Catalogo Edwards
Catalogo Edwards
Catalogo Edwards
FireWorks ®
COA 6228
Client Workstation X TO SERVER TO SERVER
Client Workstation 3
Standalone FireWorks Color Graphics Software PIN FW-4S Four Seat WebClient (Requires FW-1S).
FW-CGSUL letter. Allows full 5 view port display. Includes FW- FW-10S Ten Seat WebClient (Requires FW-1S & FW-4S).
FIREKEYUSB. With common control.
Pin Code for Communication to DACRs and/or
Non-Redundant Server Client license. One Hasp PIN FW-DARCOM
FW-NCZZFP Code. Requires one new FW-CGSUL base package,
ordered separately. Pin Code for FireWorks Assimilation System Technology
(FAST) AutoCAD® reader and panel building option
5 seat non-redundant server. One Hasp PIN codes FW-FAST for FireWorks Server or Stand-alone system. Reads
for server only. Order Workstation Client licenses AutoCAD ® files and correlates with project SDU to
separately. Requires one new FW-CGSUL base create or update FireWorks database.
package, ordered separately.
Pin Code for Single VESDA HLI Interface software PIN
15 seat non-redundant server. One Hasp PIN code code. Enables connection of one (1) to five (5) VESDA
for server only. Order Workstation Client licenses HLI (FW-HSSX1) to FireWorks as nodes. Requires
separately. Requires one new FW-CGSUL base FW-HSSD5 one FW-HSSX1 High Level Interface for each VESDA
package, ordered separately. network if using Stadalone or Non Redundant Server
Redundant Server Client license. Requires one new FW- and two if using Redundant FireWorks Servers. Each
FW-RCZZFP server must have it’s own separate FW-HSSX1.
CGSUL base package, ordered separately.
5 seat redundant server for new installations. Three Pin Code for Single VESDA HLI Interface software
Hasp PIN codes, two Microsoft SQL licenses for servers PIN code. Enables connection of one (1) to twenty
FW-RSZ5FP only. Order Workstation Client licenses separately. (20) VESDA HLI (FW-HSSX1) to FireWorks as nodes.
Requires one new FW-CGSUL base package, ordered FW-HSSD20 Requires one FW-HSSX1 High Level Interface for each
separately. VESDA network if using Stadalone or Non Redundant
Server and two if using Redundant FireWorks Servers.
15 seat redundant server for new installations. Three Each server must have it’s own separate FW-HSSX1.
Hasp PIN codes, and two Microsoft SQL licenses
FW-RS15FP for servers only. Order Workstation Client licenses Pin Code for IP Monitoring for 1000 connections to iO
separately. Requires one new FW-CGSUL base FW-IPMON1000 Series panels. Requires companion software option
package, ordered separately. FW-DARCOM.
Upgrade Software
Upgrade existing FW-CGSUL license to Non-Redundant Servers, Workstations Options
Client license. One Hasp PIN Code. FireWorks to VESDA High Level Interface Module with
Upgrade existing FW-CGS license to Non-Redundant enclosure. Requires FW-HSSD5 or FW-HSSD20
FW-NCZZXP Client license. One Hasp PIN Code. Includes one FW- software. UL/ULC for command/control. Maximum
CGSUL base package. 61 VESDA detectors for Life Safety applications or up
to 100 VESDA detectors for process control (non-Life
Upgrade existing Non-Redundant Server Client to Safety) per FW-HSSX1. 24 VDC.
Redundant Server Client upgrade. One Hasp PIN code.
Isolated Serial Port card for FW-UL6W Workstations.
Upgrade existing FW-CGSUL license to Redundant FW-SP4I Provides four serial ports. Cannot be used on FW-UL6S
Server Client license. One Hasp PIN Code. Servers.
Upgrade existing 5 Seat non-redundant server to 5 FireWorks FW-UL6S Server video card with 3 HDMI
seat redundant server cluster. Two Hasp PIN codes FW-ULVID3
FW-RSZ5UP ports. Maximum 2 per workstation or server.
and two Microsoft SQL licenses for servers only. Order
Workstation Client licenses separately. PT-1S System Printer - Desk Top Style.
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