Exam Technique

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Essay technique

The question for this is always the same:

 Consider the writer's thoughts and feelings about the struggle for identity and the ways
in which he expresses them
 Compare the extract to your wider reading, saying how typical you think it is of writing
about the struggle for identity. You should consider both subject matter and style.

Features of a good essay

 Clearly structured – including introduction, opinions, conclusion
 Uses specific and well-picked evidence
 Well-linked points – relevant to question
 Using point, evidence, explanation
 Subject knowledge – key ideas, aspects and features
 Intuitive – layers of meaning, own interpretation?
 Point, evidence and explanation – analysis
 Paragraph
 Varied connectives and vocabulary
 Answer the question – throughout (making links), and in conclusion
 Historical, social and cultural context/information

You are marked on four areas

 accuracy, vocabulary and coherence
 analysis of the form, structure and language of the texts
 ability to compare and contrast texts
 ability to place your reading in a context (the struggle for identity)

 You have one hour to answer the question in the exam
 15 minutes for reading, planning and checking
 20-25 minutes per bullet point (45 minutes answering)
 You need to discuss poems, a play and prose (novel) in your answer

General outline
 Start by talking about the typicality of the theme of the extract
 Move to discuss some key differences between the texts
 Use PEE (if possible) to discuss key points or moments from the texts
 Draw similarities and differences
 You don't need to discuss form, structure and language for all three, you can have an even balance.
For example: the form of a poem; the structure of a play; and the language of a novel.

Form: stanza size, how it appears on the page, how it is presented e.g. novel, play (and why)
Structure: rhythm, pace, rhyme scheme, line length, enjambment, novel chapters, stage directions
Language: alliteration, similes, metaphors, rhetorical questions, rule of 3, emotive language

Good poems: 'Thetis', 'Medusa', 'Mrs Tilscher's Class'

Good plays: 'Our Day Out', 'Death of a Salesman', 'Making History'
Good prose: 'The Handmaid's Tale', 'Little Red Riding Hood', 'Superman and Paula Brown's Snowsuit'

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