type AfEventSubscription...................................................................................................................100 Type AfEventNotification....................................................................................................................101 Type TerminationInfo..........................................................................................................................101 Type AfRoutingRequirement...............................................................................................................101 Type ResourcesAllocationInfo.............................................................................................................102 Type QosNotificationControlInfo........................................................................................................102 Type SpatialValidity............................................................................................................................102 Type EthFlowDescription....................................................................................................................103 Void......................................................................................................................................................104 Void......................................................................................................................................................104 Type AnGwAddress.............................................................................................................................104 Type Flows...........................................................................................................................................104 Type TemporalValidity........................................................................................................................105 Void......................................................................................................................................................105 Type AfRoutingRequirementRm.........................................................................................................105 Type EventsSubscReqDataRm............................................................................................................105 Type MediaComponentRm..................................................................................................................106 Type MediaSubComponentRm............................................................................................................109 Type SpatialValidityRm.......................................................................................................................109 Type ExtendedProblemDetails.............................................................................................................109 Type AcceptableServiceInfo................................................................................................................110 Type UeIdentityInfo.............................................................................................................................110 Type AccessNetChargingIdentifier......................................................................................................110 Type OutOfCreditInformation.............................................................................................................111 Type QosMonitoringInformation.........................................................................................................111 Type TsnQosContainer........................................................................................................................111 Type PcscfRestorationRequestData.....................................................................................................112 Type QosMonitoringReport.................................................................................................................112 Type TsnQosContainerRm...................................................................................................................112 Type TscaiInputContainer....................................................................................................................112 Type PduSessionTsnBridge.................................................................................................................113 Type QosMonitoringInformationRm...................................................................................................113 Type EventsSubscPutData...................................................................................................................113
5.6.3 Simple data types and enumerations..........................................................................................................113 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................113 Simple data types.................................................................................................................................113 Enumeration: MediaType.....................................................................................................................114 Enumeration: ReservPriority................................................................................................................115 Enumeration: ServAuthInfo.................................................................................................................115 Enumeration: SponsoringStatus...........................................................................................................115 Enumeration: AfEvent..........................................................................................................................116 Enumeration: AfNotifMethod..............................................................................................................116 Enumeration: QosNotifType................................................................................................................117 Enumeration: TerminationCause..........................................................................................................117

Release 16 7 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Void......................................................................................................................................................117 Enumeration: FlowStatus.....................................................................................................................117 Enumeration: MediaComponentResourcesStatus................................................................................117 Enumeration: FlowUsage.....................................................................................................................118 Enumeration: RequiredAccessInfo......................................................................................................118 Enumeration: ServiceInfoStatus...........................................................................................................118 Enumeration: SipForkingIndication.....................................................................................................118 Enumeration: AfRequestedData...........................................................................................................119 Enumeration: PreemptionControlInformation.....................................................................................119 Enumeration: PrioritySharingIndicator................................................................................................119 Enumeration: PreemptionControlInformationRm................................................................................119
5.7 Error handling..................................................................................................................................................120
5.7.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................120
5.7.2 Protocol Errors...........................................................................................................................................120
5.7.3 Application Errors......................................................................................................................................120
5.8 Feature negotiation..........................................................................................................................................121
5.9 Security............................................................................................................................................................123

Annex A (normative): OpenAPI specification................................................................................124

A.1 General...............................................................................................................................................124
A.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API...........................................................................................................124
Annex B (normative): IMS Related P-CSCF Procedures over N5...............................................152
B.1 Provision of Service Information at P-CSCF......................................................................................152
B.2 Enabling of IP Flows..........................................................................................................................154
B.2.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................154
B.2.2 Gate control procedures considering the P-Early-Media header field.............................................................155
B.2.3 Gate control procedures based on the configuration in the P-CSCF...............................................................156
B.3 Support for SIP forking......................................................................................................................156
B.3.1 PCC rule provisioning for early media for forked responses..........................................................................157
B.3.2 Updating the provisioned PCC rules at the final answer.................................................................................157
B.4 Notification of AF Signalling Transmission Path Status.....................................................................158
B.5 Indication of Emergency Registration and Session Establishment.....................................................158
B.6 Support for Early Session disposition SDP.........................................................................................159
B.6.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................159
B.6.2 Service Information Provisioning for Early Media.........................................................................................159
B.6.3 Updating the Provisioned Service Information when Dialogue is established................................................160
B.7 Provision of Signalling Flow Information at P-CSCF........................................................................160
B.8 Retrieval of network provided location information...........................................................................161
B.8.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................161
B.8.2 Retrieval of network provided location information at originating P-CSCF for inclusion in SIP Request....161
B.8.3 Retrieval of network provided location information at originating P-CSCF for inclusion in SIP response
B.8.4 Retrieval of network provided location information at terminating P-CSCF..................................................162
B.8.5 Provisioning of network provided location information at SIP session release..............................................164
B.9 Resource Sharing................................................................................................................................164
B.10 Handling of MCPTT priority call.......................................................................................................165
B.10.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................165
B.10.2 Determination of MCPTT priority parameter values......................................................................................165
B.11 Handling of MCVideo priority call.....................................................................................................165
B.11.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................165
B.11.2 Determination of MCVideo priority parameter values....................................................................................166

Release 16 8 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

B.12 Notification Access Type Change......................................................................................................166

B.13 Notification of PLMN Change...........................................................................................................167
B.14 Coverage and Handoff Enhancements using Multimedia error robustness feature (CHEM)..............167
B.15 Handling of a FLUS session...............................................................................................................168
B.16 QoS hint support for data channel media............................................................................................168
B.17 Handling of MPS Session...................................................................................................................169
Annex C (normative): Flow identifiers: Format definition and examples...................................169
C.1 Format of a flow identifier..................................................................................................................169
C.1.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................169

Annex D (normative): Wireless and wireline convergence access support..................................170

D.1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................170
D.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service.....................................................................................................170
D.2.1 Service Description..........................................................................................................................................170
D.2.1.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................................170
D.2.1.2 Service Architecture...................................................................................................................................170
D.2.1.3 Network Functions.....................................................................................................................................170
D. Policy Control Function (PCF)............................................................................................................170
D. NF Service Consumers.........................................................................................................................170
D.3 Service Operations..............................................................................................................................171
D.3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................171
D.3.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create Service Operation....................................................................................171
D.3.2.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................171
D.3.3 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update Service Operation...................................................................................171
D.3.3.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................171
D.3.4 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete Service Operation....................................................................................172
D.3.4.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................172
D.3.5 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify Service Operation....................................................................................172
D.3.5.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................172
D.3.6 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe Service Operation...............................................................................172
D.3.6.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................172
D.3.7.1 General.......................................................................................................................................................173

Annex E (informative): Change history..............................................................................................174

Release 16 9 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version x.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.

Release 16 10 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

1 Scope
The present specification provides the stage 3 definition of the Policy Authorization Service of the 5G System.

The 5G System Architecture is defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2]. The stage 2 definition and related procedures for the
Npcf Policy Authorization Service are specified in 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

The 5G System stage 3 call flows are provided in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7].

The Technical Realization of the Service Based Architecture and the Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition
are specified in 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] and 3GPP TS 29.501 [6].

The Policy Authorization Service is provided by the Policy Control Function (PCF). This service creates policies as
requested by the authorised AF for the PDU Session to which the AF session is bound.

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.

[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".

[2] 3GPP TS 23.501: "System Architecture for the 5G System; Stage 2".

[3] 3GPP TS 23.502: "Procedures for the 5G System; Stage 2".

[4] 3GPP TS 23.503: "Policy and Charging Control Framework for the 5G System; Stage 2".

[5] 3GPP TS 29.500: "5G System; Technical Realization of Service Based Architecture; Stage 3".

[6] 3GPP TS 29.501: "5G System; Principles and Guidelines for Services Definition; Stage 3".

[7] 3GPP TS 29.513: "5G System; Policy and Charging Control signalling flows and QoS parameter
mapping; Stage 3".

[8] 3GPP TS 29.512: "5G System; Session Management Policy Control Service; Stage 3".

[9] IETF RFC 7540: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)".

[10] IETF RFC 8259: "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format".

[11] OpenAPI: "OpenAPI 3.0.0 Specification", https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-


[12] 3GPP TS 29.571: "5G System; Common Data Types for Service Based Interfaces; Stage 3".

[13] 3GPP TS 29.508: "5G System; Session Management Event Exposure Service; Stage 3".

[14] 3GPP TS 29.554: "5G System; Background Data Transfer Policy Control Service; Stage 3".

[15] 3GPP TS 29.122: "T8 reference point for Northbound APIs".

[16] IEEE 802.3-2015: "IEEE Standard for Ethernet".

Release 16 11 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

[17] IEEE 802.1Q-2014: "Bridges and Bridged Networks".

[18] IETF RFC 7042: "IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol and Documentation Usage for IEEE
802 Parameters".

[19] IETF RFC 3986: "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax".

[20] 3GPP TS 29.214: "Policy and Charging Control over Rx reference point".

[21] IETF RFC 7396: "JSON Merge Patch".

[22] 3GPP TS 32.291: "5G System; Charging service; Stage 3".

[23] 3GPP TS 22.153: "5G System; "Multimedia Priority Service".

[24] IETF RFC 7807: "Problem Details for HTTP APIs".

[25] 3GPP TS 33.501: "Security architecture and procedures for 5G system".

[26] IETF RFC 6749: "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework".

[27] 3GPP TS 29.510: "5G System; Network Function Repository Services; Stage 3".

[28] 3GPP TR 21.900: "Technical Specification Group working methods".

[29] 3GPP TS 24.292: "IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem Centralized Services (ICS);
Stage 3".

[30] 3GPP TS 26.114: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Multimedia telephony; Media handling and

[31] IETF RFC 5761: "Multiplexing RTP Data and Control Packets on a Single Port".

[32] 3GPP TS 24.229: "IP Multimedia Call Control Protocol based on SIP and SDP; Stage 3".

[33] 3GPP TS 23.228: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2".

[34] IETF RFC 5031: "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for Emergency and Other Well-Known

[35] IETF RFC 5009: "Private Header (P-Header) Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for
Authorization of Early Media".

[36] 3GPP TS 24.008: "Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3".

[37] IETF RFC 3556: "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Bandwidth Modifiers for RTP Control
Protocol (RTCP) Bandwidth".

[38] IETF RFC 3959 (December 2004): "The Early Session Disposition Type for the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP)".

[39] 3GPP TS 23.380: "IMS Restoration Procedures".

[40] 3GPP TS 23.167: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency sessions".

[41] 3GPP TS 24.379: "Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) call control; Protocol specification".

[42] IETF RFC 8101: "IANA Registration of New Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Resource-Priority
Namespace for Mission Critical Push To Talk Service".

[43] 3GPP TS 24.281: "Mission Critical Video (MCVideo) signalling control; Protocol specification".

[44] 3GPP TS 23.316: "Wireless and wireline convergence access support for the 5G System (5GS)".

[45] 3GPP TS 22.179: "Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT) over LTE; Stage 1".

[46] 3GPP TS 22.280: "Mission Critical (MC) services common requirements".

Release 16 12 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

[47] 3GPP TS 22.281: "Mission Critical (MC) video over LTE".

[48] 3GPP TS 22.282: "Mission Critical (MC) data over LTE".

[49] 3GPP TS 24.501: "Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3".

[50] IETF RFC 4574: "The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Label Attribute".

[51] 3GPP TS 26.238: "Uplink Streaming".

[52] IETF RFC 6733: "Diameter Base Protocol".

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following
apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in
3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

Application Function (AF): Element offering application(s) that use PDU session resources.

AF application session context: Application level session context established by an application level signalling
protocol offered by the AF that requires a session context set-up with explicit session context description before the use
of the service.

MCS session: A session for which priority treatment is applied for allocating and maintaining radio and network
resources to support the Mission Critical Service (MCS). MCS is defined in 3GPP TS 22.179 [45],
3GPP TS 22.280 [46], 3GPP TS 22.281 [47], and 3GPP TS 22.282 [48].

MPS session: A session for which priority treatment is applied for allocating and maintaining radio and network
resources to support the Multimedia Priority Service (MPS). MPS is defined in 3GPP TS 22.153 [23].

PCC rule: Set of information enabling the detection of a service data flow and providing parameters for policy control
and/or charging control.

Service information: Set of information conveyed from the AF/NEF to the PCF by the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization
service to be used as a basis for PCC decisions at the PCF, including information about the AF/NEF application session
context (e.g. application identifier, type of media, bandwidth, IP address and port number).

Service data flow: An aggregate set of packet flows.

3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An
abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in
3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

5G-RG 5G Residential Gateway

AF Application Function
ARP Allocation and Retention Priority
ATSSS Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting
BBF Broadband Forum
BMIC Bridge Management Information Container
BSSID Basic Service Set IDentifier
CHEM Coverage and Handoff Enhancements using Multimedia error robustness feature
CHF Charging Function
DEI Drop Eligible Indicator
DNAI DN Access Identifier

Release 16 13 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

DNN Data Network Name

DS-TT Device-side TSN translator
E-UTRA Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
FLUS Framework for Live Uplink Streaming
FN-RG Fixed Network Residential Gateway
GPSI Generic Public Subscription Identifier
HFC Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial
IMS IP-Multimedia Subsystem
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
MA Multi-Access
MCPTT Mission Critical Push to Talk Service
MCVideo Mission Critical Video
MPS Multimedia Priority Service
NEF Network Exposure Function
NID Network Identifier
NR New Radio
NRF Network Repository Function
NWDAF Network Data Analytics Function
NW-TT Network-side TSN translator
PCC Policy and Charging Control
PCF Policy Control Function
PCP Priority Code Point
P-CSCF Proxy Call Session Control Function
PEI Permanent Equipment Identifier
PMIC Port Management Information Container
PRA Presence Reporting Area
QoS Quality of Service
RFSP RAT Frequency Selection Priority
RTCP Real Time Control Protocol
RTP Real Time Protocol
SDF Service Data Flow
SDP Session Description Protocol
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SMF Session Management Function
S-NSSAI Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information
SNPN Stand-alone Non-Public Network
SSID Service Set IDentifier
SUPI Subscription Permanent Identifier
TNAP Trusted Non-3GPP Access Point
TSC Time Sensitive Communication
TSCAI Time Sensitive Communication Assistance Information
TSN Time Sensitive Networking
UDR Unified Data Repository
UPF User Plane Function
URSP UE Route Selection Policy
VID VLAN Identifier
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
W-5GAN Wireline 5G Access Network
W-5GBAN Wireline 5G BBF Access Network
W-5GCAN Wireline 5G Cable Access Network
W-AGF Wireline Access Gateway Function

Release 16 14 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

4 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service

4.1 Service Description

4.1.1 Overview
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and in 3GPP TS 23.503 [4], is provided by
the Policy Control Function (PCF).

The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service authorises an AF request and creates policies as requested by the authorised NF
service consumer for the PDU session to which the AF session is bound to. This service also allows the NF service
consumer to subscribe/unsubscribe to notifications on events (e.g. access type change, PLMN change, usage report,
access network information report).

4.1.2 Service Architecture

The 5G System Architecture is defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2]. The Policy and Charging control related 5G architecture
is also described in 3GPP TS 23.503 [4] and 3GPP TS 29.513 [7].

The only known NF service consumers of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service are the Application Function (AF) and
the Network Exposure Function (NEF).

The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service is provided by the PCF and consumed by the AF and the NEF, as shown in
figure 4.1.2-1 for the SBI representation model and in figure 4.1.2-2 for the reference point representation model.





Figure 4.1.2-1: Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service Architecture, SBI representation


Figure 4.1.2-2: Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service Architecture, reference point representation

The NEF can act as an AF using N5 reference point.

Release 16 15 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

4.1.3 Network Functions Policy Control Function (PCF)

The PCF (Policy Control Function) is a functional element that encompasses:

- policy control decision and flow based charging control functionalities;

- access and mobility policy decisions for the control of e.g. the UE Service Area Restrictions and RAT/RFSP
control; and

- UE Policy for the Access network discovery and selection policy and UE Route Selection Policy (URSP).

The policy control decision and flow based charging control functionalities enable the PCF to provide network control
regarding the service data flow detection, gating, QoS and flow based charging (except credit management) towards the

The PCF receives session and media related information from the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service consumers and
notifies them of subscribed traffic plane events.

The PCF may receive from the NF service consumers the request to monitor the requested service and media
information and notifies them of the UL/DL/round-trip delay of the requested flows.

The PCF may receive service routing requirements and the indication of receiving notifications about user plane path
changes from the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service consumers.

The PCF may receive from the NF service consumers the specific required QoS and a prioritized list of alternative QoS
profiles and notifies them about the QoS target the access network guarantees.

The PCF checks that the service information provided by the NF service consumer is consistent with the operator
defined policy rules before storing the service information.

The PCF uses the received service information and the subscription information when it applies as basis for the policy
and charging control decisions.

The PCF derives PCC rules and provisions them to the SMF via the Npcf_SMPolicyControl service and subscribes to
traffic plane events via policy control request triggers as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

In 5GS interworking with TSN networks, the PCF:

- notifies the TSN AF service consumer about the TSN bridge and DS-TT port information corresponding to a
PDU session;

- enables the TSN AF configures the TSN bridge and TSN ports by forwarding TSN bridge management
containers and TSN port management containers to the SMF as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8];

- notifies the TSN AF about updated TSN bridge configuration and TSN port configuration by forwarding TSN
bridge management containers and TSN port management containers received from the SMF; and

- uses the received QoS and TSC assistance information to derive the policy information delivered in the PCC rule
to the SMF as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. NF Service Consumers

The known NF service consumers are the AF and the NEF, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.502 [3].

The AF is an element offering control to applications that require the policy and charging control of traffic plane
resources; specific user plane paths for the requested traffic, the monitoring of the required service QoS, and/or specific
QoS and alternative QoS profiles. The AF uses the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service to provide service information to
the PCF.

In 5GS interworking with TSN networks, the TSN AF is an element offering to TSN control functions an interface to
5GS to forward TSN bridge and TSN port management configuration, and to set the QoS policy required to forward the
TSN traffic making use of the 5GS traffic plane resources.

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The AFs can be deployed by the same operator offering the access services or can be provided by external third-party
service provider. If the AF is not allowed by the operator to access directly the PCF, the AF uses the external exposure
framework via NEF to interact with the PCF, as described in subclause 5.20 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [2].

The Network Exposure Function (NEF) supports external exposure of capabilities of network functions.

4.2 Service Operations

4.2.1 Introduction
Service operations defined for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service are shown in table 4.2.1-1.

Table 4.2.1-1: Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service Operations

Service Operation Name Description Initiated by

Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create Determines and installs the policy according to AF, NEF
the service information provided by an authorized
NF service consumer.
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update Determines and updates the policy according to AF, NEF
the modified service information provided by an
authorized NF service consumer.
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete Provides means to delete the application session AF, NEF
context of the NF service consumer.
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify Notifies NF service consumers of the subscribed PCF
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe Allows NF service consumers to subscribe to the AF, NEF
notifications of events.
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe Allows NF service consumers to unsubscribe AF, NEF
from the notifications of events.

NOTE: The NEF and the AF use the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service in the same way. To improve the
readability of the service procedures, only the AF is mentioned in the following subclauses.

4.2.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation General
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation authorizes the request from the NF service consumer, and
optionally communicates with Npcf_SMPolicyControl service to determine and install the policy according to the
information provided by the NF service consumer.

The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation creates an application session context in the PCF.

The following procedures using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation are supported:

- Initial provisioning of service information.

- Gate control.

- Initial Background Data Transfer policy indication.

- Initial provisioning of sponsored connectivity information.

- Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS notification control.

- Subscription to Service Data Flow Deactivation.

- Initial provisioning of traffic routing information.

- Subscription to resources allocation outcome.

- Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services.

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- Support of content versioning.

- Request of access network information.

- Initial provisioning of service information status.

- Provisioning of signalling flow information.

- Support of resource sharing.

- Indication of Emergency traffic.

- Invocation of MCPTT.

- Invocation of MCVideo.

- Priority sharing indication.

- Subscription to out of credit notification.

- Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring information.

- Provisioning of TSCAI input information and TSC QoS related data.

- Provisioning of bridge management information and port management information.

- P-CSCF restoration enhancements.

- Support of CHEM feature.

- Support of FLUS feature.

- Subscription to EPS Fallback report.

- Subscription to TSN related events.

- Initial provisioning of required QoS information.

- Support of QoSHint feature.

- Subscription to reallocation of credit notification. Initial provisioning of service information

This procedure is used to set up an AF application session context for the service as defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2],
3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the initial provisioning of service information.


1. POST …/app-sessions

2. "201 Created"

Figure Initial provisioning of service information

Release 16 18 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

When a new AF application session context is being established and media information for this application session
context is available at the AF and the related media requires PCC control, the AF shall invoke the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation by sending the HTTP POST request to the resource URI
representing the "Application Sessions" collection resource of the PCF, as shown in figure, step 1.

The AF shall include in the "AppSessionContext" data type in the payload body of the HTTP POST request a partial
representation of the "Individual Application Session Context" resource by providing the "AppSessionContextReqData"
data type. The "Individual Application Session Context" resource and the "Events Subscription" sub-resource are
created as described below.

The AF shall provide in the body of the HTTP POST request:

- for IP type PDU sessions, the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the UE in the "ueIpv4" or "ueIpv6" attribute; and

- for Ethernet type PDU sessions, the MAC address of the UE in the "ueMac" attribute.

- if the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported, the "ueMac" attribute containing the MAC address of the
DS-TT port as received from the PCF during the reporting of bridge information as defined in

NOTE: The determination of the DS-TT MAC address is specified in subclause 5.28.2 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [2].

The AF shall provide the corresponding service information in the "medComponents" attribute if available. The AF
shall indicate to the PCF as part of the "medComponents" attribute whether the service data flow(s) (IP or Ethernet)
should be enabled or disabled with the "fStatus" attribute.

If the "AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS" feature as defined in subclause 5.8 is supported, the AF may provide within the
MediaComponent data structure required QoS information as specified in subclause

The AF may include the AF application identifier in the "afAppId" attribute into the body of the HTTP POST request in
order to indicate the particular service that the AF session belongs to.

The AF application identifier may be provided at both "AppSessionContextReqData" data type level, and
"MediaComponent" data type level. When provided at both levels, the AF application identifier provided at
"MediaComponent" data type level shall have precedence.

The AF application identifier at the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type level may be used to trigger the PCF to
indicate to the SMF/UPF to perform the application detection based on the operator's policy as defined in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

If the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, the AF may include the AF charging identifier in the "afChargId" attribute for
charging correlation purposes.

If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported the AF may provide TSN information as specified in
subclauses and

The AF may also include the "evSubsc" attribute of "EventsSubscReqData" data type to request the notification of
certain user plane events. The AF shall include the events to subscribe to in the "events" attribute, and the notification
URI where to address the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation in the "notifUri" attribute. The events
subscription is provisioned in the "Events Subscription" sub-resource.

The AF shall also include the "notifUri" attribute in the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type to indicate the URI
where the PCF can request to the AF the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" resource.

If the PCF cannot successfully fulfil the received HTTP POST request due to the internal PCF error or due to the error
in the HTTP POST request, the PCF shall send the HTTP error response as specified in subclause 5.7.

Otherwise, when the PCF receives the HTTP POST request from the AF, the PCF shall apply session binding as
described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. To allow the PCF to identify the PDU session for which the HTTP POST request
applies, the AF shall provide in the body of the HTTP POST request:

- for IP type PDU session, either the "ueIpv4" attribute or "ueIpv6" attribute containing the IPv4 or the IPv6
address applicable to an IP flow or IP flows towards the UE; and

Release 16 19 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- for Ethernet type PDU session, the "ueMac" attribute containing the UE MAC address applicable to an Ethernet
flow or Ethernet flows towards the UE.

The AF may provide DNN in the "dnn" attribute, SUPI in the "supi" attribute, GPSI in the "gpsi" attribute, the S-NSSAI
in the "sliceInfo" attribute if available for session binding. The AF may also provide the domain identity in the
"ipDomain" attribute.

NOTE 1: The "ipDomain" attribute is helpful in the following scenario: Within a network slice instance, there are
several separate IP address domains, with SMF/UPF(s) that allocate Ipv4 IP addresses out of the same
private address range to UE PDU Sessions. The same IP address can thus be allocated to UE PDU
sessions served by SMF/UPF(s) in different address domains. If one PCF controls several SMF/UPF(s) in
different IP address domains, the UE IP address is thus not sufficient for the session binding. An AF can
serve UEs in different IP address domains, either by having direct IP interfaces to those domains, or by
having interconnections via NATs in the user plane between the UPF and the AF. If a NAT is used, the
AF obtains the IP address allocated to the UE PDU session via application level signalling and supplies it
for the session binding to the PCF in the "ueIpv4" attribute. The AF supplies an "ipDomain" attribute
denoting the IP address domain behind the NAT in addition. The AF can derive the appropriate value
from the source address (allocated by the NAT) of incoming user plane packets. The value provided in
the "ipDomain" attribute is operator configurable.

NOTE 2: The "sliceInfo" attribute is helpful in the scenario where multiple network slice instances are deployed in
the same DNN, and the same IPv4 address may be allocated to UE PDU sessions in different network
slice instances. If one PCF controls several network slices, the UE IP address is not sufficient for the
session binding. The AF supplies "sliceInfo" attribute denoting the network slice instance that allocated
the IPv4 address of the UE PDU session. How the AF derives S-NSSAI is out of the scope of this

NOTE 3: When the scenario described in NOTE 1 applies and the AF is a P-CSCF it is assumed that the P-CSCF
has direct IP interfaces to the different IP address domains and that no NAT is located between the UPF
and P-CSCF. How a non-IMS AF obtains the UE private IP address to be provided to the PCF is out of
scope of the present release; it is unspecified how to support applications that use a protocol that does not
retain the original UE’s private IP address.

If the PCF fails in executing session binding, the PCF shall reject the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service
operation with an HTTP "500 Internal Server Error" response including the "cause" attribute set to

If the request contains the "medComponents" attribute the PCF shall store the received service information. The PCF
shall process the received service information according to the operator policy and may decide whether the request is
accepted or not. The PCF may take the priority information within the "resPrio" attribute into account when making this

If the service information provided in the body of the HTTP POST request is rejected (e.g. the subscribed guaranteed
bandwidth for a particular user is exceeded), the PCF shall indicate in an HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the
cause for the rejection including the "cause" attribute set to "REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED".

If the service information provided in the HTTP POST request is rejected due to a temporary condition in the network
(e.g. the NWDAF reported the network slice selected for the PDU session is congested), the PCF may include in the
"403 Forbidden" response the "cause" attribute set to
"REQUESTED_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_NOT_AUTHORIZED". The PCF may also provide a retry interval
within the "Retry-After" HTTP header field. When the AF receives the retry interval within the "Retry-After" HTTP
header field, the AF shall not send the same service information to the PCF again (for the same application session
context) until the retry interval has elapsed. The "Retry-After" HTTP header is described in 3GPP TS 29.500 [5]

The PCF may additionally provide the acceptable bandwidth within the attribute "acceptableServInfo" included in the
"ExtendedProblemDetails" data structure returned in the rejection response message.

To allow the PCF and SMF/UPF to perform PCC rule authorization and QoS flow binding for the described service data
flows, the AF shall supply:

- for IP type PDU session, both source and destination IP addresses and port numbers in the "fDescs" attribute
within the "medSubComps" attribute, if such information is available; and

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- for Ethernet type PDU session, the Ethernet Packet filters in the "ethfDescs" attribute within the
"medSubComps" attribute, if such information is available.

The AF may specify the ToS traffic class within the "tosTrCl" attribute for the described service data flows together
with the "fDescs" attribute.

The AF may include the "resPrio" attribute at the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type level to assign a priority to
the AF Session as well as include the "resPrio" attribute at the "MediaComponent" data type level to assign a priority to
the service data flow. The presence of the "resPrio" attribute in both levels does not constitute a conflict as they each
represent different types of priority. The reservation priority at the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type level
provides the relative priority for an AF session while the reservation priority at the "MediaComponent" data type level
provides the relative priority for a service data flow within a session. If the "resPrio" attribute is not specified, the
requested priority is PRIO_1.

The PCF shall check whether the received service information requires PCC rules to be created and provisioned as
specified in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. Provisioning of PCC rules to the SMF shall be carried out as specified at
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

Based on the received subscription information from the AF, the PCF may create a subscription to event notifications
for a related PDU session from the SMF, as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

If the PCF created an "Individual Application Session Context" resource, the PCF shall send to the AF a "201 Created"
response to the HTTP POST request, as shown in figure, step 2. The PCF shall include in the "201 Created"

- a Location header field; and

- an "AppSessionContext" data type in the payload body.

The Location header field shall contain the URI of the created individual application session context resource i.e.

When "Events Subscription" sub-resource is created in this procedure, the AF shall build the sub-resource URI by
adding the path segment "/events-subscription" at the end of the URI path received in the Location header field.

The "AppSessionContext" data type payload body shall contain the representation of the created "Individual
Application Session Context" resource and may include the "Events Subscription" sub-resource.

The PCF shall include in the "evsNotif" attribute:

- if the AF subscribed to the event "PLMN_CHG" in the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute set to
"PLMN_CHG" and the "plmnId" attribute including the PLMN identifier and, if available, the NID if the PCF
has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF;

- if the AF subscribed to the event "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" in the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute
set to "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" and:

i. the "accessType" attribute including the access type, and the "ratType" attribute including the RAT type
when applicable for the notified access type; and

ii. if the "ATSSS" feature is supported, the "addAccessInfo" attribute with the additional access type
information if available, where the access type is encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type is
encoded in the "ratType" attribute when applicable for the notified access type; and

NOTE 4: For a MA PDU session, if the "ATSSS" feature is not supported by the AF the PCF includes the
"accessType" attribute and the "ratType" attribute with a currently active combination of access type and
RAT type (if applicable for the notifed access type). When both 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses are
available, the PCF includes the information corresponding to the 3GPP access.

iii. the "anGwAddr" attribute including access network gateway address when available,

if the PCF has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF; and

- if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported and if the AF subscribed to the "CHARGING_CORRELATION" event in
the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute set to "CHARGING_CORRELATION" and may include the

Release 16 21 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

"anChargIds" attribute containing the access network charging identifier(s) and the "anChargAddr" attribute
containing the access network charging address.

The AF subscription to other specific events using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create request is described in the
related subclauses. Notification of events when the applicable information is not available in the PCF when receiving
the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create request is described in subclause 4.2.5.

The acknowledgement towards the AF should take place before or in parallel with any required PCC rule provisioning
towards the SMF.

NOTE 5: The behaviour when the AF does not receive the HTTP response message, or when it arrives after the
internal timer waiting for it has expired, or when it arrives with an indication different than a success
indication, are outside the scope of this specification and based on operator policy. Gate control

This procedure is used by an AF to instruct the PCF about when the service data flow(s) are to be enabled or disabled
for a PDU session.

The AF shall include in the HTTP POST request message described in subclause the "fStatus" attribute for the
flows to be enabled or disabled within the "medComponents" or "medSubComponents" attributes.

If a "medSubComponents" attribute contains a "flowUsage" attribute with the value "RTCP", then the IP Flows
described by that media subcomponent shall be enabled in both directions irrespective of the value of the "fStatus"
attribute of the corresponding media component.

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate gate status for the corresponding active PCC rule(s).

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Initial Background Data Transfer policy indication

This procedure is used by an AF to indicate a transfer policy negotiated for background data transfer using the
Npcf_BDTPolicyControl service as described in 3GPP TS 29.554 [14].

The AF may include in the HTTP POST request message described in subclause a reference identifier related to
a transfer policy negotiated for background data transfer in the "bdtRefId" attribute.

NOTE 1: The PCF will retrieve the corresponding transfer policy from the UDR based on the reference identifier
within the "bdtRefId" attribute. In case only one PCF is deployed in the network, transfer policies can be
locally stored in the PCF and the interaction with the UDR is not required.

If the PCF cannot retrieve the transfer policy, the PCF shall set to TP_NOT_KNOWN the "servAuthInfo" attribute in
the HTTP response message to the AF to indicate that the transfer policy is unknown.

If the time window of the received transfer policy has expired, the PCF shall set to TP_EXPIRED the "servAuthInfo"
attribute in the HTTP response message to indicate to the AF that the transfer policy has expired. Otherwise, if the time
window of the received transfer policy has not yet occurred, the PCF shall set to TP_NOT_YET_OCCURRED the
"servAuthInfo" attribute in the HTTP response message to the AF to indicate that the time window of the transfer policy
has not yet occurred.

NOTE 2: In the case that the PCF cannot retrieve the transfer policy, the transfer policy time window has not yet
occurred or the transfer policy expired, the PCF makes the decision without considering the transfer

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Initial provisioning of sponsored connectivity information

This procedure is used by an AF to indicate sponsored data connectivity when "SponsoredConnectivity" feature is

The AF shall provide in the "AppSessionContext" data type of the HTTP POST request message described in
subclause an application service provider identity and a sponsor identity within the "aspId" attribute and

Release 16 22 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

"sponId" attribute within the "ascReqData" attribute. Additionally, the AF may provide an indication to the PCF of
sponsored data connectivity not enabled by including the "sponStatus" attribute set to "SPONSOR_DISABLED".

To support the usage monitoring of sponsored data connectivity, the AF may subscribe with the PCF to the notification
of usage threshold reached. The AF shall include:

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to

- the "usgThres" attribute of "UsageThreshold" data type in the "EventsSubscReqData" data type with:

a) the total volume in the "totalVolume" attribute; or

b) the uplink volume only in the "uplinkVolume" attribute; or

c) the downlink volume only in the "downlinkVolume"; and/or

d) the time in the "duration" attribute.

NOTE 1: If the AF is in the user plane, the AF can handle the usage monitoring and therefore it is not required to
provide a usage threshold to the PCF as part of the sponsored connectivity functionality.

When the AF indicated to enable sponsored data connectivity, and the UE is roaming in a VPLMN, the following
procedures apply:

- If the AF is located in the HPLMN, for home routed roaming case and when the operator policies do not allow
accessing the sponsored data connectivity with this roaming case, the H-PCF shall reject the service request and
shall include in the HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

- If the AF is located in the VPLMN, the V-PCF shall reject the service request and shall include in the HTTP
"403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

When the AF indicated to enable sponsored data connectivity, and the UE is non-roaming or roaming with the home
routed case and the operator policies allow accessing the sponsored data connectivity with this roaming case, the
following procedures apply:

- If the SMF does not support sponsored connectivity and the required reporting level for that service indicates a
sponsored connectivity level according to 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], then the PCF shall reject the request and shall
include in the HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

- If the SMF supports sponsored data connectivity feature or the required reporting level is different from
sponsored connectivity level as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], then the PCF, based on operator policies, shall
check whether it is required to validate the sponsored connectivity data. If it is required, it shall perform the
authorizations based on sponsored data connectivity profiles. If the authorization fails, the PCF shall include in
the HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

NOTE 2: The PCF is not required to verify that a trust relationship exists between the operator and the sponsors.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Subscriptions to Service Data Flow QoS notification control

The subscription to Service Data Flow QoS notification control is used by an AF to subscribe to receive a notification
when the GBR QoS targets for one or more service data flows can no longer (or can again) be guaranteed.

NOTE: It may happen that the GBR QoS targets for one or more PCC rules (i.e. Service Data Flows) cannot be
guaranteed, either permanently or temporarily in the radio access network.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message an event within the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to "QOS_NOTIF".

Release 16 23 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to QoS notification control for the corresponding
PCC rule(s) as described in in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Subscription to Service Data Flow Deactivation

This procedure is used by an AF to subscribe to the notification of deactivation of one or more Service Data Flows
within the AF application session context.

NOTE: It may happen that one or more PCC rules (i.e. Service Data Flows) are deactivated at the SMF at certain
time, either permanently or temporarily, due to e.g. release of resources or out of credit condition.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message an event within the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to service data flow deactivation for the
corresponding PCC rule(s) as described in in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Initial provisioning of traffic routing information

This procedure is used by an AF to:

- influence SMF traffic routing decisions to a local access to a Data Network identified by a DNAI; and/or

- request subscriptions to notifications about UP path management events related to the PDU session,

when "InfluenceOnTrafficRouting" feature is supported.

NOTE 1: The AF uses the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service for requests targeting specific on-going PDU sessions
of individual UE(s). The AF requests that target existing or future PDU Sessions of multiple UE(s) or any
UE are sent via the NEF and may target multiple PCF(s), as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7].

The AF shall include in the HTTP POST request message described in subclause the "afRoutReq" attribute of
"AfRoutingRequirement" data type with specific routing requirements for the application traffic flows either within
"AppSessionContextReqData" data type for the service indicated in the "afAppId" attribute, or within the
"medComponents" attribute. When provided at both levels, the "afRoutReq" attribute value in the "medComponents"
attribute shall have precedence over the "afRoutReq" attribute included in the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type.

The AF may include traffic routing requirements together with service information.

The AF may request to influence SMF traffic routing decisions to a DNAI. The AF shall include in the "afRoutReq"

a) A list of routes to locations of applications in the "routeToLocs" attribute. Each element of the list shall contain:

- a DNAI in the "dnai" attribute to indicate the location of the application towards which the traffic routing is
applied; and

- either a routing profile identifier in the "routeProfId" attribute, or the explicit routing information in the
"routeInfo" attribute.

The AF may include in the "afRoutReq" attribute:

a) Indication of application relocation possibility in the "appReloc" attribute.

b) Temporal validity during which the AF request is valid shall be indicated with the "startTime" and "stopTime"

c) Spatial validity during which the AF request is valid shall be indicated in terms of validity areas encoded in the
"spVal" attribute of "SpatialValidity" data type. The "SpatialValidity" data type consists of a list of presence
areas included in the "presenceInfoList" attribute, where each element shall include the presence reporting area

Release 16 24 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

identifier in the "praId" attribute and may include the elements composing a presence area encoded in the
attributes: "trackingAreaList", "ecgList", "ncgList", "globalRanNodeIdList".

d) Indication of UE IP address preservation in the "addrPreserInd" attribute if the URLLC feature is supported.

The AF may also subscribe to notifications about UP path management events. The AF shall include in the
"upPathChgSub" attribute:

- notifications of early and/or late DNAI change, using the attribute "dnaiChgType" indicating whether the
subscription is for "EARLY", "LATE" or "EARLY_LATE";

- the notification URI where the AF is receiving the Nsmf_EventExposure_Notify service operation in the
"notificationUri" attribute; and

- the notification correlation identifier assigned by the AF in the "notifCorreId" attribute.

If the URLLC feature is supported, the AF may include an indication of AF acknowledgement to be expected as an
"afAckInd" attribute within the "upPathChgSub" attribute.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

The PCF shall store the routing requirements included in the "afRoutReq" attribute.

The PCF shall check whether the received routing requirements requires PCC rules to be created or provisioned to
include or modify traffic steering policies, the AF transaction identifier and the application relocation possibility as
specified in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. Provisioning of PCC rules to the SMF shall be carried out as specified in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

NOTE 2: The AF receives the notification about UP path management events by the Nsmf_EventExposure_Notify
service operation as defined in subclause of 3GPP TS 29.508 [13]. Void Subscription to resources allocation outcome

This procedure is used by an AF to subscribe to notifications when the resources associated to the corresponding service
information have been allocated and/or cannot be allocated.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message:

- if the AF requests the PCF to provide a notification when the resources associated to the service information
have been allocated, an event entry within the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to

- if the AF requests the PCF to provide a notification when the resources associated to the service information
cannot be allocated, an event entry within the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

As a result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to notification of resources allocation outcome
for the corresponding PCC Rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Void Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services

This procedure allows an AF, as per 3GPP TS 22.153 [23], to request prioritized access to system resources in
situations such as during congestion.

Release 16 25 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

The AF may include the "mpsId" attribute to indicate that the new AF session relates to an MPS session.

The "mpsId" attribute shall contain the national variant for the MPS service name indicating an MPS session. The
"resPrio" attribute shall include the priority value of the related priority service.

If the AF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an MPS session, it shall include the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-
Priority" custom HTTP header towards the PCF as described in subclause 6.8.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

NOTE: If the AF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an MPS session, the AF will include the
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header with a priority value equivalent to the value of the
"resPrio" attribute. Highest user priority value is mapped in the corresponding lowest value of the "3gpp-
Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header.

When the PCF receives the "mpsId" attribute indicating an MPS session, the PCF shall take specific actions on the
corresponding PDU session to ensure that the MPS session is prioritized as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Support of content versioning

The support of the media component versioning is optional. When the "MediaComponentVersioning" feature is
supported, the AF and the PCF shall comply with the procedures specified in this subclause.

If required by operator policies, the AF shall assign a content version to the media component related to certain service
and shall provide assigned content version to the PCF in the "contVer" attribute included in the corresponding media
component entry of the "medComponents" attribute.

If the PCF receives the "contVer" attribute for a certain media component, the PCF shall follow the procedures
described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause Request of access network information

This procedure is used by an AF to request the PCF to report the access network information (i.e. user location and/or
user timezone information) at the creation of the "Individual Application Session Context" resource, when the "NetLoc"
feature is supported.

The AF shall include in the HTTP POST request message described in subclause

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

When the PCF determines that the access network does not support the access network information reporting because
the SMF does not support the NetLoc feature, the PCF shall respond to the AF including in the "EventsNotification"
data type the "noNetLocSupp" attribute set to "ANR_NOT_SUPPORTED" value. Otherwise, the PCF shall
immediately configure the SMF to provide such access information, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause Initial provisioning of service information status

When the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, the AF may provide the status of the service information.

If the AF provides service information that has been fully negotiated (e.g. based on the SDP answer), the AF may
include the "servInfStatus" attribute set to "FINAL". In this case the PCF shall authorize the session and provision the
corresponding PCC rules to the SMF.

The AF may additionally provide preliminary service information not fully negotiated yet (e.g. based on the SDP offer)
at an earlier stage. To do so, the AF shall include the "servInfStatus" attribute set to "PRELIMINARY". Upon receipt of

Release 16 26 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

such preliminary service information, the PCF shall perform an early authorization check of the service information. If
the AF requests the PCF to report the access network information together with preliminary service information, the
PCF shall immediately configure the SMF to provide the access network information. Provisioning of signalling flow information

This subclause is applicable when IMS restoration is supported according to the supported feature "ProvAFsignalFlow"
as described in subclause 5.8.

This procedure allows an AF to provision information about the AF signalling IP flows between the UE and the AF.

The AF shall provide:

- the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the UE in the "ueIPv4" or "ueIPv6" attribute; and

- a media component within the "medComponents" attribute including:

- the "medCompN" attribute set to "0"; and

- one or more media subcomponents within the "medSubComps" attribute representing the AF signalling IP
flows, where each media subcomponent shall contain:

- the "flowUsage" attribute set to the value "AF_SIGNALLING";

- the "fNum" attribute set according to the rules described in Annex C;

- the "fDesc" attribute containing the IP flows of the AF signalling flow;

- the "fStatus" set to the value "ENABLED"; and

- the "afSigProtocol" set to the value corresponding to the signalling protocol used between the UE and the

The PCF shall perform session binding and shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

PCC rules related to the AF signalling IP flows could have been provisioned to SMF using the corresponding
procedures specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] at an earlier stage (e.g. typically at the establishment of the QoS flow for
AF Signalling IP Flows). The PCF shall install the corresponding dynamic PCC rule for the AF signalling IP flows.

The AF may de-provision the information about the AF signalling IP flows at any time. To do that, if the "Individual
Application Session Context" resource is only used to provide information about the AF Signalling IP flows, the AF
shall remove the resource by sending an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation as service operation
towards the PCF as defined in subclause Otherwise, the AF shall remove the IP flows within the media
component invoking the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation as defined in subclause Support of resource sharing

This procedure is used by an AF to indicate that a media component of an Individual Application Session Context
resource may share resources with other media components in the related direction in other Individual Application
Session Context resources when the "ResourceSharing" feature is supported.

The AF may include the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute within a media component of the
"medComponents" attribute to indicate that the related media of the created new Individual Application Session Context
resource may share resources with other media components in the related direction that include the same value for the
"sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute.

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause

If the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute are provided within a media component of the
"medComponents" attribute, the PCF may apply the mechanisms for resource sharing as described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause

Release 16 27 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Indication of Emergency traffic

When the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, this procedure allows an AF to indicate that the new AF session context
relates to emergency traffic.

The AF may include the "servUrn" attribute to indicate that the new AF session context relates to emergency traffic.
Additionally, the AF may include the "afReqData" attribute to indicate the additional information requested for the AF
session context.

When the PCF receives the "servUrn" attribute indicating an emergency session, the PCF may apply special policies,
for instance prioritising service flows relating to the new AF session context or allowing these service flows free of

If the "servUrn" attribute indicates that the new AF session context relates to emergency traffic and the "afReqData"
attribute is received, the PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause and shall provide the requested
available user information in the "ueIds" attribute included within the "ascRespData" attribute in the HTTP "201
Created" response.

If the AF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an emergency session, it shall include the
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header towards the PCF as described in subclause 6.8.2 of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

NOTE: If the AF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an emergency session, the AF includes the
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header based on AF policies in relation to valid values of the
"servUrn" attribute. The highest user priority value is mapped to the corresponding lowest value of the
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header.

When the new AF session context does not indicate emergency traffic and the session binding function detects that the
binding is to a PDU session established to the Emergency DNN, the PCF shall reject the HTTP POST request and shall
indicate in an HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the cause for the rejection including the "cause" attribute set to

When the feature "MCPTT" is supported by the AF and the PCF, this procedure allows an AF to request prioritized
access to system resources in situations such as an MCPTT session with priority call.

The AF may include the "mcpttId" attribute to indicate that the new "Individual Application Session Context" resource
relates to an MCPTT session with priority call.

When the PCF receives the "mcpttId" attribute indicating an MCPTT session and the "resPrio" attribute, the PCF shall
take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to ensure that the MCPTT session is prioritized as specified in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

Additionally, when the "PrioritySharing" feature is supported, the PCF may receive the "prioSharingInd" attribute
within the media component received in the "medComponents" attribute as described in subclause In this case,
and if "MCPTT-Preemption" feature is supported, the PCF may receive pre-emption information as also described in

For the handling of MCPTT session with priority call, see Annex B.13 Invocation of MCVideo

When the feature "MCVideo" is supported by the AF and the PCF, this procedure allows an AF to request prioritized
access to system resources in situations such as an MCVideo session with priority call.

The AF may include the "mcVideoId" attribute to indicate that the new "Individual Application Session Context"
resource relates to an MCVideo session with priority call.

When the PCF receives the "mcVideoId" attribute indicating an MCVideo session and the "resPrio" attribute, the PCF
shall take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to ensure that the MCVideo session is prioritized as
specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

For the handling of MCVideo session with priority call, see Annex B.15

Release 16 28 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Priority sharing indication

When the "PrioritySharing" feature is supported, the AF may indicate to the PCF that the related media flow is allowed
to use the same Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) as media flows belonging to other "Individual Application
Session Context" resources.

The AF may include the "prioSharingInd" attribute set to "ENABLED" within a media component of the
"medComponents" attribute to indicate to the PCF that the related media flow is allowed to use the same Allocation and
Retention Priority as media flows which:

- are assigned the same 5QI in the PCF; and

- belong to other "Individual Application Session Context" resources bound to the same PDU session that also
contain the "prioSharingInd" attribute set to "ENABLED".

If the "MCPTT-Preemption" feature is supported, the AF may also include:

- within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute, the "preemptCap" attribute containing the
suggested pre-emption capability value and the "preemptVuln" attribute containing the suggested pre-emption
vulnerability value, for the PCF to determine ARP values;

- within the "ascReqData" attribute in the request body, the "preemptControlInfo" attribute containing the pre-
emption control information for the PCF to perform pre-emption control as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8],
subclause; and

- within the "evSubsc" attribute, the "event" attribute set to "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" to request
the notification for resource allocation failure.

Upon reception of this information, the PCF shall behave as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause For
the handling of MCPTT sessions, see Annex B.10.

NOTE 1: Service data flow deactivation procedures will apply according to subclauses,,

NOTE 2: This enhancement avoids the risk that a QoS flow establishment request is rejected if the maximum
number of active QoS flows is exceeded.

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause Subscription to Out of Credit notification

This procedure is used by the AF if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported to subscribe to notifications of credit not
available for the Service Data Flows within the AF application session context.

NOTE: It can happen that there are one or more PCC rules (i.e. Service Data Flows) with credit not available,
each one with their corresponding termination action (terminate, redirect, access restricted).

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message an event within the "evSubsc" attribute with the "event" attribute set to the value

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to out of credit notification for the corresponding
PCC rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause Subscriptions to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information

The subscription to Service Data Flow QoS monitoring information is used by an AF to receive a notification about the
packet delay between UPF and RAN.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include:

- the requested QoS monitoring parameter(s) to be measured (i.e. DL, UL and/or round trip packet delay) within
the "reqQosMonParams" attribute;

Release 16 29 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "QOS_MONITORING"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "EVENT_DETECTION", "PERIODIC" or


c) when the "notifMethod" attribute is set to the value "PERIODIC", the reporting period within the "repPeriod"
attribute; and

d) when the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "EVENT_DETECTION", the minimum waiting time
between subsequent reports within the "waitTime" attribute.

- when the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "EVENT_DETECTION", the "qosMon" attribute, with the
required Qos Monitoring information, i.e.:

- the delay threshold for downlink with the "repThreshDl" attribute;

- the delay threshold for uplink with the "repThreshUl" attribute; and/or

- the delay threshold for round trip with the "repThreshRp" attribute.

The AF shall include more than one "AfEventSubscription" data type within the "EventsSubscReqData" data type if
more than one notify method is required.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to QoS Monitoring information for the
corresponding PCC rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Provisioning of TSCAI input Information and QoS related data

If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported the TSN AF may provide TSCAI input information and QoS
related data to the PCF by the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation to describe the TSC traffic pattern
and QoS characteristics for use in the 5G System.

The TSN AF shall derive the TSCAI input information and the QoS related data for a given TSN stream or flow of
aggregated TSN streams as defined in subclauses 5.27.2 and 5.28.4 of 3GPP TS 23.501 [2] respectively.

To indicate the TSCAI input information of a TSN stream or aggregated set of TSN streams, the TSN AF may include
for the uplink flow direction (ingress interface of the DS-TT/UE) in the "tscaiInputUl" attribute and/or for the downlink
flow direction (ingress interface of the NW-TT) the "tscaiInputDl" attribute included in a media component entry of the
"medComponents" attribute:

- the time period between the start of two bursts of a TSN stream or aggregated TSN streams in reference to the
TSN GM encoded in the "periodicity" attribute; and

- the arrival time of the first data burst of a TSN stream or aggregated TSN streams in reference to the TSN GM
encoded in the "burstArrivalTime" attribute.

The uplink and/or downlink flow of the TSN stream or aggregated set of TSN streams shall be encoded within the
corresponding "MediaSubComponent" entries of the "medSubComps" attribute, in the "ethfDescs" attribute.

To indicate the TSC QoS related data of a TSN stream or aggregated set of TSN streams, the TSN AF may include in
the "tsnQos" attribute included in a media component entry of the "medComponents" attribute;

- the maximum burst size encoded in the "maxTscBurstSize" attribute;

- the maximum time a packet may be delayed encoded in the "tscPackDelay" attribute;

- the TSC traffic priority in scheduling resources among other TSN streams encoded in the "tscPrioLevel"

The TSN AF may also include the max bitrates in uplink and downlink within the "marBwUl" attribute and the
"marBwDl" attribute of the "medComponents" attribute respectively.

Release 16 30 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

The PCF shall reply to the TSN AF as described in subclause

The PCF shall check whether the received TSCAI input container and TSC QoS related data require to create PCC rules
to provide the SMF with derived QoS characteristics and the received TSCAI input container. Provisioning of PCC
rule(s) to the SMF shall be carried out as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Provisioning of bridge management information and port management

If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported the AF may provide a BMIC for the Bridge functionality of
UPF/NW-TT and PMIC(s) for the DS-TT port and/or the NW-TT ports to configure the 5G system as a TSN bridge by
invoking the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation to the PCF.

The AF may include in the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type:

- the DS-TT PMIC encoded in the attribute "tsnPortManContDstt" and/or the one or more NW-TT PMIC(s)
encoded in the "tsnPortManContNwtts" attribute, if available, for the DS-TT port and NW-TT ports allocated for
a PDU session. The PMIC(s) are encoded in the "PortManagementContainer" data type, which includes the port
management information in the "portManCont" attribute and the related TSN port number in the "portNum"
attribute; and/or

- the BMIC encoded in the "tsnBridgeManCont", if available, for the Bridge functionality of the UPF/NW-TT
allocated for a PDU session. The BMIC is encoded in the "BridgeManagementContainer" data type. Invocation of Mission Critical Services

This procedure allows an AF, as per 3GPP TS 22.179 [45], to request prioritized access to system resources in
situations such as during congestion.

The AF may include the "mcsId" attribute to indicate that the new AF session relates to an MCS session.

The "mcsId" attribute shall contain the national variant for the MCS service name indicating an MCS session. The
"resPrio" attribute shall include the priority value of the related priority service.

If the AF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an MCS session, it shall include the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-
Priority" custom HTTP header towards the PCF as described in subclause 6.8.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

NOTE: If the AF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an MCS session, the AF will include the
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header with a priority value equivalent to the value of the
"resPrio" attribute. Highest user priority value is mapped in the corresponding lowest value of the "3gpp-
Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header.

When the PCF receives the "mcsId" attribute indicating an MCS session, the PCF shall take specific actions on the
corresponding PDU session to ensure that the MCS session is prioritised as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. P-CSCF restoration enhancements

The P-CSCF restoration custom operation is applicable when the PCF based Restoration Enhancement, as defined in
3GPP TS 23.380 [39], represented by the supported feature "PCSCF-Restoration-Enhancement" is supported by both P-

Figure illustrates the P-CSCF restoration enhancements.

Release 16 31 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)


1. POST « pcscf-restoration

2. "204 No Content"

Figure P-CSCF restoration enhancements

The P-CSCF acting as an AF shall invoke the "P-CSCF restoration" custom operation sending an HTTP POST request
to the resource URI representing the custom operation (POST …/pcscf-restoration) as shown in figure,
step 1, in case P-CSCF restoration needs to be performed.

The P-CSCF shall include in the "PcscfRestorationRequestData" data type in the payload body of the HTTP POST

- the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the UE in the "ueIpv4" or "ueIpv6" attribute, and if the IP address is not unique
(e.g. private IPv4 case), the "ipDomain" attribute or the "sliceInfo" attribute if available; or

- if the IP address is not available or if the IP address is not unique and the "ipDomain" attribute and the
"sliceInfo" attribute are not available, the SUPI in the "supi" attribute and the DNN in the "dnn" attribute.

The PCF shall identify the PDU session for which the HTTP POST request applies. If the PCF fails in identifying the
PDU session, the PCF shall reject the "P-CSCF restoration" custom operation with an HTTP "500 Internal Server Error"
response including the "cause" attribute set to "PDU_SESSION_NOT_AVAILABLE".

Otherwise, the PCF shall acknowledge the request and shall send to the AF a "204 No content" response to the HTTP
POST request, as shown in figure, step 2.

The PCF shall send a request for P-CSCF restoration to the SMF for the corresponding PDU session as described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause Support of CHEM feature

When CHEM feature is supported, the AF may include the value of Maximum Packet Loss Rate for UL within the
"maxPacketLossRateUl" attribute and/or the value of Maximum Packet Loss Rate for DL within the
"maxPacketLossRateDl" attribute in "medComponents" attribute. For CHEM feature, see Annex B.14. Support of FLUS feature

When "FLUS" feature is supported by the AF, the AF may include the "flusId" attribute within a media component of
the "medComponents" attribute to indicate that the related media of the created new Individual Application Session
Context resource corresponds to a FLUS media stream. Additional QoS information for the treatment of FLUS media
may be provided within "desMaxLatency" attribute and/or "desMaxLoss" attribute. Subscription to EPS Fallback report

When the "EPSFallbackReport" feature is supported, the AF subscribes to EPS Fallback report to be notified of the
rejection in 5GS of the requested resources associated to service information for voice media type and the subsequent
fallback to EPS of the resources associated to the voice media and other medias requested by this AF.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message an event within the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to "EPS_FALLBACK". The

Release 16 32 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

AF shall request to the PCF to report EPS Fallback in conjuction with providing the PCF with AF service information
for voice media type as described in subclause

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to EPS Fallback report for the corresponding PCC
rule(s) as described in in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Subscription to TSN related events

This procedure is used by the TSN AF if the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported to subscribe to
notifications of new 5GS Bridge information, e.g., new TSN port detected and/or DS-TT PMIC and/or NW-TT
PMIC(s) and/or BMIC availability within the Individual Application Session Context resource created to handle the
TSN Bridge in the context of a PDU session.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message within the "evSubsc" attribute an event within "events" attribute with the "event" attribute set to
the value "TSN_BRIDGE_INFO" to subscribe to the reception of 5GS Bridge information

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause Initial provisioning of required QoS information

This procedure is used by an AF to request that a data session to a UE is set up with a specific QoS (e.g. low latency or
jitter) and priority handling when the "AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS" feature is supported.

The AF may provide within one or more entries of the "medComponents" attribute included in the "ascReqData"
attribute of the HTTP POST request message described in subclause a reference to pre-defined QoS information
within the "qosReference" attribute.

Additionally, if the AF supports adjustment to different QoS parameter combinations, the AF may provide a prioritized
list of one or more QoS references within the "altSerReqs" attribute, where the lower the index of the array for a given
entry, the higher the priority.

When the AF provides the "altSerReqs" attribute, the AF shall also subscribe to receive notifications from the PCF
when the resources associated to the corresponding service information have been allocated as described in
subclause and when the GBR QoS targets for one or more service data flows can no longer (or can again) be
guaranteed, as described in subclause

Due to the received QoS information, the PCF may need to provision or modify the related PCC rules as specified in
3GPP TS 29.513 [7] and provide the related information towards the SMF following the corresponding procedures
specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Support of QoSHint feature

If the QoSHint feature is supported by the AF, the AF may include the "desMaxLatency" attribute and/or "desMaxLoss"
attribute within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute to indicate that the related media of the created
Individual Application Session Context resource has specific latency and/or loss demands. Subscription to Reallocation of Credit notification

This procedure is used by the AF if the "IMS_SBI" and the "ReallocationOfCredit" features are supported to subscribe
to notifications of reallocation of credit for the Service Data Flows within the AF application session context.

The AF shall use the "EventsSubscReqData" data type as described in subclause and shall include in the HTTP
POST request message an event within the "evSubsc" attribute with the "event" attribute set to the value

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to reallocation of credit notification for the
corresponding PCC rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

Release 16 33 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause

4.2.3 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation General
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation provides updated application level information from the NF
service consumer and optionally communicates with the Npcf_SMPolicyControl service to determine and install the
policy according to the information provided by the NF service consumer.

The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation updates an application session context in the PCF.

The following procedures using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation are supported:

- Modification of service information.

- Gate control.

- Background Data Transfer policy indication at policy authorization update.

- Modification of sponsored connectivity information.

- Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS notification control.

- Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow Deactivation.

- Update of traffic routing information.

- Modification of subscription to resources allocation outcome.

- Modification of Multimedia Priority Services.

- Support of content versioning.

- Request of access network information.

- Modification of service information status.

- Support of SIP forking.

- Provisioning of signalling flow information.

- Support of resource sharing.

- Modification of MCPTT.

- Modification of MCVideo.

- Priority sharing indication.

- Modification of subscription to out of credit notification.

- Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information.

- Update of TSCAI Input Information and TSC QoS related data.

- Provisioning of bridge management information and port management information.

- Support of CHEM feature.

- Support of FLUS feature.

- Subscription to EPS Fallback report.

- Modification of required QoS information.

- Support of QoSHint feature.

Release 16 34 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- Modification of subscription to reallocation of credit notification. Modification of service information

This procedure is used to modify an existing application session context as defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2],
3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the modification of service information using HTTP PATCH method.


1. PATCH …/app-sessions/{appSessionId}

2. "200 OK"

Figure Modification of service information using HTTP PATCH

The AF may modify the application session context information at any time (e.g. due to an AF session modification or
internal AF trigger) and invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation by sending the HTTP PATCH
request message to the resource URI representing the "Individual Application Session Context" resource, as shown in
figure, step 1, with the modifications to apply.

The JSON body within the PATCH request shall include the "AppSessionContextUpdateData" data type and shall be
encoded according to "JSON Merge Patch", as defined in IETF RFC 7396 [21].

The AF may include the updated service information in the "medComponents" attribute.

If the "AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS" feature as defined in subclause 5.8 is supported, the AF may provide within the
MediaComponentRm data structure an update of the required QoS information as specified in subclause

The AF may include in the "AppSessionContextUpdateData" data type an AF application identifier in the "afAppId"
attribute to trigger the PCF to indicate to the SMF/UPF to perform the application detection based on the operator's
policy as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported the AF may provide TSN information as specified in
subclauses and

The AF may also create, modify or remove events subscription information by sending the HTTP PATCH request
message to the resource URI representing the "Individual Application Session Context" resource.

The AF shall create event subscription information by including in the "AppSessionContextUpdateData" data type the
"evSubsc" attribute of "EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type with the corresponding list of events to subscribe to; and the
"notifUri" attribute with the notification URI where the PCF shall send the notifications.

The AF shall update existing event subscription information by including in the "AppSessionContextUpdateData" data
type and updated value of the "evSubsc" attribute of the "EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type as follows:

- The "events" attribute shall include the new complete list of subscribed events.

- When the AF requests to update the additional information related to an event (e.g. the AF needs to provide new
thresholds to the PCF in the "usgThres" attribute related to the "USAGE_REPORT" event) the AF shall include
the additional information, which shall completely replace the previously provided one.

NOTE 1: Note that when the AF requests to remove an event, this event is not included in the "events" attribute.

Release 16 35 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

NOTE 2: When an event is included in the "events" attribute and its related additional information is set to null, the
PCF considers the subscription to this event is active, but the related procedures stop applying.

NOTE 3: When an event is removed from the "events" attribute but its related information is not set to null, the
PCF considers the subscription to this event is terminated, the related additional information is removed,
and the related procedures stop applying.

The AF shall remove existing event subscription information by setting to null the "evSubsc" attribute included in the
"AppSessionContextUpdateData" data type.

Events with "notifMethod" set to "ONE_TIME" shall only apply at the time the AF requests their subscription. Once
the event report is performed, the subscription to this event is automatically terminated in the PCF and the related
information is removed. The presence of a one-time event, together with its related additional information when
applicable, during an update procedure shall represent the recreation of the subscription to this event in the PCF.

NOTE 4: The "notifUri" attribute within the EventsSubscReqData data structure can be modified to request that
subsequent notifications are sent to a new NF service consumer.

If the PCF cannot successfully fulfil the received HTTP PATCH request due to the internal PCF error or due to the error
in the HTTP PATCH request, the PCF shall send the HTTP error response or, if the feature "ES3XX" is supported, an
HTTP redirect response as specified in subclause 5.7.

Otherwise, the PCF shall process the received service information according the operator policy and may decide
whether the HTTP request message is accepted or not.

If the updated service information is not acceptable (e.g. the subscribed guaranteed bandwidth for a particular user is
exceeded), the PCF shall include in an HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

If the service information provided in the HTTP PATCH request is rejected due to a temporary condition in the network
(e.g. the NWDAF reported the network slice selected for the PDU session is congested), the PCF may include in the
"403 Forbidden" response the "cause" attribute set to
"REQUESTED_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_NOT_AUTHORIZED". The PCF may also provide a retry interval
within the "Retry-After" HTTP header field. When the AF receives the retry interval within the "Retry-After" HTTP
header field, the AF shall not send the same service information to the PCF again (for the same application session
context) until the retry interval has elapsed. The "Retry-After" HTTP header is described in 3GPP TS 29.500 [5]

The PCF may additionally provide the acceptable bandwidth within the attribute "acceptableServInfo" included in the
"ExtendedProblemDetails" data structure returned in the rejection response message.

If the request is accepted, the PCF shall update the service information with the new information received. Due to the
updated service information, the PCF may need to create, modify or delete the related PCC rules as specified in
3GPP TS 29.513 [7] and provide the updated information towards the SMF following the corresponding procedures
specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

Based on the received subscription information from the AF, the PCF may create a subscription to event notifications or
may modify the existing subscription to event notifications, for a related PDU session from the SMF, as described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply with the HTTP response message to the AF and may include the "AppSessionContext" data type
payload body with the representation of the modified "Individual Application Session Context" resource and may
include the "Events Subscription" sub-resource.

The PCF shall include in the "evsNotif" attribute:

- if the AF subscribed to the "PLMN_CHG" event in the HTTP PATCH request, the "event" attribute set to
"PLMN_CHG" and the "plmnId" attribute including the PLMN identifier and, if available, the NID if the PCF
has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF;

- if the AF subscribed to the event "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" event in the HTTP PATCH request, the "event"
attribute set to "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" and: the attributes

i. the "accessType" attribute including the access type, and the "ratType" attribute including the RAT type
when applicable for the notified access type; and

Release 16 36 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

ii. if the "ATSSS" feature is supported, the "addAccessInfo" attribute with the additional access type
information if available, where the access type is encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type is
encoded in the "ratType" attribute when applicable for the notified access type; and

NOTE 5: For a MA PDU session, if the "ATSSS" feature is not supported by the AF the PCF includes the
"accessType" attribute and the "ratType" attribute with a currently active combination of access type and
RAT type (if applicable for the notifed access type). When both 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses are
available, the PCF includes the information corresponding to the 3GPP access.

iii. the "anGwAddr" attribute including access network gateway address when available,

if the PCF has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF; and

- if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported and if the AF subscribed to the "CHARGING_CORRELATION" event in
the HTTP PATCH request, the "event" attribute set to "CHARGING_CORRELATION" and may include the
"anChargIds" attribute containing the access network charging identifier(s) and the "anChargAddr" attribute
containing the access network charging address.

The AF subscription to other specific events using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update request is described in the
related subclauses. Notification of events when the applicable information is not available in the PCF when receiving
the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update request is described in subclause 4.2.5.

The HTTP response message towards the AF should take place before or in parallel with any required PCC rule
provisioning towards the SMF.

If the PCF does not have an existing application session context for the application session context being modified
(such as after a PCF failure), the PCF shall reject the HTTP request message with the HTTP response message with the
applicable rejection cause. Gate control

This procedure is used by an AF to modify in the PCF the service data flow(s) that are to be enabled or disabled to pass
through the PDU session.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to modify the gate control information.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the "fStatus" attribute for the
flows to be enabled or disabled with the appropriate value.

If a "medSubComponents" attribute contains a "flowUsage" attribute with the value "RTCP", then the IP Flows
described by that media subcomponent shall be enabled in both directions irrespective of the value of the "fStatus"
attribute of the corresponding media component.

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate gate status for the corresponding active PCC rule(s).

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Background Data Transfer policy indication at policy authorization update

This procedure is used by an AF to indicate at policy authorization update a transfer policy negotiated for background
data transfer using the Npcf_BDTPolicyControl service as described in 3GPP TS 29.554 [14].

The AF may include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause a new reference id in the
"bdtRefId" attribute.

NOTE 1: The PCF will retrieve the corresponding transfer policy from the UDR based on the reference identifier
within the "bdtRefId" attribute. In case only one PCF is deployed in the network, transfer policies can be
locally stored in the PCF and the interaction with the UDR is not required.

If the PCF cannot retrieve the transfer policy, the PCF shall set to TP_NOT_KNOWN the "servAuthInfo" attribute in
the HTTP response message to the AF to indicate that the transfer policy is unknown.

If the time window of the received transfer policy has expired, the PCF shall set to TP_EXPIRED the "servAuthInfo"
attribute in the HTTP response message to indicate to the AF that the transfer policy has expired. Otherwise, if the time

Release 16 37 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

window of the received transfer policy has not yet occurred, the PCF shall set to TP_NOT_YET_OCCURRED the
"servAuthInfo" attribute in the HTTP response message to the AF to indicate that the time window of the transfer policy
has not yet occurred.

NOTE 2: In the case that the PCF cannot retrieve the transfer policy, the transfer policy time window has not yet
occurred or the transfer policy expired, the PCF makes the decision without considering the transfer

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Modification of sponsored connectivity information

This procedure is used by an AF to modify sponsored data connectivity when "SponsoredConnectivity" feature is

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to modify the sponsored connectivity information.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause an application service
provider identity and a sponsor identity within the "aspId" attribute and "sponId" attribute, and optionally an indication
of whether to enable or disable sponsored data connectivity within the "sponStatus" attribute set to the applicable value
to provide sponsored connectivity information or to update existing sponsored connectivity information.

If the AF requests to enable sponsored data connectivity the AF shall change the "sponStatus" attribute value to

If the AF requests to disable sponsored data connectivity the AF shall provide an indication to disable sponsored data
connectivity to the PCF by setting the "sponStatus" attribute to "SPONSOR_DISABLED".

To support the usage monitoring of sponsored data connectivity, the AF may also include in the HTTP PATCH a new
or modified "evSubsc" attribute of "EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type with:

- the usage thresholds to apply in the "usgThres" attribute; and

- the subscription to usage monitoring for sponsored data connectivity in an entry of the "events" attribute of the
"AfEventSubscription" data type with the "event" attribute set to "USAGE_REPORT".

NOTE 1: If the AF is in the user plane, the AF can handle the usage monitoring and therefore it is not required to
provide a usage threshold to the PCF as part of the sponsored data connectivity information.

When the AF indicated to enable sponsored data connectivity, and the UE is roaming with the visited access case, the
following procedures apply:

- If the AF is located in the HPLMN, for home routed roaming case and when operator policies do not allow
accessing the sponsored data connectivity with this roaming case, the H-PCF shall reject the service request and
shall include in the HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

- If the AF is located in the VPLMN, the V-PCF shall reject the service request and shall include in the HTTP
"403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

When the AF indicated to enable sponsored data connectivity, and the UE is in the non-roaming case or roaming with
the home routed case and the operator policies allow accessing the sponsored data connectivity with this roaming case,
the following procedures apply:

- If the SMF does not support sponsored connectivity and the required reporting level for that service indicates a
sponsored connectivity level according to 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], then the PCF shall reject the request and shall
include in the HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

- If the SMF supports sponsored data connectivity feature or the required reporting level is different from
sponsored connectivity level as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], then the PCF, based on operator policies, shall
check whether it is required to validate the sponsored connectivity data. If it is required, it shall perform the
authorizations based on sponsored data connectivity profiles. If the authorization fails, the PCF shall include in

Release 16 38 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

the HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message the "cause" attribute set to

NOTE 2: The PCF is not required to verify that a trust relationship exists between the operator and the sponsors.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS notification control

This procedure is used in the AF to modify in the PCF the subscription to notification about whether the GBR QoS
targets can no longer (or can again) be guaranteed.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type, which either shall include in the "events" attribute a new element with the "event"
attribute set to "QOS_NOTIF" to indicate the subscription to QoS notification control, or shall not include in the
"events" attribute an existing element with the "event" attribute set to "QOS_NOTIF" to indicate the termination of the
subscription to QoS notification control.

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to QoS notification control for the corresponding
active PCC rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow Deactivation

This procedure is used by an AF to modify in the PCF the subscription to the notification of deactivation of one or more
Service Data Flows within the AF application session context.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type, which either shall include in the "events" attribute a new element with the "event"
attribute set to "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" to indicate the subscription to service data flow deactivation,
or shall not include in the "events" attribute an existing element with the "event" attribute set to

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to service data flow deactivation for the
corresponding PCC rule(s) as described in in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Update of traffic routing information

This procedure is used by an AF to modify in the PCF the traffic routing information to a local access to a DNN, and/or
to modify the subscription to notifications about UP path management when "InfluenceOnTrafficRouting" feature is

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method.

To modify traffic routing information, the AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in
subclause an updated "afRoutReq" attribute(s) with the modified traffic routing information.

To modify the subscription to notifications about UP path management events (create, delete or modify), the AF shall
include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the "upPathChgSub"
attribute with the modified subscription to UP path management events.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

The PCF shall store the application routing requirements included in the "afRoutReq" attribute.

Release 16 39 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

The PCF shall check whether the updated application routing requirements require PCC rules to be created or modified
to include updated traffic steering policies, or the AF transaction identifier, or to update the application relocation
possibility as specified in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. Provisioning of PCC rules to the SMF shall be carried out as specified at
3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Void Modification of subscription to resources allocation outcome

This procedure is used in the AF to modify in the PCF the subscription to notification about resources allocation

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"EventsSubscReqData" data type, which either include in the "events" attribute a new element with the "event" attribute
in the "events" attribute an existing element with the "event" attribute set to

As a result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to notification of resources allocation outcome
in the corresponding PCC Rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Void Modification of Multimedia Priority Services

The AF may include the "mpsId" attribute if it was not previously provided in order to indicate that the modified AF
session relates to an MPS session.

If the AF supports the SBI message priority mechanism for an MPS session, the AF shall include the "3gpp-Sbi-
Message-Priority" custom HTTP header towards the PCF as described in subclause

If the PCF receives the "mpsId" attribute, the PCF shall take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to
ensure that the MPS session is prioritized as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Support of content versioning

The support of the media component versioning is optional. When the "MediaComponentVersioning" feature is
supported, the AF and the PCF shall comply with the procedures specified in this subclause.

Upon each media component modification, if the content version was previously assigned to a media component, the
AF shall assign a new content version. All the content related to that media component shall be included and the content
version shall be unique for the lifetime of the media component.

NOTE: The AF will include all the content of the media component in each media component modification in
order to ensure that the media component is installed with the proper information regardless of the
outcome of the QoS flow procedure related to previous interactions that are not reported to the PCF yet.

If the PCF receives the "contVer" attribute for a certain media component, the PCF shall follow the procedures
described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause Request of access network information

This procedure is used by an AF to request access network information for an existing "Individual Application Session
Context" resource at service information modification when the "NetLoc" feature is supported.

Release 16 40 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

NOTE 1: Subclause describes the AF request of access network information without providing service

The AF shall create event subscription information by including in the "AppSessionContextUpdateData" data type the
"evSubsc" attribute of "EventsSubscReqData" data type with the corresponding list of events to subscribe to.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

When the PCF determines that the access network does not support the access network information reporting because
the SMF does not support the NetLoc feature, the PCF shall respond to the AF including in the "EventsNotification"
data type the "noNetLocSupp" attribute set to "ANR_NOT_SUPPORTED" value. Otherwise, the PCF shall
immediately configure the SMF to provide such access information, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause

NOTE 2: The AF does not invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation to remove subscription
to access network information report since the "Access Network Information Notification" is the one-time
reported event. Once the access network information is reported to the AF the subscription to the access
network information report is automatically terminated in the PCF and the related information is
removed. Modification of service information status

When the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, the AF may update the status of the service information. If the AF provides
service information that has been fully negotiated (e.g. based on the SDP answer), the AF may include the
"servInfStatus" attribute set to "FINAL". In this case the PCF shall authorize the session and provision the
corresponding PCC rules to the SMF.

The AF may additionally provide preliminary service information not fully negotiated yet (e.g. based on the SDP offer)
at an earlier stage. To do so, the AF shall include the "servInfStatus" attribute set to "PRELIMINARY". Upon receipt of
such preliminary service information, the PCF shall perform an early authorization check of the service information. If
the AF requests the PCF to report the access network information together with preliminary service information, the
PCF shall immediately configure the SMF to provide the access network information. Support of SIP forking

When the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, this procedure is used by an AF to indicate that an existing "Individual
Application Session Context" resource comprises service information about several SIP dialogues.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to modify the service information.

The AF may include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the "sipForkInd" attribute
and include the updated service information.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

When the "sipForkInd" attribute gets the value:

- "SEVERAL_DIALOGUES", the PCF shall send additional PCC rules or individual data flow filters to already
provided PCC rules as described in Annex B.3.1.

- "SINGLE_DIALOGUE", the PCF shall update installed PCC rules and Authorized-QoS information as
described in Annex B.3.2.

Release 16 41 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Provisioning of signalling flow information

This procedure is used by an AF to provision or de-provision information about the AF signalling IP flows between the
UE and the AF.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause

- when the procedure is used to provision information about the AF signalling IP flows, a media component within
the "medComponents" attribute including the attributes described in subclause;

- when the procedure is used to de-provision information about the AF signalling IP flows, for the media
subcomponents containing the AF signalling IP flows, the "fStatus" attribute set to the value "REMOVED".

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Support of resource sharing

When the "ResourceSharing" is supported by the AF and the PCF, the AF may include the "sharingKeyUl" attribute
and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute to indicate to the PCF
that the related media of the modified Individual Application Session Context resource may share resources with other
media components in the related direction that include the same value in the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or
"sharingKeyDl" attribute.

The AF may modify the conditions for resource sharing by including the media component within the
"medComponents" attribute with a new value for the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute. The AF
may indicate that the related media of the modified Individual Application Session resource is not sharing resources
with other media components in the related direction setting the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl"
attribute to "null".

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Individual Application Session Context resource" as
described in subclause

If the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute are provided within a media component of the
"medComponents" attribute, the PCF may apply the mechanisms for resource sharing as described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause Modification of MCPTT

The AF may include the "mcpttId" attribute in order to indicate that the modified "Individual Application Session
Context" resource relates to the priority adjustment of an MCPTT session. When the PCF receives the "mcpttId"
attribute related to that MCPTT session, the PCF may take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to ensure
that the MCPTT session is prioritized. For the handling of MCPTT session with priority call, see Annex B.13.

Additionally, when the "PrioritySharing" feature is supported ,the PCF may receive the "prioSharingInd" attribute
within the media component received in the "medComponents" attribute as described in subclause In this case,
and if "MCPTT-Preemption" feature is supported, the PCF may receive pre-emption information as also described in
subclause Modification of MCVideo

The AF may include the "mcVideoId" attribute in order to indicate that the modified "Individual Application Session
Context" resource relates to the priority adjustment of an MCVideo session. When the PCF receives the "mcVideoId"
attribute related to that MCVideo session, the PCF may take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to
ensure that the MCVideo session is prioritized. For the handling of MCVideo session with priority call, see
Annex B.15. Priority sharing indication

When the "PrioritySharing" feature is supported, the AF may include the "prioSharingInd" attribute set to "ENABLED"
within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute to indicate to the PCF that the related media flow is
allowed to use the same Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) as media flows belonging to other "Individual
Application Session Context" resources as described in subclause In this case, if the "MCPTT-Preemption"

Release 16 42 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

feature is supported, the AF may also include the "preemptCap", "preemptVuln" and "preemptControlInfo" attributes as
described in subclause

When the "preemptControlInfo" attribute is modified, the latest provided value shall be applied to all potential media
flow candidates.

If the AF earlier has indicated a media flow priority sharing to the PCF by setting the "prioSharingInd" attribute to
"ENABLED", the AF may include the Priority-Sharing-Indicator AVP set to "DISABLED" within a media component
of the "medComponents" attribute to indicate to the PCF that the related media flow shall not be part of the mechanism
for sharing the Allocation and Retention Priority with other media flows any longer.

If this media flow was in priority sharing with other media flows the PCF should readjust the Allocation and Retention
Priority for the remaining services sharing priority as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause and handle
the media flow excluded from priority sharing according to normal PCC/QoS rule provisioning procedures described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause

If the AF earlier has indicated a media flow priority sharing to the PCF by setting the "prioSharingInd" attribute to
"ENABLED" for media flows and the AF indicates to remove one or more of the media flows in priority sharing with
other media flows, the PCF should readjust the Allocation and Retention Priority for the remaining services sharing
priority as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause and handle the media flow removed according to
normal PCC/QoS rule provisioning procedures described in 3GPP TS 29.212 [8], subclause Modification of Subscription to Out of Credit notification

This procedure is used by the AF if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported to modify in the PCF the subscription to
notification about credit unavailability for the Service Data Flows within the AF application session context.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type, which either include in the "events" attribute a new element with the "event"
attribute set to the value "OUT_OF_CREDIT" or remove from the "events" attribute the existing element with the
"event" attribute set to the value "OUT_OF_CREDIT".

As a result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to out of credit notification for the
corresponding PCC Rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information

This procedure is used by AF to modify the PCF subscription for notification about packet delay between UPF and

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"evSubsc" attribute of "EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type, as follows:

- to create a subscription to QoS monitoring information:

a) shall include the "events" array with an array that contains a new entry with the "event" attribute set to
"QOS_MONITORING", and notification related information as described in subclause; and

b) when the "notifMethod" of the new entry is "EVENT_DETECTION", shall include a "qosMon" attribute
with the QoS monitoring information as described in subclause

c) shall include the new requested QoS monitoring parameter(s) to be measured (i.e. DL, UL and/or round trip
packet delay) within the "reqQosMonParams" attribute;

- to remove a subscription to QoS monitoring information:

Release 16 43 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

a) shall include the "events" array containing an array that shall omit the corresponding entry with the "event"
attribute value "QOS_MONITORING"; and

b) when the "notifMethod" of the removed entry is "EVENT_DETECTION", it shall contain the "qosMon"
attribute set to null.

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to QoS monitoring information for the
corresponding active PCC rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Update of TSCAI Input Information and TSC QoS related data
If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported the AF may update the TSCAI Input container and the TSC QoS
related data held in an "Individual Application Session Context" resource using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update
service operation to modify the TSCAI input information and QoS characteristics delivered to the SMF for use in the
5G System.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method as described in subclause to modify TSCAI input container and the
TSC QoS related information.

The AF may indicate TSCAI input information and/or TSC QoS related information for new TSN streams by adding
one or more media component entries within the "medComponents" attribute including the "tsnQos" attribute and
including the "tscaiInputUl" attribute and/or the "tscaiInputDl" attribute as described in subclause

The AF may update the TSCAI input information and/or the TSC QoS related information for existing TSC traffic by
including the updated values in the "tscaiInputUl" attribute and/or "tscaiInputDl"attribute and/orupdated values in the
"tsnQos" attribute included in a media component entry of the "medComponents" attribute.

The AF may delete the TSCAI input information and TSC QoS related information of removed TSC traffic by
removing the corresponding media component entries within the "medComponents" attribute.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

The PCF shall check whether the received TSCAI input information and TSC QoS related information require to
modify or to remove PCC rules in the SMF. Provisioning of PCC rule(s) to the SMF shall be carried out as specified in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Provisioning of bridge management information and port management

If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported the AF may provide a BMIC for the Bridge functionality of the
UPF/NW-TT and/or a PMIC for the DS-TT port and/or PMIC(s) for the NW-TT ports to update the configuration of the
5G system as a TSN bridge by invoking the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation to the PCF.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method as described in subclause to modify the "Individual Application
Session Context" resource holding the BMIC and/or the DS-TT PMIC and/or NW-TT PMIC(s).

The AF may include in the "AppSessionContextUpdateData" data type:

- the DS-TT PMIC encoded in the "tsnPortManContDstt" and/or the one or more NW-TT PMIC(s)encoded in the
"tsnPortManContNwtts", if available; and/or

- the BMIC encoded in the "tsnBridgeManCont", if available. Modification of Mission Critical Services

The AF may include the "mcsId" attribute if it was not previously provided in order to indicate that the modified AF
session relates to an MCS session.

If the AF supports the SBI message priority mechanism for an MCS session, the AF shall include the "3gpp-Sbi-
Message-Priority" custom HTTP header towards the PCF as described in subclause

Release 16 44 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

If the PCF receives the "mcsId" attribute, the PCF shall take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to
ensure that the MCS session is prioritised as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Support of CHEM feature

When CHEM feature is supported, the AF may include the value of Maximum Packet Loss Rate for UL within the
"maxPacketLossRateUl" attribute and/or the value of Maximum Packet Loss Rate for DL within the
"maxPacketLossRateDl" attribute in "medComponents" attribute. For CHEM feature, see Annex B.14. Support of FLUS feature

If the "FLUS" feature is supported by the AF, the AF may include the "flusId" attribute within a media component of
the "medComponents" attribute to indicate that the related media of the modified Individual Application Session
Context resource corresponds to a FLUS media stream. Additional QoS information for the treatment of FLUS media
may be provided within "desMaxLatency" attribute and/or "desMaxLoss" attribute. Subscription to EPS Fallback report

When the "EPSFallbackReport" feature is supported, this procedure is used in the AF to subscribe to the notification of
EPS Fallback events, if this event was not previously provisioned.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type, which shall include in the "events" attribute a new element with the "event"
attribute set to "EPS_FALLBACK". The AF shall request to the PCF to report EPS Fallback in conjunction with
providing the PCF with AF service information for voice media type as described in subclause

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to EPS Fallback for the corresponding active PCC
rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Modification of required QoS information

When the "AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS" feature is supported, this procedure is used by an AF to modify the
required QoS by providing a different QoS reference(s) parameter while the AF session is ongoing.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to modify the required QoS information.

The AF may include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause, within one or more entries of
the "medComponents" attribute included in the AppSessionContextUpdateData data type:

- a "qosReference" attribute, which may contain:

i. a QoS reference, that replaces an existing QoS reference value if the "qosReference" attribute was previously
provisioned, or creates a new one if no "qosReference" attribute was previously provisioned;

ii. a "null" value, that removes a previously provisioned "qosReference" attribute value; and/or

- an "altSerReqs" attribute, which may contain:

i. a prioritized list of alternative QoS references, that replaces an existing alternative QoS references list if the
"altSerReqs" attribute was previously provisioned, or creates a new one if no "altSerReqs" attribute was
previously provisioned;

ii. a "null" value, that removes a previously provisioned alternative QoS references list.

When the AF provides the "altSerReqs" attribute containing a prioritized list of alternative QoS references, the AF shall
subscribe to receive notifications from the PCF when the resources associated to the corresponding service information
have been allocated as described in subclause and when the GBR QoS targets for one or more service data
flows can no longer (or can again) be guaranteed, as described in subclause, if not previously subscribed.

Release 16 45 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Due to the updated required QoS information, the PCF may need to modify the related PCC rules as specified in
3GPP TS 29.513 [7] and provide the updated information towards the SMF following the corresponding procedures
specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Support of QoSHint feature

If the QoSHint feature is supported by the AF, the AF may include the "desMaxLatency" attribute and/or "desMaxLoss"
attribute within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute to indicate that the related media of the modified
Individual Application Session Context resource has specific latency and/or loss demands. Modification of Subscription to Reallocation of Credit notification

This procedure is used by the AF if the "IMS_SBI" and the "ReallocationOfCredit" features are supported to modify in
the PCF the subscription to notification about reallocation of credit for the Service Data Flows within the AF
application session context.

The AF shall use the HTTP PATCH method to update the "Events Subscription" sub-resource together with the
modifications to the "Individual Application Session" sub-resource.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PATCH request message described in subclause the updated values of the
"EventsSubscReqDataRm" data type, which either include in the "events" attribute a new element with the "event"
attribute set to the value "REALLOCATION_OF_CREDIT" or remove from the "events" attribute the existing element
with the "event" attribute set to the value "REALLOCATION_OF_CREDIT".

As a result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to reallocation of credit notification for the
corresponding PCC Rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF with an HTTP response message as described in subclause

4.2.4 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation General
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation provides means for the NF service consumer to delete the
context of application session information.

The following procedures using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation are supported:

- AF application session context termination.

- Reporting usage for sponsored data connectivity.

- Termination of Multimedia Priority Services.

- Request and report of access network information.

- Termination of MCPTT.

- Termination of MCVideo.

- Priority sharing indication.

- Report of RAN-NAS release cause.

- Termination of Mission Critical Services.

- Report of Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring.

Release 16 46 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) AF application session context termination

This procedure is used to terminate an AF application session context for the service as defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2],
3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the application session context termination.


1. POST « app-sessions/{appSessionId}/delete

2a. "200 OK"

2b. "204 No Content"

Figure Application session context termination

When an AF session is terminated, and if the AF application session context was created as described in subclause 4.2.2
or in subclause, the AF shall invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation to the PCF using an
HTTP POST request, as shown in figure, step 1.

The AF shall set the request URI to "{apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions/{appSessionId}/delete".

The AF may include in the body of the HTTP POST the "EventsSubscReqData" data type with the "evSubsc" attribute
indicating the corresponding list of events to subscribe to.

When the PCF receives the HTTP POST request from the AF, indicating the termination of the AF application session
context information, the PCF shall acknowledge that request by sending an HTTP response message with the
corresponding status code.

If the HTTP POST request from the AF is accepted, the PCF shall send to the AF:

a) if event information is reported, a "200 OK" response to HTTP POST request, as shown in figure,
step 2a, including in the "AppSessionContext" data type the "evsNotif" attribute, which encodes within
"evNotifs" attribute the event to report to the AF, if available, as described in subclause If the event
information is not available at the PCF the PCF shall defer sending the response to the AF and shall immediately
configure the SMF to provide such information, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8];

b) otherwise, the PCF shall send to the AF a "204 No Content".

Afterwards, the PCF shall free the network resources allocated for the Service Data Flow(s) corresponding to the
deleted AF application session context information. In order to do that, the PCF shall initiate the request for the removal
of any related PCC rules from the SMF, if not previously done, following the corresponding procedures specified in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

If the HTTP POST request from the AF is rejected, the PCF shall indicate in the response to HTTP POST request the
cause for the rejection as specified in subclause 5.7. Reporting usage for sponsored data connectivity

When "SponsoredConnectivity" is supported, and the AF indicated to enable sponsored data connectivity and the AF
provided usage thresholds for such sponsor to the PCF, the PCF shall report accumulated usage to the AF using the
response of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation.

This procedure is initiated when:

- the "Individual Application Session Context" is deleted by the AF; or

Release 16 47 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- the PCF requests the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" to the AF, as described in
subclause, due to PDU session termination, the termination of all the service data flows of the AF session
or the home operator policy disallowing the UE accessing the sponsored data connectivity in the roaming case.

To report the accumulated usage, the PCF shall immediately configure the SMF to retrieve the accumulated usage as
specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. When the PCF receives the usage information from the SMF, the PCF shall notify the
AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the response of the HTTP POST request as described in

The PCF shall include:

- an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type in the "evNotifs" attribute with the matched event
"USAGE_REPORT" in the "event" attribute; and

- the usage encoded in the "usgRep" attribute. Void Termination of Multimedia Priority Services

If the AF session being terminated corresponds to an MPS session, the PCF shall delete the PCC rules corresponding to
the MPS session and the PCF shall revoke the actions related to the prioritization of the MPS session in the
corresponding PDU Session as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Request and report of access network information

This procedure is used by an AF to request the PCF to report the access network information (i.e. user location and/or
user timezone information) at the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" resource when the "NetLoc"
feature is supported.

This procedure is initiated when:

- the "Individual Application Session Context" is deleted by the AF; or

- the PCF requests the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" from the AF, as described in
subclause, due to PDU session termination or the termination of all the service data flows of the AF

The AF shall include in the HTTP POST request message described in subclause

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

When the PCF determines that the access network does not support the access network information reporting because
the SMF does not support the NetLoc feature, the PCF shall respond to the AF including in the "EventsNotification"
data type the "noNetLocSupp" attribute set to "ANR_NOT_SUPPORTED" value. Otherwise, the PCF shall
immediately configure the SMF to provide such access information, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

When the PCF receives the access network information from the SMF, the PCF shall provide the corresponding access
network information to the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the "200 OK" response to the HTTP
POST request. The PCF shall include:

- in case of 3GPP access, the user location information in the "eutraLocation" or in the "nrLocation" attribute in
the "ueLoc" attribute, if available and required;

Release 16 48 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- in case of untrusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the
"ueLoc" attribute, if required, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available; and

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available;

- in case of trusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the "ueLoc"
attribute, if required, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available;

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available; and

c) either the TNAP identifier encoded in the "tnapId" attribute or the TWAP identifier encoded in the "twapId"
attribute. The TNAP identifier and the TWAP identifier shall consist of:

i. the SSID in the "ssId" attribute;

ii. the BSSID the "bssId" attribute if available; and

iii. the civic address in the "civicAddress" attribute if available;

- the serving network identity (PLMN network code and country code and, if available, the NID) in the "plmnId"
attribute, if user location information is required but not available in any access; and/or

- the UE timezone in the "ueTimeZone" attribute if required and available.

When the PCF receives from the SMF that the access network does not support access network information report, the
PCF shall include the "noNetLocSupp" attribute set to "ANR_NOT_SUPPORTED", "TZR_NOT_SUPPORTED" or
"LOC_NOT_SUPPORTED" value received from the SMF in the "EventsNotification" data type in the "200 OK"
response to the HTTP POST request.

The PCF shall also include an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type in the "evNotifs" attribute with the "event"
attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT". Termination of MCPTT

If the "Individual Application Session Context" resource being removed corresponds to an MCPTT session, the PCF
shall delete the PCC rules corresponding to the MCPTT session and the PCF shall revoke the actions related to the
prioritization of the MCPTT session in the corresponding PDU Session as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Termination of MCVideo

If the "Individual Application Session Context" resource being removed corresponds to an MCVideo session, the PCF
shall delete the PCC rules corresponding to the MCVideo session and the PCF shall revoke the actions related to the
prioritization of the MCVideo session in the corresponding PDU Session as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Priority sharing indication

If the "Individual Application Session Context" resource being removed included the "prioSharingInd" attribute set to
"ENABLED" within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute, if the related media flow(s) was in priority
sharing with other media flows the PCF should readjust the Allocation and Retention Priority for the remaining services
sharing Allocation and Retention Priority as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause and handle the media
flow removed according to normal PCC/QoS rule provisioning procedures described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8],
subclause Report of RAN-NAS release cause

This procedure is used by a PCF to report about the RAN-NAS release cause together with access network information
(i.e. user location and/or user timezone information) at the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context"
resource when the "RAN-NAS-Cause" feature is supported.

Release 16 49 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

This procedure is initiated when:

- the "Individual Application Session Context" is deleted by the AF; or

- the PCF requests the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" from the AF, as described in
subclause, due to PDU session termination or the termination of all the service data flows of the AF

The PCF shall immediately configure the SMF to provide such RAN-NAS release cause together with access
information, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

When the PCF receives the RAN-NAS release cause and access network information from the SMF, the PCF shall
provide the corresponding access network information and RAN-NAS release cause to the AF by including the
"EventsNotification" data type in the "200 OK" response to the HTTP POST request. The PCF shall include:

- in case of 3GPP access, the user location information in the "eutraLocation" or in the "nrLocation" attribute in
the "ueLoc" attribute, if available;

- in case of untrusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the
"ueLoc" attribute, if available, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute; and

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute, if available;

- in case of trusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the "ueLoc"
attribute, if available, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available;

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available; and

c) either the TNAP identifier encoded in the "tnapId" attribute or the TWAP identifier encoded in the "twapId"
attribute. The TNAP identifier and the TWAP identifier shall consist of:

i. the SSID in the "ssId" attribute;

ii. the BSSID the "bssId" attribute if available; and

iii. the civic address in the "civicAddress" attribute if available;

- the serving network identity (PLMN network code and country code and, if available, the NID) in the "plmnId"
attribute, if user location information is not available in any access;

- the UE timezone in the "ueTimeZone" attribute if available; and

- the RAN and/or NAS release cause in the "ranNasRelCauses" attribute, if available.

The PCF shall also include an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type in the "evNotifs" attribute with the "event"
attribute set to the value "RAN_NAS_CAUSE". Termination of Mission Critical Services

If the AF session being terminated corresponds to an MCS session, the PCF shall delete the PCC rules corresponding to
the MCS session and the PCF shall revoke the actions related to the prioritisation of the MCS session in the
corresponding PDU Session as defined in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Report of Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring

If the AF indicated to be notified of Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring at PDU Session termination, the PCF shall
report the Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring to the AF using the response of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete
service operation.

Release 16 50 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

This procedure is initiated when the PCF requests the deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" to the
AF due to PDU session termination as described in subclause and the PCF receives the information about
Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring from the SMF as specified in subclause of 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the response of the HTTP POST request
as described in subclause The PCF shall include:

- within the "evNotifs" attribute an event entry of the "AfEventNotification" data type with the matched event
"QOS_MONITORING" in the "event" attribute; and

- the "qosMonReports" array with:

a) the identification of the affected service flows (if not all the flows are affected) encoded in the "flows"
attribute if applicable; and

b) one or two uplink packet delays within the "ulDelays" attribute; or

c) one or two downlink packet delays within the "dlDelays" attribute; or

d) one or two round trip packet delays within the "rtDelays" attribute.

4.2.5 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation General
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation enables notification to NF service consumers that the
previously subscribed event for the existing application session context occurred or that the application session context
is no longer valid.

The following procedures using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation are supported:

- Notification about application session context event.

- Notification about application session context termination.

- Notification about Service Data Flow QoS notification control.

- Notification about service data flow deactivation.

- Reporting usage for sponsored data connectivity.

- Notification of resources allocation outcome.

- Reporting access network information.

- Notification of signalling path status.

- Notification about out of credit.

- Notification about TSN port detection and/or bridge management information and/or port management
information, Individual Application Session Context exists.

- Report of EPS Fallback.

- Notification about 5GS Bridge Information, no Individual Application Session Context exists.

- Notification about reallocation of credit. Notification about application session context event

This procedure is invoked by the PCF to notify the AF when a certain, previously subscribed, application session
context event occurs, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2], 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the notification about application session context event.

Release 16 51 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)


1. POST …/{notifUri}/notify

2. "204 No Content"

Figure Notification about application session context event

When the PCF determines that the event for the existing AF application session context, to which the AF has subscribed
to, occurred e.g. upon reception of an event notification for a PDU session from the SMF as described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8], the PCF shall invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation by sending the
HTTP POST request (as shown in figure, step 1) to the AF using the notification URI received in the
subscription creation (or modification), as specified in subclause 4.2.6, and appending the "notify" segment path at the
end of the URI. The PCF shall provide in the body of the HTTP POST request the "EventsNotification" data type

- the Events Subscription resource identifier in the "evSubsUri" attribute; and

- the list of the reported events in the "evNotifs" attribute. For each reported event, the "AfEventNotification" data
type shall include the event identifier and may include additional event information.

The PCF shall include:

- if the AF subscribed to the "PLMN_CHG" event, the "event" attribute set to "PLMN_CHG" and the "plmnId"
attribute including the PLMN identifier and, if available, the NID if the PCF has requested to be updated with
this information in the SMF;

- if the AF subscribed to the event "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" in the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute
set to "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" and:

i. the "accessType" attribute including the access type, and the "ratType" attribute including the RAT type
when applicable for the notified access type; and/or

ii. if the "ATSSS" feature is supported and the PDU session is a MA PDU session:

a. if it is the first access type report, and both, 3GPP and non-3GPP access information is available, the
"addAccessInfo" attribute. The "addAccessInfo" attribute contains the additional access type information,
where the access type is encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type is encoded in the
"ratType" attribute when applicable for the notified access type;

b. if it is a subsequent access type change report:

- if a new access type is added to the MA PDU session, the"addAccessInfo" attribute with the added
access type encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type encoded in the "ratType"
attribute when applicable for the notified access type;

- if an access type is released to the MA PDU session, the "relAccessInfo" attribute with the released
access type encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type encoded in the "ratType"
attribute when applicable for the notified access type; and

NOTE: For a MA PDU session, if the "ATSSS" feature is not supported by the AF the PCF shall include the
"accessType" attribute and the "ratType" attribute with a currently active combination of access type and
RAT type. When both 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses are available, the PCF includes the information
corresponding to the 3GPP access and only changes on activation and deactivation of 3GPP access are

Release 16 52 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

iii. the "anGwAddr" attribute including access network gateway address when available; and

- if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported and if the AF subscribed to the "CHARGING_CORRELATION" event,
the "event" attribute set to "CHARGING_CORRELATION" and may include the "anChargIds" attribute
containing the access network charging identifier(s) and the "anChargAddr" attribute containing the access
network charging address.

The AF notification of other specific events using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify request is described in the
related subclauses.

Upon the reception of the HTTP POST request from the PCF indicating that the PDU session and/or service related
event occurred, the AF shall acknowledge that request by sending an HTTP response message with the corresponding
status code.

If the HTTP POST request from the PCF is accepted, the AF shall acknowledge the receipt of the event notification
with a "204 No Content" response to HTTP POST request, as shown in figure, step 2.

If the HTTP POST request from the PCF is not accepted, the AF shall indicate in the response to HTTP POST request
the cause for the rejection or, if the feature "ES3XX" is supported, the cause for redirection as specified in
subclause 5.7. Notification about application session context termination

This procedure is invoked by the PCF to notify the AF that the application session context is no longer valid, as defined
in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2], 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the notification about application session context termination.


1. POST …/{notifUri}/terminate

2. "204 No Content"

Figure Notification about application session context termination

When the PCF determines that the AF application session context is no longer valid, the PCF shall invoke the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation by sending the HTTP POST request (as shown in figure,
step 1) using the notification URI received in the "Individual Application Session Context" context creation, as
specified in subclause 4.2.2 and subclause, and appending the "termination" segment path at the end of the URI,
to trigger the AF to request the application session context termination (see subclause The PCF shall provide in
the body of the HTTP POST request the "TerminationInfo" data type including:

- the application session context identifier in the "resUri" attribute; and

- the application session context termination cause in the "termCause" attribute of the "TerminationCause" data
type, indicating:

i) "PDU_SESSION_TERMINATION" when the PCF received from the SMF the indication of SM Policy
Context termination without a specific PDU session release cause value;

ii) "ALL_SDF_DEACTIVATION" when the PCF received from the SMF the indication that all the SDFs of the
Individual Application Session Context resource are deactivated because other reasons than

Release 16 53 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

iii) "PS_TO_CS_HO" if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported and the PCF received from the SMF:

a) the PDU session release cause value "PS_TO_CS_HO"; or

b) the failure code value "PS_TO_CS_HAN" for all the SDFs of the Individual Application Session Context

Upon the reception of the HTTP POST request from the PCF requesting the application session context termination, the
AF shall acknowledge that request by sending an HTTP response message with the corresponding status code.

If the HTTP POST request from the PCF is accepted, the AF shall acknowledge the receipt of the application session
context termination request with a "204 No Content" response to HTTP POST request (as shown in figure,
step 2) and shall invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation to the PCF as described in
subclause 4.2.4.

If the HTTP POST request from the PCF is not accepted, the AF shall indicate in the response to HTTP POST request
the cause for the rejection or, if the feature "ES3XX" is supported, the cause for redirection as specified in
subclause 5.7. Notification about Service Data Flow QoS notification control

When the PCF gets the knowledge that one or more SDFs:

- cannot guarantee the GBR QoS targets; or

- can guarantee again the GBR QoS targets;

the PCF shall inform the AF accordingly if the AF has previously subscribed as described in subclauses and

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include:

- within the "evNotifs" attribute an event entry of the "AfEventNotification" data type with the matched event
"QOS_NOTIF" in the "event" attribute; and

- the "qncReports" array with:

a) the "notifType" attribute to indicate whether the GBR targets for the indicated SDFs are

b) the identification of the affected service flows (if not all the flows are affected) encoded in the "flows"
attribute if applicable; and

c) if the "AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS" feature as defined in subclause 5.8 is supported, the reference to the

Alternative Service Requirement corresponding alternative QoS parameter set if received from the SMF
within the "altSerReq" attribute. When the "altSerReq" attribute is omitted and the "notifType" attribute is
NOT_GUARANTEED, it indicates that the lowest priority alternative QoS profile could not be fulfilled.

If "MediaComponentVersioning" feature is supported, and if the content version was included when the corresponding
media component was provisioned, the "flows" attribute shall also contain the "contVers" attribute including the content
version(s) of the media components. The PCF shall include more than one entry in the "contVers" attribute for the same
media component if the PCF has received multiple content versions as described in subclause in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

When the AF receives the HTTP POST request, it shall acknowledge the request by sending a "204 No Content"
response to the PCF. The AF may also update the AF application session context information by sending an HTTP
PATCH request to the PCF.

Signalling flows for Service Data Flow QoS notification control are presented in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7].

Release 16 54 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Notification about Service Data Flow Deactivation

When the PCF gets the knowledge that one or more SDFs have been deactivated, the PCF shall inform the AF
accordingly if the AF has previously subscribed as described in subclauses and

When not all the service data flows within the AF application session context are affected, the PCF shall notify the AF
by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as described in

The PCF shall include within the "evNotifs" attribute an event of "AfEventNotification" data type indicating the
matched event "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" in the "event" attribute and the deactivated service data
flows (if not all the flows are affected) encoded in the "flows" attribute.

If the "MediaComponentVersioning" feature is supported, and if the content version was included when the
corresponding media component was provisioned as described in subclause, the PCF shall also include in the
"flows" attribute the "contVers" attribute with the content version(s) of the media components.

If the "RAN-NAS-Cause" feature is supported and the PCF received the RAN-NAS release cause and access network
information from the SMF, the PCF shall provide in the "EventsNotification" data type of the HTTP POST request:

- in case of 3GPP access, the user location information in the "eutraLocation" or in the "nrLocation" attribute in
the "ueLoc" attribute, if available;

- in case of untrusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the
"ueLoc" attribute, if available, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute; and

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute, if available;

- in case of trusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the "ueLoc"
attribute, if available, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available;

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available; and

c) either the TNAP identifier encoded in the "tnapId" attribute or the TWAP identifier encoded in the "twapId"
attribute. The TNAP identifier and the TWAP identifier shall consist of:

i. the SSID in the "ssId" attribute;

ii. the BSSID the "bssId" attribute if available; and

iii. the civic address in the "civicAddress" attribute if available;

- the serving network identity (PLMN network code and country code and, if available, the NID) in the "plmnId"
attribute, if user location information is not available in any access;

- the UE timezone in the "ueTimeZone" attribute if available; and

- the RAN and/or NAS release cause in the "ranNasRelCauses" attribute, if available.

The PCF shall include in the "evNotifs" attribute, together with the event "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION",
an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type with the "event" attribute set to the value "RAN_NAS_CAUSE".

The PCF shall include more than one entry in the "contVers" attribute for the same media component if the PCF has
received multiple content versions as described in subclause in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

When the AF receives the HTTP POST request, it shall acknowledge the request by sending a "204 No Content"
response to the PCF. The AF may also update the AF application session context information by sending an HTTP
PATCH request to the PCF.

When all the service data flows within the AF session are affected, the PCF shall inform the AF by sending a
notification about application session context termination as defined in subclause

Release 16 55 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Signalling flows for Service Data Flow Deactivation cases are presented in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. Reporting usage for sponsored data connectivity

When "SponsoredConnectivity" is supported, the AF enabled sponsored data connectivity and the AF provided usage
thresholds for such sponsor to the PCF, the PCF shall report accumulated usage to the AF using the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation when:

- the PCF detects that the usage threshold provided by the AF has been reached; or

- the AF disables the sponsored data connectivity.

The PCF shall notify the AF of the accumulated usage by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of
the HTTP POST request as described in subclause

The PCF shall include:

- an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type in the "evNotifs" attribute with the matched event
"USAGE_REPORT" in the "event" attribute; and

- the accumulated usage, corresponding to the usage since the last report to the AF, encoded in the "usgRep"

When the AF receives the HTTP POST request, it shall acknowledge the request by sending a "204 No Content"
response to the PCF. The AF may terminate the AF session sending an HTTP POST as described in subclause or
update the AF application session context information by providing a new usage threshold sending an HTTP PATCH
request to the PCF as described in subclause or an HTTP PUT request to the PCF as described in

NOTE: After the PCF reports the accumulated usage to the AF, the AF can provide a new usage threshold to the
PCF. The monitoring will not start until the PCF receives the new threshold from the AF and provides it
to the SMF. Void Notification about resources allocation outcome

When the PCF becomes aware that the resources associated to service information for one or more SDFs have been
allocated, the PCF shall inform the AF accordingly if the AF has previously subscribed to the
"SUCCESSFUL_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" event as described in subclauses and The PCF
shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as described
in subclause The PCF shall include in the "evNotifs" attribute an entry with the "event" attribute set to
"SUCCESSFUL_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" and (if not all the flows are affected) the identification of the related
media components in the "flows" attribute. If the "MediaComponentVersioning" feature is supported, the PCF shall also
include in the "flows" attribute the "contVers" attribute with the content version(s) of the media components if the
content version was included when the corresponding media component was provisioned.

If the "AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS" feature as defined in subclause 5.8 is supported, when the PCF becomes aware
that the resources associated to service information for one or more SDFs have been allocated and additionally receives
the alternative QoS parameter set(s), the PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the
body of the HTTP POST request as described in subclause The PCF shall include:

- an entry in the "evNotifs" attribute with the "event" attribute set to


- the "succResourcAllocReports" attribute with the reference to the Alternative Service Requirement
corresponding alternative QoS parameter set within the "altSerReq" attribute and the identification of the related
media components in the "flows" attribute. If the "MediaComponentVersioning" feature is supported, the PCF
shall also include in the "flows" attribute the "contVers" attribute with the content version(s) of the media
components if the content version was included when the corresponding media component was provisioned.

Release 16 56 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

When the PCF becomes aware that the resources associated to service information for one or more SDFs cannot be
allocated, the PCF shall inform the AF accordingly if the AF has previously subscribed to the
"FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" event as described in subclauses and The PCF shall
notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as described in
subclause The PCF shall include:

- an entry in the "evNotifs" attribute with the "event" attribute set to "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION";

- the "failedResourcAllocReports" attribute with the active/inactive status of the PCC rules related to certain
media components encoded in the "mcResourceStatus" attribute, and (if not all the flows are affected) the
identification of the related media components in the "flows" attribute. If the "MediaComponentVersioning"
feature is supported, the PCF shall also include in the "flows" attribute the "contVers" attribute with the content
version(s) of the media components if the content version was included when the corresponding media
component was provisioned.

The PCF shall include more than one entry in the "contVers" attribute for the same media component if the PCF has
received multiple content versions as described in subclause in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

NOTE: The AF will use the content version to identify the media component version that failed or succeeded
when multiple provisions of the same media component occur in a short period of time. How the AF
handles such situations is out of scope of this specification.

When the AF receives the HTTP POST request, it shall acknowledge the request by sending a "204 No Content"
response to the PCF.

Signalling flows for resource allocation outcome are presented in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. Void Notification of signalling path status

When the PCF is notified of the loss or release of resources associated to the PCC rules corresponding with AF
signalling IP flows, the PCF shall inform the AF about the loss of the signalling transmission path if the AF has
previously subscribed as described in subclause

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include within the "evNotifs" attribute an event of "AfEventNotification" data type indicating the
matched event "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION" in the "event" attribute and the deactivated IP flow encoded
in the "flows" attribute.

If the "RAN-NAS-Cause" feature is supported and the PCF received the RAN-NAS release cause and/or access
network information from the SMF, the PCF shall provide in the "EventsNotification" data type in the "200 OK"
response to the HTTP POST request:

- in case of 3GPP access, the user location information in the "eutraLocation" or in the "nrLocation" attribute in
the "ueLoc" attribute, if available;

- in case of untrusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the
"ueLoc" attribute, if available, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute; and

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute, if available;

- in case of trusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the "ueLoc"
attribute, if available, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available;

Release 16 57 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available; and

c) either the TNAP identifier encoded in the "tnapId" attribute or the TWAP identifier encoded in the "twapId"
attribute. The TNAP identifier and the TWAP identifier shall consist of:

i. the SSID in the "ssId" attribute;

ii. the BSSID the "bssId" attribute if available; and

iii. the civic address in the "civicAddress" attribute if available;

- the serving network identity (PLMN network code and country code and, if available, the NID) in the "plmnId"
attribute, if user location information is not available in any access;

- the UE timezone in the "ueTimeZone" attribute if available; and

- the RAN and/or NAS release cause in the "ranNasRelCauses" attribute, if available.

The PCF shall include in the "evNotifs" attribute, together with the event "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION",
an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type with the "event" attribute set to the value "RAN_NAS_CAUSE".

When the AF receives the HTTP POST request, it shall acknowledge the request by sending a "204 No Content"
response to the PCF. Reporting access network information

This procedure is used by the PCF to report the access network information (i.e. user location and/or user timezone
information) to the AF when the "NetLoc" feature is supported.

When the PCF receives the access network information from the SMF, the PCF shall include the "EventsNotification"
data type in the body of the HTTP POST request message sent to the AF as described in subclause The PCF
shall include in the "EventsNotification" data type:

- in case of 3GPP access, the user location information in the "eutraLocation" or in the "nrLocation" attribute in
the "ueLoc" attribute, if available and required;

- in case of untrusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the
"ueLoc" attribute, if required, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available; and

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available;

- in case of trusted non-3GPP access, the user location information in the "n3gaLocation" attribute in the "ueLoc"
attribute, if required, as follows:

a) the user local IP address in the "ueIpv4Addr" or "ueIpv6Addr" attribute, if available;

b) the UDP source port or the TCP source port in the "portNumber" attribute if available; and

c) either the TNAP identifier encoded in the "tnapId" attribute or the TWAP identifier encoded in the "twapId"
attribute. The TNAP identifier and the TWAP identifier shall consist of:

i. the SSID in the "ssId" attribute;

ii. the BSSID the "bssId" attribute if available; and

iii. the civic address in the "civicAddress" attribute if available;

- the serving network identity (PLMN network code and country code and, if available, the NID) in the "plmnId"
attribute, if user location information is required but not available in any access; and/or

- the UE timezone in the "ueTimeZone" attribute if required and available.

When the PCF receives from the SMF that the access network does not support access network information report, the
PCF shall include the "noNetLocSupp" attribute set to "ANR_NOT_SUPPORTED", "TZR_NOT_SUPPORTED" or

Release 16 58 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

"LOC_NOT_SUPPORTED" value received from the SMF in the "EventsNotification" data type in the "200 OK"
response to the HTTP POST request.

The PCF shall also include an event of the "AfEventNotification" data type in the "evNotifs" attribute with the "event"
attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT".

NOTE: The PCF receives the access network information from the SMF if it is previously requested by the AF or
at PDU session termination or at the termination of all the service data flows of the AF session.

The PCF shall not invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation with the "event" attribute set to the
value "ANI_REPORT" to report to the AF any subsequently received access network information, unless the AF sends
a new request for access network information. Notification about Out of Credit

If the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported and if the PCF becomes aware that there is no credit available in the CHF for one
or more SDFs, the PCF shall inform the AF accordingly if the AF has previously subscribed to the
"OUT_OF_CREDIT" event as described in subclauses and

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include:

- in the "evNotifs" attribute an entry with the "event" attribute set to the value "OUT_OF_CREDIT"; and

- the "outOfCredReports" attribute containing in each entry of the "OutOfCreditInformation" data type the credit
information for one or more service data flows. The "OutOfCreditInformation" data type shall contain the
termination action in the "finUnitAct" attribute, and the identification of the affected service data flows (if not all
the flows are affected) encoded in the "flows" attribute.

Upon the reception of the HTTP POST request from the PCF, the AF shall acknowledge that request by sending an
HTTP response message as described in subclause Notification about TSN port detection and/or bridge management information
and/or port management information, Individual Appllication Session Context
If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported and if the PCF becomes aware that, for an existing Individual
Application Session Context resource, new 5GS Bridge information is available, e.g., new TSN ports are available
and/or a BMIC and/or a DS-TT PMIC and/or one or more NW-TT PMIC(s) are available, the PCF shall inform the AF
accordingly, if the AF has previously subscribed as described in subclause

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include in the "evNotifs" attribute an entry with the "event" attribute set to the value
"TSN_BRIDGE_INFO", and the "tsnBridgeManCont" attribute and/or the "tsnPortManContDstt" attribute and/or the
"tsnPortManContNwtts" attribute as received from the SMF if the PCF is aware that a BMIC and/or a DS-TT PMIC
and/or one or more NW-TT PMIC(s) are available or updated.

Upon the reception of the HTTP POST request from the PCF, the AF shall acknowledge that request as specified in

The TSN AF may use the received TSN bridge information and/or the received BMIC and/or the received DS-TT
PMIC and/or NW-TT PMIC(s) and the local configuration to construct the DS-TT port and or NW-TT port
management information required to interwork with the TSN network.

If port management information shall be sent as a response of the received notification, the AF triggers the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation to send the port management information to the PCF as specified
in subclause 4.2.3. The TSN AF delivers to the PCF the derived port management information containers as described
in subclause

Release 16 59 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

And/or if bridge management information shall be sent as a response of the received notification, the AF includes the
BMIC in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation as described in subclause Notification about Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring control

When the PCF gets the information about any one of the following items for one or more SDFs from the SMF:

- uplink packet delay(s); or

- downlink packet delay(s); or

- round trip delay(s);

the PCF shall inform the AF accordingly if the AF has previously subscribed as described in subclauses and and

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include:

- within the "evNotifs" attribute an event entry of the "AfEventNotification" data type with the matched event
"QOS_MONITORING" in the "event" attribute; and

- the "qosMonReports" array with:

a) the identification of the affected service flows (if not all the flows are affected) encoded in the "flows"
attribute if applicable; and

b) one or two uplink packet delays within the "ulDelays" attribute; or

c) one or two downlink packet delays within the "dlDelays" attribute; or

d) one or two round trip packet delays within the "rtDelays" attribute. Report of EPS Fallback

When "EPSFallbackReport" feature is supported and the PCF becomes aware of the EPS Fallback for the resources
requested for a particular service information (voice media type), the PCF shall inform the AF if the AF has previously
subscribed as described in subclauses and

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include within the "evNotifs" attribute an event entry of the "AfEventNotification" data type with the
matched event "EPS_FALLBACK" in the "event" attribute.

When the AF receives the HTTP POST request, it shall acknowledge the request by sending a "204 No Content"
response to the PCF. Notification about 5GS Bridge Information, no Individual Application Session

Context exists
If the "TimeSensitiveNetworking" feature is supported and if the PCF becomes aware that 5GS Bridge information for a
TSN network is available, but there is no "Individual Application Session Context" resource bound to the SM Policy
Association updated with 5GS Bridge related information, the PCF shall inform the TSN AF about the detection of a
5GS Bridge Information in the context of a PDU session by sending a notification request to the request URI locally
configured in the PCF for this TSN network.

NOTE: PCF configuration of TSN AF URI needs to ensure that the notification is addressed to a TSN AF that
belongs to the same TSN network the UPF/NW-TT connectes to. How it is achieved is implementation
specific. It can be based e.g. on dedicated DNN/S-NSSAI combinations or on the received Bridge

Release 16 60 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Figure illustrates the notification about ethernet port detection when there is no Individual Application
Session Context bound to the SM Policy Association.


1. POST « {notifUri}/new-bridge

2. "204 No Content"

Figure Notification about 5GS Bridge Information, no AF session context exists

When the PCF determines that the AF application session context does not exist for the SM Policy Association that
detected new TSN port information, the PCF shall invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service operation by
sending the HTTP POST request (as shown in figure, step 1) using the notification URI locally configured in
the PCF for this TSN network, and appending the "new-bridge" segment path at the end of the URI, to trigger the TSN
AF to request the creation of an Invidual Application Session Context resource to handle the 5GS Bridge detected in the
context of a PDU session, configuring TSN ports and bridge port management information, and providing the
corresponding TSCAI input containers and TSC traffic QoS related data (see subclauses,, and

The PCF shall provide in the body of the HTTP POST request the "PduSessionTsnBridge" data type including TSN
Bridge information as follows:

- the "tsnBridgeInfo" attribute as received from the SMF;

- the "tsnBridgeManCont" attribute as received from the SMF, if available; and

- the "tsnPortManContDstt" attribute and/or "tsnPortManContNwtts" attribute as received from the SMF, if

Upon the reception of the HTTP POST request from the PCF, the AF shall acknowledge that request.

With the received information, the TSN AF shall immediately trigger the creation of an Individual Application Session
Context resource to handle in this association the configuration of the new 5GS Bridge in the context of this PDU
session, as described in subclauses,, and

The TSN AF may use the received TSN bridge information and/or the received DS-TT port management information
container and/or NW-TT port management information containers and the local configuration to construct the DS-TT
port and or NW-TT port management information required to interwork with the TSN network. Notification about Reallocation of Credit

If the "IMS_SBI" and the "ReallocationOfCredit" features are supported and if the PCF becomes aware that there is
credit reallocated for one or more SDFs after a former out of credit indication, the PCF shall inform the AF accordingly
if the AF has previously subscribed to the "REALLOCATION_OF_CREDIT" event as described in subclauses

The PCF shall notify the AF by including the "EventsNotification" data type in the body of the HTTP POST request as
described in subclause

The PCF shall include in the "evNotifs" attribute an entry with:

- the "event" attribute set to the value "REALLOCATION_OF_CREDIT"; and

Release 16 61 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- the SDFs that are impacted as consequence of the reallocation of credit condition encoded in the "flows"

Upon the reception of the HTTP POST request from the PCF, the AF shall acknowledge that request by sending an
HTTP response message as described in subclause

4.2.6 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation General
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation enables NF service consumers handling of subscription to
events for the existing application session context. Subscription to events shall be created:

- within the application session context establishment procedure by invoking the

Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation, as described in subclause 4.2.2; or

- within the application session context modification procedure by invoking the

Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation, as described in subclause 4.2.3; or

- by invoking the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation for the existing application session
context, as described in subclause

The following procedures using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation is supported:

- Handling of subscription to events for the existing application session context.

- Initial subscription to events without provisioning of service information.

- Subscription to usage monitoring of sponsored data connectivity.

- Request of access network information.

- Subscription to notification of signalling path status.

- Modification of Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information. Handling of subscription to events for the existing application session context
This procedure is used to create a subscription to events for the existing AF application session context bound to the
corresponding PDU session or to modify an existing subscription, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2],
3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the creation of events subscription information using HTTP PUT method.


1. PUT …/app-sessions/{appSessionId}/events-subscription

2. "201 Created"

Figure Creation of events subscription information using HTTP PUT

Figure illustrates the modification of events subscription information using HTTP PUT method.

Release 16 62 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)


1. PUT « /app-sessions/{appSessionId}/events-subscription

2a. "204 No Content"

2b. "200 OK"

Figure Modification of events subscription information using HTTP PUT

When the AF decides to create a subscription to one or more events for the existing application session context or to
modify an existing subscription previously created by itself at the PCF, the AF shall invoke the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation by sending the HTTP PUT request to the resource URI
representing the "Events Subscription" sub-resource in the PCF, as shown in figure, step 1 and figure
2, step 1. The AF shall provide in the "EventsSubscReqData" data type of the body of the HTTP PUT request:

- the "evSubsc" attribute with the list of events to be subscribed; and

- the "notifUri" attribute that includes the Notification URI to indicate to the PCF where to send the notification of
the subscribed events if not provided before.

NOTE 1: The "notifUri" attribute within the EventsSubscReqData data structure can be modified to request that
subsequent notifications are sent to a new NF service consumer.

Upon the reception of the HTTP PUT request from the AF, the PCF shall decide whether the received HTTP PUT
request is accepted.

If the HTTP PUT request from the AF is rejected, the PCF shall indicate in the HTTP response the cause for the
rejection or, if the feature "ES3XX" is supported, an HTTP redirect response as specified in subclause 5.7.

If the PCF accepted the HTTP PUT request to create a subscription to events, the PCF shall create the "Events
Subscription" sub-resource and shall send the HTTP response message to the AF as shown in figure, step 2.
The PCF shall include in the "201 Created" response:

- a Location header field that shall contain the URI of the created "Events Subscription" sub-resource i.e.
"{apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions/{appSessionId}/events-subscription"; and

- a response body with the "EventsSubscPutData" data type, that contains the attributes of the
"EventsSubscReqData" data type, representing the created "Events Subscription" sub-resource.

If the PCF determines that one or more of the subscribed events are already met in the PCF, the PCF may also include
the attributes of the "EventsNotification" data type within the "EventsSubscPutData" data type to notify about the
already met events in the PCF.

If the PCF accepted the HTTP PUT request to modify the events subscription, the PCF shall modify the "Events
Subscription" sub-resource and shall send to the AF:

- the HTTP "204 No Content" response (as shown in figure, step 2a); or

- the HTTP "200 OK" response (as shown in figure, step 2b) including in the "EventsSubscPutData" data
type the updated representation of the "Events Subscription" sub-resource encoded within the attributes of the
"EventsSubscReqData" data type and, if one or more of the updated subscribed events are already met in the
PCF, the notification of these events by including the attributes of the "EventsNotification" data type.

The PCF shall include in the "evsNotif" attribute:

Release 16 63 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- if the AF subscribed to the "PLMN_CHG" event in the HTTP PUT request, the "event" attribute set to
"PLMN_CHG" and the "plmnId" attribute including the PLMN identifier and, if available, the NID if the PCF
has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF; and

- if the AF subscribed to the "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" event in the HTTP PUT request, the "event" attribute
set to "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" and:

i. the "accessType" attribute including the access type, and the "ratType" attribute including the RAT type
when applicable for the notified access type; and

ii. if the "ATSSS" feature is supported, the "addAccessInfo" attribute with the additional access type
information if available, where the access type is encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type is
encoded in the "ratType" attribute when applicable for the notified access type; and

NOTE 2: For a MA PDU session, if the "ATSSS" feature is not supported by the AF the PCF includes the
"accessType" attribute and the "ratType" attribute with a currently active combination of access type and
RAT type (when applicable for the notified access type). When both 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses are
available, the PCF includes the information corresponding to the 3GPP access.

iii. the "anGwAddr" attribute including access network gateway address when available,

if the PCF has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF.

Based on the received subscription information from the AF, the PCF may create a subscription to event notifications or
may modify the existing subscription to event notifications, for a related PDU session from the SMF, as described in
3GPP TS 29.512 [8]. Initial subscription to events without provisioning of service information

The AF may subscribe with the PCF to events notification without providing service information.

NOTE 1: This service operation is intended to create a resource that enables to handle subscription to events
without provisioning service information. For the scenarios where it is known the AF, after creating a
subscription without service information, could require an application session context with the PCF with
required service information, the AF needs to create an Individual Application Session context as
described in subclause

Figure illustrates the initial subscription to events without provisioning of service information.


1. POST …/app-sessions

2. "201 Created"

Figure Initial Subscription to events without provisioning of service information

When an AF establishes an application session context with the PCF to subscribe to events and does not require PCC
control for the related media, the AF shall invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation by
sending the HTTP POST request to the resource URI representing the "Application Sessions" collection resource of the
PCF, as shown in figure, step 1.

The AF shall include in the "ascReqData" attribute of the "AppSessionContext" data type in the payload body of the
HTTP POST request:

Release 16 64 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- either the "ueMac" attribute containing the UE MAC address, or the "ueIpv4" attribute or "ueIpv6" attribute
containing the UE IPv4 or the IPv6 address;

- the "notifUri" attribute containing the URI where the PCF shall request to the AF the deletion of the "Individual
Application Session Context" resource"; and

- the "evSubsc" attribute of "EventsSubscReqData" data type to request the notification of certain user plane
events. The AF shall include:

a. the events to subscribe to in the "events" attribute; and

b. the notification URI where to address the notification of the met events within the "notifUri" attribute.

The AF may provide in the "AppSessionContext" data type the DNN in the "dnn" attribute, SUPI in the "supi" attribute
or other information if available.

If the PCF cannot successfully fulfil the received HTTP POST request due to the internal PCF error or due to the error
in the HTTP POST request, the PCF shall send the HTTP error response as specified in subclause 5.7.

Otherwise, when the PCF receives the HTTP POST request from the AF, the PCF shall apply session binding as
described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. The PCF identifies the PDU session for which the HTTP POST request applies as
described in subclause

The information required for session binding (UE MAC address, or UE Ipv4 or IPv6 address, DNN, SUPI and other
available information, such as S-NSSAI and/or IPv4 address domain identifier) is provisioned in the "Individual
Application Session Context" resource. The events subscription is provisioned in the "Events Subscription" sub-

Based on the received subscription information from the AF, the PCF may create a subscription to event notifications
for a related PDU session from the SMF, as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

If the PCF created the "Events Subscription" sub-resource within the "Individual Application Session Context"
resource, the PCF shall send to the AF a "201 Created" response to the HTTP POST request, as shown in figure
1, step 2. The PCF shall include in the "201 Created" response:

- a Location header field; and

- an "AppSessionContext" data type in the payload body.

The Location header field shall contain the URI of the created events subscription sub-resource i.e. "{apiRoot}/npcf-

The "AppSessionContext" data type payload body shall contain the representation of the created "Individual
Application Session Context" resource and "Events Subscription" sub-resource.

The PCF shall include in the "evsNotif" attribute:

- if the AF subscribed to the event "PLMN_CHG" in the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute set to
"PLMN_CHG" and the "plmnId" attribute including the PLMN identifier and, if available, the NID if the PCF
has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF;

- if the AF subscribed to the event "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" in the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute
set to "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE" and:

i. the "accessType" attribute including the access type, and the "ratType" attribute including the RAT type
when applicable for the notified access type; and

ii. if the "ATSSS" feature is supported, the "addAccessInfo" attribute with the additional access type
information if available, where the access type is encoded in the "accessType" attribute, and the RAT type is
encoded in the "ratType" attribute when applicable for the notified access type; and

NOTE 2: For a MA PDU session, if the "ATSSS" feature is not supported by the AF the PCF includes the
"accessType" attribute and the "ratType" attribute with a currently active combination of access type and
RAT type (if applicable for the notified access type). When both 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses are
available, the PCF includes the information corresponding to the 3GPP access.

Release 16 65 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

iii. the "anGwAddress" attribute including access network gateway address when available,

if the PCF has previously requested to be updated with this information in the SMF; and

- if the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported and if the AF subscribed to the event "CHARGING_CORRELATION" in
the HTTP POST request, the "event" attribute set to "CHARGING_CORRELATION" and may include the
"anChargIds" attribute containing the access network charging identifier(s) and the "anChargAddr" attribute
containing the access network charging address.

NOTE 3: Due to the resource structure, as result of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation
using POST methods, the PCF creates an Individual Application Session context resource which can only
be deleted via Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation. Subscription to usage monitoring of sponsored data connectivity

This procedure is used by an AF to subscribe with the PCF to usage monitoring of sponsored data connectivity or to
provide updated usage thresholds for the existing application session context, when the "Sponsored Connectivity"
feature is supported.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PUT request message described in subclause the "EventsSubscReqData" data
type, that shall contain:

- the "events" attribute with a new entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type with the "event" attribute set to

- the "usgThres" attribute with the usage thresholds to apply.

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause Void Request of access network information

This procedure is used by an AF to request the PCF to report the access network information (i.e. user location and/or
user timezone information) without providing service information when the "NetLoc" feature is supported.

The AF can request access network information without providing service information:

- at initial subscription to events, using the HTTP POST request message as described in subclause; and

- at modification of the subscription to events, using the HTTP PUT request message as described in

The AF shall include in the HTTP request message:

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

When the PCF determines that the access network does not support the access network information reporting because
the SMF does not support the NetLoc feature, the PCF shall respond to the AF including in the "EventsNotification"
data type the "noNetLocSupp" attribute set to "ANR_NOT_SUPPORTED" value. Otherwise, the PCF shall
immediately configure the SMF to provide such access information, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF with the HTTP POST response as described in subclause and with the HTTP PUT
response as described in subclause

Release 16 66 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Subscription to notification of signalling path status

When the feature "IMS_SBI" is supported, this procedure is used by an AF to subscribe to notifications of the status of
the AF signalling transmission path.

The AF shall create a new "Individual Application Session Context" resource with the PCF for the AF signalling using
the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation.

The AF shall provide:

- the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the UE in the "ueIpv4" or "ueIpv6" attribute;

- within the "evSubsc" attribute, the "event" attribute set to "FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOCATION"; and

- a media component within the "medComponents" attribute including:

- the "medCompN" attribute set to "0"; and

- a single media subcomponent within the "medSubComps" attribute with:

- the "flowUsage" attribute set to the value "AF_SIGNALLING"; and

- if the procedures for AF provisioning of AF signalling flow information do not apply, the "fNum"
attribute set to "0".

When the "fNum" attribute is set to "0", the rest of attributes within the related media component and media
subcomponent shall not be used.

The PCF shall perform session binding as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] and shall reply to the AF as described in

PCC rules related to AF signalling IP flows should be provisioned to SMF using the corresponding procedures specified
at 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] at an earlier stage (e.g. typically at the establishment of the QoS flow dedicated for AF
signalling IP flows). The PCF may install the corresponding dynamic PCC rules for the AF signalling IP flows if none
has been installed before.

NOTE 1: Well-known ports (e.g. 3GPP TS 24.229 [32] for SIP) or wildcard ports can be used by PCF to derive the
dynamic PCC for the AF signalling IP flows.

If the "Individual Application Session Context" resource is only used for subscription to notification of AF signalling
path status, the AF may cancel the subscription to notifications of the status of the AF signalling transmission path
removing the resource as described in subclause

NOTE 2: The "Individual Application Session Context" resource created for the AF signalling can also be used
when the AF requests notifications of access type change, and/or when the AF provisions AF Signalling
Flow Information. Subscription to Service Data Flow QoS Monitoring Information

This procedure is used by AF to subscribe and/or modify the PCF subscription for notification about packet delay
between UPF and RAN.

The AF shall include in the HTTP PUT request message described in subclause the "EventsSubscReqData" data
type, that shall contain:

- to create a subscription to QoS monitoring information:

a) shall include the "events" array with an array that contains a new entry with the "event" attribute set to
"QOS_MONITORING", and notification related information as described in subclause; and

b) when the "notifMethod" of the new entry is "EVENT_DETECTION", shall include a "qosMon" attribute
with the QoS monitoring information as described in subclause

c) shall include the new requested QoS monitoring parameter(s) to be measured (i.e. DL, UL and/or round trip
packet delay) within the "reqQosMonParams" attribute;

Release 16 67 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- to remove a subscription to QoS monitoring information:

a) shall include the "events" array containing an array that shall omit the corresponding entry with the "event"
attribute value "QOS_MONITORING"; and

b) when the "notifMethod" of the removed entry is "EVENT_DETECTION", it shall omit the "qosMon".

The AF shall include other events related information that shall remain unchanged.

As result of this action, the PCF shall set the appropriate subscription to QoS monitoring information for the
corresponding active PCC rule(s) as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

The PCF shall reply to the AF as described in subclause

4.2.7 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe service operation General
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe service operation enables NF service consumers to remove subscription to
all subscribed events for the existing application session context. Subscription to events shall be removed:

- by invoking the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe service operation for the existing application session
context, as described in subclause; or

- within the application session context modification procedure by invoking the

Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation, as described in subclause 4.2.3; or

- within the application session context termination procedure by invoking the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete
service operation, as described in subclause 4.2.4.

The following procedure using the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe service operation is supported:

- Unsubscription to events. Unsubscription to events

This procedure is used to unsubscribe to all subscribed events for the existing AF application session context, as defined
in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2], 3GPP TS 23.502 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.503 [4].

Figure illustrates the unsubscription to events using the HTTP DELETE method.


1. DELETE …/app-sessions/{appSessionId}/events-subscription

2. "204 No Content"

Figure Removal of events subscription information using HTTP DELETE

When the AF decides to unsubscribe to all subscribed events for the existing application session context, the AF shall
invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe service operation by sending the HTTP DELETE request message
to the resource URI representing the "Events Subscription" sub-resource in the PCF, as shown in figure,
step 1.

Release 16 68 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Upon the reception of the HTTP DELETE request message from the AF, the PCF shall decide whether the received
HTTP request message is accepted.

If the HTTP DELETE request message from the AF is accepted, the PCF shall delete "Events Subscription" sub-
resource and shall send to the AF a HTTP "204 No Content" response message. The PCF may delete the existing
subscription to event notifications for the related PDU session from the SMF as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8].

If the HTTP DELETE request message from the AF is rejected, the PCF shall indicate in the HTTP response message
the cause for the rejection as specified in subclause 5.7.

5 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service API

5.1 Introduction
The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service shall use the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API.

The API URI of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API shall be:


The request URIs used in each HTTP requests from the NF service consumer towards the PCF shall have the Resource
URI structure defined in subclause 4.4.1 of 3GPP TS 29.501 [6], i.e.:


with the following components:

- The {apiRoot} shall be set as described in 3GPP TS 29.501 [6].

- The <apiName> shall be "npcf-policyauthorization".

- The <apiVersion> shall be "v1".

- The <apiSpecificResourceUriPart> shall be set as described in subclause 5.3.

5.2 Usage of HTTP

5.2.1 General
HTTP/2, IETF RFC 7540 [9], shall be used as specified in subclause 5.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

HTTP/2 shall be transported as specified in subclause 5.3 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

The OpenAPI [11] specification of HTTP messages and content bodies for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service is
contained in Annex A.

5.2.2 HTTP standard headers General
See subclause 5.2.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the usage of HTTP standard headers. Content type

JSON, IETF RFC 8259 [10], shall be used as content type of the HTTP bodies specified in the present specification, as
specified in subclause 5.4 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5]. The use of the JSON format shall be signalled by the content type

Release 16 69 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

JSON object used in the HTTP PATCH request shall be encoded according to "JSON Merge Patch" and shall be
signalled by the content type "application/merge-patch+json", as defined in IETF RFC 7396 [21].

"Problem Details" JSON object shall be used to indicate additional details of the error in a HTTP response body and
shall be signalled by the content type "application/problem+json", as defined in IETF RFC 7807 [24].

5.2.3 HTTP custom headers

The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API shall support HTTP custom header fields specified in subclause of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

In this Release of the specification, no specific custom headers are defined for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API.

5.3 Resources
5.3.1 Resource Structure







Figure 5.3.1-1: Resource URI structure of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API

Table 5.3.1-1 provides an overview of the resources and applicable HTTP methods.

Release 16 70 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table 5.3.1-1: Resources and methods overview

HTTP method or
Resource name Resource URI Description
custom operation
Application /app-sessions POST Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create.
Sessions Creates a new Individual Application
Session Context resource and may
create the child Events Subscription sub-
/app-sessions/pcscf-restoration PcscfRestoration P-CSCF restoration. It indicates that P-
(POST) CSCF restoration needs to be
Individual /app-sessions/{appSessionId} PATCH Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update.
Application Session Updates an existing Individual
Context Application Session Context resource. It
can also update an Events Subscription
GET Reads an existing Individual Application
Session Context resource.
delete Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete.
/app-sessions/ (POST) Deletes an existing Individual Application
{appSessionId}/delete Session Context resource and the child
Events Subscription sub-resource.
Events Subscription /app-sessions/{appSessionId} PUT Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe.
/events-subscription Creates a new Events Subscription sub-
resource or modifies an existing Events
Subscription sub-resource.
DELETE Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe.
Deletes an Events Subscription sub-

5.3.2 Resource: Application Sessions (Collection) Description
The Application Sessions resource represents all application session contexts that exist in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization
service at a given PCF instance. Resource definition

Resource URI: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions

This resource shall support the resource URI variables defined in table

Table Resource URI variables for this resource

Name Data type Definition

apiRoot string See subclause 5.1 Resource Standard Methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


Release 16 71 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

AppSessionContext M 1 Contains the information for the creation of a new Individual
Application Session Context resource.

Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

AppSessionContext M 1 201 Created Successful case.
The creation of an Individual Application Session
Context resource is confirmed and a representation of
that resource is returned.
n/a 303 See Other The result of the HTTP POST request would be
equivalent to the existing Application Session Context.
The HTTP response shall contain a Location header
field set to the URI of the existing individual Application
Session Context resource.
ExtendedProblemD O 0..1 403 Forbidden (NOTE 2)
ProblemDetails O 0..1 500 Internal (NOTE 2)
Server Error
NOTE 1: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the POST method shall also apply.
NOTE 2: Failure cases are described in subclause 5.7.

Table Headers supported by the 201 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 Contains the URI of the newly created resource, according to
the structure: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-

Table Headers supported by the 303 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 Contains the URI of the existing individual Application
Session Context resource.

Table Headers supported by the 403 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Retry-After string or integer M 1 Indicates the time the AF has to wait before making a new

Release 16 72 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Resource Custom Operations Overview

Table Custom operations

Operation name Mapped HTTP

Custom operation URI Description
PcscfRestoration /app-sessions/pcscf- POST The P-CSCF Restoration custom
restoration operation invokes P-CSCF restoration. It
does not create an Individual Application
Session Context resource. Operation: PcscfRestoration Description Operation Definition

This custom operation invokes P-CSCF restoration in the PCF and does not create an Individual Application Session
Context resource.

This operation shall support the request data structure specified in table and the response data structure and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

PcscfRestorationRequest O 0..1 P-CSCF restoration data to be sent by the AF to request the P-CSCF
Data restoration to the PCF.

Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

n/a 204 No Content Successful case.
The P-CSCF restoration has been successfully invoked.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during P-CSCF restoration. The
Redirect response shall include a Location header field containing
an alternative URI of the resource located in an
alternative PCF (service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during P-CSCF restoration. The
Redirect response shall include a Location header field containing
an alternative URI of the resource located in an
alternative PCF (service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 500 Internal Server (NOTE 2)
NOTE: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the POST method shall also apply.

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Release 16 73 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

5.3.3 Resource: Individual Application Session Context (Document) Description
The Individual Application Session Context resource represents a single application session context that exists in the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service. Resource definition

Resource URI: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions/{appSessionId}

This resource shall support the resource URI variables defined in table

Table Resource URI variables for this resource

Name Data type Definition

apiRoot string See subclause 5.1
appSessio string
Identifies an application session context formatted according to IETF RFC 3986 [19].
nId Resource Standard Methods GET
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the GET method on this resource
Name Data type P Cardinality Description

This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the GET Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description


Release 16 74 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Data structures supported by the GET Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

AppSessionContext M 1 200 OK A representation of an Individual Application Session
Context resource is returned.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during Individual Application
Redirect Session Context retrieval. The response shall include
a Location header field containing an alternative URI
of the resource located in an alternative PCF
(service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during Individual Application
Redirect Session Context retrieval. The response shall include
a Location header field containing an alternative URI
of the resource located in an alternative PCF
(service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 404 Not Found (NOTE 2)
NOTE 1: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the GET method shall also apply.
NOTE 2: Failure cases are described in subclause 5.7.

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected PATCH
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the PATCH method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the PATCH Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

AppSessionContextUpdateData M 1 Contains the modification(s) to apply to the Individual
Application Session Context resource.

Release 16 75 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Data structures supported by the PATCH Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

AppSessionContext M 1 200 OK Successful case.
The Individual Application Session Context resource
was modified and a representation of that resource is
n/a 204 No Content Successful case.
The Individual Application session context resource
was modified.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during Individual Application
Redirect Session Context modification. The response shall
include a Location header field containing an
alternative URI of the resource located in an
alternative PCF (service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during Individual Application
Redirect Session Context modification. The response shall
include a Location header field containing an
alternative URI of the resource located in an
alternative PCF (service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ExtendedProblemDet M 1 403 Forbidden (NOTE 2)
ProblemDetails O 0..1 404 Not Found (NOTE 2)
NOTE 1: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the PATCH method shall also apply.
NOTE 2: Failure cases are described in subclause 5.7.

Table Headers supported by the 403 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Retry-After string or integer M 1 Indicates the time the AF has to wait before making a new

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Release 16 76 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Resource Custom Operations Overview

Table Custom operations

Operation name Mapped HTTP

Custom operation URI Description
delete /app-sessions/ POST Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete.
{appSessionId}/delete Deletes an existing Individual
Application Session Context
resource and the child Events
Subscription sub-resource. Operation: delete Description Operation Definition

This custom operation deletes an existing Individual Application Session Context resource and the child Events
Subscription sub-resource in the PCF.

This operation shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structure
and response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

EventsSubscReqData O 0..1 Events subscription information to be sent by the AF to request event
notification when the Individual Application Session Context resource
is deleted.

Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

n/a 204 No Content Successful case.
The Individual Application session context resource
was deleted.
AppSessionContex M 1 200 OK Successful case.
t The Individual Application Session Context resource
was deleted and a partial representation of that
resource containing event notification information is
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during Individual Application
Redirect Session Context termination. The response shall
include a Location header field containing an alternative
URI of the resource located in an alternative PCF
(service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during Individual Application
Redirect Session Context termination. The response shall
include a Location header field containing an alternative
URI of the resource located in an alternative PCF
(service) instance.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
NOTE 1: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the POST method shall also apply.

Release 16 77 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

5.3.4 Resource: Events Subscription (Document) Description
The Events Subscription sub-resource represents a subscription to events for an application session context that exists in
the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service. Resource definition

Resource URI: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions/{appSessionId}/events-subscription

This resource shall support the resource URI variables defined in table

Table Resource URI variables for this resource

Name Data type Definition

apiRoot string See subclause 5.1
appSessionId string Identifies an application session context formatted according to
IETF RFC 3986 [19]. Resource Standard Methods PUT
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the PUT method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the PUT Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

EventsSubscReqData M 1 Contains information for the modification of the Events
Subscription sub-resource.

Release 16 78 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Data structures supported by the PUT Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

EventsSubscPutData M 1 201 Created Successful case.
The Events Subscription sub-resource was created.
The properties of the EventsSubscReqData data type
shall be included. The properties of the
EventsNotification data type shall be included when
the notification for one or more created events is
already available in the PCF.
EventsSubscPutData M 1 200 OK Successful case.
The Events Subscription sub-resource was modified
and a representation of that sub-resource is returned.
The properties of the EventsSubscReqData data type
shall be included. The properties of the
EventsNotification data type shall be included when
the notification for one or more updated events is
already available in the PCF.
n/a 204 No Content Successful case.
The Events Subscription sub-resource was modified.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during Events Subscription
Redirect modification. The response shall include a Location
header field containing an alternative URI of the
resource located in an alternative PCF (service)
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during Events Subscription
Redirect modification. The response shall include a Location
header field containing an alternative URI of the
resource located in an alternative PCF (service)
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 403 Forbidden (NOTE 2)
ProblemDetails O 0..1 404 Not Found (NOTE 2)
NOTE 1: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the PUT method shall also apply.
NOTE 2: Failure cases are described in subclause 5.7.

Table Headers supported by the 201 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 Contains the URI of the newly created resource, according to
the structure: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Release 16 79 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) DELETE
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the DELETE method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the DELETE Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description


Table Data structures supported by the DELETE Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality

Response codes Description
n/a 204 No Content Successful case.
The Events Subscription sub-resource was deleted.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during Events Subscription
Redirect termination. The response shall include a Location
header field containing an alternative URI of the
resource located in an alternative PCF (service)
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during Events Subscription
Redirect termination. The response shall include a Location
header field containing an alternative URI of the
resource located in an alternative PCF (service)
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 404 Not Found (NOTE 2)
NOTE 1: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the DELETE method shall also apply.
NOTE 2: Failure cases are described in subclause 5.7.

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI of the resource located in an alternative
PCF (service) instance.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the request is redirected Resource Custom Operations


Release 16 80 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

5.4 Custom Operations without associated resources

No custom operation is defined in this Release of the specification.

5.5 Notifications
5.5.1 General
Notifications shall comply to subclause 6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] and subclause of 3GPP TS 29.501 [6].

Table 5.5.1-1: Notifications overview

Notification HTTP method or

Callback URI Description (service operation)
custom operation
Event Notification {notifUri}/notify notify (POST) PCF event notification.
Termination Request {notifUri}/terminate terminate (POST) Request for termination of an
Individual Application Session
Notification about new {notifUri}/new-bridge new-bridge (POST) Notification about new 5GS Bridge
5GS Bridge

5.5.2 Event Notification Description
The Event Notification is used by the PCF to report one or several observed application session context events to the
NF service consumer that has subscribed to such notifications via the Events Subscription sub-resource. Target URI

The Callback URI "{notifUri}/notify" shall be used with the callback URI variables defined in table

Table Callback URI variables

Name Data type Definition

notifUri Uri The Notification Uri as assigned within the Events Subscription sub-resource and
described within the EventsSubscReqData type (see table Standard Methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

EventsNotification M 1 Provides Information about observed events.

Release 16 81 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

n/a 204 No Content The receipt of the Notification is acknowledged.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during event notification. The
Redirect response shall include a Location header field
containing an alternative URI representing the end
point of an alternative NF consumer (service) instance
where the notification should be sent.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during subscription
Redirect modification. The response shall include a Location
header field containing an alternative URI representing
the end point of an alternative NF consumer (service)
instance where the notification should be sent.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
NOTE: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the POST method shall also apply.

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI representing the end point of an
alternative NF consumer (service) instance towards which the
notification should be redirected.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the notification request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI representing the end point of an
alternative NF consumer (service) instance towards which the
notification should be redirected.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the notification request is redirected

5.5.3 Termination Request Description
The Termination Request is used by the PCF to request the NF service consumer the deletion of the Individual
Application Session Context resource. Target URI

The Callback URI "{notifUri}/terminate" shall be used with the callback URI variables defined in table

Table Callback URI variables

Name Data type Definition

notifUri Uri The Notification Uri as assigned within the Individual Application Session Context
resource and described within the AppSessionContextReqData Data type (see

Release 16 82 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Standard Methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Description

TerminationInfo M 1 Provides information about the deletion of the resource.

Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

n/a 204 No Content The receipt of the Notification is acknowledged.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during event notification. The
Redirect response shall include a Location header field
containing an alternative URI representing the end
point of an alternative NF consumer (service) instance
where the notification should be sent.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during event notification. The
Redirect response shall include a Location header field
containing an alternative URI representing the end
point of an alternative NF consumer (service) instance
where the notification should be sent.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
NOTE: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the POST method shall also apply.

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI representing the end point of an
alternative NF consumer (service) instance towards which the
notification should be redirected.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the notification request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI representing the end point of an
alternative NF consumer (service) instance towards which the
notification should be redirected.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the notification request is redirected

Release 16 83 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

5.5.4 Detected 5GS Bridge for a PDU session Description
The Detected 5GS Bridge for a PDU session operation is used by the PCF to notifiy the NF service consumer about the
detection of 5GS Bridge information in the context of a PDU session and to trigger in the TSN AF the creation of a new
Individual Application Session Context to associate it with the detected 5GS Bridge for the PDU session.

The PCF shall use the locally configured notification URI of the TSN AF as request URI of the notification request. The
"callback" definition in the OpenAPI specification is associated to the "ApplicationSessions" resource. Target URI

The Callback URI "{notifUri}/new-bridge" shall be used with the callback URI variables defined in table

Table Callback URI variables

Name Data type Definition

notifUri Uri It is locally configured in the PCF. Standard Methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table

Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description


This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and
response codes specified in table

Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource
Data type P Cardinality Description
PduSessionTsnBridge M 1 Provides information about the deletion of the resource.

Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource

Data type P Cardinality Response codes Description

n/a 204 No Content The receipt of the Notification is acknowledged.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 307 Temporary Temporary redirection, during PDU session TSN
Redirect Bridge notification. The response shall include a
Location header field containing an alternative URI
representing the end point of an alternative NF
consumer (service) instance where the notification
should be sent.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
ProblemDetails O 0..1 308 Permanent Permanent redirection, during PDU session TSN
Redirect Bridge notification. The response shall include a
Location header field containing an alternative URI
representing the end point of an alternative NF
consumer (service) instance where the notification
should be sent.
Applicable if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.
NOTE: In addition, the HTTP status codes which are specified as mandatory in table of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for the POST method shall also apply.

Release 16 84 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Headers supported by the 307 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI representing the end point of an
alternative NF consumer (service) instance towards which the
notification should be redirected.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the notification request is redirected

Table Headers supported by the 308 Response Code on this resource

Name Data type P Cardinality Description

Location string M 1 An alternative URI representing the end point of an
alternative NF consumer (service) instance towards which the
notification should be redirected.
3gpp-Sbi-Target- string O 0..1 Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
Nf-Id the notification request is redirected

5.6 Data Model

5.6.1 General
This subclause specifies the application data model supported by the API.

Table 5.6.1-1 specifies the data types defined for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service based interface protocol.

Release 16 85 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table 5.6.1-1: Npcf_PolicyAuthorization specific Data Types

Release 16 86 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Data type Section defined Description Applicability

AcceptableServiceInfo Acceptable maximum requested bandwidth.
AccessNetChargingIdentif Contains the access network charging identifier. IMS_SBI
AfAppId Contains an AF application identifier.
AfEvent Represents an event to notify to the AF.
AfEventNotification Represents the notification of an event.
AfEventSubscription Represents the subscription to events.
AfNotifMethod Represents the notification methods that can be
subscribed for an event.
AfRequestedData Represents the information the AF requested to IMS_SBI
be exposed.
AfRoutingRequirement Describes the routing requirements for the InfluenceOnTrafficR
application traffic flows. outing
AfRoutingRequirementR This data type is defined in the same way as the InfluenceOnTrafficR
m "AfRoutingRequirement" data type, but with the outing
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
AnGwAddress Carries the control plane address of the access
network gateway.
AppSessionContext Represents an Individual Application Session
Context resource.
AppSessionContextReqD Represents the Individual Application Session
ata Context resource data received in an HTTP
POST request message.
AppSessionContextResp Represents the Individual Application Session
Data Context resource data produced by the server
and returned in an HTTP response message.
AppSessionContextUpdat Describes the modifications to an Individual
eData Application Session Context resource.
AspId Contains an identity of an application service SponsoredConnecti
provider. vity
CodecData Contains a codec related information.
ContentVersion Represents the version of a media component. MediaComponentV
EthFlowDescription Defines a packet filter for an Ethernet flow.
EventsNotification Describes the notification about the events
occurred within an Individual Application Session
Context resource.
EventsSubscPutData Identifies the events the application subscribes
to within an Events Subscription sub-resource
data. It may also include the attributes of the
notification about the events already met at the
time of subscription.
It is represented as a non-exclusive list of two
data types: EventsSubscReqData and
EventsSubscReqData Identifies the events the application subscribes
to within an Individual Application Session
Context resource.
EventsSubscReqDataRm This data type is defined in the same way as the
"EventsSubscReqData" data type, but with the
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
ExtendedProblemDetails Data type that extends ProblemDetails.
FlowDescription Defines a packet filter for an IP flow.
Flows Identifies the flows related to a media
FlowStatus Describes whether the IP flow(s) are enabled or
FlowUsage Describes the flow usage of the flows described
by a media subcomponent.
MediaComponent Contains service information for a media
component of an AF session.

Release 16 87 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Data type Section defined Description Applicability

MediaComponentRm This data type is defined in the same way as the
"MediaComponent" data type, but with the
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
MediaComponentResourc Indicates whether the media component is active
esStatus or inactive.
MediaSubComponent Contains the requested bitrate and filters for the
set of IP flows identified by their common flow
MediaSubComponentRm This data type is defined in the same way as the
"MediaSubComponent" data type, but with the
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
MediaType Indicates the media type of a media component.
NewTsnBridge Contains the Bridge Information and DS-TT port TimeSensitiveNetw
and/or NW-TT ports management information of orking
a new detected 5GS Bridge in the context of a
new PDU session.
OutOfCreditInformation Indicates the service data flows without available IMS_SBI
credit and the corresponding termination action.
PcscfRestorationRequest Indicates P-CSCF restoration. PCSCF-
Data Restoration-
PreemptionControlInform Pre-emption control information. MCPTT-Preemption
PreemptionControlInform This data type is defined in the same way as the MCPTT-Preemption
ationRm "PreemptionControlInformation" data type, but
with the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
PrioritySharingIndicator Priority sharing indicator. PrioritySharing
QosMonitoringInformation QoS monitoring for UL, DL or round trip delay. QoSMonitoring
QosMonitoringInformation This data type is defined in the same way as the QoSMonitoring
Rm "QosMonitoringInformation" data type, but with
the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
QosMonitoringReport Contains QoS monitoring reporting information. QoSMonitoring
QosNotificationControlInf Indicates whether the QoS targets related to
o certain media component are not guaranteed or
are guaranteed again.
QosNotifType Indicates type of notification for QoS Notification
RequiredAccessInfo Indicates the access network information NetLoc
required for an AF session.
ReservPriority Indicates the reservation priority.
ResourcesAllocationInfo Indicates the status of the PCC rule(s) related to
certain media component.
ServAuthInfo Indicates the result of the Policy Authorization
service request from the AF.
ServiceInfoStatus Preliminary or final service information status. IMS_SBI
ServiceUrn Service URN. IMS_SBI
SipForkingIndication Describes if several SIP dialogues are related to IMS_SBI
an "Individual Application Session Context"
SpatialValidity Describes the spatial validity of an AF request InfluenceOnTrafficR
for influencing traffic routing. outing
SpatialValidityRm This data type is defined in the same way as the InfluenceOnTrafficR
"SpatialValidity" data type, but with the OpenAPI outing
"nullable: true" property.
SponId Contains an Identity of a sponsor. SponsoredConnecti
SponsoringStatus Represents whether sponsored data connectivity SponsoredConnecti
is enabled or disabled/not enabled. vity
TemporalValidity Indicates the time interval during which the AF InfluenceOnTrafficR
request is to be applied. outing
TerminationCause Indicates the cause for requesting the deletion of
the Individual Application Session Context

Release 16 88 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Data type Section defined Description Applicability

TerminationInfo Includes information related to the termination of
the Individual Application Session Context
TosTrafficClass Contains the IPv4 Type-of-Service or the IPv6
Traffic-Class field and the ToS/Traffic Class
mask field.
TosTrafficClassRm This data type is defined in the same way as the
"TosTrafficClass" data type, but with the
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
TscPriorityLevel Priority of TSC Flows TimeSensitiveNetw
TscPriorityLevelRm This data type is defined in the same way as the TimeSensitiveNetw
"TscPriorityLevel" data type, but with the orking
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property
TscaiInputContainer TSCAI Input information container. TimeSensitiveNetw
TsnQosContainer TSC traffic QoS parameters. TimeSensitiveNetw
TsnQosContainerRm This data type is defined in the same way as the TimeSensitiveNetw
"TsnQosContainer" data type, but with the orking
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
UeIdentityInfo Represents 5GS-Level UE Identities. IMS_SBI

Table 5.6.1-2 specifies data types re-used by the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service based interface protocol from other
specifications, including a reference to their respective specifications and when needed, a short description of their use
within the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service based interface.

Release 16 89 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table 5.6.1-2: Npcf_PolicyAuthorization re-used Data Types

Data type Reference Comments Applicability

AccNetChargingAddre 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Indicates the IP address of the network entity IMS_SBI
ss within the access network performing
AccessType 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] The identification of the type of access
AccumulatedUsage 3GPP TS 29.122 [15] Accumulated Usage. SponsoredConnectivi
AdditionalAccessInfo 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Indicates the combination of additional ATSSS
Access Type and RAT Type for MA PDU
AfSigProtocol 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Represents the protocol used for signalling ProvAFsignalFlow
between the UE and the AF.
ApplicationChargingId 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Application provided charging identifier IMS_SBI
allowing correlation of charging information.
BdtReferenceId 3GPP TS 29.122 [15] Identifies transfer policies.
BitRate 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Specifies bitrate in kbits per second.
BitRateRm 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] This data type is defined in the same way as
the "BitRate" data type, but with the OpenAPI
"nullable: true" property.
BridgeManagementCo 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Contains bridge management information. TimeSensitiveNetwor
ntainer king
Bytes 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] String with format "byte".
ChargingId 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Charging identifier allowing correlation of IMS_SBI
charging information.
DateTime 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] String with format "date-time" as defined in InfluenceOnTrafficRo
OpenAPI Specification [11]. uting,
Dnn 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Data Network Name.
DurationSec 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies a period of time in units of seconds. TimeSensitiveNetwor
FinalUnitAction 3GPP TS 32.291 [22] Indicates the action to be taken when the
user's account cannot cover the service cost.
Float 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Number with format "float" as defined in FLUS
OpenAPI Specification [11].
FloatRm 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] This data type is defined in the same way as FLUS
the "Float" data type, but with the OpenAPI
"nullable: true" property.
FlowDirection 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Flow Direction.
ExtMaxDataBurstVol 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Maximum Burst Size. TimeSensitiveNetwor
ExtMaxDataBurstVolR 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] This data type is defined in the same way as TimeSensitiveNetwor
m the "ExtMaxDataBurstVol" data type, but with king
the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property
Gpsi 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies the GPSI.
Ipv4Addr 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies an IPv4 address.
Ipv6Addr 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies an IPv6 address.
MacAddr48 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] MAC Address.
NetLocAccessSupport 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Indicates the access network does not NetLoc
support the report of the requested access
network information.
NullValue 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] JSON's null value, used as an explicit value MCPTT-Preemption
of an enumeration.
PacketDelBudget 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Packet Delay Budget. TimeSensitiveNetwor
PacketDelBudgetRm 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] This data type is defined in the same way as TimeSensitiveNetwor
the "PacketDelBudget" data type, but with the king
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property

Release 16 90 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Data type Reference Comments Applicability

PacketLossRateRm 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] This data type is defined in the same way as CHEM
the "PacketLossRate" data type, but with the
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
Pei 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies the PEI. IMS_SBI
PlmnIdNid 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies the network: the PLMN Identifier
(mobile country code and mobile network
code) and, for an SNPN, also the NID.
PreemptionCapability 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Pre-emption capability. MCPTT-Preemption
PreemptionVulnerabilit 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Pre-emption vulnerability. MCPTT-Preemption
PreemptionCapability 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] It is defined in the same way as the MCPTT-Preemption
Rm "PreemptionCapability" data type, but with
the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
PreemptionVulnerabilit 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] It is defined in the same way as the MCPTT-Preemption
yRm "PreemptionVulnerability" data type, but with
the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
PresenceInfo 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Represents an area of interest, e.g. a InfluenceOnTrafficRo
Presence Reporting Area. uting
PortManagementCont 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Contains port management information for a TimeSensitiveNetwor
ainer related TSN port. king
ProblemDetails 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Contains a detailed information about an
RanNasRelCause 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Indicates RAN and/or NAS release cause RAN-NAS-Cause
code information.
RequestedQosMonitor 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Indicate the UL packet delay, DL packet QoSMonitoring
ingParameter delay or round trip packet delay between the
UE and the UPF is to be monitored when the
QoS Monitoring for URLLC is enabled for the
service data flow.
RatType 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] RAT Type.
RouteToLocation 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies routes to locations of applications. InfluenceOnTrafficRo
Snssai 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies the S-NSSAI.
Supi 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Identifies the SUPI.
SupportedFeatures 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Used to negotiate the applicability of the
optional features defined in table 5.8-1.
TimeZone 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Time Zone. NetLoc
TsnBridgeInfo 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] TSN bridge information. TimeSensitiveNetwor
TsnPortIdentifier 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] TSN port information. TimeSensitiveNetwor
Uint32 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] Unsigned 32-bit integers, i.e. only value 0 ResourceSharing
and 32-bit integers above 0 are permissible.
Uint32Rm 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] This data type is defined in the same way as ResourceSharing
the "Uint32" data type, but with the OpenAPI
"nullable: true" property.
UpPathChgEvent 3GPP TS 29.512 [8] Contains the subscription information to be InfluenceOnTrafficRo
delivered to SMF for the UP path uting
management events.
Uri 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] String providing an URI.
UsageThreshold 3GPP TS 29.122 [15] Usage Thresholds. SponsoredConnectivi
UsageThresholdRm 3GPP TS 29.122 [15] This data type is defined in the same way as SponsoredConnectivi
the "UsageThreshold" data type, but with the ty
OpenAPI "nullable: true" property.
UserLocation 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] User Location. NetLoc

Release 16 91 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

5.6.2 Structured data types Introduction
This subclause defines the structures to be used in resource representations. Type AppSessionContext

Table Definition of type AppSessionContext

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

ascReqData AppSessionContext C 0..1 Identifies the service requirements of an
ReqData Individual Application Session Context.
It shall be present in HTTP POST
request messages for the creation of
the resource and may be included in
the HTTP response messages.
ascRespData AppSessionContext C 0..1 Describes the authorization data of an
RespData Individual Application Session Context
created by the PCF.
It may be present in the HTTP response
evsNotif EventsNotification O 0..1 Describes information related to the
notification of events.

Release 16 92 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type AppSessionContextReqData

Table Definition of type AppSessionContextReqData

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

afAppId AfAppId O 0..1 AF application identifier.
afChargId ApplicationChargin O 0..1 AF charging identifier. This information IMS_SBI
gId may be used for charging correlation
with QoS flow.
afReqData AfRequestedData O 0..1 Represents the AF requested data to IMS_SBI
be exposed.
afRoutReq AfRoutingRequire C 0..1 Indicates the AF traffic routing InfluenceOnTr
ment requirements. It shall be included if afficRouting
Influence on Traffic Routing feature is
aspId AspId C 0..1 Application service provider identity. It SponsoredCon
shall be included if nectivity
"SponsoredConnectivity" feature is
bdtRefId BdtReferenceId O 0..1 Reference to a transfer policy
negotiated for background data traffic.
dnn Dnn C 0..1 Data Network Name, a full DNN with
both the Network Identifier and
Operator Identifier, or a DNN with the
Network Identifier only. It shall be
present when the "afRoutReq" attribute
is present.
evSubsc EventsSubscReqD O 0..1 Identifies the events the application
ata subscribes to at creation of an
Individual Application Session Context
ipDomain string O 0..1 Indicates the IPv4 address domain
information that assists session binding.
mcpttId string O 0..1 Indicates that the created Individual MCPTT
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MCPTT session prioritized
It includes either one of the namespace
values used for MCPTT (see
IETF RFC 8101 [42]) and it may include
the name of the MCPTT service
mcVideoId string O 0..1 Indicates that the created Individual MCVideo
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MCVideo session
prioritized call.
It includes either one of the namespace
values used for MCPTT (see
IETF RFC 8101 [42]) and it may include
the name of the MCVideo service
medComponents map(MediaCompo O 1..N Media Component information. The key
nent) of the map is the attribute
mpsId string O 0..1 Indicates that the created Individual
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MPS service. It contains
the national variant for MPS service
mcsId string O 0..1 Indicates that the created Individual
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MCS service. It contains
the national variant for MCS service
preemptControlInfo PreemptionControlI O 0..1 Pre-emption control information. MCPTT-
nformation Preemption

Release 16 93 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

resPrio ReservPriority O 0..1 Indicates the reservation priority.
servInfStatus ServiceInfoStatus O 0..1 Indicates whether the service IMS_SBI
information is preliminary or final.
When the attribute is not provided the
default value is "FINAL".
notifUri Uri M 1 Notification URI for Application Session
Context termination requests.
servUrn ServiceUrn O 0..1 Service URN. IMS_SBI
sliceInfo Snssai O 0..1 Identifies the S-NSSAI.
sponId SponId C 0..1 Sponsor identity. It shall be included if SponsoredCon
"SponsoredConnectivity" feature is nectivity
sponStatus SponsoringStatus O 0..1 Indication of whether sponsored SponsoredCon
connectivity is enabled or disabled/not nectivity
The absence of the attribute indicates
that the sponsored connectivity is
supi Supi O 0..1 Subscription Permanent Identifier.
gpsi Gpsi O 0..1 Generic Public Subscription Identifier.
suppFeat SupportedFeatures M 1 This IE represents a list of Supported
features used as described in
subclause 5.8.
It shall be supplied by the NF service
consumer in the POST request that
requests a creation of an Individual
Application Session Context resource.
ueIpv4 Ipv4Addr C 0..1 The IPv4 address of the served UE.
ueIpv6 Ipv6Addr C 0..1 The IPv6 address of the served UE.
ueMac MacAddr48 C 0..1 The MAC address of the served UE.
When the feature
"TimeSensitiveNetworking" is
supported this attribute represents the
DS-TT port MAC address.
tsnBridgeManCont BridgeManagemen O 0..1 Transports TSN bridge management TimeSensitive
tContainer information. Networking
tsnPortManContDs PortManagementC O 0..1 Transports TSN port management TimeSensitive
tt ontainer information for the DS-TT port. Networking
tsnPortManContN array(PortManage O 1..N Transports TSN port management TimeSensitive
wtts mentContainer) information for one or more NW-TT Networking
NOTE: Only one of the served UE addressing parameters (the IPv4 address or the IPv6 address or MAC address)
shall always be included. Type AppSessionContextRespData

Table Definition of type AppSessionContextRespData

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

servAuthInfo ServAuthInfo O 0..1 Indicates the result of the authorization
for a service request bound to a
transfer policy.
ueIds array(UeIdentityInfo) O 1..N Represents the 5GS-Level UE identities IMS_SBI
available for an AF session context.
suppFeat SupportedFeatures C 0..1 This IE represents a list of Supported
features used as described in
subclause 5.8.
It shall be supplied by the PCF in the
response to the POST request that
requested a creation of an Individual
Application Session Context resource.

Release 16 94 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type AppSessionContextUpdateData

Table Definition of type AppSessionContextUpdateData

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

afAppId AfAppId O 0..1 AF application identifier.
afRoutReq AfRoutingRequire O 0..1 Indicates the AF traffic routing InfluenceOnTr
mentRm requirements. afficRouting
aspId AspId O 0..1 Application service provider identity. SponsoredCon
bdtRefId BdtReferenceId O 0..1 Reference to a transfer policy
negotiated for background data traffic.
evSubsc EventsSubscReqD O 0..1 Identifies the events the application
ataRm subscribes to at modification of an
Individual Application Session Context
mcpttId string O 0..1 Indicates that the updated Individual MCPTT
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MCPTT session prioritized
It includes either one of the namespace
values used for MCPTT (see
IETF RFC 8101 [42]) and it may include
the name of the MCPTT service
mcVideoId string O 0..1 Indicates that the updated Individual MCVideo
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MCVideo session
prioritized call.
It includes either one of the namespace
values used for MCPTT (see
IETF RFC 8101 [42]) and it may include
the name of the MCVideo service
medComponents map(MediaCompo O 1..N Media Component information.
mpsId string O 0..1 Indicates that the modified Individual
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MPS service. It contains
the national variant for MPS service
mcsId string O 0..1 Indicates that the updated Individual
Application Session Context resource
relates to an MCS service. It contains
the national variant for MCS service
preemptControlInfo PreemptionControlI O 0..1 Preemption control information. MCPTT-
nformationRm Preemption
resPrio ReservPriority O 0..1 Indicates the reservation priority.
servInfStatus ServiceInfoStatus O 0..1 Indicates whether the service IMS_SBI
information is preliminary or final.
sipForkInd SipForkingIndicatio O 0..1 Describes if several SIP dialogues are IMS_SBI
n related to an "Individual Application
Session Context" resource.
sponId SponId O 0..1 Sponsor identity. SponsoredCon
sponStatus SponsoringStatus O 0..1 Indication of whether sponsored SponsoredCon
connectivity is enabled or disabled/not nectivity
tsnBridgeManCont BridgeManagemen O 0..1 Transports TSN bridge management TimeSensitive
tContainer information. Networking
tsnPortManContDs PortManagementC O 0..1 Transports TSN port management TimeSensitive
tt ontainer information for the DS-TT port. Networking
tsnPortManContN array(PortManage O 1..N Transports TSN port management TimeSensitive
wtts mentContainer) information for one or more NW-TT Networking

Release 16 95 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type EventsSubscReqData

Table Definition of type EventsSubscReqData

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

events array(AfEventSubsc M 1..N Subscribed Events.
notifUri Uri O 0..1 Notification URI.
reqQosMonPara array(RequestedQo O 1..N Indicates the UL packet delay, DL QoSMonitoring
ms sMonitoringParamet packet delay and/or round trip packet
er) delay between the UE and the UPF is
to be monitored when the QoS
Monitoring for URLLC is enabled for the
service data flow.
qosMon QosMonitoringInfor O 0..1 Qos Monitoring information. It can be QoSMonitoring
mation present when the event
"QOS_MONITORING" is subscribed.
reqAnis array(RequiredAcce C 1..N Represents the required access NetLoc
ssInfo) network information. It shall be present
when the event "ANI_REPORT" is
usgThres UsageThreshold O 0..1 Includes the volume and/or time SponsoredCon
thresholds for sponsored data nectivity
notifCorreId string O 0..1 It is used to set the value of Notification EnhancedSub
Correlation ID in the corresponding scriptionToNoti
notification. fication

Release 16 96 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type MediaComponent

Table Definition of type MediaComponent

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

afAppId AfAppId O 0..1 Contains information that identifies the
particular service the AF session
belongs to.
afRoutReq AfRoutingRequirem O 0..1 Indicates the AF traffic routing InfluenceOnTra
ent requirements. fficRouting
qosReference string O 0..1 Identifies a pre-defined QoS AuthorizationWi
information. thRequiredQoS
altSerReqs array(string) O 1..N Ordered list of alternative service AuthorizationWi
requirements. The lower the index of thRequiredQoS
the array for a given entry, the higher
the priority.
contVer ContentVersion O 0..1 Represents the content version of a MediaCompone
media component. ntVersioning
desMaxLatency Float O 0..1 Indicates a maximum desirable FLUS, QoSHint
transport level packet latency in
desMaxLoss Float O 0..1 Indicates the maximum desirable FLUS, QoSHint
transport level packet loss rate in
percent (without "%" sign).
flusId string O 0..1 Indicates that the media component is FLUS
used for FLUS media.
It is derived from the media level
attribute "a=label:" (see
IETF RFC 4574 [50]) obtained from the
SDP body. It contains the string after
"a=label:" starting with "flus" and may
be followed by more characters as
described in 3GPP TS 26.238 [51].
medCompN integer M 1 Identifies the media component
number, and it contains the ordinal
number of the media component.
medSubComps map(MediaSubCom O 1..N Contains the requested bitrate and
ponent) filters for the set of service data flows
identified by their common flow
identifier. The key of the map is the
attribute "fNum".
medType MediaType O 0..1 Indicates the media type of the service.
marBwUl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
marBwDl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
maxPacketLossR PacketLossRateRm O 0..1 Indicates the downlink maximum rate CHEM
ateDl for lost packets that can be tolerated
for the service data flow.
maxPacketLossR PacketLossRateRm O 0..1 Indicates the uplink maximum rate for CHEM
ateUl lost packets that can be tolerated for
the service data flow.
maxSuppBwDl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum supported bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
maxSuppBwUl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum supported bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
minDesBwDl BitRate O 0..1 Minimum desired bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
minDesBwUl BitRate O 0..1 Minimum desired bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
mirBwUl BitRate O 0..1 Minimum requested bandwidth for the
mirBwDl BitRate O 0..1 Minimum requested bandwidth for the
fStatus FlowStatus O 0..1 Indicates whether the status of the
service data flows is enabled, or

Release 16 97 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

preemptCap PreemptionCapabilit O 0..1 Defines whether the media flow may MCPTT-
y get resources that were already Preemption
assigned to another media flow with a
lower priority level. It may be included
together with "prioSharingInd" for ARP
preemptVuln PreemptionVulnerab O 0..1 Defines whether the media flow may MCPTT-
ility lose the resources assigned to it in Preemption
order to admit a media flow with higher
priority level. It may be included
together with "prioSharingInd" for ARP
prioSharingInd PrioritySharingIndica O 0..1 Indicates that the media flow is allowed PrioritySharing
tor to use the same ARP as media flows
belonging to other "Individual
Application Session Context"
resources bound to the same PDU
resPrio ReservPriority O 0..1 Indicates the reservation priority.
rrBw BitRate O 0..1 Indicates the maximum required IMS_SBI
bandwidth in bits per second for RTCP
receiver reports within the session
component as specified in
IETF RFC 3556 [37]. The bandwidth
contains all the overhead coming from
the IP-layer and the layers above, i.e.
rsBw BitRate O 0..1 Indicates the maximum required IMS_SBI
bandwidth in bits per second for RTCP
sender reports within the session
component as specified in
IETF RFC 3556 [37]. The bandwidth
contains all the overhead coming from
the IP-layer and the layers above, i.e.
sharingKeyDl Uint32 O 0..1 Identifies which media components ResourceShari
share resources in the downlink ng
If resource sharing applies between
media components across "Individual
Application Session Context"
resources for the same PDU session,
the same value of the "sharingKeyDl"
attribute shall be used. If resource
sharing does not apply among media
components across "Individual
Application Session Context"
resources for the same PDU session, a
different value for the "sharingKeyDl"
attribute shall be used.
sharingKeyUl Uint32 O 0..1 Identifies which media components ResourceShari
share resources in the uplink direction. ng
If resource sharing applies between
media components across "Individual
Application Session Context"
resources for the same PDU session,
the same value of the "sharingKeyUl"
attribute shall be used. If resource
sharing does not apply among media
components across "Individual
Application Session Context"
resources for the same PDU session, a
different value for the "sharingKeyUl"
attribute shall be used.
codecs array(CodecData) O 1..2 Indicates the codec data.
tsnQos TsnQoSContainer O 0..1 Transports QoS parameters for TSC TimeSensitiveN
traffic. etworking

Release 16 98 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

tscaiInputUl TscaiInputContainer O 0..1 Transports TSCAI input parameters for TimeSensitiveN
TSC traffic at the ingress interface of etworking
the DS-TT/UE (uplink flow direction).
tscaiInputDl TscaiInputContainer O 0..1 Transports TSCAI input parameters for TimeSensitiveN
TSC traffic at the ingress of the NW-TT etworking
(downlink flow direction).

All IP flows within a "MediaSubComponent" data type are permanently disabled by supplying "FlowStatus" data type
with a deletion indication.

Bandwidth information and the "fStatus" attribute provided within the MediaComponent applies to all those IP flows
within the media component, for which no corresponding information is being provided within the "medSubComps"
attribute. As defined in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7], the bandwidth information within the media component level "marBwUl"
and "marBwDl" attributes applies separately to each media subcomponent except for media subcomponents with a
"flowUsage" attribute with the value "RTCP". The mapping of bandwidth information for RTCP media subcomponent
is defined in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.3.3. Type MediaSubComponent

Table Definition of type MediaSubComponent

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

afSigProtocol AfSigProtocol O 0..1 Indicates the protocol used for ProvAFsignalFl
signalling between the UE and the AF. ow
It may be included only if the
"flowUsage" attribute is set to the value
ethfDescs array(EthFlowDescri O 1..2 Contains the flow description for the
ption) Uplink and/or Downlink Ethernet flows.
fNum integer M 1 Identifies the ordinal number of the
service data flow.
fDescs array(FlowDescriptio O 1..2 Contains the flow description for the
n) Uplink and/or Downlink IP flows.
fStatus FlowStatus O 0..1 Indicates whether the status of the
service data flows is enabled or
flowUsage FlowUsage O 0..1 Flow usage of the flows (e.g. RTCP, AF
marBwUl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
marBwDl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
tosTrCl TosTrafficClass O 0..1 Type of Service or Traffic Class.

The bit rate information and flow status information provided within the "MediaSubComponent" data type takes
precedence over information provided within "MediaComponent" data type.

All service data flows within a "MediaSubComponent" data type are permanently disabled by supplying "FlowStatus"
data type with a deletion indication.

Release 16 99 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type EventsNotification

Table Definition of type EventsNotification

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

accessType AccessType C 0..1 Includes the access type. It shall be
present when the notified event is
addAccessInfo AdditionalAccessInf O 0..1 Indicates the additional combination of ATSSS
o Access Type and RAT Type available for
MA PDU session. It may be present
when the notified event is
PDU session is a Multi-Access PDU
relAccessInfo AdditionalAccessInf O 0..1 Indicates the released combination of ATSSS
o Access Type and RAT Type previously
available for MA PDU session. It may be
present when the notified event is
PDU session is a Multi-Access PDU
anChargAddr AccNetChargingAdd O 0..1 Includes the access network charging IMS_SBI
ress address. It shall be present if available
when the notified event is
anChargIds array(AccessNetCh C 1..N Includes the access network charging IMS_SBI
argingIdentifier) identifier(s). It shall be present when the
notified event is
anGwAddr AnGwAddress O 0..1 Access network Gateway Address. It
shall be present, if applicable, when the
notified event is
evSubsUri Uri M 1 The Events Subscription URI. Identifies
the Events Subscription sub-resource
that triggered the notification.
evNotifs array(AfEventNotific M 1..N Notifications about individual events.
failedResourcAllo array(ResourcesAllo C 1..N Indicates the status of the PCC rule(s)
cReports cationInfo) related to certain failed media
components. It shall be included when
the event trigger is
succResourcAlloc array(ResourcesAllo O 1..N Indicates the alternative service Authorization
Reports cationInfo) requirement the NG-RAN can guarantee WithRequired
to certain media components. It may be QoS
included when the event trigger is
noNetLocSupp NetLocAccessSupp O 0..1 Indicates the access network does not NetLoc
ort support the report of the requested
access network information.

outOfCredReports array(OutOfCreditInf C 1..N Out of credit information per service data IMS_SBI
ormation) flow. It shall be present when the notified
event is "OUT_OF_CREDIT".
plmnId PlmnIdNid C 0..1 PLMN Identifier and, for an SNPN, also
the NID. It shall be present when the
notified event is "PLMN_CHG" or, if
location information is required but is not
available when the notified event is
"ANI_REPORT". It shall be present if
available when the notified event is

Release 16 100 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

qncReports array(QosNotificatio
C 1..N QoS notification control information. It
nControlInfo) shall be present when the notified event
qosMonReports array(QosMonitorin C 1..N QoS Monitoring reporting information. It QoSMonitoring
gReport) shall be present when the notified event
ranNasRelCauses array(RanNasRelCa C 1..N RAN-NAS release cause. It shall be RAN-NAS-
use) present if available when the notified Cause
event is "RAN_NAS_CAUSE".
ratType RatType O 0..1 RAT type. It shall be present, if
applicable, when the notified event is
ueLoc UserLocation O 0..1 E-UTRA, NR, or non-3GPP trusted and NetLoc, RAN-
untrusted access user location NAS-Cause
information. "n3gppTai" and "n3IwfId"
attributes within the "N3gaLocation" data
type shall not be supplied. It shall be
present if required and available when
the notified event is "ANI_REPORT". It
shall be present if available when the
notified event is "RAN_NAS_CAUSE".
ueTimeZone TimeZone O 0..1 UE time zone. NetLoc, RAN-
It shall be present if required and NAS-Cause
available when the notified event is
"ANI_REPORT". It shall be present if
available when the notified event is
usgRep AccumulatedUsage C 0..1 Indicates the measured volume and/or SponsoredCon
time for sponsored data connectivity. It nectivity
shall be present when the notified event
tsnBridgeInfo TsnBridgeInfo O 0..1 Reports the TSN bridge information. TimeSensitive
tsnBridgeManCon BridgeManagement O 0..1 Transports TSN bridge management TimeSensitive
t Container information. Networking
tsnPortManContD PortManagementCo O 0..1 Transports TSN port management TimeSensitive
stt ntainer information for the DS-TT port. Networking
tsnPortManContN array(PortManagem O 1..N Transports TSN port management TimeSensitive
wtts entContainer) information for one or more NW-TT ports. Networking Type AfEventSubscription

Table Definition of type AfEventSubscription

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

event AfEvent M 1 Subscribed Event.
notifMethod AfNotifMethod O 0..1 If notifMethod is not supplied, the default
value "EVENT_DETECTION" applies.
repPeriod DurationSec O 0..1 Indicates the time interval between EnhancedSubs
successive event notifications. It is criptionToNotifi
supplied for notification method cation
waitTime DurationSec O 0..1 Indicates the minimum waiting time EnhancedSubs
between subsequent reports. Only criptionToNotifi
applicable when the notification is set to cation

Release 16 101 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type AfEventNotification

Table Definition of type AfEventNotification

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

event AfEvent M 1 Notified Event.
flows array(Flows) O 1..N Affected Service Data Flows. Type TerminationInfo

Table Definition of type TerminationInfo

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

termCause TerminationCause M 1 Indicates the cause for requesting the
deletion of the Individual Application
Session Context resource.
resUri Uri M 1 Identifies the Individual Application
Session Context. Type AfRoutingRequirement

Table Definition of type AfRoutingRequirement

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

appReloc boolean O 0..1 Indication of application relocation InfluenceOnTr
possibility. afficRouting
When it is included and set to "true", it
indicates that the application cannot be
relocated once a location of the
application is selected by the 5GC. The
default value is "false".
routeToLocs array(RouteToLoc O 1..N A list of traffic routes to applications InfluenceOnTr
ation) locations. afficRouting
spVal SpatialValidity O 0..1 Indicates where the traffic routing InfluenceOnTr
requirements apply. The absence of this afficRouting
attribute indicates no spatial restrictions.
tempVals array(TemporalVa O 1..N Indicates the time interval(s) during which InfluenceOnTr
lidity) the AF request is to be applied. afficRouting
upPathChgSub UpPathChgEvent O 0..1 Subscription to UP path management InfluenceOnTr
events. afficRouting
addrPreserInd boolean O 0..1 Indicates whether UE IP address should URLLC
be preserved.
This attribute shall set to "true" if
preserved, otherwise, set to "false".
Default value is false if omitted.

Release 16 102 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type ResourcesAllocationInfo

Table Definition of type ResourcesAllocationInfo

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

mcResourcStatus MediaComponentR C 0..1 Indicates the status of the PCC rule(s)
esourcesStatus related to the media components
identified by the "flows" attribute.
flows array(Flows) C 1..N Identification of the flows.
It shall be included if
"MediaComponentVersioning" feature
is supported.
When "MediaComponentVersioning"
feature is not supported, if no flows are
provided, the status in the
"mcResourcStatus" applies for all flows
within the AF session.
altSerReq string O 0..1 When present, indicates the alternative Authorization
service requirement the NG-RAN can WithRequired
guarantee for the indicated "flows". QoS
NOTE: The "mcResourcStatus" attribute shall be included if AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS feature is not
supported. Type QosNotificationControlInfo

Table Definition of type QosNotificationControlInfo

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

notifType QosNotifType M 0..1 Indicates whether the GBR targets for the
indicated SDFs are
flows array(Flows) C 1..N Identification of the flows. It shall be
included if "MediaComponentVersioning"
feature is supported. When
"MediaComponentVersioning" feature is
not supported, if no flows are provided,
the notification in the "notifType" applies
for all flows within the AF session.
altSerReq string O 0..1 Indicates the alternative service AuthorizationWith
requirement the NG-RAN can guarantee. RequiredQoS Type SpatialValidity

Table Definition of type SpatialValidity

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

presenceInfoList map(PresenceInfo) M 1..N Defines the presence information InfluenceOnTraffic
provisioned by the AF. The Routing
"presenceState" attribute within the
"PresenceInfo" data type shall not
be supplied.

Release 16 103 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type EthFlowDescription

Table Definition of type EthFlowDescription

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

destMacAddr MacAddr48 O 0..1 Destination MAC address.
ethType string M 1 A two-octet string that represents the
Ethertype, as described in
IEEE 802.3 [16] and IETF RFC 7042 [18]
in hexadecimal representation.
Each character in the string shall take a
value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall
represent 4 bits. The most significant
character representing the 4 most
significant bits of the ethType shall
appear first in the string, and the
character representing the 4 least
significant bits of the ethType shall
appear last in the string.
fDesc FlowDescription C 0..1 Contains the flow description for the
Uplink or Downlink IP flow. It shall be
present when the Ethertype is IP.
(NOTE 3)
fDir FlowDirection O 0..1 Contains the packet filter direction. Only
the "DOWNLINK" or "UPLINK" value is
applicable. (NOTE 2)
sourceMacAddr MacAddr48 O 0..1 Source MAC address.
vlanTags array(string) O 1..2 Customer-VLAN and/or Service-VLAN
tags containing the VID, PCP/DEI fields
as defined in IEEE 802.1Q [17] and
IETF RFC 7042 [18]. The first/lower
instance in the array stands for the
Customer-VLAN tag and the
second/higher instance in the array
stands for the Service-VLAN tag.

Each field is encoded as a two-octet

string in hexadecimal representation.
Each character in the string shall take a
value of "0" to "9" or "A" to "F" and shall
represent 4 bits. The most significant
character representing the PCP/DEI field
shall appear first in the string, followed
by character representing the 4 most
significant bits of the VID field, and the
character representing the 4 least
significant bits of the VID field shall
appear last in the string.

If only Service-VLAN tag is provided,

empty string for Customer-VLAN tag
shall be provided.
srcMacAddrEnd MacAddr48 O 0..1 Source MAC address end. If this MacAddressR
attribute is present, the sourceMacAddr ange
attribute specifies the source MAC
address start. E.g. srcMacAddrEnd with
value 00-10-A4-23-3E-FE and
sourceMacAddr with value 00-10-A4-23-
3E-02 means all MAC addresses from
00-10-A4-23-3E-02 up to and including
destMacAddrEnd MacAddr48 O 0..1 Destination MAC address end. If this MacAddressR
attribute is present, the destMacAddr ange
attribute specifies the destination MAC
address start.

Release 16 104 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

NOTE 1: The "srcMacAddrEnd" attribute may only be present if the "sourceMacAddr" attribute is present; the
"destMacAddrEnd" attribute may only be present if the "destMacAddr" attribute is present.
NOTE 2: If the "UPLINK" is included within the "fDir" attribute, the "sourceMacAddr" attribute and "srcMacAddrEnd"
attribute (if MacAddressRange feature is supported) contain the UE address and "destMacAddr" attribute
and "destMacAddrEnd" attribute (if MacAddressRange feature is supported)contain the remote address;
otherwise if the "DOWNLINK" is included within the "fDir" attribute or the "fDir" attribute is never provided,
the "sourceMacAddr" attribute and "srcMacAddrEnd" attribute (if MacAddressRange feature is supported)
contain the remote address and "destMacAddr" attribute and "destMacAddrEnd" attribute (if
MacAddressRange feature is supported) contain the UE address.
NOTE 3: The direction of the "fDesc" attribute shall be set to "in" if the "UPLINK" is included within the "fDir" attribute;
the direction of the "fDesc" attribute shall be set to "out" if the "DOWNLINK" is included within the "fDir"
attribute or the "fDir" attribute is never provided. Void Void Type AnGwAddress

Table Definition of type AnGwAddress

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

anGwIpv4addr Ipv4Addr O 0..1 Includes the IPv4 address of the access
network gateway control node.
anGwIpv6addr Ipv6Addr O 0..1 Includes the IPv6 address of the access
network gateway control node.
NOTE: At least one address of the access network gateway control node (the IPv4 address or the IPv6 address or
both if both addresses are available) shall be included. Type Flows

Table Definition of type Flows

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

contVers array(ContentVersi C 1..N Represents the content version of the MediaCompon
on) content of a media component. If entVersioning
"MediaComponentVersioning" feature
is supported, the content version shall
be included if it was included when the
corresponding media component was
provided or modified.
fNums array(integer) O 1..N Indicates the service data flows via their
flow identifier. If no flow identifier is
supplied, the Flows data type refers to
all the flows matching the media
component number.
medCompN integer M 1 Identifies the media component
number, and it contains the ordinal
number of the media component.

Release 16 105 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type TemporalValidity

Table Definition of type TemporalValidity

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

startTime DateTime O 0..1 Indicates the time from which the traffic InfluenceOnTraffic
routing requirements start to apply. The Routing
absence of this attribute indicates the
traffic routing requirements apply
stopTime DateTime O 0..1 Indicates the time when the traffic InfluenceOnTraffic
routing requirements cease to apply. Routing
The absence of this attribute indicates
the traffic routing requirements do not
cease at any time. Void Type AfRoutingRequirementRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "AfRoutingRequirement" data type, but:

- with the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property;

- the removable attribute "spVal" is defined with the data type "SpatialValidityRm"; and

- the removable attributes "tempVals", "routeToLocs" and "addrPreserInd" are defined as nullable in the

Table Definition of type AfRoutingRequirementRm

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

appReloc boolean O 0..1 Indication of application relocation InfluenceOnTr
possibility. When it is set to "true", it afficRouting
indicates that the application cannot be
relocated once a location of the
application is selected by the 5GC.
routeToLocs array(RouteToLoc O 1..N A list of traffic routes to applications InfluenceOnTr
ation) locations. afficRouting
spVal SpatialValidityRm O 0..1 Indicates where the traffic routing InfluenceOnTr
requirements apply. afficRouting
tempVals array(TemporalVa O 1..N Indicates the time interval(s) during which InfluenceOnTr
lidity) the AF request is to be applied. afficRouting
upPathChgSub UpPathChgEvent O 0..1 Subscription to UP path management InfluenceOnTr
events. afficRouting
addrPreserInd boolean O 0..1 Indicates whether UE IP address should URLLC
be preserved. Type EventsSubscReqDataRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "EventsSubscReqData" data type, but:

- with the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property; and

- the removable attribute "usgThres" is defined with the removable data type "UsageThresholdRm"; and
removable attribute "qosMon" is defined with the removable data type "QosMonitoringInformationRm".

Release 16 106 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Definition of type EventsSubscReqDataRm

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

events array(AfEventSubsc M 1..N Subscribed Events.
notifUri Uri O 0..1 Notification URI.
reqQosMonPara array(RequestedQo O 1..N Indicates the UL packet delay, DL QoSMonitoring
ms sMonitoringParamet packet delay and/or round trip packet
er) delay between the UE and the UPF is
to be monitored when the QoS
Monitoring for URLLC is enabled for the
service data flow.
qosMon QosMonitoringInfor O 0..1 Qos Monitoring information. It can be QoSMonitoring
mationRm present when the event
"QOS_MONITORING" is subscribed.
reqAnis array(RequiredAcce C 1..N Represents the required access NetLoc
ssInfo) network information. It shall be present
when the event "ANI_REPORT" is
subscribed. (NOTE)
usgThres UsageThresholdRm O 0..1 Includes the volume and/or time SponsoredCon
thresholds for sponsored data nectivity
notifCorreId string O 0..1 It is used to set the value of Notification EnhancedSub
Correlation ID in the corresponding scriptionToNoti
notification. fication
NOTE: "ANI_REPORT" is the one-time reported event and thus the attribute "reqAnis" is not defined as removable
attribute (i.e. with the removable data type "RequiredAccessInfoRm"). Once the access network information
is reported to the AF the subscription to this event is automatically terminated in the PCF and the related
information is removed. Type MediaComponentRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "MediaComponent" data type, but:

- with the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property; and

- the removable attributes "afRoutReq" is defined with the removable data type "AfRoutingRequirementRm";
"maxPacketLossRateDl" and "maxPacketLossRateUl" are defined with the removable data type
"PacketLossRateRm"; "medSubComps" is defined with the removable data type "MediaSubComponentRm";
"preemptCap" is defined with the removable data type "PreemptionCapabilityRm"; "preemptVuln" is defined
with the removable data type "PreemptionVulnerabilityRm"; "marBwDl", "marBwUl", "minDesBwDl",
"minDesBwUl", "mirBwDl", "mirBwUl", "maxSuppBwDl", "maxSuppBwUl", "rrBw", "rsBw" are defined with
the removable data type "BitRateRm"; "sharingKeyDl", "sharingKeyUl", and "tsnQos" are defined with the
removable data types , "Uint32Rm" and "TsnQosContainerRm"; the removable attributes "desMaxLatency" and
"desMaxLoss" are defined with the removable data type "FloatRm"; the removable attribute "flusId" is defined
as nullable in the OpenAPI.

- the removable attributes "qosReference" and "altSerReqs" are defined as nullable.

Release 16 107 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Definition of type MediaComponentRm

Release 16 108 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

afAppId AfAppId O 0..1 Contains information that identifies the
particular service the AF session
belongs to.
afRoutReq AfRoutingRequirem O 0..1 Indicates the AF traffic routing InfluenceOnTr
entRm requirements. afficRouting
qosReference string O 0..1 Identifies a pre-defined QoS AuthorizationW
information. ithRequiredQo
altSerReqs array(string) O 1..N Ordered list of alternative service AuthorizationW
requirements. The lower the index of ithRequiredQo
the array for a given entry, the higher S
the priority.
contVer ContentVersion O 0..1 Represents the content version of a MediaCompon
media component. entVersioning
desMaxLatency FloatRm O 0..1 Indicates a maximum desirable FLUS,
transport level packet latency in QoSHint
desMaxLoss FloatRm O 0..1 Indicates the maximum desirable FLUS,
transport level packet loss rate in QoSHint
percent (without "%" sign).
flusId string O 0..1 Indicates that the media component is FLUS
used for FLUS media.
It is derived from the media level
attribute "a=label:" (see
IETF RFC 4574 [50]) obtained from the
SDP body. It contains the string after
"a=label:" starting with "flus" and may
be followed by more characters as
described in 3GPP TS 26.238 [51].
maxPacketLossR PacketLossRateRm O 0..1 Indicates the downlink maximum rate CHEM
ateDl for lost packets that can be tolerated for
the service data flow.
maxPacketLossR PacketLossRateRm O 0..1 Indicates the uplink maximum rate for CHEM
ateUl lost packets that can be tolerated for
the service data flow.
medCompN integer M 1 Identifies the media component
number, and it contains the ordinal
number of the media component.
medSubComps map(MediaSubCom O 1..N Contains the requested bitrate and
ponentRm) filters for the set of service data flows
identified by their common flow
identifier. The key of the map is the
attribute "fNum".
medType MediaType O 0..1 Indicates the media type of the service.
marBwUl BitRateRm O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
marBwDl BitRateRm O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
maxSuppBwDl BitRateRm O 0..1 Maximum supported bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
maxSuppBwUl BitRateRm O 0..1 Maximum supported bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
minDesBwDl BitRateRm O 0..1 Minimum desired bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
minDesBwUl BitRateRm O 0..1 Minimum desired bandwidth for the IMS_SBI
mirBwUl BitRateRm O 0..1 Minimum requested bandwidth for the
mirBwDl BitRateRm O 0..1 Minimum requested bandwidth for the
fStatus FlowStatus O 0..1 Indicates whether the status of the
service data flows is enabled, or

Release 16 109 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

preemptCap PreemptionCapabilit O 0..1 Defines whether the media flow may MCPTT-
yRm get resources that were already Preemption
assigned to another media flow with a
lower priority level.
preemptVuln PreemptionVulnerab O 0..1 Defines whether the media flow may MCPTT-
ilityRm lose the resources assigned to it in Preemption
order to admit a media flow with higher
priority level.
prioSharingInd PrioritySharingIndica O 0..1 Indicates that the media flow is allowed PrioritySharing
tor to use the same ARP as media flows
belonging to other "Individual
Application Session Context" resources
bound to the same PDU session.
resPrio ReservPriority O 0..1 Indicates the reservation priority.
rrBw BitRateRm O 0..1 Indicates the maximum required IMS_SBI
bandwidth in bits per second for RTCP
receiver reports within the session
component as specified in
IETF RFC 3556 [37]. The bandwidth
contains all the overhead coming from
the IP-layer and the layers above, i.e.
rsBw BitRateRm O 0..1 Indicates the maximum required IMS_SBI
bandwidth in bits per second for RTCP
sender reports within the session
component as specified in
IETF RFC 3556 [37]. The bandwidth
contains all the overhead coming from
the IP-layer and the layers above, i.e.
codecs array(CodecData) O 1..2 Indicates the codec data.
sharingKeyDl Uint32Rm O 0..1 Identifies which media components ResourceShari
share resources in the downlink ng
If resource sharing applies between
media components across "Individual
Application Session Context" resources
for the same PDU session, the same
value of the "sharingKeyDl" attribute
shall be used. If resource sharing does
not apply among media components
across "Individual Application Session
Context" resources for the same PDU
session, a different value for the
"sharingKeyDl" attribute shall be used.
If resource sharing does no longer
apply for this media component, the
"sharingKeyDl" attribute shall be set to
sharingKeyUl Uint32Rm O 0..1 Identifies which media components ResourceShari
share resources in the uplink direction. ng
If resource sharing applies between
media components across "Individual
Application Session Context" resources
for the same PDU session, the same
value of the "sharingKeyUl" attribute
shall be used. If resource sharing does
not apply among media components
across "Individual Application Session
Context" resources for the same PDU
session, a different value for the
"sharingKeyUl" attribute shall be used.
If resource sharing does no longer
apply for this media component, the
"sharingKeyUl" attribute shall be set to

Release 16 110 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

tsnQos TsnQoSContainerR O 0..1 Transports QoS parameters for TSC TimeSensitive
m traffic. Networking
tscaiInputUl TscaiInputContainer O 0..1 Transports TSCAI input parameters for TimeSensitive
TSC traffic at the ingress interface of Networking
the DS-TT/UE (uplink flow direction).
tscaiInputDl TscaiInputContainer O 0..1 Transports TSCAI input parameters for TimeSensitive
TSC traffic at the ingress of the NW-TT Networking
(downlink flow direction). Type MediaSubComponentRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "MediaSubComponent" data type, but:

- with the OpenAPI "nullable: true" property;

- the removable attributes "marBwDl", "marBwUl", defined with the removable data type "BitRateRm"; the
removable attribute "tosTrCl", defined with the removable data type "TosTrafficClassRm"; and

- the removable attributes "ethfDescs" and "fDescs" are defined as nullable in the OpenAPI.

Table Definition of type MediaSubComponentRm

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

afSigProtocol AfSigProtocol O 0..1 Indicates the protocol used for ProvAFsignalFl
signalling between the UE and the AF. ow
It may be included only if the
"flowUsage" attribute is set to the value
ethfDescs array(EthFlowDescri O 1..2 Contains the flow description for the
ption) Uplink and/or Downlink Ethernet flows.
fNum integer M 1 Identifies the ordinal number of the IP
fDescs array(FlowDescriptio O 1..2 Contains the flow description for the
n) Uplink and/or Downlink IP flows.
fStatus FlowStatus O 0..1 Indicates whether the status of the
service data flows is enabled or
flowUsage FlowUsage O 0..1 Flow usage of the flows (e.g. RTCP, AF
marBwUl BitRateRm O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
marBwDl BitRateRm O 0..1 Maximum requested bandwidth for the
tosTrCl TosTrafficClassRm O 0..1 Type of Service or Traffic Class. Type SpatialValidityRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "SpatialValidity" data type, but with the OpenAPI "nullable: true"
property. Type ExtendedProblemDetails

This data type is the "ProblemDetails" data type defined in 3GPP TS 29.571 [12] but extended with the attribute
"acceptableServInfo" of data type "AcceptableServiceInfo".

Release 16 111 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Definition of type ExtendedProblemDetails

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

acceptableServInfo AcceptableServiceInfo O 0..1 Describes information related to the
acceptable service information, i.e.,
the maximum acceptable bandwidth
for an AF session and/or for specific
media components.
NOTE: ExtendedProblemDetails data type also contains all the properties defined for ProblemDetails data type in
3GPP TS 29.571[12]. Type AcceptableServiceInfo

Table Definition of type AcceptableServiceInfo

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

accBwMedComps map(MediaCompon O 1..N Indicates the maximum bandwidth that
ent) shall be authorized by the PCF for each
media component of the map.
Each media component of the map
shall only include the "medCompN"
attribute and the "marBwDl" and/or
"marBwUl" attributes indicating the
maximum acceptable bandwidth.
The key of the map is the media
component number.
marBwUl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum acceptable bandwidth for the
Uplink for the AF session.
marBwDl BitRate O 0..1 Maximum acceptable bandwidth for the
Downlink for the AF session.
NOTE: When the acceptable bandwidth applies to one or more media components, only the "accBwMedComps"
attribute shall be provided. When the acceptable bandwidth applies to the whole AF session, only the
"marBwDl" and "marBwUl" attributes shall be present. Type UeIdentityInfo

Table Definition of type UeIdentityInfo

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

gpsi Gpsi O 0..1 Represents the GPSI.
pei Pei O 0..1 Represents the PEI.
supi Supi O 0..1 Represents the SUPI.
NOTE: At least one of the "gpsi", "supi" and "pei" attributes shall be present. More than one attribute may be
present simultaneously. Type AccessNetChargingIdentifier

Table Definition of type AccessNetChargingIdentifier

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

accNetChaIdValue ChargingId M 1 Contains a charging identifier.
flows array(Flows) O 1..N Identifications of the flows transported
within the corresponding QoS flow. If no
flows are provided, the charging
identifier applies for all flows within the
AF session.

Release 16 112 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type OutOfCreditInformation

Table Definition of type OutOfCreditInformation

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

finUnitAct FinalUnitAction M 1 Indicates the termination action to be
taken when the user's account cannot
cover the service cost.
flows array(Flows) O 1..N Identifications of the flows without
available credit. If no flows are
provided, the termination action in
"finUnitAct" attribute applies for all flows
within the AF session. Type QosMonitoringInformation

Table Definition of type QosMonitoringInformation

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

repThreshDl integer O 0..1Unsigned integer identifying a threshold in QoSMonitorin
units of milliseconds for DL packet delay. g
Only applicable when the "notifMethod"
attribute is not supplied or the
"notifMethod" is supplied and set to
repThreshUl integer O 0..1 Unsigned integer identifying a threshold in QoSMonitorin
units of milliseconds for UL packet delay. g
Only applicable when the "notifMethod"
attribute is not supplied or the
"notifMethod" is supplied and set to
repThreshRp integer O 0..1 Unsigned integer identifying a threshold in QoSMonitorin
units of milliseconds for round trip packet g
delay. Only applicable when the
"notifMethod" attribute is not supplied or
the "notifMethod" is supplied and set to
NOTE: The "repThreshDl" attribute and/or the "repThreshUl" attribute and/or the "repThreshRp" attribute shall be
present. Type TsnQosContainer

Table Definition of type TsnQosContainer

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

maxTscBurstSize ExtMaxDataBurs O 0..1 Maximum burst size of the TSC traffic in
tVol units of Bytes.
Minimum = 4096, Maximum = 2000000.
tscPackDelay PacketDelBudge O 0..1 Delay of the TSC traffic.
tscPrioLevel TscPriorityLevel O 0..1 Unsigned integer indicating the TSC
traffic priority in relation to other TSC and
non-TSC traffic.
NOTE: At least one of the attributes shall be present in an instance of the TsnQosContainer.

Release 16 113 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type PcscfRestorationRequestData

Table Definition of type PcscfRestorationRequestData

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

dnn Dnn C 0..1 Data Network Name, a full DNN with
both the Network Identifier and
Operator Identifier, or a DNN with the
Network Identifier only. It shall be
present when the "afRoutReq" attribute
is present.
ipDomain string O 0..1 Indicates the IPv4 address domain
information that assists session binding.
sliceInfo Snssai O 0..1 Identifies the S-NSSAI.
supi Supi O 0..1 Subscription Permanent Identifier.
ueIpv4 Ipv4Addr C 0..1 The IPv4 address of the served UE.
ueIpv6 Ipv6Addr C 0..1 The IPv6 address of the served UE.
NOTE: When present, only one of the served UE addressing parameters (the IPv4 address or the IPv6 address)
shall always be included. Type QosMonitoringReport

Table Definition of type QosMonitoringReport

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

flows array(Flows) C 1..N Identification of the flows. It shall be
included if
"MediaComponentVersioning" feature
is supported. When
"MediaComponentVersioning" feature
is not supported, if no flows are
provided, the notification in the
"notifType" applies for all flows within
the AF session.
ulDelays array(integer) O 1..N Uplink packet delay in units of
milliseconds. (NOTE)
dlDelays array(integer) O 1..N Downlink packet delay in units of
milliseconds. (NOTE)
rtDelays array(integer) O 1..N Round trip delay in units of
milliseconds. (NOTE)
NOTE: In this release of the specification the maximum number of elements in the array is 2. Type TsnQosContainerRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "TsnQoSContainer" data type, but with the OpenAPI "nullable: true"
property. Type TscaiInputContainer

Table Definition of type TscaiInputContainer

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

periodicity DurationSec O 0..1 Identifications of the time period between
the start of two bursts in reference to the
burstArrivalTime DateTime O 0..1 Indicates the arrival time of the data burst
in reference to the TSN GM.

Release 16 114 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Type PduSessionTsnBridge

Table Definition of type PduSessionTsnBridge

Attribute name Data type P Cardinality Description Applicability

tsnBridgeInfo TsnBridgeInfo M 1 Reports the 5GS Bridge information.
tsnBridgeManCon BridgeManagement O 0..1 Transports TSN bridge management
t Container information.
tsnPortManContD PortManagementCo O 0..1 Transports TSN port management
stt ntainer information for the DS-TT port.
tsnPortManContN array(PortManagem O 1..N Transports TSN port management
wtts entContainer) information for one or more NW-TT ports. Type QosMonitoringInformationRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "QosMonitoringInformation" data type, but with the OpenAPI
"nullable: true" property. Type EventsSubscPutData

Table Definition of type EventsSubscPutData

Data Type P Cardinality Description Applicability

EventsSubscReqData C 0..1 Identifies the events the application
subscribes to and represents the Events
Subscription sub-resource data.
It shall be present in the response to PUT
requests as specified in table
EventsNotification C 0..1 Describes the notification about the events
already met at the time of subscription. It
shall be present if available.
NOTE: EventsSubscPutData data type is represented as a non-exclusive list of two data types:
EventsSubscReqData and EventsNotification.

5.6.3 Simple data types and enumerations Introduction
This subclause defines simple data types and enumerations that can be referenced from data structures defined in the
previous subclauses. Simple data types

The simple data types defined in table shall be supported.

Release 16 115 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Simple data types

Type Name Type Definition Description Applicability

AfAppId string Contains an AF application identifier.
AspId string Contains an identity of an application service SponsoredConnectivity
CodecData string Contains codec related information.
Refer to subclause 5.3.7 of 3GPP TS 29.214 [20]
for encoding.
ContentVersion integer Unsigned 64-bit integer that indicates the version MediaComponentVersioni
of some content, as e.g. the content of a media ng
component. The content version shall be unique
for the content and for the lifetime of that content.
FlowDescription string Defines a packet filter for an IP flow. It contains an
IpFilterRule according to section 4.3 of
IETF RFC 6733 [52].
Refer to subclause 5.3.8 of 3GPP TS 29.214 [20]
for encoding.
SponId string Contains an identity of a sponsor. SponsoredConnectivity
ServiceUrn string Indicates that an AF session is used for IMS_SBI
Emergency traffic.

It contains values of the service URN and it may

include subservices, as defined in
IETF RFC 5031 [34] or registered at IANA.

The string "urn:service:" in the beginning of the

URN shall be omitted and all subsequent text shall
be included. Examples of valid values of the
ServiceUrn data structure are "sos", "sos.fire",
"sos.police" and "sos.ambulance".
TosTrafficClass string 2-octet string, where each octet is encoded in
hexadecimal representation. The first octet
contains the IPv4 Type-of-Service or the IPv6
Traffic-Class field and the second octet contains
the ToS/Traffic Class mask field. Each character
in the string shall take a value of "0" to "9" or "A" to
"F" and shall represent 4 bits. One example is that
of a TFT packet filter as defined in
3GPP TS 24.008 [36].
TosTrafficClassRm string This data type is defined in the same way as the
"TosTrafficClass" data type, but with the OpenAPI
"nullable: true" property.
TscPriorityLevel integer Unsigned integer indicating the TSC traffic Priority TimeSensitiveNetworking
Level, within the range 1 to 8.
Values are ordered in decreasing order of priority,
i.e. with 1 as the highest priority and 8 as the
lowest priority.
TscPriorityLevelRm integer This data type is defined in the same way as the TimeSensitiveNetworking
"TscPriorityLevel" data type, but with the OpenAPI
"nullable: true" property.
NOTE: The method of assigning content versions is implementation specific. Enumeration: MediaType

The enumeration "MediaType" represents the media type of a media component.

Release 16 116 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Enumeration MediaType

Enumeration value Description Applicability

AUDIO The type of media is audio.
VIDEO The type of media is video.
DATA The type of media is data.
APPLICATION The type of media is application data.
CONTROL The type of media is control.
TEXT The type of media is text.
MESSAGE The type of media is message
OTHER Other type of media. Enumeration: ReservPriority

The enumeration "ReservPriority" represents the reservation priority. The lowest priority shall be indicated with the
"PRIO_1" value, the next after the lowest with the "PRIO_2" value, and so on up to the highest priority which shall be
indicated with "PRIO_16".

Table Enumeration ReservPriority

Enumeration value Description Applicability

PRIO_16 Enumeration: ServAuthInfo

The enumeration "servAuthInfo" represents the result of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service request from the AF.

Table Enumeration ServAuthInfo

Enumeration value Description Applicability

TP_NOT_KNOWN Indicates the transfer policy is not known.
TP_EXPIRED Indicates the transfer policy has expired.
TP_NOT_YET_OCCURRED Indicates the time window of the transfer policy has not
yet occurred. Enumeration: SponsoringStatus

The enumeration "SponsoringStatus" represents whether the sponsored data connectivity is enabled or disabled/not-

Release 16 117 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Enumeration SponsoringStatus

Enumeration value Description Applicability

SPONSOR_DISABLED Sponsored data connectivity is disabled or not enabled. SponsoredConnectivity
SPONSOR_ENABLED Sponsored data connectivity is enabled. SponsoredConnectivity Enumeration: AfEvent

The enumeration "AfEvent" represents the traffic events the PCF can notify to the AF.

Table Enumeration AfEvent

Enumeration value Description Applicability

ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE Access type change.
ANI_REPORT Access Network Information Report requested. NetLoc
CHARGING_CORRELATION Access Network Charging Correlation Information. IMS_SBI
EPS_FALLBACK Indicates that the establishment of the QoS flow for the requested EPSFallbackReport
voice media type was rejected due to fallback to EPS.
FAILED_RESOURCES_ALLOC Indicates that one or more of the SDFs of an Individual Application
ATION Session Context are deactivated at the SMF. It also indicates that
the resources requested for a particular service information
cannot be successfully allocated.
OUT_OF_CREDIT Out of credit. IMS_SBI
PLMN_CHG This trigger indicates PLMN change.
QOS_NOTIF The GBR QoS targets of a SDF are not guaranteed or are
guaranteed again.
QOS_MONITORING Indicates PCF to enable Qos Monitoring for the Service Data QoSMonitoring
RAN_NAS_CAUSE This trigger indicates RAN-NAS release cause information is RAN-NAS-Cause
available in the PCF from the SMF.
This event does not require explicit subscription.
REALLOCATION_OF_CREDIT Credit has been reallocated after a former out of credit indication. IMS_SBI,
SUCCESSFUL_RESOURCES_ Indicates that the resources requested for particular service
ALLOCATION information have been successfully allocated.
TSN_BRIDGE_INFO 5GS Bridge information received by the PCF from the SMF. TimeSensitiveNetw
USAGE_REPORT Volume and/or time usage for sponsored data connectivity. SponsoredConnect
ivity Enumeration: AfNotifMethod

The enumeration "AfNotifMethod" represents the notification methods that can be subscribed by an AF.

Table Enumeration AfNotifMethod

Enumeration value Description Applicability

EVENT_DETECTION Event is reported whenever the event is met and the subscription is
ONE_TIME Events are reported once the event is met and are not reported again
unless the AF refreshes the subscription.
PERIODIC The notification is periodically sent. EnhancedSubscription
PDU_SESSION_RELE Event is reported when the PDU session is released. EnhancedSubscription
ASE ToNotification Enumeration: QosNotifType

The enumeration "QosNotifType" represents the types of reports bound to the notification of QoS Notification Control.

Release 16 118 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table Enumeration QosNotifType

Enumeration value Description Applicability

GUARANTEED The QoS targets of one or more SDFs are guaranteed again.
NOT_GUARANTEED The QoS targets of one or more SDFs are not being guaranteed. Enumeration: TerminationCause

The enumeration "TerminationCause" represents the types of causes the PCF can report when requesting to the AF the
deletion of the "Individual Application Session Context" resource.

Table Enumeration TerminationCause

Enumeration value Description Applicability

ALL_SDF_DEACTIVATION All the SDFs of an Individual Application Session Context are
deactivated at the SMF.
PDU_SESSION_TERMINATION The PDU session is terminated.
PS_TO_CS_HO Indication of PS to CS handover is received from the SMF. IMS_SBI Void Enumeration: FlowStatus

The enumeration "FlowStatus" represents whether the service data flow(s) are enabled or disabled.

Table Enumeration FlowStatus

Enumeration value Description Applicability

ENABLED-UPLINK Indicates to enable associated uplink service data flow(s) and to
disable associated downlink service data flow(s).
ENABLED-DOWNLINK Indicates to enable associated downlink service data flow(s) and to
disable associated uplink service data flow(s).
ENABLED Indicates to enable all associated service data flow(s) in both
DISABLED Indicates to disable all associated service data flow(s) in both
REMOVED Indicates to remove all associated service data flow(s). The IP Filters
for the associated service data flow(s) shall be removed. The
associated service data flows shall not be taken into account when
deriving the authorized QoS. Enumeration: MediaComponentResourcesStatus

The enumeration "MediaComponentResourcesStatus" indicates whether the PCC rule(s) related to certain media
component are active or inactive.

Table Enumeration MediaComponentResourcesStatus

Enumeration value Description Applicability

ACTIVE Indicates that the PCC rule(s) related to certain media component are
INACTIVE Indicates that the PCC rule(s) related to certain media component are

Release 16 119 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Enumeration: FlowUsage

The enumeration "FlowUsage" represents the flow usage of the flows described by a media subcomponent.

Table Enumeration FlowUsage

Enumeration value Description Applicability

NO_INFO This value is used to indicate that no information about the usage of
the IP flow is being provided. This is the default value.
RTCP This value is used to indicate that an IP flow is used to transport
AF_SIGNALLING This value is used to indicate that the IP flow is used to transport AF IMS_SBI
Signalling Protocols (e.g. SIP/SDP).

NOTE: An AF can choose not to identify RTCP flows, e.g. in order to avoid that RTCP flows are always enabled
by the server. Enumeration: RequiredAccessInfo

The enumeration "RequiredAccessInfo" represents the access network information required for the "Individual
Application Session Context" resource.

Table Enumeration RequiredAccessInfo

Enumeration value Description Applicability

USER_LOCATION Indicates that the user location information shall be reported.
UE_TIME_ZONE Indicates that the user timezone shall be reported. Enumeration: ServiceInfoStatus

The enumeration "ServiceInfoStatus" represents whether the AF provided service information is preliminary or final.

Table Enumeration ServiceInfoStatus

Enumeration value Description Applicability

FINAL This value is used to indicate that the service has been fully
negotiated between the two ends and service information provided is
the result of that negotiation.
PRELIMINARY This value is used to indicate that the service information that the AF
has provided to the PCF is preliminary and needs to be further
negotiated between the two ends (e.g. for IMS when the service
information is sent based on the SDP offer). Enumeration: SipForkingIndication

The enumeration "SipForkingIndication" describes if several SIP dialogues are related to an "Individual Application
Session Context" resource.

Table Enumeration SipForkingIndication

Enumeration value Description Applicability

SINGLE_DIALOGUE This value is used to indicate that the "Individual Application
Session Context" resource relates to a single SIP dialogue.
This is the default value.
SEVERAL_DIALOGUES This value is used to indicate that the "Individual Application
Session Context" resource relates to several SIP dialogues.

Release 16 120 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12) Enumeration: AfRequestedData

The enumeration "AfRequestedData" represents the information the AF requested to be exposed.

Table Enumeration AfRequestedData

Enumeration value Description Applicability

UE_IDENTITY Indicates that the AF requests the PCF to provide the
5GS-level UE identities (SUPI, GPSI, PEI) available for
that PDU session. Enumeration: PreemptionControlInformation

The enumeration "PreemptionControlInformation" represents how to perform pre-emption among multiple potential
media flow candidates of same priority.

Table Enumeration PreemptionControlInformation

Enumeration value Description Applicability

MOST_RECENT Indicates the most recent added flow is to be pre-empted.
LEAST_RECENT Indicates the least recent added flow is to be pre-empted.
HIGHEST_BW Indicates the highest bandwidth flow is to be pre-empted. Enumeration: PrioritySharingIndicator

The enumeration "PrioritySharingIndicator" represents whether the media component is enabled or disabled for priority
sharing with other media components which are assigned the same 5QI and belong to other "Individual Application
Session Context" resource bound to the same PDU session.

Table Enumeration PrioritySharingIndicator

Enumeration value Description Applicability

ENABLED Indicates the media component is allowed to share ARP with other medias
which are assigned the same 5QI and belong to other "Individual Application
Session Context" resources bound to the same PDU session.
DISABLED Indicates the media component is not allowed to share ARP with other
media components. This is the default value when omitted. Enumeration: PreemptionControlInformationRm

This data type is defined in the same way as the "PreemptionControlInformation" data type but also allows null value
(specified as "NullValue" data type).

5.7 Error handling

5.7.1 General
HTTP error handling shall be supported as specified in subclause 5.2.4 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

For the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API, HTTP error responses shall be supported as specified in subclause 4.8 of
3GPP TS 29.501 [6].

Protocol errors and application errors specified in table of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] shall be supported for an
HTTP method if the corresponding HTTP status codes are specified as mandatory for that HTTP method in
table of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

Protocol errors and application errors specified in table of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] for HTTP redirections shall be
supported if the feature "ES3XX" is supported.

Release 16 121 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

In addition, the requirements in the following subclauses shall apply.

5.7.2 Protocol Errors

In this Release of the specification, there are no additional protocol errors applicable for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization

5.7.3 Application Errors

The application errors defined for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API are listed in table 5.7.3-1. The PCF shall include
in the HTTP status code a "ProblemDetails" data structure with the "cause" attribute indicating the application error as
listed in table 5.7.3-1.

Table 5.7.3-1: Application errors

Application Error HTTP status code Description

REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZ 403 Forbidden The service information provided in the
ED request is rejected. (NOTE 1)
REQUESTED_SERVICE_TEMPORARILY_ 403 Forbidden The service information provided in the
NOT_AUTHORIZED request is temporarily rejected. (NOTE 2)
UNAUTHORIZED_SPONSORED_DATA_C 403 Forbidden The request for sponsored data connectivity is
ONNECTIVITY not authorized. (NOTE 3)
UNAUTHORIZED_NON_EMERGENCY_SE 403 Forbidden The PCF rejects a new AF session context
SSION setup because the session binding function
associated a non-Emergency IMS session to a
PDU session established to an Emergency
APPLICATION_SESSION_CONTEXT_NOT 404 Not Found The HTTP request is rejected because the
_FOUND specified Individual Application Session
Context does not exist. (NOTE 4)
PDU_SESSION_NOT_AVAILABLE 500 Internal Server The PCF failed in executing session binding.
Error (NOTE 5)
NOTE 1: This application error is included in the response to the POST request (see subclauses and
and to the PATCH request (see subclauses and
NOTE 2: This application error is included in the response to the POST request (see subclause and to the
PATCH request (see subclause
NOTE 3: This application error is included in the response to the POST request (see subclause and to the
PATCH request (see subclause
NOTE 4: This application error is included in the responses to the GET, PATCH and delete custom operation requests
to the Individual Application Session Context resource.
NOTE 5: This application error is included in the response to the POST request (see subclauses, and

5.8 Feature negotiation

The optional features in table 5.8-1 are defined for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API. They shall be negotiated using
the extensibility mechanism defined in subclause 6.6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

When requesting the PCF to create an Individual Application Session Context resource the NF service consumer shall
indicate the optional features the NF service consumer supports for the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service by including
the "suppFeat" attribute in the "AppSessionContextReqData" data type of the HTTP POST request.

The PCF shall determine the supported features for the created Individual Application Session Context resource as
specified in subclause 6.6.2 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5]. The PCF shall indicate the supported features in the HTTP
response confirming the creation of the Individual Application Session Context resource by including the "suppFeat"
attribute in the "AppSessionContextRespData" data type.

Release 16 122 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Table 5.8-1: Supported Features

Feature Feature Name Description

1 InfluenceOnTrafficRouting Indicates support of Application Function influence on traffic
routing. If the PCF supports this feature, the AF may influence
SMF routing to applications or subscribe to notifications of UP path
management for the traffic flows of an active PDU session.
2 SponsoredConnectivity Indicates support of sponsored data connectivity. If the PCF
supports this feature, the AF may provide sponsored data
connectivity to the SUPI.
3 MediaComponentVersioning Indicates the support of the media component versioning.
4 URLLC Indicates support of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication
(URLLC) requirements, i.e. AF application relocation
acknowledgement and UE address(es) preservation. The
InfluenceOnTrafficRouting feature shall be supported in order to
support this feature.
5 IMS_SBI Indicates support of the communication with the 5GC IMS AF via
Service Based Interfaces.
6 NetLoc Indicates the support of access network information reporting.
7 ProvAFsignalFlow This indicates support for the feature of provisioning of AF
signalling flow information as described in subclauses and If the PCF supports this feature the AF may provision AF
signalling flow information.

NOTE: This feature is used by the IMS Restoration Procedures to

provide to the SMF the address of the P-CSCF selected by the UE,
refer to 3GPP TS 23.380 [39].

The IMS_SBI feature shall be supported in order to support this

8 ResourceSharing This feature indicates the support of resource sharing across
several "Individual Application Session Context" resources. The
IMS_SBI feature shall be supported in order to support this feature.
9 MCPTT This feature indicates the support of Mission Critical Push To Talk
services as described in 3GPP TS 24.379 [41].
10 MCVideo This feature indicates the support of Mission Critical Video services
as described in 3GPP TS 24.281 [43].
11 PrioritySharing This feature indicates that Priority Sharing is supported as
described in 3GPP TS 23.503 [4], subclause
12 MCPTT-Preemption This feature indicates the support of service pre-emption based on
the information provided by the AF. It requires that both
PrioritySharing and MCPTT features are also supported.
13 MacAddressRange Indicates the support of a set of MAC addresses with a specific
range in the traffic filter.
14 RAN-NAS-Cause This feature indicates the support for the release cause code
information from the access network.
15 EnhancedSubscriptionToNotifica Indicates the support of:
tion - Subscription to periodic notifications.
- Definition of a waiting time between the reporting of two
event triggered events.
- Indication of whether the event has to be reported at PDU
Session termination.
- Notification Correlation Id for a subscription to an event.
16 QoSMonitoring Indicates the support of QoS monitoring information. This feature
requires the support of the EnhancedSubscriptionToNotification
17 AuthorizationWithRequiredQoS Indicates support of policy authorization for the AF session with
required QoS.
18 TimeSensitiveNetworking Indicates that the 5G System is integrated within the external
network as a TSN bridge.
19 PCSCF-Restoration- This feature indicates support of P-CSCF Restoration
Enhancement Enhancement. It is used for the PCF and the P-CSCF to indicate if
they support P-CSCF Restoration Enhancement.
20 CHEM This feature indicates the support of Coverage and Handover
Enhancements for Media (CHEM).

Release 16 123 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Feature Feature Name Description

21 FLUS This feature indicates the support of FLUS functionality as
described in 3GPP TS 26.238 [51].
22 EPSFallbackReport This feature indicates the support of the report of EPS Fallback as
defined in subclauses, and
23 ATSSS Indicates the support of the report of the multiple access types of a
MA PDU session.
24 QoSHint This feature indicates the support of specific QoS hint parameters
as described in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30], subclause 6.2.10.
25 ReallocationOfCredit This feature indicates the support of notifications of reallocation of
credits events. It requires the support of IMS_SBI feature.
26 ES3XX Extended Support for 3xx redirections. This feature indicates the
support of redirection for any service operation, according to
Stateless NF procedures as specified in subclauses and of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5] and according to HTTP redirection
principles for indirect communication, as specified in
subclause 6.10.9 of 3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

5.9 Security
As indicated in 3GPP TS 33.501 [25] and 3GPP TS 29.500 [5], the access to the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API, based
on local configuration, may be authorized by means of the OAuth2 protocol (see IETF RFC 6749 [26]), using the
"Client Credentials" authorization grant, where the NRF (see 3GPP TS 29.510 [27]) plays the role of the authorization

If OAuth2 authorization is used, an NF Service Consumer, prior to consuming services offered by the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API, shall obtain a "token" from the authorization server, by invoking the Access Token
Request service, as described in 3GPP TS 29.510 [27], subclause

NOTE: When multiple NRFs are deployed in a network, the NRF used as authorization server is the same NRF
that the NF Service Consumer used for discovering the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service.

The Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API defines a single scope "npcf-policyauthorization" for OAuth2 authorization (as
specified in 3GPP TS 33.501 [25]) for the entire API, and it does not define any additional scopes at resource or
operation level.

Release 16 124 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Annex A (normative):
OpenAPI specification

A.1 General
The present Annex contains an OpenAPI [11] specification of HTTP messages and content bodies used by the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API.

This Annex shall take precedence when being discrepant to other parts of the specification with respect to the encoding
of information elements and methods within the API.

NOTE: The semantics and procedures, as well as conditions, e.g. for the applicability and allowed combinations
of attributes or values, not expressed in the OpenAPI definitions but defined in other parts of the
specification also apply.

Informative copies of the OpenAPI specification file contained in this 3GPP Technical Specification are available on a
Git-based repository that uses the GitLab software version control system (see clause 5B of the 3GPP TR 21.900 [28]
and subclause 5.3.1 of the 3GPP TS 29.501 [6] for further information).

A.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API

openapi: 3.0.0
title: Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service API
version: 1.1.2
description: |
PCF Policy Authorization Service.
© 2020, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).
All rights reserved.

description: 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0; 5G System; Policy Authorization Service;Stage 3.
url: 'http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/archive/29_series/29.514/'
- url: '{apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1'
default: https://example.com
description: apiRoot as defined in subclause 4.4 of 3GPP TS 29.501

- {}
- oAuth2ClientCredentials:
- npcf-policyauthorization
summary: Creates a new Individual Application Session Context resource
operationId: PostAppSessions
- Application Sessions (Collection)
description: Contains the information for the creation the resource
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContext'
description: Successful creation of the resource

Release 16 125 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContext'
description: 'Contains the URI of the created individual application session context
resource, according to the structure:
{apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions/{appSessionId} or the URI of the created events
subscription sub-resource, according to the structure: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-
required: true
type: string
description: See Other. The result of the HTTP POST request would be equivalent to the
existing Application Session Context.
description: 'Contains the URI of the existing individual Application Session Context
required: true
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
description: Forbidden
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ExtendedProblemDetails'
description: 'Indicates the time the AF has to wait before making a new request. It
can be a non-negative integer (decimal number) indicating the number of seconds the AF has to wait
before making a new request or an HTTP-date after which the AF can retry a new request. '
- type: integer
- type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
description: Request of the termination of the Individual Application Session
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TerminationInfo'
description: The receipt of the notification is acknowledged.
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'

Release 16 126 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
description: Notification of an event occurrence in the PCF.
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsNotification'
description: The receipt of the notification is acknowledged
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string

Release 16 127 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which

the notification request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
description: Notification of a new 5GS Bridge detected in the PCF.
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/PduSessionTsnBridge'
description: The receipt of the notification is acknowledged
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect

Release 16 128 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
summary: "Indicates P-CSCF restoration and does not create an Individual Application Session
operationId: PcscfRestoration
- PCSCF Restoration Indication
description: PCSCF Restoration Indication
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/PcscfRestorationRequestData'
description: The deletion is confirmed without returning additional data.
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'

Release 16 129 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
summary: "Reads an existing Individual Application Session Context"
operationId: GetAppSession
- Individual Application Session Context (Document)
- name: appSessionId
description: string identifying the resource
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: A representation of the resource is returned.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContext'
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect

Release 16 130 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/406'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
summary: "Modifies an existing Individual Application Session Context"
operationId: ModAppSession
- Individual Application Session Context (Document)
- name: appSessionId
description: string identifying the resource
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: modification of the resource.
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContextUpdateData'
description: successful modification of the resource and a representation of that resource
is returned
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContext'
description: The successful modification
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string

Release 16 131 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
description: Forbidden
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ExtendedProblemDetails'
description: 'Indicates the time the AF has to wait before making a new request. It
can be a non-negative integer (decimal number) indicating the number of seconds the AF has to wait
before making a new request or an HTTP-date after which the AF can retry a new request. '
- type: integer
- type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
description: Notification of an event occurrence in the PCF.
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsNotification'
description: The receipt of the notification is acknowledged
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'

Release 16 132 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
summary: "Deletes an existing Individual Application Session Context"
operationId: DeleteAppSession
- Individual Application Session Context (Document)
- name: appSessionId
description: string identifying the Individual Application Session Context resource
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: deletion of the Individual Application Session Context resource, req
required: false
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscReqData'
description: The deletion of the resource is confirmed and a resource is returned
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContext'

Release 16 133 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

description: The deletion is confirmed without returning additional data.

description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
summary: "creates or modifies an Events Subscription subresource"
operationId: updateEventsSubsc
- Events Subscription (Document)
- name: appSessionId
description: string identifying the Events Subscription resource
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: Creation or modification of an Events Subscription resource.
required: true

Release 16 134 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscReqData'
description: The creation of the Events Subscription resource is confirmed and its
representation is returned.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscPutData'
description: 'Contains the URI of the created Events Subscription resource, according
to the structure: {apiRoot}/npcf-policyauthorization/v1/app-sessions/{appSessionId}/events-
required: true
type: string
description: The modification of the Events Subscription resource is confirmed its
representation is returned.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscPutData'
description: The modification of the Events Subscription subresource is confirmed without
returning additional data.
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'

Release 16 135 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
description: Contains the information for the notification of an event occurrence in
the PCF.
required: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsNotification'
description: The receipt of the notification is acknowledged.
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
required: true
description: 'A URI pointing to the endpoint of an alternative NF consumer
(service) instance towards which the notification should be redirected.'
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which
the notification request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/411'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/413'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/415'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'

Release 16 136 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
summary: deletes the Events Subscription subresource
operationId: DeleteEventsSubsc
- Events Subscription (Document)
- name: appSessionId
description: string identifying the Individual Application Session Context resource
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: The deletion of the of the Events Subscription sub-resource is confirmed
without returning additional data.
description: Temporary Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
description: Permanent Redirect
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
description: 'An alternative URI of the resource located on an alternative PCF
(service) instance.'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Identifier of the target NF (service) instance ID towards which the
request is redirected'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/400'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/401'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/403'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/404'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/429'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/500'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/503'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/responses/default'
type: oauth2
tokenUrl: '{nrfApiRoot}/oauth2/token'

Release 16 137 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

npcf-policyauthorization: Access to the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API
description: Represents an Individual Application Session Context resource.
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContextReqData'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AppSessionContextRespData'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsNotification'
description: Identifies the service requirements of an Individual Application Session Context.
type: object
- notifUri
- suppFeat
- required: [ueIpv4]
- required: [ueIpv6]
- required: [ueMac]
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfAppId'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ApplicationChargingId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfRequestedData'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfRoutingRequirement'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AspId'
$ref: 'TS29122_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BdtReferenceId'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Dnn'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscReqData'
description: indication of MCPTT service request
type: string
description: indication of MCVideo service request
type: string
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaComponent'
minProperties: 1
type: string
description: indication of MPS service request
type: string
description: indication of MCS service request
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/PreemptionControlInformation'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ReservPriority'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceInfoStatus'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceUrn'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Snssai'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SponId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SponsoringStatus'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Supi'

Release 16 138 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Gpsi'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/SupportedFeatures'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Ipv4Addr'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Ipv6Addr'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/MacAddr48'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/BridgeManagementContainer'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
type: array
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
minItems: 1
description: Describes the authorization data of an Individual Application Session Context
created by the PCF.
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ServAuthInfo'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/UeIdentityInfo'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/SupportedFeatures'
description: Identifies the modifications to an Individual Application Session Context and may
include the modifications to the sub-resource Events Subscription.
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfAppId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfRoutingRequirementRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AspId'
$ref: 'TS29122_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BdtReferenceId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscReqDataRm'
description: indication of MCPTT service request
type: string
description: indication of modification of MCVideo service
type: string
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaComponentRm'
minProperties: 1
description: indication of MPS service request
type: string
description: indication of MCS service request
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/PreemptionControlInformationRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ReservPriority'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ServiceInfoStatus'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SipForkingIndication'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SponId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SponsoringStatus'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/BridgeManagementContainer'

Release 16 139 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
type: array
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
minItems: 1
description: Identifies the events the application subscribes to.
type: object
- events
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfEventSubscription'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri'
type: array
minItems: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/QosMonitoringInformation'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/RequiredAccessInfo'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29122_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/UsageThreshold'
type: string
description: this data type is defined in the same way as the EventsSubscReqData data type,
but with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true.
type: object
- events
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfEventSubscription'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri'
type: array
minItems: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/QosMonitoringInformationRm'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/RequiredAccessInfo'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29122_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/UsageThresholdRm'
type: string
nullable: true
description: Identifies a media component.
type: object
- medCompN
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfAppId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfRoutingRequirement'

Release 16 140 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

type: string
type: array
type: string
minItems: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ContentVersion'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/CodecData'
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Float'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Float'
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowStatus'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PacketLossRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PacketLossRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
type: integer
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaSubComponent'
minProperties: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PreemptionCapability'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PreemptionVulnerability'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/PrioritySharingIndicator'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ReservPriority'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uint32'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uint32'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TsnQosContainer'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TscaiInputContainer'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TscaiInputContainer'
description: This data type is defined in the same way as the MediaComponent data type, but
with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true
type: object

Release 16 141 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- medCompN
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfAppId'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfRoutingRequirementRm'
type: string
nullable: true
type: array
type: string
minItems: 1
nullable: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ContentVersion'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/CodecData'
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/FloatRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/FloatRm'
type: string
nullable: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowStatus'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PacketLossRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PacketLossRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
type: integer
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaSubComponentRm'
minProperties: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaType'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PreemptionCapabilityRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PreemptionVulnerabilityRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/PrioritySharingIndicator'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ReservPriority'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uint32Rm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uint32Rm'

Release 16 142 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: '#/components/schemas/TsnQosContainerRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TscaiInputContainer'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TscaiInputContainer'
nullable: true
description: Identifies a media subcomponent
type: object
- fNum
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/AfSigProtocol'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EthFlowDescription'
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
type: integer
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowDescription'
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowStatus'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TosTrafficClass'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowUsage'
description: This data type is defined in the same way as the MediaSubComponent data type, but
with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true. Removable attributes marBwDl and marBwUl are defined
with the corresponding removable data type.
type: object
- fNum
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/AfSigProtocol'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EthFlowDescription'
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
nullable: true
type: integer
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowDescription'
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
nullable: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowStatus'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRateRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TosTrafficClassRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowUsage'
nullable: true
description: describes the notification of a matched event

Release 16 143 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

type: object
- evSubsUri
- evNotifs
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/AccessType'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/AdditionalAccessInfo'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/AdditionalAccessInfo'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/AccNetChargingAddress'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessNetChargingIdentifier'
minItems: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AnGwAddress'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfEventNotification'
minItems: 1
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourcesAllocationInfo'
minItems: 1
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ResourcesAllocationInfo'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/NetLocAccessSupport'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/OutOfCreditInformation'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PlmnIdNid'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/QosNotificationControlInfo'
minItems: 1
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/QosMonitoringReport'
minItems: 1
type: array
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/RanNasRelCause'
minItems: 1
description: Contains the RAN and/or NAS release cause.
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/RatType'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/UserLocation'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/TimeZone'
$ref: 'TS29122_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/AccumulatedUsage'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/TsnBridgeInfo'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/BridgeManagementContainer'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
type: array

Release 16 144 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
minItems: 1
description: describes the event information delivered in the subscription
type: object
- event
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfEvent'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfNotifMethod'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DurationSec'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DurationSec'
description: describes the event information delivered in the notification
type: object
- event
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AfEvent'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Flows'
minItems: 1
description: indicates the cause for requesting the deletion of the Individual Application
Session Context resource
type: object
- termCause
- resUri
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TerminationCause'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Uri'
description: describes the event information delivered in the subscription
type: object
type: boolean
type: array
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/RouteToLocation'
minItems: 1
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SpatialValidity'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TemporalValidity'
minItems: 1
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/UpPathChgEvent'
type: boolean
description: describes explicitly the route to an Application location
type: object
- presenceInfoList
type: object
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PresenceInfo'
minProperties: 1
description: this data type is defined in the same way as the SpatialValidity data type, but
with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true

Release 16 145 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

type: object
- presenceInfoList
type: object
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PresenceInfo'
minProperties: 1
nullable: true
description: this data type is defined in the same way as the AfRoutingRequirement data type,
but with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true and the spVal and tempVals attributes defined as
type: object
type: boolean
type: array
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/RouteToLocation'
minItems: 1
nullable: true
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SpatialValidityRm'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TemporalValidity'
minItems: 1
nullable: true
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/UpPathChgEvent'
type: boolean
nullable: true
nullable: true
description: describes the address of the access network gateway control node
type: object
- required: [anGwIpv4Addr]
- required: [anGwIpv6Addr]
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Ipv4Addr'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Ipv6Addr'
description: Identifies the flows
type: object
- medCompN
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ContentVersion'
minItems: 1
type: array
type: integer
minItems: 1
type: integer
description: Identifies an Ethernet flow
type: object
- ethType
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/MacAddr48'
type: string

Release 16 146 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: '#/components/schemas/FlowDescription'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/FlowDirection'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/MacAddr48'
type: array
type: string
minItems: 1
maxItems: 2
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/MacAddr48'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/MacAddr48'

description: describes the status of the PCC rule(s) related to certain media components.
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaComponentResourcesStatus'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Flows'
minItems: 1
type: string
description: Indicates the time interval(s) during which the AF request is to be applied
type: object
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime'
description: Indicates whether the QoS targets for a GRB flow are not guaranteed or guaranteed
type: object
- notifType
$ref: '#/components/schemas/QosNotifType'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Flows'
minItems: 1
type: string
description: Indicates the maximum bandwidth that shall be authorized by the PCF.
type: object
type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/MediaComponent'
minProperties: 1
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/BitRate'

description: Represents 5GS-Level UE identities.
type: object
- required: [gpsi]
- required: [pei]
- required: [supi]

Release 16 147 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Gpsi'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Pei'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Supi'
description: Describes the access network charging identifier.
type: object
- accNetChaIdValue
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ChargingId'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Flows'
minItems: 1
description: Indicates the SDFs without available credit and the corresponding termination
type: object
- finUnitAct
$ref: 'TS32291_Nchf_ConvergedCharging.yaml#/components/schemas/FinalUnitAction'
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Flows'
minItems: 1
description: Indicates the QoS Monitoring information to report, i.e. UL and/or DL and or
round trip delay.
type: object
type: integer
type: integer
type: integer
description: Contains the new 5GS Bridge information and may contain the DS-TT port and/or NW-
TT port management information.
type: object
- tsnBridgeInfo
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/TsnBridgeInfo'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/BridgeManagementContainer'
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
type: array
$ref: 'TS29512_Npcf_SMPolicyControl.yaml#/components/schemas/PortManagementContainer'
minItems: 1

description: this data type is defined in the same way as the QosMonitoringInformation data
type, but with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true.
type: object
type: integer
type: integer

Release 16 148 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

type: integer
nullable: true
description: Indicates P-CSCF restoration.
type: object
- required: [ueIpv4]
- required: [ueIpv6]
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Dnn'
type: string
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Snssai'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Supi'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Ipv4Addr'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Ipv6Addr'

description: QoS Monitoring reporting information
type: object
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Flows'
minItems: 1
type: array
type: integer
minItems: 1
type: array
type: integer
minItems: 1
type: array
type: integer
minItems: 1
description: Indicates TSC Traffic QoS.
type: object
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ExtMaxDataBurstVol'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PacketDelBudget'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TscPriorityLevel'
description: Indicates removable TSC Traffic QoS.
type: object
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ExtMaxDataBurstVolRm'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/PacketDelBudgetRm'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TscPriorityLevelRm'
nullable: true
description: Indicates TSC Traffic pattern.
type: object

Release 16 149 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DurationSec'
$ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime'
nullable: true
description: Identifies the events the application subscribes to within an Events Subscription
sub-resource data. It may contain the notification of the already met events
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsSubscReqData'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/EventsNotification'
description: Extends ProblemDetails to also include the acceptable service info.
- $ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails'
- type: object
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AcceptableServiceInfo'

description: Contains an AF application identifier.
type: string
description: Contains an identity of an application service provider.
type: string
description: Contains codec related information.
type: string
description: Represents the content version of some content.
type: integer
description: Defines a packet filter of an IP flow.
type: string
description: Contains an identity of a sponsor.
type: string
description: Contains values of the service URN and may include subservices.
type: string
description: 2-octet string, where each octet is encoded in hexadecimal representation. The
first octet contains the IPv4 Type-of-Service or the IPv6 Traffic-Class field and the second octet
contains the ToS/Traffic Class mask field.
type: string
description: this data type is defined in the same way as the TosTrafficClass data type, but
with the OpenAPI nullable property set to true
type: string
nullable: true
type: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 8
type: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 8
nullable: true
- type: string

Release 16 150 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- type: string
- type: string
- PRIO_1
- PRIO_2
- PRIO_3
- PRIO_4
- PRIO_5
- PRIO_6
- PRIO_7
- PRIO_8
- PRIO_9
- PRIO_10
- PRIO_11
- PRIO_12
- PRIO_13
- PRIO_14
- PRIO_15
- PRIO_16
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string

Release 16 151 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string

- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string

Release 16 152 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- type: string
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PreemptionControlInformation'
- $ref: 'TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/NullValue'

Annex B (normative):
IMS Related P-CSCF Procedures over N5

B.1 Provision of Service Information at P-CSCF

When the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, the P-CSCF shall send service information to the PCF upon every SIP
message that includes an SDP answer payload for the purpose of authorizing the IP flows and the QoS resources
required for a negotiated IMS session, unless the SDP payload only relates to a circuit-switched bearer (i.e. "c=" line set
to "PSTN" and an "m=" line set to "PSTN", refer to 3GPP TS 24.292 [29]). The service information shall be derived
both from the SDP offer and the SDP answer. This ensures that the PCF receives proper information to perform media
authorization for all possible IMS session set-up scenarios, and that the PCF is also capable of handling session
modifications. The P-CSCF may include "servInfStatus" attribute set to "FINAL".

Additionally, the P-CSCF may send service information to the PCF when receiving a SIP message that includes an SDP
offer payload for the purpose of performing an early bandwidth authorization check, or for enabling pre-authorization
for a UE terminated IMS session establishment or modification with UE initiated resource reservation, or for the
retrieval of network provided access network information (see subclause B.8.2).

The P-CSCF shall send service information to the PCF when receiving a SIP message that includes an SDP offer
payload when the IMS session is an MPS session that requires priority treatment. For a UE terminated session the P-
CSCF may send the service information derived from the SDP offer when the SDP offer either does not include any
preconditions information or includes preconditions information indicating that the local preconditions (i.e. the
preconditions related to the remote peer) are already met. In this case, the P-CSCF shall derive the service information
only from the SDP offer and shall include "servInfStatus" attribute set to "PRELIMINARY".

NOTE 1: For a UE terminated session setup, when the SDP offer either does not include any preconditions
information or includes preconditions information indicating that the local preconditions (i.e. the
preconditions related to the remote peer) are already met, the terminating UE can request a resource
modification prior to sending the SDP answer. Even if the IP address and port information in the session
information derived from the SDP offer can be insufficient for PCC rule authorization, the policy to
handle such UE initiated requests at the PCF can take into account the fact that an IMS session
establishment is ongoing, for instance in deciding whether to authorize the request and in selecting an
appropriate charging key and a gating policy.

The P-CSCF shall derive the value of the "fDescs" attribute within the service information from the SDP as follows:

- An uplink entry in the "fDescs" attribute shall be formed as follows: The destination address shall be taken from
the SDP information received by the P-CSCF in downlink direction, while the source IP address may be formed
from the address present in the SDP received by the P-CSCF in uplink direction (taking into account only the 64
bit prefix of the Ipv6 address) Source and destination ports shall be derived according to rules provided in
3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.

Release 16 153 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

EXAMPLE 1: Assuming UE A sends an SDP to UE B, the PCF of UE B uses the address present in this SDP for
the destination address of UE B’s uplink entry in the "fDescs" attribute, while the PCF of the UE
A uses the 64 bit prefix of the same address for the source address of UE A’s uplink entry in the
"fDescs" attribute. If the source address is not formed from the 64 bit prefix, the source address
shall be wildcarded.

- A downlink entry in the "fDescs" attribute shall be formed as follows: The destination address shall be taken
from the SDP information received by the P-CSCF in uplink direction, while the source IP address may be
formed (in order to reduce the possibilities of QoS flow misuse) from the destination address in the SDP
received by the P-CSCF in downlink direction (taking into account only the 64 bit prefix of the Ipv6 address)
Source and destination ports shall be derived according to rules provided in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.

EXAMPLE 2: Assuming UE A sends an SDP to UE B, the PCF of UE A uses the address present in this SDP for
the destination address of UE A’s downlink entry in the "fDescs" attribute, while the PCF of UE B
uses the 64 bit prefix of the same address for the source address of UE B’s downlink entry in the
"fDescs" attribute. If the source address is not formed from the 64 bit prefix, the source address
shall be wildcarded.

The P-CSCF shall derive the bandwidth information within the service information, from the "b=AS" SDP parameter
and "a=bw-info" SDP parameter, if available. If "a=bw-info" is used for bandwidth derivation, the P-CSCF shall use the
SDP attribute line that contains the bandwidth properties for the IP version used by the UE, as detailed in
3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2. If the received "a=bw-info" SDP attribute line(s) contain only bandwidth properties
for an IP version that is not used by the UE, the P-CSCF shall re-compute the bandwidth properties for the used IP
version and use that value for the bandwidth derivation as defined in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30].

NOTE 2: If no IP version is included for any of the "a=bw-info" SDP attribute lines related to a certain payload
type and direction then IPv6 is assumed for all bandwidth properties related to the same direction and
payload type, on all of the related "a=bw-info" SDP attribute lines, see clause 19 of 3GPP TS 26.114 [30].

If "a=bw-info" is used for bandwidth derivation and it includes both known and unknown bandwidth properties, the P-
CSCF shall only consider the known bandwidth properties to derive the bandwidth information and ignore the unknown
ones. If the" a=bw-info" line is received with an unknown directionality, then the entire "a=bw-info" line shall be

For the possibly associated RTCP IP flows, the P-CSCF shall use the SDP "b=RR" and "b=RS" parameters, if present,
as specified in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2. The "b=AS", "b=RR" and "b=RS" parameters in the SDP contain all
the overhead coming from the IP-layer and the layers above, e.g. IP, UDP, RTP and RTCP payload, or IP, UDP and

For multiplexed RTP/RTCP flows (as negotiated using the "a=rtcp-mux" SDP attribute defined in IETF RFC 5761 [31],
a P-CSCF supporting RTP/RTCP transport multiplexing shall derive the bandwidth information within the service
information as specified in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.

However, if service information is received containing the "b=TIAS" SDP parameter that corresponds to an SDP
answer payload, and if the P-CSCF supports this parameter, the P-CSCF may derive the bandwidth from this parameter
rather than from the "b=AS" SDP parameter, as detailed in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.

When available, the P-CSCF shall also indicate to PCF, as a complement to the Service Information, the IMS
Communication Service Identifier within the "afAppId" attribute. The originating P-CSCF shall take the IMS
Communication Service Identifier value from the SIP response. The terminating P-CSCF shall take the IMS
Communication Service Identifier value from the SIP request. Otherwise, the P-CSCF may not be able to provide an
IMS Communication Service Identifier value to the PCF. The format and specific headers where IMS communication
service identifiers are transported within SIP are defined in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

NOTE 3: In order to indicate the IMS Communication Service Identifier to the PCF, the originating P-CSCF sets
the "afAppId" attribute to the ICSI contained in the topmost occurrence of the "+g.3gpp.icsi-ref" header
field parameter of the Feature-Caps header field(s) of 18x or 2xx SIP response (Feature-Caps: *;
+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=”urn%Aurn-7%A3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel”) and the terminating P-CSCF sets the
"afAppId" attribute to the ICSI of the P-Asserted-Service header information received in the SIP request
(e.g. P-Asserted-Service: urn:urn-7:3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel). Since the headers and the format of the
ICSI can vary depending on the case, the PCF has to be prepared to accept the complete ICSI information
received in different formats, as described in subclause 7.2A.8.2 in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

Release 16 154 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Additionally, if "ResourceSharing" feature is supported, the P-CSCF may include the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or
"sharingKeyDl" attribute within a media component of the "medComponents" attribute in order to indicate the PCF that
resource sharing should apply for the media components in the related direction with the same value for the
"sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute.

Additionally, if "PrioritySharing" feature is supported, the P-CSCF may provide the "prioSharingInd" attribute within a
media component of the "medComponents" attribute as described in subclause and

NOTE 4: The P-CSCF obtains this information from the Application Server as described in 3GPP TS 23.228 [33],

NOTE 5: RTCP flows are not subject to resource sharing. This requirement cannot be met for multiplexed
RTP/RTCP flows as in this case there is no mechanism in the current release to distinguish between RTP
and RTCP flows.

If the "servUrn" attribute does not include an emergency service URN, i.e. a top-level service type of "sos" as specified
in IETF RFC 5031 [34] and possibly additional sub-service information on the type of the emergency service and the
PCF binds the IMS service session to a PDU session established to an Emergency DNN, the PCF shall return the
application error UNAUTHORIZED_NON_EMERGENCY_SESSION to the P-CSCF. Upon receiving an application
error UNAUTHORIZED_NON_EMERGENCY_SESSION the P-CSCF shall apply the procedures defined
in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

NOTE 6: The PCF determines whether a PDU session is established to an Emergency DNN based on the
information received over N7 and operator configuration.

If the "afReqData" attribute is provided in the "ascReqData" attribute indicating "5GS-level UE Identities required", the
PCF shall provide the available user information for the PDU session within the "ueIds" attribute included in the
"ascRespData" attribute, where each entry shall contain either the "supi", and/or the "gpsi" and/or the "pei" attributes.

The PCF may decide not to authorize requested service information. The PCF will indicate it to the P-CSCF by
rejecting the HTTP request with an HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message including the "cause" attribute set to
"REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED". Upon receiving an HTTP "403 Forbidden" response message
including the "cause" attribute set to the value "REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED" the P-CSCF shall
apply the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

B.2 Enabling of IP Flows

B.2.1 General
Prior to the completion of the SIP session set-up, i.e. until the 2xx response to the INVITE request is received, the P-
CSCF may enable or disable media IP flows depending on operator policy, thus allowing or forbidding early media in
forward and/or backward direction. The P-CSCF may set the values of the "fStatus" attribute derived from the SDP
direction attributes as defined in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.3.3 or set the values of the "fStatus" attributes
considering the em-param of the P-Early-Media header field according to subclause B.2.2 or downgrade the values of
the "fStatus" attribute derived from the SDP direction attribute based on the configuration in the P-CSCF according to
subclause B.2.3. However for multiplexed RTP/RTCP flows (as negotiated using the "a=rtcp-mux" SDP attribute
defined in IETF RFC 5761 [31]), a P-CSCF supporting RTP/RTCP transport multiplexing shall set the "fStatus"
attribute to "ENABLED" to prevent that RTCP is blocked. If the P-CSCF chooses to modify the values of the "fStatus"
as received from the SDP direction attribute, the P-CSCF shall store the last received SDP.

When a 2xx response is received, the P-CSCF shall enable all media IP flows according to the direction attribute within
the last received SDP, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.3.3. When a 2xx response is received and the P-
CSCF previously provided the values of the "fStatus" attributes different from the value derived from the SDP direction
attribute in the session information, the P-CSCF shall provide service information with values of the "fStatus" attributes
corresponding to the last received SDP.

NOTE: In most cases a 2xx response is a 200 (OK) response.

If the P-CSCF receives SDP answers after the completion of the SIP session set-up, i.e. after the 2xx response to the
INVITE request is received, the P-CSCF shall provide the "fStatus" attribute, based on the last received SDP answer.
The "fStatus" attribute shall be derived from the SDP according to 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.3.3.

Release 16 155 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

B.2.2 Gate control procedures considering the P-Early-Media

header field
Prior to the completion of the SIP session set-up, the P-CSCF may use the em-param of the P-Early-Media header field
defined in IETF RFC 5009 [35] in order to enable or disable early media in forward and/or backward direction. If the P-
CSCF uses the em-param of the P-Early-Media header field for the gate control of early media, the P-CSCF shall
perform the following procedures.

In the terminating P-CSCF, when a SIP message with the P-Early-Media header field is received from the UE and the
policies configured in the P-CSCF indicate that the UE is authorized to send early media, then:

1) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "ENABLED" if:

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendrecv" and the last received SDP
direction attribute from the UE is "sendrecv" or no SDP direction attribute has been received; or

2) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "ENABLED-UPLINK" if:

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendrecv" and the last received SDP
direction attribute from the UE is "sendonly"; or

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendonly" and the last received SDP
direction attribute from the UE is "sendrecv" or "sendonly" or no SDP direction attribute has been received;

3) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "ENABLED-DOWNLINK" if:

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendrecv" and the last received SDP
direction attribute from the UE is "recvonly"; or

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "recvonly" and the last received SDP
direction attribute from the UE is "sendrecv" or "recvonly" or no SDP direction attribute has been received;

4) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "DISABLED" if either the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-
Media header field or the last received SDP direction attribute from the UE includes "inactive"; or

5) the P-CSCF may set the "fStatus" attribute to "DISABLED" or apply the rules defined in subclause B.2.2 if the
received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendonly" or "recvonly" and the last received
SDP direction attribute from the UE is "recvonly" or "sendonly" respectively.

NOTE 1: If the UE is authorized to send early media, the P-CSCF will not remove or modify the P-Early-Media
header field according to 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

When a SIP message with the P-Early-Media header field is received from the functional entity within the trust domain,
and if:

- the P-Early-Media header field includes the "gated" parameter, then the P-CSCF may decide not to perform the
gate control of early media; or

- the P-Early-Media header field does not include the "gated" parameter, then the P-CSCF shall perform the
following procedures:

1) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "ENABLED" if:

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendrecv" and the last received
SDP direction attribute from the functional entity is "sendrecv" or no SDP direction attribute has been
received; or

2) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "ENABLED-DOWNLINK" if:

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendrecv" and the last received
SDP direction attribute from the functional entity is "sendonly"; or

Release 16 156 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendonly" and the last received
SDP direction attribute from the functional entity is "sendrecv" or "sendonly" or no SDP direction
parameter has been received; or

3) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "ENABLED-UPLINK" if:

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendrecv" and the last received
SDP direction attribute from the functional entity is "recvonly"; or

- the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "recvonly" and the last received
SDP direction attribute from the functional entity is "sendrecv" or "recvonly" or no SDP direction
parameter has been received; or

4) the P-CSCF shall set the "fStatus" attribute to "DISABLED" if either the received em-param(s) in the P-
Early-Media header field or the last received SDP direction attribute from the functional entity includes
"inactive"; or

5) the P-CSCF may set the "fStatus" attribute to "DISABLED" or apply the rules defined in subclause A.2.2 if
the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-Media header field includes "sendonly" or "recvonly" and the last
received SDP direction attribute from the functional entity is "recvonly" or "sendonly" respectively.

NOTE 2: According to IETF RFC 5009 [35], the non-direction parameter "gated" can be included after the
direction parameter (e.g. "sendrecv") in the parameter list. The proxy performing gating of early media
can add the parameter before forwarding the SIP message.

When a SIP message without the P-Early-Media header field is received from either the functional entity within the
trust domain or the UE that is authorized to send early media, then the P-CSCF may set the "fStatus" attribute to
"DISABLED" or apply the rules defined in subclause B.2.3 or apply the rules defined in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]
subclause 7.3.3.

NOTE 3: As indicated in IETF RFC 5009 [35] the applicable preconditions need to be met in order to allow early
media in a particular direction.

When a SIP message is received from the functional entity other than the functional entity within the trust domain or the
UE that is authorized to send early media, then the P-CSCF shall not use the received em-param(s) in the P-Early-
Media header field and may apply the rules defined in subclause B.2.2 or apply the rules defined in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]
subclause 7.3.3.

NOTE 4: The P-CSCF will remove or modify the P-Early-Media header field in the above case.

B.2.3 Gate control procedures based on the configuration in the P-

Prior to the completion of the SIP session set-up, the P-CSCF may downgrade the values of the "fStatus" attributes
derived from the SDP direction attributes based on the configuration in the P-CSCF. If the P-CSCF has the
configuration for the gate control of early media, the P-CSCF shall perform the following procedures.

NOTE: The gate control of early media can be configured in the P-CSCF per UE basis.

When the "fStatus" attribute derived from the SDP direction attribute is "ENABLED", then the P-CSCF may
downgrade the value of the "fStatus" attribute to the value "DISABLED", "ENABLED_UPLINK", or
"ENABLED_DOWNLINK" based on the configuration in the P-CSCF.

When the "fStatus" attribute derived from the SDP direction attribute is "ENABLED_UPLINK" or
"ENABLED_DOWNLINK", then the P-CSCF may downgrade the value of the "fStatus" attribute to the value
"DISABLED" based on the configuration in the P-CSCF.

B.3 Support for SIP forking

The P-CSCF shall be able to handle forking when PCC is applied and the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported. Forking can
occur as specified in 3GPP TS 23.228 [33]. The related UE procedures are described in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

Release 16 157 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

B.3.1 PCC rule provisioning for early media for forked responses
When a SIP session has been originated by a connected UE, the P-CSCF may receive multiple provisional responses
due to forking before the first final answer is received. Multiple early media session may be established during this

The UE and the P-CSCF become aware of the forking only when a subsequent provisional response arrives for a new
early dialogue. After the first early media session is established, for each subsequent provisional response establishing
an additional early media session, the P-CSCF shall use an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation
containing the "sipForkInd" attribute with value "SEVERAL_DIALOGUES" and include the service information
derived from the latest provisional response.

The P-CSCF shall also provision the service information derived from any subsequent SDP offer-answer exchange
within an early dialogue (e.g. in PRACK and OK(PRACK), or UPDATE and OK(UPDATE) ) using an
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation containing the "sipForkInd" attribute with value
"SEVERAL_DIALOGUES" and the derived service information.

When receiving an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation containing the "sipForkInd" attribute with
value "SEVERAL_DIALOGUES", the PCF shall identify the existing "Individual Application Session Context"
resource with existing authorization information.

The PCF shall send additional PCC Rules or individual service data flow filters to already provided PCC rules as
required by the "fDescs" attribute within the AF session context information to the SMF. The PCF shall authorize any
additional media components and any increased QoS requirements for the previously authorized media components, as
requested within the service information.

The PCF shall authorize the maximum bandwidth required by any of the dialogues, but not the sum of the bandwidths
required by all dialogues. Thus, the QoS authorized for a media component is equal to the highest QoS requested for
that media component by any of the forked responses.

The PCF shall open or close the gates for service flows depending on the flow status that is being provisioned.
However, if a flow ID has been enabled in uplink or downlink direction or both way within previous service
information, it shall remain enabled even if the PCF receives service information that disable this flow ID within an
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation containing the "sipForkInd" attribute with value

If the P-CSCF provides one or more media components within the "medComponents" attribute with the "fStatus"
attribute set to "REMOVED" for previously authorized media component(s) the media component shall remain as
authorized and the PCF shall not take any action on that media component(s).

NOTE: There can be cases where a forked response could not support some of the media components included in
the SDP Offer (e.g. when early session disposition SDP as described in Annex B.6 applies, the forked
response related to the early session could include the port set to zero for those media components not
related to the early session or when a subsequent SDP Offer-Answer to indicate that some media is
disabled). For those cases the P-CSCF will indicate the PCF about the removal of the corresponding
media component. However this media component is already supported by other UEs and the PCF needs
to maintain the corresponding PCC rules until the final SDP answer is received in the P-CSCF in order to
avoid the release of resources in the network.

B.3.2 Updating the provisioned PCC rules at the final answer

The P-CSCF shall store the SDP information for each early dialogue separately till the first final SIP answer is received.
Then the related early dialogue is progressed to an established dialogue to establish the final SIP session. All the other
early dialogues are terminated. The service information for the SIP session is updated to match the requirements of the
remaining early dialogue only.

When receiving the first final SIP response, the P-CSCF shall send an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service
operation setting to null the "sipForkInd" attribute and shall include the service information derived from the SDP
corresponding to the dialogue of the final response. The P-CSCF shall provision the full service information including
the applicable "fDescs" attribute and "fStatus" attribute.

Release 16 158 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

When receiving an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation with a "sipForkInd" attribute with value
"SINGLE_DIALOGUE", the PCF shall update installed PCC Rules information and Authorized-QoS information to
match only the requirements of the service information within this Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation.
The PCF should immediately remove PCC Rule(s) or individual service data flow filters not matching IP flow(s) in the
updated Service Information, to reduce the risk for initial clipping of the media stream, and to minimize possible misuse
of resources. The PCF shall also open or close the gates for service flows according to the flow status in the received
service information.

B.4 Notification of AF Signalling Transmission Path

When the P-CSCF receives an initial REGISTER SIP message from an attached UE, the P-CSCF may subscribe to
notifications of the status of the AF signalling transmission path using the procedures specified in subclause
Once the P-CSCF has subscribed, the P-CSCF may receive notifications from the PCF according to subclause

NOTE: This procedure is not applicable for IMS registrations for Emergency sessions.

The P-CSCF shall cancel the subscription to notification of the status of the AF signalling transmission path when the
AF signalling to that particular user is terminated (i.e. when the user is de-REGISTERED from the IM CN subsystem).

When the P-CSCF receives a notification of loss of signalling connectivity from the PCF, the P-CSCF shall behave as
defined in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

B.5 Indication of Emergency Registration and Session

When the P-CSCF receives an initial REGISTER SIP message for an IMS emergency registration or an INVITE SIP
message for an emergency session and the P-CSCF determines that there are no IMS-level roaming interfaces, and the
"IMS_SBI" feature is supported the P-CSCF may request the PCF to provide the 5GS-Level UE identities (GPSI, SUPI,
PEI) available for that PDU session using the procedure as specified in this subclause (for an IMS emergency
registration) or B.5.1 (for an IMS emergency session establishment).

A P-CSCF may request the PCF to provide the 5GS-level identities (GPSI, SUPI, PEI) available for that PDU session
when no service information is available in the AF. To do so, the P-CSCF shall create an "Individual Application
Session Context" resource in the PCF for the AF signalling using an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service
operation. The P-CSCF shall provide the UE’s IP address (using either the "ueIpv4" attribute or the "ueIpv6" attribute)
and the "afReqData" attribute set to "UE_IDENTITY". The AF shall include the "servUrn" attribute set to the value
"sos", in order to indicate that the new AF session context relates to emergency traffic that is not related to a specific
emergency service.

If the P-CSCF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an emergency session, it shall include the
"3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header towards the PCF as described in subclause 6.8.2 of
3GPP TS 29.500 [5].

NOTE: If the P-CSCF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an emergency session, the P-CSCF
includes the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header based on P-CSCF policies in relation to
valid values of the "servUrn" attribute. The highest user priority value is mapped to the corresponding
lowest value of the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header.

When the PCF receives an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation as described in the preceding paragraphs
from the P-CSCF, the PCF shall perform session binding as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]. When the PCF receives
the "servUrn" attribute indicating an emergency session, the PCF may apply special policies, for instance prioritising
service flows relating to the AF session context or allowing these service flows free of charge.

When the "servUrn" attribute indicates that the AF session context relates to emergency traffic and the "afReqData"
attribute is received indicating "UE_IDENTITY", the PCF shall provide the requested available user information (GPSI,
SUPI, PEI) for the PDU session within "ueIds" attribute within the "ascRespData" in the HTTP "201 Created" response.

Release 16 159 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

When the P-CSCF receives the HTTP "201 Created" response with the 5GS-level UE identities from the PCF, the P-
CSCF stores the "ueIds" received within "Individual Application Session Context" resource returned in the HTTP "201
Created" response and behaves as defined in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

NOTE: The user information received within the "ueIds" attribute can be used to support PSAP callback
functionality for anonymous IMS emergency sessions. See 3GPP TS 23.167 [40] for further information.

The P-CSCF may decide to delete the "Individual Application Session Context" resource at any time. In that case, the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation, as described in subclause

A SIP INVITE request can contain a service URN as defined in IETF RFC 5031 [34] within the request URI. If the
service within this URN is "sos", possibly with additional sub-service information, the P-CSCF shall provision this
service and sub-service information within the "servUrn" attribute towards the PCF. The P-CSCF may also provision
possible information about other services received within the service URN.

B.6 Support for Early Session disposition SDP

B.6.1 General
As a network option, when the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported, the P-CSCF may support the PCC procedures in the
present subclause to handle "early session" disposition type SDP, as standardised in IETF RFC 3959 [38].

B.6.2 Service Information Provisioning for Early Media

The P-CSCF can receive "early session" disposition SDP in addition to "session" disposition SDP in SIP early

The P-CSCF shall then provision service information derived both from the "early session" disposition SDP and
"session" disposition SDP applying the procedures in clauses B.1, B.2, and B.3, and in the present subclause.

The P-CSCF shall apply the mapping rules in Annex C to derive the flow identifiers from "early session" disposition

If a single media line with one media type (e.g. "audio" or "video") is contained in "early session" disposition SDP and
a single media line with the same media type is contained in the "session" disposition SDP of the same SIP dialogue,
and both media lines describe service flows of the same directionality (uplink, downlink, or bidirectional), the P-CSCF
should describe those SDP media lines in the same session information media component (with the same flow ID).

The "early session" disposition SDP can also contain media lines of a type not included in the "session" disposition
SDP, or several media lines of the same type. Such media components shall be described in own media components in
the service information.

If the P-CSCF desires to invoke special policies or separate event notifications for an "early session" disposition media
line, it may choose to provision a separate session information media component even if a media line with the same
media type and directionality is contained in "session" disposition SDP.

NOTE 1: A PCF is then likely to supply separate PCC rules for early media and the corresponding final media. This
may lead to an over provisioning of resources during call establishment and a subsequent reconfiguration
of the radio bearer, or even to a call failure if the extra resources are not authorized or available.

If the P-CSCF receives "early session" disposition SDP before any "session" disposition SDP and supplies service
information derived from the "early session" disposition SDP at this point of time, it shall use dedicated media
components relating only to the "early session" disposition SDP in the service information.

NOTE 2: The "session" disposition SDP offer will frequently occur before the "early session" disposition SDP
offer, but can also occur in parallel or in exceptional cases afterwards. The "session" disposition SDP
answer can be contained in the same SIP message as the "early session" disposition SDP offer, or can be
sent in a 200 OK (INVITE), i.e. after the "early session" disposition SDP answer.

Release 16 160 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

If the P-CSCF includes any media component relating both to "early session" disposition SDP and "session" disposition
SDP in the service information, the P-CSCF shall:

- provision the service information derived from "early session" disposition SDP and the service information
derived from "session" disposition SDP in separate Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update requests (to the same
"Individual Application Session Context" resource), and shall send a new Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update
request only after any previous Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update request has been acknowledged; and

- provision the first service information (either derived from "early session" disposition SDP or "session"
disposition SDP) without the "sipForkInd" attribute, or with "sipForkInd" attribute with value

- provision all subsequent service information during ongoing call establishment with the "sipForkInd" attribute
with value SEVERAL_DIALOGUES; and

- if an SDP answer has been received and codecs are provisioned within the "codecs" attribute included in a media
component of the "medComponents" attribute, provision within a "codecs" attribute the codec derived from the
corresponding offer together with a codec derived from the SDP answer.

NOTE 3: The P-CSCF needs to provision the service information derived from "early session" disposition SDP and
the service information derived from "session" disposition SDP in separate
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update requests because the encoding of the media component does not allow
for the simultaneous provisioning of two corresponding filters.

NOTE 4: The PCF will treat service information containing the "sipForkInd" attribute as described in
subclause B.3.

B.6.3 Updating the Provisioned Service Information when Dialogue

is established
The P-CSCF shall store the SDP information for the "session" disposition type until the first final SIP answer is
received. Then the early media described in the "early session" disposition type SDP are terminated.

The P-CSCF shall then update the service information to match the requirements of the media described in the "session"
disposition type SDP only:

- If the P-CSCF included any media component relating both to "early session" disposition SDP and "session"
disposition SDP in the service information, the P-CSCF shall send an Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update request
without the "sipForkInd" attribute or with a "sipForkInd" attribute with value SINGLE_DIALOGUE and shall
include the service information derived from the "session" disposition SDP. The P-CSCF shall provision the full
service information including the applicable "fDescs" attribute and "fStatus" attribute.

- The P-CSCF shall disable any media component(s) in the service information that relate to early media only by
setting their flow status to "REMOVED".

B.7 Provision of Signalling Flow Information at P-CSCF

When the P-CSCF has successfully concluded the initial registration of an attached UE, i.e., when the P-CSCF has sent
to the UE a SIP 200 (OK) response to the SIP REGISTER request, the P-CSCF may provision information about the
SIP signalling flows between the UE and itself using the procedure specified in subclause If the P-CSCF
already has created an "Individual Application Session Context" resource with the PCF related to the signalling with the
UE, e.g. one that has been opened according to the procedure described in clause B.4, the P-CSCF shall reuse the
already open session to provision the SIP Signalling IP Flow information using the procedure specified in

NOTE: This procedure is not applicable for IMS registrations for Emergency sessions.

If the P-CSCF provisions information about SIP signalling flows, the P-CSCF shall ensure that for each signalling IP
flow information it provides, the flow descriptions within the "fDescs" attribute shall accurately reflect the IP flow

Release 16 161 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

information as seen in the IP header 'on the wire'. The P-CSCF shall set the value of the "afSigProtocol" attribute to

When the P-CSCF de-registers the UE and terminates SIP Signalling to the UE, the P-CSCF shall de-provision the SIP
Signalling IP flow information from the PCRF as described in subclauses and

B.8 Retrieval of network provided location information

B.8.1 General
According to clause E.7 of 3GPP TS 23.228 [33], the P-CSCF can use PCC to retrieve network provided location
information. Information flows related to the distribution of network provided location information within the IMS are
provided in Annex R of 3GPP TS 23.228 [33].

The following subclauses provide optional PCC procedures to support the retrieval of network provided location

The originating P-CSCF can, depending on operator policy, retrieve the user location and/or UE Time Zone information
either before sending the INVITE towards the terminating side or upon reception of the SDP answer from the
terminating side.

B.8.2 Retrieval of network provided location information at

originating P-CSCF for inclusion in SIP Request
If the originating P-CSCF is required by operator policy to retrieve network provided location information before
forwarding a SIP INVITE request, upon reception of the SIP INVITE/UPDATE request, the P-CSCF shall invoke:

- the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation according to subclause (SIP INVITE request);


- the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation according to subclause or the

Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation according to subclause (SIP INVITE/UPDATE

including in the corresponding HTTP request:

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

If the SIP INVITE request is an initial SIP INVITE request, the P-CSCF shall create a new "Individual Application
Session Context" for the new SIP session with the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation according to
subclause (if no session information is included) or with the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation
according to subclause (if preliminary session information is included).

The P-CSCF will receive the access network information from the PCF within the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify
service operation as described in subclause and should include this access network information in the SIP
INVITE/UPDATE requests that it forwards. When the retrieved access network information corresponds to the "tnapId"
or "twapId" attribute, the P-CSCF may also map the retrieved access network information to a Geographical Identifier
for routing, as specified in clause E.8 of 3GPP TS 23.228 [33].

Release 16 162 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

B.8.3 Retrieval of network provided location information at

originating P-CSCF for inclusion in SIP response confirmation
If an originating P-CSCF is required by operator policy to retrieve network provided location information before
forwarding an SDP answer, the P-CSCF shall apply the following procedures.

Upon reception of an SDP offer, the P-CSCF may invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation to the
PCF according to clause B.1 and may include in the corresponding HTTP POST request:

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

Upon reception of an SDP answer, the P-CSCF will invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update service operation to
the PCF according to clause B.1. If the P-CSCF has not requested access network information upon reception of the
SDP offer, the P-CSCF shall include in the corresponding HTTP PATCH request:

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

The P-CSCF will receive the access network information from the PCF in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service
operation and should include this access network information in the SIP message with the response confirmation before
forwarding it. When the retrieved access network information corresponds to the "tnapId" or "twapId" attribute, the P-
CSCF may also map the retrieved access network information to a Geographical Identifier for routing, as specified in
clause E.8 of 3GPP TS 23.228 [33].

B.8.4 Retrieval of network provided location information at

terminating P-CSCF
If a terminating P-CSCF is required by operator policy to retrieve network provided location information at session
establishment and/or modification, the P-CSCF shall apply the following procedures.

The terminating P-CSCF may request network provided location information upon reception of a SIP INVITE request
in the following manner:

- if the SIP INVITE request is an initial SIP INVITE request, the P-CSCF shall create a new "Individual
Application Session Context" for the new SIP session with the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service
operation according to subclause (if no session information is included) or with the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation according to subclause (if preliminary session
information is included);

- if the SIP INVITE contains an SDP offer, the P-CSCF shall include in the corresponding HTTP request:

a) an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

(i) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

(ii) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME";

b) the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

Release 16 163 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

c) service information derived from the SDP offer; and

d) the "servInfStatus" attribute with the value set to "PRELIMINARY"; and

- if the SIP INVITE does not contain an SDP offer, the P-CSCF shall include in the corresponding HTTP request:

a) an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

(i) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

(ii) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

b) the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

Upon reception of a SIP response that requires the inclusion of access network information, if the P-CSCF has not
already requested network provided location information upon reception of the corresponding SIP INVITE request, the
P-CSCF shall request network provided location information in the following manner:

- if an "Individual Application Session Context" related to service data has not yet been created, the P-CSCF shall
create an "Individual Application Session Context" for the new SIP session with the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe service operation according to subclause (if no session information
is included) or with the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create service operation according to subclause (if
session information is included);

- if the SIP response includes an SDP answer, the P-CSCF shall send an HTTP request to the PCF according to
clause B.1; the P-CSCF shall include in this HTTP request:

a) an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

(i) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

(ii) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

b) the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

- if the SIP response does not contain an SDP body, the P-CSCF shall include in the corresponding HTTP request:

a) an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

(i) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

(ii) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

b) the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone
information); and

- if the SIP response includes an SDP offer, the P-CSCF shall include in the corresponding HTTP request:

- a) an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

(i) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

(ii) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME";

b) the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

c) service information derived from the SDP offer; and

d) the "servInfStatus" attribute with the value set to "PRELIMINARY".

The P-CSCF will receive the access network information from the PCF in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify service
operation and should include this access network information in the appropriate SIP response before forwarding it.
When the retrieved access network information corresponds to the "tnapId" or "twapId" attribute, the P-CSCF may also

Release 16 164 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

map the retrieved access network information to a Geographical Identifier for routing, as specified in clause E.8 of
3GPP TS 23.228 [33].

B.8.5 Provisioning of network provided location information at SIP

session release
If a P-CSCF is required by operator policy to include network provided location information in SIP session release
signalling, the P-CSCF shall apply the following procedures:

Upon reception of a SIP session release request that requires the inclusion of network provided location information, the
P-CSCF will invoke the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service operation to the PCF according to subclause
and shall include in the HTTP request:

- an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with:

a) the "event" attribute set to the value "ANI_REPORT"; and

b) the "notifMethod" attribute set to the value "ONE_TIME"; and

- the "reqAnis" attribute, with the required access network information, i.e. user location and/or user time zone

The P-CSCF will receive the access network information from the PCF in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete service
operation according to subclause and shall include this access network information in the appropriate SIP
message before forwarding it. When the retrieved access network information corresponds to the "tnapId" or "twapId"
attribute, the P-CSCF may also map the retrieved access network information to a Geographical Identifier for routing,
as specified in clause E.8 of 3GPP TS 23.228 [33].

B.9 Resource Sharing

The P-CSCF may indicate to the PCF that media of an "Individual Application Session Context" resource may share
resources with media belonging to other "Individual Application Session Context" resources according to
3GPP TS 23.228 [33].

If the P-CSCF determines that resource sharing is possible, it may at creation of a new "Individual Application Session
Context" resource, include the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute indicating that media resources
may be shared in the related direction. The P-CSCF shall assign a distinct value for the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or
"sharingKeyDl" attribute for each media component within the "medComponents" attribute.

NOTE 1: When resource sharing applies to both directions for a certain media component, the P-CSCF can assign
the same value for "sharingKeyUl" attribute and "sharingKeyDl" attribute within the same media

The P-CSCF shall not include the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute within the media
components in the "medComponents" attribute when the "Individual Application Session Context" resource relates to
an Emergency Session.

The PCF shall not include the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute for those PCC/QoS Rules
related to the RTCP traffic.

Trigger conditions that require applying or stopping resource sharing are described in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

NOTE 2: When P-CSCF needs to stop sharing according to the procedures described in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32], the
P-CSCF will provide "null" value for the "sharingKeyUl" attribute and/or "sharingKeyDl" attribute within
the media component in the "medComponents" attribute.

Release 16 165 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

B.10 Handling of MCPTT priority call

B.10.1 General
Within the framework of MCPTT, when the SIP Core (3GPP TS 24.379 [41]) is implemented by an IMS core network,
if the P-CSCF receives a SIP request message including a Resource-Priority header field with a namespace field and
priority value defined for MCPTT for adjusting the priority of an MCPTT session, the P-CSCF shall provide the
"resPrio" attribute and the "mcpttId" in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create request as defined in subclause B.13.2 to
allow the PCF to set the corresponding PCC rule(s) according to the prioritized MCPTT service. Additionally, if
"PrioritySharing" feature is supported, the P-CSCF may provide the "prioSharingInd" attribute within the media
component included in the "medComponents" attribute as described in clause B.1. For MCPTT the service priority and
the priority sharing indicator are defined in 3GPP TS 24.379 [41].

NOTE 1: The process of adjusting priority may occur several times during the course of one session, e.g. a normal
MCPTT group call elevated to an MCPTT emergency group call, returned to a normal priority MCPTT
group call, elevated to an MCPTT imminent peril group call and returned to a normal priority MCPTT
group call.

NOTE 2: Upon reception of a request that requires the adjustment of the MCPTT priority, the PCF is expected to
derive the PCC Rules corresponding to the this MCPTT session, as appropriate according to operator

NOTE 3: The PCF can identify an MCPTT call using the IMS Communication Service Identifier specific to
MCPTT, which is provided by the P-CSCF in the "afAppId" attribute in the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create request sent to PCF.

B.10.2 Determination of MCPTT priority parameter values

When the P-CSCF receives an authorized Resource-Priority header field containing an appropriate namespace and
priority value used for MCPTT in SIP signalling, the P-CSCF shall include the "mcpttId" attribute and the "resPrio"
attribute in the corresponding Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service operation towards the PCF.

The "mcpttId" attribute shall include the namespace defined for MCPTT as received within the Resource-Priority
header field.

NOTE: Two different values are defined for the MCPTT-Identifier AVP, one for each namespace value defined
for MCPTT (see IETF RFC 8101 [42]).

The "resPrio" attribute shall contain the priority value of the Resource-Priority header; the lowest priority shall be
mapped to PRIO_1 (Resource-Priority header value 0), the next after the lowest to PRIO_2 (Resource-Priority header
value 1), and so on up to the highest priority which shall be mapped to PRIO_16 (Resource-Priority header value 15).

Additionally, when the P-CSCF receives information about priority sharing from an MCPTT server that supports
simultaneous sessions and that needs to share a common priority for several MCPTT sessions and if "PrioritySharing"
feature is supported, the P-CSCF may include the "prioSharingInd" attribute within the media component received in
the "medComponents" attribute in the corresponding Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service operation. See
3GPP TS 24.379 [41] for further information.

B.11 Handling of MCVideo priority call

B.11.1 General
Within the framework of MCVideo, when the SIP Core (3GPP TS 23.281 [34]) is implemented by an IMS core
network, if the P-CSCF receives a SIP request message including a Resource-Priority header field with a namespace
field and priority value defined for MCVideo for adjusting the priority of an MCVideo session, the P-CSCF shall
provide the "resPrio" attribute and the "mcVideoId" in the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create request as defined in
subclause B.15.2 to allow the PCF to set the corresponding PCC rule(s) according to the prioritized MCVideo service.

Release 16 166 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

NOTE 1: The process of adjusting priority may occur several times during the course of one session, e.g. a normal
MCVideo group call elevated to an MCVideo emergency group call and returned to a normal priority
MCVideo group call, elevated to an MCVideo imminent peril group call and returned to a normal priority
MCVideo group call.

NOTE 2: Upon reception of a request that requires the adjustment of the MCVideo priority, the PCF is expected to
derive the PCC Rules corresponding to the this MCVideo session, as appropriate according to operator

NOTE 3: The PCF can identify an MCVideo call using the IMS Communication Service Identifier specific to
MCVideo, which is provided by the P-CSCF in the "afAppId" attribute in the
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create request sent to PCF.

B.11.2 Determination of MCVideo priority parameter values

When the P-CSCF receives an authorized Resource-Priority header field containing an appropriate namespace and
priority value used for MCVideo in SIP signalling, the P-CSCF shall include the "mcVideoId" attribute and the
"resPrio" attribute in the corresponding Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service operation towards the PCF.

The "mcVideoId" attribute shall include the namespace defined for MCVideo as received within the Resource-Priority
header field.

The "resPrio" attribute shall contain the priority value of the Resource-Priority header; the lowest priority shall be
mapped to PRIO_1 (Resource-Priority header value 0), the next after the lowest to PRIO_2 (Resource-Priority header
value 1), and so on up to the highest priority which shall be mapped to PRIO_16 (Resource-Priority header value 15).

B.12 Notification Access Type Change

When the P-CSCF receives an initial SIP REGISTER message or a SIP INVITE message from an attached UE, the P-
CSCF may request from the PCF the information about the access type the UE is attached to using the procedure
specified in subclauses, and

NOTE 1: This procedure is not applicable for IMS registrations for Emergency sessions.

NOTE 2: The P-CSCF can request information about the access type as part of the SIP session setup when it is only
interested in the related information when the IMS session is ongoing.

If the P-CSCF requests information about the access type, the P-CSCF shall also subscribe within the same
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service operation to notifications for changes of the access type used by the UE. The P-
CSCF shall include an entry of the "AfEventSubscription" data type in the "events" attribute with the "event" attribute
set to the value "ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE".

When the P-CSCF receives from the PCF the access type:

- in the subscription request response within the HTTP response; or

- in the notification of access type change in an HTTP POST request from the PCF,

the P-CSCF shall store the access type information received within the "accessType" attribute and the RAT type
information received within "ratType" attribute and use the received information as per P-CSCF procedures in
3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

The P-CSCF may receive subsequent notifications for changes of the access type from the PCF according to
subclause When the P-CSCF receives a notification of the change of the access type used by the UE, the P-
CSCF shall store the new access type information and RAT type information and use the received information as per P-
CSCF procedures in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

NOTE 3: The subscription to receive information about the access type will be cancelled when the corresponding
Individual Application Session Context resource is removed by the AF (i.e. when the UE is
de-REGISTERED or the related SIP call is released).

Release 16 167 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

B.13 Notification of PLMN Change

When the P-CSCF receives an initial SIP REGISTER message from an attached UE, the P-CSCF may subscribe to
notifications of PLMN changes corresponding to the identity of the network where the UE is located using the
procedure specified in subclauses, and

When the P-CSCF receives the subscription request response in an HTTP response or the notification of PLMN change
in an HTTP POST request from the PCF, the P-CSCF shall store the PLMN identifier and, if available, the NID
received within the "plmnId" attribute and use the received information as per P-CSCF procedures in
3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

The P-CSCF shall cancel the subscription to notification for changes of the PLMN used by the UE when the user is de-
registered from the IM CN subsystem.

B.14 Coverage and Handoff Enhancements using

Multimedia error robustness feature (CHEM)
As a network option, the P-CSCF may support the PCC procedures in the present clause to handle the Coverage and
Handoff Enhancements using Multimedia error robustness feature (CHEM).

NOTE: When the CHEM feature is supported, improved error robustness might be enabled by packet-loss
handling procedures of the codec, codec mode, or codec configuration to avoid, delay, or reduce the need
to handoff a terminal due to degradation in the media quality. Communicating the level of robustness of
the media to the network enables the eNB to use this information to determine a threshold for when the
terminal should be handed off to another cell, domain (circuit-switched vs. packet-switched), or radio
access technology.

When a session is initiated or modified the P-CSCF supporting the CHEM feature shall derive the
"maxPacketLossRateDl" attribute and "maxPacketLossRateUl" attribute based on the PLR_adapt and maxe2e-PLR
attribute values in both the SDP offer and/or SDP answer to determine the maximum tolerable end-to-end PLR budget
distributed across the uplink and downlink in a media transport path as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7]
subclause 7.2.3.

Upon reception of SDP offer and answer, the P-CSCF should check whether "a= PLR_adapt" line is present in both
SDP offer and answer to derive "maxPacketLossRateDl" attribute and "maxPacketLossRateUl" attribute in
"medComponents" attribute else "maxPacketLossRateDl" and "maxPacketLossRateUl" attributes are not included by
the P-CSCF.

The originating P-CSCF should derive "maxPacketLossRateDl" attribute to the maximum value of
MaxPacketLossRateDl among all the RTP payload types. For each RTP payload type MaxPacketLossRateDl is
computed as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.3.

- If maxe2e-PLR is included in the SDP offer then the MaxPacketLossRateDl for a payload type is derived as
value of maxe2e-PLR in the SDP offer minus maxUL-PLR in the SDP answer if present else the
MaxPacketLossRateDlis ½ maxe2e-PLR value present in the SDP offer.

- If maxe2e-PLR is not included in the SDP offer then the MaxPacketLossRateDl for a payload type is derived
from the default value in end-to-end Maximum End-to-End Packet Loss Rate for the decoder of the RTP payload
type as recommended in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30]subclause X.1.2 for application layer redundancy or X.1.1 for
partial redundancy minus maxUL-PLR in the SDP answer if present else the MaxPacketLossRateDl ½ default
value in end-to-end Maximum End-to-End Packet Loss Rate for the decoder of the RTP payload type as
recommended in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30] subclause X.1.2 for application layer redundancy or X.1.1 for partial

The originating P-CSCF should derive "maxPacketLossRateUl" attribute to the maximum value of
MaxPacketLossRateUl among all the RTP payload types. For each RTP payload type MaxPacketLossRateUl is
computed as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.3.

Release 16 168 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- If maxe2e-PLR is included in the SDP answer then the MaxPacketLossRateUl for a payload type is derived as
value of maxe2e-PLR in the SDP answer minus maxDL-PLR in the SDP answer if present else the
MaxPacketLossRateUl is ½ maxe2e-PLR value present in the SDP answer.

- If maxe2e-PLR is not included in the SDP answer then the MaxPacketLossRateUl for a payload type is derived
as the ½ default value in end-to-end Maximum End-to-End Packet Loss Rate for the decoder of the RTP payload
type as recommended in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30] subclause X.1.2 for application layer redundancy or X.1.1 for
partial redundancy.

The terminating P-CSCF should derive "maxPacketLossRateDl" attribute to the maximum value of
MaxPacketLossRateDl among all the RTP payload types. For each RTP payload type MaxPacketLossRateDl is
computed as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.3.

- If maxe2e-PLR is included in the SDP answer then the MaxPacketLossRateDl for a payload type is derived as
value of maxDL-PLR in the SDP answer if present else the MaxPacketLossRateDl is ½ maxe2e-PLR value
present in the SDP answer.

- If maxe2e-PLR is not included in the SDP answer then the MaxPacketLossRateDl for a payload type is derived
as the ½ default value in end-to-end Maximum End-to-End Packet Loss Rate for the decoder of the RTP payload
type as recommended in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30] subclause X.1.2 for application layer redundancy or X.1.1 for
partial redundancy.

The terminating P-CSCF should derive "maxPacketLossRateUl" attribute to the maximum value of
MaxPacketLossRateUl among all the RTP payload types. For each RTP payload type MaxPacketLossRateUl is
computed as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7] subclause 7.2.3.

- If maxe2e-PLR is included in the SDP offer then the MaxPacketLossRateUl for a payload type is derived as
value of maxUL-PLR in the SDP answer if present else the MaxPacketLossRateUl is ½ maxe2e-PLR value
present in the SDP offer.

- If maxe2e-PLR is not included in the SDP offer then the MaxPacketLossRateUl for a payload type is derived as
the ½ default value in end-to-end Maximum End-to-End Packet Loss Rate for the decoder of the RTP payload
type as recommended in 3GPP TS 26.114 [30] subclause X.1.2 for application layer redundancy or X.1.1 for
partial redundancy.

B.15 Handling of a FLUS session

If the P-CSCF receives a SIP request that requires provisioning of a service information to the PCF, the "FLUS" feature
is supported and an SDP attribute "a=label:flus…" is included in one or more of the received SDP media descriptions,
the P-CSCF shall provide the string after "a=label:" starting with "flus" within the "flusId" attribute for each affected
media components within the "medComponents" attribute in the corresponding Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service
operation towards the PCF.

NOTE: During the first interaction with the PCF, the P-CSCF does not know if the "FLUS" feature is supported
by the PCF. In this case the P-CSCF will include the information as if the feature is supported.

If additionally the P-CSCF receives the "a=3gpp-qos-hint" media-level SDP attribute in the SIP request, the P-CSCF
shall provide the PCF with the "desMaxLatency" attribute and/or "desMaxLoss" attribute as described in
3GPP TS 29.513 [7], subclause 7.2.3.

Upon receiving the information from the P-CSCF and if the "FLUS" feature is supported, the PCF shall derive the QoS
information as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7], subclause 7.3.3.

B.16 QoS hint support for data channel media

If the P-CSCF receives a SIP request that requires provisioning of a service information to the PCF, the QoSHint
feature is supported and an SDP attribute "a=3gpp-qos-hint" is included in one or more of the received data channel
media descriptions, the P-CSCF may provide the "desMaxLatency" attribute and/or "desMaxLoss" attribute for each
affected application media component within the "medComponents" attribute in the corresponding
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service operation towards the PCF.

Release 16 169 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

NOTE: During the first interaction with the PCF, the P-CSCF does not know if the QoSHint feature is supported
by the PCF. In this case the P-CSCF will include the information as if the feature is supported.

Upon receiving the information from the P-CSCF and if the QoSHint feature is supported, the PCF shall derive the QoS
information as described in 3GPP TS 29.513 [7], subclause 7.3.3.

B.17 Handling of MPS Session

When the P-CSCF receives an authorised Resource-Priority header field or when the P-CSCF adds a temporarily
authorised Resource-Priority header field containing an appropriate namespace and priority value in SIP signaling, and
recognizes the need for priority treatment as specified in 3GPP TS 24.229 [32], and the "IMS_SBI" feature is supported,
the P-CSCF shall include the "mpsId" attribute and the "resPrio" attribute in the corresponding
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service operation towards the PCF. The "mpsId" attribute shall contain the national variant
for MPS service name indicating an MPS session. The "resPrio" attribute shall be determined based on the resource
value received in the "wps" namespace of the SIP Resource-Priority header field, and shall be included at
"AppSessionContextReqData" data type level as well as the "MediaComponent" data type level. The "resPrio" attribute
shall be populated with a default value if the priority value is unknown.

NOTE 1: Various mechanisms can be applied to recognize the need for priority treatment in the P-CSCF (e.g.,
based on the dialled digits), according to national regulation and network configuration, as stated in
3GPP TS 24.229 [32].

NOTE 2: Highest user priority level (lowest numerical resource value of the SIP Resource-Priority header field) is
mapped to the highest enumerated value of the "resPrio" attribute.

If the P-CSCF supports the SBI Message Priority mechanism for an MPS session, the P-CSCF shall include the "3gpp-
Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP header with a priority value based on the value of the "resPrio" attribute. The
highest "resPrio" value is mapped to the corresponding lowest value of the "3gpp-Sbi-Message-Priority" custom HTTP

Upon reception of a request that requires MPS treatment, the PCF shall derive the PCC rules corresponding to the MPS
session, as appropriate. The PCF shall take specific actions on the corresponding PDU session to ensure that the MPS
session is prioritized, as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause

When the P-CSCF detects that the MPS session has ended, the P-CSCF deletes in the PCF the "Individual Application
Session Context" resource corresponding to the MPS session. The PCF shall delete the PCC rules corresponding to the
MPS session and shall revoke the actions related to the prioritization of the MPS session in the corresponding PDU
session, as described in 3GPP TS 29.512 [8], subclause

Annex C (normative):
Flow identifiers: Format definition and examples

C.1 Format of a flow identifier

C.1.1 General
A flow identifier is expressed as a 2-tuple as follows:

<The ordinal number of the position of the media component description in the SDI. The ordinal number of the
IP flow(s) within the media component description assigned in the order of increasing downlink port numbers as
detailed below.>

where both are numbered starting from 1. The encoding of the flow identifier is as indicated in 3GPP TS 24.008 [36].

Release 16 170 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

The rules for the allocation of flow identifiers to IP flows are defined in 3GPP TS 29.214 [20], Annex B.1.1. Derivation
of flow identifiers from SDP are described in 3GPP TS 29.214 [20], Annex B.1.2, and examples are covered in
3GPP TS 29.214 [20], Annex B2, B3, B4 and B5.

Annex D (normative):
Wireless and wireline convergence access support

D.1 Scope
This annex provides the stage 3 definition of the Policy Authorization Service for wireless and wireline convergence
access support for 5GS.

The stage 2 definition and procedures of the Policy Authorization Service for wireless and wireline convergence access
support for 5GS are contained in 3GPP TS 23.316 [44].

D.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization Service

D.2.1 Service Description

D.2.1.1 Overview
The overview defined in subclause 4.1.1 applies with the exception that the UE is replaced by the 5G-RG and the W-
AGF, which is acting as a UE towards the 5GC on behalf of the FN-RG.

D.2.1.2 Service Architecture

The service architecture defined in subclause 4.1.2 applies.

D.2.1.3 Network Functions

D. Policy Control Function (PCF)

The PCF functionality defined in subclause shall apply with the following modifications for W-5GAN and for
the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service:

- The 5G-RG and the W-AGF, acting as a UE towards the 5GC on behalf of the FN-RG, replace the UE.

- The PCF provides Policy Authorization as described in this Annex.

D. NF Service Consumers

The AF functionality defined in subclause shall apply with the following exceptions for the traffic of a PDU
session over wireline access:

- Indication that the QoS targets can no longer (or can again) be guaranteed does not apply.

- Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services does not apply in this release of the specification.

- Indication of PLMN change does not apply.

- Indication of TSN 5GS Bridge Information does not apply.

- Reporting RAN/NAS Release Cause over wireline does not apply.

Release 16 171 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- The Maximum Packet Loss Rate for UL and DL is not forwarded to the wireline access. CHEM feature does not

D.3 Service Operations

D.3.1 Introduction
Service procedures covered in subclause 4.2.1 shall apply.

D.3.2 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create Service Operation

D.3.2.1 General
The procedures specified in subclause 4.2.2 shall apply with the following differences:

- Subscriptions to notifications of Service Data Flow QoS targets are not supported. Subclause does not
apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.

- Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services is not supported. Subclause does not apply for the traffic of a
PDU session over wireline access.

- The PEI that may be returned as available user information within the "ueIds" attribute described in
subclause shall have one of the following representations:

i. When the UE supports only wireline access, the PEI shall be a MAC address.

ii. When the UE supports at least one 3GPP access technology, the PEI shall be the allocated IMEI or IMEISV.

- Subscription and notification of PLMN change does not apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline

- Indication of TSN 5GS Bridge Information does not apply. Subclauses, and do not

- The Maximum Packet Loss Rate for UL and DL is not forwarded to the wireline access. Subclause,
Support of CHEM feature, does not apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.

- When the AF subscribes to the Access Type Change event, the event is met, and the 5G-RG or FN-RG is
connected to the 5GC via wireline access, the reported wireline transmission technology is encoded in the
"ratType" attribute, within either the EventsNotification data type or the AdditionalAccessInfo data type, as

D.3.3 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Update Service Operation

D.3.3.1 General
The procedures specified in subclause 4.2.3 shall apply with the following differences:

- Subscriptions to notifications of Service Data Flow QoS targets are not supported. Subclause does not
apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.

- Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services is not supported. Subclause does not apply for the traffic of a
PDU session over wireline access.

- Subscription and notification of PLMN change does not apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline

- Indication of TSN 5GS Bridge Information does not apply. Subclauses, and do not apply.

Release 16 172 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

- The Maximum Packet Loss Rate for UL and DL is not forwarded to the wireline access. Subclause,
Support of CHEM feature, does not apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.

- When the AF subscribes to the Access Type Change event, the event is met, and the 5G-RG or FN-RG is
connected to the 5GC via wireline access, the reported wireline transmission technology is encoded in the
"ratType" attribute, within either the EventsNotification data type or the AdditionalAccessInfo data type, as

D.3.4 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete Service Operation

D.3.4.1 General
The procedures specified in subclause 4.2.4 shall apply with the following differences:

- When the report of access network information described in subclause includes the user location
information, the "n3gaLocation" attribute shall be included in the "ueLoc" attribute and shall encode:

a) if the UE connects via W-5GBAN access, the Global Line Identifier in the "gli" attribute; or

b) if the UE connects via W-5GCAN access, the HFC Node Identifier in the "hfcNodeId" attribute.

- Reporting RAN/NAS Release Cause over wireline does not apply. Subclause does not apply.

D.3.5 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Notify Service Operation

D.3.5.1 General
The procedures specified in subclause 4.2.5 shall apply with the following differences:

- Subscriptions to notifications of Service Data Flow QoS targets are not supported. Subclause does not
apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.

- Invocation of Multimedia Priority Services is not supported. Subclause does not apply for the traffic of a
PDU session over wireline access.

- When the report of access network information described in subclause includes the user location
information, the "n3gaLocation" attribute shall be included in the "ueLoc" attribute and shall encode:

a) if the UE connects via W-5GBAN access, the Global Line Identifier in the "gli" attribute; or

b) if the UE connects via W-5GCAN access, the HFC Node Identifier in the "hfcNodeId" attribute.

- Notification of PLMN changes does not apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.

- Indication of TSN 5GS Bridge Information does not apply. Subclauses and do not apply.

- Reporting RAN/NAS Release Cause over wireline does not apply. Subclauses and do not apply.

- When the 5G-RG or FN-RG connects to the 5GC via W-5GAN, and the Access Type Change event is met, the
reported wireline transmission technology is encoded in the "ratType" attribute, within either the
EventsNotification data type or the AdditionalAccessInfo data type, as applicable.

D.3.6 Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Subscribe Service Operation

D.3.6.1 General
The procedures specified in subclause 4.2.6 shall apply with the following differences:

- When the AF subscribes to the Access Type Change event, the event is met, and the 5G-RG or FN-RG is
connected to the 5GC via wireline access, the reported wireline transmission technology is encoded in the

Release 16 173 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

"ratType" attribute, within either the EventsNotification data type or the AdditionalAccessInfo data type, as

- Subscription to PLMN change does not apply for the traffic of a PDU session over wireline access.D.3.7
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Unsubscribe Service Operation

D.3.7.1 General
The procedures specified in subclause 4.2.7 shall apply.

Release 16 174 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Annex E (informative):
Change history

Release 16 175 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Change history
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Cat Subject/Comment New
2017-10 TS skeleton of Policy Authorization Service specification 0.0.0
2017-03 CT3#92 Inclusion of pCRs agreed during CT3#92 0.1.0
2018-01 CT3#94 Inclusion of documents agreed in CT3#94: 0.2.0
C3-180036, C3-180038, C3-180212, C3-180213,
C3-180214, C3-180217, C3-180218, C3-180243,
C3-180313, C3-180314, C3-180315, C3-180316.
2018-03 CT3#95 Inclusion of documents agreed in CT3#95: 0.3.0
C3-181229, C3-181338, C3-181231, C3-181232, C3-
181339, C3-181323
2018-04 CT3#96 Inclusion of documents agreed in CT3#96: 0.4.0
C3-182057, C3-182333, C3-182235, C3-182334,
C3-182474, C3-182336, C3-182337, C3-182338,
C3-182339, C3-182245, C3-182475, C3-182247,
C3-182248, C3-182249, C3-182250, C3-182251
2018-06 CT3#97 Inclusion of documents agreed in CT3#97: 0.5.0
C3-183220, C3-183222, C3-183230, C3-183233,
C3-183234, C3-183239, C3-183281, C3-183300,
C3-183301, C3-183517, C3-183518, C3-183520,
C3-183521, C3-183522, C3-183523, C3-183524,
C3-183525, C3-183526, C3-183577, C3-183579,
C3-183580, C3-183581, C3-183582, C3-183583,
C3-183584, C3-183585, C3-183586, C3-183587,
C3-183588, C3-183589, C3-183590, C3-183591,
C3-183592, C3-183820, C3-183821, C3-183822,
C3-183879, C3-183882.
2018-06 CT#80 TS sent to plenary for approval 1.0.0
2018-06 CT#80 TS approved by plenary 15.0.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0001 2 F DNAI change notification type 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0002 1 F Definition of FlowStatus data type 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0003 2 F Temporal validity update 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0004 - F Modification of Traffic Routing Information provided at AF 15.1.0
session level
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0005 1 F Missing AF Transaction Identifier 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0006 2 B Solution to IPv4 overlapping 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0007 2 B Subscription and notification of resources allocation 15.1.0
outcome, data model
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0008 1 B Subscription to resources allocation outcome, service 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182101 0009 3 B Notification of resource allocation outcome, service 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0010 2 B Subscription and notification of out of credit events, data 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0011 1 B Subscription to out of credit notification, service 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0012 3 B Out of credit notification, service procedures 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0013 1 F References to Data Types defined in 5G Technical 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0014 1 F Removal of error 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0015 3 F OpenAPI corrections 15.1.0
2018-09 CT#81 CP-182015 0016 1 F Description of Structured data types 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0017 - F Correction on TemporalValidity 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0018 2 F Resource structure presentation 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0019 - F Corrections related to Feature negotiation 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182040 0020 1 F Cardinality of optional arrays and maps 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0021 - F Application Error: SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0022 2 F Completion and clarification of non-3GPP access location 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0023 1 B Support of Priority Services 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0024 3 F Correction of PRA information 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0025 1 F Updates in clause to detail session binding 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182100 0026 2 B Support of content versioning for a media component, 15.1.0
service procedures

Release 16 176 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0027 - B Support of content versioning for a media component, 15.1.0
data model
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182103 0028 2 B Updates of QoS Notification Control description and data 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0029 2 B Requested Service Temporarily not authorized 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182102 0030 2 B Support of notification of content version during service 15.1.0
data flow deactivation
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0031 1 F Transfer of RouteToLocation Data Type to TS 29.571 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0032 2 F Addition of FlowUsage Information 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0033 - F Correction of evsNotif attribute 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0034 1 F Completing definition of re-used data types 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0035 - F Correction of AppSessionContextReqData 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0036 - F Correction of evNotif array attribute 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0037 - F Removal of Editor’s note in subclause 15.1.0
2018-08 CT#81 CP-182015 0038 - F Corrections on TosTrafficClass data type 15.1.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0043   F Usage of EventsSubscReqData data type 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0044   F Reference update: RFC 7396 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0045   F Supported content types 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0046   F Update of sponsored data connectivity indication 15.2.0
Npcf_PolicyAuthorization API Authorization based on
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0047 3 F 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0050 1 F Removal of references to 3GPP TS 29.508 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0051 1 F Correction of 404 error 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0052   F Corrections on Spatial Validity in OpenAPI 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183125 0053 2 F Corrections on Data Types 15.2.0
Adding "nullable" property to OpenAPI definitions of data
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0054 5 F 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0055   F Correction of figure to include 204 status code 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183125 0056 1 F Corrections on OpenAPI file 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0058 1 F Adding the externalDocs field in the OpenAPI 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0059   F Default value for apiRoot 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0060 1 F Incorrect references 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0061 1 F OpenAPI: HTTP status codes alignment 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0062   F OpenAPI: usage of the "tags" keyword 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0063   F Presence conditions in OpenAPI file 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0064   F Location header field in OpenAPI 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0065   F Correction of resource URIs 15.2.0
New data type for subscriptions to UP Path management
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0066 1 F 15.2.0
Mandatory traffic routing information for AF influence on
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0067 2 F 15.2.0
traffic routing
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0068   F Incorrect use of Link data type 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183125 0069 1 F Corrections on QNC trigger name 15.2.0
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0070 1 F Miscellaneous Corrections 15.2.0
Removal of SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND error from
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183205 0071   F 15.2.0
service procedures
2018-12 CT#82 CP-183125 0072   F Update of supported AF events 15.2.0
2019-03 CT#83 CP-190112 0074 F Add GPSI in N5 15.3.0
2019-03 CT#83 CP-190112 0077 1 F Miscellaneous corrections 15.3.0
2019-03 CT#83 CP-190112 0078 2 F Retry-After header definition in OpenAPI 15.3.0
2019-03 CT#83 CP-190112 0079 1 F OpenAPI Version number update 15.3.0
2019-03 CT#83 CP-190070 0076 1 F Indication of acceptable service information 16.0.0
2019-03 CT#83 CP-190069 0080 3 F OpenAPI version update 16.0.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191076 0082 1 A Correction to the encoding of the initial POST request 16.1.0
callback URI
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191076 0084 A Storage of OpenAPI specification file 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191076 0088 2 A Correction to EthFlowDescripiont data type 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191076 0093 1 A Precedence of OpenAPI file 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191071 0094 2 B AF acknowledgement to be expected 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191071 0095 2 B UE IP address preservation Indication 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191076 0097 A Missing resPrio attribute 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191076 0101 1 A Copyright Note in YAML file 16.1.0
2019-06 CT#84 CP-191101 0105 2 F OpenAPI Version number update 16.1.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0109 1 B Support of “Access Network Charging Correlation 16.2.0

Release 16 177 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

Information” notification

Release 16 178 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0110 1 B Support of “Out of credit” notification 16.2.0

2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0111 B Support of the AF charging identifier 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0112 B Support of “Access Network Information Notification” 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192202 0114 1 B Support a set of MAC addresses in traffic filter 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192144 0116 1 A Support of Ethernet scenarios 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0117 1 B IMS related P-CSCF procedures and Service Information 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0118 B IMS related P-CSCF procedures, setting flow status and 16.2.0
flow number
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0119 B IMS related P-CSCF procedures, Support of SIP Forking 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0120 1 B IMS related P-CSCF procedures, support of RTCP flows 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0121 2 B Subscription to notification of Signalling Path Status 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192222 0122 B Provisioning of Signalling Flow Information 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0123 1 B Resource Sharing Support 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0124 B Support of Mission Critical Push To Talk 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0125 1 B Support of Mission Critical Video 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0126 1 B Priority Sharing Indication 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192155 0127 B IMS emergency services 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192144 0129 A Correction to Policy Authorization Update 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192152 0130 1 B Support of wireline and wireless access convergence, 16.2.0
Annex Skeleton
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192223 0131 1 B Support of wireline and wireless access convergence, 16.2.0
2019-09 CT#85 CP-192173 0133 F OpenAPI version update 16.2.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193181 0135 1 F Open issue for AddrReservation feature 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193186 0137 F Correction to appReloc attribute 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0138 1 B P-CSCF procedures to support Access Type Change 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0139 1 B P-CSCF procedures to subscribe to PLMN Change 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0140 2 B Support of the RAN-NAS Release Cause 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193235 0141 6 B QoS Handling for V2X Communication 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193181 0142 3 B QoS Monitoring for Service Data Flows 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0144 B NetLoc Correction 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193222 0145 2 B Transport of TSN information and containers between 16.3.0
PCF and AF
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193222 0146 1 B Transport of TSC assistance information between PCF 16.3.0
and AF
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193260 0147 5 B Indication of PS to CS Handover for 5G SRVCC 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193215 0148 4 B Coverage and Handover Enhancements for Media 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193197 0149 2 B Update of API version and TS version in OpenAPI file 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193186 0151 A Correct VLAN tag description 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193186 0153 A Corrections to several mistakes 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193228 0154 2 B Report of Wireline Location Information 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193191 0155 1 B Support of 5WWC, supported PEI format 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193229 0156 2 B Support of Trusted non-3GPP accesses 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0157 F Correction of AF Charging Identifier data type 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0158 2 B P-CSCF restoration 16.3.0
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193196 0159 B Support of Maximum Supported Bandwidth and Minimum 16.3.0
Desired Bandwidth
2019-12 CT#86 CP-193212 0161 1 F Update of API version and TS version in OpenAPI file 16.3.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200215 0162 - B Support of Framework for Live Uplink Streaming (FLUS) 16.4.0
in Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200207 0174 - B DNN Clarification 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200265 0176 3 B Complete the QoS Monitoring 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200206 0177 - B Network provided location information at SIP session 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200231 0180 1 B Report of EPS Fallback 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200201 0181 1 B Update of the indication of PS to CS Handover 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200254 0182 3 B Configuration of one or more NW-TT port management 16.4.0
information containers
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200218 0183 - B DS-TT port MAC address as UE MAC address 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200218 0184 2 B TSCAI input container and TSN QoS container 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200256 0185 2 B Notification about TSN port detection and/or port 16.4.0

Release 16 179 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

management information, AF session exists

Release 16 180 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

2020-03 CT#87e CP-200255 0186 1 B Notification about TSN port detection and/or port 16.4.0
management information, no AF session exists
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200212 0187 - F Modification of Alternative Service Requirements 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200212 0188 - F Service Procedures for AF session with required QoS 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200207 0189 - B Adding "ProblemDetails" data type in table 5.6.1-2 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200214 0190 - F Enumeration PreemptionControlInformationRm and 16.4.0
"nullable" keyword
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200202 0191 - F Correcting 5G_URLLC errors in clause 5.6 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200206 0192 - F OpenAPI: property containing the pre-emption control 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200206 0193 - F Correcting eIMS5G_SBA errors in clause 5.6 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200261 0194 - F Adding info about removable attributes 16.4.0
"maxPacketLossRateDl" and "maxPacketLossRateUl"
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200212 0195 1 F Correction to QoS notification Control 16.4.0
2020-03 CT#87e CP-200216 0197 - F Update of OpenAPI version and TS version in 16.4.0
externalDocs field
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201219 0199 1 A Correction to response for PUT request for Events 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0200 1 F Correction to bridge information report and port 16.5.0
management information container provisioning
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0201 1 B Correction to TSCAI provisioning 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0203 - F Removal of MAC address 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0204 - F Solving ENs related to a global line identity 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0205 - F Solving ENs related to NetLoc support for wireline access 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201213 0206 - F Adding QosMonitoringInformationRm in table 5.6.1-1 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201232 0207 - F Miscellaneous corrections 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201246 0208 - F Support of FLUS feature 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201246 0209 - F Names of "maxPacketLossRateDl" and 16.5.0
"maxPacketLossRateUl" attributes
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0210 - B Adding support of NID 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0211 - F Correction to Access Network Information for Trusted 16.5.0
non-3GPP access
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0212 - B Solving Editor’s notes on report of location for Trusted 16.5.0
non-3GPP access
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201229 0213 3 B Access Type Report for a MA PDU session 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201232 0214 3 F Correction to NetLoc feature 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0215 1 B Correction to TSCAI UL and DL description 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0216 3 B Update of TSN related events 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201244 0217 1 F Storage of YAML files in ETSI Forge 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0218 3 B Access Type report for WWC 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201246 0219 1 B Support of applications with specific QoS hints 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201272 0221 1 B Introduction of Bridge management information 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201219 0222 1 A Correction of Policy Authorization Delete API 200 OK 16.5.0
response body content
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0224 1 B DS-TT MAC address derivation 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201273 0225 1 B Max bitrate of TSN QoS information 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0226 1 B Port management on TSN AF 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0227 1 F Service information provisioning for TSN 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201337 0228 1 B TSN QoS Information derivation on the TSN AF 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201256 0230 1 F URI of the Npcf_PolicyAuthorization service 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201219 0232 - A OpenAPI: adding Location header field in 303 response 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201228 0233 1 B Events not supported in wireline access 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201270 0234 1 B Reallocation of credit 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0235 1 B Indication of Application Sessions resource 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0236 1 B TSN AF selection by PCF 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201219 0238 1 A Correction to Subscription operation 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201244 0241 - F Optionality of ProblemDetails 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0242 - B Providing NID to the P-CSCF 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201232 0243 1 F "PCSCF-Restoration-Enhancement" feature corrections 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201244 0244 - F Required field in OpenAPI file 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201244 0245 1 F Supported headers, Resource Data type, Operation 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201233 0247 1 B Description of enhanced PCC features in NF description 16.5.0

Release 16 181 3GPP TS 29.514 V16.7.0 (2020-12)

2020-06 CT#88e CP-201252 0248 1 B Description of TSN features in NF description clauses 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201213 0249 - B Description of URLLC features in NF description clauses 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201238 0250 - B Description of V2X features in NF description clauses 16.5.0
2020-06 CT#88e CP-201255 0253 - F Update of OpenAPI version and TS version in 16.5.0
externalDocs field
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202065 0256 1 F Data type correction of the reqAni 16.6.0
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202062 0257 1 F Removal on Editor’s notes on traffic forwarding for a MA 16.6.0
PDU session
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202065 0258 - F Correction to Trusted Non-3GPP location information 16.6.0
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202065 0259 1 F Correction of handling of non-3GPP location information 16.6.0
by the P-CSCF
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202065 0260 1 F Handling of MPS Session by the P-CSCF 16.6.0
2020-09 CT#89e CP-202084 0261 - F Update of OpenAPI version and TS version in 16.6.0
externalDocs field
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203139 0262 1 F Essential Corrections and alignments 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203127 0263 1 F SBI Message Priority mechanism for emergency session 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203116 0265 - A Correction to ACCESS_TYPE_CHANGE 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203150 0266 1 F Remove the NW-TT port from the TSN bridge info 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203132 0267 1 F Correction to Alternative QoS Parameter 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203116 0269 1 A Correction to referenced attributes 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203111 0270 - F Corrections on QoS monitoring 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203111 0271 1 F QoS monitoring report at PDU session termination 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203139 0272 1 F Storage of YAML files in ETSI Forge 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203110 0273 1 F Correction to support redirection codes 16.7.0
2020-12 CT#90e CP-203152 0274 - F Update of OpenAPI version and TS version in 16.7.0
externalDocs field


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