1.1 This Order prescribes airworthiness design standards for aircraft, engines and propellers
and the design standard acceptable for aircraft materials, parts, processes and appliances,
and the requirements for issue of a Certificate of Type Approval to be issued by the
Chairman in respect of a complete aircraft.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, the definitions as mentioned under the Rule 2, 183 and
234 of the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 shall apply. Where a particular definition is not
given under the rules, the under mentioned definitions shall apply:
(c) “Certification compliance book (check list)” means the book compiled by the
respective manufacturer(s) to show means of compliance with the applicable
Design Standard of the aircraft.
Issue 4 17 September 2009
Page 2 ANO A.1
(d) “Certificate of type approval” in respect of an aircraft means, the action taken
by the Chairman, as an alternative to issuing CAAB’s own Type Certificate (TC),
in accepting a Type Certificate including the Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)
issued by any other contracting State which meets the design standard of the
CAAB as specified in this Order.
(e) "Country of origin" means, the country having airworthiness responsibility for the
design approval; usually this is the country in which the aeronautical product is
manufactured or assembled.
(h) “Large aero plane” means an aero plane of a maximum certified take-off mass
of over 5700 kg.
(j) “Small aero plane” means an aero plane of a maximum certified take-off mass
of 5700 kg or less.
(k) "Type of aircraft" means, a design and make of aircraft and refers to group of
essentially similar aircraft, which although possibly existing in different models,
stem from a common basic design (e.g. Boeing 747 aircraft).
(l) “Very light aero plane (VLA)” means aero planes with a single engine (spark
or compression-ignition) having not more than 2 (two) seats, with a maximum
certified take-off mass of not more than 750 kg and certified as per EASA CS
VLA design standard..
2.2 A term or abbreviation used in a design standard shall, unless otherwise specified by
the Chairman, CAAB be interpreted as having the meaning defined or applied
3.1 Unless otherwise specified by the Chairman, the primary airworthiness design
standards in respect of aircraft, engines and propellers are:
3.1.1 Normal, Utility, Acrobatic and Commuter : FAR part 23 or EASA CS – 23
(Small or Light Aero plane) or CS-VLA as applicable
3.1.2 Transport category aero planes : FAR part 25 or EASA CS - 25
(Large Aero plane)
3.1.3 Small rotorcraft : FAR part 27 or EASA CS - 27
(Normal or Light category): or CS-VLR as applicable
3.1.4 Large rotorcraft (transport category) : FAR part 29 or EASA CS – 29
3.1.5 Engines : FAR part 33 or EASA CS- E
3.1.6 Propellers : FAR part 35 or EASA CS - P
3.1.7 Auxiliary power unit : EASA CS –APU
3.1.8 Sailplanes or Powered sailplanes : FAR part 23 or EASA CS - 22
3.1.9 Manned free balloons : FAR part 31
3.1.10 Hot Air Balloons : EASA CS -31 HB
3.2 The design standard used as the basis of certification for the importation of a
complete aircraft or for assembly of a complete aircraft or complete engine or
propeller shall be recorded with the respective airworthiness or engineering
documents and notified to the CAAB, and that standard shall thereafter be used as
the basis of approval for all modifications and repairs to that aircraft or engine or
3.3 For aircraft or engine or propellers having more than one basis of certification, the
standard adopted by the country of Manufacture shall apply, provided it conforms to
the requirements of the section 3.1 of this Order.
3.4 At the time of issue of Certificate of Airworthiness by the CAAB, applicable design
standard of an aircraft as mentioned in the paragraph 3.1 of this Order shall also be
mentioned in the “Category” block of the Certificate of Airworthiness of the
individual aircraft.
4.1 Unless otherwise specified, the primary airworthiness design standard for aeronautical
products i.e. aircraft materials, part, processes and appliances are:
(a) Technical standard order (TSO) issued by FAA (FAR part 21, sub-part - 0)
of the USA; or
(b) European Technical Standard Orders (CS- ETSO) issued by EASA; or
Note: For list of TSOs, reference should be made to the AC 20-36 published by FAA and
the TSO indices published by EASA.
4.2 Aircraft parts and/or class III products as defined in the FAR part 21.321 are
acceptable for installation on aircraft registered in Bangladesh if produced and
approved under:
(a) Parts manufacturing approval (PMA) issued under the FAR 21, sub-part K; or
(b) Production certificate (PC) issued under the FAR 21, sub-part G.
5.1 Either the holder of the original Type Certificate (TC) or the prospective operator
for the aircraft type may apply to the Chairman for issue of a Certificate of Type
Approval (CTA) in respect of a type certificated aircraft, which meets the design
standard mentioned in the paragraph 3.1 provided Certificate of Type Approval has
not been issued earlier by the Chairman in respect of that type of Aircraft or model
of the aircraft. The Certificate of Type Approval shall be issued in respect of the
aircraft type itself and not the applicant.
5.2 The Chairman may issue a Certificate of Type Approval in respect of a Type
Certificate on acceptance of original Type Certificate issued by the National Aviation
Authority (NAA) of the country of manufacture, provided the TC conforms with the
requirements of the section 3.1 of this Order. Certificate of Type Approval shall not
be issued on the basis of Certificate of Validation of a TC issued by a contracting
5.3 The applicant shall submit an application on AWS- 17, as shown in Appendix-2 of
this order and shall submit the preliminary technical data as mentioned in the
Appendix-1 of this order.
5.4 If accepted, the applicant will be asked to submit further technical data (as identified
by an asterisk (*) in the Appendix-1 to this order for examination by the
Airworthiness and Engineering Licensing Division of the CAAB. The examination
will normally include:
(a) An assessment of the adequacy of the code of design standards applied and
their amendment status to ensure that no hazardous characteristics exist in the
design and construction of the aircraft;
(b) An assessment of acceptability of any waivers or variations granted by the
State of Design;
(c) An assessment of suitability of any special conditions specified and Certified
by the State of Design; and
(d) An assessment of adequacy of type design in regard to specified requirements,
operating conditions and airworthiness requirements of the CAAB.
5.5 The remaining further technical data/documents may be supplied later on, but
invariably be submitted by the operator along with application for issue of
Certificate of Airworthiness for the first aircraft.
Issue 4 17 September 2009
Note (*): Please refer the paragraph 5.4 of the ANO (AW), A.1.
3. Address :
5. Telephone :
6. Fax :
7. E-mail :
8. Product identification:
(a) TC No.
I do hereby state that the information contained herein is correct and complete. Moreover, I
agree to pay the fees levied by the Chairman in respect of the issuance of a Type
Certificate/Restricted Type Certificate or approval of a derivative and am aware of the
consequences of non-payment.
16. Signature
Note- Application for Type Certificate of restricted Type Certificate will be charged as
mentioned in the ANO (AW) A.10.
1.1 This Order prescribes the procedures for import of an aircraft, issue and renewal
of Certificate of Airworthiness of aircraft to be registered in Bangladesh, and
also issue and renewal of aircraft registered in Bangladesh.
1.2 Persons considering import of an aircraft into Bangladesh should consult with
the Airworthiness and Engineering Licensing Division (AELD) of Civil Aviation
Authority, Bangladesh to ensure that the airworthiness and design standards
required to qualify for a Certificate of Airworthiness are clearly understood
before importing aircraft.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, the definitions as mentioned under the Rule 2, 183
and 234 of the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 shall apply. Where a particular definition
is not given under the rules, the under mentioned definitions shall apply:
(b) “Used aircraft” means an aircraft which is 5 (five) years of age or have
accumulated at least 5000 (five thousand) hours or both since
3.1 In connection with import of any aircraft into Bangladesh, applicable rules of the
Ministry of Commerce of the Government of the Peoples Republic of
Bangladesh must be followed by an applicant or importer.
3.2 On the date of application, all aircraft to be procured under any type of Leasing
or Purchase agreements or in combination of both, must meet the requirements
3.5 The TC issued in respect of the aircraft shall be valid for a period of 90 (ninety)
days from the date of issue of Technical Clearance. Within this 90 days period
the followings are to be completed by the importer:
(a) Import Permit;
(b) If applicable, an application for Issue of Certificate of Registration; and
(c) If applicable, an application for Issue of Certificate of Airworthiness.
3.6 In case of failure to complete any or all of the above requirements within
90 (ninety) days of issue of the Technical Clearance, a new Technical Clearance
is to be sought by submitting a fresh application for compliance with the
requirements mentioned para-3, subpara-3.4.
3.8 Application for the issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness for an aircraft located
outside Bangladesh shall be made on applicable forms (refer appendix-2 of this
order) and must be submitted with a receipt for the appropriate fee at least prior
to 30 (thirty) days of the desired date of issue of C of A.
3.9 After survey inspection at the site of the aircraft by airworthiness official(s), a
provisional Certificate of Airworthiness endorsed with the restriction "Issued for
non-revenue ferry flight and valid only until the first landing at a customs
Airport in Bangladesh" will be issued with restriction (if any) as may be required
by CAAB.
3.10 The Certificate of Airworthiness for Export issued by the State of Export, should
have been issued not earlier than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 50 (fifty)
flight hours prior to the date of application and shall meet additional requirements
of the CAAB, if notified any.
3.11 Where the exporting country does not issue a Certificate of Airworthiness for
Export, or equivalent, the Chairman may accept in lieu of Export C of A, the
current valid Certificate of Airworthiness of the State of Export and issue CAAB’s
own Provisional C of A.
3.13 All cost of travels for overseas investigation in connection with inspection of the
aircraft, records and issue of appropriate certificates will be borne by the
applicant as per the Rule 213 of the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984.
3.14 For aircraft imported by means other than air, issue of a Certificate of
Airworthiness will be effected in Bangladesh in accordance with normal
procedures as specified in this Order.
4.2 On the date of application, all aircraft to be procured under any type of Leasing
or Purchase agreements or in combination of both, must meet the requirements
4.3 For aircraft imported under wet lease agreement only the form CA-182C-1,
Issue-4 (Appendix-3) form filled up and shall be submitted to AELD at least 30
(thirty) days earlier before import of the aircraft along with the leased agreement
(two copies). Following satisfactory inspection of the aircraft at the main
maintenance base by the Airworthiness Official(s) of the CAAB, the instructions
of placing the aircraft will be made.
4.4 In wet leases the lessor normally exercises operational control of the aircraft. A
wet lease situation therefore means that an aircraft will be operated under an
AOC issued by the State of the lessor. In this case the State of the Operator may
also be the State of Registry of the leased aircraft.
5.1 For each aircraft that is the first of its type for issue of Certificate of
Airworthiness in Bangladesh, the Technical Data mentioned in the ANO (AW)
A.1, shall be submitted to the Chairman.
6.1 Certificate of Airworthiness shall be issued only in respect of the aircraft having a
Certificate of Registration issued by the Chairman.
6.2 The qualified applicant shall submit an official letter along with appropriate fee
for issue of Certificate of Airworthiness and Noise Certificate as mentioned in
ANO (AW) A.10 titled Fees/Charges for Airworthiness Services, to the
Chairman on CAAB’s following forms with “recent” data, at least 30 (thirty)
days prior to intended issue date of the provisional Certificate of Airworthiness:
(a) Technical Data for issue of Certificate of Airworthiness on the Form CA-
182C (Issue -5, refer Appendix -1 of this Order);
(d) Copy of letter from the manufacturer of the (i) Aircraft, (ii) Engine and
(iii) Propeller (if applicable) or Paid Order form confirming that the
Applicant (Operator) has subscribed for the required Continuing
Airworthiness Data as mentioned in the ANO (AW) A.1, titled “Design
Standards and Issue of Certificate of Type Approval of Aircraft”; and
(e) Application for issue of noise certificate, Form AWS-18.
6.3 The applicant should make the aircraft available, at a time and place (maintenance
facility) acceptable to the AELD, for such checks and inspections considered
necessary by the AELD.
6.4 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide personnel and equipment
so that these checks and inspections may be satisfactorily carried out;
6.5 All work required to be done on the aircraft for the issuance of a Certificate of
Airworthiness shall be carried out under the supervision of an organization
approved by, or acceptable to, the AELD and be carried out in a proper manner
and in conformity with the requirements, specifications, drawings and instructions
relating to the approved design of the subject aircraft.
6.6 Full particulars of the work done should be entered in the appropriate log books
and a Maintenance Release shall be issued before issue of Provisional Certificate
of Airworthiness as per the ANO (AW) B.3 titled Maintenance Certification
6.7 The organization referred to in the paragraph 5.5 of this Order should provide a
certification that the aircraft is fit to fly as far as can be reasonably determined
from inspections of the aircraft and its records and manuals, and that all
applicable Airworthiness Directives and mandatory modifications and inspections
of the State of Design and the CAAB have been carried out or certified to have
been carried out.
6.8 Automatic Data Processed (ADP) records or Computerized Print-out shall contain
signature of authorised person(s) of both the immediate last Operator or the
Manufacturer and authorised person (s) of the Applicant seeking C of A.
Note: The AELD may, from time to time, stipulate special requirements to be met
before a Certificate of Airworthiness is issued. These should be listed as special
conditions and communicated to the applicant.
6.9 Documents for examination: The applicant shall make available Documents,
Log Books, Inspection and Maintenance Records of the Aircraft, for examination
by the AELD preferably in the standard format as described in the Appendix-6
titled Compliance Checklist-Aircraft Documentation and shown in the
Appendix-6 of this Order.
6.9.2 Maintenance Task Identification Codes (HT, CM, OC, LU, SV, OP, RS, DS etc.
as appropriate to the aircraft maintenance programme).
6.9.3 Manufacturer’s Master Change (MC) list, Kit Change Notice (KCN),
Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).
6.9.4 Log Books of the (i) Aircraft, (ii) Engine, (iii) Propeller and (iv) Auxiliary Power
Unit (APU) as applicable.
6.9.5 Modification Log Books or Records of the (i) Aircraft, (ii) Engine, (iii) Propeller
and (iv) Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) as applicable.
6.9.6 Historical Records of all components and aircraft parts containing the followings:
6.9.12 Recent Flight Test report on performance and handling qualities of the aircraft
including the Avionics Systems in accordance with the Flight Test Schedules
approved by the CAAB.
6.10 Additionally, in case of used aircraft and depending upon the AELD’s assessment
of the adequacy of the previous State of Registry’s airworthiness code, the
applicant may be required to submit a statement from the airworthiness authority
of the State of Design certifying that deviation/departures (if any) made by the
previous operator(s) are acceptable.
6.11 Documents for retention: The applicant shall submit the documents as
mentioned in the ANO (AW) A.1 and the following customized Manuals and
Documents for retention by the AELD:
(a) A copy of the Type Certificate and the Type Certificate technical data
sheets or acceptable equivalent documents.
(j) A copy of the maintenance review board report for the aircraft type.
(l) Unless held by the applicant and available for examination, a complete set
of wiring diagrams covering all electrical and radio installations.
(m) Where applicable, a copy of the master minimum equipment list (MMEL).
Note: The applicant(s)/operator(s) procuring used aircraft from another operator is/are
particularly reminded to ensure positive and confirmed supply of the required
Continuing Airworthiness Documents/Publications from the manufacturer and
also from the Seller of the aircraft where applicable.
7.2 The applicant should be required to make the aircraft available, at a time and
place acceptable to the AELD, for Survey Inspection and such checks as required
by the AELD.
7.3 The applicant should be required to provide the necessary personnel and
equipment so that required checks and inspections may be satisfactorily carried
out by CAAB;
7.4 All work for the maintenance of airworthiness of the aircraft should be carried out
under the supervision of appropriately licensed aircraft maintenance personnel or
by an organization approved by, or acceptable to, the AELD and should be carried
out in a proper manner and in conformity with the requirements, specifications,
drawings and instructions relating to the approved design of the subject aircraft.
7.5 Full particulars of the work accomplished should be entered in the appropriate log
book and a maintenance release should be issued as per the ANO (AW) B.3 titled
Maintenance Certification Systems, if applicable.
7.6 Documents for examination: The applicant shall make available Documents,
Log Books, Inspection and Maintenance Records of the Aircraft since issue or last
renewal of the C of A, for examination by the AELD. This shall include the
followings but not limited to:
(a) The documents mentioned in the section 6.9 of this Order; and
(b) Certificate of currency in respect of the Aircraft Flight Manual by an
authorised signatory.
7.7 Documents for retention: The following Documents shall be retained by the
(a) A copy of the aircraft weighing and mass & balance report;
(b) Such other conditions prescribed by the AELD as special conditions for
the issuance of a Certificate of Airworthiness;
(c) In certain circumstances the AELD may require special flight tests to be
carried out to determine conformity with the national airworthiness
requirements. If this procedure is necessary, the applicant should be
notified and should arrange the same for AELD;
(d) The flight test schedules for the special test should be prepared by the
applicant and should require the approval of the AELD; and
(e) The applicant should submit to the AELD the results of the special tests in
a flight test report acceptable to the AELD.
9.1 Each aircraft for which application is made for Issue and Renewal of a Certificate
of Airworthiness shall be subject to a survey inspection, the extent and conduct of
which will be determined by the Chairman.
9.2 Where an aircraft has been adequately inspected within the preceding 30 (thirty)
days, the required survey inspection may be waived when renewing the
Certificate of Airworthiness.
9.3 In cases where the AELD is not familiar with the aircraft type, the CAAB may
delegate responsibility of the survey inspection to an appropriately approved
maintenance organization where the inspection is to be accomplished in the
presence of CAAB’s Airworthiness Inspector(s).
9.5 All costs of the survey inspection at a location(s) other than at the main base of
the Operator, associated with issuance and renewal of certificate of Airworthiness
of aircraft shall be borne by the applicant as per the rule 213 of the CARs 1984.
(l) Intermediate stage inspections during the progress of any work associated
with issue, validation or renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness.
10.3 Where an aircraft suffers damage, does not have a valid Maintenance Release, or
develops a defect which cannot normally be remedied by the flight crew, the
Certificate of Airworthiness shall be deemed to be suspended.
9.4 A Certificate of Airworthiness which has been suspended in accordance with the
rule 187 of the CARs 1984, is deemed to be reinstated when as per the rule 203
of the CARs 1984, the Maintenance Release is revalidated or when a new
Maintenance Release is issued.
10.5 Where the Certificate of Registration for an aircraft is cancelled, the Certificate
of Airworthiness shall also be cancelled, and the two certificates shall be returned
to the Chairman forthwith.
All data shall be recent data i.e. must be no older than 30 days from the date of application
1. Aircraft
Type and Model: TAT:
as on (date):
Manufacturer: TAC:
as on (date):
MSN (Fuselage No.): MCTM;
*Design Standard TCDS No. issued by FAA or EASA: Remarks (if any)
3. Engine
Type and Model: No. of Engines:
Manufacturer: Power Rating:
Engine Serial Number TSN / CSN TSO / CSO
Position / as on (date): as on (date):
Module name
Note: In case of modular engines the required information shall be enclosed on separate page.
4. APU
Type and Model: Aircraft Manufacturer:
5. Propeller / Rotor
Type and Model: Manufacturer:
Propeller Serial Number TSN / CSN TSO / CSO
Position as on (date): as on (date):
OTHERS (if any)
Note: (i) A copy of the current Operation Specification of to be enclosed in support of the
Special Performance.
Note: (ii) Copy of the certification documents to be enclosed.
7. Aircraft equipment and instruments (cross out the ineligible equipment or instruments
Sl. No. Equipment / System No. of units or Manufacturer and Model or Part number
Systems. (as may be applicable)
7.2 FDR Type I / FDR Type
7.3 CVR
7.5 HF
7.6 VHF
7.8 Weather Radar
7.9 Attitude Indicator
(Artificial Horizon)
7.10 Heading Indicator
(Directional Gyro)
7.11 Flight Director Systems
Note: Specific system
installed must be
7.12 Auto Pilot
7.13 Altimeter
7.14 Sensitive altimeter
( with counter drum
pointer or equivalent)
7.15 Stand by altimeter
7.16 INS / INU
7.17 Remote reading compass
7.18 Standby compass
7.19 APU
7.20 Automatic ELT
7.21 ELT (any type)
7.22 ELT (survival)
7.23 Life raft
7.24 Life jackets / Floatation
7.25 Portable fire
7.26 Passenger seats
7.27 Flight crew seats
7.28 Cabin crew seats
7.29 First aid kits
7.30 Emergency medical kits
AMP based on MRB report number AMP based on the manufacturer MPD number and
and Revision number issued on Revision number issued on
10. Operation and Maintenance history/status of the aircraft during last 12 months starting
from current month to backward (for the period to ).
Month and Year Hours Flown Type of Date and TAT at which the Check
during the Maint. Check was accomplished
month Accomplished
11. Information on last “C” check or equivalent check (large aircraft) or annual inspection
(small aircraft only) performed:
12. Information on (i) Life Limited Parts (LLP) i.e. parts having scrap/retirement life / Time
Limited Works/Tasks (TLW) / Structural Inspection Programme (SIP) as on
(date): .
Current Name of the Approved life Last Installed Remaining Next due time
AMP LLP / TLW (LLP) or TLW or life or (DT/FH/CYC)
reference. / SIP Tasks interval accomplished Time
Note (1): The required information is to be enclosed on separate page in any format containing the
above data which is to be certified by the current operator (in case used aircraft only).
Note (2): At the time of delivery/acceptance of an USED aircraft, the Bangladeshi operator must ensure
complete receipt (100%) of all maintenance and historical documents/records (Serviceable Tags,
Authorised Released Certificates for traceability, installation documents etc.) of (i) LLPs and TLW
Items or Inspection from the Seller of the aircraft duly certified and sealed by the authorised person(s)
and also duly verified by the authorised and competent person(s) of the Bangladeshi Operator and (ii)
records of installed parts.
Note (3) In case of New aircraft, the Bangladeshi operator must ensure complete receipt (100%) of
complete list on installed structural parts containing industry accepted data (parts name, part number,
serial number, position installed, etc), maintenance and historical documents/records (Serviceable Tags,
Authorised Released Certificates for traceability, installation documents etc.) duly certified and sealed
by the authorised representative of the Manufacturer and also verified by the authorised and competent
person(s) of the Bangladeshi Operator.
Name and address of the AOC holder and Name of the AMO for maintenance of the
AOC No. aircraft and Location of the AMO
AD No. and Subject in Applicability status Initial Next Due Terminating action
Rev. No. brief (Yes / No / Repetitive) Compliance (DT/TAT/TAC) (Mod etc.)
20. Information on Classification of Operation (Rule 105 of the CARs 1984) in which the
aircraft is to be engaged by the Bangladeshi Lessee during the lease period:
Out right purchase Dry lease Dry lease cum Others (to be
purchase agreement mentioned below)
22. Information in respect of the Lessor (The items in serial no. 22 through 24 are applicable for
procurement of aircraft under Dry Lease agreement):
24. Information regarding the Lessor (Tick against the appropriate statement):
(i) by a citizen of Bangladesh;
(ii) by a body corporate established under any Bangladesh law for the time being in force;
(iv) by a company registered elsewhere than in Bangladesh but having its principal place of
business in Bangladesh and having as its Chairman a citizen of Bangladesh;
(v) by a foreign company that has secured business or a contract in Bangladesh from the
Government that such business or contract is not, in the opinion of the Chairman, likely to
be completed in less than six months;
(vi) by a foreign company that has secured business or a contract in Bangladesh from a
Bangladeshi Company and such business or contract is not, in the opinion of the Chairman,
likely to be completed in less than six months.
25. Insurance responsibility of the Bangladeshi AOC holder during operation of the aircraft:
Any Other
26. Latest weighing report and Flight Test Schedule (must be within 90 days):
I do hereby declare that the above particulars are true in every respect, the mentioned recent
data are applicable within the preceding period of not more than 30 (thirty) days from the date of
this declaration and that nothing has been concealed or withheld by me. I also understand that in
case any submitted data is found incorrect, then Technical Clearance, if issued by the Chairman,
is liable to be withdrawn / cancelled by the Chairman. It is further stated that I am familiar with
the current Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 and relevant Air Navigation Orders (Airworthiness
Requirements) and shall abide by them.
Postal Address:
Telephone: Cell:
Fax: E-mail:
a) Certificate of Airworthiness
1. Application for :
(strike out items not applicable)
b) Certificate of Airworthiness for ferry purpose
Page 1 of 4
Form: CA-25 ANO A.2
Issue: 3
Sub-division :
Page 2 of 4
Form: CA-25 ANO A.2
Issue: 3
2.1 Auxiliary Power Unit
2.2 Fuel Control Unit
2.3 Propeller Control Unit (if applicable)
3.1 D. C. Generators
Nominal voltage and power rating
3.2 A.C. Generators
Nominal voltage and power rating
Frequency control
3.3 Batteries
NI-cad or lead acid
Number/Nominal voltage/capacity
3.4 Emergency Lighting
3.5 Anti-Collision lights
4.1 Stall detection & Warning
4.2 Fuel quantity Indicating
Total fuel quantity
4.3 Oxygen : Portable system
: Installed system
4.4 Inertial Navigation system
4.5 Flight Data Recorder
5.1 D.R. Type
5.2 Remote type
Page 3 of 4
Form: CA-25 ANO A.2
Issue: 3
Page 4 of 4
Form: CA-182C-1 ANO A.2
Issue: 4
Note: All data shall be recent data i.e. must be current and shall NOT be older than 30 days from
the date of application
1. Aircraft
*Design Standard TCDS No. issued by FAA or EASA Remarks (if any)
3. Engine
Type and Model: No. of Engines:
Manufacturer: Power Rating:
Engine Position Serial Number TSN / CSN TSO / CSO
/ Module name as on (date) as on (date)
Note: In case of modular engines, the required information shall be attached on separate page.
4. APU
Type and Model Aircraft Manufacturer
5. Propeller / Rotor
Note: (i) A copy of the current Air Operator Certificate (AOC) along with Operation Specification is to be
enclosed in support of the Special Performance Authorisation.
AMP based on MRB report number AMP based on the manufacturer MPD number
and Revision number issued on and Revision number issued on
9. Operation and Maintenance history/status of the aircraft during last 12 months starting
from current month to backward (for the period to ).
Month and Year Hours Flown during Type of Maint. Check Date and TAT at which the Check
the month accomplished accomplished
Name of the AOC holder and AOC No. Name of the AMO for maintenance of the aircraft
and Location of the AMO
Note (1): A copy of the current Certificate of Approval of the AMO is to be attached.
AD No. and Subject in brief Applicability status Initial Next Due Terminating action
Rev. No. (Yes/No/Repetitive) Compliance (DT/TAT/TAC) (MOD etc.)
17. Information on Classification of Operation (Rule 105 of the CARs 1984) in which the
aircraft is to be engaged by the Bangladeshi Lessee during the lease period:
Name of the Lessor and business address Nationality Immediate contact address
20. Submission of 2 (two) copies draft agreement for procurement of the aircraft:
Type of Responsibility Name, Designation and immediate contact address (Tel, Cell and E-mail) of
the designated officials of the Lessor and Lessee responsible for the control
Any Other
23. Information on signing of MOU (in case the lease period is more than 6 months):
(Confirmation through the Lessor that the CAA of the lessor carrier is willing to accept the leasing
operation and sign an MOU with the CAAB as per the Article 83 bis of the Chicago Convention)
24. Information on official statement by the CAA of the Lessor (carrier) on Maintenance and
Operations Surveillance Responsibility, in case the lease period is 6 months or less):
(Confirmation through the Lessor: (Confirmation through the Lessor that the CAA of the lessor
carrier is willing to accept the leasing operation and will provide the Statement to the Chairman
CAAB as required under the applicable ANO of the CAAB).
25. Latest weighing report and Flight Test Schedule (must be within 90 days):
I do hereby declare that the above particulars are true in every respect, the mentioned
recent data are applicable within the preceding period of not more than 30 (thirty) days
from the date of this declaration and that nothing has been concealed or withheld by me. I
also understand that in case any submitted data is found incorrect, then Technical
Clearance, if issued by the Chairman, is liable to be withdrawn / cancelled by the
Chairman. It is further stated that I am familiar with the current Civil Aviation Rules,
1984 and relevant Air Navigation Orders (Airworthiness Requirements) and shall abide
by them.
Designation of the authorised Person:
Postal Address:
This application must be filled in complete and put tick [√] where appropriate. The Certificate of
Inspection (as per ANO A.2) and the renewal fees must be accompanied with the application.
15. DECLARATION: I do hereby declare that the above particulars are true in every respect. The aircraft has
been maintained as per the CAAB approved Maintenance Schedule and no unapproved modifications have
been embodied on the aircraft. Further, all Service Bulletins affecting safety have been incorporated. All
applicable mandatory modifications / inspections and ADs have been incorporated and the aircraft is in
airworthy condition.
Page 1 of 4
Form: CA-26 ANO A.2
Issue: 3
B. MR ……………………………………………………………………………………………......
C. MR. …………………………………………………..……………………………………….......
D. MR. …………………………………………………………..……………………………….......
Page 2 of 2
Issue: 2 ANO A.2
1. Aircraft Type :
2. Aircraft Registration No. :
3. Aircraft Serial No. :
4. Aircraft Hours
(a) TAT :
(b) TAC :
8. Record of work: Major Repair and Modification carried out since last C of A renewal:
Brief description of Work / Major/ Repair / SB/Repair Order No. Accomplished on
Modification (Specify date)
9. List of all AD(s) and CAAB mandatory inspection complied with since last C of A renewal:
AD No. and Rev. No. Brief description Date Accomplished
Page 1 of 2
Issue: 2 1
Issue: ANOA.2
13. Record of major component (AMP/AMS items) change since last C of A renewal:
15. Flight Test: (a) Last done on: (b) Next due on:
16. Weighing: (a) Last done on: (b) Next due on:
17. Declaration:
I / We, hereby certify that the statements are based on official records maintained in the
Engineering Department, are correct and have been verified.
Page 2 of 2
Issue: 1 ANO A.2
1.1 This Order prescribes conditions for the issue of Export Certificate of Airworthiness
for aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers being exported from Bangladesh.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, the definitions as mentioned under the Rules 2, 183
and 234 of the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 shall apply. Where a particular definition
is not given under the Rule, the under mentioned definition shall apply:
(a) Export Certificate of Airworthiness of aircraft" means a document issued
by the Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh in respect of a complete aircraft
including engine(s) and propeller(s) as applicable for the aircraft, being
exported from Bangladesh, which attests that the aircraft, with exceptions (if
any stated on the certificate), meets on the date of issue of the Certificate, the
airworthiness and design standards established by the CAAB, but which is
neither a Certificate of Airworthiness nor an authorisation for flight.
(a) Conforms to the Certificate of Type Approval or Type Certificate for the
product as accepted by the CAAB under the ANO (AW) A.1;
(b) Complies with all pertinent Civil Aviation Rules, Air Navigation Orders and
Airworthiness Directives;
(c) Complies with additional requirements as specified by the importing State (if
notified to the CAAB); and
4.2 The applicant shall provide the following documents, as applicable, to the purchaser
of each product for which an Export Certificate of Airworthiness is issued:
(a) The aircraft must have been maintained under CAAB approved Continuing
Airworthiness Maintenance Programme (CAMP) or should have undergone an
annual type inspection and be approved for return to service. The annual type
inspection should have been performed and properly documented within 30
(thirty) days before the application is made for an Export Certificate of
1. Instructions:
a. This application is to be submitted to the AELD (one copy) when the product(s) to be exported is (are)
presented for inspection.
b. Application is made for an Export Certificate of Airworthiness to cover the aircraft described below,
which is a used aircraft.
c. For complete aircraft, execute items 2 through 11 as applicable.
2. Name and address of exporter 3. Name and address of foreign purchaser 4. Country of destination
b) Engine(s)
c) Propeller(s)
I do hereby certify that the above statements are true and that the product(s) described here is (are)
airworthy and in condition for safe operation except as may be noted under item 10 “Remarks”, above.
Sections Title
1.1 This Order prescribes the categories of aircraft which maybe entered on Bangladesh
Certificate of Airworthiness, and the type of operation for which each category qualifies.
(a) Private.
(c) Charter.
3.1 Unless otherwise stated on Its Certificate of Airworthiness, aircraft classified in the
following categories may be obliged respectively for:
(a) Private category - operations prescribed In Rule 105(1) of the Civil Aviation Rules
1984, where the aircraft is flown other than for hire or reward.
( d) 1984, and fo r any ot her pur pose aut hor ised by t he Chair man.
I ssued in pur suance o f t he Civil Aviat io n Rules 1984, Rule 4, Rule 105, Rule
106 and Rule 107.
Air Cdre (Retd) Moinul Islam
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Sections Title
1.1 This Order prescribes the requirements and procedures for registration, deregistration and
change of ownership of aircraft.
2.1 Application for aircraft registration shall be made on Form CA -27C not later than 30 days
before the desired date of registration.
2.2 The application shall be submitted to the CAAB along with a receipt for the appropriate
fee, and with a copy of each of the following documents, as applicable
2.3 The requirements of insurance certificate for aircraft owned and operated by the
Bangladesh Government, shall be as per the current policy of the Ministry of Finance.
2.4 When all requirements have been satisfied, the Chairman may issue a Certificate of
Registration to the owner and, except as provided in the CAR 1984, Rule 120, that
Certificate shall be carded in the aircraft at all times.
3.1 An aircraft being imported into Bangladesh by air shall only be flown into the country
provided the aircraft is:
(a) On the register of, and with a Certificate of Airworthiness of, another
3.2 Where an imported aircraft is flown to Bangladesh on the civil register of another
country, on the regulations of that country concerning the Certificate of Airworthiness,
maintenance and flight crew licensing shall apply, and in such cases the Bangladesh
Certificate of Registration will be processed and issued in accordance with the procedures
prescribed in section2 of this Order upon arrival of the aircraft in Bangladesh.
3.3 Application for the issue of a Certificate of Registration for an aircraft outside
Bangladesh shall be made on Form C.A.-27C and submitted with a receipt for the
appropriate fee not later than 30 days prior to the desired date of Issue.
3.4 If acceptable, a temporary Certificate of Registration endorsed with the restriction "Issued
for ferry flight and valid only until the first landing at a Customs Airport in Bangladesh"
will be provided by the CAAB.
3.5 In accordance with the CAR 1984, Rule 213, airworthiness representatives of CAAB
shall be present in the country from where the aircraft is to be exported to issue the
Certificate of Registration.
4.1 For aircraft imported by means other than air, issue of a Certificate of Registration will be
effected in Bangladesh in accordance with normal procedures specified in section 2 of
this Order.
5.2 The new owner shall submit a new application aircraft on Form C.A. -27C and the
(a) An affidavit from the previous owner which has been auth6.1tIcated by a notary,
together with a statement that the aircraft has been sold or transferred to a new
(b) The existing Certificate of Registration, discharged in favor of the new owner by
completing the relevant portion, if not already provided by the registered owner.
6.1 When the aircraft has been destroyed or permanently withdrawn from service, the
registered owner of the aircraft shall, within 15 days, request the Chairman in writing and
return the Certificate of Registration after completing the relevant portion of the
6.2 An aircraft for which a Certificate of Airworthiness has not been renewed for two
successive years shall be removed from the Bangladesh register of civil aircraft.
6.3 Reinstatement to the register may be effected when the owner or operator applies for
renewal of the Certificate of Airworthiness, complies with any requirements specified by
the Chairman for renewal of the Certificate, and when the aircraft has been inspected in
accordance with Chapter A.2 of these Orders and found to be satisfactory.
Issued in pursuance of the Civil Aviation Rules 1984, Rules 4, 120, 171 and 174.
Air Cdre (Retd) Moinul Islam
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Sections Title
1.1 This Order prescribes the requirements for the carriage, approval, amendment and contents
of aircraft flight manuals.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, "flight manual" is defined as a manual approved by the
Chairman which Is associated with the Certificate of Airworthiness for an aircraft, and
which provides aircraft limitations, and information and procedures as required by ICAO
Annex 8 for the safe operation of the aircraft by the flight crew.
(b) The pilot-in-command complies with all operation requirements, procedures and
limitations set out in the flight manual for that aircraft.
4.1 The Chairman may approve a flight manual, and any subsequent amendments to that
manual, which has been:
(a) Previously approved by the civil aviation authority of the country of origin.
4.2 For an imported aircraft, evidence that the data contain in the flight manual has been
approved by the civil aviation authority of a contracting state shall be provided.
4.3 Where performance data for an aircraft is not available, the Chairman may require flight
4.4 Approval of a flight manual shall be indicated on the document by the signature of an
authorised representative of the CAAB, or by a Certificate of Validation issued by an
authorised representative of the CAAB.
4.5 The flight manual may be incorporated into the same document as the Certificate of
5.1 A Flight Manual shall contain all the related data specified by airworthiness requirements
and such other data as may be specified by the Chairman.
5.2 Except where not applicable to a particular aircraft, a Flight Manual shall contain at least
the following information:
5.3 The Chairman may require supplements to be added to the flight manual of a particular
aircraft to amend the data contained therein when a modification is incorporated.
5.4 Except as provided in paragraph 5.5 of this Order, all flight data shall be given in the
following units:
5.5 Where a flight manual adopted in accordance with paragraph 4.1 of this Order does not
provide data in the above units, conversion tables shall be incorporated.
6.1 An amendment shall not be incorporated into the flight manual unless it has been approved
by the Chairman.
6.2 Upon obtaining approval for an amendment, the Owner/Operator of the aircraft shall
ensure that it is incorporated In accordance with the Instructions provided unless
otherwise directed by the Chairman.
6. 3 Approved amendments shall be incorporated wit hin the per iod stated by the
Chair man, or in the absence of, such a statement, prior to the next flight.
I ssued in pur suance o f t he Civil Aviat io n Rules 1984, Rule 4 and Rule119.
Air Cdre (Retd) Moinul Islam
Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
Sections Title
1.1 This Order specifies the approved technical data, which is required for the embodiment of
any modification and Repair on an aircraft Registered in Bangladesh.
1.2 Typical modifications and repairs are listed in the Appendix-1 of this orders as guidance to
assist in determining whether a Particular modification of repair is "major" or "minor"
incase a proposed modification on repair is not listed in tire Appendix-1, then the guidance
presented in the Apendix-2 of this order should be used as criteria for the classification of
major and minor modifications and repairs.
2.1 For the purpose of this 0rder, (the definitions as mentioned under the Rules 2 and 183 of
the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 shall apply, where a particular definition under the rule.
under mentioned definitions shall apply.
(1) Major: A major modification means a type design change not listed ill the
aircraft, engine propeller specifications.
(i) That might appreciably affect the mass and balance limits, Structural
strength, performance, power plant operation. Flight characteristics other
qualities affecting airworthiness or environmental characteristics: or
(i) where the damage being repaired might appreciably affect the
structural strength performance, power plant operation, flight
characteristics, or other qualities affecting airworthiness or
environmental characteristics: or
(2) Minor: A minor repair means a repair other than a major repair.
(c) Design approval representative" means a representative of an aeronautical
product manufacturer or the engineering department of an approved airline
operator who has been delegated authority by the Chairman to approve the
drawings and technical data required to substantiate the airworthiness of a
design, modification or repair of an aeronautical product.
(d) "Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME)" means a person who is the holder of a
valid license Issued under the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984, which delegates
authority to that person to exercise certain privileges with respect to the
maintenance and certification of aircraft, as set out in Part D entitled "Licensing-
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's" of these Orders.
(e) "Compliance Program" means the document that lists each discrete standard,
which must be satisfied, the method used in determining compliance (e.g. test,
(h) "Material" means a raw product, which has undergone a quality program to
ensure that it conforms to aeronautical standards, and is traceable to the source of
3.1 Approved technical data for a modification or repair shall comprise all drawings,
instructions or other data necessary for embodiment.
3.2 Subject to conformity with the applicability, limitations and conditions prescribed therein,
the following technical data are acceptable for the modification or repair of aircraft or
Note: The use of radio manufacturer's installation manuals is not normally specified by
the aircraft manufacturer, and is therefore not normally approved under this
subparagraph; however, such data may be submitted as descriptive data for an
application for approval made under section 4 of this Order.
Note: This approval does not extend to the FAA AC 43.13-2A; however, AC 43.13-
2A may be used in support of an application for approval of a design change
under Section 4 of this Order.
(f) Type Certificate Data Sheets and Supplemental Type Certificate STC) data as
applicable to the item for Modification or Repair.
3.3 Prior approval is required for any amendments to Aircraft Maintenance Manuals (AMM),
Aircraft Maintenance Schedules (AMS), Aeroplane Flight Manuals (AFM) or other
approved documents resulting from modifications or repairs embodied in accordance
with these data.
3.4 Data provided by a component manufacturer are not approved to the extent that they
conflict with data provided by the aircraft or component assembly manufacturer of which
the component is to form a part.
3.5 The Chairman may require the owner of an aircraft repaired or modified in accordance
with data approved under this section to provide Type Certification Data to ensure
compliance with Chapter A.2 of these Orders.
4.1 The CAAB may accept application for approval of Major Modification and Major Repair
provided the proposed modification and/or repair is based on approved technical data as
mentioned in the section 3 of this Order.
4.2 Any Major Modification or Major Repair that is not based on approved technical data
shall require substantiation or recommendation from the Type Certificate (TC) holder of
the aeronautical product.
4.3 Minor modification and minor repair not based on above mentioned (section 3 of this
Order) approved technical data might be considered for approval by the CAAB.
4.4 Application for approval of a Modification shall be made on the form CA-186 and
application for approval of Repair be submitted on Company letterhead.
4.5 An application for approval of Modification shall be accompanied by two sets of all
drawings and other applicable descriptive data, including approved technical data, as
mentioned below:
(a) a master document list detailing the individual drawings (B.S.S. 308 or
equivalent) and specifications, which define the design change;
(b) Drawings instructions necessary for the installation of the design change in the
(d) Engineering program which contain the analysis, calculations and the test results
used to make the determination that the modified product complies with the
approval basis;
(e) a record of change in the mass and moment arm when the design change is
installed in the aeronautical product;
(f) a record of change in the electrical load when the design change is installed in an
5.1 The Chairman may approve the modification or authorize approval when:
(a) the applicant satisfies the Authority that the aeronautical product, with the
design change installed complies:
(b) in the opinion of the Authority the design has no unsafe features.
(a) the applicant satisfies the Authority that the aeronautical product, with the
proposed repair scheme complies with:
(b) In the opinion of the Authority the repair has no unsafe feature.
5.3 In approving the modification or repair, the Chairman may prescribe such limitations
and conditions, as he considers necessary in the interests of safety.
6.1 To show that the modified or repaired aeronautical product complies with the appropriate
design standards reports on analyses and tests should be prepared. The CAAB requires
that the holder of the approval shall:
(a) retain the records of the analyses and tests performed to demonstrate compliance
until the aircraft modified or repaired in conformity with the approved
modification or repair are permanently withdrawn from service;
(c) ensure that no person destroys or otherwise disposes of any record referred to
above without its prior permission.
7.1 The person or organization responsible for design of the modification or repair shall:
(a) furnish at least one set of any amendment or supplement to a flight manual,
maintenance manual or instruction for continuing airworthiness produced in
obtaining approval of the design to each intended user and make available to any
user subsequent changes to such documents;
(2) prepare appropriate design changes and make them available to the authority
for mandatory continuing airworthiness action; and
(3) make available the descriptive data concerning the changes to all operators
of products affected by the mandatory action. Descriptive data concerning
changes to a modification or repair would normally is published in the form
of a service bulletin. The approval holder's responsibility includes the need
to advise operators of any vendor bulletins for equipment included in a
This Order is issued in pursuance of the Rules 4, 184, 193 and 196 of the Civil Aviation Rules
1984. The ANO is a complete re-issue and supersedes the Issue 1, dated August 1, 1990.
1. Major Modifications
(1) Wings;
(2) Empennage
(3) Fuselage:
(4) Engine pylons;
(5) Flight control system;
(6) Landing gear;
(7) Hull or floats;
(8) Elements of an airframe including spars, ribs, fittings, shock
absorbers, bracing, cowling, fairing and balance mass;
(9) Rotor blades;
(10) Changes to the empty mass or empty- balance which result in an
increase in the maximum certificates mass or center of gravity limits
of the aircraft: changes to the basic design of the: -fire protection
system -avionics flight control system -electrical power system -
environmental control system - fuel system -pneumatic system -water
and waste system -oxygen system - ice and rain protection system
The following alterations of a power plant, when not listed in the engine
specifications, are power plant major alterations:
(5) installation of structural parts other than the type of parts approved
for the installation: and
(6) conversions of any sort for the purpose of using fuel of a rating or
grade other than that listed in the engine specification.
(3) overhaul of pressure type carburetors and pressure type fuel, oil and
1.1 As mentioned in the paragraph 1.2 of this order, the following criteria outline the decisions
needed in assessing a modification or repair as major or minor. For each issue, it must be
determined whether or not the proposed change will have other than a negligible effect. The
questions require "yes" or "no" responses. An affirmative answer (yes) to any individual
question indicates that the modification or repair should be classified as "major", on the other
hand a negative answer (no) to any individual question indicates that the modification or repair
should be classified as "minor ". The examples and tests listed are for illustration only and not
intended to be all encompassing.
2.1 General
2.1.1 Is the change being accomplished as an alternative means of compliance with an airworthiness
directive or equivalent?
(a) Does the change involve a revision in the approved mass limitations or center of
gravity range limits?
(b) Does the change require the installation of ballast or other methods to maintain the
center of gravity within the approved limits? Does the change involve alterations to the configuration of the aircraft which may:
(a) Does the change involve a principal component of the aircraft structure such as a frame,
stringer, rib, spar or safe evaluation?
(b) Does the change involve a structural element which is addressed as part of a damage
tolerance or fatigue/failsafe evaluation?
(d) Does the change involve the installation of an item of mass necessitating structural re-
(e) Does the change involve the installation or alteration of a containment or restraint system
intended for the stowage of item of significant mass?
(f) Does the change involve repairs or modification to the load-bearing structure of seats’
harnesses or their means of attachment or any other occupant restraint equipment?
2.5.1 Does the change significantly affect the power plant or propeller or their accessories?
2.6.1 Does the change involve equipment for which there is no performance standard which has been
approved or accepted by the airworthiness authority?
2.6.2 Does the change affect the probability of failure conditions which could impair or preclude
continued safe flight or landing?
2.6.3 Does the change affect the pilot's visibility or impair the pilot's capability to control the aircraft?
2.6.4 Does the change invoke alterations to the interior arrangement or cabin materials?
2.6.5 Does the change involve systems for cabin pressurization or the provision of breathing oxygen?
2.6.7 Does the change involve critical or essential components of the electrical system such as
generators, alternators, inverters, batteries, distribution busses, or bus protection and control
2.6.8 Does the change affect installments, indicators or their subsystems which provide navigation
2.6.9 Does the change affect instruments, indicators or their subsystems which provide essential or
2.6.1 1 Does the change affect any approved information contained in the flight manual or equivalent
2.7.1 Docs the change alter the aircraft noise or emission characteristics?
2.8.1 Does the change involve practices or techniques which are novel or unproven in the proposed
Sections Title
1.1 Aircraft are required to be equipped with, and operate, Mode S transponder equipment in
certain segments of airspace within the USA, European Airspace and Indian Airspace.
ICAO has also notified (Annex 6, Part I) that in future specific performance classes of
aeroplanes are required to be equipped with ACAS II and shall operate in accordance with
relevant provisions of Annex 10. Therefore, prior to operating in the designated airspace,
where aeroplanes are required to be equipped with Mode S transponder, the aircraft must
have a unique address code assigned by the aircraft's State of Registry.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, the definitions as mentioned under the Rule 2 and 183 of the
Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 shall apply. Where a particular definition under the rule, the
under mentioned definitions shall apply:
(b) "ACAS I" means an Airborne Collision Avoidance System which provide
information as an aid to "see and avoid" action but does not include the capability
for" generating resolution advisories (RAs).
(c) "ACAS II" means an Airborne Collision Avoidance System that utilizes
interrogations of, and replies from airborne radar beacon transponders and provides
traffic advisories and resolution advisories in the vertical plane.
(d) "ACAS III" means an Airborne Collision Avoidance System, which provides
vertical and horizontal resolution advisories (RAs) in addition to traffic advisories
(e) "Aircraft Address" means a unique combination of twenty-four bits available for
Assignment to an aircraft for the purpose of air-ground communications, navigation
and surveillance.
(j) "Mode S" transponder equipment means a transponder, which meets the
requirements of FAA TSO-C88 or equivalent standard acceptable to the Chairman
and be capable replying to:
(l) "Traffic advisory (TA)" means an indication given to the flight crew that a certain
intruder is a potential threat.
Note: (1) Mode A/C transponders are suppressed by Mode S interrogations and do not
(2) The SSR Mode S address consisting of twenty-four bit aircraft address
allocated by ICAO to the State of Registry and assigned as prescribed in the
Chapter 9, Part I, Volume III, Annex-10.
3.1 In accordance with the fundamental concept of SSR Mode S operations, each Bangladesh
registered aircraft required to operate in the transponder Mode S-mandatory airspace, is
assigned a unique 24 bit SSR Mode S address codes by the Chairman.
3.2 Aircraft addresses are assigned in accordance with the following principles-
(a) at the one time, no address shall be assigned to more than one aircraft;
(b) only one address shall be assigned to an aircraft, irrespective of the number of
transponders on board;
(c) the address shall be not changed, except under an exceptional circumstance, and
shall not be changed in flight;
(d) when an aircraft changes State of Registry, the previously assigned address shall
be relinquished and a new address shall be assigned by the new State of Registry or
registering authority;
(e) the address serves only a technical role for addressing and identification of
aircraft and shall not be used to convey any specific information such; and
(0) the address composed of 24(twenty four) ZEROS and 24(twenty four) ONEs shall
not be assigned to aircraft;
3.3 Under Annex 10 Volume 1, ICAO allocates blocks of SSR Mode S addresses to each State
of Registry. The first 12 bits of the address as allocated by the ICAO comprise the
national identification code. For Bangladesh, the state code is be 0111 00 000 010.
3.4 The remaining (second) 12 bits provide the individual aircraft address codes, which for each
Bangladesh registered aircraft, comprise the binary form of the aircraft identification
number assigned from CAAB data base or record maintained by the Airworthiness and
Engineering Licencing Division. On application, the CAAB will allocate the remaining
(second) 12 bits on the basis of binary value, which matches the order of assignment in
ascending sequential order. Example of a complete address of the first aircraft allocated
mode S code (registered as S2- ACO) is 0111 00 000 010 00 00 0000 0001. Similarly the
mode S code allocated for the next aircraft (registered as S2- ACP) is 0111 00 000 010 00
00 0000 0010.
4.1 An application for allocation of a Mode S transponder code to a civil aircraft registered in
Bangladesh shall be submitted to the Chairman by the Owner/Operator through letter.
The following aircraft information must be supplied by the applicant-
(a) make;
(b) model;
(c) Serial number; and
(d) for an aircraft already on the Bangladesh Register of Aircraft, the aircraft
registration marks.
4.2.1 Aircraft that are not currently registered in Bangladesh, but intended to be registered in
future in Bangladesh, cannot be allocated a Mode S code. Owner/Operator of such
aircraft must forward their application to the appropriate authority in the aircraft's State of
5.2 This, therefore, presents the possibility that a ground operated transponder may trigger a
nuisance advisory on an ACAS equipped aircraft operating in the close vicinity. If the
ground target is providing altitude data the ACAS logic should declare the aircraft to be
on the ground and ought not to generate an advisory. If no altitude data is provided the
ACAS will generate a TA if the threat criteria are met. If the ground is providing altitude
data other than surface altitude, as may happen with a defective altitude encoder, or if a
test pressure is being applied to the altitude encoder, the ACAS may generate both a TA
and RA if the threat criteria met.
5.3 It is considered that nuisance advisories may be cause to any ACAS equipped aircraft flying
in the vicinity of transponders, which are being tested, this may also include aircraft
passing overhead at medium altitudes. The problem may be more noticeable where ground
testing of transponders takes place at airfields located beneath Terminal Control Areas or
in the vicinity of Control Areas and Zones where are traffic movements are likely to be
5.4 Maintenance organization and personnel who are involved in the ground testing of
transponders and ACAS equipment are required to follow specific procedures given by the
manufacturer of the equipment and take precautions to ensure that the risks of causing
nuisance advisories are recognized and kept to a minimum.
5.5 Where no specific procedures are given by the manufacturer of the equipment, the
following procedures be followed by the maintenance personnel to minimize the
possibility of causing nuisance advisories to ACAS equipped aircraft when ground testing
transponders and/or ACAS:
(a) when not required ensure that transponders are selected to 'OFF' or 'Standby'.
(b) for transponders under test, when equipped for altitude reporting, set the control
to 'Mode A/C and select Altitude Reporting 'ON’.
(c) where possible, carry out testing inside a hangar to take advantage of any
shielding properties it may provide.
(d) always use the antenna transmission absorption covers when these are provided
with the test set.
(e) when testing Mode C operation that requires the altitude to be increased, radiate
directly into the ramp test via the prescribed attenuator.
(f) in between test parameters, select the transponder to the standby mode.
(g) the simulation of ACAS operation by the radiation from an antenna located on, or
remotely based from a workshop, is not permitted.
6.1 The operators' attention is also drawn to the ANO (airworthiness) E.6 on aircraft
equipment, system and instruments regarding the requirements of installation of an ACAS
II (minimum performance level) on aircraft registered in Bangladesh.
This order is issued in pursuance of the Rules 4, 89 and 107 of the Civil Aviation Rules,
1.1 ICAO Standard and Recommended Practices for operation of aircraft engaged in
international operations requires that all aircraft as mentioned in section 3 of this
order shall carry a document attesting noise certification.
1.2 The Rule 276(1) of the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 states that an aircraft registered in
Bangladesh shall not be engaged in international air navigation unless it holds a
Noise Certificate issued or validated by the Chairman.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, the definitions as mentioned under the Rule 2 of the
Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 shall apply. Where a particular definition is not given
under the Rule, the under mentioned definitions apply:
(a) "Acoustic change" means, any change in the type design of an aircraft that
may increase the noise level of that aircraft.
3.1 This Order applies to all such categories of aircraft as are specified in the ICAO
Annex16, Volume 1 and registered in Bangladesh. It is also applicable to all foreign
registered aircraft operated by the operators under Air Operator Certificate (AOC)
issued by the Chairman.
3.1.7 Helicopters:
(i) All helicopters for which the ICAO Annex 16, volume I, Para
8.1.2, 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 apply, except those designated exclusively for
agricultural, fire fighting or external load carrying purpose.
3.1.8 Installed Auxiliary Power Units (APU) and Associate Aircraft Systems
during ground operations.
4.1 All aircraft operated under AOC issued by the Chairman CAAB shall comply with at
least any one of the noise standards as mentioned below:
4.2 Noise Certificate from CAAB is issued on the basis of noise certificate issued by
National Aviation Authority (NAA) of the ICAO contracting States responsible for
issue of Type Certificate (TC) in compliance with ICAO Annex 16 noise standards
or equivalent noise standards, or Noise Certificate issued by the NAA(s) responsible
for issue/renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness and Noise Certificate of the aircraft
or information/data contained in the NAA approved Flight Manual or Advisory
Circular (AC) 36-1 issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the
(a) Original copy of the Noise Certificate issued by the NAA responsible for issue
of type certificate of the aircraft type; or
Engine make and model Maximum certificated take-off mass Propeller make and model
The conditions to be satisfied with the above-mentioned requirement, as well as the noise
level data appear in the following document
Document title and No.: Page:
Chapter/Section: Appendix:
Basis of issue of the Noise Certificate
The Noise Certificate is issued in pursuance to the Rule 277 of the Bangladesh Civil
Aviation Rules 1984, in respect of above-mentioned aircraft, which is considered to comply
with the relevant noise requirements when maintained, overhauled and repaired in
accordance with the Civil Aviation Rules 1984, operated according to the Approved Flight
Manual. The certificate is valid in conjunction with the Certificate of Airworthiness issued
for the aircraft by CAAB.
The relevant noise requirements are those of the Annex 16 to the convention on
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Thus the above-mentioned aircraft
complies with the standards of Part II, Chapter , Volume 1, of the ICAO Annex 16.
Unless suspended or cancelled in accordance with the ANO (Airworthiness) A.9, this
certificate shall remain in force continually from the date of issue.
for Chairman
This Certificate should be carried in the aircraft whenever it is in flight.
No entries or endorsements may be made on this Certificate except by the Civil Aviation
Authority for the purpose. If this certificate is lost the Civil Aviation Authority should be
informed at once. Any person finding this certificate should forward it immediately to the
Civil Aviation Authority, Airworthiness & Engineering Licencing Division, CAAB
Headquarters, Kurmitola, Dhaka-1229.
Issue 3 5 May 2009
This order specifies fees/charges for services related to airworthiness provided by Civil Aviation
Authority, Bangladesh.
The followings are fees/charges for the type of services rendered by Airworthiness & Engineering
Licensing Division of CAAB:
a) Glider: 5,000/=
This order is issued in pursuance of the Rules 4, 56, 171, 186 and 190 of Civil Aviation Rules, 1984. This
ANO supersedes Issue 1, dated 10 January 2005.
1.1 The Air Navigation Orders (ANOs) are issued under the authority of the rule of the
Civil Aviation Rules 1984 Aircraft Rules, which specify various requirements and
standards for civil aircraft registered in Bangladesh.
1.2 This Order describes the procedure of issue of ANO (Airworthiness Requirements),
its amendments / revisions and its circulation to the various operators.
2.1 For the purpose of this Order, the definitions as mentioned under the Rules 2, 183
and 234 of the Civil Aviation Rules (CARs), 1984 shall apply.
3.1. The Air Navigation Orders are promulgated under the authority of CARs 1984 for
the purpose of giving effect to the Rules stated therein and specify the detailed
requirements for compliance.
3.2 The promulgation and implementation of ANOs are to meet the duties and
obligations of Bangladesh as a Contracting State under the Chicago Convention
including the International Standards contained in the Annexes.
3.3.2 Maintain up-to-date compliance Check List in respect of the under mentioned
Annexes and Chapters thereof for which the AELD responsible:
(d) Identify differences with ICAO Annexes and notify difference, if any to
Director F.S. & R for informing ICAO through AT Division.
3.4 Required issue and/or revision of the applicable ANO(s) shall be issued within a
period not exceeding 30 (thirty) days of effective date of the specific Rule of the
CARs 1984 or effective date of the specific amendment number of the Annex.
4.1. When an ANO is issued, the first page indicates the Issue number and the date of issue
on the date of issue on the bottom left hand corner and the bottom right hand corner of
each page respectively. The initial issue is numbered as Issue 1, and the subsequent
Revision as Issue 2 and so on.
4.2 Pages which are not affected by the revision will contain initial date of issue only.
All revisions to the ANO will be indicated by a sideline on the left side of the affected
pages indicating the change/ revision to the ANO.