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Unit 23 Grammar A. Circle The Correct Word

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A. Circle the correct word.

1. The ninister, which / who was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation.
2. Isn’t that the which / where the accident happened last night?
3. The human brain, which /who weighs about 1400 grammes, is ten times the size of a
4. There are several reasons which / why I don't want to see Michael tonight.
5. This is the office which / where I work.
6. The new girl in our class, who's / whose name is Alexandra, seems really nice.
7. The Titanic, which / that people said was u nsinkable, sank on her maiden voyage
8. All the people to who / whom the e-mail was sent replied.
9. April 1st, which / when we play tricks on people, is known as April Fools' Day.
10. Harry Hill, who / whose new series starts next week, is one of my favourite comedians.
11. A very popular breed of dog is the German Shepherd, which / who is often used as a guard
12. Blackpool Tower, which/ that was modelled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-known

B. If a word in bold is correct, put a tick (V). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1. November 5th was the day which Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament. ............................
2. There were none of my favourite biscuits left when I had a cup of tea, that was really
annoying.. ...........................
3. I’ve just got a new webcam that takes really clear pictures. ............................
4. The Godfather was made by Francis Ford Copolla, who's daughter is also a film
director. ......................
5. Can you think of any reason which Cathy should be angry with me? .......................
6. Here’s a photo of the hotel where we stayed in when we were in Beijing. .......................
7. How do you think the first man whom walked on the moon felt? .......................
8. This is the first occasion on which the leader of these two countries have met. .......................
9. He is a person for who very few people feel much sympathy. .......................
10. The moment which the hero suddenly appears from behind a tree is the best moment in
the whole film. ..............................
11. I met a man which had a dog with only three legs. ........................
12. My new school, who I moved to about a month ago, seems like quite a friendly
place. ........................

C. Rewrite as one sentence using a relative clause.

1. My friend, Simom plays the guitar. He has just released a CD.
 My friend, Simom, who has just released a CD, plays the guitar.
2. Prince Charies is heir to the throne of England. His wife was Princess Diana.
3. Microsoft has a lot of power in the world of computers. That annoys some people.
4. The euro replaced a number of national currencies. It was introduced in January 2002.
5. Friends ran for ten years. It is one of my favourite series.
6. Venus is a very hot place. It is much closer to the Sun than the Earth is.
7. Cricket is popular in many countries around the world. It is played between two teams of
8. Parts of Buckingham Palace are open to the public. It is where the queen lives.
9. The greyhound is the fastest dog. It can reach speeds of over 65 kilometres an hour.
10. 1984 was written by George Orwell. His real name was Eric Blair.

D. Write one word in each gap. Do not write that and do not leave any gaps blank.
Find me a show that works
by our TV reviewer, Jeremy Platt

I’m sure there was a reason (1)................... I became a TV reviewer. Maybe it was my love of
classic shows (2) . ................... kept me entertained as a child. Or maybe it was the presenters
(3) ................... seemed to promise an exciting world of glamour and showbiz. To be honest,
I’ve watched so many shows lately (4) ................... have bored me to tears that forgotten. Take
Kid Swap, for example, the new show (5) ................... Channel 7 hopes will revive their viewing
figures. The show takes kids (6) ................... parents have had enough and swaps them with kids
from other families for two weeks. The problem with this show is that I'm just not sure at
(7) ................... it's aimed - parents or teenagers. Parents (8) ................... watch this
show will find it childish, particularly at the mornent (9) ................... one ofthe teenagers does
nothing but connplain. Teenage viewers (10). ................... watch more than the first five minutes

will soon get bored of the parents, (11) ................... blame anybody but themselves for the
situation. This is definitely one idea (12) ................... should be put exactly where it belongs- in
the bin

E. Tick (V) the gaps in Exercise D which could be completed using that. Put across (X)
where that could not be used.
1. ................... 4. ................... 7. ................... 10. ...................
2. ................... 5. ................... 8. ................... 11. ...................
3. ................... 6. ................... 9. ................... 12. ...................

F. Choose the correct answer.

1. 'Who’s that over there?' - 'Oh, it's our new teacher, .................... just started work today.'
A. that B. which he C. who he D. who
2. 'Which CD did you get Marcus in the end?’
- ‘ I got him the one .................. said he really wanted to hear.’
A. that B. which C. who he D. which he
3. ‘Who did you send a Valentines card to?'
- 'I'm not telling you, but it was someone ..................... name begins with “B”
A. Which B. who she C. whose D. whose her
4. Have you seen Jason Greffs latest film?'
- 'Is that the one in ..................... joins the FBI?'
A. Which he B. that he C. whom he D. which
5. 'Why do you likeTania much?' - 'Well, shes one of the few people to ...................... I can
really talk.'
A. which B. Whom C. that D. who
6. - 'Why don't we go to Lionel's for dinner tonight?'
- 'Is that the new restaurant .................. has just open on the other side of town?'
A. which B. that it C. Where D. which it
7. 'Could you lend some money?'
- I’d like you to give me one good reason .................... I should.’
A. that B. why C. Which D. who
8. 'What do you want to do this summer?'
- 'I think we should go somewhere ......................... has plenty of sun and sand.'
A. who B. Where C. when D. that

G. Circle the words in bold which are not necessary.

The number of options (1) that are available to us with (2) which to fill our leisure time is
increasing all the time. While previous (3) who lived before the electronic age, had musical
instruments and card games (4) that they played to pass the time, we have PlayStations,
computers, televisions and stereos. AIthough parents (5) whose teenagers spend a lot of time on
these activities might worry about the effect (6) which it is having on them, for most of us they
provide harmless fun, (7) which is becoming more important as life becomes more stressful.
The television programmes (8) which we watch and the computer games (9) that we play all
entertain us and, although there will always be people to (10) whom they seem a complete waste
of time, the effect (11) that they have on society cannot be ignored. Entertainment is something
(12) which we all need and, as long as we're willing to there will aways be someone (13) who is
willing to provide it.

H. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. Before meeting / met Harriet, I never knew what real love was.
2. I’m sure that after passing / passed your exam, you'll feel a lot better.
3. Having finishing / finished the letter, Peter printed it out.
4. Looking / Looked through the window, I saw a strange man at the door.
5. I cooked dinner and, doing / having done that, I sat down to watch TV.
6. Hearing / Heard a noise outside, Janice went to investigate.
7. Having lost / Losing my notes, I couldn’t revise properly for the test.
8. Having been / Being quite intelligent Matt hopes to get into a good university.
9. Having missed / Missing the start of the film, I decided not to bother watching the rest of it.
10. After making / made her bed, Cherie had a shower.

I. Complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.

1. I suddenly remembered where I’d left my keys when I was waiting for the bus.
 Waiting .......................................................................................................................................
2. I slipped because I was trying to run in the rain.
Trying .......................................................................................................................................
3. I felt quite sorry for Tim when I saw him cry.
Seeing . .......................................................................................................................................
4. John was depressed because he knew he was going to fail the exam.
Knowing .......................................................................................................................................
5. The reason I'm quite good at basketball is that I'm quite tall.
Being .......................................................................................................................................
6. Georgia didn't know any Japanese so she used a phrase book when she was there.
7. Ed can afford three holidays abroad each year because he has a lot of money.
Having .......................................................................................................................................
8. Maria began to worry when she realised she was bst.
Realising .......................................................................................................................................

J. Tick (V) the correct sentences. If a sentence is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1. Looking through the window, a plane was passing overhead.

2.Realising that it was late, I ran all the way home
3. Having examined me. I was given a prescription by the doctor.
4. Turning on the television, the newsreader said there had been an explosion.
5. Dropping the shopping bags on the kitchen floor, Mrs Moorcroft sighed and sat down
6. Having practised the piano, I decided to call one of my friends.
K. If a line is correct, put a tick (O next to the number. If there is an extra word in a line,
write it next to the number.
1. ....................... ‘Hello, viewers, and welcome to Easy Money, the game show you
2. ....................... voted the best on TV! Now, remember yesterday when our current champion,
3. ....................... Pat Barber, having been won ten thousand euros, decided to carry on? Well
4. ....................... she's here ton ight and she's for the star prize, which it is a brand new
5. ....................... sports car! That's right. Having got her this far, if Pat can answer three more
6. ....................... questions correctly, then she could be driving home in this car, ladies and
7. ....................... gentlemen. Having not seen the programme before, you will know just how
8. ....................... difficult which it can be. I know Pat's a little nervous, but I'm sure she'll be
9. ....................... fine and there's one person for whom tonight is very special and that’s Pat's
10. ..................... husband, Frank, who he is sitting in the audience. So, left play Easy Money!

A Choose the correct answer.

1. I've got a/ an ................. for the school play tomorrow. I really hope I get a main part!
A. rehearsal B. practice C. audtion D. performance
2. Did you read that....................of the new Lloyd-Rice musical? It said it awful.
A. review B. criticism C. report D. summary
3. I’m going to stay in and.................TV tonight.
A. see B. watch C. look at D. view
4. We really.................... ourselves at the party! Thanks so much for inviting us!
A. entertainmened B. had fun C. enjoyed D. occupied
5. Ellie does a/an .................... each week for the local newspaper. Its usually quite funny.
A. comic B. comedian C. animation D. cartoon
6. The water park we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance................... was a bit
A. ticket B. fee C. charge D. cost
7. Vanilla Sky ....................Tom Cruise, Pénelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz.
A. acts B. plays C. starts D. contains
8. When you're learning to play a musical instrument, it’s important to .................. for an hour or
two every day.
A. rehearse B. practise C. perform D. train
9. The play wasn’t supposed to be a comedy; but everyone started laughing when of
the .................. fell over and hit one of the actors.
A. scenery B. scenes C. stages D. acts
10. Louis de Bernières'................... Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which is set on the Greek island
of Cephallonia during the Second World War, was an international bestseller.
A. fiction B. account C. anecdote D. novel
11. Have you ................... the joke about guy who fell off a 20-metre-high ladder? He was fine-
he fell off the bottorn rung!
A. listened to B. overheard C. heard D. paid attention to
12. Being the conductor of a large ......................... is an extremely demanding job. You have to
make sure about a hundred musicians are playing in time.
A. group B. band C. company D. orchestra

B. Write one word in each gap.

A future of pop star?

My little brother, Carl, takes (1) ................., our dad in that they both like to sing. The difference
is that Dad's got quite a good voice. Carl can’t sing at all! This doesn't stop him, though. He'
always singing. He starts as soon as he wakes up, and doesn’t stop until he drops (2) ..................
at night. I usually get along very well (3)......................Carl, but he can be a bit annoying when
he starts showing (4)................ . You can count (5) ................... him to do this whenever we
guests. My mum and dad will be talking to some friends, and then suddenly the conversation
will be completely drowned (6)........................... by Carl singing at the top of his lungs. The
other day, I told him he should be on the radio. For a second he fell (7) ....................... it, until I
told him that if he was on the radio, we could turn it off!

C. Complete correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

come (a)round • go down • grow on • let down • name after • put on • take off

1. Marlon Brando will ............................ in history as one of the greatest actors of all time.
2. Our class is going to......................... a play at the end of term.
3. I didn’t really like Madonna's new single when it came out, but it’s starting to .....................
me now.
4. Did you know that the sandwich is........................... the Earf of Sandwich?
5. The band have really ............................... since appearing on the Video Music Awards
show last month.
6. The Eurovision Song Contest is ................................ again soon. Shall we organise a
Eurovision party?
7. I felt completely ........................................ when he refused to give me his autograph. I’m
never going to buy another one of his CDs!

Phrases and collocations

D. Circle the correct word.
1. I hope you're joking with / about quitting your job!
2.Come in! Make / Have yourself at home_
3. Having taken part in / of several amateur karaoke competitions, Daniel was determined to
get himself a recording contract.
4. Have fun / funny at the concert tonight, woryt you?
5. What's wrong with boys playing with / in dolls?
6. The audience gave / showed their appreciation for the cast by giving them a standing ovation.
7. We’re thinking of having / giving Dad a surprise 40th birthday party.
8. Voicing / Speaking your opinion on a live TV or radio discussion programrne is not as easy
as it sounds.

E. Circle the extra word in each sentence.

1. What time did you get to home last night?
2. You shouldn't make the fun of Tim just because he's smaller than you.
3. A number of contemporary art installations are on the show at the moment at the Zwyborg
4. Didn’t you find out that joke funny?
5. I guess we’ll have to join up the queue.
6. Everyone sat there in the silence as the comedian stumbled through his routine.
7. It' not often I laugh out loud during a movie, but There’s Something About Mary had me
roaing out with laughter the whole time.
8. I'm never going to be part with this first edition of Dicken’s Great Expectations.
9. I have the impression of Sasha’s thinking about giving up ballet classes.

F. Complete second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1. Was the concert fun? yourself

 Did ......................................................................................................................the concert?
2. I’m sure Kelly will do well in the talent contest. bound
 Kelly ...............................................................................................well in the talent contest.
3. Don't worry about your costume;concentrate on learning your lines! instead
 Concentrate on learning your lines ..........................................................................costume!
4. We got there early and so we didn't have to queue. avoid
 We managed to .................................................................................................... there early.
5. Jason said he was sorry that he hadn't invited us to his party. apologised
 Jason ..................................................................................................................us to his party.
6. I don’t mind if you give me the money for the tickets later. happy
 I ................................................................................... give me the money for the tickets later.
7. Doug isn't usually late. like
 It .....................................................................................................................be late.
8. Sean plays the guitar very well. talented
 Sean........................................................................................................ the guitar.
9. You shouldn't go backstage without a pass. supposed
 You.............................................................................. backstage without a pass.
10. I’ll meet you outside the theatre at eight whatever happens,' said Dan to Kyle. promised
 Dan .................................................................................................outside the theatre at eight.
11. I can’y understand why he won the award for best video. deserved
 I don't think ............................................................................the award for best video.
12. In the end, it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. proved
 In the end, it ........................................................................... a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

13. I can’t remember who you said had won. say

Who ................................................................................ the winner?

Word formation
G. Complete the textby changing the form of the word in capitals.

Reality shows

Despite the (1) .......................... (SUGGEST) by many critics that reality TV would be a very
short-lived phenomenon, it is still increasing in (2) .........................(POPULAR). Several reality

shows are(3) ........................... (CURRENT) watched by millions of viewers each night, and it's
clearly a form of (4)..........................(ENTERTAIN) that’s here to stay. Indeed, a number of
people have become (5) ........................ (FAME) because of their (6)......................(INVOLVE)
in reality TV shows, and have gone on to have successful careers as singers, (7).......................
(ACT) or TV presenters. We can watch with (8) ......................... (EXCITE) each night the
'goings-on' in the house (or jungle, or bar, or school of arts). The (9)........................
(CONVERSE) between the contestants are interesting so we don't get (10) .......................
(BORE) and there are frequently (11) ..........................(VARY) conflicts, which provide further
(12)........................ (AMUSE). If the contestants have to give some kind of
(13) .......................... (PERFORM) at the end of the week, that’s even more appealing. But
there's a (14) ...........................(SAY) in the TV industry; it’s all in the editing' and this is
especially true
of reality shows.


A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap
in the same line.

My life as a clown!

I've always wanted to be an (1).......................... but never did anything about ENTERTAIN
it until lost my job last year. After a (2) .................... with a friend about CONVERSE
the (3)................................of office life, I decided not to look for another job in BORE
managernent, but to earn my living from giving (4) ............................. at events PERFORM
like kids' parties. So I became a clown! I'm (5) ...................doing four or CURRENT
five parties a week and I love it! I love seeing the (6) ....................... on the EXCITE
kids'faces when I walk in the room. I try to have a lot of (7) ....................... in VARY
my act, sol tell jokes - most ofwhich the kids find (8) ............................- and AMUSE
bend balloons into funny animals, do impersonations of (9) ......................... FAME
people and generally keep the kids (10) ............................ involved for an hour ACT
or two. It's the perfect job for me!.
(1 mark per answer)

B. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has asimilar meaningto
the first sentence. Write between two and five words.
11. We didn't have a birthday party for Jake; we took him to the Cinema instead. instead
 We took Jake to the cinema for his birthday ..............................................................a party.
12. It doesn't surprise me that Sandra wants to live in Hollywood. just
 It.......................................................................................want to live in Hollywood.
13. I'm sure the audience will go wild when you come on Stage. bound
 The audience ....................................................wild when you come on stage.
14. You shouldn't take food into the theatre. supposed
 You..........................................................................food into the theatre.
15. At least he said he was sorry that he’d ruined my joke! apologised
At least he ................................................................................my joke!
16. My parents mind you staying with us after the concert. happy
My parents................................................. stay with us after the concert.
17. Don't tease Libby as she doesn't like it. fun
Don't ..................................................... Libby as she doesn't like it.
18. That play really affected me. impression
 That play really...................................................... me.
(1mark per answer)

C. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in bold.
19. My dad .................... .................... during the film as usual! (fell asleep)
20. I felt so.......................... ........................ when my parents didn't come to watch me in the
school play. (disappointed)
21. Although they're partners in a comedy act, apparently they
don't.......................... ........................ with each other off stage. (have a good relationship)
22. Let’s .......................... ........................ a play at the end of term! (perform)
23. Fiona .......................... ........................ her mother; they both love playing board games!
24. I tole Marcie that the word’studpid’didn’t appear in the dictionary and
she .......................... ........................ it (believed)
25. Laurel and Hardy will .......................... ........................ as one of the greatest double acts in
comedy history. (be remembered)
26. You can always .......................... ........................ Uncle Coline to cheer you up when you’re
felling miserable. (trust)
(2 marks per answer)

D. Choose the correct answer.

27. ......................... an Oscar last year, she’s now one of the most powerful movie stars in the
A. She won B. The winning of C. To win D. Having won
28. 'Which cinema did you go to?' The one ............................ they don't sell any popcorn!'
A. which B. where C. whom D. Who
29. That's the actor........................... autograph I got last year!
A. whose B. who C. who's D. whom
30..................... to change his name by his agent, John Smith became Marvo The Magnificent
A. Made B. Making C. Having made D. To make
31. The book ......................... she’s most famous is Dance of the Dinosaurs.
A. in that B. for which C. to whom D. that
32. Lyle Lovett, .......................... I last saw perform over ten years ago is on tour again.
A. he who B. to whom C. who D. that
33. And the song...................... by our listeners as their favourite of the week is Goodbye Baby
by The Tunesmiths.
A. having chosen B. chosen C. was chosen D. is chosen
34. 'You diddt get into Harvard, did you?' - 'No and that's the reason ..................... I ended up
going to drama college!'
A. how B. which C. for that D. why
(1mark per answer)

E. Choose the correct answer.

35. Could you.................... in the paper and see what’s on TV tonight?
A. see B. watch C. look D. examine
36. I’m reading a ............................. set in Greece during the Second World War.
A. novel B. literature C. fiction D. writing
37. Harry kept us........................ throughout the journey with his non-stop jokes.
A. enjoyed B. entertained C. laughed D. pleasured
38. I never read ....................... of film as I don’t trust the critics’ opinions.
A. reviews B. criticisms C. articles D. investigations
38. How did your............................ go? Do you think you’ll be offered the main part?
A. audit B. auditorium C. audience D. audition
40. I’d love to work in show .......................... . It’s sp glamorous!
A. industry B. business C. commerce D. trade
41. Joe told me a joke today but I didn't .......................... it at all.
A. get B. fetch C. bring D. collect
42. I didn't like this album at first but it's really starting to ........................... on me now.
A. grow B. raise C. develop D. increase
(1mark per answer)

Total mark: ............/50

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