BSW Thread

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01. 04, 2021 ‘Thread Data Charts nn Technical Information INDEX of THREAD DATA CHARTS: BSW BRITISH STANDARD COARSE PITCH THREAD CHART BSWIBSF 55° THREAD PROFILE \Wntworth Coarse Thread 8S €4 [BSW (Britsh Standard Whitwerth) rch Standard Whitworth Coarse Thread Series (parallel, cyncicl) In.G8 most common Thread. Corresponds io the Metc Toad in fs type of uso, THREAD DATA CHART ‘Brish Thread (ish Standard Whitworth = Coarse ich Wajr Threads | Pich | Minor Te Nominal | tivesd | oanster | pach | "per | olmmeter | Dumeter | Thread | Onl Sar | ‘Foon | mm” | ‘nm | eh | crm” | Malotte. | Haight | Oiametor we | fo | oo | | | moe | Mh | MS | OST we ssw) 1.587 0423 | 60 4318) 1.080 ozo | 1.18 sez | ssw) zest | oso) ae | aon) tes | ose) 1.90 53" BSW 3.959 o7a3 | 32 3459) 2.952 0.507 3.20 wie esw | 4.762 4.0588 8 4084 | 3.407 oer? 3.70 ez | ssw) 8850 | tose) ae | 4sre ago [ or?) a0 56" BSW) 7.938 14a | 18 7.036) 6.131 0.906 6.50 38" Bsw | 9.525 458816 6509) 7492 1.017 7.90 aie | pew) rte tsi) | gest) ares | ate) 80 sr | esw | t5are | za00 tt | teas? | vzete | taro) 340 er | pw | 22208 | zm) | amare | veer | 4807) 925 | pw | 25400 | are | 8 | asses) ziaae | 20x) 22.00 sw | 2es76 | aaa | 7 | asaso | 2aazo | aaae | 2450 esw | tse | 42a) 6 | aaais | aagns [art | aoas BSW) 4127 5.080) 5 38028 | 34771 3.253 35.50 Bsw | 44.452 5.08 | 5 199) 37.948 3.253 38.50 BSW 47.627 5645 | 412 44012 | 40,308 3618 41.25 ssw | 50.802 5665) 442 arse? | 43.573 3616 44.50 BSW | 87.152 6350) 4 53.086 | 49,020 4.066 50.00 Bsw | 63.502 6350 | 4 59.436 | 55.370 4.086 56.00 BSW 69.853 7287 | 312 65.205 | 60.558 4.647 61.50 * Bsw | 76.203 rast | 342 11.586 | 68.909 ‘4.647 68.00 a" BSW | 82.553 7816) 314 T7548 | 72.546 5.005 73.75, Sr BSW | 88.903 rie | 344 23.899 | 76.806 5.005 80.00 a" BSW | 95.254 eae? 3. 39.832) 84.410 5.422 85.50 _ @ | pew) iorsoe | eaar_| 8 | eee) 01740 | saz] sz00 BSW 107.954 86352718 102.297 | 96.639 5.057, 98.00 sw | rr40e | aaas 278 | toaser | toz0e0 | sas?) 104 BSW | 120.605 9237 | 234 114.740 | 108.625 5.315 110.01 ssw tarans | azar) 284 | tatoo | tie.tre | sts) ties 51a" Bsw | 133.355 | 9677 | 25/8 127.159 | 120.963, 6.196 15 sir | Baw | te0.108 | oer? | 2s | 133500) tarats | e108 | taasr 5a" Bsw | 146.055 | 10.160 | 202 199.549 | 133.043, 6.506 134.50 Bew | 152408 | 10.160 | 212 45.900 | 139.384 6.506 144.06 J hitps tw html 42 01,04, 2021, ‘Thread Data Charts Disclaimer ‘This datas provided for general information ony. The intention sto provide accurate information; rgardss; errs may ‘xstin the suppted information. I accuracy is eriteat, base your final decsions onthe dala provided the rol ‘ocument: BS 84; which a eopyightes document. To purchase @ copy vlan Lulvozed Ressler, ‘comments riginal Posting: 272872008, ast Revsion 27122013 Error corrections in, or comments about, the shove data can be sent to: [email protected], 701 Old 28th CONTACT FORMS & INFO. Copyright © 2002-2019 Ring & Plug Thread Gages. Allright reserved hitps tw html 2p

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