Lesson 2 Parts of A Plant

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Lesson 2: Parts of a Plant

Student Name: Jill Messineo and Nikita Garbayo School Name: Pace Charter

Grade Level: Kindergarten Host Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Rickey

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

● What are the different parts of a plant?

● What is the job of each part of the plant?

Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge (ex. background knowledge,

possible misconceptions, prior lesson content)
● From the previous lesson, students will have learned the basics of plants. They will know
what a plant is, what they look like, and where they come from.

● CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about
and supply some information about the topic.
● CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as
desired to provide additional detail.
● CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1.A: Print many upper- and lowercase letters

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessment

For students to be able to write and identify Together as a class we will fill out the plant
the different parts of a plant diagram that labels and identifies the different
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, parts of the plants
dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in
which they name what they are writing about and supply some
information about the topic.
For students to practice using their Students will be given a chance to observe
observation skills to observe and record any their plants. They will draw a detailed picture
changes in their plants of the current state of their plant. They will
then write a sentence about if there were any
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.5: Add drawings or other visual
displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. changes and if so, what changed

Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)

● Parts of a Plant Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6TLFZUC9gI

● Plant diagram worksheet
● Projector
● Observation Journal
● Whiteboard
● Pencils
● Crayons
● Drawing of Plant of chart paper

Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

● Students will remain in their desks for the entirety of the lesson. We will hand out the
worksheet and observation journals to them. Their pencils and crayons will already be in
their desks.

Step by Step plan (numbered):

1. Lesson beginning: To begin the lesson, we will put up a large picture of a plant that we
drew on the whiteboard. We will then point to the stem of the plant and ask the students,
“Does anyone know what part of the plant this is?” We will call on a student to answer.
Once we hear their answers we will explain to them how plants have all different parts
and they all have different names and functions.
2. We will then go through all the different parts of the plant that we have labeled on our
diagram and describe the function of each part to the students.
3. After going through the diagram we will watch a short video explaining the different
parts of the plant and their functions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6TLFZUC9gI
4. After the video we will do the plant diagram worksheet as a class. We will project the
worksheet on the document camera for all students to see. We will point to one of the
blank spots on the worksheets and ask the students what part of the plant the box is
pointing to. We will call on a student to answer and then we will write the answer in the
box for all students to see. We will do this for all the boxes.
5. The last activity will be for students to write in their observation journals. First students
will observe their plants that they planted the previous day. Then they will write a
sentence beginning with “Today I noticed…” about their plant. After they finish their
sentence they will draw a picture to go along with their sentence and what they noticed.
6. Closure: We will call on 3 students to name one of the different parts of a plant and point
to it using the chart drawing of the plant.

Key Questions (that you will ask):

● Does anyone know what part of the plant this is?
● What do you notice about your plant today?

Key Vocabulary
Roots, stem, leaf, flower, seed, observation

● Timing:
○ Lesson beginning: 5 minutes
○ Video: 3 minutes
○ Diagram Worksheet: 10 minutes
○ Plant observation: 20 minutes
○ Closure: 4 minutes
● Transitions: N/A students are at their desks the whole time
● Classroom Management: Students will be following along as we talk in the front of the
classroom. When one of us is doing something on the projector, the other one will be
walking around helping students and making sure they are staying on task.

Differentiation Notes:

● Content: All students will have the same content

● Process: One student will have one of four teachers sitting with him at his desk during
the entire lesson to keep him focused, paying attention, and on task. He may need
assistance with writing. One other student will need occasional support. The rest of the
students will be fine with support from teachers as we walk by and check their progress.
Students are sufficient in writing and drawing.
● Product: For the worksheet, all students will have the same product. For the observation
journal, students will have different products. Students' observations may be the same or
different depending on what they are seeing in their plant cup.

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