Cheeky Monkey 2 Teacher's Book Unit 1

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Unit 1 What’s the matter?

Key language

Focus language doctor/doctor’s Are these your (hands)?

What’s the matter? What colour are you wearing?
Is Cheeky going to the (park)?
arms Classroom language
Come on! Let’s sing …
I’m scared. Shh! Be very quiet!
Wash them off! Sit down quietly.
toes* Can you help?
one–five Look!
ill Draw (yourself)
Concept: up/down Put your (hands) up/down. Colour
No! Not today!
Recycled language Stand up
please/thank you Turn around
Hello* dirty Clap your hands
Bye-bye* Stop, please! Tap your feet
red* tickle Wave your arms
yellow* That’s better! Touch your legs
blue* cherry trees Make a circle
How many (fingers)? Sit down
Main receptive language swing Sleep
girls slide down That’s right!
boys stretch Well done!
What are these? Hooray! / Hurrah! Let’s listen …
What’s this? The monkeys are marching. Point to …
Who’s this? It’s a (blue) … Count
Can you move your (arms)? What’s on the mat today? Match
My (hands) hurt me! What’s your favourite song? Excellent!
It’s story time.
Let’s be detectives!
* Words recycled from Cheeky Monkey 1

Key language learning aims

• Responding to new items of vocabulary via mime, visual recognition, gesture, etc
• Listening to the story
• Acting out the story
• Singing and acting out a song
• Discriminating between ‘up’ and ‘down’
• Recognising the colour red and other previously learnt colours (blue and yellow)
• Counting to five

Main criteria for evaluation

Children should:
• Demonstrate an interest in and a curiosity about what happens in the story
• Recognise characters in the story
• Discriminate between different body parts
• Identify the colour red (and also revise blue and yellow)
• Develop an awareness of ‘up’ and ‘down’
• Respond appropriately to instructions
• Participate in games, songs and TPR activities
• Continue to develop spatial orientation, physical co-ordination and fine motor skills

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Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Lesson 3

Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Lesson 6 Lesson 7


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Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 1
2 Play Copy Cheeky! with the body
• Sit Cheeky on your lap and get him to move his arms.
Say What are these? They’re arms. Say Can you
move your arms? Move Cheeky’s arms and encourage
the children move their own arms. Repeat with
Cheeky’s legs, hands and feet. When the children
are confident, speed up the activity.

3 Play Pass the Cheeky flashcard

• Play some music from the CD and encourage the
children to pass the Cheeky flashcard around the
circle. Stop the music and say hands. Encourage the
child holding the Cheeky flashcard to touch Cheeky’s
hands. Repeat the game with arms, feet and legs.

Lesson focus: Reintroducing the characters, introducing 4 Play Picking up flashcards

the body • Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to look inside
Focus language: hands, arms, feet, legs  Recycled: the bag and slowly reveal each flashcard. Lay the
Hello, Bye-bye flashcards face up in the circle.
Main receptive language: girls, boys, What are these? • Say hands. Point to a child and encourage them to pick
They’re (arms), Can you move your (arms)? doctor, up the hands flashcard. If they guess correctly, say
What’s the matter? Let me see, My (hands) Well done! Hands! Play the game again with other
hurt me! Who’s this? children and repeat with arms, legs and feet.
Classroom language: Well done! Let’s sing …, Shh!
Be very quiet! Sit down quietly, Look! Draw 5 Play Make a body chain
Main activities: • Shuffle the hands, arms, feet and legs flashcards and
• Sing The hello song 1 lay them face up in the circle. Get Cheeky to pick up
• Sing Doctor, doctor the (hands) flashcard and say (hands).
• Do the worksheet • Choose a child using The one banana, two banana
• Sing The bye-bye song 1 chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) Encourage the
Materials you need: CD, puppet, bag, Cheeky, hands, child to hold the (hand) of the child standing next to
arms, feet, legs flashcards, Pupil’s Books, pencils them. Then encourage the next child to do the same.
Getting ready: Put the hands, arms, feet, legs Continue until reaching the last child in the circle and
flashcards in a bag. the children are linked by their (hands) to form a body
• Play the game again with other children, and
encourage them to touch or link the relevant parts of
Circle time the body until the flashcards have been picked up.

1 Sing the The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2) If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 5.
• Organise the children into a circle and put on the
Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello!
6 Sing Doctor, doctor (CD1 track 10)
Encourage the children to wave to Cheeky.
• Say Let’s sing Doctor, doctor. Play the CD. Sing the
• Get Cheeky to point to the girls and say Hello, girls!
song and point to your legs, hands, arms and feet.
Repeat for the boys, saying Hello, boys!
Encourage the children to join in.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
Doctor, doctor
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
1 Activity 2 for the tapescript.) What’s the matter? (Shrug your shoulders
Let me see. (Point to your eye.)
Doctor, doctor.
My legs hurt me. (Shake your legs.)


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What’s the matter? (Shrug your shoulders • Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
questioningly.) Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
Let me see. (Point to your eye.) he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
Doctor, doctor. 1 Activity 10 for the tapescript.)
My hands hurt me. (Shake your hands.)
What’s the matter? (Shrug your shoulders Extra activities
Let me see. (Point to your eye.) 1 Play Trace your hands
Doctor, doctor. • Put your hand on the board and draw around it. Say
My arms hurt me. (Shake your arms.) Look! My hand! Hand out a piece of paper to every
What’s the matter? (Shrug your shoulders child. Say Draw your hand. Encourage the children to
questioningly.) draw around their hands. Write the children’s names
Let me see. (Point to your eye.) on the reverse without letting the other children see.
Doctor, doctor. Lay out the pictures in the circle. Point to a hand and
My feet hurt me. (Shake your feet.) say Is this (Maria’s) hand? Encourage the children
to say Yes! or No! Do the activity again asking about
other children. (You may choose to do the activity with
Transition time feet.)

7 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5) 2 Play The blindfold game

• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very • Choose four children using The one banana, two
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading banana chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.)
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in. Blindfold one of the children. Encourage the child to
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) feel the hands of the other three children. Say Who is
it? and encourage them to guess. Play the game again
Table time with other children.

8 Trace Cheeky’s body (Pupil’s Book p5) 3 Colour Cheeky’s body (Photocopiable
• Hand out the pencils and the Pupil’s Books or the worksheet, p210)
individual worksheets. • In advance, photocopy the worksheet for every child.
• Point to Cheeky and say Look! Who’s this? Hand out the red, yellow and blue crayons and the
Encourage the children to say Cheeky. Repeat with photocopiable worksheets. Say Point to Cheeky’s
Tom and Ellie. hands. Say hands. Encourage the children to point to
• Point to Cheeky’s feet and say feet. Encourage the Cheeky’s hands. Repeat with arms, feet and legs. Tell
children to join in. Repeat with Cheeky’s arms, hands them that they must listen and colour what they hear.
and legs. Stop after each instruction to give them enough time
• Hold up a pencil and say Draw Cheeky’s feet. to colour. Say Colour Cheeky’s arms red. Colour
Demonstrate this by tracing them with your finger. Cheeky’s hands blue. Colour Cheeky’s legs yellow.
Say Draw Cheeky’s feet, legs, hands and arms. Colour Cheeky’s feet red.
Encourage the children to trace the body.

9 Sing Doctor, doctor and point to the body

on the worksheet (CD1 track 10, Pupil’s
Book p5)
• Say Let’s sing Doctor, doctor. Play the CD. Sing the
song and point to Cheeky’s legs, hands, arms and feet.
Encourage the children to join in. (See Activity 6 for
the tapescript.)

10 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)

• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and
say Bye-bye! Encourage the children to wave and say
Bye-bye! to Cheeky.


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Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 2

Lesson focus: Listening to the story for the first time

Focus language: hands, arms, feet, legs  Recycled: Hello, Bye-bye, one–three, red
Main receptive language: girls, boys, Abracadabra! Where are Cheeky’s (legs)? These are Cheeky’s (legs), It’s
Cheeky’s town, Let’s go …, It’s story time, dirty, Where’s Cheeky going today? Is Cheeky going to the (park)? …
are going to the doctor/doctor’s, No! Not today! Like this? Well done! This is …, He’s got red spots on his (hands),
Come on! Let’s go and see …, I’m scared, Can you help? What’s the matter? ill, Put your (hands) up/down, Show
me …, I know! Stop, please! count, tickle, four, Wash them off! That’s better! Thank you! What’s this? I remember
swinging in the cherry trees, Where do the (arms) go? What is it?
Classroom language: Stand up, Turn around, Clap your hands, Tap your feet, Wave your arms, Touch your legs,
Make a circle, Sit down, Sleep, That’s right! Very good! Look! Point to …, Let’s listen …, Shh! Be very quiet! Stick
on the (hands), Show me …, Colour
Main activities:
• Sing The hello song 1
• Do Cheeky’s jungle gym
• Listen to the What’s the matter? story
• Do the worksheet
• Sing The bye-bye song 1
Materials you need: CD, puppet, play mat, hands, arms, feet, legs, Cheeky, Tom, Ellie flashcards, Unit 1 Story cards,
Unit 1 stickers, Pupil’s Books, red crayons
Getting ready: Lay out the play mat in the circle time area.

Circle time • Play the CD. Do the actions and encourage the
children to join in.
1 Sing the The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2)
• Organise the children into a circle and put on the
Cheeky’s jungle gym
Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello! Stand up. 1, 2, 3.
Encourage the children to wave to Cheeky. Turn around. 1, 2, 3.
• Get Cheeky to point to the girls and say Hello, girls! Clap your hands. 1, 2, 3.
Repeat for the boys, saying Hello, boys! Clap your hands.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions. Tap your feet.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if Wave your arms.
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson Touch your legs.
1 Activity 2 for the tapescript.)
Make a circle.
2 Do Cheeky’s jungle gym (CD1 track 12)
Sit down. 1, 2, 3.
• Make sure the children are sitting down and that they Sleep. 1, 2, 3.
have enough room to move freely.


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• If the children get overexcited, use the Calm down The let’s go chant
chant to get their attention. (See Teacher talk, pages
Let’s go, let’s go.
Ho, ho, ho!
To the doctor’s, to the doctor’s.
3 Play Abracadabra! with the body
Let’s go, let’s go.
• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Explain that Cheeky is
Ho, ho, ho!
going to do some magic. With one hand hide the
hands, arms, legs and feet flashcards behind your
• Say Point to the doctor’s and encourage the children
to point the doctor’s on the play mat. Then tell the
• Say Abracadabra! 1, 2, 3! and move your other
child holding the Cheeky flashcard to put it on the
hand as if chanting a spell. Encourage the children
doctor’s. Repeat with Tom and Ellie.
to join in.
• Slowly reveal the hands flashcard. Encourage the
children to say hands. If the children answer correctly, Story time
say That’s right! Hands! Repeat with arms, legs and
feet. 7 Say The story time chant (CD1 track 14)
• Say It’s story time and open the palms of your hands
4 Play Where are Cheeky’s …? with the body as if opening a book. Say the chant and do the actions.
• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Choose a child to play the (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) Encourage the
game using The one banana, two banana chant. (See children to join in.
Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) Say Where are Cheeky’s
legs? Encourage the child to point to Cheeky’s legs. The story time chant
• If they respond correctly, say Very good! These are
Shh! Shh! (Put your finger to your lips.)
Cheeky’s legs. Play the game with other children,
It’s story time. It’s story time. (Open your hands like
repeating with arms, hands and feet.
a book.)
If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 4. Shh! Shh! (Put your finger to your lips.)
It’s story time today. (Open your hands like a book.)
Shh! Shh! (Put your finger to your lips.)
5 Play Going to the doctor’s on the play mat
It’s story time. It’s story time. (Open your hands like
• Point to the play mat and say Look! It’s Cheeky’s
a book.)
town! Get Cheeky to say Hello! and wave to the
Shh! Shh! (Put your finger to your lips.)
It’s story time today. (Open your hands like a book.)
• Raise your arms questioningly and say Where’s
Cheeky going today? Get Cheeky to walk around the
8 Listen to the What’s the matter? story
town and stop at the school. Say Is Cheeky going to
the school? Pause, shake your head and say No! If (CD1 track 15, Unit 1 Story cards)
children answer Yes! shake your head and say No! Not • Say Let’s listen to the story. Read the story aloud or
today! Repeat with the zoo, lake and Granny’s house. play the CD. Show the Story cards and do the actions.
Finally, get Cheeky to walk to the doctor’s. Encourage the children to listen and to look at the
• Ask the children questions about the doctor’s. Ask pictures.
them who they visit the doctor’s with and how often
they go there, etc. What’s the matter?
• Show the children the Cheeky, Tom and Ellie Story card 1
flashcards and say Cheeky, Tom and Ellie are Narrator: This is Cheeky monkey. (Point to
going to the doctor’s. Cheeky.) This is Tom (Point to Tom.)
and Ellie. (Point to Ellie.) They’re at the
6 Say The let’s go chant (CD1 track 13) doctor’s. (Point to the doctor’s.)
• Hand out the Cheeky, Tom and Ellie flashcards. Tell Ellie: Look at Cheeky. He’s got red spots!
the children to pass the flashcards around the circle. (Point to one of Cheeky’s red spots.)
Say the chant and encourage the children to join in. He’s got red spots on his arms. (Point to
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) (You may choose Cheeky’s arms.) He’s got red spots on his
to make marching movements with your arms. legs. (Point to Cheeky’s legs.) He’s got red
Encourage the children to join in.) spots on his hands. (Point to Cheeky’s
hands.) He’s got red spots on his feet.
(Point to Cheeky’s feet.)


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Tom: Come on, Cheeky. (Gesture ‘come on’.) Doctor: Put your arms up. (Point to your arms.)
Let’s go and see the doctor. (Point to the Put your hands up. (Point to your hands.)
doctor.) Count the spots.
Cheeky: The doctor? I’m scared! (Pull a worried One, two, three, four spots. (Show one,
face.) two, three and four fingers.)
Wash them off! (Mime rubbing off the
Story card 2 spots.)
Ellie: Hello, Doctor! (Point to the doctor and
Cheeky: Stop, please! Stop, please!
wave.) Can you help Cheeky? (Point to
Tee, hee, hee! (Mime giggling.)
When you count
Doctor: What’s the matter? (Raise your arms
You tickle me! (Mime being tickled.)
Tom: Cheeky’s ill. Look at his red spots. (Point Doctor: That’s better!
to Cheeky’s red spots.) Cheeky: Thank you.
Doctor: OK, Cheeky. Put your arms and hands
up, please. (Point to Cheeky’s arms and Story card 6
hands and lift up your arms and hands.) Ellie: Cheeky, what’s this? (Point to the
Cheeky: Like this? (Keep your arms and hands in cherries.)
the air.) Cheeky: Cherries! Now I remember swinging
Doctor: Yes, that’s right! Well done! (Nod and in the cherry trees! (Point to Cheeky’s
smile.) Now put your arms and hands thought bubble and mime swinging in the
down. (Put your arms and hands down.) cherry trees.)

Story card 3
Transition time
Doctor: Show me your legs and feet, please.
(Point to Cheeky’s legs and feet.)
9 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5)
Cheeky: Like this? (Lift your leg up.)
• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very
Doctor: Yes, that’s right! Well done! (Nod and
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading
smile.) Now put your legs and feet down.
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in.
(Put your leg down.)
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.)
Story card 4
Doctor: What’s the matter with Cheeky? (Look Table time
puzzled.) His hands are okay. (Point to
Cheeky’s hands.) His arms are okay. 10 Stick on the body and colour the cherries
(Point to Cheeky’s arms.) His legs are (Pupil’s Book p6 & p7, Unit 1 stickers)
okay. (Point to Cheeky’s legs.) His feet are • Hand out the stickers, red crayons and the Pupil’s
okay. (Point to Cheeky’s feet). Hmmm … Books or the individual worksheets.
I know! (Put your finger to your head and • Say Look! Cheeky, Tom and Ellie are at the doctor’s!
pretend to be thinking.) Point to Cheeky. Encourage the children to point to
Cheeky. Repeat with Tom, Ellie and the doctor.
Story card 5 • Hold up the stickers and say Show me the hands.
Doctor: Cheeky monkey! You’re not ill. You’re Encourage the children to peel off the hands sticker
dirty! Look! (Point to Cheeky.) and hold it up in the air. Say Where do the hands
go? and encourage them to point to Cheeky’s missing
Doctor: Show me your feet. (Point to your feet.) hands. Say Stick on the hands and encourage them
Show me your legs. (Point to your legs.) to put the hands sticker in place.
Count the spots. • Say Stick on the arms, legs and feet. Encourage the
One spot, two spots. (Show one finger. / children to stick on the body.
Show two fingers.) • Hold up a red crayon and say Colour the cherries.
Wash them off! (Mime rubbing off the Demonstrate this by pretending to colour one in.
spots.) Encourage the children to colour in the cherries.
Cheeky: Stop, please! Stop, please! When they have finished, count the cherries out loud
Tee, hee, hee! (Mime giggling.) with the children.
When you count
You tickle me! (Mime being tickled.)


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11 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)
• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and
say Bye-bye! Encourage the children to wave and say
Bye-bye! to Cheeky.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
1 Activity 10 for the tapescript.)

Extra activities
1 Play What’s the matter?
• You will play the part of the doctor. Shuffle the hands,
arms, feet and legs flashcards and put them in a pile
face down. Choose a child to play the game using
The one banana, two banana chant. (See Teacher
talk, pages 15–16.) Tell the child to take the flashcard
from the top of the pile and show it. Close your eyes so
that you can’t see what it is. Say What’s the matter?
and encourage the children to pretend that their (hand)
hurts. Guess which part of their body hurts them by
saying It’s your (arms)! If they say No! guess again.
Repeat until all the flashcards have been revealed.

2 Sing Doctor, doctor with your favourite toy

• In advance, tell the children to bring their favourite toy
animal or doll to class. Say Let’s sing Doctor, doctor.
Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions, getting
the children to move the hands, arms, feet
and legs of their toy. (See Lesson 1 Activity 6 for
the tapescript.)

3 Play Hands or feet? with your favourite

• In advance, bring a toy animal to class. Put it in a
bag or a box. Slowly reveal its feet. Say What are
these? and encourage the children to guess. If the
children are having difficulty, say Are they hands?
Encourage the children to say Yes! or No! Repeat with
hands. Alternate between them until the children are


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Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 3
2 Sing Doctor, doctor (CD1 track 10)
• Say Touch your feet and encourage the children to
touch their feet. Repeat with hands, arms and legs.
• Say Let’s sing Doctor, doctor. Play the CD. Sing the
song and do the actions. Encourage the children to join
in. (See Lesson 1 Activity 6 for the tapescript.)

3 Introduce fingers and toes

• Show your hands and say Show your hands.
Encourage the children to join in. Wiggle your fingers
and encourage the children to do the same. Say What
are these? Fingers. Repeat with your feet and toes.
• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Point to Cheeky’s fingers
and say fingers. Encourage the children to wiggle their
fingers again. Repeat with Cheeky’s toes.
Lesson focus: Listening to the story song again • Say Touch your toes and encourage the children
to touch their toes. Repeat with fingers. Alternate
Focus language: fingers, toes  Recycled: Hello,
Bye-bye, hands, arms, feet, legs, one–five between fingers and toes until the children are
Main receptive language: doctor, What are these? How
many (fingers)? Yes! No! Not three! Show me …, spots,
tickle, count, Wash them off! Stop, please! 4 Play Pass Cheeky with the body
Classroom language: Touch your (feet), Show your • Hand out the Cheeky flashcard. Play some music from
hands, Well done! Let’s sing …, Shh! Be very quiet! the CD. Encourage the children to pass the Cheeky
Point to …, Match flashcard around the circle.
Main activities: • Stop the music. Say Touch Cheeky’s fingers and
• Sing the The hello song 1 encourage the child holding Cheeky to touch his
• Sing Doctor, doctor fingers. If they respond correctly, say Well done!
• Introduce fingers and toes Cheeky’s fingers! Play the game with other children
• Sing the Story song and repeat with hands, arms, legs, feet and toes.
• Do the worksheet
• Sing The bye-bye song 1 If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 4.
Materials you need: CD, puppet, Cheeky flashcard,
Pupil’s Books, pencils 5 Play How many fingers?
Getting ready: Prepare some red spots to stick on the • Put a hand behind your back and hold up three fingers.
Cheeky puppet or the Cheeky flashcard. Say How many fingers? Encourage the children to
guess. If they guess correctly reveal your hand and say
Yes! Three fingers! If they guess incorrectly reveal
your hand and say No! Not three! How many fingers?
Circle time
and count them out loud with the children. Repeat with
one, two, four and five.
1 Sing the The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2)
• Organise the children into a circle and put on the
6 Sing the Story song (CD1 track 16)
Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello!
• Stick some red spots on the Cheeky puppet. Tickle
Encourage the children to wave to Cheeky.
Cheeky and say Tee, hee, hee! Encourage the children
• Get Cheeky to point to the girls and say Hello, girls!
to join in.
Repeat for the boys, saying Hello, boys!
• Say Let’s sing the Story song. Play the CD. Sing the
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
song, do the actions and point to the spots as you
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
count. Encourage the children to join in. (You may
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
choose to use the Cheeky flashcard instead of the
1 Activity 2 for the tapescript.)


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Story song Extra activities
Show me your feet. (Point to your feet.)
Show me your legs. (Point to your legs.) 1 Play Drawing Cheeky
Count the spots. (Point to Cheeky’s spots.) • Draw a simple Cheeky head and body on the board.
One spot, two spots. (Show one then two fingers.) Put on the Cheeky puppet and say Look, Cheeky!
Wash them off! (Mime rubbing off the spots.) It’s you! Get Cheeky to look puzzled and say Where
are my arms? Choose a child using The one banana,
Stop, please! Stop, please!
two banana chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.)
Tee, hee, hee! (Mime giggling.)
Say Draw Cheeky’s arms. Encourage them to draw
When you count
Cheeky’s arms on the board. If the child is having
You tickle me! (Mime being tickled.)
difficulty, point to the arms on the Cheeky puppet. Do
Put your arms up. (Point to your arms.) the activity with other children and repeat with hands
Put your hands up. (Point to your hands.) and fingers, legs, feet and toes in this order.
Count the spots.
One, two, three, four spots. (Show one, two, three and 2 Play Hello, doctor! Bye-bye, doctor!
four fingers.) • Organise the children into two rows that face one
Wash them off! (Mime rubbing off the spots.) another. Point to the first row and say You are
Stop, please! Stop, please! Cheekys. Point to the other row and say You are
Tee, hee, hee! (Mime giggling.) doctors. Encourage the Cheekys to walk one behind
When you count the other and to say Hello! to each doctor as they
You tickle me! (Mime being tickled.) pass them. Encourage the doctors to say Hello! back.
Swap the roles of the Cheekys and doctors and repeat
with Bye-bye!
Transition time
3 Sing the karaoke version of Doctor, doctor
7 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5) using flashcards (CD1 track 11)
• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very • Say Let’s sing Doctor, doctor. Play the CD. Encourage
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading the children to sing the song and do the actions. Show
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in. the hands, arms, feet and legs flashcards before each
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) verse. If the children are confident, let them sing
without showing the flashcard. (See Lesson 1 Activity
Table time 6 for the tapescript.)

8 Match Cheeky’s body (Pupil’s Book p9)

• Hand out the pencils and the Pupil’s Books or the
individual worksheets.
• Say Point to the fingers and encourage the children to
point to the fingers. Repeat with the arm, feet and toes.
• Hold up a pencil and say Match Cheeky’s fingers.
Demonstrate this by drawing a line with your finger.
Say Match the fingers, arm, feet and toes. Encourage
the children to match the body.

9 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)

• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and
say Bye-bye! Encourage the children to wave and say
Bye-bye! to Cheeky.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
1 Activity 10 for the tapescript.)


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 38 2/5/09 8:16:36 PM

Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 4
Clap your hands.
Tap your feet.
Wave your arms.
Touch your legs.
Touch your fingers.
Touch your toes.
Make a circle.
Sit down. 1, 2, 3.
Sleep. 1, 2, 3.

• If the children get overexcited, use the Calm down

chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.)

3 Play Cheeky says … please with the body

• Organise the children into a circle and put on the
Lesson focus: Reviewing the core concept and story Cheeky puppet. (Play the game as you would play the
Focus language: up, down  Recycled: Hello, Bye-bye, traditional game Simon says.) Say Cheeky says touch
one–three, hands, arms, feet, legs, fingers, toes, blue, your arms, please and touch your arms. Encourage
yellow the children to join in. Repeat with hands, legs, feet,
Main receptive language: Touch your (arms), swing, fingers and toes.
slide down, stretch, Who’s this? doctor/doctor’s, What • Explain that when you say Cheeky says they should do
are these? spots, Wash them off, What colour is this? the action, but if you simply say Touch your arms they
What’s the matter, Cheeky? shouldn’t do the action. Demonstrate this by saying
Classroom language: Stand up, Turn around, Clap Touch your legs. Shake your head at any children who
your hands, Tap your feet, Wave your arms, Touch are touching their legs, but don’t eliminate them.
your (legs), Make a circle, Sit down, Sleep, Let’s sing
• Repeat with hands, legs, feet, fingers and toes.
…, Shh! Be very quiet! Draw, That’s right!
Alternate between giving the instructions with and
Main activities: without Cheeky says … please.
• Sing the The hello song 1
• Do Cheeky’s jungle gym If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 3.
• Introduce up and down
• Sing Cheeky’s treetop dance
• Do the worksheet 4 Introduce up and down
• Sing The bye-bye song 1 • Show the up flashcard and say up. Put your hands in
Materials you need: CD, puppet, Cheeky, Rory, Tom, the air and say Put your hands up. Encourage the
Ellie, up, down flashcards, Unit 1 Story cards, Pupil’s children to join in. Repeat with Put your hands down.
Books, pencils, blue and yellow crayons
5 Sing Cheeky’s treetop dance (CD1 track 18)
• Say Let’s sing Cheeky’s treetop dance. Play the
Circle time CD. Sing the song and do the actions. Encourage the
children to join in.
1 Sing The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2)
• See Lesson 1 Activity 1. Cheeky’s treetop dance
Swing your arms (Swing your arms up.)
2 Do Cheeky’s jungle gym (CD1 track 17) Up in the tree. (Hold your arms in the air.)
• Make sure the children are sitting down and that they Slide down, (Swing your arms down.)
have enough room to move freely. Down the tree.
• Play the CD. Encourage the children to do the actions.
Swing your legs (Lift one leg up.)
Cheeky’s jungle gym Up in the tree.
Stand up. 1, 2, 3. Slide down, (Put your leg down.)
Turn around. 1, 2, 3. Down the tree.
Clap your hands. 1, 2, 3.


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 39 2/5/09 8:16:38 PM

Stretch your hands (Wiggle and move your hands up.) Table time
Up in the tree. (Hold your hands in the air.)
Slide down, (Wiggle and move your hands down.)
10 Trace up and down and colour the
Down the tree.
sequence (Pupil’s Book p11)
• Hand out the pencils, the blue and yellow crayons and
Story time the Pupil’s Books or the individual worksheets.
• Say Look! It’s Cheeky and Rory! Point to Cheeky
6 Say The story time chant (CD1 track 14) and encourage the children to say Cheeky. Repeat with
• Say It’s story time and open the palms of your hands Rory. Say Cheeky and Rory are going up the cherry
as if opening a book. Say the chant and do the actions. tree. Trace the up line with your finger. Encourage the
Encourage the children to join in. (See Teacher talk, children to join in. Say up. Hold up a pencil and say
pages 15–16.) Draw up. Repeat with down.
• Point to the bottom rung of the first ladder. Say What
7 Review the What’s the matter? story (Unit colour is this? Encourage the children to say blue. Say
1 Story cards) That’s right! It’s blue. Now point to the yellow rung
• Show Story card 1. Point to Cheeky and say Who’s and say What colour is this? Encourage the children
this? Encourage the children to say Cheeky. Repeat to say yellow. Tell the children to colour the sequence
with Tom and Ellie. Say Cheeky, Tom and Ellie are for both ladders.
going to the doctor’s.
• Show Story card 2. Point to Cheeky’s arms and say 11 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)
What are these? Encourage the children to say arms. • See Lesson 1 Activity 10.
Repeat with hands, fingers, legs, feet and toes.
• Show Story card 3. Say Lift your legs up and encourage Extra activities
the children to lift up their legs. Repeat with Put your
legs down. Repeat with arms, hands and feet.
1 Play Up and down
• Show Story card 4. Point to Cheeky’s red spots and say
• In advance, put sticky tape on the backs of the Cheeky,
Look! Spots! What colour are the spots? Encourage
Rory, Tom and Ellie flashcards. Draw a simple picture
the children to say red.
of a tree on the board.
• Show Story card 5. Point to the red spots again and
• Choose four children using The one banana, two
say What’s the matter, Cheeky? Say One, two, three
banana chant. (See Teacher talk pages 15–16.) Give
spots. Wash them off. Encourage the children to count
the children one of the flashcards each.
Cheeky’s spots with you.
• Say (Ellie) is up and encourage the child holding the
• Show Story card 6. Point to the cherry trees and say
(Ellie) flashcard to stick it towards the top of the tree.
Look! Cherry trees. Encourage the children to pretend
• Play the game with the remaining children and
to swing up and down the cherry trees like Cheeky.
alternate between up and down.

8 Listen to the What’s the matter? story (CD1

2 Trace up with blue and down with red
track 15, Unit 1 Story cards, Pupil’s Book
(Photocopiable worksheet, p211)
p5, p6 & p7) • In advance, photocopy the worksheet for every
• Hand out the Pupil’s Books or the individual child. Hand out the red and blue crayons and the
worksheets. photocopiable worksheets. Say Look! It’s Cheeky!
• Say Let’s listen to the story. Read the story aloud, Point to the arrows and say Cheeky’s going up and
pausing for the children to say arms, hands, legs down. Hold up a blue crayon and say Draw up with
and feet. Show the Story cards and do the actions. blue. Hold up a red crayon and say Draw down with
Encourage the children to follow the story on their red. Encourage the children to trace the arrows with a
worksheets. (You may choose to play the CD instead blue and red crayons.
of reading the story aloud.)
• Sing the Story song and do the actions. Encourage the
3 Play Cheeky says … please with the body
children to join in. (See Lesson 2 Activity 8 for the
and up and down
• See Circle time, Activity 3 for the rules. In this version
say Cheeky says put your arms up, please or just Put
Transition time your arms up. Repeat with legs and hands. Alternate
between giving the instructions with and without
9 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5) Cheeky says … please.
• See Lesson 1 Activity 7.


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 40 2/5/09 8:16:40 PM

Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 5
2 Draw the body in the air
• Put on the Cheeky puppet and get Cheeky to draw
a hand in the air. Say What’s this? Encourage the
children to say hand. Repeat with the other body parts.
If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 2.

3 Sing The numbers song (CD1 track 19)

• Say Let’s sing The numbers song. Sing the song and
do the actions. Encourage the children to join in.

The numbers song

Look at me! (Point to yourself.)
One, two, three, four, five. (Count to five on your
Lesson focus: Working with colours and numbers I can count to five! (Point to yourself. / Show five
Focus language: one–five, blue, red, yellow  fingers.)
Recycled: Hello, Bye-bye, hands, arms, feet, legs, One, two, three, four, five. (Count to five on your
fingers, toes fingers.)
Main receptive language: What’s this? Look at me! One, two, three, four, five. (Count to five on your
I can count to (five), Hooray! Hurrah! The monkeys fingers.)
are marching, It’s Cheeky’s town! It’s a (blue) …, How Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! (Clap and laugh.)
many (fingers)? Where are they? They’re in the cherry
tree, Who’s this? There are two, Can you see (Cheeky’s
feet)? 4 Sing Cheeky’s marching song (CD1 track
Classroom language: Let’s sing …, Look! Touch,
That’s right! Shh! Be very quiet! Count, Circle • Tell the children to line up in pairs. Sing the song,
do the actions and march around the classroom.
Main activities:
• Sing The hello song 1 Encourage the children to join in.
• Sing The numbers song
• Sing Cheeky’s marching song Cheeky’s marching song
• Do the worksheet
The monkeys are marching (Mime marching with
• Sing The bye-bye song 1
your arms.)
Materials you need: CD, puppet, play mat, blue, red, One by one. (Show one finger.)
yellow flashcards, Pupil’s Books, pencils
Hurrah! Hurrah! (Throw your arms in the air.)
Getting ready: Lay out the play mat in the circle time
area. The monkeys are marching (Mime marching with
your arms.)
Two by two. (Show two fingers.)
Hurrah! Hurrah! (Throw your arms in the air.)
Circle time The monkeys are marching (Mime marching with
your arms.)
1 Sing The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2) Three by three. (Show three fingers.)
• Organise the children into a circle and put on the
The monkeys are marching (Mime marching with
Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello!
your arms.)
Encourage the children to wave to Cheeky.
Four by four. (Show four fingers.)
• Get Cheeky to point to the girls and say Hello, girls!
Repeat for the boys, saying Hello, boys! The monkeys are marching (Mime marching with
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions. your arms.)
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if Five by five. (Show five fingers.)
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! (Throw your arms in
1 Activity 2 for the tapescript.) the air.)
5 Play Pass and touch red, yellow and blue


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 41 2/5/09 8:16:42 PM

on the play mat Extra activities
• Point to the play mat and say Look! It’s Cheeky’s
town! Encourage the children to explore the areas of 1 Play Counting rhythms
the town they know. • Organise the children into a circle. Use a tambourine
• Show the red flashcard and say Look! Red! Hand out or another instrument to tap out a rhythm. Tap on the
the red flashcard. Repeat with the yellow and blue tambourine five times and say How many? Encourage
flashcards. the children to say five. Repeat with one, two, three
• Play some music from the CD. Encourage the children and four. (You may choose to clap out the rhythm
to pass the flashcards around the circle. Stop the instead of using an instrument.)
music. Say Touch red. Encourage the child holding
the red flashcard to touch something red on the play
2 Make a monster mural
mat. If they respond correctly, say That’s right!
• In advance, cut body parts from magazines. Divide the
It’s a red … . Repeat with yellow and blue.
class into four or more groups and give a big piece of
card and a selection of cuttings to each group. Tell the
Transition time children to stick the parts of the body onto the card
to make a monster. When they are finished, show the
6 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5) class all the monster murals that they have created.
• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very Point to different body parts and say What are these?
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading Encourage the children to say (legs).
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in.
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) 3 Play Cheeky’s echo with the body
• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to shout
Hands! Repeat hands three times, reducing the
Table time volume each time to imitate an echo. Encourage the
children to join in. Repeat with arms, legs, feet, fingers
7 Count the body parts and circle the and toes.
numbers (Pupil’s Book p13)
• Hand out the pencils and the Pupil’s Books or the
individual worksheets.
• Show the worksheet and say Where are they? Look!
They’re in the cherry tree. Point to Cheeky and say
Who’s this? Encourage the children to say Cheeky.
Repeat with Rory, Ellie and Tom.
• Say Can you see Cheeky’s feet? How many feet?
Count Cheeky’s feet out loud with the children. Say
There are two and point to the number two. Hold up
a pencil and say Circle the number. Demonstrate this
by circling it with your finger. Say Count Rory’s legs.
Count Tom’s fingers. Count Ellie’s arms. Circle the
numbers. Encourage the children to count the body
parts and circle the number.

8 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)

• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and
say Bye-bye! Encourage the children to wave and say
Bye-bye! to Cheeky.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
1 Activity 10 for the tapescript.)


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 42 2/5/09 8:16:43 PM

Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 6
• If the children get overexcited, use the Calm down
chant to get their attention. (See Teacher talk, pages

3 Play What’s the matter, Cheeky?

• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to look sad and
unwell. Say What’s the matter, Cheeky? Get Cheeky
to say My finger! Say Abracadabra! 1, 2, 3
and move your hand as if chanting a spell. Touch
Cheeky’s finger. Get Cheeky to jump up and say
That’s better! Thank you! Then get him to give you
a kiss.
• Choose a child using the The one banana, two banana
chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) Do the activity
again, letting the child cast the spell instead of you.
Lesson focus: Performing the story with the Press out Repeat with hands, arms, legs, feet and toes.
Focus language: hands, arms, feet, legs, fingers, toes If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 3.
Recycled: Hello, Bye-bye
Main receptive language: What’s the matter?
4 Play Cheeky’s whisper
Abracadabra! That’s better! Thank you! It’s story time
• Organise the children into a circle. Lay the hands,
Classroom language: Shh! Be very quiet. Let’s listen to
arms, feet, legs, fingers and toes flashcards face up
the story
in the middle. Put on the Cheeky puppet. Tell the
Main activities: children that Cheeky wants to share a secret with
• Sing the The hello song 1
them. Get Cheeky to whisper fingers to a child.
• Do Cheeky’s jungle gym
• Make the Press out Tell the child to pass the whisper on. Continue until
• Listen to the What’s the matter? story reaching the last child in the circle. Encourage them
• Sing The bye-bye song 1 to pick up the fingers flashcard. Play the game with
Materials you need: CD, puppet, hands, arms, feet, other children and repeat with hands, arms, feet, legs
legs, fingers, toes flashcards, Press out Unit 1, Unit 1 and toes.
Story cards, card
Transition time

Circle time 5 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5)

• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very
1 Sing the The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2) quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading
• Organise the children into a circle and put on the the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in.
Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello! (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.)
Encourage the children to wave to Cheeky.
• Get Cheeky to point to the girls and say Hello, girls! Table time
Repeat for the boys, saying Hello, boys!
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions. 6 Make a Cheeky Press out (Press out Unit 1)
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if • Hand out the Press outs. Demonstrate how to remove
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson the Cheeky Press out. Encourage the children
1 Activity 2 for the tapescript.) to copy.
• Demonstrate how to turn the Press out around to show
2 Do Cheeky’s jungle gym (CD1 track 17) Cheeky without spots on one side and with red spots
• Make sure the children are sitting down and that they on the other side.
have enough room to move freely.
• Play the CD. Encourage the children to do the actions.
(See Lesson 4 Activity 2 for the tapescript.)


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 43 2/5/09 8:16:45 PM

Story time 3 Play Bingo with the body mini cards
(Photocopiable worksheet, p212)
7 Say The story time chant (CD1 track 14) • In advance, photocopy and cut out a set of mini cards
• Say It’s story time and open the palms of your hands for every child. Point to the hands and say What
as if opening a book. Say the chant and do the actions. are these? Repeat with arms, legs, feet, fingers and
Encourage the children to join in. (See Teacher talk, toes. Shuffle the mini cards and deal out six to each
pages 15–16.) child. Tell them to lay their cards out face up in front
of them. Say Show the fingers and encourage the
8 Listen to the What’s the matter? story children who have got a fingers mini card to give it to
you as you circulate. Tell the children that when they
(CD1 track 15, Unit 1 Story cards, Press out
haven’t got any mini cards left they must shout Bingo!
Unit 1)
• Say Let’s listen to the story. Read the story aloud or
play the CD. Show the Story cards and do the actions.
Encourage the children to listen and to look at the
• Make sure that the children are showing the Cheeky
with red spots. Encourage them to point to the arms,
legs, hands and feet on the Press out as they listen
to the story. When the doctor washes off the spots,
encourage the children to turn the Cheeky Press out
around to show that he is clean.
• Sing the Story song and do the actions. Encourage the
children to join in. (See Lesson 2 Activity 8 for the

9 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)

• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and
say Bye-bye! Encourage the children to wave and say
Bye-bye! to Cheeky.
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
1 Activity 10 for the tapescript.)

Extra activities
1 Sing Cheeky’s treetop dance with the Press
out (CD1 track 18)
• Say Let’s sing Cheeky’s treetop dance. Play the CD.
Encourage the children to do the actions with the
Cheeky Press out, pretending to swing Cheeky up
and down the tree. (See Lesson 4 Activity 5 for the

2 Play What is it? with the body

• In advance, make a ‘window’ by cutting a rectangle
in a piece of paper. Make sure that the ‘window’ is
big enough to reveal the legs on the Cheeky flashcard.
Place the Cheeky flashcard behind the ‘window’,
revealing only Cheeky’s legs. Show one and say What
are these? Encourage the children to say legs. Repeat
with hands, arms, feet, fingers and toes.


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 44 2/5/09 8:16:47 PM

Unit 1 What’s the matter? Lesson 7
he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
1 Activity 2 for the tapescript.)

2 Play Find the body with shouting and

• Choose a child to play the game using The one
banana, two banana chant. (See Teacher talk, pages
15–16.) Tell them to face the wall and cover their eyes.
Hide the (toes) flashcard in the classroom.
• Put on the Cheeky puppet. Tell the child they must
help Cheeky find the (toes). When they get closer shout
(toes) and when they get further away whisper (toes).
Encourage the other children to join in. Continue until
the child finds the (toes).
• When the child finds the toes flashcard, show it to the
Lesson focus: Consolidating unit songs and new children and say Look! (Toes!) Here they are. Play
language again with other flashcards.
Focus language: hands, arms, feet, legs, fingers, toes, If you are short of time, you can leave out Activity 2.
blue, red, yellow, one–five  Recycled: Hello, Bye-bye,
Look at my (arms)!
Main receptive language: Here they are, What is it? 3 Play What’s on the mat today? (CD1 track
I don’t know, Put up your (hand) up to play, Find …, 22)
Point and say, What’s on the mat today? Hip, hip, • Lay the hands, arms, feet and legs flashcards in a pile
hooray! today, Do you remember …? What’s your face down in front of you. Say Let’s be detectives! and
favourite song? Our favourite song is …, Are these mime looking through a magnifying glass. Say the
your (hands)? What colour are you wearing?
chant and do the actions. Encourage the children to
Classroom language: Turn over the card, Let’s be join in.
detectives! Put your hands up for …, Let’s sing …,
Shh! Be very quiet! Draw (yourself), Well done!, Very
good! Excellent!
What’s on the mat today?
Main activities: What’s on the mat today? (Mime looking through a
• Sing the The hello song 1 magnifying glass.)
• Play What’s on the mat today? What’s on the mat today? (Mime looking through a
• Sing our favourite song magnifying glass.)
• Do the worksheet Put up your hand to play. (Put your hand up.)
• Sing The bye-bye song 1
Find feet. (Show the feet flashcard.)
Materials you need: CD, puppet, play mat, hands, Find feet. (Show the feet flashcard.)
arms, legs, feet, fingers, toes flashcards, Pupil’s Book, Find feet on the mat today. (Point to the play mat.)
pencils, crayons, Cheeky award stickers
Point and say (Point and mime speaking with your
Getting ready: Lay out the play mat in the circle time hand.)
area. Hip, hip, hooray! (Throw your arms into the air with

Circle time • Pause the CD. Choose a child to point to the feet
on the play mat. Encourage them to say feet. If they
respond correctly, encourage the other children to clap.
1 Sing the The hello song 1 (CD1 track 2)
Do the activity with other children and repeat with
• Organise the children into a circle and put on the
hands, legs and arms.
Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and say Hello!
Encourage the children to wave to Cheeky.
Find hands. (Show the hands flashcard.)
• Get Cheeky to point to the girls and say Hello, girls!
Find hands. (Show the hands flashcard.)
Repeat for the boys, saying Hello, boys!
Find hands on the mat today. (Point to the play mat.)
• Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Point and say (Point and mime speaking with your
Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 45 2/5/09 8:16:48 PM

Hip, hip, hooray! (Throw your arms into the air with children to draw themselves and colour in their
excitement.) pictures.
• Circulate and ask the children questions about their
Find legs. (Show the legs flashcard.)
work. Say Are these your hands? and What colour
Find legs. (Show the legs flashcard.)
are you wearing? etc.
Find legs on the mat today. (Point to the play mat.)
• When they have finished, tell them to show their
Point and say (Point and mime speaking with your
pictures to the class. Encourage them to say Doctor,
Look at my (hands)!, etc.
Hip, hip, hooray! (Throw your arms into the air with
7 Hand out Cheeky award stickers
Find arms. (Show the arms flashcard.) • Praise the children for their good work by saying Well
Find arms. (Show the arms flashcard.) done! Very good! or Excellent! and put a Cheeky
Find arms on the mat today. (Point to the play mat.) award sticker on their worksheet. (You may choose to
Point and say (Point and mime speaking with your let the children stick on the award sticker themselves.)
Hip, hip, hooray! (Throw your arms into the air with 8 Sing The bye-bye song 1 (CD1 track 6)
excitement.) • Put on the Cheeky puppet. Get Cheeky to wave and
say Bye-bye! Encourage the children to wave and say
4 Sing our favourite song Bye-bye! to Cheeky.
• Ask the children if they remember all the songs from • Play the CD. Sing the song and do the actions.
Unit 1. Play the beginning of Doctor, doctor and say Encourage the children to join in. Move Cheeky as if
Do you remember Doctor, doctor? Encourage the he’s also singing along. (See Cheeky’s friends Lesson
children to sing any words or phrases they remember. 1 Activity 10 for the tapescript.)
Repeat with the Story song, Cheeky’s treetop dance See Multi-ROM for fun interactive activities
and Cheeky’s marching song. on this topic.
• Say What’s your favourite song? Tell the children to
decide what their favourite song from Unit 1 is. Say
Put your hands up for Doctor, doctor. Count the Extra activities
number of votes. Repeat with the Story song, Cheeky’s
treetop dance and Cheeky’s marching song. 1 Act out the What’s the matter? story (CD1
• Say Our favourite song is (Cheeky’s treetop dance).
track 15)
Let’s sing (Cheeky’s treetop dance). Play the CD. Sing
• Choose three children using The one banana, two
the song and do the actions. Encourage the children to
banana chant. (See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) Give
join in.
each of them a role, either Cheeky, Tom or Ellie. Put
on the Cheeky puppet. You will play the part of the
Transition time doctor. Play the CD. Encourage the children to act
out the story. (Use the story activity in Lesson 2 as a
5 Say Transition chant 1 (CD1 track 5) guide.) Encourage the other children to join in with the
• Put your finger to your lips and say Shh! Be very Story song.
quiet! Say the chant and do the actions while leading
the children to their tables. Encourage them to join in. 2 Play Put your hands on a yellow square on
(See Teacher talk, pages 15–16.) the play mat
• Point to two children on opposite sides of the play
mat. Say Put your feet on a yellow square. Encourage
Table time them to stand up and stand on a yellow square. Repeat
with hands. Alternate between hands and feet until
6 Draw yourself and say Doctor, look at my the children are confident. Play the game with other
(hands)! (Pupil’s Book p15) children and repeat with blue and red.
• Hand out the pencils and crayons and the Pupil’s
Books or the individual worksheets. 3 Sing the karaoke version of Cheeky’s
• Show the worksheet and say Look! It’s the doctor’s!
marching song (CD1 track 21)
Hold up a pencil and say Draw yourself at the
• Say Let’s sing Cheeky’s marching song. Play the
doctor’s. Demonstrate this by drawing yourself on
CD. Sing the song and do the actions. Encourage the
the board. Point to the hands and say Draw your … .
children to join in. (See Lesson 5 Activity 4 for the
Encourage the children to say hands. Repeat with
arms, legs, feet, fingers and toes. Encourage the


CheekyTN2-01-248.indd 46 2/5/09 8:16:50 PM

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