Library Management System: A Mini Project Report On

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A Mini Project Report on

Library Management System

T. E. Computer Engineering-A

Submitted By

Madhura Angchekar 05

Ann Zachariah 07

Nisarg Desai 16

Under the Guidance Of

Ms. Varsha Nagpurkar



Mount Poinsur S.V.P Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400103



This to certify that the Mini Project report on 'Library Management System' has been carried
out by Madhura Angchekar (TE/CMPNA/05), Ann Zachariah (TE/CMPNA/07), Nisarg
Desai(TE/CMPNA/16) who is a bonafide student of St. Francis Institute of Technology, Mumbai
in partial fulfillment of the requirement of T. E. degree in Computer Engineering at St. Francis
Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. It is also certified that this work has not been presented
anywhere else for award of any other degree or diploma prior to this.

Project In charge:

Ms. Varsha Nagpurkar

Internal Examiner External Examiner

_______________________ _______________________

(Ms. Varsha Nagpurkar) ( )


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Varsha Nagpurkar for leading us through
this project and for all the support rendered to us in completing the project. A sincere thanks to
the head of our department Ms. Kavita Sonawane for providing us the necessary opportunity and
infrastructure required for this project.

I sincerely acknowledge the efforts put in by my friends and peers for enabling us to complete
the project.


Chapter No Contents Page No

1 5

System Requirements Specification

2 6

System Environment
3 8

System Design
4 12

5 16

Screen -Shots
6 17

Bibliography and References

7 24


Project Objective

A college library management is a project that manages and stores books information
electronically according to students needs. The system helps both students and library manager
to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the admin and the
student to search for the desired book. It becomes necessary for colleges to keep a continuous
check on the books issued and returned and even calculate fine. This task if carried out manually
will be tedious and includes chances of mistakes. These errors are avoided by allowing the
system to keep track of information such as issue date, last date to return the book and even fine
information and thus there is no need to keep manual track of this information which thereby
avoids chances of mistakes. It helps to provide information on any book present in the library to
the user as well as staff members or admins.It shows the admin all the books that are issued
,returned or added to the library. It provides a user friendly environment where user can be
serviced better.
Thus this system reduces manual work to a great extent allows smooth flow of library activities
by removing chances of errors in the details.
The website has been developed by using the secured backend of MySQL and PHP is used for
processing the data.The designing of this Website is done with help of HTML,CSS, Javascript
.The coding of this website was done on Microsoft VS Code.

Features of the System

This system can perform the following tasks:

• Admin login: Admin is the one who administers the system by adding or removing e-
books into and from the system respectively.

• User login: Students have to register themselves into the system to create an account.
After registering successfully, they can then login into the system by entering 10 digit
mobile number and their email id.

• Add and Update Books: The admin can add books to the system by entering the details of
the books and can even update the details.

• Search for a Required Book: The admin as well as the user can view the list of books in
the system and also view the authors of the respective Book.


Software requirement specification abbreviated as SRS is a means
of translating the idea of files into a formal document. The main features of SRS include:
• Establishing the basis for an agreement between the client and the developer.
• Producing a reference for validation of the final product. SRS assists clients in
determining if the software meets the requirements.

Mainly there are six requirements which an SRS must satisfy.

(a) It should specify the external behaviour.
(b) It should specify the constraints.
(c) It should be easy to change.
(d) It should be a reference tool.
(e) It should record throughout the lifecycle.
(f) It should have the capacity of expectation of an undesired event.

Usually we come across four types of requirement specification

(a) User Interface Requirements
(b) Database Requirements
(c) Functional Requirements
(d) Non-Functional Requirements

User Interface Requirements:

The user of the proposed system requires that the developed software should be user friendly,
have security access, and ensure the privacy of the administrator and produce results in a timely
manner. The users are not frequently exposed to the mail system, so the system interface to the
user must be simple and understandable. The web pages must be user-friendly and must be in an
easy-to-use style. The user must be able to easily switch among various I/O screens. The product
is well designed so that it can be used easily by the users who are novices to the system.

The user interface should be as interactive as possible. A user- friendly interface must be
provided so that the user can easily interact with the system and comprehend things in a quicker
and easier way. The system must provide reliable and up-to-date information.

The application should be efficient so that the user does not spend much time searching.
Consistency will increase the confidence of the user in the reliability of the application. The user
must be limited with a small set of operations to achieve the result. The application should be
visually and conceptually clear. .

Database Requirements

The database should be designed in such a way that it enhances the
efficient searching , reservation and manipulation of all the information associated. For instance
all general information regarding an item attribute should be stored in a particular table. The
database should be organized in such a way that it helps in
searching and reserving various essential summaries needed for users.

Functional Requirements

The various functional requirements of the system can be summarized as:-

(a) A homepage that is user friendly and ambiguous.
(b) It is easy to login and register a new user .
(c) Users can easily check No of books issued
(d) Admin can easily issue books.
(e) Admin can easily see category of books,availibility,no of books issued,returned,etc.
(f) A very efficient way to grant books to users through admin.

Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements define the system properties and constraints that arise through user
needs, because of the budgeted constraints or organizational policies, or because of the need for
interoperability with other software or due to the external factors such as safety regulations,
privacy registrations and so on.

Other Requirements

• Performance Requirements
(a) The database should be centralized and secure.
(b) The system should be user friendly and easily accessible
(c) The system must be reliable.

• Design Requirements
The main objectives of input design are:
(a) Controlling the amount of input
(b) Keeping the process simple.
(c) The best thing in the input design is to achieve all the objectives mentioned in the simplest
manner possible.

The main objectives of output design are:

(a) Identifying the specific outputs.
(b) Creating reports for displaying and storing information.
Software Requirements Specification:
Mother Board : Intel 810 or above
Hard disk space : 20GB or more
Display : Color Monitor
Memory : 128 MB RAM
Other Devices : Keyboard, mouse.

Development Tools:
Front End : HTML,CSS, Javascript
Back End : MySQL
Connection : PHP
Operating System : Windows10
Web server : XAMPP Server

Windows 10 Operating System

Windows 10 is a series of operating systems developed by Microsoft and released as part of its
Windows NT family of operating systems. It is the successor to Windows 8.1, released nearly
two years earlier, and was released to manufacturing on July 15, 2015, and broadly released for
the general public on July 29, 2015.[18] Windows 10 was made available for download via
MSDN and Technet, and as a free upgrade for retail copies of Windows 8 and Windows RT
users via the Windows Store. Windows 10 receives new builds on an ongoing basis, which are
available at no additional cost to users, in addition to additional test builds of Windows 10,
which are available to Windows Insiders. Devices in enterprise environments can receive these
updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that only receive critical updates,
such as security patches, over their ten-year lifespan of extended support

DEVELOPER : phpMyAdmin 
phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of
MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and
MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes,
users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to
directly execute any SQL statement.


• Intuitive web interface
• Support for most MySQL features:
• browse and drop databases, tables, views, fields and indexes
• create, copy, drop, rename and alter databases, tables, fields and indexes
• maintenance server, databases and tables, with proposals on server configuration
• execute, edit and bookmark any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
• manage MySQL user accounts and privileges
• manage stored procedures and triggers
• Import data from CSV and SQL
• Export data to various formats: CSV, SQL, XML, PDF, ISO/IEC 26300 -
OpenDocument Text and Spreadsheet, Word, LATEX and others
• Administering multiple servers
• Creating graphics of your database layout in various formats
• Creating complex queries using Query-by-example (QBE)
• Searching globally in a database or a subset of it
• Transforming stored data into any format using a set of predefined functions, like
displaying BLOB-data as image or download-lin

• JavaScript

JavaScript is a script based programming language that supports the development of both
server and client components of web based applications. On the client side it can be used
to write programs that are executed by a web browser within the context of a web page.
On the server side it can be used to write web server programs that can process
information submitted by the web browser and update browser display accordingly.

Features of JavaScript:

(a) Much of JavaScript’s syntax and some of its semantics are adopted
from c and c++. Support for basic mathematics and logic and a step by
step execution model are fundamental to JavaScript.
(b) JavaScript is an interpreted language.
(c) Regular expressions are a prominent feature of JavaScript. These allow
strings to be matched to a certain pattern and empower JavaScript
significantly as a tool for manipulating text content of web pages.
(d) Functions are treated as first class objects, which frequently make code
concise and elegant.
(e) JavaScript is well designed for object-oriented programming. Objects are
at the root of JavaScript’s data manipulation model.
(f) JavaScript objects are associative arrays. The strings that index the
properties and methods of an object can be constructed at runtime.

• Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Html, short for hypertext markup language, is the predominant

markup language for the creation of web pages. It provides a means to
describe the structure of text-based information in a document — by
denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on — and to
supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other
objects. Html is written in the form of labels (known as tags), surrounded
by less-than (<) and greater-than signs (>). Html can include embedded
scripting language code which can affect the behavior of web browsers and
other html processors.

Html was originally developed by Timberners-lee while at CERN,

and popularized by the mosaic browser developed at ncsa. During the
course in the 1990s it has blossomed with the explosive growth of the web.
During this time, html has been extended in a number of ways. The web
depends on web page authors and vendors sharing the same conventions for
html. This has motivated joint work on specifications for html.

Website is a collection of pages, publications and documents that

received on a web server. While these bags publications and a document as a
formatted in any single format. You should use html for home page and all
primary pages and the site.

An Html code is essentially a set of instructions given to a web

browser for formatting and layout of web page. Html does not actually tell
a computer how the web page will look to a visitor rather that you use
html to compose the page to specify all the elements that appear on the
page-the text, graphics, horizontal rule, heading division and so on. In
addition we use html to tell a computer what color to use where and to
indicate the relative size and font of text.

• Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML.CSS is a
cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.

CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout,
colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more
flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple
web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file which
reduces complexity and repetition in the structural content as well as enabling the .css file

to be cached to improve the page load speed between the pages that share the file and its

Separation of formatting and content also makes it feasible to present the same markup
page in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by
voice (via speech-based browser or screen reader), and on Braille-based tactile devices.
CSS also has rules for alternate formatting if the content is accessed on a mobile device.

The name cascading comes from the specified priority scheme to determine which style
rule applies if more than one rule matches a particular element. This cascading priority
scheme is predictable

• Bootstrap
Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first
front-end web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates
for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

Bootstrap is the seventh-most-starred project on GitHub, with more than 142,000 stars, behind
freeCodeCamp (almost 312,000 stars) and marginally behind Vue.js framework.Bootstrap is a
free front-end framework for faster and easier web development
Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,
tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript
Bootstrap also gives you the ability to easily create responsive designs



Input design is the link that ties the information system into the world of its users. The
input design involves determining what the inputs are, how to validate the data, how to
minimize the data entry and how to provide a multi-user facility. Inaccurate input
adaptations are the most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by the
data entry operators can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of
converting user-originated inputs to a computer based format. Input data are collected
and organized into groups of similar data. Once identified, the appropriate input media
are selected for processing. All the input data are validated in the order and if any data
violates any conditions, the user is warned by a message. If the data satisfied all the
conditions then it is transferred to the appropriate tables in the database.

The data that have to be entered in the software is the test papers and the student details.
A page is designed for entering these details which is user friendly so that an authorized
user with even less computer knowledge can enter the data. Pages are designed to
traverse through the various test papers, selecting the appropriate test field and
downloading of various papers of their choice, in a very user friendly manner so that the
student can give the test with minimum effort. The design must be done such that users
get appropriate messages when exceptions occur.


Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user.
Output design is a very important phase since the output needs to be in an attractive
manner. Efficient and intelligible output design improves the system relationship with the
user and helps in decision making. A major form of the output is a hardcopy from the
printer and screen reports. Printouts are designed around the output requirements of the
user. Allowing the user to view the sample screen is important because the user is the
ultimate judge of the quality of output.

The output module of this system is the user-friendly window. These user-friendly
windows are meant for the purpose of easy view of the various test papers in different
fields. Also there must be options for downloading or printing the papers so that the user
can easily take down the hard copy of the output.
In this online examination project the users are provided with an output copy of various
examination papers of previous years which are easy to download and to take printout.


Databases are the storehouses of data used in the software systems. The data is stored in
tables inside the database. Several tables are created for the manipulation of the data for
the system. Two essential settings for a database are
• Primary Key- the field that is unique for all the record occurrences.
• Foreign Key-the field used to set relations between tables.
Normalization is a technique to avoid redundancy in the tables.

Important tables used in the project include:







Architectural Design:
Use Case Diagram
A UML use case diagram is the primary form of system/software requirements for a new
software program underdeveloped. Use cases specify the expected behavior (what), and not the
exact method of making it happen (how). Use cases once specified can be denoted both textual
and visual representation (i.e. use case diagram). A key concept of use case modeling is that it
helps us design a system from the end user's perspective. It is an effective technique for
communicating system behavior in the user's terms by specifying all externally visible system

Use case diagrams consists of actors, use cases and their relationships. The diagram is used to
model the system/subsystem of an application. A single use case diagram captures a particular
functionality of a system.


This website provides a computerized version of library management system which will benefit
the students as well as the staff of the library. It makes entire process online where student can
search books, staff can generate reports and do book transactions. It also has a facility for student
login where student can login and can see status of books issued as well request for book or give
some suggestions. It has a facility of teacher’s login where teachers can add lectures notes and
also give necessary suggestion to library and also add info about workshops or events happening
in our college or nearby college in the online notice board.

Future Scope:
There is a future scope of this facility that many more features such as online lectures video
tutorials can be added by teachers as well as online assignments submission facility , a feature
Of group chat where students can discuss various issues of engineering can be added to this
project thus making it more interactive more user friendly and project which fulfills each users
need in the best way possible.

User registration Form:
Admin Login:

Admin Dashboard:

Total users:

Available books:

Book category:

Available authors:

Issued Book:

Admin adds book:

Admin adds author:

Admin manages book:

Admin manages author:

Admin issues book:

View Profile:

Edit details:

User Login page:

User dashboard:

Feedback Page:

Contact Us page:

About us page:




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