ENEE 222 Signals and Systems: Spring 2021 - Problem Set 7 - Due 4/13/2021

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ENEE 222 Signals and Systems

Spring 2021 – Problem Set 7 – due 4/13/2021

Problem 1: Recall Problem 1 from Test 2: “(a 5 points) Find, if possible, two signals, both of
which have well-defined Laplace transforms that are proper rational functions, such that the
convolution of the two signals does not have a well-defined Laplace transform. (b 20 points)
Show that a pole-zero cancellation in the product of the two transform functions can change this
result or prove that a pole-zero cancellation cannot change the result.” Given a rational transfer
function H ( s) = q( s) / p( s) with p,q polynomials, use examples to illustrate all the ways that
pole-zero cancellations can change the regions of convergence of the transfer function and the
stability of the transfer function. For example, can a pole-zero cancellation destabilize a transfer
function. Define what you mean by “stability.”
Problem 2: Investigate resonance phenomena in the following differential equation on the
interval t  0 using the Laplace transform method and/or MATLAB. Assume that a,b are a real
numbers. Mention any assumptions that you make about initial conditions or the constants a,b or
the frequencies of the input sinusoids
y (t ) + a1 y (t ) + a0 y (t ) =  sin(2 f 0t ) +  cos(2 f1t ), t  0

Repeat your analysis for the damped second order differential equation as a function of the
damping ratio  and the natural frequency n and the frequency f 0 of the input signal. Hint:
Consider the MATLAB function ord2.
y + 2n y + n 2 y = a sin(2 f 0t )

Problem 3: Recall the undamped pendulum with

differential equation model mL + mg sin  = 0 which we
approximated for small angles and angular velocities by the
linear differential equation  = −  . (a) Use MATLAB to
solve both of these equations and to compare their solutions for
various initial conditions. How large can the initial angle and
angular velocity  (0),  (0) be before the linear approximation
breaks down? Define what you mean by “break down.” (b) Find
the period of the oscillations predicted by the linear model and
show that is does not depend on the initial conditions. Show that
this is not the case for the nonlinear model, which also produces
periodic solutions.
Problem 4: (a) Use Kirchhoff’s laws to find the impulse
response of the RLC network shown in the figure.

(b) Find the transfer function from input vi (t ) to output vo (t ) and use the MATLAB command
bode to plot its frequency response.
Problem 5: Consider the general nth order differential equation
y ( n ) (t ) + an −1 y ( n −1) (t ) + + a0 y (t ) = x(t ), t  0

with all initial conditions equal to zero. If the input signal is a complex exponential x(t ) = e jt ,
show that the solution y(t) will also be a complex exponential with amplitude and phase that
depend on the input frequency  .

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