Appendix B Application Supplement: Extension of The Period Required To Complete A Sale

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Appendix B
Application supplement

This appendix is an integral part of the IFRS.

Extension of the period required to complete a sale

B1 As noted in paragraph 9, an extension of the period required to complete a
sale does not preclude an asset (or disposal group) from being classified as held
for sale if the delay is caused by events or circumstances beyond the entity’s
control and there is sufficient evidence that the entity remains committed to
its plan to sell the asset (or disposal group). An exception to the one‑year
requirement in paragraph 8 shall therefore apply in the following situations
in which such events or circumstances arise:

(a) at the date an entity commits itself to a plan to sell a non‑current asset
(or disposal group) it reasonably expects that others (not a buyer) will
impose conditions on the transfer of the asset (or disposal group) that
will extend the period required to complete the sale, and:

(i) actions necessary to respond to those conditions cannot be

initiated until after a firm purchase commitment is obtained, and

(ii) a firm purchase commitment is highly probable within one


(b) an entity obtains a firm purchase commitment and, as a result, a buyer

or others unexpectedly impose conditions on the transfer of a
non‑current asset (or disposal group) previously classified as held for
sale that will extend the period required to complete the sale, and:

(i) timely actions necessary to respond to the conditions have been

taken, and

(ii) a favourable resolution of the delaying factors is expected.

(c) during the initial one‑year period, circumstances arise that were
previously considered unlikely and, as a result, a non‑current asset (or
disposal group) previously classified as held for sale is not sold by the
end of that period, and:

(i) during the initial one‑year period the entity took action
necessary to respond to the change in circumstances,

(ii) the non‑current asset (or disposal group) is being actively

marketed at a price that is reasonable, given the change in
circumstances, and

(iii) the criteria in paragraphs 7 and 8 are met.

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