History of Grape Production and Winemaking in Canterbury, NZ

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Rupert Tipples

Research Report 1/2002

Farm and Horticultural Management Group

Lincoln University

ISSN 1174-8796

Grapes were first planted in Canterbury in 1840, but commercial production only began
in 1978. This research paper examines the history of grape and wine production in
Canterbury. It considers the different factors constraining the commercial development
of wine production initially and reviews the key actors and processes influencing
developments since then. The role of Lincoln College, later University, is shown to be
pivotal to the development of grape growing and wine making in Canterbury and the
cooler parts of New Zealand. While Canterbury has only a small part of the overall New
Zealand vineyard area, its contribution, through Lincoln, to research, publication,
education and development of the New Zealand Wine Industry has been considerable.
Canterbury is currently enjoying a period of rapid vineyard development.

This research report provides much of the historical detail underlying the first three
chapters of Canterbury Grapes and Wines 1840-2002 by Danny Schuster, David Jackson
and Rupert Tipples (2002, Shoal Bay Press: Christchurch). It is the working document of
an industry historian and first hand observer of the developments since 1977. As such, it
is not a polished final publication manuscript of the form which appears in the book, but
very much the working document, with all the limitations implied.


PART I ..................................................................................................................................1
THE EARLY YEARS 1840-1895 .....................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................1
1.2 French ambitions in New Zealand .........................................................................1
1.3 Preparations............................................................................................................2
1.4 Landing and establishment ....................................................................................3
1.5 Viticultural progress...............................................................................................3
1.6 Viticultural decline.................................................................................................5

PART II.................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................7
2.2 The years before 1973............................................................................................7
2.3 Grapes at Lincoln College - From 1973 ................................................................8
2.3 Fermentation experiments at Lincoln - the Serendipity factor ..............................9
2.4 “Experiments in viticulture at Lincoln College” .................................................11
2.5 Seminars, Workshops and Courses......................................................................14
2.6 Publication ...........................................................................................................16
2.7 Commercial Production .......................................................................................17
2.8 Educating viticulturalists and winemakers at Lincoln .........................................24
2.9 Celebrations and Competitions ............................................................................25
2.10 Research in the 1990s ..........................................................................................28
2.11 Planting developments of the 1990s ....................................................................29

PART III .............................................................................................................................30

THE NEW MILLENNIUM.............................................................................................30
3.1 Where is Canterbury wine at the end of the second millennium? .......................30

KEY CANTERBURY WINE EVENTS...........................................................................32

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................................33




1.1 Introduction
Grapevines, Vitis vinifera, first arrived in Canterbury with the earliest French settlers, ten years
before the formal Canterbury Settlement in 1850. Michael Cooper wrote in The Wines and
Vineyards of New Zealand (1989, 230):

“French peasants who landed in 1840 at Akaroa on Banks Peninsula carried vine
cuttings, from which wine soon flowed for their domestic consumption.”

Yet it was to be only in 1978 that the first commercial vineyard, St Helena, was planted on
Coutts Island, 20 kilometres north of Christchurch. Cooper describes the climate of Canterbury
as more hazardous for wine production than districts further north, although nearer the Equator
than many European wine districts. However, it has one vital advantage over points further
north, which had been the major wine producing areas of New Zealand - low rainfall.
Canterbury’s long dry autumns, warm days and cool nights permits grapes to ripen slowly with
excellent flavours. Why, then, did it take nearly 150 years for those characteristics to be
recognised and commercially exploited? Exploring the answer to that question is where this
historical introduction starts.

Petrie observed in the 1840s that a major factor limiting the spread of the grapevine in New
Zealand was that the English knew little about viticulture:

“To cultivate them (vines) to any extent, we shall require French and German
cultivators, to whom the most liberal encouragement should be given.” 1

French settlers at Akaroa certainly did plant vines, but by the end of the century there was little
trace of former plantings. Cooper’s explanation for this failure was that heavy forest cover and
the spread of British influence on Banks Peninsula “...combined to defeat hopes for a flourishing
winegrowing industry.” 2 One unmentioned possible explanation for failure may have been the
high proportion of birds to vines. In those early days, bird control would have been even more
difficult than it is now. While all these factors may have played a part they are not the whole
story. To understand that, we need to go back to the origins of the French plans to colonise New
Zealand, and then consider why they failed. Then the reasons for the early grape and wine
production not continuing have to be taken into account as well.

1.2 French ambitions in New Zealand

The French attempt to colonise New Zealand was different from British plans which envisaged a
cross-section of British society emigrating. The Nanto-Bordelaise Company, which was the
vehicle of colonisation, had a number of educated gentlemen who considered emigrating. It
welcomed the prospect of settlers with modest amounts of capital, but none of these people
decided to emigrate. The vast majority of emigrants were peasants who left France with no
capital at all and who were entirely dependent on the Company for all their worldly needs. They
were escaping the severe rural poverty of the time. Those recruited from the Rochefort area were
nearly all poor cultivateurs. Few could read or write although most could sign their own names 3.

The main source of capital and drive behind the colonising expedition was the Duc de Decazes.
Decazes was a prominent French politician at the time, a leading mason, and had held
government office under King Louis XVIII 4. He had a positive influence on the conditions in
which the colonists were taken to New Zealand and attempted to ensure that they would receive a
generous amount of land. The colonists signed an agreement in which they received land for
labour as an incentive to develop the colony. They were to be transported free of charge and
would receive five acres of land as long as they stayed in the colony the five years that they had
agreed. They could also receive half of any further land they cleared and were able to buy
agricultural equipment from the Company in exchange for their produce.

The prospective settlers did not appear to be budding entrepreneurs. In terms of occupational
background they included a shoemaker, a locksmith, a miner, a sawyer, a servant, a blacksmith,
gardeners, agricultural labourers, cultivateurs, and carpenters among the men; seamstresses and
daughters of cultivateurs, gardeners and agricultural labourers among the women. While these
skills might have been thought useful among prospective settlers they did not impress the leaders
of the expedition and it was claimed that none of them knew how to plough. One of the male
colonist’s father had grown grapes. However, at the time farm labourers were at the bottom of
the peasants’ social scale. Their wages were probably lower than those of town workers and they
had a low standard of living. However, that of their employers was sometimes little better. 5

The role of grapes and wine in French society at this period is often misunderstood. According
to Zeldin (1977), France was not always a nation of wine drinkers. Wine was not universally
consumed among the lower classes, it was very much the drink of the well-to-do. Peasants had
to be content with piquette, produced by running water over the grape residue after making
wine 6. Wine production expanded widely in the nineteenth century with the growth in
democracy, with the development of France’s internal transport systems, particularly the
railways, and with the removal of internal tariff barriers. At the time of emigration, the wines of
the Bordeaux were probably known better in London than in Paris! 7

1.3 Preparations
The Duc de Decazes concerned himself with the details of the plants and animals to be taken for
the settlers, particularly how they could be helped to survive such a long journey. Besides
animals, provision was made for mulberry cuttings, hops, grain, potatoes, grapevines, tobacco
rape, various fruit trees, walnut and chestnut trees, vegetable seeds and soft fruit and asparagus
cuttings. None of Decazes’ correspondence mentions grapes although he paid careful attention
to the transport of other plants. However, Decazes was advised by Balguerie et Compagnie on
the 10 January 1840:

“Nous ferons ramasser des plantes de vigne sur la propriété de Mr J. J. Balguerie, dans l’Entre
Deux Mers, en choisissant de préférence les raisins bons à manger” 8. (We shall obtain some
grapevines from the property of Mr J. J. Balguerie, in Entre Deux Mers, choosing in particular
good eating grapes.)

None of the other correspondence specifically mentions grapevines before the colonists departure
from France. 9

1.4 Landing and establishment
After their arrival at Akaroa, the French naval commander Lavaud reported to the Navy Minister
on 30 November 1840:

“..quelques plants des vignes nous donnes des espérances, mais résisteront-ils aux
vents et aux froids?” (...some grapevines look hopeful, but will they resist the wind
and the cold?” 10

Later de Belligny, agent of the Nanto-Bordelaise Company reported to Decazes:

“Les plants de vigne que nous avons apportés de France se sont assez bien conservés.
Chez quelques colons plus entendus que d’autres à ce genre de culture elle déjà
poussé des rejetons assez forts.” (The grapevines we brought from France have
survived the journey fairly well. Some settlers have been more able than others and
they have produced quite strong growth.)

“Il y a ici des localités qui me paraissent particulièrement exposées pour la vigne. Je
ne doute pas que nos colons de la Saintonge ne profitent un jour de leur expériences
pour tirer avantage de cette exposition, si le plus grand fléau de la vigne, la grêle ne
fait abandonner par sa force at sa fréquence, cette branche si importante
d’agriculture. (There are some areas here which seem to me particularly suited to
grape vines. I’m sure that our settlers from Saintonge will use their experience to
take advantage of this situation, provided that the big enemy of grape vines, hail, by
being too frequent or intense, does not make them abandon this particularly
important branch of agriculture.) 11

Despite de Belligny’s optimism about the viticultural skills of the settlers, the Company still saw
the necessity to purchase for 50 francs Traité de la culture de la vigne, although many of the
settlers could not read! 12 Perhaps that was for de Belligny’s benefit as one of the few educated
men in the party and as a scientist sponsored by the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 13.

The successful transportation of the grapevines was also reported by Robinson, the first police
magistrate at Akaroa, to Michael Murphy who visited Akaroa on the initial visit of the Britomart.
Murphy was the Port Nicholson Police Magistrate and also vice president of the horticultural and
botanical society 14:

“The Maize, Tobacco and Vine plants look thriving - the vines have however been
partially injured by the bitter and strong gales from the South West” 15.

1.5 Viticultural progress

Eye witnesses at various times during the middle of the nineteenth century suggest that the vines
were continuing to prosper, but there were no commercial developments. Besides the small size
of French colonists’ land holdings and lack of entrepreneurial aspirations, the remoteness of their
location also would have impeded significant commercial development. In the early years their
uncertain title to their lands would have been another impediment. When Bérard succeeded
Lavaud in 1843 there were still uncertainties about French land titles. When he arrived at Akaroa
he found some of the colonists so distressed that they wished to return to France in spite of
obtaining good yields of crops. Moreover, they had no immediate market for their produce save

for passing shipping. His reassurances that the Company’s land grant had been recognized and
that their titles were safe encouraged them to remain after some uncertainty 16.

In 1857 The Lyttelton Times wrote of Banks Peninsula and Akaroa as it described “Progress in
Canterbury, New Zealand” 17. It focussed on their separateness to the Canterbury Plains:

“Banks’s Peninsula, This is a portion of our soil, which, though close to Lyttelton
and abounding in resources which are denied to the rest of the province, is from
some cause looked upon as wholly independent of the remaining country. It is
almost an island framed in lofty hills, and covered generally with a dense forest. It
possesses splendid harbours, and contains some of the most beautiful scenery in the
Southern Island. From its physical conformation, it is divided into distinct bays,
enclosed between the spurs of the hills, which almost wholly preclude convenient
access from one to another. It follows that they are approached only by water for
any purposes of trade...The principal place is Akaroa, a magnificent and excellent
harbour, where a small town of the same name, originally founded by a French
company, is situated... The fertile soil and warm climate , many degrees warmer than
the plains, produce fruits and vegetables in great profusion; wood and water are

Meanwhile there is very little sympathy between the settlers in this locality and those
upon the plains. Besides the foreign element introduced by the original settlement
from France, few of the inhabitants are led by business or pleasure to the open
country, and those who come thence to Akaroa are not bound on business.
Consequently Banks’s Peninsula might as well be an island, far out at sea, and its
population men of another race and language.”

It was hardly surprising that an 1848 French map of the Peninsula described it as CARTE DE LA
PRESQU’ ILE DE BANKS or Map of Banks’ Almost Island 18.

In 1862 and 1866 William Nevens Watkins painted landscapes of his relative, Dr Daniel
Watkins’, rural section, house and surrounding land at Akaroa. Both pictures show extensive
plantings of vines with French Bay in the background.

Another observer of Akaroa and diarist, Robert Dawber, arrived at Lyttelton on 13 February
1869. On 23 February he left Christchurch for Akaroa, via Lyttelton and Pigeon Bay. He
reported that he walked by several vine gardens on his way to Akaroa. Also that there was a
large collection of splendid fruit at the Horticultural Show on 3 March. Then on 8 March he
went into a M. de Malmanche’s garden, orchard and vine garden. “His vines are loaded with
grapes, black, white and muscatels...” 19. On 15 April he went to the Land Office to see a plan of
land he was about to buy and called at Felgrave’s: “...went up to his garden and had a bunch of
his grapes off the vines growing in the open garden” 20. Then on 15 May the entry describes the
culture of his recently acquired vines:

“...Munns promises to cut and train the vines at my house and property. His is
bearing a splendid crop and mine has the same aspect but in a more favourable

According to a later entry he had three grape vines around his house and fifty others in the
garden 21. For 28 June he recorded that he trimmed (pruned) most of the vines in his garden. He
had been shown how the Frenchmen pruned theirs. He had also planted a lot of vine cuttings.

For 15 July he records that Mr Munns had trimmed and trained the vines on the house. The diary
concludes with Dawber’s departure to collect his remaining family from England. Dawber could
not be described as a typical colonist for Akaroa as he was a man of some capital, which had
enabled him to purchase his house and land. His interest in viticulture appears to be just that,
interest without detailed knowledge.

Another diarist, Mary Anne Hastings, described a visit she made to Akaroa from her home at
Southbridge on 17 November 1870:

“...We also paid a visit to an old Frenchman and his wife who have a garden and a
vineyard on the hillside; the vines in rows about as tall as current bushes, he gave us
wine of his own making. Akaroa was originally settled by French people, they gave
it quite a distinctive character...” 22.

Until 1872 heavy goods would have had to be transported by sea. Only then did direct land
access become available. When the first carriage journey between Christchurch and Akaroa via
Little River occurred in 1872 The Press’s correspondent looked landwards upon entry to Akaroa
and saw the cottages of the French settlers, “..each with their little vineyard dotting the hillside,
and making a pleasant feature in the landscape” 23.

Romeo Bragato’s visit for the New Zealand government

Romeo Bragato (1858-1913) was born in Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in
1858. Initially he trained as an architect, then at the Royal School of Viticulture and Oenology at
Conegliano in the Veneto wine producing district. Following his graduation in 1883 he worked
at a research station and then as a wine maker for a cooperative. About 1887 he went to
Melbourne, Australia as Viticulturalist to the Victorian government. In 1889 he published a
report on the potential for viticulture of Victoria. That led to him being asked to set up a school
similar to that at Conegliano.

In 1895, at the request of Prime Minister, R.J. (Dick) Seddon, Romeo Bragato visited New
Zealand to assess its viticultural potential. Landing at Bluff on 19 February 1895, he worked his
way north accompanied by a succession of employees of the Department of Agriculture. They
looked at existing vineyards, tasted any wines made and considered areas where grapes might be
grown for wine production. His report, Prospects of Viticulture and Instructions for Planting
and Pruning, was presented to the Government on 10 September 1895. Besides identifying
many areas subsequently developed from the mid 1970s, he also found Phylloxera in Auckland
and recommended how the pest should be managed.

Subsequently, in 1902, he accepted a job as Government Viticulturalist based at Waerenga (Te

Kauwhata). In 1906 he published a book, Viticulture in New Zealand. Then in 1909, partly as a
result of the Government’s lack of receptivity to his ideas, he resigned. He died in late 1913 in
Vancouver 24.

1.6 Viticultural decline

Bragato reported in 1895 that (p. 6):

“The wine industry (at Akaroa) prospered as long as those whom it was started
remained at the helm, but immediately they began to die off, the vineyards became
neglected, and in consequence the vines died out.”

Bragato had travelled through Central Otago, of which he perceived the viticultural
potential, before entraining at Dunedin for Christchurch. Thence, via a brief visit to
Lincoln College, on to Akaroa. Bragato’s remarks are cut short in the quotation used by
Cooper in his book 25 . If Cooper had continued the quote a more thorough explanation of
the disappearance of the vine would have become apparent:

“...It would seem that the pioneer French settlers of Akaroa failed to communicate to
their offspring even a small percentage of that enthusiasm over the cultivation of the
vine which they were in such large measure possessed of, or it may be their
descendants suspended work by reason of the vines becoming attacked with oidium,
thus causing the disappearance of vineyards which had been to their forebears as a
bit of the fatherland.” 26

Oidium (powdery mildew) originated in the USA. It had invaded Europe in the middle of the
nineteenth century. By the late 1870s the devastation caused by the fungi was widespread in
New Zealand as well 27. Again this is only a partial picture of why Akaroa did not become the
“Vineyard of Christchurch” as Bragato predicted. He perceived it as a district “...splendidly
suited to the cultivation of the vine” 28. However, his next remark indicates the major problem in
getting a suitable industry established:

“...If capitalists could be induced to invest some of their money, encouraged and
assisted in their enterprise by the Government, they would undoubtedly be richly
rewarded, and Akaroa acquire world-wide fame” 29

However, as we have already seen, in no way were the early French settlers capitalists. They had
come from a range of impoverished backgrounds and had escaped poverty in France in the hope
of a better life in the Antipodes.

While the situation had deteriorated by Bragato’s visit in 1895, Hay, reminiscing on earliest
Canterbury in 1915, recalled the French and German settlers as “...industrious, law-abiding,
kind, and hospitable.” While they had every chance to acquire large land holdings they were not
greedy for land. As Hay expressed it:

“For the most part they appeared to be happy with holdings of about five acres, but
such properties as they did secure they cultivated industriously, growing fruit,
especially grapes, with which they made a good deal of excellent wine” 30

The failure of a wine industry to develop at Akaroa may thus be attributed to a number of factors,
some natural and some human. In spite of an especially favourable environment growing
conditions may have also been good for extensive bird damage and from the 1870s for the spread
of oidium. Further, at the human level, few of the settlers had the background, capital and
entrpreneurial desire to establish a wine industry. Taken together with the remote location of the
settlement and the cultural differences with the people of the plains, it seems hardly surprising
that an industry did not develop. Other entrepreneurs in other more sympathetic parts of New
Zealand still had substantial difficulties in getting an industry well founded in their localities.




2.1 Introduction
Between Romeo Bragato’s visit in 1895 and 1973 little of lasting significance happened in
Canterbury grape production and wine making. In 1973 a serendipitous meeting of two
individuals led to the explosion of grape growing and wine making in Canterbury of the third
millennium. Initially, the account considers what happened in the intervening years. The
developments at Lincoln College are charted next, with a review of experiments on grape and
wine production, teaching and publications, before finally the commencement of the commercial
industry is described.

2.2 The years before 1973

The twentieth century history of wine in Canterbury is largely the product of the chance meeting
of two very different men, one an academic fruit scientist working at the then Lincoln College
and the other a Central European visitor of complex background, classical wine making skills
and entrepreneurial tendencies.

The links between the early French winegrowers of Akaroa and these later pioneers are tenuous.
After Romeo Bragato’s visit in 1895 there were few serious attempts to establish a wine industry
in spite of his urging the government to put money into what he saw as immense future potential.
In a largely pastoral economy new crops received little encouragement. In addition, the times
were not favourable. The turn of the century was a period of national concern over the evils of
drink, and the virtues of abstinence. Cries for Prohibition were to feature at all elections through
until the 1930s. Only returning servicemen are thought to have prevented a vote for Prohibition
in 1919. The suburb of Sydenham in Christchurch provided two of the most active advocates of
Prohibition, Tommy (T.E.) Taylor, a Member of the House of Representatives at various stages
and later a Mayor of Christchurch, and the Reverend L. M. Isitt of Sydenham Wesleyan
(Methodist) Church. Together they founded a Prohibition League and The Prohibitionist to
pursue their national campaign. 31 Establishing new wine ventures in such a climate in which
Ashburton did vote to become ‘dry’ was always going to be problematic 32.

Another factor was the place of wine as a drink in society. Cooper 33 has drawn attention to the
lack of appreciation paid to wine at the period. Fortified ports and sherries were most in demand.
However, even the more prosperous classes in New Zealand, who were the wine drinkers in the
northern hemisphere, were uninterested in New Zealand wines.

Against this background there appear to have been only two serious attempts to establish grapes
and wineries in Canterbury. The first was by Edwin Mouldey who bought a property on the east
side of the Heathcote Valley in the 1870s. He planted plums, peaches, pears, apricots, tomatoes
and grape vines. He was selling fruit wines from his Christchurch confectioner’s shop by 1872. 34
“He made wines from local fruit and had a good sale. He said that teatotallers were good
customers.” 35 The other was by the Meyer brothers, the wine merchant owners of Bishop and
Co., also in the Heathcote Valley, whose orchard was known as the Bridle Path Orchard. The
Meyers bought it about 1941 and called their wine Villa Nova. However, none was ever sold to

the public because, as D W Meyer explained: “No one was interested in New Zealand wine
then.” 36 The reason provided for the apparent failure of the experiment by the Meyers was that,
although they had all the right equipment and had served their time in the vineyards of Victoria,
South Australia and New South Wales, the humidity was too great. The problems appeared to
have been caused by the late summer rains and heavy dew. The variety Albany Surprise had done
best, but even then not very well. 37 With hindsight one might suggest that they had struck several
cold seasons in Canterbury in succession. 38 They had planted several varieties of grapevine, but
at that stage little was known about what was most suitable for Canterbury.

After World War II attitudes to drink and familiarity with wine changed because many returning
servicemen had experienced wine while overseas. Attitudes to licensing became more relaxed
and the number of sales outlets increased. Three major changes helped expand demand - the
removal of the two gallon minimum limit on sales direct from wineries, the licensing of
restaurants for wine sales and the development of winery sales from both winery restaurants and
winery retail outlets. 39 With the increase in travel after 1945 and the growth of tourism, the
market for grapes and wine began to exhibit more possibilities.

In Canterbury, no formal research was initiated but a lot of interest was expressed to the Ministry
of Agriculture, who were asked on many occasions about the possibilities of growing grapes and
making wine in areas such as around Banks Peninsula. 40 George Hicks, a local Horticultural
Advisory Officer, reported his informal experiments on growing over fifty different varieties of
grapes in The City Beautiful in 1973, but most of these varieties were being rated on factors other
than suitability for classic wine production, such as appearance for covering garden pergolas,
disease resistance or resistance to wind damage. 41 However, a start had been made to the
systematic study of grapes suitable for Canterbury conditions.

2.3 Grapes at Lincoln College - From 1973

At this time developments at Lincoln College became important. Founded in 1878, the College is
the third oldest agricultural teaching institution in the Commonwealth. Romeo Bragato, rated by
Thorpy as the man who has a standing in New Zealand viticulture as great as James Busby has in
Australia 42, had visited Lincoln College briefly on his way to Akaroa in 1895. He described it as
“splendidly conducted”, offering much appreciated privileges to the rising generations of New
Zealanders. 43

Horticultural degree teaching commenced at Lincoln in 1949. However, the pastoral dominance
in New Zealand agriculture did not encourage too much effort being put into marginal and
speculative crops such as grapes. One of the horticultural lecturers in the 1960s, Graham Thiele,
recognised the similarities between conditions at Motueka, at the top of the South Island, where
he had been a Horticultural Advisory Officer, and the Moselle wine growing region.. He
speculated that Canterbury was not too different and arranged for the planting of an experimental
row of grape vines in what is now the University’s Orchard car park. They did not flourish and
appeared to be affected by virus. The Principal of the day, Dr Malcolm Burns, ordered their
removal 44.

One who came before their removal, Dr David Jackson, was a recent College appointment
(1968). David Jackson came to horticultural science almost by accident. Born in England,
David had come with his parents to Nelson in 1952 when he was 16. He had no career mapped
out for him, but he was very keen on gardening which his parents were not. They gave him a
free hand to do what he wanted in the garden. As a result of this and casual work in apple

orchards and Nelson’s Parks and Reserves Department, his interest was noted by the
Superintendent who encouraged him to follow a course in horticulture. Initially a traditional
Parks and Reserves training of an apprenticeship followed by a period at Kew Gardens in
England was suggested. However, on David’s last day of employment, before returning to
school, the Superintendent changed his suggestion. He thought David should attend either
Massey University or Lincoln College and take a horticultural degree. Lincoln was chosen
because David’s parents liked the idea of moving to Christchurch. After a year’s Intermediate
study at the University of Canterbury and three years at Lincoln a Bachelor’s degree was
achieved, followed by a Masters degree with Honours 45 .

Employment with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) at Havelock
North followed as a fruit physiologist with special interest in apples. The DSIR sent David to the
Waite Institute in Adelaide to do a PhD on apricot physiology, where he spent three years (1961-
4). Although Adelaide is close to the South Australian wine areas, such as the Barossa valley,
proximity did not create an interest in grapes at the time. Nor did the fact that his supervisor, Dr
Bryan Coombe, was one of the world’s finest viticultural scientists. But South Australia did start
the Jacksons drinking wine. After a further spell with the DSIR, where he studied stone fruit
such as apricots and peaches, David was appointed as a Lecturer in Fruit Production at Lincoln
College, where he had been a student. Only then did he get involved with grapes.

While lecturing on fruit production David also had to lecture in grape production although he
admitted he did not know a lot about the subject. One of the differences between grapes and
other fruits was in the patterns of flowering, a subject that intrigued him 46. Most pip and stone
fruits flower soon after bud break but grapes some six to eight weeks later. This contrast
stimulated David’s scientific imagination. The significance of grapes would also have struck
him from his lecture preparations, for in 1971 wine, dessert and dried grapes were the most
significant fruit crop world wide in terms of yields by weight 47, ahead of citrus production,
bananas and apples, the next most significant crops..

2.3 Fermentation experiments at Lincoln - the Serendipity factor

At this point a happy meeting of people occurred which nobody could have logically foretold.
Among Lincoln’s staff at that period was Dr Paul Mulcock, Reader in Microbiology. Paul had
been an amateur fruit winemaker for many years and had a scientific interest in fermentation and
yeasts. Paul had been contacted by Bill Turner, President of the Canterbury Fruitgrowers
Association at the time. Bill had made small batches of cider for some years and wanted to
develop to a larger scale to help utilize a forecast surplus in apple production. He was having
problems with his larger scale fermentations and sought Paul’s help. Bill suggested that Paul
apply to the Fruitgrowers Federation for a grant to fund the necessary research.

By the time the application was made in February 1973 another party, Danny Schuster, had
entered the equation. A native of Prague of German father and Austrian mother, Danny had
trained in grape growing and winemaking at the Melnik Institute, about fifty kilometres north of
Prague in the small Bohemian wine producing district. He had met Mulcock and Turner as a
result of trying to contact a kiwi girl he had met previously in Australia, where he had been
working for two vintages for Seppelts, the winemakers. 48 Danny had taken six months off to
travel in New Zealand, before moving on to South Africa for the next vintage. The research
application was successful. Danny, who had been specifically mentioned in the application, was
taken on by Lincoln College for the project under the supervision of Paul Mulcock 49.

However, while at Lincoln, Danny Schuster, the European grape grower and winemaker of some
experience, met David Jackson, the Kiwi academic fruit scientist and teacher with no hands on
experience of grape growing and wine making. That meeting was to create the sparks which led
to the revival of grape growing and winemaking in Canterbury that Romeo Bragato had
envisaged back in 1895 for Akaroa 50. While their meeting was fortuitous, no plans were
immediately available to promote the ideas which so stirred them. David Jackson had worked
long enough at Lincoln to appreciate that the roles of the academic were not just to research and
teach but also to extend those ideas to the communities served by the College. The key question
was how to do this. There was known to be considerable interest in the potential for wine
production, and even the Prime Minister of the day, Norman Kirk, was drawing attention to its
potential 51, perhaps prompted by David Jackson who was himself involved in the political
campaign for the 1972 General Election as a Labour candidate for Riccarton.

Something to gauge the level of serious interest was needed. It was provided on Paul Mulcock’s
initiative when he suggested the possibilities of a winemaking seminar a few days after the Prime
Minister’s suggestion 52. It was advertised as “Fruit Wine Making for the Amateur” on Saturday,
19 May 1973, at $1.50 per person. The minimum attendance was expected to be seventy-five. It
was substantially exceeded on the day with the big Hilgendorf lecture room being full. There
was sufficient financial surplus to buy grape and wine books for the College Library.

The programme was opened by H R (Sammy) Sampson, Director of the New Zealand
Fruitgrowers Federation Ltd., followed by Paul Mulcock on “Yeasts in Wine Making”. Then
came Danny Schuster speaking about “Viticulture” and Peter Robertson, a Lincoln Masterate
student, about “Flor Yeasts”. After Lunch David Jackson talked about “Fruits - their Growth and
Maturation”. Then followed two local fruit wine producers: Tony Barker of Barkers Wines,
Upton Cellars, Geraldine, on “Fruit Wines - Past and Present”, and Bill Turner on “Cider and
Apple Wines”. The proceedings were closed by a further talk from Danny Schuster on “White
Wines of the World”, an Open Forum, and votes of thanks.

The interest generated by the Seminar had several effects. First, it led to an invitation to Paul
Mulcock and Danny Schuster to attend a private meeting on Tuesday, 3 July, to discuss the
feasibility of setting-up a commercial organisation to research viticulture in Canterbury.53
Unfortunately, there is no indication of the success of the meeting. The Seminar stimulated
David Jackson to begin his first planting of wine grapes to assess their suitability for Canterbury
and began a whole series of activities which went on over several years promoting the possibility
of growing grapes and making wine in Canterbury. The grape growing trials were
complemented by taste panels set up to assess the quality of the product produced from the
grapes grown. In addition, David Jackson and Danny Schuster began to work as co-authors and
create a new range of publications highlighting the developments at Lincoln and putting the
growing of grapes and making of wine in cool climates in a world context. Also, a series of
seminars was initiated spreading the word about the possibilities of growing grapes and making
satisfactory wines in Canterbury. Associated with them was a high level of interaction with
those who were keen to produce wine in Canterbury and further afield in areas such as
Marlborough, Nelson and Central Otago. Each of these developments will now be discussed in
turn. However, it should be remembered that each did not happen in isolation but interactively
with the others. In effect a whole systems approach needs to be adopted to understand what
happened over succeeding years. One factor is evident. Subsequent developments all flowed
from the chance meeting of David Jackson and Danny Schuster, including the initial seminar
which stimulated the parties to further action.

Many parties were not convinced immediately. David Jackson had applied to the Lincoln
College Research Committee for $750 to investigate the idea of growing grapes in Canterbury54.
Paul Mulcock has described how, as a member of the Lincoln College Research Committee, he
had probably held back David Jackson’s research plans by not immediately approving money
from the College Research Fund for the research. As David described it: “He was not a
believer”. Paul Mulcock has acknowledged this and confessed:

“It’s to my undying shame that I recall that I failed to recognise the significance of
research into viticulture and refused support for David’s request for funds for at least
two years. So I must be considered to be a person who actually held back the work
on production of wine in Canterbury.” 55

Eventually the $750 was given, which led David to reflect:

“It was a very small amount to ask for, but it generated enormous debate before it
was granted....Nevertheless, I was happy to get the grant and I think it shows the
flexibility of universities that they can give scientists a chance to try out ‘oddball’
ideas which just might have some potential pay-off.” 56

2.4 “Experiments in viticulture at Lincoln College”

So David Jackson entitled his first undated experimental report, which must have appeared some
time after the 1975-6 growing season. In spite of the initial lack of support from the College
Research Committee, the first planting of trial grape varieties had taken place during the winter
of 1973 after the first seminar. That planting nearly came to grief. Michael Cooper has described
how seventy percent of the initial planting was lost to a late frost, throwing doubt on the
suitability of Canterbury for grapes. 57 David Jackson and Graeme Steans 58, the technician
involved, explanation of the heavy losses is slightly different. Apparently the planting material
had arrived from Te Kauwhata 59 somewhat ‘soft’ from the North Island growing conditions. It
had then lain in storage at Christchurch Airport over a weekend, so the plants were water
stressed. Then, after hurried planting it was caught by a very late and sharp frost. Whether the
losses would have been as severe with ‘hardier’ plants, which were unstressed, is debatable.

In the preamble to the first Report, the reasons for the trials were explained. First, there was the
number of visitors expressing their belief that the dry climate together with a relatively cool
season would be ideal to produce a German style white wine. Secondly, there was evidence from
home gardeners that grapes could be grown successfully in Canterbury 60.

The trials started by focussing on varieties grown in cooler climates, then moved on to those
from warmer areas. Those first trials included the following varieties, sometimes as several

Gewürtztraminer, Riesling Sylvaner, Riesling, Grey Riesling, Sylvaner, Pinot Blanc,

Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Gamay de Beaujolais, Semillon, Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon
Blanc, Sauvignon Vert, Chasselas Rose Royale, Chasselas Dore Saloman,
Ehrensfelser, Osteiner, Reichensteiner, Gutenborner, Muscat Ottonel, Merlot,
Malbec, Refosco, Pinot Meunier, Cabernet Sauvignon, Hermitage and Pinotage..

Table grapes were added to the collection later.

This early report appeared much sooner than might be expected for a scientific report. David
Jackson felt it necessary to explain why. First, several people intended to plant grapes without
waiting for the results of the research and he believed the early results might be of some
assistance to them. Secondly, the 1975/76 season was exceptionally bad. The total degree
days 61 at Lincoln were only 630 compared with an average level of 973 over the ten years 1965-
1975 62, and there was an early frost on 21st April causing leaf drop and killing some berries.
David concluded that

“...any grape which ripened its berries this past season would be a fairly safe bet for
most situations as warm as or warmer than Lincoln..” 63

The initial results suggested Gewürtztraminer, Pinot Blanc, both forms of Chasselas, and
Sylvaner produced reasonable sugar and acid levels. Pinot Noir and Gamay de Beaujolais were
rather high in acid but not impossible. Pinot Chardonnay, White Riesling and Hermitage were all
too high in acid, but allowing for the poor year still exhibited some potential. The
recommendations concluded, with cautions for those wishing to grow grapes in South Island
conditions, that they should be aware that considerable skill and finance were necessary to grow
such grapes and make wine from them when their prospective yields and economics were still
unknown. 64

In the next report of the trials, Report from the first major grape crop at Lincoln College (30
June 1978), David Jackson explained how the trials had expanded to cover 40 wine grapes and
20 table grapes. Also, that pruning and training trials had commenced with 14 different systems.
1978 was the first season when many of the grapes in the variety collection matured and so were
comparatively assessed for sugar and acid levels. Microvinification 65 had begun and that led to
the introduction of taste or sensory evaluation panels. Assessment of the output was also
reported for the first time. Danny Schuster played an important role in setting up these processes
and they formed an important part of the whole experimental programme. In day-to-day
operational terms they were run by Graeme Steans, who brought his scientific training to their

Figure 1: Stages in the cultivar evaluation research programme


Viticultural Evaluation Microvinification

Varietal Evaluation by Taste Panel

Commercial Recommendations

David Jackson himself provides a good overview of the tasting panels’ operations:

“The panel contains 15 members of which a minimum of ten meet on each occasion.
They all have some connection with wine, either as wine merchants, winemakers,
grapegrowers, members of wine appreciation societies, or scientists. Each has been
instructed in the aims of the panel and method of using the tasting sheets.

The main tasting form is....used routinely on each cultivar over a three year period.
On some occasions, triangular tasting is adopted to assess comparative values - say
between different lengths of time on the skins or different grape sources.

At each tasting, the wines are grouped according to similarities in alcohol level,
flavour and aroma (eg. Herbaceous, flowery, neutral), age and, of course, colour.

Tasting takes place four times a year and an average of 15 wines, including
duplicates, are evaluated at each session.” 66

Over the years of their operation the Lincoln taste panels included the following on a regular
basis: Professors Don Beaven, Ivan Donaldson and John Lovis of Christchurch; Winemakers:
Herman Siegfried, G Collard, Brother John Cuttance, Andrew Ewart, J Hancock, Alan Hogan, Dr
N McCallum, Daniel le Brun, Tim Finn, A D Hendry, Marcel Giesen, T van Dam, and John
Thom; Wine Merchants: Tom Maling and Humphrey Meyer; and Radiologist Graham Watson,
retired dentist Alan Cookson, and DSIR botanist G C Kelly, who was also a national wine judge.

It should be noted also how well placed the panellists were to convey to their peers in the
industry what was happening at Lincoln. There can be no doubt that the taste panels were one of
the major ways in which the possibilities for Canterbury wines were spread to a much wider
audience than just that of the academics doing the research and winemaking. The taste
evaluation panels operated from 1978 to 1984.

1978 was a good weather season for grapes, with a low level of incidence of pests and diseases.
There was some botrytis (Noble Rot), which would have permitted auslese types of wines with
Riesling, if the weather had held. Mesurol 67 was used to deter birds. Irrigation had not been
used for established plants and reasonable yields were obtained.

The following year a more substantial report brought the results together for the seasons reported
previously 1976, 1978 and some for 1979. 68

It began by recalling the key climatological factors in viticultural success and how they applied
in Canterbury. In terms of heat accumulation Canterbury was on a par with other areas in New
Zealand and the world producing excellent white wines. Secondly, Canterbury had low rainfall
and might only need irrigation for getting new plantings established. However, wind was a
problem and no one should expect to grow grapes without adequate provision for shelter such as
the poplar shelter-belts used at Lincoln. While the buds of grapes burst at about the same time as
apples, they were slightly more susceptible to frost being closer to the soil and thus more
susceptible to ground frosts. The value of frost-free sites was thus emphasised, or alternatively a
system of frost protection.

The most serious problem at Lincoln had turned out to be bird damage, followed by wasps when
fruit had been punctured. Netting had been tried and then, while it was still allowed, Methiocarb
or Mesurol as a chemical deterrent.

The introductory review finished with a description of the key aspects of sites for growing grapes
in a marginal area such as Canterbury. The advantages of sloping sites (e.g., frost-free from
natural air drainage, facing to the sun giving extra heat units) had to be balanced against the need
for high levels of labour use and less convenience for machines. Finding the best soils was still a
matter of trial and error, and no clear recommendations were made.

The report took a good deal of space to explain, often diagrammatically, the training systems and
spacings being trialed. For example, Gewürtztraminer was grown on narrow and wide row
spacings. With the narrow one there was low sunlight exposure and delayed ripening, whereas
the wider one, although riper, required earlier picking because of rain damage and disease. First
indications of possible yields were also presented for the different training and spacing systems.
1979 had 880 Degree Days. Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir had rather high acid levels. Muller
Thurgau was well balanced in terms of sugar/acid ratios, while some varieties were very late in

2.5 Seminars, Workshops and Courses

While the experimental programme was proceeding, seminars, workshops and courses were held
for interested parties to give them an early insight into what had been learnt and help them with
their own growing plans. Such events were not only well attended but also often documented as
a valuable source of local information for both participants to reflect on and as original
information for others unable to attend.

After the initial seminar in May 1973, there was a gap until November 1975. At that time we
find David Jackson and Mike Mellon (Lincoln College, Marketing) being quoted on the front
page of The Press 69 as saying that they believed that those involved in grape growing,
winemaking, wine distribution and retailing had little opportunity for training in New Zealand.
Seminars were shortly to be offered at Lincoln College offering “...invaluable experience in the
art and technique of wine testing and providing guidance for those buying the wines of Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa, France and Germany.” These were to be supplemented by
discussion of: “Basic principles of grape growing and winemaking, and new techniques of
winemaking, on both small and large scale.” 70

Another one day course followed in April 1976 entitled “Grapes, Wine and Winemaking”, which
was designed to provide basic information for people wanting to grow grapes and make wine in

“...It will interest those contemplating the establishment of commercial production

units and also growers of limited quantities for personal consumption.” 71

Two reasons may be advanced for the delays between the initial and subsequent courses. After
the initial seminar for amateur winemakers Danny Schuster had left for South Africa to continue
his worldwide wine experience in the Stellenbosch area. Then he went back to Europe after two
vintages and David Jackson, who had kept in touch with him, met him again in Bordeaux while
on Study Leave. David was able to bring him up to date with how things had developed at
Lincoln and the more promising prospects for the future. So in 1976 Danny returned to work for
Montana in Blenheim. He had chosen strategically to be in the South Island and close to
developments at Lincoln. The appointment at Montana was as a Viticulture Advisor, helping
with the huge propagation and planting programme they had commenced quite independently in
1974 72. While Danny was working for, and being paid, by Montana he was regularly came down

to Christchurch and Lincoln in 1976, 1977 and 1978.

The April 1976 one-day course for intending grape growers and winemakers was largely a
Jackson and Schuster affair. David spoke on three topics. He opened by reviewing the climate
of Canterbury in comparison with other parts of New Zealand and world grape growing areas,
together with suitable grape varieties. Secondly, he spoke about basic viticulture, and thirdly
about the pruning experiments in the Lincoln College vineyards. These presentations were
interspersed with papers from Danny Schuster on wines produced in other parts of the world with
similar climates to Canterbury, and on pruning the young vines and establishing training systems.
To these presentations were added papers by Mike Mellon on basic considerations in labelling
Canterbury wine and by Maurice Hunter of Omar Wine Cellars on latest consumer trends. The
proceedings were concluded by Paul Mulcock on yeasts and fermentation, and by another
indispensable member of the Lincoln team, Graeme Steans, on making wines in small quantities.
Graeme brought important technical skills to the team from his many years as a science

The content of the more extended courses from November 1978 has been preserved in Bulletins
22A Papers in Viticulture and 22 B Papers in Winemaking and Wine Evaluation (Department of
Horticulture, Landscape and Parks. Lincoln College, 1979) together with a supplementary paper
from David Jackson and Graeme Steans: “The potential of southern areas for wine-grape
production” which summarised their view at that stage of suitable districts and varieties for wine-
grape production. 73 The first one-day course was for prospective growers and small-scale wine
makers in the South Island, whereas the second, a two-day course, was an advanced course for
commercial growers, winemakers, wholesalers and resellers from both North and South Islands.
These courses also introduced a much wider range of speakers, including Wine Scientists K
Cresswell, I A Gear and D Sheat of Ruakura Agricultural Research Centre’s Te Kauwhata
Viticultural outpost, Hamilton; Horticultural Advisory Officers (Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries) A D Clarke (Auckland) and R D Pollock (Gisborne); Winemakers G Collard of
Henderson and D S Lucas of Cooks Wine Co., Auckland; Professors D W Beaven (Medicine),
Christchurch School of Medicine and R A M Gregson (Psychology), University of Canterbury;
as well as J E Marris, Project Manager, Montana Properties Ltd., Blenheim, Dr D Milne, Soil
Bureau, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and N J Mackenzie of the New
Zealand Wholesale Wine and Spirits Merchant Association.

Attendance at courses continued at a reasonable level with many of those participating going on
to play significant roles as both grape growers and winemakers. Of the 77 who attended the
courses offered in February 1980 nearly a third went on to become grape growers, and of them
nearly two thirds also became winemakers. They included Ernie Hunter, Tim Finn, Allen
Hogen, Anne Pinckney, Rolfe Mills, John Thom and the Mundys from St Helena.

The 1980 courses were also offered in Hawkes Bay at the DB Te Mata Hotel, Havelock North.
This was the only occasion on which a foray was made into the North Island.

Lincoln only discontinued its provision of courses for training personnel in the wine and spirit
industry when Te Kauwhata appointed a new Viticulturist, Richard Smart, who began a series of
courses. By that time, in the early 1980s, David Jackson believed the initial aims of educating
the industry had been largely achieved and those wanting further information had a substantial
body of local literature they could refer to as well as still being able to make direct contact with
the experts at Lincoln.

2.6 Publication
An indispensable part of promoting the South Island as a possible site for quality wine
production could be explained through courses, seminars and workshops, but what was there to
help potential growers when the course was over? Regular interaction between researchers and
potential growers and winemakers was encouraged from Day 1. There were none of today’s
concerns about commercial sensitivity. This was information for New Zealand’s potential grape
growers and winemakers, paid for through the public funding of a university college, and to
benefit those who chose to use it, whether from small businesses or large. In practice, because
money had been tight at the start of the research, systems to operate on a shoe string were put in
place and continued to operate. For example, members of the taste panels donated their own
time and sometimes travel. Hermann Siegfried used to combine the panel’s sessions with sales
trips to Christchurch. Direct involvement with panel members was sustained through regular
reports on the outcomes of the panel’s deliberations and also fed back through the content of
courses, seminars and workshops. The latter went further than merely publishing the research
results. Participants were encouraged to taste the experimental wines themselves.

Nevertheless, publication was a major part of the overall dissemination of the results. Early in
his teaching days at Lincoln David Jackson had discovered there was little that was available, at
an appropriate level, for potential grape growers and winemakers in cool climates. To assist with
his teaching of full time horticultural students he produced first in 1971 Notes on Fruitgrowing.
This was David’s distillation of information about a whole range of fruit crops of which grapes
were only one kind. That reappeared in a revised form in 1974 as Bulletin 15: Temperate and
Sub Tropical Fruit Production, Department of Horticulture, Lincoln College, and later again in
1999. Meanwhile the first seminar for amateur wine makers had occurred and David Jackson
had combined with Danny Schuster to produce their first joint publication Possibilities for grape
growing and winemaking in the South Island of New Zealand 74, under a cover entitled Basic
Winemaking. These, and the results of the Lincoln and other research, came together in David
and Danny’s first book Grape growing and winemaking: a handbook for cool climates of 1981.
So successful were the ideas embodied in the book that it has been through four editions under
different publishers and had a world-wide demand. So well has it done that David is described
by his current publisher as one of her more successful authors. Grape growing and winemaking:
a handbook for cool climates has been supplemented by a new series Monographs in cool
climate viticulture. The first volumes by David Jackson alone are entitled: Pruning and training
and Climate.

Lincoln Grape and Wine Publications 1973-2002 in Chronological Order

Jackson, D I (1971) Notes on Fruit Growing. Gestetnered typescript, Department of Horticulture, Lincoln College.
Jackson, D I and Schuster D F (1973) Possibilities for grape growing and winemaking in the South Island of New
Zealand. Gestetnered typescript, Department of Horticulture, Lincoln College.
Jackson, D I (1974) Temperate and Sub Tropical Fruit Production, Bulletin no. 15, Department of Horticulture,
Lincoln College.
Jackson, D I and Schuster D F (1975) Basic Winemaking: a World View , Bulletin no. 18, Department of
Horticulture, Lincoln College.
Schuster D F and Jackson, D (1977) Grape Varieties for New Zealand, Bulletin no. 21, Department of Horticulture,
Landscape and Parks, Lincoln College.
Anon. (1978) Grapes and Wine. Bulletin no. 22A Papers in Viticulture, Bulletin no. 22B Papers in Winemaking and
Wine Evaluation, Lincoln College.

Jackson, D I and Schuster D F (1981) Grape growing and winemaking: a handbook for cool climates. Alister
Taylor: Martinborough.. 1st Edition.
Jackson, D I (1984) The grape experiments at Lincoln College. Bulletin no. 36, Department of Horticulture,
Landscape and Parks, Lincoln College.
Jackson, D I and Schuster D F (1987) The production of grapes and wines in cool climates. Butterworths
Horticultural Books: Wellington. 2nd Edition.
Jackson, D I and Schuster D F (1994) The production of grapes and wines in cool climates. Gypsum Press:
Wellington. 3rd Edition.
Jackson, D I (1997) Pruning and training. Monographs in cool climate viticulture:. No 1. Department of Plant
Science, Lincoln University Press: Lincoln, N.Z.
Jackson, D I and Schuster D F (1997) The production of grapes and wines in cool climates. Lincoln University
Press: Lincoln, N.Z. 4th Edition.
Jackson, D I (2001) Climate. Monographs in Cool Climate Viticulture, No. 2. Daphne Brasell and Associates with
Gypsum Press; Wellington.

Internal publications

Jackson, D I (1976) Experiments in viticulture at Lincoln College

Jackson, D I (1978) Report from the first major grape crop at Lincoln College (30 June 1978)
Schuster, D F (1978) Report on the 1978 vintage at Lincoln College. 16 pp.
The grape experiments at Lincoln College and preliminary results to 1979. Typescript, no author, Department of
Horticulture, Landscape and Parks, Lincoln College.
Schuster, D F and Steans, G F (1979) Report on the 1979 vintage at Lincoln College & Canterbury. 16 pp.
Schuster, D F and Steans, G F (1980) Report on the 1980 vintage at Lincoln College. 21 pp.
Steans, G F (1981) Report on the 1981 vintage at Lincoln College. 21 pp.
Steans, G F (1982) Report on the 1982 vintage at Lincoln College. 16 pp.
Steans, G F (1983) Report on the 1983 vintage at Lincoln College. 18 pp.

Also Reports of individual tasting panels at Lincoln College, from 11/78 - 9/85 which were circulated to members of
each panel for their reflections.

2.7 Commercial Production

David Jackson and Danny Schuster’s ‘odd ball’ idea 75 of planting grapes in Canterbury was
taken up more quickly than they might have imagined. This may have been stimulated by
provincial rivalry, as claims had been made by Auckland speakers at a Lincoln lecture in 1976
that good wine could not be made in the South Island 76.

Banks Peninsula
Much of the early excitement about grape growing in Canterbury related to Banks Peninsula, the
remnants of volcanic cones rising to nearly a thousand metres to the south east of Christchurch..
It had been the focus of Norman Kirk’s remarks in 1973. In 1975 The Press reported plans to
plant grapes near Akaroa 77. The development being referred to was probably a planned
development by Murray Thacker at Okains Bay. The motivation for the planting was to generate
long term employment in the Bay and so maintain the rural population.

Six grape plants from the French plantings at Akaroa had been successfully transplanted to
Okains Bay in 1860. Unfortunately the nature of the site chosen and the inexperience of Danny
Schuster in the area’s drought prone character, coupled with other competing commitments from
other plans, and the remoteness of the area from Lincoln, led to this development not being a
success. With hindsight it is clear that irrigation at the time of planting was essential. Danny
Schuster had long held the view that vines should not be coddled at planting, but be encouraged
to get their roots down deep even if some plant losses were the consequence.78 However, it must
also be noted that the aims of the project were deficient. When the potential effects of planting a
vineyard 79 in the wider Banks Peninsula farming community were realised, especially that grape
planting would impact on the application of herbicides to noxious weeds, Akaroa and
neighbouring counties amended their Planning Schemes under the Town and Country Planning
Act 1953. The net effect was to remove vineyards from the list of Predominant Land Uses and
thus require consent to be obtained from the County before planting commenced. This was
likely to be difficult to obtain with farmer dominated Councils 80.

In contrast, when Graeme and Caroline Steans chose to buy land in neighbouring Wairewa
County, they were able to proceed because the land was a separate legal title. Therefore they did
not need permission from the County to subdivide. Also they restricted their planting of grapes
to the one acre. Thus under the Agricultural Chemical Regulations 1968 they did not have a
vineyard which would have required them to have permission for a Conditional Use. Graeme
had objected when the County proposed to make vineyards a Conditional Use, but his objection
had been met by many cross objections of a similar nature, the mark of the Banks Peninsula
Noxious Weeds Inspector, H W Fawcett. Mr Fawcett was renowned for his zealous
interpretation of the Noxious Weeds regulations. He has been described as holding back
viticulture on Banks Peninsula for about twenty five years. Also he was disliked by local
farmers81. The Steans believed there had been a campaign against their objection to the proposed
change to the County Planning Scheme, so that Noxious Weeds control would not be affected.
The County implemented the change 82 anyway.

The Steans had chosen their site with a view to growing grapes for wine. Graeme was fully
involved in the work going on at Lincoln as David Jackson’s Technician. In planting his own
grapes he was duplicating much of the work he was doing in the experimental vineyard at
Lincoln. Further, he had the real world experience of Danny Schuster to call on. Also he had
had some prior experience with grapes when he and some friends had planted some grapes on the
site of the Meyers’ vineyard in the Heathcote Valley 83. Although there were doubts about the
value of red grapes in the South Island, Danny Schuster encouraged him to make one of the most
important planting decisions he made. That was to plant a substantial part of the acre with Pinot
Noir grapes. Unlike the planting for Murray Thacker there was sufficient moisture that first year
(1977) for the vines on their section of the Kaituna Valley. It was the earliest private planting of
Pinot Noir in Canterbury and has proved a very significant planting.

The Plains
Two plantings on the Plains flowed directly from involvement with Lincoln. Both occurred in
the vicinity of Belfast to the north of Christchurch, close to the Waimakariri River. The earliest
planting, by only a few days, took place on Bill Turner’s Lochbuie orchard, near Belfast. After
being associated with the introduction of Danny Schuster to Lincoln College and his initial
employment, Bill had continued to be interested in the development of the new crop. While, at
the beginning, Bill did not see wine having much of a future, he agreed to having a small trial
planting away from Lincoln. With Bill’s entrepreneurial character that initial planting led to a
more substantial planting which began a couple of weeks before the better known planting of the

Mundys on Coutts Island. It was not on the same scale as Mundys, and of only about five acres
of Grey Riesling, Gewürtztraminer, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir initially..

One feature of Bill Turner’s orchard enterprise was to play an important role in the future of New
Zealand wine. For many years Bill had sold as much of the product of his orchard as he could to
the public through a shop situated on the Main North Road out of Christchurch. It was an outlet
for his own cider. Other cider was sold through local bottle stores. Bill’s best salesman was
Ernie Hunter, then Manager of the bottle store of the Imperial Hotel. Ernie became enthralled
with the possibilities of New Zealand wine. As entrepreneurial as Bill, Ernie bought land in
Blenheim for grape production. He intended to develop a winery with Bill Turner close to
Christchurch, the main South Island centre of population. These plans came to nothing when
appropriate planning permission could not be obtained. However, there was one important
outcome. While waiting for the permission, the first harvest of Hunter’s grapes took place. The
winemaking took place at Lochbuie as Bill and Ernie were partners at that stage. The wines were
made in a very primitive winery at Lochbuie involving an old stainless steel beer tanker of four
compartments. Grapes from Bill Turner’s vineyard were included. The wine was made by
Almuth Lorenz, a young Geisenheim trained winemaker, who Ernie had met at a New Year’s
Eve party in Auckland in 1981. Almuth had persuaded Ernie to plunge into commercial
winemaking 84. She became the winemaker and when the product was entered in the National
Wine Competition six medals were obtained, three silver and three bronze. Hunters eventually
built their winery in Blenheim and became one of the most significant private wineries there
before Ernie’s early death in a motor accident in 1987. Almuth Lorenz later set up her own
winery in Blenheim too - Merlen 85. Bill took advantage of the ‘Vine Pull’86 scheme at the end of
1985 to exit grape growing following Ernie’s departure to Blenheim.

Bill Turner’s connection with the Mundys was also associated with his farm shop at Lochbuie,
which sold their vegetables. When the Mundys considered growing grapes, a partnership was
nearly formed. However, terms could not be agreed and both parties proceeded with their grape
and wine plans separately. The Mundys’ reasons for planting grapes were different again. Robin
Mundy has explained:

“From 1964 to 1979 my brother Norman and I grew potatoes and other vegetables on
our property at Coutts Island, but the potato cyst nematode knocked out our
operation and we had to seek alternative crops. We contemplated kiwifruit,
blueberries, peppermint and blackcurrants, then while at Lincoln College looking at
blackcurrants, we noticed they were growing grapes and making wine....

Thanks to the experimental work done by Lincoln we were able to obtain cuttings87
of the varieties best suited to our area. In 1978 the first 10 acres of grapes were
planted and by 1981 we were growing 30 acres and approaching the first
harvest...Danny Schuster, Lincoln’s winemaker was employed and the winery was
named St Helena 88. The small 1981 vintage sold out in one day!” 89

In 1983 St Helena won a national gold medal at the Air New Zealand Wine competition for its
1982 Pinot Noir. A plaque was presented to St Helena to commemorate this historic
achievement. It really brought the attention of the country to Canterbury as a wine producing
area. As with the Hunter wines which were made at Lochbuie and won medals, so the St Helena
Pinot Noir was not just St Helena wine. It also contained the first grapes from Graham Steans’
small area of Pinot Noir in the Kaituna Valley. Without irrigation his grapes had taken longer to
get established. Their first harvest was in 1982 also. Danny Schuster had helped the Steans

harvest one ton of grapes into Mundy’s blackcurrant bins. They were then held for about five
days in a coolstore at the College until Mundy’s grapes were harvested so that they did not lose
condition. 90

Other early plantings

Another development which took place around this period was the plantings of John Thom and
Julie Wagner at Larcombs Road, Rolleston. They planted their first grapes in 1980. John Thom
maintained an association with Lincoln as he was involved in the sensory evaluation panels and
also had field experiments at Larcomb Wines, although he chose to stay out of industry affairs.
The Thoms have another claim to fame for they set up the first winery restaurant at Larcombs.
They believed that the best way to sell wine was to give people a chance to try it while eating,
and most of their wine was sold in this way. They began a trend, which in 1996 was described
by Rosemary George, a visiting English Master of Wine, as being popular with so many
Christchurch wineries. That she chose to remark on this characteristic suggests that it was an
exceptional feature of Canterbury wineries, but it was the first step in setting up a winery tourism
industry which is now such an important component of Canterbury tourism 91.

At Burnham, also not too far from Lincoln, the Giesen Brothers from Germany, set up what has
become the largest Canterbury winery, planting their first grapes in 1981. They wanted to grow
Riesling in a cool situation and after much searching decided on a Canterbury site.. Their first
wines were released in 1984. Marcel Giesen had participated in the taste panels at Lincoln
which influenced him to produce his gold medal winning Canterbury Botrytised Riesling of
1990 92.

Another group who were involved in sensory evaluation of the early Lincoln wines bought and
planted what became known as the “Doctors’” patch on Kennedy’s Bush Road at the foot of the
Port Hills on the south side of Christchurch. It was only a small site of less than half a hectare
but ideal for growing grapes. Its aspect was to the north and the sun; also, it sloped, so reducing
the frost risks. The participants were an enthusiastic group of amateur wine lovers who were
involved in taste panels and wanted to try their hands at growing their own grapes and making
their own wine. They included Don Beaven, Ivan Donaldson, and Graham Watson who were
doctors; dentists Allan Cookson and Neville Ackroyd; engineers Brian Hearfield, and Norm
Hardie, who owned the land; and lawyer Paul Straubel. Their knowledge of wine was
considerable but of growing grapes little. Nor were they practical types generally. Most of the
grape vines came from Lincoln College with advice from Danny Schuster. All kinds of mistakes
were made but they had a lot of good fun over the 22 years until they decided to terminate the
project in 1998, when they averaged 74 years of age. The wine was not sold but consumed by the
families involved. Two things are significant about the “Doctors’” patch. Besides the original
plantings at Lincoln it was one of the oldest plantings in Canterbury and in 1997 and 1998
produced Pinot Noir wine “ as good as the French” 93. Also, for the first few years the wine was
made by Ivan Donaldson until his own Pegasus Bay Winery was established. Pegasus Bay
planted their grapes in the mid 1980s and completed the first stage of their winery for the 1992
vintage 94.

The planting of grapes at Waipara arose from the need to find alternative crops in an area of
marginal, relatively small, sheep farms with a difficult climate prone to dry summers and
prolonged droughts. The area had farms cut out of the former Glenmark Estate of George Moore
in 1917. The farms had been subdivided according to their fertility. The McCaskeys on the
Weka Plains had an above average farm area of over 400 hectares because they had poor stony

soils. It had been a run-off paddock for the large estate. It was John McCaskey’s search for a
crop “...which would grow in a desert” 95 which led to his first experiments with grapes in the
mid-1960s. He had been flying across inland Australia and stopped overnight at Mildura in the
irrigated hot sunny Murray valley in Victoria. Irrigated grapes were one crop growing there. He
returned home and with hybrid cuttings from a neighbour, Ted White, planted his first nursery
vineyard in the sandy soil alongside the Weka Creek. Unfortunately, this experiment was
washed away by a flash flood after a couple of years.

Although John McCaskey made a serious attempt at grape growing in the mid-1960s, he was not
the first attempt at grape growing in the Waipara area. The earliest known attempt occurred in
the 1880s at Foxdown station at neighbouring Scargill in the Waikari Valley. The French wife,
Sophie (nee Glasman, 1847-1893) from Alsace, of the runholder Charles Dilworth Fox (1852-
1931) had recognised the potential of the limestone area from her homeland. An area was
planted in grapes which is still known as “The Vineyard”. The planting did not succeed, possibly
because the frost free site was well above any possible source of irrigation and vine
establishment would have been difficult.

Ack Rutherford, another Scargill farmer, also trialled several varieties of grapes in the early
1970s. According to his wife, Di, he was “..mad on wines”, which he may have encountered
while on war service in South Africa and Greece. The trials were not converted to a more serious
planting when his son decided to “…do his own thing”. He provided a site for Bob Crowder,
Lincoln’s Vegetable Production lecturer, to record temperatures between October 1971 and April
1972, when Bob recorded severe frosts throughout the summer, which would have probably
affected tomato growth. The constant low night temperatures made for a very low heat unit
accumulation (1546 units), lower even than for Hororata 96.

Another neighbour, Robert Forbes, also tried growing grapes about the same time. Son of
George Forbes, Prime Minister (1930-1935), he was regarded as something of a progressive
farmer. Unfortunately, he had been badly injured in a riding accident in the 1940s and was
unable to cope with normal farm work. At the suggestion of Canon Walter Wisdom, Anglican
Vicar of Glenmark 97, who had again recognised the geological features of the area as having
grape growing potential, he established a grape nursery on land adjoining Weka Creek. The land
was to be irrigated from the creek. Fourteen thousand grape-cuttings were brought in from the
Mission Vineyard in Hawkes Bay to plant up 10 acres 98. The land was ripped in preparation for
planting but it never occurred. Standard pastoral farming was not too bad in the 1960s, before
the onset of the constraints introduced by Britain entering the European Economic Community,
and so there was no real need to seek out alternative crops. Also, Robert not only had difficulty
carrying out much of the necessary viticultural work due to his physical condition, but was also
frustrated by lack of expert viticultural advice from either the Department of Agriculture or
Lincoln College, with which the family had had a long association. The only source of
information at that stage was a family of White Russians on Marshlands Road, who made wine
for their own domestic use 99.

While both Forbes and McCaskey had recognised the possibility of growing grapes at Waipara,
neither attempt succeeded. One major problem was clearly the drought prone nature of the
district’s climate. The good years of the 1960s were replaced by the economic turmoil of the
1970s - Britain’s European accession, oil crises, and droughts from 1970 to 1973. In 1972 the
New Zealand Agricultural Engineering Institute at Lincoln College was asked by a committee of
local farmers promoting the development of irrigation, with the support of Waipara County
Council, to carry out a feasibility study. This became the first stage of what became known as

the Glenmark Irrigation Scheme. It was based on the principle of water harvesting from floods
and other high flow levels. The water harvested was stored in a range of ring and gulley dams
for use when moisture shortages began to impede growth 100. This irrigation system was derived
from the Australian experiences of the chief engineer, Terry Heiler of the New Zealand
Agricultural Engineering Institute, Lincoln College (NZAEI), and was unique in New Zealand at
that time.

In July 1974 approval was given by the Water Resources Council to proceed to a final design,
which appeared at the beginning of 1977. The NZAEI suggested that such a scheme would
facilitate the economic viability of local enterprises. When the investigations took place
viticulture was not foreseen as one of the possible outcomes 101, save in an aside in Section 12 of
the Final Design Report on Benefits and Justification for the Scheme. It mentioned:
“...associated benefits not yet referred to” 102. The chief economic benefits of the Scheme were
seen as being a satisfactory rate of return on investment for farmers and sufficient additional farm
income from traditional sources - fat lambs, wool, and cash crops - wheat, barley, ryegrass - to
give economic viability to twenty one-man farms. The next paragraph holds the key to the
development of non-traditional farm enterprises at Waipara. They were beyond the experience
and comprehension of the farm management member of the irrigation system design team:

“The provision of irrigation in the scheme area will allow the possibilities of new
ways of farming to be explored. It is considered by the staff of the Department of
Horticulture at Lincoln College that the area is well suited to the production of many
horticultural crops including vineyard grapes. Successful production of field
tomatoes for the city market has been achieved by several farmers over the last two
years, thus providing a significant amount of additional farm income. The further
development of these activities is dependent on the provision of supplemental
irrigation water.” 103

The whole scheme was dependent on Government subsidies for major public works.

The successful production of field tomatoes stemmed from Lincoln’s Vegetable Production
Lecturer, Bob Crowder. He was attempting to find a mini-California in Canterbury, which would
permit the growing of tomatoes suitable for machine harvesting along the lines advocated by
Sims in California 104. Some of the tomato growing experiments had depended on the
unauthorised extraction of water for irrigation on sites out of public view 105.

John McCaskey was first to take that next step and demonstrate the huge potential of his locality,
when he chose to establish Glenmark Wines and planted his second area of vines in 1981. He
planted just four hectares with vines from Tim Finn’s Neudorf Winery in Nelson. The initial
plantings were of Rhine Riesling, Chardonnay, Muller Thurgau, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir
and Gewurtztraminer grapes. On this occasion he had some small-scale irrigation organised that
could deliver about one litre of water per week to each vine from a small dam in front of his
house. This dam had been developed to water the experimental tomato crops grown for Bob
Crowder’s experiments. The assurance of the larger Glenmark scheme going ahead encouraged
this move, which was further justified when Roger Douglas removed agricultural subsidies in
1984. That had the consequence of terminating prematurely the Glenmark Irrigation Scheme,
when subsidised investments were stopped. Consequently only five out of ten dams were
constructed and half of the potential area irrigated. 106

In 1985 the first experimental vintage was made by Steve Harber, a visiting American
winemaker, who had made contact through David Jackson. The following year a new winery
was opened by local MP and Minister of Tourism, Mike Moore, just two weeks after a Bronze
Medal was obtained for McCaskey’s 1985 Waipara Red. John had followed the planting advice
as to varieties derived from the Lincoln experiments and paid tribute to that advice 107. That
success heralded the future success of the district and was the beginning of a successful
competitive career, which, at the time of writing, had yielded 39 medals of which four were

By 1987 the effects of the Fourth Labour Government’s economic policies and the withdrawal of
farm subsidies were having a serious impact on farming endeavours. Farmers were in survival
mode as they struggled to pay off debt. Although John McCaskey, too, was substantially in debt
from his previous irrigation and viticultural developments (to a level of about 110 percent of the
equity in his holding according to John), his grapes got him out of trouble. This was because he
was able to subdivide land for further vineyards 108. In total, some 19 vineyards have been
established from John’s original Weka Plains holding. He also managed to persuade the Rural
Bank, with some difficulty, to continue funding his improvements. The bank eventually got all
their money back from what many people doubtless had considered a very risky venture 109. If
the bank had required John to sell up, Waipara might never have attained its present-day fame as
a wine district.

Subsequent to the McCaskey development in 1981, four other viticultural developments occurred
in 1982. Geoff Mavromatis, a horticultural advisory officer with the Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries, had established some trials on Bruce and Jill Moore’s property in 1979. Various
horticultural crops were subjected to trials there, among them feijoas, herbs, lavender, and
grapes. Bruce Moore and Derek Quigley, for whom he was acting as manager at the time, had
been looking for alternative crops. Their investigations suggested grapes and asparagus, but
extra capital was needed for such a development. The necessary money could not be raised and
so they had to take in other partners. The banks regarded Waipara as an unproven grape growing
area. In the business plan developed, each of the four partners would plant four hectares of
grapes. Bruce and Jill Moore planted Pinot noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and
Sauvignon blanc. Derek Quigley planted Gewürtztraminer and Chardonnay. John Corbett
planted Riesling. The Glenray partnership (Paul Quigley, Daryl Harris and Tony Willey) was
established just to the north of the Waipara River and east of the main road north. It planted
Cabernet Sauvignon. The Moore, Corbett and Glenray irrigation dams were built before the
Glenmark scheme was closed down, and before John McCaskey had access to the scheme 110.
Derek Quigley had independent irrigation water. Derek Quigley, Tony Willey, Bruce Moore and
John Corbett together founded North Canterbury Vineyards in 1982, which was managed by
Bruce Moore. The company owned the vines, but the individuals owned the land and the posts
and acted as a machinery syndicate, an arrangement that is still in effect. The group eventually
became contract growers for Corban’s in Blenheim. Allan Scott, the Corban’s manager became
their consultant. Their own grapes also did well, and John Corbett’s won gold medals
(1986,1988 and 1989) for what was called Robard and Butler Amberley Rhine Riesling 111.

In 1989 the vines reverted to the respective landowners. The year before Mark and Michelle
Rattray had purchased Derek Quigley’s property. They then combined with Hutt Creek
Vineyards Ltd., which farmed the Moore’s grapes to form what became Waipara Springs Wines
Ltd. to share processing capacity and gain economies of scale. However, the joint venture
encountered conflicts of interest and did not last. The Rattray’s sold their shares and built their
own winery, which became Floating Mountain112.

In 1990 Waipara Springs opened a vineyard restaurant. It has become very successful and
helped to promote Waipara as a tourist destination. Also it has been a model for others such as at
Glenmark and Pegasus Bay. Subsequently, there has been a second wave of vineyard
development including Canterbury House, the brainchild of Californian Professor of Radiology,
Michael Reid, who planned for nearly 200 hectares of vines at full production. However, they
may be constrained by a shortage of water for irrigation 113.

Waipara had been revealed to have so much potential that it was where Danny Schuster chose to
establish his own Omihi Hills vineyard, which he began to plant up in 1986. 114 He wanted a
specific Pinot Noir vineyard and had set out to find a suitable site. The vineyard is to the east of
the main highway. It has an elevated sloping site and is well protected from both cool southerly
and easterly winds. As a locality Waipara is regularly one of the warmest spots in New Zealand.
The soils are moderately heavy clay loams, rich in ironstone and chalk, which is said to have
similarities to soils in Burgundy. 115

Danny’s drive to produce special Pinot Noirs has been realised by the winemakers who have
followed him in the vineyards where the early Canterbury Pinot Noirs were planted, often with
his help. For example, Grant Whelan, who had trained at Lincoln, bought Graeme Steans’
Kaituna Pinot Noir grapes from 1991while he was working for Rossendale Wines at Lansdowne
Valley, Tai Tapu. They were made into a gold medal award winning wine in 1993. Then he and
his wife bought Kaituna Valley vineyard from the Steans in 1997 and have since won further
gold medals for what is now called Kaituna Valley Pinot Noir. The 1998 Kaituna Valley Pinot
Noir was rated top New Zealand Pinot Noir in Cuisine’s Annual Wine Tasting 2000 116.

Grant Whelan would be one good example of the quality of some of the students who have been
trained in the education programmes introduced under David Jackson’s tutelage at Lincoln.
Grant took the post-graduate diploma, and then for a short period was a Tutor, before
commencing his own successful winemaking career.

2.8 Educating viticulturalists and winemakers at Lincoln

After the short courses, seminars and workshops were wound down in the early 1980s, the only
provision for training at Lincoln was a range of ‘Special Topic’ subjects which could be taken as
part of the final year of the four year Bachelor of Horticultural Science degree or as part of a one
year post-graduate Diploma in Horticultural Science. Eventually, a full one-year Postgraduate
Diploma in Horticultural Science course was established in 1989 with dedicated viticultural,
wine science and management/marketing subjects. The course was limited to just 16 places
initially due to limited laboratory space. The course was heavily over-subscribed, with 15 New
Zealand students and one Australian being selected for the first year. Also, there were four
students enrolled for the two year Masters in Applied Science specialising in viticulture or
oenology. Experts from all over New Zealand were recruited to help with the teaching and a
Visiting Professor Singleton from the University of California’s Department of Wine Science,
helped with some guest lectures. 117

It took another nine years before the post-graduate programme was extended to the
undergraduate level with the three-year Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology degree which
came into operation in 1998. The new degree was expected to gain from Lincoln’s specialisation
and expertise in cool-climate viticulture. Graduates were hoped to be employable in both New
Zealand and internationally. Those who had postgraduate diplomas were employed all over the
world by then. A world map of the locations of all traceable students showed how widespread

around the world they were - being located in California, Oregon, British Columbia, as well as
various European wine regions.

Associated with the development of full-time courses at Lincoln was a renewed interest in short
courses. From 1993 a series of annual spring schools was developed. Initially these were held
over a weekend in September, then from 1999 in July. These were to provide a chance for local
grape growers and winemakers to catch up with the latest research and technological
developments in the fields of viticulture and oenology. These occasions also provided a chance
for students to come into contact with a much wider range of presenters from the real world than
they would usually get in normal lectures. Moreover, they gave a chance for post-graduates to
present their own research results, to a public audience perhaps for the first time. Attendances
suggest these aims have all been fulfilled.

Staffing at Lincoln University

Until 1991 the teaching of the viticultural and oenology subjects, and the necessary pre-
requisites, were handled by the original team of Jackson and Steans, with other University staff
drafted in where their skills could be gainfully used. For example, Rob Sherlock taught much of
the required chemistry and Maurice Barnes the associated plant biochemistry. With the
development of full-time courses more assistance was required. David Jackson retired from full
time teaching in 1993 and then more completely with an official farewell in 1999. However, he
had continued on at Lincoln on a two day a week basis to finish writing a fruit book and a revised
grape book. Then from 1999-2000 he was the Establishment Director of the Centre for
Viticulture and Oenology. At the end of 2000 he says he retired for the last time!

In 1989 the Postgraduate Diplomas in Viticulture and Oenology were commenced, but only in
1991 was the first academic oenologist appointed - Dr David Heatherbell. Then in 1992 Dr Mike
Trought from the Marlborough Research Centre was added to supplement the viticultural side.
A further lecturer, Dr Glen Creasy was added in 1998 and a part-time lecturer - David Blomfield
in 2000. On the more technical side Graeme Steans moved from being a Senior Technical
Officer in 1998 to become a Senior Tutor. Leo P Vanhannen had been recruited in 1994 to
supplement with technical winemaking assistance.

Staffing for the new millennium is still in question as finding a replacement for David Jackson is
not proving easy, especially with the weakening of the New Zealand exchange rate. Mike
Trought also resigned at the end of 2000 to become a Senior Viticultural Manager in Blenheim
for Villa Maria Estate. As Villa Maria is pleased to state in its advertising, it is New Zealand’s
most ‘awarded’ winery, that is, it has received most wine awards.

2.9 Celebrations and Competitions

Celebrations, competitions, awards and prizes have been used to promote the cause of grape
growing and winemaking in Canterbury on many occasions.

Major celebrations took place in 1993, twenty years after the first plantings of grapes at Lincoln.
At the University’s Graduation Ceremony in April 1993 David Jackson was awarded the
University’s Bledisloe Medal. The Medal is awarded to former students who have made a
significant contribution to New Zealand agriculture or advanced the country’s interests, and is
chosen by their peers in the Alumni Association.

Bledisloe Citation 1993
Dr David Ian Jackson

In 1930, the Governor General, Viscount Bledisloe, visited what was then known as Canterbury Agricultural
College, Lincoln and presented a medal which was to be awarded to a former student who has made a significant
contribution to New Zealand agriculture, or advanced the country's interests. Since then, Lincoln alumni from many
fields of endeavour including academia, public administration, agriculture and horticulture, business and the sciences
have won this award.
This year's recipient is Dr David Ian Jackson, Reader in Horticulture at this University.
David Jackson was born in Lancashire, England and was educated at King Edward VII School, Lytham. He came to
New Zealand in 1952, completed his secondary schooling at Nelson College and in 1954 began studies for a degree
in horticulture at Lincoln College, graduating in 1958. Two years later, he graduated with a Masters degree, his
thesis focusing on oxalis and its control.
He joined the Fruit Research Division of DSIR where he worked on storage problems in apples, and was responsible
for showing the role calcium played in bitter pit in New Zealand apples. Between 1961 and 1964 he studied for a
PhD in fruit science at the Waite Institute, University of Adelaide. After further work with the DSIR in Auckland,
he joined the staff at Lincoln College where he was able to extend his horticultural research interests to include
flower initiation in fruit crops, apple production systems and grape and wine production. At that time, most
commercial apples were produced on large trees in a semi-intensive system using ladders. Dr Jackson's early
research effort, which was carried out in collaboration with Gilbert Wells, was devoted to the development of
intensive systems using smaller trees. This production system not only advanced yields but also substantially
reduced pruning and harvesting costs.
In 1975 Dr Jackson was one of a small group who founded the New Zealand Tree Crops Association. However, it
was in the area of grape production that Dr Jackson was to achieve eminence.
Although a small vineyard had been planted at Lincoln in the 1960s, it was not until the early seventies that serious
thought was given to the role cool climate varieties might play in Canterbury.
It was fortuitous that on the staff at the time was one Danny Schuster, from Germany, who suggested that not only
were many New Zealand vineyards sited in inappropriate locations, but that Canterbury could have microclimates
well suited to varieties such as Riesling and other common German varieties.
Thus it was that a combination of European know-how and Lincoln enthusiasm resulted in a successful application
for research money to evaluate some grape varieties at Lincoln. So, in 1973, Dr Jackson and Graeme Steans planted
a small area containing twenty grape varieties.
It is important to remember that at that time, the conventional wisdom stated "no grapes south of Cook Strait",
because it was widely believed that temperatures were too cold.
After three years, some of the Lincoln grapes were harvested and found to have sugar-acid levels better than
expected. David Jackson and Graeme Steans made a small quantity of wine. This product showed promise and as a
result, the Lincoln vineyard was extended to accommodate sixty cultivars. Danny Schuster returned to Canterbury at
that time and took over the small wine-making facilities.
Watching from the wings were people interested in the commercial application of Dr Jackson's trials. Among then
were the Mundy brothers of Coutts Island.
The cyst nematode had severely affected their potato production enterprise and they were seeking alternative crops.
While visiting Lincoln, looking at blackcurrant production, they noticed Lincoln’s grapes and heard about our wine
production. Within a few years, the St Helena vineyard was established, with cuttings of the cool climate varieties
best suited to the Coutts Island environment. St Helena, with Danny Schuster on the staff, became the first winery in
New Zealand to be financed by the Rural Bank and was opened by the Prime Minister in 1981.
Other wineries were established and Canterbury wine, particularly Reisling and Pinot Noir, gained national and
international recognition. Today there are over fifty vineyards and fifteen wineries in the province, employing a
labour force of 250.
A key ingredient in the formula for this success was Dr Jackson's understanding of the importance of climate. He
found the traditional approach to climate assessment was fundamentally flawed in the Canterbury situation - so with
Dr Neil Cherry he devised a “latitude temperature index” which takes into account the longer growing season
experienced in Canterbury which provides an ideal balance for vegetative growth and fruit growth in cool climate

Today the area in grapes in the South Island is 38 percent of the national total - Marlborough having an area larger
than any other province.
At Lincoln, Dr Jackson played a pivotal role in establishing a postgraduate diploma course in wine science and
viticulture, which began in 1989 and which this year has attracted 30 students. This course is the only one available
in New Zealand.
However, Dr Jackson's work was not confined to teaching and research. Throughout his career he his made an
enthusiastic contribution to the extension of research information. He has made and maintained links with producers
thus ensuring a two-way flow of information and experience.
Indeed, within the last six months two weekend Lincoln seminars on grape production led by Dr Jackson, attracted
over 250 people. Such courses and Dr Jackson's enthusiastic involvement are helping establish Lincoln University
as the intellectual centre of wine development in New Zealand.
Commercial producers readily acknowledge they would not have had the confidence to establish their vineyards and
wineries without Dr Jackson's pioneering work demonstrating what could be achieved in the South Island and his
Lincoln seminars, which in the late-1970's brought together scientists, advisers and commercial producers.
A former president of the Marlborough grape growers association has noted in a letter to the University that a great
deal of the success achieved in Marlborough was due to Lincoln research. For example, research findings on bud
numbers and fruit set were quickly adopted by growers who in one season doubled their yields.
In 1990 Lincoln University acknowledged Dr Jackson's contribution to horticultural science with a special
achievement award for excellence in research.
In 1991, Dr Jackson's research paper on Early Bunch - Stem Necrosis won the prize for the best paper in viticulture
from the renowned American Society for Enology and Viticulture. Dr Jackson's work as a scientist and team leader
has brought much credit to this University and considerable benefit to the wider Canterbury, South Island and New
Zealand horticultural industry.
In making this award to Dr Jackson, Lincoln University is honouring not only a scientist whose work has won
international recognition, but also someone who has effectively disseminated research findings to students and the
industry - findings which have had a significant impact on the economy.

Lincoln University is proud to add his name to the distinguished list of Bledisloe Medallists.

Then, to celebrate twenty years of research grape growing and winemaking, a three-day
“Celebration of Wine in Canterbury” was held in September 1993. Two guest speakers from
overseas were invited: Dr Bryan Coombe, one of the world’s top grape physiologists (David
Jackson had been the first PhD student that he had supervised.); and Dr Lucie Morton from
Virginia, an expert researcher and teacher on the subject of vine rootstocks 118. Industry
recognition of the celebratory symposium was shown through the attendance of John Buck,
Chairman of the Wine Institute, and Philip Gregan, its chief Executive Officer.

The celebration was capped off by a great wine debate on the last afternoon. The motion was
that “Canterbury Wines are Good for the Body and Soul”. The debaters included winemaker
Danny Schuster; wine connoisseur Don Beaven; Wine Institute executive member Ross Spence;
well-known public speaker Kathryn Dalziel; television scriptwriter and lawyer Andrew Gunn,
university law lecturer David Round; and winemaker Almuth Lorenz 119.

There were a number of campus based seminar weekends during 1993 to discuss the latest
research and management practices for South Island growers. The series started in February and
ran through to April and was very well attended. David Jackson’s summation of the weekends
was: “The seminars were part of a timely assessment of where we have come from, where we’re
at and where we are going with grape and wine production in the South Island”. 120

Another celebration was held in 1995 for the opening of a new university winery at Lincoln. The
old one was cramped but had the unenviable distinction of probably being the highest winery in
the world, on the seventh floor of the Burns Wing! The new winery, much closer to the
experimental grape plantings, was located at ground level on the University’s Farm Road. It was
opened by Philip Gregan on behalf of the Wine Institute, during the third Spring School in
Grapes and Wine. He spoke of the importance to the industry of training and research, which
would determine the competitiveness of the industry in the future. He also noted that in
Canterbury “...it is interesting that there was a research and training facility - Lincoln - in place
before an industry, and that’s fairly unique.” 121 David Jackson also spoke of his colleagues in
the important developments at Lincoln since 1973 - Graeme Steans, an outstanding grape grower
in his own right, and Danny Schuster who had been involved from the beginning and was
grapegrower, winemaker, author, lecturer and “...firm believer in Canterbury’s potential for
producing great wines”. 122

Competitions are much debated amongst winemakers. Some try very hard to win them and
others do not bother to compete believing that the quality of their product is all they need to sell
it. For Canterbury the value of wine competitions has been in the relatively free publicity and
marketing they give. The ‘independent’ assessment of the product, although the idiosyncrasies
of wine writers and critics are considerable, is seen as being relatively objective. The first
medals won for Canterbury by Hunters and St Helena played a major role in dispelling some of
the myths about what could and could not be grown in Canterbury. Continued success, as Grant
Whelan has had with the grapes originally planted by Graeme Steans, has continued to illustrate
the wisdom of the Jackson/Schuster partnership, particularly where growing Pinot Noir in
Canterbury is concerned 123, and to advertise again the merits of good terroir in Canterbury.

2.10 Research in the 1990s

When David Heatherbell reported on the state of wine research at Lincoln to the 1997 Grape and
Wine Spring School he identified its two main goals:

• “To improve wine quality and stability by the application of innovative processing
technologies and viticultural practises.
• To develop a knowledge of the chemistry/biochemistry and sensory properties of
wine quality parameters including colour, aroma, flavour, texture; and to utilise this
knowledge to further wine quality.”

Research at that time could be grouped under four headings focussing on health related wine
styles, Pinot Noir wine quality; phenolics in grapes and wine; and cooperative efforts with
viticultural trials to analyse the effects of changing vineyard practices on grape composition and
wine quality.

A new Centre for Viticulture and Oenology was formed in March 1999 to help bring the areas of
Viticulture and Oenology closer together, as they had become separated at Lincoln as a result of
University restructuring 124, with Viticulture among the Plant Sciences and Oenology with the
Animal and Food Sciences. The new Centre was meant to become:

“Nationally and internationally recognised as a leading provider of teaching and

research in viticulture and oenology” 125.

One other strand of research which had been updated in the 1990s relates to the picture built up
by marketing lecturers over the years of New Zealanders’ drinking patterns and how they have
changed. The first study was carried out by Rod Brodie in 1977, then repeated by Charlie Lamb
in the 1980s, and further updated for the 1990s. According to Charlie Lamb:

“In the 1990s, about 70 percent of adults drink wine, much the same as in the past.
But we are drinking it more often, in many settings....New Zealanders are becoming
very sophisticated wine drinkers. We’ve been through the same evolution that
occurred in the Australian wine market, but in a much shorter time. We’ve all done
a lot of learning” 126.

2.11 Planting developments of the 1990s

Plantings in Canterbury over the last ten years have seen a concentration of activity in the
Waipara area, but there have been a few other notable developments. At Waipara the major
change has been the investment of substantial American capital at Canterbury House. On the
Plains Danny Schuster chose to extend his vineyard area with a mixed vineyard of Chardonnay
and Pinot Noir at Rakaia on gravelly soils to complement his Waipara production. The first
South Canterbury Winery of note, Opihi vineyard, Pleasant Point, was established in the early

After the early scares about weed spraying and grapes of the 1970s there were few developments
on Banks Peninsula until the late 1980s. Then the rural downturn, experienced from 1984, and
changed public attitudes, made vineyards acceptable at last. The area still had the same climatic,
aspect and slope advantages, which were highlighted at the beginning of this account.
Eventually a new vineyard was planted at French Farm in 1989, with all modern viticultural and
winemaking conveniences and a winemaker enthusiastic about its possibilities. Unfortunately,
its owners had overcapitalised it and then could not get an adequate return on their investment.
Conversion to a restaurant occurred and the winemaking took a lower priority to the flourishing
tourist industry of the Akaroa area 127. Subsequently, other plantings have been made around
Akaroa Harbour and have taken advantage of what the original French settlers found - that it was
an excellent place to grow grapes and make wine, which today can also benefit from its tourist
appeal. However, large-scale developments are unlikely on the Peninsula as the sites do not lend
themselves to low labour inputs, and thus are relatively unattractive to corporate investors.

On the Plains, where such labour saving systems could be used, corporate investments are
probably unwise. The uncertainties of the climate make ensuring adequate income flows very
difficult on the Plains compared to the situation in Marlborough

By 2001 the grape producing area in Canterbury had risen to 466 hectares and was projected to
reach 614 hectares by 2003. This represents only approximately 4% of the New Zealand total.
Nearly one third of the Canterbury area planted was in Pinot Noir grapes and that proportion was
projected to increase. Just under a quarter was in Chardonnay and about one fifth in Riesling 128.



3.1 Where is Canterbury wine at the end of the second millennium?

Since the modern rejuvenation of wine production in Canterbury public attitudes to wine have
changed substantially. From the ‘Prohibition’ era at the beginning of the twentieth century, when
New Zealand wine was very poorly appreciated, it has become an important social lubricant of
hospitality, whether familial, local, or international through tourism. Consumers have more
choice than ever before. Their purchasing power determines the success of the industry 129.

Increased competition
Canterbury wine is only one small part of an increasingly competitive world wine market.
Already there is a flood of New World wines of quality onto the world stage. Even the local
market will not be exempt from this increasing competition which will necessitate winemakers
“... to further improve their quality, value, marketing effort and overall competitiveness” 130.

Following an initiative from Dale Sherwood of Sherwood Estate Wines, five Canterbury wine
producers have come together to form a cooperative marketing arm called Cellars of Canterbury
(Canterbury Wineries Ltd.). Their objectives are to compete more effectively internationally and
domestically, and “...to boost the region’s profile as a leading wine area” 131 They successfully
market under this umbrella organisation and label some 50 different wines, in addition to those
sold by the individual wineries. Within six months of setting up the new network in 1997 they
had achieved $1.7 million in export sales. The participating wineries are St Helena Wine Estate,
Giesens Wine Estate, Sherwood Estate Wines, Morworth Estate, which had replaced Sandihurst
Wines, and Rossendale Wines. One phone call can now order all their fine Canterbury wines 132.
To cope with the demand for Canterbury labelled wines, both St Helena and Giesens have
acquired substantial areas of vineyard in Blenheim to secure their supplies of grapes 133.

Changing consumer tastes

In a 1999 study of wine drinkers in New Zealand 134, local wines were perceived as very good or
excellent. International visitors compared them very favourably with other countries’ wines,
often highlighting distinctive local characteristics, particularly for New Zealand white wines.
New Zealanders preferred whites and were drinking more Chardonnay, whereas Internationals
preferred reds, favouring Cabernet Merlots and Pinot Noirs. The most important motivations for
buying wines focussed on taste, contribution to the dining experience, and wine as a social drink
for celebrations. Wine was also increasingly seen as a being good in moderation for health.

Major influences on purchase decisions were first, friends and family, then medal winners,
price/specials, promotions and well-known labels. Information sources were also friends and
family, liquor outlets and media columns and articles. Nearly two thirds of consumers felt their
tastes had, or were, changing. More now preferred dry wines and more reds. Consumers
believed they knew more about wine; believed their tastes had matured; and could distinguish
flavours better. More wine was being drunk and more quality wine 135.

If the period from 1933-1967 was when consumers preferred sweeter dessert wines, the 1970s
were the era of bulk cask/table wine. The 1980s saw consumer demands arise for better quality,

more expensive varietal wines. The future is considered to be the opportunity for the “fighting
varietal” to be the premium wine. However, consumer trends do change and the research 136
highlights the demise of Muller Thurgau, Semillon, and Gewürtztraminer as warnings to
unthinking planters of fashionable grape vines.

Wine achievements
From the initial medals won by St Helena and Hunters in 1982, Canterbury wine has come of
age. Bob Campbell (Master of Wine) recently described Canterbury in terms of wine production
as “Potential, Potential, Potential”. His opinion deserves explanation:

“Whenever I visit Canterbury I discover new wines that, like small gold nuggets,
suggest there is an enormous amount of great wine not too far away. St Helena 1982
Pinot Noir gave the nation’s winemakers confidence to invest in the variety. Giesen
Riesling helped to convince a few Canterbury winemakers, and me, that the variety
has a future in the region. Waipara West 1995 Pinot Noir, Mountford 1997 Pinot
Noir and Pegasus Bay 1998 Pinot Noir have confirmed my faith in the region’s
ability to make great Pinot Noir. Pegasus Bay and Daniel Schuster have shown that
Canterbury can also make top Chardonnay. Canterbury House earned a Sauvignon
Blanc trophy for its 1998 vintage. Banks Peninsula vineyard Kaituna Valley turned
out top Pinot Noir over several vintages, thanks to a combination of a great site,
mature vines and sensitive winemaking...Canterbury gets my vote as the wine region
with the most potential 137.”

That potential was demonstrated first by the early French settlers at Akaroa. It was confirmed by
Romeo Bragato. Then it was rediscovered and confirmed experimentally by David Jackson,
Danny Schuster and Graeme Steans. Now in the third millennium it is the task of the province’s
winemakers to further confirm and take advantage of that potential and bring it to reality. The
considerable economic benefits that this would bring Canterbury have been demonstrated by the
impact the wine industry has made in Marlborough 138, and in how it has revived the economy of
Waipara. Who would have thought of going to Waipara for a day out twenty years ago? Now it
is a pleasant destination, where you can get good food and wine to sustain yourself while you
purchase a few bottles! That hope was boosted by a Canterbury wine - Mark Rattray’s Noble
Riesling 2000, produced for Canterbury House - taking champion wine at the 2001 Air New
Zealand Wine Awards. The award is a considerable achievement for a boutique winery, given
that it is the larger wine companies, such as Montana and Corbans, that have most often won the
supreme award.


1840 French plant first grapevines at Akaroa.

1895 Romeo Bragato visits Akaroa.

1973 Dr David Jackson meets Danny Schuster at Lincoln College.

First wine seminar held.
Experimental vineyard planted.

1978 First commercial vineyard established: St Helena on Coutt’s Island.

1981 First Rural Bank funded winery opened for St Helena by Prime Minister, Robert
First Waipara vineyard planted, Glenmark Wines.

1983 St Helena Pinot Noir 1982 wins Gold Medal in National Wine Competition.

1989 First New Zealand Wine Course, a postgraduate Diploma in Horticultural Science,
with Viticultural and Oenology papers, established at Lincoln College.

1991 Giesen Wine Estate wins first International Gold Medal for its Riesling Dry Reserve
1989 at London’s International Wine and Spirit Competition.

1993 Dr David Jackson awarded Lincoln University’s Bledisloe Medal largely for his
contribution to the Canterbury and New Zealand Wine Industries.

1998 Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology degree begins at Lincoln University.

2000 Kaituna Valley Pinot Noir 1999 adjudged top New Zealand Pinot Noir in Cuisine’s
Annual Red Wine Tasting.

2001 Mark Rattray’s Noble Riesling 2000, produced for Canterbury House takes the
champion wine of show award at the 2001 Air New Zealand Wine Awards.

The historical review of the first Canterbury plantings of grape vines owes much to the assistance
of Peter Tremewan, whose scholarly book French Akaroa so enthralled me that I decided to ask
him whether he had come across any further references to grape vines in his extensive searches
of the archives here in New Zealand and in France. As a French Lecturer at the University of
Canterbury he was also in an excellent position to give me appropriate translations of those few
passages he did find. David Jackson has kept me on the straight and narrow as far as viticulture
and oenology are concerned. I am very grateful for their assistance.

More recent history has depended upon the reminiscences of many of the people directly
involved. One of the reasons for the completion of this history was to record these memories
before the sources were no longer available. Hence, this Research Report has full endnotes
indicating from where the original material reported came. My grateful thanks are extended to
all who have helped with this research, however trivial their involvement may have appeared to
be. Their specific contributions are acknowledged below.

Quoted by Michael Cooper (1989) The Wines and Vineyards of New Zealand. Hodder
and Stoughton: Auckland, p. 13.
Ibid., p. 14.
Tremewan, Peter (1990) French Akaroa - An Attempt to Colonise Southern New
Zealand. University of Canterbury Press (with assistance from the Historical Branch,
Department of Internal Affairs), p. 46.
p. 21, ibid.
Zeldin, Theodore (1973) France 1848 - 1945: Volume 1 Ambition, Love and Politics.
The Oxford Modern Histories of Europe, O.U.P.:Oxford, p. 170; Tremewan, ibid., pp.
Zeldin, ibid., p. 163; and Volume 2: Intellect, Taste and Anxiety (1977), p. 756.
Archives Decazes, La Grave, liasse 371.
Personal communication from Peter Tremewan, 31 May 1999, after he had searched
his notes for the book French Akaroa: An Attempt to Colonise Southern New Zealand
Lavaud to Navy Minister, 30 November 1840. Archives Nationales, BB4 1011.
Archives Decazes, La Grave. Letter from Belligny to Decazes, 1 December 1840

Documents fournis à M. Le Colonel Godfrey, commissaire de S. M. la reine
d’Angleterre pour la vérificatiion des titres, à l’appui de la réclamation de la
Compagnie Nanto-Bordelaise. Archives Decazes, La Grave, liasse 370, 1843.
Tremewan, ibid., p. 51.
Michael Murphy, Entry M60, pp. 303-4, The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography -
Volume One 1769-1869, Bridget Williams Books Ltd. and Department of Internal
Affairs, 1993: Wellington.
Robinson to Michael Murphy, 8 November 1840. National Archives, Wellington, IA 1
Hight, J. and Straubel, C. R. (1950) A History of Canterbury; Volume I to 1854,
Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd., Christchurch.
The Lyttelton Times, 13 May 1857. Reprinted by Kiwi Publishing, Christchurch.
Tremewan frontispiece. La presqu’île is a French translation of ‘the peninsula’.
Diary of Robert Dawber (48 years), accompanied by his son, by his first wife - James
Bruce Dawber (16 years) November 1st. 1868 - December 14th, 1869. Held in Akaroa
Museum Library. Entry for March 8.
Ibid., entry for 15 April.
Ibid., entry for 21 June.
Diary of Mary Anne Hastings, “Homebrook”, Southbridge, Canterbury.
The Press, 19 February 1872.
Moore, Kevyn D. “Romeo Alessandro Bragato 1814-1913 - ‘The significance of his
work to New Zealand’. An address presented at the Regia Scuola di Viticoltura ed
Enologia, Conegliano, Italy.18 May 2001.
Op. Cit., p. 14.
Bragato, ibid., p. 6.
Cooper, ibid., p.16.
Bragato, ibid.
Hay, James (1915) Reminiscences of Earliest Canterbury (Principally Banks
Peninsula) and Its Settlers, The Christchurch Press Co. Ltd., Christchurch.
W. Scotter (1965) A History of Canterbury, Volume III 1876-1950. Christchurch:
Canterbury Centennial Historical and Literary Committee, and Whitcombe and Tombs
Ltd., pp. 126-130 and 199.

Eldred-Grigg, Stevan (1984) Pleasures of the Flesh. A H and A W Reed: Wellington.
Cooper, Michael (1988) The Wines and Vineyards of New Zealand. Auckland: Hodder
and Stoughton, pp. 16-17.
Ward, Gerald (1995) Early Fruitgrowing in Canterbury New Zealand. The Spotted
Shag Press: Christchurch. p.90.
Macdonald Dictionary of Biographies, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New
Zealand. Entry M.679.
Arthur, Garry (1973) The Press, Christchurch, 14 April. Also Ward (1980), ibid.
Bob Crowder (pers, com.) has compared the mean annual accumulated heat units for
Lincoln College for the periods1939-1949 = 790 and 1965-1975 = 973, a quite
significant difference in a marginal climatic situation. To reinforce the point he then
quotes the heat units for 1975-6 = 669 and 1976-7 = 659. Cool years could well have
had the consequences Meyer described.
Sale of Liquor Act 1960. New Zealand Yearbook 1977. Government Printer:
Wellington, pp.848-9; Thorpy, Frank (1983) Wine in New Zealand. Penguin Books
(Edition): Auckland. p. 27.
Arthur, ibid.
Hicks, G J (1973) “Grape varieties suitable for Canterbury”, The City Beautiful, Vol.
54, no.1. February.
Thorpy, ibid. p.20.
Bragato, Romeo (1895) Report on the Prospects of Viticulture in New Zealand
together with Instructions for Planting and Pruning. New Zealand Department of
Agriculture. Wellington: Government Printer.
Personal observations of Graham Thiele, David Jackson, Graeme Steans and Caroline
Duncan, collected and recorded by the author during 2000. Early developments of
grape growing and winemaking at Lincoln are not well documented. Consequently
this account depends heavily on the oral testimony of many who were directly involved
and are still alive. Often their accounts do not agree specifically. As a result a policy
of triangulation has been used to establish the fundamental details of this period.
Where possible this has involved cross-checking oral evidence with the documents
available. Where only oral comments are available the following strategy has been
used: A single opinion has been regarded as of no great significance; two opinions
agreeing has suggested a possibility; while three has been accepted as evidence that
what has been described occurred.
Dr David Jackson interviews, August 2000.

Bledisloe Citation 1993 - Dr David Ian Jackson. Lincoln University Alumni News,
June 1993, pp. 8-9..
Jackson, D I (1974) Temperate and Sub-Tropical Fruit Production. Bulletin 15,
Department of Horticulture, Lincoln College, pp. 4-5. Data come from FAO sources.
The Seppelt family was descended from an immigrant to Australia from Silesia, only
some 300 kilometres from Prague.
Mulcock, A P. (1973) Application for a Grant for Research into Cider Manufacture.
Microbiology Department, Lincoln College. Mulcock Personal Papers.
Bragato, ibid., p. 6.
Arthur, ibid.
Memorandum from D H Crabb, Information Officer, to Sir Malcolm Burns, Principal
Lincoln College, 18 April 1973. Mulcock papers.
Mulcock, Personal Papers. Copy of invitation.
Lincoln University News. No. 6, October 1991 p.1.
Mulcock, A.P. Interview, 2 August 2000..
Lincoln University News, ibid.
Cooper (1988), ibid., p. 230.
Graeme Steans, formerly Senior Technical Officer at Lincoln University, now Senior
Tutor, was associated with Lincoln developments from the beginning. His enthusiasm
and his skill as a winemaker, especially in micro-vinification, has been an important
ingredient in the success of Lincoln University’s grapes and wine.
Te Kauwhata was the original Government Station specialising in grape and wine
production. Its first grapes were planted in 1897. It was established as a viticultural
research station while Bragato was Government Viticulturist from 1902. He required
the original plantings to be grubbed and replaced with phylloxera resistant American
rootstocks. Vines were imported from all over Europe and evaluated for New Zealand
conditions. They were used for replanting many phylloxera ravaged vineyards. In the
early 1970s only the North Island was believed to be suitable for growing grapes.
Hicks, (1973) op. cit.
A degree day is a measure used in assessing the growth potential of a district through
the heat accumulated during a growing season. The method of calculation is discussed
in Jackson and Schuster (1997) The Production of Grapes and Wines in Cool
Climates, p.5. One of David Jackson’s most important, but unheralded, scientific
papers relates to an elaboration of this index which has been much debated in
scientific circles. See: DI Jackson and NJ Cherry (1988) “Prediction of a District’s
Grape-Ripening Capacity Using a Latitutde-Temperature Index (LTI)”, in American

Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 39, 1, 19-26.
Crowder, pers.com., but see note 5 above.
Ibid., p. 4.
Ibid., p.5.
“A specialised microvinification unit for the production of small volumes of wine was
set up (at Lincoln) in time for the 1978 vintage using methods of standardised wine
production similar to those successfully used in other research centres (namely the
Stellenbosch Research Institute in South Africa; the INRA Station in Colmar, France;
the Geilweilerhof and Geisenheim Institutes in Germany; and the Te Kauwhata
Research Station in Waikato). The main principle involved being the need to produce
small volumes of wine which retain the natural balance and varietal character of the
harvested fruit. Standardised conditions for fermentation and wine stabilisation before
early bottling are essential. This involves the selection of a suitable yeast, the use of
inert containers and specialised handling to prevent oxidation, excessive contact with
lees and bacterial spoilage. Each year, the wines and grape must are carefully
monitored by chemical analysis throughout the process and data recorded.” (Schuster,
Danny and Steans, Graeme (1983/4) “Evaluation of grape cultivars reaches sensory
stage”, Southern Horticulture Grapegrower and Winemaker, p. 67.)
Jackson, D I (1984) The Grape Experiments at Lincoln College. Bulletin no. 36,
Department of Horticulture, Landscape and Parks, Lincoln College.
A chemical bird deterrent now prohibited.
The grape experiments at Lincoln College and preliminary results to 1979.
Typescript, no author, Department of Horticulture, Landscape and Parks, Lincoln
The Press, Christchurch. 8 November 1975.
Flyer for Course, Mulcock Personal Papers.
Montana began to buy land in Blenheim in 1973. Propagation and planting were
disrupted by drought in 1974 and plant losses were replaced with virus-free, well-
rooted vines. Montana Wines Ltd. (1979) The Montana Story. Auckland, p.8.
Unfortunately the marketing papers presented during the courses are not included.
The original data collected by the College’s Agricultural Economics Research Unit is
to be found in their Research Report No. 79 Wine: a consumer survey of Christchurch
households by R J Brodie and M J Mellon, September 1977.
Gestetnered typescript, Department of Horticulture, Lincoln College.
The tile of an article appearing in Lincoln University News, No. 6, October 1991:
“Odd ball” idea now a winning industry”.

Grant, Liz (2000) Weekends for wine lovers in the South Island. New Holland
Publishing (NZ) Ltd.: Auckland, p.91.
Ibid., 8 November 1975, p.1.
Cooper, Michael (1993) The Wines and Vineyards of New Zealand. Hodder and
Stoughton: Auckland, p. 170; George, Rosemary (1996) The wines of New Zealand.
Faber and Faber: London, p.288..
Jackson, D I (1977) “Grapes and Banks Peninsula”, The Press, 30 August. A vineyard
is defined in the Agricultural Chemical Regulations 1968 as being 1 acre or 0.4
hectares of grapes. Many councils clearly misunderstood these regulations and their
effects and made vineyards conditional uses of land under the Town and Country
Planning Acts. Therefore vineyards could not be developed without permission from
the Council. This issue is fully explored in Marris, J (1978) “Problems with 2,4,5-T,
Grapes and Local Authorities”, Bulletin 22A Papers in Viticulture, Department of
Horticulture, Landscape and Parks, Lincoln College.
Ibid.; also see Norris, Brendon P. (1990) The development of viticulture and
winemaking in Marlborough. MA thesis (Geography), University of Canterbury.
Paul Mulcock, personal communication.
The Press, 29 November 1975; The Akaroa Mail: 5 March 1974; 5 December 1975;
and 6 February 1976.
Graeme Steans, pers. com.
Cooper, ibid., pp.157-8.
Ibid., pp. 157-8 and 159.
The Vine Uprooting (the ‘vine pull’) was instituted by the Labour Government in
1985 to reduce the productive capacity of the New Zealand wine industry. It was
suffering from over-production and static consumption following the Wine Industry
Study and Development plan in 1978. Many smaller producers were being forced out
of business by extensive price-cutting by the largest companies. (Cooper, op cit., pp.
48-51; Mabbett (1998) cited in Fairweather, John, Campbell, Hugh and Manhire, ___
(1999) The Greening of the New Zealand Wine Industry. Studies in Rural
Sustainability Research Report No.7, Department of Anthropology, University of
Lincoln’s Experimental vineyard was the source of a number of cuttings supplied to
prospective grape growers. Graeme Steans initial plantings were sourced from the
experiments. He then supplied cuttings to growers around Canterbury, Otago and
further afield. Among his customers were award-winning wineries, Ralph Mills and
Black Ridge of Central Otago. Other cuttings were supplied about 1977 direct from
Lincoln by Roy Edwards (pers. com., 24 April 2001) and Merv Spurway working at
weekends for David Jackson. If each cutting was sold for 10c, 5c was for David’s
research funds and 5c for the labour.

The name St Helena was derived from the island of St Helena in the South Atlantic, so
named by the Portuguese who discovered it upon St Helen’s day, 21st May. Source:
“A briefe description of the Iland Sain Helena”, the 94. Chapter, van Linschoten, Iohn
Huighen (1584) His Discours of Voyages into ye Easte and West Indies. Wolfe:
London. An early French settler at Akaroa is said to have taken cuttings from
Akaroa’s St Helena Willow trees and replanted them on what became known later as
Coutt’s Island. It was only called Coutts Island subsequently. Donald Coutts, a flour
miller had purchased it from the original French settler. At one stage there was a St
Helena Elementary School (Source: Danny Schuster, pers. com., 5 April 2001, about
his memories of deciding the original title for the Mundy’s wine). The French
connection for Canterbury wine arises again! Hawkins says Coutts Island appeared to
be known locally for a short period as St Helena. (Donald N Hawkins (1957) Beyond
the Waimakariri: a regional history. Whitcombe and Tombs: Christchurch.
Appendix C, p. 422.)
“’Odd ball’ idea now a winning industry”, Lincoln University News, No. 6, October
Graeme Steans and Danny Schuster, pers. com. See also Homes, James; “Meeting the
taste of the sophisticated drinker”, 1983/84 Southern Horticulture Grapegrower and
Winemaker, pp.65-66; and Campbell, Bob (2000) “Understandable Pinot Envy”,
Cuisine, No. 82, September, pp. 154-5. Also Danny Schuster’s letter to the Editor
which appears in the next issue, No. 83 pp. 25-6. Graeme Steans’ own Invoice book
shows that he sold one ton of grapes to the Mundys, which suggests both Whelan and
Schuster are incorrect. The invoice, No 7, is dated 12 November 1982.
Cooper (1993), op. cit., p.169; George, Rosemary (1996) The Wines of New Zealand.
Faber and Faber Ltd.: London, pp. 281 and 287; Grant, Liz (2000) Weekends for wine
lovers in the South Island. New Holland Publishers (NZ) Ltd.:Auckland, pp. 100-102.
Wine tourism in New Zealand is addressed specifically by C. Michael Hall et al. In
“Wine tourism in New Zealand”, pp.150-174 in C. Michael Hall, Liz Sharples, Brock
Cambourne and Niki Macionis (2000) Wine Tourism around the World: Development,
management and markets. Butterworth Heineman: Oxford. A recent example of the
growth of wine tourism is shown by the web pages for Canterbury Vin de Pays Wine
Tours at http://www.canterburyvindepays.co.nz
Giesen New Zealand. Publicity brochure supplied at the Burnham winery, April 2001.
Peate, Helen (1998) “The last of the summer wine”, The Press, 18 June.
Cooper (1993), p.164.
John McCaskey, personal communication, 9 April 2001. John farmed a 400-hectare
farm resulting from the breakup of the Glenmark Estate in 1917. It had been in his
family since 1936.
Letter from Bob Crowder, Lecturer in Horticulture, Lincoln College, to N. G.
Robertson, Assistant Director Climatology, New Zealand Meteorological Service,

Walter Charles Wisdom (1902-1971) and his wife, Winifred Irene (1909-1960) lie in
Glenmark Cemetery surrounded by the grapes Walter thought Waipara would produce
so well. An Irishman, he was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he studied
Theology and Geology (B.A. 1932, M.A. 1935) and was ordained priest in the Church
of Ireland in 1934. After initial service in Belfast, he became a Church Missionary
Society missionary in the diocese of Fukien, China (1934-1939). Ill health prevented
continuing missionary service and in 1939 he left China, but could not return to Britain
because of the outbreak of war.
The couple ended up in New Zealand, with Walter being Vicar successively at Rakaia
(!939-1942), Temuka (1942-1946), Sumner (1946-1951 and finally Glenmark (1951-
1962). In 1959 Walter was appointed canon of Christ Church cathedral. Although
Glenmark was Canon Wisdom’s last parish, he had always been seen as a progressive
– a holy man with adventurous ideas. For example, he had the first television in the
Waipara district and he kept bees. With his geological background, although not
particularly scientific, he always believed Waipara was an ideal site for grapes. As a
priest he was not well off, but his friend Robert Forbes was. Between them in the late
1950s, they chose what they believed was a good site close to the Weka Creek and
purchased the vines. However, the final planting did not proceed. By this stage Canon
Wisdom may well have been distracted by the health of his wife who was dying of
cancer. Although the project did not succeed, the more recent development of grapes
and wine around Waipara, Glenmark Church and Glenmark Cemetery testify to the
foresight Walter Wisdom exhibited. The siting of the Glenmark Wine and Food
Festival in the grounds of Glenmark Church is an unintentional tribute to this
husbandman of the Lord’s vineyard.
(References: Sally Forbes, Eldred Wisdom and Michael Blain)
Sally Forbes, pers. com., 18 April 2001.
Sally Forbes, pers. com., 13 April 2001. It has not been possible to identify these
White Russians.
The Glenmark Irrigation Scheme and its effects on farmers is discussed in Hornay,
Fileomeno de Jesus (1996) A Case Study of the Effect of a Key Innovation on Farmers
Adoption Behaviour. M.Agr.Sc. Thesis, Lincoln University.
Heiler, T D , Plank, R D, and Daly, G T (1977) Glenmark Irrigation Scheme- Final
Design Volume Two - Hydrologic, Engineering and Economic Design. New Zealand
Agricultural Engineering Institute, Lincoln College, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Appendix J - “On-Farm Economics”, pp.249-251.
Glenmark Irrigation Scheme: Final Design Report - Volume 1: Summary, p.48.
Ibid., p.49. The experiments referred to were the work of Bob Crowder, Senior
Lecturer in Vegetable Production, Department of Horticulture, Landscape and Parks.
According to John McCaskey he had been looking for a mini-California. He had
prepared a detailed analysis of the Canterbury climate and found Waipara to be
significantly warmer than Lincoln. Meteorological data for Waipara had been
collected in a Stevenson screen by the Forest Service for more than twenty years.
Bob’s model was for mechanised tomato production similar to the work of the
Californian scientist, Sims. Waipara farmers were not keen on a ‘push-hoe’ model

R A Crowder (1976) “An assessment of climatic risks for machine-harvested, process
tomato production in a marginal climatic region”, in New Zealand Meteorological
Service (1976) Symposium on Meteorology and Food Production: Wellington. 30
Bob Crowder, personal communication, August 2000.
John McCaskey, ibid.
The Press, 29 November 1986.
Three phases of subdivision have occurred. First, land separated by the realignment of
State Highway around Waipara was old off in stages as it was developed through to the
early 1990s. Then Stage two involved subdivision up McKenzie’s Road which took
place from 1990-1 to 1997. Stage three has been the most successful and involved sale
of further viticultural sections bordering the Weka Creek. All but one of these sold in
2000-2001. In total, some 19 vineyards have been developed from McCaskey’s
original Weka Plains holding.
McCaskey, ibid.
Bruce Moore, pers.coms, 17 & 24 October 2001; Daryl Harris, pers.com., 18 October
Mark and Michelle Rattray, pers. coms., 15 & 23 November 2001 .
“Window on Waipara”, WINENZ magazine, June/July, 1998, pp. 8-15.
Cooper (1994), pp. 168, 170-171,
Schuster, Danny (2000) pers. com.; and Cooper, ibid., p.170.
Cuisine, no. 82.
Lincoln College News, March 1989, p.5.
Infolinc, Vol. 1, no. 17. 1 November 1993.
Infolinc, Vol. 3, no. 19. 2 October 1995.
Campbell, Bob (2000) “Understandable Pinot Envy”, Cuisine, No. 82, September, pp.
154-5. Also, Danny Schuster’s letter to the Editor which appears in the next issue, No.

83 pp. 25-6.
The problem had arisen when Dr David Heatherbell was appointed to the Department
of Animal Science. The two had become separated further as a result of the abolition
of the Department of Horticulture in 1994 to resolve quite unrelated management
problems. The two disciplines had always been together in the old Department under
David Jackson’s direction from 1973.
Draft Strategic Plan, Centre for Viticulture and Oenology, May 1999.
“What’s behind New Zealanders’ growing love of wine?” Outlook, Lincoln
University, October 1998.
George (1996), op. cit., pp. 281-2.
Bank of New Zealand Wine and Grape Industry Statistical Annual 2000, p. 16.
New Zealand Wine Market Research -Results of a survey of New Zealand and
International Visitor Wine Drinkers. (1999) Advanced Business Research Limited.
Ross Spence in Wine Institute of New Zealand Annual Report 1998.
Data found at: http://www.tradenz.govt.nz/coopetition/en/casestudies/cellars.html
Robin Mundy, St Helena Wine Estate, personal communication, 4 May 2001. See also
Gow, Hamish R., Oliver, Lance D., and Gow, Neil G. (2002) “Co-operating to
compete in high velocity global markets: The strategic role of flexible supply chain
architecture”, Journal of Chain and Network Science, vol. 2, no.1.
New Zealand Wine Market Research -Results of a survey of New Zealand and
International Visitor Wine Drinkers. (1999) Advanced Business Research Limited.
Campbell, Bob (2001) Cuisine Wine Annual 2001. Cuisine Publications Ltd.:
Auckland, p. 189.
Bigsby, Hugh; Trought, Mike;Lambie, Ross and Bicknell, Kathryn (1998) An
Economic Analysis of the Wine Industry in Marlborough - Report to the Marlborough
Winemakers. Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University,
Canterbury, New Zealand.


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