Career Development and Career Guidance 1975
Career Development and Career Guidance 1975
Career Development and Career Guidance 1975
Career Guidance
Much has been written in recent years about the concept of career development
and its applications in various settings. These writings are scattered in a variety
of books, professional journals, conference proceedings, and unpublished pa-
pers and reflect a diversity of opinion. Because of this, the American Vocational
Association and the National Vocational Guidance Association felt the need to
bring together in a position statement the basic elements of career development
and examine its potential for all of education, from kindergarten through
adult hood.
To accomplish this, the associations established a joint commission in 1971
to prepare a position paper on career development. Commission members
included W. Wesley Tennyson, chairman, William Bingham, Harry Drier,
Charles Foster, Kenneth Hoyt, Doris Jefferies, David H. Pritchard, Robert A.
Williams, Norman C. Gysbers (unofficial), Allan J. Miller (unofficial), Harold
Reed (unofficial) and Donald Severson (unofficial). The group's recommended
paper was reviewed and modified by the AVA Guidance Division's Policy and
Planning Committee and the NVGA Board of Directors.
The resulting paper is a partial response to the need for a coherent policy in
that it describes the concept of career development in general terms, but
discussion of its application is limited specifically to the school setting. In
discussing the application of career development to the school, however, it is
important to understand that details, such as the nature of the delivery systems
needed to implement this concept, are not covered in this paper. Such discus-
sion is needed but is not within the scope of this paper.
The paper was officially adopted by the Board of Directors of the National
Vocational Guidance .4ssociation in May 1973. The Board of Directors of the
American Vocational Association officially adopted it as an American Voca-
tional Association Guidance position paper on career development in July 1973.
.4 position paper such as this is the result of the work of many people and
thus may not represent the opinion of any one individual or group. It was
written to stimulate thought and discussion. Among the many uses this docu-
ment has are the following:
I t can serve as a rationale for state and federal legislation on career
guidance, counseling, and placement.
I t can serve as an aid in developing new programs or improving and
extending existing programs a t the state and local level.
I t can be used by federal, state, and local educational personnel in
preservice and inservice education.
A National Vocational Guidnnce Aaociation and American Vocational Armciation Joint Parition Paper.
Reprintedpennirsionof National Vocational Guidance Apociation. Reprints availablefrom American Ptrsonnel
and Guidance Armciation Publications Sakssforjjly cents. ,
JUNE1975 73
One may view “career” from several perspectives. In general, the term is defined
differently depending on whether the viewer seeks to relate it to institutions,
organizations, and occupations, or whether he intends to relate it to persons. At
one extreme is the equation of career and occupation, including the advances a
person makes in his occupation. At the other extreme is the view that career
denotes a general life pattern which includes virtually all activities. Some
writers would delimit the latter interpretation by suggesting the major life
domains which engage the individual in multiple roles-e.g., worker, family
member, community participant, and leisure-time participant.
Between these two extremes, some sociologists and psychologists have
used the term “career” to refer to the sequence of occupations, jobs, and
positions held during the course of life. This definition may be applied in
considering developmental movement through societal structures, but it con-
veys no sense of an active person interacting with his environment.
The position taken in this paper is that the term “career” means a time-
extended working out of a purposeful life pattern through work undertaken by
the individual. Career can easily be differentiated from the term “career de-
velopment,” which refers to the total constellation of psychological, sociologi-
cal, educational, physical, economic, and chance factors that combine to shape
the career of any given individual.
The meaning of the word “career” then, is directly dependent upon the
meaning attached to the word “work.” Work, as conceived for this paper, may
be defined as an expenditure of effort designed to effect some change, however
slight, in some province of civilization. It is not simply an arbitrary or gratuitous
action, but something which, from some viewpoint within society, ougbt to be
done. The concept carries the intention that human effort will lead to an
improvement of the individuals’ own condition or that of some element of
Viewed in this way, work is not directly attached to paid employment. It
may also include efforts of an educational or a vocational nature. Thus, educa-
tion for work, as well as certain elements of leisure undertaken to benefit society
or which contribute to a sense of individual purpose and achievement, are
included in this definition.
While these definitions provide a framework for the educator who will
facilitate career development, it must be emphasized that a person’s career does
not unfold independently of other areas of his development.’ Ultimately the
educator, whatever his title, must concern himself with the total developmentof
a person, and this implies a consideration of how work and career mesh with
other life pursuits in a reasoned style of living.
JUNE 1975 77
Freedom to Choose
I\basic value, rooted deeply in moral heritage, political philosophy, and the
traditions of society, is the concept of individual freedom and responsibility.
The strength of this nation in the past has rested in part upon the natural
differences in individual talents and the freedom of each individual to develop
and express his talents in a unique way. The theory underlying career develop-
ment is consonant with this fundamental democratic value. Preservation of the
individual’s integrity disavows any type of prescriptive guidance which com-
mits the individual to particular directions. Individuals, however, must be made
aware of the values society places on different talents and the relative demand for
different kinds of talents.
Guidance Specialists
Vocational Educators
Vocational educators carry many of the same responsibilities as guidance
specialists in facilitating the career development of students who are enrolled in
vocational education courses. Their unique contributions to a comprehensive
career education program may include the following:
1. Provide realistic educational and occupational information to students
and staff based on knowledge of occupational fields and continuous contact with
workers and work settings.
2. Identify and recruit resource persons in the employment community
to assist in the school program.
3. Provide exploratory experiences in vocational classrooms, labs, and
shops for students not enrolled in occupational preparation programs and assist
those teachers who wish to incorporate “hands on” types of activities in their
4. Identify basic and academic skills and knowledge needed to succeed in
the occupations of their field and communicate this information to academic
teachers and guidance specialists.
5 . .4ssist academic teachers and guidance specialists in designing appro-
priate occupational exploration experiences.
6. Provide students with information about vocational offerings and
guidance specialists with information about the kinds of careers for which
students are prepared.
7 . .4ssist students enrolled in vocational programs to analyze and inter-
pret their learning experiences for better understanding of self in relation to
occupations and the world of work.
8. Plan and provide vocational instruction which prepares students to
enter, adjust, progress and change jobs in an occupational field.
9 . .4ssist students in identifying a wide range of occupations for which
their vocational instruction is applicable.
10. Encourage employers to assist in expanding student awareness of
career opportunities.
11. Arrange observation activities or part-time employment for students
and school staff to help them learn more about occupations and work settings.
12. Participate in the planning and implementation of a comprehensive
career education program.
Academic Teachers
The academic teacher also has a vital set of responsibilities in career guidance
which require the ability to accomplish the following:
1. Provide for easy transition of students from home to school, from one
school environment to another, and from school to further education or
2. Provide students with curriculum and related learning experiences to
insure the development of basic concepts of work and the importance of those
who perform work.
3 . Provide group guidance experiences, with appropriate aid from guid-
ance specialists and vocational educators, to regularly demonstrate the relation-
ship between learning and job requirements.
4. Help parents understand and encourage the career development proc-
ess as it relates to their children.
5 . Provide opportunities within the curriculum for students to have
decision-making experiences related to educational and vocational planning.
6 . Assist students in synthesizing accumulated career development ex-
periences to prepare them for educational transitions.
7 . Provide career exploratory experiences to help students gain an under-
standing of worker characteristics and work requirements.
8. Provide experiences to help students increase their understanding of
their own capabilities, interests and possible limitations.
9 . Provide for career preparation experiences that will enable the indi-
vidual to acquire skills necessary to enter and remain in the world of work at a
level appropriate to his capabilities and expectations.
10. Provide, as an extension of the in-school learning experiences, oppor-
tunities for the individual to experience work first-hand in a non-threatening
The principal carries ultimate responsibility in his building for the guidance
program. More specifically, his responsibilities are as follows:
JUNE1975 a3
1. Provide active encouragement and support of the program.
2. Espouse the idea of career guidance as a responsibility of each staff
3. Commit himself to experimentation and flexibility in program and
4. .4rrange for in-service education of staff in career guidance and human
5. Organize and encourage the development of a career guidance commit-
tee composed of staff members, students, parents, and community leaders.
6. Provide necessary personnel, space, facilities, and materials.
7. Encourage constant evaluation and improvement of the program.
Community Members
Although school staff members are extremely important in assisting youths in
their career development, there are other persons who also provide valuable
assistance. They include parents, peers, and other community members.
1. Parents-Without question parents can and should be the most influen-
tial role models and counselors to their children: Having some measure of direct
control over the environment in which their children have been reared, they
have the unique opportunity to expose them to experiences appropriate for
self-fulfillment. As their children enter public education, parents share, but do
not give up, the responsibility for their development. Parents who take full
advantage of the information given them by school staff members concerning
the interest, aptitudes, failures, and achievements of their children, can use this
background of information to provide the following career guidance and coun-
a. Assistance in analyzing their children’s interests, capabilities, and limi-
b. Explanations of the traits required, and working conditions and life
styles of workers in work areas with which they are most familiar.
c. Discussion of work values developed as a result of past experiences and
of the consequences they have experienced.
d. Discussions of the economic condition of the family as it applies to the
children’s education and training needs and assistance in planning a course
of act ion.
e. Help in using the knowledge, experience, and services of relatives,
friends, fellow workers, and other resources in exploring the world of work
and in planning and preparing for their children’s role in the work society.
f. Provision of a model and counseling to their children during critical
developmental periods of their lives in an attempt to have children establish
and maintain positive attitudes towards themselves and others.
g. Exemplification of the attitude that all persons have dignity and worth
no matter what their position in the world of work.
h. Provision of situations that allow children to experience decision-
making and to accept responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.
i. Maintenance of open communication between school and home so that
the experiences of both settings can be used in meeting student needs.
j. Provision of opportunities for children to work and accept responsibility
of the home and community.
2. Peers--t\s youths establish and experience interpersonal relationships
with their peers, they need to understand how to analyze and use these experi-
ences in their career development. .4person’s friends and associates have an
intense effect upon his values, attitude formation, and career expectations.
Opportunities should be provided to allow young persons to share their ideas
with each other.
The guidance team is in a particular strategic position to capitalize upon the
influence that young persons may have upon each other. Research is beginning
to demonstrate that peer influence can be harnessed and directed to contribute
to the favorable development of youth. The strategy involves teaching selected
youngsters certain skills of counseling and human relations and then using these
young persons in a paraprofessional capacity. T h e use of this or similar
strategies will enable youth and young adults to accurately perceive the chal-
lenges and responsibilities of being an active member of the school’s guidance
3. Employers and Otber Community Members-As contemporary schools
open their doors to allow for expanded community involvement, it is appro-
priate to discuss the possible roles members of the community may play.
Employers, employees, clergy, retired workers, community agency personnel,
and others should be viewed as potential guidance team members. Educators
and parents must be ready and willing to team up with other community
members, especially when they find a child needs specialized information or
assistance related to career development. Employers should provide work sta-
tions and observation experiences and be available as career speakers for school
programs. Industry and business should demand a significant role in the educa-
tion of youth, rather than the token role they’ve had in the past. Since employers
can provide actual work settings, staff who understand the traits of workers, and
skill competencies needed for entry jobs and job retention, it would be tragic if
education failed to utilize this resource.
Career guidance specialists, working in cooperation with vocational
educators, can do much to encourage full use of all community resources
available for the career development of young people.
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